,1, (I(I(ItItI-p 1: -1 FARM NOTES. ruonTs of mis fAKM Whether faiiuMS . Uir rightful aharo of tlie faim pi-rtit depends not only upon iheir ability to work an'l plan, but aiao upon their ability to market what .hrj B tve to ad well as upon the care fulness of thtj wif also. For Stance, tue farnr may b rry careful about fwdinir bis c ows, kerp.ng them clean, etc., but unless) the housewife supple men La his close attention with the same rare of the luiik, cream aul dairy utensils, hui extnt work amounts to but Mile. Ve have now in our mind's eye a farmer who receives five cents above the market pm e for hi butter, from the fa-t th.it his city customer found that the quality was the same through out the ye.ir, anil as good as any to . I found in the marker. Now this x!r live cents 1.4 all prollt, and he is entitled t It. (r 1 that all the profit, for when ome a customer is ob tained tt U usually for a whole season, .iud a market thus ined for other prlue. In this wy uth:1i lime is saved In marketing, and middlemen entinfly dispensed wttlu It brings him in the cash and thus eu.ibles him to buy wUt-ie he can get the most f r his money, which Is another profit he reaps. It is always bert for a farmer to estal l:sh a reputation for selling a good article in oiler to (ret his full share t.f U.a protlt or anything he has tJ sell. Another thiiur. a farmer, in order to malt ready sale of any kind of product direct to the cu.stouier. should establish a lepuUtlon for honest dealings, i, e., never representing an article to be a little better than It really U, for con fidence once lost is never regained. Whk.n- .heep aie sheared the ticks which infest them leave and go upon the lambs, leutjj averse to the liht to which they ar subjected by the removal of the wool. To relieve the lambs from the-e Injurious pests dip in adecoctimi of to'.iiccoand sulphur.one pound of the former ami Tour of the latter ia a gallon ,,r Killing water. The lambs are U p; tj in this liijuld wheu it id cooled. Sheep that are kept on the old hi ture-tlelds should le driven to the barn yard before a Morni, its dampness is Injurious, it is utmost impossible for sheep to Cud a suthciency of food wheu the suow 13 on the ground and they sutler from lack of shelter in the lieli's. Yet there are many farmers who turn the sheep out to support themaelvs, and such a system is one that always leads to loss. Man pre Is more or less valuable 111 eiact ratio to the k::id of food and the animal th.it produces it. i'our grazmir rattle fed oa cheap hay and 110 grain make very poor mauure. i'rom ruiieh c-jws fed iu a literal manner and often on heavy grlu rations, a good amount of rich manure is obtained. All of our eheap fodders are of little value fi r manure. Thus a ton of oat-straw Is worth but f.I.'.O, while linseed and cottonseed are valued at JO to (2 a ton Hence we see it is well to look at this feature of the case tefore buying our supply of grain. Care of stock has much to do with the result. Mudy them closely, see what they niulre, and use common sense in supplying it. Feed only at regular t:mes, ami two feeds a day are belter than three. It Is the nature of our neat stock to eat large quantities of foxl very rapidly, and theulleilown and remastlcate it. I have followed this method for the pust fire seasons, and to oni.ii beurtlt. 1 A TAB MFit says that If you should waut to fatten a horse that is hide bound, give him one tablespoouful of the following mixture once a dav in wet feed: Saltpeter, three ouuors; crude antimony, one ounce, sulphur, one ounce, l'ulveur- -:iil mix the whole together. 1'j.e. .t tablespiMuit ul once a day in a bran mush. Ir th- air of the cellar is damp it may be thoroughly dried by placing 111 it a peck of fresh lime iu uu opeu box. A peck of lime will absorb about seven pounds, or more thau three quarU of water, aud in this way a cellar or milk roooi may soon be dried, even in t: e hottest weather. The gooseberry bushes do best when tuey are well trimmed. They make very rank growth. It is the fruit that does best iu partial shade, aud if the mildew does not attack tt a crop may always l looked for. Thev aie not grown extensively for sale, but every farm or garden should have a space devoted to tliem. There 13 no benellt in keeping too much stock. Kuuts. stuuted annuals, or those that seem to eat all they r iu get without gaming in size, should !e got rid of. Many lrsses occurr from keeping unprofitable stock ou hand too long. An animal that does not show the effects of good treatment in a few weeks will be no better in as ni.inr mouths. A Strip of two-ply tarred papei fastened around the trees, and extend ing into the ground, is one of the best modes of protecting the tiees against mice aud rabbits. If you have trees liable to winter thawing, aud so to having bark split, pack the snow about them and iu No vember tack a thin strip of board on lhe south side, to remain till spring. Novemhek pruning of poais and peaches should cut back one-third of the year's growth trom younif trees, as this rtnioes the weakest, least mature wood, aud there Is le- s danger from severe freezing. SEtCRE a supply of dry-land pl.ist-r for use during the winter iu the stalls. Scatter it liberally over the floors, and add it to the manure. It U a valuable absorbent and ai iests the escape of am monia. Tusbk is nothing that will fattea a pig as quickly as sweet potatoes; They are superior to corn for that purpose. Pick out those that are marketable and boil the culls for the p'gs. Ttiey may be given to steers also, aud can be fed raw or cooked. Cows need light, not only for theit own health and comfort, but because good butter cannot be made from the milk of cows kept in dark stables. Air, light, cleauiiiu ss and warmth are four essentials of a cow stable where cows are kept for profit. It has been claimed for the Dorset sheep that they are hardier than the merinos and can subsist on scauty herbage. They are, therefore, well adapted for steep hillsides or old worn out fields; but ail bleeds of sheep should be fed at the barn ut night. Sti: I2t:L'i CfptbinJ, dunn? the first half of tins year, saw at I -a Paz, In Bo livia, at au elevatiou of 12,000 feet, with the fuil moon In the sky, ten stars in the Pleiades with the naked eve, and also two stars in the head of of the Hull which are not in Argelan der's 'L'rauometrla Nova." The Government of France offers a prize of 110,1)00 for the discovery that shall enable electricity to be applied economically la any one of the follow ing directions : As a source of beat, cf light, of chemical action, of mech anical power, as a means of the trans mission of Intelligence or the treatment of disease, the prize being open to alt nationalities and to be awarded in De cember, 1SS3L HOUSEHOLD. A 54'otcii Haggis is made of the lights, liver and heart or a sheep, which is all called a pluck. Tha come, attach ed to the windpipe. Tut all on to boil, say for an hour and a half. It is well to let the end of the wicdf,:pe bang over the pot, so that any impur ities may pass ouL When done remove from the lire and allow tbe pluck to cool. Then cut away the windpipe, bits of skin or gristle, and all but about a quarter of the liver. Tben add half a pound or beef suet, and chop the whole very fine. Now add two small cupf ula of oatmeal which has been pre viously dlied in tbe oven, pepper and salt, arid about half a pint or the liquor in which the pluck was boiled. Now it Is ready for the bag, which must bave been procured from the market the day before; it Is the large stomach of a sheep, and must be fresh. As soon as possible wash it well, first in colli water then plunge it into boiling water, and scrape carefully; then it should be al lowed to soak all night in a pan of salt and water. When the mince is ready wash the bag wr.h cold clean water, and only little more than hair till it with the mince, for room must be left for the meal and meat to expand; if tilled the bag would burst. Now sew the bag ud securely, and pop it into a pot of boiling water, pricking It occasionally as it swells to allow the air to escape. If the skin appears very thin tie a pud ding cloth around it; boil for three hours; serve hot without gravy or gar nish of any kind, as it Is sufficiently rich of lUelf. I A BAKEDTUNOL'Elsa welcome guest at the breakfast or lunch table, or a little entree with dinner, i'arboil and skin the tongue as for roasting; trim it neatly; mince two boiled onions and a bunch of parsley together; mix with these three tablespoonfuls of fine crack er crumbs seasoned with its much cay enne ad desired, according to taste, a blade of mace and six pounded cloves; spread the seasoned crumbs over the tongue and cover them with the thin nest iiosslble sliced of bacon. Uoll the tongue with the thick part in the mid dle, put it in a small baklm; pan, cover it with broth and bake it slowly in the oven from three to four hours. When done put it In a mold and press till cold. If tbe thin portion of the tongue is not eaten it may be preserved to grate for seaJoning onilels and forcemeats. IM-.-oi.ve in an open Jar one table- spoonful of corrosive sublimate In two quarts of boiling water, and after al lowing tbe solution to remain undis- turld a few hours apply it to both sides of the carpet or rug, using for the purpose a small whisk brush. It is not necessary to use more of the solution than enough to slightly 3amien the surface of the fabric As the solution is poisonous it should be plainly labeled. In the case of carpet beetles it is some times necessary to reduce the quantity of water in the solution, using but one luart instead of two. Mardlk Chocolate Pcddino. One cup of sugar, three spoonfuls of butter, half a cup of cold water, two rggs, two cups of flour and two tea spoonfuls of baking powder ; divide the mixture, and put half a cup of grated chocolate into one-half of it- Put some of the plain into the mold first, then the chocolate, and so ou until it is all used. team oae hour. To be eaten witu fruit sauce. Cocoas ct Ice-cream. Oue pint of water, five egs, two cups of sugar, one cupful of prepared cocoanat, juice of one lemon and ten spoons of the ex tract. Beat the sugrtr and e??s to gether and put It in the double boiler. Mir it until it begins to thickeu. and then add the cocoaaut. When cold add tlie lemon juice and one quart ol whipped cream. Freeze it stiff. Jenny Lis d Cake. Two and one half cu;s of sue ar, one cup of sweet milk, four cups of flour, four e;tr two teaspoonfuls of baking powder, bake in three sheets (two of white). After tak lug out the quantity for the two of white, leaving less than a third, add two tablespooonfuls of molasses, one teaspoonful of cloves, one teasoonfu! of cinnamon, one grated nutmeg ; add a little more flour to the dark; put to gether with thin frosting. A ritETTY little pocket plncushior may be made ly making a small round cushion for a foundation and puttln around the edge a tiny band of velvet in some bright color, either plainly or puffed as preferred. To cover th edges of this and ornament the cushion glue or sew firmly into place a large or namental button, one on each side. The huge fancy metal buttons of a few years since make very pretty cushions, and fancy disks of mother of pearl. carved wtod, etc, may also be used A ooi breakfast dish: Boil three eggs twenty minutes, then remove the shells and cut into slices. Fry a bit ol union m a little butter, and add a tea- spoonful of corn-starch mixed with a saltspoonful of curry powder ; pour on siowiy three-quarters or a cup of milk. seasoning with salt and butter to taste, aud simmer until the onion is soft. Add tbe egs, and serve when thor oughly heated. Scotch Tease Bkose, although not nearly so popular as it deserves to be, is a most wholesome and palatable dish, and iu days that are coue it nour ished brave aud warlike bands pease- meal warriors. Put two large table spoonfuls of pease-meal into a bowl. add salt aud a bit of butter, then boll ing water, making the brose stiff enough for the spoon to stand Id. and serve immediately with a glass of fresh milk. Haked Ualibct, Creole Style. Put a halibut steak, weighing about a pound, in the middle of a pan; sprin kle It with salt and a little onion, chop ped fine; then spread with tomato enough to cover tbe fish; then cover with bread crumbs. Add a little but ter and salt; then garnish the dish with more tomatoes, and bake twenty min utes. Better to bake on dish to serv on. Sda CaVe. One pound of flour, ou half pound of currants, one-fouitt pound of butter, six ounces sugar, twi ounces oiange peel, two ounces al monds, one teaspoonful carbonate ct soda, flavor with essence of lemon; add milk enough to make cake rather stiff, and put in one-half a nutmeg. A SEWIKO anron In shnu iwL-ati repose a needle, thimble, small scissors i and reels of black silk and cotton, with one of white cotton as well, if kepi' handy for emergencies, will save the housemother many a step and consider-, able strain upon her amiability. . - , J I Krvpp, the late great German fonn-' der. had shortly before his death taken out a patent on a Cat-heaJ. ed artillery projectile. The point I d projectiles, as is well known, are apt to deflect when striking iron platee or water at certain angles. The new projectile, slightly tapering at the butt, will not only pierce the plates all the more easily but is also calculated to hit the iron-clads below the water line. In order that the resistance of the air against the flattened head mar not 1m- pede the celerity of tbe projectile, the latter is provided with a nolnhnt tin 1 mini wilu grease, which cap drops tag the head of the ball, facilitates Its ' entrance. , President John Adam Wife. John Adams, though inaugurated it Philadelphia, was tbe first President U establish the functions of government at the newly built federal city ou the banks of the Potomac. Mrs. Adam: was the first I resident's wife to occupy Lhe executive mansion. On New Year's Day of she received with her husband the officials of the govern ment and society of the infant capital. The residence of Mrs. Adams at the executive mansion was but brief. Her husband's first election was by a bare majority, and his defeat for re-election limited his residence at Washington tc four months. In that time, however, Mrs. Adams left the impress of fcei itrong individuality upon the social in stitutions of tlie capital aud upon the Somestic surroundings of tbe presi dential office to a greater degree than did the President upon the official sur roundings of the cflice. Mrs. Adams inaugurated the social customs estab lished by Mrs. Washington In New York and continued in Philadelphia, and which have Leen practically ai de red to ever since. Among the la dies of the executive mansion Mrs. Adams will always hold a prominent place as a woman of extraordinary mental force aud a knowledge of public events beyond the average standard of men in public life. Overworked I'aH-lle-i.reTta. There are men in Atlanta who carry a helpless arm at their sides as the re sult of acting as pall-bearers at the funeral of a friend. A metallic casket weighs about five hundred pounds; with a man's body enclosed over six hundred pounds. The bandies by which -the casket Is carried are awk wardly placed and cruel to the hand. Fall-bearers as a rule are men of sed entary life and unaccustomed to lift ing heavy weights. By carrying uu evenly, the larger weight of the coftin is often thrown on one man. He will not drop it, and the result is an arm permanently sprained. It Is notorious that two or three pall bearers at each funeral suffered from the effect of it for davs afterward. What should be done is this: Every undertaker should have four trained men to carry the coflin. ' These could do it easily and without the delay incident to the pres ent method. The pall-bearers, wearing badges and crape, could follow the coffin walking, as testimony of their love for the deceased and sympathy for tbe family. The change might be a shock at first, but the undertaker who inaugurates the custom will prevail at last. 77ie toothless biped of the future is no mere idle dream of the speculator. Mr. Spence Bate, F. It. S., has lately shown that the average tooth of the modern European shows under the microscope a distinct deterioration of structure and loss of substauce as com pared with the tooth of the Ashantee. as well as with those found in the an cient barrows of England. And uot only is the quality degenerating, but there Is a tendency likewise towards diminution of quantity. The cranium develops at the expense of the face and jaws, and as the space required for the teeth diminishes, their number likewL-e decreases. While the lower vertebrates have four grinders on each side in eacli jaw, the highest have three, whilst in man their number is reduced to two. Nor Is it expected that tbe diminution will stop here if the average size of the human skull goes on increasing as it is now doing. Fortunately the ques tion does not press. A JUj&iim engineer has been turning bis attention to the power going to waste in the Niagara Kiver. He esti mates that a motor could be submerged in the river which would furnish half a million horse-power sufficient to run all the machinery in Buffalo and pump all the city's water. His plan is to place a giant iron wheel in the river perpendicularly, so that it shall be turned by a current. The power would be taken from tbe shaft of the wheel by either belts or gearings, or would be sent through electric cables. Duvh In Georgia gasoline has leer. put to a new use a mechanic of Au gusta is constructing a steam buggy, iu which the boilers will be heated by two gasoline burners. The buggy has three wheels, tbe first being extra large, and bearing the burden of the machinery. Tbe vehicle will carry sev eral persons, and the engine can be worked with ease by anyone inside ; aid can also be guided in any direction at the will of tbe operator. Its aver age speed is estimated at a mile in three minutes. It will no doubt make a good companion piece for the team man in the patent office. In a neighboring city a "coaster" on rollers is run on a circular track nearly O'X) feet in length, and elevated about 'Jl feet at either end. A reporter who tried a trip says: "Tbe descent is very rapid for about 200 feet, the grade growing less and less till it becomes level; then a gradual ascent takes place, carrying the car back to the point of departure, which is twenty-one feet high. The trip around the curve is ac complished in 104 seconds, and the sensation la as if one was flyiag through the air." In judging of the value of au ar ticle of food, Ilerr Mayer would con sider, as tbe principal points to deter mine, its haimlessness, its taste, and its phjsiologlcal utility. In the first two respects there is, he thinks, no ap preciable difference between genuine and artificial butter. The third point depends chiefly on digestion, and he has proven by experiment that genuine buyer is tbe more readily digested of the two. x he difference, even in this respect, is not great, but is especially noticeable when the imitation butter is used with potatoes. -1 $afttj envelope, to prevent tamper ing, has been devised. On tbe flap, the words, "Attempt to open" are printed with a double set of chemicals, the first impressed containing nutgalls, and the second green vitriol. If the flap be steamed or moistened In any way, tbe magic prniting will appear. A rpecutl correspondent states that most of the incandescent lamps at the Vienna International Electric Exhibi tion bave transparent bulbs, and that very disagreeable after-images of the glowing carbon filaments are caused if they are looked at only for a moment or two' t . " . . Late P086""" I' that the SDot ' 'ne planet Jupiter la "tUi ? " seen' uhoue'1 u "7 faint f"1, 'U coIor a''etl away. The total disappearance of tlie remarkable object WDich JuP'ter Las exposed to the T,ew oi our stronomers for several Tears u undoubtedly near at hand. a lecture just published, A. von Xasaulx, a well-known geologist. draws an Ingenious parallel between Ireland 1 Sicily, and attempts to explain the backward state of the inhabitants of those two Islands and tbe disorders of bich tbey have been the theatre by the nature of their geologic! strata, the formation of their coasts, and their geocTapbical positions. ' . v the Kitchen stove Is cleaned out lighted, a great deal of time may be aared tae next morning. A Timelt Suggestion. A little boy brings borne from school a very poor report, which read that be had been lazr end iinrmlenL. Y'on little scampi" exclaimed the en raged parent, seizing his cane and hold ing It over the culprit, "what shall I do with my walking stick?" "Better take a walk with it," replied the undismayed youth. A Titled Ckowd. He (at a Chica go restaurant) "There are a number of prominent people present, Mrs. Wa bash. There is an ex-governor and an ex-judge and an ex president of a rail road and an ex-district attorney." She "Yes, and the gentleman talk ing to the ex-judge is an ex-husband of mine." "What kind of a looking gentleman is your sister's beau. Master Tommy; Is be young?" "I should say so," replied Master Tommv; "why he hasn't got anv hair jet." " "Is there any man in this town nam ed Afternoon?" Inquired a Mississippi postmastT, as be held up a letter di rected "I. M." Wa ought not to be too anxious to en courage untried innovation. In ca&es of doubtful improvement. For a quarter of a ccntnry lr. tsage'a Catarrh Keiiiedy has been before tbe public and paaswl through th aevrreat tent and la pronounced tbe most reliable remedy tor that disagreeable malady. Thousands of testimonials of its virtue. 30 cents per bottia. liy drug gist. For a sore throat there Is nothing better than tbe white of an egg beaten stiff with all the sugar it will hold and the clear juice of a lemon. It, Always tbe WJ. "Didn't I tell you ao ?" aaid a gentleman to an acquaintance whom be chanced to meet on tbe street; "It's always tbe way," "What's always the way?" inquired a mutual friend of the two men wbo hap pened alooz just tben. "Why, just this," replied tbe lArat xpeaker : "you see Smith, here, the last time 1 met him be had one of tbe worst coughs you ever beard. lie com plained of a luss of apetite,of night-sweats, of low spirits and other unmistakable pre monitory symptoms of consumption. I told him to cet a supply of Ir. Pierce's Uolden Medical Discovery at once. He did so, aud look at bim now I Did yon ever see a healthier looking man? lbo 'Discovery' baa snatched tbousauda from Consumptives' graves. 1 knew it would cure Smith. It's always tbe way." Whenever a farmer gets a labor sav ing implement for himself, let bim think if something to save his wife irom kitchen labor cannot al be secured. She llroke Uae iLuaaCfiueut because she saw that be had ceased to love ber. Her beauty bad tailed, her former biph npirits has given place to a dull lati tude. What Lal causi-U tbia taiange? Functional derau-ement; she was Mill'eriuj from tbone ailments peculiar to "her sex. Anil ao their two youug lives drifted apart. How ii?ed!esa, how cruel I Had she taken Dr. Pierce's Favorite PreM-rif-tion she might have 1een restored to lieallh and happiness. If any lady reader of these hnes is similarly atflict-x't, let bar lose uu time in procuring tbe "Favorite Pre-u-rip-lirm." It will pi ve ber a new leiee of hie. Sold by drnita, an i-r m posidve rrnax- antee from lite manufacturers, of pertect satiMaclion in every case, or money re- lunaeu. ree guarantee ou bottle wrapier. Willow chairs and other furniture of that kind can be cleaned by scrubbing carefully with talt water, rinsing and rubbing dry. WEAK AMI SEKYOl'S YtOMEX. Haw Strength oferres and Health of Cody May Easily be Obtained. Women are great sufferers from nervous ness, weakce-s, nervous proBtratiou, and exhaustion. Tbey droop and languish un der household cares and work wbieb never end. Tbey retire tired and wake tired and unrrfresbed; tbey are worn out and ex hausted in nerve and vital power, and bave uo etrength or euergy. Fortunately ami it would almost seem a di-jt-unation of divine Providence to over-worked humanity there are medi cines which restore lost nerve forces, rebuild the weakened system and re-establish health, strength and energy. These medicines, which are purely vegetable, have been combined iutoa wonderful remedy known as Dr. Oreene's Nervura Nerve Tonic, which is kept by all druggists at ?1 jier bottle. Tbia truly wonderful remedy is without doubt the greatest discovery 01 the e-ntury. and is tbe best strengthening and invigorating remedy ever known. For nervous aud physical exhaustion, weak, tired, and languid feelings with no j-ower or ambition for exertion, it is a sov ereign remedy and absolutely certain cure. In cases of sleeplessness and nervous irri tability its use will be followed by calm re pose and natural, refreshing sleep. For nervousness, nervous dehiiily, exhausted vitality, despondency, and depression of tbe mind it is a pertect seclhc For ma laria, neuralgia, rheumatism, paralysis, numbness, trembling and insanity It is tlie only positive and recognized remedy. It never fails to cure nervous and sick head ache, weakness and pain in the baek or side, palpitation or tbe heart, apoplexy, epileptic tits, hysteria, St. Vitus s dance, dyH-ppia, indigestion, Iosh of apietite. constipation, biliousness, kidney and liver diseases. Other medicines miy be offered by drug gists, but do not be persuaded to try uncer tainties, when by the u.-e of this wonder ful remedy you can certainly be cured. Should yurdru-:ist not bave Dr. Greene's Nervura Nerve Tunic, he will get it for you if yen insist ujion having it- Dr. Greene, its discoverer, is tbe great special at in the cure of nervous aud chronic diseases, and be may be consulted by those using this remedy, or by any surlerer from disease., free of charge, at bis omce. So West 14th st. 'ew York, jiersonally or by letter. Sunlight is often the very best medi cine especially for children and elder ly people and tbe more hours of it they get tbe better are their cjiances for life and health Consumption sorely Cured. To the Editor : Pleas inform your readier that 1 Have a positive remedy fur tbe auuvs Dmd disease. By its timely uae tbousan-ls of ttuprlrss canes bave been permanently cured. I ttiail be sisd to send two boti.ed or my remedy I kl to any of your readers who hare cous.uiu( 1.1 n if they wi.i send me meir Express and 1. o. adortna. fteie-tf ally. J . A. bhocL'M. M.C 1S1 Pearl St. X. T. For promoting the growth " of the hair aud eyebrows nothing is bette than bay rum and quinine in propor tion of one pint to one dram well rubbed into the roots once a week. To truly tell thousands Taylor's Hospital Cure for Catarrh is tbe most pleasant, pain less and effective remedy known, send for frre pampbb-t to City Hall Pharmacy, 2o4 liroadway, N. Y. Honey in a little water Is excellent to smooth tbe bands. For excessive perspiration in them use a mixture of belladonna and cologne water, one part of the first to two of tbe last. Be sore to get Tlood'i barsaparilla If yon want an honest, reliable medicine. Do not taxe any other which Is a leged to be "about the same' or Just as good." Insist np having Hood's Karsa. paries, which Is peculiar to itself. Bold by all druggists. Iiyiu There is no limit to the age at which a man can make a fool of himself. nothing Cures Dropy, tlrsvel. Bright', Heart. Disbate, I rinarj, Lirer Diseases. .Nervousness, " like Canns Kidney Cure, office, tax area (.. Pui s, si a bottle. oc Si. At Druggists. Cures tae wurs: cases. Care guaranteed. 1 rj 1L A thing is never too often repeated which is not sufficiently learned. Vraser Axle Ureas. TLa Fraxer Axle Grease received medala at tbe Centennial, North Carolina State Fair, Paris Exposition, American Insti tute, New York, and others. Laziness arid aspiration make a poor team. If evicted with (oreeyes naa Dr. IgaaoTbomp. oa Kye-water. Druggists seil at Sic per bottia Inspiration is .nothing without work. Tbe beat cough medicina la Pise's due for Consumption Sold everywhere. 23a. For The Nervous The Debilitated The Aged. - stodica! sot sriratiac skill has at Isst soHed tbe pnu of ta lone needed lunnriD for tae w. ,ou, drUlltat!. sod tbs aowd. by eombiiuiJe- U bWt brre tunic. felery snd Con, wltn oOw rff.-c-raoadM. whb. senmr aratiy but emeiently en tbe ktdnrs. liver sod bowels, remove diwsw 1 rvuxsstrenrUi snd renew Titsuty. Th Is mrdicine is gmbound " Tt till pUtti brrtnfore xaiinrrtipua, anil fnarto a sew in tiv? trratrnexit of iwmiui trouhim. Ovwwori. tnt-ciy, du-aaM. lay thm foarnlJatlntn of BrTToat ptrwtr&aoa and wnakoeaM. and experiracs hM hown that tbe rcmai i-nmli do dc4 lutsd th train and mra aia at the dotoui STtfon. Smtkd tar orcolara. Pnc SI. OO. SnM by dTncfnaU. WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO., Proprietor ULRUOTON- VT. Ocme Wker tha Woodbine Twinetk. Kais are smart, but "Jtomeb on Rats' beata tSeiu. Clears out llals. Mite. Koacnes. 'ilf Buze. FUes. B-etles. Mollu, Anls. MosquJtuea, Ked-bis, Hen Lice. Iiiaecls. Potato bujra, fcnarruwi. bminks. Wcmel, Gopbers. Chip munks. Mobs, Musk lists. Jack Kaiitaia. fcummds. 15c. aui ic. liragsma. "BOUan OS fAIS" 11sst-, Porosed. ISO. BOUGH ON COUCIIS." Coughs, colds, tUt. ALL SKIN HUMORS CURED BY P.OUOHESTGH "Roujrh on Itch" Ointment cores Skin Hu mors. Pimplrs. r tenh Worms. Riii Worm. Tet ter, Salt KbfMiia. r routed Feet. -liilbltius. Itcb. Iry Poison. Barber's Ifh. Scald Head. Eczema. 60c Irut. or mod. E. S. Wsiis, Jersey City. ROOOHIPSLES Cur- PUr or Heinorrbowds Itchier, Pnitnid Inff, Bleedinj;. Internal and external remedy ineat-h package. Sure cure, 5Jc. Irup2tat r ma.il. E. 8. cos, Jen- City. N. J. AFFLIQTCDUNFGRTONATE After all othara fall consul 32D If. loth St., below CallowhiU, Fbila-, Pa. gQ) r. rmmrr InsllWPEClAl. aisessts Fw nssetilly restores Ikoa weakened by smrly btdlsow CiOns.BC 4 all or write. Advice tree SM au Mtjun : u.a. uu a.sau luiw 5"J5r)OtCun Orvt W ItTf ivt.a iiab fcniaWarisi.rilTfcairi Brecli-lo-i'lttisr d'x.b'.o Wioorun at hiim: Hin.rtts. lwrrel brtwx-ti-aHtulfr at 4 to Hrwu-ltviifi' litflVo from aijj to iou:a- barr- l M luxie-losuijaia; hbot. una at to $-J; ii-M"tinf liifir. ltUuoter. 01a to I.evolYr-r troio 1 to JmuJ atauup tur uUUi WLItlUN uC.N WOUK3. PirUbatv.Fa. G OT,T I- worth dt Ih. I ttlt' Ey R1t t wutlo ajieHJU. pm i mnl at a uox by uutjra. utwraCra or J-! irt;i. uiu-aon , i, u. ,a.-,m ol cart. O.Q-ia KJ-1 A. ret iU.rnil4. It rif4: y v i. 4 p. t $ ttlisu 6 to 7 f. M- suadir -ijii A. Aincor.-j &U3 HEHBRAKD FIFTH WHEEL. iSTt-SSZ kanraremciu. IILUUU ASU IUm trauiiul, u UfiMF WTI'DV. Book-Wi-in. pf-unisnahip. Anth. n U III U luetic, fcuortuiuid. tti.imuKlily tatiKllt t.y mail. Oar.-iilar trj. BlikASi'l'A OoLLio t 4s; Slain St.. lluQAl.l. -V. V. ItLlfs" Rnalneae ( nllece. Phlla fa. STtna lions lurnuaagd. LJte sdiurauip. S4Q. U na aaExicA war vzrgxxzvi 1 orta t.. 1 1. .-ai mm A- Co.. Wa their Widow.. r you ail. aI IlliaftoQ. I e. VVHraMAVMVVVVnEKf a tiro svi u'ra KI00&H8 tVASTILLES. '-M d. au& Why The Xew Oibl Wouldn't Stay. "Wife "Well, our new girl is going to leave us, John." Husband "Why V" 'She says your- manner towards ber on the stteet is entirely too cool; that we haven't our family arms ou the kitchen stovelids and broom bandies, and that on the whole we're not of her set," Sluogisu No "ame For It. Phy s cian (afu-r diagnosing the case of a prize lighter indisposed "I Dud that the circulation of your blood is slug gish, and " I'rize Fighter (enthusiastically) "Sluggish! You kin betyoursweet liie. Doc. it's sluggish; and if I don't kno.k out that big Engli-h duffer in three rounds my name ain't Bill Slugger, of Slugville, Slug county, and 1 cau't stand gner." A Little Job's Comfokter. A little bay visits Lis sick teacher who is very old and is suffering from paralysis. " wen, sonny, have you come to com fort your old teacher?" "Yes," responded the little fellow his eyes filling with tears, ! wantel to tell you that paralysis was what my poor old uncle died of last year. It was just such weather as this." Some Mes Understand Women. Photographer (to sitter) 'I saw you at church lust Sunday, Miss Smith." Bitter "Oh, did you?" "Yes, and also your friend Miss Brown if you could raise your chin a trifle, thanks and what an atrocious- looking hac bhe bad ou. (After a pause. ) xnere, it 133 smitli, it is ovar, and I think, we h ave cau;bt a very pleasant expression." First Customer "This coat pinch es me in the shoulder, Mr. Cutter." My dear sir, that is the style." Sec ond Customet "Why did you make this coat so loose iu the shoulder, Mr. U.r' "That, sir, is the way we'ie cut ting all our coats now." Fooled too Oftejj. lloblnson (very late at night) "Hello, Brown, aren't you out late?" Brewn "Yes. I've bwn working over my books at the cflice and I'm afraid to meet my wife." lloblnson "Don't Mrs. Brown like to have you work at tbe office so late?' Brown She doesn't mind that, but she won t believe I've been there." Slioiitly Mixed. A bright St. Paul boy of five summers took a no tion the other day to read Shakespeare for amusement, W hen bis sister asked bim what play be bail been reading be bad to stop to think. Finally a light broke in upon bis memory, and be an swered: "A great deal about not much." -A. Beaslbla Mwus Would nse Kemp's Balsam for tha Throat and LuDga, It ia carina; mora cases of Coughs, Colds. Asthma, Bronchitis, Cronp and ail other Throat ana Lung; Troubles, than any other medicine. Tbe ra-oprietor baa authorised any druggist to give too a Sample atouia Free to cuuvio.es yon Cf tbe merit of tbia crest remedy. Large bottles, 60 cents and fL A bam tor boiling should be soaked ovex night in tepid water, tbeW trimmed carat ally of all rasty fat, before potting oaUisfire. i D! !N THE HOUSj Ek Meant to See the whole Snow. I met a man the other evenlns who bad just come rtack from Kurope. ne was mad yet, so mad be couldu't be civil about the Europeans. "It's awful," be said, "wherever I went 1 met Americans who were hold ing up their hands in wid admiration of Switzerland and Italy and France, and everything in and about Kurope. There were fellows who never ceased telling, in loud voice, bow much money tbey had spent on the trip, and how glorious it all was. It made me sick. But I wanted to die at munich. I sim ply felt I wanted to die and leave Amer ica and Americans. There arrived a family of Americans loaded with guide books, with long measurements of the height of tbe mountains and knick nacks of small out-of-the-way things. They were blowing about the hotel how they spent $20,000 seeing everything. 'It's grand:" I tell you, it was worth tbe f 20.000, I'm glad I paid it. There is nothing like it nothing like it." "Say," said I to the bead of the fam ily; "Say, have you seen Yellowstone Park?" "Yellowstone Park! Yellowstone Park! Jfo; where is it? I missed that. Great Scott! I wouldn't go back to America and say I hadn't seen Yellow stone Park for a million." That's wheu I wanted to die." Flattering at Any Kate "Well, does your husband still drink?" 'Tea, mother, and it is worrying the life out of me." 'Did you try the plan of breaking bim of the habit I suggested to you?" "Yes." "Did you put whiskey in Lis coffee?" V 9 "What did be sayr" "lie said 1 was the only woman he had seen since his mother died who knew how to make coflee as it should be made." Sun Knew a Tiiixo or Two Her self. The photographer's assistant was entertaining the girl who came in for her Thanksgiving tintype until the artist got ready. "Here's a funny thing in one of these two pictures," he said. "One of them was taken this morning and tbe other this afternoon. And yet you see both the girls wore the same dress a tine one, isn't it?" "Yes, sir," replied the last visitor, them's Mamie Martin r.nl Maudie Mix." "Ah, you know them, do you? Well, which one owns the dress?" "I do, sir," said the girl. Foolish Feaus. "Yes," said Mrs. Dellobson, "Clara bad an excellent op portunity to visit uroie last year in company with some friends, "but I couldn't bear the idea of having the ocean between u." "It seems a pity, Mrs. Udllolsou," responded the caller, "a European trip does give such a tone to a society young lady." '! know it does. To those moving in the high cir cles that we do, it is almost a necessity. I s'pos," concluded Mrs. Dellobstm, half regretfully, ''that I should have let her went." Fond of long Works. A cerla:n mistress of a household manages to ex tract a little merriment alon? with lulu i. misery from her sundry cooks of various nationalities. "'Am thing wanted to-day, Kath arine?" she asked oni morning of the livinlty of the kitchen, a tall Xova Scotiau, fomi of using long words. "Yes, ma'am, if you would please t.i Investigate iu a new ladle tor me to stir the soup with when I set it on tha back part of the range to simpet. The "Way of the World. At th i Club. "All. ttiere is Onbble, the grei.t I humorist. L)iJ you ever Lear hiui re- i clteV" "Yes." "Wonderful, isirt lie." j Very." Greatest litimorist, I suppose, the country ever produced," "Who i that fellow fitting ove there alone?'' 'I've forgotten his name. Hj does n't amount to much. He wrote t'ie stones that Gribble recited last night. Look at Gribble. Look at that expres sion of countenance. Charmingly ridic ulous." For a case cf Catarrh in n no . EH CATARRH 133 THE HEAD. STMPTOTIS OF THE niSEASE. DulL hoary headache, otiet ruction f the nasiii pas-airua. diwjharK'-s fallinir from tlio bead into the throat, som-tun'S profuw. wnterv, and acrid ut others, thick, tenacious, minions, purulent. Mooilv and putrid; the eyes are weak ; there is rinirmir in the ears, d'-afm-ss. hmkinir or couching to cl.r the thnvst. expi-ctomtion of offi-nuve nnt ter, toifither with s.-alis from ul-ers; tho voice Is clmntr.-d and nasa."nasul twang-": the lireath is offensive; smell and taito impaired; there is a sensation or dizziness, with mental denr-w-sion, a hackinir coinrh and (reneral d.-hilitv. Only a few of tlie above-named symptoms are likely to be prV-jent in any one cup Thousands of cases annually, without ruanifeotiiiir half of tliu above symptoms, result in consumption, and end in the prove io disease is so common, more deceptive and danorr-rouj. Jobs comkon sexse Teeitmext. If you would remove an eviL tflrikr. at V root. As the prdisKMinc or rcsil nut- of catarrh la, ia the uiajinitv of casee, seme weakness, impurity, or otherwise, faulty condition of the system. In arumptintr to CUre the disease our ehirf nlm n net directed to the removal of Vutt caut. The more we see of tliis odious dlseaao, and we treat succeesfullr thousands of cases an nually at the Invalids' Hotel and Surirical institute, the i;iore d i we realize tbe importance of combininir with tho use of a l'K-al. aooUiimr and bealintr application, a tJiorrm(,t and pertivlciU inter nal use of bkiod-ciettasuuT and tonio lueUiuucs. Chief REUiKGL In coriDtr catarrh and ell tho various diseases with which it is so freijuentl.tr compliiu-.l. as throat, bronchial, and lunir diwuv. weak stomach, ca tarrhal d-afriess. weak or inOamed e-.-s. fnipuro blood, scrofulous and syphilitic taints, the wonder. ful IMtwem and vli-tneo ttf 1 1. ih....-. t ..i .i . leal Discovery cannot be too strouirly cau.iled. It has a B eiflo ; T Z or PELLETS. JrrdlJ LIVER PILLS. ' i a j Sold by Druggists. as Cents a Vial. BE,J, PTKEI-T VEGETABLE, 2he JJS JS1" OI"" without Qisturbance to rmwmmUT they ,1t. n'et t'Jf aL' Dyspepsia Makes many lives miserable, and often lra.1s to self de iruciloo. D.s'resn stter eatine. sick besd-B.-DC hcartmrn. sour dtimach. meutal depre-sioii,e-A,srecsaifd by thw very common and in rca-iug disease. Tlooi'a maparllla tone the .romscU, creates an spwrtite. promotes hea.tby digestion, relieves si'-tt wdc!e. clears the mini, am ceres toe most otsttiusie cues of dyspepsia. Read the foUoa-.ng: I have been troable l with dyspepsia. I hat bnt little appet te. and what I did eat distressed me, or did me lime good. In an boor after eating I would experience a falntueas or Ured, all-gone feeling, as though I had not eaten anything. Hooa' SarsaparlU did ine an Immense amount of good. It gave me an appeU e. and my food relished and saustle.1 the craving I had previously experience !. It relieved me of that taint, tired, all-gone feeling. 1 have felt so much better since I too Uoo.1 s SarsapariUa, that 1 am happy re commend it." o. A. FaQB. Watertosm, Mass. N. iv Ee sure to get only Hood's SarsapariUa sold by sll drngirtstj. f 1: six forv Prepared on'.y by C. L HOOD A CO., Apothecaries, LoweU,Masi. lOO Domcm Oue IoIl:r a? ai4J TIIOl"SAXI.S say tbat Ely's Cream Balm cared them of CATARRH. Apply Tialm Into each nostril. tXV BKOSJ35 GruenwM-hsUN.t CURLS WHLtiE ALL USE UILS. Ul t'j oniKiri. I believe Piso's Cure for Consumption saved mi life. A. II. Powell, Editor Enquirer. Eden ton, X. C, April 23, 18JJ7. The rtKST Cough Medi cine is Piso's ('I BS FOR Consumption. Children tako it without objection. liy all druggists. 25c CURfS Vvhtkf AMI flSt .AILS. BeatCouirb irtrmp. Tawttt f7Md. U. n ii BJORTHERM PACIFIC. cui n' PR'CE R4fin3A3 LANDS ant tir-M II.I.IONR of A''UKSof erh in Mlnneota, Nort' I- kot. Mi uTttaa. id-tno. w uAiiinffton J 011 rL'n rAS u.llt ittn with Hupnavrlb'riii lh OtilM lU.l !iE-T A-'ri.-uliur. Ifiritzing mud itmter I ;!,!.. uox o O S.-'t r-. pmt Fl'r. A-MiO-i CHA5. B. LAKBO.H, '.V TiT rT: 1 OOHE FITS! rVhr HfiTciira I doiit mBn tnrtr)r to Bt'D tbm f tnr av iinif .iJ ttim Lave ttitn return agr.in, 1 mn I fAilxai CUIf. I LiVm Ui!" t Ii" dtMnJW Ct KITS, tPIXr ! I.l'SV cr i-AlXINti hli'KNt.Stvlifw-iunaxMMdf. I tr arrant m ixiutnly to cure t h wurs ujfi i MbaXTB tlSW faulHs tM DO frlfotl for OoC UtW rTWlTlTlC . car. SeQilit now t t m trvjtt ttt and m Fret H : tl 1 ci dj intf.Ilit.'.f ma.y. iis Kiprt-sa ao1 Iot Otbom, i ii. ! KUOT.Ji.l.lbJ 1'ctirlM. New Vck. A AXLE GREASE. BMrt in tbt? World. Madr-onlvbrthe Fraar Lurrkcv tu OO- tM- CLlCMMO. M. Y. at bUiAuiaV &A(Lvrw&r. Blair's Fills.1 fireal Engllsk Gout and Rheumatlo RtflHtt Ural Ui, asi raaaa. 14 rills. (Ml uesti. 3 La. llifc-- mo Hj kaVl wr. iona gold watches and eraee! Ss" Genuine DIAMOND RINGS t Ela&. w J57. T ..n.-jl. im lctlMr list of ...pti!r l.w-mlea Sk. Into th. htrli if wani two.!... i w. W TJ JA"J j.t. . ,ud t&.r. ...Inrr.M. ...:r..,. . oi... u. (..ilowir. lur.l oiT-r .b. h m Jl'L o 1 d r- a VZZ-'fir.' " ": "v 'Jl'':.":?'!50","" " " , """ bat h ift SzK- Vsi'j fln h I.lt.1. - .ill e...ti lojl.-in ..;u,bl. ,.r...!.w Ilt ll.. tii.t r7tr.t J TVTjr-ar-Jf V "li'.'ti. i ri.l,'iill.t.-.:.t-j,MJd,.;jii',i..,ili.i.Qril:i1i, lWTZiS isV-..!Tr.;"::V::i-.-.,'o: E T?Vr5l 1 S""- "J"""-l-"' -.;...,..( ..r.Lirli... t-J Tn.j. p .t i...,lnoSOUaatua 3 Jt i3.1 a!y.'5 '. .-; -" '!.. -i"f. .:tM,j.ri-;..,. llw.Mi wl-owi., Car4a.Cat. So. H g;-&--Vf SfifiJ ' L"' 'Jt.jo.t N l-.i:t, frJ..Pl .rda.p-k tiaMCao. 1 t-C-V iV'-'i'.--KZ '"1'."" ""'J'-I ""''"" """i- 1 "" Uuu"",CJ. P" fHrultM. 1 felTS-. -r (,? '" r"J. '''" ' J B-M .. Il.!.trarl Mapr.M B a.Wf-afs fSTS 3 g2fm DrrcAGEls the Head which they cannot cure. , zr fCorrBiGHT, IVT. effect noon the hmnsr mucous uiembrnnes of the nam and other air-pnsfiair.-K. protnof.nir the natural si-cre-tion of their follicles and a-lands. thereby s.tt4-!iinir the dim-ascd and thickened membrane. anl restoniiR- it to its ni.tuml. thin, delicate, moist, healthy con dition. As n blood-purilier. it is unsurjiassed. As those diseases v.-hich complicHt.. eatarrh are discos,-, of the linini? mucous nuni bra:i s, or of the blood, it will readily be seen why this medicme is so well calculated to cure them. Lcc&l itCEKT. ful antiseptic, and S j Percent ?75 W the lining SCKeS"l.l!;iS rneritoaer'';l.hr,'1l'i thic ken or V. d"," ! orane to a healthy condition, and thus eradicate the .. W ben a cure is eifecu-d ia thi miinlx it uanul " r.o.'erh Vir"Ii'w'" c,0,ldpn Medical Discovery and I5r P-.-, clothTn'g 'die?. l?y.n CiaT- ITlvlnir valuable hints to Dost-iud t,!n , T n,at,, rs importance, will b- n:ii.l l. post-paid Ui any addnes. on receiptor a a--iit -tHge siamp. Auurcss, World'. lii-ptuarT medical Aaaorlntio,,. - MTT V irrrrniiTivt( w u i-t i " " a-sa.1, iney aura I nequaled ! mXB'r' CMAIEf3T- EASI23T TO TAKE, uewareof Tmitntions. which contain Pole-wii' t;nr. n , ''"'". whleu are Jntle mVm Umt -I I ,'01 Alwoj-.aa. for or Anti-Luioua Lruaulo. OKE PELLET A DOakl J.- " rLkkCi f SICK HEADACHE, Jlli'l"' "-daehe, Binpo- fiients of the stom. i .-t. -.t . - tthfuliy bel5hl".K""c,L.of -anianra ay WUBLD'S I1ADW rIT iT.rS ! Tito Croat Liver e-td STOMACH liEMEtir. Kortliecure of al. disor.lm tt m Si'nisi l.LiTer. Itowcs. Rklneri, HU'l lfr. ervm4 Ih-hj, 1m uf Anpetite, Ucsdsrbe, osliveness, la'll ffSMtloo, HillousaMS, h'ever. In 11 4111 to anna of tns Howeis, Plies, sml ail dranire'iieuts nt t!i niter nsl Tisoers. I'ureif ei:iali:e, coutsinia2 no merenry, minerals, or deieierioQs lru2.i ITIce, S3 cents per box. fo'.J ttj all dranista. DYSPEPSIA! OR. RADWATS PILLS'rp'r': Biorestrenjrtn to the Rtomarn na i enitie it to ter lorm ltii luuction. The rmptouiH of lT-iHp-ii diKnpru, tuid with tnMu ttie iiiiiiUKf of t tie sr. tm to contract (iiseasea. Take t!ie meln-lne ao cortliojf to directions, and oboerve wuat tve aaj m J- a:tw and Trn. IL-r-Send a lftter atamp to nic. FI)WAY ft C., No. 32 Wnrrca tret Sew lork, lor 'False and True" V 10 Jrt RAD WAY'S. DR. RADWAY'S Sarsaparillian Resolvent, Bund" op the broken down coDst'tution, puiiflea the OUkvI, real or in a: bva.tti aii-J vigor, tl uj drmrp.su. $i a bottle. RADWAY'S READY RELIEF. For the relief an J cure of all fains. Congestions, snd Inflammation. DB BADWAf A C0..32 Warren St. T. Y. W. Li. DOUGLAS 33 SHOE. The only flnelf $S Kt;tinli Sh In tk.e world niavl"wklboai im k or null. A- n'ylMi nl durable at LOot 1'ig" 4V r 9'. ui't hvln m ta lu or navlls l' w.ar t!i t nx or to jrt t faet, maae tnm a inirafortabl ud well tilting mm a bani ifd nhue. Hay th i--tt. Smi g-n line ud ramiwd (D bjtiutn "VV. L Douclay. Si libu, waJ-rauieU." V. I. lOr3I.A l IIOK. thr,riKinaland onlv has 1 !t itv wMca e juri cuatloia- UaaUl atliOM O Atilial ttOLMi l iO W. Is. lOf :i,AS 6i.50 bllOB la uaei-celli-d for hemvj er. V. Is. norCil.AA ft'Z HHOK is wora by aU IIO J asllti L ttXtf iCt ftCtlkOa fliaOW lU Ul WuTid. ( AU th mtnY fvt a- tr.ad In Ongr, Button a 'i I-af. n l If uit ll lr your tl".Uer. niai U. I.. IMX (.LA. Ii mfcl a. Mn. WANTED: ONE AGENT F0K TIIISC0UNTV, To take orders fur enlarging SMALL TUoTu. 1.HAI-I1S into UFE-SIZECRAYON PICTURES. 1 tie pictures are really benuTiful. I.ifcenes ffiiarunteeii. Atrciita twi "easi y grt order aa l make large euLumia-uuu. A.i.ireii, Inlei'iialioua! riiblislilnp & rrinllnic Co, B28 MAUKKT ST., IllILADf.Ul!lA- SOLDIERS EHE 'ffn.lona, 11 mt. icera' travel, tav Co. . ..("1 ll.rfM r.l!sd ; 22 rears' rrarttr. Mnprw or no fes m-bi trm. A. W KrCorwick Bon. i-cto.. D.U Jfy-lf- "y retain mall. Faff D.serl.tl. I Lalas. i.iu.. coos r a cu, cuaun. a. Vcmedy vr 3 Ana Iocs application for healfnt? thedlsessed eonrii tion in the bead, lr. Zaire's Catarrh Itemedy la bevoud all c-oinpan)n the fiest preparation ever inveiited. It is mild and pk-asant to use, producing- no sinartinv or pa. n, and containing no strong. Irritating, or f-.iu- tlC dl'Uir. Or OtlU't- ,M.iu.n rri.i 1 l ... - edilv destniys 'all bad smell which a.-.-..,.,! The Golden Medical Piscovery fs t'ie r.ntuir.l helpmate " of Dr. fagea Catarrh Ifi-ire.lv. t not otUy cleanses, purines, regulat.-s. ami builds up the system to a healthy xtandard, anil con quers throat, bronchial, and lung eompiiuntioi.K. A'O. Oa Main Street. Ilrriii . riRFECTLY HARMLIC3! ronXlMti.,,. C s ti. disrtp- " ' DlSFESSaST EXMICsX ASSOCIATIOK. etitly rnrei) by tbe ticp of I?r. ? i vi - . i: . 1 1 : i j . i : . - r.. r n - r , ; I Finnnttin. nf .... t .- . i j t . r 1 BUFFALO, 1ST. rt"r -