Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, January 18, 1888, Image 2

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x arras aaa raarairrea.
Canada npi nonce.! an euartuqua.
book last wk.
Chabi-hto, S mth Carolina jk
pi, wer acarnl last FriJav, by an
earth quaia shock.
Sta.tlit tba American, African ex
plorer is nut dead ; he has just bean
beard from in th Center of Africa.
work aince that time at a great lom
to theinsetvra- The; presented a dif
ferent excuse from the railroad strik
ing men- Lat September thej enter
ed into an agreetuvut to last to the
1st of January iust. to work for 8 per
i-eut advance on former wages on a
i oil baae price of 2 50. The;
also agreed that if on the lt of Jan y
the Lehigh miner au-i ulL.. ikiutrs,
lui J aJv-uictd wages ia b sua rates
the v should bare their wages rated
the same, bat if bo advance had been
made ia ways amocg the Lehigh and
their miners thn ti e wagca bhould
fail to tl.e price paid on or before the
fiiet of September. The Lehigh Com
party and utLer companies in the ri
Jaxe li. ISLAixi is a grand psp I in tnnde nu advan.-? in wnes, atii
an I the CTaadnon s name is James .i.at r.Mr,n : h TUuHorr Com-
luiy soked the coaI miners in theii
O. Blaine, and was born in New York
City on the 10th day of this month
This. is a bill in Congrfen that
provide for the punishment of any
officer of a natintuU bank who recievc
a deposit when the bank is ineolv-eat
Thb TJ. S. Senate proposes to in
vestigate the "ao of ngro intimida
tion at the late ruanii-ipal election in
Jackson, lt.His,ipj i, whereby the
colored voter were prevented from
VThat will coogrrn do with the
Facitic Railroad T whi.-h has failed to
make jrnod its obligation to the pov
rnoient When an iodividnx! fails to
cake good its oUiLrationit, the sheriff
is snt to a.ljn.-t the matter.
f the 10th ini-t, a w.ts struck in
a wfllat Secara Falia N. T, at th
depth cf HZO feet, after having
penetrated 2'0 feet into the Medina
Sand stone The Medina sand stono
appears in SLade mountain north of
F..cktek.v nr:.nuf.u Knights of La
txir in tue lU'ttdinij C1 and Iron
C)mpany miliary repair shops at
IVittsvilIo wi re ordT.l to strike by
the h-a. iii.maeuu-nf i.f the order
fprn IVediiij,'. but they acted like
wme men and did not strike.
Si ias eh Cakli:-' i iu distributing
tht "'2 ( liairuinn of Cosrreiwiooaj
Coruniittm-s :tTe :tl to the South
ern states and to the Northern
state. He was fjivni a practical il
ltlNliation that tiiO do; nhr.ll not a
tue tml, but that t!.e t.til t-hall w.t-
service to fall back in wages to the
.September rates. The Knights re
ft led to do it aliening that instead of
takirg less wages they bhould have
more wages, because the price of coa
Dud been advauced. Au other ptcn
liar phase of the case is found in the
rate of a few individual operators iii
the region of the strike. When the
strike took placv, the private opera
tors told their minors to coutinae
work that they would be paid the ad
vane wnges that the Heading bad
r f ined to r- TLia independsnt
action on the part of the private op
return induced the Heeding Railroad
Company to show its claws by rfns'
inj to haul the coal of the private or
individual operators, to market. The
public as it day by dry become bet
t r informed ae to the causes of the
atrikee become more disgusted with
the partieo, and are amazed at the
iriviala that canse th n BTtla.
A Western Elizzard.
the d v-
Ir st'crn.i like tii Kiipreuie height
of folly fur roil n:in workers who
reviv fl.',0 np t t" 00 a day to
strike in th dead of winter. It
sefrns like f ,! t. f-trike at any time,
w'.r. v ,",,., .k-eH nrn paid. The av
Amerienn v 1...
v i i e .. this country, it in anv
elnim that cth does not Btt such
tlu-mbyn ne.' :"" re thti wajes paid
They d' not .""'colliery at Shenan
oot upp. al to aM r,.B of 8eyen hun.
but they do Hp;,,. t
- i- of the Ai'uit.i.
0 n here to nl
ppeai.to he.!' 1.ti? an incident
thv broiler ' r of General
,--m i.iun-',. Bavs : "thero
"'acer braver than
lieni:. ' o and the nuirmw .f
hia tne is tuudo up of conrae. At
tU battle of Hull Run Mrs. Mahone
stopped a fow miles otf. watching the
smoke and hearing the thunder,
when the report came to her that
her husband w-u wounded. A mo
mcnt later cm Mahone's servant to
tell her that hix u.a.-tor's wouud
not dangertus, and tbut the td.i i
had ouly npp.d t,yu his fl.-sh. Mre.
Mahuce would cot believe the nies"
- sen-era story, fche wept as shetiuid:
It cannot be truA. My dear will nev
er have a fleu wound, for there ia no
flnh on little Billy jMahone."
Ir is a queer desire that the fVm
Ocra. y of the North have, to pluce
Lamar on the Supreme Bench of the
United States. If the Democracy
rr tr ie to their every diy life in the
Nor.b, they do not entertain opinions
of jrovernment sucii as Lamar enter
t.:"..s and pn.-h aa must run through
V?"hiHi opinion when he comes
-er them from the bench. But
such is the case of the Deu-ocratic
leaders of the north ; they have held
their party bound fat to Southern
men, who bvlieved in a different ays
tern of goveicmeut, and notwith
standing the rebellion they are ready
to fill up the Supreme C m t with
men who will not scruple to ne the
Coort to advmice the govermental
principle they leii. ve in. Must the
Democracy be etrn. k in the face by
its own leader, Lkeit was by reUl
lior, before it will realize the danger
of this course it is nrsuirig.
ITftM, Moat.. Jan 14 The
heriuoiuoT er here reiristered 40 d
trees below zeio last uirht. The
cold wave extend over the entire
terntorv. the nierenry ranging from
15 to 40 ilekTret a below zero. There
no trains mot e; Two men were
frozen to death at Marvsville.
I.rwoor. I , Jan'y 14. Two rbil
dren of Mr. Fitzerahl perished yes
terday on their way home from
Storv. Fai.ia Pak . Jan. 14 Many
people in this vicimtv were raunt
ut in the etorm. One citizen iav
11 night in a scow bank, wit'iin a
alf mile of town, between his horse.
escaping with bis life. Another man
as found dead yesterday, standing
at the nide of a bnrn northwest tf
town. All the railroads will s'art
their snow plows to day.
Oarrisom. Neb . Jan'y 14 Three
l i , t t. T : . .
cn'iiiren ni iinuu LTti iujjri, uo at.
tempted to go home rrnru the school j
duiinjr the starniveeerday, lost their
ay and remained out ail nic' t.
When they were found this rooming
orie was frozen to death ; the other
two mnv recover.
Barks-ton, Dk , Jn'y 1 4 V B.
Headlev was frozeu to datu near
here "esterdav.
St. JonrH, Jan'y 14 Between
thi city and the Iwa line and in
aoutht ru Nebrat-ka acd northern
Kansxs, farmers are reporting great
Ions o' !iv stock, which lat nitrht
frozo i - leAth in the stalls. Two
fctock trains that bad been delayed
arrived last n ':ht ith ev-ry hed of
catt.e dead. M..t.t of the pai-fentrer
trains are abandoned. Tire Missouri
J'tu'ific between Omaha and Kansas
City is closed, and a i. the Burling
ton and Missouri River road but. ween
St. Joseph aud IX LTtr.
The Strike In PenBtjlvann.
What PrnDei Ivauia Citipr men
I know about tbe s'rike on the Ueadms
Raiiruail and about th atrik siueug
tbo ixluera id tba aolbracite eual.'egloo
ma; be laaraad from th tuiluvibi;. in
terview reported in tba New York Her
ald a tew daji gn.
Seuator Catuerno (Rep ) Yoo know
I am ntvvr interviawed. I have nothing
to lay about it.
Seuator Quay (Rrp ) I do not ears
to tiprens an epiuion publiolj upon
ibis queatioo at praaeot.
Mr. Atkinaoo (R-p ) Tba moat as
curate statement 1 cao make on tbe
abject ia tbat I kouw notbiog abuut
I do not knew
,V the Knights of Labor order
sd a strike cf railroad men in the
ervueof the Reading Railroad Com
Pi-y it was. because Knights at Tor
RchmotJ La.1 refnaed to bandie
goods with men who were outside of
th list of membership of the awtl
ord -r of Knighto of Labor, and for
anus rousing to work wete dischanr
ut uie l.ailroa
work. Bat Swsiard, wbo is th chief
bandog of lb oppression, repudiated
bis agreement sad refused to reiaatat
some of the men. In this I think, th
rai'road sompariy was wroog. Tbis
whole tbng is aa a'Utopt on tb part
of tbe Readme Compasy to ernah oat
organ i ted labor. While I cannot
prophet) as to th outcome, 1 be
bop that tb see will be eucoefL
Mr. Kuekahw (D m) I bare n
opiaioa opoo tbe aojtet to iv.
Mr. Darlington (Rep.) Tb people
wbo should know moat about the troth
of tbe eoBflierinff atateiaeote made tbe
workman and tbe railroad people do
not seem to be able to seroe mpon the
facts, and 1 do not ar to give an opin
ion boot having teetiroooy npoa whioh
I can baa it.
Mr. Pa!ill(Rep ) I bavan'l eaf
6oient kaoel'dge n( tbe origin of the
trouble and tbe qaeations involved to
have or ei press any opiuioo on tbe enb-
Mr. Ermentront (Dem. )I prefer not
li aat aoytbiug arxol it.
Mr. Ilieataod (R-p.) All I have
read on the enhjeet 1 bave forgotten. I
naioral.y take an io threat in tb daily
narrative of tb etrnggla, bnt I read
a boot it jtiat aa 1 read cither new, not
to form ao opinion, bat to keep np wilb
carreol event.
Mr. Hall (Dem I In my own exper
ience with somewhat siaiilar employes.
elibcagh we have somstimes dissgraed.
I nave never found tbem nnrcaonable
ben tbey were fairly brought to se
he faote in tba ease. I think if ihe
ailroad eompanr weald treat tbeir men
ranklj and ia a spirit wbieb would
bow tbat tbey war not seeking to take
unfair aJautages, the strik would
soon be settled. Yet I would not say
there are not grievanees on both sides.
There nuallv are.
Mr. llarmer(Rep.) At tbie distance
from tbe seene of tb trnnblee 1 do not
feel prepared to discos tbe sotject or
rzpresa sn opinion about tba equities of
tbe ease.
Mr. Jackson (Rep.) I am not euf
Oeieatly familiar aitb tbe facta to yen
tare an opinion.
Jodira K-lv (Kepi l nav no
opinion to nive. 1 bave not been in very
good bealrb. aud, beidee. I bave been
too bury with naueoal affair to gne
tb matter study.
Mr. Sowde (Dem.) I haven't bad
any opportunity to analjie tbeeotiBiot
ine statement with which tbe oppos
ing sidea bave filled tbe newspapers.
.Mr. Lynch (Dem ) I think tbat
labor ought to be paid tbe bigbeal wages
possible, and tbat miner employed in
laogerone drndgary nndar ground
should be paid tbe best.
Mr MoCnlloogb (Rep ) Tb aom
pan-.- should not be permuted to import
foreign cheap labor to break tbe striks.
Mr. MoLurmick (Rep ) There is so
much controversy between tbe company
aud its employes as lo tb real issue
involve ibat I can give no opinion
upon tbe merits.
Mr. 'laieb(Dem) To answer each
a question woold require on my patt
grraf investigation and mors reading
tban 1 bave time to devote to tbe lab
Mr. Fatten (Rep ) I have been in
ti country, out of tbe way of tbe daily
papers, for tb paal ten da) a, and would
not like to venture ao opinion until I
bave read up on what bat been develop
ed latel.
Mr. Randall (Dam ) Tbe question
is one which involve C"uip'iuatt-d issues,
aud until 1 aui better informed I mast
reserve my opinion.
Mi. Scull (Rrp)I don't care to
eipreaa an opinion upon suob eontra
dietory information as 1 have on tbe
niettrr. -
Mr. Yard ley (Rp.)--I don't see any
sumciant jusi.&uaii. u for tbe sine, k
Worth Knowing,
Rl.ACK Loo. Juniata county. Pa
Ttitre is a way mat neeuielu rij;ui
unto a man ; but tbe end thereof are
tie wjisof dontli. Proverbs 11 li
and 16 "25, "Cursed be the man wbo
trnpteth in man, and maketh flesh
bis arm. Jereuimh 17 5.
"BaotiKtu" B.y the Bil le diction
ary "is the holy . rdiDuui-e by which
persons are adiui.ted at memliers of
the Christian Church. It isadiniuis
tered in the name of the Father, S n
and Iloly tlhoet, and is a visible and
pnblic piof. ssion of faith in Christ
an. I bis Salvation. When Christ
sent his apostles to discip e the na
tions, no doubt part of their mode of
preaching coueieted in pointing out
the nature, design and the proper
subjects f.r baptism. Tbere are
hundreds and thousands, yes, millions
that did not come into the church
voluntarily, but were forced into the
church by the consut of mother and
the act of the preaoher, witbont faith,
repenUnce or knowledge on the irt
of the sut-ject. This is certainly con
trary io me apostolic or.ler of iuduct
Tbat I can sror toothacub in ieaa than
Brv minutes ; ao pain, no extracting.
That I can extract teeth without pain,
by tbe use of a Hold applied t tb teeth
and gums; no danger.
That Diseased v Onai (known
aa Scnrvy) treat j;,T auocoeatully
and a cur warj5rtjLa". ranted ia every
Teeth Frus and warranted lr life.
Artihcial Teeth repaired, exchanged, or.
remoddled, from $.Ot to $li per act.
Beautif ul Gum Enaiaeled Teet inserted at
prices to suit all.
All work warranted to give perfect aatis-r.i-n.,.
Peonla who bave artificial teeth
with which they cannot eat, are especially
invited to call. Will viait profeaaienaliy
at tbeir homes if notified by letter.
Will viait nxnlarlv at Richfield th tad
weeks of May and October.
Tsaas Cask.
G. Ii. DERR,
Practical Dwatlst.
Oct. 14 t5. .
Cheepttt, Brightest, Freaheat and
and inqoired wtiat, to do. f eter a
answer in reply was Re pent, and be
baptized every da of yon in the
name of Jesus Ch ifit for tba remis
sion of sins and ye ehaJl receive tbe
gifts of the HolyJGhost," Arts 2 3S.
Also verse 41. Tnen t bey tbat glad
ly received his word were baptized."
The subjects of this baptism are
represented aa believers. Several
things ocenred tbat infants could not
do. They could not aek what to do;
neither could they repent, nor re
ceive the Word. As the three thoa
sand did previous to tbeir baptism.
Had their been any otheis baptized
but believers, no doubt the apstle
would bave refened to it, Every
can-li-l truth seeker will admit tbat
not one was baDt-zed on th - day of
Pentecost t.iat could not have gladly
received th) Word. Therefore in
fant bnptiBiu in found vaul B,' in onr
first case of baptism. The second
report of Chritutn baptism we fiod
in Acts 8, where l'bilip preached tbe
vospel t the citizens of samarss, a
citv a'lout forty two miles from Jnr
nsalem. Tbere was irieat jov. the
p-opl-5 gave beed to tiie things
which were spoken bv Philip, aud
when they believed Philip's preach
in j the things concerning tbe king
dom of God and the name of Jenns
Christ, tbey were baptized both men
and women." Simon himeif, tba
aorceter also believed and was bap
tized. None but believing men and
women were baptized- The purlieu
larity of detail which mentions he
Iievers would have undoubted. y men
tioned infants bad tlieir been auv
biptteed, therefore infant baptism is
frtund wanting in the second curie
Christ! tn bapiism. Ine tun 3 -ae
of baptism on record ie that of tbe
Ethiopian noblemen of great author
ity, nn ler Queen Canduce, wLo bad
coma to Jerusalem .o worsLip. 1 In.-
ip beard Lira read tbe prop net Emhs,
Acts 8 35. e are informed that
Philip opened hs tuou.b and preach
ed unto bim, J?su, und when they
came unto a certain water, tbe in
quiry was made, ''What does hinder
me to be baptized." Tbe reply of the
Evangelist was, "If thoa lielievest
with all thy heart thoa mayesL" Up
on profession of faith the eunuch
was baptized sLo ing that in every
cai-e a profexsii-n of faith is essential
to the r-c p i n of Christ mn baptibm.
The eunuch first believed. Infants
cannot believe, therefore we Lave no
allusion to infant baptism in tbe
third case, and it is found wanting
The fourth case of baptism on record
is "Saul of Tarsus," afterwards call
ed Paul, Acts 9. It is not necessary
to prove tbat this was a believer 'e
baptism as hia case is plainly stated.
When Auanias wu tent to lead bim
into the light of the gospel, he aroue
and was baptized. It was a volun
tary baptism, one that indicates faith,
repentance and a desire to do the
Lord's wi!L Infants cannot rise on
tlieir ovn accord to be baptized.
therefore theie is not a single intim
ation of iufant baptism in the fourth
case. 1 be bftu case on record is ttiat
of the Gentiles at Ceserea, Acts 10
44. We are informed tbat while Pe
ter yet spake ihe Iloly Ghost fell on
1 of them which beard tbe word.
Ir fa tit 8 can bear the sound of the
Word bat cun not beed it, consequent
ly inlant baptism is again (ound want
ing. The sixth case of baptism in
tb.it of Lvdia and her household.
is 16. Lvdia was a dealer in pur
pie and lived in the citv of Tbyatira.
On this case acd that of ti e Ph lipian
ailor tne mlvocat. s of l if.int baptism
put much stress to prove tueir fa
vorite system. They assume that
Lydia was a married ladv and tbat
she bad children and tbat some of
ner conuren were in a e'ate of in
fancy, an
nev t in rnese acMiMiittmnaiiiov
to f .nnd a positive ord, i. V..w . ; Advocate mt th. B.. I.tereata of th
w firob ible that she was an nnmn
The Most Complete Newspaper Pub-
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Jaa IS, 1186.
Mr Kmnliim lR.. I
what 1 n.d u,lk if 1 had n c, t,r . jinS 'r9 into the cburcb. -Go
nn.t, u laarn ibo aath.oi.o t... o. the ' J" ,l,tu11 the w ,rlJ Ph th
hIti i ein j creature. "Llo that
litlievt th wnl ih baptized shall be
eavei, but L- ttit bt-lieveth not shall
be Jtnn.l." Mark 16 15 16. H-re
the prrrq iiitrs to haptUm are
clearly letinnj to tlie subject. First
tbey are to be taught aud second
they are to tx lieve. Fath. repen
tance and baptism are linked togeth
er and are the proper prerequisites
to church members Lip. Faith changes
the heart, repeutance the life, and
baptism the relation, and the gospel
of Jesus Christ is addressed to per
sons who can understand, reason,
believe repent and obey. Infants
are not capable of understanding,
reanin, believing, repenting or
obeying, therefore tbey are not the
proper subjects for bapliaui. Christ
oiVd for tie original suis, and if tbe
airired J.nn.r. 1 ,y !T I . . . ore comi..its actual
wnhhiz.;ihWm;r: tolgem.Mt
a. v bieh is right, dvpcnJa aiuiuat
entirsly upon who is tiling tb truth
aooul tb ungic and basis dist..t.
Mr Bunnell (Rp J I agrva with
Mr. Vardiej aa to tbe qaratu) ut car
rjirg eual fur nnn-nnion cuatuniers. Tb
qasiun of wsea, whiob are also in
volved, will bava to be passed opoo by
persnna who are nearer th soarosa of
aeenrate infm niatioo than I.
Mr. Bane (Krp ) So far aa 1 bave
keen ahle to get at tba aols of tb ease,
tbey lead m to think tbat th men are
right in dnmanding higher wages. I
think tbey ought to be better paid
Mr Brauim (Rep.) i tb Rrpreeeo
tativ of the district in wbieb th strike
ia on. Hi opinion is therefore git ln
full. He said, Tbe men are uuduubted y
in the right. When th agreeoieur wnu
'(.wiuj mr ms 01 wage
ment was made. Notaithsrandirg this
fact, the Reading Compsny atteoit ted
to rdnee th w.gP( 0f ,h. mnK ,n4
tbia reduction is what tbe earners are
reaistinp In tbe regitfh affected by tb
seal tb t' 60 bssia preva.l w.ta an
tncreas cf twenty one aent p,r t-n for
neulitr for the original sina.r m-ir-.l
and all that is necessary to save it ia
a triuiiiphant renurrection from the
dead. Bnpti-m is a visible and pub
lic profession io Christ ; faith is a
necewurv qiiahCetion to all Chris
tian pructi. Infants cannot come
io uud-r tbis hend a ti.ev
have faith. As a knowledge on anv
Ml . I
n .; : r. r .uuM luue-r,IubIe 1 h-i .h,, i. ' " o,e e-a beet ?b
Zf ri- . mowing, leader. --fk j-bbin, operatn,.. 1 h.ve be-n 1 re at. ,7! i 1
of a.trikeatuot.cthecoalmLr, stoekhoWer unloaded ,l.l '!'V,.,,,4-"-'''r- iu"
II ha.l s..a.. s i r ... r J wbv.ui tfaTL 11 Is. I ll FtTUtttA, I
niinrta. in
.. ..
me oouuyiam region, ia the
Of rue Reading Kailroad ITi
. lkJ sa...B..a a. i o
aervica vidnc to tne tbat tbev v- ,iA
nirjff C!ntn. I hia waa
T-u , . " i "e-
-' m min.rs euiploye.1 by ' annera' stnk. b
Uie c srapany Dumber between 30 and ' b "on'onsded
4if tnonaaod
ever, abonld
ilk that of tha r..t
Tb.yaU atruck about l,"t,"k ' ,b S,M '"'. I 'h-k
M i ' man war wrnns an1
m "w
iel btdy rather thitri a manird ltd',
and even if it could be shown i. t
she nn atrarried lady and bin! cl: 1
dren, is there any pi -of tbat any of
them were id a state of infancy.!
Households have leen baofizfd. '
where tber? was not a siDle infant
among the number.
J. E. M.
A Peculiar War Story
Cincinnati, Jan. 14 There w:!l be
i OieetiDg of old ("Idlers in Covington
bia afternoon which baa in view a aioet
peculiar obj-et.
Iario tbe war a regiment was or-
ganiied in Coington compoed ruainlv
ot lovinirtnn peor.l. Thev wrre sworn
in by Seers fully authorized to per
form tbat dn'j and were put under
command of Capt. Anioa Sbinkle Tbey
went into tbe wtr and served through
it, beirg, kuowo a the gallant 41 ta
Kentucky Volunteer. It is 23 r
since tbe last gun was fired and manv
ot tbe regiment are numbered among
tbe dead. Some were killed in baft!,
others rave died sine, bet not a moth
er's son of them was ever tnusurcd out
of service and no en ha any paper to
indieat that he was discharged, al
though tbe regiment served ia several
battles. Aa a consequence every mem
ber of tie Forty first Kentucky Volun
teers is entitled to pay up to tbe pres
ent time, nd the meeting at Xo. 527
Madison street, Covington, tbia after
noon will be for tbe purp. se of adopt
ing some meaos to aeeure tbeir dis
charge and pay. Mr. Amo Shinkle,
who commanded tbe regiment, it still
alive, and will b with hi men this
afternoon to see what ean ba done.
Sbeold tbe men's claim prove valid and
be successfully prosecuted eaob man
will b entitled to $3,583, oouctinr from
th elose of the war.
Horns Tbms Eansr est tbs Saloon
To Friend wf Amerlcta La&or.
Th Fsfrartto Hswtpspet a
faopl of Rcflamt Taetea
Gold and Sifter Mining Co.,
JO?EPII H. REALL, President.
42-48 Congress St., Boston,
67 Broadway, New Tork-
th 8rd mat, anj Uv Ua ,a
sad retaraed I
Tbe twelve Mines and mill of tbi
cooppany have just been examined bv
barfiso, on t! ."tr" SLV"10?' iie.chant.
aa the fi.t rjl " p' T" J1K W'D' WUo "ports the
. . . ' Dest in America lor ita
iu the Acts of Le ArUta and epis
tolary wniin-a, t. nt.d out wh, Vh-I
. . - " sj-IFnil 1IHVM lfliir la&AW . v
ange, .Boston, who report
erty as represented. It i
rauititud- wa. pricked in tC'ZZ lT lor "PiUlimion.
Tr mny rrs tb tufty iitloa ef the Kw
Tors MAIL A NO FXFKEsa hu b9n rco-
Bi:a utbelnta Br aiLermona MDvr of Ine m.
tritToll vh'la 1,. wivklr Ml ffni. haw. rwan fll s
FAV'!K1TC nOillt FvPrRtn thooMi of
fattniliea m ewr state In Uia Vnton. lthMMMliied
us rv popnUriiyT tvod mfluecre br lt mtr
riftelo tii oo.ct.vi of new, tb rtuity ot iim
tone,.vn4 tbo Abultv-auid courage of tt tvlTorc
of tb RiifTit oo ail qaeUotit of pobllo lntrow.
F'R ltho Mail ad Kxrtm will
Home Xewspapcr,
It wobrtn rxr-rTmrtorvn ttitS tt othr trt 1 cjtt.
fr- 1 r 11 nta f rs.l t fs a Ci . a r r- r
v auT whore. aal pbnit nollirnr lsor ncr
x.ptno t rcro fr.r tt rar ho Trybost
A'-Ta7-azeaA ox c vrBjrT iltoimVoi
tnrtruiBiuit o Oi l.TT st PTIOf fta!9
porttitooi wltii a i our n'::tat, .;"'-lwtTi
trtmtopDOSULC part-c w.ia ccaaidoxaaon aaa fair
The?tn.A3rorvssfa tin rtior-.li wi
rnw i;;rnat or Vn conatrr a tas trru A.t
eale!l Kermflrnaiorxii--Tit. it l-iiisrrs thst
tbo Uqnar trafoc as tt axtsu tojlay m VnltrA
-I -
n :; ths
LEa tst
saU sup.
PUUSUUUaiiRnr nf mm.i , r 1
cf eorrnpr.on In polltirn. the eJlv ot ansxrur. a
srhant oTcilTaa, ud. with Ita st-iwti put of
w w(uiM7 nmira .ficuons auu i cisia.
"a. to a BMtit to the pcllio weifara 4
acriea tbe oonaeuinattea ef all i-OOC man.
In brief, ai wb wisn to hare tktiT
koma a FIRt- TJk NWsl-Mll Vl
"i -wi vwwa. oiaaa &afma ana
rooracons. reft kitwllv n.n.... jLTn
tiins ot aenend jinbllo luterask will But ba
lisrTinta la tnaF ai:t. " lxraii'"Ba3
werasposuallx aouclt twur Influence suaT sup.
M.00; iuuL Oii, .'j, i Oi oa s iaoa 17
s ."T PrBWCRTBKm to the TVnr.LV
ZSJiLtn Pr f T 1 acktaa; and
5V4! rtw-fiTaa an a rrecnt Irani Uie Mail
lora ai.4 ic.-M, exa t eo;..rs ,.t m,
S-2-.1:er"'J.',i ' tatin lu sl, rc. . to
-w a3 liU WHfVOaia
sen I'm KtTT. D KiMlq
: i iT jr Iic!'' " l-'l t.e.
.i;t.'rel.'u," n olferrd to snbsorltMrs a
tfteljoatl.her alt ma 1 har oaaoot ka
JciJcd turn. btuU lur oux circBlju.
eirf.bSri'i ", l. A.eat. an ao.
.,ios,r-,'f,TKRS t thalr sSTvrATT4
e2"iet,n sT.vT" ,1 wn. r. a.v7li
esntaT I ""'- Irro vasTl np;.
il k a ei.clono tne addressof
' .nan la. Aadraaa aanlr Tua u.rT...
of prime qnality boneht in an qnantitv for
eab on delivery, free of brokerajr com
mission, ainrace. fcc.. by '
do no e a oixatt.
Imporfcra and Exporters, e8 Wiiliam St..
New York. Anr. 17. 87. 6m!
After children have learned
to read, the greatest educator
is the newspaper. Every man
f-hould do justice to his family
hv subscribing for a public
Subscribers who are4 in ar
can avail themselves of-this
combination offer by paying ar
rearagea aud paying one dollar
and fiftv cents in advance.
thereby securing the two pa
When you have subscribed for
the Sentinel and Republican
you are certain m your secure
ment of the county paper that
gives you a larger quantity and
greater variety of reading mat
ter than is presented by other
journals published in Juniata
county, and when you accept
this combination offer of the
two papers you have secured
for yourself and family a news
paper prize of inestimable val
ue for a price so low that it
Amounts to almost a marvel.
In this day and generation it
amounts almost to a wrong to
one's self and family to deny
themselves the advantage of a
good paper like the SENTINEL
& REPUBLICAN and a state
paper like the WEEKLY
PRESS. There are more than
a thousand and one things dur-
ing the passage of a year
that interest and sometimes di
rectly benefit the individual
and family, that appear in the
home paper but like the rain
sunshine and air, that we are
so familiar with, we do not ap
preciate as they merit.
Do you appreciate a first
rate offer T Have the kindnei
to mention it to your neighbor
if your neighbor has -ot al
ready found it out, and if he
has itVill not do harm
A T T O R N n Y - A T-L A W,
ay-Collcclinf and conveyancing promptly
attended to. Office in aecond story of Bet
lord building. En Wane en Main
4-ar.y-Bi .J
Lotna K. Ateissos. F. M . Tps-ill
gSr-Collectinc and Cayaciaj pre as pi
1 attended to.
t, - n u.; straet. ia place ef resi-
j ... I K Aikiaaon. Kea.. south 1
Bridge etreet. JOct Uti, 1S8S.
n.. ,..nmed actively th practice of
Medicine and Snrgery and tbeir collateral
branches. Office at the 01a corner 01 1 uhu
and Orauge atreets, Uifflintown, ra.
areh 29, 1876.
Jobs McLai-onLiir. JostSn W. Stimi
MCLAFGHUI a 8T3iniil.,
CyOnly reliable Companies represented.
D.?c. 8, 18K6-ly
Jcw Firm.
To the coming and coinc of
Seasons we must all conform.
j The Goods suitable for spring
and summer must be supplant
ed by
We have now fitted our
shelves with Fall and Winter
Goods of all kinds. Our cus
tomers have appreciated our
efforts to give thtin goods to
suit their purposes, and we
believe that we are better pre
pared than ever to merit their
confidence. We invite )Ou to
come and see and be eati.-fied.
In our dress goods department
we have almost everything.
Don't be backward, call for
what you want.
Shoes and Hoots.
Our Boot and Shoe De
partment is full in its assort
ment, and you certainly can be
suited in fit, quality and price.
Whatever improvements have
been added by the manufactures
we have them all. We can
supply you with foot wear for
any in or out door service. Our
grocery Department never lags.
V e nave on hand a lull line of
Fresh, Plain and Fancy
Also, the only full line of
in the county. Every house
must have its full buddK- of
Queens and Glassware, this is
tne store to call on for such ar.
All orders by mail will re
ceive prompt attention.
llemember the place,
Main Street, Oppositk Cocbt IIotjse,
31 i HI in tow 11, pa.,
A Son.
Oa aa alter Suaaay Wor'r lSlb, ISSf
traias tkat etas at Mialia will re a astaliewst
A ltooh a AocommodaTio leave Altoaaa
daily at 6 20 a. m., Tyrone 6 62 a. n.,
Huntingdon 6,33 a. m.. Mount Union at
6.f) a. in.. Newton Hamilton 7,04 a. m.,
cVt-vtown 7,26 a. in., Lewistown 7,58 a.
m., Milford 6.11 a m., aiiffiin if, 17 a. in.,
Port Kojal 8.28 a. m-, Isezioo b,28 a. ia ,
Tuscarors 8,32 a. m., Vandyke a. 35 a. m.,
Tbompsontown 8,43 a. m., Durward H.47 a
mM Millers town 8,64 a m., Newport 9,'Jo a.
in., arriving at Iiarnaburg at IU 10 a. as.,
and at r'hiladrlj.hia, 8 16 p. ra.
Sea Saoac Exraaas leave altoona daily
at 6.f5 a. m.t and a topping a all regular
stations between Altoooa and iiarriauurg,
reaches sIiClio at it-HQ a. m., Harriaburg
11.40 p. U., and arrive ia Philadelphia at
8.15 p. ai.
Mail Tsais learea Pittsburg daily at
6.66 a. iu., Altoona at 2,00 p. m., aud slop
ping at all regular stations arrives at Mifitia
at 6 13 p. m., Uarrisburg 7.00 p. aa., fhila
adulpliia 4 26 a. is.
Mail Express leaves Pittsburg at I 00 p ra.
Altuoua b 20 p m ; Tyrone ii 64 p m j llunt
tngdon 7 7 p m ; Lewistown ti 6 1 p m ; Mif.
tlin9 16ptn; Harriaburg 10 4S p 01 ; Phila
delphia 4 26 a m.
Philadelphia Kxpres U1 ctp st MlMla
at 11 S3 wkea flggl.
Fast Lixc leaves Phiad.-lph!a dailv at
11 60 a m ; Harrioburg 8 40 p m ; MitBia
6 0Gpm; Lewistown i 28 m j Aitocaa
8 10pm; arrivra at Pittsburg at 1 1 6 a aa.
Wat rAsaiaoia leave Phila.lalphia'
daily at 4 30 a. m.; Harrisburg, 8 15 a. ai.;
Duncsnnon, 8 64 a. m.; Newport, 2tt a.
m. Milleratown, 9 40a. m.;Thoaipsoutown.
9 62 a. m.; Van Dyke, 10 00 a. ra ; Tuscar
ora, 10 04 a. ra.; Mexico, 10 07 a. aa.: Port
Royal, 10 18 a. Mifflin, 10 20 a a 1
ilford, 10 26 a. m.; harrowa, 10 34 a. tn.',
Lewistown, 10 46 a. in.; McVeytuwn, 11 14
a. m.; Newton Hamilton, 11 39 a. ra.; Uua
ungdoa, 12 17 p. m.; Tyrone, 1 04 . m ,
Altoona, 1 40 p. m., and atop at all regular
stations between Harrisburg a4 Allo'aa.
Ortvaa Exracss leave Phila.le)aai ei-
lv at A All 1J :
- i" -f uwriiuurs. I u jm b m.
stopping at KocavUl. Mary.vilU, pincaa
77 I V MV "'"wnofn, Tfcomnontow.
1 ort Koyal, time at Jtirrlm, U 60 a ia Al
toona, 2 20 a. m., and Piti.buxg, 6 lo'a.aa.
Alt, laaia leave Pl.ii.tj..,T'
port, 1U p. m., Jluu.n li.; p. m!, .to..
pi jg at all regular af.tiOL, bat. 'Mim'
and Altoon reache. Aitooaa ai 8 J J
t utsburg 8.20 p. m.
Aitooba AoceaaoBATtoa learea PhH
adelphia da, y at 11 60 a. m., Brx.b.rt ..
r---y. ., junierstow b M p. ta
Tbompsontown 6 46 p. ,., r.u'drk,' 4
p. m Tuscarora 6,48 p. m., Mexico h 50 .
tn., Port Koyal 6,64 pP . Xl?a '
4H p. m nKUlU UajMitoa 7,10 p !
Huntingdon 7 40 Altooa. t 0 "
jTC'?.C E?PreMi6 Philadelphia H 2
39 ir"sI,",Urg V m 5 Duncannon
89 m; Newport 4 01 am; MiHin 442a
So a'mP 6" Huntingd...
20 1 a m i Petersburg 6 33 . ra , Hpruca Creek
b48,m, Trron, 7o7.B' .11'. M.U.
Harriaburg at 1 l6 '' 1"r"
" ST PasseiiVMr . u ..
1 rains leave 1
my at 8 8S I0 - - .., ,,-
unction freai
p a ; frost
Trains arrive at r J-.-. ' .
Sunburyat 9 25 a m, 4 lo'p .
Trains lr To.
PennsylvaniaVy'rr: arrior. M.rk,
m and 4 30 p m. a dCotu 0 a
Train arrive f -
ville aud ClearUeld V ""a Curweas
n, 6 17pm and 11 46 a
Trains arrirB f T. r
68 a m, at 2 36 p m. ' " r
on from Scotia, War-
ureses at
bs fr.
B. T. R. B. A. BEDFORD nivtoTnv
Train leave Huntinel, r. t,,-
P-tn.,6 20p. m Cun"erland at 12 16
hollidaVsburg BRANCH
7 2To,."m,r20 VTrjr '-s..-.
iua arrive at
south, .t 6 60 ;mr'
W P IO, I 25 n rr, ... j .
- 1- . .uu IU 0O p
uona fiora aoiats
n. 9 65 . 7'
t-A(JT10J ItOTlC
bunting, cutting. ,"XrCTi'Ded ""t
throarir.. a u8 "niOer, bnlidina- fires.
crossing fleld.: ",.'."4 r
on iDTnrtka 1 . V1 W1B ItreMP&Miae
"" trtuataa t .
ing to th nnderalan.H T inl v10'
tor peraooa tbu, trrasD,,in
with acemHir,. ,pM,n1
-ua ia t
Irlk toi
November 16, 18-g W' 4 WALLS
e-w.ntlAn al .OO Tier
ia advance; $1.60 if not pl
r...,Mit advertisement!
eaU per inch for each ip-sotI
Xraasient business noticrl
Deductions will be male 1 1
ta advertise by tbe year.
Oroaad Hog Ps, is tba rl
latest Styles of Spring ij
at Snyder'a
Buy the bwt tb!e in An,.-!
by W. P. Bnyder.
Buy your limnpfi st
fnll stock on band.
Bamuel Rollmao t--rhf al
at Arch Rock school hn:s
You oiicbt t jnt
furniture. It is J -isl gr m !.
Largest an l b-' ai' T'-.i.
at W. F. Snyder's in li 1
If yon sre thinking of I -do
not forget W. V. Snvler
Tbe beautiful t" th rtt-j-:tl
came down at Tburtlsv
Henry Sac!e3 s-"1 ('.
H. Wiaey's st..r si WcA
The rai'ruai ire hi.t-- ii
enlargeinrnt. to h'.lj tj t
The thermometry w (1
iegrres of t 'at Tnurt-ls J
The Smrivii im Kn
the j!ace to l.ae ,i.r a
The t hr.ri ;i of tt e H .ti
Christ w drdictd li's I
F;nratispb lr- g t '.
laiios at fc:g Rue scl.v .; 1
Mies Rate Ttiftn, t.il
tbg a uiuskcai scLcol tn '!.!':
Christian Sl.e U r he rjrer 1 I
old his storr i. II. Vi
Hon. B. T. J '. t c Li
Pres-drnt of ti e l'.rry C i.r.'
alios Anni" Usrtin or M
been vifitii j ter fr:-iid '.t -r . r
In tbis )ict.
in Oliio wtji-, wa miiei to
all at one tnii'.''
A Ta'.tll!e t,ora ')Ti, d t
of Cula K i.e. rtii ' u.r f
tsrsoa s lew data sg".
The PenttsjlvaMa, l''.
will mt-et at Itif I.'., Ki-:
OB Wcdn'sJay a't- -'. J i
- W. F. Snv.lrr in V
more furniture tor
aaoDi-; , t!i n
Snv l, r of V r-:. i. ! -will
n .' 1,- ! r 1 it: '-
Reuiituber tb.- ) ' ''''
' One ti! the g'e v-t c
this w-.rld is ti. bi'-tt V
log la'. r r.n tL -y '. L.
(UlM ) Jo'.irns!.
S-erai. im( i' - f I' :1
Churc b rerv t"e:::' c '
tory t- ocnuii"' 1
bath the d .!..:
l.sdi. b 1 1 ;! V,"
Church. ill ! ! a ,'
McMie:.' t: 11 t n !. n
lie are .' 1 1 '
S. D. la-th-.-ts !s f.r.i
bne. Sir. 5l.-l..n 1 s-
With that oSi -e t. iv. - j a . .
on the i h:.A.i--pi!- '
No other o5-r !.k tl.
lar ana ti'tr i-'tr.i t . ..tv t
ubscript i.n t t:, SrsriNf .
as aud T-it H'ffif.'j J'i'i'
Conerfa-u.an .Mti:i"n I.
apon the CiMiir, nr,,:i ' '
nmliia Afla.rs, si.d i-r m ''
tures iu tie fa's !'f, ir'.i..-:
ifca. Moil'- i - -a
hnian or an. mi - 1 1
by H"io'ur i'j .s j'.i.'j' y ii,;
fails. Su.d ! L. fca:..sa:..l I
MiSllutun Ta. ''
Tb Perry ('..'mty Ff--:..
Maude h I ' ' n. 1 r
county, si kf.a K: a At.
ioysl, sre the :aiy si - l-'.t
amy, rk:ch h arJ .',ti J -
To a'.l lar:'"?' ' ' ':
tirlllKii : 1 1 T arr-i,
a do'.:r : 1 ' '
Wttkly f r, acd ft.- !
HSL1CAS :'' t'
A . T.'nti 1 had a v a
on fraturdav a wr.-s.. .-, I"
A loaded ,-i w-." !. '
hill when the t .:.-. I.f '.'
wagon tan on '.! t, r-'
down, ki:'. i r '
Williatn J-M.',i".
Thunder." I v b.s 'an. ir
been at the ! ed ..! a
ODorate! m l',-rk, .-
" -art of ranrh:a co;.:.t
a few days aio.
If you desire to kn .w w
vania rejr.senta'.A " i-
a boo! the strte u. t!.:a r .
Tork HersM's interiew
ca the QU-tj.,n aa iu!m
olumn 1 1 tbia aper.
The light of iho hurni' g
anl the Met' oiit c u-r'.
plaln'.y seen by poopte st
Thursdar eTeninr. One I
riole were throw u out ot
the fire. Li! -0,000.
It Is the suro'ni that H
ing bretbreo. Lrare tt,. 1
enorgh snd there :!! Ie
about. Instead of s.lrp',.
sjefalcaiion. K"r oro.-t
adminmtration, and many
Last Wednesday, tt e
brooght ao action assist
nrer John M. (V petind. a :
Middagb, W. W. Copo an
and W. S. N.rtb to r,c,
due the coonty at the tnu
melit of Copeland from li
the county at iLeS-st 01 D
English rT,n LiTou-l
Hard Soft, or Cs'louaed
isbas from borae, Elood
Splints, S'een, Uim
: V
- - aptu at 1"1.
IFWK wtwWAiiisr it'.
Th SrBfti .- ..
Sprains, ail Swolen Tbro
inla-v.. : , "F'ir
JoCc ift
Iryit. lift"
V in tW ii'e
Slsve iC Vr .e f M
, . ci juo work don. v
1 rT yoo if ya ,nrWl
4oae at fata
1 -: