Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, October 21, 1885, Image 4

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" ! farm notes. I HOUSEHOLD. x..-..-. Adverting CheafHT PflACflBS hllU -MrS,k-mW, m.W H. K, K, K,
The tent can be seen from afar.
Along the .center is a line of main
pole forty feet bigh, aud around is a
circle of stay poles. The great white
tent held np by these swung gracefully
from the long stay ropes running here
and there like the cables that a spider
weaves. All around the outside were
the stakes driven secure'v into the
ground and holding the ropes fast to
the ground.
As I entered tbe tent I saw a sea of
bright planks, arranged for the con
course that will assemble to-morrow.
An old man with gray, long beard
and afaoe marked by mouLtaius of rug
ged wrinkles came near me and sat
down. His light brown eje bad a
good humored twinkle, and proud he
was when he imparted tbe Information
that he was the guardian of the tent.
As a laborer drove home a stake the
wind flapped a loose piece of canvass,
and I turned to the teut keeper with a
query on my faoe tint he understood.
"Blow dojrnf hinked. '-Yes, it
will blow down if a cyclone conies or a
hurricane happens aioug, but not for
any oommou wind."
"How big is tbe tent?"
"It covers sixteen thousand square
feet and it will seat six thousand people.
It is a hundred feet wide and a hundred
and ninety feet long. "
"But that's no odds," he added, 'a
man won't have to be tn tbe tent to hear
ham Jones. I've seen 'em in this teut
so thick if you threw your hat in it
couldn't fall on tbe ground, and then
people outside around tbe tent like a
ring for twenty feet, and everyone
beard every woid that Sam Jones said.
You can lay out in them bushes and
hear every bit of it."
"Gentlemen,'' added the tent keeper,
'I'm a man of some years, and I ve
traveled, but hum Jones beats all the
men I ever saw. He has tbe power
over people that no other man that
ever I saw had. Go to Nashville if yon
want to get a fight in half a minute I
How? Just cuss Situ Jones in NabIi
nlie, and well, humpl"
"They like him?"
"He took that population by storm!
This tent came from Saohville, They
studied the matter over and they deci
ded to buy this tent for Sam Jones."
'What did it cost?"
"There are different tales about that.
Some sy SI, 144, and some say $1,300.
Nashville spent $35,000 to get Sj.m
Jones and never wanted for a cent 'o
money while they were doing it."
"Have you been with the tent all the
"From tbe first day it was made I've
been sleeping in it,"
'-Then you've heard a good many of
the evangelist's sermons?"
"Heard one a day of every sermon in
this tent"
"How has it been?"
"I've seen ladies crowd into the tent
when the rain was running branches
through it, and I tell you something
else I've seen. I've seen Sam Jones's
eye flash fire."
"Yes, I saw him at Marfreesboro,
when a man stood up and told Sam
Jones that he could go through the war
and swear aud not steal, aud drink aud
not steal. Be was standing over, say
about where that quarter pole it,
and Sam looked at him, and then I
could tee the tire fly out of his eyes
as he said: "Well, 1 guess if you did
it was because they kept everything
bid from yon," and sir, in le..s tban two
minutes that ojaa jast sneaked out of
the tent, and we came to hud out that
in time of the war he was a regular
In a moment the tentkeeper added:
'-He's a caution, In Nashville Judge
So-arJ-eo went to brother Jouei before
he ccmuRhced preaching, and said:
"Now, lirother Jones, you know
Nashvilie is a big town and we have
some rich people here and some that's
inclined to be kinder aristocratic, you
know and now, if 1 was yon, I'd be
just a leetle light on 'em at first, eveu
if I did get a leetle harder after that'
And then Sam looked at him and said:
"Now, brother So-anJ-eo, I am jnst
with you on that exactly, except that
we are just cross ways on it. If you've
got to cut oil a dog's tail yon cut off a
little at the end aud let t at cure np,
and then you cut oil a little more and
let the tail cure up and then you cut
off some more tail aud so on. If I've
got to cut off a dog's tail I'm going to
cut it right square off at the root the
first lick.
X Gum NoL
"Tbey tried the gum-game on me
down in Pennsylvania." said tbe old
tramp to a reporter as he got a fresh
brace on the fence for his back, "but 1
came out ahead, considerable ahead."
"How was it?"
"Well, I struck the town of York
one day, and I didn't look a bit like a
gentleman: My duds were old, my
complexion ruined, aud I was all run
down at the heel. Ever in Y irk?"
"Well, the people there neither send
money to tbo heathen in Africa noi
waste sympathy on tbe tramps of
America. I e truck thirteen bouses iu
succession and didn't get a bite; and I
was looking around for scrap-iron to
stay my stomach, when along comes an
officer and gives me the collar. He
was taking me to the cooler when a
wagon drives up, and the chap on the
front seat cails out that he wi.I'give me
steady job at a dollar a day.
"What at?"
"You wait a minute. I didn't hanker
for wotk, mind you, but 1 didn't care
for the jug, and so, as tbe c-flicer was
willing, I climbed into tbe wagon and
away we went. The job was in the
powder-house which blew up tbo other
day. The manager thought be had a
big joke on me, and tnough I didn't
like the idea of working over a volcano,
I turned to and put iu three days before
I quit."
"Why did you quit?"
"Well, on tbe third day, as I was
cairymg powder to the storehouse, tbe
manager came into the building. There
was a busted keg on the floor, and I
was smoking my pipe. He didn't no
tice this until he got pist me and I bad
him out off. Then I sits down by the
busted keg, pulls away at my pipt and
ays I;
"Air. Manager, if we gets there at
the same moment you must give me a
fair show."
" 'W-where?' says he, his faoe whiter
than snow.'
"At heaven's gate!" I answers.
"With that he wanted to know If I
hadn't rather take 30 in cash all the
money he had with him and go wet
and run for office and become a great
man, and 1 didn t know but 1 would.
He tossed me his wallet, remarking
that the train would leave in about five
minutes, and 1 picked it np and walked
off. I reckoned on being pursued, but
he dld't even yell after me. Tbe last I
I saw of him his legs were giving out
t tbe knees, and snow-landsoap was
no comparison to his complexion. He
may have picked np another tramp
since, but I guess not I g-u-e-s-s not"
Mr. Lenuox Browne, an Euglisb
physiologist, finds that drinking and
smoking affect tbe vocal organs. Sta
tistics famished by no less than 380
professional vocalists have shown him
that a singer should avoid all stimu
lants. -
Some men are like wagons which rat
tie the most when there is the least In
FiRTTLizDia fob Fbuits The chem
ical composition of fruits can be chang
ed by the fertilizers applied to the trees
and vines prodncidg them. It has been
found that the quality of fruits can be
greatly improved by the judicious ap
plication of fertilizers, and that the per
cent of sugar contained is them can be
largely increased. The increase ob
tained is most marked in tbe ease of the
wild fruits. Professor Uoessmann per
formed some very interesting experi
ments in this direction. Several Con
cord grape vinos and several wild pnt
leg drape Tines were set in pots, and
fertilized at the rate per acre of 450
pounds of dissolved bone black, con
taining twelve per cent of soluble
phosphorio acid, and 1SJ pounds of ni
trate of potash, containing forty-five
per cent of potassium oxide and thir
teen' per cent of nitrogen, or fifty-two
pounds of soluble phosphoric oxide, and
twenty-two pounds of nitrogen. One
half of the fertilisers were applied in
the fall and the other half hi the spring.
Three years after the application of the
fertilizer an examination of the fruit
was made, and compared with that of
fruits from the same kind of Tines on
land which had not been fertilized. It
was found that the sugar in Concord
grapes from vines unfertilized was 13.89
per cent while that in grapes from fer
tilized vines of the same kind was 18.67
er cent a very remarkable increase.
The most notabla changes of the min
eral element noticed in the grapes was
an increase of potassium oxid and a
decrease in the calcium oxid. These
experiments . indicate that there is a
vide field for experimentation for the
improvement of tbe quality of fruit by
the skilful application of fertilizers.
Tbe quality of apples that are well fed
with all the fertiuliz'ng elements need
ed is decidedly superior to that of ap
ples raised upon trees which have not
been fertilized.
Scab is Sheep. To one hundred gal
lons ot water use twenty-five pounds
dowers of euipbur and ten pounds of
quick lime. The sulphur can be put
into tbe tank as soon as water is pump
ed. Tbe lime should be slacked in a
separate barrel and the liquid poured
into the boiling Tat, taking care that no
alaggy piece of lime will cake upon tbe
lMttom of the iron boiler. Tbe water
should boil well before letting it out in
the dipping vat and time allowed for it
to cool before dipping. This preparation
usually can be made tbe day before the
sheep are to be washed, and more water
added to the boiling vat keeping the
mixture in proportion as above stated.
A pen in the form of the letter T, large
enough to hold fifty sheep, should re
ceive tbe sheep at tne end ot the dip
ping vat Each sheep, when incrusta
tion or yellow dandruff is seen on the
flesh, must be thoroughly scarified with
a curry comb, or some hard brush, with
trequent appliaations of the liquid,
used at from 110 degrees to 125 degrees
Fahr., and, for fear of getting too hot,
not above the degree last mentioned.
We are now ready to dip, which, after
tests are made, is to be commenced
slowly, and continued till all the flock
are dipped. Rushing sheep through a
vat to see how many can be dipped in a
uav will only donble the care and ex
pense of attending to tbe floeks, while
the chances are that tbe disease will
continue to infect the sheep and all the
work must be done again. After treat
ing, tbey must be taken to range
where tbey have no infected sheep, and
be fed with salt and sulphur in propor
tion of one part sulphur to twelve parts
Nearly all farmers know that grain
as uituaiiy secured will sweat more or
less in the mow. This is not usually
considered injurious, and except with
barley does not usually prove so. We
have known bright barley, got in with
out rain, so badly injured by sweating
in the mow that the grain was musty
and unfit for any use. Barley heats
acd sprouts more readily than any
other grain, and therefore greater care
must be observed in getting it into the
barn in first-class condition.
Jr there is reason to believe that the
barnyard manure contains weed seeds
it should be used as top dressing for
wheat Most annual or biennial weeds
will givo no trouble if plowed tinder.
though many will remain on the sod, to
lie turned up the next time the field is
plowed. The very best way to use
manure filled with weed seeds Is to top
dress some run down grass land which
is to be plowed next spring for common
potatoes. Whether the weeds sprout
or not, their destruction h certain, pro
vided the hoed crop Is well eared for.
Fabxebs are feeling? good over the
Drospect for earn. The fine, warm
weather of the past season has hardened
aud ripened the ear, so that now it is
beyond the reach of frost, In the ex
treme northern part of the country and
elsewhere there are spots of late corn
which need a few days more sunshine,
which, if secured will give to the country
the largest crop ever had, and that
means bi. lions of bushels.
Ji"ateblno Plants. It pays to water
the plants during dry weather. When
rain is wanted, and the ground is hot
and dry, a good watering of the early
plants will do much to bring them into
(earing sooner. If the whole garden
cannot be watered, try a few special
plants and push them forward, so as to
have some of them bearing before the
others eome on. Early turnips can be
hastened in that manner, while celery,
cauliflower and tomatoes should receive
special attention.
Observe your horse when he is drink
ing at a brook, is an Arab maxim. If
in bringing down his head he remains
square without bending his limbs he
prowesses sterling qualities and all parts
cf his body are built symmetrically.
Tax Hubbard Oleaner and Binder
manufactured by George M. Singerly
k Ob., of Norm town. Pa., was awarded
first premium and highest medal at the
Wav rly, N. J., State Fair. The binder
exhibited was sold to a farmer in the
Liquid cheese is a new article of man
ufacture. A stock company, backed by
Oeruian capital, is seeking incorpora
tion hi Ne w York to place the article
upon the market It looks like maple
eyrnp, but is said to have all the good
qualities of sol d cheese.
It has been demonstrated that milk
can be produced at a less eost from en
silage ted with grain than from any
other food, and In quality it is equal to
mi k produced by any other mode of
feeding. But ensilage alone is not so
A dog that knows where to find a bone
is wiser than a scholar who has not
learned to make a living.
A Peculiar Crop.
The peppermint crop In Wayne
county. Pa., is being gathered. This
is one of the ohief products of the
farmers in Wayne county, and the pep
permint yield is nsualiy a matter of
many million of dollars. There are
only two looa'itiea in the world where
this peculiar kind of farm product is
raised extensively. One k in this vic
inity, and tbe other is in Michigan,
This season the peppermint yield is an
enormous one.
J w Neces Not Unhhaltht. As U
low-neck gowns Dr. Hammond speaks
morespesifically iu the North American
i:-vUw. saying that taey have been
worn for many generations without ap
parent injury. It might be supposed,
at first thought," he continues, Shat
bronchitis, pleurisy, pneumonia and
many kinds of rheumatism and neural
gia would be the result of the custom;
but such is really not the ease, all of
these affections being much more fre
luently met with in men, who cover tbe
sheet and arms with several thicknesses
jf woolen material in addition to a shut
f linen or cotton.
Casdlbotioki. TKere is a steadily
mcreamng demand for metallic csadle
i ticks of good design. These articles
pertain to associations of medieval times.
And are appropriately produced in
inaiut forms with morns ted and raised
ornaments or engraved Incised lines,
in one design an ebonized stand is en
circled by two tiers ot twisted brass
supports richly chased,' each holding a
sandle at the top, and from these
ipnng segmental arohed forms which
meet in a central ornament Other
Frames are tn standard form, with
straight and curved cross pieces richly
ihased, the row of supports ou the
former being at different elevations so
u to prevent an are of light
Brass Qbatks. A writer of good
taste in such matters says: Don't pat
elaborate brass grates in your rooms
anleea you intend to use them. A
showy brass grate unstained by smoke
or ashes suggest in all its glittering
newness a show room and not a home,
A fire-place not consecrated to a fire,
that has neither warmth nor suggestion
af warmth, la a dreadful sham; it is not
artistic; it is not decorative; it kills
rather than gives pleasure.
Cbxavkd Potatoes. Take one cup
ful of milk, a teaspoonful of butter, salt
and pepper to taste; put the butter in a
imall frying-pan, and when hot but be
fore it browns, add enough flour to
thicken; stir till smooth, and gradually
add the milk; have your cold boiled po
tatoes ready sliced, turn them into this
ind let them gradually heat through; a
rery little nutmeg grated over the pota
toes before frying improves the flavor.
Salt and pepper and nerve.
Toad in ths Hole. Take one pound
af round or chuck steak, out it into
small pieces, season with salt and pep
per, and lay it In a small dish; pour
jver it four tablespoonf uls of cold water
ind set it in the oven for ten minutes.
or until the juice cooks somewhat out
of the meat Have ready a batter made
31 a quarter poand of hour, one egg,
half pint of milk, and a pinch of salt.
Pour it over the steak, and bake half an
hour in a moderately hot oven.
Kicking Cows. A Connecticut farm
sr prevents cows from kicking in this
way: He takes a single link of an ox
jhain and fastens a hame strap through
the end, as they are made fast in tbe
hsmes of a harness. The straps are
then buckled around each hind leg
above the hoof, which effectually pre
vents the oow from kicking.
Masking fob Bbatdino. Lay a piece
f impression paper on your cloth; then
lay ou your pattern and run around it
with lead pencil, and you will have your
pattern marked on your cloth as nicely
as it you bad paid some one a large sum
to stamp it I make my own impres
sion paper. Of oourse it is not quite as
nice as that you buy but answers the
iame purpose just as well.
Ladt Fingers. Separate the whites
and yolks of six eggs and beat them
thoroughly Add to the yolks four
ounces each of sifted flour and sugar,
Beat in tbe whisked whites and two
gills of rose-water; beat tbe mixture
hve minutes. Batter the baking tin.
put tbe mixtuie in a funnel shaped bag
and squeeze it out on the tin in the form
af fingers; dust a little sugar over them;
let them stand a few minutes to absorb
the sugar and bake tweuty minute i,
Dadttt Sandwiches. Dainty sand
wiches are prepared as follows: Cat
some bread in triangular or round
pieces very thin; butter evenly and
cover with layers of cucumber, chicken
and ham, seasoning to taste. Anchov
ies or sardines may be used instead of
ham and chicken.
Delicious Cream, A delicious cream
is made by this recipe: One ounce of
gelatine, three pints of milk snd eight
tables pottufuis of sugar. Simmer the
gelatine for one hour in the milk, and
when it comes to a boil beat the yolk
of the eggs with the sugar; stir the milk
aud let it simmer. Then take it off the
fire and pour over it the white of the
eggs beaten to a froth. It may be fla
vored with lemon or vanilla.
Aw excellent and simple disinfectant
for sinks and waste pipes is made by
mixing one large tablespoonful of cop
peras with one quart of boiling water,
This solution is odorless aud deodorizes
instantly. The copperas may be bought
at any druggist s for eight or ten cents
a pound.
Fob soft frosting, use ten teaspoon-
fuis of powdered sugar to one egg; beat
thirty miuutes. f or frosting and me
ringue, powdered sugar should always be
used. Liay the frosting on with a
knife, which, if frequently dipped into
cold water, will give the icing a gloss.
A little cream of tartar just a mite-
will hasten the hardening.
Keep a pin-cushion io the kitchen.
If none is at hand, a pin picked ud is
laid on the window-sill, or stuck in the
areas, to fall, perhaps, into the next
batch of bread kneaded. Each child
ihould be taught to pick np everr Pin
it sees and put in its proper place.
Ths fat of chickens is said bv a cake
maker of great experience to be supe
rior to the finest butter for making the
most delicate cake. If the fat of boiled
chickens is to be ned, cook them with
out salt and there will not be tbe
slightest flavor of f owt
liFuax Pcddino. One cup of milk-
two tablespoonf uls of cornstarch, three
eggs, one cup of sugar, one tablespoon
ful of butter, (nice and grated rind of
two lemon. M x these ingredients and
bake in a rich crust Make a meringue
of the whites of two eggs and put on
t p after the puddings are baked.
Apple Tapiooa. Soak one cup of
tapioca over night in six cups of water.
add six large apples cut in pieces, one
and a half enps of sugar and a little
nutme-. Bake slowly for three hours
and eat cold, either with or without
A Bird mt Many Maanee,
It is curious how the rioe bird
changes its name with its habitat On
the Pennsylvania coast it is tbe reed
bird; in tbe Maryland or Virginia
swamps it is the rail or sora; In the
Georgia and Carolina rioe fields it is the
rice bud, and in Jamaica, where thev
close tbe season on guina grass, it is the
butter bird. In the far north it is the
bobolink, with gayer plumage than it
wears on the coast, and a song that
rivals that of the Eaglish skylark. As it
passes back through Georgia " from
Jamaica northward it is known at a
May bird.
, 1 1 -ZT- -.w f "Who wg th bell so erfy this r Tk T
The most popular brancj ot the ser
vice at present is the cavairy. .wot, as
some supposes, because officers are
killed off false there, but because they
are used np and retired, which results
in the same thing, generally promotion.
Let me giTe yon an idea of the work
which had to be done oat in Arizona
lately, where tbey have been howling
about tbe inefficiency of the troops.
The problem was about like this:
Given a detachment of troops at New
York and another at Montreal; required
to catch an enemy moving from Albany
to Pittsburg, with the possibiity of
finding water twice between New York
and Albany; mind I say the possibility,
not the certainty or even the probebilty.
And then when yon catch up with the
Indians, they just scatter and that is
the end of it as far as striking any
serious blow is concerned. The only
way anything can be acoompli-hed Is to
take along some frtendly Indians, talk
the thing op over the camp fire, make
sp yonr mind about where they're going
lo meet again and lay for them.
"Pleasm, Judge, let me have my
mamma, " said a pretty, flaxened-haired
Sri of ten years yesterday at Essex
ark6t, as she timtdly approached the
bench where Justice O'Reilly sat.
What to she locked up for, little
girl," kindly inquired the Justice.
"She found Mrs. Dooley's wash on
her line on the roof, and when mamma
took it off and put on my dress and lit
tle Sissy's, Mrs. Dooley called mamma
names and mamma struck her. Yon
locked her np for five days.
"Can't you get along without your
"No, 1 can't; papa can't cook so nice
as mamma does. He cooked the meat
until it burned last night and the coffee
was like water. When he put on tbe
lamps he made the lights so bigh that
they exploded, and we were in the dark
all night"
"Elizabeth Jones,' said Justice O'
Reilly to the mother, who had btjen
brought np from prison, "go home with
your little girl, but dont quarrel any
more with Mrs. DooleT."
"I sKB in the paper." remarked a pa- -senger
to his wife, "that Secretary
Whitney has given orders that hereaf
ter the marines shall dress in uniforms
of more quiet colors."
"It is quite evident," she replied,
"that the Secretary is prejudiced
against a certain color."
"Which one?"'
"Who is your family physician,
George?" "Dr. Smoothman." "What!
Why do yon employ that bare-brained
creature?" ' Oh, my wife once asked
him if he oonld ted her why she always
had cold feet, and he told her that tbey
were so small they couldn't hold enough
blood to keep them warm. Since that
she won't have any other doctor-."
"Talkiso of dogs," said the colonel,
"talking of dogs, a friend of mine has a
Gordon setter. She's the most sympa
thetic dog I ever heard of. She has
the maternal instinct so strong that she
has brought up a whole farmyard."
-I've knows of sush cases, said the
"But this is the most extraordinary.
There was a ben had a chicken. Tbe
hen died, and the chicken was in sore
distress. This dog took pity on it and
suckled the chicken."
"Yes," said the doctor, "that's curi
ous but not uncommon."
"And now," said the colonel sol
emnly, "that chicken barks."
"I saw a death in the paper, this
morning, of a man at 165," said Yeast
to Crimsonbeak.
' Nonsense, Yeast it must have been
"No, I am positive il was 165."
''Well, now I know that no man
since Methuselah ever lived to be 165
years old," exclaimed Crimsonbeak,
turning as red as a boiled crab.
"Yon full-blown idiot! who said any
thing about a man being 165 years old?
The man I'm talking about died at No.
165 on tbe next block."
Da Kaogs iliere Is a moat peculiar
odor, Judge, that issuns from a crevice
in tbe bank near my house. I think it
is natural gas.
Judge Why don't you test it?
"I don't know of any convincing
"Touch a lighted match to the crev
ice." "But it might explode and blow me
"Well, Great Scott! do yon want any
more convincing proof than that?"
A tramp, who asked for breakfast at
a farmhouse, and was refused a single
crust, exclaimed with an injured air:
'Alas! how deceptive is human nature.
For two nights I have slept in your
barn, eaten of yonr apples, and drunk
your cider, and now you treat me as an
utter stranger who has no hold upon
your friendship."
Ax examiner who had been explain
ing to a class that the land of tbe world
was not continuous, said to the boy
who happened to be standing nearest
to him: ''Now, could your father walk
around the world?" '-No, sir," was
promptly answered. "Why not?"
"Because he is dead," was the altogeth
er nn-looked for response.
Joshua could successfully command
the sun to stand still, but he oonld
never have kept a six-year-old son still
while his photograph was being taken.
"Humph!" said a young man at the
theatre with a young lady. "I could
play the lover better than that myself.
"I wouidn t mind seeing yon try it
was the naive reply."
Mmtnd Wutiv-a hohv iron one tj two boar
pro tiiue per dy. can canity twin from to ia
per wcAk. if Uy will ct a our Atmnt for th Male ot
an artcae Uxt U vaiaable f.r every DOietiokL Ap
i!cnt will plekw snveilM tuuna id oueor two pat
best ivfefwuoa, ud adtlreaa
TkS Invtsaratlns n-l trananutslnr noe ratine of
BoMclter's (tomacb Bitten is mo t powerful J
SsTtlopet tn case of Indirect ton. The Srt eOeci
T thla agreeable tonic l rorn'orting ao-l nonnr-
aging. a mua giow pmnin me aymem, and the
nervous mueaues whlca characterise tiie dia
MMIs abated. This improvement In not tran
sient. It la not neceeded bj tne return ot Um
old aTmriom with super -added force. a Is al
ways ths eaia wnen namedicated stimulants an
fives for tn complaint. For sal bj all Dru-smao4ralnfearaU.
"It has become so common to begin an
article, in an elegant, interesting style.
"Then run it into some advertisement
that we avoid all snch.
"And simply call attention to the merits
of Hop Bitters in as plain, honest terms as
"To Induce peopla
To give them one trial, which so proves
their value that they will nevar use any
thing else,"
"TBS Ekmist so favorably noticed In all UM
KeUgtoas and (scalar, la
"Having a large sale, and is mppl anting all
other mrdiclnea.
-There is no oenTtnf tn virtues oi im nop
plani, and tbe proprietors of Hop Blitera nave
snoon great shrewdness and ablliir "
"In ompoocding a medicine whom virtues ars
so palpal). to ever euew ob ervauoa."
Did She Die
She lingered and suffered along, pining
away all the time for years,"
"The doctors doi ng her no good ;
"And at last - was cared by this (fop
Bitters the papers say so much about."
"Indeed I Indeed I"
"How thankful we should be fur that
A Daughter's Misery.
"Eleven years our daughter suffered on
a bed of misery.
"From a complication of kidney, liver,
rheumatic trouble and Nervous debility.
"Under the care of tbo best physicians,
"Who gave her disease various names,
"But no relief,
"And now aha is restored to us in good
health by as simple a remedy as Hop Bit
ters, that we had shunned for years before
using it." ThePakents.
nrNone genome without a buncb of green
Him m ihf ahw libtL Sttua all the vile, poi
sonous stun with "Hep" or "Hops In their
A fakxly enioyed the services of a
neat handed little waitress of Irish ex
traction, who proved herself very fond
of using any large words sho might hear
at the table. Un one occasion a young
lady spoke of resding "Kismet," and
upon being questioned as to the mean
ing of the word, explained that it was
"fate." A few days afterward, Biddy
having spent rather a longer time tban
usual in dressing to vait on dinner, ber
mistroes inquired as to tbe cause, and
was told: .
"Sure, ma'am, I was washing my
A WanHrMa-riiit mdire has decided
tliwt a hnT wlin nlimh a tftIa?raDh Dole
to watch a game or performance within
an enclosure does not commit a tres
pass, and is not guilty of disorderly
conduct It is inferred that the judge
was a boy himself once. Sinoe his de
cision, it hss been found necessary to
brace np the telegraph poles hi Wash
ington in the neighborhood of base-ball
grounds, and the boys will petition the
different companies to use much longer
poles hereafter.
"Hslla. doctor; Brown was buried
to-day. Had they called in another
"No, Bromley."
"Why how's that. 1 asked you yes
terday about him and yon said he was
doing well."
"No, I didn't. I said tbe fever was
"Well, isn't thst the same thing?"
"I was in a hurry, and forgot to add
that Brown went off with it."
Mwitrs Architecture.
Mr. W. W. Armitage. architectural
draughtsman. No, 4iJ2 Montgomery
street, Han Frsncisoo, California, writes
that having a very severe oongh, which
he found it difficult to remove, he tried
lied Star Cough Cure, and after a U.w
doses was completely cured. Eucour
sged by this remarkable result, he gave
it to the young members of his family
who were sick from a like cause, aud it
produced aimilar effects upon them.
He recommends its use in ev-;ry house
hold. Land holders in Northern Florida are
planting pecan trees largely.
"Beesox's Akomatic Alum Sclphtb
Soap," beantiUea and softens Face and
hands, heals and currsall skin diseases tor
sure. 25 cents by "Druggist" or by mail,
Win. Dreydoppel, Philadelphia, Pa.
Poultry suffer in these days if they
can find no shade in their runs.
It la vary Seldom
that practicing physicians of all schools,
not only endorse a proprietary med.rine,
but prescribe it in their practice, yet this is
done every day in the case of H cst's Kid
ney and Liver Remedt and why? be
cause it always gives immediate relief in
all cases of diseaxis of kidneys, liver or
nnnary organs and has permanently cured
some of the worst cases.
Mrs. Geo. Dawley, of 76 Knight St.,
Providence, II. I., says: "I was severely
amicted with torpidity of the kidneys and
enlargement ot the liver. Hunt's Kid
ney aud Liver Remedy has certainly done
wonders for me."
In the past thirty years there have been
many remedies advertised for th-t cure of
kidney and liver tronbles and diseases of
the Urinary organs. Of only one can it be
said that "it is never kuown to fail." That
one is Hunt's Kidney and Liver
Habtfobd, Conn.. Nov. 21, 18X2.
"I chrertuliy recommend Hunt's Kid
ney and Liver Remedy. Have auttered
from severe kidney troubles and intense
Fain. I am entirely relieved by Hunt's
Kidney and Liver) Remedy." Albert
W. Handy, Superintendent Pratt & Whit
ney Company.
Sunflower seeds can be ground by
hea ing tbem and then put through a
boue mill ; but we do not see any ob
ject In grinding them for poultry feed.
Tbibb is mo fast or Life's Citadel
where the enemy cin make a lodgment
that the "Vinmoab Bitters' will not
And him, and put him to rout. Impur
ity of blood U the parent of disease ; the
liver, tbe stomach, the lungs, the
nerves, every vital organ Is affected
primarily from this cause, and in thU
direction tbe Vinegar Bittebs act
with magical influence.
Old age is the night of life, as night
is the old age of thd day. Still night is
full of msgniflenoe, and for many it is
more brilliant than day.
FUaBwr AMD BEST OOD-LIVKB on, from selected
livers, oo the seashore, by Caaweu, Uasard Co
N. Y. Absolutely pure and sweeu Patients who
have once taken u prefer It to all others. Phyai
clans declare a superior to all other oils.
fW.TOWn tl.M ff A n.mr.1 m - 1.
, ' K-"... HIS
cured by using Juniper Tar Soap, mad by fas
wcii, uaaaru m ul, new ion.
The man who is jealous and envious
of bis neighbor s success hss foes in his
heart who ean bring more bitterness
Into his life than can any outside ene
my. Carbo-iioea.
He wins at Isat who builds his truet
In loving words and actions jnst ;
Whose bead, whose walk, his very mien.
Proclaim the nse of Carboline.
Experiments show thst red clover
will thrive in Northern Florida.
Those aharn naina In tha mall r
back and around the bipa will quickly go
after yon apply a Hop Platter. Ladles, pay
attention to this. liio.
Stories heard at mother's knee are
never wholly forgotten. They form a
little spring that never quite dries ud
in our journey "T"ft, eotcaiaf years.
fell n h
GEn:, AN RE t.Ot
Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica,
lumbago. Backache. Headache. Toothache.
Tb rsal.Swrl ftpralaa. Brwisea,
Kara. Meavlaa. t'raat Bile.
aasif niaHMM.i" ni". "i ' ruiy Osim iwna
lhfrtioala II Laucucn.
aMSllllUUltnj BsUUMra.B4.CB A,
Two Dallas ladies were overheard
talking over the fence as follows:
"What is the matter with yonr baby
I don't hear it cry anymore."
"I have cured iv of bawling."
"Dj yon give it soothing syrup with
opium in it?"
"Xo, I don't give it sny medicine at
all. I have adopted an entirely new
"What is it?"
"When it begins to cry I smear the
tips of its little fingers with molasses,
and rive it s few feathers to ho'd in
one hand. Its attention becme
aroused and it picks off the feathers
with the other hand. Tbe feathers
stick to the other hand, of course, aud
the bttle darling picks them off again.
The little angel's mind is thus so com
pletely absorbed with the feathers that
it forgets to cry."
Fabmeb Diggins had a horse to sell,
snd st the market he commenced to di
late on the animal's good qualities.
Forty dollars." yelled a voice.
"1'wjn't do," said Diggins.
"Ten dollars," shouted a wall-eyed
"He"s worthless," cried another.
"Who said he was a worthless ani
mal?" bowled Diggins. ' Twas too,
you lop-eared rail-chopper."
"1 didn't say any snch thing, you
mule-backed lump of clay," replied tbe
man. "1 only said he was worth less
than forty dollars, snd now blamed if I
don't say he's worthless."
Diggins traded the horse for a side
of bacon before tbe close of the day.
Johnny (who is spending tbe after
noon at tne Smiths') My mother says
she would like to look like you, Mrs.
Mrs. Smith (who is extremely plain,
but not entirely aware of it) Like me,
my dear? I take that as a compliment, in
deed, from so very pretty a lady as
your mamma. You re quite lure that
it was I, Johnny, that she meant?
Johnny (accepting another cruller)
Oh. yea'm. She said that if she could
have your health and strength she be
lieved she'd as lief look just as you da
A Maoician. Small brother "Say
Mr. Smidaius, is yon a magician?"
Mr. Mmidkins "So, Thomas, I am
not. W by?"
"Because, whenever yon and sister
Mary go into the parlor in the evening
the lamp is alwavs changed into the
small feathers that are on a goose."
"how do you make that out, Thorn
"Why, it has always been turned
iltsirn "
"Jclia, I don't see why you are go
ing to marry Harry BosoomK lie
hasn't any mouey, aud it is not likely
he'll ever have any.'
'ranny, I'd scorn to marry for
mouey. Harry is handsome and a fine
athlete. He would bring to me a sense
of protection and "
"Ou, that is all right, Julia. Every
one to their mind. Yon may marry for
protection; 1 intend to marry for rev
A Worthy old couple, the man mem
ber of which is an invalid, have various
attentions from kind neigh bcrs. O ie
day a well- meaning friend sent hi a bot
tle of disinfectant, wbich she thought
was needed, and calling later to see how
her proteges were getting along she was
infoimed that Mr. had taken con
siderable of that medioine. and it
seemed to do him lots of good.
HcfcB ind -"There now. I think I
have got euouh leaves for all the wit:-
lows. Wife "All the windows?
What do you mean? Husband--
"Why, dou't you know? Whenever
yon get home with autumn leaves you
always throw tbem out of the window,
and this titan I thought I would get you
enough to throw eome out of all the
windows. We may ai well do a com
plete job when we are about it."
Mus Clara "I declare I was never
so iuulted in my life. Oh, bow 1 hate
him! Mis A:gie "Whom?" Mnw
Cats "That young snip of a Dam
foole." Miss Ant?io "What has be
done?" M as Cara "Whv. be akeil
me this aiurnoon if 1 thought there
was much difference between tbe peo
ple at the summer resorts ten years ago
ana now. jast think, ten years."
' Okoboe, wbo is your femily phvsi
clan?" -Dr. Smoothman." "Wuat,
that infernal nuuibakull? How does ir
oome you employ him?" "Oh, it'
some of my wife's uoiugs. She went to
see him about a cold in ber bead, and
he recommended that she wear another
style ot bonnet. Since then she won't
have any other doctor."
Boston Girl. "OAWge, I see the
papers say that small-pox was brought
to Boston by a kiss."
"Xaas, I nawtioed that."
Long vacuum of silence.
"Oawge, have yjo. been exposed to
small pox?"
"Xaw. Why?"
"Oh, nothing; only. I thought I'd
tell yon I've been vaccinated,"
"Just one,' said the lover, as be
stood upon the stoop with his girl,
"just one." '
"Just one," said the mother, putting
ber head out of the bedroom window
above; "we 1. I guess it ain't so late as
that, bnt its pretty near twelve, and
you'd better be going, or her father will
be down.
And tbe lover took hia ! iv.
pain in his heart.
A xouno lady w ho read that hops
were beinir serious I ininml Rr ...
weather, declared that no amount of
wet weather wonll prevent her frcm
going to a gocd hop.
Any man Inoka likrt & .Wm -i .v.
over heels. Lyon's Heel Stiffners keep
uuoia airaignt, zoc
About one hnudrerl Tmahala i
ashes per sere are a fair proportion to
tf afflir-fl with r. ,
- una lHAC
Thorn paon W ater. Draggista sell U. ;i0c
The late rains maavtmt mu. . i
ver seed where tbe young plants have
been bnrned np.
A'o Ooiunk in Plan rM a
too. Coree whers othei remedies fail. 24cT
..Wbo ran the bell so early this
morning, Mria?" , tt,
"It was the milk-man, ma am. at
brinfrs fresh milk every morni
"Well. Ion't wish to be disturixw
by this noise. Tell him to brtngenougb
Monday for the whole week.
A lawyer in Connecticut, whose rep
utation in the community was not very
high, met an old genUeman one day.
and said to him, "Do yon know Mr.
H., that I am a direct descendant from
MiiesStsndi-h? - "Is it pobler was
the reply. "What a descent!
Dt cr R "How is the baby?"
Mrs. Jinks.-"Oflal bad, sir. List
night the poor Utile thing was tool
drTflK First she would clinch hei
hands, and then she would ssy, 'A-b-h,
just like a hnman being!"
A Bebli2I physician claims to hsve in
vented a mach ne for looking into the
brain. It is probably a new fatigled
cork screw, although the old kind wiu
unc ver the brain of most any man.
A Klaea
of disease follow an unhealthy condition
of the liver, one of the moat Important or
gans of the body. Impure blood, bron
chitis, asthma, malarial diseases, cousuinp
tlon, akk-headai he, diseases of the sluu,
kindeysand heart all may be traced I o
, . i.t. ,J the. liver. o
other known preparation to rapidly and
thoroughly reKris a disordered liver as
lr. Pierce's "Uol.len Medical Discovery.
It is piea-ant to the tasie, mild but sure ia
its action, an.l a Kilt to sull'ering humanity
from one or the iwst siK-cessful physicians
of the age.
O od fertii r rrs, except by mistake,
are never sold for a "low price."
"Man's wotk s from sun to sun ;
WYm.iu's work is never done."
Work U a necessity to all; hut, upon how
tnany, women esieci:illy, does it tail with
the burden of the "last straw," aud this,
because iheir peculiarly delicate constitu
tions are so liable to functional derange
ment. We cannot lessen your toil,' llies.
bnt e can make it easier for you, by malt
ing yon stronger an 1 better able to do it.
l)r. Pierce's "1'avorlte Prescription" will
relieve vou of nervous and other weak
nesses, and all the many ills peculiar to
your aex.
Mixing of milk at different tempera
tures should be carefully avoided.
Delicate diseases, as nervousdebUity and
premature weakness, however induced,
radically cured. Seud 10 cents in stamps
for treatise. World's Dispensary M-dical
Association, CtiJ Main Street, Buffalo, '. V.
When yon visit or ave Sew Yor cttv. save
baemireexpre-feaceand SSramapeliire. and slop
aline i.rauU tpuia Hotel, opposite UrauU Cen
tral Depot.
u) elegant rooms. Cited np at a cost of one
mil. ion dollars. II and opwunls per
mi. European Plan. Eleator. Kestauraat
supplied wan ihe best Ilune ears, ataires an-1
e.eiaiel raiiroad to ail ilepota. Kamiiea can .ive
Letter tor leas inoner at me Urand I Uion UuM.
than at anv otuei arst-rlaas botel m ISe cue.
A costempobaby rem irks with strict
veracity that it is a cold day when ice
cream is left in the hands of the con
fectioner. Fine hay or cnt or well broken straw
makes good nests for hens. An good,
perhaps better nests, can be made of
shavings of soft wood.
TTrvvi's huiwV-TIl fc a far f i: V. y-pwtrM extract
of tlx? brwt rrprnrtli of U. mr table ktnsfcora k nowt
to RMslicai Kiinx aa Altrruurv. Blood Janfler.
IH'irrU-, mad Toa:-. itht bm Sarmparilla, YrlVow
lock. Stilling, laDl-Loa. Juniper Berne. Wv
dr.sk', IV 04 Cherry Hark and other Klectrd roots,
barkj TUkl berlas. A roetla-:ne. bke anytlun 9le.cn
be fairly JndAjyd only by its mm lb. We point with
amisfactsos to the sbx-ion reconl Hood'a Saraap
nlla bin entrml fuc itself opon the bearttof thoa
aniti of pvMifle In New FnsUuid who hare peraun
ally or In Jtn-ctly t-vn M.eirrd of terrtWe uffermsr
which alloihrT rrmrlaiWlton'ti. C. I. HOOD
A CO., A p"thvarPt-. Lowt-1 1. Maim. Prior $1 .00, six fur
f.0O. Km! Ly Iruu,':lj aiul DvMler In ntiont-a.
Onij Temperance outers Known.
-rmtef al Thmnaanite proclaim Vmnii
Brrrsas the most wonderful Ifevigorantthalever
sustained the sinking- ivstem.
Marie from California riots arnt bertw. free
from Alrohalie buiuiilauta. A aHrg.atie
and T.mikv
Thle H let era cores Female Omp'alnta,
Iiinamir-m.? and ( hmnie Kheaanatalam,
(ijt, Pitiou. Remittr-nc and Intermittent Fe
vers. Hl.vxt. Liner nri Kldaeybumuwa.
Uf-aprpata or indigestion, Hrarfache.
Pain tn tbe MiouMer. mug ha. Turhtnesa of ths
Llumt, biniuraa. s,nr Stomach. Furred Toneu.
Bilious Attacks. Palpitation of the Heart. Pneu
monia, and Pain in Ihe tvy-iona of toe kklnris,
are rural bv the ute of the Bitters.
For Skin niaeaaea, Eruptions, BoP
Fxvsipela.". Scrofula. Muroloratiooa, Hiimorsaud
dUeaane of the skin of -xhateTer name or na
ture, are literally dug np acd carried out of the
syoem In a sh.. time by the uaeof the Bitters.
II Invlsorat i (he ftioniarh, andstim
uiaow the luipid liver and Bowels, which ren
der it of unuaVed emclenoy tn cleaimng the
blood of all impurities, aad lmiartinAT new life
and i(r-r lo the whole srstm.
Ne frrou can take tne Bitters and remain
long nnwelL
a2!'"'.t"Pw m ' fr.rma, are
ettroywl and pnuowd from the srstem.
ht ??"? Klood wbraem
?h.0L; TOUr -nif will w-ll you when. Keep
win f$towPUr "Jth of the ajstma
m" "'''on : flre the Bitters a trial II
l speak for Iterlf. Onehottle will prove a bet-
rTrtKT6 meritu -
!L'i!!Tn.?ml4 Dro r" Proprietor.
aaranc.-o,ol..an,ljl Jji va WMotiuruni 6U
a1 J V CTi th"'o ". Sw York.
aoIdbyaJl DeaJera and DmCriit.
Cancer of Jhs Tongue.
Cass Bumbling That st Gsneral Grant
ta too af V, lT-fiT,!i. i? ""rough my rherk to
rm.ldZ.'ilo'S fa,
n-uced t&lQff bwlft-. M.-TnTi Br "' 1 enro
ll place, .u JtSdii" 'J";h the
fearful apertirVl.' TyTja hbTTS "? "
arm It knitted fcwether JtV.vT" and
h'suus. lean tolkaa that
ndemt.nd me. M4 can iatoTJt T?i "ad-lr
wooid rfer to Hon. John It T.!i J.?1 "-
of UUsditolct,aadtoDr. T i l.V
L. Oranr.. Ca. Way u. ifX MAK U
Trrauw na bii and slua Diseases n.ni .
Ths 8w;rT bracirui i rV-TL.T.n free.
iSi'i!!!'"! n na -'71
Apeotal ttrronofmnui, and rrtra term
by addressing ArtATTox boiSpTVl
nam . u write
aairn JnaewvUta. Was.
aoutiii dav aiiu i. ,.t "etnod ol
TF D " sa m Won., i. .
f ssnsa. sti
. -a. aaa
aw. PatroTLawTj ,
Ei;P7J",r Permanent rel fiTl,u,
40 " i
BOOK arw
The Cheapest and Eert Med'tcire for Fa i'y U
In from one to twenty minnies, er fall to nv
lleve PAM with one tltorouiro spiliri ..n. 5,
matter bow violent or ex :ra.:iarini ' ne pain, the
Koeair.tttc, Bed-ridden, Inrirm.cni-p ed, Serrona
Jienrelne of prostrated with dliej-te may anjTer
HAD WAT'S HEADY Klllll' wul aUurd
It win.ln a few moment, wnen taken according
to direction, core CTampH.Sp win Sour 8toinci
Eeart barn. Sick fleailache. Summer Comp.aiat,
IMarrbaw, Dynentrr, conu, W iikI in the bowej.
and ail Internal Pain.
wnaun rfP shonld alwsr ram a " r
TRAVELERS ria kcdv reT
I.I t. V wiin them. A lew .Irons in water will pre
vent slekneaa or pains from i banire of waier. t
ts better than French Braadj or buier as a sum-
Malaria In Its Various Forms.
There a not a reme-iia airetii in Hie w-wj
that will core Fever and Airoe an-1 a.. 'w Ma.
htfiooa, BIHooa. sol other fever m. n,
Kadwa-'a Pills- ao quick a Ka-lwar' Keulj Ka
uef. ITice 6 eenta. Sold by d.-iuf-u.
SampariIJi in insolvent
Builds np the bpi;en-'lown ronsritution, punn-a
the blood, restor n health aud .(. soid uy
Irnggiau; ' a bottle.
Dr. Radway's Pills.
For DTsPrPNIA and for the rnre or s!l the
disorders of the st.imac'i. l.iver.Bowei, c onii.
Hon, BUou-uc.-a, Piica, Ueailaciie, eu Price a
DB BAD WAY St CO J32 Warren St. ST,
To Ho aelieepera, Pt.irkecper. anula.:tur
eta. Jewelers. Prcwors Kaiiioa-I
an I S reel I ar i u.',
The Besf PotWiino Powder for Household
and Manufactunn; PurpoMt.
Applicable to all Metals. Glass and Crystals.
Po-lrivelv free from i'l acuK
M eTcrrw-iere.
fa the leading e'etmng powd-r The ci-ma-.
-;tIi ftwvnii'n-ni ha ffiven
the preference over alt - it her Clean n Pow.k-r or
Pi-male, and hi" a-l-ip'-d I- rxriu-tive.y f-ir the
enil e lerii an Arniv.
Agcnta wanted at Uek-ltpi irtern,
FI-iCHER 4 I'O., ! Arch Street. Phlia.
Morphiar I'-.Mt Tared In l
n Jll l:iia. an. nil rarrd.
PaIatm Rtioln ess I p. Phi -1 ! ai Trn
uciiy .tuitU'Mwiur'ii-;. -L vVm-fi-otr'ii! v. .
A dip nrcTR TMv,trrwfTi th-i. w wiu
.lwvtii!f7 UAfh:nr Mac liutx il ynn wnt 001
ffD'l n T-tor itm. P. . and xr'-- oiH -e 1
on f Ths Xaims.-ftM' I't-Y ST.. N Y.
..'-is. bv m xiL
M KI.L at Ul
Bent In th WorM. T.nIonTi-bv (he FrT7.rT Luhrii-
fcurCo. UL hk-ai". N. Y. A St-teOuis. Sold et eruvhrrr.
ruiT wns-Ki . r.''. x I not.ti .1 j. Tin
Ctri r WHERE, ix T.u Caia. KUt Um Mii.S-w
A wr HittBf f rrrrr.
Uki. X. k C.L.1X L'KAL;L'
0rlentl Cream, or Yiical BeaatiSer.
k-n, MoCIi-lICIir-Sl,
UiaJ Uu di
-r bfrmi
en bwa:y,
trt-aon. li naa
noii tb tme
ot taiirty rflars
iftfSD bjrui
lo br mr? tb
proper! f
UlaTsfir. ACl4
of t i m 1 1 at
narrHn, T h
il7lnarTJAfw 1
Pi-.ta, J.SirmwM telWyefthfi.nTOJKi p
COQraDda Cttmiii a tbr lMt harn.fn of all tbe kirt
Kp-aucnuv- one bottie will nx njoutiuk hvlt
i-err y. Alao i wi.ire Mibtiie tvuoxv ariperflis.
onatiair w.thooi u j-ury lothenkjn.
aalta. M.KT.tiOl k.ALI. h. 4r tr ip, IVti1 Sf..!.t.
for aaie by ail diwrats and Ymncy l-
ttirtTMrKut Oi f. Cai.a.iaa and kitMr i
fonnd in N T City itR.lL Manr'a.t-rnV f Un. rj'i.
BJdiey a. and otbr Faitcr y-bewwT9
oj bane tattitaryvna. i ,w Howard lor arrC antl i-rooT
of aar on fWAtlintf tbe aaar-
rfie fm
BJ avr 4 thalt cUss i
itist. mA kavrt r
a.muM uivsrui T-fin-
. P4u. Tea
OrsMweia rli tov of
Cn puoarc aixi nam n
a-TMMttf the icadtBs; Uit
aaw. of i hm . irjotm.
A. L. SMITH". i
Brtfrtt rts.
So n T Drue? sa
rrtvcSI ink
an tn. human bodv CBAS1CATKW bv
mAmSram 'eased., fiafe aad eSaerak I
alUluudM. ll.eAeeS!.VC2SSa:
Lorillari's Climas Ping
fiearlne a red Ha ; thai Lortriardl
Ravv C'llpplnsa. and that Lonilard's MaaaTa.ara
ta bast aaa uneaueat. uuaiitT nxwUerod i
Kawplac Teeth r.rreet aad Usaw Hesltkn
Rlsiir'e Dille Gre,t E"9,ih Gsuiss,
Uldll S riliSs Rheumatic Ramadv.
W.nt alaa.
l-ia rwaa4.Oeta.
The Orlclaml awd Only ewwlw.
r.liuw. N'.ii.rf H rthleae laiwkw
TltaiebMter' Kact" IS. kM aaj. U4lnul
TO LADIES. l'-hrwS. tMMp.' r pwdcralw. (.-"I
kk- .-lrl I'll I '
IBtwtAouvb-ymp. Tapxen (to.xL
Uw In itmeL sili by dniictrtira.
DaMe!-M cHI-r Hcrm. Sen'-f im
W ElixlnC fiK-nlara. 'OI. U alNi.
a is as iwllw UAM. Alt' v. Waehinatoa. 1. 0.
jT-tf ?, .oca -yx2- --rr--
' I, ,
Meal. OnbF Naella.
WRllItU llo.ir a
-n tiir IIAhT X3 M TXI
'IP. Wll.n'. Patent i. IH rc
. rr-nt. m(re ma:e in S'-fyi'if e."'-
V7 PWIK MILLS sn.l itJ-l
Z. ... aH-AJ. lr.-ij!ni sn.l Teal ironnlal
anapaUcatltia. VVII .HVN RKOS., iUalaa. T
acnr. i hM'I b lea rf;
J ATy.aWV a
jnmsr ,rn,i voar own tone.
VaVanOal aar I 1 HIS
awMOlaafa. Ml Aeh X. MIL.
- wa.a.
JsflsrsSS. sl$esrlSlaj
A. M. f
.aU at on Itra Fioa a. a a r. aw t
"" Ts .