Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, December 09, 1885, Image 3

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fffTlfl & RFiPHBlilOAX
dar, Pecemb r 9,
i cn mnnm it nir1
JIT,t -)T-tinn-nt inserta-a at
l1 ,.fc lurraco insertion.
l"t bus"-" "" ,0
IJr!!,,!, ner line X" wh inwli..
nJactsW" ...
I erte oy .- p
ptrt-Sw cents.
C,arocDTrne:i "" M"ni ir
i, sot in for ..I cMirob fairs.
UB.. parties are being or ..mod.
Court House wis c!d on W .:id .jr.
ryrt istti I a good 'el ol' corn to hus'i
n. 0ri b' pr'utea ' th'soffi e
(jougm-;" Ep-n-iChllN Store.
jKrtni i" "P"1 on f riU ir evening,
jr-ei. of Bedford never carried
jySHriiTs n'e oa Fiilar, it wailat-
jtcini! was frf-icn over on Monday
j-jjt rvci.ini.
ojreyoa cllJ to too Strarer s new
of clott.iag.
fsrsiw for rhiidrrn for Chistmis pres-
juUrinrtill hopofii! of retaining her
I dirp cf Si'i a nf Yeti-raos baa been or-
jttfd Hi lto to".
jaifStfrtt, of the Supreme Court,
tab loan lt wsek.
Be drU-tnir.rd to do what it rigut, no
I jiitrrt' o'hers do.
Th tharmom-t"r went dowa to uro on
Siitrli.f ia Mnnes U.
Tin Trcben' In-titule n ill be the focus
rTjWsWti n xt week.
TSiti crnbv4 the barn roof of J. S.
fcwp; b Lack township
Jtisr po-t"d thit Ahram Shelly, of Del-
itCT. fca a pi with mx leet.
If Juniata. Virr Fditori.l Association
juit ni"!rdon, on Saturday.
Curb-" !i"pa ae d.iinz a fc-isk bui-
tm. Tb ahee uiilt bo theac-d.
far toot ei'i'ty. fall at 11 icknberger 'a
bkn a lirjs stock to alt-ct from.
Iut penile nuU their own lift miaera-
tir tfciierisbiag personal jloor.
C ob 5 bmsan, nf Dn'aw ire, was in town
Ttar-4iV. atteadin to bTiaii-.
Til ttierai raster went down ti eight de-
pea!viero on Monday morning.
G'Tl'.v skine it i tboa who bare
aFc:ka thai com J to chnrch Ute.
luttetar.J Nelon, of Thompontowa t
irtbsca boaling wheat to Lewialown.
Ttree thoman'l Ignited States tronjn hire
tetfcatto tbeticiuity of Salt Lake Ci-
tf,.. .-
The Stite B"rd nf Apricnltnro met at
Eaoutiuix, Columbia county, on the 2ui
Jtoei VrCauler will bare a cartoal of
tfy-n it trll in a few daya. Send in your
ET ronwi, on !xst Thursd iy, west of
ft BouiUir.s delayed eastward bound
Grtj! storm, coats that wiK ri"h aim ut
mtutcpol the hul at Harle'a clotbia
B- E. MMen, of Mexico, is fetching a
triisj achoo! it Vau Wert and Cedar
Tb? b-m ad jlrli that are away at
ciool so.in be home for the holiday a-
r. uraia Das oe"n conaucMu a 1 .
1 tliM
iro'wtrl nitiiig ia the Lutheran church
-Vbmi Herman Xorth sen- hoiu- over
!rfirri,itiCj their psrents, Mr. and Mrs. J ,
JiMXt.rth. i,
Scj -, tevcTitt-en inches deep In some ;
flit list tta.-ti of Tuvarora last wet-k. 1
fiat is it now 1
I .
During the mur.:li of N-jrenihttr, thn
"a.fcrat'03 g.verm..-nt fail. 10,a:4,74.:
! irmv
G. 7. Burcktlell hit tlta f.ositi n of car
i!pvtr,r, tuls vac mt by thj unfortu:iit J
Wliol J!r. M..ter.
Sacral f cut di.1o at Piltshur- last
br li-ti g iuto ihree cellars and blow
ihr houses,
'nx-s KcCeui. y had two hojrs kilk-d lor
aawhulj Uj, tlat we;ghed suveu hundred
W Utirty-tive iji;rt,.
v- I'lsh bairh'ire.i (oar hos last week,
?"ja-o s-eghr ol" th hojs w.s eleven '.
la(1 "'s'y pounds. Ue u jU J OU to Ireland, Scotland, Kg-
CsrMs'swa, W. cted speaker of the Lower J ami . Germanv, Paris. Spaia and awsjr to
Bin" "fCoiyj vss. Congressiuaa Reed was! thd Uoly Land, sbawing yon pictures of
k&ptibiican candidate. ' many uf the laiiioun pi-aces in the av8ral
Ti"Lu Tiil last Timrsday produced ; countries,
iirkn-s, 0 imsl) tLat latiijis wure lit in : Samuel J. Tilden, ot whom many Demo
'Uttfcr ol btniness places. Cnt say waa elected Presiiiont over llayet,
rartca in e;Ktit of tins town along the Tns- wrote a letter last week to John G. Carlisle
ctn mouutsm hu o been covered with ! taking str-nig grouuda against a reduction
aiM, Thsuks-ir ng day. j of tbe national revenues, he believes that
A .itar iu the X, w York Tribune savs : I u"ur h",ld """X " frU
1 br kros a C lv: , du:(.riuiu tromeIls 1 1 ing our sesports.
"elt from the use of ta." I Thirty-live ceurs.
"t Tus.iav ii'innn. ,i... , ...w; . i
'rii f Vi'"'' i-renJent Hendricks.
J!or J. hti S.iciiiian was elected Pres
1 of the sva lte on Mon(ll,y- senator
the p-niocratio candidal.
ar.ge pij.,.r, it is learned that
tW,r.-.. ..
. SI1j v mistaKe wnue
JU:- ,, ...
c '-a or amonrr thj. aiuinnt nn.
- ft '
acd fifty cents.
"nsoa Minnmi,,,,, Innuht tn. Wsrwi-k
''r !aint in S,.. iitit ...i.. I
lb patty iat bought it at sheriff j
: ''S"'aIh A'"lcsndnigtbt bssi
itT USMl "'e Cle4':c-1 Pr"f'-sio" !
ia-a. ,a,t VOir Xa ooth" h1 i
- '.
u -4 .i.t Sam Jonss ......,!,. . ..T ... :
V a few won',, , dlld8 j, , uck." J tlie.r attendance If they will bnt give a-teu-"d.hat
one, ,, a time Mr. I tion with a vh-sr of receiving ins.ruct.on
CT ? ,j" W hv a j ackaas, or j and oT ting v.n-ge the counsel and
' be"-:srr. Hral4. T tU Supt. hs wgageo. - .
"Dr. Tnn .y. th,t. the oo.,ded
eye, oi,ly anout 5.0CM;
tar cn be aero.
Dr. T-nner has evidently neer been
Congreaaman Atkinaon i. 0w to Trashing
t t , attend to the dnnes ol elate. Mrs.
Aikm wUi reinaiu at honra till alter the
K tgtian on the racing canal still eon
ti .ua, but the t.mt r tae b .atm.n', hrn
unat .h.ii gire way to tUe Herce wni.Ue oi
winter wind.
Kev. Vjughn, of Academia, prei-h t in
Rev. Mr. Hayes pulp r on SabSatb. Mr.
II iyv l avinp gone to asji.t at an iuste I,
lion at Altoona.
Mrs. Lillie Carson, of Silver Cit, New
Mexi.-o, has l.-eo veiling b-r isl,-r, M.-. U
i. S one in tUis ple, a i l btf la.tur J .tin
PHl:era.n, ot Peru.
A toreytier with a truop;-t and bear
travel, d ibe strrrtM ..f the t..wti U-t KiidsT
A cm or two of b.v atteuJrd the man
and hia pet thru.igb t wn.
A snow str.ti Ijst Tliurdiy mirning.
abuui hlt past ruht u'ol k.druvn thj town
council and he-r c..ntr ictui-a and every b -dy
off ibe street, indoors.
Sine Kt-v. Mr. (Ira ff baa become pastor
I tie Liitiierau cungrt-gaiiun iu llii- l:e.
winch was in September, Ihirty-ihn-e per
sona have j tined thj church.
There will be a dres c imival at ibe ska
linjs rink in Patterson, n Friday evrumg.
A b g crowd is expected. The mmic will
be I tn itir-h.d by ibe Mitlliu baud,
Kev. S. W. Pomeroy, of Pleasant View,
has leccivcd iwo calls t. preach. The one
is Inon a Cetiti-r county church, the oilier
is a oil Iroin V-t.u re:atid county.
Mm. J icli Utr'iVr. daughter of David
Kmo, doee di.-d at the home of her
liubuhd near Jliu-twu, t'ais county, ou
Ibe 4tb irt., upv.i ll.irty-eighl years.
The Town Council have coaclude l that
they wili not ( to Siberia with their cn
ir.ic l.irs lu lay piveuK ul lur they are'-lnxe
uj" with the tuvruiotu-ter above zero.
In Ibe !ew oiinitig tuwns up on the
mountains when a mm leaves without pay
ing hia debts ud many do so they sty be
has '-skipped by tlie light of thj ui jou."
Thirty five cents.
Mr. Stephen Torrey hss been an eldi-r In
the Presbyterian church for Buy vears. a id
n.., on ins inn oinuasy, na.soeeaor.iain -
ed to the lull workol the ministry at Hones-
P. J
The rrtsbvteHan cot.gregaiion have set-
tied on the corner of ibe Wcl -en lot un
Third street as the place on which to build
the new cl uirh building. The location ia a
good one.
A rtslician says, 'notwithstanding the
wnndertull increase of tae cattle business in
his country, there is about Ibe same num
lr ol cattle it tbuuaid iuhabitauls as in
the ;ear 1850."
On Friday a prairie tire broke out uear
Burton, Kaiisnt. and swept over an aret ol"
Ihirly luiL-s destroying over one thocKlil'l
stacks ol lm and g 'aiu, sLd many hogs, cat
tle, and horses.
Tj dol:an and titty certs.
Tone up the system by the use of Avcr's '
Sarsnpaiilla. It aiii make vcu feel I ke a
new MTt). Thousands harefot:ii butlth
ami relit-i froto suAVring uy tho ise of Ihi
great etiood porifier when all other means
We have beard in our time mxny eloq.ieiit
men, Jiouw of thni diatingiiulied as great
ora'nrs, bat a more eloqtent, a m re lorei
WBnrs, DOS more eioq'iem, fM ia iwree
er heard than George W. Bain. Butter (Pa )
His lecture was humor and logic set to
music. After such a lecture there ia natur
al regret Ibat oratory, as an art, is less cul
tivated than formerly. Mr. Mam's power to
move m.D is wonderful. Wilkesuarre (Pa ) ! lighted lamp. The cellar was lull of nalur
Leader. a' Has, au explosion took place aud was lol-
Th Piejran Indian, are off the reserva- j '"" ' "P'osioo in twoadj miiugeol
tion in Wvoiiiitir. They stole four h.i idred I E-Ca "" nd the clothing burnt
horses iff a ranch on Sweet Grass Creek
l i
thewinHr weather continues th
ey'll all be !
i ext-iration i
begging for supp irt belore the
of six weeks.
Under ibe past year of Cleveland's sd
niinix'rat inn. the revenues of the govern
ment le I off over twen'V-foiir million dol-
lira. It Democratic goini tim -S works that
way lor a j-erio I ot three years, where will
. . ,
siiriillls I M 7
nishcrt by af-complis'it-d musicians ml all
,. ..h . -ni, ilt,s.
,,, uc. jLtr-p.-tscd with songs and
. . . ... ,- .... . , '
inMrilllieiiiai iiiiisii, 01 au uti.ciiiiij iw. j
olraMiiz characer !
f ,.:.H i. .;... :...,.r.i.,r i 1 !
H.'n r'..n..iv ' Ohio, wi.l he uresrnt ou .Mou-1
day and TuesdaT at the IuatitntH, ueit
we.k, aad -vill talk on !he stilij fctof "Uram-1
mar, and Ansiysis Hade has and Attrac-
tue by Diagtaius " '
Thirti-flve ceuts.
Thieve stole a lot of lu-keys froni a far
mer not iii-iy miies trom this place, bill
discovered that the lowls wore marked, aud
caring that tue m trked turkeys would load
to their difcorery, the lowls were fcikeo
back i the farm Irotn whence they were ta
ken. You will watit to attond B vd's slereoptt-
cn lecture b.'!o.-e thu Tea-.lirs Instiiiitrt.
Tk. WtaMit in a social war is called a let
ter social." The young la-lios all write ici
tera. which are placed in a box and tile gen
tlemen buy them at auction. When ojkmi
e.1 tlsas g, iilleman finds the lady wii- wrote
the letur nnd pays bis atteulion to herdur-
ing tbe .evening.
The S. train going e,ri l n!Sht wi"
slon ot all a'ations between this place and
Newp.irt.on Thursdsy and Friday nights
of the Teacl.ers' Institute, which will give
oeimle. who lu -ast of this pl;e a-nplo
tin., t.. bear tbe lectures aud go borne ou
ibe traiu if tbe live by the road.
Two dollars and fifty cents.
,... Snwnnteadent, W. K. An.nati,
bas srared no eflorts .r expense in j
seirnring hi help St the Teachers' Institute, j
. j .i ....... i .
Wi.l. Hie opiHWtunity fented, the teach- j
' ' T.Z a rec'iv. rea: benefit from
era cannot fall to recaive area:
. t uuaueipoia Wuus.ia.avs: A morn
ing paper calls the Custoia Hoaae atens
dangeu," beeaiwe a drunken sbsd tell
own mem sod srss badly hurt It
was the
averst step, that did the damajre and itwi.j!
o goon ming if Una stupid young Tel-
ow soould bereaf ter mark them 'Htangcr-
The Huntingdon Journal relite it in this
way i William Armstrong, while out hunt
ing on Laurel liill, near New Florence. Cam
bria e.iuuty, on Wednesday of last week,
was ehot iu mistake tor a deer by a com
panion named b. A. Mouny. The bill en
tered hia back and paused clear through his
Tlw uovernor of Kansas has called a spe
cial aeaaiuu ol the Legislature to meet in
January, lor re-sppurllooiueut. liope he'll
i.t liste the expei leuce that Governor Pat
tieuQ bad. It would have to be a q iestiou
of iile aud death ol Ibe Sotumouwealib tbal
would induce Uowruor Paltuou to re-convene
the Legislature.
very teuuber in e aaiaU county should
be present during the eure eeaaxia ot la
stiiuto. TUe Week should be employed by
lUcui in a way ibat would result in the cer
Uiu acquiring offaCIS to be uael in raisiug
Hie slaudard (.d our public school to the
graiie wairanted by tl9 many advantage
which our present system admits of.
Buy the Wi.liam Cooper Grooved Hub-
ber Bucket lor cbsiu pumps, oue ! itio '
be buckets made, and uu cau buy ot me .
k .1, i.. ...l a t i
kind ol wood and Irou pumps, wood ai.
iroii water pipe. Also, part ti repairs
Osll vu or addreas, r. V NOULK,
Mitlliutowii, Pa.
Wot. Vusselmxn, who was accideutly
shot by b:s liieud Jonathan htautTiutn while
suootiug at a Wild lurxey ou Shade uiouu
tain ou Thanksgiving day, died at the b.iuio
ul Emery McCabeu at ibe aqueduct, north
ut loan last Jjituidiy morning. Ou Satur
day atteruoou tlie doctors opened the bjJy
and louud Itie bullet in the lower edge ot
the right lung, lutnnajnt in Presbyieriia
grave yard ou Monday at 3 o'clock, P. at.
Tue Uu'itingdon Globe siys : A larninr
iu Penn towusbtp, last summer bad a bold
of oats which, ttom some cause, came up
very thiu. The crop was so uupromisiug
that be uiuwed them lor bay as they were
beginning to bead, ile was iurpried to
j see tl.em grow Uf thicker thau at tlrst, and
.ooUt three weeks a'Ur the mowing they
hrttl ait4in ,Ull woauCrti Ulr Croi.
....a.. : , o. .. I
tTf uuiii ski tuo iiiauiuiv a ivii j
x Keiu.r one of oilr teacher, will
talk ou ibe Tuachera Cares and Auxie
ti.s " 1'rol. KelK-r is a successiul teacher
ot considerable experience a close observer
and a man who always s:s something
good, and from ifhose la'ks, tound, piacii
cai lessons can be learned. Kev. J. B.
Maun will lecture on "Saaius."
List uf letters remiiumg in the postoSie
at aitUliiitowii, Pa., uot calls! lor Dec. 1st,
ISNi. Letters: Mr. Peler VVeiiuer, Lu
cian N ox, Miss hlatie Sp ghemver, Mrs. U.
Audrews, David Kautimiu, Mr. A. J. Uaris
ler, t'i)- i'osial ea.iis ; Mr. John Wliiluier,
Geo. Strawser, Chaa. f . Po;k, A. Mr". Siiy
der, b. W. Snodgrnw Peisou askluglur
letters iu this list will pleasj aiy in.f are
Cuts. Ii. CaiwroMD, P. M.
The Newport New ol the 6ih day ol
December says : Mr. Michael ickes, vl
Sandy Hill, was ia town over niglil last Fri
day. His household has beeu iudulgmg in
the luxoty of watur.seluu jriedlcaily since
the close of the season lor tbal kiud ol
Tti DL:t . . . .
. .
lulure use. Too meious were p aced iu a
cool spriugbouse, where (bey Were preserv
ed w itiiuul additiwuai care.
Thtrty-tive cents.
Last Friday altemooa two women went
into the cellar ol a Pittsburg house with a
off her body.
iha U.euleu put out the
" lo:ijiiig, loss s-'.O.OiJU. It
' c'"j -cinreo .ha. the ga g..l iuto the cel
lars Irom a natural gas main or piM that
runs along the street.
Two dollars and titty cents.
Wednesday cv-r.ii j; at the Institute, lec
ture by Dr. Silun.ii A, 1 iir ol llarri-burg.
aul.ji.'Ct. '-o..c..4!l People." This lec
ture is lull of instruction and entertainment
and teaches such lessons as may Ik upplieii
in our tvi-ry day life wuich will aid us 1.1
.,.;,;., ,i. ... ...in h rlu lor.
Trot. S. O. Uojtt. ol Vork, I'a., u ill desenbo
.. r..... Tl .h 1. " I l..nr
. --,uui ,u.wuh .w. .-.w. Hv
will b illustrated br appropriate iicturrs
on a acret-u, produced by tha wouderlul
iP'ican. This eutet lainment will bo ex-
Ceejiugly p!easio;.
Two dollars and til ty ccuif.
ja Saturday last threo young; uic-n, wh'ne
sanies we tailed to lv.irti, came Irom ilarris-
' I.... .ui... r. l.n.i;i,. r Til tJ tf.lir l.a
a.ti i". in ".u - -----
L. C. Kline's, who went witU tliiu ou t he
mountain not far Irom his residttuce. One
had a red haudkerchiel'tiod around his neck
and was crouched doa u in the Implies watch
ing a turkey. Ooe ot bis companions mis
took ibe red h.i'ikeroliiet tor the head of a
turkev. aluud at It and tired. Tiw youig
uimrod Irom the city, wa. bit with three
laiigeshot, but not bully wouudeJ. Another
lesaon to careless g-iunera and -greeuhorus"
iu Ilia woods. Liyuol Sun.
Tbe otter of a reward ol $' lis. atimu
lat d a .leu-ciiv iu the aeauch lor ibe arrest
ul the persuu guiUy ot' cau.iug the explo
siou, aud sun lug Bro to tns store of Hr.
Kuiuple, at New tionuantown. An otbaier
who has beeu workiug up the case, bas got
such tVtcioi.ee as induces him ta believe he
aoou will bo warranted in making ai axrost.
It is now considered certain Ibat u was dyn
amite, and not a; uu powder lh it caused the
exulosion. Wheu tnis arrest is made it will
proiiabiy clear up tbe mstery wtiicb eu
siirouds the Cause ol several other lecuut
lirea iu mat victn.iy.
Alter having pieached in tho Presbvte
riau cbur' b ou SatL'alli eveliit g, Kev. iir.
v-iiui.i. ... Aealfini i. starlca home iu a
a-amaire. At the turu in the road tw.oi.d
n:i the hill above . S. Parku.'s
larui n :
was lieu a
bri Ice t-'od
The l-gbtin tbe lantern thai
sX't-tree went our. Cam -
' . . . , .
Soui hot lotlrteeu auiumerr,
wno accninpsniaU ln preacher got out ol
the vehicle to u-l gbl lli' lameru. Just why
and bow tae f.arse became unmanageable,
is not exiinia'i. foe ooat backod tuecir
ringe over tue uuik. au l ttuu nejin a de
scxiit suoii as is ui.t given to ev i) man t
lusko. iioi-se carrMge
logUlaier rollCU UOu Ja.aas, a.a ianiee, I
the I elate yave way aud Itie rolling pvocea
was coiuiuued to tue tool ol tlie Mil, how
many rods. Tbe wti.d was b owing a lu
riius gale, but wagon aud boiae was slid
aud Mr. Vaughn got biiusJl out ul the
air-i-ii. The bov arouiKd i.ls way doun and
I helped to uuhook the uoiir docile beast from
lIe carriage. Mr Vaughn osl his bat, but
was not hurt. ...e came to Ar. Kb. Par-
iter's and rem titidd over utgiit l'ue boy ra-
maiued with relaiives over uittht iu Patter
sou. The aaorae waa providoa lor iu Par
ker's stable. On Jtouday tu ruin (li
Lreacber weut home ia air. Parser's car
riagw bcbiotl tb banker's hone.
Forty yeara' experience, io every elime o -
earlh. baa Droved Avar's nkswr Pa.-loral
t be il.e moat reUabl
e remedy for eold,
: concha, and all lunw diaas-a. Ni-vlitMl
col Is olrfn become incurable ailments.
Deal with
them iu time, and prevent their '
becoming deep-seated In Ibe system.
Thursday evening at the Institute Col
Oeorge W. Bain, of Kentucky, will leetnre
on -A Journey to the Golden Gate." Ti1I,,lJr Or Home. ile Can dO
Cl. Bxin h ia been given the well deserved f SMK lor them than for any Oth-
ntie, -rbe silver Tongned or.t,- wt K-n-jer litmily or home. Soaiuaii'd
tuck, " U.a eloquence is muteriy. AHIf......,, ,k..,,U
who have ever heard hi n, .peak in londeai
ptaise ot bis oratory, aod bis lectures are
co Mpilaiions ot practical Icsiini, wise str-
iugs and beautiful expressi-ms, which give 'newspaper, and he bhould feel
evidence of the puU "J U'eut .f ibisf, infere?t ,n glvin5 jt the first
great orator,
Thirty-five cenls.
Friday ovening at Ihe Ii.fi it ty special
rentng a: me nti 'it iv special ; p i .
u... i...;... i...,..i.' ... .smn or every honest man p ivs
saw s wsas. saa iswiss as -r :i(; vw
Philadelphia, has been eng.-d to .loliv
his Isiuous lecture on "t
Dougherty's lams ia natio
ul mention ol hi abi.itie is neeJd-1
rriltody knows ol him, the man who bo'ds I
all bia hearer sjll b.oud by his rel giH
of eloquence, ll baa been the exease 1 de-
aire lor years or our people to hear him.
and onr County Superintendent receive 1
woid Irom hun a day or two s-o that "he
wo.ldbepres ntat .be Inst.t.,.. without
llischoaeosuiiectalory 'isaC !
knowledged bia lsl lecture. All should I
jbearbim. Another chance may never betytthyotl don't wait lor him
j iir"KO,e1- tbut act at once and send in your
Topics lor Week of Prayer.
Sunday, Januaiy 3, lstt6. -Sermon, "Oc-
cupy tiil I coinc."
Monday, 4. Praise ana Th.mkg1'ing
Tnesday, S. Humiliation and Coi.less-
Wednesday, Q. Hots:: and Foreign Mis- :'
Thursday, 7. The Church arid the Fam
ily. Friday. 8. Nations and Governments.
Saturdav, a The Christian Lite.
Scndav. 10. Sermon. "Let vour loins
b giid-d about you, and your light burn
ing, aud je j ourselves like uuio men that
watt lor their Lord." Lnke xii, 35, SO.
Mislletoe for liiNslDfj Purpos
es. No English lidv considers ber h me dec-
orations lor Christmas complete, nnlil a lit- i
v.-, . sa, ... .a.,.
is Lung ever one ol the doors on the inside j
id the Louse. Upon this day, "if a gentle
tuau discovers a lady standing under the
Mistletoe, a kttt a tight to icits ktr."
i! this sue lent and boUorei custom be
comes as popular in America as it baa been
lor centuries iu Europe, it will be largely
due to the Kiupuria (Hia ) Gaiette, wh.cb,
by ibe way, is unlisiied in VuSusta County,
rloiiila, wbicti is lam 'its lor its Summery
Winters and Orange lirovca ; lor turn j ur
bat has pcpaied packages of M.sllcloe (a
parasite si.U a native ol r ionda) bub It
wni st ud to uy a.t.ircas i.piu rro-iptoi uv!
2-cuui Matufs tu cowr iMsuge, iti. i urj
y-xn l as ,,.,b.i.hcd a. -tiunua Ca.-
c'lisui," luat gives lull aud accurals iuir- 1
: .....i.. ,. ... x.. , i
Uia or actdcfw, which it will u.Mi w as,; .,s
Hicaut, wuh a sampie euw oi Ha iats
upuu rcceijH of two at-eut StSaUS.
Last Fridiiy the SJv-rii
ib scies 10 Siruce laill towusliip tu t. 1.
I ,, .l 14HI lll I ll I ,v
I'uty tor $i.6J. J, lc , ,
; 1 Subscribe and renew
Jaaicslviiid nought the Jnn Fi;sjrsif, . ".,
pra.crty luiiccyiosu i..r m. " ' Alany of our subsvnbrs ore
Thee. c. ii iu.-sai.rt o. a. v.i-r t act ' Tanners and doubtie: a a nuiu
uftui acres iu Sumce Hill tuwiibi i., was ber oi' them, each, take an ag-soi-i
tu 11. u..th..n;k i..r n.ii. ricu!t uT.it paper. We can do
W. II Kr- i4 -ibuu. tr' .- -12 st.: trn-t r hem '.xl bv rrtirnritl-' lor
Ol the Batiks pr'.j.
ship lor Si'JJi.
t ...
Urs. Jeunia M inks ln.ilgllt lllfl intera
Wui. Banks in the l.t ol ground at t.vt
Point, ia ihi. t..,,, lor
Tho Milton Dcwrese house and lot in
I'l.rl .1. ,. .,.1,1 t.. Mr D..u l.
... . .. - w ... ,w.
The William 11. Kutl.err .rt uroperiv i"
Port itoy.l was sold lo the luacarora ioau
As.ia..wti.n l-ar & IIKl.
. (
Th David W. Allen Iract iu builo tuo- ! '
aliiu was withdrawn
TtKBetT l'owsuip. Uece.ubar 7, H5.
t.w,t ... .M u ill .....i. !.. hi.r..
, , , , . . ..I
Atteisl the lectures durlu-lustiluto week.
Tho mads have beeu uir.ddy lor the last i
two weeks.
Peddlers are Tsry numsrous, averaging :
aoottt odd a day.
Clo)d Uilsn has lift Mr Heriier store
as cletk. lie w:ia au ooliiiing clerk.
The ;peai-'jck" gang consitd of Ste!
Kepnur, Samuel Lwing, John Uorrisoa and
The W. F. S. and youre p'-oIos seck-ty
of Port Royal wid hoi 1 their mouth'y meet-
j " Saturday at 1 P. Jl.
j gjumKi Keister brought a Miflliu county
: Anf ong uj,u on Saiur l ly, when be
icaiue honm from thst pl-ce.
Tearhers do nut hive to att-u l l-isrit'itu
this year, and ot course there will Ba.t be
as good an att-.n laiico as bas baea hureto
foie. Thu heaviest suow storin of the season
was on Thursday, uf last week. It was so
dark while it lasted that it was diihcult to
read a newspaper.
On last Friday night there was a spelling
"bee" at Freedom school, horse, and after
intermission a number ol the scholars bad
reci'aiions, crssys and declamations, all of
which were veiy good.
The "gut" gai.g who went up to the same
grounds lo hu..t as Ine .'-.liid
fang, !
. two deer, one of which Win ll-'iilUr l:ot.
Thi, consists ..f Dr. SI.eMv. iu.
: ,, . . . .
I liertzler, S. L. Art ami .-q llr (ir it-ii-r.
Tb "diHl-j"g r.g t.l l i.nl. if Im-h r. r--Royal,
consisting ol Pr. J. S. Killw. Mm
Kiater and oth'T", who were mil a' ii
'Seven mnu mains" lor the last taasiw.-iliS
returned lu nie on 5-a'i idv briicna fi.e
deer WIlh ,h.,lu 1(1 having ...:d t. 0 t.-.e
Ihey left tbe giolind. Ot the linn lr kill-1
Sam Keister shot lo-ir and Doc. Kilmer two
The peacock"' ging of hun t. ra relnrna-d
home late on Saturdav, find . and diaciir -
fed over their success lor th- did n t get
any Ol llio uesireaa (eatiie. 1UI lui-r say iliea
saw the latgest deor at ,he h--t I wili-rs of
Lickii z Greek. It had thirteen ui.hius on
ila antler, and on rough g.ie, ...ui.1 b.ve
cleaned Irom one-ball lu Uiroe-iourtbs ot
! Ckb Rfttftl till JftTiniirs 1fi IftBft
t - J '
i The man who faila to sub
scribe for a newspaper does in
justice to himself and family.
A."inans family and home is
Lne.-trer to him than any other
7. V ' ti,t
Ji.hed at the couuty peat, is
nearer to him than anv other
luport. . Take as many papers
as oii leel like takmrriinti pay-
- i
'f11" bls P''Per but first Ot .til!
rtory.' d unci", take a county seat paper. Wt
.iai, and no spec- vre raisinj: a club of subscribers
Litre raisinz a club ot subscribers
Mbr ihe Si:tixit its Tlpprntr.
. . . , , .
v " 1,1 Hie
lowing till the lCtll day of Jan-
Uary, 1886 : Head ! Uead !
foirefully and Subscribe ftt ODCC
-p. .. .
f.1?0" t Wa,,fc till tO-morfOW OT
luB "il.V " yOUr nei?n
bor is not ready to Sllb.'-Cribe
r For the name of every new
cash subscriber received be
tween this date and the ICth
rday of January, 1SSG, we will
send the Sfntinel and IIkpcbli
can for the period of one year
irom the date mentioned, name
ly, from the ICth day of Jan
uary, 18SC, to the ICth day of
LJanuarv, 18$7, we mean to
r a
people who live m Juniata
county for one dollar.
To all subscribers who are
iu arrears, who pay arrearages
on or before the ICth day of
Januarv, 1SSG, we will contin-
ue the paper lVoUl the ICth day
of January, 1880, to the 10 til
. . nr i:in.,lri 1KS7. fnr nnP
dollar cash.
JSuch an offer baa never be-
fore been extended to you by a
journal published tit the county
seat, l.cmember too, that 30U
;et a new.-j):i)er that has no
superior in Juniata as to the
amount nnd variety of reading
matter lurnif-ncu to its readers
All uuesfions are fearlessly dis-
cused, but profane language
and obscene insinuations against
fi.;enrs or f es fiuJ no pilce ju
- i . i
our eolumns. ou do not need
- l UlUe UW paper irom xue CUli-
ureal lor lear luai tuey n:yiVARE . U OOHKNWaRE. This is
earn Bcmem n'r oau irom us:,. . ' ,, .K.,i;)-a
. . , , : the store to es!l on for mub articles.
I lie paper wouia
sale. .make tplend.d Christmas or
ffs:dthe wniiaii JiS'ew. Year's present. Yo ;r
1 . . , , . , . , . .
; ,-..1- .l,.!,,.. tlm In n.i.in
,1,..,.. Tw. I, a.il.-.. .Fi.iv.ki: ...
... ..... - ..... - ... .. ,
'week I V aT'C.I t:r t 1V- r tll,it
1 .O X I
" o'" sall.-L.t nt'll i. evt.1
If.iniitrwho uv.uU Iiitn.-eif !'
I ... .
,,. .
.OUT Oi.er.
tVl every lleW l.l-
Lnriliul. IraU'lll utlil till. Il'VI IT 1
, (-v. I i I a. v ,,.ii ' i. lav. a a.- v v., a
i ,. .
?Nl--TI-JT An U I PI lll.li A I nit'.
; Tilt PaACTlCA L FaKMK.I lbr Oritf ;
j , , (; . i
I I i .
1 o everv oid
i c.'iMi in iiuvaiice
eulir-crilt.r w ho ilesires tlie a
,ricultural naper, an 1 who pays
iarrearao and one year in ad
vance liOlll tlie MiXll.ML AND
i Rkplclican and the I'iiactk'al
Fai.mlii will be t-ent lor the pe-
.... , ,
i ritnl of one vear, ior oue dol ar
and seventy-five cents. The
ire.'Miiar sul.-cr;i)t;on rriee ol:
- a a
the Pkactical Fakmui is two
dollars it is one oi me oe.c
ariculiural papers in the cunt
try. This ol.tr will be open
till January 1G, iSSC. aiter
that dale it will l e withdrawn.
itrrLi.sTowa. Duceuiber 9, Ubo.
Ham 12
ShoiiMcf H
Stiles.... 7
kaats...... I
Cm, 35.i4'i
Oa, 2
Kyo '
New t'lovers.-c.i. ........... 6 0!'
Timothv st.l . ..... ...... . 1 WI
Flas sed H'l
Bntn 1 "
t;ho, , I '')
Sli-ris 1 :!"
Ground Alum Salt I '
Auiencati Salt 1 ' f'al l'
I uilielhhh, (tee 5. liss'i. Whi-a-.
I'a 1111.-J nu! i ret No. I $1.IU. Corn ?. -4.c.
Oa's i 4'c. live I.s-. Ciiick u-
I) : ks OliR. Tll.kf ees
a". E.s 16-iS:. bniter i'ia31.-.
I'b't . aWi Yolk ne. Ohi He. P.-io.s iv.i
nia 4 p r !o. il ia $1.1 a IS per Ion. I In
er.-tt.a uuil. si 9j per it.
Caution notice.
A1 p rsons are hoieua ciiilhi icl sgiins
1 ie:fij.-.ii.t upou ttie lands ar the umi-r-siana-u,
heiher eai.-d or uosiauil, or in
' oosse-sima ol. I..r ilie imr-m t ol ti-'mi--.
: bunting, gaiherins b,-rrie, cn"i"K lua' -f.
I or lr a-iy uniiea.-c.--.sery .u-s--a -.
D,-nj-ii:iu atiellotier.-r, J-.s t Iml,
i Win. ll..rui an. J .in !"i .
: ac bbelle. ls rger. J n, er.
ll.ifw-.J.J is a.-..
Caution ".tlce.
i A:l 1"""' ' --''".
iu bunt or tlb. ur in a... - a.' to trespass ou ,
,,w ot llitf uudvC j ,n t 'irtuaau J
I lowcai.ip. Utn Si keg. I
j JiaicU W, 156'. j
From Pole to Pole
ATivk fAUSArasMim, hu deiiiciMtnt4 lU
j r 4.1 f eint l-jr ui tlisc.teai of hm biood.
The Karpooner's Story.
3nt BtJford, Jm 1, 7955.
pa. .T. C. ..TSit it i. Twny ytan f I
iia.-pjriO-T ir, tK North FacrfK', br rt
1 v.ii-rsi ll" rrcw ft i! ii:y- .f Wfn ttt. up Ks -.
4wrT tur Ujaslit: rc.litAt l, mi'troUi
o.l tvt.H.tr.-, tfrth Utr, :,ii,i Lloicli ail
( r vt nit'l our lratlt 9t tat-d rcttrn. Take H
v.- ? 1 Lap9 we mrre preifjr mly olT. AU oar
t nt wi clJrtaliy ii-s4rcyaU Vnt Um
:('n h-itl a t-suui4 doaun boau( Arsn'i
-HarARiiXA ana m Uitvu V racor
- 'I i It yib:kcr i!nn I bav rcr mermtnen
; nithho'"itby noihTtrtBitforicaOTf,
t .'to art-a a tPtd deal of it. Sif)j so met.
.:i (n vonr A.'otanacof yocr rapartlla W&
vr. J ftHT aHurf i tUoTMfbt yoa biLu to iukow f
ll an I v Mrrd ytu Vba facia.
IvuiK-ctf ii;y yours. IUlth T. Wra-iTI.
Th Trooper's Experience.
X irn, Easutoland ' S. Afric,) iurch 7 J8SX
i'n. J. V. At Co.-iatiiiir I bar
n i l fVi.ai.re to teftify to Iho srrcat Taiu cf
. ir Sar- k,: .- U V 1iatj born UUookI
. f f r iv:r " vvar. Jtrina; which ttmt wo
t. !n IVtittf ufvlrr mnr.ii far
- :i a X. -Vi Kr-ttrtt ol wtw.K U oaUl tu tb:a
j j 'Tclrtt-oftre.' I l-'W" wwHft
. - i.t.f. 1 v notlsvd t' slisj your hariaav
I.;., wn "' nf vhtt'h maJa if NM
I.. :.';j--r rtpW '. moA 1 arn rw q;iii wtiL
;'r imfv. T. K. B'nef,
Trofr, Cp4 XounUd XtjUm.
Oyer's Sarsaparilla
U oety tHormirVilv Vm1v Wood port fler,
i.-tlv im,!i-iWT lusl rrsdW-au-s tbs p:soo of
' f is, Vt.-ivtir; , sa4 Ceuiuu Illssss
: ll. - su.m.
rnrpaitrn T '
; r. ,-. f. Ajer Co, Lowell.'SIaas.
.lu-. -.1 :Ta?iri;s: TT!elj
'i-K-a tor i.
Fall and Winter goods,
bis dost beta shelved, and will be kept
up week after week by frecb supplies
from tbe bead of the market at Lowest
He bas Dress Goods, Notions, Trim
mings, U!ack silks, Colored xilki, Col
ored Cashmeres, and a ful! line of low
prieed Dress Goods of tbe latest
shades, and also a full line of standard
is full, from tbe Finest Shoe to tbe
most fubstautial Plow Shoe, at trices
that will astonish you. Sboas for chil
dren, Mites and Ladies.
1 0f aIl tind,t Coffl!ej sagar, nine, Tea,
in tbort exerjtbing. ask for what jou
Ever; house umt keep op ils sup-
fdr by inati will be ron;ptly attend-
i ,
Visit the store.
Cpfositb sV.CSIT II' -CSC
31 ililiii town. Va..
Frederick EirEKSCHADE.
II A IVTTflf 111
j jl , a a a ' jrt-niirma'
hiin inmt-firiv r..ntr ,-t",l him 1.
. .1 1.: .i. ... ........... ... ....
.i ,n . h..rr..r, ..t S. x-aUn. T it
-". I' v-ci iht. t..
Pn.i-lration, . lU. out ol stmialr l
I ...p. ran-.".
.r hi. I. ll .-v suirerers. mail r. e Hi- r-ri)
brallH-hbrSSS fill ill
C"rrt. Andre?
in cm.n1e..,. j.
C.dar St., New York. Jan. t, '.Vly.
s si. S! : -a...
Tas r.ct ipia'..r VGCUiv ftswitrrdctd
lo .K-r.sf. e.c uaiiics.snriie'-s dTcosa-ria-s. in
v.atii.i pt3iaein.rpul'li5:.':a. ttijn'in
brr ii. j.-r.--.1 s.ih .rleiuh l s.i ravin rs. Th?
l.Tb'ieiai inn lumh-saiiiorL aa'u.il.U- sn'-vc'i.n- a
fi: iuf.:rir -lint .. hun t r- -:t 1 -rithoiir.
Ihs r-HM.i iritj of ifas 5Tr:vmiC AUirtieaK is
s-.ch -.b it lis cTimtttioa n.tr:, e-,aa!ltiat nftil
o-hi r r-nTs of .se!a oa-nit.i'X Prir. ta??s
-r. l.T..-ntt'iobs. t..l.Ti;lc.l.a;.r-l
!l"NS C.I.I.. Fut.-i-'ia-s .a. aiBr.s. y. N. V.
r . lansirsi Jtrn 4 f-.. hivs
F.asEh t
L- t - ii'-s ra-a-: tT-!" "J hr.v 7 ,r-tl
t. 1 1 r- ma' 1 1 MunOrKd Vnu
1;. Ii.iml a-.Vt.-aie r-t tats in .
L s ;f I;.,;..-,! ;-lr trd f..ru-a o-nrilr-t
LVj lT-cts. l'ni.---i-.r. . Co..i-t.i;:.ts.
C"Sm--s-. rt.ao:s. r: -l s'l o-.hrr r-" '
bjeurii. to iua.-it.ira 1L -r r -: i, in 1!.-t-a
r;.,,i, d St.-.,. tims'U. Knc'mnu I ralm-.
r !ji;-nm.iT sod o,Vr .ssi:-a cn-tr.. !ts-sar-Mtj.:
.imn not.ua uro on re-.-n.ihls ri-z..
L5I Iuforna:.on 1.. tt o!-- s-u-nt-n-r;.:., c.. :
fvlri rr-'i withoaat etri Htsi-'.-Mj- c,
'iuli.r ii.run mi ft.-. T'J'rii.a ..bi-.t.-.
Ihrrmrli aunn aJ-". sr ri-.: ' l tttsSv-.sx.i'.
m.rs tlx- tho Sal.. !'"' '"
v.ii iDiKin l s:i ii.i-z. aan
aoect tlisif i ..-lc
rj,l-.,a y 1 X. Ca. OrSrs ScnJmJiO
a y itw 1 a ft Li jsua-. . ?s
"ri.:j'. fls.--i-
-Spy cfths Rebellions
va r UlDa L-7 tbs ItetuJ Uotaaosal..' .N.i ..Elf .:!
lion. Oulyoenaofitsltiud Tti-8P Vrerrals
manr ttcrru oftheteir ni-rer bsrors pulllsh-d. A
cravvhie sccmnt of tria rnnpirsry to asssssinata
Linroln, P-Tllms erpsrlrnc- of our Frnzsat,
Bpiu ia the Hsb. 1 1 suitol; Uvir b. p io braa-erf
Inliy nvwaitat in ttieaw Tivid akeichfa. Tte
"Spy" tbe nut th lilintf war book
eTer pnblishM Knn'nns-d by bu Ureus oi
Prssa ana Acsntat tsstinvaiil.l. A laaigo Laa
aonis -ook. S S paa-aa; CO illnstrstinra..
-Aa2r-;73 WANTED!
A O SiVTS I Tlt to.' U tmtfiiin? mil cxt r.
Grr0t kunlrfii t&PHS3ti -plinti (nt LnriM
hvwm h r-. Wt i W- U6 maur hc-uk moo
t Ar . Hr i tr t f.t Aumi mpin.
e-TU fcPY" fold onty b-r enr
n;!, antl rtui t" h. ftmni in bnt'katorea.
i-'-U to nterrbttits, frmei. ui-Uni(-ii. aini wy-Ab-la.
iy t mnit btxJc to tfl nrr
)- -r in waU.tniiABirrnt.il evrry f.Tnd Army
S w 1 1 in eTj townhtT nl ronuty in the U. 8.
Y T x!l jafcrtimlini od trmt - apmts pAdr. n
0. W. CaXjLlJavXUK CO., FuLlUiirr.., Nr w TurX
.r-y "v-,-r f-tfr-uorts at OfUT at rrtrj
' -frill fvr t'C- Kctkf. Uato
j &?S,?0?Lt
La. Txsam star uraau.
laaaacavit ii.- . (n.
Subscribe tor taba Sasarat ssm fei'ior.
1 MkmMm
" a - .-I WVSSs,
! t , m Whir st J -2 and OM
1 O Un I V Trstsnaa-B-. : sC ia 4. ,'uaH
Clothing House
A Great Sale of dulls, A Great Sale of Overcoat,
A Sale the Lk of which has very rarely been seen before, tbe Tery
cream of the Styles of the most celebrated clothing manufacturers of the
country, tho Variety Rr?at, the Prices Astounding, and the result is, that
when we advertise a Bargain Sale, the public knows that tho announce
tuent ia in staid accordance with the truth.
Mens' all wool S.V-k aud Four-button Frock Suits in the handsomest and
most de.irable plaids, cheeks and inistur-s, together with all the rx-pular
shaalts of whip miiU, all made ai;d trimmed iu the best UiaViner, and per
fect in fit, at $ . Sli, 512 and !15.
Incliiuioff tlie choicest f ibrics of futoisrn an 1 .mer:cn njIIs. Kersejs;
n : r..i..o wi.;,..,-!o
VSnailUCI AlAtliiMI" ,f lliv.F wa, -.1. . ....t.w ... a
and perfect in fit, fro.u S3, $7. Sit), U, ill, $13, .16 to
Low s tboMo prices are, wo ur not .C'iiu uny 'rnsu or tho lay. laV
11 a t 4ti , ...1 i,, t :;.,:.(. . S i., tn tra.1 in. are show-
iu" Luudicds f the tuost. f.i hir. Vole
. ... J - , .
for tbe Iittl'i .t.i snt . 42., i, 5 ,? ana
ahow tbe dtictiet litt'e yirmentb ever
Our Stylish Hats, Caps, and Farnishinsa
t.-.. ,1 1 1 i. t. ;
latest and most c.-l-;-r.nid miV-e. V'onrth only uutboiwed ami sole
a 'ent for Uk- CKi.i-IHilA IKU li l..'iullli tlAl in Juouu eouui,. "
show wl! lav dif&-r-t ki.id-4 of bl.irte, mtdetwtar. hosiery, neckwear, &.,
at the lowest prices c-.vr known.
Tha Largest' and Finest Outfiiing
April i j,i
bpiliii ty Few an j Scrpascad I R323.
AtUoiowledciid br competent Judges to
be cae ot liae
If you AT? goinff to bur an orunn do n-A fail to
rinl ftr oiir a'anciv a;t'i f tic? lu Wo
luaVTtt brn f!.Ta!tshetl r.ik 1n mud
IT hats Dcrcr faiiett to g-ve ihe rtrrt jx'fry t iuti
tjcticn. 'i h' u ir.ds n mo.'.cr a e i:-.. it - J
I llircn-jti ,.e 1 nJ. a. d si! ar; !. a -d iih i: thr-n
I in g crltecw. I M.vIta:n-. ttis I rv's ITr.lih
; K.f tsc it rsti, r-:- u i.' z.u- ao I; a wni.-r a. i-o
not iru-tr y jour Bby witl. cp'uia cr i-i-i.ta Bl--I
lures, but u -e
I Dr. iirn TefttiSnrr Cjrrtsp,
J whirh a.y f t's r'l rl:a. le. It so-vhr rrJ
j uieis tie t i, I. flit mc. at-, and t-rt ritTi- m
l ind gt-r suriT, Js'ati'ksl St bfp t" aid
j KeT Tt Mt'Tiici- . All Lkvcuims and Mivijilins
ValAa-EfS 1 L 1 a.
haolrstov.x. i:d.
The Housekeeper's Friend j
aisit ron,
Sold ly tie Grocery TridB generally. '
0 Years' Itccord.
tV" " as, A - JT-' 1 -' -2
mm sirup
Is the place where jou ean buy
h.its, r.if.v. floors, shoes, .f.vo ruRSisHiya goods.
'IX is prepared to a-xhtbit one of the moat choirs and select stocks vr oil tared ill
tiis M.arKet, and at j. 7 ii A Is H I A G L Y LOU' PRICE t
Air... .ii.-x;irt-a tion f ir sn:. abi arts rf ruit,-, which will t-e n.aJe to orde
'. sra-it r.ot-.ce. verj rt.iainabie.
Ketueiiiber this fiace, id iloPtbao'a INew lioilaiig, eut&fT ot Ki idee as
Wjfajr s'resns, allFi'LINTOWK, PA. Naa.l, UM tt
m L in in wail m tinsite manner
aud bocomiu Suits and OTercats
-a A- X -sl 'I 1 . af .. s.n.x.si.1
n luruiis wc-w.
n.:-.,nK- Tn bits we ke2D til the
Establishment in Janiata County.
Tiu C Id Re 1 table ma i Bt On &pHsm
IAkiuu FotvOer riade.
fOn TeV5i nfol to 0 quart of Vlxr.
Ob tho Rial-feet fr trots and reromu.eudeOa
by pnauioeivst ptjsiviMafl aa ImoUjuuL
Narrate, to is fres taut kw?m
aad ail injuriaum tnr1l4"f.ta and togavo 9
yasr srzzn far a Im sas:p!a for triaL
CaslCFJ R.l!F:0TUF.!K8 CO.,
Also naannfa'N:?rs f vtsit'TT.-abla, Naora Jas
lais, l'insrra . le lj rarrt. L'Lavor
au Kstraeia, sic, etc.
fc,'i IOlTJfe. 3tIO.
. nbintn; the BfttlietiOsi and VesCl&iios of az
oru fib with tbe nrtcrson of vasj air
,T!Sicr,'sTirirI.iriu.d V:rtro-a. KagM,
rzz iUiat::3 rtn:: & ht:. co.
76 Ccokman St. N. Y.Clty.
i x la-
S at
' rwa V"a
e!.U'iian antiiiottf fur ail mlaerlrl t!ls-
:ttt-r w. -Ii, 9 tar ;t !.i(itii, i ibk i bi no
; -r n .:.".;". it x t.!3.lt kJ ii:u.vt tor
: y ii;.:.. r.'.I i or 1U .c ;.Uw.u- ;i.,t
c.tfr.ii.i c-K:a.i,f::.: y puK.ucs s lu iurusouc
tlcj. uia (la cist-tuti'.u. lut I. .in tiia
t4. -u : J iaf.i.tlj as it v.i LcjT'jre l-o t.;a
Airnrj: az'3 agcs czzz
f ear -t r;- c-w of Fever tni Ac. Ii tcr
c. : r CN:I Trer, l.tualitani frrr.
1 ai.i b .;-i!, t.l un i"uTcr,wtiil Lirer Con.
I a- it c i.utnl by R a'arii, In raj of Ml. uro,
r J ji U.l, dealers ar ftutUoritr I. ly oar
c .-...ar 0-r.ca Juij 1st, uv, iu rvfiutJ tho
Dr. J.C.Aycr&Co., Lowell, Mass
iM4 by a t I ;r5gisifc
Tin- Senttnti aK-i hyui'tran od-. in the
j!sice to pel jot work Iry it. It will
j.ay yuu it you Drt-1 anything id that line.
J-""''"' ;-a-a, TU'.?at
G3 ISMH ir!iisy.3!H
Ii ii?i:r-r??il
' t