Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, February 02, 1887, Image 4

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    ratty', liegaon.
Tatl" Trice," said Mr, DenrrooTt
to his pretty snop cu t, n ut -late?"
"VThat ails me?" repeated Patty
shruzlnir up one shoulder and lookinj
very Lard at the box of mixed hairpin:
i.tru m-ii-intra nretext or ar
s'Votliinf ails me. H'
should you ask'r'
"Because " said Mr. Ienbrook, witl
trrave, fatheilv kinduess, "you are nol
vour old self at all lJerause your mint
"is not on vour business: lieoause what
ever is worth doing at all is worth do:n
welL Tatty, my pirl, you're an orphan,
and our C harlev thinks a deal of you
two good reasons that I should be clad
to have vou here in my store. But,
Tattv, voiir services will 1 worth noth
ing at all to me if you don't rut a little
more heart into tlicm."
Tatty contracted her pretty arched
brows and muttered something about
"not exiting to spend all her days in
a tliread-;ind-nmile store," which Mr.
Keubrooke made it convenient not to
hear, liut Cirizzy Walters, the fore
woman, nodded her ln-ad significant!
as l'attv went out.
"Alii" ."aid Gruzy in a meaning sort
of a tnonor.vllable, '-she's got a beau!''
Kli!" said Mr. iVnbrooke. "Oh.
vou mean mv nephew t'harley," with a
L-lauce at the high-railed caliier"3 desk,
where the identical Charley in question
was at that moment engaged in looking
up a long i-olumii of figures.
-No. 'ot vour Vephew, Tatty has
taught herself 'to look higher than an)
store clerk now.'
"Grizy Walters, wliatdo yoiimean.'
demaiideJMr. Denlirooke.
' lie boiirds at the St. Nicholas and
wears fine broadcloth anil varnishet
ltooUs." slid Gnzzy. "He's a tine gen
tleman and comes in here often to buy
little things. I saw him when he tirst
came and said something pretty t
Tatty about her blue eyes. They walk
together Sunday afternoon, and Tatty
thinks .--lie" going to be a line lady."
'I must si-eak to Tatty about it,7'
Ntid Mr ! H-:ilrooke. much lituibed.
"Tatty! Tatt:" he remonstrated.
'Fine gentlemen don't mean any good
wlien thev come jihil.uidenug around
.-tmegi Is." Take warning. Tatty child."1
j tut Tatty Trice only ilouix-cd out ol
the rooiii.
It w as late when she escaped from
the store that night past ten. with a
full moon shining in the sky; and just
as she slipped out of the side dtxu
Thai ley Ih-nbrooke came forth from
the other entrance.
-M.iv I go home with you. Tatty?"
"I'd lather walk alone," said Tatty.
"It is late."
"I am not at all afraid. "'
"Does she mean to give ine the mit
ten?" he aked himself. "I'll follow
her at a distance and see that she gets
safe home. She can't prevent that."
But l hai ley wavered in his resolution
when, turning a corner by the park, he
saw Tatty joined by a tall, stylish ligure
in a fur-trimrued overcoat and a silk
hat. Jle paused a second, looking alter
them, and then turned back with a
heart as heavy as lead in his losoui.
Meaiiwhile'Tatty tripped along by the
side of her cavalier as light as a lark.
"lt me see," said Mr. Sinclair,
Tatty's companion, "it's your lth
birthday to-morrow."
"JIow did vou know it?" cried out
the e ichanted gill.
"A little bird Md me" (Mr. sindaii
might have said with more truth that
the innocent daina-1 had divulged the
fact some days ago in her unconscious
prattle), "and I haven't forgotten it. I
don't forget. Here's a birthday gift foi
'Sot a ?li bill:' cried Tatty, as t!a
uleam of a Mreet lamp fell across tin
slip of paier in her lover's hand.
"Oh, that is nothing. I would have
picked out something myself if I had
thought I could have suited you."
Tatty's eyes glittered. Here was
princely generosity: How long would it
have been lefore Charley IMnbrokc
gave her a $100 bili.
She asked for an afternoon's holiday
the next day and went out with glow
ing cheeks anil dimpling li(s to make
ill-important purchases. What would
Grizzy Walters and ail the other shop
hands say when they saw her in a new
velvet basque? She bought it and or
iered it sent to the store.
"I'll try it on there," she thought,
"and then they can all see it."
But the next morning as she took oft
her bonnet and shawl in the back of the
store in walked the proprietor of tin
velvet cloak establishment w ith a big
policeman at his ellw.
"We want Miss Martha Aim Trice, v
said he. "She bought a cloak at out
place yesterday, and she paid for it with
one of the new counterfeit bills. Ileif
it is a ?1"0 bill."
"Impossible:" cried Mr. I h-iibrooke.
"Quite out of the question." said
Charley, bouncing down from the cash
ier's desk. " ur Tatty never could v
"It is quite true," said Tatty, as slit
advanced, pale as death and trembling
all over. "I did buy the cloak. I did
pay the flo" bill for it and received $21
in change. Here it is in my pocket now.
But I never dreamed that the bill wat
anything but a gixwl one."
"I've heard all that In-fore," re
marked the policeman. "Where did
fou get it?"
"It was given to me by Mr. Monten
er Sinclair," she answered in alow
"Can you identify him?"
"Then p'raps you'd better come along
with us. If you're really only a tool ii
his hands, why things won't go quite w
hard with you. Nep lively, anyhow
We can't stand here waiting all day.'
"Stop:" said L'hailey Ilenbrooke. ""J
will go with lier."
Ami Tatty's limped eyes, all swim
ming in tears, thanked him.
Mr. Mouteuier Sinclair was duly
identilied by the ioor, mortifled Tatty.
"Oh." said Mr. Sinclair, who sat on
rail at the police station, swinging hit
legs easily ami chewing a straw for lack
9t a cigar, "it s the pretty shop-girl! J
thought so."
And Tatty colored redder than evei
with indignant mortification.
As it was so evident that she wat
3nly an instrument in the hands of the
crafty counterfeiter. Tatty Trice was
released without any further trouble,
md she returned to the store a saddei
nd a w iser girl.
'Charley," she faltered, "I'vetreatec
jou shamefully."
"Never mind that. Tatty, darling,'
said young lenbiooke. "We're al
liable to mistakes, and I'm only glac
you've found yours out before it was toe
And so they "kissed and made up,'
as all true lovers should.
lislikrsl to Hcftix-.
A little gill was reproved recently bi
her mother for accepting a dime from i
gentleman who had tendered it as geu
tlemeu often do to children as a testi
mouial of their admiration. "Vol
must say to one who offers vou sue!
gifts that your mamma says you mus
not accept them," said the mother.
"Well, all right, mamma," said tin
little one. Then after a while medita
lively, she added: "But mauuna, sup
pose he overpersuades me?"
Leave ot larch which iiad been rolh
into balls the largest more than a foo;
in diameter by the whirling motion ol
water have just been exhibited before
the Berne Naturalists' Societv. Suet
balla, free from cementing mud, an
formed in certain Swiss lakes, and ir
other places are produced from various
Toxgek Sasdwiches. Chop CO!d
boiled tongue very line, and to one
coffee-cupful of the meat add a prepar
ation made of half a cupful of butter,
ateaspoonful of dry mustard, a salt
spoonful or salt (if th tongue is not
salt enough) and the Juice of half a
small lemon. When thoroughly mixed,
it is ready to spread neatly upon thin,
evenly cut slices of bread. Tut two
slices together and trim their edges.
Ham and corned beef may also be
used for sandwiches, with the same
dressing. Or
liana sandwiches may be preparea
by this method. Cut some fresh
biead very thin, and or square, equal
shapes. Chop some cold boiled ham
very fine, and mix with it the yolks of
one or two uncooked eggs, a little pep
per and mustard. Spread some of this
mixture over the buttered slices of
bread; roll them, pinching each roll at
the end to keep it in shape. If there Is
difficulty im cutting fresh bread, use
that, which is a day old, then cut It in
very thin slices, buttering it on the loaf
before it is cut; cui me slices iuw"
even squares or diamonds (the cruet
being alt removed), spread with the
chopped ham mixture before mentioned
and tit two squares together.
What we mean by a good square
meal Is not simply roast beef and pota
toes, with a piece of indigestible pie
nd a cup or ordinary coffee, but a
table covered with snow white linen,
.be china and glassware shiniuing like
io many miniature mirrors, with bou
luets of fresh blooming dowers in sea-
jon, ana napKins son ana iresu uum
:be laundry, not stiff as pastelioard, to
:hat they will slide from your knee.
These preparations cost but a trine.
ind they are the invariable precursor of
i goed appetite, yo ciisd snoura ve
lerved undecorated; the fisb and meat
ihould be surrounded with small pieces
it either parsley or beets, carrots or
:urnips cut by molds into various
Enicknack devices, not so much for
Niting as for ornamentation, and also
is an apiwtizer. For puddings, melons,
?tc, pulverized sugar should always be
it hand. Cleanliness of the table
should be co-important with cleanliness
it the body.
1'AiiEEit House Rolls. Boil one
lint of milk, and stir it into one heaped
uiblespoonful of lard and two even
ablespoonf uls or sugar. Let It cool,
ind when milk-warm, add flour enough
m make a batter as thick as muffin bat
;er. Then stir in a good gill of yeatt
ind let It rise ten hours; then sprinkle
some flour on the paste-board. Lay
the dough on it, and sprinkle over it
iust enough sifted flour to roll it out
bout three-quarters of an inch thick.
Do not stir or knead it Cut out with
i round cutter; brush the top of each
roll with melted butter; then double
;ach roll, toy tolding the two opposite
xlges together like a turnover; press
the sides a little together; brush the
:op with melted butter. Set to rise in
i warm place, and when very light, in
ilxnit three hours, bake them ten or
jfteeu minutes in a moderate oven, and'
serve at once. They should be of a
rery light brown color.
Hue Cake. Tick and wash in two
r three waters, a couple of handfuls of
ice, and put It to cook in rather less
.han one quart of milk, sweetened to
:aste, with the addition of the thin
riud of one lemon cut In one piece, and
1 small stick of cinnamon. Let the
rice simmer gently until it is quite ten
Jer and has absorbed all the milk.
Turn it out inti a basin to get cold,
and remove the lemon rind and cinna
mon; then stir Into It the yelks of four
esgs and the white of one; add a 6mall
quantity of candied citron cut into
small pieces. Butter and bread-crumb
a plain cake mold; put the mixture in
it and bake in a quick oven for half an
Minced Veal and Eggs. Take
some remnants of roast or braised veal,
trim off all browned parts, and mince
it very line; fry a chalot or onion,
chopped small, in plenty of butter;
when it is a light straw-color, add a
large pinch of flour and a little stock,
then the minced meat, with chopped
parsley, pepper, salt and nutmeg, to
taste; mix well, add more stock, if
necessary, and let the mince gradually
get hot by the side of the lire; lastly,
add a few drops of eutm juice. Serve
with sippets ot bread, fried in butter,
and the pjached eggs on the top.
Stewed Fowl, wrrn Rice. Truss
the fowl for boiling and stew it in
about a quart of mutton broth, season
ed with a little pepper, salt and half a
blade of mace, for an hour and a half,
skimming it often. About half an
hour before the fowl is ready to serve,
add a laue cupful of rice, and, when
tender, strain ihe broth from it, and
place the rice in a sieve to dry and
swell before the fire, keeping the fowl
hot; then place it in the centre of a hot
dish, with the rice arranged In rather a
high border around it. Serve with
parsley and butter sauce, ia a tureen.
Calves' Feet, Fricasseed. Soak
them three hours, simmer them in
equal proiwtions of milk and water
until they are sufficiently tender to
remove the meat from the bones; cut
in good-sized p eces. Dip them in yelk
of egg, cover them with fine bread
crumbs; pepper and salt them; fry a
beautiful brown and serve in white
Madeline Cakes ou Deekt.
One-half pound of eggs (four), one-half
pound of butter, one-half pound of
sugar, one-half pound or flour. Mix
the butter, sugar and yelks of the eges
thoroughly;; then add the flour aud
mix again; then the whites of the eggs
beaten to a thick froth. Grate in a lit
tle lemon rind. Tut in little dishes,
each about one-third full, and bake till
Farmers' Mixce Tie. Four bwls
or applea, two bowls of beef, one bowl
of suet, three bow ls of sugar, one tea
cupful of molasses, one dessert-spoonful
each of cinnamon, cloves, allspice
nutmeg, and a little salt. Tut away
in a jar what you do not use at once.
Moisten, when you bake, with sweet
cider or currant wine. Fruit, one
bowl of raisins, one of currants, and a
Uttle citron.
sauce for a Tudding. Kub to
gether a piece of butter as large as an
egg and a teacupful of moist or fine
sugar. Beat one eg, the yelk and
whit separately, unt.il as light as pos
sible; stir this evenly into the butter
and sugar. Add spice, if liked.
It has been discovered that the faded
ink on old documents, papers, parch
ments, etc., may bb so restored as to
render the writing perfectly legible.
The process consists i moistening the
paper with water, and then, passing
over the lines a brush which has ben
wet in a solution of sulphide of ammo
nia. The brick clay deposits of Hainstadt,
Germany, have been found by Dr
Strohecker to be singularly rich in sev
eral metals heretofore very scarce par
ticularly cerium, glucinum lanthanum,
didymium and yttrium. The first two
of these metals seem to be in sufficient
abundance to materially Increase the
world's supply.
Tcrn up the soil In Ihe poultn
yards and runs with either the spade oi
the plow. This operation should U
faithfully performed at regular peiiods.
arter the fowls' excrements, that accu
mulate where the birds are confined ir
small inclosures, are removed. Poultry
will be much more thrifty when thif
plan is adopted, and the grounds can
thus be kept more cleanly; while the
process of turning the soli over, givei
the 6tock so confined a chance for fresh
gravel and loam, as well as a temporary
supply of larva, worms, etc., that come
to the surface through this means. In
places where the fowls are limited to
narrow quarters, or aa is often the
case to their houses only, the floors
should be similarly treated frequently,
and the benefits attainable will more
than compensate the trouble occasioned
by this process. The very best way In
the country is to plow the runs. There
Is as much ned of substituting the ufc
nf Mm dIow for the spade in lue poultry
yard as ia the garden. Some of the
iinn-r txds and nooks and corners of
t'm warden must be spaded. It is true
but the plow and team facilitate garden
insr fenerallv. and by the exercise of i
littiH inirenuitv may be employed to
equsl advantage la keeping the ground
In your poultry inciosures ireu ui-
Black Teeth ix Swixe. It may
bf considered as somewhat foolish to
refer to the popular errors in regard to
black teeth in swine wera it not that
some fradulent people, to be classed
among the prevalent humbugs, are go
in?? about inducing farmers to let them
pull out the black teeth from their pig's
jaws as a specinc against cnoiera ami
all other diseases of the swine for a fee
of 23 cents per head. Black teeth are
no indication of any greater or worse
disease than a sour stomach, caused by
overfeeding and consequent indiges
tion, and due to the very prevalent
habit of gorging pigs upon sour swilL
Along with the black teeth there is a
fetid breath produced by the same dis
order of the stomach, and the teeth are
no more the cause ot this trouble than
the moon is of the crawling on the
cround of lima beans. Humbugs and
frauds of all kinds flourish and thrive
upon the ignorance and superstition,
not to mention the dishonesty, of their
victims, and this class of parasites will
probably always find abundant prey.
A successful English gardener
gives the following experience with the
gooseberry. It prefers a loose holding
soil, which readily imbibes but does
not retain much moisture. The plant
is propagated by cuttings and should
be transplanted early in autumn, the
trees ling ranged in lines. The trees
should be formed with single stems a
foot high, and the suckers, if any spring
up from the roots, should be carefully
removed. The ground in which the
bushes stand should be forked over once
a year, but only slightly, so as not to
disturb the roots. Manure should be
applied either as a top dressing or in
a liquid form, 1'owdere 1 white helle
bore is the only certain remedy for the
caterpillars which attack the plant
Fruit trees that have lieen girdled
by mice may be saved by a process des
cribed in 27ie Country Gentleman. Take
twigs from a fourth to half an inch in
diameter (the larger size being best if
the tree is large enough to hold them),
sharpen them to a wedge at each end,
and make an opening 1l the bark above
and below the girdle part wilh a narrow
chisel to receive them. The twigs are
first bent like a bow. for entering, and
then nearly straight when in place.
They should be bound to keep them
firmly in place, and the points of inser
tion covered with grafting-wax. The
editor says he has always done this
work in spring before the buds opened,
but. If well performed, thinks it would
succeed later. An instance Is given of
nearly twelve hundred pear trees sev
eral years old being saved in this way
Kerosene, showered upon plants, is
very penetrating, aud destroys insects
in all stages of development, even to
the eggs. Two parts of kerosene to one
of sour milk is a proper proportion. If
fresh milk is not at hand condensed
milk, diluted to the same strength,
may be employed. The mixture is suc
cessfully used for the scale insect in the
orange groves of Florida and can be, it
is thought, employed to destroy clinch
bugs. A mixture of water and three
per cent, of kerosene is deadly to the
bugs and does no harm to the growing
The only method of ridding the dis
eased sheep of the scab Is to dip them
into a liquid which will penetrate and
soften the scabby portions, and even
then It is often necessary to rub these
places with something rough to open
the scabs and let the liquid take effect.
A sheep dip made of one ounce of sul
phur and four of tobacco to a gallon of
water has been found very effective.
In the water, which should be at the
boiling point, steep tobacco stems or
leaves, and add the sulphur later; then
allow the liquid to cool dowr, when
the sheep may b9 immersed.
If rain storms come just as the wheat
is in blossom the water is apt to wash
off the pollen and make some berries
raising In the places where they should
be. It Is generally the upper portion
of the ear that Is thus destroyed. Quite
often a crop that looks to be good will
be lessened one third to one-half in
thrashing. Some varieties have more
open heads than others, ind are, there
fore, much liable to injury from this
cause- The Mediterranean wheat very
rarely sets as many grains as the bead
has room for; but with dry weather,
when the wheat is in blossom, it some
times does so, and large crops are then
A writer recommends as the best
fertilizer for fruits at' cereal c.ops a
mixture of finely-ground fresh bones
and good wood ashes six barrels of the
former and twelve of the latter, to be
well mixed together on a shed floor,
adding during the tu vure twenty
buckets ot water and one ot gpy
sum or plaster.
A hill has passed the Massachusetts
Legislature granting a bounty of one
dollar a ton on sugar beets, sorghum or
sugar cane, which will be used in the
manufacture of sugar. New Jersey
last year gave a bounty of one dollar a
ton on cane aud one cent a pound on
sugar. We are glad to see the example
Veing followed elsewhera.
For blacking for leather take twelve
ounces each ot ivory black and molas
ses; siermaceti oU, four ounces; white
;ng is highly recommended for giving 1
high polish, and for not cracking oi
l quarts, xnis mack-
-ruling me leatucr.
engage in tue cultivation of Jalan. It
was lound that the plant grows very
well there, and snma van i .
quantity of tubers were given to pri-' f
ine muivmuais in order to encourage
lounds, and only 400 pounds could be
obtained. So the Government has de
cided to cultivate jalaD itself until such
time as private growers are In position
to supply the demand.
Forty-tiro new chemical elements
nave been discovered during the past
ten years.
Although emery stone ia iounA in
nearly all parte of Asia Minor, and not
unfrequently in the remote and almost
inaccessible regions of the interior,
where the natural obstacles are too
preit to offer any inducements to
the miner, the principal mines are con
fined to the districts of Thyra and
Aidin. These mines, says Consul Ste
vens of S nyrna, are the icnavmi. w
Hassan Tchavuslar, the Aladjali-Tchl-
flib- onA Knil rchak. the Halka. the
Akdere and the Gurnush Dogh. There
is another mine near Milassa, the stone
from which is brought tor shipment to
a place on the coast called Kuluk, near
the Gulf of Mendalio, and is either
shipped direct from that place to for
eign markets or brought to Smyrna in
sailing crart for reshipment When
well picked and freed from unsound
ore and rubbish, the emery from the
Tchavus, Hassan Tchayuslar and
Ahwljali-Tchiflik mines is of good and
oualltv.' The Akdere
stone is not so much sought after, while
that excavated near Milassa, tho
largest part of which finds purchasers
in the United States is of inferior quali
ty, the grain belug smooth, and a con
siderable quantity of magnetic iron
entering into its composition. The
amount cf stone annually shipi e I from
Smyrna to Great Britain, the United
States, France, Uermauy and Belgium
averages seven thousand tons, the rela
tive quantity consumed in each couutry
being in the order named.
.1 iitao wilh case made entirely of
paper is a recent German production.
As described thj color Is a creamy
white; the tone is reported to ba char
acterizjd by swietuess rather than
loudness, the sound emitted, unlike the
slioit, broken note ot the ordinary
piano, tein? soft, full and f lightly con
tinuous, somewhat resembling that of
the organ. This modification of tone,
which must be considered an attractive
feature, is attributed to theereaness of
texture of the compressed parer.
Ii it is desirable to set up an anvil so
that its use would make the least pos-
3ul noise, set the aivil ou a block or
lerd. or make a putty ledge around tue
anvil upju the wooden block, one half
inch clear ai around, one inch nigh.
Kaise the anvil clear of the block one-
half inch, by any means available, pour
in the lead until it risesTrixive the bot
tom of the anvil, or set the anvil on a
good Led of sand held iu a box.
Oinaiiians are beginning to worry
over their loss of forest?. In the more
thickly settled i-arts of Ontario only
ten per cent, of woodland remain?,
and wells must be duff to the depth of
forty or fifty feet wheie formerly water
coald be reached at six.
Iitcent experiments have demonstra
ted that the greatest height ever reached
by sea waves Is from thirty-eight to
forty feet. The average storm at sea
raises waves to a height of thirty feet
The Dammar bee of Bcncab makes
a nest in hollow trees from resin col
lected in the forests.
rrffessor Tmulall savs that the sky
is indebted for its blue color to the par
ticles floating in the air.
liij a new German proce33 finely di
vided tiu Is precipitated upon textile
fabrics giving a flexible aud brilliant
A fruit grower say it is a good
plan to trim trees high and pasture or
chards with sheep. Hi prefers it to
plowing or mulching.
It Knock ilia speu,"
and everything in tbe nattr-of erttptkm.
blotches, pimple, ulcers, tcrolulous Hu
mors, and incipient consumption, which ia
nothing more nor less than acrolula ol tue
lungs, completely out of tue system. It
stimulates and invigorates tbe liver, tones
up ilie stomach, regulates tbe bowels, puri
fies the blood, and builds, op the weak
places of tbe body. It U a purely vegeta
ble compound, and will do more tliau W
claimed for it. We refer to "Dr. ften'$
"(Johlen Muli'-al Ditmrery."
Those who trample on the helpless
are disposed to cringe to the powerful.
Ac uood a Kew,"
are the words used by a lady, who was at
one time given np by the most eminent
physicians, and left to die. Iteduced to a
mere skeleton, pale and haggard, not able
to leave her bed, from all tliose distressing
diseases peculiar to suffering females, sucu
as displacement, leucorrbiii, inflamma
tion: etc.. etc. She began taking lr.
Pierce's ''Favorite Prescription," and abo
using tbe local treatments recommended by
bim, and is now, she says, "as good as
new." Price reduced to one dollar. By
There is always roam for a man of
force, and he makes room for many.
For weak lunea, spitting nf blood, short
ness of breath, consumption, nieht sweats
and all lingering couzus. Dr. Pierce's
"Ooldcn Medical Discovery" is a sovereign
remedy, (superior to cod liver oil. J;y
Mean souls, like mean pictures, are
oiten found in good looking frame?.
No doubtful ingredients to do harm.
Fresh Hops, Burgundy Pilch and Gams in
Hop rtasltr.
llnpTorom Misters are sold by all druir-
gistsand country merchants. The best in
tbe world.
Impatience of study is the mental
disease of the present generation.
Hood's Sarsjiianlli B ma le ouir rr C L How!
t Co., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mj-o. It Is prepared
wilh the greatest skill and care, nnder the ilirec-
Ion of the men wiij origin ue J l' - Hence lioi-i
Sareaparula mar be depemled upon ai siricly
pure, nonest, ami reliable.
We lie to God iu prayer if we do not
ely ion him after prayer.
A Ureal Offer.
No matter in what part yon live, you had
better writs to Hallett & Co., Portland,
iUiue, without delay; they will send you
free information about work ihat you can
do and live at borne, at a protit of from $3
to $25 and upwards daily, A number
have earned over $00 in a day. Both sexes.
All ages. You are started In business free.
Capital not needed. Every worker that
akes hold at once is absolutely sure of a
nug little fortune. Now Is the time.
He who knows not when to be silett
knows not when to speak. .
FITS: All Fits stopped rree. Treatise u titrm
Collie u( Or. Kline (ire Nerve Kssiorer. free t
lncasea. nuiour.iiline.w; Area at, i'ttUa.,Pa.
True happiness costs little; if It be
dear it is not of good quality.
Frazer Axle Urae.
The Frazer Axle Grease is better and
cheaper than any other, at double the price.
Ask your dealer for it, and take no other.
ln 'IS' Tn V
aDd ncexicted het.
Vnvvtr.u . - .k.v ",.
- . .j y j utvu mc uccia oi great
For LlTer. Bile. IndifeMkm. ta r-,
- ii
- Dyspepsia ;
Does not get well of llaelf ; it rrqnire earafnt,
peraiitctit attention and a remedr that wfll aaalat
nature to throw off the eaasei anil tone op the
eVgeaUre organs Ull they perform their dutlo)
wUUnfly. Among the asonica e iperienecd by the .
dyipeptie. are diatresj before or after eating, loot
of appetite. Irregularities of tbe bowcU. wind X
gas and pain la the atomarb, heart -burn, aoui
stomach.ete., canting mental depression, nerrons
irritability and aleeplce. If job are dl
eooraged ha of ptx-d cheer aud try flood's Sa
aaparllla. It haa cured huttlmle; itwIUcnre jou.
1 Hood's Sarsaparilla
8old by all drnnrlsts. $1 ; six for fS. Mads
Only hy C. L HOOI & CO, Lowell, Mass.
IOO Poses One Dollar
Buffering from Kidney Die
ease or from troubles pe
culiar to nor sex.
IU fmrfrir U xteffl
cuiima It a. IhmaiuU trf la.
min.attdtkal it Jrri it.'.' it
ledit cam fteiijr trttir.
I . W Bond the te of rateaty reara in rdierui; pon
cil pain, pioaoting rejularity of aeaioaa, and baaiihing
aukceu, bactacbe and consequent oerroes diauos.
Probably no other woman ia the world iectie
any "tcttrra of thanka" aa Lydia E. Piakhasi. of
Lynn, Masa. Mra. E of Enfield, N. II.. wr:
"I will simply lay that your Vegetable Compound i all
,ou recommend it to le. kat don ml IVtrlU
e.vJ - Another lady write from Ottawa aafeSowa:"!
U j to-day bought tbe arrenth bottle c J-ntr Vege.
Ubie Compound, hare used two boxes of ri and arc
errj packages of your Saaariw Wash, axid think it but
,Vit to tellyou bow much good I derired from your medi
cinea. Tv re m re&ar Cod ttuJ. Allthepaini
ad aches have-almost diaappeared, any stomach is muck
stroncer too and I feel myself improved every way.
r-rteo St. Bald by all DraxsjUtas
Even- larredlcat la from Tettla
trWaeta that a row In ale" every aaarrrr.
IT haaisoMc'n'hn.fTumori3uron1rc
hrrry ff'f
to pi" mini "
t? Mi miner.
A uiumn
V inter,
1 jp t Im mucous
- Mimtirunus
Nose, Thmmt, Bronohal Tulim,
and Luna- Tissues, causiti K fouirh.
tVbat Diseases Invade the Laager
Scrofula, Catarrh-poisons. Mlcro-organ-bms.
Humors, and ISIood Impurities.
What are Ihe Prlmari Canaee?
Colds, Chronic Couch. IJroncnitls Cotutea-
immi. Innamnuiiion. t aiarrn or iiay-rever.
Asthma. I'ncunionia. Malaria. Measles.
V boopmj Coujrh aud Croup.
It will stop that o'lifhinir. Ticklinir In
Throat, IlrT-hiii'feiinrililil Cutiiirh-droppinij.
la your ICtpeelwralioBi or Sputa
Frtilhn i;;-Sfitiiifi( (atitrrhal
mi.Wiiffer) Ytllmtirh CankrrMht
I'hUym Tidxrhular 3THro-iurulrnt J
It prpTc-nt.i IV-cline. Xisrlit-Swrnts, Hectic-
r't-vcr. and Ileal h from Consumption.
9 25o, 50o, f 1.00 G bottles fo.OO.
rrcpnml at IV. KNrntrt I1-rrrT)rT. Pinphamfon,
9 N. y.,,Inll.i' .ui.!r to H-sitii" Snt frwj.
1 t.01.0 Br ai i. mil 4-cisih.
fThs Only Sellable Blood Farlfltr.)
Scrofula, Salt Rheum.
Neuralgia, Ring Worm
And all other Skin and Blood Diseases.
Carea lawcrattaa and all dhwaara arblaa- ream
M aatecbled ew4ltlM af th avtcea.
re-Auk your Druirrtat ror DR. PARDEE'S KBITS
DT and take no other. Fnee SI. par botUa or aix
bottlaa for So. Manufactured by tho
Rochester, N. V.
RoniESTm, N. Y.
Gents: Kor tbe pat winter I iiave Leen
very badly afflicted w.tH rheumatism. About
sit weeks ago conUntd t my Lett, aud
whenever I was al io to cct around, was
obliged to use crutches. All the time I had
tbe best meJiral attendan.-e.
After one week's use of Dr. rar.lce's R'n-.o-dy
I was able to alk with a cane. I con
tinued its iiso and can now mote around
without assisiani-e of any kind, aud am bettv-r
in health than I hare been (or years. It hits
effected a permanent cure and I take plca-ui o
in recommending it C. It FIXNEt; AN".
Supt Fire Alarm TcUsrnph, City Building
Front Street.
Bend for i auiLlet to FarJoo Medicine Co
Tian ft o-i 'imrs Hlvir. Va . In I'lar
run IVIiS 'IHT. ll-itrail t'in-iila
1 ilUliiU J.t.ntM lilt larrrno
at. V.
OR ILL 939 a wtk ami truetv4
titi. Ou fit w Tth 4 ami particular
rv P.O. VI KfcitY. AiMiut-wMaiue
-ptnT-t Hail frvV l..yr
xii-Tt. n HfSNKH Co.,
tt M-rt a. liinft.Mi. 1. IX
One )crut (Mrrcbatit oiiK wanted in evtry town for.
Thr Tanrilra funrn' be clirara are boominr
Ser anM to uiauy in ao abort a tiu, UlU try aud
4 vu t.uiiia-r unier uii inoui'l,
P.J.A.L MiLisi. eilUbnrr. N. T.
Yonr "TatttiH'a Ptmcli 5c ci-rar la a irnorl trfler.
W. D Oak. Dnvnritt. Aiei( liL
Rook. 'lrvilarel.rerwia. raen
TD IT"!? from tiruu ail or iIm L". h. an.l
XV AjXJ CauanUi H yon nt 5)cnt to hve
rnnr ainyeln ww nwitenf Aajraila Xmwm Dtrev.
tory. UKUALLt.N 4 CO, rx Ma u M., kulfaiu. ,V.
Keepina- Teeth Perfeet and liinin Healthy.
whair' Pii3r 6reat tn9iia sWand
tlair 5 I IiISt Rheumatic Remedy.
Use! Its. ttl.lloi r.rail, U rta.
fSirerntrantwl iy.
"r- . ..a;rr.
fcA-M at ouce: no
ioraua or liav
Kll An.li L.Pu.l i. H-. ir.: s i iL t. 4 P. SL at " !?
iUlSU. t to 7 P. M . k Suartty a to 11 A. . Xavu-oTrao
plum HABiTrr
oooa ris, it j
rii.Mraml naiKlaom
sv rMwv K.nwi-ttv .
Uisoh am, l-a a it t j-vvor. WaaUiar
Uuila. U
ssUiurtjo. a J
i-li-f lorJ
n. r.;U. bv malt.
muh r.i.u a uii.
.naiitiatuwu. aiasa
TELECRAPHY '-e-mtr. and m
funuaoad. Wm. VaUaua.rr.W
A ijol deal or enterpiist: i3 Uing
ah iwii bj the Russians in developing
trtde with China and Japan to which
end the subsilfced Black Sea Steam
navigation Company is vigorously aid
lag. Twelve vessels are to be put on
at once between Odessa and Hankow
and very low freights are announced!
Moscow merchants are taking advau
taze of the oipjitunity and are for
warding large consignments of goods
to the porta of tbe east.
Cioleborelsa very slight decrease
of diameter at the muzzle of shotguns,
ror the purpose of preventing the ex
cessive spread of the shot. When
properly made it commences from f
inch to 1 inch from the mnzzle. R flea
are not choke bored, but slightly taper
f riJes 'e91 t about
two-thirds the distance, fmm f.
t toward the after wheels. .
m wtsrwjm
IT' J.
11 $k
T.nu7t sriFVT-C"
"How yer lie yer new place. Mar-
Ann? Does dey treat ;yo' una one ou
defam!.?' ,
Goodness aakes. na Dey'a orful
mean an' stingy. I's gwine ter Jeao
nex week.''
"Wot de dey do dat's mean?"
'Fus' place, de ole man lock np de
blackberry wine, so I karat git de
meres' taste. Secon' place, yo' karat
hab no company in de kitchen after
'leben o'clock.
"Wot nex'?"
"Wuss yit. When de mlasuss sends
jo out wld a baskit ter buy some veg
etables, she ases fsr de change soon as
you git back. Ebery, time, Sarah, she
axes fer de change f um de money."
"Axes-fer-de-cbange-fum-de-money ?
Why, Mary Ann, dat's no better den
He was a masher. She was a woman
who was spoiling a $14 hat in the rain.
He- raised his umbrella, hurried along
and overtook her and began : " Madam,
permit me to offer the use" "Ohl
thank you ever so much!"' she inter
rupted, as she took it from his band and
walked cn, leaving him to skip for a
doorway. A newsboy, who had noted
the performance from his position un
der an awning, looked from one to the
other several times, and then approach
ed the master r.d queikd: "Under
the circumstances, you dont want to
bny a newspaper, do you?" And the
answer was such a melancholy shake of
the head that the boy recommended a
chance of climate.
"iAr.," said a maiden, "Charley
wants to know ir you will say yes' if
he asks your consent to marry me."
"HuniDh! I think it is the young
man's place to ask that question him
self." "Oh pa! I know he will never ask
you. Why, he is so bashful he wouldn't
have popped tbe question if I hadn't
told him that if lie didn't I would get
real mad at him."
"And so it wa you who popped?"
"Oh, no, pa. I didn't pop. I mere
ly gave him to understand that I was
wiliing to marry him If he asked him."
Baoley Say no more, Aurelia, I
forbid the match. Young Spriggs may
be a gentleman, but be is poor.
Aurelia But he is one or the heirs
to the great Hogg estate of I01.O0O.000.
"Nothing of tbe sort, girl! He is
deceiving thee."
"Why, pa, I am sure he told me that
he is one of tbe lawvers engaged to de
fend the will."
riTTSBURGHEB (to New Yorker)
"I see that in the Boston street cars
the formula 'Here's a seat, Mrs. Lady'
is coming into use."
New Yorker "Yes, and Boston pre
tends to be a ceLt e of culture, too."
"What do you do in New York when
you offer a lady a sent?"
"We never do."
Oxe lady meets another, who has
just lost her father, promenading Filth
Avenue, drs-td in colors. "What?
You are not in mourning!" "For so
dlstaut a relative?" "Your father a
distant relative?"
ed in Chicago."
'Certainly; he liv-
Youxo Mr.S. (who sings occasion
ally) "1 say. Jack, you heard me sing
"Home Agaiu from a Foreign Store,"
in the rarlur a little while ago, didn't
Jack "Oh, ya-as."
Young Mr. S. "Well, how did it
seem to impress the company?"
Jack "Well er to tell the truth,
CUar.ey, most of them looked as if they
were sorry ycu had got Lack."
"Mv son sa d he was coming around
to see you about going on the stage.
Has he called yet, Mr. Po3ter?"
'Yes, mum, and he was fired "
"t ired with an ambition to be an
What's the matter, Bobby?" In
quired his mother, as the boy flounced
into the nursery.
'"!' s-sent me out of the 1 library
c cause 1 made too much n-noise."
I hope you didn't say anything
rutfe to your papa."
"N-no," rei-lied Bobby, who know.,
better than to be rude to the old man.
b it I s-s'a-ncned the door."
Colonel Yehger, looking over his
daughter's shoulder while she was writ
ing, exclaimed: "Why, Jennie, Is it
possible that you, who are 10 years old,
don't know how to spell your own sur
name, and you a graduate of Yassar
College, too?" Jennie: Well, it don't
make much difference how 1 spell toy
family name; in a couple of years from
now IU have a different one."
The funeral was over, and a few
personal friends were taking dinner
with the bereaved widow.
"Won't you have some more of the
roast beef, Mr. Smith?" she asked.
"Thanks," he replied; "I believe I
will. The ride to the grave and back
has given me quite aa appetite."
" Isx't it a trifle late in the season
for tennis, Eugene?"
"That isn't a racquet in the bundle,
Clarence, it's a frying pan. Yon know
I m married now."
Mamma" Wha Is my darling pet
thinking of that he is so quiet?" Dar
ling Pel (whose papa has just reproved
him for li ing sugar on his oatmeal)
" 1 was just thinking how nice it would
be if pap would die and you'd marry
Mr. Smith ; he always brinsrs me candy
and says I need sweet things."
"Are you as fond of me as yon were
of your first husband?"
" Yes, indeed, and if you were to
die, John, I'd be just as fond of my
third. I'm not a woman to care for
anything but love."
ita,v inquired a Chicago young
n, at the concert last night I
heard somebody refer to the tout en
semble. What kind of an Instrument
Is that, papa?"
Papa(not quite sure of himself)" I
think it must be French for trombone."
Words and their use : She I see
Jack, you are aiain building castles in
Spain. (Ue gazing into his cup) Oh
no, my dear ; only surveying my grounds
in Java.
Wbea too matt or ear Mew rot city, air,
"wss iS'
"'Ior ' money at the oraud i;Qioailou!
Ibasat aa. oilier nrsucasa aoul u ia eui
Under our great troubles often lie
our greatest treasures.
Stop that conga that tickilnf in Uie throat !
Sop that Consumptive CoDUiUoa
foo can be cored! Yon cant afford to wa t
will do it quickly and permanently. cent.
Strive to avoid harrl wj.
sonalities. 3 "uu
jjrothlnjrlire dun s Kidney Core for Drr.r
NerJciaS:' ln"' I&5
Try it. 7 "wsssw.wiuraa.tai. Utusjmh.
Kfit in Isa iHMMi.li. a . . .
-uoscpuuirj or Kindness
shows either a hard heart or bad usage.
The beat eongh medicine ia Pirf, Carti
for CoMumjHion. Bold eTwjwherV
2-6-, 5 8 7, U
Warner's SAFE Cu
Sold, to Dec. 27, 1886,
No Other Remedy in tlio World
Produce Such a Record.
TI.i wonderful aicce of "Warner-.
IS THE OA L x rf.t it il. run
Thou) of people owe their life and
WO.000 TEST1M OXIA LS to that effect.
Kead tho foUowing and note the large number of bottles di?trib.iti ..
flgures to he correct, a- our saiej-books will prove.
CAPT. W. D. ROItTSSON (l. S. Marino In.p
Buffalo. N. Y.i, hi UM was (Hiff.-rimr with a
an ist hniwur lake latnay. Could not aiep: was
in great flns. Ki two years tried every
thinjr, without beneflt. Was pronounced in
rvraUf. 'Twenty bottle of Warner's SAra
Cure ttimpUfrit rurttl me, and to-day I am
btronit and well." . (Feb. S, lf5j
EX-t;V. T. G. ALVOKD (Syracuse, X. T.). in
l!s4 began rinitT'nsni with tirnrral Jjetri'i
t'j. aecontpanieil with a senise of weight in the
lower part of the body, with a feverish sen
sation ami a general giving out of tho whole
organism. Was in 9rrmu eomlitwHi, confined
to his bed much of tbe time. After a thor
ough treatment with Warner' Sin Cure he
says: "I am minjitrtrtij rctrr'1 f- h'alth ly
its mean."
Portland, Me.,
MAJOR S. R ABHOTT (Springilelil, Mo.), in
1KT1 was afllii'ted with lante back. IVuHmitLm
and Kklnry trnulMr. Consulted the very t-"t
physicians in San Francisco, and visited all
the mineral springs there. Took a health
trip to the New England States, but for seven
years mjma onutantly from his malady.
which had resulted in Bright $ iitrm. At-
ter using a couple doaen bottles of Wan.;-r's
Safe Cure and two of SArg Pill, he v. ote:
-My back and Kidneys are sn'xnit pniii, and.
thank God, I owe it all to Warner's Safe
Bat. of Xcw En;,,
MRS. J. T. RITCTIEY (VS 4th Ave, Louisville.
Ky.) was a confirmed fnratui or eirren vvira.
Just living, and hourly erpecting death. Was
confined to bed ten months each year. Was
attended by tbe best phynriam. Her left side
was paralyzed. Could neither eat, sleep, nor
enjoy life. Tbe doctors said she was troubled
with female emnplainto ; but she was satisfied
her kidneys were affected. Vndertheoiera
tion of Warner's S afe Cure she passed a Imyr
tone or calculus, and in Nov, IV, reported,
kAu to-day o Kelt ait srhen a jn'rf."
New York State, 3,870,773.
The Most Popular
EX-T.O . It. T. JACrtn (Westiairt. Ky.), was
prostriitird si-ith vvi-re KUhtcjf fmuHe and lost
at pound of tieh. Alter a thorough treat
ment with Warner's Safe Cure he reports.
"I have nerer tnjuyed better heaith."
GEN. H. D. WALLEN 044 Madison Ave., New
York), ncareel'j able tmfk two blocks with
out exhaustion, and. having lost t!(-h heavily,
began the use of Warner's Safe tun? and
says: I was murA benefited br it."
Bal. Ohio. (State,)
O.) in 1885 reported that his daughter was very
much prostrated : had palpitation of the heoi i.
intense pain in the head, nervous disorder and
catnrrn of the bladder. She lust fifty-five
pounds. Other remedies failing, they began
the use of Warner's Safe Cure, Sate pill
and Safe Xcrrine. and within three months
she bad gained fifty pounds in weight and was
rerforril to tvaai health. That was three years
ago, and sbe is still in as amid health as ever
in h-r life. CoL Thornton, himself. was cured
of fhnmle IHarrhtra of eighteen years stand
ing, in lt31, by Warner's Safe Cure.
Sonthern States
r. II. ALLEN (Leavenworth. Kan.), son Ed
win, two years of ase. afHicte-i with rurrn,
eate. of Bright $ dvnr, and the doctors vm
ntra up. uy tne advice of the doctor s wife,
began tho use of Warner'sSAFE Cure, and af
ter taking seven bottles he is perfectly trell and
has had no relapse.
"ETery Testimonial we
testators, enclosing stamp for
I W I Drs. J.1T.4 J. B. HSBE27SACX
I I 1U1imI 40 rnn. ror the cm
of all Special BISEASES OS HEX,
Khstiinf TARICOCCLE.Etw. CaUorwriteand b.
aired by a Graduate of JenVraon College, with Hospital
laperieace . Hours. 8 to la. to . CMd StalaTi.
J.SW l'rri Svf Svl.(v B(Ma
- - - mm. vol mc
. 860.
asvrvs1i..s... n . rra. swSe. list
loafs It lialwtMTti,
, twain Parson, Restored
I removed. s;,Kt lumn. r. O. and esims addsnsiS
. i.i.,M.iftCfl1i Ann sr.rhiUJHo: l
S7 rT S " "'.V7 2"ta. rmwi ti to a as
cams, fivlliuatrasnl CmtZmxTAMumi'
"are, W.U tieitiia, Csi. New Ymrk.
fil E3:sniii:::l
AnillHitals.ri. .
II llal?--i'
wmJlaa,cso,aU4raaa atTlT2Io!,r-2,
w 1J..I.
fl t?05 JJemedy fcr ratarm I. tVa Bl
I Beat. Easiest to CM.mri. 1
II Tifi55iKU,r "M In the BeatLl I
fc5 Headache, Bar Fe.wr.stc. cala. II
'"""; w'','he1 1
health to " Warner's Saf. Cure" an l
F. MATER fl09) N. Kth St., St. La
flitted with tirt'l f"ln,p, iia ..
across ths back, and lot arwt:- I
low and care-worn all the time. . I
failing be began the u of Vfi-,
C ure, and reports, "I j"l lAt it
MR. R. BROWN W,)o.lWarl At.
Mich.) injured his back fr .ma fji J
lined to his bed six wei-ln. Th a, T
his kidnryx, produ-'ia intcu .
Warner' Safe t'uru rrf.,rr. ,l
their natural C' mdition. an-i h w t ,
now eighty years of a,'r jn irtaiw
Sr. J
MR?. THOS. SCI1 M IDT iTire of theT-,
sul of Ucnnuu-k. lift Wail Sc. New T -j
ported that ber little son. aftr as ri
Ih)ihtheritie Stjn Thrr't eiihtrwu
aitticted srith Bright's Ilisea-e n,-
form: by the advice of ;.-n'i Ch,
of Drexel. Morgan A Co.. ItanlipriJr'
she prescribed Warner's .i e (,'an.rt
consent of the physicians, anl m-1
physicians say that he will lt pr ,
i rTauliW,
- H
May, ls-tt. began to Moot, them- ,
ack trouble, terrible heailaehe. ia fc
doctor's opinion that it was Bnfi,
and ineitrabie. Eventually sheaai
Uiwt, pronounced by tho il wn r
laM aruue of Urigbt's disi-ast-. Mv-
been under treatment ly I
Cure for o?se year, sbe re.K.i rl, -a?
any one."
HON. N. A. PLTMPTON iWorccsta '
Jt .y. ls), was prostrated by rai
the ocnition of Warner's S uu
ix't a hvriy, rtime, and srt
wnite. I have had w recurrence nil
ie illce Warner's Safe Cure cure ?
I Bal. X. IV. States, - i :r
Remedy Ever Discovered.
SL Louis,
Phila.. Pa.), prostrated in lntn ;
with Malarial Fever, caused treat!
Kidneys and Li-cr. JIiri"' pr
time. Liver enUtrijtd oao-th:.-i :
badly affected. '..ul l fa ' I w
water was ejii'tc.. 1'sin l--thi2i
bottles of Warner's Safe Cure I
; ber-
was comiletelij curtd."
Kans:is City,
MRS. ,PROF. E. J. WOI-F Ofttrtrt
Wife of the Ed. of the Lutiieraa
iegan todecline with Pulra'-narr is
tion. (Over 50 per cent, of aii asa
sumption are caused by d.ieaiei sJ
DeMired of living. After a th"roc: "
of treatment with Warner's S irtui
writes, " am ixrftctl'j veil."
Bal. S. W. States
EX -SENATOR B. K. IlKt't'E Sot!4 'n
after doctoring for years furwlatJ
posed was JAiiirtr. discov-ri hrf i
ed with Suyar Dialer, an 1 havirr
no relief whatever from his pbr';f
began the nse of Warner's S-irt .r
Cure, and he says; -My frit aii" I
isbej at my improvement.'"
San Francisco,
J. Q. ELKINS .Elkinsville. N. CJ si
ten years from Oravfl. wh;--h ara-'1
rrrry aijr month. He lust ") p-nci -
months, and his strene'h wiu ff I
Altera thorough use of Warner'sis
Isi-l. I'iim Sin . ...i ... UVU I 1
sru, after using fourteen tottta.
Bal. Tacinc Coat,
publish is con nine. IV rile
reply, and learn for jourt't
Marvellous Bit
Wholly anl Ike Artirlrial STtm-. -ir"' 1 J
derlDc Any book tau-rusi la o: e rej:
doctlona tor postal clusars. Pr-ii
knsof Mr. Paix-roa, tne Astr. n"iwr..- .
Asroa. Ji dsh p. BKuastix, Ira. Xua .
otaera,aentpt TKr.m. h
337 Fifth Ansae, .
After all others fall I
329 IT. 15th St.. below CallotrtiH
20 yeirs experience in all SPF I
manently restore, those wc-ikr-ie-l .f ,
tiona.&c t'allorwrite. Advice tr
U-ieauai. Houra: ii a. m. nil J""
t- IMraVfl flksf tvacaf ,'t J r"" ,
DR. K. M'HI'r .: V rt
and Horphlnw tla"
maU pari Ua. li.iaaWj
I Hfx. Write t.ir rirnj.ar, antt'T
A. W. Mertrh fc a..vtf
eoantr. Salary f ; t mrj!Ji
w eooimliwtoa on mis-a it prvf-TTtt .
fcvvrjom buTs, CHitM tHl irtKu r T
rC!Saa,. Simnw wwta
lIO id1" " an.l-r lb aorse's
wtf niwtniJs.MT,Hfft,Haiia?
rcta Brill. Biirsrun. LowJS
wilt cur - any T l
Ifayalrians' Mrs hj ,
K"- ..) Vra-op,, L. x iwr.1',:
r'S"" stlallett un rn-npt ut 1"' .
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