inwKji-aBai w - I ' jjIFKIINTOW.X. "i C J I W K I KR, gnrr"i ash rairairTna. j r su-p us 'n national trea. BrT u,,t tasi'y be reduced by cut- -ir tux ,-jvkliv1 is lou'iii.'i' tip as. a cnn JiJatn f. r t!.t- l'r--i li tl. v. He ban jj.ccJs i. Uiitvo Le can carry Jc York Mitt-. Tin f" e t r rt-! i s mi r tit n i.l 1 iu I ir. :it I.i t im in .iniut l f e- ! 1 ,. .1 a .' u I'rv i s.i ". it r'lt ... r ir t 1 P'.'m try Iv'j-:. Ut- '' f.r 1 Ir :. t . I '-i l.-.l t-i it IS -::) l 'our t ; h f ii.-co iiti 1 ;- -TP .'. Jit.'l II..IV I) - Si. 1.1 Oil Sun : i ! r if . n . s n'nl a I aods'tue piesnt. Their pastor de rnutieed tboiraTtion and inform'! hm tht the ln of church and s'are nor eideied tbe same jruioiu. whereupon the ladies were ery m l ;int oii in formed him, that at previous fair lie bad allowed iLctu to 'ies the weight of cakes, lis replied il,t he had al wavs been opposed to ir mod that for several years he bad endeavored to do away with anyibiue that pertained to I'linblinp The see.t.t .1 vert iuuh dis pleased with the decision in the mat ter, and began to multiplt i heir pastor's words, an I wnr so far a to say that he threatened to kick the prent out of the church if they brought it in. I'hey also said th-it he threatened to kick them out. Tt.ii latter statement rmppHtiC'illy di.'uie 1 ry the ps'"r. t lt-T.-..' 8 i " ''f'-n win be tmon ty tne er.ur'h authorities up..n the K't lown "cri'i' pip -r i n't dlftii'ely known Th'T.- i a h.-pe eiprC'd that he will rcci'h-i'liT hm intcnt",n ef rpsifiina and .ifTct an ami'nh! "t'".n,nt. The President's Message- ;cur.lo. Ticket, to Califor-, , j VALLEY BAM, niaa aaaa rruDP l mmm im - aaa (t.evelasd's PttTrriSM roa 1S.S. VTi.t-ti G'D7rt-ss corv.Cf-.l last o. k. rn-si.lotii C!ev l.-i.'i.l a l.h-..-ed a to tliit 1k.!t, wLicii was rea.l. Tbe 1'resi Jent heriiia ai once with the nauial qiiei.n. and l:ty3-loti the protositiD? that th national road. On ted aft. r DecemU-r lit, 1S97, the'.Tlv.n a Railroad Company wiii acll eacuroion lickt-U to San Fr4ncico, Loa Anrlca, or San D:ego, California, at frtrat Ij rrluer.t ratc-. The tickets will de aold Tia CliK-vo, ft- Louia, Cincinnati, or New I I: ..f ill!' 'iv i:i i ut treaJ,ir in nit the j'Hi-e in w'ui -h lo (!,... and th.-nce to the Tacitic Cnat by !m;il r.i im vcli'nve i Irrru D ttton-ii ' :he iociptl liuea atlble at ttjo iTt; tt-riniui of the Tt.?i sv ivania Kiirad'w tystcni. Tha ticket will contain au -x-chne otder," which wil! tie tken np at tbe t aurn terminutoi toe tran-cotiu n'l lino atid an vxi-umiuo ticket of Iin tourists i c vt r.uo imws. And from tnat broa.1 st ttetnent, he steps to the qnestion t surplus u, -'Tier d..r;Te l fn.tu tar ff ami inti rnni revne tax. He nirb tu" si:rt',.'! f.-r th year enliig lime .ill. ISSi. rt-Hf j tiie sumo! - ,- .ub.iuuted thereior. Inten liug i,j.MJ... lie says lare m i s t bve ,,0 of the several routes, and tn-re Leen j-iM within tL.' pipr ye ir t , a.-n.,,, ru, mav be for the re in in f'ltve j - r cut. ar..I f .nr . ,uro ,ripto ,he .j,,, of .cng, ,f it is per cf-nt. ud.I f.inr a:.l a Ivilf r er j ,rlectMl . , ,0B chl4ne), ,,itr u ,ur. rt-nt. t; iverinirit b The-e ' , . , remit-r. d. ha i not uiRture.i tn.i ana iK-r Tile Industry oflhe Ilinilio. It tak -s a Hindmi twlve d-iys to cnt tin a r- of cruin hv the prinntivp ni"'?! 1 i ! emr-lova. With a sa n", i-iirvf 1 'a-i h- evcr. the stalk" hi'ifii'-4 a I e Fiiiiat.- uroti hi1 heel. T'n' wilt.' i f a harvester are said to he h.u; ti.irtv c i.ik fcr week, without t'i I " -I'll u u. ; i. V- l I" .,'. F ' '. ' . - 1., U ,iS 1'iT'P ' t ! tl -: .1 -in. 11 f. t-t , b .rl. Tl.r-e j cf pie will liave not!tnc . I ft.. .1 . . l. .1,. .. . . .1 . n ll ri..liir rw mm ' .. "-o 'V lHIi.l 11 IM "111 ilf llt' o"Uuiu . ! ! f 1 C. v. ti.l " mi ; r ' al' 111 tl :'.t r :i fn- 1 -s-', t :ll!f 1 O Ki'Tif '.) ir f. . 1 i-imr 1 fieri i u.- .i-f... I iTititi'tni 1 ri.c-n-i. They clean the prain ! hv tl.- niil "I ! wind. ;l I.'!' -ir. 1 .n. ,-I.l-t. 1 ... i- 1 l.lto ii. v .. i, : .':i ,t:' 1- :. !,:-, "U liri 'HI1 f fi- I. ill r : iii;i .i''t'i! ir.L,' iti'f ' ti'l'tul tli"t:l 1 111 11 l'i i !":;, . - I . ( I ( 'ill;; ! .-'I. i i iv i . . i ! 1 1 1 1 i ." 1 tu .-iii-li 11 iii ;i c; ur.'i I i:i 1 jmiii' i.i . r 1 r:nit le i tu t f i t 1 t h n 1 tin ti t : '. ;i! i:i. 1 ll - : 1 . ! in t;.. i. . n i. 11 ' 1 r: is. - . 't -' 1 r T I : II.- . 'iti I .'I ... r r I , t I t -l I til . fll I ' 1 II. t- , I ..I c:. , ' tl. I'l ( : in ; s 1 ri iii-lu r tin l lie Strrct. In Tth'tiarv ! s-t tli; liiv. J. J. ('..ff.-.Tn wan ilis'ins-T l fr-. in the 11 t.-rnte of t. l'.-t. is ( Itefortued Ci.iir "'n in S',. hovphn. Wi. He raf'iaed o 'i .-e up the ilirs'ina-ji", and the peo ple, tV'l'n to ?Pt any fans'action in t' c e..r-s, d-t--r:i.ined to fak themaf t, r int.i their ..n tnnj And so thj other diy a crowd, includmi: fifteen women of th? C"ngr-jt 10.1, forcibly hut ihe paiti r and ln ta oilv into the i.treet ar. I ynt the futn:ture following tlicui. . In Court. V : I 1 Ina cout.fry ci urt in K'"latid, ro ciiiMv tl i re wi- a tni! to .i I i!c 1 itr;.rhip of a tlo7. 1 hi j c! In t ti' i1 e out frnrn evr lence i i'l oi rr:i;;i:ilif ff'.s the r' :tl PTIiT, ; !,e irvle 1 no vt in I i.n e.-i!! m;.. whi'i" 1 i" 1 :Ti . r In Id ti,.- i:,ij i:. :l. iid.l!. of ll,. ri ' It' Tl. ell I I-'Id tl.. 1.1 ho'li to c-tit prfiuitirn was taiI for their re mp'i.n. lie Ptinintesi that hf tbe Il'itii . f J.ine, lfcSS, there will lie T 10 ' (.'t),0.(l ciirpliis iu the trertir.rT !!-? jiiist" th . I'll tion over to C n T'-k ni'.l ilefl ires thut they are the 1 ;i;y to 1 o !i,-!.i r.jxttiRib'e for il.e i :'. c!h ti nt i' his ltnnil seein cle ir. Hi- ;h'ti i'ro: . s ns a remeily for i i . -Mj.'tt-. The reTi'-ioa of the tnriff Imv-i. ti.nt less tiu'!i-y will Ik reo iv .1 in the r. iti noil treasury. Tlience he pr. ri....!s to nrgtie how the wue-i t f 1 ihor nr. a'srvi lxM in the purchase dT tj' .tills nii.l artii-les upon which a Iii-li t riff is kopt, ami Imw the for mer "titTers l.y bavins' to pay a higher prii-ft- f.r the - ti 1 unities that he nei-'ls. than if the tnriD hit.l hten r. visoil.tir hmercil, ir stii.-kt-n off. Ho 1. ring's in the word q icr-ti... and 'f his p.isirion is tt 't a sirn.hl'er. he f iv u s s'l ikirjij !!" the taritf on wed. In i-i.i.jt ?!ie in-ssie is entirely le veto.! to ihe surplus qiios.: ii.n t!io .itinn -f t uifi", an.l is tiot free ti '. '. . '.ut is nejr to it i.f. il can well o-.f. It is the Clevi'hin.l plat f.irtn fi r t e I'resuie ncv in 1S.SS. Tiie Bohemian OatsSwindle- St Louis. P.'C. t The South west ern (irsiu ard Seed 'ompirie, d'.in hiisu;e.i for the pfcst two years at Sj.rii fcfielo. M , arc accu-d f obfa'n rmtno j if;: ir...iey undef fa,e. pretences and j'ldae tre h'H'p prosecuted under the act Ihev are tLsrg.-d with I he uni'iu l'i iheunan o's s'ndie i-n suec s-.ui y pra-'ieed lu Olio two j oirs it". I he nolle consists ii. sc.i- r -.r ten h;i' els of oits at 15 per ! u-" l t a w-il known firmer, liikinp Tte extren e limit of tbe n turn coupon will b- six nwnths tro:n the date o: sale as slaui(K.-il on trie back. Tbe tri; wi l be m1e hv th-- re(tulr trains of the liuea interest, d in Cai.forfi.H travel, ami the sleeping car laciiities lit be the aalue as ual. Full inlorin-iti n in repaid to rates, routes, tlei'i iu car acci.niiood iii'.r.s, ani. other u.aflers relating to the excursions may b .rtcurid by adilre.ssin Tlioto is Walt. Western Paneneer Aent, Pennsylvania Rii!, 110 Kilth Avenue, Fuisburgh, Pa. . OF MIFFI-IXTOS, PA. WITH - KRAXCH AT POKT ROYAL. Stockholders Individuallj Liable. JOSKPH R0TUECK;K. Pretulenl. T- VAX Iiirt lX, Cashnr. P1KECTOBS. W. C. Pom -roy, Joseph Kothrock, John Heiutler, Pbilij V. Ke;ner, A'uos . li'jn-ill, irfiuia Is. Atliiuaon, Koliert K. Parker, ITUCKUULl EKS : ' Philip M. Keener, Annie w. SheMey, Josei.U Koilirock, Jane 11. Irwin, L. E. Atkinson, K. E Parker, V. C. Pouieroy, J. Hol.ues Irwin, Amos Ci. Horifall, T. V. Irwin. I'harlotteSnyder, John llertz'.er. Slary Kurtz, Three and Four per cent ir. forest will be paid on cert ficates ol d. posile. jin 23, lgST tf COMBINATIOIN, SKNTHNEL&; REPUBLICAN AJT ; ' it e &s . lm t MASS 44 A. r , e ?? v i '. V VTll be fcuni ziici tcC cuw uy5 c a. A hivE Quality o!e :md t'..- 1 iii.'. r :o r" 1 ''. a 1 he M't e tt.i.neiif. I en this 1 his tint., pn b'." at thi time of I arvet w;i- ii. tu' tie i f tr ' !rd t! rmih the i of his first cr.;. and mnLir.ij a ciniract . I 1 11 .! or. "P::; I1.' tl Ol.-.'." wi j ih 1 i.n to h.n ail Il.e o-ifs he iais"S tl ' v.: nil'! . al-i at '. n r t usi.el. Th- first vear id citr:. :i. h t iiiim .-it 1" Ii t '; an ' 'i 11. V ril of f elli ry .Merlins . 'i -! . ti- I'-- , v i. it t..,.I: e. 1 k. d a Cell To tli" t!:llll c.;!, i f.t : i-. 1 if 1 ! 1 p..... -.i t 1 f IS i I' V I; y -1 o .11 ; . w (ml I. . i f "i 1 . fl t' ! th" Ii'.- Wl t I 1 : .'. ': 'i' 1 .i'..'i:' S '.".i.i ' .'It t, !' '. I... -' i . 1 li.e i i' - 'J'w-7T' ."'.I I Hi. I U'l ' V. I . I W'l I'O utll .- Si l MTV. llt'M .1 11!;... ' "it " 1'. . ,.f. 1 1,, r !, . 1 ri rr-i- r, i 1 I 1.1 nn l 1 -low w'..n ; '.'. i. rul y 1 s'i r iiv. ' 't'oii's.' I ar.i 1'i-r't I kniw J.'...'" pH'li-1 -it. 1.-. a u il.i.iuis, v. ii.i 1 (.' l'i!- 1 I.' 't is with the Itrcrli' of h r f.ivi.rre ?;:" ; i ''... ' i "I'l-'ti'f i hre st 1. M1SI.V' iiii. i ). e riru-. y.'ti tiid." lie 1 "I'id J. tl u.i.-n tntl! iue while I was . 1 Idar'" t ;i.l a-ier y. u left. I -.l. e.i. it. -it t.r.'V.'t Iiothit, . i me en, and I wants ;i"tl is. I was (.'i.-k ilat ve it. l'ru "U make uJ 1 ir, d 111 .1. T?.'. tl" I'VI'l.'l 1 a writ of ii.i . in' I k'Il ' 11 old en Ii I.I 11 I I sl'i ti. i 1 nj: t o'l:: t . 1 .:. ' '"it i : f.'O . '.Hi T1 I I t lm e m .i.n-.i.y j,,:4V 11 "1 .r il. .1. 1: j.,.t to co 1 1 mi i.! I li Unit tiUPl I l.f .1 tl. it t.r. to hoi" ii r I. Tin1 first year the d out fan I iii.d j tl.e botie firo.'T 5 .a i:;a.. tr- M.'l m l 1 ti''t'!it" r sre ! 1 o f'.e .-ui' j 1 hey luy the ei'. nti l-r f iudinr c-m etit!. n-.r.n :-.i " -. ;vi'-, tl . ir t.ote kI il-H ar ""' j ea-i'y :.".uiu d. I T.1 e l' '111'an ("otijinv !:iv b'iri the .,.!.! ;i. bed least a a'.d :.; -'ir 1 1.1 he r-l"' lo, tut hv th nine the ' ci' ir (." of o.r e n i ysr niv.ire the 'tio ! eor. 1 -it:- Ina in'rate.) It i, . -ti i. it d that they sold ?1 "''.. t. ', 0 v."ri'. of Sked III tireen nd ioj on i i c .'in'ies m Mis-o'ir . and one Sprii.j;li Id tai.k holds 17.0'J' the f.-irmrs notes U.-n. 11 i iu.lit srs. a well known farmer .f Greeu count, attctiipiid to warn his tuiyhbors hv an op?n letter to the lo. al papers and was A REASON ADLE PRICE For? f'vfj 'r " H t -i r. t 'eraiii J WISH TO STATE . A FEW FACTS Worth Knowing, That I can stop toothache in less than five minutes; no pun, no extracting. That I can extract te. Ih aitbout pain, l.y Hie use of a tlnid applied to tbe teetn and gums ; no danger. That Diseased "j IS urns (known as Scnivy)treati-.?2v ei ucc.sstnliy and a cure warr,iaV-, -granted in every case. --a-'' Teeth Fillkd an.l warranted lor life. Anclal Teeth ret-aired, excbngiHt or remodiiled, Ironi $.ti to $12 per set. Beautilul Gum Euaiuele.l Teet iuserted at prices to suit all. Ail work warranted to (rive perfect satis faction. People who have artificial teeth with which they cannot eat, are especially invited to call. Vv i'l visit protessiooally at tiieir homes if notilie-l by letter. Will visit regularly at Richfield the 2nd weeks ot May and (Vlolier. Terms Cash. G. DERR, Practical Dentist, ESTiBLlsHED l.f 1 LINTO W ! , Pa., IS 18lj0. Oct. 14 'CO. xtm imm mm XsPLEi-DiD COLLECTION -OF Bright, New Fall ..a y r 1 1- snrl".i j immediately anw, r-'1 by l eiitv eu'itl i Iv well kn wn fariu-ts wh declared trere wis n" swindle. The I! heuj i i s ti t'onirativ st't.esre.1 In htun fl'A Your hai; t e jlOi'l'. and yea can advanta.-e. hat MullinM ront-nne-l to jr ur a'l ready when yeu L,,.,, aav. and J,.hn II 15enti-tt. . larmer, was yesterdtv arre-terl on an i , I i. i..i. is arrar.-irg f.s rj0r.-reff ,n a injieinient f-nnd hv the (Waul .lurv. ll at Muti I s. Ileitis; ill ronttd. t iIK I'l t-l I, t: ll "ii " V t ii i:"' ''if r i.-i vU"l i ;i " V ' ' ' I' . ' " s l , ) ; ,j . . t;i.' ".I i r , i U t i n t w y .. ,;, ;L,,t t,, i IU thill. t ).' ill i Ji in .l;il T U'itier si. . '.! ! .,v. Coll.; tl"!'. A I ii- n '.O'l l,o I. ls , 1 1" '..;i s t!'.- i.r.'H!. s an.. i tin. I 1." t'.'v t,i:.t,.i t'..,t sl..'ii' 1 r.o' Iv l.r ' v ill to t o'v in u. r :ll 1-'. '- '. t- i Ii it win ' : 1 1 i. en o'T. :-li ( ; f, r Cnpli-riiii; Coal Trains .... I), e S V '1 S:'.i : "A'.vi ! ! r-. . U L r. I ! ;fi r i- o ; i 2- vs r. J.'-'-i . i.v jr " ' . i - I . I. LLC.-7L. l.:l I. run fr I :' are I ' e I James Maxwell, of Hamilton, (it , had a doir whtc:i fei'. int- an old weil I rea I'll' pot a r pe in whie-li htt fixed pr vai in:.' noijr i,. a-i i let d .wr, in ti e well Hi: . ...!. west, in put I ; in', ndic? t.. put it over the d "j;'s I - i-i-i M'Hi im,... ml r.iuu, .m ani rl aw him out. The don eatiht the I L . . ,i- . 1 .... i i.. i . ! . - . . .7 ... nrmat ' ' ' " " i " i.i.o ii'..- : rer.e in i is mo'i' i. ana ti.r. ftm i f l 1 beesn rira-ir! him tin J.i: UONllTAKY X..tie.' NOTICE. Ml '!.' t i. )! it. r i'u V.: .t 1.. i i :'" 1 t i'l" I .IV ; ; t " i'l -. I- i.i, l'i ;ilo",..; ' toll hill r ii - :.; '. ' I 3J:aiufacfriri'rs f.r llio wholt sale trrule of t'.e latest riyU-a of Carri.ncs, Ch'rreys. Phaeions. Cagcjles and Cprlng Wagons of ttc f iti ;n:i.I r. nnl fnnranleril to : m. ri.a c r Tur; ceiet TIIE WEEKLY PRESS. One dollar and fifty cents in advance will secure you the ex tin el & IIepcblicaw and The YVeeklt Press? for the period of one year. The Sentinel & Republican gives nearly twice as much reading as any one of the other papers in Juniata Its re ports ot all important home news and enterprises is full and within the period of a 3ear its variety of reading matter com prehends within its scope al most every topic. Consider that in addition to this, the best local and literary paper pub lished in Juniata county, you can have the Philadelphia Weekly Press, one of the best papers published in America, you have an offer that comes seldom to a man and his family- After children have learned to read, the greatest educator is the newspaper. Every man .should do justice to his family bv subscribing for a public journ al. iSubscriber.? who are in ar cttii avail themselves of this combination offer by paving ar rearages aud paying one dollar and fifty cents in advance, therebv securing the two pa pers. When 3"t)it have subscribed for -A5B- WINTER nv STYLES ji Tb. Champion .lbler oi Juniata C.u-.J I.a. Iuff ju.t re turned fr-.u the Ka.lern cMIe will, a woaderfal, AUTUMN & WINTER STOCK Wil mkU friends, outshine riyals, win. vietwie and sell it ..elf on its raelits. MEN'S BOY'S k CIULI'KKN'S FASHIONABLE CLOTHING, 83,1 Gent's foruiKliiP yool. First, combining Style, QuuJity and ,:e, with rri-s tbtit will astonish yoa. J cinee.teu uui ElegaD 1 j-rovo this. IJ ,t I nsk your patron ,3. ony when I gi compete ntiBfactioa. ,ck of 11 ATS, CAPS, HOOTS & SHOES OVBR-ALLS, WATCHES My ani Neck wear, Collnra and stock IL'll'I'lltV n,inn IV.rrittlo Mild Vhit Shirts. Ill J.I.A, Jlivw, C. Cs.Tir.n'Ks nnd S .IcLtlF, is full end com,.itle. Csll and Sanil STEAYEK, THE OLD RELIABLE CLOTHIER AND FURNISHER IN PATTERSON. June 1G, 1886. J. WARREN PLETTE, ATTORNE Y-A T-L A W, M1KFUNTOWN, JUNIATA CO., PA,' C5'-Collectiiig and couveynneing promptly at tended lo. Otlice in second story o! He! :ord bu il'liiifj Eutianeon Main street. J-l-jy f..J Locis K. Atrisso-i. F. V M. Pksnfli. Al kl.VMI.I &. PE.WIXh, ATTORNEYS - AT - LA V, , MIEf LINTOWN, FA. j. ""Collecting and Conveyancing prompt 1 :i. Tended to. I...1CF On Main street, in place of roi deii. e o! Louia E. Atkinson, K-q., witith ol Bii -i-e street. Oct I T"- D M. CKAWFOHP, M- I'., H is resumed activelv the practice ot Medicine and Surgery ami thei- colhiteral 1 uj,: brvx hes .itliee at the old crrei ol 1 1 H" and Orange stre.-ts, M '.tl! i ' or. ti . !'a. Xuriih i'.t, l..ti. JoIlS VcLatGULlN. Josiph 7. STIV51IL ai . iii. ix a. !Tm?.i:L, INSURANCE AGENTS, POKT IIOY.1L, JVXHT.i CO., tC"Only rtdiahle Companies rep-ere- I- ). lee. c, l.'Nl-i.V FENKSYLVaNIA RA1LE0AD. TIM K - T A B L J On and sfrer S ird-ty Nov'r 1'ith, 1887 trainf tl 61 bio at Mifflin w ill rna as t jl'ess: EASTWARD. Altoosa Accossm odatiom leaves Altoona riiiiiv at 6 20 a. m., 5 52 . m., Ilnr.tirg-ton K.Ho a. m., Mount Ifnion at .,ftf a. tr., Newton Hamilton 7,04 a. ra., MoVi yiown 7 ,"Jti a. m.f Lewistown 7,-53 a. m., Milford S.ll a. iu., Mil'lin 8,!7 a. m., Port Royal S.'J-'. a. m-, Mesieo 8,'S a. ru , Tusrarora S a. m.. Vandyke .'5 a. m ., Tliomj.soi.toaii 8.4.1 a. til., Durward 8.17 a n'.. M iller'-town S.ol a in., Newport 'J,'5 a. in., rrix ir.g at llarrisliurg at 10 n a. ru-, ai.ii at Philadelphia, 3 lop. m. Si a h'noiit 7.XVIESB leaves Altoona daily at f'.'i.j a iu., and stopping a all regular statT'rs ti. t-A-een Al.oona at.fl li arrisburg, i. -arli. s M :!: at H-C.ri a. in., lir.t.-tshurg l!.4ii p. M., ami arttves in Phils'.tt'phia at d.l" j . in. "mil 1 leaves Pittsl-urj rfaily at ., A tooi a at i.l fi p. in., and sop- lie at al, ri-.-u:ar statiot.s arrives at Mi;llin a: o i o p. in.. Harrifburg 7.'ol p. l'Liia i'.'i"!pLia 4 U a. in. -Vai' Exfresi. leave Pittsburg at 1 00 pm. A iti.oi.a. I. i p in ; TyroLC 0 61 ;. m ; ilunt l'.:?i'.'ti j Swjiiii; LewUtonn 8& pm; Mil ;:m i i t pm; Hirrisi.urg 1045; Phila "ie!pt. i.i 4 2o a m. Pbi'ittlelpbia Kspres,, ,itst... ut Miillin at 11 :i boa llai: 'uU. !the ISkstinel am I'.fiiiu.ican A. i ! -shelves with Fall and i you are certain in your secure-; (j,,, 0fai kinds. Our wr. it , ' i: -. f..o ' I '.-.' inentofthe county paper that i gives 3011 a larger quantity ami 1 1 1 1 i.ii 1 .1 l ev t ru 'i f, r. 1 I . 1 fur ;--'. l.o .' . try v 1. 1' "t -o a'l.'u -t r.i- p;. l.ln.'t ; Oil i in . pi i' .. Till lisi'V.'. 101 o t. :i'.' .-h 1 1.' it 1. vol : h . I'u'i'.n 1 r i! st !t nr. 1 ins. .re.- : f.i:i. 1- tier, l j; 0 ,-n ihat the first spd a 'Coi-ii 1 j ;.h'i If. K-r-nson, eoinintt- t I iti.- r:'l'' t' '.'l', il 14 be.'tl llinl itl j 1 the pr .tt,..rt..i , .,iii .. ,,: Juni ita eon:i- i,ani til'- same win i:e oretentcl lor con i..n .....1 ..'1.. ..1..-. t . .1... t- . ... ?IaT jrp'.l : f... ...... 1.1 t- . f ...I ri..... -I. r -.! a a ... .... ... I n.n...aii,M,,i, 1. v i.iiM.nii iiriin ran np. nen wittun 'ne 'i'i iiay .-t I). eetoU-r, A l. lsj. ' if.! ' f-.'tu ti.'.s ;:y i.i.,', i.tlicr p. .inf. I about throe feet of the top his hold care ! ' where il! , -rns interested mav 1 1 ',1 . ei,.v i 1 ,1 wl.i:.. r iti tlM-v I..- j m and he fell hack to the bottom i "" "ey think pr..p-r. i 1 . . '. 1 tu ,ir,o, tl ii l.ittd in ti.e ! The rope was again lowered, and a.-io Thm. II. Mri.isr.Bit. : . t.., r. t .,.'... w , .11. .. . . . . . .1 1 roihoootarv. , '. " 1 -'"' 'o--- 1 ''i roe a.c einirnt ir in ills mouib and was I'rr.h.o.ot.ry', ..llice, Miftiiti-.'... i'a.. Ann 1 . - .......i.u .. l( ; ( urawii --leu in inn top nortiy atier-1""'- '.1"! : '' 1!ul t""!; '- ,-'py "iibled. ; ward the do appeared to have run mad I I l'n '.te lll-Miltl'!l.'S t.l this I'itV s:l i and sw.a til'od I iiiii-tliorni.,!. ,,f .s,,t.e,H :t,t 1 1 1 1 ' I j Sjlvi. a neoress, who r , t.-.K in . t...i.. 11.. I... r in.,,, un.l t.-l (side. , . tn-ohle down hut at th- ,. "': i:'S' . il"7 il',!t "'" i"f theS-nrland, nar Klroi . .. iiirni,! p.. ey i,,r -Alott. fhey took , lon N j., j, r , .., , b ovpf , ; I.'iir.-i'. 1 eivil., :.riest tl , if it w,;t- . Siie u ,.,Par h.lM n rA0,, ,, l' , "' S-""V.'r f '" '.' j'. nces with cmaideraute -iina, , ,'k! -vni'v t;ve UHes Tr ,ni tbil r:.l. i t , dei-i.s ever l avinp nursed Georee I ' :Y' ' rY" ?,tr'tYri ,r,,"t"V!e I Washington or coked " for N.roleo... :i',.i , i.f .l.o 1...-.C t.'ffil.'l. Dif sell!, rr She is l.v.Lr wih her daiml t.r ' I-.:.,. unit :,ey lire nr i:ie ru r y t,rlh who s0 lp,r, .1 il.e rnoiopoiv 'in I I '1 tit t:o v e.'inr o PEHATiVE CLU3S . -- I-. - .f.-i., t .r.'fr yr t.-hw. 1 . a-i .irj. ric.ii I v. r U : 1 rrix'i tr t- . m:; d ir rrir-i v rrM ci-' 1. i.i:: :tt ii r . i 7tBr.Z;:.:Z. ! ureater variety of reading mat- '.. l'i .'" Wer!-t. - ;, ,;,e .1 I'.vith- , '. . t. f I 1 t: It I The J'-tf-nC . .1 - ill il :. "-! i -1:1,.:. i.:-e.t . .a -11, ! ter than is presented by other r rrr-. fully wr .frir- .i.-r.t.rtw. (lurnbil.o. I , ,i-i 1 -f t j journals putjiisued in ouniaia : m no . itf i ir..''! -..' ' f ystem I liiijrn ihczn nitbia We w-t-.l a., artlrs. resrxanail.l a reiv. " "- IITV And v - 1 aa-a-aa-aas-M . 11 I 1 1 I I 1 1 i I aij la I 1 x -"'I Z' -a Ml -- T H7 ...aaaaaaa-sa- I . X I , ST I ii I il I I I county, and when you accept J rJ'.; it.'.rrcBSri llni,ed -- this combination offer of the Tho Keystone Watch Club Co. 3;s S:3. rJiUidilphla. P. IT h Y:m (.'anililiii? itli lle.ins. l'lili t ll l -iii ioi, Pec. 7. K, r . 15 'I'-oii'. mi, l'at..r ot the 1st 1'res hyteri hi e'liireh .1 tins place, made the folinwiiijj iiiiiii 'inoi merit t.i his e. nre .ii, at the o! -.' of his .,.r.,.,.ii ,,,i J'iii 'V : "1 I nv.. r-.-rti p-'. r yru for lil ill tven' V'"irs, utid if I tu. a ec' h nrl i ii.iie u! ..s '.i.d eirn- Fire prtdui-ed from a piece of ice hag , always been Ihourht a ehen.iesl im. possibility, hut a hailstone aetaallv old. Her an o. i e-iiei. h fuel to keep their llVy.(, i ,0 , ,.,',,,;,. n in. iroii:. is roire i ll :ln; r i'..s .lues rot, t t r 1 1 1 -i i tnoi f .r t.o -vist- ru as tliev li-.vo fiowi t .1.. sr. el it tA I " . v. n ..P 1 n ... ' I " "-'.'in" . : J - J - . r- wlii-l, whs f, led will, e .M lst Tii-hr or rec.n.iv was th- m.'tt.. -C ml cr M.. - t M"r,rl, ,n " lr TP"' i recently during a late violent haii- " j sti rro the hail broke the windows in Vasked Men. j Ihe Ks'ra'la match factory, and one of j ih' ni fatlirg :nt. tiie f hosphornns mix ( inei-.ra'i, H.-o 7 A d "spifch fr. rt! . ! ure S 'I it rn fire and caused the de I'.qua. O'nii, relts of s, ternhii. trtioeuy j (.'ruction of the whole building, wirti a a t-irn.honse a lew miles from that ; all its C"ntonta. eity o-i Monday rio'it he.wten tnn and . , ., -.'..l. m-i -.. , ,, ... ..! A remarkable specimen of or a v. stln v , ,-l.t uiJ worked r.r!i" weifir.-i '"'"C "T 11 " "U 1 vard taste has i-,st hr... t.X.Za .M.nosha, destined for the peaee u'l i i uri ty o injj t! e t t week an chtire h. I . - - . n - t.....;i- ft lll.l f. S.S-'ur- i ,i . . . ., . . m.. nut-ate d f ! T ' " . "m rf ference has arisen in opinion b-tw-.r ; " " rpnl ,lror "c your , ,.rr nil ..,.. .,. .bpr. i "nr "; f" r' "i Mr Wolf suSjeitt ot charees :.nd lot-!,;.;;: r , . r'.'i'IU, - -- . . i i. i'ii . 'i ."'iii'i ii . Imrel ' - " tl.e - ll t l i.-ld IK Ci l v I (!;,. ,.,. .rr,v,.i. 'I t I I ''eve f .Ti'. It IS I ll,.. I. . . . ' " sn i u-ii iv i..- .pi el.ijrc I ; ; I f el tha' e t -i ;i L'? rrm tl ti e q';-.-. ,-n, i j '- "s i' -sas ti.'.i i- i:,e l m tiie san e ii. alit or ( li t rl I i. .;.,". ran f.,r a li o.l'd double hirr.irl Kt--. ...I tier tori ..,,... i .,. t....i.... ''?. ,. ' ' lurch 1 ' , '"""'"""'JM "" ' "' i tiei'ieit ami revea I. 1 r.i ce-netTy there. It is a 10 lon stone in the form of a tree, with birds and fquirrela. in its branches, ferrfs at its base, also a lire- rrn.i, a pot of tnu fl wers, an open book, and a roll of music. 15v sr.rr.a oversijht the eebinet organ wac mittel. Ttie si.ine was made for tie prave of a young woman. :..'is. X A ft it Frrt.T yeiri mnnc in tn . prprt ion f nom than na Htini1rd ThoTi-uind appHrsttonw f-r pmenu ia tr L'mtt-d Mttei and Kon-urn miin I trt-stt, tn pnbha.h-r of th Scicntifie Aioni'o continue l t a tolciTor f-r pit.i-jln,cTt. tra-if-msrka. coht- 1 ricni. ato.. tortiie I'nitfd SaTa. and to biaio pa-fnia in Canada, Knland. Franca, UTitiaaj, lad i l othr tnnntn Their cx;i-arj-hc-b ta anuaia-d and thair tacilitlca axa uoaar pat!il. Lrawincw and "pHftMition trrnar1 and fllad III tha Pat n t Oftii-ann h.trt noiir. Trroi ry rraaona1d. rtiarrf ir examination of modala or drawinjrs Adire ir nu-i! frva Patnt oMiiD' d t tro'iaTl xl mn ACo.aiwnotirM !nth M lbTIKH" MKHK A, which has txia l arr -I cirfilaticrt and i ttia moat intlopnTial t.pair of ita kind pahihrd ia the world. Tu a l vantagaa of aoch a nuuco aery (tatantao tti'T r-i ai; rfa 1 hi lr:a ani r,nWr i!lnwtrarl nowwyiapar la i-uhh-hed WKKKtV.t fJ-w-j a year, and ia ad nitifd tc b- th ba--.i pnpar dovotad to si-ianM. r.KhaDif. tnventiousi. f-ittnwitic worn, and olLer d-rartHa-Dtii of incia-l na' promta, pub In .el in anjr ro'infrr- It contain tne oamea of t I pa.teetea and t iie of evf-ry inretitura pat-nted earn T- it fnur months for one do liar, tv.- i b alt n"-"1eilera. If n" liiTe an l-ivntion to patent write to n ir.n x x o., jv;ir)-i-r,ra ol be-anuno j liaodlAKk about paxeut mailed frso. HE " KliK'VJl F-S- ITtu...Maa Hciilc. or ny" Coia- Trr Tck. Firrlrhrrr. Fa. ?:Ttlurrb. Fa. EiK'traFa V4 -it'-i, Fa. WCEiaa-.ea. 2L. retrstt, Xizh. iic.. eta. -V:'. r-tsv Yt'i t.I.ViKl). Kast I.inr :.'4e Pli-,. Ij-ix'. daily at 11 tiU a la ; i i .rrisliurg 3 at in ; MilTHu 'lip i.i ; L: -.i -'.i a ii 5 os pin; Altoona 11' p li ; nr. .'S it PiltttU lg lit 11 :0 B3ia. Way I'lsn.xoM leaves Philadelphia dsiiy at 4 B0 a. m.; llarritbiiig, 15 a. iu.; I'utieaiinon, 0 .34 a. ui.; ,'cv.:.urt, 9 2, a. :n.; Vilicn-teu n, 9 4'ia. m.t Taoiucs inL own. !! .rl a. m.; Van UyKe, lu O0 a. tu.; i'uscar ora, in Of a, m.; Mexico, 10 07 a. in.; Port ; Uojul, 10 13 a. m.; Mitiiir, i0 . ra.; alillord, 10 o-; . ru : Karrou In :u . . FALL AHLUIHTER GOODS.1 .'k:: i . tingdoii, 12 17 p. ui.; Tyrone, 1 04 p. m.; We are now liilni"; our Ain ona, i 4u j.. u,., i,j at r ul 3 st:iri.i.M it .. . ... I lllier : Uviiej. i-xentss leaves t'iin.lir.i... h.; ! ly ul 6 uy p. ui., ilarrisbig, Jy p. m., : sii'i piiii: nt rtockville. M -t-i .,-ii... i... FxVLiL, OPEN To the coming and going of Reasons we must all conform. The Goods .--uitabie lor t-pring and r-iiiiuner must be supplant ed" bv cus- toniers have appreciated our ' : -yi"'ri."-erstam rbompauntown ellortS tO give t lit in LrOOUS tO : u', - a. in., ami I'litsJurg, 0 10 a.m.. .. . , AtAii. J mais leaves i't-iialtlp daily aL SUlt tiiCir purposes, aild We I .W1 a. m., llarri.-burg ll.-j a. a Nw l ,- 4, . ... ; i'.rt, U 18 j.. tu., itiifU, J...i7 VJm!, believe that we are better pre- j . mi regular biatu,fltl u.twu y.usu2 i.ate.1 than ever to merit their V,7Y:Vtrl """a at p- A j O J lUa confitlence. We invite ou In our dress, goods de; artment ' V?rl " '' i,iiicr',t,MVU '.-j t tO i A'.IUl.SA ACCOM Y.OD AT rov I.,,..... r4. come and fe? and bo Kati.vfied. rVi'n'ut!.!?0; - W.s , t.i L. Hi.. ktr IU., We have -almost evcrvtllini;-. 1'- u'-' 1 ""-rora o .is p. m.t Mexico . iu r li .. Port i'-.!.l .'. .1 ... .. , ".. t I- ll r. i K"- , inn t.,oo r-1 1 .a. t 1 i Xnc r 1 . a Van Ztndt. the r.rovv - . . -. . L'!Jini- ..nm! wife efihe anarchist St ies.' w.a i t" 1-UUrioatinir Oil-, ai.l:tha It I '... V ' I I - ... ' it i.i'i, a. ll' ii:i."e si i . . at N. in t nit. rd lo ri-i.n the rrvn!ver Mr. Wolf. The a'u-'ent at Wilson College, ......... .u. rvi.-vun were niseriaro.-f oi'm i-ri-iiutr. i a. OILS! OILS! OILS! TEE STANDARD GIL CQHPA5I of I'ilt burp I'a . iual:e j:. SP1XIALITY of iPRTia'a.-tn-in for the Dmrneiic M T 1 I no s, i,., Wl! he .,k.n or factims m.oV 1 - ""-"'-'.y i ne roDDrr s: in tl... mart'.r. .'it that .11 the h...- ""r.ed "!''i "'''ted rla-s en the of th'- chute'; will stand tub',. Mr. Wolf's (.ot look eff- t and ,,-,,1aJr --"xrtirslon TIrkj I on tiie rrnnutlrs.nla Railroad. church l-ist week. It caused diversion between the t.lirrttltp an.l l, f ... , , , si '"-"er seiz-ll Ills W 'UIHl- V-Tlt f'r ottr com moll Lord and nati.r ..I i. -.j a . . ' I A f.;, ...I . . i . , . ' " Ir "rsggeii rem Ir. ' "' was neia ill m i.A:H k.r..l ...,..J c ... Et nr.. r .1,- , . : """-'-. uio. lie r- .7 nr-'iai corom, in was ton 'bat then belted and barricaded his doors. Perni-vlvaa-a P.silr..a. Companv witt sell and mt-mher, Th ; I " . ,r,' """ " " '" ' """ -,""r 1 "r "xcnrsioii tickets , , . . V ' U llPn'"' Af"r horrible i'-h? he;i ticket st.ti.m. on iis t, lms T l n'utT'r f ,h "T ,r,"r,eV " U' iB ,h" mn nd ' Th- ticV- n ... ,h h r 7 6U ' i fh" " oVoe, rsd ,t. :tb. SCh. ..d ... 1-67. bottle wh tean. and s,,,c:t Sues-rs rr.n Und fonnd a ycunjt man .upno.ed ', and 2nd. IS-, include. ' from .1 e vis.tors present ,n . nW -o ' .o . can.! bo.ttn,,. A sharp barrnrr i Tber- rt, wills-nabl. ,he pnhHc ta la ?",U 'f n" e' .'' r Y Cl'ur, bisfressessh n .No cine i ' v s;t frWnd, aed e.jov the social 1 ' 'ft.. : tiie rarry kuessir-r the nrre--.- nsil 1 1. I.. . i t i .... . . urea k . I a.. - . --v. , "kub -ot o. w r.-.. n to eeive robLery were liDd mbt-ijlj iai'ndrd. ; raiUoad fa-. i at a triC Itg exyuee for Mid G-trvuine, that tai Vhi lul' frr,... l'efit jleum. ' I a s ' -. "i '?L- ;2XY yt? Kavc 'Tn yur Suit rail hi Lb f or J 'c-M'.en end r!xrs. ti.- .-i in-; YyC Y:.Yi 'V V -.,:';'; .-iSi'a;, t 'oti, CofTt-e, t'.'.il 1 JT-in-.'.sC-.i.,'. 'hut, l-Fl.U, j owiees, vie. -'-StrtT OT-T, J. TV-...,-., i-tl- i'f'ruii. i-u .-a i-ct. ruir cit -tirfw ; ;'.S 1 V. e cuarenoe comparison v..:h cv, :y V..ouii Tmlu.-t of Piti-olnuu. If yen wi h tLe mot r-vror?.vz.y s itisf.ictory OILS LY ThE .M.1RKET, for our trade for MiHintown and vicinity SnjipMed by FRAN I5CUS HARDWARE 'ft CO. December 14, 87-ly KSSENTIAL OILS W IXTKRG RK P:N, FE F FEU MINT FEXX V. Ki j Y a L, S FE ARM 1 X T, e pHmt. na'i'y bought in ant ioantity for cash on delivery, tree of UokeraKe. com m smiib storaee, kc., by lOIC&. Ol.COTT, Importora and Exporters, fs8 Wi'liam St.. N"ortt- A.-g.l7,8;.6.u: pEABODT IIOTFL, V Ninth St , aonth of Chostnnt, one aouare onth of the NC. Post Office, oui-hall aquara from Walnnt Bt. Theatre and in the Vfcry business centre of the cit. r- ... I AtUIrican and Hiimi,... .1... . . . TV- o - . . . t ..i.a. iiisig rooms Tbe Seritmel ami BepuUir.n . fie, j .' 53."0 r d ,y. Rniodell and job v - ;"'-": the to get Buls prin, , :t ooae. St. ' i two papers you have secured for yourself and family a news paper prize of inestimable val ue for a price so low that it amounts to almost a marvel. In this day and generation it amounts almost to a wrons; to one's self and family to deuj themselves the advantage of a !good paper like the SENTINEL & REPUBLICAN and a state paper like the WEEKLY PRESS. There are mere than a thousand and one things dur ing the passage of a year that interest and sometimes di rectly benefit the individual and family, that appear in the home paper but like the rain, sunshine and air, that we are so familiar with, we do not ap preciate as they merit. Do you appreciate a first rate offer ? Have the kindness lo mention it to your neighbor if your neighbor has not al ready found it out, and if ue has it will Rot do harm tQ . vhat vou want. ...... U U,- I.. Ill . Slfi i.-t... , l. m .. cwto, IJa.uil' 7.10 p. " Juiit 111,1.,,. , 4j p. lu. a:iooo aoo tfliri Miff Fli'e ' .i'aci,'c rpruss leaves 1 h.ladoiphiu 1125 ffifCf Ja.aief. , piu; liarrisu'irg a 10 a ci; O-.Aic.unon 3 r T i el "u,s .N"rt "1 w; Mialu, 4 42 a t;ur iOOt and bUOl Ue- ,u L,,'"'tl oU4 am; AltVoilowu o 27 partmeut is full in its a.sort- j V?"" &T$Zt ment, und you certainly can be ' 7 ZJTL" suited in fit, quality and price, j 40 J,m" ' riUst,u,R Whatever improvements have -M m!; Sundays been added bv the niaimfactares ' "-'' i 16 .u. ie ,na ., " ., . i . " a-v Pa-ieuger tmt and Mail east ar '1 we have them all. We can K"P at ud iwmil.( "J' , when liae.l. Pr supi)ly ou with foot wear for . I.KWISTOWN DIVISION. any in or out door se rvice. Our 1 TtJilt '.eave Liiown Junction iur Mii- fiytUWtm, IftWuu , Jr u grocery Department never lags. ! Suai.ury at 7 15. ,u, 3 io'p m. ' p n '' r Ve have on hand a fuU line of Mi tZ It "f ,!own.J" from unbllrv Q ' ... . . . ' - 1-' '.rn ; from ouuourv at a a lu. 4 Iti ,, , TTKON'E DIVISION. Tratna leave Tyrone lor p. i r . Lock Haven at H iV. , 7 I S 00.8 Md Tvrone. Ir ' ? ? Ul- I.eaV, Fresh, Plain and Fiincj' GROCESIIES. Also, .he only full lino JXZ, Q.UEE1VS WARElSW-.a' intho county. Evvry house ! -"S" "nS" -'''',' 'I ui, audbo pm. must have its full supply oi ' .Irsl've u Tytu n-om Cllrff,.B, r i rs. 1 - vii.e an.l Oloiirtiel t it u su Irou Liirtrtoj. Queens and Glassware, this is ' n pm 4 b 5S"U1 "n1 the store to. call on for such ar ticles. All orders by mail will re ceive prompt attention. Tteioember the plae. t-r - ... --. I - m. j-'Aiiiiiiiioivn, i'a., Frederick ESFENSCI-IADE. 69 a m, at 2 ITfi N "' ' " E. T. R. i. t UEDFOGD DlVlsiOX. Trsins !eave H,,,.,; d. f Bedford" Ii.M.dmaii -tut ('..... i .-. . -. . ... ' ra u- .l i- - "'iiovriain at e a. in nil. I Vol !.. 111 WD tHfv-.-s! Syrup CURES bUGHS VwVLDSe Hei.Ui.AVSbl-RG BRANCH 7 o-ra.,T,i o'' 'r points S. roi'rf;--- -i . . . . 1 1.-1U13 airtvo ut Alti. Sou.ii, t ti i; a m. j j 8.-, w p 111 South, at p in. S- a from points ui. 5 53 ti m. 7. ' -' r. and iu G5 p ,. JOB PRINTTI.VG OFrFVvT done at ihi. t. J r.ij.tiY K. KIND CAITIOX fOTICT. hutitin tbroa i crossing held,, cr o!hj - l " . IlaT I imha-a. I functsB, or on any of , bi? 7":'"' " - t"an uciiiu l n tr I,. i. a N ovember 16, 1.8S. W-n-LLS- Tho Seaf,e nJ R.putlu-n of5c ia tha tiace to get job work done. Trv it. It will rT you if yor r.eed anythin- in fh,. line sentinel EPl' MIFFLIXTOW ttedesuat, pr.i T.-R;::r T K K H S . gnbscription. $! .( ij p.-r la advance; Jl.f.o i' n't . Transient a-l 'ri:-.-iii t.i- : yaanta per Inch t. r . ::-n .-.- - Transient busine teeu-.-s ma, 10 cents p.-r I.' f " .- Deductions will ! e n :nt - t . to advertise ty h.- it-v. L year. .l 470 A" I IJ 'n. 4 -;. A The tea hers i r 1 . Buy the Hoy a s . 1 Ilunter aie Fuie g'a- v. :r. '. r The l.trcest s'-m li i the 6ct i ore Tou will ri'id a i ; fresh cand't-M 't K ; Read "(".a:ij... :ic column. The C'jui ; . ; ti bas dec ui i i . , TheTir.n i week j rin' i .-t Cbristni'.s - will be C t.e.1 ... ! : " Dr. Bank- ':. . days epo e .j i . . tails. Call ear r ; .. while the -.'. . i lueut- The tb.- a rain, a. r reliahl". Rum. K Barchard . Unit Fr.ii Laat S.r it. the caeii . ' ' i I . . t'erent pi -. Manv ...i t ' any other st..r cts at ih- f" t : - . While 1 : not a det'-'.i" . " ! j . ly apairyt :!; : The J.-: it i V i . will meet i . '!. " next Satunl y t.t Sui h plat:, r ., - r to keep ll . .! , eipn ta en in::, i ' Clove; ' . I'- ; '.-,.: IS t'1 Ct I'..- '. '!: .' ' the tanl!'. i.'st. . . . Thew...,' t- - - aroused i v i i i proposes : ; II .n r -, ,1 : and live hurrah f r r Mereli n i '. well as alanphtt ' pounds. Toys' T . toc" '. his d'i'i' town P. . Sol"!. I had f a r its chai ' ' day nifV-. Clev. ,. I ' . -taxes, -i- tax i.n i . an Ano'i :. . i. The - '. i : on Tin - 'a . ; : in S"si '. 1 1 '' !' !i behi'i-l e '..,. ; ,; ... No r.'h r f r 'v lar a' .1 ti'tv :' i iuhr-i; ,: : Cah and V' .- If. ' . 1 Exi'i'iti.- il." " : Kep... ... '. vi a ; nion ". ' 'ii 1. -a . ! ' . for (.'l";-'iii i- - The M. F. ( ':;: ' the i. A. K 'i evenii p - ol ' ' -oyster- !..!..; If e.- a stii'. - : If aoil i'.r- r ?.'. : Donr.M Ri ::i. lector. Poi.'t '-. '1 There i i a ro. t to w . .! . - - parti'-i-.l .. : ! : Mirlii'i1' ".' I. ! i. If vv. v ?.iif.iiu r.i.- in er-e: 1 i r ; to $?. A; . $.-2r, ;-' . '1" ' late n.- e i- old tM-r',1. v 1 destroy tl the I'm : - . '., .V. . OU hui', r . by ir... '. . ' fails. S,.l,i I', l . i Iittiii.'o n I'.i. It is s.'. i. - . paint pr.'v. ri - . -You want t., '." ... you p':t or: y '.r all has I '..- ; .,; reTiire. a Asron 1.. tO 111 J V ' Ai.'t- -. :. . ';..- to att-r.d . nt. : : li'iLii in i'i '. . Coun I!..r-.- I 1 . . - Prof. A. !.. . I'eht .1 ' 1. il. . i , ' 1 . T His r i C. for i .T.r ;,.. . COUI.ty ale: i i !.. i and o;'. t.. ..: ; .' i I i ; I 1 i i . 1 : I try 1,. :1 . .:, i.-;. Iiow v. .;; :,i u i , . thro j. n o; t ,,' , - . art An eri. in i . .i . ' . s"rrr'si to "!, , .' ,;, i -, If'a I' w ; ,,.:! .. t'g e-i..i. ; I if no-n out of.-' J and ri l.der tl . I r J ' can the i ii. tr-, n, '3 tn v" '- '. L. eut tu Ci ' n . T t.vla re.l,. I live-; .a.r". i aaamavfMiasrTMa.TTtM