MIFFLINTOWN : TERMS. j .00 per annum if paid gnr"""' -:f rMd in advance. hr'.Z hnainess notice, in T':,: , line tor each i local eel- insertion. Trtn''rinrchinsortion. . SHORT LOCALS. otobufs by the thousand, oersboprls .moke cigarette.. Veit Jfond.y will be Decoration Day. ... - o-.tn i visitinz in Wib- Ells v. r""- - C. Kin itner. 1 ..Be"ii now J There', no other piaw Wsbst. fellowship in the recogniied term for America is sixty Odd TUTS Old. W.'.nnt hotel it Johnstown na oeeu Tbe 1 opened. start lor Europe jne G. Blaw wiu 1rchit Sohott is having ms uweumg fc.p- . . High Cut dress shoes tor oovs ai neca. Warsbeautirs. flirrr E. Bonsail of the Tyrone nine. . . n Snniav. htl ib " Terr stilish corkscrew. ana cnevioi u... l,K$K5atSohott .. THe bants will be ciosea on Uu-., . ;.,ti riir ipiecdid styles or boy's oars earner jt.osljH.6S stSchott s. Foi Ki'T. A dwelling house. For par ,0;.ca:ion John Uiehl. AnDJlessd.splsyof boy's tnee pants aUODlySi.s; st Schott's. B,:r your boots and shoes from G. W. j;(fIt practical snoemaser. Arumbcr of wheat fields m Jun.ata Irjuiitt have ueen j,.au.. . p. D. Stone was at houe from Washing- a D- C, several atvs usi - K r0n .-.t a Unlsorne silk umbrella at , aoderate figure go to Heck's. The gonierM county court rerused all oi if ,j,P!ica:ions ior license list week. T..e M raiiroid depot in Hirrisburg is sbf comr-Vled about the 1st oi July. Dr. H.rrv Derr. of M:fflinburg, was visit- - his parra" iD ,his Placc Ust week Com aad rismine our $1.00 umbrella. V. w-iter-rroof. G. W. HecbT. lbs largest stock of umbrellas over IDafM to Juniata county at G. W. Heck's, It wis reputed last week th.it Mrs. WU fjiectof Fermiaagh township, Hid I .id. Dr. D. D. Stone, of Washington, D. C, .wt last week with his family in this D. K. Kobissoa i Co., are placing thoir hmry nichio ry m place neir 1 on Eighty thou!ud young brook trout hve en placed in the streams of Clearfield sooty. Ton are sie of petting a first class arti- f .t if jonporchise your umbrella from G. T.Heck. k rr i-hok-e si-loction of men's and loy'i wersucker coats and vests only $1.50 fat Scbotts. Tbe McVeykwn town council hare piss- ei an oroinance that hogs running abroad tums, be ringfd. Corn planting is about over, and in the ield 9rt planted, the rows of young corn in pUinly to be seen. ;lt is reported that the Pennsylvania rail Md ill soon construct a third track from Pittsburg to Philadelphia. ICiff.intown and Patterson biys play bise hill thin season, in a field over the river, a short ditice alove Patterson. Boots Sl Pnota Boots &. Shoes of every fls-etiptioc, variity l-.d style at reasonable prices for s't at G. W. Heck's. One dsy last wo?k a Ore destroyed the town ol Licden, Mich., leaving more than to hundred faniiiits homeless. An at:eitn well was being sunk at North Rose, X. T., instead of getting a flow of witer they got a tiow of natural gss. 'In a Sew Bedford, Mass., school they pnnijh bad boys by washing their faces Tbe punishment works like a charm. The 1'ennsylvarjia railroad company arr wilier tbonsanl mile tickets good on all then- lines wet of Pittsburg f-r $25. Miss Ellie Stone is visiting her father in WaJrrigton D. C, where she will remain until after the National Encampment. George Bartley who has been working at tie machine tnie t Kankakee, Illinois for some tixe put is a! home in this plice T i- uaies' g..saruer, si'k finish, prices own to the lowest figure. All first class foods it Hrck's Boot 6t Shoe Store. MC'.I bibott caught two bass, weighing two p-.nnds each in tho river a short dis- tmce Below the river bridge Ust Thursday. The New York mugwumps are out in the newFpapers declaring that thev will uot "pport Blaine for the Presidency in 1888. By U act Of tho I .tl.tu.-a teachers of common school must be found j fcl in their attendance at the County Institute. Gambling in the vicinity of Hnntioedon. mder the bush, by the road-side, became o!rive that the law was invoked to Eetridofit. WaftidA boy to learn the printing n'1!"- prefer a boy who can live with hi. parents in town whila ha is learn ing the trade. Drck's spring stock of boots and shoes "ere. Call at his room corner of snH I' : j "fuge streets and see for what It offers. "The Pennsylvania Railroad has notiflel twenty-five of its freight engineers that ow ing to the falling off in the eoka shipments they must accept position! as firemen." "A minister who is in jail in Georgia for stealing writes to tbe local editor request ing that he print nothing about him, be cause be is a "Christian and jentlemen." The North American remarks, that young men who are trying to work thoir way through colleges by taking engagements in base-ball clubs may graduate as bar-tender. A watch will be given with every child's suit sold at Schott's clothing store. Ferd Myers, who baa charge of that department, wants every one to call and see that it is so. lick Prairie Mange, aad Scrttehet of every kind cured in 30 minutes by Wool- ford'$ Sanitary Lotion. Use no other. Sold by L. Banks and Co.. Druggist, MifBintown, Pa. tf- iwo men were instantly killed, and a third seriously injured, by tbe breaking of a derrick in the Willis lima stone quarry, near Reedsville, Mifflin county, last Satur day. Pon't neglect the roof of your house VI . ... i nere is coining Known Wat will preserve a roof so well as red slate roof paint, for particulars address J. Miller McDonald, Mifflintown Pa. The late Legislature fixed tho common school term at six months. Directors may authorize a longer term than six months, they cannot reduce to less than that num ber of months. Lewis Wagner of this town was stricken with paralysis on the morning of the 18th while driving a stake for a hop pole in bis garden. He died in the afternoon of tbe same day aged about 70 years. Tbe season of 1887 is here, so is Samuel Strayer of Patterson Pa., here with a Braud new stock of Beautiful Clothing, all kinds, all styles and prices to suit all Don't wait. Coma at once I am ready. 4t The Senate Chamber of the Illinois Leg islature was tha scene of a disgraceful per sonal encounter between two Senators una dsy last week. Tbe combatants were sep arated before any person was seriously hurt. Tbe first prize at a two-day baby show, held at Harrisburg, last week, was drawn 1? a tive-month-old daughter of Abner Da vis, who is a native of McAlisterville, this county. The prize is a handsome coach for a babv. Main yourself 0" of the bills passed by the Legisla ture, appropriates six hundred thousand hilars for the repair of the public build lcf s at Harrisburg. A number of fam,era predict lhat ,he ranv wheat sulks, of which there are w may this year cannot produce heads : Another month will tell. SrmiA J...- ..... .fn. - " .i.iOMl mo BOOr of Red I Bink towc,hip, Armstrong county, !. Vheir PinP public sala to the -west b,dder fortheir fc pub,lc.n ,armers in B,air coon 'ire to have the Hen.1.1 ' 'Ub80utl th,v.ayft.rUncst. Malarial poisons contain the germs of dangerous diseases. If these poisons accu mulale in the system, Tyihoid, Billious, In termittent or Chill Fever is sure to follow. Ayer's Ague Cure is warranted specific for malaria. The Lrwisburg Chronicle advises, thus : If some sleek-toDgued son of Satan offers to sell youeggs for $3 pvr doien, promis ing to take all the chickens at $3 each, whistle your dog up at once and show bim his duty. "Boy, 'Teacher, I wish you would make that girl quit winking at me." Teacher, "Why don't yon look some where ilse 'Because if I do she'll wink at some oth er boy.'" The President and Mrs. Cleveland go this week on a trip to the Ad'rondacks. Whenever (irant or other Republican Pres idents took a trip, the Democracy never failed to say "the President is of! on an other junket." If a citizen w ho has been away from home two months, should get of! a train at tbe station at night, ha would no: recog nize the place, so great has been the change in the exterior and interior arrangement of the Patterson House. Excursion tickets will be sold to the Dunkard Meeting in Kansas, from Pitts burg, rrota the 23rd to the 27th of May in clusive for $26.15 good for thirty days. No excursion tickets will be sold at stations this side of Pittsburg. St. Louis Democrats promise that if Pres ident Cleveland comes to their city in 16S8 they will get np a parade of fifty thousand hahiea in babv carriages in honor of bis coming. There are a few Democrats in S L Louis who want office. It is reported that a member of the Geor gia Legislature has such a dislike for cats that be proposes to introduce a bill at the next session to tax each cat in tho state ten cents, which if passed will cause the cats in tho siate to ba exterminated. John Wilheim, of Womelsdorf, Berks county, bss employed counsel to recover for him the hotel property at Womelsdorf which he sold to tbe Equitable Beneficial Association for $0000, taking this amount in policies en which ha never realized a cent. Ayer's Pills are invaluable for the cure of Hesdscbe, Constipation, Stomach and Liv er troubles, and all derangements of the di gestive and assimilative orgtns. These Pills are sugar-coated, sate and pleasant to take, always reliable, and retain their vir tues in any climate. English Spavin Liniment removes all Hard, Soft, or Calloused Lumps and Blem ishes from horses, B'.ooi Fpavin, Curbs, Splints, Sweeney, Ringbone, S titles, nriin. 3weHioz. etc. Save $0 by use of one boltlo. Warranted. Sold by L. Banks 4. Co., Druggist, Mifflintown Pa. tf. George W. Wilson, an elder in tbe Pres byterian church of this place was appointed by Huntingdon Presbytery as a lay delegate to the General Assembly of the Presbyter ian church that will hold its meeting at Omaha, Nebraska. Last Thursday Mr. Wilson left this place to attend the Assem bly. According to the Tribune a child in this town "escaped by a bair a few days ago," from being run over by a rapidly driven vehicle. While fast driving in town may be a censurable act. it is not more so than allowing children to engage in all manner of plays on tbe street and to allow them to tun and take hold of wagons and carriages as they pass along All of the Attorneys in the McVeen case were present before the Board of Pardons on the afternoon of tbe 1 th inst. Tbe Attorney General being sick was not pres ent and McMeen's lawyers objected to hav ing his case before any but a full board, and upon their objection bis case was pass ed over till the 21st of next June when it will be brought before the board. The day fixed for McMeen's execution is the -3rd of June. Banks Kauffman having succeeded W, H. Aiken in the agency tor the sale of mu sical organs generally, and particularly the Ksty Organ, and fer the sale of sewing ma chines, requests people who are casting about for an organ , or tewing machine, to call and see him as be is selling at advanta geous prices to the buyers. His place of biiMuess is oa Main street, any one you One evening last week, while a preacher was addressing a Prohibition meeting at Pulaski, Tennessee, an effort was made to blow np the church building with dyna mite. Tbe building was badly shattered but no one was hurt. The liquor traffic ia not benefited by attempting to blow op tbe Prohibitionists. "It will be fully a month," said an old peach-dealer, "before a safe crop estimate can be made. The outlook at the orchards at tbe moment indicates abundance; but between now and July 1, growers must risk a feature known as the dropping season, which often makes a big inroad upon the possible amount of fruit." Jacob Heimbacu and wife from Tnscaro- ra, John Flickinger and wife of Sandy Hill, Perry county, Mrs. Stover and son from Loys villa, Perry eonnty, Mrs. Cttley and son of Ickesburg, Perry county and George Heimbach and wife of Lew is town, were all in attendance on the funeral of Lewis Wag. ner in this place last Friday. A Miss Harkness of Westmoreland Co., brought suit against Newton Horn of Bed ford county foi breach of promise. Tbe amount of damage that Miss Harkness da sired was $4000. The suit in which con siderable ietarest was taken came off last week in Bedford court. The jury awarded to the plaintiff $91.66 damages. J. Ray Sbepperd, a reporter of the Phil adelphia Record, and E. J. Isaacs of tbe focal staff of the Philadelphia Press, were both killed by being run over by a locomo tive and passenger train of cars on a bridge, at Germautown Junction, Philadelphia, last Saturday evening while on their way in from the State Fair Grounds, whither they bad gone to report the proceedings of a grand festival. Thomas Blynn reporter oi tbe Times narrowly escaped tha fate of his companion reporters. Two young men or Atlen'a Cove, J. 1 lenberger and G. Dunkle, were rescued j from drowning one day last week, by Sam uel White and William Jones. The young men were raising an outline and when they lifted the anchor they capsized the boat, and had not assistance been near by they would certainly have been drowned. Mr. White is one of the gentlemen who rescued Engineer Noel, the night of the Shcrmau's creek disaster. He owns a boat which be has named " Rescue." Duncan- non Record. Tho Altoona Tribune of the 20th inst., re marks .- There is a good deal of talk during these days about "blue laws." Most of the so-called blue laws of this country are meant to restrain men from making beasts of themselves on Sunday, and their restric tive influence is never felt by sober, well btbaved citizens. Boston, however, has one genuine blue law, a survival of the days of religious intolerance. Under its provisions on Wednesday last, Rev. W. F. Davis was fined $50 for preachiug on Bos ton common. The Huntingdon Globe of last week says: Officer Graham and Constable Lauibortson on S unday afternoon arrested five youug poker players who had been doing the"bi(" in a number of sheds on tbe road leading to Donation. They were handed over to the tender mercies of Mayor Allen on Mon day and given the option of paying either a dollar fine or keeping house in the bor ough iock-up lor twenty-four hours. The boys all paid their tine and allege that they will sin no more. Not wishing to "rub it in on the little fellows we will not mention names this time. "It has been the impression tbat pension money was exempt lrom levy or attach ment under tha United S tales statue. The Supreme Court of the State ruled recently that pension money or its proceeds was lia ble to legal process, execution, or attach ment execution. The I'. S. Statute on the subject says that pension money due or to become due is not lubie to levy un der and legal or equitable process, but snail inure wholly to the benefit of such pensioner. The State court holds tbat this provision applies only to the funds while it is in tbe com so of transmission from the Government to the pensioner. Thereat ter, alter it once reaches tbe re cipient, it is thejelore subject to judicial seizure like the property of other defen dants, whether it is kept in the name of anotner tor hiui." e are aiwayiat the Head and never has it been our privelegs to ex hibit so complete and attractive line of seasonable goods as ai this very moment. Come in and see our beautif ul stock and we will convince yon of goods and prices. Ladies' kid button dress shoe for $2. G. W. Hbgk. Finest line of ladies slippers ever put on sale in Juniata county. Prices range from 25 cents to $2.25 at Deck's Boot and Shoe Store. I am glad it is Spring, glad my business located among liberal and appreciative people and very glad to find myself well prepared to meet all their wanU in my line I announce the opening of Spring and Sum mer Clothing Hats, caps, boots and shoes, neck-wear, collars and cuffs, and a general assortment kept in my line. Prices lower than the lowest. 8acil STaaiaa. 4t. Patterson Pa. Miss Sadie A. Lane informs tha ladies of Mifflintown and surrounding country, that aba will be in MifBintown on the 16th of this month, to remain for a period of two months, and will, during tbat time have quite a large class in the "Boddington dress cutting system of actual measure ment. All who desire to receive instruc tion will please call to sea her at Rev. E. E. Berry's. May 11, '87, 2L Tbe Hollidaysburg Register says : Far mers are cautioned to beware of circulars or blanks sent to them with stamp for re turn postage with tbe request tbat tbey be filled out, ostensibly for the purpose of showing the condition of crops in the vi cinity. In a short time you will be sur prised at tbe return of this piece of psper, to which your signature is attached, trans formed into a bona tide promissory note, which bas been discounted at some bank, and which yon will bare to pay. Executive Committee Meeting. Tbe Executive Committee of the Juniata Veteran Association will meet in Tbe Her ald office, Mifflintown, on Saturday, June 4th, 1887, at 10 o'clock A. M., to fix time and place for holding the next Teteran Re union, and transacting such business con nected with the same as may be necessary. The following members constitute said com mittee .- H. A. Stambaugh, James Milliken, T. T. Davia, Wm. H. Grouineer. S. L. Me- Aliater. Wm. M. Allisos. Chair man. An exchange paper puts it this way. We presume that souio people think newspaper men are persistent duns ; let a farmer place himself in a similar position and soo it be would not do tbe same- Suppose tbat he raises one thousand bushels of corn and bis neigboor should come and buy a bushel and the price was only the small only tbe small sum of oue dollar, or less, aud the neighbor says : "1 will pay you the amount in a few day." As the farmer does not want to be small about tbe matter h-i savs. "All rieht." Another comes in the same way until the whole one thousand bushels are trusted to one thousand d lifer ent persons and not one of tha purchasers concerns himself about it, for it is a small amount tbey owe the farmers, and of course that will not help him any. He does not realize that the laxmer bas frittered away his large crop of corn, and tbat Its value is due in a thousand little driblets, and tbat be is seriously embarrassed in his busines s because his debtors treat it as a little mat ter. On Tuesday afternoon, tha 10th inst Mr. Joseph Ebersole., of Hunter's Valley, Buffalo township, met with a fatal accident Ha was engaged in peeling bark on the mountain near his residence, and in felling a tree in its descent it lodged against an other tree. Attempting to dislodge it tbe tree struck and knocked him down, and fell across his body pinning him to the ground. His cries for help were beard by Mr. Edwurd Seiler, who thought they were the caiU of boys to one another on tbe mountain. Late in tbe afternoon a yeuug son of Mr. Obersole went to the mountain ith a pale of water for bis father, and found him lying on the ground with tbe tree across his body and holding him rt. n started homeward for assistance and, meeting Mr. Seiler, told him of his i.ti, Mr', .itn.tion. Mr. Seiler started for the mountain but could not find the unfor tunate man, or hear any response to his calls. Returning, Mr. Seuer ana nis iiuitr with Mr. Derr, started for the mountain ,-A v.p Mr. Ebersole's son. They soon found the unfortunate man in an exhaust ed condition. He hsd cut himself free, but in doing so had inflicted an ugly cut in his i a n carried home in a blanket lluv. -.v taken along for that purpose by his rescu ers. He lived but a couple hours after be inc carried home, and during that period .. .nd able to relate . how tbe accident occurred. Death ensued from in ternal injuries received. Mr. Elbersole .;,.flv rara of aia. He had been married four times and was the father sixteen children, twelve of whom survive t.s.n ii .l.n leaves a widow to mourn U1IU. t.:. ...rf.i.n H,.ih l'errv County, Advo' The examinations at tbe different Sol diers' Orphans' Schools will be conducted by the State Superintendent and his depu ties on the following dates : Harford, Tuesdav, May 24. Loysvilie, Thursday, May 2G. Soldiers' Orphan Institute. Fridsy May 27 th. W hite Hall, Tuesday May 31. Mansfield, Wednesday, June 8. Cheater Springs, Friday, June 10. Dayton, Monday, June 27. St. Paul's Orphan Home. Wednesday. June 2'Jth. Meictr and L'niontown, Friday, July 1. Mount Joy, Tuesday, July 6. McAlisterville, Thursday, July 7. iGov., Tbomai .tliOIIn. Mifflintown was named for Governor Thomas Mifflin. The Legislature baa ap propriated one thousand dollars lor a mouu- uieut to perpetuate bis memory. A Lan caster paper says of him : Tbe Gotemf's remaina lie in the old Trinity churchyard at Lancaster. He was an important man in bia day, tooth m the cabinet aoa tm liu field. He was an aid-de-camp to Washing ton, with the rauk of colonel, and was sub sequently made adjutant general, brigadier general and major general, lie served in tbe Colonial Assemb'y and in Congress over which he presided as Speaker. In 1786 he was Speaker of tbe Pennsylvania Legislature, and in 1787 was a member o the convention which framed our Federal Constitution. In 1780 he was elected tbe first Governor of Pennsylvania under the Constitution adopted that year, and held the office nine years, dying soon after his retirement. He died during a session of tbe House at Lancaster. January 21, 1800, and resolutions were passed by it expres sive of tbe high sense entertained of bim as a soldiur and statesman, authorizing bis interment at tbe public expense, and pro viding lor tbe erection of a monument to his memory. He was buried at tbe public expense, and cow, eighty-seven years after, $1,000 monument may be erected to his illustrious mem orv. Sixteenth Tioga, Potter. Lvcomins and Clinton. Seventeenth Northumberland, Colum bia, sioniour and Snllivan Eighteenth Franklin, Fulton, Hunting- aoa, aumin, Jnmata. Snyder and Union. Nineteenth Cumberland, Adams and York. Twentieth Cambria, Blair, Somerset and Bedford. Twenty-first Westmoreland. Armstrong Indiana and Jefferson. Twenty-second The cfty of Pittsburgh and all tbe townships and boroughs ly ing between tbe Monongahela and Alle gheny rivers, except tha borongh of Mc Keesport and the boroughs and townships lying beleen the Youghiogheny and Mo nongahela rivers io tbe county of Allegheny. Twenty-third The city of Allegheny and the townships and boroughs lying north of the Allegheny and Ohio rivers in tha coun ty of Allegheny. Twenty fourth Fayette, Greene and Washington, and all the boroogbs and town ships lying south of tha Monongahela and Ohio rivers, and tha boroughs and town ships lying between the Youghiogheny and Monongahela rivers, and the boroughs or McKeesport in the county of Allegheny. Twenty-fifth Beaver, Lawrence, Mercer, and Butler. Twenfy-afxth Crawford and Erie. Twenty-seventh Venango, Warren, Mc- Kean and Cameron. Twenty-eigbth Clarion, Forest, Elk, Clearfield and Centre. - Fire In Patterson. A fire broke out this, Tuesday morning, about half-past 6 o'clock, in the general supply room of the P. R. R. Company's ma chine shop in Patterson, and before tbe flames were subdned the northern annex of the building, containing the general supply rooms, carpenter shop and office of the shop was completely destroyed, and the main shop narrowly escaped destruction, being saved only by the efforts of the Fire Com pany with tbe aid of their engine. Tba alarm was given immediately on the dis covery of the fire, and the Fire Company after grat difficulty succeeded in getting their engine throngh tbe shop yard to tbe river shore, and at two minutes after six a strong stream of water was being played on tbe burning building. The slow and appar ently bungling movements of the manage ment of tbe fire company were severely crit icised by lookers-on, out they were unjust, considering the difficulties they were con tending with. Tbe loss will fall upon the railroad company, excepting that of a lot of fine tools owned by ex-Sheriff Dietrich, which were in tha burned building. Tba tire is believed to have originated by spon taneous combustion. Down ! Down Ladies' tine gossamers. W. Heck's. ! Down ! Onlv$1.00atG. bushel i Oats 36 to 2Tc per bushel Ohio, Pennsylvania sod West Virgin! wool, washed XX and above 32 to 84 cents ; X, 81 to 82 c. PARKER & CO. Main Stbust, MnrrLcrrowir, Peuta. Transact a general banting bun ness. Discounts daily. Accounts of firms, individuals and corporations solicited. Four per cent, interest allowed on twelvemonths' certificates. April 20- 'W. IKOJL. DMiNisTR Ettatt ofS. Otrra hu, dtctaitd, Whereas Letters of Ad ministration on the estate of 8. Owen Evans, late of Delaware township, deceased, bsving been granted to tbe undersigned, all persons indebted to the said estate, are requested" to make im- mmediate payment, and those having chums will please present tbem without delay. A. BRADFORD EVANS, Administrator. April 27, 1887. DM IXIS TRATORS' NOTICE. Ettatt of haac Deppen, dictated. Whereas Letters of Administration on tha estate of Isaac Deppen, late of Walker township, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to tbe said estate, are requested to make Immedi ate payment, and those bsving claims will please present them without delay. WILLIAM 11. DKrrcN, DAVID D. DEPPEN, Administrators. May 4, 1887. JTXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Estate of JANE AUK.ER, dee'd. Letters Testamentary npoa the above Estate haviug been granted to tbe nndersirned all persons Indebted to said F stare are requested to make payment, and those having claims to present tha same, without delay, to LEWIS DEG AN, May 25, 1887. Executor. tax pk " of Junu Vau Ctt, Pa., . Announcement. COCXTY COMMISSIONER. Ma. Eorroa : Please announce that 1 am a ranmlidate for nomination for tbe office of County Commissioner, at tbe com- j iog Republican Primary Election, subject J to Republican rules. It so tortunate as io ; receive said nomination and afterwards an i election by the people, I shall strive ..to disch.iree tbe duties of said efhee to my; own tndit and the best interests of the isti. v . u. aLinjivx. A pi if 27, 1887. I herebV announce myself as a candidate for nomination for the office of County Treasurer, at the ensuing Republican Prim ary Election, subject to Republican ussges. If nominated and elected I pledge my best services in tbe discharge of the duties of said dice. D. 8. COYLE. Port Royal, Fa., April 26, 18t7. To the Republicans of Juniata County : I hereby announce myself as acandidsta for nomination, for the office of County Treasurer at the ensning Republican pri mary election, subject to Republican usages. If nominated and elected by tbe people I will discbarge tbe deities of the office with credit to myself and the Republican party. SOLOMON BOOKS. Mifflintown, May 2, 1887. To the Republicans of Juniata county : I would announce to the Republican party of Juniata connty, that I am a can didate for tbe nomination of County Treas urer, subject to tbe rules tbat govern tbe organisation. If thev favor me with a nom ination I will serve them to the best of my abilitv in their interests and in the interests of the whole people. J(.'UN alCLALUHM. American Farmers. Probably in no country in tbe world is there to be found a state of intellectual ad vancement among the people who till the soil, equal to thai which exists among our ative American Farmers. Some causes of this are manifest. The tiller of Euro pean soil seldom owns his land, and it re quires constant vigilance and unremitting toil on the part of biuiself and his whole family to pay rents and "make both ends meet," leaving no time to gratifiy any wants above the stomach. Ou the other band our native Western farmers are main ly gentlemen of comparative leisure, wbo till their own land and carry on agricultur al industries with as much ease and far less worrimer.t of mind thin our city men con- dad their business. The farmers sons and daughters have ail the educational advan tages tbat are to be bad in our entire con n- try, and it ia long since a well established fact that the ablest and most success! u business men to be found in our citios are tbe sons of American farmers. Pick ou of any city one hundred young men and maidens, let me select an eiual number of ssrae age among our intelligent farmers aons and daughters, and I will guarantee as to the latter, minds better filed with general information. The chief reason is tbat the latter spend their long winter evenings in storing their minds with useful knowledge, while tba former waste their time in various fashionable forms of amuse ment, whore tbe highest intellectual achieve mcnt is to be well np in talk American Mjgaiine- Tlie Apportionment. The congressional apportionment bill adopted by both bouses and signed by the Governor, is as follows First, Second,, Third, Fonrth and Fifth districts The city of Philadelphia. Sixth Chester and Delaware. Seventh Bucks and Montgomery. . Eighth Northampton, Monroe, Pike and Carbon. Ninth Berks and Lehigh. Tenth Lancaster. Eleventh Lackawana. Twelfth Luzerne. Thirteenth Schuylkill. Fourteenth Lebanon, Dsuphin and Per ry. Fifteenth Bradford, Susquehanna, Wy oiumg and Weyue. I have tbe pleasure of announcing to the Republican of Juniata county lhat 1 am a caudidate tor nomination, at the primary election for County Treasurer, subject to Republican usages. II nominated and elect ed I will ditcbarge the duties of tbe otl.ee with fidelity to tbe trust given to me by tbe people. Richfield, May 9, 1887. Scrofula Is ons of the most fatal scourgew which afflict mankind. It U often inherited, but may be the result of improper Tacci rialion, mercurial poison, uncleanliness, and various other causes. Chronic Sores, Ulcers, Abscesses, Cancerous Humors, and, in some cases, Emaciation and Con sumption, result from a scrofulous condi tion of the Mood. This diseaao can ba cured by tbe use of Ayer's Sarsapariila. I inherited ascrofulous condition of tho M(hI, which caused a derangement of my whole Kjsiem. Aft:r Uikuur less than four lji'.!e3 of Ayer's Sarsapariila I am Entirely Cured and, for the past year, have not found U necessary to use any medicine whatever. I am now in better health, and stronger, than ever before. O. A. WUlaxd, 214 Tremout at., Boston, Mass. I wai tronbled with Srrofnlons Bores for five years; but. oiler using a few Itottli s of Aver's sarsapariila, the sores healod, ami 1 have now good health. El'7aletli Warnock, 54 Appleton saect, Lowell. Masa. Some moTtfhs aco I was troul1el with Pcmfi'lnus Sores on my leg. Tbe limb was baillv swollen and lnrlamed, and tha sores discharged large quantities of offen sive matteT. Every remedy failed un'.il ila. tsy ramiu; THE CLOTHING HOUSE OF D. W.'HAELEY, ESTABLISHED 1865. Only those houses who purtm an ALL THE TEAR ROLTXI Politrr of Lowest Prices have the Public Confidence and a Steadr Patronage. Everybody knows that D. W. Harley ia the Chief Champ ef STEADY, TJsVSENSATTONAL PPJCES. No wonder, then, that all seasons find as EQUALLY BUSY. No spurt. No "wonderful aacrifiews." Bat Honest Prises ior Easi est Clothiag. Clothing for BIQ and LITTLE BOYS, and for all sues of MEX UNDERWEAR, BOOTS and SHOES, HATS, CAPS, GL0TW and NECKTIES. A complete stock of FURNISHING GOODS, at pries that will do 70a good. Measures taken for Suits, or parts of suits on short notice, of style to suit your fancy, or the most recent fashion cut. The Corner of Bridge A Water Streets is the business plaee f the Yaluable Clothing House of D. W. HARLEY. January 19, 1887. thre- bottles of this medicine tbe sores have been healed, and my health is re stored. I am erateful for the (rood it h.-s done me. Mrs. Ann O Brian, 153 Sulli van st., JJew York. tt Ayer's Sarsapariila, r-rcirrd hr Ir. J. C. Ayer Co, Low!!. Van. 6oi bv all DroggUta. l'rtet 1; ii borJ. C j- MIFFLTNTOWN MARKETS. Win.nrTow. May 23, 1887. MntteT Efrprs Shoulder, Sides, Iatd 16 10 9 8 10 MIFFLINTOWN GRAIN MARKET. Wheat, Corn, . Oats, Rye , K ew Cloverseed . . . Timothy seed Flax seed Bran Chop , .... Shorts Ground Alum Salt American Salt.... Si to F6 60 80 60 . $3.50 1 10 1 60 18 00 1 50 22 00 1 25 1 COal 10 BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED. This Masnzine portrays Ameri caa thonjrht and lire from ocean to ocean, i tilled with pore high-class literature, and caa S safely wel comed ia any family circle. PRICE 25c. BB $3 A TEAR IT MAIL, 8am pit Copt of diTTtnt mumttr malltd upon rs eelpt of 25 rt$.; back mmbm, IS eU. Premium List wtlh either, &. I. BTTS3 ft SOU, Puiiers, 130 At IT! Pearl St., !f . V. GRAND OPENING or SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING, AT SCHOTT'S Now is the time to buy your new Spring Suit. Schott's Grand Stock of MEN'S AND YOUNGr MEN'S SUITS ! is perfection perfected, not alone in the material aod workmanship, but si so in ine ELEGASCE IS STl'lE AID LWXES IX PRICE! When you hare our prices you can rest easy that you ennnot do better. OUR STOCK IS THE LARGEST IN THE COUNTY ! How is $7 for a nobby Business Sack Suit? At l0 we show a large assortment of Mens Cutaway and Straight Cut bmts ana one ana four button Cutaway Frock Suits, made lrom .ijusu acu iuuri eiebTUiianu fine materials. Too much cannot be said in lvor oi ourgrauii lineot new dress suits at $12. But if you want soirxtliDg snportce, iU tbe sit wo. offer at 1 15, they are equal to FIRST CLASS CUSTOM AVOJEU i Every lady should visit our GRAND ROYS' CLOTHING DEPARTMENT ! Idtn 17.ntS; Boys" Pi ?iool suits at $ 1 50 I Magnificent Pleatea-rit- eaS -00 3.5S . at ? LOO- OUR GENTS NOTION DEPARTMENT !. If you want a gentlemans nobby, stylish hat, pive us a call. If you. would select your bovs' hat or cap from the largesi variety m the eeunty, give uta call. IfJ J3 heed some white or fancy dress suirts. pprag un derwear, hosiery, or anything in the furnishing goods line, you wilL save, money by buying them from us. If you like your clothing made to your measure, we will dc in tha highest style, and show you nearly TITE nrXDRED PATTERS8. for selection. If you want a GOLD or SILVER WATCH, give us a ealL We invite investigation, for our pricfa are the ler,t evidence of the truth of our assertions. We have no space to go into details. Come and see ! SCH0TT, THE LEADING CLOTHIER, BRIDGE ST., MIFFLINTOWN, PA. i m & I S ?A 'fA tf -3 S M I."- iil mm t m mm t- T s d S-J3 Z9 IT hF UU JL. O -A. 23. 3D. T.iall who ar puffertnf from Ihs errors ami Inuiscrctijiisot jroutb. nerrous aknea, earl dacaj-. loaaot manhood. 4c. I will snd a red thai will cure you.rBIK OF CHAEOS. This great rm1r w dlsoomvd by a missionary In South America, i-and a snlt-addroaswl enrelopa to tht Hit. Jnaara T. Station D. Xrm Ttrk Oitf. PHILADELPHIA. MARKETS. PuiLAMLpniA, May 21, 1887. Tbe re ceipts of cattle at tha West Philadelphia yards tor the weet were : ueuves z,w; Sheep 7,000 , hogs 7,(X)i) ; hogs 7,301). Beef cattle were in a lair demand at a decline of to J Extra 5 to 6c ; good 4 to a cents ; medium 4 to 4)c ; common 3 to 4c ; Sheep were active at an advance of i to Jo ; wool sheep, 4 to 61c ; sheared sheep 3 to 6 cents ; wool tamos, o to i a sheared lauifas 6 to 6 cents ; spring lambs i to $6 per head 5 Hogs were dull and Jc lower at 7 to 7Jc ; Calves were active at a to 7 cents. Fat cows were dull at 2 to 4c. Prime timothy hy 80 to 85c per 100 pounds ; mixed 70 to 80c per 100 pounds ; Straw 65 to 70 cents per 100 pounds. The marhet is dull. Live Chickens Xear by hens 11 c ; Southern and Western 10c ; mixed 9 to 10 cents ; old roosters 6 to 7c ; ducks 9c ; geese 8c ; spring chickens 12 to 20c 5 ex ceptional lots 22 cents ; winter 16 to 18c; Eggs 12 to IS cents per dosen. Butter 23 to 2Uc ner lb 1 Potatoes Early Koae lair to choice 48c 63c 55c and 58c : White Stars, lair to choice 60, 65, and 68 cents ; fiurbanks the same price as White Surs ; Hebron! 48 to 68 cents ; Jlauimoth Pearl, 68c: Bermuda Onions per crato $1.70; New Cabuaee $1.75 to $3 per barrel ; Flor ida Souaslies $1.50 perl bushel craro ; Cucumbers. 2 to 4 dollars per crate ; peas 75c to $1.25 per crate ; radishes 50 to 75c ter 100 Lunches : tomstoe3 Florida 2 to $3 ; green onions $1.5 per 100 buuehes ; Caul- ino r $.! prr dozen. Wheal U steady. No. 2 Delaware, 9iic (and No. 1 Pennsylvania $1 02. Keeeipts ! were 20,000 bushils ; CVro iti Io 17c per PRIVATE SALE. John Byler offers a valuable farm at pri vate sale. Tbe fsrm is situated along tha main road leading from MifUintown to Mc Alistcrsville, in Fermnagh township, Jun iata Co., Pa., and only 2J miles from the former place. The farm contains 145 ACRES of land, 120 acres of which are cleared, the balance in valuable timber. The land is in a gooi state of cultivation and under good fence. The improvements are a good frame boose ;v) by teer, a good frame bank barn 40X90 feet, and oth er out-buildings, a well 6 feet deep of nev er failing wator is at the door of the bouse, and a well 16 foot deep, of never failing water is at the barn. There is an orchard of over 100 trees on the farm. For further particulars call on JOHN BTLER, on the farm, or address Mm at Mifflintown, Juniata county, Pa. Valuable GrNt 91111 and Saw Mill at rrivaie sate. The undersigned offers for sale a GRIST MILL and SAW MILL, situated in old Port Royal, Juniata county, Pa., with 11 ACRES of land, more or less, wun mm asm, mill bouse 30X50 feet, three stories high, one story of stone, and two of frame, con taining 3 ruu of stone, two ptir of burrs, and one sand stone, chopper and corn break er, a Silver Creek s:nut machine, and sepa rating machine, two tlour bolts 20 feet long, wn Monr n lckers. all driven by the water of Hnnur's creek on a 17 feet overshot wheel. The mill has a good run of custom work and is in a eood wheat growing conn- try, and Is in good running order. The ur mill is driven bv a Rose water wheel, and is in good running order, doing a large NEW FIRM. WE HAVE COME FOR TO STAY, FEAlt NOT. Farnvrs' MorTintile Association ir. Geo. OoVjrn'a store room in Palter son. we nave a r.iu line oi t;.ii and equipped, and d-ting a lively busi ness. BARGAINS FOR THE RICn, BARGAINS FOR THE TOOH, Indncoo;on s for c-ve ybodv. Xi ilis crimir.r.'.ii'Ti. T'very prlicle marked in plaiu fibres. NO BOYCOTTING. Our principal cf iioiog l et:: o?s ia to bny and sell on legitimate principals and giving one man's dollar the same purchasing power as another. We hold the position, one low price to all NO MISREPRESENTATION. Call early and secure bargains. Hciuember the place. FARMERS' STORE, Tatterson, Pa. Spring and Summer Goods. I would inform the public that I b ive : now in my new millinery store at my place of residence on Water street, Mifflintown, second door from corner of Bridge streei. a full stock, of Spring fc Summer milliner; coods. sll new. and of the latest styles. TOR SO AND 10CTHS FOR BOYS AND CHILDREN. A. C. YATES & CO., SIXTH AND CE2STHUT STS. "SHADELAND" rure 15red lit Stock Establish ment in the World. -w ImportatSs arriving frm time ta lion iUraiMttvUrM exvllnice ! cai.m breedli. CLYDESDALE HOwSC EAGHION, hCMMAT OR FRENCH DRAFT HONSCS, HOLISM SHIRE HORSES. STANDARD-BRED TROT riRS. CLEVELAND SAYS Am FRENCH COAOttRS, ADDLE AND CARRIAGE HORSES, ICELAND AND SHETVAND PONUS, MOLSTEm-FRESIAN AND DEVON CATTLE. Onr enatomer nm inn artrmntatn nf ear many 3 S Hi amount of sawing in the season. FRAME and having employed first class milliners ! i mxpnrHaum ia brmtiin aad Importta; c: f ... rit-n- Frame I I .n, r.r.n.ro.1 ta siiddIv thennblic with I mntator amlilv: lr. variety and Immaa HOITSR. Snrinar of water. Cistern, frame Stable, hog bone, an orchard of thrifty trees of choice fruit in bearing. Any per son wishing to view tho property can do so by calling on the premises, and any person wishing to learn the particulars can do so by calling on or addresiinjr JOHN HERTZLER, Sr., Port Royal, Juniata Co., Fa- The Sentinel and Hepuilteam office is the Ir. -M inhwnrk done. Trv it. It wUl everything; fonnd in a firs tc lass milliner store, coma and examine my stock. I consider it no trouble to show goods. MRS. DE13L. March 22-87.1.T. nnoArt and low pr1r.ii, bwMH f nm nm- nmniA fax-llltlM. extent of bwalnaas, ana nrw rt of tnrapATtitfton. JTO OTHER XSTABL13HMWXT In U. WORX.it vSm aucfa adTarMwrn to to. pankaMr. PRICKS LOWI TERMS EASY! flatter welcome. Comwpond.nM aolldWd. Ctrcnlnrs Craw. poWEU BROTHERS. Sprtaebor. Crawford Caw F All ncrsons are herabv cautioned, not to I W" V soa thai anpsr. Caution Notice. i psy rou if you need aavthiag io that line township. to hunt or flsh, or In any way to trespass on ! Ihe lands of the undersigned ia Fermanagh j UH Rrra Braes. FKINTlvi; up meet can direct you to his door. catc and Preis.