Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, January 11, 1888, Image 2

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.-. .1
BBtrea a raeratrrea.
Ths PreiJnt'e talk on the aurplu
it but m clotk to cover Lis free trade
Cleveland free trade tna
nieanage to Congress gin
natisfaetion to the British free
Eiuhtt tLonn!iil bnwhels of pota
t'B from SootinMl arrivful in New
York within tie past two weela
They rm in cks that held ICS
Clvb:.5d's free trade message
the Barrhartl speech for the Demo
miey Iho Democracy niiglt put
Burchar 1 on the ticket for Vice I'rvsi
iknt. Two Munderi joined in a ticket,
Cleveland and I'urrhard,
Ex Gomhnob I'Airnon, wants to
sell out the railroad that hare not
filled their contracts with the go
crtuent. The two other men on the
commission with the Governient wan
to pive the railroads 50 years time to
pay tlx ir porerment obligations.
Tiik question of Knights or n
Kiiit,'ntB, as workmen, which canned
the strike anion,; the Keudin" Hail
rond hards at I'ort Iiirhtuond )ia
be n changed by anthracite coalmin
mg Knights to a question or wages
The miners ntriko fcr 8 per cent, ad
ranee on presotit wsges.
The content of Mr. Thoebe for the
neat of Mt. C'.rlihlo is engaging the
attention of Congress. Thoebe, is
endeavoring to prore that Carlisle's
fritndt held the polls open many
hours after thev should hare been
cjosel, and that thereturnn were held
back and altered in a uumber of dis
tricts in C"irlinl-'8 favor.
The FiBh Question.
A Bitter Llqaer War.
Qaltmo.i, Teias, Jan 5 A spee
ial despatch from Hanfsviile, Taxaa, to
the "sw a; that intelligence reached
taere to-night front Madiaoctille, its
county seat of Madison county that a
pody of armed eittiea, calling thera
Uaa Reformer, shot and killad Bill
Bolo last night while be was standing
en the steps of Viaor's drag store and
then banged Red" Paige and another
man, whose Dim is not known. Alf
W bitten, a Irieod of Bolo was attacked
and driven from the town. From the
meagre information it is learned that
Itolo and bis frieods were opposed to
the reform crowd and were in favor of
maintaining saloons. Sheriff Black has
applied to Governor R-aa for troops. A
state of terror prevails.
A Hill In the Jail-
Two tramps named Michael Ca.y
nd William Kinir. weijjhinfj about
120 pounds each, who are confined
a jail, gut into a dinpute last week
ind decided to settle their difficulty
iy fighting. Men were selected to act
is second, and they and the prin
cipals were locked m a cell by s .me
of the other prisouer6. They decided
iO fight according to the rules of the
Loudon l'rize Riii;, and, taking off
Ul unnecessary clothing went to
work. There was no noise connected
with the affair and the men fought
desperately for three hours without
lieing disturbed when Casey was
Knocked over a bucket containing
water used in sponging the men, and
as they were both badly punished, the
seconds and referee decided at this
point to call the fight a draw. We
onld not learn now many rounds
were fought, but there were certainly
over one hundred oh the men went
down frequently, None of the ja.il
tticials knew anything about the mill
until it was over. Chambersburjr
A lrgn meeting wai held in Hor
tirulturril Hal: in l'liilndelphia a few
eveiiirjx ii undt r the management of
the National Finhery Association to
tfi nigral support to thw New Eng
land fisherman and to protest against
the adaption of fishery treaties with
the powers of (treat Britain.
(1 )vrruor Heaver was president of
tho meeting, and when !.e took the
chair he sai l:
"A rifjht denied is a wrong inflict
ed," said the tovernor, and no por
tiun th body politic can suflVr a
wroi.g without every other section
of the community tharing in it. The
American fishermen or the New
England fi.-hermen, if you will
claim that certain riphts ura denied
them by a neighboring government.
They do not appeul to armi, they do
not appeal to any court of justice,
but t hey do spj eal to the common
senna of the American psople, and
vjo aro here to night m response to
f k'llit'lii tlk V u T M. i rti 1 ii. ti Ant
they he'- broujlit against the Can
J adiv 'rriuient. The New Eng
'St v ' aen do not claim theright
to tish in Canadian waters, iiut
thsy claim if one of their cr;w gets
ei--k and requires medical aid they
have a perfect right to go into the
nearest ('unadm- port to obtain it.
T hi-y also eUim the right to go in
through strep of weather or for pro
visions, and it seems to me there is
no American who can hesitate for a
moment to acknowledge that right.
Here in Philadelphia it need hard
ly be said that we sympathize with
them ui another latm. It in that
the products of their labor should be
i" "'"fected as toe carpets wo
Ten in Philadelphia or the iron in-
, J istry ot the atate. We sympathize
with ttieui '.n every respect, and we
are here to ?ii,'ht to emphasize the
) assertion tlit we will make good
1 that sympakir, first by petition to
J Coim ress. nul next, if needs be, bv
our v -CB-
.."frr, - "1 l' ;:IST0rRACT8 TKtr.
"There is such a thing," continued
Mr. Heaver, "as bowing down before
fMr This and Lord That, and I fear
some of ns Americans have got into1
that habit a gooil deal. I nru very
mnch afraid that when a noble lord
comes to Washington, hires thirty
even rooms in a hotel, has an unlim
ited excheqner aud is prodical of his
monf y. I very much fear that in such
circumstances American courage is
apt to rush out the back door."
General Cogswell, United States
Congressman of the EsBex district of
Massachusetts, next addressed the
meeting. We simply ask, he said,
"that the rights of American fisher
men be not frittered away and their
wrongs aggravated by "amy treaty
whatever with (.treat Britain. He
dwe.t upon the outrages and indiir
tiities now being heaped on the New
England usliermen and stated that
for the last three ears over one hun
dred American vessels had been
boarded and seized by armed Cana
lin crn sers. L uder the present
ueaty .mericau nstermen are per
nnted to nsh within three miles of
the Canadian coast, as the Dominion
authorities have insisted on drawing
this three mile line from headland to
held. and the result is that the Amer
. . i i .
iiHirsi luirty, nrty and in
some casea a hnndred miles irora the
cost. Tkey are not now even allow
i t to approach the three uiile limit
and are not allowed to land in a Can
adian port except ia some extraor
dm wy circnmetaocts. and then for
aa uhort a time as poaaible.
. Ttiis is now the . state of affairs,'
uiidna m cpeuirr, tat lu new
or it and of the weakness, truckhxg
aau meouipt tency at Washington
am inclined to say, and I do bo not
as a partisan, bat aa an American
Oh. f or one honr of Jamee Q. Blaine.
1 hi interjection caused the most
intense excitement asnocg the audi
ence, tor folly two minutes the
had fairly rung with cb'-a and Oov
ernor oeaver beanie4 t'smiles
the enAinsiatic reTtiouoyji to
tbttaeofth P1J "flight Es
Spectacles for Horses.
A correspondent of the Manches
ter Sporting Chronicle tells the read
ers of that paper some interesting
oircnmstauci-s in connection with a
good grey steed in his own posses
sion. He came to the conclusion
that this equine friend of his was
hort sighted, lie "couldn t 6ee a
carrot two yards off." he tells us. So
he took the quadruped to an oculist
iving in the neighborhood, who
made the necessary inspection and
certified that the horse had a No. 7
ve, and required concave glasses.
The concave glasses thus indicated
were obtained and buckled on the
ead stall. "The horse seemed a lit
tie bit surprised," he says, "when I
rst put theiu on him, but bis amaze
ment rapidly gave way to demonstra
tions of the keenest pleasure. He
ovy stands all the morning looking
vcr the half door of his stable with
is spectacles on, g'izing around him
with an air of sedate enjoyment.
When I take him out for a drive,"
continues, the veracious narrator, he
capers about as frisky aa a kitten ;
his m uiuer is altogether changed
from his former timidity, and he has
not over a bad habit of shying which
once troubied him." A wetk or two
ao, however, he turned the animal
out to pasture for a few days of
course without his specs, and he at
once appeared to be uneasy and un
comfortable. All day he hung about
the gate leading into the meadow,
whinnvin" in a plaintive minor key.
I until his master, seeing what was the
trouble, sent up to the stable for the
heal stall. As soon ad the specta
clos were placed npou hia nose, he
wan so glad that he rubbed his mas
ter's shoulder with his nose, then
kicked np his heels and danced down
to the pasture in a paroxysm ol de
light. Staffordshire was the scene
of this history. We do not know the
locality more definitely.
went through four gates, whieh be care
folly eloeed, to the woodshed, and then
horjjr up bis coat and took down bis
sheep shears and sharpened them. Then
be caught a sheep and bad jnet finished
sneering it when some of the household
came with a lantern, Tben it tamed
out that bo bad been asleep all the
time, and that light of the laatera
awakened bim. The sheep was sheared
as well aa though it bad been doao in
broad daylight.
Sinoe 1790 there have beea 20 (io
ernore of Pennsylvania. Of these 11
were lawyers, two printers, one a Luth
eran preacher, one a tanner, one a civ
il eogineer, one a farmer, one an iron
maoafaotorer aad two were merchants.
Only six of these are living to wit :
Pollock, Cartio, Hertraoft, Hoyt. Pat
tisoa and Beaver. The Democrat
elected 11 of the 20, the Feeralista 1,
anti-Maaooa I. Wbigs 2, and the Re
pablioane 5.
"A journeyman painter in Danville,
Va., took a $50 Coofedeiate note and
painted it np until it resembled a green
back. He tendered it to bis landlady
for board, received bis chance in good
money aod took bis departure. The
fraud was soon discovered, tbe polire
pnt on his track and tbe clever forger
ie now doing a 00 days term in jail.'
Acoording to an old weather belief,
the number of soows this winter will
be twenty, based upon tbe fact that tbe
firat snow for tbe seaeoo fell on No
vember 20rb, and it ie satd that as many
day at tbe month ie old -when tbe firat
oewfal! oeonrs, jat so many snows will
we have that winter.
It is said that every one of the six
infidels who organized themselves
into a society to fight Christianity, in
Newburg, N. 1., about fifty years
ago, have met with unnatural and
untimely death. Ex.
flier; St
O! n
n n
A Bad Husband.
I jut In this Hp to rrqueat yon not to
end my wife any flower aeeds. Don't let
her know about thia. It is net that I don
like flowera, tor my beea could not make
honey without them, but I mean there gar-
dsn (lowers- If yon aend tbe seeds, every
one of toern win grow, aad it ie nx a
brd of fiowrra, get earth for pota, aad they
have to be traniplanted and turned aod
watered, aod looked at and admired. They
will be atuck in evory corner of ths aur-
rounding, where yon would neter think of
putting anything eUe, there will be atuck a
timet. I must aay I like to aee Bowers, but
can't jou boil half the seeds before aending
or aonietbing of that aort of trick to atop ao
many growing. Ton aurely can plan aome
way to sstc ao much trouble.
Youra, D B.
afAPLS Caasx.Neb.. Dec. 12, 1887.
Jamee Vick Seedsman, Rochester, N. T.,
inform us that it is a common occurrence
to receive letter similar to tbe above. And
we do not doubt it after looking ever the
Floral Guide : it is a perfect beauty, full of
illuntrations aad descriptions of flower and
vegetables. Price only ten cent, with a
certificate good for that amount in aeeds.
The three colored piatea are worth three
timce tbe cost ot tbe book.
M (fniiinehas a
i . i - -1
every plug.
Old Honesty is scKrowr
edaed to be tr)e purest
ancf TTjost lasting "piece
of Standard Crietvir, icbacco
on themarKct. Tr2r3 it is
a better test thin any talK
about it. Give it fair trial.
Your dealer has it.
Mason & Hamllri
Organs and Pianos.
Worth Knowing,
That I can stop tootbacbi in lese tban
Ave minutes ; no pain, no extracting.
That I can extract teeth without pain,
by tbe use of a fluid applied te tbe teeth
and gnma ; no danger.
That Diseased Glial (known
as Scnrvy) treat J3ed eucciwafolly
and a cure warjranted in every
Teeth Fillbb and warranted fer life.
Artificial Teeth repaired, exchangi'! or,
remoddled, (rum $9.00 to 12 per aet.
Beautiful Guai Knaiaeled Teet inserted at
pricre to auit all.
All work warranted to give perfect satis
faction. People who have artificial teeth
with which tbey cannot eat, are especially
invited to call. Will visit professionally
at tbeir home if notified by letter.
Will visit regularly at Richfleld tbe 2ud
week of May and October.
Taaaa Cask.
G. Ii. DERR,
Practical Bcatlst.
Oct. 14 'o6.
Cheapest, Brightest,
Freshcbt and
Tha Most Complete Newspaper Pub
lished in Philadelphia.
Tbb Times la the most widely read newa-
IBper published in Pcaasylvauia. Ita read
era are among the more intelligent progree-
aive and tbritty people of every fait. It is
emptaticallp an in1epooant Bewpfwpwr
"Independent in everptbing ; neutral in
notbiug." I'a dicuMon ot public men and
j ubllc measures i always fearless aod ia the
interest ot public mte(jrity, nunval govern
Blent and pronperoos industry, and it knows
no party or personal allegiauce in treating
rublic issue. In tbe broadcast and beat
sense a laruilv and general neaspaper.
Tbe News or The Wosld Tbe Times
has all the facilities of aavanced joninalism
fur gathering newa from all quarters of
Ulobo, iu addition to that of tbe Associated
Press, now covering the whole world in iti
scoe, making in. tbe perfection ol a aews
paper, witb everything carefully edited to
occupy tbe smallet space.
The (Jomsco Via will be one ol univers
al putilic interest, io tho United Stater. Par
ty organa will perform tbeir duties as parly
mterests skioll demabd, but tbe rapidly
growing intelligence aad independence ol
tne age calls for tbe independent newspaper
when great political conflicts are to bn mtt
Grave problems of revenue, ot Dnance, ol
commerce, ot industry, ot science, of art
aud of every phase ot enlightened progress
are in constant course of solution by the
beople of the Union, aud the progressive
newspaper is ever IB the lead IB every Strug
gle for advancement.
Tbe TiMEa ia a one-cent paper only in
rrice. It aisua to have tbe largmt circula
tion by deserving it, and claims tbat it ia
unsurpassed in all ibe essentials ot a great
Ik. r..M. n j . ,. . -cirui-o.o.u uni .pi.
nam in in 1x61. Miaou A iin,ii. f,.-. fcriciMES CoriEB ft any edition will be
aiwTs maintained tnr supremacy over sj! niixrs, - sent tree to any one aending tbeir address
tnluttsiSieTii?1 DW'1' '4' I StBDAT Emrioa 16 pagea Handsomely
uiuirifcieu, si-w a yemr. n urny , ti.w.
TtiMi Liaily, (er annum; SI lor lour
Items All Around.
Charles Roby of Nelson conntv,
Ky , had an old honnd that had been
blind for several months. He no
longer heeded the huntsman's bogle,
bat roamed about the yard indeject-
eil manner- A few days since some
children, while playing with him,
placed on his nose a pair of specta
cles, which contained a powerful lens.
Walker Gossip.
The Mexico school teachers treated tbeir
scholar on Christmaa with candy and
orangea and the echolara then treated the
teachers with glaa ware.
U. S. Gingerich and his sister are visit
ing their Iriend. and relatives -in Dauphin
Jamea Dysinger came home from Illinois
last week, lie intenda to go back next
Frank K. Auker baa come home from a
visit to his grandmother, at Duncannon.
The Cedar Grove chopping mill ia doing
a good business.
John Roe waa at the Cedar Grove chop
ping mill ; bis horse scared and ran away
and lett the wagonain tbe wood.
A brara and Beckie Eshelmaa from Cum
berland eonnty are visiting their friends.
Tbe Cornet festival waa auowed under at
Mr. Geo. Lukena has beea in poor health
thia winter.
Jacob Gingerich and wife from Barria-
burg r visiting their brother Isaac Gin
gench last week
Daniel Aucker has been in poor health
tbe past week.
C. C. fvtoa returned from a trip to Vir
ginia, tie will sell and go to that state to
Sarah and Susan Bonner, both past 80
The Imorovd Mode of STI-fnWn Plmnsia Iiimmih.S
oj :4Ma k nsraiin III itct,
pium construction, exnerts
erairet improvement In pianntln fcsif a century.
Piar.n circular, containing eon tesumonuls from
Sorchaaen. musicians, ana taaera, and Plaoo and
aui Cataiotruea. free.
i- iu it-a ss. rcara Eni, yrr T02I,
He at once bepan to romp about as I years of age, are is good health this
he did in the days of puppvhooL ter,
They were securely fastened before
hisjt-yes, and on the following day,
when the other do;r8 were called for
the chase, h joiued, and was in the
ead when his classes were pulled on
by the briers. He immediately car
ned them to his mastea and evinced
clearly that he wanted them replaced.
hen they are removed lie whines
and prowls, but when replaced he
bows his joy bv the wagging of his
tad.' Ex.
William Fender was literally torn to
pieces id an accident at Avery s plo
laotory at Liomsville on edoesday.
tie operated a large steam hammer in
he blacksmith fbup. Tbe belting be
came disarranged aud Fedler climbed
on the machine to fix it. Suddenly
he belting slipped from its proper po
sition and before he eonld save him
self bis clothing was caught by tbe
rivets and be was whirled arcund the
shaft. His legs were torn from bis
body and hnrled a distanoe of twenty
feet. Tben so arm was jrked off. and
every time the wheel went around the
crnncniog ci oooes eooia be Beard as
tbe body struck against the beam
above. Death wae instantaneous.
Elizabeth Magruder visited her son Sam-
nel in Harrisburg laat week.
S eta Rerchner is going about on crutches
W. H. Auker i canvassing for a book.
Some arrange diaease tuok the life of i
valuable home owntd by Amos Smith.
Lewis TJubbard, bought William Wetiler's
interest in the Cedar (Jrovo chopping and
w mill.
Tbe Walker Grange will hold a public
insinuation at ieniervme scnooi bouse on
next Thursday night tbe 12th inst.
Mr. E. Bruner, ia suCering with a s
E nine one lost a horse blanket on laa
Thursday night at the Cedar Grove society
the owner will please call and get the blank
A protracted meeting is ia progress in
Laat week Mexico people gave a donation
to Lilly Emery.
Lewis Hubbard loat a calf on Sunday
week. He left his cattle out to water aod
tbe calf left the cow and found its way into
Alton Adam wood and there got laat be
tween two rail pile where it waa found la
la ttt. neat. C lieaseat.
Mow l i.ali.L
And m'w ewpraiiv jnrm vt relMnr vitehaa
Th. watrbe ara American Lever Sura W inder,
contatntnr every mral'Al to acraracy and durabil
ity, aod hare. In addition, nnmorous paiemn: 1m
provcm,Ttta Toana in no otnt r vtaich. Thev sre ao.
acilnt. y ti only ItaanrHr ,TJe-
mmrmtm made In 'he Worlrt. arn sr. jroeled llm.h
oatwiih fisVrjyC JirniKX. The I mtrnt
rem n 'a. .mct Met is the tronecst and .lmpiest
nr we. Musi for assMr.
weeveev. mt wewi.Iilf mm. ... . Lm
a. way SIS WmtrK.
Onr o-ntiaraiivs club System trine tham withla
the reach of every one
V" ! aa Mttve. rearaaiwtl1e rew
rentattT la EVER a HIT data
TOW ji.
Tf'STv rrS's rnarantaed on llmtud lnvastasent.
Vk ril. f- full particular.
The Keystone Watch Club Co.
P. 0. S:x 928, rhiladehiM. p.
V 1 J RKFKRE3CE5: Eeyvten
uonai nana, or any Coan
mvaxuu Agaucy
Tea Tart. S.T. Furiteut, Fa.
CkloaiA rj. lant, a.
flnteortS. fa. l.hlBers. C
--an. Hta. n. Lra'-a, BA
A resident of Cambridge, New York,
the fathor of a small boy and tba
owor of a big Newfoundland dog. On
aay last lumruer, when tbe dog was
aew to him, he tested his life-saving
qualities. To aake tba test oconrred
to him as he was walking with his boy
and dog by tba side of a deep pool of
water ana being an impulsive person
be at once threw the little lad into tbe
pool The dog looked npon this per-1 -48 Coogres St., Boston,
loruieno witb apparent approval ana
sat down and watched with interest the
struggles ol th child. 1 he father, te
save his offspring's life, waa obliged to
jump into the water, aod when be eaae
oat he kioked the dog in a way ealoulat
ed to grieve Ml. Berg.
Bold and Sifter Mining Co,
JOSEPH H. RE ALL, President.
67 Broadway. New York
The twelve Mines and m01 of th
company have jost been examined by
the eminent Entrliah mininry enp-ine"r.
V joong Australian near Boehara. I Mr. Franeia Dl Taylor. 54 Memrianta
after an nDnsnally hard daB work, I Exchsnpe, Boston,' who reports the
sneep sneanog, went to Bleep on tbrl property as represented. It is the
sitting-room eonch after sapper. Soon I tt H America for ita capitalization.
a arose, waigea net into mi waraue o('ih I1-1S1S.
r a treat advanc ia """niua j ou cents per niouiu ; venvcrea uy
proooancinK it "th. carriers tor 6 cont per week; Suudap editi
on, an immense quadrupln alieet of 12H col
umns, clegsntly Illustrated, 1 per annum ;
5 centa per copy. Dally aud Sunday, $5 per
auuum ; nil cents per montb. W aekly editiun
Bl per annum.
Address all letters to
Th Timet,
Chestnut and Eighth Streets
A Great National Journal.
Mail and Express
rha AdTOcata ant tbe Beat lata
Homai Th9 Vamny of Co.
Ttaa TrlmA at Ii mm
THe Favwrlfe rtanrsvapcr
reaasla a
Dleed aa Uielead-'nt; afternoon paner et tni
tropolin. wbUn iia weekly mA tfou haa been
Tbe nndersijmed having bought out the
business in terest if D. B. Dot and Co., will
take possession .Vircb 2l. 1SK8. We re
spect! nlly solicit the patronage and support
ot bis customers In addition to tbat line of
business we will handle tiea and mine tim
bars. For further information call on or ad
dress na at Thompsontown Pa., nntil tbe
above date.
XaSBBca JlKblsob.
January 2-1888-4.
I have this day sold out my entire stock
of furniture, carpets. Ac., to C. B. Horning
who will continue the busineaa at tbe sstne
place. I trust tbe name liberal pratrooage
may be extended to him. tbat tbe public
favored me with during my bualnesa career
in the past. I will remain at mv old place
ot business until tbe 21st of January 1888,
for the setllemon of my acconnta.
Jobs S. GaavarLt.
SfiQintown Pa., Jan'y 2-1888-3.
Tnrane eaara the dailr afl'tam ef tae Tew
Tor Mail, a.T ElrKHs-s haa been recov
er ana n..
FiVHKlTK RUSK PIPISli Uiooaanna of
familiaa in averv state in UaeUnloau Itbaaataained
Ita KTim popnlafilr aad lnflnemee bv lta entar-
tone, and tba ability and conrage o Ita advocacy
of the Ttlirht on all oiu.itnna al nnhllo interns.
t'H lmttka Mali, akd IiriM will oa a
i natter paper tnaa ever, sail, aa a eleaa, lafaiass'
Homo Newspaper,
It vaIitMt oo-n ftriMii tier t ttt ormv
expcDM to acnr tor lt rrrtr L wr beat
hnftt Mfora-tnt of iTm pnnpl( ia the 1eaft
rtmrTite ot the natmcM wlfj.rw wo shall anp-
pwr h arm w i via i nur eu .jy nv. tm w" sriKii UwlTl
trtatoyposlB p&rUca wii osmnflcrmHon aad Ulir
tioofli i.rnivnMa noTraniL 11 Dr-UQTvstuai
theliqnor tn.ftio aa it rlaii t-dT tm tn 1 cited
tstatoais tlie taiijr of aocietr, a" fmit-nt feoorce
m wr-x-ujy t ion m pouuni, VtH tkllT os Niicrtur, m
twho ot crtm. and. with la tvrowrxl Tii;r,oo of
'ofstina; to cormpiiy control dectaons ftna lftinla
Uon. is a nvmire in the puMio wjfaie and Co-
arroa rr. conaen naistam or ail ooa men.
i o
BaJocti axapv brnad Tlewr,, elaa an 4
tmur?iitL -rt kamaiv. nitertncN am aJI oum
Uona of ff9nerai ydbllo latt-reatu vi'A rso be
disapTfOlntea In the 11 ATI. vn eipbma and
we roepcoiaU soudt tlielr iaflaaio) tad sud
rn. rtjr i iwi kai epvv inuLi, per
p l.Vfii eix moBtbn, centa: tiirre month a.
centa. jVtLY, per Tear, Sfj.fti atx in oath
wy, uree ia.iinij.ft. ki.oim
Stockholder! Individually Liable.
T. VAX IRWIN, Catkvtr.
W. C. Pomeroy,
John Bertsler,
A duo O. Bonsall,
Robert B. Parker,
Joseph Rotbrock,
Pbilip M. Kepner,
Louis B. Atkinson,
Philip M. Kepner,
Joseph Rotbrock,
L. E. Atkinson,
VV . C, Pomeroy,
Amos G. Bonsall,
Chariot te 8 order,
Mary Carta,
Annie M. Shelley,
Jane H. Irwin,
R. E. Parker,
J. Tlolaies Irwin,
T. V. Irwin,
John Hertzl
Three and Poor per cent, tntefest will be
para oa certificate of deposit. f
n Tl Iff 7 tf
brieaLail who wisa. to btTQ tB their
&, Sx-oOi one moatli, (V
KTSItT PvL'tiTRlRKR to ths WntLT
who aei.ta tm ctue to par ir parting an4
poaiace reooiTM &a a trreMat iron the M
Aaxriajusta a. i or onr decent
rnaiarrfi i'nrrratra or UMom. oraxit, rCAi
iocaii tea jMMhr. extfi ouun it Tanft nnM
crayon hker.tvas. 4 x27 inche la slz, r-i te
sum wuiTsm irea ana posiftaia.
FT ft ft we Mad the Katl at J?mw9
onajw ana em.y of lamttcaTa r-reai t-aiiii
Oa r'tki-isaJi Rfitwitt PUaiiv nchlr an I arli.tic-
- X r-Diucai'l im toiar. Te t.rl T.nal of
ttna rvt i "f'"iT vm reoentfir aoCd tuc arrr
able trrem.ania are offonl to ambecritwra and
EtMita oa ttieiaMMtiibaBTai t-ima, 1 hey be
WBBlfcalw.u AaaOfta. 031141 A4JC OtAX UTOJaaE
fe want a aroaat aarana tn aim . town mA wf)i
la waara wa nave sol ene now at work. Sand
iur oar ppeeiau ulroaMaT M Aiaus and
oar liberal oSera
roM-.MAsTKBaj an their ASI?TAirTl,
aad all oUxrs wbo wlli to inrmaii their 2xi-
w-wh wm uo uis aa exaeuaot ODboiruntcvt
SIMPLK I OriaS Hal rreo to all appli
es nta. Saad tor onaanaanoloea ths aAt1reasa ot
. uut fnaa.ia. Ad4rees sumiOjr Tub Xi-i.ii. ABa
of prime quality bought in any quantity for
caao on delivery, tree or brokerage, com
mission, storage, fcc., by
I in porters and Exporters, 88 William St.
New lork. Aug. 17, 67, 6m,
oe at rtiis omca.
, a,,,
""f!T?IaT7 AAI 1 PflTIAM
A SPLEWUIU v-jwc.u i iuu
Bright, New Fall
One dollar and fifty cents in
ad ranee will secure jou tne
Sentinel & Republican and Thk
Weerxt Pbess for th period of
one year.
The Sentinkl & Republican
gives nearly twioe as much
reading as any on of the
other papers in J uniata Its re
ports of all important horn'
news and enterprises is full and
within the neriod of a year its
Tariety of reading matter com
prehends within it scope al
most every topic. Consider
that in addition to this, the best
ocal and literary paper pun
ished in Juniata county, you
a have the Philadelphia
Weeilt Press, one of the best
papers published in America,
vou have an oner tnat comes
seldom to a man and his fam
After children have learned
to read, the createst educator
is the newspaper. Every man
should do iustice to his family
by subscribing for a
Subscribers who are
. i i . r i .
can avail tnemseives 01 mis
combination offer by paying ar
rearages aud paying one dollar
and fifty cents in advance,
thereby securing the two pa
in ar-
Th. Champ!" Cl.tbler .t Ju.fta Ci-ir karl-r J.l r-
Will make friends, outshine riya'.s, win yictories, auJ aall itself it.
axidGenf-furtiishinecoods. Fin Class, eo.bini.ff St,l., Qualit, i
Elegance, with price, that will a. t 7
I prove this.
Bat I ask your patronage o.ly when I fi-. complete satiafactio.. My
JEWELRT, Calico, Percale ani Wbite Shirt., Keck y-.ar. Collar, ui
Cuffa,Tru.k. ani Satchel., ia full and c pl.t.. Call and ....
J... 10, 1SS6.
jy-CoIlwting and conTayaocing promptly
attended to. Oflica in second slory f Bel
lord buK4J.rig. EotiBDCa oa Main street.
Locis B. Atbihsoii. F. M H. Pekkbii..
Bgr-Colleetlng aad CBBTByaaclng Brauipt
ly attended to.
rissira ()o Main atraet. la placB f rtwi-
i.n. m lj.ni. K. AtkiasoB. KQ.. south at I
Bridg street.
IOct26. 18t.
Till K-Ti.IL!
Oa aa after Sunday Kor lth, 18&7
traiBS.tbat staat M ifBia will raa asfollaws:
Altvoba AcooamooATioB loaves Altoaaa
daily at 6 '20 a. in., Tyrone 6 62 a. m.,
Huntingdon 6,33 a. m.. Mount Coioo al
6.69 a. ni.. Newton IJatnilton 7,04 a. m.,
McVevlown 7.2G a. tn., Lewis to wtj 7,63 a.
m., Milford 8.11 a. m., Mifflin tf.17 a. m.,
Port Royal 8.23 a. m. Mexico t!,aS a. tu ,
Toscarora 8,32 a. m., Vandyke 8,36 a. m.,
Tbornpsontown 8,43 a. tu., Durward 8,47 a
tn., Mtllerstown 8,54 a m., Newport 9,U6 a.
tn., arriving at 11 arris bur f at 10 10 a. a.,
and at Philadelphia, 8 16 p. tu.
Ska Sbobb Exrarsa leaves altoona daily
H. rnanmAd actlvelv th ITBCtiCB Ot
Medicine and Snrgery and their collateral
branches Office at the old corner o! Third
and Urange streets, MifflintewB, Pa.
March 2U, 1876.
Johb McLar-OHLiR. Josiph W. Etimbbl
tjyOnly reliable Companies represented.
Dec. 8, 18r-ly
JVcic Firm.
When you have subscribed for
the Sentinel and Republican
you are certain in your ecure-
ment of the county paper that
gives you a larger quantity and
greater variety of reading mat
ter than is presented by other
journals published in Juniata
county, and when you accept
this combination offer of the
two papers you have secured
for yourself and family a news
paper prize of inestimable val
ue for a price so low that it
amounts to almost a marvel.
In this day and generation it
amounts almost to a wrong to
one's self and family to deny
themselves the advantage of a
good paper like the SENTINEL
& REPUBLICAN and a state
paper like the WEEKLY
PRESS. There are more than
a thousand and one things dur
ing the passage of a year
that interest and sometimes di
rectly benefit the individual
and family, that appear in the
home paper but like the rain,
sunshine and air, that we are
so familiar with, we do not ap
preciate as they merit.
Do you appreciate a first
rate offer ? Have the kindness
to mention it to your neighbor
if your neighbor has al
ready found it out, and if he
nas it will not do harm
k Mia !i"alaV!'t.TW it
To the cominsr and eoine of
Seasons we must all conform.
The Goods suitable for spring
and summer must be supplant-
!ed bv
We have now filled our
shelves with Fall and Winter
Goods of all kinds. Our cus
tomers have appreciated our
efforts to give thtm goods to
suit their purposes, and we
believe that we are better pre
pared than ever to merit their
confidence. We invite ou to
come and see and be satisfied.
In our dress goods department
we have almost everything.
Don't be backward, call for
what you want.
Shoes and Hoots.
Our Boot and Shoe De
partment is full in its assort
ment, and you certainly can be
suited in fit, quality and price.
Whatever improvements have
been added by the manufactures
we have them all. We can
supply you with foot wear for
any in or out door service. Our
grocery Department never lags.
We have on hand a full line of
Fresh, Plain and Fancy
Also, the only full line of
in the county. Every house
must have its full supplv of
Queens and Glassware, this is
the store to call on for such ar
ticles. All orders by mail will re
ceive prompt attention.
Remember the place,
Mais Street. Opposite Cotkt Hocbe,
Mifflintowii, Pa.,
V Sou.
at 6.55 a. m., and s tor-ping a ail- regular
t stationa between Altoona and Harrloburg,
reaches Uilflin at U &6 a. u-, Harrisburg
11.40 f. M., and arrives in Philadelphia at
8.16 p. u.
Mail Tba:b learea Pittsburg dally at
6.55 a. ni., Altoona at 2,00 p. m., aud atop
ping at all regular atationa arrives at aliffila
at 6 ta p. m., Harrisburg 7.00 p. m., Pbila
adelpbia 4 6 a. m.
Mail Express leaves Pittsburg at 1 00 p at,
Altoona 6 20 p m ; Tyrone t 64 p m 5 Hunt
ingdon 7 37 p m ; Lewistown 8 61 pm ; Mif
flin 9 16 pm; Harrisburg 10 46 p in 1 Phila
delphia 4 26 a m.
Philadelphia Express will step at- XaTta
at 11 IM wueu flagged.
Vast. Liib leaves Pbiadelphial daily al
11 60 a m ; Harrixburg 8 40 p m ; Mifflia
6 Ob p en ; Lewistown 6 28 p eu ; Altoona
8 lOpnij arrives at Pittsburg at 1 1 Ufa.
War Passeboib leaves Philadelphia
daily at 4 30 a. ni.j Harrisburg, 8 16 a. bi.j
Duncaouon, 8 54 a. in.; Newport, 9 25 a.
ni.; Milierstown, y 40a. ni.;Thoapaoutowaa
9 63 s. ui.; Van Dyke, 10 00 a. ui.; Tuscax
ora, 10 04 a. m.; Mexico, 10 07 a. ui.; Pert
Koyal, 10 18 a. m.; Mifflin, 10 20 a. m.j
Miltord, 10 26 a. in.; Narrows, 10-34 a. as.;
Lewistown, 10 46 a. m.; McVeytown, 11 14
a. m.; Newton Hamilton, 11 8'J a. m.; Uaa
tingdon, 12 17 p. m.; Tyrone, 1 04 p. m.4
Attoena, 1 40 p. iu., aud stop at all regular
stations between Harrisburg and AUoona.
OTtTtB Bxraass leaves Philadelphia dal
ly at 6 50 p. iu., Harrisburg, IO 2U p. m
stopping at Koetivilie, MarysvilLe, Dunoaa
nou, Newport, Millorstown, Thompsontown,
Port Koyal, time at Mifflin, 11 66, a. m., AJ
'.oona, 2 20 a. iu., and Pittsburg, 6 10 a.sa.
Mail Tbaib leaves Pbiladalpuia daily at
7j00 a. m., Harrisburg 11.20 a. n., Raw
port, 12 IU p. ni., MifUin 12.41 p. m., stop,
l ing at all regular stations baaweea MifUia
ai.d Altoona readies Altoona at 8 49 p m
Pittsburg 8.20 p. m. " '
Altooka AcceaaiODATioB leave Pkll
adelplua daily at 11 60 a. in., Hamebovg at
4.16 p.m., Duncannon 4.4 p. en., Kaw
lort 6,10 p. m., Milierstown 6,26 p. .,
Thompson town 6,80 p. m., Vandyke 6,44
p. m., Tuscarora 6,48 p. in., Mexico 5,60 a.
in., Port Koyal 6,64 p. in., Milhin 6,0v
tu., Lewistown b,23 p. n.., McVeytowa
48 p. ni., Newton HaaiiitoB 7,10 n. a .
Huntingdon 7 40 p..m. Altoona 9 00.
Pacific Express leavaa Philadelphia 11 28
p m ; Harrisburg 3 10 a tn j Duncannoa
89am; Newport 4 01 a m ; MiIUin4 42a
m; Lewistown 6 04 am; McVeytown 6 27
am; Mt. Union 6 64 am; Huntingden
20 a m ; Petersburg 6 83 a m ; tf pruce Creeh
6 48am; Tyrone 7 07am; Beli'a Mill
1 mi a m ; Altoona 0U6
12 40 p m.
i .
1 Tt ""Tt.iF I f
A I m .-T U I lata
10 L
Sea hhore Bxprea east, an Snnday.
will connect with Monday Mail east lean.
Harrisburg at 1 I S p. m.
Way Passenger west and Mail east will
stop at Luckuow and Poerman' St.naa
when Bagged.
Trams leave Lewistown Junction fer Mil
my at 35 am, 10 65 a m, 3 15 p m 1 far
Sunbury at 7 15 a m, 8 00 p m.
Trams arrive at Lewistown Junction Ttm
Mtlroy at 900 a m, 1 25 pm, 4 30 p a. , fr.
Sunbury at 9 25 a m, 4 iu pm.
Trains leave Tyrona for Bellefonle aid
Lock Haven at 8 10 a m, 7 16 p m. Le.v.
Tyroua lor Curwensville and Clearfield at
20 a in, 8 05 p m,7 2a p m.
Train leave Tyrona lor Warrior Mark,
Pennsylvania Furnace and Scotia al 9 20 a
m and 4 30 p m.
.Jfr."in,u,7Wo ,l Tfon from BellefonU
and Lock Haven all2 06 p m, and 6 87 p m.
.iiT.in- T1' at Tyrone from Curw, ,
ville and Clearfleld at 68 a m, and 1 1 44 a
rn, o 1 7 p ni.
.iJi?" arriT' " Tyrone from Scoiia, War
"M" '"l Pennsylvania Fnrn.c at
68 a ni, at 2 35 p m.
H- B. T. B. R. 4. BEDFOKD D1VKIO!-.
Trains leave Huntingdon for Bedford,
"' "d Cumberland at 126 t. a
and 8 85 p. m.
, T"0 at Huntingdoa frera Bed
ford, Hyndman and Cnmberlaad at 12 IS
p. m., 6 20 p. tn.
- Jf"'1" leTe A1,oooa lor point Sontfc, at
. 20 a m. 8 25 a tn. 2 CO p m. 6 00 p at.
00 p in., 9 60 p m.
Trains arrive at Altoona from boibU
South, at 6 50 a m. 11 85 a m. 6 55 p at. 7
00 p m. 7 25 p. m. and 10 85 p m.
All pcraohs are hereby cautioned agslstt
hunting, cutting, tirobrr, building Br,
throwing down stone, and; rail fences, er
crossing fields, or otherwise tresspassing
on any of the several trscts ef land belong
ing to the undersigned in Lack towa.bip
lor person thu tresspassing will a dealt
with accoidir.g to la.-
November 18, 1888.
The Sentinel and Rejtnihca office I tad
placa to get job work dona. Try it. ItwW
nbscription, $1
la advaace ; $1.60
Transient advert
anta per inch Iwr eii
Transient busiuet
Baas, 10 centa per 1
Deductions will b
ta advertina uy th
Lasf rear.
Tha swt-ar cS ha
Hursa buyers are
Tte Kepubl'.v-au
ba.d ear'.y th;s year
Scheie es at Kt
But- cat.bite :"r
Cutu'oiuni ni rT
Presbvterlau ctiur
Merticg, -ry e
Preby'rr',a;i Cli-r
Sou'.l arn sbal ar
Phi:ar!l.'!.:a ruafat
TLe !.et Las b
wiat-T w.i a coat
- B. F. Wa '.ice jf
aalved l,'.'-3 ba-k
PoH'.U-idi.s are ia
plana of lii-n,a'jtt
The wirk of i.ra
ehar.-bei in to
TLe ifc.w . 1
LiiiM, aa a ' '...)
sh.'rt l I . m'.cr.
To'.'. -
trna ia as .od as
as U.a:.-. r a'.l ru
TLs Wa'.kt-r (Ira
gears, i.t r. ni- r f
llif t! the l-lli r.
The i-:.i-i :rf of H.
(real ; '.-.-rrt u! 1
on ite C'b inal . s
At !' g-V.
Jay t r-.: i:
L. Mt.
Friday rtnin;.
terrd Jo: .i
end to IklMlfT.
yu '.!ir e -r,
lar a-. a a: : v i-ru:.- j
siiba'-r pin I '
i. ai.d 7''. He-
-Ti . :. rn (
tul:t.!ft : I '
trce, "..:n I I ' "
I!lis....n ii
L) r: r: .
riie li.ir 1 ::'. .
B-atH.01., 1 .T'.-.-
Uirn a li t3 Ii-. 1
ty. Tu-. ia- uad
iil i---.
Tiic ::p-r:..!r
aay lum M kt .c'u s
VoUTig 11 a'l 1 ' u
Uunujt tnr yar
elie uiokirg."
Jlc. Mr.g', o-
a hB!Di!i ' r ami
by Wwi.l'T- l't
li a. j!d b 1.
iiir.liiTua u I'a.
Fern-anaiih (xt
laatatiatlon a'.
aaxt t a: urduy ! :
AlJrsnrs, by I'
The public aro r
To a.i u!'Pcri'
Rrr 1 BL1-- a wtv
cue dmiar ai:d t:
rTff-t.y 'rri ai
BSSLICaa will l,e
I am fcp.ing
Doctor : W 1.1
time I ire', 11 v l
are Lot . b'.'g-d
h-j" i'ii 1 t- I w
it I" Vt'.ia tt.M
Tlio Krout lie
naat a: 11 irn.u
2i. at 1 1 o'- j t
for S u j.reme .1 1
don asi select
ibe h a'.iot.al C"
Ic tba t a n
men sl 1 cLi.dr
to ti.:p arr.t a
I'.qc .r t 1 a ui;n
and d S t
bet Cns.'.y S'-rr
Of n'ubl it
i;f T .11. M :. f
of Nf.J ort a t
iC ii 1 ' S'' w .
So ;n uio'.( v.
voIv..ts i,d a '
si r. .
l.a Sa!i:t
f y j d r u '
IV tr.st.rci ::.
aud atccrrd 4
CClirt I.OIlno tl
A e irr-s;ir
f tatt Wert,
says : A !r a
a vsi-u baa t:.'
aod 'luite a prj
or tLrra i..ls 1
aad is iftnl
Tbe two Si
klgb, cbeft t::
tbat David B.
last Septeriib'
week, to Wa
vaula. Whs'
sis K.se, W
tirerdt-rs pa.L
lbs CI...-.1 ti i
de'-ptiia, uLd 1.
quit wurk,
.lties a Sue c
ot coal ul4Ut
tbatuel. it
tbat thty
laat uure tl
EtiU.b 9;
Hard. Suit, 1
Ubea tluui h
Sprains, all
Save (50 l y
TSLtec. Su d
Mlfflintoan I
funer J of hi"
at Tytont i
, s
1 . -,n
pa y0 If yon Biel aaAne in tha lm