SENTINEL & REPUBLICAN MIFFLINTOWN. HedDCudajr, A u grunt 36, .. B. F. SCIMVEIER, CDITOK ASD riOPKICTOK. EtJYrr desires Soudan. to re-conquor the The Democracy of Ohio have re nominated Hoadlv, for Governor. Iron manufacturers are looking for better times, hope they'll not look in vain. It is reHrted that Til Jen w on the vuts with the Cleveland administra tion. . Five hundred and eighty illegal pensioners have been turned up in Jhicago. 'The pension burean at Washington "i looking after the people who are illegally receiving pensions. Huntingdon county Demociats are excited over Quay's nomination. They will be cooled off next Novem ber. - - - - -- . . ... A Washington, D. C, youth aged 'twenty has been severely whipped by his father, for attending a theater, within the past week. First crop reports state that this is the odd, or non bearing year, and that the yield of apples will fall a little short of 75 per cent of the av erage bearing year. President Cleveland expresses the belief, that with a large class of peo ple, office seeking is a disease, which is rather a keen criticism on the scrambling crowd of office seeking Democrats. They run divorce bills through Chicago courts on rail road time. Last wec-k in two cases, bills were fil d, evidence heard and decrees of divorce granted within the period of half an hour. Daniel J. Morrell, the chief or ganizer, and during a period of years chief manager of the Cambria Iron Works, died at Johnstown, Cambria county, on the morning of the 20th in6t, aged 64 years. " ' " affidavit of the time and place of kil!- General Lo;ax will write a book ing the same, or produce the pek of reminiscences of the war. If the animal or bird; and it 6hall be the du General puts it in press bv 188S, ! J of siu'h magistrate or justice of when his friends will run him for the tLe 10 e Pre8ence of the per- ., , , -, , son killing such an animal or bird and I residency, he cauaol fail of realiz-1 one elector of the P0Ilnty to cut off ing a fortune out of the book. j the ears of such animal, or the head "A Baptist clergyman in Dakota has held a great plowing and sowing bee. and seeded to wheat a larjre tract of land given by a wealthy member. If all goes well the church will have several thousand bushels of wheat next season." - - It is said that city hotel waiters have ah organization to encourage 'tipping"and that the boarderor trav w'er that does not '"tip" is always given a slow and reluctant attendance. In other words if you desire a just at tendance. In other words if you de sire a just attendance at hotels you must bribe or buy the servants to wait on you properly. The editor of the Philadelphia Record came nearly being angry when he wrote the following : The Iowa Democrats fused with the Greenbackers iu the choice of can didates for a joint ticket, but they abstained from putting any Green backery in their platform. This sort of fraud will not impose upon any body. When men go about honest business they don't take rogues into partnership. Whenever a Republican President left the White House for a few days in the country for rest from the labors of the Presidential office it was the habit of Democrats to set np a dis approving shout they declared that the President was doing nothing but running about, but now that Presi-, Cleveland and nearly all of his CabL net are off on a junket, the former fault finding Democrats are as quiet as political mice. The Philadelphia Bulletin says: Seventeen years ago the death pen alty for murder in the first degree was abolished by Minnesota, and life imprisonment was substituted ; but tho gallows has just been re erected. Michigan tried the same experiment, and not long since a bill was passed by the lower House of the Legisla ture re-euacting the hanging policy, although it failed of adoption in the Senate. Maine did no hanging for eix years, and then went back to cap ital punishment Who Keit? There is an unwashed and unterri 'fied Democratic editor, named Davis, walking around in the Pension office shoes of Col. W. A. Norris at Phila delphia, as an appointee of Presi dent Cleveland. Davis appointed as his chief clerk, an ex-confederate boI- dier named Barbiere. The ex-confed er&te had not only been a soldier in the rebel cause but he had been newspaper and book writer against the north, nis articles of the bloody shirt, were of last ditch kind, and when Davis took Lim in, there was a howl along the Union liuo aga-'jist them-ia for his bloody writing and fighting. He resigned, Davis put a man named Paine in his place and now it turns out that while Paine was a Union sol dier, he is more objectionable than the rebel, for the reason that he has not been honest He was arraigned before court for having obtained mon ey on false pretense, he plead guilty, and was kept out of jail by the ten derness of the court Davis was compelled to drop Paine. Who he will t ake next is a question of con jecture. He has been unfortunate in his selections to such a degree that it is asked, "who next" ITEMS. It is said that a new coffin factory is about to be erected in Harrisbunr. Several cases of pink eyes are re ported in the neighborhood of Lock Haven. Grant and Lee are the names which Mr. Joab C. "Brasher, City Judge of noptinsviiie, Ay., lias conferred on iua twin sons. A man of Baltimore drives four horses tandem, the wheeler bein tremendously big, the next of mod erate size, then a small one, and the leader a pony. a uanaua aeaier in macs lias is sued a circular telling farmers that calves should be partly skinned be fore they are killed, in order that the hide at the throat may not be dam aged by the mortal cut At Waterloo, N. Y., a few nights ago, two tons of hay overloading wagon forced the iron arch of the rack down on one of the iron tires. Fire followed the friction, and sparks new into the hay. 1 hereupon the u or sos toot Inprnt, and a fiyinfir bon fire on the highway made the farmers wonuer. Premium on Wild fats, Foxes, etc. An act for the destruction of wolves, wild cats, hawks, weasels &Td owls in this Commonwealth, was pass ed by the Legislature, and approved June ZA. ltto. it contains live sec tions. The first section gives the fol lowing premiums, to be paid by the respective counties in which they are slain, namely: for every wild cat, two dollars; for every red or gray fox, one dollar; for every mink fifty cents; for for every weasel, fiftv cents; and for every owl, except the Arcadian screech or barn owl. fifty cents. Section two provides that, to obtain the premium, the slun animal or bird must be pro duced before the magistrate, alderman or justice of the peace of the county in which the same was killed and make v'i ia, nuu lu mo j u t.t -liue Ul stu.h person burn the same. Justices of the peace, Vc, shall receive from the county twenty cents in full com pensation for all Hervices nnder the act Violation of the act in any form is a misdemeanor, punishab'e by fine not exceeding $200 and imprisonment not exceeding one vear, or either, or both at the discretion of the Court. Three Tramps Thrashed. Crawfokdsviixe, Ind., August 18. The residence of Xoah Lockabill, on a farm near Brown's Valley, was en tered by tramps on Sunday night. Lockabill was awakened by the noise spraug from his bed and closed with the one in the room. The burglar re-enforced by two others. Mr. Lock abill is a powerful man, and flung the captured burglar against the two others in such a manner as to bring the three to the floor. Then he went at them with a club. His wife brought the clothes line, and together they bound the tramps, sat down and waited for them to recover. When the tramps regained consciousness. Mr. Lockabill asked them which they preferred to be taken to Crawfords ville and be placed in jail, where they stood the chance of several years in the penitentiary, or to be led out, one at a time, and receive such a whipping as h9 would administer. They chose the latter, and the far mer took them out severally, tied them to the gate post and adminis tered 100 lashes to each tramp with large new rawhide wagon-whip. Each stroke of the whip raised a huge welt on the back of the tramps, and when the operation was complet ed a pool of blood could be seen where they had stood. Their piteous cries for mercy called in the neigh bors, until quite a little audience had assembled to witness the castigation of tramp No. 3. As all sympathized with the irate farmer the performance went on till he had completed the hundred lashes. Had Their Fortunes Told. An occurrence took place near Frick's farm, Eden township, which came near ending in a tragedy, in a large strip of woods where a band of twenty six gypsies were encamped. The men traded horses and the wo men told fortunes. Several old hags visited the home of Jared Umpton and wanted to tell his wife s fortune, bne finally consented, and paid one dol lar for a long yarn concerning the al leged shortcomings of her husband. The wife then left for a neighbor's when the gypsy hag again appeared and prevailed upon telling the hus band s fortune, tie also yielded ana listened to a lot of stuff about his wife. Before retiring that night, in compliance with the gypsy's instruc tion, he placed a thimbleful of salt and the same measure of peper to gether in a little bag and hung them in the chimney, keeping the matter a secret from his wife. Un the follow irjg morning the wife saw traces of salt and pepper strewed about the closet, and probably from something told her by the gypsy lmmeaiateiy suspected her husband of mixing poi son with these articles. The accused him of the supposed crime and quarrel ensued.. She husband did not explain about the bag in the chimney and the trouble continued. The wife finally carried the articles containing what she supposed to be poison to her 6ister, residing not far distant, and both returned to the un happy household together. Another stormy scene ensued between husband and wife, the latter goaded on by her sister when the enraged woman caught up a butcher knife and made a fierce strike at he husband's breast, wound ing him. In self defense the imperiled man at last knocked his wife down, the knife flying from her grasp. The affair created great excitement among those who heard of it and the gypsies were routed out by the excited farmerR. Five of the gypsies were arrested at Bowmansville for swindling in bogus horse trades, Everett Press. - ADDITIONAL LOCALS. Another picnic at din Spring on Tuurs dy. Forty bran bands will attend tbe Harris- burg Centennial. Acorns, walnuts, thelllurksandchostnatg are said to be plenty. Merchant Jobn Kirk has been adding improvements to his dwelling house an Main street. A Western clergyman says that if men and women are to dance at all tbey ought to dance in separate rooms. There, is a reward $550 offered for the burglar that entered the sleeping room and shot George Clotigh, of Duncansville, Blair county. A man was seen in to., tno other day. trying to figure out what effect the. election of a Prohibition State Treasurer would have on the temperance cause. Hostetler's, "Eclipse" engine, with threshing machine behind it passed tlwmgh town last Wednesday. It was a delight to the boys and they in numbers "got aboard," Marriage and death notices, not exceed og five line , earnestly solicited and pub lished free. Marriage congratulations, Obit uary notices, irttratea or respects, and so forth, tash five cents a line. "A bent five hundred dots will be dis charged from coal mines around Sbamokin in accordance with an act of the Legislature prohibiting the employment of boys nnder twelve years of age in the eosMireakers and under fourteen years in the mines." A newspaper man lamented over the fact that women use newspapers to make bus tle. A fellow newspaper man thought that Iris journalistic brother shontd not grow de spondent for if the newspaper fjile l to im- j prove the mind of tho lady, it improved the appearance of her person. The newspaper hen is good for both, intellectual Md phys ical defects. Two engines drawing a' freight tr.itr on the Lewrtown & Sunbury rsid were tSrown off the track near Lewintows, on We.-rnes ay night, about 11 o'clock, by a stone ttint lay over the track. Both locomotives were considerably injured, a number of cars ware broken, and the track was torn np a distance of one hundred feet. The engineers, tire men and brakrnien escaped without serious injury. On an average each person in tie t'nited States drinks 9 15 pounds of coffee in a yesr, and 1 25 pounds of tea in a year. - In (ircat Britain the order of drinking' is changed, that is, they drink more tea than cofl'ee. The average person in England -drinks about 4.75 pounds of tea and only 0.9 of a pound of coffee. Combining the two liijnids, our people drink another time as much as the British. "Minneapolis has a peculiar ordinance regulating the Iiiir traffic. Besides charg ing a license fee cf $iW, the ordinance marks out certain patrol limits, including tho business portion el the city, within which all the saloons there are must be es tablished, and where tbey can be kept un der close police inspection. As to the rest of the city, including all the main resilience portions of the city, where probably nine tenths of the inhabitants have their homes, absolute saloon prohibition prevails, and is rigidly enforced." The Last Opportunity to Tlslt tbe Seashore. The last of the series cf. saearsion, to the seashore, which have proven of such value to tbe people of this section during the sum mer, will be run by the Pennsylvania Rail road Company on Thursday, August 27th. All who have not availed themselves before of tbis excellent opportunity to take allying trip to the shore, should grasp this tbe last chance. This is really the choicest peri od i of the season, an i tei days passed now nn der the reviving tultut-oces of sea baths and ocean air, will be ot tho greatest benefit to those who have worked through tbe heat and burden of the summer. Pleasure seekers too will find everything tbey could desire in the way of amusement. Tbare are more people both at Cape May and Atlantic City than there have been at any time this season, and the gayety and lite of the coast reaches its highest poiut in tbe latter days of August. No one could choose a more agreeable time nor a livelier on e for a. vacation trip to tbe seaside. Excursion ticke ts good for ten days, for use going only on special train and to return by any regular train within tbe limit sold, as heretofore, from stations following at the rates quoted, and the special will' run on schedule attached : Pittsburg $10.00 9.00-A. Jt. 9.40 7.35- 6.58 7.35 9.58 8.10 Irwin 10.00 Butler 10.00 Cniontown. . ...... .10.00 ..10.00 .10.00 ..10.00 Connel!sviIIe ...... Greensburg ....... Indiana. . . ....... Blairsville Latrobe........... ..10.00 10.13 ..10.00 10.15 ...9.25. IMS ...50 12.02 P. M ...8.00 1.00 ...7.65 1.25 Jobnstowa ........ Cresson Altoona...... ..... Tyrone Huntingdon ........7.10 Cumberland 8.50 1.65 840 A. M. Bedford ....8.50 10.15 ' Mt. Union ... 6.75 McVeytown 6.60 Lewistown Jc. ...... 6.00 Mifflin 5.65 Port Hoyal 6.60 Newport. 5.00 2.15 P. 2.35 2.53 3.10 8.15 ' 3.45 M. Train arrive in Philadelphia 7.50 P, it. Excursionists can spend the night and pro ceed to tbe shore by any regular train of tbe following day. Bear in mind that this is tbe last of the low rate excursion. Tbe best medical authorities acknowledge the great value of Ayer'a CatharticPills, and frequently prescribe their use with the ut most coutidenrp, well knowing that they are the most effectual remedy ever devised for diseases caused by derangements of tbe stomach and bowels. JUNIATA VALLEY BANK, OF MIFFLI.TTOWar, PA. WITH BRANCH AT PORT ROYAL. Stockholders Individually Liable. J. KRVI.V POMEROY, PrtnJent. T. VAN IRWIN, DiaacTOas : J. Nevin Pomeroy, Joseph Kothrock, Noah Hertsler, Philip M. Repner, Amos G. Bonsall, Lonis E. Atkinson. W. C. Potneroy, STOCKHOLDERS : J. Nevin Pomeroy, K. E. Parker, Philip M. Kcpner, Joseph Kothrock, George Jacobs, L. E. Atkinson, W. C. Pomeroy, Amos G. Bonsall, Noah Hertsler, Annie M. Shelley. Jane II. Irwin, Mary Knrts, Samuel M. Kurts J. Holmes Irwin, T. V. Irwin, F. B. Prow. Jobn Hertsler. Charlotte Snyder, IT" Interest allowed at the rate of per cent, on o months certificates, 4 per cent, on vi mourns certificates. I jan23, 18C5-tr -ft1 S mm The Old Reliable aw4 Rnl One ! Baking PowaVr Made. (On Traqxamful to a qaart of Floor.) On the market tor 10 raars and recommended by protaUMUt phjsk'iaus aa healthful. Varrantei to le lhsc fivm AiMimia and all injurious lnm-.tlenta and to girt pr fet satisfaction. 1st four grocar for i frei unpli for trfiL IDE ORLT BT CHARM MANUFACTURING CO., Also maauf aetnnrs of Qtiakar Tablo Sanea, Jei Dm, Fiamt, MapW Srrure. Fawn-' lug; Extracta. tc.. ate. bt. rouia mo. QUICK MEAL 3A3QLINE STOVES. Will bake,, broil, wash, jT-y Iron, boll i 'miner, roast E I and toasv much quicker f I or wood cook eCoveav. It ia ready in minute and stopped in an instant, by simply pushing a little button "Open" or Closed." Ringen Stove Co. ST. I -OlMS, MO. CHAMPION HOUSE PUMP, COPPBR OR STZKI LISER,, Capacity, fj Gallons per. mUmte The Caslect Work Ing and Most Powerful Double-Acting i PUMP 5 Ever Produced. A I Fitted lor either LK AD. IROHor iRCBBERriFK. water or faHNu r manJ mauHmti trpmmt. A POWERFUL FIRE EMCINE. ILL DEALERS I ,E1.L THI.M. Bend for our BuaVet . crt Tr n: ot these rnmpa and ou iri ui-iolarucJea. Qleason & Bailey MTg Co. L'd SENECA FA? iXH. H. T. Surface Indications vriiat a miner xrt) uld vcrr properly terra "surface Imlirstkii f cf trhat is benralb, are Ilie l'iruplcf , Sties Sore Eyes. Itotls, and ( uto eous KrupUons wilh sihii-h HHiple are In spring anl i -arly summer. T ce eiTile nutter acenmu Lilril l:irin? tlu i wir-cur mouths, now makes iis presca ?o fe!-,ifarou;:h Xature'a emloavors to e; .pnl ii. rora tbe sytrm. T hilo it rrinaln s, it is apnivjn that festers hi i lie b'.nod an?. may in t lop into Scrof ula. This cor .dit inn mtfes di-raiurrment -f the tirestive amt .-issimilatory anranr. wi:h a fecliuy of en n atiou. languor, and xer arini ss oftcji iiirbily npoken of as "only l:rin? fever." Ther are evidences that Nature is not al.le. nnaialed. to throw off the comipt atoms whit-h weaken the vital foiw. To r-7.-aii hoailh. Nature must lie aiilol by a thr.niuirh blood-purifyinij med icine; aud ni'ihiug.else ia so effective aa Ayers Sarsaparilla, h!rh Is stiffklently powerful to expel from tho vtTn even the taint of Uered-. itary Scrofula. The mtlic-t profession Indorse A TTK 8aR3 ariixa. and many attestations et the rum cfi-uted by itcoiue from all parts of the worhb It Is, In tbe Januare of the ilon. Francis Jewctt. cx-Stnte Sen ntor of Massachusetts ami ex-Mayor of 1'T11, "the only preparation Uut docs reiil, lusting good. PREPARED BT Dr. J. C. Ajer &. Co., Lowalt, Matt. Sold by all Dnipgisfs: Price $1; Six bottles for $5. Caution Xollce. A)l p.Tsons are borcby ciutMicil against Tresspasinc- npin the'lan-lsnf the under ngnea, " hetht-r eated or i4A.itiHi, or in poSteMi'oii of, the pnrpone of fishing, hnnting, gailiering b rrioi, cutting timber, or for any nnneccessery purpose. Benjunin S hellebergor, Joseph Pine, Wm. H annuo, Jobn Pine, Isaac Shellenberger, John Keller, Manrice Leonard, I.ncien Auker. June 11, ISSi.l II Kiuzer. pEA'JODV HOTEL, Ninth St , south of Chestnut, one gqnare south of tbe New post Office, one-half square from Walnut Bt. Theatre aud in the very linsiucss centra of tho city. On the American aud Knropeau pians. Good rooms fioni 50c to $3.00 per dar. Remodeled and newly furnished. W. PAINE, at. D-, Owner aud Proprietor, Nov. 21, ly. i " airl W tot will be maita! grmtta W opoo application to i asV aaU OFSB ! STILL AND WE MEAN TO STAY THERE. - FAIR DEALING, IS OUR MOTTO. - SUCCESS, OUR REWARD. STRAYKll will not. cor cniDOt be at the suoocsj attending our 'ffirts to charged for CLOTHING in Miffliotown. and find the community sticks to its first love. Ths poblio btve faith in on r published statcmentu, and we strive to deserve t!i9 full measure of eoofil)nou freely proof to us of the good wftl of all classes. We say wttboot the lfst fear of contradiction (atH hiva ntentv nionov to Lick il that uy terribly offended op- .. ' . . ... . . . II. .1 It' A It position has lwo IMiars worth or un GOODS to oiy one ISO OLD WOODS is all onr summer clothing SOME TAI A. ABOUT hveper cist, fik ! Why, before I will allow inv customers and friends to be iltrrir'4 in that . t i .1 .1.. w.ll manner. 1 will Co Business tins suiuuict lor pieaeure, anu miuw jvh me wo for every tieoe of poods yon buy, only asking expense pf transportation, and our advantages for buying are e nal, if Pennsylvania. j"I bad rather be a doir and bay the moon, than such a clothier.' f How conceited, some people think all others are old faee'ten. Vcll."by tbe time they get through with us aod our Remember whatever you -buy of us s suit is all wool such must bo taot. and tee that such price is lower than any one Sani'l STRAYBR, !tHE OLD RELUME CLOTHIER AND FL'RXrsiIER. May 13, 13S5. HEAD QUARTERS FOK BOOTS & SEOMS, -oo- TRYA PAIK. ofjo i The aljove cut represents the j Boot that you can buy at G. YsT. HECK'S BOOT A iVD shoe store. THE UNIVERSAL FAMILY SCALE IS AS INDISPENSABLE loDsetold irticle. Wm last a lifetime, acenr at, no weitrhta to loose, always ready, easily un derstood, occupies little space and la th cheapest scale ever made. 8am roa IS Paoa IixrsnATso CtaccLAa. I. S. SPENCER S SONS, STILFORD, CONN. ALWAYS HANDY STOVE SHELF. NO STO COMPLETE WITHOUT ONE. Urht and Btrrmir. or liainmral and durable, and exceedingly useful la wannrtag dixies, etc.' FITS ANY SIZE PIPE. Aakryonr bardware dealer for or sen a to na tor Circular. I. S. SPENCER S SONS. GUILFOHD. CONN. STOVKS and HKATERS, A IS Vf AMCTUG uMiu.tcnwil, ROOM EUTEU. iMrh combia'.ng th BadUUoa and TenUlatioa af as ora.1 riwa with Ua operation of a was a rnaaAca, also Parlor and Cosk Stores, Kaagas, ".kial riRVlijEa, AVa. Ctrcnlaia mauad oa appuoanea. Tsr rnxizs uto. co 76 Beekman St. N. Y.Crtf. TO CONSUMPTIVES. The advertiser having been permanently enred of that dred disess3. Consumption, by a simple remedy, is anxions to make known to his fellow sufferers th- ni'-ans of cure. To all who desire it, he will ,.nd a a copy of tho prescription ned, (ragg,) with the directions fur preparing and nsing the same which they will find a sure fraa for Coi-ohs, Colds, Coxni mptiox, AirrnaA Bkohcuitis, All. Parlies wishing tho Pro-' scription, will please address, Rt. E A WILSON, 194 Penn St., Williau.sbnrgh" &- f Jan. 8, 'eo-ly. Caution Notice. All persons are hereby cautioned, not to to bunt or Hsh, or in any war to trespass on tbe lands of tbe undersigned in Fermanagh township RiniBw? m i TOP on - LM3 - undersold W are bifihlv erstified bring down tho high prices formerlj placed in u. Every day brings fresh - alaV."?. t as rrr rtn mew, THIS SEASON. was destroyed by fire. nrt superior, to any bouse in central low j rices, they shall change t!icirr!nd. must be s"r,i'r0''enteJ- When we say when we give you a price we guaran else can sell tbo same article at. H0 1 BOILER WORKS IstaMuksI ase. KQ RGEUTS! LOW PRICES! VW--OMPRltthMZFiBl PRH Wol oor t'nr.nm W b Afrnlnat mKKll mra to prw t'wl bj Addioa ftaawuiu wtucta cuatooMrs aiut PJ M ruwr. rne,omWkl: 4 Si 8 Stroke. ... S4DO 6 6 " - BOO 8 7IO " - - 600 tO 8IO " - 70D IS I2 " WSO ao ioie " - - i2ao Smrionarr Fwmtur-. SloSD Bmw Pwrr, B..ilr i. ny tjl r P"wr. bl k.. Tnk. rini. Work. Mill.. H.r M il anrt Mmin utvum Pump ntnfoal Pump. Cnwrtftnw hii.a 09. lUrk Cob MiH. and 4-rnrrnl JlHrbini.'. JOKfJ REST & SON 13kZA Sprlfc: nn1 Mimnter GooI. I wonld inform the public that I have now in my new millinery stern at my p!ce of residence on Water street. Mitllintown, second door from corner of rtridge street, lull stock, of Spring and Siisihiht millinery goods, all new, and of I lie Utet stylos, and having employed nrr rlai.s milliners, I am prepareit to supply tbe public with j everything found in a firsiclass milliner store, come and examine ay slock. I consider it no trouble to show goods. MRS. DK1HL. Slav 2-83.1.V. RUrTUREte tion Powder. Sale, sure cure. $1.00 by mail with full directions. Buck tor - cent stamp. PKET ts. CO., 501 fixtn Avenue, New Vorlt. Jan. 8, 'frS-ly DR. FAHRNET'S HEALTH RESTORER. THE wonderful cues efTtcled by this now well known remedy, not only ia our private prwtcice at hume. but throughout the Lulled Slates, have drawn the attention of the medu al prof-sion to its me throughout the land. In Chronic Kheiimamm and Acute Goi:t. Jaundice. Bilious diordcr and Liver Complaint, Pimples and Eruptions on the nice. Krysipebs, biopical Trouble!, pa.nful and difncuS Mrutnmioo, Nervona or Sick Headache. Cosove. of l-omtipauon. Milk Lee. Scald Head ase. I leers and Boih. C ln. l-li ! weakness. Female weaves Tte"ffechonsf i Al. .. ,,i.,.-Ti"-' tw.V.'TwJriir:..."' ".ubiti rT;T.1'f,.hLBJ:0?"1 Pryedond- tu.i ,mici nAKKmD B4 t&eir erurtn m I . . . 1 life; and nr.. . I. . Utc --cry auaniaia Of i Meant, Bw-; l c'" fhSlh " cfof feeline n often to Astuhkh i-l " BADvwDandaiveitatriaJ. Au aucGiSTS amo STOMaxBaraas sell iu SS- FES BOTTIX Purajtas a R. D. FAIIRNKV Jfe O.N, HAGER5TOTVN. MB, ON 1.75 Ladies Fine Ki.l Top Button PENNSYLVANIA BA1LR0AD. TIME-TABLE On and after Monday, April .5th, 1?95, trains that stop at Mifflin will rnn as follows: EASTWARD. Hrrrisono Accommob'atios leaves Hun tingdon daily at 6,:J a. m., Monnt Union 6..V; a. m., Newton Hamilton 7,02 a. m., HcVevtown 7A' a. in., Lewistown 7,50 a. nw, Milford 8.0! a. m., Mifflin 8,15 a. m., Port Roval 8,22 a. m-, Mexico 8,27 a. m , Tuscarora 8,30 a. m., Vannyke8.34 a. m., Thompsontown 8.42 a. m., Durward 8.4H a m., Millerstown 8,53 a. in., Newport ,U9a. m., arriving at Hamsbur at 1 10 a. m., and at Philadelphia, 15 p. m. Jorsstows Exrs iss leaves altoorA daily at 7.15 a. m., and atoppraa; a an regular stations between Altoon and Harrisbnrg, Mifflin at 10.23 a. m., Harrisbnrg 12.40 p. M., and arrives in Philadelphia at A.4J n. m. Mail Taw leaves PitfcAnrg daily at 7.20 a. m., Altoona at 2.00 p. m., and stop ping at all regular stations arrives at Mifflin at h-H B. HaiTIKDurC l.l" ruum- adelphia 4 26 a. m. Mall Einress leaves Pittsburg at 1 00 p m. Altoona 6 4-5 p m ; Tyrone 7 17 pm ; Hunt- i u ne . . I w;.Awn O 9li n m ; W 1 f- 11 u K ' l u ii o w y d. , uw- is,w. .. " r (tin 9 45 p n. ; Harrisburg 1 1 15 p j Fbila- fdelfhia 4 25 a tn WK9TWAKD. War Pss!flia leaves Philadelphia daily at 4 30 a. r.j Harrisburg, H 15- a. m.; Dicannon,64a. m.; Newport, 9 2i a. m.; Milierstown, 35 a. m.; Thompsontown, i 47 a. in.; Van Dyke, 9 65 a. m.j Tirscar ora, 59 a. m.; Mexico, 10 02 a. m.; Sfort Kova, 10 07 a. m.y Mifflin, 10 15 a. -? Miflori, 10 21 a. m ; Narrows, 10 Vi a. m. Lewistown, 10 4' a. in.; McVeytown, 11 7 a. m.; Newton tltiinilt-m, 11 S'J a. m.; Ilun tingdon, 12 06 p. m.; Tyrone, 12 6 p. w.i Altoona, 1 40 p. m., and stop at all regular stations ttween ilarrisiirg and Altoona. OrtTaa Sxpbiss leaves Philadelphia dai ly at 5 40 f -. m., Harriabtrg, 10 40 p. m., stopping at Kockville, Marysville, Duncan non, Newport, Millerstown,Tbompsontown, Fort koyal, time at Mifflin, 12 15 p. ni.; Al toona, 2 40 a. m., aud rittsburg, 6 50 a.m. Mail Tbaii leaves Philadelphia daily at 7.00 a. m., Harrisburg 11.00 a. m., New uort. 12 l i d. n.. Miltlin 12.47 p. m., stop ping at all rt gtuv stations between Mifflin and Altoona reatbea Altoona a: .ov p. ui., Pittsburg 9.10 p. ni. Hi Ti.n:no!i AxosOdtio5 leaves Phil adelphia daily at 1 10 a. ni., llamsburg at 5.16 p.m., lunctnnon 5-50 p. ., New port p. ui., Jlillerstown ,2i p. m-, Thompsontown B,40 p. in., Van-iyke 6.47 p. in., Tuscarora 6,51 p. m., Mexico 6,51 p. ni., Port Royal 7,"0 p. ui., Mifflin 7,05 p. m., Lewistown ,- p. in., McVeytown 7, 53 p. m., Newton Hi uilton h,lt p. m., Huntingdon 8 45 p. ni. Pacific Express leavea Philadelphia 11 20 p m ; Harrisburg IlUim; Dnncannon J 39am; Newport 401 am; Mifflin 4 42 a ni ; Lewistown 5 00 a m ; McVeytown 6 30 am; Mt. Union 5 53 am; Huntingdon 6 25 a m ; Petersburg 6 40 a m ; Spruce Creek 6 54 a m ; Tyronn 7 12 a m ; Hell's Mills 7 32am; Altoona 8 10 a ni; Flushing 1 00 pm. Fast Line leaves Philadelphia at 11 51) a as ; Harri.shurg 3 45 p m ; Mifflin OH p in ; Lewistown 5 2Hp is ; Huntingdon 6 30 pm; Tyrone 7 l Jpm; Altoona 10 p ra'; Pitts turg 1 1 0-5 p in. i'ast Line west, on Sundays, will stop at D'incannou, Newport and McVeytown when ti.ijfgfd.. M til Lr.jress tast, on Sundays, will stop at barrec, when tlAggcd. Jtihntoo Express east, on Snnd.iys, will connect with onndy Mail east leaving liarrisbnrg at I 15 p. ra. Way Pxs!cnger west and Mjil east will stop at Lucknow and Poorman's Spring, whea Sagged. Jsl.nstown Express will stop at Lucknow, when Nagged. LKW1STOWN DIVISION. Traiui Ic. e Lin itown Junction lor MU- roy at t; 35 a m, 10 45 a m, 3 25 p m ; for Sunbury at 7 lea m, 2 55 p m. 'f nuns arrive at Lewistown Junction from Miiroy at 9 10 a m, 1 40 pm, 4 50 p m ; from Snnbory at 9 25 am, 4 30pm. TYRONE DIVISION. Trains leave Tyrone for Bullufont and Lock Haven at 8 10 a m, 7 30 p m. Leave Tyrone tor Curwensville and Clearfield at 'Jo a tu, 7 50 p in. 1 raias leave Tyrone for Warriors Mark, Pennsylvania Furnace and Scotia at 9 20 a in awl 4 30 p ru. Trains arrive at Tyrone from Bellefonte and Lock Haven at 7 05 a ui, arid 7 00 p m. Trams arrive at Tyrone ironi Curwens ville aud Cleartield at 6 5 a m, and 5 56 p m. Trains arrive at Tyrone from Sco;ia, Var riors Mark and Pennsylvania Fnrnace at 6 58 a ni, at 2 35 p m. II. . B. T. R. K. BEDFORD DIVISION. Trains leave lt:i.utingdon for Bertfoni, Bridgeport and Cii'iiherland at 8 35 a- m. and o 35 p. m. Trains arrive at Huntingdon from Bed ford, Bridgeport and Cumoeriand at 12 30 p. ni., 6 21" p. ni. J WARREN PLETTE, ATTORXK Y-A T-L A V, MIFFLINTOWN, J'J.MATA CO.. PA-, ECollectiiig and conveyancinir promptly atteni.-d to Ollire with Atkinsou & Ja f 23Xti. cutis. Imus K. Annwj. Oso. Jacoks, J ATKISOX &, JACOBS, ATTORNEYS -AT -LAW, MIKFLINTOWN, PA. Uncollecting and Convevancing prompt; ly attended to. Ort ica On Main street, in place of resi- dence of Lonis E. Atkinson, Esq., south of Driugr sireei. fOct 26, 1P85. J) M. CRAWFORD, M. D H.u resumed actively tie practice of .nuaicine ana surgery and their collateral branches. Office at the old cornAp if TK1.H and Orance streets, Milliintown Pa March 2!. 1876. ' M. URAZEE, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SUEQEON, Acidemia, Juniata Co., Pa. OvnoB formerly occupied by Dr.SterretL Professional business prompUy attended to at all hours. Jon:. McLarOHLi.e. Joseph W. Stiw-.i SICIaArGIILI.', & STOIMEL, INSURANCE AGENTS, PORT ROYAL, JUNIATA CO., PA. 07-Only reliable Companies represented Dec. 8, 1875-ly How IaosI-, How Restored ! pui.iisne.1, a new edition of T)k CULVEK .WELL'S CELEBRATED ESS ?KX on the radical enrt of SpE,wATo,ai,,A or lT": Involnnury "ew,n" Losses, InroTiscT, Menui and Physical Incapacity, Imsetliu.ent. to Marriage, etc also, U.SSF1..TIOH, Epilkfst and Vrrs in duced by sell-indulgence, or seiual ,"trav agance, ate. The celebrated author, in this admirable essay, clearly deinonstratea from a thirty years' successtul practice, that the alarm couscqitencea of ,clf al.nse may be rad ically enred ; pointing out a mode of cure il onra iln.r.1. ..r . turo n ..n.Vr .TJL nl effectual, by oi wnicn everv snfl..-. ht hi. ..ji.: - matter "II Ulav De. lllaw . . . 1 1. . . . - J w. U I 111 elfcbeaply, privately and rtu,'n" hlH tn.A. .k..l i . --TA-uii uu iu inti nintii SlfZ'ZZ'r ""' on 'eiP' r four . siooutge stamps. Address CULVERWELL MEDICAL CO.. at 1 A C a w "'"'iw Xork, If. Y. : AprU 9. Post-Oftce Box 450. SPRING STOCK OF CARPETS. Choice Pattern " VELVET Body and Tapeslry BRUSSELS, Extra Sajwr Medinm and tW Grade INGRAUVS, A Full line of VENETIAN, A Comrjletfr Lin of RAG, A CBsioe Lot jf HEr Beautiful Patterns- Sb STAIR, and HALL O arpets AT THE Carpet House FUBIWUBE ROOMS OF THE JUNIATA. VALLEY. At the Old Stand, OS THI SOUTHWEST CORNER CT BRIDGE. & WATER STREETS, MirrLMTOW.f, P4, HAS JCST RECEIVED All the above enumerated articles, and all other things that may be found in a GASPET ! FDHHTHTRE STORE, AT PRICES BEV00 COMPETmOIJ ALSO, ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE. AN EXTRA LINE OF MATTRESSES, Bolsters and Pillows, WINDOW SHADES, IN ALL COLORS. Looking Glasses IN GREAT VARIETY. In fact everything usually kept in a First-CIa.3 Honse- Furnishin'' Goods Store. JOHN S. GRAYBILL BRIDGE STREET, South SM'i Between tbe Canal and Water Street, JUIFFLIJYT0 ffwV, - PW aV