Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, July 21, 1886, Image 3

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y. 31, m6.
Subscription, ti nn
year. J ,wr or qnarter
c JT, Smtu, Pi-cbu
thJ 1 'nAi candid.m for
C:.' fte .?" for Juniata
"V1 Pw.c Primary om
B , - McLaughlin is well
DJi.QiaU county " .n well
.i r . Pkwd, and a man of die-
aucU as a Judire
should have.
tjiVV'.ltirae U ,rProcninp when the vo-
iie.C, Wl" br baUot choose sev
erallmporUnt ofticers, among which . that
or Assocte J udge, it behoove, the Repub
lican party to p ce in rmm;.,; ?r
W'U PU ,h" U of their
Uod party The wUhes of .11 section, ir
respective of party political favors should
be consulted. With thu view of the situ,
twn, Payette come, forward with the name
of the present popnl.r incmubeot, Hon. Ja
cob Smith. No doubt many pood men
have and will yet announce for tbi. public
Jh8.uPMt i8 uffi:ient guaranty
trial flhntiM t w. - .. '
- --- - iviuiuiuDo iau to our
uio i mure win De equally satbfac-lory-
Editor Sextibcl axd RtrCBUCAs : I
would annonnce Col. J. K. Kobison as a
Republican pecnliarly qualified to discharge
the dnties of Chairman of the Republican
County Committee, in sc important a cam
paign as the one soon to be engaged in and
I name him as a candidate for that position
to be Toted for at the polls at the Republi
can County Primary Election.
July 10, 1886.
Camp-meeting time is looming op.
What has become of the borough hog
Try pair of Heck's 85 cent shot for la
dies'. There are a good many smutty stalks of
Ladies shoes for 65 cents at G. W.
Barnum's show does not take well In the
Headquarters for boots and shoes at
Collars, cuffs and so forth at Espon
chade's. Still thry go! the 85 cents shoes at G.
W. Heck's.
The recent rains have brought the late
corn forward.
Mr. Keller, normal school is in success
ful operation.
85 cents will buy a pair of Ladies' shoes
at G. W. Heck's.
The past week has been good weather for
the growing corn.
A full tone ot whips for sale at G. W.
Heck's hhoe store.
Ccretary Africa is talked of for the Dem
ocratic governorship.
Pink eji is reported to be among Hunt
ingdon county horses.
Mr. Sando has pUced a portico to his
bouse on Main street.
Several young men of this place camped
in the Narrows last week.
C. P. Pannebaker, of the Coalport S tand
ard was in town over Sunday.
Waxtid. Daniel Kupp's English transla
tion of the great Martyr book.
It is believed that tho advent of the "Dog
Days" will di.ipfrse Congress.
- The Juniata Medical Association will meet
t Cresson to-morrow, Thursday.
Governor Curtin has his eye on the Dem
ocratic nomination tor Governor.
It is said that the bathing of fashionable
people at Saratoga is done at home.
Gin Spring pic-nic wnl be held at Mexico,
this county, on the 20th day of July.
From all pari of Pennsylvania the oats
Is reported as promising a large crop.
A number or Juniata people will go to
California with the G. A- R. exennion.
The Harvest Home at Pannebaker's island
will be held on the 14tb day of August.
Miss Gertie Crawford, of Hirri-burg, was
the guest of Miss Anua Parker lat week.
Only 85 cents per piir for Ladies shoes
at G. W. Heck's.
A young wonisn in Allentown, Mifflin
county, points and grains in workman-like
A fine, new lot of very nice Ladies slip
pers, just received at Q. W. Heck's shoe
The Perry county agricultural society will
hold an exhibition at Xem prt tbe coming
fall season.
The pay car passed over the middle divi
sion of tie Pennsylvania railroad on last
.Wednesday. .
Harry McCormick, of Harrisburg, is talk
ed of as Democratic candidate for the
The rain of last week induced eel fishers
to trouble the waters. A number of eels
were eanght-
Miss Bell Dorr has returned home from
Perry county, where she has been for sev
eral months past.
Charles Wolfe addressed a temperance
convention in Lewistown last week. Few
people were present.
Sanlre Elibu Benner, of Tbompsontown,
returned, last week, from a trip to Michigan
and other western states.
. . .nt. and the politician
th about now, if not hand in band theyj
do good deal of hand shaking.
Tbo Harvest Homo to be held at Panne
.ker. island on tbe ll.h day of August,
fcea to be a large assembly.
Pnrtuircse government proposes to in
.rie or import duty on American
productions shipped to that country.
An exchange y. : Throe drop, of car
pUedw. corn, fetimes, will cure it.
r a E. excursion tickeU to Cali-
i be issuel on tne iu . --o
It IS a Wniwta. ...
. . . lue ew Yorkers da
It i not Whnlo.nn.. ..
..,. ,ur mean men to
lander women in South Carolina Seedu.
- uuuer naad orShe was acqmtted."
A party of young folks drove i v..:-
terville on Monday evening, and spent the
.6 m cauing on friends in that place
TKo ...... r
.. , coal delivered on ship board
, " "ur last week was, $3.35
ror stove coal, and $2.5 for broken egg
A traveling doctor in a snoech . .h.
street the other evening declared Bright'e
o. ,Qe sianeys to be a grub in the
The fees on the domestic postoffice mon
ey orders will be reduced on five dollar or
ders, from 8 to 6 cents, on and alter Julr
20, 1886. '
Governor A,G. Curtin announces to tbe
voters of the 20th Congressional district
that he is not a csndidate for re-election to
Tho bagpipe musician with a friend blow
ing some kind of a reed instrument as an
accompaniment was in town a day or two
aai week.
-Merchant Schott was down to Atlantic
City last week on business, snd eomhlnH
pleasure with buciness and took a din in
old ocean.
The Inter-State Grangers' picnic exhibi
tion will be held at Williams' Grove, com
mencing Monday, August 18th. 18S6. to
continue one week
Three Apache Indian toys ran awav from
Carlisle Indian School some days ago. They
were overtaken at Ashland, this state, and
taken back to the school.
Still another good man gone in the por-
son of Mr. Belzer, of tbe Dundy county
bank, Nebraska, he has gone to Canada
with $100,000 of tbe bank's money.
Maxwell, the murderer of C. A. Preiler.
in St. Louis last spring, has been senteuced
to be hung on the 27th day of next August.
Hanging isn't plaid out in Missouri.
The man that has do business, is alwavs
trying to do business for everybody hat
himself. Ha can talk other peoples' busi
ness better thau they can do it them
selves. The water in the well at the toll house of
tbe Newport rner bridge was in a spoiled
condition several days last week, on account
of some bad person having thrown coal oil
into it.
Harvard has let loose 225 more graduates.
If they could only be caught and their wis
dom extracted before it spoils, what a bono-
faction it would be to the world. Bo.ton
To people who cauoot sleep at night an
exchange says .- "Tie a fresh onion around
tbe neck and bruise it to niako its odor thor
ough, and 3 on secure sound sleep from its
A thief stole a ham from the bouse of Ed
itor Mortimer, of Bloomfield, on Sunday
night a week. What business has an editor
to have ss much as a whole him iu bis house
at one time ?
The snakes are so plenty that almost ev
ery third man you meet has a bottle of snake
cure with bim. The queer thing aljut it
all is, that the cure is useil, whether a snake
is seei or not.
Harry E. Bjnsall, of the Tyronj Times
was in town on Sunday. Harry is a pip,
and he Fays, it is the best lit lie girl in the
JuciHta Vail. y, and has cried but two nights
since it arrived.
Dr. D. M. CrawlorJ, Jr., spent lat week
in Millerston n, managing the drug store in
that place fur his brother, M wtyn, wh was
camping at Roaring Run, in tbo Narrows
above this place.
J. S. Graybill, J. S. Martin, W- C. Pome
roy, J.L. Barton, Robert Robisou, Rov.
Mr. De ing aiid John Noutce, all of this
county, contemplate starting on a trip to
C'alilornia, on Friday.
"I hope, Johnny," said tbe Sunday-school
eacher to her new scholar, "thst your par
ents are good Christians." "Well, ma is,"
replied Johnne, "au' pi Ujed to be, but I
guess he is a litt'c out of practice now."
"By cent orders from tho pistofflce de
partment, alter July 26, money orders, not
exceeding five dollars in amount, can be
pnrcbased at all money order poaloiBce, for
five cents. All other amounts as he reto
foie." What every married roan in this country
wants is a trained, fiirce-Iookii.g little mouse
that will appear whenever called. It will
stampede a family quarrel in less time than
it takes to provoke one. M icon Tele
graph. At sn African Methodist Episcopal cin
lerence recently it was resolved tht "we
recouinieud that young men and yonng wo
men be rational in selecting a life partner,
snd not take a rake or a tartar, an inJjlotit
j person or a Tup."
Nt a particle of calomel, uor any other
deleteiious substance, enters into the com
position of Ayer's Pills. Oa the contrary,
this medicine is carefully compounded from
the curative properties of purely vegetable
substances. Try it.
When people are bad it Is well enough
that their neighbors should know i' , and it
may bo wall to speak of the conduct of bid
people, but men and women should not be
little themselves by envionsly or malicious
ly defamiug respectable people
Judge H. U. Schwarta, or Reading and
A. S. Strunk, Recorder or Berks county,
passed last Wednesday night at the Jacobs
House, in this place, being Domewara
bound from a business trip in the counties
of Montour, Union, and Snyder.
"Did you go Ashing when yon were in
the country last week 1" asked Pods iap of
Fangle. "No, couldn't get any bait," w
the reply. "Why that was singular ; bow
was that?" "Happened to strike a local
option neighborhood." Pittsburg Chroni
The young men from town who camped
in the Narrows last week, had a very inter
esting and lively time ot It, having three
personal encounters in one day, but being
separated by mutual frienda no one was
injured beyond having his temper badly
g,mnel Borgy, while coming through the
fn,ti 1-winiown came across
I SU 1U o sauua
Urge black snake, but the snake wasn't
large enough to scare hiin, ho got out of
hU buggy and stoned it to death. It was
nine fet long. This is the season for big
The Unteriiiied want to know what has
got wrong with their President, that ho will
not allow bis office holding bosses to run
the primary elections. Republicans caunut
explain for the Present, they gness. how
ever, thai it is pure Jeffersonian sinyiioUy
as interpreted by his Excellency, President
Cleveland. Enake, brethren snake.
A sixteen. r old boy, named WilUe
Sell, is on tU this week at Erie, Kansaa,
on the charge of having murdered his fa
tter, mother and brother on the uioruiug of
toe em ci last March. He killed them with
an ax while they were asleep.
The squeaking noise of shoes can be
stopped, according to the Boot and Shoe
Recorder, by sprinkling powdered pumice
stone between the soles during tbe process
of manufacture, or by driving a dozen of
shoe pegs into the solos when the shoes are
first to be used.
Ayer'a Hair Vigor has no eqbal, in morit
and efficiency, as a hair .dressing and for
the prevention of baldness. It eradicates
dandruff, keeps the scalp moist, clean, and
healthy, and gives vitality and color to
weak, faded, and gray tiair. The most pop
ular of toilet articles.
The Newport News of last week says :
Misses Maggie Armstrong and Carrie Wertx
on Thursday of last week accomplished quite
a feat in boat rowing, having propelled
themselves in a skiff from this place to Mil-
lerstown. They remained there with frienda
over night and rowed home the next morn
--The horse of tinner John Trego', cut a
mustang caper in Patterson the other day.
Trego got out of tho wagon to straighten
the capers ; the horse thiew itself over on
his master ; both fell to the ground with the
beast on top. Trego was so badly hurt by
tbe fall that since then he goes about on
Tbe Ladies Aid Society of the Lutheran
congr.e-ation at McAlisterville will hold a
Fair and Festival for the benefit of the
Church in McAlisterville, on Saturday even
ing tbe 24th inst. An album, quilt, and
other articles will be sold. Supper can be
had any time in the evening after 5 o'clock.
Ice cream and cake also. Charges moder
ate. All are cordial! invited.
Tbe Carlisle Volunteer of some days sgo
says : Une day last week in putting bay in
to his barn, Christian Hartzler buried a hand
saw in his bay mow. When he had the mow
full to the roof bo discovered what had been
done and fearing that the hay in heating
might ignite from the metal of the saw, he
cut a bole down throuzh the hay and got the
saw out.
A little dog owned by Mis. Burchfleld,
who lives at tbe north end of third street
took a snapping fit on Sunday afternoon.
Neighbors Gusturd, McCauley and Ander
son, were called in to see the iittle suapping
animal. It was prononnced a bad dog case
by all of the neighbors. A dose of cold lead
was recommened and administered from the
end ot a gun barrel.
"ft" ell, John," said the Judge to a pig-
tailed Celestial, "abat can I do for you I"
"Want to getee name changed."
"What's your name now f"
"Sing Sing. No goodee. Too muchee
Aldelmau. Getee changed to YValblo
"To Warble Twice T"
"Yep. AUee saniee Sing Sing.
A splendid temperance yonng man, a de
voted church member, and a promiuent
worker in tha Young Mens' Christian Asso
ciation of Pittsour. lett hastily last Friday,
for Canada, on beicg detected in the effort
to lorge a check on Errett, of tbe Pittsburg
I'eLsijn Ollice. Uo was Mr. Errett's chief
Clerk. It turned out on Saturday that his
fiTged stealings are someahere between
fifteen and twenty thousand dollars.
A man named James Junior, haviiig seen
Queen Victoria, fell desperately in love
with her ; wrote her a love letter atid alter-
ward s; nt a letter proposing marriage. Ha
cslied li.-r beloved Victoria, aul signed the
U t er, jonr loving husband. The Queen
did not icciprocate, but had him arrest -d
and examined by a committee of doctors.
Of course tbe doctors pronounced him crar
zy, and he was sent to au insane asylum
last Saturday.
The Huntingdon Monitor extjuds this sol
id cbuck of advice to berry hunters: Persons
from town going to the rural districts to
gather berries should keep in their minds
the trespass law. D m'l intrude, ak per
mission. If you look at it iu tha right light
you will arrive at the conclusion that any
country person who wouid go intu your
gardeu or into j our house without a grant
of permission, or tbe extending of an invi
tation, nouid be deci iediy impudent. Aud
there you have it.
A New Yorker was aking after a Wiscon
sin countv treasurur who defaulted three or
f onr years sgo, aud was answered, "Oh, the j
people liave couciuuea to crop mo case.
"Feel sorry tor hiui, eh "' " Well, yoa see
be used $-,lHh) of the lun. is to speculate on.
UiKt be won he was calculating to buy IkIU j
tor three different chinches. You cau't
reaiiy go back on a man whose zeal for the
Lord allowed Chicago to get the bulge on
him." Wall Siroet News. '
Tiie following item is ciipoed from the
Newpoit News, aud the advice given In it
is good, aud it would not be a bid idea if
some of our young meu would profit by it :
In dolling your bat to a lady it is not neces
sary to take hold of it and throw it away as
if in disgust with yourself, the hat and ev
erybody else ; or, if you prefer that style of
deferential salutation, you might lissoyour
beaver and rim less risk of it flying to the
winds or making bystanders feel as it' it was
your intention to knock them down with it.
James l'anuubaker, aged about 11 years,
son of John Paunabaker, ot i-'-tterson, while
attempting to climb down the third jpier of
the rivtr bridge to fish last Thursday
lost his hold and fell down among the
stones ot the bottom of the pier. Both
bones of the lelt leg were broken and the
flesh of the limb was badiy lacerated by the
sharp edge of tbe broken bones, as .the leg
turned nnder tbe lad when he fell on his
side. Doctors Crawford and Sandoo gave
immediate surgical attention to the fractur
ed limb.
If Oeneral Sickles escapes the public cen
sure that will folio w if it is demonstrated
that be did not obey Reynolds and appear
on the field of Gettysburg on the morning
or the 1st of July, be still was not justifiable
in declaring in his Boston speech that the
fight or Reynolds on the 1st or July, "was
an accidental combat without significance.''
Leaving everything else out of the question
it was of such significance that it lead to
tho selection of the grouud on which the
army of bee was doieated, and certainly the
defeat of Lee was a significant event.
During a period ot two months a great
drought prevailed in the New England
status. All through Massac husetta the grass
is perfectly dead, wbilo the leaves on the
trees hive turned yellow and are tailing
fro:u tbo boughs. All the rivers are low,
especially tbe Connecticut and Merrimac,
ar.U their tributaries have so dwiudied that
many mills have been compelled to shut
j down, and an army cf handa ha.o occu
thrown out of Work, At Cape Coi most .r
the bogs and springs have dried up, and two
thirds of the cranberry crop is ruined.
Along tho Connecticut river the damage
none is so mtw,. j -auuiber of towns
have put the people on short rations. Ia
Vermont the great grazing grounds are
grassiest,- From all quarter, comes reports
of extensive forest fires.
A gentleman who passed through Kurtz
valley, Delaware township, on the 12th insL,
noticed Miss Kurtz, daughter of Abram
Kurtz, driving four horses in a self grain
binding machine at work on her father's
farm. On the adjoining farm owned by C.
G. Shelly, be saw one of Mr. Sbelly's
daughters drive two horses in a self raking
grain reaper. The gentleman used to be
lieve that the substantial qualities that the
grand mothers exhibited had oeeo lost in
the hurly burly or these extravegaut.shody,
pretentious times, but since tbe trip through
Delaware township, he has changed his
mind and be is couvinced that there are
still some girl, or the grand old qualities
The Lewistown Gazette or last week says :
Friday night last during tha hard thunder
storm the barn on the McClnre farm, tenant
ed by Richard Young, was struck by light
ning about twelve o'clock and burned down.
John 11. Young, a nephew of Richard, was
at a window in the bouse and aaw the light
ning strike. He and Mr. Young aud son
went ont and let out the only horse that was
in the stable and saved two buggies in the
wagon shed. That day they bad been hauling
in wheat and there were two wagon loads
standing on the barn floor. They ran one
ot these out, but by that time the fire had
gained such headway that they could not
rescue tbe other. Mr. Young's loss is one
wagon, thirty-two loads of hay, fire loads
of wheat, a lot of old wheat, seventy bush
els of com ears, all his pluwt, and meat, one
calf, nearly all his gears, hog pen and chick
en house, with all the chickens. His loss
is about $000, on which there is no insurance
Tbe barn was insured iu the Valley compa
ny for $1500. Quite a number of persona
went there to see tho fire. The lightning
struck a shock or wheat on the farm of Sol.
Zook and burned it just alter the baru was
The Bloomfield Times or July 13, pub
lishes the following : Wednesday afternoon
about four o'clock, a crowd of boys were in
the canal bathiug, above Uillerstown, and
among tbe number was Willie, sonol Cbas.
A. Rij piuan, aged about niue years. While
tbe boys were disporting themselves in the
water, two young men, Charles Myers and
Spencer, came along with a revol
ver, and commenced shooting over the boys'
beads to scare them. Willie Rippmm, who
had been lying on the tow-path, started to
run into the water, whon a bullet struck him
in tbe back, one inch to right side of the
spinal column, right over tbe region or the
right kidney. The little fellow fell to the
ground, but thu other buys helped him to
dress and took him to bis borne. Medical
aid was summoned, aud au attempt nuulj to
remove the ball by probing, but without
avail. The boy suffers considerable pain in
the region of the bowels, which is evidence
th it the ball is in that Iocition. Willie
stands his injury bravely, and did not wince
uuder thu probe. His condition on Thurs
day moruit:g indicated no cbangtf, but hopes
are ei.teitained for his recovery. The boy
has been busily engaged piling bark in bis
father's tannery for some time, and Wed
nesday was his Hrst day off.
Calves and lleer.
Calves and beor, became the cause of no
little trouble between cow drover Hull, and
excursionists Thomas, Pierce, Thompson,
and EckbtTt, at Roaring Run, along the
pike in tho Long Narrows, between this
place and Lewistown, last Friday ev euing.
The parties all live 1 1 L;i'-"n. The four
last named yonng men, with other compan
ions had formed a camp in the Narrows along
the pike. Their camp was well stocked with
substantial things to eat, and palatable
drinks for Iibition, aid they were enjoyiug
themselves up to the measure or their no
tions of mountain excursion enjoyment. On
the afternoon of the day mentioned cow dro
ver Hull, intent on business, was slowly driv
ing lour Cows beiorc him through tha Nar
rows. Two of the cows had calves, bat the
iittle animals gave out on the rough road and
he lied their -gt an I plsced them in the
wagon. About four o'clock iu llw slter
noon Hull came opposite to the camp of the
boys of his town and there made a bait, he
says, to water his slock. The boys say he
suielled a beer kegj but be denies the power
that the boys ascrite to his smelling organ
and says that iu the past fifteen years he baa
not used anything stronger than blacklterry
wine which he has been using latelv for dis
order of the bowls. Let the cause bo what
it may he stopped of bis own accord at the
camp of tho yoiiii of men and was not there
long b;lore some ditfirence arosa between
them. He was charged with cruelty to sui
uia's in having calves tied and laid in bis wag
on snd agresshc-ies to Hull, or a feelingfor
thii calves, or the inspiration or beer, caused
an effort to hi made to release the little au
i:uals. The snaps that bound them were
cut or untied and be was kept quite bnsy
belween tying the calves and listening to the
remarks or the boys. He stepped ont or the
wagon snd was soon engaged in a struggle
with Thomas, ont of which both came with
out damage excepting a rent in the neck of
Hull's shirt. The drover came to this place
and employed lawyer Plette, and an action
was brought before Justice StcCrum against
tbe young men for assault and battery. A
warrant was placed in the hands of officer
Lapp. It was long after dirk before ho
ush.reJthe par:ies into the office of the
justice. The youug men all declared that
they committed no breach of the peace
against Hull, rurther thau being preseut,
which they could not help, for they were
there whon Hull came, aud ror laughing
when the drover and Thomas fell out. They
were in a jolly humor and were disposed to
thrust expressions of different kinds at Hull
and bis lawyer. One wanted to know why
they badu't madothecharge or arson, anoth
er suggested burglary or something else.
They kept up such an incessant inquiry and
humorous Dlav upon words, sometimes ail
together talking, and asking questions that
Hull's lawyer lot fall a couple or words that
they said was swearing and that brought
Tbomaa to bis foet. lie brought a charge
against the lawyer for swearing and enjoin
ed it upon the Squire to fine him, and be,
Thomas, tho informant, claimed half the floe
for making tho information. Hj requested
the Squire to ded act his share or tbe fine from
his share of the costs. By this time the
case h id become interesting to all pirtie
concerned and humorous to th'J room lull
of spectators. Thj drover was charged with
cruelty to a-imals, for having tho calves
tied and laid in his wagon and hauled over
a rougu road. The Justice require! thorn
to give bail for their apoearance at court to
j answer the charges that they had preferred
against each other. Mr. K nodes, cat'lo Coal
er from I'hanixvillo, became bail for Hull.
Thomas was a stranger iu a sUaugol laud,
with only his chums around him, an4 while
they were not cotplol in tbe cbargof with
him, thej lul'Tvere "tu- close relation
ship for bail. He fell back an Hull, whose
calves he had unloosened, and who be had
choked, and whose beard he bad pulled, and
whose shirt he bad torn, and who he had
cross suited by a charge and prosecution, for
cruelty to animals. Hull was sympatheti
cally responsive to his late antagonist and
bailed him. After they were ready to
adjourn to meet later before court, to there
to settle the case, some one proposed to settle
the trouble, which they did by each party
paying halt the cost. It was after 11 o'
clock on Friday night before they got away
from the Squire's office, and it was away in
the small hours of Saturday morning be
fore John Bergy landed the boys at their
camp in tbe Narrows. No matter bow long
the journey of life may run the principles
in the snit will never forget the case ot the
calves and beer in the Long Narrows be
tween Lewistown and Mifflintown, on the
16th day of July, 1886.
Annual Plc-HIcat Gin Spring.
Arrangementa have been completed lor
holding tbe Annual Basket Pic-Nic at Gin
Spring, on Thursday, July 29th, 1886. A
large crowd is expected. Good music for
tbe occasion has been secured.
Farm for Sale.
Isaac Shellenberger, of Fayette township
has two farms within a mile or Oakland
Mills, that ho offers for sale. He will sell
one, or both tracts. Good buildings on
both tracts, and an abundance of fruit, and
never-failing running water at both houses.
The land is limestone shalo and has been
recently limed. Come and see it. The
larger tract is known in the valley as the
Brubaker farm. For further particulars
Oakland Mills, Juuiata County, Pa.
Cheap! Cheap! Cheap!
If yon want to buy a first class A num
ber Cue whip, go to G. W. Heck's shoe
Harvest Home.
The Tuscarora Valley Harvest Home As
sociation will bold their annual gathering
at Pancebaket's Island, on Saturday, Au
gust tho 11th, at 9 o'clock.
Tbe following officers were elected for
the coming year : President, A. J. Fergu
son ; Vice President, Abram Noss ; Treas
urer, James Loudon ; Committee of Order,
R. H. Patterson, J. S. McCulIoch, Samuel
Bartley, James Millikcn, Josua beale, Thom
as Arlruckle; Exwcutive Committee, J. D.
Milliken, W. A. Pannabaker, J. T. Work.
A general invito'.ion is extended to all
Sabbath Schools, aij to parties wishing to
exhibit machinery.
No contributions will be asked for any
purpose. By order of Committee.
A. B. Nielt, See.
Teachers' Examinations Tor
Lack, at Cross Keys August 10th.
Tuscarora, at McCoysville " 11th.
Spruce Hill, at Wisdom... ... " 12th.
Beale, at Johnstown " 13th.
Port Royal and Tnrliett in Port
Royal " llth.
Fayette, iu McAlisterville ICth.
Monroe, at Ricbhcld.... ...... 17th.
Susquebanua, at Prosperity.... " lth.
Greenwood, at Straight Water. l'Jth.
Delaware and Thompsontown,
at Smith's school house.. . 20th.
Mitltintown and Fermanagh, in
MitUintowu " 21st.
Patterson aud MillorJ, in Pat-
teison " 2rd.
Walker, at Mexico " 24tb.
The examinations will begin at b o'clock
A. M.
Thorough preparation in all branches will
be required.
Strangers uinst furnish a certificate of
good moral character.
All friends of education are invited.
A special examination for tbe county will
be held in Mitltintown. September 25th.
W. E. Acmax,
County Sup't., Juniata Co.
July 21, 4-t.
Whips! Whips! Whips!
for sale at G. IK-ck'a Boot t Shoo
Arrested on a Serious Charge.
Under the above head the Lewistown
Free Pres ol July 14, puUishi-s the follow
ing : Our reader will remember two street
laklra dupen!ing novelties ia the public
square on Fitdaf a-id Saturday evening a
week. They left on the HunJay following,
aud jersuaded two young girls employed at
the L'uion House, Maggie Ilaugbt an 1
Blanch Dalby, the lornier belonging to town
aud the latter from Port Koyal, to accompa
ny ttiem. Tbe mother of ihe lormer learn
ing uf tbe affair bad a warrant isu4 on
Friday and placed in the hands of Otlicer
Gro, who Kcbl to Aliooua in search of tte
parties, but failing to Hud theui he returned
to Uaatiugdou and learned that they were
at the Franklin House, where they register
ed as Harry Bennett and lady, of Philadel
phia, and T. S. Anderson and lady, of Head
ing. At 10 o'clock Friday night Mr. Gro,
accompanied by Otlicer Orauaiu. of Hunt
ingdon, proceeded to the Franklin House
and lonnd Andorson and the two girls occu
pying the same room, Bennett having gone
to Tyrone to procure some goods. The ol
ficers arrested tbo three and put them to
jail, when Mr. Gro went to Tyrone and se
cured Bennett, bringing the lour to Lewis
town ou Seashore Express on Saturday
morning, when they were Ukcn before
Squire Settle, who remanded Bennett and
Anderson to jail in default of $1,000 bail,
and released tbe girls on their own recogni
tance for their appearance as witnesses at a
hearing before the Justice to-day. The Dal
by girl is 18 years or age, while the Haught
girl is only 15.
The arrest was made under the act of as
sembly, approved May 28, 1SS5, aud which
is as tollows :
"Any person who takes a female child un
der 15 years of age for the purpose of pros
titution or sexual intercourse, or, without
tbe consent of her lather, mother, guardian
or other person, for the purpose of marriage
snail, in every sucn case, ne fuuy
of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction
thereof, shall be seLtenced 10 imprisonment
at separate or solitary confinement at labor
for uot more than 5 years, or pay a Une of
$1,000, or both, at the discretion or tho
A Literary Coup D'Etat-
Of all the surprises to which the reading
public his been treated by Mr. Alden's aur
prisiug Literary RtmUttou, perbapi the
mt remarkable IS Ihtj last.
T'o of ia choicuot4and mot famous
honks in modern literature, WasHnoTOM In
vito' "Th Sketch Book" and "Knicker
bocker's History of New York," are just
pubiisiieU ia style worthy ol this most wide-
ly cil'ibr ited and universally houored of
Amciican author. Tbe two books togeth
er fopn ONE of tbe NINE volumes or his
works also ju: published. Tbe type ia large,
leaded, beautiful ; the two volumes bouud
in one comprise 606 pages ; the binding is
HALF MOROCCO, marbled edges. The
only other edition in the market that at all
compare, with this or rivals it, is advertis
ed by the publisher at 1.00 per volume.
Mr. Alden's price when Sold in seta of
nine volumes, is a little less than $1.0) per
volume. He now offers this single speci
men volume UNTIL SEPTEMBER 1, 1886,
for the price (if it can be called a price) of
oo cents, oy maii. postage paia.
or CON DITION ; if there are a hundred
thousand, or hair a million of thoso who
take pleasure in the works or Washiioosj
1 aviso, who want the volume, he says he will
fill their orders as fast as his printers and
Dinners can turn mem out.
If yoa want to complete your aet after
yon bave received this volume, you can, or
course do so by paving the additional price
for the set- T HE OBJECT of this extraor-
d inary Coup D'Etat" is or sourse, adver
tising ; except for this consideration the
price would be rediculous and ruinous. Mr.
Alden sends his complete Condensed Cata
logue of standard books free to anv appli
cant, or his illustrated Catalogue, 132 pages,
lor lour cents. Address, Johsj B. Amu,
Publisher, 3'.3 Pearl street. New York.
A Thieving Irishman.
Officer Lapp received a despatch on Mon
day from John Downing, of Millerstown,
wno Has been employed in William Spang
ler'a carriage shop, to arrest an Irishman,
who had on Sunday night stolen from
S pangler's shop a pair of tailor's shears, sev
eral punches and a clarinet, tbe prooertv
or Downing. Lapp looked about tbe town
and espied an Irishman about 4U years of
age, in Espenscbadu's store, where he had
just purchased a check shirt for tilty cents.
auc otneer Ueternjiued iu his mind that he
was the man, and forthwith, without a war
rant, took him beloro Justice McOrnni, who
sent him to jail to await a warrant. It was
not long till Mr. Spanglar, of Millerstown,
and Mr. Downing, ot the same p'ae, came
to town ia a buggy looking lor the Irish
thieving tramp. Meanwhile it transpired
that iu the early part of the morning, the
Irishman had sold the clarinet to Wm.
Rollman tor five dollars. Downing says
the instrument belongs to a friend and that
it cost h is friend $23.60 and a case for it
cost $3, and if the thief bad gotten away
with it, he would bave been compelled to
pay $25.50. The shears the thief sold to
Wallace Fasick, for fifty cents. The thief
was taken bnforo tha committing justice lor
a hearing at half past one o'clock, but
Downing was not there to appear against
him. The Squire could not bold him, and
wrote out a release to the jailer, aud gave
him five cents and told him to leave. Slang
ier appeared upon the scene about that time
aud seemed to be indignant that the Irish
man should be released in that way. He
asked, "What kiud of au office is this,
where there is so much whispering going
out" But while he tas gutting off bis
indignation in dramatic style stamping
around with a heavy walking stick, he
did not have his workman Downing
there to prefer chaigea agtiosl tho
thief and hold hiiu to answer ba
ton court. B. loro llu Irisiuiun got awav
from the olhee of the justice, Uolimtn and
Fasick, the two other victims of the Irish
man's thieving qnalitiu. put in an app 'ar-anc-
and wanted to know nheru tliey were
to get the money that tht-y bad jut iuto the
clarinet aud shears thai DoA'iiiug was ahiut
to csrry away.
The thief bad $3.75 iu nior.' y, h.' nai
willing that bis money should gu as far as
it miubt toward su'iaring op his s oncom
ings. Downing had sent the cos's to the
justice, and th- Sheriff hai pii l F isick trie
tilty cents that Fasick was cut on the in
vestment in the shears, so Hie Unci's (-'..75
was handed over to Koiinian, and it is high
ly probable it was what the irishman had
lelt of the Si. W that hu received for the
clariiM t. Koiiiu au w is out o! p-ick :! $1.25.
D.i nine's excuse t'r not app-arin against
ihrt thief v ;s, ;h it e nny n it ri:iu.ti.i loti
iu Muleisloan, and her: ho inijlit be
when the e.iso Miouid bo c.i k'l lor trial,
coiiid only oe told by wh -re no could se
cure emi iuyuiciit iu a carr::ii;e nicking uiau
ufictorv. UlrFLINlOWN' MAKKKTS.
UirrLixiowx, July 21, 136.
Butter 10
Lard 7
W heat, "-71
Oorn, ................ -I
Oats, 30
Kye f
New Clorerseed 1 - ' to 00
Timothy seed 2 O'J
Flax seed 1
liran I 00
Chop 1
Snorts 1 '"
(irouud .Alum bait 1 '-
American Salt 1 ''! 10
PniLAMELriii.it July 17. KNSo. Pennsyl
vania. No. 1, rea wheat, t'Jcts. torn, 4S;.
Oars, 40ct. JCnicaen-, l"al kU. per lr.
Duek-t, ItsiOcts. per lb. butler, l VilS:ts.
Eggs, IJct. per dozen- Hay $'I7. tJ i
tle, sheep, and hog-, ut 1.1 week's prices.
FOUNDED IN Wl. Large Facuty.
Two lull courses or Smdy Classical
and Scientinc. Special courses in all de
partments. Observatory aud laloa aries.
Three large buildiugs. Libraries 2J,tOO vol
umes. Kxponses low. Accessible by fre
queut Railroad trains. Loeatioo, on the
BATTLtr l C.L.LT or tiftiysoiirz. niosi pleas
ant and healthy. Preparatory De
partment, in separate building, tor
l i ..... i. ....... ...... r... int. titp tinctntoOl
uuia Biiu 1 ' " ' " " - " p.
or College, nnder spocial care of Ihe Princi
pal, nev. a. d. rorm an o nsuM,a,
the latter residing with stndti-ts in the build
ing, full term opens sepieuioer vu, iccu.
For Catalogues, addrci
U. ft'. iicKMGHT, D. 1).,
President, or
Gettysburg, Pa.
A Sluggish Liver
Cause the Stomach and Bowels to bo
come disordered, and the whole system
to snffer from debility. In ail such
cases Ayer's Pills giro prompt relief.
After much snffering from Liver and
Stom.vh troubles, I bave finally been
cured by taking Ayer's Catharho Pills.
I always find them r rompt and thorough
in their action, and their occasional ua
ke"T9 me in a perfectly healthv condi
tion. Kalph N eeman, Annapolis, Md.
Twenty-five years ao I suffered from
a torpid liver," which was restored to
healthy action by taking Ayer's mis.
Since that time 1 have never been with
out them. They regulate the bowels,
assist digestion, and increase the appe
tite, moro surely than any other medi
cine. Paul Churchill, Haverhill, Mass.
I know of no remedy equal to Ayer's
Pills for Stomach and Liver disorders.
I suffered from a Torpid Liver, and Dys
pepsia, for eighteen months. My skin
wan yellow, and my tongue coated. I
had no appetite, suffored from Head
ache, was pale and emaciated. A few
tioxes of Ayer's Puis, taken in moderate
dooes. restored me to perfect lieal.ii.
Waldo Miles, Oberlin, Ohio.
Ayer's Pills are a superior family
medicine. They strenthen and invig
orate the digestive organs, create an ap
petite, and remove tbe horrible depres
sion and despondency resulting from
Liver Complaint. I have used these
Pill in my family, for years, and they
never fail to give enrire satisfaction.
Otto Montgomery, Oshkosh, Wis. ft
Ayer's Pills,
Pnpued by Dr. J. C. Ayr tt Co.. Lowell. Vim.
Bold by all DruggiaU and bcalara Is XodiciM.
. ri- T- a 1 ' i- j'".
In Making Big Advertiseiii(?aio is
Burned if the Stock Cannot Confirm the Stat
No One Knows this Better than.
Whose Phenomenal Success in Business is but the result oi
Fair, Square, Honest Dealing
We strive to please to please our patrons in every way ; so
we say that if, after inspection, you become dissatisfied with 4
your purchase, bring it back to us ; we will cheerfully exchange .
it for you.
154 men's neat, well-made cassimere and worsted spring style Buit3 at
6.87; all wool catwimerea and cheviot style suit at ; 233 men's Tery
elegant English corkscrew dress and business 6oit3 at $11.50. A large
line of men's very fine imported corkscrew dress snit in 1, 3 and 4 button
cutaway and Prince Albert coat made equal to first class oustom work at
14.50 and 16.00. The earliest callers will of course secure the firs!
choice. Djn't be late.
We show the Lirgcst variety in the county of fancy pleated and Norfolk
styba knee pants snits for boys from 4 to 13 yeais old: price from f 1.50
to 6 00. Our stock of long pants suits for boys from 10 to 18 years com
prises over 45 different aud distinct patters, and these we have in straight
and cutaway sack and frock suit. Prices are tho lowest on record.
Theso departments will be found brimful with the rarest bargains. If
specified here they would require more than a page, hence our special in
vitation to you to come and see with your own eyes how we will be bl
to suit in price and styles collars and cuffs, handkerchiefs, hosiery, "ai
shirts, suspenders, 6ilk scarfs, gent's collars and cuffs.
Gentlemen who have not yet left their m-v-suro for a new suit are
dially requested to come in and see ho v well we can serve them. '
prices are the lowest
The Leading Clothier,
April 15,i 8t5-lj-.
McMips & Cos. Planing Mill, I
Port Rojal I'cuua.
M.vsrracTiaERa or
Ornamental Portico3,
Bracket aud Scroll Work.
Als", i.'aii?rs in shinies, lath, and frame
luuilwr ot every descriyiion.
CoiibtrT lumber worked to ordrr. Or-der-i
l y mail primptlr alU'ndi'd li. All
ordt::i :houli be sii' to.
li-21 $5.1
Worth Knowing,
Th.' I eaa stop toothache in lo---, than
live minutes; no paiu, no extracting.
That I Can extract teith without paia,
by thu r.e of a Uni t applied to ti.J K- th
an-1 gums; no danger.
Th it Disesed G u ui (known
a ocorvyi ireai j-. j. nnx muuj 1 . rf ,. , ...
and a cure warvftraiited in every I stock Ol LadlCS bllOCS tan
CTel-thF.L..KnMdt!uCntel lor life. j surpassed HI tll COor
Artificial Teeth repaired, exrhanRed. '11... sfl. aU f... nn.l
remoddled, from $.'K to $J per et. j ur lOv,K 1 ail IieMl ant .
Beautiful Gun K'latueled Teet inserted at
prices to suit all.
AU work warranted to give perfjcl satit-
with which they cannot eat, ar especially
invited to call. Will viit professionally
at their homes if notiiie.1 by lotier.
I'ractlcal Dentist,
(let. 14 'So.
wrr bad? nszno
mm syrup.
1 "I T h.ta i.ct-t faiV-! t q'vi i! mt prfet sst
j ti.rouh he f-u .M -r: j, 1- -ii ;: : 11 cu.fn
i inffrf.rrs. Ir r.,rxT. thu I;at' liri.TK b
KkWISC IT PrS r N(.' LICAtpi'lAbKHfrt. Lo
not mcry yur B-'1:) nth :ii.tu br Murau MtJ
tnrr, bvt rt-e
Ir. i-'ahrseyN Tectlilntj Syrup,
irhich is a''"ay sxfe and r-r'-Ie. It rrhrs aaJ
quiets the C mi ; i, kn.:F'. PA-Nand Inm ammatk-'H
iimI uitr Sum, N.urr'.L Svsrp T') HALF axq
kr$T to M'rTHFKS. All Iki cuis and sUsuicws
ItlUKi i-EI-L IT.
rvrETY-nv? ctttts a ectti-z.
Pmfpamd Ft
For Baugh's Phospliatw Guide, Prioanl Samples, adrTrrss - 1
.innKAiutucmKiuil BAUCH & SOPJ8, 4
BAW BOME SUPEB - PHOSPHATE 1 20 g. Drtaww"" m "aITeLmia, pa
Yoa will CiiJ the bLapcs, fctvlts and price3 of his goods ia accord with j
tho tinifcs. You may ahvaja find nonifetLiLg in the vaj tf bargaina, in Hats, j
Cuj;j3, Eoo's, SUoes blurts, Glovas, Trnnks, and all kinds of furnishing
goods. In a Iml bouse ttere la always a cuauce to get bargaina.
Also, mpasuves taken for 6uits and parts of suits, which will be made to
order on short notice, Tery reasonable.
Remedltr the plat e, in IIoiTuiaii's Xtw Coiidiiig. corner of Bridge and
Water btreeU, MIFFLIXO.WX, PA.
not Worth ff"
Now offers to tho public ;
of the most complete line
ever brought to the county
Our Dress Goods depar, of
will consist in part of 131a
Colored Silks-, Black aml;
ed Cashmeres, and a fu lUe
of low priced dress roodeJat
1 b , bury-
tlic newest shades, .oe victim
by a
You will liiii one of teriu-r
. x, htniiig.
complete m the counir,rkeya
huva Men's Fine Suoes at?
ces that will astonish you,"1
and sold at prices thatwilor-
prise you. We have on -be.
a full line of Fresh, Plain ;
' r
Fancy T-
Also, the only full line
pnse YOU
to,he Era h!
must have its lull supply w
Queens and Glassware, this i
the store to call on for such ar
ticles. All orders hv mail will re
ceive prompt attention.
Remember the place,
Main- Stkext. Opposite Court House,
31 i fili 11 town, Pa.,
I ri A Fall M 9t
IU Atlarlimralt,
Circa tmw.
f. A. WOOD CK.
ir .1
! 4?F
iarga! with I pubiioimd is sty le worthy ol thu most w
wtV .m Wnvember 30th, lor