Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, December 22, 1886, Image 2

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    SENTINEL & REPUBLICAN BboT the individo! can at tha state election, and the ma
aairoa a aopsiarwa.
I become a slar to tha stata.
At Washington D. OL, a Miaa John
on has baen "appointed dark to tha
Honae Committee on Library, of
which Mr. Singleton, of Mississippi, I trial Gazette.
ia chairmui. Tbia ia the first instants
jority in faror of no license waa 130
in a vote 4954, although the year be
fore tba town had giyen a majority
of 462 in faror of license. Two lad
ies were elected members of the
School Board Pittaurg Commer-
A Desperate StratTte.
Fbzsidist Clxvxlakd Attorney I on record, or a woman being employ-
General, Garland, is a skillful poker earn we tapnoi, wougn me ae-i Cmcaoo, Dee. 15 A Times spec
nImTttr. I partmen Is as everybody knows are I ial from Dallas, Texas, ssrs : "News
full of tbem. Another inter ting I aaa raacnaa me euy ox a laiai oat no
F.mrom Cvmta. of Texas, ia re- eirenmstance in eonnecUon with this w norsa iniarea a oajoraaa, yaav
ported aa eogarsd in the work of I case is that Alias Johnson waa sworn
raisin? one thousand men to start a I into office br her mother, who is a
Twenty out of the forty-eight
tramps in the Lancaster county work
house who revolted against their
keepers on the 21st, hare been tent
to the county jail. ,
A 30a pound black bear, recently
killed at Ball's Mills, whipped two
men and killed three dogs before he
war with Mexico.
Th State grange meeting at Har
risburg List week, revealed the fact,
that dorincr the past year the mem
bership has increased 3009.
Has. Clxtehkd, and other Wash
ington ladies have organized
teur theatrical company
rive entertainments in behalf of
charity at Washington, D. C
Hobsikxs who are posted in the
records of fast trotters, say that
during the aeaaon just closed S12
new horses have come to the front
with troting record of 2.30, or better.
notary public of the District."
EviBYBODT has heard the tariff ex
pression of .Democratic piauonna.
namely, a tariff for revenue only.
Some preacher has changed the ex
pression slightly and uses it to ex
cuse the infidelity of Bob IngersoU.
terdsv ner Kemp ia Eauffman Co
on the Texaa trunk road, fifty miles
sooth of Dallas. Two strange men
were discovered near the Tillage with
fifteen horses in their possession.
Hank Shelton, a Texaa Trunk sec
tion foreman, and a man named
Wright engaged the strangers in
eonversation, receiving an inconsis
Unt and conflicting statement from
them, and arrived at the conclusion
that tha horses were stolen and driv
tedaaama- The preacher says, IngersoU leetures to the Indian Territory. Sudden-
m l n. i- -a iu u 'J the men put spars to the horses
to play or again,t Christianity not because he B whicfa ;era moonted ud
disbelieves the doctrines of Christian
ity, but for revenue only. He is af
ter the almighty dollar, says the
fled for the timber about an eighth
oi a mile away, leaving thirteen ani
mals behind. Shelton and Wright
preacher. IngersoU has not been ""j? t WM
beard from on that point
The Trade Dollar.
It is believed in certain circles in I
ter several exchanges of shots the
two strangers fell from their saddles
one shot throagh a lung and the
other through the hip. They were
placed on mattresses in the bottom
of a wagon and started off for Eauff
man jail, twenty mi lee distance. The
one shot through the lung died be-
The Senate has passed a bill to
redeem Mia intA dnllar. anil it ia tr
Washington, D. C, that nearly all of . . , . -,, j- 0De Bnot through the lung died be-
tie ,lSrs that d eat the Govern. Ped that th. House wJl speed,- fore reining the and the other at
iuKuaiuaiu " m " ly follow in the same direction. It last account waa believed to be ex-
xnent Insane Asylum at Washington. d;an-ce to the American nftiion pirine. All efforts to secure their
are taken from their graves and Bold .. . - . ., . . exiitenc4L names proved futile, as both refused
a I ' I J a I Al:
i sintMi u v iirt mi i. fit in i sauu iiruimHintr i n ..
, j r a lDOir pergon, BT wtuctl M idMtiij
to represent a given aum of money, I them.
that is not exchangeable for current
Tbi United States Senate is still
under the inspiration that the people
cannot be trusted to know everything
that is going on, for last week it vo
ted down a resolution to consider
executive nominations in open sess
funds. North American.
Destruction of School Home Bole.
EruoB Sestihel axd Ripcblicam,
Dear Sir : I put in a good
deal of time at the Teachers Insti-
Tried te Kill His Father.
Chicaoo, December 16 Yesterday
two men entered the bouse oi John
Hewitt, at Soger's Park, knocked
him down and robbed him of 170.
Two hours later one of them, John
Harris, waa taken to the Lakeview
An exchange save: "The increasing tate lst week. I heard some good nolies alation. vh h m m. nn
use of opiates and other drugs in- things, but the most that I beard was fusion, stating that Hewitt a eon of
tended to allav or excite nervous ac- ?' tne man robbed, was his accomp iee.
rff1 . lla r clte 11 eJ7 U"RC; preacher because the tub did not con It now ,ppeil from etatemenU
wviiy, is u evu m uns cojuvr7 rniuu tain m0Te sauaage. uoucic, bimseU, j maje by Harris and Mr. Hewitt, Sr..
o, u not worse inu iue kcuiw iu uave iaxgw muxm. m bu- tnat young Hewitt not only intend-
use oi iDioxicaunc liquors. xuere
fore avoid opiates.
gBr-coaieuKroBimg boib, cui ana ed to rob his father, but to murder
ary, xor enecuve growang worx do- him. Th lAr H;tf i. h
, years oi age and is quits wealthy,
sausage, now Le poo d New Jersey Mr. Hewitt grappled with his two
because of in his mind the inig- assailant but w.. thm.n Th..
nificant business of berry raising and threw a blanket over him and he
Dtbino tne Henry Ueorge cam
paign for the Mayorship, an Irish
xuan was asked "Patrick what share then praised for paying large salar-1 heard Harris aay, "Don't shoot!" Im
ofthe city will you have, when tub full of sausage how he Ljiatly after be beard a pistolshot.
Georce comes to divide it ?" "Shure pnuse1 td.e l.reat ,ndnB.tr,e The men then tied his hands and feet
..... . .. . , , I sources oi rennsvivania, ana men i nok hi tnnnav and
and 1 11 take a slice of Central Park ti.. n': u i. j . K ?18 m??J "d
lor my snare was tne answer. J at her for not giving mure sauaar
left. Half an
hour later Mr. Hewitt succeeded in
freeing himself and promptly noti
oouie one caiiea u a growl Ied the do lire. Harm, .aa cmnvht
Free trader Morrison made an ef- e institute for more sausage. I u DOur or two iatr. He has quite
fort to get his tariff bill considered, MDe? ? " mu tnong it wiu asevere scalp wound, evidently icflict-
Imt the House voted it down.
vote in favor of the consideration of
The U mightj q?r tbiD6 if ST0vsh d by a bullet Harria aays after they
-"-i- aaa. Uaa inrown tne blanket over the old
aooui me lime oi me ciose oi tue in-1 man mun.-y M;tt
iV. I -Tl i J im : 4 : 3 t.. a i -i ii.ii.:. . "
tion 154. Twenty-six Democrats vo- j of a resolution came among the grist
ted with the Republicans against con- of general resolutions, but it was sn
ideratioD. J a a . n
in I? of it. The resolution is in f&vnr
CoORtssMAX Red of Korth Caro- of placing the common schools di-
has cone wroccr. He drew his rectly under the management of the
Mate, tbereby destroying home rule,
alary as far as he could in advance,
and then gave a check on tha gov
ernment for the salary that he had
is his pocket He is guilty of many
other crooked transactions and has
gone, it is believed to Canada.
Attosmet General Garland,
President Cleveland s cabinet
refused to allow the time honored
bills of the Supreme Court Justices,
for carriage hire, when the judges
make formal calls on the President.
The Attorney General is a great re
former, but still be continues to play
A raw days ago three men robbed
the passengers of a train of cars at
Bdlevue station, in Texas. There
were four United States colored sol
diers nnder a captain on the train,
bat some of the week-kneed passen
gers prevailed on the officer not to
fight tbe robbers, and the result was
the highwaymen took the arms of
the soldiers
or the management of the township
and borough. Don't yon see T if the
State be placed in control of the
schools, how home rule will b crush
ed out as effectually as the English
have destrovt-d it in Ireland. The
parent could hive nothing effective
to say on the school question, and
the occupation of the director woald
be gone entirely and all power would
be centered in the State Superinten
dent, his lieutenant in each county
and the teachers. Carry tbe intima
tion of the resolution into a legisla
tive enactment, and township or home
rule is destroyed. The school tax
will be fixed by the State authority,
the salary will be fixed by the Slate,
or State Superintendent, and the
teacher will secure his certificate
from the same source. If I were a
royalist I d favor the resolution. If
you are a royalist, say, Hurrah ! for
the resolution. "Tell it not in Gatb."
There was not a Gladstone in the
more sausage institute" at Mifflin
town, last week to raise bis voice
against the resolution that proposed
to destroy public school borne rule.
December 18, 1886.
At no previous time has there been
o many sudden deaths reported as
within tbe past month. One of the
most remarkable cases occurred at
Manister, Mich., on the 13th inst, in
which Charles Brown, who had that
day been married to Miss Cora Sib
ley fell dead while dancing at a par
ty with his bride.
Tee law collecting tax on horses
and cattle was repealed in 1873. Last
week the State Board Revenue Com
miBsioner't, in session at Harrisburg,
rendered a decision allowing the
co in ties that have collected the tax
V on horses and cattle in 1873 credit
settlements for tbe amount overpaid
to tbe State. The amount involved
is about 180,000. What will Juni
ata's share of the $180,000 be?
XT is a very noucable lact tna
Henry George who is lecturing and
editing a newspaper in the interest
of the doctrine that property should
belong to the state and not to indi
Tiduals, has never yet handed any of
the property that he has acquired to
the state for general distribution or
any other kind of distribution. How
would it suit Mr. George to practice
what he preaches ?
UrHBT Gcobok, for whom sixty
thousand votes were polled in the ci
ty of New York for Mayor at the late
lection, is lecturing and writing
against individual ownership of prop
ny. He desires tne state to own
-all property. Henry is a middle aged
man, but it seetna that he has not
yet found out by the history of the
past that whan tha slat is placed
ladle at the PolLi.
Tbe town of Springfield, Mass.,
had some interesting election exper
iences on Tuesday. The election
was for Mayor, Councilmen, School
Commissioners and also to decide
whether the town should license
the sale of liquor. Tbe feature of
tbe day was tbe great turnout of
ladies in the interest of no license.
At every polling place was a table
beautifully spread with sandwiches
and doughnuts, while pitchers and
pails of hot coffee stood about These
refreshments were not nned as bribes
for it is tbe general testimony that
no aiBcriminauon was made among
voters in serving them out. The
ladies displayed some timidity at
first but they were reassured bv the
politeness with which they were treat
ed. There was no smoking, talking
or profanity at tbe polling places,
tne turbulent spirits being impress
ed by tbe novelty of tbe occasion
Tbe ladies showed m good deal of
shrewdness in their tactics. While
some attended to the coffee and
doughnuts, others peddled no license
tickets and others stood at ihe bal
lot boxes keeping a sharp lookout to
see that the right ticket was voted.
At one place an incident occured
that may afford some suggestion of
the effect of feminine electioneering
oi a casual row at tbe polls. In one
ward the polls were held in an en
gine house. In the midst of the bal
loting a fire alarm was struck, tbe
engine hordes rushed with their us
ual promptness and excitement, and
the ladies went flying to corners of
safety like a covey of startled part
ridges, upsetting their coffee pails in
their alarm, but they soon picked up
courage to come out when they saw
that no harm bad been done and
that the men at the polls were un
concerned. The result of the election
was that the Democratic candidate
for Mayor was elected by a vote of
1 833, although the city went Republi-
a revolver
and fired at bis father, but was so
excited that the bullet grazed his
(Harris) bead. Young Hewitt was
arrested this morning. He refuses
to talk. He is only 13 years old.
He and Harris will be charged with
robbery and attempt to commit murder.
James Howard, of Bowie count v.
Texas, married a 13 year old ffirL
He would 6trip her and tying her
feet together, hang her on a hook.
bead downward and beat her unmer
cifully. On the night of November 1
be tied her to a bedpost, heated red-
hot a large cattle branding iron with
tbe letter H cut into the end of it
and deliberately branded her in two
places. He was arrested and lodged
in jail, and on Wednesday night a
mob broke into the jail, took Howard
from his cell, carried him to a tres
tle work on the railroad, put a rope
around his neck, tied his hands and
feet and pushed him off the bridge
breaking his neck,
"As the wife of Sheriff Mail ten was
feeding the prisoners in the jail at
Muncie, Ind., on Wednesday evening
tbe 15th, one of them knocked the
dishes from her hand, leaped through
the sma.1 room and knocked the wom
an down. Three others followed
him, and together they rushed on
the Sheriff and beat, pounded and
kicked him nntil be had three ribs
broken and was senseless. Then
they fled. One has since been cap
tured, but tbe others are at large."
Wilkesbabre, Pa., Dee. 17 Hard
times have disappeared from the eoal
regions for tha time being. This week
over $.j00,000 was distributed in
Wilkesbarre and vioinity alone. Tbe
Lehigh and Wilkesbarre Coal Com
pany distributed $295,000 amoog its
men to day. The wages of the mi
ners for the past month will run
from $60 to $95 each.
On the night of the 13th inst, the
steamboat J. M. White, was destroy
ed by fire at a point on the Missis
si pi river, 30 miles above Baton
Ruuge, while on her wav from Vicks-
burg to New Orleans. The boat was
valued at $250,000 and her cargo was
valued at 150,000. Forty odd lives
were lost.
Sheriff-elect Search, of Luzern Co.,
recently saluted William O'Reily, of
ilkesbarre, aa Deputy, and the lat
ter told his friends he had been
made a Deputy Sheriff. The sheriff
declared that he was only joking, but
U iteiiey baa sued bim lor breach of
Last Summer Roswell Brown, of
Mystic, Conn., put some watermelons
in bis cellar, and one of them was
covered up and forgotton. Just be
fore Thanksgiving it was discovered
in good condition, and the Browns
ate it on Thanksgiving Day and en
joyed it
J. H. McCreery, a well known at
torney of Pittsburg convicted of em
bezzlement A former client, Louis
Sch!eirtzhauswore that McCreery
collected $800 due tbe prosecutor
and then gave him a worthless check
for the amount, retaining the money.
Abraham Youngkin, recently found
guilty at Doylestown of forgery and
setting fire to his store at Backsnlle,
Bucks county, has had tha addition
al charge of rifling letters preferred,
against him.
If yon tfeaire to buy a ttore teod, a mil,
xramrtv writ to. or visit J. 1. Bartua
flcaaaot View, Juniata Co., Penoa.
B happy, be eonfentad, be klad to jvar
ivaa and boy oaa of tbe elegant "Gloria"
ambrellaa for your own ne- Hake other
ntnnr. m.ka athnra contented, be kind to
ri J
othors, and boy one or tba elegant "Gloria-'
ombralUa aa a preaaat for a friend. For
eel at Beck'a.
Encliah 8pavia Liniment removes all
Hard, Soft or Calloused Lamp and
Blemisbe from bonee, Blood Sparia,
Cnrbe, Spilnte, Sweeny, Blngboae, Stifles,
8preina, Swelling, ate. Save .160 by Me of
one bottle. Sold by L. Banks Co., drug
gist, Miffliotown Pa. Jan. 20-67.
Tbe Eeliosacrov Tribune relate tba
two following aecidenta by shooting:
Three of George Dreeee'a eons, recently at
BeaVertown, were lying ia wail nnder a
booth, for a Bock of wild turkeys wbick
frequented tk pUc. After waiting with
cocked gnni oolil they war atift with cold
and tbe turkeys not appearing they decid
ed to return borne. When they attempted
to let down tbe bammera, they realised that
tbey bad lost the use of their Surer, for
two of the gun were discharged. At this
juncture they were startled by some One
ahonting from tba under brash in front of
them, - What are you about? " The voice
waa that of William Thomaa aliae Weirick
of Bishop, and be bad been struck by the
load from tbe gun first discharged, one
shot baring lodged in his thigh and south
er in Lie Soger. Thomas was hunting rab-
and neither party knew anything of the
other. . . . . Qrant and Georga Sander'e
brother who lire on Dr. Nipple's farm ,
a abort distance below Selinxgrove, took
their gun and started out lor tha purpose
of baring a abot at whatever acaaoaaole
game came within range. Tbey had gone
but a short distance from tbe honso when
George sighted some partridges and with
itUe trouble succeeded in brtogiog several
down and while he waa stooping dowa to
pick op the dead birds, his brother Grant,
wbo was in another field, also stooped with
his gun across his knee to see through the
rails of tbe fence, and io doing so, his gun
waa in some manner discharged, the load
striking George. Altar tha accident hap
pened Grant at once led bis brother to tbe
bouse, and medical aid was obtained Up
on examination it was found that several
shots bsd struck bim, on of which went
clear through iiia windpipe. This woand
was tbe most severe. Tba young man is doing
ell and will be soon all right agaia.
YEltt I
1 1 1 i
The Pennsylvania Ballread Comaaav
' xteuu tbe i'empliaicaU ef
the feeasva
xpreasea the feeling of many victim of
rteoiaalisin, neuralgia, eoatic and ner
Tor aiek headache.
numberless eo-called remedies, and phy.i
dan, of all ",U,out "K' ""re
leeme o be no hoi. Many euch have as
rSst resort tried Athlophoro. and to their
aurwend joy bar found that it was a
rilt and iJick care. Atl.lophoro.unot
2iment- thousand, bare been cured
g iuand they tctify as to ite value.
Shekomeko, Dutches Co. N. Y. Aug. ?Jf
ltookAUilophoro. according to direc
tions; it caused a ringing in my ear that
was not ileaaant, it operated on J"
earning a alower and fainter throb, and
constipated my Wei Wh. th. U
dose waa token I did not think much of
ihe medicine; the next day my lameness
waa better, and continued getting le. until
it left taa. aly laroenef. was in my
shoulders and neck, and bad been for eight
months. 1 waa advised to try Athlopho
ro. by my neighbor, Vo. Jarkson, who
had tekea a bottle of i for a aerere attack
.r i. In kiiil.oulikr and arm. He
said "it drove the lameness right out of
me; my head felt strong, ana my nearj
almost atoppadkeaUng; 1 thought I would
die, but I came out all right, and have not
bad any lameness since." Asox IIbicos.
Pnelr. N. Y, Auiml IS, 1886.
I am a practicing phyMtian ; 1 pre
scribed Athlophoro in a case of inveterate
rheumatism of the right shoulder and arm.
Tbia rasa had been of weeks standing yea
month and resitted medicina carefully
selected, also th use of electric treatment.
On bottle removed all the trouble. Tba
ease remains well, now over a year since
nainaT the medicine.
O. C PwcHaap, M. D.
. Every dmcgtMnKould keep Athlophoro'
and Athlophoro 1'ilU, but where they can
BOt b boueht of the druggist th Athlo
Dhoroa Co..' 112 Wall Sl, .New York, will
send either (carriage paiJ) cn receipt of
regular price, which is Jl.t o per bottle
for Alhlnpuornd and 6V. for Fills
Tor Urer and kidney diseases. dTvperwIe, in
digestion, weakness, nervous debility, duesse
of women, rnrotipatinn. besdarhe. Impure
Wood, Ac- Athlopboros Pills are Bnenualgd
Soma Special Low Prices on All
Wool, Double Width
Cameli Hair Suitings at 50 ots..
worth 75ct8.
French Tricots at $1.40,pworth
Plain Colored Cloths at 50c. 65o.,
75o. and $1.00.
Speoial Values in BLACK AND
Ia pnrsuaoe nf iu aaatul custom tba
Pennsylvania Railrotd Company announces
tba ChrUtmaa and New Tear curaioa
tickets will be sold batweaa all tbm Yfciaci-
branches. The holiday season is tb. on
period of the year most exclusively devot
ed to th interchange of social visit and
tbe enjoyment of pleasure trip. Ia order
t encourage this custom and to offer all
possible bene tit to those wbo deeir to is-
dutg ia holiday pleasures and feativltiea,
tbe Company reduce tbe rates durlsg the
favored period. Excursion tickets will be
sold on December 23d, 24th, 25th, 80th,
and 8 lit, 1H86, and Jaanary 1st, 1887, good
to return until January 4 lb, inclueir.
Large assort men t of Plain, Colored,
and Fancy
at Lowest Prices.
We have never had so com
plete a stock of
Our Drees Goods Department
is full to overflowing. Don't
miss the bargains, we invite you
to come in and see for yourself.
You can be suited with our low
priced dress goods of all the
newebt shades. You may want
something in Black and Color
ed Silks, Black and Colored
Cashmeres. We have them.
Call for what jou want.
You will find one of tha most
complete in the county. Tiv
gum boots send shoes that we
sell this fall have an improved
sole and heel that adds to their
wearing Quality. Don't miss
v ar
We have Men's Fine Shoes at
prices that will astonish you, our
stock of Ladies' Shoes can not
be surpassed in the county.
Our stock is all fresh and clean
and sold at prices that will sar-
Drise vou. We have on hand
a a
a full line of Fresh, Plain and
Alao, the only full line of
in the county. Every house
must have its full supply of
Queens and Glassware, this is
the store to call on for such ar
All orders by mail will re
ceive prompt attention.
Remember the place,
Mini Street, Op posits Cocbt Hocsa,
Mlffllntown, Pa.
Frederick E3FENSC3AD2.
This is the Place
IN '
We propose to sell you clothing that will wesr eati$uh. I
51 w W nrnnnu In call van r!rtiino in wKirTi . I
We propose to sell you clothing that will look n I
and every thing we sell you must be aa represented to jj
NAsi 4 mist t Vi a 1 mas "9 1
We can suit you in Sack, Cutaway, or Albert or . j
the nice styles of these days.
We can suit you in summer goods, short coats, W
fancy coats. Send us your order, tell us what you want,
p-ive vou satisfaction.
We keep a full line of pants, linen, woolen, and put, 1
mixed goods, 1
Nice wait, vests, broad cloth coats, and fins cguimm I
pants. We izll a great many shirt3 of all kinds, and all kind, i
of goods that men and boys wear. " "T
We can accommodate you from th crown of tha v. i
the feet. We invite you to see us, in the finest Cloth n.n I
in J uniata.
Jans 16, 1886.
mrruxTowN, jtoiata co.. pa-,
CCollecting and eooTeyanelag promptly
attended to. OSes with Atkinson It Ja
cob. M-29 "
Locia E. Araiaaoa. Bao. Jacosa, J
OarCollecting sad Coaryancing prompt
ly attended to.
Orrics On Main street, la place of real
deneo of Louie K. Atkinaon, B., sontta of
Bridge street. (Oct 26, 16.
Farms Fr sale.
Robert Mc In tire, oi Lack township, offers
for sale, TWO TAUVS, each contain lug
seventy-lire acre with allowance, and each
farm contains a set of tarm boildinga and
Urge orchard, and good water. Th two
tract adjuln each other and will be sold
separately or together to suit purchaser.
Tbe far nil are situated la Lack township,
itbiu three mile of Pern Mills and on
fonrtb of a mile from Byron Sua Church.
Plenty ot time will be given to salt par
chaser. Bo and ae the far ma, or write to
ubert Mclatire, tteeda Gap, Jauiata Co
?a Sept. 8, l86tr.
jXtlalt of Mn. Calharinr t'rty, ite'd.
Letters TeUwotary upon tbe estate of
rs. latnertne t rvj, late of Monroe town
ship, Juniata Co., Pa., deceiat-d, having
been granted to tue undcrsigued, all per
sons that are just mi law. ully indebted to
said Esiate aie rrquted to make arranve-
ments as soon ss cu Iw done to nuka pr
mont, and ihose having just and lawful
claims sssinst tbe said Katate. to presunt
them without delsy to
D. Hjiasaa,
Browns' Mills, Pa. Nov. 22, 1HH6.
anrthlmr bat irhsiiiaUwin. but a am
UM every time. Usarad
RiM'U Brans buicaaur. Pa.
Ma Habtmah he.. Btonauhaia. Pa.
Mas Rev. R H Rnntxto. Ntaaamn. Va.
Mas. Wm anuo. inw Wrli St, Poiladalphla.
J r. Newnm. Camdm. M. J.
Mas Mast Cafkom MoiMnn, If. J.
Fbaws M4IL Mvch fThimk P.
tbadb abes
ax awSJese1 esaj
pklrf. with tMiuinobista. fi-M.
For aalr br all dratMa. IfoMartiMcttwrai
not in positino to fiinit.h it to ytm. do not be lT
Stwted totaknanrtlilfir hut ailr rtir-ct to th
OraacalAmta. PFAKI..I-'.IC HKO aV 4't.
SID V JIarket succt, rbiladcipbia.
Ninth St , south of Chestnut. on snnam
acuta of the New Post Office, one-hall
square from Walnut 8t. Theatre and ia the
vtry business centre of the city. On the
American and European plana. Good rooms
fiom 50c to $3.00 per day. Remodeled and
newly furnished. W. PAINE, M. D..
. Jtv-ielties in Dress inmmtnea,
IJlSd, Jet, Feather and Fur.
Oar 920.00 and $25.00 Eaglish Meal
Plash Coats are uneqaaled at
tha prices all sizes.
Short Real Plash Mantles, Cloth
Jackets and Newmarkets in la-
teat atjles.
Finest Alaska Seal Coats and Short
Wraps at close prices.
Small Fara in great variety.
Oar Mail Order Department sends
prices and samples promptly.
Perfect Hair
Indicates a natural and healthy condi
tion of the acalp, and of the glanda
through which nouriahment ia obtained.
When, in consequence of ago and dis
ease, tbe hair becomea wrak, thin, and
gray, Ayer'a Hair Vigor will atrengthen
it, restore ita original color, promote it
rapid and vigorous growth, and impart
to it the lustre and freshness of youth.
I have used Aver's Hair Vicor for a
long time, and am convinced of its
'value. When I was 17 years of age mv
hair began to turn gray. I commenced
using tue Vigor, and was aurprised at
tbe good effects it produced. It not
only restored the color to my hair, but
so stimulated its growth, that I have
now more hair than ever before.
J. W. Edwards, Coldwatcr, Miss.
Ayer's Hair Vigor,
Bold by all Druggists sod Perfumers.
isents )
Wanted ) "
avaav-BAT ura or
It tow jjif armnirNo from debility
and loss of appetite; if yonr stomach Is
ont of order, or your mind confused;
take Ayer's Sareaparilla. This medicine
will restore physical force and elasticity
tJ the svstera, more surely anf iti-edily
fl;an any tonic yet discovered.
For ais months I aufTVred from lver
and storiTich troubles. Iy fxl lid not
nourish mc, and 1 became v.eak rr
very much emaciated . I took si x butt le.t
of Ayer'a Sarsaparilla, and was cured.
J. I. Palmer, tjpringficlJ, Mruss. t i
Ayer's Sarsaparilla,
rrrnarifd by Ir.J.C. Aver It Co., J-owell. Umm.
SoM ly Dniatijisti!. Iric nix bottVn, fS.
"Those Wha Knew Him,"
From tbe ob-enrity ot his borhood to th
date of bis trieic death. A new Biography
of tbe great American President, from a
new etand-roint-arenrate and ezbanstiv in
fact and incident, replete with anecdote,
profuse and elegant in illostrarion (lOO
earrnTlnga from original deigos ill'ia-
traiiua incwleiila, anecdotes, persons, ax.,
including 10 Steel Portraits.)
II HfsTT? WlV'Pm t Sen" or foltpsr-
AUUillU MJUtllUJ 1 licniars and for
evidence that this i the most s liable and
profitable book publiahed. or, to save ttmo.
send $1.26 at once nr Canvassing Book,
and state your rln io" nf tnlnps. Ad
Co., Pubs, St. Louis, Sin., or New Tors
City. f8-20-6t.l
XX F wjjit s.ooo nous or
AbaiT lUr .1.1.0 t at NhU'ltOK.
acewts wahtid to ssll "trim. aci:i" !
or 60 rasas is th B4Tioml aiTsorons, I
byBEN perley poose.
1iluslralinglhe wit hamnr, and eccen
tricities of noted celebrities. .4
rlchlr illustrated, treal of imer
Society Historv, from ye eldcn tinie" to
the weduiug of Clctt'ldud. 'Vouilcrfully
Pomilar. Agrntk rrr ranid Kalex. Ad
drvss for circular and term, HlUItARD
15UOS., rubltshcrs, I'hiiadclpiiia,
To aU ho are auffartag bom Uia arror and
lrullftrrrtlnna ot youth, nervous wamkness, early
aeray, luasot manhood, ic, I win send a rocli
tliat wlli cure youmtE OF CHARQt. Thla great
r!aey was dlstovsred by a mlaalonarj In hotith
Smart -, Fend a s-tt-addraaaa4 envelni' to the
Izi. Joarra T. Ibmss, Slatitn V, .V Trrk Citf.
. W0C3TA22. Uta
. SttteUrt Sarsa,
or vhs
A Kaw Book Jcrr Prausrso by sn official of
ever 15 jaars ezpanaoee la tha Secret Service, in
ona atasnioeent Koval Octavo Volume of over 600
pagea and elegantly illustrated by the beet artists ia
tbeconntry wits
A thrilling record of detection In the 1. 8. Post
OtTlre Department : embrarinr aketchra of WotuUr-
ful Expioii of Poet-Olflce Intpeccnrs in the Detec
tion, Pursntt, snd Capture of Robbers of the V. 8.
staila; loeiiier with a complete description of tha
many means snd complicated entrivancea of tha
wily and ancrupnlons to defraud tha public; a.so
sn accuse aeconnt of the
in which the Avttvyr ha4 entire charge of ths pre
paration of the evidence for the government.
In ererv town there are Postmasten, Herrhaats,
Mechanics. Farmers. Pnfeainnal Men. and hnn-
: lire. Is of people who tetit bt glad to eef thit thrilling
tmi. ItonuwhatlnKansnparalledealr: llalliaf
tight lo aU. Men and Women Agents making from
t'OJtn tsJO a month ea.ilj. We want Bu arrant ia
every township in IhsU. rt. snd Canada. IsVWe
giTetnrfmrnoaJ so that AST l'saaoa with tbia phe-
. No OmprUiwn Khttmr. Acme are niccting
j with nparillflt necnt. V9bitac rt hinj
! rone, as we gie Sptdal Ttrm to pay FrtVjidi.
Remember, we give you the excin-ive aie of this
! book in territory nwiraed you. Wrif; for our large
! llluetratrd 4 irculara, containing full particaiars.
uproot Ttrm to Agents, etc, sent !rce to au. Ad-dr--m
immediately the Publishera,
Formerly of Hartford, Conn.
Has resumed actively the practice of
Medicine and Surgery and their collateral
branches. OfPie at the old corner of Third
and Orange street, MiSintowc, Fa.
March 29, 1874.
Jons McLacoblii. Joatpa W. SrtaaaL
turOnlj rerbl Companies represented.
Dee. 8, 186-
. !1-.H.'.IIA1B
frame that stop at MiS:aairM5
Altooba Accooa1rK!er,a.iw
dsily at & ll s. nj T.ross a
6.66 a. m., Newto HaoDtos 7Ji a a
cV evtowo 74 a. ia, leeatW:
PortRoysl 8.22 a. B., fcxje4J
Tuscarora 80 t Va.sjke!U4 it
Thompsontown 8,42 a. as Darsai, til
-. Millerstowa 8,53 1 ,.
m., arriving at Hamstm.-, at 16 16a T
and at Philadelphia, tlif.
Sia Baosa Exramleweeaitasaiw,
at 7.C0 a. m., and stopj,iE t ta ari
Sfstioos between Aitoons toi HinlsU.
reaches Mitfimat i-Xt.., 6Vmt2
11.40 p. M., aad arrireii, tXiA7I
1.15 p. m.
Man Tasia leave t PiJtajari Ittt
8.65 a. m., A:toona at 2.00 p. !, ant as
ping at all regular iishom tmre, i
at a t'8 p. m., HarrislMirt 7.10 a. a. Pa
adjlphia 4 25 a. m.
Mall Express 1 cares PUttbsri MlRia
Altoooa 6 2U p m ; TyroostM fa; ga
Ingdon 7 27pm; Lewistowi 851 pB; e
flia9I5pm; Harrisbcr lU4i pai fa
delphis 4 am.
Phi'adclphis Kxpress will stop a gf
St 11 33 when Bagged.
War pASiicta leares rslisla'sib
daily at 4 3(J a. m.; HarrUMrf, t It a ai,I
Ouncannoa, 8 oi a. m.; .tevpurt, ia al
m.; Millerstowa, 36 s. mTauEsMss, 1
47 a.m.; Van DyU. i ii a a ; Ijtc I
ora, 9 59 a m; Mexico, 1002 va fart I
Roval, 10 07 a. bUHis, 101 a. bm
Miltord, 1Q21 a. -n; Njrro, 10 ii a. avt l
a. m.; A'ewtun Bsmittio,!! U asuBis.
ticgdon, 12 Otj p. m ; lN-sie, 1149 a su
to double their prod ta by introducing a tin I Aitoona, 1 40 p. ui., aad Uf st ml rajisr
of new goods, indispensable to ail famine, 1 siauona oetwevn ttamsoarg sM iiineta
tion Poader. ?ate, sui. CBJ.e. tlM 0T
mail with lull directions. Boon fa 3 cen',
stamp. rET a 0)601 c h Avenue,
flew Tprk. JLS-ly
will adJress for lull particulars, HKALTil
FOOD COMPANY, No. 72, 4lh Avenue,
New Tort. Jan. 8, 6-ly.
bsving innocently contracted th bsbit ot
self abuse in bis youth, and ia consequence
eulfcrea an tne Dorrors of beanal Incapacity
Lost Manhood, Physical Pecay. General
Prostration, etc., will, out of sympaty for
for bis tellow sufferers, mail fru the recipe
by which be was finally cured. Addresa
in confidence. J. W. P1NKNET. 42
Cedar St., New Tort. Jan. 8, 85-ly.
The advertiser having been permanentlr
curad of that dread disease. Consumption,
by a simple remedy, is anxious to make
knows to bia fellow sufferers too mesas of
cure. To all wbo desire it. be will send a
copy of th prescription used, frsac.)
with th directions fur preparing and oaiog
the aame which they will find a sure Cubs
for Corens, Colds, CoanavTioa, Asraaa,
BaoacaiTis, Aa. Parties wishing tbe Pre-
scnptMtn, will please addresa, Kv. . a.
TV1L90N. m Peaa St.. Willimmabursh.
N. Y. f Jaa. 8. 85-lv.
StookholfJera Indiridually Liable.
DTSaTfrABf .
W. C. Pomeroy, Joseph Rothrock,
Noab Hertiler. Philip M. Repoer,
Amos G Bonsall, Lonii E. Atkinson.
Robert E. Parker.
mevnot.... .
Philip M. Kepner, Annie M. Shelley.
Joseph Rotbrock,
ueorge Jacoba,
l.. a. Atkinson,
W". C. Pomerov-
Amos G. Bonsall,
Nosh Hertzler,
Charlotte Snyder,
Jane H. Irwin,
Mary Sorts,
R. E. Parker,
J. Holmes Irwin,
T. V. Irwin,
F. B. Prow.
John Bertaler.
Three and Fonr Ber rent. infM.I will Wm
f-'" " teniucaiea 01 depoaite.
f Jan28, 1867-tf
Fall and t later Goods.
I would inform the nublie that I h...
now in ?uy n. w nullinerv store at my place
of residence on Water street, Mifflintown,
second door from corner of Bridge street,
a lull stock, of Tall and Winter millinery
goods, all new, and of tbe latest styles,
and having employed first clasa milliners,
lam prepared to supply the public with
everything found in a firs tc lass milliner
store, come and examine my stock. I
consider it no trouble to show goods.
Mst 2-8.M.T.
t dene st this effie.
hereby cautioned
A LI persons are
-t. against bshing or hunting, gathering
DemeB, or crossing neiaa, or in any other
way irespeasing on tha lands or the nnder
If" J.S. Kbbw.
OrtTia Exraiss leaves Fluistlataata!-
ly at 6 40 p. m., Uarrutxirg, Hliri,'
stopping at Kockville, Mtfjaruls, Odsar
son, Newport, Miiiertoa, laoapaansa,
Port Koyal, bine at Mi;Bio, U fci a. a, If
tooua, 3 2u a. m., aud Pittaftar,IWaa
Mail Taata leaves f aiiadeiplia Ja-7 a
7XU a. m., Usrrisbarg 1 1.0U a. ak, J
port, Vi Id p. mM MiSia 147 p. a, ar
ping at all regular ststiuos tstveat aJDl
and Aitoona reaches Aituons att.JO f. a,
pitubarg a. 20 p. m.
Airovaa ACCOBBODariCBt IssTw) fsV
adelpbia daily at 11 llta, Uarruaua
4.10 p. m., Duocansoa 4.4J p. a., iw
port 6,13 p. m., Millerstowa sja p. a,
Tbompsoatowa 5, 4 p. ou, Vautrts Ml
p. m., Tuscarora 6.46 p. bu, Hcxk UI p
m., Port Royal 5,6:! p. at., M'JSa
m., Lewis Iowa p. m., Me Verges r
4H p. 111., Newton Hajiiltoa 7,1 a,
lluntingdou 7 ii p. m. AltuoaaaM.
Pacitic Express leaves Philwtapba Uf
pm; MarrUbarg S 10am; Dusranail
9am; Newport 4 Ul am; HiSiatCi
bii LewUtowa6lHaBii McYs;Kiia
am; Bt. Union t(4aaii HuaatsUl
2U a m ; Paters berg 6 33 a at ; Sprues Cent
CiStn; Tyroa 7t7aa; W'lU
7 27 a m 5 Aitoona 8 OS a at ruMsai
Sea bhore Express esst, oa Sosiifl,
will connect with janday Mad sasl iaana
Barriaburg at 1 15 p. m.
Wsy Passenger west snd Kfl su
stop st Luctaow ssd Pooroiaa's 3fnti
hen tiagged.
Trains leave Lenistcrwa Juoclioa lorlC
my at 6 35 s m, 10 45 a m, 2 60 p a fa
Snnbury st 7 15 s m, 2 lO p m.
Trains arrive at Lewulowa Juoctiwi Da
MUroy at 9 CO am, 1 IS pm, 4 It) pBirB
Suuburyat 9:jm,3p
Trains leave Tvrone tor BeiielosHa
Lock iUvcn at s io a n, 7 1U p m.
Tyrone lor Uurwebsvilie aad C'.earfie. l
Bl!l)iu,3 0 i p ui,7 CO p ai.
Trains leave Tyrone lr Warriors
Penu.tyivai.ia furnace sad Scotis st '-
ni ami 4 30 p ui.
Trains arrive st Tvrone from Bsllsfoi
snd Lock Uveu at l'- Oa p ax, aad i U ! a-
Traina arrive st Tvn.ce irea Car"
vilie auu Clearfield st 6 5 am, and 11
m. & 'i0 p m.
Trams arrive at Tyrone froa Scoiii, V
riois Hark aud Peunsyinoi f uruats
68 a m, at 2 ao p m.
U. 4 B. T. B. K. a bEPf OKD DIVISION.
Trains leave ULntin-a for Bfi
Bndsepurt and Lura:-r!jr.d st a.
snd j .0 p. ai.
Traina arrive at Hunt!nS.IoD from
ford, bridi.ej-.-rt and Cumberland a) li -p.
ni., 6 P- p. m.
Trains leve Aitoona for Pin;'10D','a; t
7 20.m.8Jo.m.i0l'pnl.'"P,
W P m.
... .r A'toons from
Sonih. .t 6 50 am. 11 3o am. 6 WF
00 p m. 7 45 p. m. nd 10 3opa.
a. i"
Port Bja FB,,a
airrAcirsias o
Opnamental Porticos.
Bracket and Scroll UorH.
jiormiws. 1 Lcm
Also, dealers in stinf'es.
luiiibcr of every der:yimj-
l. ,-k,l to 0fdr-
uounto -- .id I
ders by mail promptly
orders should be sent to.
M.-KIIXIP3 4C0-1
rrt Bsra".
10-il-si.i r"
SabseHw for Ur ' -e RtfnbHcn
ot the
ica will
y. OrUi
jut three to