BENTLMa A REPUHUCAIi HFFUNTOWN. nn)MJPlT, J1VT 4, IS9. B r. S C H W K I E 11, ltiT rsnranrraa. A ktmbch of duo urion men were ernp!ovei no tilts cutU warve) and bout t'ie wiro boime of Port Richmond- "Knights oflbor,"iutbe Mr Tien of tlio Re ailing PailroaJ Corn pan v. objected to the employment of of the con onion men, and a few darn ago refuse! to work unless tb men vrho tlul not blon? to tbe k;iiLt wore rtiaofcarfrd. The eora r' f to discharge the non nriiori turn ami tolj llie 1 eight to proofed with tbeir work or their p!a-cs 1 be supplied with other men. TLi arti.m of the company ofli-iix's. o nrrmnnl the leaders of the- Kriht5' that they unwisely or tlprfd FtnVe all alonp the line of thtt It -a.lir.r; Riilroad, thereby com pell;r Iv ttieir secret combination. thoi;-.'u:rl ; tit men to quit places of work, w! ere they were earning a liv irf f r themselves and families. It in l'in 1 lea lership. It is worne than b!i r. 1 Un Urship that will compel s lr-t of pood men connerteii with & Mint (Tuanizittion to quit work ir. the li.i.l of winter when ther is r o j Tiiirijial iiiTolTed, farther than Hut liumlicr of men not merabtrs of tl.t- Knights of L.nlor were at work f r tne same cotupmy. The orlt v to Btiik, wan piven and on the tl if 1 of 1) cember thousands of K .itr'itx jnt work. Freight trains witi- m li trncktwl, ware houses and ouul wirTcs were deserted. The ronipHny immediately bepan to pro id- t ) till the vat-ant piaoes with nth. r men. l$y th uiorninjr of the 1: 7 : ! i of Dn-ctnbt'r tiie strike was at nri ti.l. It is to the credit of a large j. ti? tge of tht nieniberr.hip of Ibe Kr.i .'hrs th-it they did not approve f f t. a iwi-w order of a strike on a j I..-! of 'he officers of their secret or 1. r. It i tho standing objection to tin iy torms if fjovernment and to r.i-.n, rehffiotin creeds, that they w i; .; no eniplojment to people, rrl.o pot of their kind. Rut bow Co''., i fiiicli a tf'jvernment or evste.n r f I i';. i e-n or religion be put into j . t'-- ir: tie It pnblie and prefe-ve ft i tto sliii.low uf free poverumeut If t! i ruKviile laid down bv the in tax I'ort Richmond sti ik- were followed to ft Com ItiMon, n in of goveruuieut as despotic ti Hint of lii!ir, would be develop e l wit! in ttie p rid of a generation, from wi.ich the Knights would 19 tlin tir t rwitle to earnestly pray for dt ! v. i . ace. Freedom of govern-i..-iit, wud fteedooi f labor and bns i tFs run otily b- prea rved by mak ing it i-ecnre ftr all. 1 i.s hohd iv Hirike is held rip as ar.ot'.cr illustration of tbe conflict capital and labcr. lie is s limn niio b.ff nn M to prind soiuc- v u re or i- au irtu ranl oiaa that al W'lvi is talkmLf aUxit the cunUiCt of c-t w , in.i labor. I.oo a moment it tin- t-itnation of the parties in this cis. : The officers and laloring men of the Heading Railroad Couipuny are tli i people w"'.o snck the orai:ge and the cupitali-tsget the rind ; the t iVn-erw ett the oyster and the cspi tV.lnt get the, shell ; the employees from the track to the Presidential nf.i.-e Kr-sorba the procels or earo-ir-v of t! and the bloated a "tili-1 as he ia tal'ed; the men wuo b:4v money in the road, and its mines ai.d furnaces are congratulated in a sort of patrouizing way if they g t 4 per tit on their investment. tSome j run. they get nothing. Mr;v ottier companies are in the iMirition. And it is not only so wirt railroads, but such is tne rase with tuanv mauufitctnririr es tiil'lifiiu, tuts. .The cuDonis are b:is-l on a paper itidebteiiie8e. whi b c in T'-vi r 1 n-doeiued, and tt e best t 'ne hilib-i s can do is to grin and bear Slid ie-eive a small percentage, if the j artiing are not all eaten np in pay ' ineiit ol wage to the workmen and oflicerb and instea.1 of curs.-s being hurl.-. I at men who have put money into t-ucb risky enterprises, they fcliould have good wishes and en cviirtgein rit extended to them. I.irge Kunis of money have been inaile by r n set of ot bond and stock bolder M-iling out to an other ou riMing or tailing markets, which the iiiHiutge by the tncks of their trade. 15 it such work has no more todo with the real work of railroading and min ing and rriMnufactnritig. than has the spi'Ctibitiona t f the grain dealer, with rni -ing of wheat corn and oats or the pork sp culator with the raising of hogs or the production of lard. Thk fcuropeau wr scare is over. Conoress is again in session after tho holiday recess. The story of tht coal famine, is denhd from Kansaa- A Jtcv mammoth cave l as been din- j oovere 1 in Kentucky, a number of in arum i tied bodies have been found in it A Gehmam ihx-tob comes to ti e front with the declaration that can cer iti cause,! by too much sugar in the blood, and t.i. treatment of can lo oaa disease has chiefly ia view the reduction of the amount of sugar in tue blood. A experienced officer in an insane asylum says, the man or woman that gives way to feeling ia on the way to insanity. Hs has known people, who "ulk," to grow insane. Teople who worry, or grieve over disappointment may grow insane. People he says should not sulk, grieve, or worrv Throw inch feelings off by self eon troL u n TBS alJeeeil atarTtBg anl frfflfrg oi fujuewT" in usi ani -erra8SJ l ben etajf-.-erate-l. Moat of tLe ptoueers are now reported tole com fortably housed in dvu onts." The pioneeis in the tim"er d.eUicrs nreia nod -ner ol fiezirg. The fewdenth by itemizing, werw perstrs caught by bbiz-tr la whiie traTeliu o-r prairie lacd Dasiix Uiniiio, f renidont Cleve land's firt BecreUry of the T re ana ary died at Albany on the 2-1 to d-y of December. He was the leader who kept forwarding the interests of Cleveland from one place of promi nence to another, till the Presidency was reached. Cleveland to reward the man to whom he was tbe most indebted, offered Manning t:e S?cretaryihip of the Teanry, whien he accepted, which was the mistake of his life ; be broke down in health in tbe effort to manage the details of the office. A horribl uarative comes from ' No Man's Lind,"in Kauans, where it is snid a family named Kelly lived and kept a sort of a tavern. Tbej had a trap door in the floor f f tbe dining room and when a lonely trav eler came that way, be was seated on a chair on the trap door at a table, and while in the act of partaking of a meal, was dropped to thecellor.and there killed and robbed, and bis body buried. It was not known that Kelly kept such a place till he moved to California last Summer. A nuuiler of bodies of murdered men have been found on the premises. Another Out w Indie. A reputable citiz-.-u of the county writes nn that not many days ago a man took a load of grain t a mill in this county, put Lis horses in the mill shed and tjare them half a bushel of oats in the feed boxes. He then went into the mill, but immediately return ed to get a bug w tien he beard bis uorses pawing as though wanting something to eat He went to their heads, and what was his astonishment to find thir oats all gone. He then itegan to investigate and found tliat the boxes Lad a fa'se bottom. As soon as tbe hordes ret their nose into the oat.- it presses the bottom of the box uowu so that the oats woaid run through into another box, the bet torn of which was fil.e l with ajr hole. From this box the oats would run down into a lung trough where they were accessible to tbe mi.ler. U;ten last wiuUr the poor horses that were haulin-; logs were supposed to be fed in this shed, and the thief who robbed the noble animals of their food ougut to be punished. StuitLport, (I'a..) Miner. A XeBkry Uerk. A despatch from Ash'aud. , says: A ui.SiUievin monkey Durneu the little town of Wakefield to the ground laet uight He was given the freedom of the audevil.e Theatre by the proprietor, Mike O Drien, and at about midnight be bad a circa with a kerosene lamp, the oil of wbich be put on his hair and then set himself on tire and scattered the flames about the room. His antics in tl Kg wiu- i dews of the building were watched by a crowd. N-"rly ev-rbody sprnda tbe day on or A few moments later the entire -' ! t--d-wa.k. A tramp on the ho-rd bnihl'ng vcr.s wrappel in flcsUies, r.nJ a n:. :i . r ride along the qeach at low within au hour the business portion : r- ''e tegnlar event of ev.Ty-day of the towu was burued. There were j lf . .-iu.- do not care to walk or ride no f i'itie for extinrnihiiiT the , 't e iass-encled run parlor and tj.imes, nnd the buildings, wiii -tl were : k ar ibe sh-psaailir g far out on the va, ail t'f w 00.1. felt an eusv prey. Tt-te cr th.-ir time in the less poetic was a big crowd of hoodloms ati.uteui.-nt ot waubiiig Dim dig c ams on and they pillaged the stores as fast the . re. It is wouderlul hw the clam as tbe doors could be orientd. lie discer aanagrs to Hod tbe happv cUm I do Volvers were fl )urih-.l by the brtlftk-! not mean ne ol Frat.k ftidds I's rlams, for en crowd, which was fed by liquor j be i not harl to ual anywhere, but the taken from the Falcons. It a as a ter j su.rol. ui, slt aater shell fish. The dige..r rible night, aud the helpless store walk near the edge ot the ha hoe Leeit rs were cotup-lleii to stund by in oue band si.d a baket in ibr oib.-, and ' 'Jl . - . . . ; t'y the tbieves. Afur the lite had destroyed -verv thing in one blok, O'Bneu, tlie the atre man, and Tom Lei. alias Ii! ton, who keps a nance hu-e oive, nn.....ll.l 11.TI... 1 1"!' 1 ' . ,. .. ( Ho.t-..c:... " ' .or - . 1" It ! a. I t .. I t or ui.ow.tig tuf niunwy i run ir m inn lilacs. r 11 l.-n iwt-nmr irreai iT j , " I cursgea nnci snot. jj-is twice, uuui i halls pasving thr- nrh his hips. He I will die. There were several otb 9 r 4 1 I. - A tl i ill son ui iiir- aiti.t. lurra noi. si tiui lar's worth of insurance on any of the property. The lofs is variously estimated at between $ 0,000 and aw. Valuable Reiil Iwlate. John Z'k. rx-ciitor o Aficharl i ILaahi.. A . will ml In .1. on tbe prr-o.i-a , Uir-e et ot M I- ' rr"n- I"C" oirergr siigntiy to tbe east flmtown, tract ol Kigbt seres of ( alter passing Cape May. The in 11 a iana more cr iea. louir.-.-n a. rs ot nii-n enee ol tnis warm current is distinct'y lt;lt ar cleared ai d fenced , the r,l n. e, ia set ' b,.Te tje , tnc t exposes with heavy white oak, mck sk. mini-g ... .-..- ... tin.t-r, t . d hi. kory. Fr term ,!' h,,r" "" 'T ct. Tbe rigors ot a see hills Stle ai 1 .ri.n k p. m. VA'j 9, ' ""tev climate are moderate, tbe air ia brac 18P8. Tbe land aiu'( and sod. jltg. without being sharp, and tho winds sod A Model Srwtpaper. In another column we print tb- sdvertis- r C",",D CS,M, ol thruat 'nd ,nn "W ement of th.t sterling and r-liable paper, "" ""'"T V ufTerii g from tbe New York Mail asd Exrarw. and -e . ,h',e CUIUl',i'" bave been greatly benefit 'h to commend it to our readers .. in the i by "Jaorn " Howeer, Atlantic b-oadest sense a national ..,. n.o.t ' not n "flrmary by any means, and esretullv edited, a-Kl adapted V, the wants i nd taste, of intelligent reader throughout tbe entire country North, South. East and West. It ia a thoroughly clean j-t, free from the corroptinf;, ensatioal and demor- a'innjt trash, misrall-4 aewa. which defile the ff9 of too snanv city paper. The Mail aan Exras.. diacnsse. with ability and fairnese all questions of public lateveat a thev arise, and U alwav found oa the moral and pr. irrr.MV .Hie. It aires th latest aewa from all pert ot tbe world. ! not"' " Pra The proprietor w .a the jmo and presenta in ita ip-C'sl departmenu aa ! ,B ,he w ",rT "n'DM"- and be baa led immense amount of the choicest aid best reaiitn. matter for the instruction and entr- tainmetitot every member f tbe, old and yonna; Sample ropis are sent tree and we advise all oar rswder to scad for them. Cbrlilmai F.alortailnnieait at fit-Paula l ulheranrharcb. ear Jhtwn, Jual ata Co.. ra, . The first fhrt-tm wterrainmrr.t ever ! neWJ by th S'. Paul coagrrtin was held lathatehnreh rvdayeveniai rfv'r2.t. IMS7. Al 7 o'clock P. M thechurrh was fl W to wersjwmg. i Be riwi, rtaviBg aeea pre- 'onsly oiLsarnlrd. prvwcte-J tb m pt-axin appearance. Tbe trea a very betntimt on, and tower to the ceilior Tt ornament with wtiich the tree was adorn el riMered the otronreat eve. A p oiramra p-ejaire! by Tr. J. H. Vincett waa eloat ly citoI ont. Ariproriato rwcl ta'K.DK vera dHivivd by Aunio Mrlntire. Marana Vc"illiati, Clarence Sw.rtE, Lanra Plot. Cir McWiliiain, ADnaRice, Leuaard WooJ iri and Charlie Eic A eliH of aevea amall bote care a recitation. Each bny held a card with a letter oa it. Tbe aevea forming the word 'Savionr. A recitation waa given by "Tbe Widow Gray. Add wee w-re d rlirered by Be. Spangler aod Mr. D. B. Mc Williamo, alter which fol lowed the dia'ritxition of gifts ; Bret to rn dividnala. tbn to tbe pupil ot the Sabbath Sch.Kl. Mr. J P-Me Williatoi received two brsatiinl iilnms eahtled "Journeying ia tbe OH World,' and Leamia Goinentariea the Internitfaiat Lein.n Thia irift waa a toten or regard and nateeia from toe sab bath sheot- Mr. Frank Swarts rreeited a bnaatilal book entitled "Tbo Home Be- ond," Iroro the claas which he tearb Mra. Mary Rice received an autograph albotn and a pair of Ta-ei Irom herclaaa. Mik Lue Woodaard received a pair of vanes from h-r claaa. A beeutilul doll vaa presented to Mr. MrClellan Folae by the Sabba'h School a a token of sympathy The po received a grand treat of candy and orange. Tbe exercises were interspersed by fine selections of music anitica ly ex rented by the cboir. Krery person waa plcaafd In lact it was a meeting long to be remembered. G. L. K. ATLANTIC I MIDW1STER. A Rtvatful aud Quiet City by the a es. The hoare roar of the o.-( dsahing npon the smnoih sand, the aighing of the wind a it oldie through tenant lea booths and pavilion, and tae quick step ot thd pi-de- trian along an almost deserted plank-walk these are the sound that distiuiubb the Atlantic City of December from the great pUvrmnnd ot July. The abrill music of merry-go rounds, tbe loud calls of bnrri.d waiters a they ruab to and fro bearing cool ing beverages, Ibe appeal ol dealers ia sea hells, the cries of children at plav, and tbe surge of crowds theae are the sounds that are now rewenberwi as but an echo of tbe pat season, and tl.-y are thought of onlv as what will be he trd in tbe dog days ot 1448 . Those who bive visited Atlantic City only in tbe Summer have seen but halt its beau ties. They have se n saarma of people on the beacb and in tbe streets, tbe hotel par lore, billiard rooms and corridors crowded with cots, a stir and a bustle etery where. and several thouaane men ar.d worn -n bath ing, moving, talking all day, and hugging tbe delusion that they are getting a well earned rest. All this is chanced id Decem ber. There are few og the beach, and abundant room iia the hotel for all who may come, and thosd who are able to take a few data from business aod drink ia tbe rait air at Atlantic City derive more benefit from a brief stay in the winter lb an io a I ort night's sojourn io the hot days of sum mer. To call Attsntic City a sntnruer resort does not cover tbe ground. Many of the hotels, and all ol tbe best ones, are open the year around. This laabion wa ret about tea year ago by tbe proprietor of the Ho tel Brighton, and has bas-n kept bv bimeter no. jnd copiel bv moat ot hi neighbor. Tbe experiment ha proved a perfect sue ee, and to n.any pt.pte the charms of Atlantic City io tbe winter are more at- r'-''v" the allnrement ol seabathing n(1 "omc in the anrumi-r. wiirurrrr me uue ai-Ki-Diii it certain a clan, has tk-en found. Iheciams are used as lait in tlie cod fisheries. ts caMoolly there is a storm, and the graudenr ol a winter's siorm at a-a hodj i thing that cannot h conurived ol by those , haveooly sea a summer's sale. The fn. ,.rr,UcT, C1rua ,,,,,, ,n her efeM- .....j ok - i r . . !,it?d with a line of snow-w hit loam, and , iiinisuii volumes oi water taien in tne air - ' 1 siuwij nxruB io meet n other torrent ot water sushing in, and again tne whuh niray is tossed on high. The board-walk shiver nnder repeated blows at it supports, and fortunate is it tl several lengths are not carried away Tbere is a certain homines psrnliar to Ibe sir ol Atlantic Citv. doe. in the rininnm 0 sca-ntiats to ibe proximity ol the gull j br t x.-s pleasant, not penetrating. Hhysici - s.. claim teat tbe atmosphere i a specific msjorny oi winter ruitors are tl""" h de,i" ' re"t 'nd wnt iy " " rM WDcre tny w1' free from annoyance and care, while not beina; so far away a to be unable to reach home quietly la case ol emergency. Tbe hotel accommodations are excellent. i th" Brih,". "ich i rr garded aa ia i mnJ re"I" ne best-appotnted bonse on . ,0" M"TO ' ettI7 convenience for n"k" l,e P1'"". known to tbe guild oi fM"n " rt . The houe i comfortable, ,b apartaaetna roomy, the attendant well 1 ,r"'td' he "t.ine of the beat. There ! lhrr ho,el "f". aome of them very ! f00' a1- 'heia poor, bat tbe Brighton la grnerallv considered about tbe best. mere sre an.le ad lacilirie for resrhmg Atl-oiie City. Fast rlpres, train i rrorcar aitacrsra are ran over tb Weat Jerstv and CanMlm and atlantirrail rds. co ri. g ib- distaoee trom theDela. ; ar- tver ! it.r a-- in mm ty mrnntea. The : t svsr .tj. js a pleasant ride acroa tbe JrT ftVUS. and the pine forests until at l.t Is slibts in tbe depot, to I e.r 'b-i. ar .i ...d sn scumtir in bis ar,,.r,d to dr.w into his lung, the brc-ng . tall ainir-piir that ha crosd a d'vte- current since it-a!d over tbe gulf utreaiii aixty-flve mile oa-ny i Avt-axric tirv. N. i.. Dec- 22d, 1E57. LLG.1L. OTICE. The cn'terBit t havmp bonzht rnt the bosino ioterr.r f D. B. Poiy and Co., will tk pneii.i.)n Vircli i", 1frd. We re arrtluliy aolicat tht parroniige so t aupport of bis customers. In a:d)tioa to that line of hnsine we will handle tiee and mine tim he . For fnrflir inforro-t'on call on or a1- drsxa n at Tbompaootown ootil tb above date. Jbi.teck At Selaoa. Janoarv 2-1888 4. JN OTICB I have tt is dav aold out ray entire stock o m nilnre, ea pet Ave-, to C. B Homin who will eooiinaa tb business at the same place. 1 t.ust tne a .me liberal p-a''oeg . M.a be extended to him, t,t the r.nb'ie f. or ! me with durinj my hustne-a career a tbe iast. I w 1. retusia at my old ptaee ot bosieesa until tbe 21t of January 18S8, tor the aettleuion of my sceoun'a, Jess S. O a ATsrLi.. M.fllintown Pa, Jan'y 2-1H8H-3. 1 - OLD HONESTY TOBACCO WILL SOOfJ FIjNO JI"JT I" LASTS LOjGEh, TASJES SWEETER TA(S OyhJEl TO BACCOS, AiD WILL pLCASE yod. ASK YOUR DEALER FOR IT, AND INSIST ON CETTINC IT EERy pLJc SJAIJpED L!E -ABOVt cJj. Mason Sz Hamlin 'rgans and Pianos. i . Cil.inet Orc-sn wa Inrrodncrd by Mason A i :n Alvou it Uirsi.s baTe :3 r.trtint..iiH-d llielr snDren.srv nm sll nti..r '.mi nieive.1 Uurliett Honors at ail Ureal Wortd'a leutwMinii rusa Jmi. Tlie Improved Mnde of Prrin-;lni Pianea, lavenlaal Hy Ma-oa .t Mamlin in i a erest advance la .iim conrtruclion. ezprrt' rimnonncirf U "tha T- airot iuiprovetnent in half aceutnrf. tlan eirculsr. c -nt iloine OJd leslimoniala from iHirrliasers. musician, ana tuners, and riaao and aa Calaiogues, free. -N EAHU1I CSSAN A!T3 PIAITO CO. J . ----- (7ei?a Curt), FTW TQex . CO-OPERATIVE CLU3S. This t the tne. teapeat, Jiaat 'OHla1rttl, And swf e co-op.-raiiVf f ..-iltnt vticb. Tlio a-a ir Amerir-.B livrr st'tm W u-.nrr. coe:.,inlnire'.-sry rssrnlisl to iixdiii) ecu inrslm ity. ami hae. In vtdttton, nvmernu 'm-prjvetn-nt t.mnd in no cithi r va'ch. T lit y srt- at olutf T Ike only ttsurt as.! fmnrsimr An.. Ms-ms ms.te in rh Worlrt. :rt sr.- f.wel. d il.ronen ont rit tit: VI J: JtVHttH. The k-t?t Hu-nt IV'mst ..Mat Is ib so fine aii.1 Mmpicst Wf, afsirefcllsis) arstst Mrrwir. txir i o-orrso Mub Ttcm hring them wiiaia th "'" waart att atrtlv. rsanaatlkia rrs. rrwslnrlTt B tttBt CUT mm A TOWK. E-stt prnfl's g-iaranteed ea limited lavsataaent, V rita fur full pariicaiara. Th-3 Keystone Watch Club Co P. 0. 3;x 933, PMladclphl. P. - a-k -L .XsiKinnl U.n. , . mercial Ajvucy v frw Trt. X t. EarrtsVarc, Bt. rmbsrjra, fx. Ktluawr. x. Bwtoa, San. tl. laols, Ha, JUNIATA VALLET BANK, F UlFFLIHTOrTII, PA. wrrn BRANCH AT PORT ROYAL. Stookholderi IndiTidaally Liable. JOSKPH ROTHBOCK. Prtndtnt. " T. VAN IKVf IN. Cmtkur. BtaBCTOB. W. C. Poraeroy, Joseph Rnthrnck, John Bertzler, Philip M. Keener, Anio O Bonaall, Lonia K. Atkinson Bebert B. Parker, a-rocnwoLraas : Philip H. Kepner, Annie V. Shelter. Joerph Rot brock. Jane H. Irwin, B E ParK-r, J. Hoi nes Irwin, T. V. Irwin. John Bert tier. L. E. Atkinson. W. C. Pomeroy, A mo G. Booaall, t'hsrl.rt ie Snyder, Mary Karta, Three nd Tour f-r ceu It.tereat ajU bv JV.a on Cvrtitcate of d pi.sitc. waawr-.i i jjsmjM i. i iaay V;aSLOB,I WIS 11 TO STATU A FEW FACTS Worth Knowing, That I can aioe toothache ia less tbau five niir.iite i no pain, no extracting. Tha I can extract teeth without pain, by the use of a fluid applied to tha teeth and gurus i no danger. That Di"Oaeed . G u ra s (koowa s Scarry) treat aaat'..e1 uccilully and a cure "ar Wranted ia every case. Teeth Fn-lBD and warranted tor lire. Artiticlal Teeth rersiired, ecliii(tel or. remoddled, trom 9.iO to $W pr set. beaatifal Una Enauteled leet inaeriea ai price to suit ail. All work warranted to give perfect satis faction. People wbo have ariinciai teeiu with which they cannot eat, are especially muled lo call. Will visit profea-uonally at their borne u notinea oy letter. Wi I visit regularly at Kichtiekl the 2nd week a ot ka aod October. Tcaa Cash. G. I,. DERR, ; Practical aweatlst, KSTABLISHKO 11 BlttUITOVII, Pa., IS 1860. Ocu' 14 b5. 1888- THE TIMES. ruiLiDELriiii. Chepeet, Brightest, Freshest and Best. - The JTost Complete Ni-wspaper Pub lished in Philadelphia. Tilt TiUfs t" !) leost widily Tear! news- X t j i I i I e2 M- 1 1 lit iv.rta. Is r. art era are smoi-g he nir inte'liK'tit ,roere siveanri thi'tit people ut t very lait. Ills emj.'a,ieallp an imtep. n'lant newsp iper f rid.'pendeut in everptttiog ; neutrsl iti tio.bitg.' I aiscllsion ot puMic nit u ainl b4c uiea ures isalas tesrles. and in the int. rest of pnblie integrity, honest govetn mnt and prosperous indnstrv, snd it koow no party or personal allegiance in treating julilic issues, to the broadcast and beat sense a f.iaiity and general neaspaper. Tbi Kivi oi Tat W ould I be Times has all tbe facilities of advanced journalism for gathering lews from all quarters of Globe, in addition to that of the Associated Press, now covering tbe whole world in it sco e, m .king in the perleclion of a news-pat-er, wilb ererytbiiig carefully edited to oecopy the snialicxt spa. .. lis Comas Yeab will be one of univers al public interest in the United Staler. Par ty organ will pertoi m their duties aapsrty interests shall demar.d, but the rapidly growing intel'igence and independence ot tne age call fortheinilei- rdem rrwpaper when great political eor,0ici are to be nut. Grave problems of revenue, o Bnaoc", of commtrce, oi industry, ol science, of art and ol evety ihsse ot taliithtaned prog, ess are ia constant course of soio'iou by the becple ot the Ublon, and the progressive newepaper is ever is the lead in ever) strug gle fi-r advancement. Tbb Tiara is a one-cent paper only in price. It aia to h ve the largest circula tion by deserving it, and r.laims that it ia unsurpassed in all the essentials of a great atettopolitan tiewrpsper. SfaCim Copies f any edition will he sent tree to any one sending- tb ir addres. Si kdat Lditioh 16 pates Handsomely II'uKtratrd, 2 tMJ a year. We.klv, Sl.OO. TlM Uaily. $3 per annum ; SI lor tour n. units ; 80 cents t-r month : delivered by carriera tor 6 cents per week ; Suudsp edl'l- on, an immense quadruple aieet ot 19 co unins, clt gantlv illustrated, t'l per annum ; 6 cent per copy. Daily aod Sunday, $3 per uury ; nil cents per month. Weekly amnion $1 tier ai.nura Address all letter to The Time, Chestnut and Eighth Street, Philadelphia A Great National Journal. THE NEW YORK Mail and Express Tli A.tlTDcala of tlw CaWt ItitFcta m4 thm Boom TIM Ecanmy of tbe bafooB. YIA Fripf.4 of AroaCTttemn Labora Fopla of Raftatvd TMtts sTTXTr baaf Tora MAIL -.'-l I hM been Wrx- ni-t! t!-ll a nf.'Tnotm air of th rai;- t l , ulrlr aa.1 t WslT ha Isatafall "114 ! In every state In ib 1'nion. It ha aualned 11 lnflneur fc-T lta enter. piisein tlie oiler win ot news, the trarity of lt : ions, am UieabilltT and couram of ha advocacy j ul tie KisMonaUqnosUou.ol I pnbllo Interest rte:er naDer Ui&n ever, ana, aa a aioao, umwr .ii. maiz-uitiva Home Newspaper, 1 " OT t me ta h i k i v Ipn- to aeenre for rM ro5ra hohrtsoerriar'niithiaTepTir In the nn: I j I- Tt ' I I - - nfcl! nsr labor n.-r sxpa- l BocTirs Ijr ls r.-s-- rs tas rrrr De.; In all Ucparcituis ot new r; rxtr literature OUR POLITICS. Icfia-ut ..t 'A '.at, i'Vri'iii At. TYlOUtiZSH tMLt ft rn'ircmj.Tv -I vn in-.nci ;uii m tht I! nrw.'.w( ihf-t.'oi-:i,. v-tT;fcr n. wc sbnli fcni lortti- i Mda 1 "tir rjij.iu b..s-w iirull aJwtf.i JaUj- AGAINST THE SALOON. Tli" M ATT, vn r rrr.r ?! ' tha tct.z s- . i-r- j K '-wi,rt2i" Tun .ti--nt. It iv .'.- r'. :'. t. I oi Tjrmption in ycl'iica, tlr- f, ft 1 '??' ?J,'?.D.'li:K"!' i ncnitO Tn lUf nitftUO V. C.ias V Uii t vro fhnoGiidoix:navUoa o; ul oou nun. j la btief, mil Tho itma to havo In thr:r hoiiMS rittaSl.t'IJl!. t.-.WFAs X- cf tuuonal v,oats t ad Tic mi. cImii pAFs wmil conntyva, rot kiaalw', nUM-nticvis oa &-U rii.i tioiaa of general bd6lio i,trotL wilt not t iiftappoiatra In iho - ".fL and ExpiKs, and. we To&ccUnily- aKt-acit t-ior liutaeiic asa. eu port. fc.L'BCTTPTTOX RATE.-Wrrti.T. -pw yvir, 9 l.4t mix month. CtQeeQCs; Uir o r.ionU: ctoisv jiAii.1, per -nr. n-VJ; .x E.nains 3.bU; tluue uoaUlb. 1.50i aO& xnox.Ua. ut. scata P11EMIUMS. too aVflbca ira crnia U par it iccius or enr clorm .caia r.a itttrc'.ea, t co.-n r t'to t .u T-'.yoi I:kta'-i, i if Laities lit . T" ' &1..10 we b-fi- the Itfcn, at- : ' : . zit a-it. ". of .an- - "-- ; i i hrlait le-t-& P-- ts r.cajV . " r.'.;ost.i!w. ij i. i c. " - . ti P' nan rtwiiial : . . -tun r.ST c? C'!mt p"i- " . t '.o .rf . t Tr-. nj t rTi, ' ' i "-r 1. t- -til. aV-a-U .Ut Ur U.I. . AGENTS IV-VVT ' i l tZJ;-. ESSENTIAIa OllaS WINTKRGREES. PEPPERMINT, PENNY-ROYAL, SPEARMINT, of prirne qnality Vmuzht in any qnantitv for cash on d-!ivrry, tree of brokerage, com m vsinn, Ktorace. Sic., by DOOCE 4. OI.COTT, Importers and Ejport. r. 88 Wi Lam St., fiew ork. Avg. 17. r57, 6rn. 0U PRINTING OF EVERY KIND COMBINATION. SENTINEL&HEPUCLICAN AK THE WEEKLY PRESS. One dollar and fifty cents in advance will secure you the Sentinel & Republican and The Weekly Press for th period of one year. The Sentinel & Reptjbucah o-ives nearly as much O - - j reading as any one of the other papers in Juniata Its re- norts oi all important home I news and enterprises is full and within the period of a year its variety of reading matter com prehends within its scope al most every topic. Consider that in addition to this, the best local and literary paper pub lished in Juniata county, you can have tha Philadelphia Wkeklt Press, one of the best papers published in America, you have, an offer that comes seldom to a man and his fam ily. After children have learned to read, the greatest educator is the newspaper. Every man should do justice to his iamily by subscribing for a public journal. Subscribers who are in ar can avail themselves of this combination offer by pa ing ar rearages aud paying one dollar and fifty cents in advance, thereby securing the two pa pers. When you have subscribed for the Sentinel and Republican ! you are certain in your ecure ! ment uf the county paper that gives you a larger quantity and greater variety of reading mat ter than is presented by other journals published in Juniata county, and when you accept ii - i : : ,.T, L IH1S COI1J UIIIH 1 1U11 VUKl Ul , wn nanpre - TOU hae SeCUreQ for yourself and family a news paper prize of inestimable val ue for a price go low that it amounts to almost a marvel. In this day and generation it amounts almost to a wrong to one's self and family to deny Urrwvrl r.aru lito trio SV.XTIX V.I . L.UUU .. l-r- A a-A a.- sVAja. k REPUBLICAN and a state paper like the WTEEKLY PRESS. There are more than a thousand and one things dur ing the passage of a year that interest and sometimes di- rectly benefit the individual and family, that appear in the j home paper but like the rain, i Runshine and air, that we are so familiar with, we do not ap preciate as they merit. Do you appreciate a firet ! rate offer ? Have the kindness to mention it to your neighbor if your neighbor has -xt al ready found it out, and if he has it will not do harm t " pk hint rctrig it. A SPL!MO!D O Bright, JNew Jj'all -AXD WINTER STYLES ! Tb Champloa Clathler of,JulaUCunlT bavlar Jutt r. turned Traw the Eanterai eltlen wsltliTuJwaiatleiTal AUTUMN & WINTER bTOCK Till m-ykte fritjnJ.i, ouULine riyale, win victories and at'.! ii.-i:f u. iu meriU. MEN S BOT S A CHILDREN'S FASHIONABLE CLOTHING, and Gent's furaishing gooda. First Claen, combiniDiT Ktvla, Quality aLl Elegance, with pvicen thai will aatonUh yu. 2fo sal ia ipecteJ acUs. I proT this. B it I your patronage only when I jpT complete eatiflfactioa. My stock of H-VTS, CAPS, B00T3 1 SHOES OVER-ALLS, WATCHES and JEWELRY, Clico, Perca'e Dd Whit Shirt, Week wear, Collar uui Cuff-.Tmnke and Satchels, is Ml and. cowplst. Call and see. Sanil STRAYER, THE OLD RELIABLE CLOTHIER AND FURNISHER IN PATTERSON. Jnn 16, 1886. J WARREN PLBTTE, ATTORNK Y-A T-L A W, M1FFUNTOWN. JUNIATA CO., PA-, aCollecting and convey anc ins; promi tly aiientlcl to. Otlice in second story ot Be -lord buiidiDK- Katrauce on Ham stn-et. f4 29 t-7. Loci K. Atwissow. K. M V. PnanEtt ATTORNEYS-AT -LAW, MlKFLINTOWK, PA. CC"t.'ollecting and Cavyanciug proui('i ly aitt ndd to. (Jrrici On Main street, la plsce of resi deuce ol Lonis K. Atkinson, bsq., soutti I Urulfee street. fUclti, lbf6. D. M. CRAWFORD, M. D., resnmod actively the practice ot Medicine and Surgery and their collateral branches Office at the old corner ot J uiro aod Orange streets, Miftlintosn, Pa. Match 2J, lfeTH. Johb McUavoBLia. Josih W. Stimhel rsC L.Art.lII.If . RTJI MtL, INSURANCE AGENTS, PORT ROYJIL, JVMATJI CO., '-. ayOnly reliable Conipanie represented lec. 8. It-Ktt-lj Jew Firm. WINTER GOODS To the coming anI going of Seasons we must all conform The Ciooda suitable for spring and summer must be supplant ed by FALL AND WINTER GDODS. We have now filled our shelves with tall und Wlllter Goods of all kinds. Uu-r cus tomere liave appreciated our efl'oits to uive thtm uwtu.s to i C.) w suit their purposes, and we believe that we are better pre pared than ever to merit their confidence. We invite s ou to COme aild See aiid be h&tirfk'd. In our dress goods deartmeut we have almost everything. Don't be backward, call for w hat you want. Shoes and Soots. Our Boot and Shoe De partment is full in its asf-ort-ment, and you certainly can be muted in fit, quality and price. Whatever improvements have been added by the manufactures we have them alU We can supply ou with foot wear for any in or out door pervice. Our grocerv Department never lags. We have on hand a full line of Fresh, Plain and Fancy GROCERIES. Also, the only full line of QUEEN SWA RE in the county. Every house must have its full supply of ! Queens and dataware, this is j the t tore to call on for guch ar. I A 1 ucies. All orders by mail will re ceive prompt attention. Ilemember the place, Main Street, Opposite Cocbt Housi, Mifllintowii, Pa., Fred'k ESPKNSGIIADE V- Hon. D?SlNES 5YRUP CURES GbUGHS to' 3 fcfiflS-.fSVav' -aK COLLEGTiDf, F PENNSTLYaKIA RAILROAD. TIM K-T ABLB Oa sad (fter Simday Nov'r lVtb, 18? 7 traiss tbst tOat UiflliD villi ra ast..l:wsc EASTWARD. Altooha AccoiHODarioa leaves Altosn daily at 6 2(1 a. m., Tjrono 5 62 a. oa., tlnntinfrdon (i.33 a. ra.. Mount Union at ti.S9 s. rn.. Newton Hamilton 7,04 a. a., atcVevtown 7,26 a. in., Lewistown 7,53 a. m.. Miltord 8.1 1 a m., MiflliD 8,17 a. m., Port Koyal 8.23 a. in-. Mexico a. tu, Tuscorora 8,32 a. in.. VandykS,05 a. ta.a Thompsontovrn 8,43 a. tu., Dursrard "-.17 m., Miilerstoan 8,S4 a tu., .Newport S,u5a. m., arriving at HarriKhU'f at ID ly a. a., ar.d at Philadelphia, 8 1ft p. in. Sea buoHE Ezrakaa leaven altoona daily at e.ftS a. m., and Moppiug a all regular stations between Altuoua and Hrribnrg, reaches Vittlin at 9-6ti a. m., Harnsburg 11.40 p. U., and arrives in Philaddpbis al 3. 15 p. Ri. Mail Tsais leaves Pittsburg disily t 6.-"5 a. m., Altoxna at 2.t0 p. ui., arid stop ping at all regular station arrives at M.rhiB at 6 t.8 p. ni., Itarrisburg 1M0 p. tu., hhll adelptiia 4 26 a. m. Mail Express leaves Pittubnrg at 1 00 pa. A Itoona C 2'' p m ; Tyrone t S4 p tu j Uuiw IngdoD 7 37 p tn ; Lewictowu 61 p ui ; llif Uiu ir la p ui ; Uarriaburg lu 45 p ui ( Phila delphia 4 26 a m. I'bilaaV lpbia Expres will to- at atts. at 11 ue.. dtiggotl. VTESf V AKD. Fast Lot leaves Pbiidi Ipbia' daliy at II 60 a m ; Harrisburg 8 40 p iu ; m . 6 04pm; LeariMown 6 28 f ui ; Ailotba V 10 p ni ; arrive at Pittsburg at 1 1 B War Pasaeacca leaves Philadelphia daily at 4 30 a. ui.; Hrrlburg, 8 16 a. in.; I'uocannon, 8 64 a. tu.; Newport, 9 16 a. in.; Mitlorstown, Ir 4(a. tu.; Thosupaoutuwc, St 62 a. ui.; Vast lyk, 10 t0 a. u.j Tusrar ira, 10 01 a..ui. Mexico, 10 07 a. iu.; fwt Koyal, 10 13 av an.; atitlliu, 10 20 a. m.( klilford, 10 28 a. n.; Narrows. 10 a a. w. Lewitowu, IO 4ti a. ni.; McVoyiown, 11 1 a. io.; Newton Hamilton, 11 da a. ui.; Haa liugdon, 12 17 p. tu.; Tyrone, 1 u p. m.j Aitoooa, 1 40 pta., aud atop at all regular stations betsr-to liarruburg and Aiuioua. t'rtTE bxraiM leave Philadsipbia dal ly al 6 oO p. iu.,. liarrisbiu-g, 10 U0 p. av.,. stopplug at tvocKVlikr. sJUrvsVlllt-. I)n. I uou,.eaport, Miiitirsloa-u, rhouipsoutoa, . w, , nwji, uura aa aimiii, n a. w.; Ai toona, 2 2u a. uu, aud Pittsburg, lu ..m. Mail 1 baib loaves Pbiiadeipuia daily at 7.00 a. in., U am burg 1 1.20 a. ui., port, 12 la p. lutluilio 12.47 p. ui., 16 ling at all regular alaiious balaeuB Muiiis a.U AiUiiiim rtMscUes Altooua al a. JO f. m., 1 ill.-burg .0 pr m. Altoosa Aocsmwooatio; leaves Patl--adelpiua daily at 1 1 60 a. ui., Harris barf at 4.16 p.m., Diinaauau-i 4.4a p. m., rt 6.1b p. tu., Alillerstosra o.Ai p. bl, Tlioroie.iitowri o..lri n- , w.,.! ;u j P. w., I uscarora 6, p. iu., Mextco -i.-Wp. Ui., I'ort Koj al ,to4 p. iu.. Mucin ,0j , L.ewiiown o,2.1 p. iu., atcVertuvB 4 p. iu., Ivewton ila-stiitou 7,10 a. i Uuuiiiiydoa AO p. tu. Ailooua S 00. Pacific Express loaves Philadelphia II 'A p tu ; Ilarrisburg 8 IO a iu s Duncannos I baain; Newport 4 01 a lu ; Mullin4 42s tu; L.ewistowu 6 04 a id ; Mc Ve town 6 1't atu; Mt. Union 6 61 am: Huutumdsnl 2o a ui ; Petersburg t &i a iu : S i.rur. i:rsrk t4am; Tyrone 7 u7 a u ; bell's Miila 7 27 a m ; Altooua 8 06 a m Pitubui( li Jo p in. Sea fehore Express east, on Snniiyi, will connect with ouuUay Mail east Isaniif Hiirrisburn at I 16 p. ra. Wsy Pasoengor weal and Mall east will stop t Luckuow wad Poorinan's 6pns wheu baigod. LEWISTOWN DIVISION. Train leave Levsietown Junction tar MH roy at ti 85 a m, 10 65 a m, 3 16 p ra ; f Sunbury at 7 16 a so, 3 HO p m. Tram arrive aa Lewistown Junction frsav M iiroy at 9 00 a m, 1 2't pm, 4 ia p m ( lio Sunbury at 9 23 a m, 4 10 p m. TYRONE DIVISION. Train lea v. Tyrone for Bellefont ai4 Lock llavc-n at 8 lo a in, 16 p m. Tyruue lor Cuxweusvill and Cltrt)i M a Ul, 8 U6 p tu,7 26 p ui. Train loava Tyrone lor Warriors Jisrk, Penuy I vania Puruac and Scotia at $20t in and 4 30 p in. Train arrive at Tyrone from Bollefonl aod Lock liaveu al 12 05 p tu, and .1' P- Train arrive at Tyrone from Ctirwfnt ville and Uleaxneld at ti 68 a m, and II 4 a m, t 17pm. Trains arrive at Tyrone from Sco.i, Wsr riois alrk and Pennsylvania pnrusc si 58 a ui, at 2 86 p m. H t B. T. E. H. a BEDFORD DIVIIO- Trains leave Huntingdon for Bediora, Ilyndinati and Cumberland at 8 25 aiid 6 i p. m. Trains arrive at HantiDg loa front Bel ford, lly nd man and Couiberlatid at 1 p. ni., 6 20 p. m. ItOLLlDAYSBUEG BKANCn. Trains leave A Itoona for joini Sontk. 7 20 m 8 26 a m. 2 00 p in. 6 00 p ai- 00 p tu., 9 6 p m. Trains arrive at A I torus from fM Souib, at 6 60 a m. 11 35 a ro. 5 53 f iiOpni.i 25 p. ni. and 10 35 p m. CAtTio.i noTice. an ... h.h, art srii'' liuuting, cutiinf timber, btiiidnf flr' ttirowiiifr down stone and rail fence, crosam fields, or otherwise fre,"'' on any of the several Irarts of land brln"!' ing to the undersijimd in Lr tfv,t'r or persons thus lrnrpj8ing wtll M ir nh accotdire to lar. VT.D. WALLS. Vovember 16. 1888. 1'ne jr sreif RrttU. Vaa otLce I ' p'.aue to gel job work done. Try It. It r' J r1' r l" yo ! mTrll'II a 1: iMllw.vevs.irw1 ii ii si si as, iisimiji Si l-. n "tll,,,1l'a riiiinn.ii ssssssasacaKaaaasiHHBE