nS&: REPUBLICAN iffuntownI TTEPSESD1 JA3iCARY 16, 1887. TERMS. JL 2 month. ; $1-60 if aot paid within "Cnl advertisements inserted, at 60 Tn-r inch lor each insertion. ean bwioe- co1 ' ,0 ,ts vt-r line or each insertion. "dactioa. will be veriU b the year, half or quart year. SHORT LOCALS. Veaales afllict children in Patterson. The tolK.gn craze came from Canada. sffliet many Pittsburg horses. pink eyes rd States Senator Quay is &t years Unit old. In the purchase of the Chapel, the Post gecurod a bargain. B!e birds were arooad on a flying visit ,,e day lt w'k. Ths thaw of It ThnrsJ ay play ed havoc with the sleighing. -0 cakes, no puffs" is the motto or a FriPkiis county PaPer- tvrone churches are reported aa having .Bjo'yed revival setons. Chicken-pox has made its appearance soung child.en in town. i, protrict-d meeting is In progress m the Patterson Evangelical church. BloomfiVld Uwyera have had their wives 0nt on the hills near town coasting. Envy de.tmyi th the peace ol mind of mat. people. Remedy, don't envy. Iforden Howr of Fermanagh township, cl?tnreJ ') rabbits, the put season. Abram A. Benner of Wslkor sold a lot of sheep to Jacob Thomas lost week. The Wiison sale of horses is to take place is this ton. Monday, January SI, 1887. Charles E. Farwell succeeds General John A. Logan in the United State Senate. Jcnu'i was represented at the Govern or's inauguration by a large number of people. Loyavilie, Perry county people are talk ing about establishing a creamery in the Andrew A. Todd who is clerking in a store in A'.toora, is at home visiting big parents. If yoa desire to bay a whole store, or a lot of store gvds at cost. Drop in at Bictfl'a- The Fort Krya! Brilge Company flour iibes it has just declared a dividend of 8 per cent. The rjild winter propbet has not been sfird ot :ts'v. Dm't be dismayed proph- o:ic Jrienl. Vr. 11 ::rrir.;-r 'if Newpirt, Perry onnty, jlsred the Westminster church pipi organ on Saiitisy. Keep j'iir head cool, your bowels open, gai our fft w rn and prtouraoni wi.l pis oc by. Sg-.ire II T -u-i'd I t'u5 lnppv faiber uf &'.!.! U-y, a present Irom Mrs. MeDo:i a.d, liJS ..t. Governor B 'svcr his had abja'. 2 Ml ap plicants lor the 53 effi-es to b rilled by appoiatinnt. Spsllirg matches appear to be a good deal in practice this winter. Encourage lbs spelling tie?. Joseph P.ige ot Mc Alistcrville has sold his s'ore of ;nfril rr.erch tndise to Ja-ob Wh'yc'K:cMi-;'.d. Street wi'kirg was freely indulged in last we- k ty prsp'.e who leare i to wills on iippfry puements. Henry Pursm resnlin; near the third leek, at the foot of the Narrows died of uncrr f im dtTt ago. Jov.a E. Hoilobvigh has retired from the restaurant hijsiness, and is. to bo succesd i ty T. M. Hamilton. Mr. DiHas Stridors the ne chiinm-i of ft"! Democratic State Committee, wears the Earoue! J. Rinla'l collar. The accv:stic arrangement of tho new thnrrh is tfc mxt thing In perfection. It i aa easv room to speak in. Caa!i1ites for the office of Superinten dent of Common Schools sre feeling their way among school directors. IV. G. E. Keniing o( Kast Salem has keen playing the pipe organ for the West Ciins'.er Presbrfrian congrgitioa. Oce do'.iar and a half cash will secne tor you the Sestikil asd Rkpi'Blic aud Pkiiedt.'phta U'ttkly Pre is one year. The Philadelphia Times Almanac for 1-s "grestly admired by all who have 'eea '-t. It is a mine of s jlii information. Professors, Ai man, Auann, Keller, and Martin, are reported s candidates for the office ot Superiatendent of common acbools. Ed Panml.ik.r plad the organ, behind 'lieicer.es, during the organ recital, last Thursday eve mrg. That is, Ed worked the bellows. The contest for post mister in Hunting don came to a close !at week by the ap VoiMuwnt of S. E. Fleming editor of the al'initor. Place your advertisements where they wil do ant good. Nearly ever body in " he cciiLty reads the Skxtuel asd K Tsucas. The Bloop.,Beld Advocate of last week ?; MiMe, Bella and Carrie Derr of Miff totown, ,re visiting the Misses Mortimers this plie. Jere is no danger or any of the men "' lt,eded the in;njuration or rrovern- or Braver ever going on an expedition to "se X ,rth P,.e. Th Tfoceeds of the Organ Recital in the 0f cLureh amounted lo $112.5. After ernses wcre deducted, a balance ofcigh ty some dollars remain. ('ne dollar and a 1 alf cash, will geenre yen the SrsTistx akd Rbpcblicax and the ifoe;.Ai H tekti, Prat one Tear. This 'w-ll not Hand long. A -.uui:aE.v or ilitliin county men hae n"glit a larpe tract of timber land in West . lrgi," nl Uke a number of men to 'a.be, at $11, per month. e 5Pe0T lemocrsts of Huntingdon won he postaiasiership. The Petriken and .mocrats wy u is bui tn0 faIK.rai 6 t,! ,,,e UeuiocrKV in ILtntina-ion Co. ' 1 T''C1 ol lhe Judge, and as Jndgo rnns, be8cca to be KpVTeciateit "dvertiscment in anolhtr column for -"ea;oa iuf u ,icUL rice 10 cts. a copy. A SUer.uan in this pUce insists upon it, hat If sncker be rroren solid m a cake of Ke.n(lbelifted,rom th itresm and ti, 4 a0n,, fnr ws w. lutia '' '1"S water thai life lt 'i-tiirnei to the st-.-Uer. J I The ofSce sekers call on Governor Beaver in droves. If the Governor will do himself and the people jna tiee, he will see to it that not one single improper person is smuggled into an office in his departments at Har-risbnry. Kev. Philip Grniff will conduct special services in the Lutheran church every even ing this week except Saturday evening. The Grange will open a store for general merchandise in George Goshen's store room in Patterson. A portion of (ioshen's coal yard baa also been leased by the , Grange. The announcement made, an issue ago, tbst the Lord's Supper would be adminis tered on the 22nd, in Westminster Presby terian chnrch, was prematura. Next Sab bath is the day. Persons who desire to refurnish their house, or newly married people going to house-keeping should call at J. S. Gray bill's and buy household goods at new de parture prices. Mis Clara Thompson, or Mexico, return- ed on Thursday evening from a three- months visit to New Orleans. She was ac- compacted by friends from the westero ' part of the Statj. I An infant of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S'.oncr j or tb.s place died last Saturday. Inter- I ment on Monday, from the residence of Micbael Stoner of Fermanagh, grandfather oi the deceased child. Governor Beaver and Mrs. Beaver mourn the loss of their three year old son, a name sske of the Governor. Tbe child died or eT Ueorge Benaugh. The morning ser diptheria on Saturday night. Int.rment at Tic0 w conductej b Ref.. nJU The Harrisburg on Sunday. j alternoon service was conducted by Rev. For more than forty years, Ayer's Cher- Benaugh. The evening service was con ry Pectoral has been successfully prescrib- ducted by Rev Sherrard. At the conclu ed ic cases of consumption. This medicine J sion ot tbe morning sen ice Rev. Hays, pre always affords great relief In pulmonary ' sented tbe question of the extinguishment diseases. Ask your druggist for it. J or the church debt which had been reduced Itch, and Scratches of every kind cured to about twenfy-fonr hundred dollars. Un in SO Minutes by Woolloni's Sanitary Lo- : ier bis skillful presentation of the question tion. Use no other. This never fails. . subscriptions rolled in so rapidly that witb Sold by L. Banks & Co., Druggists, Mifflin- ho poriod or a hair hour the debt was town, Pa. fJan-20 87. Yoncan have the Sehtinel avd Rxpcb l:ca and the Philadtlphia Wttkly Prett sent to your address, one year, by paying cah, one dollar and fifty cents. Voq have never had such an oflr, aud it will not stand long. , , , ! inir it. m foul iinv urov more dangerous ; ..'... i t V a .mil . . V. fimtlc ,a til. nn. . , ., , , less provided for such an emergency. lu : . ; r' Cherrv PiCtcral it an iiiva'ti ib'; SL.-cilic. A Philadelphia woman presented a someiy bound Bible to Governor Beaver last Thursday, with this inscription written on its fly leaf r -'Accept this frara a woman of Philadelphia. Let the Bible be the anchor-sheet of yonr liberies, and practise its precepts." Mrs. A. J. Scnseman, Mrs. John Conklin, Charles A. Big'er, Jim. -t D. llaxkins om poseJ the qArtotte frjm Hirrisb-irg, with M:ss Annie G. Beck from the same town as organist, bo gave a deiiihrful organ recital in the Presbyterian new church building last j Thursday evening. Republicans from fourteen counties in Central Pennsylvania held a meeting on in auguration day at Harrisburg to organize for concert of action at Republican state conventions. John B. Cessna of Bedforl was elected President, and W. McKeu Williamson, Secretary. Subsrribas who are in arrears who pay up, and pay one dollar and fifty cents ia advance can have tbe Sentixel apd Rc- pi blicxk and the PhiltdelphU Wttkly Presi sent to their address for tbe period ol one year. 1 ou ua ve never Had an oner use this and it will not stand long. English Spavin Liniment removes all Hard, Soft or Calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Sweeny, Ringbone, Stifles, Sprains, SwelliDgs, etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle. Sold by L. B inks &. Co., drug gists, Mifliintown Pa. Jan. 20-87. A York State member has Introduced a bill in tho State Senate that "no fish less than six inches should be caught." "What penalty would be inflicted for the violation of such a law is not related ; but this is to give notice to all the little fishes that expect to be caught nett season tn get themselves measured immediately Tribune. Tuscarora mountain is slill a haunt for the remnant of an old time pack or Alle gheny monntain wolves. The other day a citizen or tbe valley while at the monntain for a sled losd or wood came across the body or a large old dead wo'f. There are still a few or the pack living. It is hoped that they all may bs exterminated for they are formidable when ruuning in pack. In a pngilistic rencounter with an Oyster train brakeman. a Mifliintown blood was put hor$ it combat, on tbe Patterson House porch, on Saturday, midnight. After bis discomfiture, the blood entered the Patter son Hons restaurant and then delivered sundry demonstrations about tbe peraon or a lawyer till tbe disciple or Blackstoue as serted his belligerent rights and knocked the blood down. Westminster Presbyteriai congregation had an interesting tiio last Fridty after noon buying pews in their new church building. The trustees of the congrega tion put a price on each pew. , Sheriff Lou don wzt auctioneer tor the occasion. Every time a pew was put np and sold, the buyer bad tho right to select his paw trom tbe number that remained unsold. John oumuer.u.. 7, Graybill paid tbe highest premium, sixty dollars. Tbe total a-nount raised by prem- iunis was Bl tea hundred aud fifty dollars After the sale of the pews, tho Cbapet was sold to the G. A. K. Post for $222 includ ing tbe pens. Fourth Public Sale of Horses. . Labt Thursday evening when Samuel I Hotrick was on his way from Cedar Grove L. Banks Wilson will sell another csr ' literary society his horse was frightened, load ol like western horses at the Jacobs ,n(J broke one of tbe lines, with the remain House, in tMs place on Jlobar, January j ing line he pulled the horse to theeand Slat, 1887, at 1 o'clock P. M. sharp. Per sons defiring horses will please not forget the date. No postponement on account of the- n eat her. Terms same as heretofore. ON TO HARRISBURG. Sale Register. Mrs. Emma J. Wolf, Administratrix will ell live stock and farming Implements, one mile west of Oriental, February 1st 1887. J. C. Herlxler, will sell lire stock and forming implements, near Johnstown, March 24, 1887. Davis Trego will sell live stock and farm ing implements near Van Wert, February 16.1887. Felruary 22 Mr. Elizabeth Oberholtxer will sell farming implements and live stock, and household goods at her place or resi dence, near Van Wert. March 8. Lewis Degan, executor of An na Bailentine dee'd, at the Ballentine home- j sted in Fermanagh township. Horses, cat- tie, sheep, farming implements, and house- bold furniture. At the same time and place, the beirs of John Ballentine dee'd will sell a tract of 49 acres more or less of woodland. W",m'",er Preyt congregation uow cuuixu uaiiumg qq oauoam wun ap- propriate services. Rev. Mr. Hays was as sisted, by the other two living preachers, who in years past, preached for the con gregation, namely Hev. T. J. Sberrard and extingnuhrd. At the close or the after noon service Hays suggested that the Lu theran and Methodist brethren present raise money enough to buy a communion table for the new church. "It was no soon er said than done." Twenty-five dollars were raised Tor the purpose, and thus in the period of one year, the new church buil ting his bran projected, bailt and paid . for. It is a gran I monum .'Dt to the busi- ness ability of Mr. II ys coupled with his . ... .... ability as a preicher, in b.-ing able to direct :l:c luiu Is ol his people to b.-cemj cheer :'ui givers ot their means ror the erection ef sach a handsome and convenient house of hand-jWorshir. Xha buiIding tai cqulpmeliu cost t00ut Mycateea ,honand dollars. Preaching every evening this week. Com ui union service next Sabbath. SfaerlfTs Sales The Sheriff will sell at tbe Court House, at one o'clcck, Friday, February 4, 1887, the lolloping property, No. 1. A tract of land in Daljvare twp. , containing eighty-two acres more or leas, t bo sold as the property of Daniel Krisber. i0. i. A tract ol laud in Delaware twp containing twenty-six acres more or leas, having thereon erected a log house, bank barn and other out-buildings, to De sold as the property or Daniel Krisher. so. 8. A tract of laud in Spruce Hill township, containing eveuty-two acres, more or less, having thereon erected a bank bara, and other out buildings, to be sold as ths property or G. F. Glick. No. 4. A tract or land iu Delaware twp., containing 29 acres more or less, having thereon erected a log frame honse to be sold as the property or Lewis Dickie, Jr. No. 5. A tract of land in Spruce Hill twp., one hundred and sixty acres, more or less, to be sold as the property of Enoch Beale. No. 6. All tbe right, title and interest of W. D. Slites in a lot oi ground in Richfield, Monroe township, having thereon erected a two story frame dwelling bouse, frame shop, and other outbuildings to be sold as tbe property or W. D. Stites. No. 7. A tract or land in Spruce Hill township containing ten acres, more or less, having thereon erected a frame house and stable to be sold as tbe property of George W. Yocum. No. 8. A tract of land in Lack township, containing one hundred and twelve acres more or less, having thereon erected a large stone honse, bank barn and other out-buildings, to be sold as the property of John Christ. TYalker Township Sews, Hurrah for Pennsylvania's new Governor ! Sleigh bell have about ceased to jingle. Teacher G. H. Kurobangh held a good spelling bee last Wednesday evening. P. A. Warner clerked in the store oi Nel son k. Manbeck, in Tbompsontown, last week, in the absence of Mr. Manbeck. John F. Smith died a few minutes alter ten o'clock on Thursday evening. His re mains were buried in tbe Locust Run grave yard on Saturday. Thilip A. Smith, a student in a New Tork Medical College, was at home last week, attending the funeral of bis father. Many persons from this township were down to Harrisburg last Tuesday to see Beaver inangurated. The ceremonies were performed in the Representative Hall, and as tickets had been issued by the Legisla ture for admittance, tbey were already all secured. The D-ople of Van Wert met last Wed- ! nesdav evening at the school bouse and or- j MJ9 ,(K.iety. A nieniber.hip , o eignteen g secured. The following nllieeis were elected : I resident, nooeri Kauffmsn; Vice President, George Shirk ; Laouog; I wol I. We have nve literary societies now in this township. upset the sleigh, throwing the occtrpant out. Tne burse ran lor poms, u w caught near Mexico by William Hack and taken back to meet Mr. Hetrivk. Bn Nex. MARRIED: SCHREFFLER KINSER On the 20th inst., by Kev. E. E. Berry. Mr. Grant Schreffler and Miss Emma S. Kiuser, both of Delaware township. HESS DALLY On the same day by tbe same, Mr. G. W. Hess of Perry couu'y, and Miss Lizzie Dally of Port Royal. WEAVER HENDERSON On the same day, by tbe same, Mr. Austin F. Weaver, ol Port Royal and Miss Martha E. Hender son of Miiford township. WRIflHT KENNEDY On the same day, by the same Mr. F B. Wright of Pat terson and Miss Berthelda J. Kennedy or Port Royal. LOVE ROBIN SON On the 12lh Inst., at Waterloo by Rev. L. L. Haughawoat, Joseph C. Lovn of Newport, Perry county, aud Mis Elsie C. Robinson of Waterloo, Juniata county. MILLER STROUP On the 13th inat, at tbe residence of Rev. E. E. Berry in this place, by Register and Recorder E. E. Berry, Mr. Joseph W. Miller and Miss Em ma Siroup both of Susquehanna township, Juniata county. PRICK RHINE On -the 13th ,inst., at the same time and place by same authority, Mr. John H. Price of Tuscarora township, and Miss Maggie B. Rhine of Lack town ship, Juniata county. MIFFLINTOWN MARKETS. Mir nniTowa, January 28, 1887. Butter 25 Eggs 20 Lard 8 Ham 12 MIFFLIN TOWN GRAIN MARK KT. Wheat, Corn, ............. Oats, , Rye , New Cloverseed.... Timothy seed Flax seed Bran Chop. ....... ...... Snorts ...... Ground Alum Salt.. American Salt...... 75 to 80 45 DO eo M75 2 00 1 00 1 w 1 60 1 30 I 25 ... 1 00a! 10 PHILADELPHIA MARKETS Phil aDELFHiA, January 22, (lbe. Beef 1 to dji per lb. iS beep at 4 to SJ cattio 3 cents. Lauil al 4 to 7c ler lb. Hogs at 0 to 7c per lb. Fat cuas at -i: to 4u per lb. Milch cows $.'o to $30. Veai takes 6 to be per lb. Pennsylvania red wheat 0j cents; Crn ol iierior gr nle i t J 4'jc p. busb; Oala otic to 6c. Cloverseed 8 to ?J.ls a pouud; Potatois at 4c to 55c per busu. Rgga c to 31 C nts per dozen; Butler at IN; to life per lb; CUicaeos at be per lb; Turkeys aac Ducks at tbe same price per lb; Apples by tbe barrel at $1.0 J to $3.26; Brau by tbe car load $7.76. NEW DEPARTURE. You have a i-pecial invitation to call in, and pee me, and ex amine my large stock, and se lect from it what you want at my New Departure ClSII prices. I am determined to sell at cash prices so low that you will be astonished to bear them. FURJNITURE Cannot be done without in these days of civilized house keeping and my Cash Prices for CARPETS, Rugs, Lamps' Mattresses of all kinds, feather bolsters, Chairs, single, or in sets, Chamber Suits, in cherry, walnut, ash, and mahogany, if you desire it, will cause you to realizo tbat you can have a Louso Mpicn lidiy furnish ed for a small price. Sly GENERAL ASSORTMENT of carpetR, ranges from tbe substan tial rag, ingrain, two and three ply, to tapestry and body brnsseL Every Department in the Household Fur niture Line is complete, even to PICTURES. If your desire for Household De coration leads you to picture the walla of the rooms of your house we can supply you with pictures at prices that will e.tuse you to wonder how thay can be produced for so little money, IN SHORT if you hare a desire to economise in your purchases of household goods for use and for household adorn- by for my Cash Kates are so low that you cannot fail of making mon ey by buying at JOHN S. GRAYBILL'S. ON BKTDOK STREET, AT TUB CAUSAL, MITFLINTOWX, PENXA. Jsnuary 12th 1S&7. PRIVATE SALE. John Byler offers a valuable farm at pri vate sale. The farm is situated along the main road leading from Miftlintown to Mc Alistersville, in Fermanagh township, Jun iata Co., Pa., and only 2 miles from the former place. Tbe farm contains 145 ACRES of land, 120 acres or which are cleared, the balance in valuable timber. The land is in a good state of cultivation and under good fence. The improvements are a good frame house 30 by 3d teet, good frame bank barn 40X90 teet, and oth er out-buildings, a well 8 feet deep of nev er railing water is at the door of the bouse, and a well IS feet deep, of never failing water is at the barn. There is an orchard of over 100 trees on tbe farm. For further particulars call on JOHN BTLER, on the farm, or address him at Mifliintown, Juniata county, Pa. It Saved My Life" Is a common expression, often beard from those who have realized, by per sonal use, tho curative powers of Ayer's Clierry Pectoral. I cannot say enough in praise of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, be lieving as I do that, but for its nse, I EhouU long since Lava died from lung troubles. E. Bragdon, Palestine, Tex. About six months ago I bad a nevrro Hemorrhage of the l.unps, brought on by a distressing Cough, which deprived me of sleep and rest. I had used vari ous couh balsams and expectrant, without obtaining relict A frioud ad vised, mo to try Ayer's Cherry PectoraJ. I diil so, and am happy t- say th-.i It helped me) at once, by coutinued n this melicina cured my omgli, and, a am sa:isfil, t.wci my life. Mrs. K. Coburn, 18 Second ti., Losrrli, M vs. I havo used Ayer's Ciwrry I .(i.rral for over a year, and sinocie! ijeli.vrc i should have been in my fr.-'i, ! ..! it net been f-jrt!:U jcetlir'.iii. t I.n';:.-:-d me ol a (lanpcrous afT:' :rr. cf the If;'", ioT vt liich I liaJ s'.nit -f l-:.-;air'-i v,.' i . finding a renniy. 1. ?!cllul;-.:. Winder, Ir3vlr.: if t :-fr,o. Ayer's CL:.-. T..' "..! .i.'.VoJ n Two vrsrs " ' . Ci v't' v1 which Ki.W . -j, I .... I -titi'l- physi.iiP , v.". " ' .' -" v p.-esc.;'. , .'. u 1 : .1 ' i . . - vet;: 1 1 jf r. - t.ril. Tvv f-.-'-i f i-orM'''' ' . ' " '. j . M. Allen, West Ayer's Cherry PU r2l, Prepared tv I)r. .T C. Awr ft Cc - '-.;s. Bold by all l 'msu. 1'ric f i , .' l : s Jj. LEGJL. ADMINISTRATRIX'S DMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE. Ettattof Eli Wolf dte'd. Notice is herebv given that Letters ol Administration on the eatate of Elias Wolf late of Oriental, Juniata county dee'd, having ben granted to the undersigned residing at Oriental. All persons indebted to said estate are reqnested to mass im mediate payment, and those havicg claims will present the same for settlement to EMMA J. WOLFE. Administratrix, Januarv 6th 1W7. DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate of H. F. Zeidrri, decease J. I vr . : i. :. of Juniata county. Pa., deceased, have been ! granted to the undersignctl. rcsidi'ig near Dimmsville, Juniata Co , Pa. All persons indebted to said estate are reij'ientttl to nmke immediate payment, and those Hav ing cl.iims will present them for settlement to W. II. ZEJDKRS. Administrator. January 10, 1SH7. OTICE CT APPEALS Tbe Commissioners of Jni.uta County, will meet all persous who may leel aicriev ed in the AfsrsMiieut of 17, at their of fice in ililllmtowu lor treat side of river on tho 17;li aud tal side of rivor on th 10th day of February lKf7. By Order of UtA of County Commis sioners. tf- B. LOfl'KS, Cierk. Charter Notices. IN THE COURT OF COMMON' PLEAS OK JUN IATA COUNT T. Notice Is hereby (riven tbat an application will be made to the above court, on WF.I MESOAV, the 91 la day of FEBRUARY, A. It. 1HH7, at 1 o'clock P. it., under the Act o( Ass mblv of tl)j Commonweal'! of Pennsylvania, emitted "Ad Act to proViuO for the Incorporation and Regulation of certain Corporations" approved April 2!tb, 1171, and the supplement thereto, lor the charter of a corporation to be called THE TRINITY EVANUfcLICAL LUTHERAN CONGREGATION of McAli.tervill... the character and object of which are to provide I for and maintain the public worship ol God in accordance with the Confession ot Faith and Korni'ila ol Government and Discipline of the General Snoa of the Evangelical Lutheran Chnrch in tbe United States of America, and to purchase Ijnd for and tnaiutain and control a burial ground or cemetery fur the ujc or aid Congregation or Church and the community in which it islocattd. And for this pnrpoae to have, rosjcaa and enjoy all the rights, beactits and privileges of the said Act of Assembly and supplement thereto JEREMIAH LYONS. Solicitor. Januarv 12, lrfrT. XN THE COURT OF COMMON' TI.EAS OF JUNIATA COUNTY. Notice is herebr liven that an application will be niade to the above court, on WED NESDAY, the th day of FEBRUARY, A. P- 1H8", at 1 o'clock; P. M., under the Act of Assembly or the Commonwealth ol Pennsylvania, entitled "An Act to provide tor tbe Incorporation and Regulation ef certain Corporations," approved April 2'.Ub, A. D. 184, and the supplements thereto, for the charter of a corporation to he c ailed EMANUEL LUTHERAN CONOREGA- TION ol Thompsontown, the character and objects of which are to provide for and main tain the public worship of God in accord ance with the Confession of Faith and For mula of Government and Discipline of tho General Synod of tbe Evangelical Lutheran Church in the Unittd States of America and to nnrcbaa land for and maintain and control a burial ground or cemetery for the use of said congregation or church and the community in which it is located. And for tbat purpose, to have, possess and en joy all tbe rights, benefits and privileges ot the said Act of Assembly ana supplements thereto., JEREMIAH LlUXS, Solicitor. January 12, 1S87. IN TUB COURT OF COMMON PLBAS OF JUNIATA COUNTY. Notice is hereby given that an application will be made to the above Court, n WED NESDAY, the Oth day of FEBRUARY, A. D. 18e7, at 1 o'clock P. !., tinder tbe Act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled '-An Act to provide lor the Incorporation and Uegnlation of certain Corporations," approved April U9tb, A. D. 1874, and tbe supplements thereto, for the charter of a Corporation to be called THE CENTER KVANOELICAL LUTH ERAN CONGREGATION ol Walter town shir, tbecharacterand objects of which are to irovide tor and maintain tbe public worship of God in accordance with tbe Confession of Faith and Formula of Government and dis cipline of the General Synod of tbe Evan gelical Lutheran Church in the United States of America, and to purchase land for and maintain and control a burial ground or cemetery for the nse of said Congregation or Cnurcn. ana iue communny in wuicuni u located. And for tbat purpose, to b.ve, oossess and enjoy all the rights, benefits andprivUegeiof thegaid Act of Assembly and supplements thereto. JEEEMIAH LTOXS, Solicitor. January 12, 1887. SENTim AND REPUBLICAK, One dollar a year in advance. One dollar and fifty cents if not paid within three weeks after time of subscription. Alter the children hare learn ed to read, the greatest educa tor is the newspaper. Every man should do justice to his family by subscribing for a pub lic journal. Never in the history of news papers has the subscrip'ion price been so low. Subscribe for the StNTTNEL axd Retubli can, it gives nearly twice as much reading as any one of the other papers in Juniatat Its re ports of all important home i news and enterprises is full and within tho period of a year its variety of reading matter com prehends within its scope al most every topic. Tou should not be without a county paper if it cost you six or seven dollar- a year. In this day and generation it amounts almost to a wrong to one's self and family to deny themselves the advantage of a good home paper. There are more than a thousand and one things during the passage of a year that interest and some times directly benefit us, that appear in the home paper but like the rain, sunshine and air, that we are so familiar with, we do not appreciate as they merit. There are people who do not take a home paper, but they are not representative people To be sure this is a free coun try and people can do as they plea.e so long as they do not trespass on the rights of their neighbors, but the man who does not take his county paper is like the man who has a place that lie calls home when his de sires are outside of its doors, his home is a misnomer. "It is all right'' if you de sire a city paper to subscribe for one, or if vou desire to have one from a half dozen cities, it i. no one's business but your own jf you pay for them, but 1 ' first of all, subscribe for your county paper and then look abroad. After having subscribed for the Sentinel and Republican you are certain in your secure ment of the county paper that gives you a larger quantity and greater variety of reading mat ter than is presented by other journals published in Juniata county. Aa a medium for advertising the Sentinel and Kepcblican is number one. Its job department ia not as complete as the job offices m Philadelphia or New York no more than its newspaper depart ment is like the department of a Philadelphia or New York daily, but the job department is ample and prices are down to city prices. We'll print you a nice quarter sheet bill for one dollar, a half sheet bill for one dollar and a half, and a whole sheet bill for three dollars. Mention it to your neighbor that they may do well to sub scribe for the Sentinel and Re publican, and send one dollar in advance to pay for one year's subscription, and when you have job printing to do, or de- . . ,- i sire to advertise, ot desire to i , .,, , . . - have Sale bills printed send in the order and it will be execut 'cd. THE CLOTHING HOUSE OP D. W. HARLEY, . ESTABLISHED 18G5- Only those houses who pursue an ALL THE TEAR ROUND Policy of Lowest Prices have the Public Confidence and a Steady Patronage. Everybody knows that D. W. HtrUy is the Chief Champion of STEADY, TJNSEXSATIONAL PRICES. No wonder, then, that all seasons find us EQUALLY BUSY. No spurts. No "wonderful sacrifices." But Honest Prices for Hon est Clothing. Clothing for BIG and LITTLE BOYS, and for all sizes of MEN. UNDERWEAR, BOOTS and SHOES, HATS, CAPS, GLOVES, and NECKTIES. A complete stock of FURNISHING GOODS, at prices that will do yon good. Measures taken for Suits, or parts of suits on short notice, of a style to suit your fancy, or the most recent The Corner of Bridge & Water Streets is the business place of the Valuable Clothing House of D. W. January 10, 1887. POSITIVE INSTRUCTIONS ! IDNITTMOOF SO DELAY, HATE BEE ISSUED TO THS SAIESME 1.1 CHARGE OF THE MAM0TIIKCL 0THING DEPARTMENT -AT SCHOTT'S To reduce tbe prices of EACH and EVERY ARTICLE fully twenty- fire per cent- Considering our former redactions Gents Fumisbing Goods, this present FORTY PER CEINT. from the actual ralue of the goods. '-Stock t&ting" time is traveling nigh. We must take our chances while the weather is cold and clothing buyers plenty. Hesitation is fatal ; so here we go : THE KEENEST CUT IN PRICES ! WE WILL OFFEK O.NK HUNDREDMEN S SPLENDID CAS3IMER AND BEAVER OVEKCAOT9, WORTH $14,00 FOR $X50. WE WILL OFFER CHOICE ENGLISH, KERSEY AND CHINCHIL LA OVERCOATS WORTH $lfi 00 FOR $10.25- WE WILL OFFER MENS NEAT AND WARM OvERCOAT3 WORTH $8.00 FOR $3.2. OVERCOATS FOR YOUNG MEN. FROM 13 to 13 YEARS OF A Git, AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. THE., BOTTOM HAS DROPPED OIT OF PRICES ! STARTLING REDUCTIONS IN SUITS: The sacrifice we make in unloading cur slork of Men's and Boys' Suits is without a parallel, from our finest Dress Suits for a gentleman down to the strong, everyday suit for the boy3. We slmll give more and better value lor the price we ask than we have ever given before. We mean bus iness. The suits must be sold at any rate. Tho Fame reductions hav been made in our Pants Department. Every fair has been placed on sale below cost. LOOK HERE! If yon need a Hat a C:.p. a Shu t, a Sait of Underwear, a pvr of Olovea, or anything else in the way of Furnishing Goods, you can buy it at about fifty cents on tbe dollar at Schott's. We want to turn these gooda into money beforo inventory day, hence our GREAT REDUCTION. SCH0TT, THE LEADING CLOTHIER, BRIDGE ST., MIFFLIN TOWN, FA. The Judge's Cash Puzzle IN BEHALF OF TBI GEANT MONUMENT FUND. TSE YOUR BRAISS AMD MAJwE MONEY. Men- Women. Children Everybody The Jdge propoaea lo asaist; the Grant MoDiiujeni Fuud by organizinj a graud competition on word-building (making the largest number of English words trora a giv en aentence bv tracspoeing and uaing let ters to suit the purpow), nsing for the themo the sentence "Who will be onr next Prea'dent f" and offering Cash priiea to successful competitors, each of whom will have to pay Fiity (50) cents on presenta tion ol bis competitive paper. Tbe money received will Oe applied as follows : Twentv-Bve ceils is at once credited to the Grant Fund. The nmaming twenty-nve ?ents, aner star,le, bog house, an orchard of thrifty deducting the legitimate expenses of ad- fFees wf choice fruit in bearing. Any per vertisiog nanwa with their respective an- M wjahing to view the property can do so swers, etc., etc., will be placed in a com - . DT camDg. on the premises, and any person mon Innd to be equally divided among tbe ,jinlng to learn the particulars can do ao six successful competitors, t. t., mo si ( nrranna sendin in tbe largest liats of En glish words (proper nouns included) made iron the seniuuco "Who will be our next President ?" The magnitude" of the pnres will depend on the amount of money leceived, or in other words on the number of competitors. Communications open nntil February 15, 18S7, 1 i o'clock. This is not a new thing. In England large sums of money have been raised for Charity by this method, and those who have participated and incidentally holped a wor ths nhiect have won aprixe aa high as 10,- 0OO aa a reward for mental activity. The names or competitors win oe puo lished from week to week in Jrf?e.a3 they may come in. This will not only serve as an acknowledgment of the receipt ol the money, etc., but will also servo to show tho weekly progress of the fund. Govern ing rules in this week's Jndgf. Address "tirant Fund," THE JUDiiE PUBLISHING CO., Potter Building, New York t ity. l-12-87-4t. GETTYSBURG. GETTYSBURG. GETTYSBURG. NEW BOOK. THE OR GENERAL LEE IN PENNSYLVANIA. The fullest, most exact, and most elaborate sccount of the Gttyshnrg campaign yet written. Tbe result of twenty years of careful study, comparison eomF,Ut',?1frm all available sources. The only Authentic Hutory. The SI.M iT ly by subscription. We want ON K AGENT in every Township in EVERiCOUMT, to whom we will give the most ubibai. tibms. Address at once, AY. J. SFUEY, Publisher, Dayton. Ohio, January 19, 18S7-4L fashion cut. HARLEY on Men's and Boys Clothing and cut in prices is virtually a discount of Valuable Grant J11U and Saw Mill at Private Sal. The undersigned offers for sale a GRIdT MILL and fAff MILL, situated in old fort Koyal, Juniata county. Pa., with 11 ACRES ot l.ind. more or less, with mill dam, mill house 3UX30 feet, threw stories high, one story of stone, and two of trame, con taining 3 ruu of stone, two pair ot burrs, and one sand stone, chopper and corn break er, a S ilver Creek smut machine, and sepa rating machine, Iwo Hour bolts 20 feet long, two dour packers, all driven by tbe wator of Hunter's creek on a 17 lect overshot wheel. The mill has a good run of custom work and is in a good wheat growing coun try, and Is in good running order. The saw mill is driven by a R.tse water wheel, and is in good running order, doing a largo amount of sawing in the season. FRAXR HOLSE. Spring of water. Cistern, rramo Dy cii;ng on or addressing JOHN 11ERTZLER, Sr., Port Royal, Juniata Co., Pa. rail and Winter Goods. I would inform the public tbat I have now in my new millinery store at my place of residence on Water street, MitSintown, second door from corner of Bridge street, a full stock, of Fail and Winter millinery goeds, all new, and of the latest styles, and having employed first class milliners, I am prepared to anpply the public with everything found in a firetclass milliner store, come and examine icy stock. I consider it no trouble to show good. MRS. DKIHL. Slay 8-83.1 -v. To i-.II who ar suffering from th errors aad tailismulnnaot youth, narvoua was in a, early demj. laof manhood, he.. I will sand a recipe that will cure yon, TRZI O V CHABOX. This great renwly waa discovered by a missionary In South Amrlm. aand a Mlt-addresssd envelope to tbe Bav. Jossr T. imtaJt, atmticm , Xt Turk Cfajk IHVASIOK f it: m If m m y m N m 2S s -ft 4 ! i Pi hr'. -y. W If ;,r-. ;t m & m r:r '0$ m f--- & fa