Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, January 25, 1888, Image 2

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-- A
. t
B. F. SO H WEI fell.
tarraa abb rtnuim.
Tis thol.v5i people are on
Tr-e of atarvitioa in Eauit Turkey
A Clk iuid organ ia to Le start
J in Chicago.
On Saturday nigLt January 14, the
Hat Gel. 1 gang' ruvle a raij on the
htx.se of Sim MCoy. Tbe McCoja
wers cumpleteit surprised. Hr. Mc
Coy nas tied to a tree and shot to
death. The t-Uoat Bon as next tied
np anJ ridJIed with bullets. Sim JIc
J Coy I arrii-aJed the luck door an 1
niaue a wen oient oi bia nonie
against great oddd. Finally the Hat
field fc- t ore to the Luum, aud II
Coy and hia to youngest childreu
were burned to d-ath."
Thk Governor of Within ton Ter
ritory lia signed the bill giving wo in
en the right to vote.
C'LrvFLAD's Gaiu-aM', it ia auid U
prepuriug to rnn for United Stten
Smutc, in Arkansas. Sound the tal
pone. Sevxiwr. "preacher were inlicted
in St. Lonin, lout we-k. for failing to
make rrtnrnt. on marriage licnaai
the law r quire.
Thk new Penninn Appropriation
bill in Con;reBn provide for the puy
xnwit of $S0.27.j,rj'jO in penaiou the
th coming year.
Tdt coal ont put from coal ruined
outbide of tLe leading rn'ccs, more
than uitikes up for the luaa of the
Reading htriL-ra.
The other night a c .sting bob
led iu Kaunas Citv. with 50 people
on it ran into another alciL Resu'.t
17 people budly Lnrt.
Tin via ceht. reiluotion will be
made in the wage of the 11,000 men
employed by tho Johnstown. Cum
bria county. Iron Con.pany.
Tue newiy made Justice, Laiiaitr,
bt-liere 1 in the oivinity of f-Invery, Le
wax a oeMOuUt, a reble MxJirr,
and ait a man has the courage ot LU
rpnvirtiocs Since Lis coi-firiuation
I';e:-lJetit Cleveland lias Rent a pec
ial werage to congret-a on the q.ies
tion of the report of the Pacific Iiail
road Commission, which is not favor
able to the land grabbing, land ap
propriating railroad munag-meut.
Limar i said to le soundly again-t
railruad laiid grabbing defaulter and
it is Lilily probable that bef re
manv year be will be ca'.!c-d to rule
iu favor f the goverment against the
default of toe lVcitic IUiiroa 1 and
other kindred organiz-itiotiB that are
mar agiiig their aff.iirs iu dethuu-e of
law. S irifoid, and Stewart, timet-erv
ing .ento4, snd Prpublxcai.il for
plunder only will then get thcir
Hon. L- K. Atkinson, Lasintrtwluc
ed in Congress an iiuportaut general
periciou bill. It provide tlmtt-olditTs
who have servea three months ana
since bti'iimc disabled from any cause,
except by dit. reputable conduct or
vicious ltit.lv ta. it dejeud nt on their
own laixr for npjxrt, shall reo-ive
a penHion according to ntleh dicabiiiry,
not to exceed $"21 a month. The wi.l-
in that region almost doubled their
Jon Livoi s, a r. I.itiva of Pretd- j ow of au inva.iil pensioner who dies
dent Abriihura Lincoln, deceased, is ' Lh11 nceive 12 a month without
in tho Herks ConntT poor Lo.ih-. a ''irjg r -.More., o. ' ;"
. - 1 re-u:td from injUiK-s received in tue
Thk Wyoming coal field is capable
cf putting as much coiil in the market
service. A iriaort s pension on accouni
i f minor children i,to continue witu
out limit if the child is of unsouud
or phveically heli let-s; in case she
marries, dies or abandons the cuii
i ilmn tt. lurttntn ei intiimea to them.
as may I needed, regardless .f the u p n,!rIlt rri.,lts , in older to re
Belf impsel idleness of the 40.000 tiTe il2 a month, need only prove
striking miners iu the Schuikill and that tliev are without prestnt means
of comfort able support, ave by their
own manual labor or by cliaritv. It
The latest geologi.-al reports place ' "ufiU the arreai of pensions
i if . -t, a.-t to mak pensions tegin from date
all of the geological form it ion in IVr- , , .. , r ;.
" of death or discharge or diabmty
ry couniy. ioo low in .me scare ior : u.Mnt to discharge.
stone cai, tut now come tue contin
ued reports one after another, that
Lvhigh coul fields.
Death Dealing Storm.
The aceooDts of death by tbe late
riorm in the Northwest, oat numbers
ail past record in this country, and
startles tbe wbole people to realiie
thai men. women and children should
pertfeh near their own habitations tod
wnLio calling dirtaace (.f their friend.
8t l'atL,Jn. 18 From Aberdeen.
Dakota, tbe Pioneer Press bas reports
of two mora victim of tbe storm. lo
Northern Hard coantr a faroier wbo
started tor a doctor was tooad 36 boars
afterwards w-.tb bis horse standing be
side bis dad body- A oan a x miles
w-gt of Miiiard ie.'i borne telling bis
wife if lb storm increased be would
tav a tbe barn. He ba not y.t been
found Tbe report of tbe dea'h of a
ebool teacher and siztren children ia
Clear Lake toauiip io Ets:ern 1'a!.
hjuo ccunj, as first dist-redued. bat
is pr ibably tine Parties wbo came
from VV amuck, Dako'a, stats that the
teacher and six children have been
found. H U. bapin of Minneapolis,
rapposed to bave been lost, arrived io
Aberdeen last nijrbt.
Iliehirore, Dakota, reports that sis
ter VVilliiueva. of Sterben Mission. 20
miles south of tb' rs, was esight by
tbe buiiard on her return from the
huoie of tbe Priest, where she had b-n
uperioteoding tbe laundry work. Tl
quarter section witbin which th build
lug are, is fenced, and nben she a;
found by tbe searcher', usiujr a rope to
(;uide them, she was standing np and
still alive. She wa carried to her riom
where she died. Tbe two Iod'an bnva
seut first to look for ber were scarcely
saved from from freezinz to death.
Mrs. Anthony Haby. of '2o miles nrth
i reported lost. Word eonie from
Wo.jl.ely, near Hu'OD, Dakot, of two
more deaths. A bi y o sixteen, Bu
dette Sohofield, left Woolsely j'lut be
fore the storm set in with a load of eoal,
going to bis home, five miles south of
town He ansstened tbe ttaui from
the l;'d aud wi nt some distance, when
tbs borses got into a snow drift. There
be left tbeoi. Ilia body was found fir
ail Irs from tho sleigh. Tbe Druse fam
ily live oq a farm tun miles southwest
of V oolsely. Ka'berine Druae, with
a stater, were sent to the barn, about
sixty rods from the bcoe, when tbs
storm came op. KatLerine started for
tbe h' U-e bat lost ber sy. Tbs next
morning ber bod was feuod forty rod
fn sn the bouse. Those reported tn v-t
severely fn.xen sre ioiproving and may
recover. A Yankton. Dak., cot res
pond, nt says : -.Only two dealbs are
reported so far in Vaoktoc county and
two in Clay. In rln lioiuuie oonaty
nii.eteen dea'h are repotted. From
Sou's Dakota 104 deaths are reported.
In ti.'O ll Uioie county two Laiidred
In z- n cattle were lound in one piace
aud 140 io another. Dead bogs aud
cattle may be seen alou; the road from
laiiktoo to prii-EO- Id. Tbe snow
persona perished in last Thursday's
storm in Caster eouoty alone. The
loss of stock is said to be enormooa.
Psrticutars are ut obtainable.
Fort vv orth, Texas. Jau 18
Two reports of freezing to death were
received last night in addition to those
sent out Monday. A tramp whose
name is unknown, was found s'lff near
Henrietta. A negro named Jobs
Jack'oo and another colored man ware
frozen to death near M aeo. No re
ports of loss of live stock in tbe Pan
Handle bave been received as yet, al
though tbe loss is knowu to bo great
Ob-; raocl aaia in Tarrant oouoty li tt
ten head tfne s'ocx.
tT PaCL, January 19. A great
deal of sohcitadt is felt Tor tbe people
of Brown's Valley, a villrageof 1,500
aula, in Traverse county Minnesota,
oa'heborier of Dakota The place
is 10 the region wb.-r easualmes were
(jiet in tl.e buzzard of last T'lors
dy, aud uo reports bave beeu r-tvs-directiy
by fheis ( several days
Brown's Valley is on a branch of tbe
Manitoba Koad running sauihaest from
Morris I . rty an nilea. No trtns bave
ran to Brown's Valley since t'iiristu tl
sn i telegrat b eouiiuuoicatioo is luier
rupted. Beside, tbe Country roads are
basked fall of snow to the depth of 4
feet on the level and are impassable
everywhere. On Suuday afternoon a
m'o wa k-d acrosa the counory ou skids
trom Browu'a Valiey lo B--ardsley, a
p ace eight miles away, and repotted
that there was neither a pound ot coal
nor a stick of Grew md in -tbe village,
and tbat the suffering of the people
could not be estimated.
He raid tbat after burning alt their
own fuel they wade a raid upon the
Manitoba round house and ail coal stor
ed there. U ben this supply wfs ex
hausted the railr.iad I uildiogs were
torn down and choj ped into firewood.
After telling his story the man begged
a sack of coal, threw it acro his
shoulder and tramped back to his fain
ily Many ear loads of fuel cocsigned
to Browu's Valley are blockaded at
Morris, and a large force of iu u is en
gaged in opining the line up. bat trains
canuot be got running fi r four or fire
The islands on tbe eastern coast of
Virginia are being resloeked with bsres
imported from Eng'snd. Several thou
sands of the animals bars bsen turned
Lnm ir. was coiuaruie I as u justice
large vein of stone coul is being inin- tuu "I'retue Court oy tue ibw
ed in tua Ri niutuiu borne eight milt s . t t -r, , , , w. j o dnlts are said to be o'J leet dfep. o-'me
- . - w . . . .
persona missing are ye unsccounleil tor.
An Andrian, Mich., depatoh says
tbat Partaiuog, a Geru;an, aged -5,
wis loat ia I burs lav's storm.
Mason & Hamliri
from Stt mtt's gi
- - a
-r.i; the prevalance of the Into
votinir for him Ti:e vot
ayes to 2S iiitr. The ll-pulIicans
ulio votel for iiim. are Uiddleberger
of Virginia. Sanford of Oilifvi nia. and
... VI. - V..-...1 . Tl.... nt
.1 " .tri-" ii . ' representative ReiuMic-ir.. Tliepltc
elnimtha." 'ver near the stoves i i
tllfm I. . 'tlV t, I .:....:" VU tue a, a.v.4.
r or llliteetl if tr.i
Thev do hoki I
nrt were
LEY". Dt'BL'QVE, Iuwa, Jan IS The fa"
laltties of tbe late blizzard on the
aa-, ,j i . iujiS)
I IS"-. - T 1
'i lai T
1 K Pi.
Will Convince You of Its Merits
l. COl
IM 01D U.I
P. 4
Jho.Finzeh A, Bros., Louisviuc, f.
Organs and Pianos.
Tar Cabinet Or in was tntnxlnrrd t. Masna A
IT im mi in 1-. Mar. a tL lUn.liu ri.a bave
a m iintjtii).-l Ow-ir iimiisT orn :! ntittrs.
havin.- lluri.i-l liouora at ail Orcal Wurul'a
Lxtub.Uuu aiuce T.
Worth Knowing,
That I can nop toothache in less tban
flvs minutes ; no pain, no extracting.
That lean extract teeth without pain,
by the use of a fluid applied te tbe teetb
and guuis; no danger.
That Diseased Gn ma (known
as Scurvy) treat rsVi ed successful';
snd a cure waryjjraDted is ever;
Teeth Fillhd and warranted lor lite.
Artificial Teeth repaired, exchanged r
renioddled, from $'.1.1X1 U $1.' -r set.
Beautitul Guiu Kuaiucled Tcet inserted at
prices to suit all.
All work warranted to give perfect satis
faction. Peoplw who have artificial teeth
w ilh which tuey cannut fa', are especially
invited to call. Will visit professionally
at their homes If notified Ly letter.
COt art Cal tt mui'MHlt iril Ull.l mni fl mi vi .uv lake wiiaaaiva vil mfl I no imcrrrt-ra yt .io.- oi S.T nn-1ni.' Piano. fnTSfltSQ
tut t hev do tho wa!!. of rolit.e or governmental opinions ; pr.rie districts of l,w are being gr.i j ri' viT
.,f t, t-o chilled tht won'.d rc-t rall-t the world to cboe Ualiy made public. llj ron Cleveland rr-aieat ininrovemmr in .!an. m half a crntonr.'"
oi me . .it"7" - I ,j , . . - t J tan,, tinular. e..nuining aO lestimomals from
.Sr r ber t ci 1 rtvo.n ...ns. or caiisrt a tudd-it o. Mancuestrr, Dtlaw.re county, has . ,.Ur, -ta--s. mu.ici,,,.. anS mo and Fiano aud
T lx. api-es. to-:I lnulwar.l i.:iAmciit toard tbe o I I ; received in'orinaiiou that his !o goBS) o .ao cataliaruea, tree,
thev llU brooi-"" - t.rder t.f t in. g to le t ikeu, but i-i I seed fi trea aud seventeen years, were j '-f.ZZll k CS3A PliiTO ZXt
s dil' " Tnm"r "'''el0n time it will tell and for the pre-ent 'r- x-u to dcaib during tue storm, to liis. (Tsla snti, kTwrai.
" -.k- ' weakenel it u i 1 i'ive eucoiira 'euitnt in iire.-t 1 v KciU.'r wiiii niuei t ht aj .f came. Tue , J
Mi m r
Wi l visit regu'aily at KicLtleld the
weeks of Mat and October.
Tebxs Cash.
One dollar and fifty cents in
adrance will secure jou the
bEXTtstx & IltrcBLiCA and The
Weeklt Pres for th period of
one jear.
The Sentinel St Reft;ucaj
gives nearly twice a much
reacting a ny one of the
other papers in Juniata. Its re
ports ot all important homf
news and enterprises is full and
within the period of a year its
variety of reading matter com
prehends within its scope al
most every topic. Consider
that in addition to this, the best
local and literary paper pub
lished in Juniata county, you
can have th Philadelphia
Weekly Prfss, one of the best
papers published in America,
you have an offer that comes
seldom to a man and his 1am
ily. After childrenhave learned
to read, the greatest educator
is the newspaper. Every man
should do justice to his family
by subscribing for a public
Subscribe! s who are in ar
cau avail themselves of this
combination offer by paying ar
rearages aul paying one dollar
and fifty cents in advance,
therebv securing tbe two pa-
Bright, New Fall
the ice.
the n. t ta"
begins to tnelt 1:'. ice
thawed to j.ic
an. early ciiin4- of uavcg.ition
certain to take jIai e tliia season.
a MreaniH in ' to tncli vioience us was. inainl-le.l at niy were driving it cattle to watet,
JC ,, ,1 I !, recent le-tioli in JHrt m. Mix abuut a tulle from iha Liae. wKn tk-
ii luc r" 1 1 1 1 , - i ,
ni iLeir dead
UilJ Tl rat
s an. l tortuat reason , ,ivl.utP: He were Iri.-u st.ff.
will oon b I """'rri- vlii'L is briefly related, a- j billiard auua iLcm, ai
1 f Hows t the Southern Christi .n budtes bave just he n f
A Dkmim-rat. who believes in th
Divinitv of alaverv. nud who believe ' crtck-r tbey I e.l bim n tue
"A vonne whiia ram who hal
If.iin.t a colored bui. "f acm- ncnth.' drittue.r M arain..!!, tr- r-n d-a J.
standing, (int'hrisiniaa eve gitLer.it aeruwl j l"s May lieumrg and a bi mm,.
ot hi ..iate and nh tin hi-fis ai.d ti-e Jj lO, 12 of started in a
Practical Deiitiot.
Pa , im lt;'J.
EsraBLiMiED i.m MirrLisrs
Oct. 1 1 'ria.
.'iiOvS.UDs cr ins r
- ' - v xa.
m.tjte. J.'LnUney was found in a snow!
A Great National Journal.
Tb, chaaipio" Clalkler I.Jatlaia Ct J hsavlar Just r
turaedl EterM cltle with wiierrul
TTill rnku friends, ouisbine r.ya.s, win Tictories, and sell ithelf en it
and Genfs furnishing goods. Fiibt Clasa, coinbiuuijf Stle, Quality and
Eleganc, wita priced that will autoulsh -u. N sal ia expected unless
I prove tbis.
Bat I ask your ptrone rn'y whan I five complete aatisfactioa. My
JEWELRY, Cilico, Percale and White Shiitav. Jfeck wear, Cellars and
Cuffa.Tmnka end iiatcLels, is full and camplete. Cull and ee.
Jan 16, 18S6.
CyCulleciing and conveyanciiiR pronij tly
aiteuded to. Oltic in second story of Be'-i-jrd
buiidiurf. Entiancaon Main street.
Loiis H. Atiissov. V. M M. Pf-jell.
BIT Collecting and Caareyaacing pram-. !
1 a:i-nded to.
.iricE On Main atreet, i place et resi
ded, ol Louis K. Atkinson, hq., south ot
Kri.lc street. JUct iiti, lbSli.
yy M. CRAWFORD, M. 1).,
II aa resumed actively the practice ol
Mediciua aud Surgery and their collateral
branches. Office at the old corner ot Third
ul Orange street., Mittlintown, Fa.
March t'J, 17 ti.
Jou VcLaiobuh. Josiph W. Stimhel
try Only reliable Compauiea represtutcJ.
n.c. 6, 18HG-ly
TIM a-TlllLI
Oa and alter Sunday Nov'r 13th,
trains that atapat M iflin will re a aa oliows:
Altooia Accommodatiob leave Altoooa
d.iily at 6 20 a. m., Tyrone 6 52 a. m.,
Flnntingilon 6.33 a. ra.. Mount Union at
6.59 a. m., Nea ton Hamilton 7.04 a. m.,
SicVevtown 7,26 a. ui., Lewistown 7,53 a.
ni., Miltnnl 8.11 a m., Mililin 8,17 a. m.,
Port Boya! 8.23 a. m Mexico 8,2S a. m ,
Tufcarora 8,32 a. ni.. Vandyke 8,35 a. m.,
Thouipsontown 8,43 a. ni., Durward K,4 a
in., Millerstown 8,54 a m., Nuaport 9,05 a.
m., arrivinz at IlarriNburg at 10 10 a. iu.,
and at Philadelphia, 3 lf p. m.
Sea Shore Eieatst leaves altonna daily
j niu.-'.ja. ui., aiiu su.ii)t a an regular
stations between Altoona aud liari ib.irg,
reaches MifUiu at 9-5G a. m. , llarrisburg
11.41 p. M., and arrives in PtiilaUelphia at
8.1") p. iu.
Mail Tsaik leaves Pittsburg daily at
G.55 a. ui , AHoona at 2.( 0 p. ni., and stup
pmft at ail regular stations arrives at Milllia
at 6 ( 3 p. ui., liarribburg 7.00 p. m., Phila
sdulpliia 4 25 a. m.
Mail Express leaves Pittaburg at 1 00 p a .
Altuona ti 2') p m ; Tyrone 6 51 p m ; Ilua-.
lniion 7 a7 p ni ; Lew Utoa n 8 61 p m ; Mil
tiiu y 16 pm; llarrisburg 1045 p ui ; Phila
delphia 4 25 a in.
Philadelphia KxprobS n.il atoa al Mifflin
al 11 oi tttieu (lagged.
Ji'cw Finn.
.'.ETwTiw clubs. Mail and Express
!iu la tt,e r.et. 4l.upral, ' J7
.ir, sleigli t attend parts in e-mpauy
in "Until. Ktuanim. ami Uelielli'
The touiig white blew the hru io th ne-
1th ltl loutit Uilj hn thai as f. trill
.el-Uion, . . " ... . . ' s,ro, k th.. ti,. i...t ,h.., ...H
M to ! rreferrtNl. t man hUe aet.a- . . i...,:i.. H.. , ,Mn eM derted tbe l4 and the
Ui.l.U. lier-er. Stew irt, an.l S-nf..r.l.
vrlio cHiitiot le relietl n Lt n tb
fuiiilimetitiil j'rincipli s of Ilepublic.in
- mm are to lie luamtaiued iu the Ligu
est Court in t!,e luii.l
Ct.rvri..M)'s fnecU were preatlv
pleaeeil over the election of Kir-ner,
as cliairrnan i f tho lVmocratie stute
couutiittt e. .Mr. Kiaiu r is haul to be
ia ladv. b..re the ini-uUirir d. ni'.iiMra'i
j with j atirnce until eeral Ure fire-raca ""i ud reacOrtl a lar-D l -a-e III satet V
jerawe.e iir..pet a n a. the arm t.f the I T" deserted pair rejtain-1 oat in tbe
! voui.a- I dv. The negro then d .iui d hl. ti.rnj alt ni,ht. and in the uvic-.ng
1 a. a.:M . i
rsMiri, at-pped iqi.. a butcher sh -p, pickad 'U'J " ,r "'uu" Fr'ianj c jrerea aim
aui.w ILt Iull( ll'll l I lore tl ttO
j lg and the b ja hauda aud leet were
bady fri i-u Hi waa sived from
up a kinle, with a bieh alter recaiv mg three '
ahoM lritu the revolver ot hU at-aiiaut, ho
narly aerve.) the he.t tt the iuic while
irtnu the boUid,ra b-.it uird in lesa than
ivn hua. The iticilnt was umiI to frame
an intl tiatiialile in iit'iiueut agai i!t th.) K
publM-an ciy adininiptrali.in, aul the Oeiu-
deatn bj the brave firl, who wrar-ped
biai ia the eu.v blauket le't them.
IJ.MiM. lows, Jan. IS The worst
tt. C'tlltv. n ;.'.
,;v- tiu , j .life a :chw. :
. .: c a amer.t'.n I or . m -i :r. .
': ' r - i "vl lo a ;. r-, c nraWt- I
;. t.l-l i--n, ,r,-r.,.. I'.-.i-Itd TIl-
T f 1:1. ' :i TO t.'V, r I' 1 lr . err ab j
J V 11 ii f . JtV-
" a-t. "i " . M-.ru. art! r u el-d t.to.,gH. i
x (iEVIif; Biiiifv . h, j l
"t f ' aW .- K ibe ..rrcvt and impleat i
"' eattttf f' r m f prmr
atttr4rtlry mnU mrv.
. t -
Hue oriinier. He is jut the kind' & onr i,u.i,.d to see that their tick, t was
of a ui:in that will help to tunrxhal the : electrd. Ttr Mra'i White League
Jenii:TUCy next full So that Biaine't adopted rr..lutif na that if any ntfo at
majority bhull uot fall beluw one huu
tlrej thousautl majority.
ocratic ctiov.a'ii.n appi.intd a coiumitiee blockade d road in l wa is the St Louis,
tttu t'd tti run fir tittit-e iu the approacliirg
luuniiiial election '-h- dues it at his peri ,"
and negroes were further waruet atfaint
attempting to vote for a ticket other than
the rt icuUr IVtnocranc one. At one meet
ing oi colored voters. t. wh.un it vii evi- . mi!c from that city, the
dent tt.ar the whites of Jrkon ai.d the heing obliged to Walk bi
?e'..tENF, if tit Washington with an
apvlication L r a patent to mmumify
the human l-mlv lv a hot air procests.
In two weeks time the l.o.ly betimes i '"'""i"? cur.-,,., had c.M.., ired to
as dry as au Uvotiau Mumtuy 1.000
years oKL It ia exiectetl, the pat
ent will Jii away with the present
way of buryiar ot trie dead, aud ala...
, lispose of the occupation of the uu
' . lertukcr.
O. Tl.nuas aud Northern, which baa
not bad a train nvrr irs line fiuca la-t
WednesdaT and little pr-iaieca of hav
ing one for eeveral days yet.
The last train left tbis city for Pea
Moiuea, We lnesdav. an I the tj.in fri.iu
le M. lines w overtaken by the enow
oroi and remained stuck in a drut 2
tialn bands
!k An at-
Ilozua Tike Eofiny at tlta Paiooa.
Tbe Friend of Americas Labar.
Trta r aeorlle Newapaper mf
Zwopla o( Refined Taataw
rneTBativ veara tbe daily altton cf the Sb
Yr mail and FXf HK& has boen Tetfe
aise.l aat!,elnadoc at "mtN,n papr of th mr
truroUj. irhi!o n wocl "l.uou ih bwoTUi:
FAV'IKlTEHOUli HIPlRlo UiooaanOs of
fauolto in everr Rtateln iba TJnino. It liaAaUalllcd
ita icrnat popularity and influence br Ita enter,
priaain the eoii'tiun or news, tbe parity et lis
tone, an! the abilitv and oourafte of Ita alvoracy
of tbe ltphton all qvuout ot pablle lnttrtsat.
)-'lft ltha Mail. A!ti K.vrKLfS will l-a a
batirr parier tbaa aver, aaU, aa a aleaa, lntoraatr
lug. luuucun
Homo Newspaper,
; . r. r u , T- . ii muni.timinwa wiiumt wutt iti uorn
. , i .tfc '-Kerstene trv. Uiiimit tat LA l.tlfcs . MPLB 4 Pfe.
-.."" -aiiontU l.ank. or any Com- n aavwhare. an.: !.rine.tii- laher nor
. v - J rtlJ Af.cy i eri-enaa to sa.im ter Ita riailra Hia v-ry Laat
u au uvtaruucuu in. an a apapcx n
-t " wra I rlnf ihrm w ilhls
.- i i.:l tl a artlr. rMpaaaihlirrs.
r.:ve ls DVEKI till aa4
r r 'f r-irantel oa llmitad iavsaiaient.
. ri.o 1. r fuii (.rucais.
T.j K:yston3 Watch Club Co.
?. :. s:3. PhUaaeiia. Pa.
..".;. ii cim -AGZXCIESt
..".riN'-'.-V"' rrwTrt ST. Tar-icv
, Jv- , c.-r. ii tttvw.
'! i.! '''-,'; rs-.:rirsa. la. 2 ll ror V
VlV -' a"t KIsa-S.ll
- ' leut-t, ka. ate, tia.
The free trade eleiiietit of tin- IX-tn-rerrt.,.
li.i.l nnl nr.ilih.,. TV . .
. ...... , . , , ti..u 0"-UllH-lflT.
i murtleriMia weanna to eulorce their decree.
miiliilmii an 'it"1 e.-lanng tti tt in
the imett-at ot peace, ant lor the i.rttction
ot lilt and proi.'ertr, the coitiretl po-Me ru
tram troru votiiiT or iu any way articip.tt.
idj in raid electwn, ami wiih lraoiua; the
colorrtl randnlalaa fur Aliierinen.
The roll red rieople refrained from
vo'.iri fl.idt r Una tlire.it that their
hvpa were in peril, and none but
i f..r.. .......i i .i
Ketnhd ,n the btste Committer, U.t the IVm.vra!. s. ceasle.l by crrv
vreek at HarriMburr. and therefore ! ti e electi n by la than 10 J mL-
tnere wa great rejoicing in H'aaaini j"rity.
ton aduitiifstration eirclca. Kisner
the utw chuirman wi!l b jnat the
man to run enough Democrat into
the rank of the Republican party
next fall to awell th RepaUiican
majorty in Pennsylvania to over ons
buudred thousand.
Tae V by Is Coal Scarce I
New Tort. Jn. IS. Ntttwithstand
irg the wtn.ee in tie S'Luvlkill aud
Lei ih re-ioiia the production of
Ctal iast week wan the iargeet on re
enrd for that riol, the.vutput being
055. 3TK t.-tiB. airainitt. 551.076 for the
ootre:ondinff week laet tmr, aa in
rreaaa of 104. 2S2 tona. Of omr-e the
S hny kdl rets-ioi wb re tbe lien. In -g
nrinea ai-M kitnitel, shi ws a marktd
falline tff. tbeprodnciion th re beitm
on!y S0,0pt t' no rwiii--t 1C1.313 for
the f-aine tek in ldi, and in the
RtADrva mining atriiers, have aci
ed the State Attorney GeLeral, to
take action a-raiDiit the R. ad rjj Rail
road Company, on the ground that
the conipttcy is violating the btate
ixinstitntinn Ht tn;n,'n 1 i ...
. . hebu-li reg.on. where the mineia Lave
they ade-e it Las only the right to Uen n a .ir ke for nearly live
carry coal aa a common carrier. The , montha the prodn -tioti vaa tmly 41.
question will be accorded a heariuir 1 tOT 4.in,t trH.541 tonti Ut
befor. tha AUorney General the'-""" I" Vm Wvfla,lr bw
T. , " lue . ewr, wnera all in tninere are btin-r
coruingr Thornday mornint; at 11 worked, the output waa 5o3,W9 to,
o clock at Harrutburff. j.nraitist V :'l 212 t..na laet ver. an in
a - . rreae of tona. The Delaware
teaspt was maie to eprn the road on
Fnday, but after plowing fifteen allies,
tbe secoud storm fi led tu cats once
wore, and the tram has been suowed
iu sinie then. Tbe towns along tbe
line are cut off ron eomnianieation with
the outside world
Chicago, Jan. 18. An Omaha. Ne-
t.rsrsa dr.jsieh says : Charles Gray,
living near lec.iuiab, died yesterday
from exposure in Tnnrsdav's stortn
lie walked all niht between bis borses
to Eerp from freezing and was fonnd
baif a mil from boms by neighbors,
naoiy iroten.
Miss Lome Koyee, a sehool teacher,
eight miles trout Plainview, bad but
three pupils oa the day of tbe norm.
Mie started at two o'clock with the
children a boose about '20 rods dis
tance, bat lost her way. Ad lay dow
io tne snow and .Miss llotce wrapped
na the lit is ouea aa best she could.
Karly iu tbe night one child died and
later another and tost as nnrnin t.r.w.
me third child snecawbed to the enl.l
Miss Kojee tben managed to reasn tbe
n..use, lees than 20 roda awav. Both
her feet are badly frozen and tbay will
pro'.abls have to be aropntated.
A ebool teaeber and eight ebildren
names unknown, art, reported from Xel
iga in bave perished. FlT men Bam
. in.ca.e nrotbera, are reported from
the saws plaee to have been frozen te
" A' aa old man named Gloss
ana a ooy aamea Miller. Mrs Millar
niotber, waa also bastlt frot
,J "1 l"e both leea rvu.
, . ltn , ... ,. ' T ...... ...1 W,...- ...;i.. timimnr Irntn iha flln...i
f .."U.! UI ilCVOTR, SDIl UlltDCl Is 1 M""ufa titmuntu vuuiuui m W anOlDST
. mi West Tirpai i have been trjmc to e,i b"1? to tLi ' il "y bf .
' s N "...inat- -,V ..ft, j production ling 157.16G tons V nrrtr.,- persons rtRIeH
JlDtrfed?lgt -net 70,538 tW. last .vvar. and all tUscoL. S.K Jm0 18 . dB.
V"., !.-!:r Vic rln V.r-n TrT t tr tTn
ftrjiut Ljl .. ci kll.IT.--aA- ,'K(MKLrr
a. tr: .'i -. ' lin-n, Its r0'ij.- 19 tli5 tM-att
it" ' ..: v. of viie .ic. jt:l wr.L'Arc-, eliAil tnp
1 1 1 .-r.n w;t:, i nnr misrhl; but shall a! war
- i avp3atc puL.ca w;ui cOaaSiaertkUou aa iaur
Mi and Silver Mining Co.,
JOSEPH H. HE A Lb, Preeideut.
I-I8 Congresa St , B sion,
67 Broad a av, New Tork-
The twelve Mine a an.l mill of this
company have; just been examined bv
the truiuent fcniisli minin-- euiiit r.
Mr l'ranris D. Tijlor, 54 llerch ints
Exchange, Boston, who reports the
proiievty as rci rcftnted. It is the
best in America for its capitalization.
April 11 1883.
Tt M TTa rt rmit 1 tins rcofrnfrrd Kil
trf jonriiAl ttve country in tL ri A):il-?-iooii
Hrn i!ifH.7i tnnwznnU It llT-cfl tl;t
tH3 iiqnor trt?ic v it hxisu to-6ar m t!io Valtd
isuattl tueiieui-r "f ociir, a frnltJnl tonrro
of onrrnpuon id poiirtca, tti mUr ot .?J.rf. ir,
rv lwai ut ciiraa, aiaL with tea tow4 rtuiio!o ot
to cnrrupiiT sntrol .lnotlvms nJ l-ctsl-linn,
l tv mnai c io tho pnl-lic welfare u do.
crre th ocndtmRUtMi of ail KOtxl mcn
1 biief. oil wii ua to hv In their
lrf.ni r. FltCSl-i'TaAvt l4v.W?wfAPEa of
Mtloa-l co-s bmod Tifws, clean padres nd
eiara,emi8. Tt kioJi-. utivru on all out-r
d of trenarai pablio lmereat, -will not bo
tUaaprjoiatrd in tiia X aTL and KTrtir, and
e rMccvraU aoaiclt twexr ji&aenco aud su
MBSCtlPTTON 11 ATT. TVsfkt.t. ter
rxar. t t.Ui't lx nioatlia. bO inta: vhr a months,
.:renla. lail.T. per yaar. 6ti.oOi miT mnulha,
K.t.hC; Uuaa SKiniai, CLSwi oaa aimiii, Hi
Stockholders Indiriduallj Liable.
T. VAX 1KA IX, rothuT.
W. O. Pororroj, Joseph Eothrock
John Uerttler, PUilip M. Rentier,
Amos . Bonsall, Louis . Aikiun.
Kohtrt E. 1'arkcr, -
KTmT' MTBCRIBXIc to tie -vrnx
wto sbis t-a eeata to par for i acting; aad
ru Trrfuwmm aa a present trom tiia hail
asu Errrj a T Hill ot oar elerant
J 1" '(jam J-nrtrwi a ef J.iaona. i;ra:.t, Garr.l'.l,
l-opaa actl .firc:iar. exact co;..-a t Te fir. I
i-i.jv a i..enacs. v . a'7 lncaas ia slaa, aa: . lo
.r. fcwe a icae aaa ixj.i a.a.
T"; 01.5W w s"wt th-j Mtn. vrr:TPprs
T-'r n;y r.i hCD'.B'-r'l reat iat.:t-
l- a t.ikr'1 J '-tcra r.U t. r-Uuv aa'l ir.i .u.
a y r. :oUil la w l co ar-t. - -.rf-.ul of
)'.. i....-; lait.iuc -naa recebUjr au.d lic aver
" A I I hci:r. l.lrt-r nt athr tmimlar an val
ajlc l-ifin.aaia ar vr-r--u. to aularrij-rra ann
:-ts wa tna toat liTtral t rni, 1 tie cauxioa ba
. 'tiHgltwit lw ert-T-r taw-n anA wfl
aaawLaxawa bave nut sue auir at work. aud
- J-a-lwl Clrcawr lw A(eata and aea
wurl b-al tira.
POJT3l v.-TtRaj ant th-str ASataTATra,
aa4 ail wllwrs w h l-h u, m rM tliaix ls
w 'a. u.u uui an tityi-enl apuuruuuLa
Mn,t. I irllL4 ui: In., in a. I
eanfavRanii tor awaaaal cudoaa) Ihe aUtraaaa of
mw ia. Aauraaa aa.a- XAia Jaall. ajlu
-a twi.
STocKnoLt cas :
Philip M. Kepner, Annie M. Shot'er,
Josh Koi brock, Jane H. Irwin,
L. E. Aikinava, K. Park -r,
W. C. Ponieroy, J. Holaes Irwin,
AmosG. Konsall, T.V.Irwin,
Charlotte Snyder, John Hortxler. .
Marv urti,
Three and Four per cent. ic. teres!
Iaid oa certiC-cstes cf Jeposite.
of prime qoalitv bonzht in an anantite for
or ok era a; a, com-
tuiBlvtl, mail!, SLC.. OT
Importers and Exporter, 88 William SU,
Now Wk. ' Ang. I7i 87, 6m.
- Y
WJ.en 3 ou have tfuljfcribcil lir
you are certain in your eectire
luent of the county paper tbat
gives you a larger quantity and
greater variety of reading mat
ter than is presented by other
journals published in Juniata
county, and when you accept
this combination oiler ol tbe
two papers you have secured
for yourself and family a news
paper prize of inestimable val
ue for a price so low that it
Amounts to almost a marvel.
In this day and generation it
amounts almost to a w rong to
one's self and family to deny
themselves the advantage of a
good paper like the SENTINEL
& REPUBLICAN and a state
paper like tne -E.liis.L.1
PRESS. There are more than
a thousand and one things dur
mg tne passage 01 a vear
that interest and sometimes di
rectly benefit the individual
and family, that appear in the
home paper but like the rain,
sunshine and air, that we are
so familiar with, we do not ap
preciate as they merit.
Do you appreciate a first
rate offer ? Have the kindness
to meiYtion it to jour neighbor
if you- neighbor has -ot al-
ready found it out, and if he
has it 11 1 not rln nirm n'
I i . -" " .
Fast Line leaves 1'bi inVlohia1 dailv at
j 11 60 a m; Harriatiurg 3 40 p ui ; Mifflin
ot'pin; Lewisiown 5 Lrl p in; AllooLa
j 8 10 p ui; srrhes at I'ltisllug at 11 C.O p ut
! Way Hasskkgkb leaves PliiUlui.iii
daily at 4 ail a. in.; Hurriabtirfr, 8 15 a. iu.;
' I lllTW- .II...... b r. 1 . - V- . . . ...
IO the COnilllg lllHi gOltlg OI , m.; MiUerstown, 4Da. ni.;Tboiui8ontowo
Seasons we must all TmTtXiT
Tlie Good suitable lor spring ; 'Vli1.. Z'l V
I - - . -r aw . UJ. .
i.ewisiowu, iu si, a. iu.; ttcY eylown, 11 14
m.; eutuii Hamilton, 11 a. in.
1 T t ...
......,.., !. ii v. iu.; 1 1 rone, i p. ui.;
Altoona, 1 40 p. tu., aud atop at ail regular
Ktatiou.i lwtci llarrisburir aud Alluuua.
OvtTa'B Kxparss leaves Pbilaltlpbia dai
ly at 5 00 p. tu., ilarriaburj;, lo p. m..
hlm.r.ii,. ut W i.. ill.. . . "
" ir'"f "i.miio, u;yiiiL', Uuucaa-
and summer must be supplant
ed bv
We have now filled our
shelves with I all and Winter
Goods ol all kinds. Our cus
tomers have appreciated our
efforts to give tin in goods to
suit their purposes, and we ; : d AU,K'U ""ea A.iooua ai0.0y p. m.,
believe that we are Utter pre-j AlToollA Accillla)ltrio, i..T.. PhU.
pared than ever to merit their ; i'1,'" d"U " 1 1 60 a: anSburS ,t
confidence. We invite ou to ; ;,'rt 6-ltt m Miiicratjn o,, p. ,
. , , .. , j i""Jl""towii :j, ,n p. i., Vandyke 5.11
COme ailll see aild be Satl.-lleU. I V- . ' ""-carora 6,1 p. Mexico i ,J u
, j l 1 4 m.,liiit houl .i,.i4 p. ui., Miftim 00.
In onr dross froiMis dot artiuotit n... .. . '
- ri I - "v. u u,- lj. ui . -tl c v v
s- p. iu., irluu lia.ui l,j J.lj u
Uuutmduu 7 4 p. iu. Altooua V Ou.
uon, .Newport, MilU-rMowu, Thouipsouto
l'ort Koyai, tuuo at Viltliu, U 55 a. Iu.. j
.uuu, . v a. iu.. auu flllKloirir c. in . ...
I Mail '1b a in leaves I'luinnlpUia daiiv" at
' 7 mi . ... 11 . . . . .
,.v. .. u,., uim.uurr 1 1 . jj a. m ew
porl, lis p. iu., jliiilin 1J.47 p. m., btou-
iii(t al all regular Maiioua between MitHia
we nave almost everyining.
Don't be backward, call for
what vou want.
Slides and Hoots.
Our Boot and
I -11 a 111 ; 1 eteraburg 6 ii a ru ; S iUCe
Shoe De- T,r.ot"? 7
1 , auvuui o v a ni 2
partment is full in its assort- j '- I'i
merit, and you certainly can be & , prf",s, '"' OB Sundiys,
' J J "HI connect with inml.u u..i - . J '
uited in fit, quality and price, t urburg at 1 io p. ,u.
1 1 I W a v 'H-vr ...... j w -
Whatever improvements have j tp t Lucnuow and Poormau'e'spring
been added by the manufactures tD fipfc'e1'
r i7i. ii.i.fi -
Pacific Express leaves Philadelphia 11 '5
. ui; Uarriaburg 3 10 a 111 ; Ouncauuou 8
aiaiu; Aea port 4 01 a ni; Slatliu 4 4 a
ni; l.ewistowo 5 04 am; Mc Vej low n 527
aui; lit. Union 5 64 am: Uuiumwi...
Zi am; Altooua 8 04 a .
I tu
- - - r
win connect with iuudav Mail .-r I-.
we have them all. We can
Tr".iD l5" Ltown Junction" tor Mll-
" ' : " oa a m, a 15 n m : tor
ry at 7 15 a m. 3 DO n tn.
supply ou with foot wear for i sunt, n
t r" : . . a
Ht.v in nr r.ui dnnr sorvii-o Onr ' a,: J. " HeM'"ton Junction from
-..j ... ,..o, .1 uu , , pmt 4 3o
trrocerv Department never lags. ' " 1 9ii m, iopm.
1 p ni ; from
We have on hand a lull line of
Fresh, Plain and Fancy
Also, the only full line of
in the county. Every house
must have its lull supply ol
Queens and Glassware, this is
the f tore to call on for such ar
ticles. All orders by mail will re
ceive prompt attention.
liemember the plate,
XIaix Street, Oi posite Cockt Hoebe,
Miaaiiiitovrii, Pa.,
Fretl'k IaSli:3iSCIIAIE
aV m.
1 TI"iV" ''Te TTron or BelU tont. and
Lock Have, .t 8 10 a m, 7 15 p oi. Leav.
lyrone lor Curwrensvill. ,nd Cloartleld at
M) a iu, 6 Oo p ru,7 o6 p
Trains leave, Tyrone tor Warriors Mark,
fennylvai,ia Furnac. and Scotia at V w a
ni and 4 30 p m.
andrriD.TiV" " TyrODO fron Bellrfonte
and Lock Uaven al la 05 p m, and a 87 p in.
vilTera,n?-7iVV. T'r0,,, from Curwens
He a.,a Cluartield at a 68 a m, and 1 1 4o a
"j O 14 p Ui.
riora'M ' arriv8 tTJ'on, fronl Scoiia, War-
5S a ".Ad FcnD"'i -nrn'a at
03 tn, at 'i 85 p m.
HvTrrt,," Huntingdon for Bedford,
Hv nrtmau amj Cumberland at lb a. ra
ana o o-j p. m.
( Ir",I?,aIrivot Huntingdon iron. Bed
p. ni., 6 20 p. m.
- Irins ,eaTW ',oun for points South, at
sJ,"8.TV" l from points
O0 p ui. 7 Jo p. m. and 10 85 p ia.
hnn . "re bereby ""oned apsin.t
hr iif" J" ",nS t,lnbrr- ba-ldin, fires,
crossina; fiflds, or other.... . . '
3 r
on anv of th ... . " .
t.. a ,r"caor land belong-
utllX hm?rr' Lack township
with IV? Hth"' ,rr"-P".r.g will b. ds.lt
ltn accoidiiig to Ia v. 1
November 16, 1888.
W. 0. WALLS.
.w.lrtion. $1-00
"iveit 1.60 if J
' Traaaient aaverviav.
...a per inch for eacL
Tranaient business 1
.raa, 10 cents jn-r lin
pednctions will b n
w vertise ty tba
I 1 11 s III
Selinfgrove is to ba
Tbe next Sunday ("!
Lewistown fiif.s U
Diplheria baa put '.
Latest Stv'.aii of S;
Miss Ir.-ue Ali-.
in Lewii-town.
Buy tbe best tal.'.e
fcy W. Y. finvdrr.
Buy your l.ui)g-s
full stoik n tiaii.i.
Tbere are 5- rn.!
berland county - i i.
! 1
Coat-t.tig a
over" tbe couu
You ought t-i
furniture. It i
Larpet ami b.
at W. F. Snyder
If you art- th'.t.
do COt t"r'-l W
Ed. 5. h.T:v i,
siouary I u; 1: :i
Tbe Simivel
tbe plan; I" La1
Mis-1 lVHi
protrti -tc 1
Kcv. Saiu Ji t. ; i
in Altoona, en U.'
A revival in- i'
Lictinf:Cr.-k Li.
John l'.ir,"u . . i
f the Jac-o n 1!
Ao . c!:i -.- -t f
next Sa: ur.lay 1 v
Jlrs. Sati.l .
has retui i. J fi
in Ohio.
The Tl:ei::i
Satur lav
zero cm S. .!.?.;
Ciishifr. K-haniiMini'-
1 v
wife 1 r. i
tri. .
1 i-t
j .t.r
Bi e iL
It i- j' 1
tb ::. f
retire t!. ::i fi '
sore I i:rnii:.r
Uioney, 1 1. .n .1:;
Tbe II....-.- (
declar" n I'.r'
Thoeii.-. r :
Suy.l-r : M
will ti..t I t' -
RtaiLin!" r t1.-- ;
Saui'u 1 " ' i
rock, 1 1
lroiu a j.r't vc'-- i
l'rti i. i.t r;
cf li'Hu.-. ii ;
Of th..- I'i.:!. .1
Sfuu ire II- r'.'i e
hoM t mint 'ir-. i"
ture j-tor. u l!.v' 1
Orilli'lniit t
late I'm-m.I 1.!
tSutar.l iv in. '
Ilcii r,
: 1.- 1 1 1
at bis 1 1 :i ! 1
to Lis fiiiui.y
Th- 1) in
nyintr that 1 !.
victoi y f- 'l t
of tlnir Ji.Tt.
A i:irii!'t-r
Btt.tl tl.
at M:- M -' i
lat I'i i 1
ih-- AM.:
a ftv. hi'?-
All'.lt. V!: 1 t
from N--w I .
Oi.a : ;!'" '-'
era ol t '.1 t 1
rt-rt.ir a:. 1 a'
COUIltV .v.Tl.tl.
u otli. r :!
lar a-.-l !;!!.
sub-, r i; ' :i t
cmi ai.-l 7 ' f ;1
L:tt.- .I. M
-ate tl.ut ii
wer fn 1
AVcr-t. Ly tl..
I..-w i; 1
v-ii.ki: ' :i !'
a ,t. ) - .1
ty 1: r. w t
Tii- t.
Cuii l't '
tow ll. I. -;
f 1. 1:11.1 'l'-1
The (Vt-ti
tr-l iilli !.' '
atlfii l.il
liytci iiin c
ilj-t , Hi the
Itch. .Wai.j.
l.y-.V-..-i" "'
MitliiiiK. 11 r
To all i '! '
Kin ui.i. an '
one "';ar
H.v.;i 'r.
Rtforni, w.
las' wwk ft
I 1 a pe. in uiotj,
F-SRr .IhJ fr
Sr tcwtr rrff?a.
The SeW mnd gept,tritll offic.
USUI., . -
'VS&m-imnZ it.
to ?b work done. Ty i-:
v 11
tttnVad arry't
1 1 1 1 aa "awrtl