Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, October 19, 1887, Image 2

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larrea as raerara-roa.
Bepablican State Ticket.
Capt. TYIlllaua H. Hart,
of Dauphin County.
Hon. Ilenr J W. William",
of Tioga County.
Eepablican County Ticket.
!..;. Shellenbr(fr,
of Monroe Township.
J. II. ruonlaghaui,
ol Patterson,
FrantU lloner,
of Fermanagh.
Theodore II. Jlf nilDjer,
of Spruce Hi!l.
John . IP,
of Susquehanna.
IT. I. t.raliaui,
of S prucu Hill.
F. ?I. -M. lVnuell,
.f Patterson.
Ca-hi..r Ur.-K-t. of tho Stafford.
Conn. National Il.irtk Lhm gone rrooi
d witli f 7.1.000 of tho bunk fund.
"No Anarchist that feels tbe
Halter draw
Oin have nn exalted opinion
Of the law."
Thi probubiiity is that the men
"who are t'!kin' about Fred (.ran
in V( i rk Sfi. b.-c iu..o ho ia known
an the Hon of hia father, don't know
who their dad.ly id.
Isdiah from the unexplored part
.f AU-!;i t rritorit y. report tbe ev
istrn.-e in th:it country of a hire an
i-im . that mules a track as lzrz n
a barrel. It is believed to be tbe Lea J
I!i rrur (Jn.i-i w.is Iiunif at D..I!r,
Texas, on tho 1 Ub inst.. f.r the mur
der of Albert Williauia. Giles cuii
fesMcd the luurder and in a patroniz
iiif way ftnted thut l.e pryed every
djy fur the jury that conwctol him.
"I'm: Hi:. bCK. on a recent
journey to IWIin, passing through
1 Lille, tt toeU-d euLLnu'-stifally at
tbe rulway stiitim. When silence
wan resl.nt d ho said : "You thick I
n:u poin to make a ppet cb yon are
juicttiken I'm tire 1 good niyht."
biuKV, Illinois, Las a Presbyter
lan congregation composed of wo
men, Unit Lave ruisjd enough money
to build a nice little church. The
trouble to get over just now is tbe
ipicbtion of tho election of elders.
The male numbers of the congveg. -nre
not eligible to tho office, of elii-
r, because they c re not men ibers of the
Protib ytirinn church. Women, who
can have a house of worship built,
and pay for it. can manage to get
men for the eldership. That set of
xvoiuen will do to join.
Jcpc.E Km.ftt. of Memphis, after
delivering tho Cleveland speech of
welcome id Memphis. Tennessee, last
Friday, and after listening to the
President's response tank to tbe plat
form. Tho balief prevaile 1 that tbe
Judgo La 1 fainted and after taking
a look at Lis stricken friend the
ireaidontial party proceeded to drive
around tho city expecting to mce
F.llelt at a reception to bo held later
in the d:iv, but the Judgo never re-
'OTer-d, be died a few minutes afte
the President had with lruwn.
pREsmrNT (': i.ei ai' train wbil
Tunning turon:i Arkansas was pre
ceded by a pilot train, that is a train
a rm itht id of the Presidential train to
Jtii-ure thj latter from accident, by
bstrt.etioii on tbe load. The wis
iioui c i irns precaution was proven
On a ttr:nvh of road between the
t-wu of lionuervilie nnd Joneeboro.
A. 'knit, is, last Thursday morning.
ih m the pilot lau over a woode
brn V-. tbat bad just been Petonfire.
Tiic lire was put out before th
bri 1- v was serioutlv damaged, bu
what . result w,iul.l b.ive been h.i
their I ten uo pilot in advance of th
Preside id's car. can ntver be known
No mea. H should be left nnemploye
to brirg to speedy jastic tho me
who nre i guilty of tbo firinij of tbe
Fx tho 'Fhil idelpbin North Am
...... iiiii oi me supreme
Court makes every saloon keeper re
sponsible fL.r injuries intbetej by
drunken men i. 1 Lia place. In ren
dt ring this deci n tho court refers
to tho l..w of m, vitia and common
sense, as well as t O statutes and pre
cedents The opiui on will contribute
preafly to public or. Ir and welfare.
It is a warning to sal Kn keepers to
conduct their places properly and
prevent distnrbarees : And it must
not be forgotten how run ny effences
against law o-iginate in txs saloons.
In tbe case upon which the decision
was rendered, honor was soU to a
drunken man, and his extreme- intox
ication was tbe rutlu ca ise of tie in
nave a g
temperance. Tbe saloon keeper who
sells to a drunken riiaa becomes re-1
ponsib!e for his actions, w'tiild ia bia
place, for if an o5enre ia comuiittej
he is party to it. Trnlr, as tae Court
oays, tLia ia tbe law of morals and
good common sense.
Jurors Matt be Intelligent,
Justice Taxbon, of tbe Supreme
Court, in the drjeibion refusing tbe
appeal of Acbille Onofri from the
yuurter hessioua of this cay, clear
ly defined tbe standard of intelli
jreiice that should b enforced in tbe
election of jurors, when be remark
ed that a man who cannot or does
not read a newspaper is not properly
qualified to serve as a juror.
J. bit is very diOerent law iromtnai
which rejects a juror because ho has.
by readiusi new.psfers, formed some
iort ol opinion of the guilt or inno
cence of the prisoner, a every man
who reads about tbe crime L likely
to do. On the other band, very few
disinterested men among the many
who do form nn opinion really from
one that could not be rhanged by
the evidence, anil an opinion of this
character is not likely to be held by
a news-paper reader.
Judge l'axson's ruling ought to be
assimilated by tbe jurisprudence of
tho whole country as 60on as possi
ble. The jury system needs it. Phil
adelphia Tiuiea.
Blonde and Dmnfttr.
It has teen assorted that there has
lx en a gradual decrease of blondes
in (iermany. Almost fieven million
school children were examined in
Germany, Austria and liclgium, and
the rasn'lt bhowed that Switzerland
has only 11.10, Austria 19 79 and
Germany 31. SO per cent. Of pure
blondes. Thtu the country whicu
nince the days of ancient Rome has
been proverbialy known as tbe home
of the yriIow hair has to-day only
thirty. two pure blondes in 100, while
the average of pure brunettes is 11
per cent-, and iu some regions rises
s I'.'ieh as 2.1 per cut. The 53 per
eent. of the mixed type are aid to
be undergoing a transformation into
t.ure brunettes. Dr. IWJoe. in Eng
land, hi. collected a number of
statistics which seem to point in the
same direction. Amor.c tin women
he examined he found brunettes
and 3o" blondes. Of the brunettes
he found that 78 per ci-nt. were mar
ried, wbilo of tbe blondes only CS per
cent were married. TLns it wouid
seem that tbe brunftto Las ten
ehxnees of getting married in Eng
lund to a blonde's nine. In France
a iaji!ar view has been pnt forth by
M. Adolph de Candolle. M. de Can-
lobe found thst when loth parents
have eyes of the same col-r 83 per
cent, inherit this col.-.r. But it is a
curious fact that more females than
males have black or brown eye
o proportion of forty five to forty
hrec. It seems that with different
oiored eyes in ihe two parents 53
per cent, follow the father in being
d irk eyed. An increaseof 5 per cent,
of dark eyes in each generation m;:t
toll in tho course of tuno.
Opposed to Public rhools.
special despatch from New Ha
ven. Conn., savs : Ihe chmcu gom.'
eop'.o of Middle to vn. Catholics tn 1
rotesti'nts r:iuo, ara jnst now very
innt-b excited over ceitaia iitternnccs
made by the Kev. Father Keunallv, of
awtucket, 1. I., who preached iu
Middietowu on SunJuy, upon the oc
asion of the ln'-.ng of the corner
stone of tbe new parochial school of
tho Catholic church of that plac.-,
which is ia process of erectien. ra
ther Kcnnally made a very energetic
attack on the public school svstem.
He said that the American sy&teui is
headless, heartless and godless. He
ass rt-'d that the American schools
are schools of immorality, and the
numerous divorces in this country
are directly trireable to tho common
schools- He called upon all Catho
lic l are nts to take their children out
of the public schools. He said these
schools are governed by corrupt bol-
inciars- Ihe put be school system
ho considered as worse thau a po
litical organization and was conduct
ed by a lot of old fogies. The schools
were unchristian, as tbe teachings of
God were excludeib and thorough
education could not be taught with
out Christianity. He said that the
population of the country was 50,000,
,f,0. wbi'.e only 21.000,0(10 were
Christians, all of which could be trac
ed to the public school system. He
urged nil his bearers to take their
children out of tho public schools and
send them to the parochial schools.
Hero in New Haven the school qaes
tiou ia creating some talk. The Con
gregational Club held a meeting last
evening at which tbe subject was
discussed by the Rev. Dr. Deems, of
New York, who spoke in opposition
to the prese nt school system.
Oat Straw Tor Stock.
Ia a long series of experiments
concerning the feeding value of oat
straw. Professor Sanborn, of Missouri,
says that this straw is mainly vain
able as a beat and fat producer. It
d es not prod iice much fat. because
cattle will not eat enough of it It
contains but 1.4 per cent, of digesti
ble albnmenoids, or flesh former, and
fortv per cent .of digestible carbo
hydrates, or fat formers. Iltne-e, to
use it with advantage and get the fall
benefit of it, it must be fed with a
food of directly the opposite kind,
8-ieh as oil meal or "tton-seed meal.
The professor found that thirty four
pounds of ont straw and six pounds
of cottou-seed meal crave the same
results as fifty pounds of hay, because
cotton-seed meal Las 33.2 per cent,
cf albnmenoids and but 17 U pereer
of carbohydrate?, thus forming, with
the straw, a well-balanced ration. Oil
meal contains 27.6 per cent of a!bn
menoids and twenty-seven per ce.nL
of carbohydrates, so that a pound
more of oil meal than cf cotton seed
meal should be fed. The cost of this
ieea as compared with Lay at five-dol-
lars a ou, or one fouxJi of a cent per
pound, is cn important question. It
is said to t ie twenty five pound of
it t- make a steer gain a poundadav,
Oi- C cents d.a ly to keep him in good
growing erudition. But if b, rt
tionatelr leas oant wlLn FTCpT
uonaieiy jeaa wnouat we can keep up
the weight, it will help out a Bboit
! tron of hav. liut to the farmer who
baa not and cannot get oil mem taa
foiloaiag facta will be of value: Clo-
ver bay contains about niue per cent
of albomenoids, timothy contains 5.8.
and oat straw 1.4 per cent; there
fore it will be seen that a ton ol clo
ver bay fed with a ton of oat straw
will be equal in value to two tona oi
timothy, because clover hay contains
an excess of albnmenoids, and it 19
waste to feed it by itself, as it is waste
to feed oat straw alone. A steer fed
on the straw long enough would
starve, but when fed with clover it ia
a well-balanced ratior, and makes a
poor Lay crop go rune a f jrther. It
is clearly established tliat tne iooa
value of oat straw can be obtained
only by feeding with something that
has an excess ol aibuinenoids ana a
deficiency of carbohydrates. The j
farmer's food of this cluss is clover
bay. American Cultivator.
Tbe Philadelphia Times of tbe 12th
inst., contains the following from
Lebanon. Last night two men with
faces masked with handkerchiefs went
to the farm house of Samuel llruba
ker, three and one half miles east of
this city, smashed in tbe glafeS in tbe
door and unbolted it- A terrible
struggle ensued. Mr. F.rubakcr was
sitting at tbe table with Lis wife and
a boy and girls, adopted children,
and "when they entered be attacked
the heavier of tbe two. Both men
fell heavily to the floor. A dog in the
room assisted Mr. Brubaker, but be
fore doing ary bTiU be was shot
Tho fight only ended when tbe burg
lars discovered that au alarm Lad
been given. During tbe fight between
Mr. Brubaker and the burglar the
other man covered with bis revolver
Mrs. Brubaker and the children, but
in the excitement the girl escaped
from the room and alarmed the neigh
borhood- In tbe struggle both had
their bandkercLiefa torn from their
faces, which, with the twine they had
brought to tie the family, were left
behind. Both spoke English und
German, and are supposed to be
tramps. Mr. Brubaker is confined
to his bed, Laviug two holes iu Lis
head and au ugly gash on Lis fore
bead and above Lis left eye, while he
is suffering great pains from a blow
from tho revolver on his breast. Tbe
neighborhood was cut in force after
ha al.iri.i. Although search was
made the despe radaes have not been
captured. Tho kitchen floor was cov-
ered with b!xd and presented a ter
rible sight after the mtn left Mr.
Brubaker is about C2 years of aire.
and tbe object of tbe attack was
From tbe Blocmliel l Times : A lit
tle irratid child of Hon. David Sbeib-
ley i.f Spring twp., aged about two
years fell into the soring near trie
house Thursday last and was drowu
t J. ' The dwelling of Geo. F.
Birrick in Centre twp., was burned
with some of its contents, on Tues
day night last. Nr. B. was nc! well
and went on the giiaiet for tome
Leibs, whe n Lis l.un expolded. e'aus
ing the iire- Ou Saturday, an
ait icutijn took placo between Chus.
nn l J'-bn II .cbeushildt of Centre
towustiip, during with Charles struck
Johu over the Lead with siiu barrel
knocking bi:n insensible, in Mhich
c.-'tiditiu be renamed several hours.
Dr. Moore was called in and attend-
d to the ininries and thinks theea.-e
will not prove fatal unless in fiarnation
of the brain sets in.
The Huntingdon Globe savs. Most
of our readers will remumbe-r the ex
citemtnt caused in this community
in SeptemiM-r, 18 iG, over the elope
ment of George A. Miiler, of x an
ucttsbtirg, and Mrs. Mattie Harris,
of Germany valley, near Shirleysburg.
Both were married and had families,
but they covered their tracks so care
fully that they were never heard from,
until recently. It Las come to light
tliat they went to Logan, Illinois,
whero he embarked in the boot and
shou business uuderthe name of Har
ry G. Andrews, and was succesfuly
in business and much repecte'd py
tbe community. In February-, 1SS5,
he died, and iu April of this year she
died, leaving a written confession,
from which tbe above facta have been
From the Huntingelon Journal.
The farmers say that the potato crop
is almost a total failure this season.
The crowd at Bamum's show
on Wednesday was unusually small,
the patronage nothing sufiicient to
pay one half tbe expenses of the cone-em
for the day. Tbe expenses
of our Centennial celebration amount
ed to about $1,7!)0. of which i'400was
for fireworks, ?32o for balloon ascen
sions, $ 250 for music, $300 for print
ing, and the balance for incidentals
in erecting stands, arches and decora
tions. The white hore cornea up now in
a new connection, and an odd cne.
An old deck hand says that a time
honored superstition among s team
boat mtn whenever a minister and a
white Lcrse happen to make the trip
at the same time on a steamboat
there is always an accident of some
kind to follow. It mav not be to t'
steamboat but it is certain to be t o j
11.. 1....1 a. . AL
urn ueai ur nuTiieoi ids passenger.
This suprf.tition is so strong anion
the dock hands that they will positively
refuse to po on a boat which carries
a minister and a white horse.
A teacher in a boy's Bchool in an
abjoininfr county found forty bijr
pnpils out of sixy three who Lad
never rtad tho Constitution of the
Unite 1 States and were ignorant of
the the cause which led to it ; prep
paration. Every mother's son of
tbetn. however, could tr-11 of the
standiL cf each base ball club in
the National League and the Amer
ican Association. Norristown Her
The Newport News 6ys : On the
first of September James B. Black, of
Oliver township. Lrovslt ISO bogs
from Baltimore to sell he.e, but the
next week met with the accident
which nearly cut him to pieces and
was unable io give his attention to
sell-.pj them. Fifteen were disposed
off however, and of thebalnnce thirty
have died with bog cholera within the
past three weeks.
Next year (18S3) will be a peculiar
wu. aia iui rsspecr, tt tlie last thr.
7 OCoar ot,-T once ia 7
I 111 years, as it will be 111 years U-
fere another -three of a kind" (1999) j
will 3 reacheL
In Li i valedictory the retiring edi
tor and proprietor of a Nevada jour
nal savs : '-Thankinjr an over-indul
gent public lor not waving moooea
me long since, 1 am Bincereiy meirs
to serve," etc
A Maine widower gave a man ten
dollars to pay for lights and fuel while
tbe widower was courting tne mane
daughter. She refused to marry bim,
and he is trying to recover tbe ten
Hon. John A. Swope has present
ed St James LuJieran Church, Car
lisle, with a tower, now being ereeW,
which will cost S3U00.
Frederick Kline, of Manor town
ship, Lancastr county, took a dose
of laudanum wnicn resulted I a tally
Phoebe Hicks, of Petersburg, Va-,
has married a widower with thirty-
one children. She ia hi6 eighth wife.
John Chandler, of Concord, Maes,
was 102 years old on Thursday last
He is very feeble.
One dollar dJ Of ty cent in advance will
secure tbe Sesti.iil axd Rcpcbucas and
The H'tdfy Prtt$ one year.
No otbt-r offer like this. Send one dol
lar and fiity cents to y for one year'a
subscription to tbe SsiiTiarL a RErrBLI
c.es and The Weekly Prete.
Jich Prairie Manet, and Scratches ol
every kiu-J cured in 30 minutes by Wool-
fvrd't Sauilary Lotion. Use no otber. Sold
by L. lidnka and Co., Druggist, MiUliutonn
Pa. tf
It is atonishinir ho a coat of suitable
paint preserves tbe roof of a bouse or barn
You want to be certain of tbe kind of paint
you pat on your building. J. M. SlcDon
aM baa Ibe paint tbat a tin or wooden roof
Mrs. Sinemaster of Stroudaburg Fa.,
wife of Henry Sinemaster who was an en
torprising business mn in this county.
generation go, hen b-?n visitin; the family
of Rev. Mr. GrairT. From Mr. GraifTs place
Mrs. ?ii'(i master went to Lewistown to vis
it friends.
AlitSiu C J , peepl believe that fiere isjan
abundance of stone coal in some of tLe
mountain ranges in their connty. Miftlin J
county would have to have piled on it, j
niat.y hundred fe-et of rock and shale be
fore it rould be high enough in the Geolog
ical scale fur coal.
Some six weeks ago Henry Kaufiman cf
Millord toanybip built a bear trap on tbe
tep ot lilick Log mountain, about a mile
north of bis resi lenc. Two bears were
trnj ped but both knawed their way out.
Last week, however, be caught a large male
black bear, w Lich, when dressed weighed
1C7 pouuds. Acfoot of tbe animal was as
large as the crown of man's bat. When
KaufTuian raiuc to the pen tbe bear was
lying on the floor, but on beiLg disturbed
it shewed fight. It wis a nice ricce of
Report f School number 3, Mlfilintown,
Pa., lor the 1st m jnth : Per cent, of at
teiidurice t'J. M. A. Cooper, teacher. Mar
tin liniibaker, Harry Master, David An
derson, Jotie Alams, Charlie Noble, Les
lie Allium, Geo. Wagner, Ilarky MeClel
!an, E.uily Murray, Annij Hawk, J tin in
Fink, Mary Scyder, Emma Trt??o, Maggie
Cralf, Belle Schweifr, Nellie Jlusser, Nan
nie sjtAiiibtuh, M.i'iO Anderfon, Ad!ie
Donaldson, Clara Robisoc, were present
every dav. Jemie Berry, Elsie Miiler
M.irtin Snyder, Msrtha Jackruan, Sylvia Vo
der, were present every day but one.
A most horrible accident occurred at
Maple Hill, Lycoming county, on Wednes
day last, by which David Bnusa lost a leg
lie nut at work on a steaui thresher at the
time, and tbe coucave not being in proper
position be endeavored to kick it down
The rapidly revolving machinery caught his
foot and the eutire foct was drawn betw een
tbe rollers. In order to save bis life Mr
Banks threw the weight of bis bojy back
and by superhuman strength bold on until
tbe machinery wag stopped. As quickly as
po-sib'e Dr. Meizger, of Alvira, and Dr.
Hull, of Montgomery, were summoned, and
they at once amputated tbe leg seven in
ches ht'Io the knee. Tbe unfortunate man
is about 35 years of age, and hsa wife and
five children Altooni Tribune.
From tho B!oomlIeid Aivocate: Mr. Sam
uel Shull, of Peun towuship, made 3,270
callous oT cider this sessou. " Up
wards ot fifteen BloomHuIders were present
at the Port Kuyal Fair. Cbaa. A.
Foye, formerly a resident of this place and
Penn township, some time ago took upland
near McCoott, Nebraska, and now oil bas
been struck on bis laud, and consequently
tbe land has risen in price. Capt. F.
M. McKceban was present at il. Jacob
Fooe's funural in Little Germany, last
Saturday, and while assistiug in the burial
services of tbe (i. A. K. Post, suddenly
became unconscious and fell heavily back
ward, striking bis head on a stone. II o waa
quickly borne away aud soon revived, aud
ia now able to perform bis usual daties.
Two gentlemen ty the name of Bealor,
who reside in Juuiata county, passed
through here on tbe bunt or a tramp who
bad s; n a lot of clothing from them last
M. in.fr v morniLg at about four o'clock, Oct.
j 10, Jacob Weiser, a welltknown and prom-
ment citiseu of SlahontoDgo. Juuiata county,
- '
aicd very auddenly. The eveuing before
he ate a hearty supper. During the night
he bad a coughing spell, having been a
sufferer of asthma- Early in the morning
he seemed to be getting another inch a
spell, and died. It ia supposed tbat be
was stricken with apoplexy. Aged about
00 years. Liverpool Sun.
From the Newport News. George Taylor,
J., owns a Texas pony who worm well in
hig own way. Governor Page nndertook
to drag some old tiea froin the river to Lin
coln WePand'a on Tuesday. lie would
not work in the way the governor thought
he shouid, but when attached to a tie would
either go on a giJiop or stand slock till.
Neither would be be guided in tbe wa,
but would select hi, own route. Being at
tached to a tie, insteid of going op the road
he pi-aged boldiy into tbe rivet and swam
for tbe other shore, fioatiug tbe tie after
him, and landing it safely in Mrs Henniug
ex lot, much to the amusement of all who
aaw it. On Thursday of last week
UIUui H. Kromer, mail carrier on the
route from MUlerstown to itcKee Half
Fails, met with an accident whicb might
have been more serious. Ue drive two
Texas ponies that are brim full of mettle
a. -u won't stand much foolishness. He was
putting them through at a 2.40 gait and
waa thrown out of bis buggy while going
cp along tbe Cocalamna. The team was
captured by Joseph Fergason, a half mfle
from where tbe driver fell. Io damage
wa aone to either conveyance or team, but
William was badly hruia -d and scratched.
Be was taken in charge by parties reaiding
Hear where he fell, carried into tbe bouse
and cared for until he could be taken to bis
borne. Mr. Kiester took care of the team.
Carrying mail and a jug of wine may do
well enough as long as tbe wine remains in
the jug, but when tbe carrier transfers the
contents of tbe jug into bis stomach it don't
work welt
tion proposed to the citicens of this
Commonwealth for their approval or re
jection by tbe General Asssmbly of tbe
Corumonweaun oi rennsyivania. ruu.isu-
ed bv order of tbe Secretary of the Com
monwealth, in pursuance ot article XVUI
ol the Constitution.
Joint resolution proposing an amend
ment to the constitution of tbe common
wealth :
Sectiob 1. Beit resolved bu the Senate
and House of Kevresentatire of the Com
monwealth of Pennsylvania ta General Jls
tembly met, Tbat the following Is proposed
as an amendment of tbe constitution of tbe
commonwealth of Pennsylvania in accord'
ance with tbe provisions of tbe eighteenth
article thereof :
Strike out from section 1 of article eight,
tbe lour qualifications for voters which
reads as follows :
-lf tweuty-two years of age or upwards,
be shall have paid within two years, a state
or county tax, which shall have been as
sessed at least two months, and paid at
least one month before tbe election," so
that the section which reads as follows :
"Every male citizen, twenty-one years
of age, possessing the following qualifica
tions, shall be entitled to vote at all elec
tions :
First. He shall have been a citizen of the
United Stales at least one month.
Second. He shall have resided in tbe
state one year (or if, having previous
ly been a qualified elector or native born
citizen of tbe state, be shall have removed
therefrom and returned, then six months)
immediately preceding the election.
Third. He shall have resided in tbe elec
tion district where he shall oner to vote at
least two months immediately preceding tbe
Fourth. If twenty-two years of age or up
wards, be shall have paid, within two years,
a state or county tax, which shall have
been assessed at least two months, and paid
at least one month beler the elecilon," j
shall be ameudeil, fo s to read follows :
K ver v male citizen twenly-one vears of
age, possessing the following qualifications, j
shall be entitled to vote at the polling place
of tbe election district of which be shall at
the time be a resident and not elsewhore .-
First He shall bare been a citizen of tbe
Cnited States at least thirty days.
Second. He shall Lave resided in tbe
state one year (or if, having previously
been a qualified elector or native born citi
zen ef the state, be shall have removed
therefrom and returned, then six months)
immediately preceeding the election.
Third. He shall have resided in the elec
tion district a here he shall offer to vote at
least thirty days immediately preceding tbe
election. Tbe legislature, at the session
thereof next after tbe adoption of this sec
tion, shall, aud from time to time thereaf
ter may. enact laws to properly enforce this
Fourth. Every male citizen of the age of
twentv-nne years, who shall bare been a
citizen lor tbuty days and an inhabitant of
this state one year next preceding au elec
tion, except at municipal elections, and for
the last thirty days a resident of the elec
tion district in wbich he may offer his vote,
shall be entitlt-d to vote at such election in
the election district of which he shall at the
time be a resident aud not tlsewhere for
all officers tbat now nre or hereafter may
be elected l.y the puopla : Provided, That
iu tino of war no .-lector in th atusl u.ii
iiary serv iee of the State or of the United
Mates, iu Ihe army or Tiavy thereof, stall
be deprived of Ins volfJ b; reason ot his ab
sence from such election district, aid tlie
egisialure shall hove power to provide the ;
manner hi which ami tne time and place at j
which such absent electors miy vote, and I
lor the return and canvas of their votes in
tbe election district in which they respect
ively reside.
Fifth. For the purpose of voting, no per
son shall be deemed to have gained or lost
a residence by reason of his presence or
absence w hile employed in the service of
the United States or the State, nor while
engaged in the navigation of tho waters ot
thejState or of the high seas, nor ulnle a
student of any college or seminary of learn
ing, nor while kept at any almshouse or
public institution, except tho inmates of
any home for dis-iblcd and iudigent soldiers
and sailors, who, lor the purpose of voting,
shall be deemed to reside ia the election
district where said home is located. Laws
shall be uiadfc for ascertaining, by proper
proofs, the citizens who shall be entitled to
ibe right of sutlrage hereby established.
A true cepv of the joint resolution.
Secretary of the Commonwealth.
Notice is here'oy given that Leiters of
AdmiulNtratiou on the estate of William
Dunn, late of Fayette township, Juniata
county, Pa., deceased have been granted
to tbe undersigned residing in same town
ship. All persons kuowing themselves in
debted tv the estate of 6aid deceam-d will
please make immediate payment, aud thoe
having claims will present theui for i-ettle-u:ent
Nonce is hereby given tbat Letters of
Administration on the estate of John Bare
loot, late ot Fayette township, Juniata Co.,
Pa., deceased have been granted to the un
dcrsigntd residing, near Mil toy, Mifllin Co.,
Pa. All persons knowing themselves in
debted to the estate of said deceased will
please make immediate payment and those
having claims will present them 0r settle
Administrator of Johu Barefoot, dee'd.
Sept 24, 18fc7.
Assigned Estate ot GEOK'"!E V. WILLI
VEK of Fayette township.
Notice ia hereby given that tbe First and
Final account of Joseph Page, Assignee by
deed of voluntary assignment ut Oeorge VV.
Williver and wile of Fajette township, has
been filed in the Prothouotary's Oflice of
Juniata county, and tbe same will be f re
rented tor confirmation, and allowance to
the Court of Common Pleas of aaid county,
on Tuesday the Twentieth day of Septum
ber lt?7, when and where all persons inter
ested may attend if they think proper.
Prothonotary's Office, Hiftlintown, Pa.,
August 22, 18e7.
MjnstatlB Lacing Socket Legs.
Best Limb Manufactured on the Face of
the Ok.be. 03 Write Tor Catalogue to
Artificial Lluib.Mfg. Co.
909 Penn Ave., Pittsburg, Pa
Sept. 21, 41.
Ninth St , south of Chestnut, one square
south of the New Post Office, one-half
qnare from Walnut St. Theatre and in the
very business centre of the citv. On the
American and European nlans. iianA rnnm.
fioiu 50c to $3.00 per day. Remodeled and
newly furnished. W. PAINE. M. D
Owner aud Proprietor.
done at this office.
of Mirrmrroirar, pa.
Stockholders IndiFidually Liable.
T. VAN IK WIN, roAir.
W. C. Pomeroy, Joseph Rotbrock,
Noah Hertrler, Philip M. Kepner,
Amos ii. Bonsall, Louis E. Atkinson,
Kebert E. Parker,
sToctooLHas :
Philip M. Kepner, Annie M. Shelley,
Joseph Kothrock,
Jane 11. Irwin,
R. E. Parker,
J. Holmes Irwin,
T. V. Irwin,
John Hertzler.
L. Atkinson,
W. C. Pomeroy,
Amos G. Bonsall,
Chariot te S nyder,
Mary Kurtz,
Three and Four per cent, interest will be
paid on certificates of depoaite.
fjan 23, 1887 tf
Worth Knowing,
That I can stop toothache in less than
five minutes; no pain, no extracting.
Tbat I can extract teeth without pain
by tbe use of a Uuid applied te tbe teetb
and gums ; no danger.
That Diseased Gums (known
as Scurvy) treat jfSnei successfully
and a cure war aTi'VS'S;' ranted ia every
Teeth Fillbd and warranted for life.
Artificial Teeth repaired, exchanged or
remoddled. lrora S.9.W to V per set
Beautiful Gum Enameled Teet inserted at
prices to suit all.
All work warranted to give perfect satis
faction. People who have artificial teeth
with which they cannot eat, are especially
invited to call. Will visit professionally
at their homes if notified by letter.
Will visit regularly at Richfield the 2nd
weeks of May and October.
Tebks Cash.
Cx. I.. DERR,
I'ractical Deiitlst,
Oct. 14 'So.
Fanners and Planters.
Eoen tried and tcMe'i f r ovr
aad revor t n;e1 wantlnjr. Grinds t'lor
furhly aud rvid!y Corn, "Wheat. Y
i'laaler. Coal, CoIIee, iNilt, t'picis, et:.
Etl crp-ratT. Tiiilr lMtto fowor. Toc-. no-
t uktoli rdsr. IjzVLOwit ana ocsl ynnaer m - av
BJM-sLO N. T. t
mn cMi&bb "toes.
Hanufactnrers for tbe wholesale trade of
the latest aiylss of
Buggies and
Spring Wagons
of th finest quality, and guaxaBttt t9
give BaiiisfactioB.
Just published, a new edition of DK
on the radical cure of S PEaMATonaiiCA or
seminal Weakness, Involuntary Seminal
Losses, Impotexct, Mental and Pbvsical
Incapacity, Imsedimetits to Marriage, etc.
also, Coksi-mptiom, EriLtpsr aud Fits, ia
duced by sell-indulgence, or sexual extrav
agance, fee.
The celebrated author, iu this admirable
essay, clearly demonstrates from a thirty
years' successful practice, that the alarm
ing consequences of self abuse may be rad
ically cured ; pointing out a mode of euro
at once simple, certain, and effectual, by
means ot which every sufferer, no matter
what his condition may be, may cure him
self cheaply, privately and radically.
oeni unaer seal, la a plain envelope, to
any address, post-paid, on receipt of tour
cents or two postage stamps. Address
41 Ann St., New York.N'.Y.;
Oct. 8-80. Post-Office Box 450.
of prime quality bought in am quantity for
c on aeiiery, irec or brokerage com
mission, storage, iu:., by
importers ana txporters, 88 William St.
New York.
ABg. ii, t7, Cm
Private Sale.
The undersigned will sell at srlr.t. ..i
a farm ol '2 acres, i Milford township
midway between Mifflin and Port Roval
uio liuroaci. the land is nearly al
cleared and tillable, watered by a st ring
Tbe land is underlaid with iron ore near the
surface. Sloping to the sun ii . j. .. .
ble situation for frnit growing, especially
r "reiueuiaare a good
house and bank barn, all kinds of fruit and
a peach orchard of jx hundred trees just
coming .into bearing. I will .ell it for aev.
en hundred dollars. For Farther particu
lars call on, or address
Maikick La-oaAtD,
Oakland Mills,
Juniata ftm. T
ilarch 16, lbS7, tf. J
How Iot, How Itestoretl !
Bright, New Spring
TbaCbamploa Clwtuler ..Juniata Couaty lau. iu Jnnt
turned frn tlie Easter cities w,itl.iawnderrul
Will maka friends, outshine riyals, win victories, and sell iulf on jj,
and Gent's furnishing good. First ClafeS, combining Style, Quality ui
Elegance, with prices that will astonish you. No sale is sxpedej Ult.
I prove this.
Bat I ask your patronage on'y
etoek of HATS, CAPS, BOOTS k
- - . . , ,
JEWELlli, Calico, reroaie ana
Cuffs.Trunks and Satchels, U full and completa. Call and see.
June 1G, 1SSG.
. Lt'-L- J
recollecting aud conveyancing jTomptly
attended to. Office in second story cf Bel
ford building. Entrance oa Main street.
4 -Ua.ST.
!.cis K. Atx-inso. f. m. m. rtSSELL.
rj-yCollecting and Conveyancing prempl
ly attended to.
OrriCE On Main street, in place ef resi
dence of Louis K. Atkinson, Ksq., south of
Bridge street. lOctliti, lbbli.
H resumed actively the practice
Medicine and Surgery and their collateral
branches. Office at tbe old corner of Third
and Orange streets, Mitaintown, Pa.
March 2, 1876.
Joiim McLn-osLM. Josiph W. Stimmel
COnly reliable Companies represented.
Dec. 8, loSG-ly
To the cominji and going
Seasons w e must all conform.
TLe Goods suitable lor spring
and summer must be supplant
ed by
IfilL-lBD WISHER 68.0 D
We are now lilhn
shelves with Fall and
, ... ,
Goods of all kinds. Our
tomeru have appreciated our
efforts to give them goods to
suit their purposes, and we
believe that we are better pre
pared than ever to merit their
confidence. We invite jou to
come and see and be satisfied.
n our dress goods department ;;?rt 5'10 m-. M'i;"3t"'' t-
t rhombsoutowii o.3o it. m.. Vaajvks o.b
we have almost e very tinm p. " mscarora ,4s p. m., sshcjjp
tl 1 W-.Port Royal ,54 p. lu., Miliim 4, 1 J
Don't be backward, Call lor j m., Lewistown 0,23 p. Jui., Xc Vertw, 1
what you want.
Shoes and Hoots.
Our Boot and Shoe De
partment is full in its assort
ment, and you certainly can be
suited in fit, quality and price.
Whatever improvements have
bfeen added by the manufactures
we have them all. We can
supply you with foot wear for
any in or out door service. Our
grocery Department never lags.
We have on hand a full line
Fresh, Plain and Fancy
Also, the only full line ot
in the county. Every house
must have its full supply of
Queens and Glassware, this is
the store to call on for such ar
ticles. All orders by mail will re
ceive prompt attention.
Remember the place,
Main Sti:eet, Opposite Court IIorsE,
Miilaiiitown, Ia.,
Subscribe for tbe SenUn, ,nd RuUican
when I fjive complete sitisfactioi. 1W
. , -i i . trl . f , ..1-
iiiiw ouuio. .luc. wear, sonars nj
Oa aa after Sunday lay TZti, m
traias tbat step at it U t willrn nf yltt
Altooha Aocohhodatios lasrei AIiu
daily at b -0 a. m., Tyrons 6 62 . ,
Huntingdon 6,33 a. m., Moust L'niumi
6.69 a. m., Newton Uauiiltea 7,l4 a, t
McVeytown 7,"J6 a. iu., Lewistown 7,5J 4.
ni., Millord 8,11 a m., Miitiin e,l7 t-
Port Hoyal H.Ti a. m-, Mexico b.Lt a! a
Tnscarora h,'Al a. m.. Vandyke 8,J5 a. a'
Tbompsontowu b,i i a. m., Dsrward
m., Millerstown 8,54 a. in., Nswp.irt J.jjt
m., arriving at Hamshurg at lii 10a a
and at l'hiladrlpbia, 3 13 p. m.
StA aiieai Expsess leaves Altoona 4t,
at 6.'. a. ui., and stopping a all reii
stations between Altoona ai.d HarrisHTj
reaches Miftlin at a-5o a. m., Himitsj
11.4U p. U., aud arrives in PhiiadtiiiUii
3.15 p. in.
Mail Thais leaves Pittsburg dn!t
6.05 a. in., Altoona at 2,00 p. ni., and .
ping at all regular stations arrirct at Mia
at 613 p. ru., Harrisburg- 7.00 p. a:.,!
adelpbia 4 2i a. in.
Mail Express leaves Pittsburg at 1 (X"x
Altoona t 2J p m ; Tyrone ti i4 p m; Ht
ingdon 737pm; Lew istown e si p a ; gj.
fliu9 15pm; liarnsburg 10 45 p m;
del j-hia 4 '2b a m.
Philadelphia K.vpre.-s will slap at Ui
at 11 33 nbeu flagged.
FxhT Lisa leaves Phtadrh.uU t! U
i 11 .0 a m ; Harribburg 3 40 p ia ; MJi
I a (8 p iu ; Lew isloft u '26 p in ; A.iuaa
Ol ! tt 10pm: arrives at Pittstiure at 11 ii:m
1 -
Wat Passlkgek leaves Philide
daily at 4 30 a. ni.; liarrisbur, ti 15t.a,
Duncaimou, S u4 a. lu.; Newirt, HAL
m.; Millemtown, 9 40 a. in.; Tboiupjiiii,
9 62 a. uj.; Vau Dyke, 10 00 a. m.; Tuvt
ora, 10 04 a. m.; Mexico, If U' a. iu.; t
Itoyal, 10 13 a. m.j Millliu, 10;ila.n
Slilford, 10 26 a. m.; Narrous, IU 4 . c;
SJ ir2T&: ttWlfel"
1 tinprdon, 12 li p. in.; T runt, 1 u4 p. a.
OUr ' Altoona, 1 40 p. ru., and stop at til regs
: stations between Uarrisburg aud Alicia,
t lllier j Oittta Kxpb&ss leaves I'hilaJ-li'batA-
i iy ai it u p. m., UarriMUurg, ju 13 p. a.
uon, Viewport, Millerste u, Ihuunnjaui
t ort Koyal, timo atMiltliu, 11 ii ..
tooua, 2 20 a. iu., and Pittsburg, lui
Mail Teai.m leaves Pbiiala:itiia da..? s
7.tKl a. m., ilarrisburg 11.20 a.
port, 12 13 p. ru., Mullin 12.47 p. m., i
ping at all regular stations beta-son
aud Altoona reaches Allooua at t.ii ! a.
I'lttsburg 8.20 p. m.
Altooha Accwmm.is init learei fli
adelphia daily at 11 60 a. m., Uarrl,ljil
4.15 p.m.. Duncanuou 4-4J p. m . S
4H p. Ul., ISewtou Uaaililou f. a.
Uuntingdon i 40 p. ui. Altsaa 9 IJ.
Pacific Express leaves Philaie',(!iis lii
p ni; IJarrisburg ii 10 a iu ; Duucicdx
39am: Newport 4 01 am; ilim44.
in; Lewistown 6 04 a ui ; ale Vtwii
am; Mt. Union 6 64 am; UuntitN
20 a ci ; Petersburg ti 3. a ui ; pructCno
(43 am; Tyrone 7 07 a ui ; b:l'i l
7 27 a iu ; Altoona fc 06 a m : f .ian.'i
12 4'j p ui.
Sea aboro Express east, oa Sna.ti
will connect with ounday Mail nsst leav.a
liarrisburg at 1 lo p. m.
Way Passenger west and Vi ?uf
stop at Luckuow and J'.,srajs' &-r-H
wueu bagged.
Trains leave Lewistown Junetioi left
my at ti 35 a tu. 10 6", am. A lj D m:
Sunbtiry at 7 16 a m, 3 on p m.
Trains arrive at Lewistown JunctiM
Miiroy at 9 00 a m, 1 26 ptu, 4 J0pi'
ouuoury at 9 2u a m, 4 10 p ui.
Trains leave Tyrone for BclielstH'
Lock llaven at 8 10 a in. 7 lie m. L''
Tyrone lor Curweusrille and Clet'"
b 10 a ui, 3 Oi p m,7 26 p ui.
Trains leave Tyrone lor Warrior H-1
Pennsylvania Furnace aud Scotia t
m and 4 30 p ui.
Trains arrive at Tvrone rruin Be"''0"
and Lock Haveu al 12 06 p ui, aud Oci'f1
Trains arrive at Tyrone from Cot
ville and Cleartluld at'b 5aui, and U'
in, ti 17pm. I
Trains arrirn Mt Tt i.,n frum Sc0iii''
riors Mark and Pennsylvania FurtK
oa a ru, at 2 36 p ni.
H. t B. T. R. R. Sl BEDFORD WVIiK!
Trains leave Huntingdon fur
llynduiau and Cumberland at 1 i!5 "
aud 0 35 p. ui.
Trains arrive at Huntiur.ln ff
ford, Ilyndiuan and C'uintieriaiid al u
p. in., G 20 p. m.
T.;,.. I....... A I, ..i.inl, SC--
7 on . u ..c .. .. ... I liO 1 '
.v n ui. o j a iu. a ev y ui. - -
flfl n m Q r.n n.
araius arrive at Aiiooua
South, at 6 60 a rn. 11 35 s m. 6jf
00 p m. 7 26 p. m. and 10 S'j
- . - .... e.r.nt
McKillips & Cos. PtegC
Port Royal I'cnna.
Ornamental Porticos,
racket and Scroll W1:
ioi i.iits. i-ioorw
Also, dealers in shingles, lath, a0
lumber of everv description- (
Country lumber worked ta ori-
"era vv m ill pruill(iJ
orders should be sent to
iftni iu.
10-21 S3.j
iron -
gob-eripti"" ;f Mt pair,
.advance. dements i
. tA nor
'"Tech for eacb insert
business notices
Vote lor Uower.
Vete for Fcnncll.
Vote for Vemiuger.
Vote for Cunning"'--forGrabamand
j at Esrenschade's
x-w goods at t. i
4.nrn huakirg hascou-menw
, crcif is a s:uri
Toe cabbage
tpublican fv
t out ti:e i u.i
a'P"" .. ...,Ht E. rn-
erj '
now fell YO.U SUU'
two ClUt poSlSCl
The new
4 ja color.
f Thin ice was to be seen
1 jio"'u'
Don" ,u- '
i tbi. ofTy.ai.
Cleveland ia Mill
1 ro0d the circle, don south.
I TbereU-U-kofthe v.-teru
! rvP.inU.a well known
! Lswistown, died on the U iust
1 a Lukens of Wa k-r tap
1 doable farm for sale. P,. b..l
f c.pt.inHinklebasi-1-vd,,,
J UWlrootofbi.le.I:uc l..ur
! The latest report f rom Alaska
i ... .i;il liTes in that conn
j inaiouuu r
1 There i. to be an inter i.afi
! tioDiaG!.. Scotland, i:, 1
! Who are tbe Kepubiican t- '.i
1 jgepase trading the sUte ticker
Th rrturns of tbe three cart
? t:BfOftbrcrtKoyalluirai-eu
t ...will told an instill.
placson be 24th and 26th day.
-r Tenibrr.
1 Mrs. William Wagucr played
? i..t Sahbatli. iu tlie 1'
-. org" -
Wear inlebtet to K ; re- :'
tin, for a copy of the nn.eu 1
lii laws.
a-mnoweatid family ot 'I"-
TiiiUng their pareuts Mr. and :
Howe ia ibis place.
L B. Wili-on had a lot of Ka
unloaded from the car' at ti.1-; i
Thursday taiornit-g.
Jamea H. Jcufc, Hviuc re.ar M
advertises an e.tray be fei . 1.
eiMahere in thli I -r.
Beory Groniiiper t:d wit-- v. ill
is-law Jerome Sieter and 'a :: ,ir,
carriage trip to Virginia.
Bev. L. Y. Hays, will tr,-: ! i
f Prsshyterian Synod, th ,t c:.v
Tinreday at Wiilia:i,j.-irt.
A otinib'-r of p'-ojle f rom Ji:.i,
sttended the State Sab'.ia'.b Si i,
VfDlioB at Harrishurg last -sees.
0b tlie evening of Tciuo-l k .
U,aicrieaof revivalist met:::.'
ciaaaiLced in the M-lto-le -t i
Beed's Gap.
LewUtuan peej.lc were
r tbeflav of the German -!;.::e. r
Ul of having it rei la; id the c. .
. Timber.
! The flying horse ui iy be in
tttloaday, hut whether ur n-.l i;
that occasion. You ca i L l: ,
tvlog prices at Sehott'.-.
; TLe man who built, or bos.-.-1 ;
in .r . . . .
i e "" siacc, at tt.e l. ir'i
: leakiy farm, near this t.jwn, i
worttmen at tbat business,
j Ma Killdah.of Tuscarora to
;wcDuaay evening. I
: dnui. Cemetery, a; 30
k, ,
; - am age was t j ears,
j The Pomona Grarpe of J:.,
will hold a regui.ir tre.-ting i-, K . .
; "the residence ot V. II. Re. s'..
I J Saturday, Oct.....r 2-rU -.:
i "The farm of Saiun-i U n ,
.Gteeawood township, wa,...,
, Ainutrator, lt week, t . Ahn;,v..
A number of the Schui h; Co
;Wceai.did.t,.. will not pavt!-. -;B9tt"0tb9
county ,,,;,;..;
;t,.iUDot Ki!it lUir nim
J "Jr Ruining
. v uu rf,Q
?o joi:
' ni.t win
1 give yoa the r,.,
tl, roof
i ;'t ,1.,.
S7 red sla... r
f lar. caress J . Ml :,
,. aiuiitoB pa.
! bunion .i.v. j,,.
'S.e.Mh't d3-V "
ei 8 for th--
flQt m Ti.
;ath.;. ."oc'-l:cT.r,.Mbe
Uu ",n fT th
olliee ef
? The
f 1 rl"Dg on tb. ..a ,
I lai
1 x I
;5"doh "
ly arrearages
"and tho
f nUCA
,wia f,r ,b,",.,;k
"knoaa ,.,.'""" tt!"J Ad
i'hbor'. , co"""ii.ify, fei!
i ttmr. air. I! ,...
'-'e Weti..
i'croaa . 'Vt"-Me thvre
... ' .LIII 1... .
- "wn o
: Cictl.;. ,uu tl
i el.
, lo Step i,.,
jtK,,hi"g..h:;'!r,,n"T' t r
r 64,0 forth """wuM.t.,.,
.abl-eVo teas
- 1.7" ,b atin,;.. n or w-u,a,
i akt'.at the ' 'h-
.'rIeditK. "newhi.r-
"irttl ,, aim ,
i 1. --".KSi.
i-. .11" h ..." 'ttat
; in,. "l to ret
i " f eT tirn Hit
ii ia I PHHip
i L . .
, 0 in nmunci f r fir"