3 4 IWM UUiUlMi ..-.: iS K X T 1 X EL l 1 I' b LiUAr. MIFFLIN TOWN. H. F. SC H W E IER, itk aso raoraiaTos. Nt ' UxMrsniKK -oi.Ik rxrverieiioeil m As eirth'juake in M. xico. a few Uv, . Rtoppt.l all tie clo.-ks in Quay.itfuiU an.l .lemolishol a number of Loue. Ceso j n.posos to invite all of the States of A tut rira to a celebration in 1S'.2 in honor of tie 40mb. anniver sury of the discovery of America by Colun.burf. a " " I 51 tliANs's orgun, the Catho li,- HoruM has buspenJeJ. The Dr. will tin.l it not nii.-b. fin failing once he in cut o:T fp.m the xupport of the church p-iroe. A Cilik' mstk .Iwt'T comes forward with the sUtetueut that while leprosy in contagious, it may l acquired by a iicrmni who m w.iilc ruling into w:iUT siJer what it is ' way that Le had his ana badly sfcattor- people to en- J at thi, place and had coiae to .t F "I Iostmv arm here said he of North til this nation can eons: loing in allowing these ter here and become a burden on our Curoiina;- j thi8 here," said the couiitry and a menace to the Arueri- man fr0111 Mast-achuisetts toiuting to his cheek: and the conversation lie heated with hard A m m.metiiiien write his own f.it. on ti.o w ill I ntii weighed and foiin I wanting -notably in t!iM time is tho hiud writing of Cleve latul on the wall -"Ilotuni the li. bel Rrlics." s " I'he-ii knt Ci k r.i.M will swing tiroiiiid the circle i:i th north wtw-t in thf aiitu:uii. If h gets up to the Canada lin-. perhaps he'll propone to Bend back the Hiitish tlags that were enpturt 1 in IM2. Ir is only i ight. eii centuries ago since Homo wu3 the aii.'-tiehS of the th a civi!ieil world. Now. accord ing to S.;i.atir Fi ve, of Maine, the citv of Sugad.ihoc. iu which Frye livua is a Puer citj than the city of ll,v:v Ja.- y. S.:;u a.'.-d c.vei;ij years, N'.l o" ti.e - v Volt "'H t iv for having given money ii 't rs of tl.u l-.Mird i f N'ew York c;rv : r f-u f heir mtcs to grant fi-tn a -.trcct rail road nci.;. I he jury irus out thirteen luuiuU'.-. - - Jr.rv I'uh delivered a I'll of July speech in which he reminded his au thence that in the late rebellion, they "foi:ght for the right, and let your children rciueiuber tint their fathers l.iel . were neither r rebel s nor traitors." Clo e!.".r.d and D.ivis aro a team Tiik town of t'l.arendou, covering an extent of UO Kcres. along the I'.iie Hai!ruad was destroyed by fire on the night of th 4th. Tho f;re is r-.trg-jl fo a certain landlord who whs refused licence by the late Court. Tlie sc undrel w.is found hidden in a woods r'.s miles ftwny. He is in jail. .V bm.i.oomst named Ii aid win, tliirtiug for notorii'ty. laped from a balloon that was a mile high in the niv, at liuincy. III., on; day last week in the pretence of IJil.oOO people who hi l nfl-erc.bled to witness his ascen K'.o'i. Vhe muititudo were horrified fo see liini drop from the balloon. IIo had a parachute, or lmge umbrel hi, and that left him down the 5t00 fert to mother i.uth. He received considenhlo nervous shock bv the decent. can home. As a rnhng to deciile who should be excluded I would make it an almost inflexible rule that a man or woman who could not sustain him self or herself and their respective families for one year should not bo allowed to land. Only those who can thus support themselves, mud thus have an opportunity for seeing the country and finding out where they can best locate, are the ones we want. Allow the able-lxxlied, but poverty stricken refugees to land and what follows ? A most demoralizing condition. They will accept anything at any price iu the line of work, even the hand of charity, and -it is too true oftener the hand of charity than any thing else. Such people do not ben efit themselves in coming here and they stand as a menace to the men or women whose situations they ap ply for. Such are not desirable ac ipnsitions. lhe laws we nave are not severe enough and do not clearly define who are and who are not to be allowed to land.'" . - Ciih a.k) as a great center of busi ness, is full of infidelity ami unbelief in the tflieacy of prayer. Men had come to believe that there are fixed laws for the government of all things and that there is no power that hu ni-nity can petition to change a law that is in the course of operation. For example, they say there is no prayerful petition or lamentation of the human family that can prevent the destructiveness of a drought, or protracted term of heat. They pro claim that no prayer however pro longed or earnest, and honest, can stay the destructiveness of flood, and such plausible arguments have radi ated from Chicago far and wide till a large percentage of tho people of the State had become tainted with the feeling of unbelief. In '.air, the prea;l rs prtueh creed points under hon lit tic ru":-., the inore they preach ed and tli j more they fashioned their c-very day living after the extravagant every day living of stock, grain, poik and railroad gamblers, the more rap idly unbelief spread among the peo ple. "But lo. and behold," a drought since last March in part of the States of Illinois, Michigan and Wisconsin has brought the people back from their state of unbelief. Springs, streams, pastures dried under the protracted dry spell. People wboj believed in the efficacy of prayer, is-1 sued calls for daily prayer-meetings J in all of the churches in the smaller J towns, and everybody who prayed i attended tha meetings and if they did not all pray aloud they silently praved for raiu. Iiain came, aud now the unbelievers have lost their hold on the pnblic mind, and Illinois is safe for tlm neriod of a generation came general. ''My God ! you don t meant0 6ay, said the NortQ Caroun ian," that von are the man who lay be hind that rock yonder. I do 6aid Jones. Then yon are the identical man I shot ; "And you are fellow who stood behind that tree there, are you T Well I'll only sar that I'm the identical individual that niado you lose that arm," said Jones' Both man looked fit each other in astonishment, Rives at Jones' face and Jones at Rives' arm. '"Do my eves decieve met" cried Jones. "They do not, nor do mine deceive nie'you aro the man," Let us shake." said the man from Massachusetts and imme diately there was a grasping of hands and mutual apolotjies for the barm each one had done to tho other. Philadelphia Telepraph. Louisville, July 5. At a picnic yesterday a party of picnickars took refuge from a sudden thunder shower under a huge sycamore tree the tree was struck by lightning and two boys named Emile Caldeway and Claude Summers, aged about seventeen years each were instantly kille.L Several other persons under and in the vici nity of the tree were knocked down and for a time paralyze.1 None how ever, were seriously injured. Mrs. John Day. of Oliver county, Dakota, discovered a big wildcat kill ing her chickens, and the sight of her bleeding pets nerved her to grab a shotgun and fire a charge at the ani mal. The small shot served only to infuriate the beast and it attacked the woman, who defended herself with an axe and after a desperate struggle killed the cat. Several nights ago, in the stillness of the night, a large, four-story hotel full of guests, aud forty dwelling bouses of the city of Zug, in Switz erlaud. slid into tho lake without a moment of warning. How many lives were lost will never be known. More than one hundred people are missing. The cause of the slide is not known. John Ellis, of Williamsport, To., has a tamo crow, that acts crow like. Whenever it sees the dog dining, it sneaks up and grabs his tail. The dog wheels around, when the crow snatches up the coveted food and is iustanllr out of reach. Nv"vn.i.E, July 5. Two brothers named Pass, were killed by lightning yesterday. Twr women and a child were also severe 'y shocked one per haps fatally. and the M:ene of nnmerom battles between McDjwell, 8 "gel. Shield. Bnk, and Stonewall Jackaan. Many pl-ot eicar ions may be prj!Cted from Loray, the moat jioUhl one is tbe oue of tba naturnl bridge. Bfore tho ducovery or tho cre Ibis wis Virginia's Natural Wonder, now almost over shadowed by the greatness of ts rival. Tickets will be sold every Thursday dur ing July, August, and September, good go ing only on the Niagara Express or its di rect connections, and to return until and including the following Monday. - Excursion tickets to Natural Bridge may be procured ol tho agent at Luray at re duced rales. The round trip rate from Mifflin will be $5.60, and train will leave at 8.07, A. M. 3. 4. 6 8. 9. 10. 11 12 frtrtn the teaching r t men who pro fess to believe that Deity has his fix- el laws for tho government of all ; notice I. C. Lantz & Cos, fine rasp Walker Township News The farmer is busy in the field gathering the ripcued grain. W. W. Dimro, of Van Wert is building a new store building. Banks KaulVman and James Eugler are do ing the work. Locust Run Sunday School held its Childrens' Day last Sunday a week. T!vid S. Zeiders received his long looked for pension, and his friends and neighbors rejoiced with him. For in the granting of such a pen sion there is charity. From 1665 until March 1. 1SS7, he received two dollars a month, and from the latter date sixteen dollars per month. We cannot but cross the Jinp into Delaware township a few paces, anu things, and that he will not 6et aside a law in response to human prayer. Pecnaylvania College. berries. One berry measured three fourths of an inch throngh, and two and a half inches in cirenmference. They nre shipping from five hundred to a thousand quarts daily. Last Thursday forenoon twenty four pick ers gathered over eight hundred quarts. Bes Xox. o ( '.i-uv.i Mvr, Dr. Mcdlyun, is in a high dadgeon because the Pope has ruled hiiu out of tha church. If a man insists in preaching doctrines that hi church disapproves of he shoiild have the graeo to step out, and d it without tusking a fuss a' mt it. The Methodist, or Luth eran, or Presbyterian, entireties ,lo t;ot permit a man to 1 j reaeh f-r th"u who preaches doc trine that the church does not Bp prove of. Centuries ago the battle of Mara thon was the field upon which was decided, whether Karope should, or should not submit to Asiatic civiliza tion. Only twenty four years ago, Oettys- , ., , , , .. . , , ard machinery and farm implements. Standard Machinery. Wm. Bell sells a full line of Stand- Teachers' Examination Far 1SST. Port Roval and Turbett, Port Royal July 25. Walker,' in Mexico " 2i. Patterson snd Milford, Patterson,. 27. Mifflmtownand Fermanagh, in Mu- tlintown " 23 Iick, at Cro KrTS ........-. Aug. . Tuvsrora. at MrCovsville, Spruce Hill, at Wisdom Feale, st Johnst'wn, Delaware and Thompontown, at Smith's School House Greenwood. t Straight Water,.... SniKnebanna, at Pronperity, MoDroe,at Richfield.............. Fayette, in McAlisterrille. Tbe examinations will brgin at 8) o'clock s. tn. Strangers must furnish a certificate of good ircral character. Directors and friends of education are invited to bo pres ent. A sf ecial examination for the cout-ty will be held in MitUintown, September 10 Y. B.AUMA.V, Sup't of Juuiata County. Mitftiotown, July 6. The Creat Ferepaugh Miow! COMIXO TO .ETTISTOvTX. Three Times Larger than Ever. As already announced, Adam Fore paugh is to exhibit in I.ewintown on tho 20th day of July. The following is among Mr. Forepsugh's declarations, and from what we know of tho man, there is no d oubt of his intention to carry them out on a much greater cale than ever : Adira Forepaugh will stake his profess ional reputation and honor upon the dec laration that his present exhibitions, with all the stupendous acii.ional attractions necessary to illustrate, under tbe largest csnvas tent :a the world, tbrillinelr inter esting sdventures of border life in the wild west, is, ia every frstbfnl and essential par ticular, fuily thf" iitura target than ever. He exhibited nineteen wecKa to tbe larg- t-st audiences ever known in New York City. He has thoroughly familiarized him self with tbe increased demands of both metropolitan and rural culture, for grand, magnificent, first clas smusetuenjj of a rictly moral and elevating cbaraoti r, and i fully determined to completer over whelm all hi former efforts. Allihe features of his Oreat Triple Cir cus, Double Junfc'e Mensgcne, Kmimn aiel (ireeian Hippodrome Kaces, Onen!l I'ag-t-snts, Spectacular tableaux, with mounted soldiers and Indians in sufficient numbfiit to reproduce to the life the famous Custer battle will be I rouUt into requisition to add to the thriilingly interesting attractions ol his Orc-at Wild Weht Show. The Prince of the House of Adam will introduce tor tbe first time in public bis great Thirty Horse Act. He will also appetr with his world-famed Performing ElepbaoU, Clown Elephants. Pugilistic Elephants, Bicycle Riding Elephants, Bolivar, the Giant Ele phant, The Tight Rope Walking Blondin Horse, with positively more circus, Olympic and wild west stars than ail the Shows in Atuerjca combined ; A. If. floeardus and his four sols, ar.d -Mens," the heroine-belle of ttie Az:e.-8. are ail champion shots, who will appear in the Wild West department. So will Xa. vier Orlofsky and Charles Walsh, in their great Broadsword Contest on horse-back. The "Centennial Emigrant Wagon," 141 vears old, and tbe old harness used by James Buchanan when a boy, and by bis Craodfather before him, will be seen in the great pazuant, also in tho Wild West Street pageant will take place at 10 o'clock. it is wosDsaruT. how eai'.r rheumatism begins. anl how in Liously it Kf"ws in the system, until ot Uartll to liud hluise.f iu vicuna Li sillier tli3 acuuior chronic form, lie Sea Was the fearful tenacuty of .U trip and the utter powerleasnesa of the or linarv remedies to give relief. Probably to no disease have physicians eiven more slulv, 1 on U m?J Completely baflleJ their effort, to provide ;pecitic, and until Athlophoro. was dis covered there was no medicine which would surely cure rheumatism, neuralgia Ind nervous or sick headache. Thousands of testimonials like the following prove bevond question that Athlophoro. is the onW reliable remedy, and that it will do all that is claimed for it. CaUkill, Green Co., N. Y. August 19. 1S8G. I can recommend the Athlopboroe to anybody that is in want of it. It baa cured rar mother who has had neuralgia all her life and also rheumatism, blie says she is all free from pain now, and will not be without a bottle for twice the price. 1 a-ave a lotile to my brother who had neu ralcia in the bowels and it fixed him in a few days. Fbajik Kdwakds. - Rouses Ft-, Clifton Co., N. Y. Aiitrust 18th. 1S8C. years ago this Summer I was sorely I .iil. rliruiiiaiism in my right knee d left ahouldor, and was induced by a t.:r.. in Athlonhoros. I used live bottles, got well, and have teen compara tively free from rheuraaiira since. 1 have Kreat tutU in it, and have recommended it to niy friends. So far as I know all who have tried it speak its praise. R. Heatow. Ererv druggist should keep Athlophoros and Athlophoroa Pills, but where they -annul be bouiJit of the druggist the Athlo phoros Co.." 112 Wall St., New York, will send either (carriage paid) on receipt of reg ilar price, which is $1.C0 per Lottie for Athlophoros and .rV. for rills. For liver and kidney 1iraes. tWteiia. in diKestitjn. woakiiem. Tiemwi del lllty. seft9w of women. eontii.tim. fcesrtatate. Impure blood, JLC-. A thlopluiros 1111s are uucqualed. s Two afflicted wi an Scrofula Is ono of the most fatal scourges which kfilict mankind. It is often inherited, but may be the result of improper vacci nation, mercurial poison, uncleanliness, and various other causes. Chronic Korea, Ulcers, Abscesses, Cancerous Humors, and, in some cases. Emaciation and Con sumption, result from a scrofulous condi tion of the blood. This disease can be cured by the use of Aver 'a Sarsanarilla. I inherited ascrofulous condition of tlio Mood, which caused a derangement of my whole system. After takiug less than four bottles of Ayer's Sorsaparilla I ata Entirely Cured and, for the past year, have not found It necessary to use any medicine whatever. I am now in better health, and stronger, th.xa eyer before. O. A. Willard, 211 Treicont st.( Boston, Mass. I was troubled with "crofulous Scros for rive years, bnt, after using a few bottles of Aver s Smsparilla, the sores healed, and I have unwr pood health. Elizabeth Warnock, M Appleton street, Low ll. Mass. Soiua months ago I was troubled vt hh Scroiulons Sores on my leg. The limb was badly swollen and inflamed, and tba sores discharged large quantities ot offen sive matter. Kvery remedy failed until I used Ayer's Sarsaparilla. By taking three bottles of thus mmlicin the sors have been healed, and my health is rsv s'ored. I am grateful for the good it has done me. Mrs. Ann O'Brian, 1M Sulli van st., New York. ft Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Pr-rsrivl by Dr. J.C Ayer JkCo., Lowoli.V.- SoK tv all llragjisu. irice f 1 ; aix hollies, S.. Lt.n.iL. JXKCUTOR'S NOTICE. Estate of JANE AUKER, dee'd. Letters) Testamentary npon the above Estate bavins- been grstited to the undersigned all persons indetted to said Estate re requested to make paj ment. aud those having claims to present 'lie same, without delav, t LEWIS lEGAN, May 5, lbt7. Executor. JUNIATA VALLEY BANK, OF MIFFUSTOffNi PA. WITH BRANCH AT PORT ROYAL. Stockholders Individually Liable. JOSKPil ROTH ROCK. Prttidtt. T. VAN IRWIN, Caihier. viKkcroas. W. C. Pomerov, Joseph Rotbrock, Noah Hertsler,' Philip M. Kepner, Amos O. Bonsatl, Louis E. AtkinsoD, Robert E. Parker, STOCKHOLDERS : PbiliD M- Kepner, Annie . bbelley, Joseph Kothrock, George Jacobs, L. E. Atkinson, W. C. Poiueroy, Amos G. Bonsall, Noah llertzler. Chariot I e S D j d er, Jane II. Irwin, Mary Kurtz, H. E. Parker, J. Holaies Irwin, T. V. Irwin, F. B. Frow. John llertzler. Three and Four per cent, ir.terest will be paid on certificates of deposits. jsn 23, 1B87 tf J WISH TO STATE A FEW FACTS Worth Knowing, That I can stop tooth achs in less than Ave minutes ; no pain, no extracting. That I can extract teeth without pain, by tba use of a fluid applied to tbe teeth aud gums ; no dacger. That Diseased sj G urns t known as Scurvy) treat cjed succluliy and a cure waryggy""""'-''! in every Teeth Filled and warranted lor life. Artificial Teeth repaired, exchanged, or, remoddied, from $9.00 lo IJ per set. Beautiful Gum Enameled Teet inserted at prices to suit all. All work warranted to give perfect satis faction. People who have artificial teeth with which they cannot eat, aro ecpecially invited to call. Will visit professionally at their homes if notified by letter. Will visit regularly at Richfield tbe 2nd weeks of May and October. G. Ii. DERR, Practical Dentist, rsTSBLisHto ii jnrri-iN'Tows, Pa., ia 18C0. Oct. 14 't?5. A COLOSSAL COLLECTION -O F Bright, New Spring -A5IO- SUMMER STYLES ! .. t I.tliler l Juniata tounij liailuK jusl re-turae- fr-. a,tero clt.e. - -anderfu. SPUING & SUMMER STOCK, Wm make friends, outshine riyals, win victories, and sell it-elf ou U merits. MUX UOY'SCIULDBK.VS FASHIONABIjE clothing, and Gent . farnULing good. First ClasB, combining Style, Quality jt.d Elegance, vith prices that will astonish you. No sale ia expected unless I pruve this Bat I ask your patronage only when I giro complete satisfaction My -I.- of HATS CAl'S, U00T3 4 SHOES OVER-ALLS, WATCHES and JEWELRV, CJico, Percale and White Shirts, Neck wear, Collars and Cuff,, Trunks and Satchels, is full and complete. Call aud soe. btoc Sani'l STKAYEE THE OLD RELIABLE CLOTHIER AND FUKMS1ILI1 IN PATTERSON. Juno 16, 18S6. J. WARKEN FLETTE, ATTORNKY-AT-LAW, MIFFLIN TOWN, JUNIATA CO., PA-, try-Collecting and conveyancing promptly attended to. Office in aecond etory of Bel ford building. Entiance on Main street. 4-29-87. Lons K. AraiN.oa. F. M M. Ffknell. ATKIIbOI . l'EWELL, ATTORNEYS-AT -LAW, M1FFLINTOWN, PA. 0-Collecting and Conveyancing prompt Iv attended to. . . OrricB On Ma a street, m piac and at pbiladHphia, 3 IS p. m. u ,i,;..An Ko.. south ol , r bridge street. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. TIME-TABLE On and alter Sunday May 22ud, 15fc7 trains tbat stop at Mifflin will run aafl)owa: EASTWARD. Altooka AccoamooATiOH leaves Altoona daily at 5 20 a. m., Tyrone 5 !2 a. tn., Huntingdon 6,33 a. m.. Mount Union at 6,59 a. m., N'wton Hamilton 7,04 a. m.t McVeTtown 7,2G a. in., Lewistown 7,5.'? a. in., Milfcrd 8.11 a m., Mifflin 8,17 a. m., Port Koy.i 8.23 a. m-, Mexico H'H a. tn , Tuscarora b,32 a. in., Vandyke 8,35 a. m., Thompsontown 8,43 a. nj., Durward x,47 a m., Millerstown 8,54 a in., .Newport 1,03 a. tn., arriving; at Iiarrisburg at 10 10 a. m.. Manufacturers for tbe Tirbolesale trade of tbe latest styles of Carriages, Surreys. Phaetons, Buggies and Spring Wagons of the fiuefct jnnl:ty, mu.1 guaranteed t- tjive satisf;ictun. ruct2o, 1W-0. M. CRAWFORD, M. D., Si.a 1- hobe Expai.-i leaves Altoona daily at (;.55 s. in., aud stopping a all regular j stations between Altoous and Harrisburg, . . 1 i I ' n u, ' J . r. . .2. . O CKAITUXVX,, ' :Vl40;.:;;od"Wiv;;ra Kilaphkt H resumed actively tL P'f J j Z.K y . . Medirineand Surgery anu u.iti . . , , .l..uuis Ua,,j, B1 and Orange streets, Mifllintown, Fa. March 2'J, 1876. States should, or should not become b free or slave government. During a period of centuries liar athon was the focal center of the at tention of the world. What Mara thon was to the p:ist, Gettysburg will bo to the future doubly intensified by the enliarities imparted to the cir- or OlUir ilifttiori of to JaT 1T tli iiirrhnTiir-B arts. It is straupe beyond couiprthei. sion hiw the wnys of Pi evidence are worked to results. ItiHnowtwohau- amon which are American Road Machine Co s , Revt-rpible Road Ma chines. Newark Machine Co s , Col umbus, ), Victor Donl.lo Huller, Graiu Drills, horse rakea Acc. Ilauck : Comstoika, Suwinilla, Cider mills, Corn Planters, Feed Cutters &c. F.Ilis' Champion, Thresher and Sep arators for one and two horse tread Iowir, swepp power, or steam pow er. Syracuse Chilled Plow, Hiding Plows and Side Hill Plows. Root's Mount Joy, two horse, wheeled and single uone cultivators. Lawrence A: Co's ("hampion Snrinp Tooth Har- u di.-overe rows, lwt pairs kept for all of the dren au l thirty-nine years siuce the . , , " 1 ,,Mr r .v. " - . . , t"i Hmestcr Co and EurekaMow- l ue!ir chanipiofcB of Lutheran;sm closeil the j r Oi n mMl,ir.e I MifllintowD, Juniata countr. Pa- May 2, 87, 5 mo. - - . ADDITIONAL LOCALS. -assv can be cured of MKKUMATISM ty using RUSSIAN RHEUMATISM CURE. It iff r.H rurt-i1. it ctxrsa nothmtr bat Rhansv tan. t t um saf avud sure urf fisT tnat dtmtmmm. Th Ki3nd wuo Lat bun nrm& will tmutj to its i lishr.it j. M O. B.rrrm.nTl1 X 12th . Phfl-! . wwu KfiaaAt:sra C t t m uunf to nmm 'ts-thrr it tiIJ t rriru). Mfinf h wisbi sirKl'n tb tn -Iisssvjw. tvn4 tVnt h -.l lr hiM -as-v.rn frr-ftl th to n.-Ira1; Br. 1 vr ils of tw wt b riTrl - i u 1 rvn: wittaoat rwult, pTutu a " V wi'' t a '-i IfVn n1 hvr rjuvlrtKm ax 1 I.a).:i Th-riTi i'. n ", r- - Kr in cm JXEt'UruR'S NOT1CK. Kvtaie of MICHAEL BKalluRE, decM, late of FrrojiDAh tw'., Jutu-ilJi Co., Fa. Let tern Tenlauieutary upon tbe above Katmto tiavinc beca granted to tbe undrrsiiTDed all persons iodbt-d to id Kb tale are rrqueitcd to uiako ptvmont, and thorn having claim to jtretiit th fame, withuut delay, to JUllN ZiXlK, June 13f IbS". Lxecutor. I UUITOK'S NOTICE. CZDA.i T., C-fUDJi, - Y. Jons VcLaichlih. Josrra W. STiaatt MCl,Al'C.IlaM!f & STOIMEL, INSDEANCE AGENTS, PORT ROYAL, JVSIATA CO., PJ. X7Onj reliable Companies represented. Pre. 8, 7fcS6-lv i. iitfiov at the old corner of Third ; 6.65 a. 111., Altoona at 2.00 p. iu., aud stop . t , - ..ii i " - piug i mii icuiu sii-iuui arries l 5iuiaa at & (3 p. m., Harrisborg 7.1.0 p. m., I'hiia adelpbia 4 26 a. m. Mail Express leaves I'ittsburg st 1 00 p iu. AltoODa 6 2i p m ; Tyro;. 6 54 p m ; Hunt ingdon 7 37 p m ; Lewirtown b i 1 p ni ; Mif flin 916 ptu; llarrisburg 10 45 p m ; Phila delphia 4 -5 a m. 1'hiladclpbia Exprens will stop at Mlfllin at 11 S3 slioa Signed. - . WtSIlTAKD. SPRI KB OP E N IN G. iiio ' V-M SOTS i-ir the mam r-iail. j thirty years" war ia Iluropo to the A . (r U.it I C-okvul.-, IV: t in i.'U six; (-kr.etons nave been advantage of all Protestantism, and found The ekiill of each bk. h ton to dav their descendants have the or an iuden satisfaction of realizing that tb f.Y. ! c.il center of Lutheran teaching is at Ims rithi r :i biilVt hole tsti,-n i'f .::: kin 1 in it. showing. 1 ' ' ' " 1 w ro tuur.lered. Pennsylvania College at Gettysburg '' "' " ' ?i . re nearly all jst as if to prove to the world that rf'" ' r "". who were i Lutheranism was the fore runner of w,,vln.,l and mi, ,i f r their money by American freedom as established bv some of out! i-.vs. What story the arbitramtnt of the sword on the writer coin,! navo itaiim -ine.l such a field of battle at Gt tt vbbunr. 1'l.ice aaiobir a civilized neonle I l..t,T,rri-.,;. rn i. .i - 1 - - . . . . . wv..vu ' kAcnvi, increased in all of its departments within tLe past few years. The pros pects of a large accession of new etu dnts baa caueod the projection of a new building at the cost of not less than fifty thousand dollars to be be gun at once. To the student of his tory, of civilization, aud religion there is an inspiration to be received from tho classic! halls of Pennsylvania College, and from tho surrounding historic ground that cannot be re ceived any where else in America A C'liii'viO Alderman, latt week, is sited invitations to a number of friend.-, who had been kind to his wife, deceased, to come to his house snd partake of a feast. Tho friends atteuded. A lare number of unin viUd people, rouud-abont acquain taneesof the Alderman also attended The feast was turned into revelry. There were all kinds of amusement in dulled in, with music and dancing. It wjs the t,ext thr g to an old fashioned Irish w:ike which it is said invariably wound up witii a tight. I - :LiSlAt. I VfT"? 55, llttAtiE EiliKS S-ci f st, c JLS9 Tl"EE Tirir, tt.ia&is By the Devils Den. Panl II. RiveK. n rrivaia writli Is an address delivered before the arm, belonjnnsr to the Twentv third Minneapolis Convention of t h e orth Carolina regiment, had stoppd Knights of Ibor, General Master Workman Towderly spoke as follows on the question of Foreign paupers ccniiLg to America: '-I am utterly opposed to a'.I form" of pauper emi gration and to agreatdcalofemigra tion pure and simple. I think a halt i"ht to be called cn emigration tin- over here to see the place at which he l ad lost his arm. J. F. Jone, of the Twelfth Massachusetts, had come here to see and be present at the re-union Jones had Lis left cheek bone torn away by a shot at tbe Devil's Deu and he pointed to where he had lain among the rocks and fired. While doing this Rives approached and standing out among the trees remarked in a casnal Th Allentnwn Democrat remarks "We wouln'ut trust a man near a hen house who would order a nearnpaper stopped through a post luaster when he is in arrears. It is a cowardlv way ol refusing to pay an hon est debt." Lives there a tuan with sonl so dead who never to himself hath said 'I'll psy before 1 go to bed the debt I owe tha prin ter?' Yes, there are some we know full well, who never such a tale wnnld toll, bnt they, we tear, will go to well, tbe place whero there's no winter." The board of Commissioners in Berks county bava discovered that a number ot tax collectors last antumn, speedily collect ed tbe tix immediately npon the receipt of the tax duplicate, and then pnt the money out at interest lor their own benefit instead of paying it ovtr to the county Treasury. Luray and Hie .tatural Itrlosre. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company's weeaiy excursions to Luray will undoubted ly prove the most accepUole trips tbat our people can take tor a lew davs or pleasant outiug. If one goes for tbe trip alone he will be amply repaid, but when the aur passing wonders of the Caves are thrown in as it were, the destre togo is irresistable. Th, Pattnt. tf T r . kuii; lurm one ot tbe won ders of tho world. Even so far as they have been explored they ,Und at tbe bead of all known cave, and there is Tot s boundless underground district int., which no man Las ever ventured entrance. Luray itwit is a qusint old town, snd the country surrounding it is rich in hiatoncsl "Sf"1"""- I was the theatre of some of the most brilliant BghUnS r he w, I. 11- ".ICE .50 " d-- u rta box. For couaj iee iiif. rrna cm. lcTfptave I'aa I'll! ft, w.iii tc-.nDouit.a, T- c 3 ':' iali droawisitas. If iTie or cthrr in ().: iu p itioti turaiaui it in yon. do mt be pr r-.i U to utr m:)-th:t:i; ), l.ut api ly dirert tn th 4 -Ti-rt An- :N I'KAFI.r K. llKOS. O. sVlli tit t2 1 aMarkC iSLar-zsBi, I'liUmaelpkaia. PARKER & CO., Main Stbeet, MirFLrsTowx. Penxa Transact a general banting busi ness. Discount daily. Accounts of firms, individuals and corporations solicited. Four per cent, interest allowe-J on twelve months' certificates. April 20-'87. Kstte of ISAAC KOft'EK, deceased. Tbe undersigned appoin ted Auditor by tbe Orphan's Court of Janiaia Co., to pass upon the exceptions to the first and final account ot James Berjry, Kxecuior of Isaac Bowers, deceaed. late of the borough ol Thoiupsoniown, and to make distribution ot the baianca found to be in his banas, to and among tbe parties entitled thereto, hereby gives notice tbat he will attend to tbe duties ot said appointment, at i is oflice in aiiniin'own, on Saturday Ju!v 16. Ibtii. at 10.-30 o'clock a. m., when and where all parties interested must attend, or forever thereafter be debarred from coming in upon said fund. F. M. M. FEN N KI.L, Auditor. MitUintown, Pa , Cnaf 16, lbS7. D ISSOLUTION NOTICE. THE N9YE fEED MILL for Farmers and Planters. Been tried and tested for over 53 "STescrs and never found wanting. Grinds thor oughly and rnpidly Corn, TVheat, Feed, Plaster, Coal, Coffee, Salt, ttpiceu, etc. E".1t opAratad. Rqnlre little power. Does not getuutof orCer. &l buxlt and bat grinder on earth. Fast Link leaves Pbiidelphia daily at hi) n tn ' Harripihifti-ir 3 fl m . Un,n i w V" p in , licwibiu w o 3 p m ; Altoona YOU will Want to buy from ! 8 10 p m ; arrives at 1'ittsburg st 1 1 55 p m. . . 1 r' WT ASfmcER leaves Philadelphia CUT new ailU Complete StOCK Ol j daily at 1 30 a. m.; Harrisburg, 8 15 a. m.; .... ! Duncanuon, b 54 a. m.; Newport, 91 a. SVIUNG iT SLAIuLK 1 m' Mrstowo, S 4Ja. m.;Thompsontown, u !- 62 a. iu.; Van Dyke, lo u(J a. m.; Tuscar ora, 10 U a. iu.; Mexico, 10 07 a. ui.; Port Koya!, 10 13 a. iu.; Mifflin, 100 a. in.; suuora, 10 o a. ui.; Narrows, 10 a4 a. m.; G O O I S. Our I)rvss floods DeDUrtment LeUton, 10 40 a. in.; McVeytown. 11 It . , a. m.; N'ewton Uaiuiltou, 11 a. iu.; llaa- loii t tingaou, ii u p. m.; 1'jroiie, 1 04 p. :n.; is full to oversowing, miss the bargains, we ii to come in and see for yourself. i . , 1 1, j . ,, , - -i . ni,uwu. tj v. ui., ana slop ai ail rt-VJl&r 1111.13 llic u,uuic, ,, j " sialic ions between Uarrisburg aud Altooua. OrtTia ExriiM leaves 1 bilale!i.hi dai ly at 5 40 p. in., liarrisburr. 10 -IS n. is.. i YOU Call be Suited With Our low tlliEg at KocWville, Marysville, Daucaa- ,. . uou, Newport, Millerstown, Thompsontown, priced drCSS goods Ol all the Port Koyal, time at Mitlliu, 11 6li a. iu.; Al- i1 . , j v." . a toona, 2 liO s. tn., and Pittsburg, C 10 a.m. i liewe Shades. ICU may Want Mail Tbai- leaves Phila.Ulpuia daily at ! something in Black and Color- 1 Black and Colored FlnK mt a11 regular stations between Mirtlin : aud Altoona reaches Altoona t 3 xi) n We have them. '. t-ittburg b.o p. m. HE JOHN T. NOYE MTG CO.. BUFFALO N. Y. ed Silks, Ca.-limeres. Call for what you want. complete in the county. PENNSYLVANIA COLLEGE, TT'OU.IDEDIN 1832. Larg F.cultv. Two - mil courses of studyClassical and bcieutific. SpecUl courses in all depart ments. Observatory and labor a t o r i e s. Three large buildings. Libraries 22,000 volumes. Expenses low. Accessible by r,rt""In' R''r"d traina. Location, on the BATTLE-FIELD of Gettyabura-. most piess- ant and healthy. I'reparistorr Ie- parlnienl. in separate building, lor Z- IMl rUDK men preparing for business or College, nnder spec ial care of the Prin cipal, and two assistants, residing with stu dents in the building. Fall term opens 5P 8, 1887. For Catalogues, address n. W. JJclvMGUT, D. V., President, or 11 U BEE G. BUCKLER, A. St., . Principal. ISofre is hereby given lint the pirtner ship bertoford exislin j between llii un- aersiguea in ine AlarKel Uar bcinnes-i, was disnlved by rau'iial conscut. on thj I3ih 1sy of Jane lfl7, by the w.ttrlrawsl of F. F Rohm Ironj the same. Tbe business will be herealter conduc -i bv T. J. Moyer, who is alone responsible for the ssnie.- F. F. ROH f . T.J. MOTER. Patterson, Pa., July 6, 18e7-8t. ADMINISTRATRIX'S SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. By virtue of an order issued out of the urpDans-court of Juniata county, the un nersignea, Administratrix of the estato of ruias w one, deceased, will ejnose at rtub- lic sale, on tbs yremises, in Susquehanna "wuBuip, junia-a county, at 1 o'clock P. THURSDAY, AUGUST 25, 1887, The following described real estate, vis A tract of land bounded on the north by lands of Maria Dressier and Unri. ir s n Dres!er; east, by lands of W. (J. 8traw ser; south, by lands of S O. Dressier, and west by lands of Jacob G. Dressier, con taining FORTY-FITE ACRES, more or less. About Thirty Acres Cleared, and under cultivation, ncd the balance wooaiar.a. i be improvements consist of s i.arge r rame weather-boarded DWELLING HOUSE, BANK BARN and other ouf-buildini,. There are also various kinds of fruit treoa on the premises. TERMS: Ten per cent, casb when the property is struck down, snd the ba'ance on the first day of April, 183S, when deed and possession will be given. EMMA J. WOLFE, - , . Administratrix. Jaly 13, 1887. Caution notice. Altooxa AccoMuanATioH leaves Phil adelphia daily at 11 50 a. in.. Uarrubur at OUR SHOE DEPARTMENT li9::, ... .. , rl, ... , Thompsontown 5.5G p. in., Vsu-Jyke 5.41 OU Will find One Ot the mutt j p. m.. Tuscarora 6.S p. in., Mexico 5,5.) r. rp, j m- i o" rtoyal o,&4 p. m.f Mitiliu 0,00 p 1 lie j m., Lewiatown H,23 p. ui., McVeytown o'- ; boot- and .hoes that we sell j "V a m- this season have ail improved I PaciCa Expressleaves Philadelphia 11 i , ii i ,l a 11 4i - iPmS liarrislvurg 3 10 a m ; Duncninon sole and heel that adds to their ;oa am; Newport 401 am; aiumn! '. I wearing quality. Don't mi, j TL . ? Xl'iXZX 20 a tn ; Petersburg 6 36 a m ; Spruce Ore. . iC4Sain; Tyrone 7 07 a m ; Bell's Milk We have Men's Fine Shoes at ! m 5 Altoona b 05 . m 5 pittsbut ; u 4b p m. prices that Will astonish VOU, OUr Sea Miore Express east, on Sundavs, I Wl11 connect with Sunday Mail eisl Ioavibj stock of Ladies' Shoes can not Uairisburg at 1 15 p. m.' Wiv Passeilfrer w.,t btiiI M.ll ..... Ilow IjOMt, How ISctoreu !be surpassed in the county. stoP at LctUOw aud Pouruiana sprmt . . , , , , . . m 1 1 "-e-ft. jnsi pni.iisneo, a new eamon 01 UK. n t-tl- ia oil fVol. Un CULVER WELL'S CELEBRATED ESS AT wul .o ssiSMSswiiifif 1 rt 1 ml, frt gVTWWSt WBii 'A them. on tbr raitul csri ol t perhatdrrbi or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Seminal Losses, Impotemct, Mental and Physical Incapacity, Inisediments to Marriage, etc.: also, CoasraPTioa, Epilepst and Fits, in duced by self-indulgence, or sexual eitrsv spsnce, .c. Tbe celebrated author, in this sdmirable essay, clearly deiuonftrates from a thirty years' successful prsctice, tbat the alarm iDf! consequences of self abuse may be rod ically cured ; pointing out a mode of curt, at onre simple, certain, and effectual, by means ol wnicn every sutterer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure biui self cheaply, privately and radically. Sent under sonl, in a plain envelope, to any address, pott-paid, on receipt of four cents or two postage stamps. Address CULVER tVEL? MEDICAL CO., 1 Ann St., New Tork.N.Y.; Oct. 8-8C Post-Oflice Box 450. Private Sale. A llf persons are hereby cautioied against hr.ntinfr or Sshina: on the proj .rty of me nndersigned in Ksyette township, as tbe tresspass laws wili. be enforced. i Ephbaui Dusk. Tbs undersigned will sell at private sale, a farm of acres, in Millord tnwuship, midway between Mini in and Port Royal, along- the railroad. The land ia nearly 'all cleared and tillable, watered by a spring. Tbe land is underlaid with iron ore near the surface. Sloping- to the sun, it is a desira ble situation lor fruit growing, especially peaches. The improvements are a good bouse, and bai,k barn, all kinds of f ruit and a peach orchard of six hundred trees just coming into bearing. 1 will sell it for sev. en hundred dollars. For Further particu lars call on, or address Macbicb Lioxiid, Oakland Mills. Juniata County, Pa. March 18, 186T, If. 3EAB0DY HOTEL and sold at prices that will sur prise vou. We have on hand a full line of Fresh, Plain and Fancy GROCERIES. Also, the only full line of QUEENS WARE in the county. Every house must have its lull supply of Queens and Glassware, this is the store to call on for such ar ticles. All orders by mail will re ceive prompt attention. Remember the place, Maw Stueet. Oppositz Court Horse, Mi mint own, pa., Frederick ESPENSCHADE. Nirth St., south of Chestnnt, one square south of the New post Office, one-ball square from Walnut St. Theatru and iu the ery business centre of the r.itv. On ,h American and European plans. Good rooms wc a.OU per dir. Kemodeled and newly furnkhed. W. PAINE, M. D-, ' Owner and Proprietor. k, ioe-4, ty DSlNES 5YRUP CURES Coughs Subscribe f' tha Senhncl .nd A,,mMjfa LKW1STOWN DIVISION. Traius leave Lewistown Junction for Mil roy at 6 35 a m, 10 65 a m, 3 15pm; lo Sunbury at 7 15 a m, 3 tO p ni. Trains arrive at Lewistown Junction fron Milroy at 9 00 a m, 1 2i pm, 4 0 p m ; iron. Sunbury at 9 25 a iu, 4 10 p in. TYRONE DIVISION. Traius leave Tyrone for Bellefonte as Lock Haven at 8 10 a m, 7 16 p tn. Leav , Tyroue lor Curweuaville and Clearfield a 8 20 a tu, 3 05 p iu,7 25 p ni. Traius leave Tyrone tor Warriors Mark, Pennsylvania Furnace and Scotia at 9 20 a m and 4 30 p m. i rains arrive at Tyrone from Bellefonte and Lock Uavcn at 12 05 p in, and 6 37 p tn. Trains arrive at Tyrone from Curwens ville and ClearUeld at 6 68 a tu, and 1 1 45 s ni, o 1 p nj. Traius arrive at Tyrone from Sco:ia, War riors Mark and Pennsylvania Furnace at C 68 a m, at 2 p in. U. &- B. T. R. R. & BEDFORD DIVISION Trains leave Huntingdon lor Bedford Hynduian and Cumberland at 8 25 a. ni and 6 35 ax. Trains arrive at Huntingdon from Bee ford, Hyudman aud Cumberland at 12 1 p. m., 6 20 p. ru. HOLL1DA YSBUKG BRANCH. i or'"5 leaVe A1,oon for points South, i 7 -0 a no. 8 25 s m. 2 00 p m. 5 00 v tu. t 00 p m., 9 50 p ni. 1 Trains arrive at Altoona from poin' Sontb, at 6 60 a tn. 11 35 a m. 6 65 p m. ; W P m. , 25 i. ru. and 10 35 p in. McKiilips & Co's. Planing Mill, I'ort Royal l'tnua. MANl'rACTL'RERS Or Ornamental Porticos, Bracket aud Scroll Work. DOORS. SASH, BLLVDS, SIDING. MOI LDIXGS, I LOOKIXCS Also, dealers in shingles, latb, and ira. lumber of every description. Country lumber worked to order. O aers by mail promptly attended to. A "IUW snouia be sent to. McKILLIPS t CO., , Port Royal, P. I r SENT wr. ? nlwrH In advst: per Transi- nmn, 1 0 Deduct to advfr-. year. J ).' Tte -: " "lay c i: ;. ..;:;- Jar. L, '. ! par.;.-!. A. if. .V Tl'-.::.n-.: I : ' t-. V." A in I.i .- J.C . - J T. "..-.r 1 1 - i -- 'A 1 0 H t:,.- ; t;.- e l . J . ii : t'.T . f ri i r . i : ! . r. t: vt ! T ; c- w:. - i 7 T. ': ' - - i I: - - 'f . r t i" T . : ... . (,.-.'- 1 .r: : : ., -M r : . ": 'i J-j i. l-:;..or, r. : I r . . -r . i. : ' J. 1 I..' rr II, 'v ' - 1 ' : I' .-. I f 4r'; o! J.lv i" lllih l.irth .!i t):i tl..- ,-v,.R b.tnd ru- r I. June h McC i. (."., Pbilad liomi' c f his j a J:inir lVnn from C!'f'l''M isp fur -i ti nil u Th" Moxir-' 1 t'Vil Ml tilt" A'.I sr- i llrrrlint Ha thret tiuiis i it as fair .iiiin '' It is ro; r:.-i'. in j ay in- 'I'"' dtT cunty. a Gri-.c-ryn. tave 1 i-er. ' L a lunera! uf a r it i th-- ri age o! K and the i..u;(.Ti'y at Job a M'?o "! i.i-i:t era. i. Mr. Mg- i'5?5?f?T'n(iM.i.,i