SENTINEL & REPUBLICAN MIFFLIXTOWN : Wednesday, rebruary 17, 1S96. TERMS. Subscription, $1.50 per annum if paid within 12 month! ; $2.00 if not paid within 12 month. Transient advertisement inserted at 60 cents per inch for each insertion. Transient business notices in local col ami), 10 cents per line for each insertion. Deductions will be made to those desiring to advertise by the year, half or quarter year. Register of Sales. The rate of fifty conts for four insertions 'or less will be charged for all sales register ed in this column and 124 cent per time for each subsequent insertion. When bills tor sales are rarvrEe m this orrica or same are ADVEaTisan fit this pa rta no charge wilt be made for placing them in this register. It is important that persons taring sales of personal property or real estate should have them properly registered in this col umn to retain the day lor themselves exclu sively in their neighborhood and that no miennderstandin? iuav arise anions' buvers. to the tin," of sale. Mary dollar, will be I Saveu luc m:iict wmk njiw icim. uui -. paper reaches (purchasers who can be ad-' dressed in no other way eu conveniently ami satisfactorily. Frsnrmv 23, lHsf Jacob Shirt Till sell at Van Wert, in Walter township,1 four work horses, two mures with foal, two two year old colts, one one-year old colt, four cows coming into profit about time 6" sale, three tread of JoiiSj; cattle, mi fiue-shecp, a Canton harvester, and all kinds . (arm machinery. Salt t 10 o'clock A. K. Ft&RiART 27, lbXG. Ezra PMip will sell at his place of residence ir. Fayette township, one-tow, a yearling cali', and all Idtrds ot household furniture. Sett; to com nwnce 10 oc1r-ck A. M. SATraiiAT. rEB. 27, 1886 T. P. Page will sell at his residence in WaHter town ship, at Locust Kun at 10 o'clock, a family 'horse, two cows, two shotes, fanning im plements, teeat by the pound, -potatoes by 'the bushel, aud so forth. ?ErsiAT, Masscbi $, 't-56. Thomss Benner will sell st his residence, near Cen ter Walker township, at 10 o'clock, one horse, three brood' mares, lve cows, one 'Durham and Alderney hr.ll.-iix young cat tle, eigtteen heep. and al: kinds of farm machintry and lmptemente. Ma:u 11,186. Wert Henderson will sell a lot of li .-e stock, fern machinery and so lorlh, on the Ksfessekade farm in t er teinaf h township. FVoat, Mascb 12, tSG. John C. IIos- tetler sell at Lis residence, J of a mile east of McAlisterville.-seven head of horses five cows, some of them tresh, one 18 mo. bul', Hve young cattte, a lot of shotes, Mf ' teen sheep and all kinds of farm machinery- Mwsiat. VAara ii, 1886. The seconti annual B-izzar sale will be held at the rest dence of Henry AnkS:, in Walker township, 1 further particulars wt.l be given next week. SHORT L0CJ1LS. Geperal Hancock was a Pennsylvanian. Next Monday sail be Wsshington's birth- day. A cold wsve is -due from the Missouri " Valley Wnr. Conningha'-a of Milford is danger- ' ously ill. The banks IZ t a closed, next M mdsy, Washington's birthday. Subscribe for th j Sestisel s K - b -' ill as. one dollar a year, Lewistown peof !e have orgauised a -ciil- Ireus temperaoce meeting. Jacob Thomas shipped a lot of nice siietp from this poiut hut Thursday. J. C- Uustotk-r.has bought the Levi tUey : nolds farm near KiAlisterville. The children pacsed through the usual valentine excitenieat last week. The Episcopal church in Carlisle ic to ha'e a new organ at a cost oi $2,000. A CIcarlield co Jty laruier claims to kave . a bog that weighs sixteen hundred pounds. The wile of an kwa editor, wanting .to get a square meal, eloped with a fcettl . man. The Lord's Supper was celebrated ia tha Lutheran church io this place, last Sib-'- bath. The bill for the rortoration of Fill JebA : Porter to the army -i. ag tin before L'ul . gress. "Of Jie Sf,0i0 aiec Vermont sent to . - nkii ;n tk,t I State." Thirty-five cents will buy a pair ot i.dies Itutushcs at G- W.g:.k's. Others tharge . fiftv cents An exchange says, a piach of powdi-rest alum in muddy water wiT. make it as clear M crystal. August Keapolelyoak-oa.-i sauka, a Pole, took out a marriago liceK-c at Wilkesbaire the other day. AlitV bells on pabiic bnildings were rung on Saturday at the 4i'ie of General II anciK'k's funeral. The editor, and proprietors of th New port Jiewstave been sued a Harrisburg lawyer for slander. The Huntingdon Journal U publishing an interesting account of the ear settlement .of the Junista Valley. The Kentucky State Senate, c tho 11th inst., passtd a bill establishing . whipping xxst for wife beaters. The rain last week Hooded the streams in New England and did considersiiir dam age to improved. property. Two dollars and fifty cents will Any a fair of men's gum boots at (i. W. Hock's. Others charge three dollars. The Central Pennsylvania Conference of tbe Methodist Church will convene in Ear risburgoa tbe 12th of March. The river has been frozen over and open ed three times this winter, and some people say it is to be frozen over another time. The Susquehanna and Schuylkill rivers ia this state, and tbe creeks that flow into them were high last Saturday and Sunday. The Chambersburg Repository says : There are a gieat many CbsjAikiersburgers on the sick list, and our physicians are all busy. Last summer was prolific in picnics aud so forth, but not more so than tbe past win ter has been prolific iu sociables and so forth. The funeral of General Hancock took j)lace on Saturday. Uia remains wero pla ced in the family vault at Norristown, thui State. Barry E. Bunsall has purchased the Ty rone Times Printing OiLcc, and wj'l change the politic of the journal, making it Dem ocratic. Sucker hshiug as indulged in aloug the xiver last Thursday and Friday. The place the fishermen went to lock for bait, was to a snow bank, they shoveled the snow away and a few inches down in the unfrozen ground thej found "fishing worms." The clouds ferew so thick and dark oe ! Slondsy, at 3 P. Jf., that it became ary to l-ght the lamps io this office. - Rev. Mr. Foster, the Presiding Elder, conducted the Quartily meeting services on Saturday and Sunday, in the M. K. church. Thomas Kyle, aged abent twenty-one years, son of James Kyle, f Walker town ship, died of consumption last Mondav morning. In millionaire circles the fashionable handKerchief represents about four cents worth of handkercbiet and fifty dollars worth of lace. The Juniata County Pomona Grange will hold an adjoorocd meeting in Fermanagh Grange Bail, in ttifflintown, oa Monday, February Wad. It is reported from the cattle raising dis tricta oi the west that twenty -five thousand cattte were frozen to death y the extreme wintor weather. The Franklin Repository of last week say : Vagrants and drunks" cost Frank lin county $10,000 last year. A temperance lecture in one line. Fob. Sale. A valuable and desirtble 'town property on ore ot the main streets vf tho For reticulars, U-i Tins, tjtc apply at this thee. The Lutheran congregation b sv-r. bought the lot of grouri that intervenes 'between the parsonage snd the church buildiDg, from Jdsepb &!ai-lin. Alum dissolved in water ani rubbed on frozen leet ;'! relieve the itctaft-g and burn ing sensation that accompanies frost bite. So says an exchange A Perry county preacher as brought a suit tor sranaer against a nember of people for aasoc :ng his name with a young lady who has disappeared. Philip IV olf, a residenttl Altoona, com mitted scicide on the morning of the 11th inst., in -the yard of a Srcgtug Society, by a pistol -Aot in his bead. Tte HcAliaterville band will rive an en tertainment in the Court House, this Wed- noedav evening. They promise a pleasant entertainment to allto will attend. The tact has tust been revealed that Frenchman named Zollinger, at S belby ville, 111., bas been drawing four different pen sions, under the staine of four different peo- A remonstrance of men, women and chil -dren, to the nuai jer of live thousand agaiint the granting -of license in Huntingdon county, was pieced upon bio in Uuutingdoe lust week. C. B. Horning and Levi Goshen hive con tracted to build three one story business rooms for K. E. Parker, on Main street, c n the site ot Mr. Parker's building that was destroyed by fire. The Pennsylvania G. A. R. encampsreot, held at Scran ton last aeek waa largely at tended. Eight hundred delegates svere present. A parade with two thousand cieu in line was indulged iu Ueuem.-V speaking the wheat does not present a promising appearance, -a -reat des.1 of it is frozen dead on tho - top, how miK-h ir".l.e root has lieeu hfured by the freezing, is not known. John P. St. John went on a temperance lecturing tour into Kentucky, Tennessee and Georgia. He is back frvin the -missionary ork ;-nd says the ecple of the South are lar ahead ol the N'orih as to tom perane?. Fob Sale. Two colls, each one yur-oid, and a Jark brown live ye r eld sUlic of Percbrron stork, at the late place of resi dence of Jo tin Oberholizer. -deceased, in Wall:er township, near Van Wert, Juniata county, Pa. The disfiguring eruptioaa en the face iiie. sunken eye, tho palid complaxiou, indicate that t?iere is something wrong gome vU vtlliU. Expel the lurking foe to healiii. Ayei '- Sarsapirilla was derised for that pur pose ; iud does it. As-co article for the toiket, Ayer's Hai Viorttsnds unrivalled. I: cleanses tUc scaip aud preserves it froua scurf snd d md rulf, cures itching and Lumors, restores fad ed or gray hair to its original dark colur, aud pro:uotes iu growth. A clet er Altauy gi:I who wes at Kidge field ILe other ing'ul, was atcd what the seusatiw s were when sue ahot down the toboggan, chute 'or the brat :me. was delihtfa!," she exclaime-i enthusiastically. Albany Journal. 1 Horatio tjeymore, died at the residence o !hi sister lfrs. Koscoe Cuukling, in W'tica, j y at t , 0'cick la!.t Friday eveoiug :1! was boa. in 1810. He was elected g;iv nor ol Yk state iu 1813, acd in 1808 ran lor tbe Presidency against Geueral J rant. A dfpatci from New Blooitfield says tat I.ewig h?., a young residuat of Sa iile town.hip. Perry county, wise went to loaaa fw . unths ago, cooututted sui cide recently by shooting biiuselC Hoine-sik-!i-ss is supjosed to have ten the easuw." There are aio. tamaces at Mifliintbwn, no oil weL's, no gas w -lis, no large manuuictur ing 4j8tblishjuants, it is a place where the extremes ofsocietf do not meet, sjith a nabob at oaa end aitl a tramp at the'utaer " It is a pleasant littk nook io the mountains to live in. Edwin fioward sad Edward idwin Bijthe foundrvmea of Sau Ftincisco, say they are sons of Thomas U. Bij the, an Kuglislmtan who died aud lelt a $500,000 esUte. Clii er Blvthea is America o putting in claims on the score that Thomas H., was marriui two or three Caes. You can't lell aho'Jl tiie first," finds at illustration iu tbe death of General U la- cock. When the Democratic national con vention met at Cincinnati JE 1880. nan cock was preferred iiecauae Tilden's physi- cal infirmities, indacatcd CIS aeaui. Jen still lives with mind as vigorous as aTer. The count clerks oCtbe several counties of this Commonwealth nave been sent blank forms, to fill, every tbrws months with the nuiaber of marriage certificates that have been iasued, with names of parties and so forth, ae that a Perfect record of marriages may beltcpt at the seat of government of the Elate. Rev. Mr, McClain, of Lewistown, preach ed in the Presbyterian church last Sabbath, morning and evening, in consequence of Rev. L. r. Hays having to a great degree lost his voice through a cold, that was con tracted while on a visit to . Mr. Cunning fcam, who has been very sick at bis honia. near Patterson. Last Weduel:iy a week, as Captain F. M MeKeehan was sawifj a pine log at his saw mill, tbe saw struck a bcrse-sboe imbedded in the lug at a depth of tight inches, and broke op the saw so as to render ifnseless. Tbe log three feet in diarteter, and bow the horse-shoe came to be at the above stated distance from the surface is I mys tcrj , BlooniPfld Advocate. . A couple of cilixena taking their exercise on Chetry street on Saturday evening, awak ened the suspicion of a a amber of ladles who did hot know them, and were closely watched from closely drawn window ear tains. Register and Recorder Berry, has enter ed his name with Mr. Lyon, as a student-at law. Mr. Berrr soneht office because a trouble in his throat prevented him from preaching, lie will read law while he is in office, and at the expiration ( his official duties he will begin tbe practice of law if his throat is in such a condition as to pre vent him from preaching. A most shocking case of discrimination that is plain to every one is found in the fact that while it costs only two cents to sor.4 a letter to California, it costs two cents to send a letter to Lewistown- This is a question for the aati-diacriminatioa refor mers to wrestle with. According to the anti-discriminacienists, the rate of postage should be raised oo letters going to the far west or a maa should be allowed to send a handful of letters to Lewistown or other near points lor two cents. An exchange says : That tbe Pennsyl vania Railroad Company has just issued or ders for all roads under its control, requir ing passenger brakemen oa all trains to be in ail cars, with coals tightly buttoned, and while tbe train is in motion, to stand at tbe front door of the car with the right hand clutching the door kcob. The brakeman demur, but tber mcst coniulv with the order, aud to see that tbey do so "spot ters" are on the Lrr ins to make observa tions. The Philadelphia Bulletin remarks, that the fox hunters cf Wayne county do not woar red coats and cords nor shout "Tally ho!" or "llark away!" Tbey just put a lead horse out in the woods loaded with strycuuine, and they get eight dollars apiece for their brushes. At one of their recent hunts they bagged fijty-eight loses, lourteen sirav dues and two tramps! Tho latter were saved alive, as there were no bounty on them. Neitucr of the "Hunts" in this part of the world has made any Bach score as this. Wile (io Bick husband) did you not do rive great consolation, J ohu, dear, fee in the mmister'a visit t Sick Husband Not very much. Wiie (anxiously) Oh, John, 1 wish you -could bring yourself to thiuk of these things ! Surely his words must have had some effect. What did he talk about-f bic'U iiusbiud He talked about -liie ad visability of my eodowmg acbapel. The question of the granting of liceuse was taken beluru the aiuniiugdou Grand Juiy, last week, aud this is the opinion that the jury expressed : "The question of granting liceuses tor tbe siie of intoxicat ing drinks haviug oeeu broUL t before the grand jury il is tUeir oiuiou tnal toe mor al coniliiiou ol our couuty would be. greatly bent lilted were therr Jio license grauled lor ine sale of liaor aatereiu." l'be 'pies- lion ol the propriety ( me graud jury ren dering uu opinion on tbe liquor quustion is uuuul the questions .thai peopie -of Hunt ingdon couuiy are itow discussing nvui one eua ol the count U--iUe other . The Bloomieid Advocate says: Some ' weeks B iir. AiiOTi-ar Culler was engaged ' in sawing lumber with his s.eam traction 1 engine ou the Hopple laud iu Howe towu I ship. Aller finishing tbe job, he siarteJ with his engine lor air. Henry Mariiv's farm i in Greenwood touhip, ou Mouday of last week. The roads weie rough snd k f and Mr. t oiler thou 'Ut he could make belter j titue by going lliroug-h the lid 1 ot Mr. Hen ry Jiaiaeu air. .iltur oiju-ciu, imu sir. Coller put ou steaii! aud drove throuu tha leuce into the licid. i'ae ground not Irozcu in the held aci the engine stunk last and had to be moved bac into the road with the aid ot a am ol horses. A suit lor damages has grown out ol his aileiuj-t to railioad through Mr. M-trKel's fi.-ld. President Cievelatui has a telephone, mil stoue uu his neck an luo case of J. Harris Kodgtrs, telephone ini'enlur against Alex ander Giabatu lied, telephone inventor. ; itodgers is in thejiultul Stales court with i the case against the li Jli men. It he n, i 'iodgers clulius that his pioperly iil.e north $2jO,tl0,OUO. .He baa given hwi- Lireds of tliousauds cf. doliars worth ot tto stock to Gaii.-uii, Ailwrney Geueral m' l'.-esldeul Cicteiaua's Cabiuel, and to ott er. overumeut tilhciais. afao could nieiil ri -it infiueuce during the pending litiga tiot:. The Democracy hae not beeu given loai'Vestigatiou, but tbe Uarlaud transac tion is so plam that even lae Democracy ai;4 roaniug under the scandal, and some of tiirm are asking lor an investigation. It beK anything kuuau ol pa administra tion;. The ilunlingdon Globe ol inU week says : About a year ago thieves stole .thirteen val ualneiuwis from the piemiscs of Mr. Peter tier lath, ot this place. At the time no clue Could Ik obtaiucd that might lead totheap preheuaiui of the guilty parties. A lew mouths, altera a da a clue was finally oktaiu ed and avaturau . sworn out for the arrest of a young .man nan ed Lharles hrivcr. Sbriv- er lived with his oilier iu Heuduraon town ship, but bearing the warrant tor kia rest, lc-lt auddenly r parU nuknowc. Tbe circumstances of the robbery were almost forgotten, wbon last Saturday night to tbe surprise of eryone ohrivet returned, and awskening the sheriff from his slumbers, gave himself up Xo that oiiicial, aayiug be bad tired of his.enforced absence. He ac knowledges bis gailt and implicates six oth er persons, four of whom are citizens of this place. The thieves after stealing the chick ens cooked them is the basement ot the new court house. A warrant has been issued for .the arrest of Sbri.vej's confederates. The Family In Japan. gn a lecture delivered in New York a few e:iings ago, by a citizea wbo bas been in Japwn many years, this waa said of the fam ily ia that country : ''The family in Japin, said tte Doctor, is, in practice as well as in theory, the corner-stone of the nation. The father asd mother are regarded with rever ence, snd the family sits ia loving conclave on all concerns of its members. Politeness and sell-reetraint are ingrained ia the chil dren, and as uncivil word ia rarely heard. Marriage as a .union of families rather than of individuals. The parties to it are ebosen ia family council. The relatives of the hus band and wiie jealously guard tbe domestic honor of each. The young girls receive no visits except from members of their oil families, and are trained inll the minute details of household management. After maniagc they are allowed almost as much inddcDce as tha husbands ia concerns of the family, and their opiaious ar of ten consult ed. Divorce is not so common in Japan as in America, and the reports ofgrojs immor ality are unfounded. A greater degree of refinement and cultivation prevails among tbe peop'e tbaa is generally ubdustood." J Unite! Brethren Bowk. Inter est. The latest denomination to take hold ol the book interests in an extensive way in tho capital city at Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, where several large church houses are al ready established, is the church ot the Uni ted Brethren in Christ. Ou Ust Saturday the Eastern C. B. Book House of that city, purchased one of the best located and most valuable properties on Market street. The property is located almost opposiie mo point of entrance to the new depot, of the Penna. R. B, Company. It has a frontage of 25 feet, and a depth of 210 feet, which will be devoted to the book and printing business. It cost the House VM.JoO, ana is said to be worth $20,000. There bss been great progress made by this denominstioa in its educational and book interests during tbe last quarter of a century. It has many active workers in its ranks, and has reach ed a membership of almost a quarter of a million. "It is feared at Nanticoke that tbe work of searching for the buried miners will have to be abandoned. The drill had penetrated one hundred and fifty feet of quicksand and earth and tb work of boring through the rock which was reached at thia depth was going on all right when the lower tubing gave way and let in large quantitiea of quick sand. This will necessitate the drawing out of all the tubioc in the order to get at the broken joints and will require some time, during which the quicksaud will close the hole so effectually as to require re drilling.' A Body For The Doctors. Body snatching bss grown to re one of the great evils of the day and in some local ities tbe dread of body snatching, or steal ing, is so great that tbe greatest pains are taken to secure the graves of deceased peo ple from the despoiler of the tomb. Some rich people place a guard at night at the crave of deceased friends a number of months after entombment. However there are exceptions to this general dread of fall ing into the hands of doctors, after death as may be illustrated in the case of an un known man wbo bung himself last Thursday morn ing to an awning post in Greensburg, Pa- The name on bis shirt wss J. Little. He was about sixty-five years of age, and weighed two hundred pounds. He bad letter in his pocket which lead : -'(Jury Giv mv bode to the doctors if yon want to." "I am tired living and lost me money, so I hsv taken one life ; no one else to blame . Give me to the doctors, youis soon." Adjourned Instilue. An Adjourned Institute will be held at Thoinpsontown, Pa., commencing Friday evening, February 2ilh. and closing Satur day evening, February 27th. The follow ing subjects for disenssion will be opened by tbe persons named : "Address of Wei come," M. L. Ketser ; "Relation of Parents to School," 1. C. Lantz : "How to make School Attractive," V- &. Speakman ; "Teacher as a student," D. L. Kepoer "Language Lessons," J. W. Hibbs; "Pri mary Teaching," O. B. Suloulf ; "Friday alternoon exercises," Maggie R. Kiuzur; "Literary Societies," G. W. Plette ; "Home Training," l.irzie Van Ornier ; "Writing, : J. D. Fiues; "Geography," W. L. Diinm 'Some imsiaSes in Teaching," Clinton Sausman ; ".School Violation by Parents," G. W. Speakman j "What is needed -to make our school room work more etbeieat," J. T. Ailman; "Parents Mistakes," J. N. Keiler ; "Enthusiasm," J. S. Kuukli "fcuool Dictpline," ii. II. Kutubingb Teachers, school directors, parents and friends ol education, study our programme and come to our Institute and assit tu our work. Ttiwcn-ie will be interspers ed w ith mucic aud recitations by the pupils of tbe public schools. W..E. Aimas.Co. Sup't. Lctlerfroni East Stileus. East tiaLax, Feb. 12, 1935. Editor Skktlnel and Repiblicax, Sir: In reading over tbe columns of your payer we find news from nca' all parts of tbe county, but, seldom do we find anything fioni our toan. namely .: East Salem. We deem it necessary to wrtia) a short lelusi and give yoaauuie of the news of our toa and vicinity. Sleighing is ever lor lit present. John Beecher lis our boas blacksoiit'j. D. B. Duuin has bis ice-hjuse filled with f ie best of ice. The tie hauling baa almost skipped owing tc the bad roads. .(Prsvermeeting every itatunlay evening in- f-ie 17. B. churca- Cjr school is praeressinar licely under tba instruction ot 3i. . Kinzer.' Tie tii fry party that was Spichers a few nights ago was a success? Doiou want your photos taa-n f If so step oc. the hill. Ira is the artist. We should have a batcher here. Who will volunteer ShatTer atep in, no is the time. We bad. a leclire a few veniuts ago on the "Origin of the Black Race, " delivered by W. H. wrifhth (co'ored). Our merchants, Winey and Sclilegel, are kept busy. The streets on Saturdays puts one in mind of Market street, Philadelphiayj We bad a spelling hee a few nights ago Great interest was manifested by all .pres ent. After into(sissiin quite a number of tbe pnpils recite d declamations. Sup't. W. E. An man accompanied y twenty-five visitors, visited our school -the second time. Mr. Auman makes a good superintendent and certainly does discharge hisdutv. Harley is our regular huckster, be don't seem to be very well pleased with the price of batter at present. He says there is no demand for it under the new administration city market is over-stocked. M. Temperance. COITKWCTID BT THE W. C. T. V. Wbal Does Itf Touching the traffic that never had an equal, perhaps it would simplify to ask, What, that is montreiM and malignant, does it not? But, you say, that's old ; toll us some thing new ! It is guilty of nothing new. Its iniquities now laden the ahip of state and tbe social lighter down to titeir waist. Let it add another bale of crimes against state and society, and ship and lighter go to the bottom. But there are some old of fences it commits anew every day. On election day it still takes by the collar nineteen of every twenty alleged, tcmier- sncs men, those wno, nae cpnraim, are cakes not turned, and says to them : "You are the beat kind of temperance men ; you believe iu prohibition even, and I like to bear you talk that way the rest of the year, it's a kind of blind for my business to grow behind ; but to-day you're going to act with me. I belong to your party, and I'm going to belp you save it ; take yonr ticket straight ! prohibition's all right ; but you're no fool to go and throw away your vote while the idea's so small. When it gets big enough to win, why then it msy be best for you to think about voting with it. Here this is our ticket." In go nineteen ballots for license, and it turns and chuckles : "Nineteen more fools! O, save the par ty " It stands in the lobby of the legislature buttonholing the sober members with : 'Now, honorable sirs, you are here to rep resent your party, not to promote public peace, virtue, and economy. I'm the bal ance of power ; license me, so as to make me respectable and recognized aa a state in stitution, or I'll withdraw my voies from your party." So liceuse becomes law. It sits in the pastor's study and the sanc tum of the pioos editor (many of them), like the toad at tbe ear ot Eve, and whispers: "Please follow, don't lead Principle's all right in its place, but some times it's too much of a luxury for poor men. People are divided 'bout me; so preach and tettilce for bieh license as a halt loaf! That will suit me, and keep you sweet with most folks. Your tipplers won't get mad at it, nor your pews and subscription list run dry. Fine scheme, compromise is the key to salvation ;" and tbe thrones of the church sing the praises of license to send men to hell. It slaps the secular editor on tbe shoul der and bribes him with ghastly truth : "If I don't get a brisk trade, your sheet'll be out of crime and other sensations. So you can take a personal pride in puffing me as a civ ilizer and active friend of tho press ;" and the editor says, "1 es, give us news if you h sve to murder somebody, or starve a whole famit . This remorseless It rides with the haber dasher of physic to tell biin : "You know that liquor's good to drive out both beat aud cold. Tbat is, if a fellow is hot all ov er, let my fire-water cool bis stomach 'to a charcoal, and be won't mind the heat in other spots ; or, if he's cold, let It warm him so Inside tbat be won't know when he's frozen outside. And a keg o' beer in the house with a nursing babe is very health ful adds muscle to me and sometimes makes the mother an angel. And yon, men of science and tbe Lord, only know what the next generation would be, if this one didu't drink hearty." So incipient delir ium tremens is prescribed for tbe sick. It whistles to tbe farmer and says: "John, I'm your market for corn ; I'm the great wizard of tbe grain field turning mil lions of your fat acres into dead men and deseliled homes, all tor you ; though the faaatics tell y -u that, if I didu't kill off an army of men every year and keep a dozen armies drunk, getting ready, to die they would work snd buy your corn for bread. John, vote to keep my distilleries mashing ! You may be a church member and have a boy wbo knows a saloon ; but bosh ! muzzle conscience, and teach your young lellow firmness by leading bim into bxuptation '.' And yet you may find as many astwoChr -tiau farmers steadily votii.g with parties wbo;e record is hieroglyphed by tuo tracks of drunkards and on the tavoru-posls ol damnation. Again this slmost omnipotent It makes mayors and alderm en its astraps, bribes po licemen into over i ndulgenee hi broadcloth vagabonds, holds a mortgage upon half the courts ot justice, and drives innocent youth in docks from tbe princely paths of clean ness and competence. And It swaggers through a coward society, the bully of tbe club room, tbe dinning room, the dining ball and the dress piradu, .patronized by weak men and tolerated by weaker wo men. Of course, thia little indictment of Old Traffic, tlie criminal on whoa- career vol umes cloa? ithout covering hall, is nothing new.; but though il be old d-j not let it turn rusty. Keep it bright, thatthe indif ferent maymeasuro tbe only great shame ahicb exceeds their indifference. MIFFLINTOWN MARKETS. MirrtiBTOWB. February 17, lr8. Butter i 16- Eggs "O Lard MIFFLINTOWN GRAIN MARKET. Wheat, . 8'Ja83 Corn, 37 Oats Bo Rye 6 New Cloverseed...... ....4 !- to 5 Timothy seed 175 Flaxseed 140 Bran 1 00 Chop 1 50 Snorts 1 30 .Ground Alum Salt 1 2 .American Salt.. I 00a 1 10 PHILADELPHIA MARKETS. ?niLankLFHiA, JFeb. 13, 18b-. No one Pounsylvania red .wheat 'Jic. Corn 47c. Oats Siat'J:. Kpe 65c. Chickens 7atc. Turnkeys ba'Jc. Decks llal2c. Geeso 7a 11c. Butter 16a32c. Eggs Iia22c. Kenn ed sugars, powdered 0c per lb, grarciau-d 64c. Potatoes, Rose and Burbanks 70a7 5c per bushel, Peerless 'aGoc per bushel. New Jea&ej. sweet potatoes 45a60c per basket. Onions. 70cs$l per busel. Baldwin spples $1 .lA'al.70 per bamcL ap ples per .bushel 40a50c Hay $lalt per Ion. Rye straw, straight straw $20.6021 per tou. Cloverseed 10c per lb. East Liberty. Pa.. Feb. 12. Cattle Re ceipts 380 head, abipmeuts 371 head ; dull and unchanged ; no shipments to New York to-day. Hogs Receipl,3400 head, ship ments 2500 head ; market active ; Pbiladel phias,$4.40a40; Yorkers, Jl.lUaf.2U; shipments to New York, 25 carloads. Sheep Receipts 20u0head, jihipments lrjOO bead ; market tir aud unchanged. GJL. QUARTER XOTICE. Notice is hereby given tbat aa applica tion will be made to the Court of Common Fleas of Juniata county, on the ninth day of March next at tea 'clock in the fore noon, under act of Assembly, entitled "An Act to provide for the incorporation and regulation of certain corporations approved April 27th, 1874," and tho supplements thereto, by J. W. Leyder, J. O. Haldeoan, E. Benoer, D. B. Dimm and ; I. X. Orcbb, for tbe charter of an intended corporation to be located at Thoinpsontown, Juniata county, Pa-, and to be known aa '-The Ju niata County Horse Insurance Associa tion," the charter and object of which i.i, "Tbe recovery and return, to the owner, o any stolen horse or horses ; the capture snd j conviction of horse thieves ; the making good all losses austained, by any member I of the association, by reason of having a I horse stolen and not returned ; and for lbs I farther purpose of insuring against all loss- j es sustained by any member by reason of i accident happening to any insured hors," and tor these purposes to have possess and enjoy all the rights, bent-tits and privileges conferred by the Act of Assembly al ore- said and It supplements. . WAKBEN PLETTE. Solicitor. Jan. 6, 1$C. ESPENSCHADE S COMPLETE NEW STOCK OF Fall and Winter Bods, bas now been shelved, and will be kept np week after week by fresh supplies from tbe bead of tbe market at Lowest Prices. FOR LADIES He has Dress Goods, Notions, Trim mings, Black silks, Colored silks, Col ored Cashmeres, and a full line of low priced Dress Goods of tbe latest shades, and also a full line of standard shades. HIS SHOE DEPARTMENT is full, from tbe Finest Shoe to tbe most substantial Plow Shoe, at prices tbat will astonish you. Shoes for chil dren, Mifees and Ladie. GROCERIES Of all kinds, Coffee, Sugar, Rice, Tea, in short exerytbing, ask Tor what yon want QCEES3WARE AN'D GLASSWARE. Every bouse mast keep np its sup ply of QUKEXSWARE, GLASS WARE, WOO DEN WARE. This is tbe store to call on for such articles. If jou cannot visit m) place, your order by mail will be promptly attend ed to. Visit tbe store. NAM STREET, Opposite Court H'rsK, Miffliiitowii, Pa., Frederick E3FENSCHADE. McElips & Co's. PlaniEg Mill, Port Royal I'tnna. siracTt sirs or Ornamental Porticos, Rrackct and Scroll Work. DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, S1DIXG, norLDIXGS. FLOORIXGS, Also, dealers in stingles, lath, and frame lumber of every description. Country lumber worked to order. Or ders by mail promptly attended to. All orders should be sent to. McKILLlPS It I'O, 10-21-85.1 fort Royai, Pa. IT LEADS ALL IN 1886. Just as it has led ever since its introduction, so Eaugh's $25 Phosphate will continue leading year after year. True, there are many imitators, but the Original will always be found reliable, cheap and la sting. Thus it will recommead itself upon its own merits by giving the best results always. If your dealer has none of our goods on hand, send your order direct to us. For Baugh's Phosphate Guide Prices, etc., address, BAUGH&SONS, Manufacturers and Importers, 20 South Delaware Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. iSTasusaia issa. J ACTIOS NOTICE. All persons sr.? hereby cautioned nrainst tresnasMiiE upon tta lan.f ol tne under' siirned. in r'vett-. Delaware or Walker townhips, by fishing, bunting or in any other way JogATHAX KlSKR. CaTiiARi.NK Kiarz V. B. Dixit, S. J. Ki stz, LeciES Drx.x, Jacob Hoops, A. II. Ki-rtz, S. rwEM Evams, C. F. Spichks, J.-H. Hasbee, J. it PerraA. W. Br isvtorrKR, JollS MOMS!"., i. W. SaiuT, ArEia, Jessk Puts. i. SlIELIT, )vii Skith. TfcSToS BESRR, Jons L. Ackxr, S. M. Kitrrais, lAVin UrasaSGCR, lcn K. Ursa. AavioLK Varnzs, -pteniber lo. PRIVATE SALE. OSK OF THE MOST PROFITABLE BLACKSMITH STANDS in the county msy be purchased of undersiRnm at reason ible jirice.. TV-)rop.;rty is sitcated in Johnstown. Jnniats Cn., Pa., and with tbe S.iili rtand iucavdes a lot of a'jont TWO ACKS. havinr then-ou erecttd a comfortable Two-atory FrameUouse, acm modioli StiHe and other outbnildies There i. n ell or eood water at tiie deer of tho bause. For partienlars call on -or address " h. Hours, Walnut P. O.. JuniaU Co., Pa. Payments to suit Purchaf Surface Indications TVTiat miner vronld Terr properly term "surface ftKUeations" of vLt is ben"atb, re the Pimples, Sti- Sore Kyes. iioiIs,andHitaneons Urvptions with vha h people Jire annoyed in spriuar and rarly-siiuiuKT. Thectfetorriat'eraccumu fciivl ilurin? fie vr inter mcnths now its presebco felt, throui:n attires etukavors to enjl it from the system. Vhile it remains, it Is a poison that festers iu the blood and nay develop iuto Scrof ula. This coiKiitu cau-s drncurcment of (he direstive and assiniiuttory jrcans, witn afi-vliirof cu'rvation, languor, and weariness often liVhtly spoker of as "only spring fes-er." Theme "are eviUenei thuf ature is fKt able, unaiiled. to throw olf the corrupt atoms whn-h weaken the vital f.irees. To r rain health. Nature must be aided by a thorough blood-purifvin nied kine ; siiil nothing else ia so elleelive as Ayer's Sarsaparfa, vrhlch Is mfflclentlr powerful t exnel Jrom tlie system even the taint of Hered itary Scrofula. The luedical profession Indorw Aytr's fAUSAPARM.LA. and many attestf.tions of the eures eirt-cted by itcoiue front all parts of tho world. It Is, ia the kiiKruaire of tbe linn. Francis Jewctt. ex-Sinte Sen ator of Massachusetts ami ex-.Maror of Lowell, "the only preparation Uut docs leal, lasUlij zood. f REPARED BT Dr. J. C. Aer & Co., Lome, Mas. gvilij by all Druggists: Price $1; Six bottles for 5. M O NE Y JUDICIOUSLY SPENT IS WELL INVESTED. -lrj- Every purchase you make from now on until our Entire Stock of OVERCOATS, SUITS, PANTS, UNDERWEAR and all winter goods are sold out will save you 25 Fr cent- on the former Prices. As we are anxious to reduce our entire Stock of Clothing at this seawn of the year, we have made the greatest reductions on our Overcoats, Suits & Pantaloons, that has ever been on Reliable Clothing. If you wish to buy a Perfect Fitting Suitor a No. 1, pair of Pants, equal to custom-made, and for half the money, at SCHOTT'S is the place to get them. uu : A saving of 2-3 per cent, on Overcoat. A saving of 25 per cent, on Suit. A saving of 2o per cent, on Boys' Suit. A saving of 25 per cent, on Boys Overcoats. A saving of 25 per cent, on Child's Suit. A saving ot 25 per cent, on Underwear. A saving of 25 per cent, on Gents' Fum'hing Goods A savins of 25 per cent, on Hats & Caps. at SCHOTT'S, The Leading Clothier, . BRIDGE STREET, MIFFLINTOWN, JUNIATA CO., PA. April 15,i tbj-ly. LEG.1L. TOTTCE OK APPKAL. JO rK TJX-PJYZRS Of JUSUT.1 cor.vTV. ' Notice is hereby given tint iho n.mmis sir.ner of Juniata county will hold the APl'K LS on the TKIEN X1AI. ASF. S MKN rs at the following times and p a- , -w!i n and w here al! persons aggrieved in iy attend, tii-w it : Fr the township of Miifoid at 1'ie F"..:m: I'.,u-o of Kot-rt Nixon, in 'he Ummh id r-'atterson, MONDAY, KEHKCARY S. IS:-S. r'.ir the township of rr.U; at lhe 1 u..ik. ii ... 1 k'WM. TITES'J.V Y. FF.HitC A- KY i faction. People who have artitici-U teeth F..r the township of Tuc "or .. at the Fob- , with which they cn.inot e t, are especially Ii-- I louse of E. A lien, in MeO.vsvio., invited to call Will I vhtr P-'-" W KPSESDAY, FEHKCAKY If, IV.. ; at the.r home, if notilied b loiter. lrtbetown,hiprl.aok,at tlie lubiic; (J J DEI! I!, House ot C. C. Sarvis. in Fast W afr-orl, t V-aCllral Oeutlst. 1 ii t KSDAY,,r KBHL AK Y 11, 1V. 1 radical . F..r the township of Srr.,. e l.,., a. J. L. ' 1 ' " Barton's store, FKIDAY, FEBKl'AKY VI, , Oi-t. M 'Vrtheborouphof Port Koval an I fur- jYall and Winter GOOl. i... ,.i ;.. ut ih House d J i-ob I would inform the pubi c that I lnvsj Mi Neal. in I'ort Koyal, SAKl Xl , I to- ! now in mv new millinery s.or ai. .... ! -" iil'ARY lo. If!. : of residence on Water stre.-t. Mifllintown, r.,r tbe township of Fermanagh, st the 1 co'.d d.K.r Iron. -V"' 111,4 Court House in Mi.ltmtown, THCRSD.YY, aiifl Mr-cr, of r , - nnd T,. ,r r..,ll mery truui'itv in issi; foods, al new, and ol the latest styles, For Ihe borunphs of and Fat .,r, l to s.u.piv tb ; public with terson, a: the l oiirt House in Mililmtowr, ; ( , n m Hr,t,.,l,s milliner FKIDAY.FEBht'ARY 19, ISM. , ; exaIulue y .tack. I For the township of Walker, at the Public House of Silas Shanip in Mexico, SAU It DAY, FEBRUARY 20, I. For the borough of Thoinpsontown and Delaware township, at the Public House of j Mrs. Snvder in Tbonipsontown, TL'ES I) AY", , FEBRUARY Si. IfM. j For the townships of Greenwod and Sus- j quebanna, at the Public House of Thomas ; Cox, in Greenwood township, WEDNES DAY, FEBRUARY", 24, 185. j For the township of Monroe, at the Public J IIoiie of E. C. Gravbill, in Kicliticld, on '. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2", lft-0. ! For tbe township of Fayette, at ibe Public ! House ot Frank Shields in Mc Alistervillo, j FRIDAY, FEBKUART -ti, Ifhti. j Appeals to begin at 9 o'clock A. M., and I close at 4 o'clock P. M. j OLIVER P. BARTON', JOHN T. DIMM. W. NORTH STERRETT, Counif CominuJioaers, Attest: S. B. Loi dos, CUrk. al V t VilTirC lIL'DrOVI'irrV (hat AtlD .WllL II . 11 A w s. -..v t sua the GENERAL APPEALS, f. llowing the Disirict Appeals, will be held in the Com- missioners' Ollk-e, in tbe Court Honse in MiN follows: For the EAST SIDE of JUNIATA RlV - B, THURSDAY, MARCH 4, lMi. For the WEST SIDE of JUNIATA RIV- ER, FRIDAY MARCH 6, lo. After saiil District aud General Appeals are over, no further appeals will le held. OLIVER P. BARTuN. JOHN T. DIMM, W. NORTH STERRETT, Coaafy Commurioarrs. Attest : S. B. Loi don, CUrk. Coa missions as' tlrriti. f Sittliutown, January 14tb, 1SS4. Caution Notice. Ad p-r sons are hereby cautioned agains Tresspassing upon tbe lands of the under signed, whether seated or uuseated, or in postssion of, for the purpose of fishing, hunting, gathering berries, cutting timber, or lor any utiiieccesscry purpose. Benjanim Sbelleberger, Joseph Pine, n nt. llaruian, Jolm Pine, Isi..c t LcUenberger, John Keller, li in':, u lonard, Luc leu Auker. June il. ii. S. H. Kii.ler. d: w. harlets Is the place where jou can buj TIIE BEST All TIIE CHEAPEST MENS' YOUTHS' & BOYS' CLOTHING HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, JXD FURMSHIXG GOODS. HE is prepared to exhibit one of the most choice and select stocks cvar Oifered Is this market, and at ASTOSISHiXGL Y LOW PRICES t Also, measures taa.a for suits and part of suits, which will be made to oria at short notice, very reasonable Remember the place, io U oilman's Water reets, MIFFLINTOWJI, PA. I J WISH TO STATR A FEW FACTS Worth Knowing, That 1 can stop tooth. chk in less than five minutes ; no pain, no extracting. That I can e-xtmct teeth without piin, by tbe use of a ttui.l applieil to tho teetb ami gums ; no danger. That Pisease.1 O u in s (knownr as Scurvv) treat VSW1 "ec3fMT and a cure war "VlHfit""' eT8rr case. "' Teeth Fillfu ami w.irrante.1 for life. Artificial Teetli repairs I. exi:h meed, or renio.l.ll.-.l, to 12 per set. Beautiful (sum Kiwnele -ier mserieu ai i t,,i0es to suit all. all wnrb ararrantel to irivo p sirr-" consider it no trouble to show goods. MRS. DE1HL. Mjv 2-JW.I.v. I-IY EsA23"3" TTSXWCsV- DR. FAHRNEY'S 'lr? Y:i TEETHIBfi SYRUP. i ... . . . I TT ha nT'-r filled to giv? te tnnsi perfect sati X iacti-n. I t uam oi mor -r a e n it all throijh the I. n i, a: d aii are Iva-'u with its cKatrnw msf er. Ir M atnt-vt'ss thi iiAr' Hkalih mt Kt L.T ,C. IT FBTII r:,f Lir AND ltKMFA. lOo ihx stupery your Hby with Opium or Muruhaa Mx I tuf- but n-e I (. h ; . - r-Ki' V It rsr.thr aaferl - .- - - - - - - -- - j J. TTlTt j Rhst to .MTHmi. A:.l Lsuw.kts asd Muucnf I Ijbalsss Ssi l i .-. j TVESTV-Fr- CTTS A ECTTT.E.. j eis. 35. r-!SLrr A COiT. HAUERSTOWX. MD. ' ; j -4jr AGIECIRE contains an antidote for all malarial disr I ders which, so far as knon, is used in nor ' other remedy. It contains no Quinine, nor 1 any, iia ral nor deleterious substance what-" j ever, and consequently produces no injnr i ious effect opon the constitution, but leaves 1 the system as healthy as it waa before the. 'attack. 'WE WARRANT AYER'S AUE CURE ; to cure every case of Fever and Ag'le, Inter , mittent or Chill Fever, Remittent Fever, ' Dumb Ague, Billions Fevr, and Liver Com plaint caused by malaria. In case ol failure, : after duo trial, dealers are authorized, by our circular dated Ju'y 1st Ifo2, to r.;fund the money. DR. J. C. AVER . CO.. Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists. No scurrilous communications will bo published in the Ssmti.nel axd Rspi blicas and every communication received and published must stand upou its own merits. Mew BuildiDg, eoroer cf Bridge as lJso.1, l-c4 V i 1 -.vaf