Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, June 15, 1887, Image 3

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inn J1.00 per annnm ll paid
"iT,nfV Liertisementa inserted at 60
I"2f5La ifor ch motion.
-": r. ,.;., noticrs in locmi co.
I Tt"" " iin for each insertion.
1 .irrill N made to those desiring
' Ti glorious
4th of Ju!j-
T1, Cherry crop
The Jo"
ill be small one.
load did not fill the river bank
peach crop promies to be
lands cigars cost 20cts.
lies like crows fly in
4!relT there are prea.c. -
c Bcrop-
The Acsdemy closed its summer term
.-yroarf" last weskwete pronounced as
Grt ready for an old fashionea un oi
t A. 11
j n(4;h(rfja!rrererhss oros.ru om. su
fc-erth- cenntry.
yHMfl.hers are patiently waning lor
B-iiaf" ramblers have strnck coffee.
HMtirsMon will have a circus next on-
!it. the 2,h rvnf-
i T?rT tfTi:,h corkurrews and cheviot sriit.a
VdIt I1A.2S at Scbott's.
ThMtndfit's, who are away at school
Tn( Bice Lw are knorking the sports
fr. Tnrkoit nf time.
Tb jrarrcs will soon have fine time
mi wi wet werher in Jnne has not
"ttn known in many T,'
! in endleiw diplar of dot's knee pants
tt Annie Connor, of Clearfield, is vis
Itir bw mother in Fa'teron .
Mftchsnt Schott is having a nice porch
' iMd to bis p'c of residence.
? The whit btrreit is projrressing south
; H toe SStb depe north latitude.
1 W are WM1 o Representative- Var
; tit for vaintble pub'ic documents.
I - I-
K JkoB Taoms- as ki".'
If ,vhmr.g tock east last week.
T lite pell of wet weather gave fhe
j., corn t chance to come forward.
Tine will be a free lunch for all on the
ViofJsly o Court Hone Square.
Hymikics,corn working and wheat har-
Itrtit (iaw rt all together this season.
Wm. How and wife of Tyrone are Tisit
1 Sr. and Mrs. Jesse ITowe of this place,
leol bauieM brir pi Wra. S ponsler Esq.,
I. fKooEJe'.d, quitw freiuently to this place.
AtticbfTOf horxt buyers were in the
cBBttlist week buxing lor eaatern mar-
A scitbtT of cen of pronounced musical
i abity have orfruiiied a cornet band in this
A jAvMciaa must now register in every
touty that he practise?, so says an ex
dtcge. Colorado bep growers, feed five ounces
sfcorasday, to each sheep daring the
1 Tie Eepnb'ikan State Convention will
BM at Harrisbnrg, on the l"th day of
"A Xew Hampshire woman 101 years
eM li reported as Laving the whooping
The Petitivlvstiia State College Cora
amccmeiit week, Jane 26th to June 30th,
A very choice seioction of men's and
boy'i (eerfuckor coats and vests only $1.50
at Schotti.
Lewiitown merchants have agreed to close
their stores at 7 o'clock in the eTemng dcr
iat the summer.
A ban or; in musician with a monkey,
claimed the attention of the little folks in
twn on Monday.
Tie Synod of the Reformed Chnrch of
America bis adopted resolutions denonnc-
izf Tnt Esuonry.
J- E. llcCahen, is announced among the
Democratic brethren as a candidate for
Cocrty Chairman.
rs. E.hrim Rinnels and Mrs. Uriah
Gnu, of Port Royal, have gone west of the
oonouins to visit triends.
lot eomiLg school tt-nn for the borough
pah schools has been fixed bv the board
of director! t seven montbs.
me members of Locu-t Orove Literary
Society held their lait meeting for this
a on last Friday evening.
1 t r
itrmeri aesir.nz to buy horse rkes
t,-. j .. . " J
:aunonCol. Wm. Bell, as he has
gowj ones for sie at the present
awm H.qrfl aollsrs have been subscrib-
to sink a well in Sh-.ver's Creek Valley
HantiKgdun county, to find coal oil, or nat
"Simeon Nelson nhot three persons dead
""ffded a fourth, and committed
neM Huron, Dakota, over a diapnt
4 r claim.
A church sociable will be bald at the
Preabyterian Parsonage on Thursday even
Samuel Sieher, of Walker township, ar
rived home last Saturday, from a trip to
Kansas. Be is sttiaded that Juniata is a
good enough place to live in.
Jacob Sharp, the New Tork boodler is
going to get through if lawyers can help
him. He has twenty of the legal fraternity
to help him through the court.
Itch Pravrit Mangt, aad Scrmtcktt ot
every kind cured in 30 minutes by Wool
ford't Sanitary Lotion. Use no other. Sold
by L. Banks and Co., Druggist, HifBintown,
Fa. tf
We are indebted to some one unknown
to us, for Kanaas papers containing an ac
count of the proceedings o f the Brethren's
National Conference held at Ottawa, Kan
sas. There is a cordial invitation extended to
old and young to come to Mifflintown on
the 4th of Jnly and colebrate the 111th an
niversary of the declaration of Indepen
dence. If your lightning rod needs to be put in
a state of repairs. Call on J. M. McDonald.
If yon have no rod on your building Mc
Donald will give Ton the required 'rod pro
The town of Vernome, in Turkestan, was
almost destroyed by an earthquake last
week. One hundred and twenty persona
were killed and a proportionate number
were injured.
When you come to town on the 4th of
Ju'y yon need not wonder where something
to eat is to come from, a free lunch will be
served from Court House square to all who
ill come.
Last Thursday, County Treasurer, John
Copeland received a fifty pound catfish,
from his son William who lives at Burling
ton, Iowa. Several hundred people called
to aee the fish.
Don't neglect the roof of your house.
There is nothing known that will preserve
a roof so well as red slate roof paint, for
particulars address J. Miller McDonald,
Mifflintown Pa.
Eev. T. J. Sberrard of Honeybrook,
Cheater county, while on bis wsy to the
Western part ot the state, last week, so
jontned two days in tbis place as the guest
of Mrs. Irwin and family.
The Commencement exercises of the
Bordentown (N. J ) Female College con
tiuue from the 10th to the 23rd inst. Miss
Minnie Strayer, daughter of Samuel Strayer,
is a member of the college.
The rack pinches harder in its effort to
find out who is responsible for the failure
of the revenue bill. Was it a mUtake that
it was not signed, or was it purposely not
signed T that's the question.
Heirs of Thomas Benner, late of Walker
township, deceased, will sell three tracts of
aluable real-estate in Fayette township,
on Saturday, July 23rd, at 10 o'clock A.
For particulars see bills,
hirty years ago, one minute after 12 o'
clock in the morning of the 1th of July, all
the bells on public buildings were rung. It
wis a custom that had been handed down
from the grand-fathers of 1776.
The Attorney General has decided that
the recent act of Assembly exempting pleas
ure carriages, watches and household furni
ture from all taxation goes into effect at
once, and relieves them from taxation for
1897." .
It is astoniabing how a coat of suitable
paint preserves the roof of a bouse or barn.
Tou want to be certain of the kind of paint
oa put on your building. J. M. McDon
ald has thd paint, that a tin or wooden
roof requires.
The meed of merit for promoting per
sonal comliness, is due to J. C. Ayer It Co.,
whose Hair Vigor is a universal beautider
of the hair. Harmless effective and agree
able, it ranks among the indispensable
toilet articles.
A storm, on the "th inst., 10 miles west
of Salina, Kansas destroyed the dwelling
of John Johnston. The family escaped by
being in the celler. Several barns In that
neighborhood were demolished and trees
beyond number were uprooted.
The Roman Catholics in the United States
number 7,000.000. The Methodists come
next in number, with 4,532,6o8 communi
cants. The Baptists next with 3,727,207.
Th. Prebvtenans with 1.082,436. The
Lutherans next with 930,830.
Judge Lawrence, of the New York Su
preme Court, last week, decided that liquor
cannot be sold in New Tork City on sun
day, without a license and as Sunday is not
;noiMrfH in the license law. the selling oi
wine or other liquors is not lawfuL
Ayer's Hair Vigor is a universal beauti-
fier. Harmless, effective, ana agreeaoie, it
has taken high rank among toilet articles.
Tbis preparation causes tbin and weak hair
to become abundant, strong, and healthy
and restores to gray hair its naual coior.
During laat Friday and Saturday, one
train load after another in regular success
ion, ot out irom wuiw mi" "
it k. .ohmIaA it.H
eiea into ine ceiiar ij .
when the west side of the Patterson House
wss taken away to make way for more track
Mrs. Thompson, wife of Charles Thomp
son, deceased, late of Mexico, died on Sun-
dv morninr. at 4 o'clock. If she naa liv
ed till the day oi her funeral,
mvr starts in earlv with clond
"M in another rnlnmn of Viaa A
mT?? l C,'"Ml bur8,s J"b"town
sn!r n B' St'De P1"' from Dickin-
E" niMeron the Altoon.
Methodist Circuit.
Aa adit from ,he end ofth- coun.
,medtheattenlionofUwvtrg .a
--mi as citizens from
h'P Jys last week.
lev bhD'of Tucror. Val-
,Pi,l,h'c"rt a visi, on Monday
t... .... "mng, oi Y,
-"eoay recently
Lack town-
produced 80
she would
have been 72 years old. The funeral took
nUr at 2 o'clock on Tuesday. Interment
in the Mexico Cemetery.
A meeting of the friends of tbe Tnscaro-
ra Valley Harvest Home Association
be held on Pannebaker's Island, at 5 o'clock
sham on Saturday afternoon, .une 18, 18
87, to elect officers and set the time for the
annual meeting. A. J. t ieocso?,
A. B. Neelt, Sec'tv, President.
t? cn.cin r.iniment removes all
liOaa uiyw'iH
Hard. Soft, or Calloused Lumps and Blen
ishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs,
c ..';. cswonnev. Rinebone, StiBes,
Snrains. Swellings, etc. Save $50 by
of one bottle. Warranted. Sold
Banks t Co., Druggist, Mifflintown Pa.
The Mayor of Philadelphia announces
that the coming 4th of July celebration
must be without fireworks and nre-craca
s;-nrfea and fire-crackers are too
dangerous to be used in tbe town, and tb
noise and confusion attending their explo
sion is almost intolerable to a Urge class of
citizens, and tbev are the terror of all worn
ankind who pass along the streets that day
tt...-. i. nA t.trirt in the United States
of the size of the mountain girt county
Juniata, that contains so many peopl
a.-aa thn Revolutionary father
of 1776. With rare exceptions the men
women and children one meets are descend
e i from the patriots, who established the Be-
kl.-. TI. K,ti- Tnr these ErSIlU wu
by L.
1ns of miit , Proouceo. flu public. How htting lor iue
PiM t the m ' . r,eun "I""' and one j great grand children of the men who threw
off British rule to celebrate the 4th of Jnly.
Jack Smith, as he was commonly called
by the boys, a lad of 10 years, son of Rev
Mr. Smith, who a few years ago preached
for the Methodist congregation in this place.
had a leg crushed by freight cart at Hunt
ingdon, last Saturday. Boys will take the
risk of jumping cars. The penalty they pay
Is fearful to think of.
Anti-Poverty-Society Henry George is
lecturing at the rate of $50 a night, which
is all right enough if people will pay that
to him out of their own funds, but what an
inconsistent fellow he is, in not practicing
what he preaches, he has never been known
to equalise, and share his fifty dollars with
people who earned nothing that night.
On Saturday night a week about 9 o'clock
as A. M. Barrier and family, of Oriental
were returning from a visit to a friend's
bouse, they found their bam in flames.
They were near enough to get to the barn
and turn out the live stock. The door of
the bouse had been forced open by a grub
bing boe, bot nothing more than bread was
taken from it.
Tbe corner stone of Emanuel's Evangel
ical Lutheran Church, at Thompsontown
will be laid with appropriate ceremonies,
on June 19th at 10 a. Rev. A. H.
Spangles-, of Port Boyal, President of Cen
tral Pennsylvania Synod of the Evangeli
cal Lutheran Church, has consented to
preach the sermon on the occasion. Neigh
boring pastors and tbe community general
ly are cordially invited to attend.
Mrs. Soda, of Jericho Mills was thrown
out of her spring wagon, on Main
street on Wednesday, by tbe sudden
turning of the horse. Tbe seat or the wa
gon went with her and covered her
Irom sftht. The horse seemed unconscious
of the mischief he had done by his sudden
turning and stood quietly while Mrs. Soda
was taken from under the wagon seat and
from between the wheels of the vehicle.
Captain Hinkle escorted the old lady into
his store where ahe sat and recovered from
the fright that had overtaken her by tbe
The Indian and bis communistic way of
living is rapidly disappearing. Henry
George and Dr. McOlynn of New Tork City
should hasten to bis rescue. What fine
big "Inguns" George and the Dr. woild
make. Arise, and whoop ye Indian braves,
George and the Doctor, for the Washington
government seems to be seriously contem
plating the breaking np of tbe Indian com
munistic system of holding tbe land in
common. President Cleveland und.r an
act of Congres seems to be about to stake
the land off in to plots, so much for each
Indian, and with that proprietorship conler
citizenship. On tbe 7 th, a water-spout west of Hoover
ville, Somerset county, did great damage
to Hoovorville. The town was entirely un
der water, the destruction of property can
not as yet be estimated. Twenty houses
were washed off their foundation walls.
One hundred families lost everything and
fled to the hills for personal safety. Tbe
water ran in a great wave along tbe streams
carrying all bridges before it, and spread
itself over that part of Johnstown built on
the level land. A great deal of damage
was done to property in Johnstown. Mrs.
J. D. Morrell and Colonel Cooper died from
tbe effects of excitement caused by tbe wa
ter flooding the lower story of their respec
tive bouses.
Tbe Committee of Arrangements have
not yet quite perfected their programme
for the celebration of tbe glorious 4th, but
thin a day's time all things will be ready
for announcement. Give a day to the cel
ebration of the memory of the deeds of tbe
great great grand-fathers, who gave us tbis
oodly political heritage. While tbe pop
ulation of Juniata is made up almost exclu
sively of people who are descendants of tbe
patriots of 1776, it has a sprinkling of
worthy foreigners, for whom, tbe patriots
said, this country should be a place of ref
uge and sslety, foreigners who have come
to the Republic to make it their home and
who are helping to bear the cares of their
respective districts. They are cordially in
vited to participate in the Jubilee on the
From tbe Newport News: A confidential
irele in Buffalo twp., periodically search
or a keg of gold. A light at certain times
directs Ibem to tbe spot where tbe bidden
treasure lies in tbe earth. A few nights
ago tbey dug a bole in the ground Urge
enough to bury a baby elephant, and just
as one of tbe number was about to lay his
hands on the precious mineral tbe Qevii
stepped up behind him. The man's wife
waa c resent and fearing that her husband
might be translated to shoel if he touched
tbe keg sbe cried out that tbe devil was pre
paring to snatch him baldheaded, atd be
hould let the gold go. He "letergo" in-
.i.ntlv and of course tbe opportunity to
vet wealthy In baste a9 without work pass
ed. It will not come again until the light
appears favorably.
McMeen tbe unfortunate young man
nnar U in tail, under sentence oi
desth, can count without mucu mem..
v.rt th mir.ntes that intervene between
his life and the time fixed for his hanging
the jail yard in this place on tbe
23rd day of this month, which will be Thurs
day of next week. How his lawyers wm
succeed belore the pardon board next
Tuesday remains to be learned, but if they
do not succeed better than on previous oc-
wMoon'a honrs in this world
not be many. His lawyers nave meao
long hard fight for him. First, tbey strug
gled bard for him before the jury ; Second,
tbey made almost a desperate effort for a
new trial : Third, they appeeiea hi mo on
. - -1..
nM.m Court : Fourth, tney again fp
!.. Snnmma Court, out an wuuoui
IV aaaiw w r
Next Tuesday's effort for him will
fifth one.
To secure more track room the tekgraph
-c -nt r.i Irn.d offices. UCSet OIUCO;
baggage office, restuarsnt ana ainwg room
.11 lorated on the west side of the Patter
son House were quietly taken away last
Wednesday and Thursday. The work pre-
. . .mnal had been going on tbe
paraiifi 3 w - .
month. A new tower waa '-"-
the northwest corner of the main building
v., ynnation at the right time, in
m.nt'a notice. A space wide enough
ct r .rnenters. plasterers and painters,
was then cut between the main part of the
.nd the Dart of the building tnai
....rf. .rwthe building had
to remain
been cut in two," the workmen just men
tinni out windows and doors in tne
road side ol that part of the house that yet
stands, where plastering was needed, plas
tering was done, and
...intor finished it all.
.v.- i.r.i touch rut upon it, that part
kn.n nearest the railroad was
en down en the days stated and there stood
.k. r.-t of the house with a fine irom,
... u . iw. Mu-nraized as a Tamil-
wbicn wouiu i - . o-
. t,t mark bv any cmien
saj tautav
been awsy from borne on'y aXcw days
The act repealing the taxes on watches,
furniture and pleasure carriages, which
was passed by tbe. Legislature at its last
session, wss approved by Governor Beaver,
on May 18th. The bill in full U as foUows :
Section 1. Be it enacted, etc, That all
taxes for whatsoever purpose laid, upon
watches, household furniture and pleasure
csrriages by and under the revenue laws of
this Commonwealth be and the same are
hereby abolished, and the laws under which
sail taxes are levied and collected, so far
as they relate to the property herein men
tioned, are hereby repealed.
Citizens' 4th f July Meetlns;.
be tbe
Pursuant to a call a number of citizens
assembled in the Court House on Friday
evening, at 8 o'clock, to make arrangements
for celebrating the 4th of July with a prop
er, and old-time demonstration.
There were not many of them and they
did not exactly know what to do, being, we
suppose, all too modest to make a move to
organise tbe meeting.
Representative Martin and citizen Jacob
Will were having a discussion as to the time
the Court Mouse was built, and neither of
them was positive as to the date. Mer
chant Hackenberger was seated in the Court
Crier's chair, aad it was with difficulty he
could be restrained from shouting, "Fresh
fish!" Editor Allison was sitting on his
back with his feet on a level with his face,
resing his pedal extremities on the marble
top of the beater register, alongside of Rev.
Berry's white, stove-pipe hat. Dr. Rogers
was crouched up in a front seat, looking as
if he was afraid that something might at
tack him, but he raised the courage neces
sary to ask what tbe wires running along
the ceiling to remedy the bad acoustic prop
erties of the audience chamber were for.
He was informed by some wag in tbe room
that they were turkey roosts. Few citizens
making tbeir appearance, Hackenberger
was ordered to ring tbe bell by the talking
patriots of the meeting. He did so, and
continuing tor several minutes longer than
is usual, Commissioners Clerk Loudon
made his appearance and insisted that tbe
ringing stop. Perhaps be was fearful of a
reprimand from tbe Commissioner. Pro
thonotary Meminger, merchant J. W. Kirk
and a few others remained quiet. Dr. San-
do, fearful that some one might be sic k
and needing physic, hastened from the
Inquiries were made for ex-Sheriff J. W.
Hamilton, the prime mover of tbe proposed
old -time-4th-ol -July demonstration, but he
was not present.
After several attempts, Dr. Rogers in a
very meek and I'm-af raid-so meone-will-hit-
me manner moved that Wm. Allison be
Chairman of the meeting. Tbe motion was
seconded and Allison waa made Chairman.
W. J. Jackuian was nominated for Secre
tary of the meeting, when Allison recover
ed from tbe surprise at being elected Presi
dent, and said, "Dontwsnt it! Won't have
t-" The Secretary business was immedi
ately dropped.
Congressmsn L. E. Atkinson was nomi
nated for Chairman, but he promptly de
clined the honor, saying, be probably would
be from hone during the demonstration,
and he did not think it proper for anyone
to serve who would take no part in tbe cel
ebration. AI. Hackenberger said, "That
didn't make any difference, we want some
body to be President to-nigbt." The Dr's.
decisioi stood. - .
Recorder Berry wss then nominated, but
promptly declined, saying, the order of the
evening was to decline and he would not
have the Chairmanship shoved on him.
The meeting became quiet for several
minutes. Tbey had run out of material for
Squire McCrum waa slowly coming down
the north aisle, when Merchant Heck made
the discovery that he was a new man, and
be was nominated and elected Chairman
before be could find a seat. And the Squire
entirely ignorant of the fact that be wi
man chosen for a place that three men bad
declined to fill, took the chair, and said
There is one satisfaction in being Chair
man of a meeting, yon are excused from
serving on any or all committees. I thank
yon for the honor."
J. W. Kirk was chosen Secretary, and
took his place alongside of the Chairman,
with an air of modesty very becoming.
Tbe Chairman stated that he supposed all
were familiar with tbe object of the meeting
and that he was nnder tbe impression that
it was for tbe purpose of making arrange
ments for sn old fashioned 4th of July dem
onstration, and that it would be impossible
to do that without contributions from tbe
public He also stated that it was neces
sary to elect a Treasurer. -
T. V. Irwin and Shelly Klosj were nom
inated for Treasurer. A vote was taken
and the Chairman announced that Mr. Kloss
waa elected Treasurer of tbe 4th of July
The names of the committee on arrange
ments as presented by W. J. Jackman are
as follows: for Mifflintown, J. W. Hughes,
R. E. Parker, E. E. Berry, and J. S. Mc-
Cauley ; for Patterson, W. S. North, and
W. D. Cramer.
Objections were msde to Mifflintown hav
ing four of the Committee and Pattetaon
but two. To equalize matters, Joseph Pen
nei and F. F. Rohin were added to the Com
mitteeio Patterson.
The Chairman announced that it was un
derstood that tbe Committee have power
to appoint all sub committees.
J. W. Hughes was appointed Chairman
of the Committee, with power to call the
committee to meeting at any time.
It was announced that the subscriptions
be paid to the Treasurer, at tbe bank.
AU arrangements were left in the bands
of the Committee, and until they announce
publicly what will be done, all will be mere
ed quarters at the Washington hotel and
her lover returned to this city. At mid
night Sergeant Kantx and the father who
bad in ue meantime arrived, started i
journey to that quiet little town, but with
out tne Knowledge where the truant girl
was quartered and at the hour of going to
press mo word was received of the success
or failure of their mission. To which the
Lewwtown Gasette of tbe 18th adds. An
nie was found at her hotel in Mi'dletown
ny ner lamer and brought home, and Deck
er returned Monday.
Tribute orReapoct.
At meetlnr of the Board of Directors
of the Juniata Valley Bank, held June 7th,
lea , we following preamble and resolutions
were adopted :
Waistus, Death has lately removed from
us our late partner and fellow director,
nean nertaier, therefore be it
Kuoutd, That we place upon record our
appreciation of the worth of Mr-. Hertsler,
and bear testimony to bis genial disposition
uniform courtesy, business capacity, fideli
ty, honesty and unflinching integrity.
Rthtd, That in the d-jath of Mr. Herts
ler this bank has lost a stockholder and di
rector, who cast his lot with ns at oar or
ganisation, and remained steadfast till his
death, who contributed not only hia mea ns
but his counsel and his influence to . secure
our business success, sod that we deeply
deplore his loss.
BtMlvtd, That the officers of the bank
attend his funeral in a body, and that the
Banking offices be closed from 10 a. nx., an
til 2 p. m., upon the day of bia funeral.
Rttolved, That these resolutions be spread
upon the minutes of the directors, a copy
be sent to tbe family of tbe deceased, and
that, they be published in the county papers.
Jes. Rothbock Pres'dt
Philip M. Karma,
Kossar E. Fascia,
William C. Pomibot,
Locis E. Avxntsos,
Amos G. Boxsall,
A Bit f Local Church Ulitery
A bit of local church history oa Saturday.
May 18th, was removed from the place
where it had been deposited nearly forty
four years before, in the corner-atone of
Kmannel's Evangelical Lutheran Church at
Thompsontown. In the atone was a tin box,
well soldered, tbe contents of which were
in an excellent state of preservation. These
were, a small Bible, a Lutheran Hymn book,
(old edition) an English and a German Lu
theran catechism, a copy of tbe Lutheran
Observer, and a German Paper, of a date
near to the time wben deposited, and three
written papers, one a copy of the constitu
tion of tbe church, one a brief history of
the congregation up to tbe time of the lay
ing of tbe corner-stone, and the third a cer
tificate of that event. Tbe second paper
states that, "In the year of oar Lord 1835,
tbe Reverend 8. R- Buyer, of Mifflintown,
commenced preaching in the Academy in
tbis place. He preached the first sermon
on the 24th day of May, 1835, from the text
Acta 17-30. On the 6th day of Sept. the
first church council was elected, viz. Messrs
Jnst Gleflinao, Conrad Gable, Henry Roash
sod Tbos. North. Tbe Lord's Sapper was
for tbe first time administered on the 13th
day of December, 1885. Tbe number of
communicants was thirty-four, and fourteen
were confirmed, and four adults baptized."
Then follows s record of dates of the cele
bration of the Lord's bupper, the number
of communicants and admissions which in-
created nntil the laat record states that on
tbe lUlh day of September, A. D. 1843,
there were one hundred communicants, and
at the next previous communion, one nun
dred and four. The third piper I copy en
TnoMrsonows, Oct. 13th, 1843 Tbis is
to certu'y that this corner-stone was laid on
tbe lath day of October, in the year ot our
Lord 1848, in the aixty-seveuth year of onr
Independence, John Tyler, President of the
United States ; David R. Porter, Governor
of Pennsylvania- Ministers present, vis.
Simon R. Boyer, pastor loci, and Frederick
Pfabler, student of theology at the Gettys
burg Seminary. Isaac Minjhall, builder
of tbe church.
Adah Taobb, Committee.
Tfcecorner-stone or the new etmrch bund
ing to be erected on the site of the old one
will be laid dto total on the 19th inst..
Kev. A. U. Spangler, President of Central
Pennsylvania Synod, is expected to preach
the sermon. L.
the Lrush ot tne
Wben the place bad
An Elopement.
wbo had
The Harrisbnrg Patriot of last week says
In company with ber lover, Annie Lotxga
selle, a pretty girl of twenty years, came to
tbis city on Sunday morning June 5, from
her home at Lewistown. The couple were
evidently on their way to Camden to be
made man and wife, but were compelled to
tarry in this city for a train to run through
to Philadelphia. The police received word
of the circumstance from tbe girl's father
who ordered her to be arrested if intercept
ed and held until his arrival. Tbe police
scoured the city and at one time Lieuten
ant Weiker was on the ooDOsite corner of
North and Third streets where they stop
ped but he did not succeed jn seeing the
wily pair. When darkness came theyoung
man whose name is Decker and a boiler
maker by trade, employed a' team to take
bis prospective biide to a place of safety
as he feared tbe father would make efforts
to overtake them. They drove to Middlo-
I town and there the Jouug lady was furnish-
1 10
I 60
18 00
1 60
22 00
1 25
New Clovers eed
Timothy seed .........
Flax seed
Chop........ ....
Ground Alum Salt
American Salt..., 1 OOal
Pan.aDsi.raiA, June 11, 1887 Beef cat
tle at 3 to 61c ; Sheep at 2 to 44c i Fall
Lambs 4 to 6c : Spring Lambs at 6 to Ue
per lb Fat cows 24 to 4c per lb Veal
calves 6 to 7e per lb. Milch cows at $25
to $50. No 1 Pennsylvania red wheat 96c
per bushel ; Corn 47 to 60c ; Oats 35 to 37c;
Smoked beef 14 to 16c ; Pickled hams 10
to 11c ; Smoked bams 12 to 13c per lb
Smoked shoulders 6 to 7 cents per pound
Cake tallow 4c ; Butter 16 to 18c per lb j
Eggs 17c per dozen ; Old potatoes at 65c
to 86c per bushel : New potatoes at 93.50
to $4 per lb ; Straw berries per quart 6 to
8c ; Hay at 8 to 913.60 per ton i Live old
bens 9 to 10c per lb.
Estate of JANE AUKER, dee'd.
Letters Testamentary upon the
above Estate having been granted to tbe
undersigned sll persons indebted to said
Estate are requested to make payment, and
those having claims to present the same,
without delay, to LEWIS DEGAN,
May 25, 1887. Execntor.
Estate of MICHAEL BESHORE, dee'd, late
of Fermanagh twp., Juniata Co., Pa.
Letters Testamentary upon the
above Estate having been granted to the
undersigned all persons indebted to said
Kstate are requested to make payment, and
those haviag claims to present tbe same,
without delay, to - JOHN ZOOK,
June 13, 188. Executor.
Is a universal and most troublesome dis
order. It causes Headache, Mental De
pression, impairs the Sight and Hearing,
destroys the Appetite, and, when long
continued, causes Enlargement of the
Liver, Inflammation of the Bowels, and
Piles. Constipation is speedily cured
by Ayer's Pills.
For a number of months I was
troubled with Costivoness, in conse
quence of which I suffered from Loss ot
Appetite, Dyspepsia, and a disordered
liver. Mveyea alsotroubied me. I was
compelled to wear a shade over them,
anil, at times, was nnable to bear ex
posure to the light. 1 was entirely
three boxes of Ayer's rills. I have no
hesitation in pronouncing this medicine
to be the beat cathartic ever made.
James fccclos, Poland, Ohio.
I suffered from Constipation, and, con
sequently, from Headm he, Indigestion,
and Piles, for vears. Ayer s Pills, which
I took at the siiccestion of a friend, have
given me effectual relief. I commenced
taking this remedy two months ao, and
am now free from Constipation, the re
moval of whirh has caused my other
troubles to disappear, and greatly im
proved my general health. W. Keeler,
Amherst, Mass.
I suffered from Constipation, which
assumed such an obstinate form that I
feared a stoppage of the bowels. Two
boxes of Ayer's Pills cured me, com
pletely. D. Burke, Saco. Me. tt
Ayer's Pills,
by sUl urugguu ana aw"-"
Only those boast who pursue sn ILL THE TEAR ROUND Polisr
of Lowest Prices have tW Public Confidence and s Steady Patronage.
Everybody knows that D. W. Harlem k thw CWsf .Champioa of
No wonder, then, that all aoasoas find u EQUALLY BUST.
No spurta. No "wonderful taon&om." Bat Honest Priw for Hta-
est Clothing.
Clothing for BIG and LITTLff SOYS, nd for sll sizsa of MSN.
and NECKTIES. A complete stcxik of TUBNUSUUXO swus, at pnw
tbat will do you good.
Measures taken for Suits, or part of sui ott short notice, of style
to suit your fancy, or the most recent fanhion est.
The Corner of Bridge & Water Streets is Jjusinees place of Hie
Yaluable Clothing House of
January 19, 1887.
A n n on n cements.
Mi. Eorroa : Please announce that I
am a canndidate for nomination for tbe
office of County Commissioner, at the com
ing Republican Primary Election, subject
to Republican rules. If so fortunate aa to
receive said nomination and afterwards an
election by the people, I shall strive to
discharge the duties of said office to my
own credit and the best interests of the
tax payers of Juniata. W. U. MOORE.
Van Wert, Fa., April Z7, lrtti.
To the Republicans of Juniata county .
I berebv announce myself aa a candidate
for tbe office of County Commissioner, at
tbe coming Republican primary election,
subject to Republican usages. If nomina
ted and elected I pledge myseii to tne in
terest of all tax payers of Juniata county.
J. H. IU1NuUA,
Patterson, Pa.
I hereby announce myself as a candidate
for nomination lor tbe office of County
Treasurer, at the ensuing Republican Prim
ary Election, subject to Kepublican usages.
If nominated and elected 1 pledge my best
services in the discharge of the duties of
said ottice. D. S . CO i LK.
Port Royal, Pa., April 26, 1887.
To the Republicans of Juniata County :
1 hereby announce mysell as acandidate
for nomination, for tbe othce of County
Treasurer at tbe ensuing Republican pri
mary election, subject to Republican usages.
If nominated and elected oy toe people l
ill discharge the duties of the othce with
credit to myself and tbe Republican party.
MiClintown, May 2, 1887.
To tbe Republicans of Juniata county :
I would announce to the ttepublican
party of Juniata county, that I am a can
didate for the nomination of County Treas
urer, subject to tbe rules that govern the
orgsniistioo. If they favor me with a nom
ination I will serve thcru to the best of my
ability in their interests sod in the interests
of the whole people.
I hsve the pleasure of announcing to the
Republicans of Juniata county that 1 am a
candidate ior nomination, at the primary
election for County Treasurer, subject to
Republican usages. If nominated and elect
ed I will discharge the duties of tbe office
with Bdelity to the trust given to me by the
Richfield, May 9, 1887.
Ma. Enrroa : Permit me (o present tbe
name of Theodore II. Ueuiinger as a can
didate for re-nomination for the office of
Prothonotary, subject to Republican usages
Ho has Uiled tbe othce during the present
term so faithlullv and well, and with such
acceptation to all who have done business
in the office, that a re-nomination and re
election is justly bis due. 1 believe that
bis renomioation will be lor the best inter
ests of the taxoavera of Juniata, who will
take care of tbe same by his triumphant re
election. He has been tried and not found
May 80, 1887.
Two Slns-Msttsti Bsstth
(her Sixty 311111013 Soil
Now is the time to buy your new Spring Suit Schott s Grsri Stock of
is perfection perfected, not alone in the material and workmanBiipv but al
so in tne
you have our prices you can rest easy that you cannot do batter.
How is 7 for a nobbv Business Sack Suit? At S10 we show a large
assortment of Men's Cutaway and Straight Cut Sack Suits and one and
four button Cutaway Frock Suita, made from stylish and most elegent and
fine materials. Too much cannot be said m favor oi our grana une oi new
dress suits at $ 12. But if you want something superfine, all the saits we
offer at $15, they are equal to
Erery lady should visit our
Boys' fine dress suits, sizes 10 to 17, at $8 : Boys' schoolsuits at $3 50; :
VLkgnifittant Floated &aiU t f 'XSO, 3.00r $3.50. and a. daisy at $4.(XV
Plats, Pat Doz $10.00,
18 00. 1
a ci a D if
i'om TiU, 3iZi la. Eciiilanirt.
tm In this device we con bine
fafiMma Graaades with ths
NEW feature oi having; an ar
ticls that can be used by SprinB.
ling. It la desianad especially
tor msk la Passenger Caacbta
and Dwellings, li is elegant
in onuuMntutian. It Is cheap
aad reliable. 'orast;aocarros.
ion possible.
Plain, $l2.00Perdor.
pr dor,
Hold $ (f&lloos, and
will force ft stream
ihroo&h 6 fact of
bos 45 feet with cut pump,
which la tha best ever made.
Needs no attention tamil nsed.
i in not xrceza. cxpiooa or gaa
lout ol order. Koni&torcocTu- fl
ion. Can b used bv anyone,
Price. 000.00 Each.
i MirmsTows, June 15, 1887.
Shoulder, ....... .
Lard .
Wheat, 84 to 86
Vyora, ....
Oats, ....
Jnst wnat lal
needed in every!
village, inmoer
vaed. warehouse.
eta, Tullr sauip-J
pea vnxti ruse.
As, Crow Bar,
Tj.ntArn. etc It
isc&eap, and .re
liable. W. 50 lbs.
then to U tit oaiy rtUitls aci taerngy c3
dttt Rul I'- apfllaaees tula, t an tas
ass eia!cil UquU is sll, as wrtfaUy.
Lllxtral dlKannU to ag-enta. awaa
.InxiUr, nnd testimonials.
01 II 5 3 Dearborn sl, uiica(p bw
To ail who ar suffering from the errors and
.uaiscrotloosot youth, nerrooa weakness, early
Jccnr, loasot manhood. 4c. I will send a recipe
that will cure you. TOM OT CRABOK. This treat
remedy waa discovered by a missionary in South
Ameriea. Send a selt-eddreeaed envelope to the
BET. JoaSTB T. Uail, SUium D, Xmm Tork CU
The SenJintl and Rtpnthemn office is the
nlace to eet iob work dose. Try it. It will
pay you u you need anything in that tins
If won want a crentleman's nobby, stylish hat, give us a calL If yea
would select your boys' hat or cap from the largest variety in the county,
give us a calL If you need some white or fancy dress shirts, spring un- -derwear,
hosiery, or anything in the furnishing goods line, you will sare
money by buying them from us.
If vou lile your clothing made to yonr measure, we will do it in tfcw-
higheet style, and show you nearly
for selection. If you want a GOLD or SIL LK V AICll, give us a oau..
We invite investigation, for ourprices are the best evidence of the truth of
our assertions. We have no sp'Rre to go into details. Come and see -
skujl'?:' . RI M J J
f afU Sixes.
33. "w. 3P.aa.Tnwm: c? sons,
Drawer 113, ELMIttA, N. Y.
JO gmtst Canal Street. CHICAGO, lit.
Branch Offices: j 45 suu HKW touk.
Farmers' Mercantile Association in
Geo. Goshens store room in Patter-
son. e nave a iuu une oi gooub
and equipped, and doing alively busi
Inducements for everybody. No dis
crimination. Every article marked
in plain figures
Sprint; andjSummer Ccls.
I would inform tha public that I hav
now in my nevr millin -rv stare at my place
of residence on Watr strif t, Miir.'mtuwn,
second door from cornrr of Kridsp..i-eet,
a full stock, o! Spring & Sunnu-r raulinery
goods, all new, and of the !at-.; styles,
and having employed first class milliners
t am prepared to supply the public with
everything found in a flratoaj- milliner
store, come and examine my stock. I
consider it no trouble to show gids.
March 22-8T.1.V.
Caution .Hotlrc.
All persons aro huruby caut onetl, not to
to bunt or Sh, or in any way So trespass on
tlie lands ft i!ie undersigned 31 Fermanagh
township. XiTH Bl'SCB.
JV Pure Bred Lira
C- Stock i!tablirtr
. 1 anient in the
w orltl.
Our principal of doing business is to I ,H? emISSi
principal of doing
buy and sell on legitimate principals
and giving one man's dollar the same
purchasing power as another.
We hold the position, one low price
to alL
Call early an 1 secure bargains.
Remember the place.
Patterson, Ta.
ne tram um
Ran iodlTldmai,
xeeHeaue aad choica
Owr eoatfla-en aa-a tha ad-antM at aw anaay
Hill axpari-we U aree-lin- aad iuportin;
1 ail ii i iimin.i i ismr nrWty mad ianmcDa
tstlMtiona: cawcrtaaul-ot eamparias Uirer
matt aad tow price, beeatasa uf our mm-aa-watlew
tav-Uitiaa, extent of btmnaaa, aad
iavw rate af traosportation.
WOM.LD awna suca ad-autana t ta agnkaw.
prices towi mm va3T' .
rsMsrainlcasia, Crr-poaioaca aoucimi,
ClnwUra free. -rOWin.1. BRtVTHEB.4.
SpHmcwetrw, C-wfee C-, T
Waaa -a " -aa-tlee tWx paaa:.
r" orJi0y vi(;,u
Everybody turn out.