CZZmTL & REPUBLICAN WtTFLtNTOWN. WoffaMdaTt Deccmb'r I8,1tt.1. B. F. SGHWJfilKR, bottob An rsoraisfoa. FBEsnKT Clevfzakd's Snth Amer ican policy is different from that of Garfield and Arthur's. Thi tuia. Evening Cull printed a twenty-page pnper on the 9th inst , and all incased in a hand arune colored cover. The Call is a valuable newspaper. JOM the views expressed by Prcs "ident Cleveland on the q lestioa of a eenal across the L-tthiuas of Central America, ha is not greatly in favor of the Monroe Doctrine. Fsesidekt Cxbvelvsd ntten.led a Sjleuin It-, q ileal Mass, in St. Mat thews Catholic Ciiuroh, in Washing ton, on the 10th inst. fot the reposs .of the soul of the lute King Alfuuiu '-of Spain. Pmsidsst CLEVKLiSo'smessiigehas three prominent point, lie is iti rosed to iQtvrferer.c j wi'.h European I ssr.terpiitie9 in South nd Ct ntral , Ame:ica. Ila is opposed to a j ro Sective tariff. He is in favor of the su-peuhkn of the coinage of suver but a large percentage of his pai iy j !o not believe CS dots OU these -oiiits. Coal miners to the tsuiu'our of two iaadreJ in the Mouonalmla Valley, tiruck hist week. Oa the morning of tha 10th, they ma-ked and attack ed a lot of workmen who desired to take the pl ices tltat they vacated. If there should be a la-.v enacted tiiat woall cun:pe"d a man to work, it would be looked upon with fereat disfavor. The strikers do net pro pose to bo so compulsory as to coin fell men to wori but they go to the opposite extreme an 1 propise to ompell people to not work in places that they have left and wiil not work in. There is sjch a lack of couimon sease in their nivvemt nfs and arts o! violence that there is a gexcr A de linnciation hurle 1 against them for their violation of the common rights of men. Last Wednesday c.t 2 33 P. 51, while in Lh own h-mee, engaged i;i cenver.-atinu with t-jbei t Garrett, of tLe Baltimore k Ohio railroad. Wil- liim II. Vaudt-rhiit died suld lenlv. He was Fee mildly in pei fct healtii. While convoi,::g, Jlr. Girrett was suddenly mado aware of a slight in distinctness in Mr. Vuntlerbilt's Speech that grew into an inarticulate Sound. As he l.'iiDe 1 over to catch his words Yarjdsr'oilt pitched forward without a word or warning, aud fell e3ViJT-ttrtae"fi"or ou bis fuce. Gar rett sprang to Lis feet, with an ex clamatiou of a!rm, and seizinji ajril low from the 6ofd lai.l it uud&r bis friends bead, and tben summoned Mrs. Vanderbiit and George, the younpest son. Messergers were rnt in bafte for p'nysiciaus. One from the neighborhood responded Erst, and was followed almost imme diately by iLe family doctor, James HcLcan. Such t-imple rtst ratives as were at band L id beeu Lurriediv Applied, but Lnman il was in v-iin. Vanderbilt never spoks or moved af ter he fell under tbe sudden stroke and died wiiLin a few minutes with dut a struggle- Dr. MVlin pro nounce 1 bis deith tbe re,dt of a sudden Etroke of paralysis d.ietj the bursting cf a !ar? b'.o d! at the base of the brain and of the kind that is absolutely fUl at the mo meet. He wns sixy-fonr yers old." The Prf sicent's Hessaga. If Pre-i.l.r.t OleVeU-id U-licve that brevity i? t'-e foul id wit, he pot what hs I-ehe ves f.r 1'ije to Congress is eo J. -lijj ii Wsa a terror to edilois and othi-i people, who i n sccuunt -f tinir call jntj or bu.iutss uiuit paf d res 1 it. TLe mtarsge, Lootser, is au abU one. TLe Treei 'etd sp-eVs of tba death o! Vice President lien !ii' ks and of the rr-Kjieclive duttt a of the Executive and (3o'iprsns. Tbe reistn-nship with a'l foreign powers i friendly. The h5fth s of the Republic in X'js tria are in charge of the Secretary of the Legatiou for the reason that Uic Austrian poverucieut would bot ie oeive Mr. Kelly, wko was appointed minihier. The Arthur trseiv with Nicamjrua for a ship canrd iitiki the Isthmus 1;8 lieeti withlrtwu fur re exaor.ra tion bv the Senate. If a cnnal is to be constructed it should 'be for" th world's benefit. President Cleveland's expression on tbe Isthmus Canal echcrue is an evidence tlint be does Cut fi'd J the Monroe Doctrine in high favor. The Chinese question in the far wet is not satisfactory. The withdrawal of trie treaty with Spain and Santa Domingo, because of the surrender of lare levenues is tnentioried as especially worthy of recommendation. iue i'residetit does not favor a protective tariST, he favors a tariff on ly high enough to meet the expeuses of the government. He says up to present date mdr the coinage act of Congress, 21o, 4 59, ii .:i j,n...- 1 k ,-.,,i There are about fifty million silver j to show tLat it was nisilo for St-pli-duiUrs in circulation. Tb balance ! en Grover, son of Auron. The I n s-! Trl"i,J' Aci of the silver dollars ar in th Treis cry, against this balnnce there are cVf-ut rinrty-llirea ttiliion dolluia silver certificate notes in circulation. M is Vxdng paid for th si i wsr that I'i-IJ-HJt..' it coined into silver dollars, and if the process of paving gold for riWer is kept op the President expresses tbe belief that hj and bv all the pol.l ili:e OTtrnuient owns will be paid out fur diver an.l then it will be driven t offer silver for its oblipa ions and that will cause ;old t; go to a pre mi am. He believes tb:it gold is now beinp; boarded with the ex pectut'oa of it poitig to premium, liankn that h?ve pold will buy silver and liny their customers in silver and make handsome profits on the tran sact The President parses from thus consideiino; the home siJe of the sil ver nnd gold q iphtion and fays that the -ff rt to arrange with foreign natious for a plan of international bi met.ilic money his failed. Four of the nations abroad hare screed anion;? themselves that uo more sil ver shall be coined bv thpir respect ive govrrumoiitn, and men as lmve silver coin shall re leein that coiu in gold when presented in their iepec tive countries. Oipiial he believes shiiili fioui trade bwanfe it fears it wiil le pid by and by in silver. Therefore he f:vors the repeal of the compulsory coinng bill that requires the ci'iutigu of two ru alien 6i:ver Uol latK every month. The navy is leclred to be went, and in need of immediate re organi ztfioii. The Posti-.fJS'-e Depart mrnt is re viewed. Tiie United St-itts Courts ai 9 reviewed. The Indian Policy. 1 isma, xj-mki nims i Mons. I'oiygainy, an t t.;.v:i nervico (jueHi uis nro nil considered t leugih wi btjv new f. azures lui:ij i re s. nted in their eoi.t-idernMi-u GE.YLR.1L .VElVS ITEMS. A ten venr-Cilil daughter of Jsmes Dunn, of X uia. Ind , died from tri cluuiRsis. She ut raw pork. Joseph Frank, of Petert-bnrg, HutiUitgdon c.iuiitv, ban lost tw.i children within a week from diphth eria. A fight between a bull and a ci:ire on the farm of John C. Heed, in Wetistown, Cliester county, resulted in the Litter's fjvor. During a heary gale recently the Metbodift bouse ot worship at Alleu ville, county, was pat tly lifted from its foundation. Services were being held at the time. Fratik SLefiler. a Cfceen-jeir old re.-idetit of Levkiotown, has Wen ar rested on the. charge placing en obstrncriiMi ou the ni road track there recently a few ti.iuules before a pasnger was due. Dorsey Bnri;hart, a youngresident of Stoysiowu, Smi rset county, while preparing to co on a hunting espe aili u on 'ihar-ksvriving day, his Mother left the room fr a few tiiin r.ti's and upon Ler return was horn tied t ) find h:m half lei-liniug on the sofa fif ad. Liquor Meu hi Scssiou. Over one hunured d-lces rep ! e and lone liber. It is a r.ihx good coun resoiitili t'ae liq i ir i'rrtir.Zi!io:i iu j ,y io l.ave a ttote in. Irvm Tio.u(iou au-l eerenteeu counties, met iu R .-a iiiig, i i,bert Boil are in the transfer b ii ie-, Hits btito. on tue o-:ti mt., Mi l or- guuize-1 the Liquor L.muo of Penn sylvania. R.-s iu:ions in tiie nature of ku ad.l.ess t tiie peojle of tue St?ite weie adopted dei-iuriiip lhat J (the seutiment of the pe-ple ia the biatii is ligaiu-t proLi:ition a::a :n favor of a we.l rtpi!attd lien.-s luw wberebv tuanv of the eils of ihe pref-ent eyt-teu: 111:13- be avoided ; t tint 1 it sua! be tho si n of the lii-ju-j 1 1 elevate and protect the liquor trafS : by laws combining eq;iity. fiiirm-t-s and ttringi-nt reyu'atiun wh:ch w;ll wipe out ileus of vicn ; declar.n"; in favor of a uniform lit-ense law throughout the state and p !i:e re illations which will not miiject jr. prietors to petty extortions an I uiiil tiplied exaction, but n it. m-iking li cense fo hitfli to !e.truy tdi but gild ed psl-ices of vice; bulding up ti public scorn and di testitioii of spies uud informers and apen:s of the Isw and order societies ; diclmiu Ihst informers who iiulu -ea k iI iou k- ep er to bte.-ik the biw f;ir the S'ike of jbii::giii; irosecnti ns nr t.ior.ii !ep 1 er :in-i bh i-ild be ma le aiuennl.'ie to the optional cod deiii.iiidiMg the rejieul ot the law wlncti p.-rullt-- judges without jury trisi to t;ika li censes from saloon keepers for vto lalions of law; t.ppositj th-pt-t-sc-nt unjust met hod of ei.foi-rinrr tu Sun i.ijiwii.i.ji.i.,.1 .i.ciati.:- tun: - the lectin wi 1 only enptirt '- cm i t piio tc iiiu f, irr j l:ve ot party, who plt-iljjy t tieiusrivc- in fuv r of f.i;r liwi fr reru!.-iti m of! '.he llq ior lr 'f5 Iin tie l:ntely up m j iioj'iui timetit of the lcijfiie. t!;0 r an j tieB in wiiicti there urn no !;r:'.n'lie. i oi i;-iz--d and all wiil be invited to. seDil delHtfR to a mure pen, and hire con veil lion to be held about uext June. President (.'IptpIuhU's Cratllc. A special desijit.-u fro u Me-uphi, Teiin,syi: The Uet ist-u of ths PulsKki (Tenu ) Weekly Ciiiz-r, whi-h leachs-i this city today con tains sn account of the finding if the cradle in which Presi lei t Cl ve whs rot ked when a hahy. The accouiit savB w h'-n be was nn in fant bis f ilher lived nvir B.itavi;i, Oiiio, atid when he removed to " New York, his cradle, tu tuufaclnred by the Cleveland brothers wns left be hind Hid fell ii-to the bauds of a sot ler, woo afterward, went to Pulaski. D.u !aii the Ute wsr his place ws a. lied by Movgsn's cavalry and he had to flee for his life.- Gteeu Jack son. a colored m-in wh- hauled him to L:nretice. now reineiubers that a cradle was thrown in.o a crek. A few da s ao, while two citiztsos of Pulaski were finhiug there, they dis coveied au odd looking ibject iu the stream, drew it out, nd discovered it was a cradle. It was throwu into the wasr-m for a seat, and as it fell, the end board split and a piece of paper droppel out The end h id , been made of two pieces of bo irti liollowcil aud t'ltifd together. On tlip psper was written : "Made lii J. snd S. Clevtjin1, Bitavii. Ohio." !T'....i. r.t i. .1 :.. 1 .1 j id?ut was noiiSfi.: l.j Mr. P-ichiidsnn, v.KO maile tiiO GiSoverv, and reieiT-j i he n ueiu llieata fraternity, compos the fo!lrwinp reti'y : . : ed l some of the college students, is ten Whits House, Xjv. 20, 1S35. Mr ' ye' J. A Rtfihardson Sir? Yours was 3. R. Wright, of Oollog, living to too, 5 duly received, bat was nnanswered until I could inquire into the fuck I am fully persuaded that the cradle is genuine. I have often heard my mother speak of it, and since the war tried to gut it, but learned that a German peddler had profit I shall le glad to receive a photograph, and if yon will part with the cradle itself I will be gltd to accept any money ed terms you desira Yours truly, Giwvxn Clevklaxd. Mr. Richardson has sent a photo graph as desired. .1DDlTlOJt.1L LOCALS. Thiity-five cents arid bar s psir of ladies' (rii in cho-s at G. W. lice V Other chirks flity cents. Cunrt did nrt brint tnmy people to tarn lst se. k, for the rensue ttial t tore no cae of gunnral in t ores t. ilcck'a ehoe itorc vinJowi hor for thcniselree. Be ccrui'i t ptse along that aide ot the atrcct and ere lor yoa.self Joseph Crawford, of Sinking Vallcr, C'air cnnty, whileconTtc jin with tri'nd.i "ia h i hne last tVedt .y, ilrotipo-l dead. Ilni.tit.edon was excited list week over j the discovery of a deal ow Dorn bibr in a closet in the ladies' waiting room at the railroad station. Letter From Topeka, Kansas Ms. FrrroB t Oar weather tip to now JTuVrnilVr 5tb has bece very fine. One ot the wava we o."C our unruly Ivli.iss at the p. niientiary is to mine cml ; we have two hundred an.l eeventy-flve prisoners to sirk in the slut mine ; they mine arventr. five linndred bushels per rtar, whi. h brings i"to the srnte treasury sixty d ill irt M-rd iv. i Lin much of it is owi l.y stute institution. Ou tte 4th, the Governor iemed a prcla tnnliiin fur the lrghliture to convene this winter to r-ditrlrt 'he atate. Our s'ate ia rs Mlv H ling up, tHe Ijnd repirt, up to June 80, 18!5, sbos 8,3i.P10 acres of land taken np by art lit suffers the last year. In a tew years more an i the m t jv.iiUb'e land will be taken, th-n wiil go up rsj iJly. Lucky u tba man lb it improves tbtf opportunity of homes! uling. Coma in early spring. We hive two million bushels ut corn this yrar, which i pretty good for hams and wbiskcy tor scientific purposes, j It takes more for thatthsn It nt"a la in ol den times. I w very cnthnt.vit:c t first over the new I;quorliw, hut six years his prowd to me thai hUh licence is the only way to control it. The present Uw ooly mskes Uifh taxes and expensive Uwsuits, it the accused are convict-! they are worth nothing and lay in Jul until thecountv g-li lirr.l boarding them ai-d tains thi-in ont. The Stn-lebikt-rs wire In town tin other day they have a fine f--t. ni ot 20a.(Xl9 acres, on which ihi-y have tour lliin-and 1'i-irh-eron thorough bre! horses, nf trhich four hundred are ktallions aid jet with mini other hn-edeis the drtuand ii gooi. Vab ii g'on couiitv i. Irwlin tea thousand beeves a-irl tt.-tktv tl.fii-Ht a tinea ItiM t.i.ff run ., - e - b- I atlioRf; the H-ck ca:tle. hicb cat eir," " and live si.d fatten un the droppings. The !ock will be worth $!,000,KIU to thUc.tu.i tv htsiiics thrir coru slid wheat. They j u!e cotton, l ist yeir tli.-lr c lMn t-iok th'i i reiufiiiii at tbn New Drl- ans exliihilion lor l-aoUng aad deiivrring goo-Is from dj) 'Is. Tl v have ihreti te to a, six wagons. Lst year 10 251 lame to Toocka, tu tiny sr.- lk'ttbuf The era lrs will b.-gin w.rt ua nrv rti1l .,, S(Kn t!ie ,js;lt of I wai can be scf-urvd. T. B. Tnoapma. Koten From IT.ishlngtan, Ia. There are eiilit or tin stnd-n'a iu tho college who are writing for n-wpipJis. Thomjs Ils l.ace-I 01 ya.s. of Nr. IU1I proprietur of the Fo'fn House, died several d us ajro. H-; IivkJ to see hi s great-great grsi. I i hi'd. vteT There is scin- t i k of bniMing work here, it is the -ecnud time this (ju.-k-tion lias been agitated. The Penusrlvanis R. R Co .. has t.b'sined control of the W.ih'rstn sn t W iyoe-b l-g narrow gosge roai, wl-ich ts thiny roi'ea long, extending from Washington to W.iy nerbnrg. A t this ti n the latter raiuMi read connects with the C't;art-r Valley, which runs to Pittsburg aid ts tho o-?st branch to go to th it cite Ir-im this toTi, j since it cjrrys its ps-.e:ig ;rs i it o th- In. j ton sts'i-.n from whici pe".'!e csn irvel- ! cast enl t oa lae r. k S- 1 ! t' I runs into Pi'.lsunrg, bat uut into tht L' iwi jDip 't. I The two engines th a were smssh.-d lt j k ,u ,t jhie wrB,.k n B t ,K.h were nuinb-r 022 an t 3 It W4S end i fcIJted thst ,h, were t.0 n,en killet t--. o wi.uiidsiJ, but there were f-tur wo-in led ' one of whom has Mtice died, tujklug tiiroe d -atu. I- the ptntsb. In 'l.e grain r.ral!-3 factory not f.udistsnt h-li w the Chsrl- rs Vtllity sta i lujaliout 30,0 c.-adla are m iu'Uoi:lurct ntcli yea-. F nms time ago tho G intt w.:ll w is slowt y i filling with oil but the sand ir, whirh rie o.l was found, enved ia. A mm bn "cm for from Pi'tuburg and he wi'd slop the cave In if possibl :. Oil from tlm Gordon well brings no l-is thsn SI 30 per barrel. Over har the tiinw-ti-en or twenty wi-l s n.-sr Wa.,lnngton a-e I ist being sunk. The la ger percentage in the county aie gas. The oil vein ha, onlv I sti ll hem d'l-covirrd, that is will in a lit tle mote ihsn a vear. There are only two oil producing w-lis in the county, the ret are onlv tying drilled hut the Gor don Is one of the strongest in the state. On Saturday the 6th Inst., a sho-t dis tsnce from town, in a small woos alone the public road was a crowd or traveling men, women and children, they bad twen-tv-nne horses, seveu wagons and three Seversl daf S ago Ibe Undents ,if college aided hv some others not belonging to col lege held sn entertainment in the town hall. The proceed from it will be lor the benefit of the piper edited by students, wbich is nuned the J-ff-rsonian. sm" "f .,h" -"" have bmded foieth- erand and arranged for course ol lectures I ,or "'i' i"er. The c.lvgo buildinz is four stories, with . two towers ( up it, front. J Th..e- th,... t. tt t ,v,. I I town as follows : Seventv-Bvo in F -iui'e ' Seminary, thirty-fire in Trinity Ar.idem-, over two hundred in Washington and Jetler- emv is a tares story nice - lon bail.Uag, on a hi'!. torm to PitNtrarg vert te take steal manic lessens. V The First Pre .inyterias eotirrirttten sea template bnidtnc a new addition te church to r.ot $1000. Ther will ell ft s chspel. The 1 rii prtver meeting of thtt church tret at Rev. Dr. Loyal Young' sv erl evenings There ire fnnr companies drilling fbr oil in sifcht nf the Charters Pepot. Last week the Heis well heesras pinned np. It ctrnml the Bre la eome of the stoves In town to fct low and people complained nf the cold . The gas U tamed on again In o'l force. Two hundred and flltv dollar hn beco j donated fo? a t"ttr equipment of the eol- j lere athMii emnnds hr the fo'lawing gen tlemen : A. T. Riiri. J. 0. Aictvson. Wit. ,m n,ri. V H.rdv The Asrlenltnrsl So- Cf it has ali girea four slarea of railroad stoclt. SctitjI diva e'i hon oeyplrd hv Wrstlffv Rrcer and family, at Caneonbnrg. "Ten miles from this place was Miwn np. The explosion took place 4 o'elnek In the mt-rnir.e. Vr. (irccr, wife and mntber and two children were blown onf of the '"l'Hng. They were alt hurt. The hone is a total losa. At this writing It it sit known how lira wa comnvinicit'-d to the ga. J F S. YTAsniworo, Pa , Di'cemher 10, 1H84. LEGJL. JVHY NOTICE. A h!irk r.d white ni.ft. Iiilr. ni a rt-A (I r!.if Kuitfl vv,r lifir lt4on nn IHrTI' l'niiiU'i, el'.ll1 V"it i, I no.. ( , . ii rit f ree weeks ihe rr i rennrste.1 to j p; nny the prices asked, t or we r.ssure tcoui that we Lave ce-reiuiiy re ,kT..7nT,7w.r'tr rV I xuid and n stocked ur store, end to make a quick .1. Lave marked S. W. Hrtinsasos V;rn-.TOw. Novrur' er 2H, IcV ;l)NIATA VAM.EY BANK, OF MirFMXTOW t, fs. wrrs KHASCH AT PORT ROYAL. Stockholders Individually Liable. J. KKVIN POMEROT, Prttiitni. T. VAN IRWIN, Cesaisr Pisscti'ss: J. Nevin Pnmeroy, Joseph Rnthrock, Notti Ilertiler, Philip M. Kepner, Amos Bonsall, Louis K. atkiuaoo. V. C. Porneroy, STocaHoiotas t J. Nevin Pomeroy, R. E. Parker, Philip V. Kepner, Joseph Xothrock, 'eorge J-tcobs, I.. K. Atkinson, "T. C- Pomeroy, Amos G. iionsali, Noah llertlinr. Annie M. Shellev, Jane II. Irwin, Vary KurU, Samuel M. KurtI J. Holmes Irwin, T. V. Irwin, F. B. Frow. John liertzler. t hariotte Snyder, 3 Interest allowed at the rale ol 3 per ent. on 6 months certificates, 4 per cent, on I months certificates. rjau, lrS5-tf ii-Tlnv vnTirr A'l persons are lmtehv cintimed srsi"st j t-ftinjt iip'n the Unds of the miriVr- ; signeil. in K svelte, Delsware or VTjiker townships, by tishing, or in any i other W4V : J J.iSATHlS ' iTHiii.i k K uars. Ii. ii. Pims. S. J. Kcsra. I rcits Dess, Jacob Hoops, A. II. KrsTX, S. Owe Kvas, C K. Spieiiia, W. PaisTHorrKs. Jons, ti. W. SairH, Hkxsv Aikkx, Jesse Pisss, " C. G. Snmt, David Smith. Testos Ursjr.i, Joss L. Ack4, S. M. Kir4-- y y nrea, J. B. Iliiiin, DAVIO llLBln'-'?tt V-aas, UjuXs. Seu-nibor l-i. 184-tf. WISn TO STATE A FEW FACTS Worth Knowing, Ths' i i-aii sr--p Touriiaciis in ls than e niiijiites; no piin, no exir icling. I Hal I ci-n txt's-l teeth without pun, I l v the i-,m ol a ti I'd sp.ilied to the teeth j and cuius ; no dai-gr. j 1 hit IWase-l -fsL " m " s"own S.-UIW1 treat V. J-. in snec.-s-'iil imd a cure war l l!e. 52!iii'rs"'e '" et:r Teeih FlLLKO a.e iri'itd tor H.V. Anitic'ul leeih r-tn'tv-t, escti iiit' l. r n-ni.Mt-ll -d, Irom fi.wl $li t set. ie:iu'ilul li 11 si Koaidiile l Tcel inserted at I iet-a to unit ail. All work warranted to giva p.-rr.Tt s itis l.ieiit.n. I'cop'o h ihs.i tn-th n ilh nlih-li Ihev c.i-inoi aro esp-cisllv i-i ite l to rail. Will vi-il pro!..-.inally :.l th- r homes if n-'tui-.-d by letter. G. L. DEKK; I rati teal Dentist, rTiittsiin is wirrLivTows, Pa . t. 14 V. is H3SH133 1 Ga's. Planing Mill I'ort Itfyal Pcnna. masi rt: rsras or Oraasntftl rort:crii, RrtirUei and Scroll M i; rii. D30US, S.S!, H'JXDS. S i) .(i, HIUlXDIIGs, FLOaKIitis, AIo, d-Vers in'e. l.'h, and trsiii' ! IninlH-r ot every descii'i-oi. I Oonntrv lumber wmkel to nn'i-r. Or- d.-rs hv nisi) proniptlv altfiuled to. Ali orneia snoui oe sent 10. KcR.IU.irS Sl CO., in.ot.R.-,. P. rt Koiai, Pa. MERC H A M TS It- In iiiiuliiu lin;ir i"iiiM bv intro-rt.oi 1 lioe ol new j2ooi. i!.(li)i;tiniiii to at) tTi'iie,. w i'.l ad.irva- lor tn-l (Mriicul ir-i. ilHA'.fil i thlll tOMTANT. So. 72. 4h A'wnw, S'cv Tcrt. Jn. I, "s.-ly. r. n rt n PI I TV Vece-trbl) HALLbi-fATR Tlio rrest ponu'aritrsf V.i'.s prcr-r.ra' Ion, after its test of many yen t. should be sn riininec, even ij tiie luot slceptieal. Unit it li vally l leiitorioui. "J ho-c who lime ii-nl Miffs If aik KnxEKtR know that It does sil Hut ii tiuimt (I. It causes n?w t ron th of t:ii'r on bald heads provwl- d tho hnir follicles are nut dead, vttiirh is si-ldna the ri"r: restores natural rolor to pmy er l-iilt hair: pre. M-rvi-s t'iO sca!t b'-sUiifiil and eh-ir of dandruff; preven's the hair laii'n off or chaimiu rolor; keeps it soft, pliant, lus trous, and causes il to grow loug and Uiiek. Il.iLt.'s Hair Tlrvrwrn vroiluces Its effect i ly tha lo-aitliful influence of its Tet-etaMo in-.-rcilients, wl.i.ii iiivi-ornte. and r iuvemite. It is not a d o. and is a ilriihtful article for toilet it.-e. t'on taiuin no alcohol, it dor nut ev.n orate u!cklv and dry up the natural oil, l'-nvir.r the'bsir harV-h and brittle, as do other preparations. Cucklnghem's Dye ros THI WHISKERS CoIc.ts them brown or black, as desired, and it the bet dye. because it is harmless : . ErwIiK-es s iiermauent natural color; snil. rlns a siujlc iirevorntion. is more con venient of application than any other. rnrrisEO bt K. P. HALL & CO., Nashua, N. IL SdM by all Dealers in Medicines. BACK WE MEAN BACK TO OUR NEW QUARTERS PATTERSON. -LMJ- You will wait to see us ia our new business plsoe. We lmve V.'urm Overcoats. We Lave Fine WuTin OrercoatB. Ws have 5Ien's r.eliuble All Wool Suits. We have Fine Sails All Wool of Different Styles. We Lave Little and Big Boys' Suits. Every dollar laid out for clot bin j wiib us Is a beJp to you. OUR PRICES ARE WINNING. N lhit ' makes customers1 raiir to us like thsi Lonef, JweU made, relia e aud substantial stock of ch imnt,' revly made that is worth to the lust the prices at a very small on the very low scat Remember wLatcvr r you buy of us must bo as rcpreienle.!. When we siw a suit is all wool suob must be tbe f tct, and when wa give you a price we guarantee tlint such price is lower than any one eUa can sell the same article at. Sain'l STRAYER, TIIE OLD RELIABLE CLOTHIER AND FURNISHER. IN PATTERSON. May 13, 1!5. r I T7tl take, trcil, wtxsb, yTT ( !.--;;, Veil, simmer, roast M"J 5 n4 toast much euicksr bsttar thrji any coal i r wood coci strves. ' It Is re 3-- -r. a mjmte stopped iu an instant, ty clinply put;!ii ; a li'.Ue "uuitcn -0pu" cr tloied." Built a "fairl In! Su'tll' ts -u:!! av 9pm p;L:silu w Pwingaa Stovo Co. . t. i.oris, po. the univcnsAL FAMILY SCALE .-: IS AS INDISPENSABLE E:as2.:!d Irticla. mm m0 Will a lifetime. ate. no seirlis 10 loow. alsais rsa-l ensily nn-ri-rsi(-i. os-M-ie htils apa. sii'l rs ll-e t-lieapesl SL-Mir sier Lwrfs Sxro roa 10 Pur. a IumiuB t inui I. S. GPEHCEH S SOHS, Cl ILlOltD. s ostjf. 4LWAYSHAKBY STOVE SHELF. II. DTOVE, cri.-iri.ETE rtrjj tyitkcjtoke. I; . I j I irht f flrm-c. or- K- fl l jr i-.e-itr.' rmi ilni !. i A ,i( IP-A rn-..i,w i i..'.jl 5-? -isiV v? 1i..H- :ili:i. ,tc, mim mi p,:e. il Tc yr-- T rt'srs'-.-i. i"Tfnroiu er ri.d to tor C'lcular. n Is O. W i fc : . t '. - O U If Oa I COPPFK. tt tSTXKI. I.1?!KP, I Cs rclt7. 17 ' allons per olDnia. j The ffaslsst Worslnr.!-.-: ; jMost Powerful 1 pump yvj 14 IV , i-ioi riBnucvu. f I 4 rtttel for eltlirr 4-t.BlO, IBOXor i rttuaaiRi'iPE. ia P tOrmin0 MMTHIalesvT rS"-ffc ; '6 A POWCSFUL K 1 fire Kraci ti e. p m ALLHIilHI'. tES.1. 7 HIM. i Scafl for onr Budi tr. cc-t?!-1rr rrtcrsfj; J of tliess mn-i a x uib- r Uit4.tJk.t ui a. HGleason L Bailey U.iV Co. I'd as TO CONSUMPTIVES The sdvpr'lwr hnvinK hen perman-ntlv - . .- hv a iii-.te mnwlv, (, anx'ons ti u;:..- Iil-otrii to ,i. ttll"W s'iiri.s tho in.-ns ot cure. To at! h de-ir it. h.- wi I s -nd s a c-j'V ef the ininn ued. (rsn..) i wiih the direction- for wuirmi and m-iiic rnrori ,ii tnmw iirsin rv l a a i s mi sn ni r.i i' ti i the "Sire whirh th -v wil! find s sure I'rsK j for Cot bus. Oil's. r-.s-rMenos. Astiihi. I ItmivrniT-. X , P-irli- ialitiitr th. Pn. a islitnsr thf Pre ! srrift.on, will a- addn-s. K-v. E. A Mr.-. R. v. E. A Wil.StN i K. Y. K-l 1'ii.n St.. XVi!!ijiio.'-.irah fJ-in. , "tJj-ly. RUPTURE r-crS.r ti'in i'l.ndi-r. t'at-. sore enre. $l.1i hi ins I s ilh lull directions. Book lor 2 cent staji,p. I'KET CO., 401 Sii,ih Aii.ue, ' Tmk. Jsss "lrVrs- T to JA7yir -',i.tji ... . - : THE $ AGAIN. if i L tJv "ITHOIfT A HATCH, om LAntiE sTors.-' l it ( O'hI I Kl E AOf-THEST." Ol It -M l'l hiiiv .siASfc." oi'n4-Lotv prat ks." (- -mr rp jr A" (""O 1 v. J- Ai -X - V- V tlolhlufc- for Y.en, Tou'hs, Boys ami ' ( lidiln D I . , ' t . ... . , G04-GO.J-tCG Chtstnut Mreet.j PD:L'i.M.PijIA. , rall nnd lVluler Goodi. I would inform th ymbt'C I evb inw in niV new nutlinrrv store at mv p:sce .-I residence on IV iter street. M;fTliiitown, -oil door tro-ii corner o' Bridee street, . full stock, ot r ill sod TTi:it.r milliiif ty K-nds, ad new, and of the latrst atsles, nd hsvinn einu'iived lirst els milliners, I .mi (.rf iril to su;p!v 'he pulilic Willi v-ryli'i;:(t lound in I .,. nuihner -.I'-re. co!i nul esinrre n. -h-k. I .-onsiiler 1! Jk t.-oul!e to show g--od. '.ES. I'LIML. d.v 2-S3.1.S. The EAGER copper PUMP 50 YEARS AT TIIE FRONT. The oniT Terfec? ho-ir piiaiP.o-i'-'Ctatiir Iron Ksfi8 repairs. THE EASIEST P U 31 P EVER 32 ABE. trill r.tistT 33 feet. !"aeh pump ia aupplied ariih clasps or clmps so it esn te set up ii) wnore and by an one. I srsnt eiery ' ef th's ad vrf n: en o sn f--r w of ni? drrri;?-va vn-lili'lS- It will te"rt vou si atKit Uiis ami other toij-r Vnn'T s I n.ake. taa or Uie manr alvaiiuu4 and nw-rits over any ear miosr after usuic one. RUFUS EAGER, Ss!a HS;ilflCtttT8r. Ianoajtei". TVTass mi ; rjT : - -j.-.-rn j ejra -r.ixtS MS te ml. isev. km -'.f ia or prima cnerica i.t iu.'. Mri .... ' n i-J- . : i l.oiiT.L : I Jtcamui i i ih V.iied Siale.. hi.. ikq ci" .hr rivJical praVviioa t its hi... Ij hronic Rhn mamm i.t .:ic-, d nu oiU'i inl r'a ra, ..-t r4 scarier m the fiw a. :Uiliiu.le..ra.afulaad -Ckult .... K-i.'A cr Srk rr..... i fSU' STTi 'I'J.W-'JJ i .akneJ.rr.x.k Mk0A and Tttter .(rtwuf ! A larffeofttiartionof lh L'Mliivir ir.n.nt.i.. ' ""-" .-""nva mnr o-igio ii r,.ii ihVi.v..:;.d at, rfou r. 1 ife; and nt bitr rmtj can b oci than MeaUts Restorer. A f .-c, a Bottis .U prwlucsiuthachanasof fcellrgaseSenroAsTumssl iKbvrmH. 1-sAovissoaiMinitauud. Au, DaiiMisTS AaBSTCaaKsareasaellit. mi-OO Pill S'TTXJB. rssraars r M ktHEi.j-, UJl DR. FAHENETS "'ZtXlr it-I" , , , r0lir HOY.1L, JUMJ1.1 CO., r.1. rSt R I r0i C"Only rlial.leConu,anierePre..t, d. "pENNSYLViiSIA BA1LE0AD. TIMK-TABLK OBandtrter Sunday, Ifov..'tt. 18, trsius tnlit stop at Mifflin will ra as followat CA5TWAED. Iicsrntoix.s AccoanoDarios leaves nun timrdoa dsilv st 6.SO a. m., Moant Union 66 a. Newton Hatatlton ..M m. m., cTeytowa T.-'t a. m., Lewtstown i,0 a. iMilfordttfJa m., MuUin Sd a. m., Port Koval 8.2J a. m-, Mexico B, a. ra , Tuscarors 8.30 a. m., Vuuyke8,H a. m , Tk..,n....m.fn M 4 a. lu.. Durwaw s.4b a m.. Millerstown H.6i a m., Newport ,'J5s. m ..i.iTr at Hamshure at 10 1 and at Philadelphia, 3 1 p- m. Jobssiows Ezpssss leaves altoooa diilf J at 7.15 s B.,ni stoi ptng a ... s"- stationa between aitootia sw ui"-i : rewche. MiHlin at lO.iM a. m.. IWrisburg p. M., nd arrives ia FUiladolphi at 6.0 ID. 01. Itait Tsais leaves PUtdbors dally at ;.J a. ta., Aitooua at 2.00 p. m., au-l 'o ping at ali regular stations arrives at liiitiin a: 6 13 p. ta-, Uarri.burg 7.10 p. I'hila Miulphis 4 - m. l iil Exrre leaves Pitt.sburt St 1 00 pm. Altoona C 43 p u ; Tyrone 7 K pai; Hunt Ir.g'lon POaprnj Lewistown 9 2u p m ; MU Din 845 pms Uomsburg H15pm; ihi.s dcli'hia 4 i't a in. I-biladelphU E.-.oresa will sto? at UiOia at 11 49 nhoo fli;;g' i. WtSTWARD. War Psssoa leaves Philadelpbis daily at 4 8U e. ui.; Uamsour;, tt l i a. tu-; Uuncstinoo, 63 a. iu.; iewpvrt, a 3 a. ui.; Milierstowu, 9 rC a. m.; 1 hompsotuown, 9 47 a. iu.; Van Dyke, 9 6i a. m ; Tucir or. 69 a. ui.; Mo.tieo, IU a. 111.; fort Koysl, lUtf . ni.; Hilrlin, 10 1a a. m.; ' ... ... ... . k- . lil U . i.i - Uilluru, u Ai a. iu ; ah-, - , ) Lewistown, 10 4i a. 01.; cV eytowu, 11 u a. ui.) .Newton uaiuiiiou, 11 - j - iu., tiuJn, 11 Oo p. ui.; 1 1 roue, li Co p. 1114 Allwma, 1 40 P- "-t luP '' tAaM kUUoiis betweeu ilirnshum and Al.woua. intiaa bxriiisa U-avea i'uiladuli'hia dai- I lv at a 40 p. in., lliriatiura, 1-Ji p. m., stopmg ai kucuvilie, Jlsiysviae, uausw uou, Newport, Jlillerstowu, Tbouipvul-sa, fori hoyal, tiiuo at jti"'iu, II 00 . ai tooua, Z i'o a. ui., au-l fiuiJrg, S IJ a.m. Xl ail 1 ssis leaves ruitJipui- diij at 7 .(HI a. m., iiarrubitrg li.i' a. m., ew oti, 12 ! p. in., Jlutfiu p. m., oiop j lrg at ail regular staiious oeleeu tiUun and Altoona reaches Atlouna -t 3.0 p. tu., fittsburg tJ io p. in. ll.sii.HUUua AucoaSODATto.x leaves Phil adelphia Juilv at li 60 a. 111., IWrijUurg st 6.15 p.m., buncsunui a jJ p. ui., New port p. m., Iiinei3t iu u.'ij p. la., Thuinpsoiiiuwu 0,i p. iu., Vi i-lyij C,l p. ui , I uecarora 6,-il p. ui., Mox.-o o,51 p. tu.tFuit Hoyal 7,i0 p.m., iiuliin 7,to p. Ci., i.ewialowu 7,s p. m., A!VetJu 7,- o'i p. tu., rtou .ijOll.tJll IS. 11 p. Dl., Luuti.ifiion ti i t p. ta. j Pscitc Expressieaves Philade'phia 11110 y in 1 H irriaourg 3 10 a iu ; DauciDou 8 Si' am; fiewpoit 4 01 am; M.lii.n442a jtai Lewlsiuwu 6Uu a m ; llcl ey luu a :um Alt. b'n 1011 6 6saia; IJuutinaoii fi .ism; l'-lersburgG IU a m ; rSjruee Creek C(lru Tjroue 7 12 am; licii's Uiiis "1 il act; Altuuna a 10 a ui ; i'utbuig I tv p nt. Fast Line leaves F'uils leipbis at 11 0 a ni 1 i!srri-Luii .1 45 p in ; iliilliii 5 OH p iu ; Leitotvii 2pn. ; tbiiitiiig i-in . o!- pin ; Tyrone 7 10 p m ; Altoona a 1M p m ; l:t.-t-rj ! 1 5 p m. last Lino west, on S'.itl'tsvs, will stop at Putican'.iu:!, Ne-pifl aul MVei.uW when llsggeil.. lluil hi (less tast, on Sui.days, wiil stop at -i.rrce, who.i U i.-a.- l, Juhnrtowa Kipesa eis:, on Saal.n, j will connect wua oand iy Jail le 1.1,1 time' 1" st 1 ia p. iu. 1 r sj i-a-oencr wtfst a:i-i Mail i-t will ;ftp at Llf ::-j-j-r aud i'ooruuu's a-r. ig, ' otieu tii-e.l. iul-nsti-wu U.-ij-ress will etopat Lucuow, sten 1; .v'ud. LErt iTGWS IllVISIOS. Trails I.cwstuau Juncli-tn t r Jlil- 't(.; t OJiiin, 10 lism, d Ijpm; t-jt , .ln-.t.-.r. at 7 - a in, 2 55 p m. i raius arrive at f.ewitwwu Junc ton from I Jlilrjy at 9 10 a iu, 1 lU .ui, 4 4-p m ; li&u-. feuibury al 9 .a am, Iviijiu. TTKd.NE DIVISION'. Trains leave TyroDO for Bo Uloiite and 1 Luck liaven ai o U 1 ui, I 3o p m. Lov 1 Ijrxuo ior Ciuwousiilio aud ClettlelJ al ! b !' iiu,ivltpm. 1 rlus 'e'e Tyrone tor Warriors Mark, Penusjiviiia Furuace au-i Scotia at 9 20 a ni ana 4 so p m. Trains arrive at Tyrone from Dulleronte at.d Lek tineu at 7uia m, and 7 tiO p iu. al TyroM (um Curwns. viae and Cii sr'Jeid at 6 5M a in, and 5 '. p m. 1 rums arrive nt Tyroue Iroin So o.ii. War riors Hark and Pemisrliaiua furnace at 6 63 a ui, at 2 i iu. ii. &. b. t. it. k. it HK:F(ji:D division. Trsms ie ivo Ituntingdon lor Beilford. j Prut-iiirt sn-t CuuiOuilan t at Hit a sud ii a . Tr.uns arrive at liuntindon from Bed tu"l. tiiiileport aud Couilicriaud at li U0 p. ui., 0 II- p. ui. AttKtN Ft-EriE, A T T 0 R X K t-A T-L A W, f MirFuvro-rx. co.. ta-, i Ci.'-'l'ecti , sn I ronvfiMRC'n l.romcily siifiid.t tj. O&xv wiih Atkinson Js. J.- f I 20 r-i Lorr E. Aisivs.-r. io. Jscors. Ja A T TOILXKYS - AT - LAW. MIFfMN'TOiVN, Pa. 2T0'!l'Ctin)c and Conveyancing: promp'i i.t-;i-i.u io. j rrt'-s On Miiri str -et, in pl::c of ri- ' donee ot I... i, is K. Atkinson. K'i.. somt- ol - Brl-tee street. 11 vt Hi, IF) M- '-iiAwroKP, M. !., : i v il:is resumed sctivclv the practice ot Mi-diriue and Sn-erT and thrir coibteral b.aiiclo-s Oilic-o ai tu. old corner ol Third a.Hi Or4i.- sir.-.-ts, MilUiiitoa n, Ta. .U.rih 2'.l. l.-75 KKAZKK, M. D. . liliuloIAri AuU SJiiGECl.. I ,7fymi.i. J minfit Co . Pa. Orrii-F loriuerti vccuni.d bv Dr.Sterr. it I fT i'le"'","sl ousinu prom; tl'i attended to ai a-i tiuurs. I ... . , I JDIIV ?. Cl AI OIILIS. Jimtrit W How, How ite.itorcti Just,,l. , n,.w W,,;B f C U L V t K W 1. 1. 1 AS C K I . E H K A T F I E S S on the riVaf tar ol tpaBSsTossn.ra S-in:nl WVukn.., i,.-, .!....,, I Us.:s, NpoTBscf, a.i1 b, -steal ' Im-ai-nrilt- l..,..l. .... i ' ;-"-i ""r.i'i'wiiip i. .uarri.fre. tc.i "t "" arvil'B, tiMLt FST and F ITS, in diiced bv svlt-indu;i ... . .. .i ,rcr tc i v " ceitbrated sutl.r. in this admirable w;i..i iMr!r Owu..n-lrlfi l-..m . ,1.,.,. . - .... rsiea ir..m a ihrtj i..vm UI pn.,-! ,n lt ,ho ,lr. eneqilrncea ot .lt ... k .1 fc:"il C"r.-' 5 P"""' a .node" of . " " " "5'ee, Ceriii,,, and eBeetiia:, roeall 11 UhlcbeVftrV nflUPU. -"' cure tiui- j m?: a..d r.c. "- ' l-'-'Cinie should ue ti it, hands ol "cry jmh ...i vers m in iu ti.e laid fcrnl e-.'ler ...a' ... . .i ' J h enten--e, to , "1"''i po'f ti, t rtreil t ut lour ceuia or tw.. ug,e .lamps. A dd res ClLVKRViE'.L MLDX'ALCO., si AuubU.Uew lork.X.V.i Af M Pwrt-Offlce Best FALL Of CAE PETS. Choiw Pattra VELVET Body asd Taper- BRUSSELS, Eitra Super llediaia and L,, Grade INGRAINS, A full Lins of VENETIAN, A. 0onx)let9 Lias cf RAG, A Ciioice Lot of he. ir. Eeautifal Pattern, Ja STAIR, and HALL 0 arrets saihat AT THE Carpet fit FuarjiraaE booms OF THS JUNIATA VALLEY. ' j j , -CO- At tba Old Stand, OS THI SJCTnWMT ktJS B3IDGE & WATER STEE3J !MIFFX.rSTOIT?i. TU OAS JCET RECEIVES AU the a!xTe enumersied irtitsJ and all other things tL&twj be funcd ia a j ; AT PRICES ! ' !ft"vtSt fi 'TtTff ,Uu,0ttU UiiUvitH'" ALL KINDS Of n v s.v v tti rT 3) V tr? a4 v iSiU i AN KXTAA LINE 0? 3IATTRESSES 8lsts3 d PiUcs; WINDOW SHADES IN ALL C0L0K3. !: Looking Glasst V orl , IN GRKAT TAMSTX 1 die, Cf In fact everjrthing . VTnial t , . . -.. rtoc H00l , KeTt 111 & X lfil-Vl'W" urn ' 7.,r;.r.Jr.c, Cnnds StOTC ty j to .1 JOHN S. HKATBIIX nnr.3a.i2 stceet. ?tn'1 gtrsA Fetwen ths Cm1 d XIFfLLVTO ' i ! ' i-r- ( -'''--'t-i.----!------- jrt-.w.-..;?rr:rrurimi liliiliwsiSiimaT ii a - '