EL & REPUBLICAN MIFFLINTOWN : TERMS. tpi a . a nm if twiit v".i- months; -" " jiiot--" dvertj,emenU inserted at 60 inch for each insertion. ent business notices in local col wi cents pr line for each insertion. ""Virions will be made to those desiring "SffiSbjlh. year, half or quarter 5 tS!!SH0R T L0CJ1LS. .best is on shock. 0,t btrvest will come in late. A eport boy ate locusts raw. go came yoo so on the fourtn. w ounce of letters for two cents. Tie call to arms, "John take the baby." UTiri&e preparations are still going on in Bofsia. .. nl pnvv from vour heart and Fines ie barF. . .treet car men's strike at Chicago as to an end. -u. .n that carries a. cane is said to JSC in care of your stomach, and never -ad the cholera. Tbe Presbyterians are talking about build- jtH new church. There are the good times that the De- Bocracy jroruisod 1 preacher elect Gralf has not yet accepted tl Lutheran charge. Don't over leeu, or over water horses and Hfvll nut take colic. William E. Etka has graduated from Mil lenrille Xortr-al School. If joa desire a tiptop cigar go to Howard irs ' store in Patterson. Tie amateurs rrport bass catching to be jDOt tyort aud jHorer profit. Port Eoyal fair will be held on the 7th, fti ted 9th days of October. Jffrthant Paviti Kickenbach, of Millers town, was in town on Thursday. Tne estimated average yield of wheat per cre in Kansas is eleven bushels. There is talk of putting a widow on the nack for tfce Patterson post oSice. The toot of the brass band was not heard st the Republican State Convention. EVv. Mr. Hayes and family are now dom iciled in the Presbyterian parsonage. Cattle dealer, Khoads, of Phuenixville, u in Juniata, buying cattle, last week. Caaip-meeting people are slowly prepar fcj for the religious picnic in tbe woods. John Fooraian has put up a new sign on the Main street side of the Jacobs House. Jliny Juniata Teachers attended the teachers convention, at Harrisbnrg, last et. John Waller, formerly of this place but low of Hamburg, opent a day in town, list week. The Mayor of Chicago is credited with trying to preserve law in the wickedest city in America. The small green apple is beginning to as sume larje proportions in the eye of the tmn boy. George Ilcck's store is the place to buy shoes, slippers, and all other kind of foot wear at every day prices. Do you desire to buy a nice twenty-live sere farm, consult the adv ertisement of T. T. Page in another column. This is the first time that Colonel Quay las asked the people of his native state to vote for him for a state office. C. P. Pan.-iebaker, editor of tbe Coal part Standari wasri&'Eng his parents and friends in tins place last week. Em Democrat in des stada sagta, der Quay grekt 20 dausend meruheit. Der gu ter Demucrat set fur der Quay vota. Squire Caveny and Kev. E. E. Berry, thus far. are tee only candidates in the field for the office of Register and Recorder. John Felrulee's barn iu Lack township, was destroyed by fire some nights ago. ln aarai.ee on barn and contents $1400. Tonsorial artist, Robison, of Patterson, has placed a tine cup case in his shop, which greatiy ixproves its appearance. Sut many Ilarrisbtirgers, but many teach ers and Republic in delegates were visible on the ttreets of Harrisburg last Wednes day. Snow Ml la Western Virginia on the 30th day of May tid on the morning of the first o! Jdiv ice formed in many places in that Rate. Mr. Joseph Jinthrock attended the com tuencment exercises or Pennsylvania Col. lege, at Gettysburg. His sot, John, graduated- In an other column of this paper, see ad vertisement ol t.e Monan-hgra-n and grass eJ aspirator, chipper and bagf-er, as sold by Wm. Bed. HarristiurgL'rs were scarce on the streets last Wednesday. Was it the politicians and teachers that wove them indoors T per haps it was the heat. Kev. Henry War Beecber belieTts that the use of ti.bacco js injurious in many ways, but he no longer believes that at will lead U, ruin and sheoL Merchant Pcnnell, laiit Thursday receiv. d a denr-atch that his aged mother, who fres not tar from Philadelphia, died on Cie morning jf the day menConed. " Ithin the past ten veairs number f "en have .been killed by horses between This place ajd McAlistervitte, S. C. Leech 'ng the laU-st unfortunate one. The atate teachers convention at Harris 'st Week, was like a religious assem ".r in a; pearau-re for the reason that there iT so many ladies in tbe tueuiiRg. Wih aa exception or two, all of the county Miperjrjteaijents of comnaoo schools - iate atteLded the state fcacbers' fwctwi at Uarruiurg last week. "A niia living in Henipfield towahip, ""estniorelnna county, claims to have cck op a lively turtle witii the following in aiptiun on hi back : Adam ; year 2." H'ss Cleveland's book, "George Eliot's rtry other Studies," takes like hot aiuong the erring Urthren. Miss eveUud wiU uate a lortun)J out of tLe avjot. Ti:ere Las been g0 )ittje raiu tfljg tfeaaon tiAt U-1 the water iu the river notic btd toe ting) of color that in years ft" !y, eahicd it t- be called the Biue Ju uia. Applet will Le scarce, most all kind of o iLWUI trce- P-ople will fall back oerr,. liardeU will supply you with owes: rfcortie berries. Soad in your lrder. Tbe McVeytown Journal remarks: If yon want to make your boy the champion nui sance of the neighborhood teach him to whistle through his lingers; and play ball in tbe streets. Kansas liquor men bare been guilty of stoning booses ol prominent prohibitionist. Snch outrages do not help the causa of li quor men, but strengthen the cause of the prohibitionists. On Sunday, while several lads were idling about the front of McCauley k. Meyer's Im plement store, plow was pushed over, on Harry Warner, spraining and bruising his ankle severely. The catch of mackerel is small and people who are lond of eating small lean young penny mackerel, or old fat, ten to twenty cent mackerel, will have to pay more for them'ntxt year. When dowers came into fashion, and feathers went out of fashion, the change from feathers to flowers threw seven thou sand Teather women dealers in New York city out of employment. Marriage and death notices, not exceed ing five lines, earnestly solicited and pub lished free. Marriage congratulations, Obit nary notices, Tributes of respects, and so forth, cash five cents a line. The old locusts had their day, the little locusts are working their way down into tbe ground, where they will remain till in tbe year 1902. Who will be here in that year to hear their whur, whur, whur t An O'Brian circus man struck Samuel Sellers on the bead with a stick when the show exhibited in Chambersburg. Tbe blow crazed Sellers. He took off bis clothing and ran through the streets naked. Miss Edna Kirk, daughter of merchant John Kirk, lost a gold watch between the river bridge and the railroad on S aturday. The watch was found by Harry Warner. Mr. Kirk gave the youth who found it five dollars. Citizens of Texas, learned of the harbor ing place of a lot ot horse thieves. That neighborhood was visited by a large compa ny of citizens and a gang of nineteen thieves were caught. They were ail hung on trees. W. W. Troup, editor of the Lewistown Free Press, has been appointed deputy col lector in this, the 9th Internal Revenue District, for the counties of Juniata, Perry, Snyder, Mifflin and the upper end of Dau phin county. On Friday evening while John Hosteller, of Johnstown, wag driving through town a wheel ot his buggy became locked, causing him to stop. By the application oi cold water and oil, to the wheel, he was soon able to proceed te his home. TEEth extracted without pain. Perfect ly harmless. Acts on the tooth only. Toothache stopped in five minutes, without extracting. Attiflcial teeth front $5.00 to $12.00. U. L. Diss, Miffiintown. Last Wednesday William Moulson, Da vid Craig's apprentice in the bsrbering bus iness attempted to make a -silver wash" by mixing nitric acid and quicksilver. The result was an explosion, and William was burned severely about the face ani bands. The locust in its work to re-produce it self has done great injury to young peach and young apple orchards. It is reported that the reproduction process has killed a number of young orchards in this county. Who can iatho ui the mysteries of tbe laws of nature? On last Saturday night, while Doctor Su- louff, of Patterson, had his horse and bug gy bitched in the vicinity ot Port Royal, ome wretch scraped the word, "Doctor," engraved on side of the bnggy so badly, as to require tbe buggy to be taken to the shop tor repairs. Down in Alabami, a man who makes a drunken exhibition of himself oa the street or highway, is fined one hundred dollars. Correct, what right has a foul mouthed druaken man on the streets t If be will get drunk let it be where he is not a nui sance to the public. To most children the hire suggestion of a dose of castor oil is nauseating. Wny not, then; when physic is necesssry for the little ones, use Ayer's Cathartic Pills t They combine every essential and valuable prin ciple of cathartic msdicine, aud being sugar-coated are easily taken. One day last week while some boys were fisbing in the creek near the railroad bridge at Port Royal, they found a dead bass, about eighteen inches long, w ith a white sucker, twelve inches long, sticking in its throat. Tbe bass bad evidently attempted to awal- low the sticker and was choked to death On the 4th inst., while several scholars of Uie Soldiers Orphans' Schi.-! at JlcAlis terville were pouring a package of powder into a Hi-k, some one threw a lighted squib into the crowd, an explosion followed, and all of the boys were severely burned. Stn- ton Wilson, of this place, was b idly burned on the neck and bauds by the eip'osion. J. H. Lane of Reed's Gap was in town, a few iLay ago and surprised his fri-'a ls, ,r .hnwinir them seventeen patties, that be had plucked from the tail of a snake, in Black Log, a day cr two before. Some time since he killed a snake that had a rat tling aoDendaze of taenty-two rattles. Black Log i whord the big rattlers stay. Almost every person has some form of scrofulous prison latent in his veins. When this develops in scrofulous sores, ulcers, or eruptions, or takes the form of rheumatism or organic diseases, the suffering that ensues i. rr:ll hevnod dckc i i otion . Hence the cratitude of those who discover, as thou sands yeraly do, that Ayer's Sarsaparilla will tnoroaghly eradicate this evil from the sys tem. Some days sg", John Earnest, conductor of Mifflin Local, while attempting to board bis train, at station near Tyrone, missed his axld on the car, because of a lot of papers .1..1 i,ui.i.h in hinlund. The miss-nse of his hand caused a miss-step, and a leg was rua aver by the cars. He was brought to this jdace where the crushed limb was am putated. He is doing a well as can be ex pected coder such a serious injury. Some days ago, Mrs. Stilinger -was ar raigned before Squire J. M. McDonald, for u . x;orHrH- house near me rise about a mile north of town. Miss Oby Rei ule snd Miss Annie E. McCoy wrearraign- .j ... . tin, and before the same Jcstice for irequenting Mrs. Stilmgers hou.e. On default of one hundred dollars each, they were ent to jail. On the even ing of the same dv .Miss Sarah Stilinger was arraigned before the same justice upon the charge against the- two latter Miss.. The evidence against her w.as not sufficient to hold her and the justice was about to re lease her, when he proposed to give a bond for her future good conduct, i.r. Ueorge Bower at whoso bouse she has been Jivio became her bondsman. A day or two after imprisonment Mias Beigl was released by Lewistown friend. , Kev. (Jeorge Eichol tie died at his rasi deuce, new Money, Pa., on Monday, June -a last. Ha at ona time lived in this place. It was, however, previous to his going into tbe ministry. Several mornings ago, three year old bay horse was missing from tbe stable of Calvin Watt, in Fayette township. It was believed that a thief had stolen the bone. Watt belongs to a horse company, and forth with notice was served upon the members, and tbe company waa ordered out. Bills de scribing the animal were printed, and every' thing was in readiness for a dashing ride on all of the roads leading from the valley, and a search of die hills and woods of the coun try All these exciting preparations were ent short by the finding of the bora on tbe Pike near John Gallagher's bouse in Wal ker township. Tbe horse bad broken his baiter strap and led the stable and wander ed eight miles from home. The large frame barn of Abratn Bruba- ker, near Johnstown, Bt&le township, this county, was destroyed by fire between 12 and 1 o'clock, last Friday morning. Iu ad dition to the destruction of the building, five horses, five young cattle, a cow and calf, this year's crop of hay, four hundred and twenty bushels of last year's wheat, old oats, a wagon, buggy, threshing ma chine, other machinery, and so forth, were destroyed. The building was insured for fifteen hundred dollars. William Henry, son-in-law of Mr. Brubaker, owned nearly all of tbe live stock, upon which there J was an insurauce of six hundred dollars. A heavy thunder shower passed down the valley in the early part ol the night, but it is not known that lightning struck the barn. Changed 1b a night. A few days ago, between the going down and the rising of the S un, the postotlice In this place was changed, from the west side of Main street, to the east side of the thor oughfare. Not much work was required to move the concern. The box frame was lifted and wormed out of tne door aud car ried across the street and zigzaggod iuto the room where the office waa kept by Sol- otnan Books. Cheer I'pt Help la at Hand. 'I'm afraid I shall have to be taken to a hospital or to the poorbouse. I've been sick so long that my husband, good and patient as he is, can't stand the worry and expense much longer." No, you won't dsar wife and mother. See what Parker's Tonic will do for you. Plenty of women as badly off as you are, hare been rescued from the grave by it. It will build you up, curing all ail ments ot the stomach, liver and kidneys, and is simple, pleasant and safe. Senatorial Conference. The Republican Senatorial Conferenc e met at the Jacobs House in this place on the 2nd day of July, and on the eleventh ballot, one conferee from MiiHin county aal one conferee from Juniata county voted with the solid three from Perry county and elected E. R. Sponsler, of Perry, to repre sent tho district in tbe State Convention. The Perry county authority that selected the conferees, iustructed for Ureenawalt, and that was the cause of the impression that Spongier had espoused tbe cause of Ureenawalt. Iloratea Stolen. On the morning of the 6th inst., The Horse and Mule Protection Company of Juniata county were called upon in hot baste to look up two horses that hal been stolen from J. Kowe, who lives on the Cal vin North farm, at this place. Preparations were about completed to folio every road that leads from the valley, when tho horses were found ou the edge of tho Fowls' woods near Port Royal. There are sever al conjectures as to why the horses wore left there. One is, that they were taken ana ridden that f ar by two meu that had been to this town that night. An other conjecture is, that the thieves became alarmed at tbe nearness of morning and thought the woods not thick enough to bide the animals in, and for that reason turned them loose. Iligbwayuien Foiled. Several evenings aro Stephen Reno Jr., who lives in Slim V alley, about four miles north ot this place, rode ou a mule to tho house of boss miner, James Williams, who is his father-in law. Williams gave him twenty dollars. It was ten o'clock at night When two men stepped up1 alongside of Reno's beast as be journeyed home and de manded bis money, at tbe same time oue of th ) men quickly cut the bridle while the other pulled bim off the beast. Both men laid bold of him. He is a powerful man and in the desperate spirit in which he was, he was more than a match for tbura both. After a desperate struggle in which his clothing was torn and cut, iu the effort to cut out bis pockets, he shook tho thieves off and shouted murder and ran ia the direc tion of Peter Clemen's bouse. Tbe high waymen became frightened and ran in the other direction. Clemens was not at home, but bis family heard the noise of the battle. Reno went to the house of miner Jones and borrowed a loaded gun and walked home, he was not molested. The mule got borne safely with the loss of the bridle rain which the robbers cut off in the first assault that they made. Communication. Something was done to-day that is worth mentioning to the public. During tho past three years the people along Delaware run were troubled by a mink that bad an un known biding place along the run. It vis ited the coops of ail who lived along tne stream. Last year the number of chickens, ducks and turkeys killed, were estimated at about three hundred. This year it did not kill quite so many. It entered the coops of a few people and did some little damage. It entered Jonathan Frey'a chicken coop last Wednesday and Thursday nights and killed thirty-four, not a trace of it could be found until Saturday, as it had dragged the chick ens away, when Mr. Frev was crossing the run to go to work at Jonathan Reiser's he aw quite a number of blow flies along the stream, he went to see what it was and fond it to be a number of chicken beads at the cntrauco of several hole. He informed the rest of us of the fact and it was agreed that ws would dig the holes open. On Mouduy morning Jonathan Frey, Joseph Garnian, Jonathan Keiscr and two sons set to digging- Wefirnt.-iug a ditch around the den and erf-ned the holes to see if any thing should ii..;!.c Its appttirance, at last a mink ventured out ol one of the holes and started to run aud was shot by Jonathan Prey. By the aid jf a iog and two guns j we succeeded iu Billing six full grown minks. We hope tin will euu us trccr of minks for a while along Delaware run. M. L. a. Thotnpaontoirn, July 6, 1886. The Republican state Conven tion. ' Tbe Republican State Convention met in the Hall of the House or Representatives at Harrisbnrg at 10 o'clock P. M., last Wed nesday, and at 2 o'clock P. M., adjourned, having, in a most harmonious way transact ed all of the business that was brought be fore it. The convention was convened to nominate a candidate for State Treasurer. Five names were presented to the conven tion from which to choose a candidate. Matthew Stanley Quay, of Beaver county, Jacob H. Longacre, of Bedford county, James A. McDovitt, of Lancaster, Theo dore H. Wigfen, of Blair county, and Henry C. Greonwalt, of Franklin county were tbe names presented. Tbe first ballot settled the nomination so completely that a motion to make it unanimous waa carried with en thusiasm. The vote for tbe respective can didates stood, Quay, 196 a, Longacre, 27 1, Greenwalt 7, McDevitt 15, Wigton 6. TBI CalDIDATE. CoL M. S. Quay is of Pennsylvania Scotch Irish stock that settled In the Prov ince shortly after the Penns came over. The Quays bare always been" Pennsylvanians since they came across tbe sea. The father of tbe Colonel was born in Chester county, and became a Presbyterian Minister xf the Gospel. He moved to Beaver county, when the subject of this sketch was a boy the youth after passing through schools in the western part of the state, "commenced tbe study of law in the office of Penny k. Ster rett, the latter since promoted to the Su preme Judgeship. Before he had completed his stndies he traveled in Mississippi, Lou isiana and Texas, where he taught school, lectured, afterward completiug his legal studies at Beaver. In lkol be was admitted to the Bar, in 1859 appointed prothonotary of the ccuuty a place which he filled so well that he was re-elected in 1836 aud 1859. He resigned this position to accept a lieu tenancy tn the Pennsylvania Reserves, then organising for service. While bis regiment was awaiting at Camp Wright the call to the front, be was summoned to llarrisburg, and made Assistant Commissary General of the State, with rank of Lietenant Colonel. In this position his oaiAT capacrrv roa okgaxizatioxs and his quick mastery of details attracted the favorable notice of the authorities, and upon the transfer of this department to Washington Governor Certin invited him to serve as his private secretary. He accepted and himself carried on tbe extensive corre spondence incident to the early preparations for war. In August 1802, ho was selected to command the One Hundred and Thirty fourth Pennsylvania Volunteers, nine month's service and continued in command until asked to serve as State agent at Wash ington. His resignation bad been accepted prior to the battle of Fredericksburg, yet he went with his regiment into tbe battle, and by DisTMOrisHED aaavitT there won comylimentary mention in gen eral orders. He filled the place as State Agent with great satisfaction, and in lb63 was made Military Secretary by Governor Curtin. Iu 1S05 he resigned to take a seat in tbe Legislature, to which he had been elected b Beaver and Washington couu ties. He served iu the House with great distinction, was chairman of its Ways and Means Committee, and as such devised aud passed the bill relieving real estate from S tale Taxation. In tbe busiest part of his life be waa edi tor of the Beaver Radical, where his re markably gif ted editorials did much to pro mote Republican unity. There is no more widely-known man than Colonel Quay, aud it will be singular indeed if a multitude of friends in this State do not see that he is triumphantly elected as State Treas urer. He completely meats the popular de mand lor tbe nomination of able men for public place. TH It PLATFORM. The Committee on Resolutions reported as follows, and the report was adopted: The Republicans of Pennsylvania in Convention assembled reaffirm their unfaltering faith in the cardinal principles of tbe Republican partv, and will al:iere to taecu so long as the contest between right and wrong con tinues. Beaten, but not cast down, iu the late Presidential election, snd advancing conbdently tn another struggle, they de clare: Tbe Repnb!icau party of Pennsylva nia prociamis its advocacy of the repeal uf the internal revenue tuxes except upon spirituous and unit liquors. Tbe rereuues necessary tor a liberal support of Ibe gov ernment and the payment of pensions t our disabled soldier their widows aud O'pliaus, and of tbe principal aud intere.it of the pub lic debt, should bo raised by an additional levy upon imports ; and with a view to lilt business iroru its present awl to guard it against future depression, we insist not only upon full protection to ali home industries, but uposi a prompt revival of our commer cial marine and promotion of toreign com merce by proper discount ol duties imposed on goods imported in American bottoms, aud proper bounties to goods exported in American bottoms. The 'ive issues of the present campaign are protection to American industry, not ouly through adequate tariff laws, but such as will effectually stop tbe importation of of loreign contract iaoor; tbe establishment of a ti-uu system of civil service, one which will give competent officers snd yet not bind either the political thought or actions of American citizens, one which will give a fix ed tenure of office and no removal during tbe term of office, except lor adequate pub lic cause; the necessity for Ibe entorcmsnt of tbe right of every voter within our ni tioual boundaries to freely cast his ballot and have tbe same fairly counted at elec tions, and to give to each and every man in whatever section of the land be msy dwell that equal and adequate protection before the law to whicli he is justly untitled; the preservation of a sound daancikl system, tbe maintenance of a currency worth 1H) cents on tbe dollar, at all tunes redeemable in coin; the protection of tbe national Treas ury I roiu uuwarrsnted, and especially Iro n disloyal claims; tnu maiutunanceof the cred it ol our government as established by Re publican administrations; a just regani lor our commercial relations with foreign na tions, and a closer intercourse witn those on tbe American continent; to provide resolute ly for tbe protoction of American national and industii.d independence; to maiutaiu the standard of social condition which, in consrasl to the circumstances of other coun tries, American labor has thus far enjoyed; to continue the coutest with undiminished courage in behalf of our own development against the enormous influences of toreigu capital seeking possession of our markets; to establish tbe truth in the government of the country that tne highest duty of the Re public, not only to Its own people, but to all, is to prese.-ve its prosporo as existence, thus to compel by its exa:nple tne modilicat ion of harsh systems and tho political emanci pation of other peoples. To all of these general issues the Repub lican party of Pennsylvania.and we believe ot tbe nation in general, accords its most aggressive support. Tbe Republican party, recognising labjr as the basis ua which the principle ol otir government is founded, bjlieves the lb-jr masses should receive tbe f ullest considera tion in measure for Ibeir education, ad-vance-neut and protection; it his already, through its legislative iu ljority eiisettf t laws furthering the Industries of tiio S'ale, ttie interests of its mining population, pfut'Mt- ine uouest labor airamst l!:e tin.'. a. tau.va competition of convict contract Ubor, re moving taxes from manufacturing corpora tions, thereby giving promise of remunera tive employment to many suffering from the prevailing depression, legalizing co-opera- uuu, productive and distributive, providing for tree education in industrial art . w..li as others tending to the general good of uivra wno toil; we condemn all contracts tor tne Importation of foreign labor as tend ing to reduce to starvation the wages of the laboring men of Pennsylvania, and demand that the existing laws against this will be strictly enforced. We at the same time invite public atten tion to the acts of the present Democratic national and State administrations; to the nrjust war of the former upon "offensive partisans;" to its hypocritical avoidance of pledges touching the civil service; to its Star Chamber proceeding against Republicans for whose removal no public reason can be given and to its constantly disloyal prefer ence for the rebel elements of the Democrat ic party of tbe south and the semi-rebel ele ments of tbe same party at the north. Some attention to tbe sets of the Democratic State administration cannot be withheld in view of its unjust, inexcusable and painfully fre quent abuse of the veto power; its studied proscription of tbe Union soldier and denial of claims universally sanctioned at the time of his enlistment; its want of charity breadth and liber together with a partisan bias car ried to extremes cot dreamed of by any of the better elements which called it into power. With the Administration the Republican party takes direct issue, and carries its ap peal to a people disappointed in every re suuable expectation aud promise. Tbe Republican members of the Legisla ture having twice passed apportionment bills more liberal to their political opponents than tbe existing law, and the Democratic mem bers thereof having defeated the first meas ure, and a Democratic Governor having em ployed bi veto power against the second, tbe Republican members have properly dis charged their constitutional duty in the premises. Their action is unequivocally en dorsed, and tbe responsibility fcr the failure of this legislation rests with tbe Democrat ic party. We especially commend the action of the Republican Legislature for the high regard which it manifested toward our manufactur ing, mining, farming and general laboring interest;, and its patriotic and successful ef forts to represent tbe interests of tbe grand army of soldiers which Pennsylvania con tributed to the support of the general gov ernment. Tbe yearning hearts of the Republicans of Pennsylvania go eut with sincure aRectiou and sympathy with the old bero Ueneral Grant in this hour of his sad affliction. Tbey revere aud love bim for the great services he has rendered bis country, and honor bim for his noble msnly fortitude while be faces his inevitable fate. Death may rob us of bim but he will live forever in the hearts of his coun trymen. The lollowing resolution was added to the platform : To the Republicans of Pennsylvania this conaention presents for State Treasurer a candidate who baa won celebrity for bravery in war and wisdom in peace, a life-long ear nest, radical Republican, yet withal so good and generons in his views and condut that his every effort has been directed to securing tbe unity and success of tbe party. This life record entitles him to tbe support of a united party in a State which prides itself not only in being tbe Kevstoue of Union, but the centre of that political thought which best guards and promotes American interests. Another resolution was adopted that the party favors tho repeal of the unjust limit claim respecting pensions. Charles Maver was the Republican dele gate from this county. . R. Sponsler was the Senatorial delegate. The former voted for Quav, the latter for Greenwalt. Joseph F. Martin was appointed member of the State Committee for Juniata. After Being to Preaching. S. C. Leach mt with a sudden death about noon, on Sunday, J uue o. Ha was in tbe service of farmer, William Puffen berger. and in the earlier hours of the morn ing he had started to ride for the recovery of tho horses that had koen stolen from farmer Rowe. When at Oakland, be learn ed that tbe horses bad been recovered. He weut back to tbe home of his employer, put the horse that he had hewn riding in the barn, and attended Duuker preaching ia Happy Hollow school bouse, about three miles east of this town. After being to preaching, he hastened to the barn, which is a short distauce from the school house to water the farm horses. He. turned the animals nut loose, excepting oue, which he led to water by a halter strap. Tbe horses that were loose began to caper, ani so ex cited the oi.e that he was leading that it gave a sadden leap to one side, and so overcame thn youth's balance that he stag gered and fell a distance of eiht feet, against the end of a 1"K on which Ibe wat ering trough rested. His stomach and heart were the places of contact with tbe log. He arose from tbe tall, aud remarked that he did not feel hurt, but within the period t a few minutes be sat down, then he lay down, he was quickly carried to the house of bis employer, ami Dr. D. M. Crawford was sent tor. but lou beloro tho doctor reached tbe sceue be was dead. He died jn aoout twenty minutes attor the occur rence. He was aged .ibout seventeen years. II is father is Watsou Leach. The fall on tbe end of the log, it is believed slopped the Wolking of the two important organs, tbe heart and stoiuach,-uid produced almost instant death. Teacher' Examination. Teachers' Examinations for 1885, for Ju niata county, will be held as follows : Miffiintown and Fermauagh, in Miffiin town, August lltb. Patterson and Milford, in Patterson, Au gust U'th. Port Royal and Turbett, in Port Royal, August loth. Walker, at Centreville, August 17th. Delaware and Thompsontown, at Salem, August 18ih. Greenwood, at Straight Water, Aug. 19. Susquehanna, at Lauril Hill, Aug. 20th. Monroe, at Richfield, August 21st. Fayette, at McAlisterville, August 22nd. Lack, Cross Keys, August 2olli. Tuscarora, at McCoysville, August 20th. Spruce Bill, at Wisdom, August 27th. Boale, at Johnstown, August 2:4th. Examinations begin strictly at 8J o'clock a.m. Strangers must furnish a certificate of good moral character. Directors and friends of arducation are specially invited to be present. A special examination for the county will be held in Miffiintown, Sep tember ltf;h. W. K. AUNAN, Snpt. Juniata Connty. Mi.TIintown, Pa.July Uth, lfrSo, 7-15-85-4t. Announcements. SHERIFF We are authorized to an nounce that CHARLES C. McCULL OCH, ol Reed's Gap, will be a candidate for Sheriff, subject to Republican usages. June 10, lcb5. SHERIFF We are authorized to an nounce that JAMES McCAL'LKT, of Miffiintown. is a candidate for Sheriff, sub ject to Republican usages. July la. la. REGISTER A RECORDER. We are authorized to announce the name of 8. BRADY CAVENY. as a candidate for re- itftntinu. l it- t j i it . Hi i r.f . i utrtr Rn. 4 cordtr and Clerk of the Orphans' Court, subject to Republican usairrs. Mifflintown, Juu , 17, 1SS3. T EPKESENTATIVE DELEGATE AC We are authorized to announce that Dr. CI.AI TON KIDMAN, of McAlister viilo, is a candidate for Represent ttive Del egate to t'.: S tate Convention. July li, lbSo. JL'rvrCOMiliSSIONBS. vrE are au thorized to announce JOSEPH SIE K, of r'ayette township, as a candidate for tbe oilice of Jury Commissioner. Jul 16, 1885. MIFFLINTOWN MARKETS. Moixrjrrowa, July 18, 1885-Butter 10 12 0 12 8 7 I EftS" Lard Ham ..... Shoulder , Sides...., Bags MIFFLIN TOWN GRAIN MARKET. FolU Wheat,.. Corn, .......... Oats Rye New Cloverseed. Timothy seed . . 87 65 32 60 650 1 30 1 40 1 00 1 60 1 30 1 25 1 OOal 10 Flax seed .... Bran...... Chop , ..... Shorts Ground Alum Salt American Salt.... PHILADELPHIA MARKETS. Philadelphia, July 13, 1885 Wheat, In elevator 99c. Corn on track 55c. Oats 37a2Sc. Butter 15a23e per lb. Eggs 12al4e per dozen. Hay 15al8 dollars per ton. Live bens 12al3c per lb. Spring chickens 15a 20c per lb. Dressed spaing chickens 15a 2Uc per lb. S tours $2.90a$6 per hundred. LEG.1L. DMIN 1STR ATORS' NOTICE. ut of Juh JV. Meort, dte'd, of Walker township. Whereas, letters ot Administration on the estate of John N. Moore, late of Walk er township, Juniata county, Pa., deceased, have been regularly issued out of the Or phans' Court of Juniata county, to the un dersigned, all persons indebted to said es tate are hereby notified to make immediate payment, and those having claims, to pre sent tbe same, properly autbenticated, for settlement, Elizabeth K. Moots, Clacdixs Moose, Administrators. Van Wert, Pa., June 17, 1S85. ESPENSCHADE'S COMPLETE NEW STOCK OF Spring and Summer Boods, has now been shelved, and will be kept up week after week by fresh supplies from tbe bead of the market at Lowest Prioes. FOR LADIES He has Dress Qoods, Notions, Trim mings, Black silks, Colored silks, Col ored Cashmeres, and a full line of low priced Dress Goods of the latest shades, and also a fall line of standard shades. HIS SHOE DEPARTMENT is full, from the Finest Shoo to the most substantial Plow Shoe, at prices that will aetoni.-h jou. Shoes for chil dren, Misees and Ladies. GROCERIES Of all kinds, Coffee, Sugar, Rice, Tea, in febort exerytbing, ask for what jou want. QCEEXSWARE AND GLASSWARE. Kvery house must keep up its sup ply of QUEEXSWAKE, GLASS WARE, WOODEXWARE. This is the tore to call on for each articles. If you cannot visit my place, jour order by mail will Le promptly attend ed to. Visit the store. MAI STREET. Opposite Coi kt Houss. Miiiliiiiovrn, Pa.. Frederick E3PESSCrlAJ)2i Surface Indications "What a mtnr would verr properly term "surf.ite iTviicntlons" ? what la beneath, sre the Pirn pies. Sties, Sore Eye, lioll.4, end Cutaneous I'.roptlons with whl' li n;!e am atm-yd lu sprlmr and rarlv snt.imer. The t le inattcr ascumn-la-ed l:.ii:i: tia winter mouths now n::.li-s i's prs-ru") f lr, liirr.Lli .Nature's rr.dravors to k;h! it from toe srtcm. V idle it remains.' it H apoisoa that festers .In ilie V'kxI ar.d r.tny ilcwlop Into tscrof u!.u This condition cati-ws uersnvmeut of tho illL-i-itlve and aas!n:!b,toif jraus, I;h a fcti:ii- C enervation, Itnuor, and wr-irln-- often llj-btly sKkcn of as "only i-j.rlnif lever. These "are eviilnncv! that Nature is not aid,', i.rmliled. to throw orf the inrriKit tttonn which wvakon the vltul fip'. '1 o rnnsin health. Nature must be sided by ii lii.Tiuih blootl-i-urlfyhv.: med icine ; and n jlhiu,; ciac la so elective as Ayer's Sarsaparilla, which Is sufficiently powerful t expel from the yteni even the talut of Hered itary Scrof '.ila. The niedi.nl profession Indorse AYltR'S Sarsaparilla. and many attestations ot the cures efl.-cted by llcoine from all parts of the world. It Ik, In tho lan-ruai-o of the Hon. Francis Jewett. ex-State Sen ator of Massachusetts and ex-Mayor of iovell. "the onlv preparation, that dot real, lastlni; good.1 PREPARED BT Dr. J. C. Ayor & Co., Lowe, Bast. Sold by all Drusts: Price $1; bix bottles for TTSZSTO DR. FAHRNEY'S IEETHI1 SYRUP. IT has scrrr failed to rir th most perfect at faction. Thousands of mothers are uuog it all thriczh the land, and all are pleated with its charm ing effects. It Maintains thi Bast's Health st Listing it iui from Cnuc and Diarkrea. Io do stupefy your Baby with Opium or Morphia Mi tmes, but tie ir aFalirnesr's Teething Syrup rh ch is always safe and reliable. It soothes and quiets the C h ild, K rjkvss Pa in and Inflammation and give Swbst, jVattral Slbif to Uabss anq R sst to Mothers Au Vmvwusn aud Memcm sUealxxs Sex i, rr. TS7E2STT-P1YS CTTTTTo A BOTTLE. Prepareo Br s. r a tttnj ar a cow. Caution Entice. AU persons are hereby cautioned, not to to bunt or fish, or in any way to trespass on the lands of the undersigned in Fermanagh township. Kith Bcsce. March Zj, 1885. Thursday, July 16. OH mm CLEAMCE iffl CLE ABINB IF SALE, Commences this week in Downright Earnest, at Mark Down Prices. .Ev ery department has its Special Bargains to offer. God LOOK AT SOME OF THE PRICES. - BOYS' SUITS ; Sizes from 10 to Lot number 3517, now marked " 3416, 44 " " 3119, 44 6614, 44 44 44 13512, 44 44 w 3365, Mens' pants at 4965, " 5675, 5494, CUT THESE NUMBERS OUT Lot nsmber 763, A man's suit at a' 735, M u (i 793, 856, 973, 423, 535, w We beg the pnblio to bear in mind although we effer them at such astonishingly low prioes. Call and cenvino yourself that what we advertise are faoU. -foD- THE tOWEST PRICES EVER KNOWS is O E iTl.EME:X9 FUIIXISHLXQ GOODS. -M- Every article out down to tbe very linen collars, Sets, each ; lisle thread good unlaundried shirts with linen bosoms, at 4'2ets ; trunks, satchels, wautr es, etc., at the lowest prioes ever named in Juniata county. Please remember that we are always here, and in all sales guarantee tbe utmost satisfaction. CHILDREN'S' SUITS ; Sizes, from Lot number 4562, now marked to 7827, 3859, 762) 875, w M QTJmrp?Q LEADER IX AT OVyllUll U, LOW PRICES I3RI3DGE ST., MIFFLINTOTC PA' AMEN. April -A. GOOD FARM PPaYATESiVLE. The UDlvriignt-t i.d'ers at private sale at Locu.-,t Kuo, in Walker township, Juniata couuty, l'a.,a FARM of 25 ACRES, '23 acres of which are cleared, ia a high state of cultivation, well limed and manur ed, and well fenced. Also an orchard of Choice Frmt, a good two story FKAMB HOL'sK, thereon erected, with cellar and kitchen good. i'KAME BARN and straw shed, hog stable corn crib and wood shed, a never tailing spring at the door, also run ning water near to the house. T- T. FAGE, Thompsontown, Juniata Co., Fa. ICE F1 AT A H ZSI PRIVATE SALE o:o The undersigned ctfors at pri rate sale her I farti:, sim itct i heal- township, near I Wa nut r. .. ihI -.-x mil-i west f Jlld lin Staliun, f. li. ii., .'i!:aini:. 03 ACRES, more or less, ami having thereon erected a GOOD FRAME DU ELLING H0LSE and other outbuildings. There is a good spring of water on th premises, an i fruit of ditlercut kinds. Tho farm is situated in a pleasant community, convenient to churches, schools and ft-.res. Any person deairing to purchase a pleasant homo should call en or address. L. C. Todd, Walnut P. O.. Xov. 5, lhSt, tl". Juuiata Co., I'a. WWm 1-9 n-1 OM TeTtJTV4nu tu If--- than 1 -3 Uir jrlc-ff tii kiaff-il-fl etlitl.-o4". ail'l tjuai ( the KrYci1-ii in UP-. lpvr, prlntiiiif .-and urea- racv. trm autiu mt out mMjrtm am order at ertrw ciii (ktt two irwica K&rv chan-4) for r-nta to niAk fib TlRM TRMT LlXKltAU iflHOLYL :!ririm sm. n j c t is i v i , c m aTV I'JTO Cm i r -J i V-.7l - O r-;S- MJTIH MA)- AT SELLZIIO PULE DEEDS the QJ I'l mr.y -ia,e. and nations, i or.raysd by 10O Great Writers, uhara-aai Introduction by Rev Jirrirrt IK XWru. D. D. Ju-t Iued. A.f I A m.iwiient H.'May Bcek. Also manilieen: FAMILY Q H 1 If P BIBLES and PHOTOGRAPH ALUL'MS in great Tarieiy oi styles. Q HmWC L.peciallT adapted for Holiday sales. Remarkably low prices, m-a-aa Liberal Iiscounts. Extra Terms. .- AGENTS WASTED. ifi Address, U. L. WARREN & CO., 1117 Caestnut St. Philadelyhia. or THE GULL I LEFT BEHIND HE. rnSYOL-.STfri I1TT V. ninrtrated 1 made by T. rr In this Dictnre. bat THE I.RDIT BlbGI OF AMEttlCA. B Hr4'vk'a saietr Kinr Bolt and Fifth WL Ask roar dealer for the T. T. HAT0OCK Bl titiT, with the Hay' ck Safety Kfiig Bolt and Jlfth Wbeat Liis Is Insecure riding over any other. rnu imn wm x mim , fe t mm imimnia) 'SrZSZjZ'Z'JZZlZZr Car. Pl. a.4 TwsWU Ute, CBCDTIITI. . A3E5T3 vriirna) whesb te have hohei io isvEannaT bo PBarnAJLB D. W. HARLETS Is tbe place where yea can bay THE BEST AJSV TH 12 CHEAPEST MENS' YOUTHS' & BOYS' CLOTHING HATS. CJPS, BOOTS, SHOES, J.VD FURNISHING GOODS. HE is prepared to exhibit one of the most choice and select stocks erar Tereel tts this market, and at ASTONISHINGLY LOW PRICES I Also, measures taken for suits and parts of suits, which will be made to orde at short notice, Tt-ry reasonable. Remember the place, in Hoffman's New Building, corner of Bridge ac Water streets, MIFFUNTO WN, PA. f Jan. 1, 18-t-tf oQ - 17 years : to $2 63, formerly sold at $4 50. 2 87, " " 5 00. 312, 44 " 5 38. 4 68, 44 44 6 25. 6 50, 44 8 75. $1 00, worth $150. 163, - 3 00. 2 50, 44 3 75. 5 50, " 5 50. AND BRING THEM WITH YOU. $5 00, formerly sold at $7 50. 6 50, 8 00. 7 25, 8 25, 9 00, 9 75, 10 50, 9 25. 10 50. 11 50. 12 00. 14 00. that these gsods are sot of low grade, lowest price : half hose, 4ots: searfo, 15c; undershirt and drawere, eat to 39oU. ; willing to exchange goods puxohasel 3 to 12 years, with short pants : $1 50, formerly ..oil at $2 25. 2 00, 44 44 3 00. 2 50, 44 3 75. 2 87, 4 25. 3 25, " 44 5 00. 4 00, 44 44 5 50. 4 50, .4 4- 6 25. TIIE LEADER 151 15,1885 - ly. FARMERS ! ! Don't be Deceived As there are persons offering for sale Phosphates branded " Twenty Five Dollar " and other similar j brands, which look very much i lilte ours, we caution formers not to be deceive J. Use only the article j which has our name and address ! on each bag. None other is genu ine. Baugh & Sons, Sole Pro prietors and Manufacturers, Fhila. -THSa- TWENTY FIVE COLLAR PHOSPHATE 1SN We Caution all persons not to infringe upon our trade marks and brands. Baugh & Sons, PHILADELPHIA. 3IERCI1AJNTS desire to double their proofs by introducing a line of new goods, indispensable to all families, will ad.iress for full particulars, HKALTli FOOD COMPASY, Ho. 72, 4th Avenue, New York. Jan. S, "85-ly. MANPIOODgm.t having innocently contracted the habit ot self abuse in his youth, and in consequence sudV.-red all the horrors of Sexual Incapacity Lost Manhood, Fbysical Decay, General Prostration, etc., will, out nf sympaty for for bis fellow sufferers, mail free the recipe1 by which he was finally cured. Address) in confidence. J. W. PINKNEY, 61S Hudson St., Mew York. Jan, 8, -85-ly. T.Hajrdock, which le not enWthe Leadlnsr