Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, May 04, 1887, Image 2

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BBfTOB jlD raorararoa.
Eleotion of County Superinten
dent There was no Bign, at this place
on Tuesday morning that a conven
tion of 6choo! directors would meet
this day and wrestle with the respon
sible question of the election of a
County Superintendent. It is true
that on Monday evening Ilibbs and
Keller each nicely browned by sun
shine and air had come in from the
field of contest throughout the coun
ty, bnt they were all so quiet and bo
uncertain of results that they would
not venture an opinion. Professor
Kreider of Chester Springs dropped
quietly into towu and some one call
ed him a dark hor.se The MiQin
town directors on Tuesday morn
ing were busy with their indiv
idual affairs and no two seemed
to know what any other two would
do. Aucker was quietly working in
his garden. Thomas had his eyes
open for the cattle trade. Espen
schade was behind his counter.
Scholl was talking buggies. Lyons
wns busy writing a brief. Noble was
looking after the pump and well
trade and yet with all this seeming
indifference everybody was quietly
talking about the election.
By 10 o'clock all of the candidates
were in town excepting Martin an d
a report was afloat that his name
would not go before the Convention.
Tho line of battle was drawn after
Turbett came upon the scene. There
vers no banners and no badges and
no music to rally the adherents of
the respective candidates, but there
was no end to the caucusing. There
was caucus on the street, in the shop,
and behind the door, and thus the
business of the nomination went
lively along till noon. At one time
it was reported that Ailman and
Keller had formed a combination
to suit themselves, but everybody
in point of fact felt uncertain of the
result and awaited with patience the
meeting of the convention.
convened at lo'clock p. in., aud was
called to order by V E. Aumaii. the
outgoing Superintendent.
On motion of Frat;k Noble Rev. ;
A. II. Spangler was elected Chair- j
man. Mr. Spnng'er expressed Lis
grateful feelings for the Lonors con
ferred and a.-ked the Convention to
be indulgent with Lira during Lis
J. E. McCahan nominated Latimer
Wilson and John Dietrick as Secre
taries. Wilson declined. Dietrick
refused to hear Lis excuse and said,
they went to school together and
now Le desired that they sit together
as Secretaries in the Superintendent's
The roll of directors was called
by townships after which Jacob
Thomas nominated J. X. Keller as a
candidate for the county superinten
dent. Dr. Shelly nominated J. T.
"Ailman and supported the motion by
a speech. Mr. Farra nominated J.
W. Ilibbs. Mr. Kepner nominated
John Tuibett. John Dietrick nomin
ate! V. E. Auman. On motion of
Mr. Lyons tho nominations were
v- ae first ballot Auman Lad for
ty one votes ; Ailman, twenty-seven
votes : Hibbs. seven votes; Keller,
nine votes : Tin bt tt, nine votes.
On (lift Kf-cnnil hnllol mnin lio l I
, . . .., . , appetite and digestive organs, and. trenfth-forty-sis
votes ; Ailman. thirty votes: i ,t.
Keller, nine votes; Hibbs, four voles:
Tuibett, four votes.
On the third ballot tbe name of
Hibbs was withdrawn. The third
ballot stood. Auman, forty-eight
rotes: Ailman, thirty four votes:
Kclhr. tight votes: Tuibett, eight
The Chair announced Mr. Auman
the newly elected County Superin
tendent. On motion of John Dietrick, the
.salary of the Superintendent was fil
ed tit one thousand dollars.
. I.. D ;rr, p-.ietical '-;ntit, announces
to his friemti and all who are 'n need ol
-l.:s professional rvire, that ha wi'.l visit
regularly, Evandalo the 1st weeks of May
and October ; Richfield, 2nd weeks of May
and October; ant Oriental last weeks of
May and October.
Laco Curtains by the pair or ysrd. A fine
and new line of the latest designs just from
the east, at Schott's.
Thieves are multiplying and are entireiy
to numerous to suit quiet honest peop'.e
The homes of H. C. Gable, G. tV. Bureh
field, James Casrer, Clinton Singer and
Mrs. Conner, in Patterson, wers ransacked
Ttirs.lay night and all eatables found taken.
At Gable's they puiiei down the blinds,
lighted a lamp and set what victuals they
could find on the table and enjoyed them
selras. Tbev cnt the tliPu-r-
Cramer's house and opt-t, but tor
me reason or other did n&f et.-, u-
. . i .
Cramer had got np and with revolver in j E':is ua:upion, Thresher and Sep
htat waited for them, but they doubtless !,':tto,'s for one and two horse tread
heard him and left Tnbun..
1 ou may le anxious to Icaru more
of the fish trouble with England and
more about Germany having arrest
ed a French officer on German soil,
but what concerns you more direct
ly is to learn where to bnv nic
clothing. See ILuleys toV-k of
.lien's wear bffore you buy e!s2
Five hundred citisens of Louisville Ky
Attempted to take twojuurderers oat of jail
or the purpose of banf inj them last Fri
iay morning.
List of Letters remaining ia tho PU ar
son Pa., Post Office not called for : Mi
Tillie Boliinger, Mrs. Cannes. David Kin
slow. PosUl Cards .- J. B. Power. R. S.
Starr. Parties asking for above will please
say advertised. Howabd Kiek. p. m.
Patterson Pa., May 2nd, 1887.
Itch Prairie Mange, nd Srratche of
every kiai cured in SU minutes by Wool-
fori'i Sanitary Lotion. Use no other. Sold
bv L. Bunks and Co.. Druggist, Mifflintown
Ponnell's is ths place to buy nice
goods. Drop in.
John Kirk is home from the city
with a nice new stork of goods.
Drop around and see him.
The sesvn of 1S?7 is here, so is Samuel
Strayerof Patterson Pa., here with a
Brand new stock of Besutiful Clothing, all
kinds, all styles and prices to suit all
Don't wait. Come at onco I am readv. It
Ak any one who has ever bought a pair
of my $2 bdirs' fine kid button shoes and
thry i!l tell you that thoy never bought a
lietttr shoe to lit or wear for that money.
Only $2 at G. W. Hecka.
A revivifying of nature's latent forces oc
curs eery spring. At this tiroo better than
at any-other, the blood msy bo cleansed
from the humors that infest it. The best
and most popular remedy to use for this
pnrpoe is Ayer's Compound Extract of
Workmen have commenced to grade the
cround for a fourth track between Port
,l.ili(in and the curve at the bead of
iho atmVLt line south of Patterson. It is
reported that the company in the near fu
ture will put a fourth track along the rock
below tonn. If they do they will have
tour tracks from Port Royal to Milford S ta
tion a distance of sis mil".
Scrayet's populr.r clotLing store
is the object of attention these nice
snrincr d;ivs. New clotuinsr you
a. o
For $1.75 yon can buy a pair of line kid
top ladies' dress button 6hoes. at G. TV.
Heck's boot and shoe store.
Our new iuiporlation given last fall in
Laces and Edjings for Spring and Summer,
juft arrived at t-chott's.
I am glad it is Spring, glad my business
located among liberal and appreciative
people and very glsd to find myself well
prepared to meet all their wants in my line.
I announce the opening of Spring and Sum
mer Clothing Hats, caps, boots and shoes,
neck wear, collars and cull's, and a general
assortment kept in my line. Prices lower
than the lowcot. Sami kl Stsiteb.
4t. Patterson Pa.
Schott's new opening is a wonder
in the way of splendid suits for men
and boys. You must see the cloth
ing and hear the prices to fully un
derttind. English Spivin Liniment removes all
Hard, Soft, or Calloused Lumps and Blem
ishes from horses, Blood fpavin, Curbs,
Splints, Sweeney, Kingbone, S titles,
Sprains, t'Welliugs, etc. Save $50 by use
of one bottle. Warranted. Sold by L.
Banks & Co., Druggist, Mitflintown Pa. tf.
Harley is borne from the city with
the handsomest clothing for men
and boys. You know where to find
List of letters, unca'Ied for remaining in
the P. O.. at Mitflintown Pa., April 30, '87.
Persons calling for letters in this list will
please aek lor advertised matter. Letters :
William Fossan, Annie Sponenberger, Prof.
Oscar Kice, 2, George Montrcy, George
Martin, Miss Prudence Hower, 2, Ben.
Gearhcart, Mary Crossgrove, Harry Eber
man, Charles E. Edwards. Postal Cards :
J. T. Smith, O. Savior, A. S. Raffensberg-
or, Isaac Page, Mary McCulloch, A. S. Lin
dis, Mary Dressier and George Dressier.
Lverybody knows that Schott , cially, to gather around one the re
keej all the time on hand a mam- j finements of life, to live amid beau-
...u div v.o. i...! -i
almost any kiuu oi an outht you
want there in the way of clothing
for men. women and children.
If yon want to see a large and complete
line of plow Ao. go to G. W. Heck',
boot and shoe store.
Ayer's Pills are the best cathwtic for
correcting irregularity of tha stomach and
bowels. Gentle yet thorough in their ac
tion, tbev cure consliostion. stimulate th
A morning hand bath in cold salt water
i delightfully invigorating.
A pinch of salt taken frequently will stop
a cough or throat irritation.
Warm salt water inhaled through the nos
trils will cure cold and catarrh.
A glass of salt water, warm or cold, ta
ken on rising in the morning, will cure con
ttipation. Bathing the eyes when tired or weak in
warm salt water will soolhe and strengthen
Fait, plentifully sprinkled on the icy door
step, wiil ba-e a better aud cleaner effect
than ashes. Good Housekeeping.
Call Inin:cd!alelT at Scliott's.
Grand Opening of Spring and Summer
Goods at Schott's stores.
Our assortment in Jerseys of brown and
black, and fancy braided, i. immense thi.
season, at tchutt s.
Miilh Horse Sale.
On Thursdar May o, L. Banks TTilson
win sell bis nth Lot ol Iowa and Western
horses at the Jacob's House in Mifflmtown.
A fine lot of young homes, draught horses
and driving horses. Sale to commence at
one o'clock p. m., sharp.
Standard Machinery.
Wia. Hell sells a full line of Stand-
am m l.mery and farm implements.
among wuicli are American Road
Machine Cos, Reversible Road Ma
chine.. .Newark Machine Cos., Col
nmbus, ()., ictor Double Huller,
Gmn Drillp, horse rakes HanoV
I Comstoeks. Sawmills, Cider mills,
I Cfa Tlattrs, Feed Cnttenc Ai
I Pwer7 swBcp power, or 6teara pow.
! r. Jsyrapuse UhiIId Plow, Ridin"
1'iowi cnrl Side Hill Plows
.'ount Joy, two horse, wheeled and
single horse cultivators. Lawrence
A; Co s Champion Soriryr Tooth Hr
rows. Repairs kept for all of the
nbove r;ootl8, also, repairs for Johcs
ton IIurveEtr Co., and Eureka Mow
er Co's machinery.
MiffliutownjuniaU cauntr. Pa
May 2. ST. & mo. -
TTmm tho Philadelphia Bulletin:
The Socialists are now taking delight
in predicting a great "panic" in 1889.
They are eagerly looking forward to
such times as those which preTailed
in this country from 1873 to 1877.
In the ruin of industry and the dis
tress of labor they hope to strengthen
themselves These miserable wretch
are unhappy in a season of prosperi
ty like this, when men are succeeding
in their undertakings aud when they
are lunth to tolerate new experiments
in society and government They
want a season of panic and loss and
ruin, when they can see men become
as miserable aud despicable n them
selves. Safe from Cyclones and Earthquake
The Snureme Lodge of the Broth
erhood of Protection yesterday ap
plied for a charter in the Prothono
tary's office. The object of the Lodge
is : "The protection of its members
from loss to their property by fire,
cyclone, lightning, flood or earth
quake, by means of the creation of a
benefit fund, from which members
may draw an amount in cash to re
nv said loss : the creation of a fu
neral relief fund for the benefit of
families of deceased members, the
fund for the aforesaid purposes to
be obtained by general assessments
of the members of the said corpora
tion" The subscribers are Charles G.
Frowert, P. M. Stevens, August We
ber, Dr. B. F. Coulder and Henry A.
Wevand. North American, April 29.
Governors of States
Alabama Thomas Seay
Arkansas Simon P. Hughes
California Washington Bariltll.
Colorado Alva Adams.
Connecticut Phineas C. Loans
Delaware Benjamin T. Biggs.
Florida Edward A. Perry.
Ooorgia John A. Gordon.
Illiuois Richard J. Oglesby.
Indiana Isaac P. Gray.
Iowa William Lirrabee.
Kansas John A. Martin.
Kentucky J. Proctor Knott.
Louisiana Samuel D. .McEnery.
Maryland Henry Lloyd.
Massachusetts Oliver Ames.
Michigan Cyrus C. Luce.
Minnesota Andrew R. McGill.
Mississippi Robert Loxrry,
Missouri John H. .Marmaduke
Nebraska Joan II. Thayer.
Nevada C. C. Stevenson.
Xew Hampshire Moody Currier.
New Jersey Robert S Green
New York Darid B. Hill.
North CarolimWf red M. Scales.
Ohio Jonepu B. Foraker.
Oregon Sylvester Pennoyer.
Pennsylvania James A. Beaver.
Rhode" Island George P. Whet
South Carolina John P. Richard
Tennessee Robert L. Taylor.
Texas Laurrence S. Runs.
Vermont Ebenezf r J. Orm6bee.
Virginia Fitzhugh Lee.
West Virginia E. Willis Wilson.
Wisconsin Jeremiah M. Rusk.
Democrat in italics, Republicans
in Roman.
Sliaiu IJeseclahiIIy Gentility.
In the New York Independent of
April 2S, 1SS7, t Le following para
graph appears in an article entitled,
"Crimes Beginnings and Crimes Pre
vention" from the pen of Wnx M. F.
Round. Many a respectable family
is sending its 6ons into temptation
aud very likely to state prison and
sending its daughters along the paths
to wretched marriages by a miserable
desire to keep up a certain standard
"""V", arrm
luui iuiiounuiri:8 is not a oau one.
u-dt to sek these things in order to
make a vain show, and to live more
stylishly than- one's neighbor is a
very bad thing a very corrupting
thing. To do this at a sacrifice of
principal is a wrong thins ; to do it
at the expense of ether's rights is a
criminal thing. The standard of life
which paienls set for their children
often sends the children to state pris
on. Less than a week arr T wa
talking with a mother wLose sou of
seventeen years had just committed
a forgery to obtain money for a fast
life. The mother, who was crnKha,!
with the blow of her son s d.fraee.
said : '1 can't see what made John
ny do it Ho has always associated
with boys above Lim, Le has been
proud of a fine social position, bis
sisters move in the best society, and
we've always tried to keep Johnnj in
V. 1. i If- i . , . , .
' Kt-oi. Bui-.eiy. e ve uougnt mm
line clothes, better than we could at
ford, we ve pinched ourselves that
he might have spending money like
his associates. And now it has come
to this I had not the cruelty to sav :
"It has led to this :" but I could not
help remembering that the bov'a fa
ther was a laboring man earning
large wages for bis station in life-
and Johnny's ruin had been brono-ht
about by trying to keep him in a sta
tion oi nte aoove that in which the
circumstances of his birth bad rlac-
eu mm. 1 ne Doy nad been held up
to such a fictitious social position
that he thought that he belonged in
it, and ia order to mantain a place
into which he had been forced by his
parents, could see no way but to
steal. There are hundreds of famil
ies in Xew York, and all over our
land, who are sowing seeds of bitter-
add anil .1.a... x , i
uu cunuiu iux uiemseives ty a
false pride for their children and a
vain desire to see them associating
with rich men's sons. Thev tlont
ask whether their son's associates
are truthful, are honest, are indus
trious, are manly ; but delight to
know that they are "stvlish" and
"move in good society." They find
them growinsr into expensive " tastes
and begin to wonder at their ex
travagance and at ia6t find it im.
possible to support them in the very
place to which thev have arced trmni
The boy is too weak to go back
there has been nothing in his life to
make him Btrone and he forrrea and
embezzles, or steals and the mother
turns her eyes reproachfully to Heav
en and wonder's why her prayers for
her son's welfare have not been ans-
wered. I have been speaking of
crime oeginniusr and crime nreven
tion in these families only which are
caiteu respectable.
Few persons realiie how thoroughly
the, areNxmtrolled by P"
their own disadvantage. For inMy y ear,
the treatment of rheumatism, neuralgia,
acLica.nd headache ha. been by some
outward application, and, therefore, with
topping to think that the ongui of
these trouble, must, from necessity, be in
ternal, the weary sufferer continue to nib,
b and find no relief. Athlophorosis taken
irrnaUv, and as. proof
correct principle, it cures surely and quick
ly The statement of those who Aa b
rtd ought to convince the incredulous.
C. F. Bruce, Metnrl.e n, N. J, ys : " lJ
mother had the rheumatism in her heart,
and was cured by .Uhlephoros. She say.
there is no medicine like lL
James W. Iteed. 4038 Tcnn Ave., ritts
bnreh. Pa-, savs : My mother, a though , 7
yea of agV, was entirely cured by the use
of Athlophorcs."
M Carrie Patten, Eagle Village, . a ,
savs- "Mr mother was nearly a cripple in
""arm.; not having 1-een able to dre nor
KTable to feed JZ
months, be'ins in severe pain
time. The sente Win ceased
three bottles of Athtophoros, but ahe oon
tinnetl to take U nn.il all W rheuma
tism were g me; havin; taken 27 bottles i
all She lias not tnkeu any since last May,
and can use her anus as well as ever. A
nt.ml.er of f:ien.ls l,:.ve taken it, and in
evervc it has given saUsdctu n. Incase
of siek headac he, it gives almost immediate
John M. Wolcott, Piflard, X f:
" I cot a bottle of Athlophoros for a friend.
She at once gained rapidly, and has wt
been troubletl with the rheumatism since.
Krerv dnigRu4shul1 keep Athlophoro.
and Athlophoros PilK but where they can
not be boimht of the druggist the Athlo
phoros Co.." 112 Wall St, ew "aork, will
sen J either (carriage r"J rece,,l1?5
rrilar price, which is fl.C0 per Lottie
fir Athlophons and 50c. fi.r Pills.
d ".tion. weakness, nervous del-ilit. O'ases
nT women. .-.nntipaU.m. hrs-Url.e. Impure
blood? ic.. A thloiJioros Jtlb are unqut:eJ.
Pimples, Boils,
And Carbuncles result from a debilitated,
impoverished, or impure condition of the
blood. Ayer's SarsaTiarilla prevents and
cures these emptious and painful tumors,
by removing their cause; the only effect
ual way of treating them.
Aver's Sarsaparilla has prevented tho
usual course of ltoils. which have pained
and distressed n;e every season for sev
eral years. G. Scale, l'lainville, Mich.
I was badly troubled with Pimples on
the fare; also with a discoloration of tho
.kin. which showed itself in ugly dark
patches. No externnl treatment did
more than temporary good. Ayer's Sar
saparUIa effected
A Perfect Cure, '
and I have not been troubled since.
T. W. Boddy, Kiver St., Lowell, Mass.
I was troubled with Boils, and my
health was much impaired. I began
using Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and, in due
time, the eruptions ail disappeared, and
niv health was completely restored.
John It. Elkin, Editor Stanley Observer,
Albemarle, N. C.
I was tronbled, for a long time, with a
humor which appeared on my face in
ugly Pimples and Blotches. Aver's Sar
saparilla cured me. I consider it the best
blood purifier in the world. Charles II.
Smith, North Craftsbury, Vt.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
Is sold by all druggists. Ask for Ayer's
Sarsaparilla, and da not be persuaded to
take any other. tt
Prepared by Ir. J. C. Ayer & Co.. Lowell, Vaas.
I'rie-e ei ; ix boUles, MS.
)(Jcan be
Of RHEUMATISM by using
It H not enwr-IL It cvr aotbinff bt Rhaona.
tins, bat it b a safe ud sure oh ' th
Ttioawnrto who ban been cuivd wiU testify toiui-
KB.O. B. rt.vcm. nf 131 N 12th Bt.. Phflada . wtnf
font ntotitb After he bad bera cured by tn Roa
KhramttwrcCiire fwmitmjr t m whrtbw it wukl not
rinrnl, myir.it wmm beandlm with th dnaM. and
thontrt ba would low hu frvtn tha acuny ha
hid to endQiv; and itrmda of two twki ha tu enrra
by thai rvmly. altbnrh ha bad his hiw physician,
nd nM othar rrm-di without reeoit, pravuiua to
MTinc thi woodariui reaaady.
Mo. Cbas. A. Cox. Arwricaa and Morrw fH , Phfla.,
MkI- Mf wifawa badri'.dan. mti hf-t-.sdrtnomk4a
Me dpptr. Dnrtma and averrthinc a!w filcd. Tha
tuiiwmn Rhtttmtim i nr rorwa m one wp,
I IIWM. wllhMtlMi
fin in.
For eompiete iuformaron. IcajrrirUTe taj
phlrt, with tcatimoQlala. frr.
Fornlebr nil 4rwaaiwca. If ona or tha other ia
not to potation to furnish it to you, do not bn p
suadM to taJca anything elpa, bat apply dlraot to tha
(reneral Arrnta. PFAKI..KK BRO. V ( U.
Hid aV L Jlaxkac aHreet, FkilaaWpaiaw
Farmers' Mercantile Association in
Geo. Goshen's store room in Patter
son. We have a full lina of prods,
and equipped, and d ing a lively busi
Inducements for everybody. No dis
elimination. Every article marked
in jlain figures.
Our principal of doiug business is to
buy and sell on legitimate principal
ard givkg one man's dollar the same
purchasinp power as another.
We hold ho position, one low price
to all.
Call early and secure bvgains.
Hemembcr the place.
Patterson, Pa.
Spring and Sumner Goods.
I worild inform the public that I have
now , my new Mini,,,.
ZlZTZrr" tll Mifflin
econd door from corner of Brdee atreet
goods, all new, and of the late-t stvie.
and iharag employed first eta-, imfi'
oiore, come and examine rtv ,
consider it no trouble to show goZ
Kareh22-87.Lv. MRS. BL.
A LL persons are W.h .
I . -IK . n . fl
sigwed F 5 '""'isofthenndeA 41 Ann bt., .few Yorfe.N.'
J-B. Kehpf. !ict. x-86. Post-Offica Bex 450.
You have a special invitation
to call in, and see me, and ex
amine my large stock, and se
lect from it what you want at
my New Departure
I am determined to sell at
cash prices so low that you will
be astonished to hear them.
Cannot be done without in
these days of civilized house
keeping and my Cash Prices for
Rues, Lamps' Mattresses of all
kinds, feather bolsters, Chairs,
single, or in sets, Chamber
Suits, in cherry, walnut, ash,
and mahogany, if you desire it,
will cause you to realize that you
can have a house splendidly furnish
ed for a small price. My
of carpets, rauges from tho substan
tial rag, ingrain, two and three ply,
to tapestry and body brussel. Every
Department in the Household Fur
niture Line is complete, even to
If your desire for Household De
coration leads you to picture the
walls of the rooms of your honso we
can supply yon with pictures fit
prices thit will cause you to wonder
how thay can be produced for so
little money,
if you have a de?irc to economise in
your purchases of household goods
for use and for household adorn
mcnt you cannot afford to pass nie
by for my Cash Rates nro so low
that yon cannot fail of making nion
ey by buying at
Janasrv l-'ih 18S7.
Stockholders Individually Liable.
T. VAN" IKWIN', Caihier.
W. C. Ponioruy, Joseph Rothrock,
Noah Mertcler, Philip M. Keener,
Aiuoi (. Bonsall, Loui E. A'.kimoa,
Robert . Tarter,
Philip S4. Krpntr,
Joarph Rothrock,
George Jacobs,
L. K. Atkinson,
W. C. Pomeroy,
Amos G. Bonsall,
Noah HtTtzler.
Charlotte S cyder,
Ani:ie a. Khcltrr,
Jjne 11. liwiu,
Mnr Kurtz,
K. K. Park. r.
J. J"l:m Ir in,
T. V. Irwin,
F. B. Fror.
John Il!rtz!er.
Three and Four per cent, interest will be
paid oo certificates ot deposite.
jan 23, 1887 tt
Worth Knowing,
That I can stop toothache in less than
fire minutes ; no paiu, no extracting.
That I can extract teeth without pain,
by the use of a fluid applied to the teeth
and gums ; no danger.
That Diseased Gums (known
s Scurvy) treat ig.ed snccrssf ully
and a cure warEvj'-raiited in every
Teeth Fillfd and warranted for life.
Artificial Teeth repaired, exchanged or,
remoddled, lrom $9.10 to $U por set.'
Beautiful Gun Enameled Teet inserted at
prices to suit all.
All work warranted to give perfect satis.
Union. People who have artificial teeth
with which they cannot eat, are eopccially
invited to call. Will visit profestionally
at their homes if notified by letter.
Will visit rerulariy Erandale 1st woeks
of May and October, and Rich held 2nd
weeks ol May ard October, and Oriental,
last weeks of Hay and October.
Practical Deotlst,
Oct. 14 '85.
A Great Cause of Human Misery
Is tho Loss of
A Lecture on the Natore, Treatment and
radical cure of Seminal Weakness, or Sr
matorrbu!, induced oy Seir-bnse, Inroluu
tary Euiisoicns, Impotcncy, Nervous De
bility, and Impediments to Marriage gener
ally ; Consumption, Epilepsy and Fits;
Mental aud Physical lucapacitv, tc Bv
The world renowned author, in this ad
mirable Lecture, clearly proves from bis
own experience that the awful consequences
of Self-Abuse may be effectually removed
without dangerous surgical operations,
bougies, instruments, rings or cordials
pointing out a mode ol cure at once certain
aud e&Wual, by which every sufferer, no
matter what bis condition may be, may cure
himself cheaply, privately and radically.
DThis lecture will prove a boon to
thousands aad thousands.
Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to
any address, pott-paid, on receipt of (bar
cents or two postage stamp. Address
One dollar a year in advance.
One dollar and fifty cents if not
paid within three weeks after
time of subscription.
Alter the children have learn
ed to read, the greatest educa
tor is the newspaper. Every
man should do justice to his
family by subscribing for a pub
lic journal.
Never in the history of news
papers has the subscription
price been so low. Subscribe
for the Sentinel and Repcbli.
can, it gives nenrly twice as
much reading as any one of the
other papers in Juniata, Its re
ports of all important home
news and enterprises is full and
within the period of a year its
variety of reading matter com
prehends within its scope al
most every topic.
You should not be without a
county paper if it cost you six
or seven dollars a year.
In this day and generation it
amounts almost to a wrong
to one's self mid family to deny
themselves the advantage of
a good home paper. There are
more than a thousand and one
things during the passage of a
year that interest and some
times directly benefit us, that
appear in the home paper but
like the rain, sunshine and air,
that we are so familiar with,
we do not appreciate s they
There are people who do not
take a home pajier, but they
are not representative people.
To be sure this is ;i free coun
try and jeople can do as they
please so long as they do not
trespass on the rights of their
neighbors, but the man who
does not take his county pajier
is like the man who has a place
that he calls home when his de
sires are outside of its doors, his
home is a misnomer.
"It is all right'' if you de
sire a city parcr to subscribe
for one, or if you desire to have
one from a half dozen cities, it
is no one's business but vour
own if you pay for them, but
first of all, subscribe for our
county paper and then look
After having subscribed for
the Sentinel and Repcblican
you are certain in your secure-
ment of the county paper that
gives you a larger quantity and
greater variety of reading mat
ter than is presented by other
journals published in Juniata
As a medium for advertising
the Sentinel and Republican is
number one.
Its job department is not as
complete as the job offices m
Philadelphia or New York no
more than its newspaper depart
ment is like the department of
a Philadelphia or New York
daily, but the job department is
ample and prices are down to
city prices. We'll print you a
nice quarter sheet bill for one
dollar, a half sheet bill for one
dollar and a half, and a whole
sheet bill for three dollars.
Mention it to your neighbor
that they may do well to sub
scribe for the Sentinel and Re
publican, and send one dollar
in advance to pay for one year's
subscription, and when you
have job printing to do, or de
sire to advertise, or desire to
have sale bills printed send in
the order and it will be executed.
Bright, New Spring
The Champion Clothier of JulalaCounyJvlfJ.tr.
,rled froo. the Eastern cities with a wonderful
Will make fiiends, ou'shiue rivals, wia victories, and sell itself on its
merit. MEN'S K0T3 & CHILDREN'S
and Gent's furnisbing good.. Fir.t Class, combining Style, Quality and
Elegance, with prices that will astonish you. No sale w expected unless
I prove tbifl.
Bat I ask your patronage only waen I give complete sitisfactiox My
JEWELRY", Calico, Percale aud White Shirts. Neck wear, Collars and
Cuffs, Trnnko and Sitchels, is full and complete. Call and see.
June 16, 1886.
ry-ColIectiKg and conveyaocing promptly
attcndi-d to. OUice in second story of bui-
ford building. Entrance on Mji.i street.
Locis K. ArKiNsos. Gto. Jacobs, J
I-Collecting and Conrerancitig prompt
i, tended to.
' ...... ...;
Orricc On Main street, ia plac of resi-
dence of Louis K. Atkinson, Esq., south of
Bridge street. IOct26, ISf'i.
Ha resumed actively the practice of
Medicine and Surgery and tbeir collateral ; 6.55 a. m., Aitoona at 2.UQ p. m., and stop
branches. Office at the old corner of Third ping at all regular stations arrives at Mitflra
and Orange streets, MiQiintown, Pa. -
March 29, 1976.
Jobs VcLai-obu. Josirn W. Stivmel
DyOnly reliable Companies represented.
Doc. 8, 15f6-l y
You will want to buy lrom
Complete Stock OI
"-nnrvrt o.Mmni
Oar Dress Goods Department
is full to oversowing. Don't
miss the bargains, we invite you
to come in and sec for yourself.
0U Can be SUlted With OUr loW ; B"n-"e"'Fr'rt, MiIlertown, Thompsontown,
. . , ... ,i .i Forl ltoyal,timoatMifnin, 11 5i a. m.; Al-
priced dress gOOdS Ol all tlie toona, 2 2U a. iu., and Pituburg, 6 10 a.m.
.11 - . Mail Tbaix leaves PUila-ltfipuia dailv at
newest bhades. ou may want 7.00 ,., Uarri.s,:,rg u. .. m., 4W
ttomething in Black and Color- j TlJ3J3 t!"1 p"
o 1 j,uig at aU regular stations between MiSiia
ed bilks, Black and Colored lnd Aitoona reaches Aitoona at &30 p. sa.,
, - ,
ia.snmeres. e iiave tnera.
Call for what you want.
i port d,U p. m., alillerdtown o,2i p. sa..
OUR SHOE DEPArJME.NT!Tr,,townp-ni- Z: Ml
I p. m., Tuscarora 6.1j p. m., Mexico 5,1 p.
You will find one of the most i y1 s5- v- m-, Kiniia 53 v.
m., Lesristown 6i2 p. ui., McV'evtown S'
COmplete in the COUntV. The i44 Newton Ilaaiilton 7,10 p. m.,
1 ! Huntingdon 4 40 p. iu. Aitoona 9 Q.
boots and shoes that we sell ! Pacific Express leaves Philadelphia 112
this season have an improved J'mfTeftVoV.; mST.
sole and heel that adds to their m 5 Lewi,own 504 am; McVeytown 27
,. , m; Mt. Union 6 54 am; Huntingdon
Wearing quality. Don t miS8 : 20 m : Petersburg 6 a m ; Spruce Creek
;4am; Tyrona 7U7am; Hell's Mill
lIleul- ' 2. a ni ; Aitoona 8 05 a ru; Pittsburg
e hare Men s I ine bhoes at ; se, shore Expr,8. east, on sund.v,
prices that will astonish you, our-i ffiK ""iW
stock of Ladies' Shoes can not
be surpassed iu the county,
Our stock is all fresh and clean I
and sold at prices that will sur- j Sar7 15 ! ,m' 3 u0 p m-
r Trains arrive at Lowistown Junction fran
priseyou. We have on handjSJI-ii
a full line of Fresh, Plain and i tyronk divistov
Also, the only full line of
in the county. Every house
must have its full supply of
Queens and Glassware, thia is
the store to call on for such ar
ticles. All orders by mail will re
ceive prompt attention.
Remember the place,
Main Street, Opposite Cocbt IIocse,
MilXliutowii, Pa.,
( On and after Monday, Jan. 81th, life,
: tin lh tnPM ifllln "ul rnn loliwt:
Altoosa Accoxuodatios learet Aitaaaa
daily at r -U a. m., Tyrone 5i.' a. iu.,
Huutiogdon 6,33 a. m.t Mount Union at
C.5i a. di., Newton Hamilton 7,04 a. .,
lie Ye) town 70 a. ui., Lewistown 7,5 i a.
m., Uilford 8,11 a. m., Mitllin 8.17 a. .,
Port Royal 8.23 a. m-, Mexico 8,23 a. m.,
Toscarora 8,32 a. m.t Vaonyke 8,35 a. rn.,
Tnompsontown 8.43 a. m., Durward 8.47
j " Mi.lerstown 8,-74 a. m., port iM5 a.
j m- 7' ,Hzrur mt 10 10 "
nd at Fhiladt-lphia, 3 lo p. m.
- , ,.
, Sea buozt Eyaiss leave, aitoona daily
t P. vd a. m., and stopping a all regular
i stations between Aitoona and Harrisburg,
1 reaches Mifflin at V-56 a. m., Harrisbnrf
! 11.40 p. If., and arrives in Philadelphia at
I 8.15 p. m.
; 11 a it, Tails leaves Pittsburg daily at
i at b-l'i p. m., Iiarriabnrg 7.10 p. m., hhila
j adelphia 4 25 a. m.
j Mall Expres leave Pittsburg at 1 00 p m.
Aitoona 6 2: p m ; Tyrone 6 54 p m ; H unt
: ingdon 7 C7 p ui ; Lewistown 6 51 pm ; Mif
' Sin 915pm; Harrisburg ID 45 p in ; Phila
delphia 4 25 a m.
Philadelphia Express will ttop at Miflin
at 11 S3 ha rla.-d.
Fast Llxr leaves PhiidIphia daily at
11 60 i m ; JlarrUburg 3 40 p m ; MifCin
5l'8pm; Lewisiown 5 2S p m ; Aitoona
8 lOpu; arrives at Pittsburg At 11 55 p ta.
Wat Passesgeb leaves Philadelphia
Duncanoon, 8 64 a. m.; Newpurt, J 2i a.
m.; Millerstown, 9 40. mThompsontovra,
- m.; Van Dyke, 10 00 a. m.; TuscAr-
i ora, i') vt a. m.; nclico, 1U u a. m.; Port
Koyal, 10 1U a. m.; Mifflin, 10 20 a. ai.;
Millord, 10 26 a. m ; N Arrows, 10 St a. ru.;
I LewistoKU. 10 40 a. m.: Mc Vevtown. 1 1 14
j m-: Newton Uaruiiton, 11 2j . m.; uun-
...iuvu, A. j. ux., IIUIIO, A ri p. Ol
Aitoona, 1 40 p. in., and stop at all regular
ttAtioas between llarrisburg and Aitoona.
t)vTsa EipaiJi leaves Philadelphia dai
ly at 5 40 p. m., liArrbburg, 10 25 p. na.,
stoi.rmis at KockvUlo. Marvavillp. Dimi-ia.
rittsourg s.-m p. m.
AirooiA AccoauooATios Uaves Phil
adelphia daily at 11 50 a. m.. Uvrisbu'-z at
j 4.10 p.m., Duncaiinos 4.45 p. iu.,
Way Passenger west and Mail east will
top at Liicknow and Poorman'a Snr,..
j when 1Sntw .t..
f TPitl llMV. I an I . ....
" u j uncuon lor IIU-
roy at 6 85 a m. 10 55 a m. 8 1 i n . . ..-
Trains leave Tyrono for BellefonU aed
i.oca iiaven at B 10 a m, 7 15 p in. Leav,
.j.u.r mrweusvi.ie and Clearfield at
8 20 a m, 8 05 p m,7 25 p m.
Trains leave Tyrone lor Warriors Mark,
Pennsylvania Furnace and Scotia at 9 20 a
m and 4 80 p ru.
Tr.aiDl".rrive Tvr0M trota Bellefonta
nd Lock Haven al 12 05 p m, and 6 37 p m.
.;.Trin! 7ive Bt T'ron fron Curweni
ville and Clearfield at o 68 a m, and 1 1 45 a
m, S 1 pm.
Trains arrive at Tyrone from Scoiia, War
riora Mark and Pennsylvania Furnac. at
58 a ni, at 2 85 p ni.
Trains leave Huntingdon for Bedford,
iiyndman and Cumberland at 8 25 a. u
and 6 35 p. in.
Trains arrive at Huntingdon from Bed
iora, Uvndman and Cumberland at 11 la
P- ni., 6 20 p. ru.
7 ain" AUo'' for points South, at
n- -
S . aai,wu IrVni DOIDll
i rains arrive at
Aitoona from
5 55
VIM D HI. -- i , n -
- !. m. and 10 35 p m.
Mclillips & Co's. Planing Mill,
Port Royal Pcnna.
Ornamftntal Pnri;nn
V4 b!UUO
Bracket and Scroll Work.
.luiiLuiscs, r
AtilA. H..I : l
lumber of every description
, umoer worked
"J rau promptlv
I orders shonM Is4 inn t
attende to.
i 7
I -
Snl,ibe for the Sewtmtl ?,Wi
a. I
Port Koyal, r.
1 r
. ;-- ' .
,,....,. ' -