Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, April 28, 1886, Image 3

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Wednesday, April as, is,6.
snbscription, $1.00 per annum if paid
within 12 months ; $1J0 if not paid within
i month.
Tjinsient advertisements inserted at 60
teett V" inch for e4cn insertion-
Transient business notices in local eol
Binn, 10 cent per line for each insertion.
junctions will be made to those desiring
M advertise by the year, half or quarter
Court week. .
The politicians are stirring.
ball clubj are organizing.
The barefoot boy was out last week.
CuugrL-ssmin Bayne, of Pittsburg, is kick
The leaves canio forward rapidly list
The public schools in town closed last
Win. Rollraan is enlarging his business
Tbe sucker fishers have about quit for the
Ouly a li:t!e more than a month till baas
fishing time,
Sabbath Schools in the country are being
The ne Presbyterian church will take
tf'.OOO brick
A gocd deal of attention is given to the
court this w eek,
There was a splendid April shower on
Saturday eveuing.
The history of ttie nve counties Is pro
nounced a tine work
Heiico people have taken a good deal of
stock in the creamery.
If tl.e tiossom is the promise of tbe fruit,
cherries are to bo plenty.
The UiL-ruiometer went in the shade to
eighty-five last Thursday.
A majority of the citiaens of Newport
voted against water works.
Will Irin, of Hoi'idaysbur, U visiting
the family ol Senator Patterson.
The wife of ex-Goveruor Pollock died in
Fbiladelpi on Saturday morning.
C. P. Faouebiker, editor of the Coalport
Staadud, was in town on Friday.
Dr. Higbee will not go. The question
is, can the Governor remove him 1
Fred Stevens, of X.rristown, was visit
ing triends in this place last week.
11. T. MeAlister, of McAlisterriile, gave
sdinuer to his friends last Thursday.
Frank Caveny, a graiuaio of tbe Herald
ffi, left for Philadelphia last week.
The thermometer reached one hundred
and two degrees in the sun on Friday.
Farmers of Juniata county will h ld a
convention in the Court House, id June.
A wag suggests that President Cleveland
boll a competitive examination for a wile.
Governor Pattison and a lew friends wire
on a Ashing trip to Blair county last week.
Westmoreland connty pep'e are a good
deal disturbed over a five mill county tax.
The country generally is disgusted with
the violence manifested by the recent strik
ers. . . .
T boy wishes for raanheofl days, and the
man wishes for tbe hopeful days of boyhood
There has been no strikes yet for an ad
vance in the wages of sin. Pittsburg Chron
icle. Easter was productive of colored eggs for
tbe children, and new bounds for tha la
dies. The Huntingdon Reformed church is to
be repaired ta tha extent of five hundred
William E. E:ka h is received a position
as book-keeper at Wannauukera in Phila
delphia. The Pennsylvania State Teachers Asso
ciation will meet at Allentown, July 6tb,"th
and 8th.
John M Langhlin, who lives near Port
Royal, is talked of as a candidate for asso
ciate judge.
During the summer the Pennsylvania Rail -road
conductors wiil ea:u be allowed twelve
days vacation.
The contractors were intrsted in the
bids for the building of Westminster Pres
byterian Church.
All the iicen p-fitions to sell li-iunr bu t
two, in Jillilin county, wero granted by the
Court last week.
The Republicans of Crawford county will
bold their primary election on the first
Tuesday in June.
John Tyson, living at the lock north of
town, has captured three wild cats this year
on Shade luoaiituili.
There is a p nalty of five dollars for rob
bing a bird's nest if one is found out, and if
the law is enf orced.
The oats has been put in tbe ground, but
a Dumber of farmeis are back with their
corn ground plowing.
Three to four thousand coiimiuuit-ts with
several brass bands parad-d the streets of
Chicago la-t Sunday.
J. E. Jamison's peach orchard or lour
tecn bubdrtd trees, in Fayette township,
give promise of fruit.
The Secretary of the Treasury has iisucd
a call for ilO.OOO.OuJ three per cent bonds.
The call matures June 1.
On Saturday, George Blastenberger wag
appointed Associate Judge tor Pony couu- .
vi by Governor rattison.
A new organ was placed in the Licking
Creek Lutheran church last week, and was
used in the service last Sabbath.
C. W. Laird has been east and bought a
large stock of new goods lor his tore at
KcCoyville. Call around to see bim.
Misses Belle and Carrie Derr, if Mifflin
town, Juniata county, are the goests of the
Misses Mortimer B'.oomfield Freeman.
If you desire to purchase a snug f""1
thirty acres with nice improvements call on
Mrs. Jackson Magruder. in Wa:ker town
ship. Rev E. S. fiigbee bas written to Gover
nor Pattison decliuiap to resifn his position
as Superintendent of tbo Soldiers' Orphans
A California miner has found gold near
GarUnd, in Warren county, this State, in
consequence ol which, a great excitement
Some lima irn a music house in
ton, received a lotter lrom young lai
askire for soma het music. She closed,
apoloftyzing for her blunders, in Uw lollow-
i ti h.na mi snellin. I
"ujc jaoffuairs: a lea -
If farmer would clean and re-clean their
wheat they would have as fine quality of
eea wneat as agents sell to then at $5.00
a bushel.
W. A. Coldren hat returned to his home
in Walker township, from an attendance
upon medical lectures in the University of
For Sam A valuable and desirable
town property on one ol the main streets
of the town. For particulars, terms, etc.,
apply at this office.
An adjourned meeting of Huntingdon
Presbytery will be held at Altoona June 15.
The regular meeting will be held in Sinking
Valley in October.
The law firm of Junkin &. Junkin have
been appointed Solicitor for the Pa. R. R.
Company in Perry connty, in place of Mr.
Mclntire, deceased.
There is a bill in Congress for the pun
ishment of horse thieving in the territories.
It imposes a fine ot $1000 or imprisonment
for five years, or both.
The Harr Sisters" will give an enter
tainment in the Presbyterian Chapel on Fri
day evening, May 7th. Entertainment to
commence at 8 o'clock. ,
A .genuine communist is one who never
worts, ana condemns people who acquire
means for not dividing it around. He's al
ways ready for the divy.
There is a report that a man and a worn
an were hung in efligy in IfcAlisterville,
last Friday night, but there are do particu
lars at band at this date.
The veterans of Huntington connty will
hold an encampment at Huntingdon, begin
ning on the 2 1 st of September and closing
on the 24th day of the same month.
An assistant cashier of the City Bank of
vTilliamsport, used $5?,000 of the bank
funds and did not return the money and that
is why the bank was shut np several days
Paul Leach, a student in the Academy,
and whose home is in Philadelphia, is quite
an amateur runner, he being able to run a
mile in five minutes and twenty-seven sec
onds. Greece and Turkey still want to fight and
if they come to blows the price of many
goods will be advanced. Now' tbe time
to buy your clithes, step in at Hurley's in
this place.
Francis Wells, a prominent citizen of
Philadelphia, and one of the proprietors
and editors of the Evening Bulletin, died
on tbe 2-nd inst., after a brief illness, aged
sixty years.
About the best way to get Congress to
adjourn is to begin to write and talk about
tbe malaria of the Potomac H its. The av
erage Congressman U dreadfully afraid of
the malaria.
Prof . J. E. Odell, of Pougkeepsie, N. T.
bas taken charge of Tuscarora Academy.
He is a Gist class scholar, aud an experi
enced educator, and has made a most favor
able impression.
Tbe humble bee put in an appeal ance last
week, and the observing girl and boy that
took an interest iu catching the white heads
report toat many of the bees dropped to the
ground and died.
The difference between a habitual drunk
ard and the hat-itce of Wall street is this :
Tbe former takes no stock in water, while
the latter does take water in his stock.
Boston Transcript.
Clothing merchant Samuel Straver, was
in Philadelphia laying la a stock of rTfrR
and summer goods, last week. His son
Will, an efficieut clerk, managed the store
in bis father's absence
No public iuterests of the peoplu require
that Or. iligbee stay in office since the Gov
ernor as ked him to resign. If the Governor
bas changed hU miud on civil service how
can the Doctor help that.
Tbe regular quarterly communion servi
ces will be held at the Lower Tacarora
Presbyterian church, Acidemia, on Satur
day, May 1st, at 10 o'clock A. M., and on
Sabbath, May 2nd, at the same hour.
Harry Woodaiansee, formerly of this
place aud for several years connected with
the Burliiigton, N. J , Evening Reporter,
has become business manager ot the Kew
Brunswick, N. J., Daily Freedonian.
The opeu letters to J. Gould may inter
est you, but they do not interest you half
as much w hen yon need a now suit of cloth
ing, ao to know where to buy judiciously.
The p'.i'.ce is at Slrayer's iu Patterson.
Hanisburg people are trying to get into
the inside life of tlw zealous religious wo
man who forced ten thousand dollirs on
three Karrisbiirj; banks. Kor what reason
and with wiiotn did shu lead a doublj life.
The fathers in LenlVoiva have takeu to
kicking oojectioiiable voting men, who call
on tbt-i- daulit. r- Xo lessthau lic voung
men have been a:-sitoJ fro in th-j honto by
the jiatemal boot within the past tja days.
Merch.'iit J. L Uarton paid ihis plice a
visit ou his icturn from l'lii!;:dclphia, laJt
Friday, wli:re he bad been to buy goods
;..r Lis store. 'T.ia ;Kiopio iu tiu valley
will be on the look out lor bis stock of new
Tho Biooiiifieid Advocate last week says :
Not many miles from Eloomlietd the game
ot baseball is indulged in almost every beau
tiful Sunday. Last Sunday, so we are in
form el by an eye witness, an exciting game
took place.
The Liverpool Sun says : Tbe Susiuo
bam a river ras madd an unusual record
this ycr. Six times it his overflowed its
banks since the beginning of the year, twice
in January, ouce iu February, twice in March
aud once in April.
A news item says there is a 'colored
preacher near Jasper, Ga.f who conquers
OiU stubborn horse by butting bira. Ana
tt some persons think there is not much
i-adwork in the ministerial profession
e York Graphic.
One of the descendants of those creatures
in human form, the New Testament says,
ran into the sea and was drowned, lies iu
JefTcr-n township, Mercer county, ate
ty-four eggs, thirteen of which, were
rA. last vwk. one evening. The
. stiil
UerTersor. Davis, of tho Lost Cause, is out
in a letter favoring a national bureau or la
bor, or a national committee on labor troub
les. It is a singular event that the only two
living Democratic Presidents should each
. li .i;..n .lw.nl
isste a aucunicDi ou ilc lui .i-bii". uv.
one and Oie same time. Davis will hardly be
come candidate for tbe presidency when
Presilent Cleveland's term expires.
lieru Howe and another boy were doing
their lst best to extinguish a cat io Mrs.
BeMlors spring bouse a few days ago, but
puss det:rminei that some belligerency on
Lcr rart vas in order and seized Herm's
leg with aich vigor that he was glad to op
en the dor aud leave the cat oit. The
bite ot theanimal made such an impression
on the boy leg that Dr. 0owd Crawford
was called o dress he wound.
When a man makes a charge against a
man, he must prove his charge or it is worth
nothing. The Governor should prove his
charges against the Soldiers' Orphans'
School. Call the witnesses, hear aav will
not do.
A writer on cattle lice says : Vermin on
cattle may be destroyed by washing the ani
mals with tobacco water. Boiling water
poured over any kind of tobacco, or tobacco
stems, will make the fluid. A second appli
cation may be necessary to destroy the eggs.
"I notice," said the gentleman in search
of information, to Herr Most, 'that Anarch
ists never strike. Why is this ?" "That,"
said the great apostle ol mouth as a factor
in social progress, with much dignity, "is
easily explained. No trne Anarchist ever
works." Washington Hatchet.
"Henry bauman, a resident of (iordon
villo, Lancaster county, was taken to Phila
delphia, placed under bail by United States
Commissioner Bell, on the charge of making
false claim for a pension against the Gov
ernment, and a false and fraudulant affidavit
in support ol the claim, whereby be received
An exchange says : Spontaneous com
bustion, emanating froma heated pilo of
corufodder, caused the destruction by fire,
on Tuesday morning, April 13, of a Urge
barn, with all its contents, owned by Mr.
W. W. Myers, of Perryville, Clinton conn
ty, Pa. Three calves and four hogs perish
ed in the flames.
President Cleveland has sent a message
io congress on tne laoor qnesuon, as wo
all have to labor, we are all interested in
what the chief executive of the nation rec-
omends. Read the message in another
column. It does not follow that one must
adopt the views of tbe President on the
question of labor.
Mr. Orairs Licking Creek Congregation
are talking about building a new church.
A preliminary f und of fifteen hundred dol
lars has alread been pledged in the event
of tbe matter being pressed io a consuma
tion. Since Mr. Graif began preaching
here the Licking Creek congregation has
been more than doubled.
Jay Gould aud his methods were discuss
ed at a mass meeting iu Chicago sever a) ev
enings ago. One of the speakers gave
(iould's history iu connection with the Wa
bash Road, alleging how he issued $10,000,-
0(H) ot false bonds made payable to himself
and taxing the people to make enormous
dividends on watered stock.
"Five boys were ai rested last week at Me
chanicsburg, for jumping on and ofTmoving
trains of cars through that borongh. They
were taken before tbe burgess for a bearing
found guilty and fined one dollar and twelve
j..i.tf. r..k " Tl..t Irinffl nf imnniflV rtff Bflll
f. . .i
on doesn't pav, but if it stops the boys it
will pay better than to lose limb or life.
. .. . j
Mrs. Christian Laurer died suddenly at
tbe residence of her son in-law, J. D. Lei
ter. in Fayette township, several nights ago
at ten o'clock. Her daughter wa s awaken
ed by a peculiar noise that her mother
made. She hastened to her bed, but the
spirit of tho mother had left its earthly
tenement. Mrs. Lauvcr was 77 years of'
'One of tbe Democratic Commissioners
of Lehigh county has been arrested for a
violation uf tbe elocliou laws by promising
odices to secure his election. Ho wa en
tirely too prolific of promises, and when
elected hadn't positions enough to go
round. So. one of the disaj pointed atpir-
auls squealod, and a prosecutiou has been
The Court on Mouday, after hearing argu
ment in favor of those who remonstrated
against the grauting of license to sell liquor,
and after bearing argument iu favor of those
who petitioned for license to sell liquor,
granted license to tliJ liquor license peti
tioners, on the ground that the Court can
not set aside the license law where the law
has not been violated.
It does stem a little strange tbat every
one who vifiled tbe Soldiers' Orphans'
Schools discovered no serious mismanage
ment til! John Norris, of tha Philadelphia
Record, camo along. Governor PatliSou
and Secretary Cassidy simply looked
through John Korris' glasses. It looks
like a tilt at the schools by the ghost
of the Democratic party of war time.
A Cincinnati pickpocket, soeiug a young
man with a young woman on each arm, del t
ly relieved Lim of his watch. The young
man sa the thief, but the girls cluug to
j ulS rmg aLj cried, "Don't go ; bo will kill
to that effect, until the
' aud more
thief got away. They were not confederates
of tie pickpocket, either, but nice averago
Ohio girls, who wero bound the young man
shouldn't get burl.
An American and an English Salvation
Army were doing Tyrone last week, at one
and the same time. The Salvationists don't
visit small placea, possible in thir view of
tho affairs or the human family, tho-soiiisof
oplt iu small towns are so good tbat they
netd not bo looked alter, perhaps, they take
the other view aud think that the souis of
people ia country towus arJ not worth sav
ing. Till tha Salvation Army explaius, how
are people to know.
Wiiliam Thompson, of Fayette township,
is slowly recovering from tho stroke of par
alysis. Not many days previous to the
stroke of Mr. Thompson, Miss Sarab Ileck
mau, of the same township, dropped dead, it
is supposed, from a stroke of tho same jdis
ease, that afflicts Mr. Thompson. Miss
Ceckniau seemed in hor usual health at
supper of which she partook heartily, and
but a short time thereafter went upstairs for
some purpose or other, when she fell to the
floor and when lilted up was fouiid t: be
Some evenings ago a meeting of citizens
was held in the Court Ilouse for the pur.
pose of divising a p'.an to aid the Patterson
people iu paying for tbe steam fire engine
that they purchased not long since. The
Friendship Hook aud Ladder Company gave
a written guarantee that they will "at all
times give prompt service in extinguishing
fires on this side of tbe river. A resolution
was passed to npiroint a committee of ihroj
citizens of Mifflintown to solicit subscrip
tions. At Uarrisburg on Sa tnrday afternoon,
lightning struck the stouplo uf the Uarket
Square Presbyterian Church and set fire to
it. Owing to the inability of tho engines to
force tho water to a sufficient altitude, the
spire being two hundred aiid seven feet
high, a considerable portion of it was de
stroyed. The firo was finally reached and
extiuguished by conducting a line of huse
up the inside of the steeple. The loss by
ii, o iir which lasted over two hours, is
about $3,000.
T be Altoon a Tribune of last Friday says
Last week Dr. W. S. Shiinor, veterinary aur-
ceon, performed a very nice surgical opera
tion on a mule at the street car stables. Tbe
animal bad been suffering from gangrene in
the tongue, and after making an examina-
tion it was dicided to remove tha affected
member. The tongue was accordingly cnt
out at the root and now the mule has abaat
recovered from the effects of the operation
and is apparently none the worse of it.
"I suppose Eastern capital has done a
great deal for this country," said a traveler
to a Dakota settler. "Oh, I 'spect it has
least that's what they all say." Haven't
yon been benefited by it t" "Well.no, can't
aay as I have." "Whar has been the troa-
ble 1" "Why, vou see, I borrowed $50 of
yer Eastern cap'tal when I first came out
here, and blamed ef it hasn't kept me hump
ing 'bout's bard as I can hump to raise the
$20 each month to pay the interest on it. It
has kinder held me back, stranger." Eatil
line (Dakota) Bell.
It is a mistake for workmen to ask gov
ernment to establish a bureau of labor, or
government committee on arbitration. Free
labor and free business need no board of
arbitration, can tbe labor of the country
not see 1 In a free government all that the
men need is the right to mske their own
bargains and live np to tbem. Where they
are Dot lived up to, there is ample pro vis
ion in the law for those who wish to settle
that way to enforce comuliauce with con
tract or bargain.
Edwird Moore, of Port Royal, got himself
into jail in rather a peculiar way the other
day. He charged a certain man with hav
ins hauled awav a lot of his wood ; one
word followed another till Moore wound hp
the interview by thrashing the man. A suit
i was instituted against Moore on the charaM
,. , ... lie lave bill in the
l ...
sum of three hundred dollars to answer uie
charge, aud afterwards went to i'biladelphia
which so alarmed his bail Mr. McManigal
that be sent for him and that is how he
came to bu in jail.
on Schott's clothing house for
The head of a prominent family in Read
ing mislaid his gold spectacles seven yesrs
ago, and tho servant was discharged on sus
picion of having stolen tbem. A few days
ago the gentlemen opened the family Bible
6 A t .
in searcu oi teuer paper aim louiiu tin iuug-
lost spectacles between tbe pages. If a oiarn
bas a poor memory he should never use the
family Bible as a receplacle for his specta
cles. Place them in one of M. Zola s or
Mrs. Southworth's novels and they will not
remain lost longer than an boar or two,
Norr. Herald.
Herr Most, and other; foreign beer gus
zleij at a socialistic meeting held in fiew
York City ouo evening last week, advocated
the arming of tbe socialists with eight dol
lar rifles to make a stand as he said for work
nuoa' rights. Tbe plain truth of the matter
is that Most and a number of other foreign
rascals like himself will fold around till tbe
old native element becomes . aroused and
drives tbem out of tbe canntry.' Of eonrsi
such a blatherskite as Most would keep out
of tbe reach of tbe point of a bayonet and
out of the sound of the crack of a title,
some of his dupes, bowerer, might not.
It is not in small quantity that tho Mifflin
county editors have recoitmended fih diet
to each other to quicken their brain power.
The heaviest fish weight bas been suggest
ed, nothing short of eating a whall it seems
is sufficient for tbe Lewistown editors. Iu
Juniata cjunty, editors tike thsir fish in
houm-pathic quantity, they conflue their
fish diet to peony mackerel. What would
happen if a Miuiiutown editor sboiild de
vour a whalo can only be iinaiued. Possi
bly nothing serious, for nothing yet h;is hap
pened in Lewistowu where they seem to bd
used to wh ile diet.
At the Westminster Church letting on
tho 22d insl., the lowest bidder was G. W.
Keeier. At a congregational meeting held
by live YVtstminsti r pecp'e soma weeks ago,
it was resolved, that the new church build
ing should n;.t co-t oier $10,000. Mr. Reef
er's Lid is for SD.Sfo and does not include
, excavation work, foundation wall work
I grade line, pews, furnishing and lamps. It
500 more than Reefer's bid to complete tha
church baildii.g. In vk-w of these lac. a a
coogregational meeting bas been called to
meet on Wednesday evening to determine
the questions that ara b-loro the congrega
- 40
Just arrived from Philadel
phia with a lot of handsome,
substantial clothing, hats and
all kinds of mens' wear; Don't
fail of calling at Harley's when
you come to town.
The Bloomfie'.d Advocate of April 21, in
speaking of the vote recently taken in New
port to test the sense of the people in the
mailer of water works, says : Newport vo
ted on Saturday whether or no its citizens
should have water works. In a poll of two
hundred and thirty-two votes the enterprite
was lost by a vote of one hundred and eigh
ty-six to forty-six. Prop erty owners were
generally arranged" against piping water iuto
that place, as they foresaw increased taxes
while renters, too, feared increased rents.
Tiie advocates ol water works made no par
ticular effort to succeed. In fact it was
foregone conclusion two weeks ago that the
enterprise would ba defeated.
Three Harrisbnrg banks have been vic
timized to the amount of ten thousand dol-
ars by a pleasant, unassuming, well connect
ed and religiously inclined young lady by
the name of McClure. The young lady was
one of the leading ladies of Pinestreet
church, and her financial method was that of
forgery. On her bank paper she forged the
name of her mother, her brother, and a
Bellefonte cousin named Furth. She ob
tained ten thousand dollors from the banks
last February and baa been away from the
city since. It is believed that the wants of
a lover induced the young woman to .resort
to the crooked methods of the forger.
The editor of the Altoona Sunday Morn
ing is opposed to the introduction of elec
tric light into the city. This is what he
says: Msny are clamoring for electric 'ights.
We don't want them, nnless in a fewaof the
most public places. Who wants night turn
ed into glaring day, in the hot summer, es
pecially, blazing into your porches and win
dows, drawing mosquitoes and robbing the
cool, dewy evenings ol all their charm and
comfort, after a torrid, scorching day ?
The electric light is moie trying than day
light, and the eye grateful'y accepts the
twilight deepening into night, and think
how little our present system of lighting
the city interferes with its Cimmerian dark
ness. The good health of our optics, there
fore, demands that we do not have electric
The Philadelphia Bulletin says : An ag
ed, much respected citizen of Philadelphia,
still engaged in a position of high responsi
bility, was for a long time a childless wid
ower, and such a thing as a second marri
age was not tho nght of. He had a good
many relatives, and two loving nephews
from the country came to pay him a visit
It was summer, and doors and windows
were open. One day the gentleman over
heard a little conversation to this effect s
"Jim. How do you think Uncle Joe will
cut up when he dies 1 Tom. Well, ho's a
pretty rich man, and there might be a big
fortune to divided. Jim w hat do yon
think we will get apiece. Tom Why from
fifty to a hundred thousand dollars, I sup
pose." Uncle Joe said nothing at the time,
but went and paid bis addresses to a young
lady, married her, aud is now the father, of
sons well advanced toward manhood. This
fable teaches that when young men converse
about rich uncles they should see that tha
doors and windows aro closed.
A Card.
. Jchiata Vallkt Bask.
MirrusTows, April 19, 1888.
At a mooting of the Directors ot the Ju
niata Valley Bank (Pomeroy, Patterson, Ja
cobs Co.) held this day, Mr. J. Nevin
Pomeroy resigned bis position as President
be having previously severed his connection
with tbe bank. He is no longer interested as
a stockholder of the bank, nor in any other
At the same meeting Joseph Rothroc k
was elected President, to fill the vacancy
occasioned by the resignation of Mr. Pouio
roy. This bank will not lose any money by tbe
failure of Mr. J. Nevin Pomeroy, and all
Its stockholders, including the undersigned,
are personally responsible for its liabilities.
Josepu Roturock, Fres't.
Loria E. Ateixsox,
Amos tl. Bossall,
Noah Hzstzlie,
Pbiup M. Kipr,
; April 10. Dfcecu.pi.
Look this way, come this
way to Straycr's store, it is just
the place for bargains in cloth
ing. Entertainment.
The "Harry Sisters," aged respectively
six, nine, and twelve years, will givo one of
their wonderful musical and literary enter
tainments in this place, on Friday evening,
May 7th. Admission, 15 and 25 cents.
SberlfTft Sales.
The only property sold by the Sheriff,
last Friday, in the Court House, was the
J. B. M. Todd skating rink property in
Patterson, to Mrs. Mary A. Todd, for $505.
00, and the Mrs. M. A. Patterson property,
at Acadeuiia, for $400.00, to tho Tuscarora
Savings Fund Lean Association, both sales
were subject to certain mortgages against
tbe respective properties.
Ou Monday the Sheriff sold the RanibJer
tract of 70 acres in Lack township, in the
Court House for $315.
tTetttnilniUer Church.
On the 22nd nit., the trustees of West
minster Presbyterian Church in this place
opened tho several proposals for the build-
ing of a new church building. Tho propo
sals were as follows :
Wilber F. McCahan . Co. $13,690.00
Horning Sl Gosben 14,945.00
H. D- Funk 13,083.00
Hetrick 4. Wilson 17.000.00
D. B. Doty It Co. 15,347.50
J. Sweurer 15.4ti7.00
G. W. Reefer 9,8ti5.0O
Jas. D. Shoilsr 12,7(3.00
Tbe contract of tbe church building was
given to Mr. Keefer, without excavation aud
stone to grade line, pews furnishing and
Tbe church is to bo of Gothic stylo of ar
chitecture, and will front on Lemon and
Third streets. At the corner of the two
streets the tower will stand 94 feet high.
Mr. Warner, of Washington D. C, will
til ace a memorial window in tbe Lemon
street front, in bonor of bis deceased wife
whose uiildou name was alary Parker. Tho
auditorium will be 64x60 teet. The sests
will be iu Seuii -circle aud half of the floor
bevuied or raised which will give all an op-
portunity to see front and be comfortably
near to the pulpit. Tbe choir and organ
will be in the rear of the pulpit. Ten inter
laced arches will support the roof, the nich
es between the arches will be rough white
plastered. The lecture room will be at north
end of the building and will be separated
from the preaching room by an aisle. The
room will be 24x60 feet, which may be con
verted into three rooms by stained glass par
titions, no arches are needed, for this part
of the building is one story high. The
entrance to tho lecture reom la from Third
street. The entrance to the auditorium is
from both streets. Tbe building, when com
pleted will prove itself to be one of the most
complete proportioned church buildings.
If hat the Earth Thinks).
I am threatened with a comet,
With all-absorbing sun ;
Told that I should slowly burn out,
As my own fair moon has done ;
Warned of coming conflagrations
Tbat will seize me unaware ;"
Can I fear annihilation,
After what I daily hear f
Pelted constantly with hailstones,
Fiercely shook by hurricanes,
Thrown by whirlwinds topsy.turvey,
Nearly drowned by constant rains,
Growled at day and night by thunder,
Pierced by lightning everywhere,
Kipped with frosts until I scarcely
Know If I am round or square.
Out all night in freezing weather,
Uunder tropic suns all day,
Dug and struck with plows and shovels
Scratched with barrows every way,
Beaten down for streets and highways,
Galloped over day aud night,
With steam engines, burned and scalded
Kept iu a continual fright.
Deeper wounds than these I suffer
I am mined and bored and hit,
Torn by dynamite and powder,
Blown to pieces ; bit by bit,
I've seen comets without number,
Aud they always keep their sphere ;
It is mau that makes me trembla
Restless, curious mtn, 1 fear.
For I know some day or other
Ho will find a stronger forco,"
Wonderous chemicals discover,
And tbe end will be, of course,
I shall have uiy shattered remnants
Blown away like any feather,
Tet I have one consolation
Probably we'll all go together.
Harper's Weekly.
HOOD WEBER On Dec. 12th, 185,
at tbe parsonaire of the Third Street M. E.
church, Camden, N. J., by Kev. George B.
Wright. J. A. Hood, of Pbiladeldelphia to
Miss Addie Weber, of McAlisterville, Pa.
parsonage in Port Kmv.i1, on the 22nd inst.,
bv Kev. F. Adams, Mr. William Page, of
Tuscarora township, to Miss AnaaMcNigbt
ot Spruce Hill.
MOORE 1MF.S. On the 20th inst., at
the Register's otli-e, Miltlintown, Pa., by
Rev. E . Jiirry, Benjamin Moore, of Lack
township, ami Miss .Sarah B. Iuies, of
Spruce Hill township.
PFAHLEK. On tho 4th of March Mrs.
Maria E. Pfahler, azed 21 years, 10 months
and 2 weeks, daughter of C. Zimmerman.
Mirrinrrowa, April 23, 1S86.
Bntter 20
Eggs 10
Lard 8
Wheat, &aS6
Corn, "
Oats, 3-!
Rye 60
New Cloverseed -I 25 to 7 50
Timothy seed 2 00
Flax seed 1
Bran 1 "0
Chop , 1 60
Shorts I 30
Ground Alum Salt 1 25
American Salt 1 0al 10
Philadelphia, April 24, ISMi Beef cat
tle, extra CJe; good static; medium 5a5c;
common 4 J- J".
Wal calves at 5 5 Ji.
Milch cows at $20a5W.
Fat cows S :i4 ic.
Sheep, cxtry TJc ; good CJaCJc, medium
5a5Jc ; common 4.i4c. Lambs sold at He.
llog at Cjiic.
fso. I Pennsylvania red wheat 9ic. Low
grades corn 45c. Oats 3?a0c. Chickens
lOallc, spring chickens 3iKi40c a piece.
Egcs 12c, duck erzs 25c, geese eggs 55c.
Butter 15a3Uc. llav $l7al'J per ton. Clo
verseed lOallc per lb. Bran $15alti per ton.
Estate of Thomat Eenntr, deceased.
Letter of Administration bnving been
granted to the undersigned, in tho estate of
Thomas Benner, (leecasea, iie oi a.vr
township, Juniata conntv, fa. All persons
indebted to said estate are requesiea io
make immediate payment aud those having
claims agaim-t the same win preseni uicm
ithoiit delay to
Van Dyke, Pa., Ap-il 2'i, 1M3.
Private Sale.
less, ol limestone and shale land, in Milford
township, in Licking Creek valley, Juniata
conntv, Pa. ; about ItiO cleared, 40 acres
timberland "under frnce." Tbe improve
ments are a Large Double Stone and Frame
Ilouse, Large Bank Barn. Wagon Shed,
Large Hog Pen, !heep House, Carriage
House, Wash House, Spring House within
ten yards ol the door. Fountain pump of
Dover-tailing water at txith bouse and barn.
This is a desirable property, and is only two
miles from Milllin railroad station. Terms
easy. For particulars, call on or address
John Robisen, Patterson. Juniata Co., Pa.,
or Shelburn Kubison, same address.
Valuable Grlxt -Mill and Saw
Mill at Private Sale.
The undersigned offers for sale a GRIST
MILL and PAW MILL, situated in old
Port Royal, Juniata county, Pa., with 11
ACKES of land, more or less, witb mill dam,
mill bouse 30X50 feet, three storiea high,
one story of stone, and two of frame, con
taining 3 run of stone, two pair ot burrs,
and one sand stonecbopper and corn break
er, a Silver Creek smut machine, and sepa
rating machine, two flour bolts 20 feet long,
two flour packers, all driven by the water
of Hunter's creek on a 17 feet overshot
wheel. Tbe mill has a good run of custom
work and is in a good wheat growirg coun
try, and Is in good running opKt. Tho
saw mill is driven by a Rose w..ter wheel,
and is in good running order, doing a larae
amount of sawing in the season. FKA11E
UOL'SE, Spring of water. Cistern, Frame
Stable, bog bouse, an orchard of thrifty
trees of choice fruit in bearing. Any per
son wishing to view the property can do so
bv calling on the premises, and any person
wishing to learn ttie particulars can ao so
by calling on or addressing
Port Koyal, Juniata Co., Pa.
In Making Big Advertisements is
emned if the Stock Cannot Confirm the Statements.
No One Knows this Better than.
Whose Phenomenal Success in Business is but the result of
Fair, Square, Ilouest Dcaliug.
We strive to "please to please our patrons in everv wav; so
we sav that if, alter inspection,
your purchase, bring it back to us
it for you.
154 men's neat, well-made cassimere and worsted spring stylo suita at
$0.87; all wool cassimeres and cheviot style suit at jfl).63: 233 men's wry
elegant Eog'iah corkscrew dress and business snits at $11.50. A large
line of men's very fine imported corkscrew dress suit in 1, 3 and 4 button
cutaway and Prince Albert coat made equal to first class custom work at
$14.50 and $16.00. The earliest callers will of course secure the first
choice. Den t be late.
We show the largest variety in the county of fancy pleated and Norfolk
styles knee pants suits for boys from 4 to 13 yeais oi l; price from 1.50
to SG.OO. Oar stock of long pants snits for boys from 10 to 18 years com
prises over 45 different aud diatiuct patters, and these we have in straight
and cutaway sack and frock suits. Trices are tho lowest on record.
Ti,.aA inr.rrir..r.f will ha .'uiind biiturul with the rarest bargains. Ia
specified here they would recpuire more than a page, hence our special in
vitation to you to come and see with vonr ow u eyts how we will be able
to suit in price and styles collars and cnk, handkerchiefs, hosiery, white)
shirts, suspenders, Bilk scarfs gent's coIIhm and cfls.
Gentlemen who have not yet left their measure for a new suit are cor
dially requested to come in and see how well we can serve them. Our
prices are the lowest.
The Leading Clothier,
April 15,t 885-Iy.
McKillips & Go's. Planing Mill,
I'ort Royal Pcnna.
Ornamental Porticos,
liraihcf and Scroll Work.
.-ftorL.UICi!i, FLOOKIXwS
Also, dt-xlfrs in shinzles. lath, and frame
luiiiln r of every description.
Country lumber worked to order. Or
d ts iiy mail pr:iipt!y attended to. All
orders should be sent to.
MtKILLirS &. CO ,
10-2l-85. Port Rojai, Pa.
Worth Knowing,
That I cao stop toothache in l-sa than
Ave minutes ; no pain, no extracting.
That I can extract teeth without pain,
In the uso of a fluid applied to the t-eth
and gums ; no danger.
That Diseased Gums , known
as Scurvy) treat j?V?-ed suco-sslully
ai.d a cure wartyr4jayrant.' l in every
Teeth Fli-LHD aud warranted tor lilo.
Artilicial Teeth repaired, exchangee, or
renioddled, troni $-.M to $12 per set.
Beautiful Gum Enameled Teet inserted at
piics to suit all.
All work warranted to give perfect satis
faction. Peop'e who have artilicial teeth
with wbicb they cannot eat, are especially
invited to call. Will visit professionally
at their homes if notilied by lutter.
G. L. DEFvK,
Practical Uentlut,
Oct. 1 1 '85.
BONE wmw
$25 Phosphate
it ml a net Mlmnlnat; K tt ml AeMalate
'. Knrk, bats
11 0 V E S LP Eli- I'll OS I'll A TE
tt-x m-'.f itp!j t-'i nwsry pUct fw1 ndd.
Citf f ih cr..p n r' rt-rt. and -tmm it until
M1I nxtnred Bcwa an Animal Uuoe Manure. atao
Improves ihe soil permanently.
Alsopncnand untH Bn-h' Raw Boos Manures
StaBfutsrw and hapTtrr.
may be purchased of the undersigned at a
reasonable price. The property is situated
in Johnstown, Juniata Co., Pa., and with
the Smith stand includes a lot of about
TWO ACRES, having thereon erected a
comfortable Two-story Frame Ilouse, a com
modions StaUe and other outbuildings.
There is a Well of good water at the door
of the house. For partirnlars call on or
address WM. HOOPS,
Walnut P. O., Juniata Co., Pa.
l'avroo nts to suit Purchaser
Is tbe place where jou can bay
EE is prepared to exhibit one of the most choice and select slocks ever o3ere4 in
this market, and at ASTOX1SHISGL Y LO W PRICES t
Also, measures takid for suits and parts of snits, which will he n.aJe to or2
short notice, very reasonable
Keoiember the place, in Hofiman'ft New Uuildiug, ooiner of Bridge an
Water streets, JtlFFUNTOWN, PA. Jan,l, Uc4 tt-
not Voth the Paper Cont
vou become dissatisfied with
; we will cheerfully exchange
Fall and Winter Goods,
has now been shelved, and will be kept
np week after week by fresh sapplie"
from ilia head of tha market at Lowell
HjaJtf.Dress Gjods, Notionn-jTrim-
vio-i v'O'fcV silks, Colored" s As, Ool
ored Ca?hiner?s, an l a fall line of low
priced Dress Goods of tha latest
shadas, and a!o a full line of standard
is full, from tbe Finest Shoo to tha
most substantial Plow Shoe, at jTice"
that will aitunish jou. Shoes for chil
dren, ML-tea and Ladies.
Of all kinds, Coffee, Sugar, Hiee, Tea,
in short exerjtbing, ask for what jo
Every house inu.-t keep op Jits snp-
tbe store to call on for such articles.
If jou cannot visit my place, jour
order by mail will be promptly attend
ed to.
Visit tho store.
Opposite Cocut IIouhk,
JliillintoH it, Ia.,
IT hx Bcrff failed to give the fjt perfect satis
fAction. Thousands nf mother- us:pfc; it all
through the land, ami all are i ed with iu ckarov
ing effects. It Maimtaiw th Faby's Health V
not stupefy your baby with Opium or Murpoia Hi
tures, but tte
Dr. at-'abrney'tft TeelHins: Cyrnp.
which is always iafe anH re-iaMe. It soothes am
quiets the t mii.d, K blibvsa Pain and Infi ammatki
nd t'e Swmt, NATffL Siwp to Vhmw amis
IBALmjts Six rr.
Pel bi are, butt i pla bi noat."