Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, December 14, 1887, Image 3

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    ( - ........ . - - - -
. , :-. - ------ - ' .:.-izrm- 77Z yr"- " ; C.'l 'SZ :."S-?.igg2
. . - .
Subscription, $1.00 per annum if paid
la advance; Jl.f0 if not raid In advance.
Transient advertisement. lnaer:tt at 50
anta per Ineh tor each ioserttoa.
Transient busineaa notices a local col
amn, 10 cents per lire for each Insertion.
Deduction will be made to thoM desiring
to advertise, by the year, half or quarter
tr measures! lenilh....
in clrcomr. rence
4 tncbe i leading; Irom the track. He saw the horse
uieasure.1 7J inches..
The t each era re here instituting.
Buy the Boy a a'.ed at the Set store.
Iluntera are gathering in the rabbit.
Fine glan ware tor sale at Eapen-chaiie'a
The ln-gost stock of dolls in town are at
the 6ct i-'.ore
Tou will rUul all the new toys and all
fresh candies at Kepner's.
Read '(atuhlinft with beans in another
The Court of Hie Hub," that is Boston,
baa decided that a ci,: ir ia a drU.
The Tyron- Ti-oea came to hand
week print -t on pink colored paper.
Christmas comes on'Sunday. The stores
will be cli aed on Monday alter Christmas,
Pr. Banks m a hiimui 'excursion a fe
days ago ciitji.iTe.il a ml. Li: that hvt two
Call early t-r lio'.'.idiv good at Kern-r'a
while the stock is I ull and s ire tli-.tpoint
The three Mi' caei- ; fnt rifT. willbiinjr
a rain, as it now tins pruveu its.:"if, is not
Rum. R ti:ntii-i, and RebolUon, pri-aeher
Barchard , ctlll on Pr-isidont CleveUnl
last Friday.
' Last S iturd.iy te water was lei. out f
the canal. Some fish ero caught by C.if-
ftfllt pv."t (.
Many goods tat wiil cost you ?,cts at
any other store r ar.? selUn;5 at 5ct to 11
cts at the Set store.
While rreM-'cut ( Vv.-I.in'i'a r.i."s. .;e is
not a detfnite tree trade tidv.-cato, it is clear
. j against a prnteet.ve -ritr.
The Juriiti Va ley Editori.d Association
will meet iu th-? Tribuno i.di-e at A'to-ma
next Saturday at 2 o'clock P. V.
Such a platform aa Cleveland proposes
to keep the war taxes at:d repeI the for
eign tax on tar t!'. Oil another.
Clfel i'.i'.'i p' in tfr-d'icin- thu snrp! ns.
Is to cut down the tariff, and to strike eft
the tariff en'ir.-ly on cert.iin article.
The wool grower i f the country are
aroused over Ci-vebinl's n.esa- which
proposes to put wo., I on Ihe f ' !:t.
If An:iricsn labor is to work a cheaply,
and live as j-.ertv :i forei-m work. i. en. tr.i n
hurrah for CU-vi hin IN jlitt'orm for l.H.
Uerctitnt Es;-erciad-,eaTi rv -.'& a
well aa aeil .lore gods. H'.s ! ircct hoc.
alaliffhtcrt l !:c r.l'.nr .lav. w. ii:i'd 4
Toys! T" s! C. ? Kepner h:i th 'srpc-t
toe to .-!ert from i t th- C n'y (-'ill at
hia don'-lx store e-i !!r.lj S'rc.-t M.iliin
town Pa.
Fcrrnrah tomnslnp
He lUn.ki . .
old that I none. month
Cii and bocs Can.l-.il i. .v. B
Friend (to hapnT f!haau-
let me congratulate TOIV , oa fcw
!7 ? "l y0r huUM " Happy Father
y ueorgw can you har him all th
U1" " -fituburg Chronicle.
j evi.nd'a meaaags to Con.hi.
Pls'forra lor 18m has destroyed hi. chances
for re.l-tion Tk. Aulrrw.. .,
ot lect a man on . plattorui that lavora
tax.lioi, Pt h..u Houucta and at tl.e m-
time favors a reduction ol tax or t.rirr
foreign products. Good l.ve Cleveland.
If the snrplus i. to large in the Treasurr.
whT not take off the tn on whiskv and to
btcco.whchis . war"t. That would
leave the protectee tariff stand. Why did
not President Cleveland, when he ma le
h's platform tor 1vh, recommend the re
moval tthe war taxes as a remedy to kern
do n the surplus T
From the Philadelphia Bull, tin : -Wl.at
dos Sir. Cleveland mean in hia doleful ta k
sPout ananc:al C3nvn:siens," and wiile
!pr ad disaster" If his nictLods of reliev
ing if snr; Ina in the Federal treasury are
n..t ad. .i ted N thinirttat he has eversaid
is more of an iiupearhreetit cT his isotu
thiin tr.e w utterances.
A stow IT'
of lira. E iza Kitzman last V7e.1nesday.
fall and get np, and when Jim did not get. . irs. Sylvester W e v a 'ed Xra.-Jamea
up be went to him and fonnd him uneon- i P. Cjittonn Ust Thurs l iy
scions. Ha was then takes home and during )
many hours was onconaciona. but at this j
writing he ia as well aa caa be expected I Wallier SUelClie
cvnideriug a fail ancb as he received. He
known that the horse fell with him but
knows no more of tne accident.
I John Patton the 8orrvior bad a finger
. msshod while woekinj; on the road one day
I last week.
Miss Schoch, the Organizer lor the Tonng j jr Zimmermsn and wi'e . of Lneat-
Wo-i-an-a ChiUtian Teinperauce Cnu-n nn. fHtls in Ihis vwinlte. j
Work in Peunsylvaaia, will corn to Juni-j j n ,h on of Samo-I Aran's. Hed, ,
ata county, this wek. She will deliver ad- j. .,,tk an W1, i,uriei jn tee Locust Rnn j
rlrejea and ortcamze societies as follown : gfarerart
At Tboupsontown, Friday bigbt, Dec r lo; . n. n. Hartman and Joiah tJingerich.
at Van Dike (Center), Saturday uigbt, i ew:hf irs, . horse last week by s-nte arrange
December 17 ; at Mexico, Uonday nighf, dlHa(e
Dee-mber 19; at Johnstown. Tr.edat Cyrua Wer is the bapp'est man in Mt
night, D ceiTiberSlsf. and at Yc Alisterrille, j pient. It's a bo'uncing rJV.
Thurso ay night, December 2Ji.d j Me.sra. Ksnffrasn and Bnckwalter, took
MisaSchoch comes highly recommended j Son, 49 ia(,.ia 0f bnckhet to Dimm'a
as a young ladv p-isscs.ios rare gilts ai d i to bsve ground Into flnnr.
quahdcaiiou for such an itnpo'tant work, The ronnr Csrp that 'hsrle. Book re-
The Voiifig Vutu-ua Christian Temper- . ce.ve-t from the State Fl.h Commission,
lst Mir-h. nrw
. The improved uieiuod of fastening the
strii.ps ot pianos, invented by fLe Mason
and UanihuOrg.i j and 1'iano Co'i.paay a
!e jmo Mi.te, ii unqiiesii'.nit.it one i
the most iniporlaiit jujproveiueuta ever
made, n;a!:i:.g the ln-trum.-tit more richly
musical ia its tones, as well as more dur
able, and lesa llatle to get out of tune.
the 1'rire - of the Beantifnl and
r-"ir Cabinet FhoTooraDb.
race L'nion of Millliutown will pay her ex
penses while in the county.
M. F. Ijido., Ids Paavra,
Secreta:V. 1'rcs't.
18 inches in
off on a visit to
the laiuiW" by service
establiahuient. Reed
i a domestic at tt.e
English ??pirin l.ii.itmot removes all
Har't S tt. or Ca'.lonsed Lnmjs and Bleni-
l-hes fioui horses, Ll"od Spiv in, Curbs,!
Splints, Sweeny, Kitg-h..ne, Suites,
s-p'airs, all Swolleu Throats, Cuugha, Etc.
- e a op , j ire ol one Dome, n ar- hook's shirt on h back aud tak
ro.e... o; u. Hatiics . 1 .... Iru2g i.ts. MI,....,.,tt on Satunlav lait. Iu d
VuHm-oan Pa. tVt. M K7, 6mo. j .,A Lc . , bl ;J ,or ,rul ;tto C,arg-
Tiit oo! u "lie (.-. e list, let f- r igaers o! bigamy at the next ler:n of the l.yroiu'ng
send it to Amei i.aand you w ill ha. e cheap i cuuuii c url. y.t. Look expref sed a will.Lg
er woolen gols s.n t ic rr--s.doat. And . nesS to receive his wile back Into bis arms
Miss S1ie Aucker is
Mrs. Wttliain Alexander and ister Jen-
T be Newport Xevrs says : A man by tl e ; nie of V;fPin county visited Walker Iaat
nme o( J.hn Reed ste.e a sb'rt and a wi'e ' we.-k.
from Kottert Cook, of Jersey Shore, L . com- j There will no sociotr at Cedsr Grove
itig count , Pa., about three months on Thnrsdir srninj th I5th lnt.
e rxbil ited a n-arnage cert'Hcate showing j Mr C nn of f xico, wi't learn the rii'll
that lie and Mr. C- oi ere uiarr.ed. Co .k on rf e 1st of Jsnnsre. lKSiH
traces the runaaa;. couple to Alheus, Bra 1- j Firmrs l a-e been l.ny tSe paU w"b
ford conatv. wiierj he found Lis truant a ife i p'ow ire osts sefl corn eroned.
aad Ler tar amour at a hotel, she "keeping
t t! f'r Tin hp
it-xio tM'tn, one
a gU . (or a tulii-ry. It ii miii KeU lit a wiv i:ke !- ht!r from hiTi -nn.
Court Iroreedlnff.
lo Wii- t r irT" a' mi!1, h pn'urM fhir
rrop'v r nn inn n r-n n n woric ana now
i 'T1 W'v. rm .rrmd my
j 'Tw Rilv. rm" cnnrl rav corn.
I T: B Vv. ran- IV r ti vm.
it in ike. r.o differ, nee a bat Ncn.es ef tte : an1 no questions akr,!. but shewouii.i't go. , tjm. Wf don kMW ,,.., h, h
Ameri.'sn tarin-r, who .Seals in sVrp as It is exp. et. 1 shu rill be cbaigeU aud trie.l I or not I" h is not dei bv name we'd
on of the he'ps. or loe is to r iisa .
monv lo ktep up the m ichincry .f the ivn. in Perry county,
conn-ryciiiity lax, poor tax, school taxi Reie.rt ol M :tllin:os n school Xo. i, to
si t r ad fjx. J iba toonih ending No. 'r le67. Whole j
Ail-.pt Pies dent Ct vel ir.d's la'loriu lor nuiuocr ol pej Us enr. lied oo. Averane at- i
lbfst, by piamg a congressional act to ad j tendui.c .Vj. Percent of attendance 51.
m:t raw mat. "rial fiat we love in tl. is conn- j (iert.o i'cte.it, Lotu- Scbutt, R.s-ie lls-k- I
trv, n'ld to repr il all jrotectr. e U'-.tics or eiibe;ger. Ids i'.ut:s, Laura ssilim L dia
far il's, and ss it t in a year alter It gooa into ( 11. o a and Ai.nU' Craig, l.u!a L .uder,
iti'. ct, lei.s ot ihous in. Is ut men no at HuiTn. an, L.zz.e Hosteller, Lnlie Creswell,
wo k w i'.l I e ot.t i-f in p!o nr el, b. cjars t Uaxrv Elis, liorzio Ki.is, Bauka llaisk.
or piupers on the l iriuicj c. n:uiunit ,' Tour-.ne sitzer, John Kirk, Etna r " or:b,
ahicli is alr-adv to beivi!y le-d.-d. J Ueuigo H llermsn browand, Willie
Wm. Pi tinv, :iaed t e irs, ard irouths, ' llincl.h. Id, Ji'Lf Kapp, James Craig, Tom
son ol Mr. Penny v.h. lives t th fi st lock tuie liaioilioti, Herman Kobson, Martin
uortli ol town di. d suddenly on list Wed-' Fasick, Jessee Wagner, Bojd I'annabaker,
nesdsy lorenoi.n. Ilehalb--. n sirk n ith . Earnest U iiiii.ton, were piesetit every day.
souie iii-ease like pn -mo nia, bat hid re- j and every roil call durll g the m-iuili
ro. ered to sucli a d.'f.-re ttiat ii-was going . Jennie llaa k, Annie Warner, Kli- unie
h.iut as it in g ind health. Suddenly on Allison, Wallace Derr, Arthur Louder.
Ih - n:oti:iiig mentioned l.e ran lo Ids moth- Axmk E. Swict,
tr art 1 in a sm.-tlx r.-d way ake.l forwatT. j Teacher.
Urs. lV-t.ny p.iu- hi'u tne wa'er. He im-j mm the Ne port I.e1g-r : Tlmrs, lay-ol
u e.i:at-'y t--u a spas-u ind died in a short u,t wtn.k a ,., , j.tM.i K. Gather, ol
tmie. ' Spring t.-wi.tbtp, was heip'ini; tliresh on the
Tlie ? 'i' -prove Triburo says: If the ' Urm u, jiia 2-,um num. Just ut the time
re o! Ju.lje Mel... .in if Adams ci-m.ty till.y WL.rt. ,,ai;iini! lor dinuer, ilio lid pu-li-
l i y
Solouum Pea-' or ol rerna'
had a f it st-er to h-.-."S its.-lf bv taegUt-g
ita chai l at thir.itn.h in its sta'l last an-
aay nigm. I ,
CleveNr.d 1 in favor of retaining The vr-ir ' i
taxes, and in f-rr ol ndneinj tse tsr-ffor
tax on (err:pn romls. Tl.afs the ktn-1 of
an American ho is.
The Pt-ite gnrgis ronvene-1 st ll irr'so'ir 5
00 Tuesday, vest, rd iv, and will continue
In session till Fridir. They do busin-ss
behind close 1 doors.
No other uffi r like this. Send one tlol
lar and littv cents to pay for one yers
aubscrip'ion t" th- SrsTtsr-t ti KrrrBLi
0 am an-1 Tht U'rffc.'ir Priv.
v.. tlis st.K-k of H-.ll! I iv fill at
Kepnrr's and you w:ll
el'-cti m dis
tn -t ire I'legal. s r-i i :a-v m 1 ibta i:cd '
1-. s ;;reta.' ct-U't, tt.i n 1L0 pooiiig j
ot I'l-a-.k' n ttiw ns'op, ia this c.-UTry
i.ii'st lie 1 ii o se I or tt.e vole is that district p
ni't-lt bti tii'own out .-i:i- ! iy iu a.
cl- s vV cri - i Imw '-Vi;n-r, .!'
iiiLiiiei-l.-wn. tciind 1 iris green spr::iW'c I .
."1 the n.e :l li d veget iti'es ill I.U cellar, 1
,i.-l i c ,t,v.srid tat sotue pers -n -.va.itcd 1
tv pi-i-o:i liis taiuily. ' j
In ) is mess-tee to t""rgr ss la't year.
1 a as as n ar t 1 t'.i- I,..: 1 Itn's as
I ii eou .1 s t -i i.h it .'. -c; 1: uf T a gol I
I st.i-a-t irl. This yea' is as n.- tr .as he
c in get la Fr. e Tr.id" itl.o:i. d -t l.ring
I -' it. It bis messare agau.st filler, la-t
jveir, bi.i bin. I ip-ul ir he would havu re
I fiail it tiii- year lu hia i.t-ssag-. platform
I t .r ls-i. R i-ct Clevcli'id sti I give tiiui
a sti p -rtii.g C on; -ess in lS-, and within
I nr 1 ears tin e tti.-r 1 wt'l b i oo'.hin lett
ol tiie sur lus. in I the iun:i actiiri.i pros
perity. No-I n.g l.-it bai krrptcy.
K-p' itol l att- rron School No "J, for
the month en-.it.jr D-cc.i lsr 1-t, 1"". The
t J a tar si:j n tho macliiiie vs h-n tt.e
c libiler cai glit h.s to t sleeve, and in a
secot.d the boys !ett ar:u was torn off. It
was ali d -ne so quick 1h.1t no one ki.ew it
till lue i.i.y cxcljiLi'.'-!. tdi! my arm is oft !
1 lo ia a boy ab--ut 11 ears ot ae. 1 he arm
was amputated the same atteiuoon.
A belle reinrt-iLg ii--'iii luncrtiiuoit Store
l;W v-ctk, su-pj.d on the pol s: ps to
tlirt wiiii ihe l.'..Utiiii. -So .-arned away
was this uii.-U-r v-uli In r ii.i.oceut iuu t:.ai
shu loig -t about bold. i g lun pi chtr, and
iel it trick e doao tn her iliinty levt. --bj
1 lost ii'i'iut a ijil irt ot iu-ill--sjs ull ttie. tepi j
' but she loathed S'Uit w. UikL.'s husband.
s'.iiin- t iiuiugs iio a man 1:1 Fayette
-I that
lie Convir
mon-v csu bo savid by ptirchasoij
lor Christmas piesents of him.
The M. E. Ci.nrcli will hold
the - A. K. II ill on K'i l
Hnin of this wet k cluck.
oysters, hot coffee, ci.tiiections, .c.
If y.oir I;ghtrii!iff rrd ni .is to he pf in
a atate r! repairs. Call on J. M. McDoi-sl I
If you have no r-.d tn your build ng Mc
Donald will givo yo't the rt-q lired r- d pro
lector. Pou't neE Vet the roof of or on-'.
There is retlrt'g known flint will ts-esrrve
a ro. f so well as red slate roof paint
.etient,rs address J. M:!Vr M
MiWintown Pa-
If v.vi wnnt cli-ip stoTCS p-nto
Mif-liu r.utt.ilrr. win ro root ?r
in "-Hi 1 or U r nut oni:bt nt
il l Al.i elnl t-oV 1 at f 2 40
:i.'5 t'-r e -t.
s 1 Ivtforn r r 1 tt. i. is ins
vor of tree a i rl frc m tl e
old wor'J,
deatrov t.e ph- p
the United States.
IUK .V-iir-, d Vr-f-Aot every kind
on human or auiirs's rnr.d in
w it-....v..e.;'s Sjsif.r'-ll Lct.ou.
r.its Soldbv L. F-anks and Co.. Piiie"-'
Milllintown Ta.
I.j'.lowirg -ersot.s attended every day: Her
t h 1 Cramer, 1 , ei lie Frank, D--.ie lrl.uff,
B-.-ssie Burcl.ticM, Katie Cree, Ste.la Lan-
II trri.-t N'Si-D. Mates: Vk a:u-r iien-
la usl.'p i..-k a ooiij: la iy driving ia a
buggy. A oUiii: lady 13 the l.i.tise from
wi.ich iliey bad driven, said, "I'll jut on
11. uii clotLes ani go out and stop tL. ui a Leu
' tii.y coiue bck iti.d scare tueiu !; deiua-id
j iu, "your iiiont y or our -i:c." c- he look-
1 id like a uiau in a ui-iu a suit, an 1 some
' rliT:ice irom ihe house waited
return. Soon a bugg came Hloug. Mie
sprang oil., lofc ihe horse by Itie briolo,
balled hiin, und shouted, I tur io--ney or
j our lite." A masculine voice tremulous
lib (right, sDssm-l irom the bugy :
4Kor tj.-d sake ike It.e tbiikctis au.l let us
Grol'b 5' I ne young lady bad sojpe.l lue
1 wrong part. aiulwas so triatcutd 11 at
Cnrt eoneoned in r.iriilr term on
4'h int.. wi'h the jndires all present.
S. K- fswaifz. eonsiat-le of Mosrre two
1 r-'pirted twn c'-it'lren lrfrn out ofwedloclc.
1 W. H BviThnisn. co"'le of Favi-tte
Liilia j ti-sn-'n r--p-irf-i h B-"inr of intoxicit-
i in drifiKs wlthmt lieens- tn Mchtr
I vi!'.
t J -1 -i ?T. M -hn. ronst ilil of nnim Hi'l
..n.tiip. p-riir's the alltnr of araoa an I
btaeuv.-rrv ir Sprnc Jlil' township,
with-.nt license.
Tli" o-lr re for trial ow Mondsr was
the Common w. al ih v., William I.anver,
fo- f.-n;r ition and bastarde. frosecutors.
overseers i.f Fsveto towrisbtri Verdict,
gnilti-, ar.d sentenced to pie $15 la-ing in
exiiens-'s. snd $ S for chitd maintenance
from birth til' des'h. snd cast of prosf-r-u -ti
n. .tA t tiiv bid in to so m of $2"i,
a--d to f.T d eonniit-- ! nntit sentence bss
be-n r omt-lieT with. Biil was n-i' s ecured
and Ihe y.oiTiff man was srnt to j irl .
The l..x se'tlenierd esse was continnc-l.
The l.-onard settlement case was contin
ued .
The ArnoM and BpsIi blander casp
Verdict for B-a'e Motion for nw tria1.
Tbe T'-d-l and MeCihen tr--sspass esse
V-rrfi-t or d.-t-nl i-i Mitianlor a new
TeWi!lisnis srd JolU. Sr.. debt case.
j.r:iei for oeleiieill 1 . . I . a.i'iun lor
j a new trial.
ll ivar! Ne.-lv. a l!uiiii'!r-tor, and J- P.
M o-V i 1 irons case. Co aipromis-s 1.
11 ovst 1 elr."a ' ini'iistr.itor. an I D ivi.l
fi,.e cis. Verli -t for n'sntiff $lt 41.
The CI i-k in i M-'ik n s'u -p cise was.
C -ii vs. li .b' t tt-irr 't. f ii?'ion and
1 i-'av t ot a tin' lull.
Coin a -sinst V" It. M i sl f.- on
-r-1 fr-oiiri.-- r. roa l -n.-rrisr--- ft f .-1
fow---h;p. birj not frn'r-atr r -.. i V-t
a trr.,' id.
Cm. vs Ann i F-et. m in Tr -mt-v in-.nt
til" oariTll-ill of a larfceV B Ot r"rn'-1
si . W'.llod V n.art wis re'ease-t under
tie- ii-sup rt a -t .
I - ll.e ea..- r.l P. f rnoM v. O CI.
Anker, ct nsd-red ia eonrt. Rule for its
si pr -pri -'ioa .-n ie ?ilt ri of i rt en-ber
lloliey Falls. Js-itiooal Bank vs W. A.
p-i t J.-re-,-sh I.onensts-y -r's r-eti'ion to
fl' the pl.-a of de'endsnt. R:ile
1 womd respectfully Call the attention
ot the citiz -i-a ol Jumaia to the tact that I
a ill make First class Cabinet Photographs
at the
Low Price of $3. OO per Dozen,
during the months 01 November aud De
cember, thia being a reduction ofoNa xkjl
Lsa per dozen from my nsntl price. -J
Ail persona who desire to make Christ
mas presents to their 1 nerds of pictures
most come during ?ioveniler, as, ut-less
they do so, on account ut the rush ol bus!
n.-ss atnmt the Holi lavs I will not be able
to get the work out in lime. All work will
te guaranteed tirst class. Do not put if
off a single week alter you read this ad
vertisement. Come at once. Hitch itp
your teams and bring ut your eatire iami-
ties, babies an-1 alt.
I will still nuke a further relucli -n,
h. te ihrce or more in one lami1 g -t pie
lures, oi Firrr Cevts oa eteh if-a-n, mak
citch doz. n ot Cabinets $2.50. I.e-s than
ne l-zeu ol each jsirs.vn wiii not be mad-i !
at these prices, b it at the tdilo-viiig : tour !
pictures. $l.5P, or s:x f..r $ !.0'l. j
Remeiub.-r, thai these are extremely low
prices and will only continue during ihe
months of Nov mher and December. In
order to make p..ol w.rk ch'-np u m neces
siry flint there shall tie a large demand,
hence if the public want good work cl-eap,
ii ey must all come iu to g. t it within a
vcrv short space of time, just as lots of ;
truvel on a railrocd st a particular time !
j istiticS excursion rates.
Respectful y.
Mifiiiritown, Pa., November 1st, lt?8
Cr.NT pies Free tomeucau-
vasra tor Or. Scott'- Genuine
Electric Belts, Brufhe.-fce- La
dy agents wanted lor r.iecti.o wi
liuick sa'es. Write at once for terma. ut.
Scott, 849 B'way, S. Y.
1 A-ICllS,
LLjj Street, MiTFLnfTowy, Pessa.
Transact a general banking busi
Discounts clailr.
AceotnUa of firms, individuals and
corporations solicited.
Four per cent, interest allowed on
twelve months' certificates.
April 20-7.
3 13
li"S, ill
a VTT.'.v-At. -t .
Sts Sisss rtU ui C-irtJ.
Crer Sit MiUiors S3. a
w s tw T
18G5. 'ESTAJ3L1S JJ- u
Special Invitation To The Public.
To attend the Attractive Sale of Clothing that goes on daily
D. W.
It will be
Ti'-siiir Fire EiURtishsr.
1 Zl. '. .s, ynU is- 1 cur
- p $?Ir. il.i ile vice we ci:iDine
ilUST QUAMflKSoionr
: Grenaif iMih 11:2
" i22.".-r. i i lu-vin an :ir-
i it' ch-t can !h ue'i u Si'rink
i ir:. It. is CiS-ifne i 'rr:;;i y
. i r r-c- in fmw;zT :ctt-e
'i Kr.d )f el.irft. It is elcvt
: ii or.vatn-i(.;on. It is ccwp
, Si2.COFepJor.
I Ki
j J ft'Sth
1 - tsf
The "Star"
wiil f.-rce ft stream
6 i'-i. t oi
varli is il-o t.it ever tuner. r,
1 no z ten lion nUl u&eJ. y
Mi R
Who have money to invest to examine the Stock of Goods for
It is truly marvelous to See
of Suit? an l Overcoats at the Wonderfully Low Prices.
Ilis prices leave all Lmj titers in the rear, so don't fail
to pive him a call il in need of Clothing.
I 'r- x;' Jum. Cn teel b-yanvoae. : i
Fall And Winter Hoods.! igQrQg i
I would lutorro the mblic V-jl I hie' t-- - Uat I"i f r"
niii ia ruv new miH':D-ry utore at tu place ! " 1 ' e-...;rj- -"l'rs.
Surprises In ttore For You.
Ss,c Si
of ivM.ioee i.a Wat-r street, NMItiatown, ! -h-.L,
s-cor.d d .or lr-: coro-rr of Bridge street, i 5l.f! I'-T ciV;!i?'l
a full stock, ol Siting & Sun.rai-r a:illi'if ry j 5 a. "j
Roods, a'l now, ani c.f the Utuat atie iaifivf" . vr.ii.?3-j V--f'Sr-'f f "r?
ht! havi:-c etup!oyei lirst clasa miliiuera J : : siiAi. V l.v5 7, s;
la u epard t tuippiy the public witU H -. ?RAp,f , rrr L-aS-- '5
i-vervthine found in a CrMi-ias ruillmt-r I '.r.i.i L.' I r-j
I 1 .
etoia, ru'j air; rxainiott n:y nIhck
coahidcr il no trouble to abow goo-ls.
-ir ,-,,.1.1. 1 -i t':; t-' .--7 r:.--.7 t.s i-..
MKb. DtUIL. j ;J tles::a V.j-ia ii iU, cA tlttta-ttt t:Z; t'
. ti l.i!.rral lii.-.eount to ai nl.
,.s L.1.2 -
li tici
March 2-.7.1..
To cacvasa lur one o.' lli- lai 'CHt, Oll-
ctitestablltlied, BlT hOHS
MKSKUICS Iu I lie comifiy.
M 11-t Ub.-ral t.-nn?. I'ndiuaid fjciliuoa.
GENEVA NfltsEiiV, ctb:b.I 1S40.
Vt". 'I'. 111 ill , Geneva. V.
Mason 8z Hnmliri
i 1
;-.J '.hj il
l.i!.rral ai-.eount to fa u -
for- cir-i:la-i n:i tfstiruor.lr.'.r- f
Nf-ver ilM v: prrsMit pu'Ii ft luri- pio-k f-f Suits ami Overcoats for
It-n. 13 .vs an I ('lii'i!r. ii. Our j.fs.Mjrltuci.t of Men's Suits ami Overcoats
,1- dn-ss or busin-.-s-i b is ha-.i .arefuily :n-l tastt fully Ktlectt-d. Our line
A ,.i.i',!r,..,,B suits iit.d ovi-ri-t.iitis was rji-ver more atiractivo inao
in c t hs 1 j -vest.
f.t 5, 5 3 Ceart;:-.-. IS., V-ys :!.
: 1 i-JVh iillll
i,w iic l thu Jjri.
Vim ran f riu v.o I lea i.f th-v 11
f nu n's i:nti! you m i- i;. 'I li-
e trade tliit we rini;iit rtiow v
i-ii suits hs low ns 1 : Xi-i-i.--ii: uii
u -in-:-s suits, iu ovtr t f : y 1 .Vtorm
i;":tiii1e c I onr Fall uti-1 Wiuter stock
re is no style of -armeiit, fabric known
a. Yc h ive (.tr(.t1' s rviceull work
1101 ra'iurrc suits ut !:'); desirable
. at SS. .tIU. up.l l
hv rouid not ..s-ak, but abe ruautged
vil in (.l.-rs. n. i:..i liu'.t, Ji-Lu Kr'uidle,
1 1- 1c, (l.:r!.ii liiiix.v. TLe lu,...in;
..-... I - . ...I.. -I .-.mv -iv but ime: Bk:e'
ttaniiw.ciif', i-rr.-n- u-. j j - ., ... ,1 ,i , ...i, ,i.
' . . , ' I cb-cWens ball (rictitt-ntd to doa'U dm'.-
Wii'Ui Kin t, LI-:J-1 ToJd 1
A.S.KA.tvK, j,,
Trbr.! "p-piglit I it week thieves bro'i-J iuto
lluu uiUcrtDl Duanet. in-y prjra open 11
i Kri-liri- Sir.art abutter ol Ibe Jacobs llouae. I
I and briaic a bob.- iu tbff ibrougb allien
1 t-:ey 1 ittd l-ie lasteuiLg ol tbe aaab
uovt;d i-prQ Ibe wiiidow aad ealerttl ibe
bote! ib-iow, aud bruke opea tu money
drawer. The auurx I iKt 11 in tbat day' v. a.
nit tbere aot-ey aesruied o bave bec-u tbeir
w il.ivs airce. Jo'in wrson Ltach, a
re:.l- nt ol Firm null: t a nsliir-, in com-
j in with s. Hue iithi-r U'-t 1 or!i
n:ov.r g 3 telera;h p-.l.al..ng the r. nnsil
vauia rj.lna t nrar M-iT-tincdon. Ibe J-ole
was leaning aamat an rnibaiikmetit an-1 in
rr.oviMi; it to g-t it into the njrbt (siiion,
lh- i ui-.'.t and Irll
V a
Tlri '
late ni- s-je s in t
hirb win ;i to " " r
lu'-irp iu-ines
Kl nih-ut
Tlii.s n-Ter
trora the embark-1
. L-acba left 1-pj
ibe ,a::fcie. M-l cal asit.i' co w I
rv ?'.d Mr i. ajh mas c 01 lined to;
to ' tbe bouse for some ti-u-, because- or the j
! l rris.l liiiih East Kody be iu t.iwn
;ng about on ciuicfiea
olj-ct 01 tbeir visit tar tuey di-1 not disiuru
atiy ol ibe tiue ovtrr coala lhax were let
- t-stigiiig iu tbe i.lbe by Ueala ol tbe b-ti-l.
Tbey broie into the U range :ote in 1'atter
I a-m, nisir.r!-d uotbiijg except tbi iiioue
' d:a 1 r a b eb bad 110 ruou- y in it. 1 bey
I Lrcive into .tfeLoraida alore and tocktbree
. .1.;. 1 r'
F.sl'-i s tivm tor,
r.iMi. v.. J. I. ytTjr for apf'inp lifinor 1
wirh.-n- lleep.e. Bail rnetr-1.
J.-nes K 1 0ii an Georre Drsini'-r. J- 1
siah .i!'-rir"h wtre apti--iaT 1 viewers on ;
a roa-i in Fermmsjrh lownjhip )
In It.e 1 Mat- of farpa-t Jane Mpnch-t-v
a:i orf.i .f sal- of real .-star-, for pa- ,
mi nt of d- bf wsa e-an'e l . A similar or-rf.-r
was irranl-'d in th- es it? of M vra Snrm- .
In Ihe e ' of rnil HutT. d cs.d,
time for maki'ijr f-ale of ra! esiate was ex- ;
fj-rrl. d. 1
ret i.n ot E':ral'h Wt-su r r -r rpo'nt
n"rt of ar-n-.iis-rs sr:- p---eni.l ar-d W
XV. Sharon. ? ann:-l Watts, 3r., were ap-
p--ir:Te1 s;rirais.rs.
In tl.e est of .o-hia O.wa'd dT.-ased,
anwer of P. V lla-'ev e-iirlim, to -hi
r.an-e w.ia p-esen'sl, and order rnt--i aa
r-riive-l for
I? t!- st il of Jorh P(isi nr. d-e'd.
a'-.wer of J -vii, P-mrr to ml-- i
.r i-ilted and fi'-sl.
W. s Vi-inaond was ar-rt''ntd rnadiin
of J-in H-oT-v Z-id-rs. ..ti Z-ilrs' mi
I.nr cbi'dren of n-irew Z -i l-rs, d-e d.
! I or ih" dcr-i-A fit 1 fi'-i-h ! nr Fall
1 . . V V 1 ::.i.t :s ,...ift.,-t, .'.it a.i-1 j . l ':( U
1 ' V. .) u: Mii.mis a f.'.u-y pl.-e. y-a U. j
i :K) ndvi:ltii:se "ikjy.v rns and
1 . 1
! -,i I s-.vii-a : o.i iu. r . d S,:.li r- ii il:!'.. -it
fl rftr-Jrz '-Jt-l. I ' : : 1 -T. ;'.-; cs.' - to i.o ! ili-i to
jl iif'Un I '.Iti.-, Oven out,.
A . WrV "'i-.-ri'' PA'n S ! 'Oivilv :,i ,W-'di.'- ; t:--.
I I." J I I a a I 1 I
a ' -t "V t ,1 t ! J : ' ' 1 i I lis onr mrmirnota ili.-:-
' ' 1 ' s 1 1 I I
' ' ' - ' '' '' V
w ' I '-oi'd; arc shown.
rOP. 4M lCTTliS, j
ii.l Winter Ov.rro.iis : every ar-
N . IS'I :V ." in cq-vd tl.eiu wiin-
ar.-c-li t!.e ristu-u W -xnmimu
to..d.s. All the
i and 5'G.
u ad chil
- ;.r, s 1. .-r 1,
r ii! ill iit.i"!i
nr htoek of Ii iv h
m:1; a c;T'-n'l attrrctiou in tbe eyes
ill !!:.! l;def-t styles aud f-ell tLem at
1 i i
nans and Pianos.
i.ir-t Orrm was introdncd hw Tan A
t i i .Mn-u t Hamlin Oru have
. i.riifitniid tln'ir wptvniry ovtT nil tiier,
11 r reived liiltcsi lloiiora til ktiUiroat Wurid'i
1 i.t sine ? lt7.
i:.v of FurDiNLiujf Ooods. If you tire in need of any
winter un -lei wear, w'i:lo : f.;:icy Iir-s- Shirts, Cellar, Caffs. Neckwear,
A.-?., you can buy l!:cui lu re at tha Ijwctt prices oa record. None but nsw
If vou w u;t a frol-1 or silver watch, j oa caubuy them at
how a c ' of iita!'e
t W .'ek
at fT:e
it i4 tsta!h
paint rreseres tb not of at.01.se or rn.
Yotx want to be rert.m of li.e kind of punt
,o.t rut on To..r build ins- J- 'w' D,,n-
ll.l bxa ti.e paint tbat a tm or wo, den root
. ..:.4. .sl 7H trars. tf Kayette
Aaron .-'-. i
fowi l.t . walK.d firm l.b. we nrar
Alistervii:, V1 003 d l U
......I .-..nrt. lis I.-tt Um at
10 ...-. -
...t .v in flie morning ril w:"
Court IIo.;e ly V o ciock a. in.
Prol. A. b- Pn,,"n,on,
. . . .i.Tih in.t.. mr-Hi 54 ers
a.;. aina wore . ken to Wa.s&irgton V
C. for interment. lie wa a natitr of thin
county and f.o" " "
nd owner of the Juniata Sent.3l.
"TTihe Mriir.be re.lnre-1 to that tbr- conn
try bo noo.fed with cheap fon-ipn s"d.
tiJw w;!t IU.U beiietit the Itiou-aMds of men
thrown or.t or emid.yiu.Titl.r '' c'o-:r?
.i Hoerican mannrietnriea I Qifsti'-n re-
HVrr-nl to C!evtd:o.r jUtlorm lor 18.
If low tnritl wilt lk nr. maniitsctrr-e-taWi-hmentd
and throw tbe tb-inards
ofm-n out of employment, th it re atwek.
nd n oder the build in- of tide Talne, how
can tbe cum try rn'- Quesiion relertd
to Pr.a'-t-t't CisU;.r f-lislforw
veut lo Ci rp es.
Fmneis Csmb. H l H-le tewn-blp t a
,rca .tr'h "'i n.-ri :hf !.t i 'T'
If ni.int-.'actur'.ea ra a b-n- li' to p'acea j
wh-re t.:-y r r- 'orated a"! t'r.- pnt-lic ren- !
crally, why h.:M tbe t.-riff be to ri- !
dTK.-d ibat lb- l il-.p o-.l of llie old
. r .1 would Ik iiiit-.rt-U in su.-b 41.11:1-
t ea. t.it tbe teaniitciurin(t . stab'isiiiu. nta j
ot tbta eoi.ntry wou d N- coroi!le.t tocloso
anl thereby lose ibeir capiial, an-1 Ihe
.-nr.!, .ved in tht wo'ks be thrown out
of employment. Whv hou1d ail thia be!
do-ie to get rid of the .surplus f b not
t rid of the whisky MX. and 'ol aero tax.
and saae the mai.uf aefnri a-.-l t5e fener-
al ir.isieri'y, that they briajr w!i,-reirer bl
eated I Cb-Tvland pUtlwn f r la" doe
not answer.
TI.e advocates of Clereland'a platform,
I- r aa sent in a uess.ijre. to Conresa
.l-ri t:i it the I trniiiic cu) w.-u,i oe
gieatlv benoMted hy al-.w MritT, ererytUing
W-.U..I te clie.-peii d. ai 1 uhicb ia a c r-re--t
sta'ement. b'U it J.ws not - far enough
It does not K've 'he oth-r si.le ef tr.e -pi-s-tion.
whi-h i-, lb it by a t:iritj auch s Cieve-
f.i'.i uicoau-a uiauy f the uianui-a -tui iiur '
e.t.il l shriieiits would be compete 1 to cl-ne
an 1 tbe luen torown out ot worn won:. I po
to isrn.i. C -I' d ia a tew years the list of
fsrni -i wou'-l b- to larpe, a"d theirTo-iUi-t
of prain : d f-tlier t'-lns ia sed tr.:a tbe
, illi nu-n-re-u Ibit prii-r nojld po
down to a mere nothing. A low tar 8"in t
good lor tbe farmer.
Janu-a Anderaon; aged H years, a darir-g
horse buck rider, fon of saddler Anderson,
was rxera ii-lnjt Merchant Schoit's hone on
Poty'a trottipg rinff a few morninfra ago.
Two other boya a borse back, bad been
ennrsin: around the rng W ith biro, when
ttev left tbfl ring he determined to make the
cire'e once more and in coining around the
weat mi the hore fell art alid ahont 40 feet
drar-ing Jamea with bill. One of the boys
thAt ;ad -en n i'h hTl waited at the lane
pair ol boes. Tbey bioke iuto J jnea'
tl, :eli.r -u prided the uioucy drawer but
t-iu:i-t no cash. Jon.a' ciea-r wan carried
ire .n his i::op dwu to McDua:da More
i-Ui-w 1: g mat tbe afore kja rol-bcd alter the
butcher shop
;.4 k Ktt-:n:
r.DTTLK K1 K A. Tneslav cven.nc.
leceu;r-r ,tli 1 Bs j. a! ibe VI E Parson
se. in Vininit.mn. I'a., bv 'he Ke. A. R.
V liter. Mr. J. A. Polite, to Mi- Mary K
II. k i, both of l iti'in.ow n.
TcCMrPP - WAKTZ On Pnndav.
Iiecniiln-r 4. lr7. at the reidei c of the
preoin'a lrf-uis. ?-.y At.s.ilom II irn-T, J, P..
Mr. Andrew Tseh.u p and Miss Mar'a
Sir;ir:r. b-lb of Susou.-har.na t,wn-h.p.
Z'ISU-ot'l.TKK (n tbe 'itb nlXur'n
Til i-re. -,-,v.-d M-sl.-of STrii in- I'ianoa. inTonled I
- V -,! .V Hun'lin in l-.--i. i- a rrcnt advance in ,
.., "e-lrie-rion. roii i-'--r.,-.n-ii)K it --the
r -I i .n r-,v.-::.,-.il in i-,:i. - in I. ait a century. ,
:::) i -ir.viiar. c 'iitiin-li- li-s lesliinimiala from i
)--r-. nio.ieian. uiid lunera, aud lkiauo and
'J-UUour-, free.
' ti T.iy.ZT.t ZZSiX HA1T0 CO., !
Furniture .ctoie has 1 o-.-n rc-.-tocked
with u new lot of .the
r,:ito.t St U'l Furniturt: of aii
tlescripti jn. Ch
Beds, HetlJing,
ting. Window
Kver thin" in
iiure Line.
-j: X5.
.-i w',,0 rIn tL-C r.' fi-o!- t!.o eiroi". e
:.-.L-r---.:-.i o. ;j -Oi- - --'. -lui'-,".' :
.r.y, u.sset mnu....-l. k-.. I --!ll eeud a r-v:.
-.lie j ju.lT.III -.' ' A-'.OE. Tl. I;: i-.i'
:-. civ ia diaouawl t:..sionary In s.eu!.
.....--'a. .-n-l a a-:: 1 'r-"'l"i' ' :i
1 . T 1 i.."- j'1, jYew York Cit'j.
rfS -T-S
ef- -rg'u. '.ie.si.m yfrr-f s racr i
l I ', ii!o V.' iTvri.r- a -ir o i'lii 1 t"ir!e:' 1
i.i- ivl W'.i'.l.' kl.-l .i:i-
i ' rf' i"l."s- iik:!s S:TFi:lifiS ' i . . :. . .;...... ; -m .. i,.
I V . l-.-.o. 3 ----- - . i I .mi, nr.. to T-a-l- miDIIN. tn!-le. f.r .'. c ai!P
r.. ...... c ; i.i !' r lie..'--' 'l,r' -i" !-'"'.."'. ! i Hint rii ',,.. rf.,.-- .....iti lutr.: :a.-' liri knira-kV.
ailitirj. a - v c, ,v ko-o i :..... , ; - - -1
Sll!lllf I .21 lllTiS. ' iti"L ' -"laf-- - i'-J. :"'."' 'i;. I'.-irr i j :r,;ir:i,'.i'Ut.!iui iili,.t.r.?'-.rci :
i t :'. -;r"jT " '. . ' i:"' ' ' I' 1 ili-L tiie 'i-.i, b-a ai d Co. icr a-aro used i.'EI5
flic I liniuA r-liril- """'Tr ". ' . .. I l.e k.l -ben : cl ai-c lie. Is.fitu-. flnnr. eaol
,...:! I I:". e.e.. ....... I. '"; ss.uwv.oiij"-
:..1.-1 ir.-. M i.a , ;-... I Itaaea col rr.-ae.
H'X for Ptfr nflnf VtrM Otfa. wtt, aam
GZK 37 tf 1? 1?. I rV
kTa S-f
JANTITY, from a pound to a pall,
and in a FEW MINUTES.
i pounds White Curd tORp)
! cts
tij- y.-i
. r -. . . . -
vit;,uut iiiinriii ihcfi IA Pail of Superior Soft Soap. ) I-.:! r:a.
au.l fituiua f.-.,m ea- , t. t takes the place ot
matting end e.-r swtn fabrics. IWashing Powders and Common soaps.
HF'.-i VOkK CITVJPrlre. IO cnK. w yomk. ci i r.
loan ra mm ne-n-.u .: 12 setts w ill
oteu Ve.iueda, January 4, lsea.
Tnrbelt Jotllnga.
P. M. Kilmer, Sr., kiiled 5 porkors which
weithest l'.?71 pounds clean melt.
Tbe concert h-ld in Ujtamoraa church
ou la-t Saturday tvening la-gely at
tended. Tbe folos iung by Mrs. J. C
Conn aui Hiss fcmu Sleloy ere we'l ex
On Widnenday of taft week David Kil
ru.r'a laiuiiy urprisei bi.u by having a
;...-.:dd turkey roast; it keitifr Lis birthitay
tjie lami-y a 1 wef.t home lo ceitb-afe' it.
TT T7 fi T.7
KJC. VV . ii B U X
liv Alslooi Huroer. J. P., at th rea'
nee i-f ib jrr.-oni's p.rerits, !r. Jarob E
7. t at:d M i- Sarnh J'. Coxier, both cf
Monro ti:n-bip. Jnni4'a rounty, I'a.
FICHEK MK1SKK On NovV n. 17.
ha Absloru Barrier, J. P.. at the. r-siienoe
ol the l-ride's pan-rtta, Mr. M.-lvin Fich.-r,
of Snvder crnnty, ard Mias Sophia Meiner,
of Monroe loanship, Pa.
MirrLixTowa, December 14, i8-7.
t? 2-i
Shoulder......... .............. 'J
Sides 8
Ln 10
Gosa ! ff and wie of Turbett went to
Perry Co., on Morday.
Mr. 1. M. Kilrr.er, dangMer Oleare and
Misa Kena Oylea Tisit.d in McAfeetown
lt Satnrday.
Chr.rles T. Uarico who ha been in Talopa
rrnntr. Kansas, lor the i.aat 13 montba ia
horae on a Tiit. Ill p-nt list Thursday , T' , ,
Wheat, .....
jru uew. .......
Clovraed ...... ..
Tvuiotny ae'ed
lUs 3-e-l
I ran...... .......
Ctiop. ....
liruuLd AiUia 6alt.
Aiueric-B baait.....
2 l
1 60
18 OK
1 60
22 ID
1 2
I fal 10
rii-iting frienla in Mc. Met town.
Misa Lizzie Koons viited her nncle Wil
Philapelpuia. D a-'r 10, l"". Wheat
Com "i5 to 58ct-. Otis oti to o'Jcis.
ta 74-;H. -s est pickled b.ui It)
Foot JJar in Juniata County.
w - ,1
Tm oKorfl erflfAmAnf. i true. (J:uer men nant? a low tne
same to be true of their etock. Let all making the r-lai'.i f-uiv
up for inspection. I will forfeit 50 if I f:iil to Mi-liiin my
claims. Let the others do the fame. Let the people kiicw
the who1? truth. '
2 r-if'-'-' J';
Drawer 11SO, KLMIIIA, N. Y, '
( io MoTi.n tnaai Mirer,
43 ny FLicrl,
Bra:x:i Cffic:
ri'tritio, ill.
itlV il.'l.lC,
r . -.T-ai yi
lollcto. I'll ier at "0 to aieia. LKa 2-j,
j to i'Ccta. Cloverse-.--; al 5 t., 7't".'o.
Ham McNUtt cf St.roce Hill Township, last T -.:' r .t . t -t. e rfe-
. r !ceij,l. tZl b aol ; t .ipuseii ta. 47d bead;
we" . . j market, notbii jrrt-'-n; ; .ad ihn-n.'i cou-vi-'
Mrs. J. L. Kerlin ia at home prej-aring J rsenta Uogt ll-c-'X-s, ii fiesd ; sun-;
to move to Aitoona. ! ments. Ht'Hj bead : rnsrr;rt -,'-, : r'.-ils -l- i
., . ,. , ' , 1 ihiaa. ta 4:,s)Vi Vl i j. k V '0 ; Voik-ra I
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