Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, January 04, 1888, Image 3

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-rT.vf. tiMlfni teid ia advance.
aaTT:.' LmtiImmwi inserted at 60
JrrTtocb for
v ".- hn.tasas lu .
factions will owa.
M aflTWV
by Ui year,
half ar
4 Barter
j,lo l.es ot IU n1 ,"u-
t n naiwr has bought a plan for bis
j gton Dean baa been appointed mar.
.kaullle spprsiser.
Ta, wind b'ew at the rste of 40 mile aa
Karl.t Thursday.
Jlw naw Auditors. Graham Mi App nwre
m la o .Monday.
sniuel Gsvmsn hM rooted the Jericho
B sl'J representing the Cleveland, j
y.io, rlate C" ' WM lo ,0" ,,Wi
uji - !
The Tyrone, Clearfield House,
destroyed by fir. lust Friday
r g VViioo of Oakland Hill and hi
t(J1B.w BJgir ffUioo ar. In Bog land, boy
1,1 horses.
iioern. r B.sver annoanca by procla
Bttiuo i&ac tSa aiata Indebtedness ta 14,-
U:8 Fannie Eiipeticliado is yiait
jj her friend Alin Eilie Stone, in
Wfh:nton D. O.
J,h!i llaihtwe of MoYeytown, wa
k-ilrJ bribe car on batardaw a
wa. waii insured for
Joseph ilcCulloch of Philadelphia
leant Chiiatuiaa at hid home neitr
fjrt Bo.val.
V.ys If ary Schweier spent several
Jayi lust week visiting her aunt Mrs.
H-.eiuWb. ia Lewintown.
n;1Uid poisoning from a malignant car.
fciocle. uo 'ne il e oi v.ougrees'na. m
f.K .Iiil of Michigan, at Waahiogtoa a
(, days ago.
Peter Brnito, a tramp, threw a
itooe and broke two lights in the
Jacob Uoui ouoa window, last
Albert slsckenserger seat op a balloon
from bis ace of business on Main etreet,
M the isin ult. Il wool atraigbt up above
uli a mile or so.
Jjhn HV.ia, from Ireland only 8
Bunib'. m killed by the cars, while
it fu at w rk on the tra.-lt at Han
tcglon last Friday.
Ha other "cCer Ilka this. Send one dol
lar sra fv cent lo pay lor one year'a
tbKrip'ioa to tba Skstissi. aid RcrcBLl
ui and Tkt Weky Prn:
ionyh H pwrll, manager of the Armour
k h.aH. at Ibe railroad, and If ma Kate
2fu.kiall ot Pattenoa, jonraryed to
Imej wreK get married.
There is a man in New York
recently boaetfa itiai ne never
iuci.le of a rhnrch in his life.
u in jail when he enid Ex.
Tba Dolr Brofhon bare aold their grain,
eual, lambor and auebouio bQ'ineaa to
Rtiioa aod Kaubeck of Thompaontown.
Tht Bm trm will oea buaineta on the
Jt'.i uf Mtfcb mn.
Dulel Wert of Walker townihip, dlrd
ra tb night uf the Tind day oT laat Decern,
krr. Hrt born on the 10th day of June,
1(04 fanar! took place OO Ula 2Htb
if of Dacvmbtfr 16sT. j
Siaire C. B H irniap hae bought I
Jjhn S. Gravritlla lrp atook of
rormture, ijpi8 Ac. Call around
cj ae biin. He'll tU yea f arni
tar at aatifacttry prii'es.
Bunaxl H lrnlng, m of Eliaa Ilorninjr,
1 ia York tute at!nlinr a veterinary col
Itfe. It 1 one u( tin prifeioon that ia
aut enwdwi, and tor the akilltul doctor
lhr I iilantr of work and good pay.
Charlrt Pt-gtlsy Uviog at Fhiladelpbia
4 1 ia that ciiy lt werk. Ha retuain
u bruarht to ihe borne ol Jobn (Vghtiey
U'tog la Faltrnoa. Iat'r:aeat t ok place
ea Sun.i.r ibe i'ib ol December. IBfT.
Itth, Mmt mud Servients ot evwry kind
ea haiaaa ar aoiaial car4 ia Iw aiinalaa
by WM.urJ't Sjm.'jrji Lution. Thi nver
Ui.t. Sold by L. Buii nd Co.. Dtujrsints,
M.EintoB Pa. Oct. UG. h7, 6u
rUaJ' nd, thrao yeiira ill jut give
a time lo Irani a trade," "i 1 b'M jaujin
fri-ach, lo H.)u..lc C'.urt tho othr
what's tha nae of worryinv about the
aestrn-uon ol the world
Frank W. Heaa, of York Pa., died
suddenly ia Newport Perry Co., last
WedneedaT, while he and hia friend
AojruatiM 3ippman were about to
hitch a hone in Ripptaan'a carriage
to take a ride. He died of heart die
ease. Hia age was 35 years.
A Eentocay woman who baa aaven eon a,
all burn oa Sunday, baa petitioned Gover
nor Burktw for a pent Ion. 6 ho aaya In
bar letter that aba never herd of aeven
boya all Baaa Bora on Sunday , and aba
thlnka that each an onnaropU-d feat of ma
ternity ehonld be properly rewarded gx.
Wbafa tho matter with tho Huntingdon
eonnty Court 7 Is a qneatioa that ia naked
frequently, einca tho threw and a half Tear
aenteace to the penitentiary, of the two
men who entered Hawn'a honae with the
object of robbery laot aaiuoaer. Mr. Aock
er alraoat met death at the hand a of one of
tho robtra.
Juniata County, according to the
account of atate chairman Cooper
stands eleven in the list of eainibo'
Conntiw, in th late election. Forest
county beiDg the first county and
Crawford county aecuua, and to theui
were Riven, tach, a banner- Jefferson
county is third on the Hot.
Engliah Spavin Liniment removea all
Bard. Soft, or Callouaed Lnmpe and Blem
tbei from horM-a, Blood Spavin, Corbo,
Splinti, Sweeny, Ring-bone, Btitka,
Spraina. all Swolleu Throat a, Congha, Etc.
Save $iO by Ibe uaa of one bottle. War
ranted. Sold by- L. Bank av Co., DrnggaU,
Mifflintown Pa. Oct. 26 87, (mo.
Samuel Reed, who Uvea near Chaabera
burg, cloerd up bia houae on Monday, and
with hi family went to eat hia Cbrntmns
dinner with frienda. About 12 o'clock at
aigbt, vhrn Mr. Reed returned, ho found
that bia houo and turotturo bad been en
tirelv conaumed by Ore. Ii ie tnppneed the
houae caught lire from aomo wood which
bad been plaaed in the atovo to dry.
List of letters remaining in the
Patterson Pa , Post Office not called
for : Adam Bnnet, James Deitrick,
John'Esob, Miw EKea Fitzpatrick.
Jacob Heilz, Willurd Lee, MivsLyJej
Shower, airs. George Teruune, Rob
ert W. Vilson. Parties asking for
the above will please say they are
Howard Krai, P. 51.
Patterson Pa . January 2nd, 1888.
List of Letters uncalled for remain
ing in P O. at Mifflin town Pa., Dtjc'r
31, 1887. Person calling for letters
in this list please ask for advertised
niHtter: Miss Ella L. Armstrong.
David Brabaker, Sam Carter, I. .
Cue, Minn Ida E Duffield, Miss Kate
Wommama, A. F Foster, D. L. Kep
ner, Geo. Kelly, Mrs. Nancy Parsons,
S. T. Felmlee.
Chas B. Cbawtord, P. M.
The heater araoka pipe in the Patterson
houae, a few morning! ago eet a Joiat on
lire under the Gentleman'e waiting room.
The araoke came through the floor into the
waiting room and ticket office, giving in
formation of aometbing wrong. Seats were
torn up, and a bole waa cut where the
amoke came through, and water from a line
of boae waa turned on, and before the
neighborhood realized tba ianpendiog dan
ger of a conflagration ibe thing waa over.
During the paat two year a a large raft
w as in tbecourso of construction on the
west coast of Nova Scotia. The porpoae
ot constructing a large raft waa to aave
money ou Ibe transportation of timber lo
New York. "The rati waa 660 feet long,
65 let t wide, 38 feet high and drew 20 teet
of water It contained 27,0 1) logs; tlie
snortest ones were 8 feet ; the larg-ft wore
100 teet long. Tho conteuta were over a
million feet. Tbe rait was launched on
tbe 15th al last November and on tbe 8th
of Dvcemtmr tbe ateamah'p Miranda ot 1500
tone burden atartrd to pull tbe rale tv New
Turk, by two heavy ropvs of 15 and 10
inches. A havj storm uvrrtook tbe steam
er and on tba 17th day of December letii,
the monster ropr-s broke as if thoy had on
I) been common bed corJa. The steamer
came to New fork. Great feara were im
mediately expreaeed that ocean veaaela
might be aunk by contact with tho
hugh pile of floating timber. Steamere
were sent lo learn tbe wbereabouta of tbe
ratt. In a lew days they returned with Ibe
report that tbe rait bal gone to piecra,
every lug floating by Itself and scattered
over Dany miles ot aea.
lectures at the University ef Pennsylvania
,ts at homo for vacation.
D. L. Detra, who Is a student la the
New Berlin Academy, spent tho holidays
vacation with bis friends la Walker.
Joha Sothrock, a student at the medical
4-ryartareot ef tbe Tnveraity of Psnnsyl.
vaola easoe none for vacation.
afartyn Crawford and Harry Cope land
students at a school of Pharmacy lhila.
dolphin, are visiting their parents.
Claries Bays n student of Princeton
Theological Seminary apent Chriatmas va
cation ot the homo of bia paroau ia this
Andrew Banks ef flio Junior class of
Princeton College ; Jsroea Mathers and
Jamea 8 trarroo of tho Sophmore class, and
George J. Parker of Freshman class were
at home daring vacation.
C. P. Pannabaker, editor of tho Coalport
Standard in company with bis wife visited
re'ativea and friends in tbia pi sea laat week.
Charles Pannabaker compositor la tho
Standard office waa also ia town.
Cttrlatanaa Festivals.
One of the Booriahing Sabbath schools
In tbe county is tbe ona connected with
earn Dumber of araBgrs wore distributed,
sad a camber of other articles ware 4ts
tribwtod among teachers and pupils. :
Nearly three hundred guests assembled
at tho bo ma of Mr. and Mrs. Jsmea Mc
Caulev, on Third street, last Wednesday
evening, to witness the marriage of Mr.
Prank at. M. Pennell, a prominent yonng
attorney of this place and District Attor
ney of JnniataCo., and Miss. Ida Irene Mc
Cauley, eldest daughter of Janes McCanley,
The ceremony was performed by Bev. L.
T. Hays, paatar of tho Westminster Pres
byterian churcb.
The bride and groom were attended by
bridesmaids, Misa Anna Parker of Wash
ington D. C, and Misa Gertie Caveny, of
McAltsterville j and Will H. Banks and
Wilberforce Schweyer as best men, with
Mias Beaaie Pennell and Misa Grace Loudon
as maids of honor.
At seven o'clock Mias Ella Banks com-
EAGLEnU-SPtCB.On the lstTaltl
by lire same. Wm. a. Bajrler, ot Walker,
and Asitie apece, of Oekware.
HOCIEKBERT.-8P4fJC8.on the It
tb alt by Rev. E. 8 Berry. George Hock
eobory, and Minnie Speoce, both of Horace
DAlLW-BnsSINGER--On Tuesday,
,8f7. bT Rev. 8. 8. Beery, Geo!
D. Oojirf and Lanra 8. Boaainger, both of
LAUVER -SHIHI. On Tuesday, Dee.
20. Ibb7, by Bev. K. B. Berry. Soiomon
Lauverand Pbbe8hirk, both of Walker
last., ty Bov. fc Berry. Daniel W. Miller
ol Greenwood and JUisabetb Ran letter, of
S oaquehanna.
nhU, ia Bca'e towaabip, by Rer A. H.Span
gler. K- Doty UrUy, of IVeale, and Flora
Wtaebaapt, of Sprue a Hill.
REMs-ER SACSMAN On the 27th
, on., at taa v. H. paraonaare si East Salem,
I T- LDdl- Mr. Wm. H. Rmaler to
Ml' E" -. Sausman, both of McAuater-
menced p'a ing a weddirgmarcb and the! .
bridal party paaaed into the parlor fronting ' Kv .7 fZ S-SMITH-On the 24th of
T....V. . . . . r 8 eriatBalemBptiatparaonage. Jeraey
on Third street, wbrte the e-reuvny waa City Height,, by Richard nJtiey, Chs
quickly ponormed and the yonig couple , Andrewe of New York City, and Nannie
received tba congratulation of many friends ! Smith, of Fermanagh towaabip. this
assembled. The rooms were ao crowded
i county.
BOLLINGER McCRUM. At ths real.
.. a . mil IE WU OniltH Mfllisl l-4srta. tall aaMg-eil
""i'vuuos in i-Kieraon. . . ....... . . ' dence .4 Mr. J-.k- K-i-.
naa congrstuiatea toe nappy pair, ana win i . M . . . " "
! 'd tbm ail bappinea. and good Inek K.ng. Mr. W. S. Boll.ns-er. of MllUrltV--'
rerry onnfy, F, . to Miaa Mat tie McCrum.
-a-r-.iu, juniau county, fa.
Tbe school numbers ono hundred and fllty
members, and under the efficient soanage-na-t
uf Superintendent Zaiders, sn enter
tainment aa given in tbe Evangelical J
church bud I ing oa Christmas Eva. Tbe i
churcb waa crowded to its utmost capacity.
The rjruerraflasaa) waa aa-nad bv t He arhool I
Tk. .iila d.r k....d .... . i - . .v.- :
sincing --Tbe Angola' Soog." which was I . . . . , town. John Kepler, awed M t ears month.
i nax . i in -
that will be needed for their prosperity.
The bride waa dreaeed ia cream colored
aurah trimmed in aatin ribb jna ot the eaase
color witliout train. Tbe biidesmaios
ware dreaaed In eream casbmere and tnlle.
rdLn.l k. k T.-. i. v- , aame coior, mmmea wiin ribbons.
Samuel Heme, recited, -We bsvo found i ,b" Jroon Udw of ,h "r, "" " Trr
the.MeM.h , the stImuI ..n, a.n.thee .t I floe appearance danng the Ceremoay was
tbe M soger recitation, The Star," by
Stella Landia; Soog by tbe School, Christ
mas Light ;" recitation by Beaaie Craw
ford, Cry of tbs Weary," and Reeponee
by choir ; tecitaiion by Lillie Hersb, Sin
ner Appear," Response by the School ;
recitation by Annie Cree, "Tbe Heathens'
Lament," Keepoate by choir ( recitation
by Edith DeHufl, -Tbe Sepuicber ;" Song
by tbe school, -AU the World Coming i"
recitation by W il ie Cubbison, "The Com
ing ol the Children ;" recitation by Edna
Landia, --Cbilda Wish," and reapunae by
tho School The Chikarena' Right to
Come ; rec nation by Jesse Fink, "At last
Thou art Come Dear Savior ;" Song by in
fant department, We Have Found Him ;"
Detertption of Bethlehem by James A.
C saner a solo and Quartette and chorua,
The Babe ot Bethlehem ;" recitatiaa by
Laura Earnest, "Christmas Prayer ; reci
Utioa by Katie Swarts, Christmas Bella;"
Song by four girla. 'Tbe Bvefgreea
Br-xcbes," recitation by Blanch Wiae,
Reat in Ueaven 5" recitation by Deasie De
ll utT, "Tbe Pilgrim ;" reeita.lon by Nellie
Ftuk, aometbiug about a little girl ;" song
by three girls ; recitation by Willie Powell,
"Merry Chriatmas )" an Accroatic and
song by 16 girls ; recitation in mute sign
language by Lewis Rosemon ; Hymn by
tbe Congregation "Joy to tbe World;"
Caudiea, orauges and bauanaa were distributed.
tbe re nark of all.
Supper waa served about eight o'clock
tbe 4th ult , in Thompson
and 10 aaya.
HCOtilNS On tbe 8th ult., ia Dels
ware twp., Minuie Cor.leli Huins, aged
years. 4 tuouibo, and 17 da.) a.
CRAWFORD On tte ISih ultM in Pat-
and many ol the young ladks present ask- j teraon Mrs. Maria, widow ol Hit lateBryeon
. f" 1. 1 .L. ...
ed Ibat pieces ol tbe bride's cake be saved
D. S. Eloss baa Ibis day been admited fo
an interest in our business. Tbe business
will be continued under tbe Arm name ol
Jsn'y 2-S.
ran methodist school.
The Metbodut Sabbath School under tte
anperiutendency of Colonel NcCruut held
their Chriatuiaa entertainment in tbe fine
large preaching room of the Methodist
Church butaiug on the eveulng alter
Christmas. Oirty Robiaon delivered the
opening speech followed by a recitation by
Neikly Auoisu 1 recitatiou by Gertrude Robi
aon and Flora Faaitk ; recitation by master
James B. ooks; Song by LUie Miller and Nan
nie Stamba'igb ; recitaiion by Cbaa. Noble ;
recitation by Pearl A uoiar; recitatiou by El
aie Miller ; Missionary dialogue by Francis
Pauuabaker, Jrase Panoabsker aud Belle
Doyle ; rcciiatioo by Katie Naukiwell ;
song by Annetia and Anne Belle Wright ;
Dialogue by Roy Showers, Wilson liifT
maa and Grub Garman ; recitationa by
Liazie Auruan, Jennie Hawk Mary Suyder,
aud Annie Stambaugb ; music oa uouih
organs by Jobn Martin aud Tan Paona
for tbem, that tbey might place it ander
their pillows at night, with tbe hope that
the dreanie produced by tbe preseoce of
the cake would iboe to tbem the imago uf
their future haebands.
Tbe guests were from sll parts of tbe
oountry and were from familiea of tbe
friends of both bride and groom.
Tbe youcgcouple accompanied by a par
ty of frienda leftj tor tbe station at 11
o'clock in tend In g4 to. take the midnight
train for Philadelphia and New York City.
Tbe train did not arrive nntil 2 a. m., but
tbe party waa.iu high spirits and entertain
ed themselves until the train bore off the
newly married pair, who are to be absent
until Thursday evening, when a reception
will be given for tbem, by the groom's pa
rents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pennell at their
home in Patterson.
Tbe following is a list of the presents re
ceived : Frank M. M. Pennell presented the
bride with a line gold watch Mrs. K. S.
Parker, of Washington, D. C, presented
tbe flowers that were worn by the party
during the ceremony. Anna E. Parker,
fruit spoon ; Gertrude Caveny, aide-board
cover, glove bo turner; W. H. Banks, cham
ber set; Bessie Pennell, card receiver; Grace
London, pepper and aalt boxes ; Joseph
Pennell, f'-U 00 ; Mrs. Joseph Penuell, chi
na tea set ; W ill Pennell, cake basket ;
Clareuce Pennell, vase ; Lizxie McKoigbt,
soup ladle; Mr. and Ura. McCauley, cook
stove. So 00 ; Rimer McCauley, $5.00; Jo
sepb McCauley, silk umbrella ; Lixxie Me
Cauley, pair ot vases ; Jennie McCauley,
toilot set ; .Mr and Jara. L.. K. Atkinson,
(dozen silver knives and forks ; Mr. and
Mrs. George Jacobs, sugar bowl; Mr, snd
Mrs. Robert McMeeo, banging lamp; Jen
nie Moor, book, "Sketch Book"; Clarence
Egao, book, "The Pilot"; Kllie V. Stone.
eait and pepper caator t Mr. a-id Jira. F1l-
MekT, castor ; si. u. Allison, salt and pep
per box ; C. S Kepner bisque figures ; Mra
bbettie Kepuer, banner; Miunie ilowe,
wisp bolder; Mr. aud Mrs. C. B. Crawford,
mirri'r; Mr. Meminger, pair or vases; Mr.
W. D. Cramer at,d daughter, Iruit riisb;
Wiiberlorce Schweyer and sister, water set;
Mrs. Jennie K Bai.ks, ratin tan; Mrs Jamea
Noitb,lruil dirb ; Mr. aud Mr. J. K. Rub
Uon, butter kttives ; Mr. and Mrs. J. S.
Hoilobsugli, butter buite; Jennie Wilson,
muaisrd spoons t Harriet Parker, 4 doxeu
spuouH ; Mr. aud In. Dr. Suiiih, , dosen
spoons pair ol towels; Mr. Fannie N.
j Garman, d. x-n spoons ; Sallie M. Par-bah-
ker, d xon iruit plates; Myra C. Leon-
eras lord, in Ihe 61 tb year of her age
GCS3 On the 7th ult., in WakeBeld,
ebraaka, iroui nueuuiouia. Prof A. 1..
Gnaaot Waabiugton City, aged 6S years t
inuuuis, ana 10 dsys.
SHADEL On tbe 6tb nit., iin Green
wood twp., Newton Uarriaon, only child of
lyocaren and ctarbara Shade!. Aged 2 years
wvauu iuu 19 aaya.
KOONS On tbe 3rd nit- in Nortonvilla
Jetleraon Co., Kansas, from meiubraneous
croup, Harry eldest child of Edward A.
Room, aud grandson ot Mrs. Catharine
noons, ol fort Royal, aged 6 years,
To oasvass for one of the larfMt, Id
eal estawllskeal. BtSST MOWS
"JCKtaltmiaM la ta caaatry.
Moat liberal tarma. Unequaled facilities.
GENEVA NDRSERT, established 184.6.
W.T. San It a. Geaeva, H. T.
Transaot a general banking buai-
Discounts daily.
1865, ESTABLISHED 1887
Special Invitation Te The Public
To attend the Attractive Sale of Clothing that goes ea Aailj
D. W.
It will be
Accounts of firms, individuals and 1 Who hare money to invest to examine the Stock of Good for
corporations solicited.
ir.t,r-i niw.a on M E N, BOYS AND CHILDREN.
f - -
Iwaa mAnlyia' a-i fiof asm
U4WUM- wwsaiMva-vaj. v. . s-i
it is truijr marreious to ooe
OILS ! OILS ! OILS ! of Suits and Overcoats at the Wonderfully Low Prices.
His prices leave all Competitors in the rear, so don't fail
THE STWlliliD OH C0MP1M 81Te tim lf m needof clothms.
. April 20-87.
er ; Dialogue b Morns aud Florence Gable; ! aid. null basket ; Mr. ai.d Mrs S. Strayer
recitation by VVrgie Auin.n ; song by asm- i "u,t Mt"1 J J- S lc"'locb aud ai-ters,
uel Kolluian atid daugbtera accompanied by
by guitar music. Candy was dis
tributed to tbe primary clas and a Sunday
School laualc Book named "Glad Uallu-
gia," was presented to all adult
bera ot the scbool.
ctJ nceiurj Mr. aud Mrs. W. Roilmsn,
cke basket ; C. r - Erpeuscliade atid sifter
doxeu (biei ; David H. Duty, family bl
be; Hi. and Mrs. B. . Schweier knivea
and forks ; Mr. aud Mrs. W. Allison, pitcher;
W.J. Jsckiusn, el ot d.t iron.-; E. E. Berry
and wile, pair ol vases ; Euiil Schott and
wile, cbrbiile table scart ; Mr. and Mrs.
I beu sprea-1 ; Mr. and Mis. Urooinger, bed
Under the management of the efficient ; spread ; KUa K. BaLks, sachet bjg Beikie
Superintendent Mr. A. H. We id man, tbe ! .North, bra.- kettle ; Mr. aud Mrs. Weid-
I a.h.. s J,uth ..h,u,i .... i man, spu e oox ; .-nr. ana rs. i. i mcai
MirriaSTOws. Jsn'y 4, 1888.
b boulder,
Sides, ....................
rf neal, ...... .....
Viurii new............
Cluveraeed. .............
Tiutouiy seed ............
Fla aeed . . . . .......... .
Cbo. ....... ...........
EHioria...... ............
Grouud Alum eiait. .......
ktueriowii CMlL.
PaiLaDXLFBiA. Dec'r 80th, 1887. Beat
ctioo tt to ecu. Sueep t to 6cta. Latiiue
4 to 5K.U. Hogs i to 8cla. VVneal UuU
Corn 04 to oovla. Uaia a lo 42cis. Rye i7
cis. Cloverseed 6 to ,ois. Winter braa
il IvlBluu Hayai$il to 17.00 a
too. Appassat $1,00 to $-.50 a barrel. Po
tatoes at GO lo DOcla a bushel. ligs at lo
lo 24 cis. touller 20 to aocta per lb. Live
exi''eea Ut ecla. LlucSs b lo Ucls- G
3c is. f urkeys io lucu. Smoked beel 12
to 13cU per lb. ilauis 10 to 1 Ida per lb.
buiukeu liam 11 lo 12cu ber lo. Slioulder
6 u 7cta.
of Pittrbnrg Pa., make
of mannfactnring for tbe Domestic
trade tbe Fxntst Brands of Illuminat
ing and Lubricating Oile, Naphtha
and Gasoline, that can be made from
We challenge comparison with
every known Product of Petroleum.
If yon wish the most
ask for our trade for MiHintown and
vicinity Supplied by
December 14,-87-ly
Schott's Closing Out
Sale This
PROFIT and Sam-
,KN T plea Free to met. can
vassera lor nr. bCwtl'a fbrBUlBe
Electric Belts, Brasbea, Ac. La
dy agents wanted for Electric Corsets
Quick sales. Write st once for terms. Dr
Scott, 848 B'way. N. T.
20 -
j ---AY a
25 e )
s3-( i ft
11.75 i
1 00a I 10 ."5?f"P' I
M An E
Trne to onr old principles, we will not carry njiy goods over to
next year. This being the case there Reems to be but one way to free
ourselves from onr nnrplus stock of Overcoats and Men's and Boys' Suits
and it is C ut down the Price.
In no instance is the price of any Overcoat above the naked cost of
the Cloth and the trimmings. The cost of the making has been ignored.
of Reduction
on Jflens
Overcoats all sizes, Marked Down to
Overcoats all sizes, Marked Down to 9. 50
Overcoats all sizes, Marked Down to $ 8.26
Overcoats all sizes. Marked Down to f 7.5C
Overcoats all sizes. Marked Down to I 6 87
Overcoats all sizes, Marked down to 9 4.37
Overcoats all sizes. Marked down to 8 63
ffariw , iiiMi.iv ptivnt.
Vbea Ibe Jnilr. had aeiitni?f l him ta a I
, . .. . - I Till irupruved method of fastening tbe
. u - .( . irrru in ini bh i tru tist . r. X. ! . . . . . .
l s;rins-s 01 pianos, inven'ea or iK.e aawo
T.nil ui.srrib.Ts t.. the Smsti.ixl asd ,ud Hamlin Organ and Piano Company a
isrcsLict' ho p arrsraii-s aud pay I to years since, is unquestionably one ot
saiuar and S:1y centa in advance, Tilt ' ,D important improvements ever
n- i-. p.. , .. ,, I md", making the instrument more richly
" ) r,i, and th Skitimkl ano Ks- . , .
mifical in its tones, as well aa more dur
v.uias wM Da seut lor lUe period of one a(jie BOj r,s j.tle to gl out of tune.
Tts ore I, ar l ol Omimininncrs Uower,
CscDiigl ,B i:l R:ce eutered upon the
iacfcarr el their duties on .tf.mday. G.
w.Bunta. U . appointed clerk
at AilisoD, AUuruey, Juhnnie
nnel Cooper of Port Rural, died, on
Its 13th dsv rf last December of bronchial
!ree ; axrd slioat So rar. At one
Otoshs waa a pas.-nger trainicondacior in
ttsrer.xrof the F.nL.ylvaoi, RsilroAd
"A Bn pa,.nj, throngh a gateway in the
ax mn iiim.t . n..i
- - t- -
I wish that Do.t
- .uriuwer rr-rions !' was his
...... ..Delt.rw,h it was
e.said a bjaiauder. -Too
f n.t It .jam.. Kj
TkebliuaM f lMt Wednesday
....... ... general in its aweep,
Itom Bins.., tu the AtW,
. "mi. , iiue
lueriliouieter k,.,. .1. ... . .
i,ro. , . -'l'l- .mo.i to
" l tbe weat U
might run
In eo' sequence of the inoleuient weather
on New Years day, the dedication of the
new bouse of worship ot E uanuel's congre
gation at Tborapsontown haa been postpon
ed to Sunday January ICtb at 10 a. m.
Rt-v. F. W. Conrad D. D. ia expected to
preach the dedication sermon Neighboring
clergymen snd the pnblie generally are
cordially invited to attend.
A Ie
1 dais air,. . I..... ... .. .
If.,.,. .' screecn
w a bird can c al,...i k. ,.,
found -,K " """" w
..i P'"jiwa under the
:.:g",'r0","fSl"""''t-,on Bridge
Merchant Frederick Enpenschade
has taken bis eon Carl Espenschad,
as a partner in tbe store business.
Carl has had years of training in tbe
business under his father and is well
and favorably known to the com
munity and to tbe patrons of the
store. The new firm starts with the
new year. Step in and see them.
When vru come to town be 6ure to
call and examine their large ttock of
I, I gooda. Tney will treat you well and
sell you goods at satisfactory prices.
tainmebt on Ibe evening ot December 2lb, J mnd (.,)
lo Ibe Luge audience fooul of thuir church
bunding. The room ia tbe largest cburcb
room in tbe couniy. it was full of people
on thia occasion and all were highly pleaa
cd wuh tbe loliowing exerciaea : Opening
anibem, by Sabbath Pcbool Choir led by
J.S. lhonisa, Siar ol tbe Twilight;"
Fiayer by Rtv. F. Grail ; music by cLoir,
Christ's Weicome to Children ;" Decla
mation, -King Out Ihe Bella : " music.
'Christuiaa Bella :" Dec. atiial ion Tele- j
later, pictures and eaael ;
Jobn Oravbill
table; Mr. and Mra. Sb.iwere,
1 card statid ; J. W. liupbra. earring knite
I ai.d loik; J E. Stevens, carving knile and
j loik, towels ; Mr. aud Mia. Fred slyra,
carving knite and fork; Mr. aud Mra S I
Todd, tool stool ; Br. aud Mrs. i. W.
Wilson, umbrella bolder; Mr. and Mrs. H.
Scboll. umbrella bolder ; L. Batiks, dress
ing case; Mr. and Mrs. . W. KirkpatrKk,
augar spoon ; Jerome Thompson, doseo
kuives ; Mr. and Mrs. Cbas. Barneit, cne
o. lie fable cover ; B F. BurrhUeid aud wife
mirror; J. Uowaid Neelv, glars aet ; A.J.
Fa'terson aud wile, di.cn g.asses; J. Ly-
ona and wile, oair l towtds s J N. Keller
phone message to Santa Clause ;" by Fin- ,,,d iie, d.xcn sOoua; Frank Stuner,
kie Tbompsou ; music by ibe cboir, "Shel- ' case ot scissors; K h. Farker pair ol
in k- i.r... ..r ;i,.,m n-in,sii..n. ' sheets; J. K. Robison and wife, table
CLriatmas Eve at Beihlebem," by Basaie
Bonsall ; mneic, ' Jesus ia Calling ;" ma
sic, ' Cnio Him be Glory ;" Declamatiuu,
Thomas :
a skin flxnt of
'Personal 3lotes.
James snd Philo Pannabaker are here
Tbe Closing Year ty Charles A
music, 1 he Re t ill be the S weeter ;"
remarks by Superintendent ; music, "Heart
Floweis," alter which gills were distribut
ed. Every member ol ihe scoool received
a gift. A number ol special gUla ware giv
en, Tbe interesting entertainment was
closed by music, "Shall we meet By aud
By" si.d a benediction by tbe pastor.
The Christmas Cantata "Waiting for
Santa Claus," was held in tbe lecture
room of tbe Presbyterian church on Mon
day evening December 261b, 1887, in tbe
presence of a large audience. Soperintend
e nt G. W. Wilson eondusted the exercises,
W. H. Rodgers represented Santa Claus,
assisted by James K. Robiaon, D.S. Kloss,
Matthew Allison, Misses Jennie Bsnks,
Grsce London, Hallie Jackman, Katie Diehl
and Jennie Anker.
Edgar Anker, George Rodgers, Boya
Parker, Leslie Allison, Harry Mosser, Roy
Kreider, George Hays and John Gravbill,
represented a troop of vocalists from "Nap
sad am." A company consisting of Mary
K..rth. Besaio Middsgh, Nellie Mnsaer,
Isabella Schweier, Emily Murray,
scent i pension
oc olV k . 3600 for Joll rrm lrTin' Clearfield county,
'y.'sud r,i,r ,U5;,unJD:rlaid, coun i Grant Fink a student st Jefferson
M,1P'tbV a,.0"''?' cil college wss nt home during
cloths; V. W. iib.roii, table ciotb; Jacob
Wills and wile, table cloth; A. K. Alelo,
table clolb; F. F. Kobm, isble cioih ; W ll-
haiu Adn.s, 1 00; O. W. McAlister, ptir
towels; M.r CoOuiati, pair of towels ; Mrs
Mtminger, pair oi towels ; A. B. Evans, ta
ble scait aud pair ol towels ; Henry H ag
ner, table scan and pair ot lowela ; Mra. K.
D. Paiker, pair ot towels; J. T. Tbompson
and wile, pair of towels ; Jennie Margarift
pair cl towels ; Ellie and Lixxie Fauoaoa
ker, pair ot towels; Joseph Ueaa and wile,
pair of towela ; Mra. Murray, pair ot towela;
Katie Books, pair ot towels ; Belle Kotb
rock, pair of towels ; Howard Kirk, pair of
towela ; M. L. Rodgers snd wife, pair of
towels ; C. W. Mayer and wife, vinegar
bottle ; James Simons and family, pair of
blankets ; Edgar Strayer and sisters, band
painted placquea ; BeujAmiu Wagner, pair
band paiuted placquea; Jamea a
tori Isaac Seasor, photograph album ; An
nie CoSaian, pair of celery stands; Mrs.
James McMeen, celery stand ; Samuel Mey
ers, to.00 ; vase, two pair of towels, two
dosen sets of spoons with no names ; Anuie
Snyder, picture and eaael ; C. McClellan
and wile, doxen napkina ; W. 1. Hibba,
dosen napkins; S.B. Loudon and lamily,
dozen napkins ; J. K. Robison and wile,
napkina ; Laura Kannels, aide board cover;
J. E. Uoneyrut and wile, pair ol abains ;
W. J. Kulp and wile, pair oi towels; Jean
Trimble, pair of towels ; S. B. Caveny aud
wife, pair of towels ; Anna Manu, pair ot
towels; T. J. Scboch, pair of towels; Alice
Todd and sister, du.t tray j W. Nor in and
wile, dosen butler dishes; Thos Boll, su
gar spoon ; Joseph Martin and wife, fruit
dh : John J. Patterson aud sister, water
50. FORFEIT. 50.
Foot Jf ar in Juniata County.
The above statement is true. Other merchants aUege the
same to be true of their stock. Let all making the claim stand
up tor inspection. 1 will torteit ou it 1 tail to sustain my
claims. Let the others "do the same. Let the people know
the whole truth.
The finest underwear, the Best Gloves, Fine Is'eckwear, the best
shirts, Silk Handkerchief, Silk Mufflers, Fur Caps. Although the good
are fine Quality
put vp or snvT rp
AID ?riT
G, W. H E C K.
(Bine Wrapper -with lied Band.) sfbjlj afsjjl Uf
ibs 22? scouanrn soap mi I dLSJSr
Cle. arerytUiug in tu. bou-s; wUl r..rr" ANYWHFRF In ANY
whilansM to msrbls mantle.. tsbls. etc.: claan. vJJJrJ . ,n
paint wltkonldlniminillU lustra; scoursknlTS. QUANTITT, f rem a pound to a pall,
whils It wsahs them ; makes eblns. tisaawar. nd a FEW MINUTE8.
and wlndn s glisten with an added trlghtnsss : ONf PACKAGE mskss:
pollahWTuettn, brass andcoper war. used in 15 pounds Wilt Curd Soap) All 11 est '
Uiltfbfn ; cl sties lb- bath tub, flnor. and ar J'l",',
shies; waabss oil cloth, without Injuring tbetni A Pail of Superior Soft Soar.. ) Itrfs.
Laka out araee. d -t aod stains from csrits It takes the place ot
matting and otber wursn fabrics. Washing Powders and Common Soaps.
n fcur;
"l ev,v
It wm back pen-
tli.tr1'. tH''nna ventists nre- vacation.
the boli-
F rank Patterson of tba Sophmoro clae
' of LaFayetre college came home to spend
w..i- di.h : John J. I atteratia and alaier.
I . .. i . ..h... ti - rw.
Guabard, Beckie Doyle, Ellie Doyle, Bessie wicr n . r j ,lf,,
nr,,. J,aeie Cramer, Mary Bohm, Margie . t , Beckie Ciawford. piichur ; Lis
P.tr-raon. Martha Jackman, Emma Fowla,
and Ada Simonton, sang a song keeping:
time with bells. The Sundsy scbool choir
carried tbeir part admirably. They were
assisted by a number of roluote. r singers.
Miss Minnie JlCAliaier preameu u
. ..The Vespers of ibe Nuns," aasen-
ie Curran, pucber; Samuel Wat la asn
wife, pixber; A. ii. Adama aud wife pucb
er i Kellie Thompson, pitcher ; K. C. Vso
roseen. pair ot vases; Emma Walts, pair)
vases Uowd Crawford, pau-vases C. A. ;
Thompson, pair of vases ; James Mathers,
Mir ol vases ; J. L. Hotbrock, pair ol vaa--
1 .. . l . . u .1 A , r ,
: es ; a.ate jacavaigu. uu ,
pajr ol vases ;
W ill HectIH-r, pair ol bn.ose
oince it is
-'"e to .li-
the deBtinw U
, . j
tan n few reUti
staiir.rr I
Harry V D.rr dentist at Mifflmburg, .ctei by Mis.es Maud Kreider, Maud WiU lcher, , W. BxKlgtrs and wue, pair ras
narry f. u. rr, dentist, at winiiuo a. ac j Fmrkt!r Beckie Trimble. Wee Charles Stone, itxij T. Thompson an-
nion county -as la this place Tisuinc sen. Bea. -arar, eM- irm i ir of va.es ; Charl. Adams, papef .
Utives ard frietds- Todd, Psuliuo Kobnt. itTjeni frail, ink stand.
rj . . . .. Two hundred packages of candy. Hi -
mmm a-, - Thl lartTft sMld haBdOID 0W book. . nj a j jsajs gf i
nu trrtl nm ififa! of th Imimj of tht miDnt pnbllnhlng b on fve. ' Pr&e Thm In no
book tjabltnbM with the Mope and ohjWt- of this work, and there can b do corr.petltioD. a thera
tn the raw of almost every other pnbiUhe1 by e-bacriptton." ArrcBd Patiiot "Tba moet
Oev-faJ book pnbliiihed in many a day." A'. Y. Worid " Barely do-a volume of greater ioirftat
and more real value come from the prei . Oberrr. X. I. "ETery kind of humao ecdrtw-or
rreiTp faQ aDrj rarefal mniridtration. ' V. T. Corn. Adrrtt9r " Well suited to supply a prev
ent otiriPTT n librnHp-A, puhh and private. V T Jour, of Com.
Tt receives tbe enqaalltled praise of every one who examines It. Sold only by subscription.
f sWis at ruth t to ail. Men and women aceata make from SlOO to $300 per month easOy.
we-We xiTe iamtrartloam so any person with this book eaa become a roost successltiiitaeot.
0W lnmtr st ao iimeraoee. aa we giwm Spoetal Terms end Pay Freight Charges, re tire
territory at ones. Kem.ni her. we jrive yon tbe sxcloatve sals of tola book In tsrrl'orr assisted yoq.
'Writ, for onr lars ekuraatly lUoau -td Clrtalara. conta iainsT full psa-Uealare, !p-iJ TtrcB'. ax-
s-B f t su Ad-ir s-oi-a, WIlfTEH CV., PnMlitora, SvpVlntrapld. Ma-.
lUustrated by tho use of a Bum made by T. T.Haydork. which la not only the La-dlas
Buary In this eleture. tat THE LrjtDI. BtiC-T f A1TI KstlCA. Baa
HsT'loek's SafetT King Bolt and Klfth Wheel. Ask yoor deal.r for th. T. X.
H4IDOCK ikt'CitiY, with the Haydock Safety Sing Bolt and rtrih Whawi.
Life Is Insecure riding over any other.
(Ta pSjsm wniSiiaHita iws mt. srlawa la I it ttrla. a, asa. wt. win mgm m
' Bscumrruirl r-f-i rp TT A.mQCTC
tiSSM,lolo rrt s XJM. Cr.
.rriTB "jrinxD where w hate hohei
Plaai aa4 Twolfth Ma- CTcrTI. O.
J. CD F. T3.
To all who ar ewlTerrlaf from tha arrorti ar.r
. aacret!rne f youth, net-roue waaknese,
let-ay, !-Mof naanbooJ. fcc, I will anad a rv-:j-t!.atwi::rtrayon.FKr
OFCnAROaC. Tblarra.1
omelj waa 1taoorered by a m.aWfooary In fy ,
-raerira. end a aalf-ad dreaaed nwvlopa to tb.
Itx. 3fzrn T. I ism AS. Sttin Dm Ifwm Trk CUg
i5?fit's-2wiMAfiURE SPREADERS
JSltFARIil WA60iSnithtirr.yw
J i be rbesiHMt fipresrter uut st.d the
VVjf Arfl or..y ku.d thsl can be
: .- JtrfL 5rr stl'hed lo.u Wmrmm.
Rr?l?'6v"f Tletar lister
1 r h-XSf3-si-3-St Hsller-. I -ferial
It.nareU lnalnc Mills, t'.ra fellor.
eVed f'eifer., etc. All are trsrean-erf vrwa
-:llwU tr-NLTTIKK atf HIF CO. folawbs.,0.
Cetera Vraea Hmm. BatEBtTSMTX. MBl
Tbe Srntinel srd Pepotliean office is the
place to get Sale Bills printed and job work
Fall And Winter Goods.
I wonld Inform tha public that 1 hsvo
now in my new millinery at. r at ruy place
of residence on Water street. MiSliutowa,
second door froru corner of Bridge street,
a full stock, of Spring A Summer millinery
goods, all new, and of tbe latest atyles.
and having employed first class mil'.inera
I a in prepared to supply the public with
everything found in a flrstclass milliner
store, come and examine ncv tock. I
consider it no trouble to show goods.
March 22-t)7.1..
CaatloB Notice).
All'peraons are hereby csntioned sgalnst
b outing or Bsbirg on tbe prof rty of tbe
undersigned in Fayette tr.wnr.btp, ss tbe
t insjsw fsws wUl ray enforced.
rrtra atV Tersw'.
MMTer, WOO l SltSHUlDg BVii