Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, July 14, 1886, Image 4

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    i K
II mail I mil fill MBIT sail 1 n t
I - i
K'.tmc of the Qn Birds and Beasts
Carried Over the Country hy Stars.
Ethel lAiiton, a riiiiuilelpliia favor
ite, was, when in Saa Franclefio, the
queen of local comic ora artists. She
would FiH-nd hours enticing pigions to
her window and in training tLeni
to light upon lier shoulder.
Miss Jeffreys-Lewis has 3 little dop,
well known to all her friends. It
weighs itlwut twenty ounces, and
through old aire hasl ecouie uearly hair
las, toothle: s and blind.
Mine, Judic is said to be perfectly
happy when she can pass her leisure
hours with her horses.
MtKee Kanki.i anl wife (Kitty
Ulaichard) have a luactical fancy for
thoroughbred cattle. On an Eastern
farm they keep a herd of Jerseys.
Kate L'astleton is accompanied on all
her navels by a huge St. Uernard dog
that .she has taught to fetch or carry
and ; ci form many amusing tricks.
It is two years since Louise Lester
was presented in Texas with an infant
alligator that stopped growing when
eighteen inches loin 5
In liis play called "Love and Law,"
Milton Nobles ha a character that
Iivuueiillv exclaims, "O. 'ow I 'ate
dt.igs." The author made that speech
an esk-aiw valve for his own antipathy
to canines. Mr. Nobles will engage no
one who earrits a do,?.
T i nt v years agj Mine, di Mursha
headed the lyric world. Critics who
for half a century have watched the
rise of operatic stais a;e unanimous in
declaring that for brilliancy, dash and
execution her vocalizing has never
len equaled, the was the terror of land
lords and managers ou account of her
pets two Australian inappies and a
monkey. The birds would steal from
other gues.s every spaikling thing
on which they could lay claws. From
some daik corner would suddenly come
a sepulchral voice, saying: "film your
eyes there. Cully." lii ahoy," or a
series of shrieks and sailor slang calcu
lated to shake the strongest nerves
when taken oft guard.
Nui inquisitive person sent Sara
Ileriihardt a set of printed questions to
till out. Anions tliem waj ' What's
votir favorite animal?" Mie ausweied
luriii-.r her la-'.t Western tour Elite
Eli.sU r carried a dieadf ully u:ly Eugli-h
pug, a black-.md-tan terrier and a St.
diaries spaniel. Her husband had
a buil pup, and one ot the supporting
jrentii liit-n had a hunting dog, a pointer.
U'lnlu at a little town in .Montana,
with the thermometer marking 4)
degrees below Zi.ro, an addition ot
three baby dogs happened to one of the
canities, so tliat, "ilazil Ksrko" had al
bunds lull of family cares.
The MiH-k:ii Hint's Sons.
Most, Southern people are familiar
w ith the habits ot these birds, but it
will be news to many to be told, as in
the "Encyclopedia Britannica," that
they no ry New Ei gland in the summer
to breed and return in the falL Audu
bon's statement was that some of them
"go north," and this term applied
to the migration or birtls means with
him northward, la Man land aud Vir
ginia the bird can be found in summer,
but he comes southward in the autumn.
1 am inclined to think that so mo pass
us and co to Florida in very cold
weather. I have seen them late in the
autumn thing southward high in air
and northward early In the spring.
Audubon sajs that the stay-at-home
birds of the family, Cght these migra
tory birds upon fieir return.
llojkii:g birds can 1 etaught almost
snyti.lr.g iu the way of tunes. Macon
used to boast of a bird that whistled
"Dixie," and years ago a Frenchman
trave'.eJ about the country play.ng airs
upon the piano which his bird followed
accurately. At th9 Pulaski House in
Savannah, a negro used to keep a bird
that wculd whistle a good alto to tunes
his master whistled. One of the most
popular errors concerning the mocklog
bird Is the belief that be has no song of
his own; that he adopts and blends
only the notes of other birds into
a song. This is pure nonsense. The
young mocking birds reared in the gar
rets of great cities, and beyond the
reic'i of the songs of otheis, sing as
natives iu their freedom, though not as
strong, since they lack the inspiration
of mates, the mellow sunlight, aud 1 b
erty. Their song is, in fact, a number
of s-ings, but entirely original. No
man ever heard the divisions of the
mocking bird's song iu aty fore-t.
That he inter.-i e:sr s them with cat cail ',
the hawk's seieech, the whirr of the
bull bat, and the chicken's melauch jly
"peep," and notes from other birds is
true, but these are only characters lu
Lis recitative ballad, feature In the
romance of Ins summers. That he
smps his parts backwards ai;d forwaidi
and combines them anew 1j also true.
The mocking bird s song is to the ear
what a kalei Joscoie is to the eye.and the
combinations of his songs areas endless
as the glass forms iu the toy. But the
song notes are the same.
The bird is probably the most coa
tiuuous singer m the world, but there
are two weeks iu every City-two when
nothing can tempt him to sing, anl
that is when he is moulting. At such
times he may be found moping iu
a secluded spot, lost iu raj less melan
choly, lie looks then hot and sick, aud
the only note he utters is a short, low
whittle, not unlike that which the fat
man makes as he rei.i.)V-s his hat
and mops h'is brow, l'eruaps during
this season the bird layj aside mockery,
repents, and makes good resolutions.
A Protest a nt 1 ir.
A gei:tl n.aa of Kansas City owns a
dog of remarkable sagacity. The gen
tleuu'.n is a niewU-r of the Catholic
Church and does not. therefore, have
meat brought into the houseon Friday.
The dog soon discovered this, as he did
also the fact that the next door neigh
bor was r.t au observer of this ancient
custom. Every Friday for yeais the
sagacious canine would ignore the food
given Lira by bis master, aud make
a friendly visit to his Protestant neigh
bor, who never failed to supply kim
with meat. These weekly visits wen
kept uj regularly for years, the dog
nevtr failing winter or summer to put
iu au apiearaiice at, his neighbor's
ou the day his master failed to supply
hini with meat, ltecently the family
owning the dog removed to a remote
part of the city, but the following, Fri
day, faithful to his custom in the past,
the dog apieared at the home of his old
neighbor and made his mute appeal foi
dinner. He is stiil a good Catholic dop
six days in the week, but every Friday
he turns l'rottstant long enough tc
feast on meat.
At a recent meeting of the Royal
Dublin Society, I'rof. E. Reynolds call
ed attention to the importance of sac
charin to medical men for sweetening
the food of patients to whom sugai
would be injurious. This substance,
obtained by I'rof. Falberg from coal
tar, is said to be two hundred ami
thirty times as sweet as sugar, and ex
periments thus far made have ehowt
no harmful effects from its use. Iu
present cost in England is about 1(
per pound.
Tlie brick clay deposits of Ilainstadt
Germany, have been found by Dr. Sioh
ecker to be singularly rich in several
metals hitherto very scarce, particularlj
cerium, glacinum, lanthanum, didymi
am and yttrium. The lirst two of thest
metals seem to be in sufficient abun
dance to materially increase the world:
V .n J,aITO-t.M.eiTOitnwaM-ivvjrnf;'ir1rni
Ta! i -y Hif-.;iiJIii3 jjjf ygjgLZllrs7 t -t a-L-', -i-- ; ..v.-- ir. .-,.rrs.-rw nr..riNiT-.m..-n.i ,
Tnixsrso Frtht. When planted
in cood soil, good thrifty fruits will
ueai ly always overload themselves, and
in cider to secure the beet, smoothest
and largest fruit, considerable thinning
must be done; this is especially the case
with grapes aud tree fruits. Choice
apples, peaches, pears, quinces; In fact,
the best of all kinds of fruit command
the best prices and always sell. Oft
times the market becomes glutted with
poor fruits, and the prices realized are
really below what it co3ts to produce
them and sometimes they cannot be
sold at any price, while at the same time
the choicest and best are soiling at a
profitable price. Too many fall iuto
the error of thinking that by thinning
they lessen the quantity so much that
they prefer to let the fruit all remain.
This is a mistake, as well as to think
that by thinning they lessen the profit
on the fruit. When a tree is heavily
loaded, the fruit must necessarily be
small and this will lessen the quantity;
then the fruit being small will sell for
a less price, and really cost more to
sell, and you really .lose rather than
make by not thinning.' Then in addi
tion, when a tree or vine is allowed to
overload and mature the fruit it is a
strain upoa the vitality of the tree, so
much that a rest must be had and the
next year the tree will fail to bear.
Whenever tried judiciously, thinning
fruit always pays; but it requires con
siderable courage when the trees are
ladeu with young fruit to go over and
pull off, and throw away a considerable
portion of the fruit. To one who has
never tried It. at first it would seem like
a waste; yet it has been tested suffi
ciently to prove its value. The work
of course should be done early, as soon
after the fru.t has set as possible. The
longer the fruit grows after settiDg,
the more waste of vitality of the tree,
that should go to the other fruit that is
left upon the tree to mature. It should
be done as evenly as possible. Close
crowding is what often makes ill-shaped
fruit If you have never been in the
habit of thinning try a few trees Grst to
see the effect, and In a majority of
cases jou will conclude that It is bene
ficial. How to Harvest Oxioxs. "I
would advise you," says a farmer, "to
leave the onion sets in the ground one
week after the tops are dead; then take
them up and expose them to the sun
until Uiey are thoroughly cured; then
put them in a cool dry place in layers
about six Inches deep, where they re
main until cold weather. Then place
them where they will not freeze, but
do not keep them warm. Store them
just as you take them out of the ground
leaving tops aud dirt on. They will
keep much better this way. You can
clean them very early in the spring,
and I hope you will get at least 2o
cents a quart for all you may have to
sell. If you intend to keep on grow
ing sets I would advise you to raise
your own seed: There is money In on
ion sets at even ten cents per quart"
The root crops for swine should con
sist of a variety: the farmer should grow
not only beets and turnips for them,
but parsnips and carrots also. The
cheapest pork is that made by secur
ing rapid growth on roots and grass.
A mixture ot skimmed milk, buck
wheat, bran, and cob meal with good
corn fodder should be a very good feed
for ordinary occasions, but in fattening
an animal an evenly balanced food is
not wauted, but one rich in carbohy
drates, and corn meal bran and corn
fodder would be the best
Whex the tree Is planted the bran
ches should ba cut back to form a regu
lar shaped head, and if they are pinch
ed back so as to keep the tree symme
trical and only such branches are w
ed to grow as are needed, there will be
no necessity of murdering the tree In
afterVears with the saw.
Arr-LE trees should not be trimmed
to a crotch with two or three mbre
limbs. It is all right while the trees
are young, but when apple trees begin
to bear the crotch splits aud the tree is
ruined. Train one leader up straight,
and the branches from this will be less
likely to break off when loaded.
T. S. Gold, s.-cretary of the Connec
ticut slate board of agriculture, thinks
great harm is done iu the matter of
feeding whey to pigs. It should not be
fed when sweet or when excessively
sour. The whey should be slightly
sour when fed to pigs.
The best remedy for the cabbage
worm one indeed that seems to be as
effectual as, under the circumstances,
it can be is to take a half-pound each
of bard soap and kerosene oil, dissolve
in three gallons of water, with which
to thoroughly sprinkle the cabbage
As the country grows older the wells
do nut give as good water as they did
when first dug, particularly if near
houses or barns. Iu time the soil
through which water percolates becomes
saturated with offensive matter, aud
sometimes streams of filth liud their
way to the well from cesspools and sta
bles. 11 tin water from the roofs of
houses after being filtered is muzh bet
ter aud always safe an I pure.
As a remedy for hog cholera, a cor-re-spondebt
recommends a teaspoonful
of carbolic acid in a gill of milk. Tuis
leuiedy, he slates, lias been successful
In every case, and not only cures but
stops the spread of the disease. It is
administered from the mouth of a long
necked bottle.
I r Is said that pyrethrum, mixed with
Gvetimes its bulk of plaster, and dusted
into the centre of the leaves with a pait
of bellows, will destroy cabbage
IiEOAUDixti the dehorning of cattle
a Western paier says that experience
teaches that the growth of the horn can
be stopped by applying a red-hot iron to
the horn germ in calves.
It requites more time to spread
manure over two acres than over one,
and hence the aim should be to concen
trate the labor on the smallest space
that can be made profitable.
A mixture of black pepper and
flour, in proportions of four of the for
mer to one of the latter, dusted on cu
cumber vines immediately "after rain is
a good protection against insects.
At a meeting of the Michigan Meri
no Sheep Hreeders' Association the 2-year-old
ram "Diamond," owned by A.
T. Short, of Coldwater, produced a
fleece that was grown in 303 days, and
which weighed forty-one pounds and
thiee ounces.
.-In ingenious contrivance forthe speedy
removal of snow from the streets now,
writes a correspondent, is now exciting
tome interest among the Vestry author
ities of the metropolis. The apparatus,
which is the invention of Mr. F. Lyon,
consists of a wrought-iron pipe, baying
at one end a furnace and at the other a
chimney. The furnace is lit and the
heat thrown through the piping, so that
the snow melts as rapidly as it is shovel
led on, and disappears Into the nearest
gully. In this way the inventor claims
one machine will melt a thousand yards
of freshly-fallen snow within about ten
A crumb cloth is an article that can
not be dispensed with in the dining
room if your table is set over a nice carpet
Some new fabrics have been brought
out in Paris for evening and visiting
toilets. Among them is "taffetas
chantally." The ground or the goods
is in such colors as pink. Beat, green
and cardinal red. On the ground is a
peculiar embroidery in relief, in Imita
tion of lace applique.- Many fancy
toilets are of glazed goods. Some are
of fine woolen fabrics, which combine
colors such as blue and old gold for the
ground, with cachemlre designs of
large flowers In blended shades of blue
and old gold. A number of dresses for
American ladies have just been com
pleted in Tarls. One of these is a din
ner dress. It has a pink satin skirt
trimmed with butterfly bows among
the plaits. The redingote is a Fekin
pompadour, striped with pink moire
and blue satin brocade and covered
with rosebuds. The front of the red
ingote opens over a straight blouse of
white lace, covered with ornaments of
white beads. The blouse is loose from
the neck down and covers part of the
skirt It is then taken up over the
hips in plainer style. The back forms
a straight plaited skirt Another suit
for visiting purposes Is of moss cache
in ire. "caroubier" surah, and brocade d
moss velvet of caroubier satin. The
brocaded satin skirt forms points on
the lower parts, under which are seen
two small moss velvet plaitings and a
red surah plaiting. The draped tun
ique is of moss cachemire. The bro
cade jacket has -a rounded basque, and
opens over a plaited vest of red surah,
which is shirred on the neck and waist,
and finished with two black ruffles.
The basque closes at the neck and
waist by means of two moss silk cord
ings, with olive shaped passementerie
ornaments. The back of the basque
forms two fluted plaits, lined with
surah and arranged in shell shape. The
neck trimming consists of a draped
Dchu of surah, bordered with black
Greek Tex Sour. Boil the empty
pods of one half peck of peas in one
gallon of water one hour; strain them
out and add four pounds of beet cut
in small pieces, aud boil one hour aud a
half longer. Half an hour before serv
ing add the shelled peas; at the end oi
twenty minutes add a half cup of rice
flour, salt pepper and a little chopped
parsley; stir frequently at this time tc
prevent scorching. Strain in a hot
Nice Way of cookixo Veal.
Take a fillet of veal, have it boned,
then stuff it with a dressing made ol
bread crumbs moistened with boiling
water. Add a generous supply of but
ter, season with salt, pepper, the grated
rind of a lemon and the juice of the
same. Fut your meat in the dripping
pan, sprinkle with salt and pepper:
squeeze over it a little lemon juice:
roast well, allowing fully twenty min
utes to a pound Make a rich gravy,
aud serve with sliced lemon.
Ix selecting bouse decorations see
that the effect is not destroyed by the
surroundings, for instance, when the
carpet is faded and the furniture shows
many years of faithful service, by nc
means indulge in bright colors, plush
aud satin chair scarfs, elaborately em
broidered table covers or rich wall-coverings.
Where it is necessary to con
ceal defects, subdued colors have a
more pleasing result
Buttered Oraxges. Take eight
eggs and the whites of four more, with
four teaspoonfuls of rose-water: strain
through a bit of muslin or a hair sieve;
add I pound of sifted sugar, mixing
welL l'ut with the strained juice of a
dozen oranges, and as many lumps of
sugar rubbed on the orange skins as
will absorb the zest. Set it over a
gentle fire in an enamelled sancepan,
and when it begins to thicken stir in a
tablespoon fui of butter. When It
reaches the consistency of honey pout
into a flat china dish. It is good to
serve with sponge biscuits.
Folding beds are meeting require
ments for economy in space and dis
pense in apartment houses with extra
rooms. Some of the newest and most
popular patterns in walnut and cherry
with beautifully carved and polished
panels of mahogany have etauere top
with swinging French plate mirroi
and small toilet drawers under bracket
1'laix Omelette. Break three
eges. yolks and whites into a basin,
add salt and pepper tq taste, and beat
them with a Dover's whisk till thor
oughly blended. Have the frying pan
previously on the lire witli a lump ot
butter in it the size of a walnut. Throw
in the beaten egg just before the butter
boils. Let them set and then fold up
the omelette and serve on a hot dish.
A few chopped herbs and parsley may
be added to the eggs before frying.
As the frieze has generally as much
to do with the appearance of the
room as the paper, great care should be
used in selecting. Recollect that the
frieze is not exposed to so bright a
light as the wall paper, and conse
quently should be brighter in its color.
The best way to take care of choice
Oriental rugs is to keep them in con
stant use. It Is impossible to weai
them out, the moth is the only de
structive agency, and the best way tc
outflank the moth is to use the rugi
daily and have them taken up aud beat
en frequently.
IIaxgixq lamps in imitation rt the
olJ-fashioned lanterns in iron work are
now ur e 1 in vestibules, they are sus
pended from a bracket also in iron
work at a little distance from the wall.
Whex pictures are very heavy they
are secured by brass plates screwed iu
to the frame and then screwed to tha
walL This method is preferred by
many, as no cords or chains are seen.
A dainty covering for a sofa back
is of bolting cloth with disks of gold
colored silk inclosing conventionalized
pausies in shaded purple; between the
disks the ground t darned with pale
violet silk.
Large figured paper makes a room
look smaller. A drawing-room should
be light and cheerful. Bedroom papers
should be of a small pattern, and of
such colors as harmonize with the fur
niture and other fittings.
Hit practice of pressing on the edge
of a razor in stropping generally rounds
it; the pressure should be directed to
the back, which should never be raised
from the strop. If you shave from heel
to point of the razor, strop it from
point to heel, but if you begin with the
point, then strop from heel to point. If
you only once put away your razor
without stropping or otherwise clean
ing the edge you must no longer expect
to shave well, the soap and damp so
soon rust the fine teeth or edge. A
piece of plate leather should always be
kept with the razors.
A saving of about 8) per cent Is made
by substituting for the coal dust and
charcoal used with green sand, a care
ful mixture of 1 part of tar with 2G
parts of green sand. Castings produc
ed from moulds made with such a mix
ture are smooth and bright, because
the tar prevents the metal from adher
ing to the sand and also the formation
of blisters. Such a mixture also aids
considerably m the production of large
castings, as the tar absorb? the humidi
ty of the sand.
Ttit Roman soldiers, who built such
wonderful roads and carried a weight
of armor and luggage that would crush
the average farm hand, lived on coarse
brown bread and sour wine. Thev
were temperata In diet, regular and
constant in exercise. The Spanish pea
sant works every day and dances half
the night, yet eats only bis black bread,
onion and watermelon. The Smyrna
porter eats only a little fruit and some
olives. He eats no beef, pork or mut
ton, yet he walks off with his load of
S00 pounds. The coolie, fed on rice, is
more active and can endure more than
the negro fed on fat meat The heavy
work of the world is not done by men
who eat the greatest qnantity. The
fastest or longest-winded horse is not
the biggest eater. Moderation in diet
seems to be tue prerequisite for endurance.
Tlie removal ot shoals and bars, not
only when consisting of heavy sharp
sand, but even when formed of sand and
gravel with a nucleus of solid cement
ed gravel, has been so successfully ac
complished ou the Columbia River,
Oregon, as to open a new field in river
and harbor improvements. The plan
Is to anchor on the spot a steamer, fur
nished with a stern propeller, either
screw or paddle, and to set the engines
to work. The Wallawalla screw pro
peller, 2,124 tons register, was thus ap
plied to cut a passage through Walker's
Island bar. She opened a channel to
the depth of 7 feet below the propeller,
washing out 10,000 cubic yards of grav
el in eight working days.
Wbn toti :lt or re New Tore City, uvn
tFinieeexprciacean'l J3 emrruga Hire, ana (ftp
time Uraua Union lloici, uiwui Oral Coo
Ual Depot
an tieg.uK rxwiv ntwd up it coaof oaj
Billion dollars, ft aud upwirai pnr
day. European Flan. Elevator. Keauuram
aupplleii with the bc. Horn can, augra au I
Ovate 1 raliroul to all Oepota, Kaiulies canllva
belter lor leas money at Ui tlrand Cnlon Uutol
Uiaiiat any ottier unt-elaaa aoua in Uu cut.
Make your table look pretty; the food
tastes better if the surroundings please
the eye.
The great secret ot sweeping without
making a big dust is to have a damp
broom, take short sweeps and keep the
broom near the floor.
"It's kind of rough to be troubled
with affections of the scalp isnt it?"
said a sympathetic Fittsburgher to a
friend not long since, "Yes," was the
laconic reply, "dandruff, but Carboline
will clean it out quicker than a natural
gas explosion."
Inataiitlr Kallevad.
Sirs. Ann Lacour, of New Orleans La ,
writes: "I have a son who has been sick
for two years; he has been attended by our
loading physician, bat all to no pnrpoi?.
This morninu he had his usual sp:il of
coughing, and wn so greatly prostrated iu
consequence, that death seemed imminent.
We had in the house a bottle of IIL WM.
purchased by my husbani, who noticed
your adviTtis-.-meut. We adininisterod it,
aud he was instantly relieved.
Dairymen will find the creamers
much more convenient than the old
.fashioued system of setting milk in
1 The New York Socialists are be
ginning to think it is useless to expect
to clean out the aristocracies with a
Laitle! Tbose tlail tired loon ami feelinzs
reakvoiuoiti! Dr. Kilmer' Ikiiai. Kehedt
corrects all conditions, restores vigor anJ v.tall'.y
and trlr;s la t youthful bloom and beau'r.
1'rk-e il.oo.-4 bottles title.
Old newspapers wrapped around the
f nds of each slat will silence a creaking
Every day alls to me great a-ntvjnt of evidence
as to tue curaUve powers of UoI SarupjrtlU.
It la unfqua-ied for general debility, aud a a
blood punner, expelling every trace of scrof ul t or
other impurity. Now Is the ume to take IU tXd
by all drugjUti.
A snia'l amount of salicylic ac!d aid
ed to cold cream will save it from be
coming rancid.
The purest, sweetest aa I best 01 Liver oil ia
the world, maauractured from fresa, healthy liv
ers, upon the seashore. It u atttolutelf pure aa I
sweeu Patients wha hive oax uuea it prefer It
to allot Tien. lnyaicians nave decided a L'pen -to
auy of lit e other ou lu inarke:. 31! b v'a.
well, Hazard A Co. Xew Y ork.
CfurriD RiviH, face, pimpie4 and rough sKlu
cured liy usinx Jumper T.ir s-is niide by C4
well, Uazard Co.. New Yort,
Glaze the bottom crust of fruit or
pumpkin pies with the white of an egg
aud they will not get soggy.
Fraxer Agio Urease.
Don't work your horses to death with
poor axle crease; the Frazer is the only re
liable make. Use it ouce, aud joa will
have no other.
Heliotrope powder
perfumery sachets.
is excellent for
FITS: AP- Kits stopped tree. Treatise an I lltr.al
bottle of lr. Kiioe'st.reat Nerve UciWrer ?r?e to
V it cases, bend to Ur. haine.sul Arch SU, thUa I'a.
l'owdered cloves are said to form an
effectual check to the ravages of moth?
and buffalo bugs.
St. Bernard Vegetable Pills.
Tins lii.t cure (r Luver mxi-1 HiIi-hii
('atupUiiiUt. (Vnttivuauiu. HnjArut,
I':uiiitt mud UyrtpKiMia. A
Him -J PuriiHT mad iM.nm Uhtiti
- uiihl'u im wiuiowa nnx ol me i
IfeTiianl evt-LavtUe yhm in tue bouc-v
1t.xj a r-iit st AJni-vut, or r
tUaVL baxiittlMiiuiit ruLX. Art.lrreM
UdiAkCL) Tt.K!t V..ii Mrour Ht N V rt
Sold Everywhere.
tJT Got the Uenidno.
liTtane Ptrtont Hestwd
I f SS.7BBAIH ftNritVst DISRAS&S- Cnjr r
cure fjr A"-v Aijtctint. tits. i'Pil't9.
!fNFALXibL.K Iftakfii as dircrte!. X ' tn
ttritdJj's te. Trratie n-l Jf trial bottle free tJ
l aaictpil w !K.ki.iNL.,im A n M..i-miia-i:i!ta.r.
I I las 1 1 r k tl i cn
toanvpercon batcn furnish an
unatie Swiariar Straw ftlarkt.
that -n lo htlr urk lb an tfa
tht w are fculldinc- Sena for
ii" a JSr circular auu m -
I. f ru .11 . r. mar
mnt'vl to 4o cood work or uo sale.
NnilKK M.irillMK CO.. Co!mb. O.
r.atitra Hraarh IIM-H AtiERVrOU'.N,
Tall treatise tmvrvrri M)uta. rl,
.... prftr. ml. AMERICAN M'F'
I Baa l WAV2ka,aU
OHO. 1' V.
Keeping Teeth Perfect nnd Uama Hen!lhT.
Hi'ils'' aiii Enalish Coui JU:o
Dlail 5 rlllS-r Rheumatic Remedy.
Oval Ma. M.woi ronad. .10 rf .
fl n 1 1 1 H B .""'"l Q'"lr sad lattaa.
I E U I I I K ''.J11'! " homm- tuireipuueu
Ul lUIll (" I"'"-l -!;rtors. Tsalli MiM
9 1'anaii comj-ui r. Lafareuc. laJ.
fk " " is VJB V wajiP Saa 1 ;
WllHaiLITI WrtllUSW Will.
Allfu;ri.ac. ftcn&rktbl ui4 q.lek ems. Trial paat
acrv Consultation and B.ok. aj mail FREB. Adtrt
Dr. WARD & CO.. LOIIMaXA, no.
X Ala KCM M tti ILhj rorm lunily aXsaaid aaavi M h-Miitl.-i'T
I tw sjetftt mi Mm tW nfitj T last bnt sk'tltac Wok m aauUMb--1W
Llv tm Cim UOm lmLZmJ1m
cans, b iM h a. AAlfra tua Tv. Cb , 384 mtmh A, 0M(
wuutKS pastilles. i-etv.u.
w mruifi Tin.
Hood's Sarsapctrilla
Tills successful incdk-luo Is aearefullv-nrcparec
extract of the best leoieiiirs of the vcjeUMo
ktnptom known to medical scicucc as Alteratives,
Blood rurlflers, blnretirs, sort Tonics, sucli aa
flarssparllla. Yellow Dock. Milllnitia. Ihimlclion,
Juniper BsVries, Mandrake. Wild Clirrrr Kark
and other selected roots, barks and licrhs. A
medicine, like anything else, can be fairly Judged
only by Its results. We point with satisfaction to
tba glorious record Hood's Sarupartlla fcas en
tered for Itself upon the hearts of thousands of
people, who have personally or Indirectly been
relieved of terrible snfferlns; which all other
Tem&llee failed to reach. Sold by all druggists,
(I; six for IS. Made only by C. I. HOOD CO,
Apothecaries. Lowell. Mass.
100 Doses One Dollar
aasis waul an list ISILS.
Best Couch Syrup. Tasla g-1. V
m .. lliJIHI.lJIII
n Tim.. rt u or u,ip
F.so i Curs f.ie Consumption save! mr llfa."
L. U WaiFLC Drtuoiist. Bant nor, Slica.
ensit waist ait liI iliLI.
Beat t'oonh Syrup. Tasun et. Us
In tltne. noin ht nii;Ki-
nv.li tin. tan nth mp rnrh Vtlieia aa Inns M w
ten get pi Cora." C B. Labi Mrs, Ktrkwood. UL
Beat 'mmb syrup, imiw r'"-
in tun-. roi ot anirtrtsuv
Piao' Cure cursl mo o! CotuuuipUoa. Wat. &.
ftoBuraoK, UraaJyislna. Ml
COiUS HU( Alt UU f AllS.
Bess Oouxh run. Tasi r""t-
tlme. XHil ny unirtf"-
"PUe's Cure for Consumption is the bwt medicinj
tsavsroasJ." O. L- Bona. Amisss. Kaas.
emit simiie ah list iails.
Best CVxicb srruo. Tst . L Us
time. ht!tf nr unirrr.
"Piso's Care for ConsTtmptl n Isdoiuz wonders fo
D4V--U. U STAXasu. Newark. X Y-
Without Clear. White Complexion
T.it Ore.it .sr.i-Miii
fx: ton for smifi'
InSI th Compirziitii
and Ualling Ui fikiu
To a large extent con-
.eaas me evidence vi
age. A few applications
wiil make the asm beau
tifnlly suft. smooth, and
white. It is not paiut
r powder that will 0.1
up the pores ot the skin,
md by so doing create
lesse of the sln,uclt
Ai IiniDles.etc. but Is a
perfectly clear liquid: a
vaiusu.e aiscoverr iiiai
i-auses the cheek to gluw
sun health, ami r.vat
he lily in wititiness. It
.s lnipoMible to detect
n the beauty It confers.
It cures Oily Mlo. niU'
blea. Treckles. F.v ;ruts, Uiack Uea.ts,Bi icnes,
snnruirn t-ltsine.l Hands anl tace. II irber s
lu-h. etc. It tries the pores, o.l itlanJ, an 1 tultcs
of the skin from the tnjunous elfects of powders
and cosmetic walics containing sedtmer,t.whi!e It
beautiaea tie skin, givinjr It that healthy, natural
and youthful apjicaranoe witich It is iinpvwsibie to
oiitaiu by anv other means, u i. cuuee i., ,
nolayeurs in tlie art to be the best and sateat beao
tiOerthe -or!d ever proJure,L
For rale bv DruggtsU and Fancy flood Dea'.er.
Sen-I for Circulars, with Testliaouiala and Itcau-
tirui ricture, irec
Pinsples. Blolchra, Hcaly or Oily Slila,
I illemlahea and all Skia Dlseaeea Car..
and loaspl.'alan BeaatiUed br
s Beesoa's irGmafic Item Sulplmr So3j).
ts1l f Drue?..'! or rQt hy m.iO on rcctpt eC
23crnu ty WM. IMIKYDOPPEL, ln
tnctnrer, t20)N'ortb Front St, rhllatlel puia. I'a
A fck.ii r Rramr ia fy Forever.
lK. T.HtXIXlMU'ltAUD'd
Oriental Cream, or Hdicil Eeautifar.
aad HicLa ti
fin(,iii 1
evsjrjr bivjti!h
en Iwajrv.
antl ii-.
tnrn. It UJ
ti)d th) to
ut ihiny ver.
at wrto.t.j.t
to te mm tix
p r operl r
niafls-. Aof-;
nno MinU" rtttt
of i hi 1 1 a
- tlasttinsra'- l
IT. La. A.twiyer. u a lady cf Um hict tow (a pv
t:-ut: "A yvj lthm will ax tlirrn. 1 rw-nim.-t
liouraatl'at Cream' a thf U'l harmful ot all the skm
I xvirationa, onr Untie ul lamt mx moriUi-. oniaf
itwfryday. A4o ivmiro Sutt4 ruuoTcrt aupcra.t
t u hair ithotn iiajtiry ti tbeakm.
KULJ.T. HOPKINS. Matuurvr. B.-n1 L. N. T.
or no hy all lruyvuta aii) Faiity LHsa'-.
thnwia-hoiit the I', h.. (nitlia an.l Kurp AU
founii in N. V Cltr. utR. il. Ma.-y.st.TUf, f.lirir-j',
lUttleyw, and othr'aiirv (iotU Iar. "IJwari
ot bailinitat;oTi. l,ui Uvwani loc amMtand prX
oi any uof vLlituc tlu aauie.
ATaTTTRf an l Tt'trphlne Habit cn?l tn in
II PI I I 111 t-'-Oay h tcr to lwpattua mr..
Ul AU ' in all ixzjl Ua. Mahj!!. (jum y.Mi.U.
UKIHnDPICrlP'r'"". stinill Jln tlw N. w.
lllllHn.rllL.Ll tltrrUAL tSlMVlUSI s K." i kt t
aud rvtMvt ai.upi wuo'l msrrie.1. Crcjlar. frt-c
r.O.Bsl lit. nisarspolia, Tlian.
Tiso's Ttemedv S.r CnUrrh Is the
Best, tasiott to Use. and l'beapot.
AIo good ir CoM In the Read,
livsulacbir, llay Fever, Ac u cents.
No TT009 to Cut C'l i3.i)i Xm
Cclel.rat.it 'H l,lf" IIAI.TK
and lilt III I. K t otftbl.ed. annul
It. allppi'il bv any B .1 kMtmpIs
Halter to any part K u. Irt-. oa
rwlpt or VI. noia or an a mutv.
Bardwarn and Harass l'alm.
. . . .1 , .11 .. n ... n . "1 - . I..
Vnd I. 1-rtce I
j. c. i.h:iitiioc-e.
Uacheatrr. . t .
L fswsav -alsJ. rU. tm
Ut raj. u ih vcrM , tSwvfM ousS-1
irltti rVi'atviL fsMp: I'kl K ft Hi
HaPlp. If M. IX. mrt -- -
lK"bre;idi3 the staff of life." thru
lotindcakc must be tho gold-lieaded
cane of existence.
"Itlood Will TeH."
Ve., the old lulage is right, hat if tlie
i ver is dinnnlcred ami the blood become
thereby corrtiptetl, tbeb ul "blood wiil tell"
in diseases of tho akio and throat, iii tu
mors and ulcers, and in tubercles in tb
lungs (tint singes of consumption) even
altuongu the subject be liiiscemle.! in
strallit linn from Iticliiml Creur le Lion, or
the noblest Roman of them alU For settinu
the liver in onler no-other mulleins in the
wxirld equals Ir. Pierce's "Clohlen Jletlic.il
liscoverj." Try it, and yonr 'blool wiil
tell" the story of its vromlcrful efiicacy.
Unslaked lime, near meat, pieservts
it by keeping the iiir dry.
"Men must work and women weep.
So runs the world away 1"
But they need not weep so muc'j if they
use Dr. l'ieree's Favorite Prescription,"
which cures all the painful maladies pe
culiar to wosuen. Sold by druists.
Steeping the wick3 for tallow candles
in coal oil brightens tho light.
Perfection is attained in Dr. Sage's Ca
tarrh liemedy.
Jill woods with ornamental grain are
in great demand fur cabinet work.
Relief is immediate, and a curs sure.
Piso's Remedy for Catarrh. SO cents.
W. F. Grant, of Harmony, Me., it is
reported, has a horse which has killed
and eaten several of his lambs.
The favorite poet cf the tobacconist
is Chaucer.
1 1
(Ji toSlS Mll( All Hit fAUS. 11.
Bi Best ItHurh Synip. Taatw awt Csa fW
f3 "oi'l bv driiiirtti nl
rg-?rf.t.'MilMil.lJt JJ
i.T,TL v h wn tn sie tLe ctIaly of
t HAnu nnml hiil rtiiriiP(l t' t.lO C(t-
ijyuzi. aiwv.
t;iro occupied by the damsel s larems. i
leaning over the front gate lie told her
rilwsl the imazm-
JL .119 S V y OU -
alive palace beside his Lake Cjuio that
. - . .. . , - i , ..,1.1 mff.
he would lead ner 10, uiu uui ""wf
erty prevent. ,
"But I tell you what I will do, my
dearest. Like Claude Melnotte I will
fro away. I will ere the sun rbes In
the east over 'beyonst' Water Cure
hill, hie me to the far west. There
will I searcn lor goiu ana muis,
...:. v. .n-if ?nta trs tirtrn vne Otl I
fully believe that in two years 1 can be
elected to the United States Senate.''
She looked up into bis dx.4 lace, anu
with a commendable display of prac
ticality inquired:
"llowmucnor wonuiy weaauuu jt
earn now, my dear?"
Alas, I'm ashamed to own it, but
eleven silver dollars a .week, and the
In.., ftrnnnatl frnm lira fllin On tO tlie
itut. uiur.u . . w ... u.w ---
stony pavement with sucli rapidity and
force as to a wane rue nouse uog.
"Eleven dollars a week," sffe re
i.iiari mswiitat.ivplv. Tou'd better hauz
on to it, Qiarlie. Don t give up a sure
thing like that ror any cuances 10 kui
sa TultrV SiaOli jtnriiii stjiv in Klmira
m J , - J
and you may be elected an alderman
Then he left her, and after he Jiad
got around the corner and lighted a
pipe that he had ieic careiuny repos
ing on the fence post, meandered home
ward, trailv whistllne "Wait till the
clouds roll by."
A ciTizEX of Brooklyn was met at
the door of his office the other morn
ing by a yonng man who bad a bill to
Tor shoeing a horse two dollars
Tor shoeing a horse!" exclaimed the
opnlloman at h fl.inced at the bill.
"Why, I haven't owned a horse for the
last five yearsl"
"1 don't know anvthlnir about that,"
replied the young man,"but I was given
the bill to collect."
"Oh. well. I'll nav it I was just go
ing down to the gas office to protest a
bill sent in for the three months that
my house was shut up, but I see it's no
use. If I have to pay for shoeing an
other man's horse I might as weil pay
fof some other family's gas."
Tapa, did mamma say yes to you
right off when you asked her to marry
"Certainly she did."
Why don't she say yes now just as
quick when you ask her to do things?"
Mamma's bearing Is not asgixxi.noa,
darling that s all."
Browns Iron
Th (Ta art ion has prnbahly bmn ankrd thomtani
of ttnvM," H'twrcaa Bpn. Iron Butr care vrr'
thirur ? " WH, it doeui't. Bat tt do cur any fJw
f r which a rppntabl phy-ucian would prvacr.be IhU
Physician rrjaTTiis lnn aa tha bt rmtontiv
ant known t.i th pn.fesn, and inaairr ut any
IfNailinc chrmtcal brrn wiil .uttatantiatvtn assert h a
that tlwr ara nsra prepaniKms ol inn than of as
t-th? MTjlMtancs xtmtl tn mndicin. Tha aliwa?n
clunvfij that iron at acknottisxlc ha the mnt
unps-rtaiit lwtjr in aues-rssfal ckraiis-al prarttc. It it,
h r-"'f a rmarkal.l f as-t. that prior tit th diwot
Tj B HOW . 'S I U ti.N H I TT K K S o periVct
I aatMtactjsT7 tmn canbiaatt'n h (! mema ivMind.
DDnUflJIC IDnil DITTrDPiirmmr
baadarlM, r prodorw. ennata nation all tthtr lran
nrraIndla;eatioo III fin autnr at, WcukirM.
2vapepiBA. -l alaria, ( hilla nad Krtfrs,
Tired Kreliaa.4.enrral leb.l.y.Pn,n tn tfa.
Hide, Bark or Umba.lleadarhe and NfvraU
aria for all thaaa atlnarata Irrn prmrribad dsulj.
minata. I.ika all otbae tbanmh nmlicinea. it acta
ainwly. v1iea Sakwa by m'm iim lirrt armptera of
bnt is renewed enerirT. Th. mtsrie. tben tiecnia
finarr. the dgreuon unpmTea. the tMwlaare artirM.
li iraMtaeiIect is osoailr morj rapid ajwj mar krd.
Tbe erM becin as one to bnaten : use akin cloarm
ap: haaithy cnarceomas tataa cbeeka; nerrotMtH-tfa
diaappeara; fanetional SVrana. lire 11 la bee4D rcu.
Isr. and if a aarainc mother. siaii(lant nffnum.
i. 9nplre4 fw the rht:i. Kemetutr Brnwa'a Ltod
HiUn ia lira 1 1 I . V imn mMlicnia that in noi
iuiunoa. i'kfwieuxiu amd lnyjiu rtrvmimiemd it.
Tile Cesoins has Trsde Mark snd 1 wi d red UaS
on wrapper. TAKE NO OTHKiv-
I THOVCinT you didn't like ilrs
Brown," observed Mr. Simpson to Lis
wife, upon their return from church mi
Sunday last.
"I don't. I detest her."
"Jand yet I saw you go up to her,
kiss her, and walk all around the
church with her, arm in arm. That .is
what surprises me with you women."
"There was nothing surprising in
that. You noticed that she had a cew
sacque on?"
"Yes. It was very pretty, too."
"That is all you know about it. I
had on mv new sealskin cloak, too."
"Yes: but what of that?"
"I thought we would walk around
the church to show her cloak off."
"That was kind in yo. Then you
iiavo forgiven her?"
".Forgiven nothing. Her cloak is
only a plush imitation."
"The Parson was quite fervid this
morning, wasn't he Mrs. SmulUoleV"
"About as usual, I reckon, Mr.
"But don't you think he brought
things home to us with considerable
force, as it were?"
"Well, as 10 that, I can't say what
he brought home to the rest of you,but
he boards at our house, you know, and
he brought home to us such an im
proved appetite that I've concluded to
strike the consistory for more a
month for bis board."
Bagley "This is an age of inven
tion, Clara. Have you heard or Dr.
Bell's discovery?"
Mrs. B. What did he discover?"
"Uo discovered that the human
voice affects fluids wat5r for instance.
I don't exactly see the drift of the dis
covery, but it is very wonderful."
"It is. indpMl: nml f hnv lisv,v-
ered just the opposite, that fluids affect
the voice whisky, for instance. Have
you ever noticed that, William?"
Curtain falls in dead siience.
The minister was struggling to put
on a new four-ply coliar, and tho per
spiration was starting from every pore.
"Bless the collar," he ejaculated.
"Oh, yes. bless it. BIe33 the blessed
collar I"
"Mv dear." said his wifn." wh.it i
your text for this morning's sermon."
"x-iweniy.iirst verse- MUty-fifth
l'sajm," he replied. In short gasps.
"The W-words of hia nmutli wir
smoother than butter, but w-war was
in ins neart."
1'iiysiciax (with his ear to patients
chest) "There is a curions swelling
iver the region of the heart, sir, which
must be reduced at once." Patient
(anxiously) That 'swelling' is niy
pocket-book, doctor; please don't re,
CAKHOT SOCP. Takn tlitrfoon
ounces of scraped carrot to one quart of
stock. Boil as many re I carrots as re
quired in water till tender: cut tin the
red part aud pound it very line. wei"h
ib. auu 10 every iweive or thirteen
ounces add a quart of stock; season
with pepper and salt, strain iiimncii a
sive, aud ssrve very hot with fried
ore.tu cut into aico.
Keep a'record of the 11 tt tnl r nf n n a rt m
each of your cows and heifers give.
neeu our, an mat uon't pay forthe
feed, with a fair profit over and above
the cost of keepiny.
Soft, pliant, ami n'.ossy hair results fro 111
the use of Hall'i Uair Et-nower.
For imparting tone and strength to the
tomach,liver,and bowels, take Ayer's Pills.
The Chief Stomach
Loss of Appetite,
Pain in Stomach,
Soar Stomach,
Flataiency, etc.
The cause of dyspfpxia'm often due to
sedentary habits, rapid eating and neg
lected constipation, as well ns t iinprnier
food, the excessive rue of stimulants, t.-ft,
coffee and tobarro. Eating too htartily
when tired is a f re'innt cause, hnt hat
ever the cause the remedy is plainly indi
cated. As everything taken into tt)e sto:n
ai h when weak anl imtable prorea a
source of irritation, dyspepsia is the most
m UlillClUt Vt cure 01 im nwivnij trr nil umc
1 complaints: but Burdock ISlood liittors.
by its direct a'-tion in refrulating the liow
els, stimulating th hver to secrvte healthy
The Great Remedy,
t-il mi l ssalP
Seed far ear "Alssaaac," "Coak oriiaanes." and
e?is,-i.t.'a .1 '.l- .. lt.'KWJ),'i,.",-TO
Magazine Riflo.
Tew 1sa-s mr mnmll gW ll
T1 tron-rt
Raf-s il n W k UWatepotu
I iw raa "' Dn't wte TCr mnir on a rrm cr m : br fit T:' T.-'JT,?ihVTiy-r-
yggq", fjj- mtfu iXaJslilpj
bare been with rfT aad elBdenT 11 I- cheap and .old kr the M1 !JJ
aoms partj In r place. For pamphlet aJdreas IslI lilLIO N-ll I l-.((. X- v
Tovxo lady to a bcastinj feilow at
a dinner party:
"Air. Cliolmoadely, that 13 alwut tlie
hnndredtb time I've beard you tell
that same yarn ia regard to your rescu
ing a woman from drowning. V)3 you
know, you remind nie ot an incom
plete buiMin? of French design?"
"How so. Miss SLarptongue."
"Why, vou are nothing but a one
story fia'.P
"Very cold last night, ilr. Town
send," observed tlie reporter.
"Cold! 1 slioiiM 8ay so! I went
home; lit a. cantile; jumped into bed;
tried M blow the caudle out; couldn't do
it; blaze frozen; had to breai it off,"
replied Mr. Totvnseni.
Chilpukn have been forbidden to
cough i" ouo of the Granimr,r tchooli
of IVew Vnrfc. CVushinrf is a pleasant
and hralttiiul a!:iu.;nerit, and we are
so try to sec It siru-ket! from tha lidt of
rccit ations of our youth.
A Fr.Exen missionary priest had re
turned home on furloghand.his friends
were making many inquiries. "Thosf?
sivaes, now, that you live arr.on?."
asked one. "are they really cannibals':'
"They! why, they even eat men on
Friday 1"
i1 rfr
3 V.
Discoverer ut Dr. Kilmer's
Complete Female Remedy
J.t.H' irme Trent mm t r
. ,tfiuiii. ,,,r w
all I nmpuilma and Diseases netuimr to li
t".!U'."'""!I0.,'0",",,," bottle.
I' IJi. n km. is also sold rirotclv
Female llrmrii t, i"olan.i sya i"
A 11 turn n-Leaf Kst.,.IvTl Treating j "
V A: Anolntmrni, latrnui " .50
VVOt Ihe three in one PackacJu'.iAi.
Iiocovcrs the "nn-dmrn:" hcd-rid.len"
orahamloncl.- It Eliminates Humors
and Uiood Impurities that cause Wii,i
Cancer. Tnra.ir. puuKlea and blotches. B
Tu. ac f-T I'Mun,. ant aapomrr. I. Mat. fi
Woman Health an.! nsriuluv aatn rcatr.rcj. h
Dr. Kilmer treats inlriml Tumor. Cancer. B
V ean'taTor,! u n... wrly .rmploma
r" 01 ni'inirv .n.mii!T answered
Pr Kilmer's (rtiiai. biren.arv, buiffhamtn.y. X.
rr,r.rnrr.. r,,;t,jr,i llfltTI I SrJlT Te I.
Relieved at Last!
"Wy irvrw a s"ntre-nm In fits evntr wix I
mpntUsiurj.was alm-Mt ainr..l.. crippl f , n ,..
snack ot rtliMiTjati.Ti. H 011II s-anvlr h.l.Mi
a.T. th. i,iu us n crti:.-h.. a:i I . u I hMa -1 . 1 1 it
U ha. I liti!. tf any hrj of tt rPH-Monn. We ave
h mino'irt.iw ila wwi. walkln- alnt a liv.7
assnjr rllL-r nia-i. an l in thsm hnltn n, -. tI-Jl
J..U.I Mill r'u u-. ln Ui eva liti .i ha r-Xil t'lU
h' If n-irtle., ha ha. h.-vi trai rforn 1 f nT m ?
sWocr.pt.la t.-. a h 'f. halt1v nll.,. II, w
phoneIla I.-aier"--alvai;a lo;
TresMwon It'mlail Sil'i Disix mslTl fr
Kattcry . 27ie Latest SrteariSe
Eye. Ear mid
Inroat 1U
xturer. Tlie new liventloi
tn medical .cicnce
that will ssiodhU t. e
wori.L It has ma.te
tne tuind tn see, the
Deaf to Hear, an l
cured Catarrh in the
Head an.l ITircxM of
Tears itan.lini.
The wondertal dls.
eoTcry of Dr. Ales..
Folton, a repiUr
rrarloate of tbe L ni
versitr of PenatTlva.
ma. Snfllcient ireat
tuent gnen free to
rmvlnr. ,h. mn..
ft ii
f.sseptlcal. Tae ln-
mniment win last a
lifetime. PRICE,
One Treatment Free, siiuea ife"
rut. DULLAUik
Sendor Circular. Agents wanted.
2019 OTIS ST., near Front St.,
Salary and Expenses!
srrtar roittinui run, i rr sr.
for! Al.aTlar..-r.- TtJ Utn1Us-s. It Will sjMui
'Grind your own BoRa
l-ass a n MrM,t 0r,t" 'IW.
I. sr-ajajB. V wfcrw tsaswllSaW
OXAITAM Floor aid Cora
m tic Ssta HAJVO asalXXaXa
iSf. VMlaus'a latent., loe ner
. . "nt. iiKr--- mjvlc ln krepl.-ir mii.
7 .rW, --" and iTluiM.
. M's.l. f.'lrcnlars an.i Testimonials .-St
njeWauiyriUHUi umtn, a-aaton. yaw
Diseasa of ih2 ly. ,.
upon the system, and i..' i utrit !
action through the kidT?
liver and the bjxl r, I Wh!
ural action of tu'n0 Z
makes tho relief SS- "iSara ann
rvmi or cur. ol V oa tt
LIT , .1 " "' or cur C V
Dyspepsia is.
nioit , revalent diva. " of tfc
Amen.:an p,bli", and t, J
for aome oth,r disease. W."
gnawing fe-lingat thepi"0 C
hea.ia. he. ra'n-,;,,e.:lnJYn V T5?"-
times palpation cf th, hJ '
tion to etr.rt-n.ental .,r phvf
wi ii:ime,uatlT 17.,
somereUb'e rvmcly SUIl m
ter. It sill e-r9 t a &
brief time. Trv I Xnt
' " ou are not
SftKly 1
SrVlfe will nnf Twi-,:. a.
to substantiate 0:-.TsXaUT f1- '
Blood Bitter, is thelto
fordysp.-ihia, wea;, a .F
of the names of th T curT-
UHt. UU T Uf HP fTM.. . L
H. I.-. . J. Wh.trhevi
'VI. N.,ri, k , .' ""M.,,
sr.. ,.rJ h Ir, . .
E.lar.i rlr!.!h,nm,,. , : rv ,
Ll(rtr St., B.iwtnn.i. v r nlT. x
9 ' ourt ot.. v a'vrtiiwn v .r1-
na. fa.
Br,lrp..rt,ut.: Mr,, ii, fll to,
ruwrrtirif, rl; J. Hue
...1.. f r.
iiftrnn r city : Mr. K
v . - - '1 w
i'lttsliMre. Fa.: Jn-
AUt-nflfUT Vitv p.
Haw t NaawiTir
thoollrt lit VtavU.
a U.SI aUTa-?f.
B. -la.er..icfc-.
m-a-! !wia.
li... l-: ai.. ii tc 1 ..a, . ;r,iuni'.v t 1 j; 1 .
,lred-'t c in?s. MiiM (J.a-?' ;1 v--i 'i.t 4.,'.
1 rom ) .. M. 4 f. iL. at iTi! S j - i i-'u ii. , ;
1. Hi. .an I Slit lav-.
The Oris law! nal Only Cmibisj.
Sal".ant! amy u:m. : 1- r-r y wrt.e,. :y
iu:tr..vL. lu-l-.-it?!Hi!l- t) LMilV.-i. -c r tt
Itiu-vw: f.tf "Ciin-ar-r'i f.,.Ai' kIkm,
r.tiit-r. irtnii c it-:u -- t-ful'- pu'U'u
kitcrby rucurj ivl. N.vt:
t bifhlr 4 hftaifsn:
Wiii'n Snaarf. rsitladx. Piv
SoIlTv l'ni-sn-:wsveTywa-r. t;n
tiii:ia'' Vcaii:r xx. rt. ixz: m ai.
Free Farms hsW.
Th mt "Xn lrf ii'. Xrr.-rr'.tirut'i.-, a i-a
StuTonn W'l bv ye -:r m a i: vit ak.t:r
iiiaf ta.wTi j'trnT' Piril-.?: Ufi:;';i
rAissetiini. Tn jvsd-o? . lH Jrvwo.rt!
I.vit.ubj vt t-prv?ia;:n:i v. 1 li'.u
I-T-sile td actual eUi'rat 5i i A.T1 l-i.'T
Piirt irr.afjtoi V.y liurusa i3ii Cai tpa
rat'-H. fcvery a;tvit: in .m .:!.-. lfi"a
I'amph.rt, t.. llrw C L iUL).LlS ,llji
COL. UI'-STA U rti AiliX'i iijJVci". i- ti. HnH.
E;N im3f. Pavit H.v. -Viu.artii. 1 1
Cleansesi'tnrltles'aBi Bases'tlstafsaha
and mvrtt(. excellent for Balk aisTals.
Fall yaaad bars otl-. Faraclerrerrtrhm
S. lli- t
IUE-1 .'TS
J. I'. IIOKKI . J-iT-r-'s. g .-.
Cifarntes. - U'-taJ arraif-fc'eti. !J
Ccuiruiiisi.ia aJ1.- (:nxpi.at,i. l ins
j II A t A A C H. A K CO.. x ' 'oarth l'
t,t : r t
i..-fff. i
f0 M A
Vinrcsr. I'st.n. I'reere auaiafss
Kranl.nar.kin i t fan,.' . ,r
.ihrv,- ,iiiti-. t; I Kit r n:r'
.'l'il'fl!iFWi"flK UI.KIS IH-b.SN
J ASIl:i IIASLCV. S-e.l Gruiur. ll---s.
rn.- i MV ....... i ... n.,1 icmrt-iTtT1 ' .
f..r a t.ine aad t!..-a Uvefh. ra rrt -ra ,
ra.lt.-al care. 1 1."- ......t-- ty i ' ''Jr., t
warrant my r-.-i t-.cur.-1!-.- --r 'SVJ:,
wlwra have fa:!-.l v. n- rva- f--r "Z.'t
enre. S.-...I at once for a t .vat i- ,,r;i,,ia,
n.T mfalUMe remcly. tit .nr; ,
It COt ....! at&.UC f-ra trta.. ; , '. , Ijf
ask rui: tub .
Bet matensi. perfect St. ecjia. 5
eer pair wsrrs-ted. las.- r.out
w. L. lunglaa' S3 -ti siae. irraolea.
nation ana iari. iwr, -
for the W. I Douslae' .
'i.OO hix.. sme Slji.-sas ,
tii. S...I .,n. If Tuu cant
ers.senasrtare;s,.a; c
card to W. L. Dvailaa. .
BrocitOE. Sisas. .A f
m. Mm:
Lla Mir.nM SCALES.
l.VSf T s-
. 1 Cl! -;-
!viaiii.i r. . im
K.'V ' '-.fcaaslaa.
I 'JftrfalMWIMi M ill'
I W WmlMl...n.w'
Isaprina. a.r'a.
fr I'iri-'rar.
a ml. ah j,
3ll!l;:JB Z
i ,ti- J
tnaTaBsnaa. aaadforCaialti'ie. Aiiirs
PA. 1
w-" . ar f ... i
ITi. tart awl CTOWiK Hit -ort. r" Iau-1
Ur htr mad trmra. tt tf sw
h f t i an t nsil. f Jar. Hons
fOTT. Agrat ntla-
o moati md.
j..-a r.. ..a nu fi
aV . WllltzauinlsUI
ssssMassasasgdQI - 0f'-L0t),,h
Full PasTicuuiss.iijTyjri
WEuxanK. H. j. a-r