i i 1 i, ; SFNTttLLMlEWiBLlCAl. MIFFLINTO'AS. ttrrDlt, DECEMhLB 7, 18S7. ii. F. S C II YV E I E It , Bai-.HAM Yocsg's olJcet son has on ly tLrce wires. II BT, the Anarchist Las Been the ehvJow on the wall and lias put a piaster un Lis mouth. Six Buffalo Bill anJ Sullivan h.ive apjaied ia Eoglsuvl, the Brit ih p-;-le lxlive siiuotbiccr good can come out of America. J - B Sharp was chiefly convicted ou Lis orrn evidence or eetituonv. and tlie Libber Court ruled that testi luonr out Ho is to have a new trial. and is oat on $tO,nH Lail- Siu.ivak the sltinr is said to br a Sr.e singer, ami is j.-irti a'.arly fond of nvre l nmsii. Ho Las startled tLe English people almost as much bv hi binniug ability as by his pugilistic 'ility. M.jst the anarchist compliius that he is deprived of fre speech. His plea i hte that f the thief. wh- put in the x'.fi fr frte loiu and liberty when he was lodged in jail for hav in etoleu hi iieuf'-bor'a pocket to.k. Tii S.bl'th day o!itervauce qnp tiou i a brnal question and from j.rvseiit af pearpnee it will be thrnst uivin ('onLrri-ss, where it should be lisrvissionatelT discussed, so that iriMul nnr come from the introduction cf t!i jui-tion to Congrvsit. I: liok preachers are up against the Sunday nej.per. They will avk Cti;rries to etop telegraphing on S'in 1 it ; thry will a.-k Congreas to st'ip the sending f mails on Sun day . and they will ask Congress to bti p the runtime of cars on Sulsi So then from present appearance. (' u!'res, will Lear more of Sun I n this vrinti-r tlian it has Leurd in many Tear. A iiame.l Smith charged Lis frier, i named Ovingtou $lh0.00, for act.ug th part of groomsman on the occasion of Ovington'a tuatriuge, re ci utiy :n L misvillc, Ky. TLev c .rn pr. .-..ist.1 tho matter on one hundred dollars r.fd a break .f frieu.lauip. O1. ;:ju is of the opinion that Le cutino ufTord to keep iiis friends in pay. Smith is a New York profes sional society man. lUrr.t.siMTATivE Uss of Hunting don ounty wants Governor Beaver to call the Legislature in extra sea aioil prttponci t lint ttio Qviiei- nor write to each and eTery member of th Lris!ature. "Will you T-jte for tii mil and off?r no amend nieut !'' meaning the late revenue bill Representative Owens doubtlese uer er dream d of the improper st"p he adis;.l the O.iTtinnr to take. What an act ,t would be ou the prrt of (1 iv. rnur t write to members as t h w th y wil Tota cn a certain bill. How to Kill Rabbits. il. 1 strra buggets that a good w:iy of ridding Australia of the teem irg rabbits by which it is overrun u u'd be to inoculate one id their n-.i'iiber with chickeu eholera and then let him loot-e to spread the iu fecti. n among tiie retit. This it ia said wouhl exterminate the rabbit in no time, us the cholera would spread and get iu its oik even foot er th:in the animals c:in bred. All that sounds pliusililrt enough, but Cin M. Pisteur g larantee just wh.-ve the infection he proposes to di'semi nate h'dl fctop ? Suppose it didn't discriminate properly between rab bits and aheep, and suppose tiiat in some mo lifi I form it were to exten.i to cattle and finally to human beings ? We don't believe the Austra'Wn will ad pt the Fasteur plan. North Amer ican. Fn. v the l'hiladelphia Times of rVcruibi r 1st. The case of the blat aut anarchist Johann Most, jnst con victed a stct nd time in New Tori, for inciting to lawleesr.es raiets the piesti..n whether this land should e a place of refuge for peroietect nm inals. This Most waa convicted ot tr. it on in Austria in and im- 1 risotied one eMr ; was convicted a second time in 1870 ar 1 ruteucd to tive years in.pris. uient. but par d ined by general amnesty ; was cou victed in 1872 iu Barliu Vr lawless i-peei h and seutaxct'd to one year ; was o .a vie ted in 1"S"4 for revolution :' lar.guage iu favor i f the com mune uud iiuprisoueii fVr oue year aud six months ; was convicUsd and imp; it tied f.,r blasphemy in 1.S77, and ii convicte.1 ia England in 1W t.ir applaud.ng the assassina tion r.f the Czar, and imprisoned for eiht-cn months. Whan liberated he fl-d t- this country, and has now been twice convicted in New York. tlo is a conurmed criuuual in taste an. I profession, and is just the sort "f a fllow w ho shoald tie kicked ou of t'rp country and kept out with all of Lis tribe. We refu." paupers ad uiisoi. n to our shorts ; whj not LLose who must be paupers unless thy can live by theft and advising mur der ? Letter From Washington. S7IIIAL TO TBI StlTIXKL lit BirrBUCAB. Washisotox 1. C, December I A man cn uo wore fcrtt h e uative place tuin lio can foiiret his mol:.fci. and that id my reason for Bending you a special letter at the opening time of every Congress. Before yon baTe this letter in trpe the tiftietb Coccreas will hare con yened. There are more than a hundred Congress men Lctj tow. bazziL" over the prominent qieotious that atare Cu .rress in tue fave, such as the so call ed tariff revision and redaction of in terual revenue tax. In connection with the different types of the tar iff qieation loom np Randall and Cnr.inl If yon LaTe a 1-Iief that there ia to be a grtat sp'it between tbfse two men tret ri 1 of that belief at once, for such a tLintr w.ll not l p-rniittd by the administration, if it can prevent it Cleveland it is wed ki own is entered for the Presiden tial race of lhS8. and lor that rea son Le will use all inSoeiicv. of the a 1 ministration to preserT the peace between Il.in.la '.I and Carlisle, and then t i Ilaudall has a Presidential lee iu his bonnet whi h will keep him on Lis good lieharior. Sam'ie is more of a politician than a states man. He keeps Liuif-elf straight with the appointing power and keeps ,iiii:se f up uiih the live issnea and that makes him appear as a remark able una in t ne eves of th public. During the late Presidential cam nni 'n. wuen the surpiua was a ques ti.'n. he went h'v tit making hpi-echeh a!-.nt the 4iJil.000.tXK) surplus in the Treasury. Since the dec' ion lie is tame mi that ouestiou. Now be i n.ln.g the tariff qution. and juet what Le believes woUid take a d jz-u search warrants to find out- Th tariff question will alwavs be a ques tion fr disputation until there Las been a web iliu'ested tann system proTided by Congress. Caruaie if n.Jin 'be otlier un.lennea Biae or the question froru Randa 1, aud b this -itation tnev nave centered n great deal of attention on themselves one that hoi !s a well deGned posi tion on theqnestion of tariff protec lion. R.ndall is a sort of a g le twi en on the tariff ipsue, an 1 if it were nt f r tb nciuinat ion fCleve Und next vear fiev wji 1 kick hi:u vertoarL but they tied iim" He's a krreat uie l litr. 1 e.ai i"i i mat e wrote 1. ttrsiu Pet.usylvania, to p.tr- uij.iUM.ie ol tiis tii.-triei teiiing thttu h.it to do at the recent elec- li.m. He would make a cue i-Vmo craiic bss fe r the i're:d.-i.CT. ('arlis!e tuuot La on bis trood be- awor f r t'-e s. ;it Le h l.l isin con- fes. and if Le antagonizes Randall and his friends thete is CO telling what they xu.iy do with his Contested seat. S then ou observe there is no chance for a big fight aru .rjg the r"incracr in Congress this wit.tt r. It is a a irprisu that ClcVtl.iud has en-h a hr.id on the parly. IIw is n consnmate politician, or he could n t hold his p .sit ion in the face of his record, or the people of the R pub lie have grown lax on the question of morals. He was eleete I in the face f revelations tint it was believed no man conld be elected to office under Some of Lis friends have the teiueii ty to declare that he never was as great a w. man's man as David and Suluuuu and miunmi.te lj'OO'l men by people who want to be con sidered good. The land gr irit question looks n if it may lv come un important om this Conr-s Ti e Aio-rican Con trress has d.u e gr a. u j.i-.i"e to tlie people who it pres.iui : ly i ; nts t it land grunts. It h in ileiel aw.iy the pu' ir . !.y lain! grant s com pi ei.eu-ii iiu n..... of ai-res. Corgirss his nev. r un derstiHKl that it is only a trustee f-. tlie people. It l as td as tnoi.gn it owned the public lands and eouid di-pos of tlieiu at pleasure. It is a question whether its acts bestowing in..1 i .8 aie eoriUtuU -n.d Some sbie iiii.ii i nw Ti-ed to cliHiui'i' .n t he iih d in Cot;, t:.e freai peo p'e on t e In' tl rti t ijn st ii. Prom n few c ouds ou tut l.i liz'.i. it is predict, i. that the Sund.ty ib seivance question niHy be brought Istore Ctii.gresa Mary of the preach ers tLro'iii u t e country are rest Isr.!, on wi.at tiny c;ll the desicta II n of the .-nll- ij. tind tbey W.ll.t C.it:r'-sr...tjiii .M-.L.-.i tiie ear lii.g id li.e :u:ilL ai.t. li.e r :ui.i.g of cui k, i II i ti e sending ui mes.jeH b telegi apu ou Sunday, ai.d i wr nlo lu.t be in the leaat surpllsed to hear of large petit io!. a ou ti.e k'sve q,ie. lion st rt to Congiess. It wi.i scuie,hit.g new for Congieas to coo id-r tie .-uudy q.i. stion. It is a broad quest iou auid should be pro du tive of solue fiue sp-eche" Tbe qM.-?.ti.n cf Lamar in tbe Ba preme Cnurt is a tr's)d lel tik-d about. I hsrd.v I.eiieVe he wiil U. appuinteil. He will be opioel by two great interests, the northern el eiuent that triniuphe-1 over rebellion are against l.nu. He lheved or piofesee.l t ln-live iu the right i f lh Sxjulh to seetsle. and if the Nontli hsd the rigtt to go oat of the lu i..n it fellow a as n Kbt foiiowe i lay that the government and uoriht to Le. p the S..u!h f i Ola eH-i dT.g. aiid iu .t ail the w :k t i t ie e; in in lit was uu'-awfiil. unc ..atliufioIiM, A- If Leuiar beiieves ab thi.t. i e wn. 1 an unsafe luua ou the Supreme Bench, for Lis ruliDgs niiLt soon ; rov. 1' .rinn tit:il to the northern svs teni of civi.,:iiu that crashe,lout the slave, i r Southern system of civihz.. tion. Iaileed thete tie men here it. ks: inj.-tin. wl.o nihke lild to tiy. hat if CieveUiid ets a second term, theold s'tive eituivt.t will do its le-t. thronrjii iutiigne to enptnre the Su preme Court. nd through it declHre a num er of things unconst,ta:ioi iL t'.at art now thought to I e stb.isle el. The other great intetest sgaii.sf I jmnr is the laud grnut interest. Ou the qnetion t.f the land gran's L iuat is with tbe people, but t!.e bsv. lltlie Voice LeretXCett tl.r -IISJU ftl'l re,'ii ntat vea and i'U the q iest.. "f Kivii'K land away, past Cot.gr esses. s I i i ain.ve u -i not seem to coin preheud that Congress is on'y a -iiisie f . t t t iroie p cpb i.ii give the land away jnst as if thej wred it, Lri i p ..it tt :ac. gov i ruit nt do ni l ii a. f ( of luti. . Our g'. vert.p.ert ia :. y a p;.tr orste to sei in the lrj in.uual in I. : p iK'ti! a. i! projrfy r:gl ts. b.. 1 av tressj as I nheadytoo lcun wii Jour p..u. JflTUTa. A Bogus India a. While a naiofcer of Indiana were tak ing a ride on tb plaiferin of a mail ear near Pooatello, Ulab, recently tba train men notioed that one of tba redskins waa shunned by all tba others. Tbe yriaiacea of disgust bestowed upon tba ostraeisad member of the party led to an investigation, wbiob revsaled tbat the lonely on was a tramp disunited as ao Indian in order to gst frs trans portation. Kift-bt r Actiua. Tbe ? a ire me Coart recaotly decided a caa tbat mav be f interest to soma pecpla beaida tbe parties directly con cerned. A Hsrriibarg farnitore dealer aold jrouda to a married woman, notwith ataodmjr tba haabaad had notified him orallv and by latter pot to do soon bi redit Tbe furo tn' man brought ait a;int' tbe ba-band and tba jury foond a ver tiot in his favor Tbe bos band bad raiifitd ths wife's purchase, parmitieg them to raroaio in the bnnae aud using ti e n. Tba Saprema Court deeide thai this wta an error, that ihera was no ratification on tha part of tbe hohtid in permitting tha fwi to raoiain in the hnoae, and tbat it waa not bis doty to remove the goods nor noti fy tha dealer to take tbam away. If tbe latter ehoosa to take hi ehanaa of recovery after ootica not to aoll. be had the right, bat be eoald not improve the right of aation against tbe buabaod Ex. Bathing Ti e Baby. The Tyrone Herald aais. Dnwa at Peuieer'on quarries in Huntingdon eounlf tha othar day a Hungarian wo man beeame tha mother of a child. 8be was attended bv a well known rhvsieian of tbia plaea. and a woman of her own nM-nalit, hot tbe lattar wa master aermaaiea and aeemed to not only know hew aueh matters were canaged in Hungary, but waa datermiaed tbat tiev sheuld b run in be aatne manaer in tbat part of free America A tub of hot water waa in readiness and whan thm infant arrived it waa at ones wran ped un ia woolen clotbt ao aa to eover it all over, and tba fqairmirg bundle thai formed ms unceremoniously sous ed into the hot water which covered evrv part of it but tha faea. Tbe madi eal gentleman triad to objaet to this sort of rroeenre but ba waa given to undr'ird that he was nut running that rart of the s'tow and had to b satisfied. Tho babe fhn trea'ei. saeeoed to erj .y the hot bath and calmly want .e ateep. after which it was taken out and pat throach tba usual coarse pursued en such occasions. All ia now aarsne at Ptmbertou. 1 Fiend's fTerk. f oi.imbia. S. C, November 29th. Stepheny Baily. who a wek ago cre mated her in a furnace, has died from the offsets of the wounJs in bis throat made bv himself in attempting to com mit suicide shertl? rtsr being arrested 15tora dting Kily eonfrssed to being a triple wife murderer. He said : 'l am ab.tut 70 years old. I have been married tbrae times I killed tny 6rst wife with a e'ub. Her name waa Csfherine. I buried her in tbe garden and then dug ber un and buried ber in the graveyard. We bad six children. My second wife s name was Marv. I killed ber wi b a briek by hitting her on the bead. I will not tell what I did with the body. 8 he had one child a bov by ma. My third wife's nam was Sllie. She waa unfaithful to me for a lorg time. My wife and n had not been on good terms for three or f.nir wesks. -Tlit day I lay m wait fur her ia a f.iot ph, and aa she ein along I hit her on tha head with an axe and killed her, and dragged her bndf to tha boshes until that t.ieht. Then I sent my bov to the yar.l for a wheelbarrow, and when he came I sent hiiu back to the house Then I pu' 'b bod in the heel harrow and carried it about a mile and pot it in the furnace. At unnrtHo I tar's.t a fi-e an4 ah.ni 8 it 9 rloek it fun. d , ut K1 seven elnl.lv n h n.' " In making l.i e-nfci.'n l?ii!ey evinced no regret for wfiat ho had done. A despatch from ' olnmhia S. fJ dated on the 7fh, ult., asy : Some eunrus ear'l quake phenomena have jnst been discovered Io an lariated eetinn between Sunonerviile and t'liarlet..n, v-hich bears terrible evi dancea ef being one of three foei ot tba grst shock of Auifut, 18S3 The gri.nnd for miles is literally overturned. In confqtieoee there ars to be seen many deep pits on the margin of which have been thrown up pure white sand as la seen only on tbe seashore. Oa the '. white sand thus opheaved has sprung up a dense growth of sea plants kuch aa i found on tbe I'.pa of the white aand bills created by the wiod currents ou tbe islands of tbis eoa-ts Ilia evident that the seeds from which these plants have sprung have been ejeted from great depths, where tbey have doubt less been burii-d many sentnries with out loeirg their germinating powers.' Tbirtvfour jeara ago Clark Cleve land, of rvsnsaa City, then aged tbirty- s.x year, waa united in marriau. to - -v anon ( 1'titoa, aged nineteen. Tba e ople lived tog-her for nearly four Ices years, be fhy became estrang ed, and finally . enty years sgo, were divorced La-' arek the two. who h.rl II this time been brine in one it sod neither of whom bad remarried. ' n,et accidentally at a mutual friend's, bouse. The old man, now aged seventy, I te 1 D love again with hie aged ex wife: and proposed and was aeo-pted. There' i" ""j "i quietiy oeiore a mag istrate and were married. Harrisbcbg. Pa., Nov. 80. Gey Heaver to day fixed January 26th aa the day for tbe execution of D.ri.l 1. King, oonvicted in Clarion Bounty f0r tbe murder of a man named Davemore At a carriage Ladders' contention . Wilwingion, Delaware.it was decided tuai a umterm track of four feet eight iucl.es, fcr carnages, should ba built. Fri.u. loc Blwu field Adf.i uei Kiott, ite oldest ctriiro of disou iouiiip, dit,d rer aSud Hii! B tha 'aiai(4 1C6I . ai(ad S9 ,tr "Q mM.K J dajs Mr. Rice was a native f Ja i-.aa oouu y He married M.ss Satah U ce ou the 10th of Apr., 1823, and tu be moved to Perry county, t.sii.f up bia reMdenee on the farm now ownru b, .Mr. Su.-auuab Bodan 1i.il- Bjiritg ct 1541 be b neht SI d rcinov.d to the f.rui ou B, hjtsl unu, hw death. He and his wife afend.d the same school in 'heir - Data, reosived eatebetieal intruo'ir.o in tbe same elatis, nuder Father Ueim, and both eonoaoled tbamaelvca wub tbe eburih tbe same time. Tbey lifed together in the holy bonds of wedlock for 64 years, aud the wife preceded the hus band to tba grave a little over six weeks. It would appear from a saitple of batter seut to this office by C. W. Smith, wholesale dealer in butter, Sgs aud poultry, of Neapurt, that at least one ol the bolter makers in the np per end of this county is not striotly honest. Tbe butter belora us waa part n I I! n. I.rn. m I A . A M u Kri.II.Vl n I - P" " 6"" Mr. Smith by one of tbe hucksters who gather butter from the farmers. Tbia roll of bottar was oe lootiDg on the outsiaa, hut when out through it waa found tbat the ioside of tha roll was wall-filled with lard. This was a ebeat and a swiudie. Te hope, for the good natue of ear people, that this kind ot swindling will navar again ba repeat ad. From tbe Huntingdon Globe ot last week; On WeUneedav ot last week the budy of a tun mi found on u un.r- q'teoted rd in Fu t.ia cctiatv, Lear, Cv Gp,K''iintt fn-m the ol I Tb 'in pUce te tbe Lil.ld Cure, b.v Joaupb lioilinlieal, of the di-t'l':ry, who i io a-arcb ol a stick of timber- I. proved to be tbe body of Deutua Ciine, ol urar Fort Loudon, who lull tin wiia ua account of d.imeBiic itirlicitj, and bd been workiiift 'n llauc ick, Ab ut ,x we.-ka ago ba was out i Bed that bis son. now deceated, was v,?ry sick, and it is auppoe-1 thai on receiv iuf th information be naatened homeward tbia being bia most direct route. When to und bis bead waa aerereii frnintke Irm k aud lajr a considarabla diMance lrm the body, which was badlr decomoed, and the flesh torn awav bv duct or wi.d tui'n!. His face was also mutilated in a similar irai.n.ir. Wbsther it was a suicide, death f rom ex pusurs, or alchohu.ism ia a m.eiiel qu ii.. n. Near the budy was ruQll4 a p- ? jll illed Jug ot wbiaav, a ooltle ol Uj .iu .d and a knife L.iat of Appoluimtuli r .. liretlirvu, fur iltv tear laai. Jannarj fjtb, Jospb Book. Jaunarj 22 .i, Pike ateeiiL-j (I.xiae. February 6tb, Swan p Scbool Uouse. FetiiUiry 19ib, Pike Meeting Unuse. kia'cn sib, Jacob Shirk. Marcb ltSib, Pike Keeling Bouse. April 1st, Swamp Scbool Uouse. April 15th, Pike Ueeliug H-juse. April 29. b. Red Bock Scbool House. Uay 13th, Pike Mealing House. 11a; 27ib, Swamp Scbool House. June lOib, Pike Mealing House. Juue 24th, Joseph Book. July 8th, Pike Meeting House. Jul; 2uJ, Samp School Uouse. August 6th, Pike Meeting lluuss. August 19tb, Jacob Shirk. Sptumher 2nd Pike Meeting Uouaa. September 16tb, 6wamp Scbool House. S. J tetuber 30ib, P. id Mi-aliug Douse. ()cu-ber H.a, Red E .ck School Hous Uctuoer 28ta, pike aieetiug House. N.fVemh-r lltb, Snip ctiool Hnss Xovembor 2-jih, Pike Mfititig Uouse. li s uil.tr 9ib, Josep'.i B.iuit. IJ -ce ubcr 23rd, Pike Meeiirg H.iuse. V R F rent HONESTY v Qenuineiias a fEO 3 tin tag en every plug. OLD HCIJELTVis acKr.owL eiged to ba tfye rest en a rrjost Isstir; j piece cf Sliniard Ci-ie-inq Tjbacco on IhsmsrKct. ryirq it is a better test then any fa!K scout it. Give it a fair trial. Your dealer has it. lia.j ti w at n "ai -tawi 17 sa a I r 4 I"-n tnew is ua4A.4 aoi Uiair faeititiM am laiacuf- HWe4 iJratrinr" aa rvsar-iflrv.5onai prwraxw'l ! fllttf In th pBtaal offica oa tort sr.ioa. I vrrus vary raoobi. So en arc f.r xu.mms.iaot utodaiai Ot dnwmn A-Wwa bf ir.il 'rst Palawnl rt-' TJ-.l "roci '. Co rTfTtw Into i 1K A A..ficB bM IA tarrvaat circn n jD atl iw tb tao. infloantial nwTtarr f iu kind poblw! ad im tha worid. Tb alraiTaca ot auch a ivtM avarj paltataa Ms larwimtfi. Tni larr "T'"'1i'T inasaTTBad rrraraTar la rnlti :-d 'Fr.HLfu UJuirtw nu m adciiac . . t- pansyr (!" d to m..mnnm. aTDeW-haillOP. IflTenMOB, ift DS- B( WOrttft. SBfi oiar dtpartMiiu of lidauml f .rrws tut Itm ad in any country. It con: air taa aiaH of ad patartaaa and l itio f aaT tnTantioB pat ttad aacS iv-k. T-T it fuur amoata for osa du.iar. So d r ai Bws.ai!r. If yoa ktv mm mefntim tt pvnt writa tm Vl'vnn at t o., I.nh ishfra el MHtOUiM i Btl r'f"riww nw York UaadbouK atvat pasaota mailad traa. CAI TIOS SOT1CE. ALL t-rrn)tu are bereby cant!oneil aaiit fishing or l.untire, f i.ertnr tiefies, or crossing field, or in anv oii..- -V tr. sos.iS on toe yd. Doiou a i. j 15 t-JV f"f f AtW Tnrtw -W J 1 mmtt AsaJisBsTitsTt 1 rrprtieii o( tnorv fH IM tb On HuDdrsx FJ W thm Lnt'-axl aiaim and Forain eooo U W tnaj. in irabiiaham of tb iniifl rVI Anorican ronliniM to a! M ftoiKitorra f for ptifjt CAMi. tnda-aiArU. oopy. rrn- for th UnttW tata. in4 to i US I AT A VALLEY BASK, eFMlFFLI.ITOTI.1, FA. wrra BRANCH AT PORT ROYAL. Stockholders Indiridaallj Liable. JOSBPH fiOTHROCK. Prauitt. T. VAN IitWIN, rtr. oiaiOToas. W. C. Poiueroy, Joseph Bohrck, John Rerrler, Pbilip M. Kepoer, Aids ii. Boosall, Louis K. Atkinson, Hubert E. Parker, TOCtlULI CIl : Philip V. Kepner, Auuie M. Shelley, Joorpb Kulbruck, Jsna M. Irwin, L. E. Alkiuson, . riiraer, W. C. Pomeroy, J. Holjies IrwiD, Aoioa G. Bonsall, T. V.Irs iu, ChrlitieSnjder, John Herttler. Mr j Kuriz, Tbree and Four per cent li.teret will b paid on certificates ol drpmutn. rjn 23, 1887 tf J WISH TO STATE A FEW FACTS Worth Knowing, Tbat 1 can rrnr tooibacbb in less than Ovk tuiiote i no pais, bo extracting. That 1 can extract tectb without mib t i be uxe of a Bald applied te tbe teetb and emus: no daa&er. Thai Diiit-aaed . Glial (kaown as ScnrvT) treat -Y Jcrred auccosstull; and a cure w"f'rmatKi Torv Teeth Fii-lbd and warranted far Ufa. Artificial Teeth repaired, exchanged, or n-m.Hl.iie.r, from S.iH to 914 per eel h-atitul Gun Eeaioeled Teet inserted a ptiea to nit ail. All work warranted to aive perfect aati.i- f. 'i. n. I'cople wbo bare artiduial teth with w Lit-b tbey cannot eat, are especiaiir un it,-1 to call. w"ill visit professional! a tt eir bui-s if notified by letter. Will visi r.-gu'arly at aicbfleld the 2nd wr-k ol a i-! O io'mr. Txa ' f T : T. S T V . li. . : . tV, I'ratin .-! -i :.ii-l, MTitiL'sut d i!i auri.ijirwM, ri, ik lfti'i I lirt. It 15. 'iJ m mi m m j F-riuer-; end riar.ters. E : .. r.-.-ef -:. -1 '!.... Erin's tVj--t j. -ft:y i. NLii.y Cc:., fieat. Feed, l ..r-,. T o- ir hi-Jm raw". TVe i t ii f'nve l"r- e f w A T O rv ft. l ar. ;.. , t GO-GPCSTIVS; CLUtS. n xaT-aliL. lr .Jfr c- --,; ir sy-mt t-t w i V . "i D" wai -st re tmvr-.rm L-rrr a t M.i.i-.'ti.yf,W ! .---; rJi'.ik . Iiy s io ". .n aJli n.i.iin r..-4 tni-W-rtji-r- f -mr. ' re o-fct m . - -r v f.i-i.7t'.if-T J-ti .m S.wMHMt'Ktn. wm. - - '. I-. n-orl. nn ,r 1.- ei. c rl- !-,- . rirs r stj rt. n- f.-Vt a m . A- I. icr F.,rt tM .ia.p .csl mm.r--. c - - i"v. turtlkUim an4 Irrrln, k r srfc-a. ii" ' " r ne I. lab STttsai Hiaja tbe vilhta tr - rwc -.f yj one m arNTi. rriaaaaivia rep. i"wi" r.vsx r tin m.M K e--f. niiiUrd n limited !dticlI i i.. i..i rurtica.a.a. Ti.3 Kcvs.ona Watch Club Co. ?. 3. S. . PilUiaiU, Pa. -- Z -r-jHauoaal liana, or AIT Cem- V . f -- ercii Atj - . . At- F r r, . Vi .-wTrkT. rtrr'.iUrc, a. : r.iiiti-ra. r. i jr?ts Tt. - - - S 1 -.V-. V IT. P, f mm . W. Ik:il-:-i'. It. vtliaiar.oa.iaL 5? . 1 s ' ev-. icrn"- ' iLn tfactnrttrs f ..r tv . -e-.:e trade of tie lati-rt st;"..a of Carriages, Surreys, Phaetons, Buggies end Spring Wagons of tie atit quality, aud guaranteed to C'va Mtisfaclioa. Ctit . jus n?rn yrtcsg . upon jpj'iicr.t. C'DS". TiT.. 3 i-titnA. A'. 7. ESSE NTI All OILS WIXTKRGREEN, PEPPERMINT. PENNY-ROYAL, SPEARMINT, Sic, of prime qualitr bought In any qoantitv for casb on delivery, tr-e of brokerage com misnion. storxce, Jtc. hy DOnK4. OLCOTT, ftnporftrs and Exporter, fS vTi'ltam St. New York. Aug. 17, 87. 6m I I EA BoDT HOTEL, 1 irth St , sonth of CUentnnt, on square south of the New Fst Otbce. one-hslf aqutre Iron: Walnnt St. Theatre and in the vrv bUHiiiesn centre of tbe citv. On the Anitin-nit at:d Huropean plans. Good rooms fio-ii 5e to f.S.iK) p. r day. Remodeled and newiy tarniahed. W. PAINE, M. !., Owutr and Proprietor. Vov. 21. 1863, ly. Tbeea.'sa p oCze is the j- v r i place to r-t job work d'-e. Trv it. It u: Ipny ron if yoo aeed anything in tbat line COMUINATIOiN. SENTINEL& REPUBLICAN THE WEEKLY PRESS. One dollar aud fifty cents in adyance will secure you the Sentinel & Republican and The Week.lt Tblss lor tht period of one year The Sentinel A Republican gives nearly twice as much reading as any one of the other papers in Juniata, Its re ports ot all important home news and enterprises is fuli and within the period of a year its variety of reading matter com. prehends within its scope al most every topic. Consider a that in addition to this, the best local and literary paper pub lished in Juniata county, you can have the Philadelphia Weeklt Press, one of the best papers published in America, you have an offer that comes seldom to a man and his fam- After children have learned to read, the greatest educator is the newspaper. Every man should do justice to his faiuiiy by subscribing for a public journal. Subscribers who are in ar can avail themselves of this WWU1"4UUU "-V 'TV , I 4lTS ,V IlVr . r t l . - JfL Jlail All VJ. rearages aud paying one uobarj To the COinillg and goillg Ol iinrl fiftv r-onta in advance. J - thereby securing the two pa- ' " 1 pers. When you have subscribed for the Slntinel and Republican you are certain in your secure ment of the county paper that gives you a larger quantity and greater variety of reading mat ter than is presented by other journals published in Juniata county, and when j-ou accept this combination offer ot the two papers you have been red for yourself and family a news paper prize of inestimable val ue for a price so low that it amounts to almost a marvel. In this day and generation it amounts almost to a wrong to one s self and family to deny themselves the advantage of a good paper like the SENTINEL & REPUBLICAN and a state pajier like the WEEKLY PRESS. There are more than a thousand and one things dur ing the passage of a vear that interest and sometimes di rectly bene6t the individual and family, that appear in the home paper but like the rain, sunshine and air, that we are so familiar with, we do not ap preciate as they merit. Do you appreciate a first rate offer ? Have the kindness ,o mention it to your neighbor if your neighbor has not al- ready found it out, and if he has it will not do harm to epeak him oiicerning it. A SPLENOID COLLECTioi Bright, New Fall WINTER STYLES ! lbs Cbamploa Clothier el Juniata County having Jmtr. turned TrwU lh Eastern cities) wltlalai MwuUeiTuI AUTUMN & "WINTER STOCK Will make friends, cuUbiue riyale, wiu victor ies, aud sell itself 0k j,, weiits. WEN'S UOY S CHILI'UEN S FASHIONABLE CLOTHING, and Gent's fuiiiUiaji ycodi. First Clst-, combiiiit;,; iirle. Qtiulity tt,j Elegance, w itb prices that will astonish you. X sals is axpaaed Bnlak, I prove this. But I ask your patronAfjs on'y when I gi comylet aatiafactios. i, stock of HATS, CAPS, BOOTS 3. SHOES OVER-ALLS, TV' ATCHKS ttj jfiWELRT, Cslico, Percal and Wliits shirts, Neck wear, Collar Cuffe.Tmnka and BatcLels, is full and compkts. Call and sse. Sam'l STRATER, THE OLD RELIABLE CLOTHIER AND FURNISHER IN PATTERSON. Jitae 16, 1S8C. J. WARREN TLBTTE, ATTORNE l'-A T-L A TT, M1KFLINTOWN, JUNIATA CO., PA-, Q"Collecting and couvt-yancing prouivtly aticndtTl to. Otlice in second etory of Bel turd building. Eatiance on Main street. 4-29 87. Locis K. Atkinbos. P. M M. Pei.l. AThlXSOJ Ii. PE.SELL, ATTORNEYS -AT -LAW, MiyFLLNTOWK, PA. cyCollecting and Ceavayancing preroju .ttenaea to. 'rncE On Main street, ia r'ace af rgyi a. xeot Louis K. Atkiasoa, Kaq., soutl. fl ridge street. JOct 2ti, 16Bb. MrRlHTORD M D . CttA tVKV, i'-, Juiis STcLaiculis. Joseph W. Ptimmel IK SU RANGE AQEKTS, PORT ROYAL, JVSIATA CO., PA. K"On!y reliable Companies repreneutcd. Dec. S, lHf-'J-ly w m,Kf nil conform 1 ."--11" " Tln C..i,u KiiJtiililw fur pi.riniT r, " and summer must be supplant- I " DV I J j i A LL15D WINTER GOODS, We are nOW tilling OUr 1 1 Ml i- 11 . I r,,.- shelves with 1- all and W inter Goods of all kinds. Our cus- tomeis have appreciated our eltorts to give tliem g ,OOUS IO -,-! I .mi. t.nrr.n.1.0 anil Xl't ! believe that we are better pre - pared than ever to merit their Confidence. We invite OU tO , , , . p. , come and see ami he sati.-hed. In our dress goods de- artmcnt we have almost cver tliiiisx. Don't be backward, call for n uui j uu iillL. MiiCCS (itlll JZiOOl&. Our Boot and Shoe De partment is full in its assort . 1 i'l.. 1 iiiuni, unu uu eei iauu) can ue suited in fit, quality and price, Whatever improvements have 1 been added b' the manufactures 1 , ., we have them all. V e can supply ou with foot wear for . - any in or out door service. Our r. , grocery Department never lags. We ha'veon hand a lull line of Fresh, Plain and Fancy D. Med cTni and Surgery and their co..ater,l ! 6 i Too" a, , " branches. Oflice at the old corner of Tliird 'rt ' P' nm- and Orange str.eta, MifHintown, I a. , J " ' '' "vt-. at lna . , .5,. lw- ' at 5 Li . m., lUrrbur.' 7.00 v. w.. il March JU. 1.6. adej.hia 4 25 a. m. TX i mail P V TUB? I ) T "1st I If ST Ul v a m, o Jo j. ui,7 2o p m. Also, the Only full line of! , Trains leave Tyrone tor Wa.-riuriS.ri, i I'euuhylvuiiiB t uraace aud Scotia at QUEENS WA RE u r 4 "p - -LM j Trams arrive at Tyrone fr.nu Iieiifla in the county. Every house ! "J ''"ck JIaveu "u-ui""'"nJ,irpa' U., ... 1.. J..iJrttin8t Tyn...a from Curi- inu.k uav uo mil MJ)iuy Ol Queens and Glassware, this is j ,1 . , , the store to call on lor such ur- tides. All orders by mail will re ceive prompt attention. ltemember the phu-e, Mais Street. Opposite CorKT House, Mifllintown, Pa., Frederick ESrENSC'T ADE. B&SlNES sSyrup CURES mm GbUGHS DS. 1 7 AUD PENNSTLYaKIl E11LE0AC. TIM I-TilLl Oa ae after Suae Nov'r"l"i5 traiaitat (letal K B.a a iil rsa stfo!,,.,. EASTWARD. lioosa Acoosmodiiih leaves Altssas daily at 6 20 a. tu., Tyrone 5J; , , Hnntitig4oD t.Si a. m., Uvaux fttiJn aj 6,f9 a. m., Keaton IJtuiilloa T,fc4 s. a SicVevtown 7,ii a. iu., L.wiii?own 7.53 iu., Milford 8. II a. in., li.tT.n b,i7 t M' Port Royal 8.23 a. o-. Uriicu S, ' Tnscarora 8,32 a. ru., Vna kt b.M m ' Ttimpiioiitown 8.3 a. tu., Durrj sj; rn., Milli-mio d 8,54 a ui.. .Ntuct i"ni. ru., arrivirp at Iiarriiur2 at lu l'.'a. a - j aD.l at 1'Liladf Iihia, 3 id p. tu. ' el j Sea tMeiB Exeaaas leaves altoeuadrlt I at ": e m., and sloj j.iag a ail rtx- tr staiioi s Intvt.fn AII.iim,, LJ Uarrinb "r. reu-a .iu a. sc.jij . m., Harnnburf I 11.40 i.. ii.. and irrna. in Pm:..i..l .. ' 3.1-1 p. Bl. kail Kij ri s leaves Pittsburg at 1 Ol'paj. Altoona ti 2 p ci ; Tyrone U 54 p m ; Um ingdon 7 SS7 f iu ; Lea iatown 8 61 j. nj ; M;f. tlin9 1&piu; Iiaxrinburg lu 45 y w ; Ja;a. dcipLia 4 25 a in. l'bi.adelphU Express rill ,;tp ; U.tt at 11 3a wbea Ujgg-.-J. TTtb IfA fill. 1 Fast Li.i. le.vea Pi,;l - h sa-v ' II fji) a m; lUrrbur; s u ; S.l, .dtcrn.; Lt;o s t.: ; im., ' 10ln.; ar.iwait l':t!,i.rratll iiiit. L .r,"",G,,J,,,,n PL.UVb,. oi;y ii 1 an a. m.j UarrKbura. P IS a. Du,"-nnon. K'i, -a a 4,...m.siu,Ui,ol!,.J.5, , '-. a.i i.yn . io oti . tll.; a. or. 10 4 a. in.; Iloiico, la o." a. u.; ran I nerval, luiJl. uj.; aii;i!;n, 10 Jo m. a i Millo.-d, 10 26 a. m : Narrow.. 10 l . . a. iu.; Xoatun Uaiuiilua, 11 3'j . bi. Uao. i . ,,;,,, im s. to.; I Altoona, 1 40 p. m., and stop at an r.uiir 1 slat:ol:s tietweeu nrnabiug auj Aliui.a. uVbT,B hxrars. i0.r0. Phiuja,.. J'.f1;. - i nou wK'rla'1'1. TWiip.uniii, -IK C ... - . -aa-JSMil., A Ii icaa- I 4 or nuai, uuitf al ll.Miu. I I , ... 11. 'o.iua, m u a. in., and t'lU.burg, a lj i.j Mail Isais 1 1 f i.-i - ; . i lrt 1:1 P- "-t Slltil!! 1J.4; p. Bl!, SUB- ; puga: ai; n-guur si;i..u. i..,a us.. j :S"". A"1"'" al a j lti.oa AuceaaoDATiua lai.., Tml. I adelpl.ia d iily at 11 oU a. tu., Hrn!iKr IX ,4.10 p.m., lii.Dconsoi 4 . r. m , j C::::;'." i'- 1 ,:8t"ri'r ,s m.. an,,. r. Hi., Port ko .1! :,,.' i p.m., Ali.ln.. t.U , -: p..m , new, I AH Tl. l X..wf.,n II. - liuMllhii.lon 7 41 p. iu. AHi ?. V Hy. Pucii'c Kxpirnti.: res I'hila lc:pi.:a 11 V1"' Hamburg II. a m ; .u.ica!.a., I iJllui f.rwp.rl 4 Ml a:u; .::E.c4IJi - ; I".!, ? VV. ?' r "r",6ii 1 B IU ; Alt. C li lull a o i ft 111 ; !J ,ih h-a. -1..L fl - ; ivieLurg a m t.ruc ri it 48 am; Tvroue 4 0i a ui ; bcii'n M..11 -. ..7 ... ! ,. ...... ' anooua o a u ; rii.it- i j '"s.''Le Kxpre,, .t, .. su.d.. T.'" c01""' suuday uai e.t isani ! liarrisbiirg at 1 Io p. in. Wa Par.per ei and Uaii i , stop at Luckaosr and 1'oornitn's Spriag, when tinged. T lkwistowndu isi..n. j iraiua leave Lea lAtowu Juiii'iiiiD fur roT at S! 10 5 : a m, z vVk -, m ' Siinbury at 7 15 a ru, 3 CO p m. , Tram. OT at L.mi.;uwu jUIatioufr, , su i,nm I T1KONB MVislM.V. Trains leave Tyrone lur Brllr foLtf ts j Lock listen at 8 iu a m, 7 1 j p iu. Lr.'l j Tyrone lor Curweusrille an 1 ticirtt.d ' ' Ul-arfleld at b a in, auJ ii 4 iu. b i 7 p m. i rone irom sco.u, ri,,r Mark ,mi ivuuswrwuf urwtui Trmtis arrive at Tyrone from Se.n.a,"- u3 a 111, ar 8.4 p m 11. k. B. T. R. II. i. BEPKuKD DIVlilO.V. Trains leave Huntingdon f..r BcJ'i Hyndiiian and CumberUuJ at f ii s. a and 6 ;j p. m. Tmins arrive at !lunt.ng Ion trim En fold, Hyi.nu.un and Cuiiibrrland at 1- ' p. m., 6 20 p. rr.. HoLLIliAVSBL'LG BRANCH. Trains leave A I toons tor poinm S"0-s. 7 20 a in 8 -25 a ni. 2 J) p rn. 6 ( 0 00 p in., 9 5i p in. Ir.un.s arrivo at Allooi a l..m South, at ri & a ru. 11 i'i m. hi t '" IX) p ru. 7 '2b p. ui. and 10 -'.i p in. r.u .. ... McKillips & Cos. PIisirgKiil I'ort Royal f'ci.ua. atmrjiCTt'iEii or Ornamental I'crticos, Hratket and Scroll TTork. DOUKS, SASH, liLIMLS SIIW-XC AImo. d-al-rK in ahii.H--'. In'- nd mnirM r of evvrv il"s.n moh. Cntir.Ti nnil.i : nor::."f o'i't. Cr- llrrs I r hit1 lir..n .(It BMrd'1 t orders Lhould be sen In. McKILLlP- ' IsTTT HIT III Zszzaaxtastsmu