Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, July 01, 1885, Image 2

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    - t
1neoday. July 1. ISSft.
b. . "sen weier,
Bura is fifty four yews old.
fMVrnoH TTnxiAM's health is poor.
Thf Log in boom will ba largest in j
1 ?.
Geneiu.l Gtut health his asia
Gi.vnt.f-h is epidemic among Pitts
burg horves.
The m-igwniiip is the queerest an
imal in politics.
The Governor Las 6ined the mir
xiage license bill.
Chicago is cleaning up for fer of
visit from cholera.
A sw s-il. fbld his bon
f land
on Sn.ike river, Oregon.
Tee wire worm is destroying large
"ie Id of corn in Il'ino'i-.
Cow boys are hard on Indians that
they find off their reservations.
Sfven eighths of the real estate of
Philadelphia, is uudr mortgage.
The vt-tt-rana convened lOO.O'lO vis
ifMv. at Portland, Maine, Liht week.
Tn- Democracy in Juniata are not
in the
niiFt harmonious frame of !
Chi ! era is c-specte 1 to break out
in the United States within the com
ing month.
The annexation of the Stndvvich j
Islands to this government, is favor
el bv tho Islanders.
New Yoke religions congregations .
so on little trips to the country. It
ig another name for picnic.
Democratic civil service reform is
marching on, it consists in putting
nil Republicans out of office.
Ir is pa. id that the chief character
islic of a mugwump, is. that ha gets ;
ftnjrv at everr suict.-a.-.ful rain
Waskinotox city coms near being
a city in the woods. There are j
C0.030 trees along the side walks of '
the place.
Tire E:uperor of R.issii his pr
Rented his uncle. General Komaroff,
a jeweled sword, the cost of which is
eereu hundred and fifty dollars.
The '"spurs" on thi mountains in
the narrows, between this place aud
Lwist jwu. would make splendid
place for rich men to build summer
Tt is repot ted that there are eigh
teen hundred Indiiis on tho war
path. Next winter they will all be
begging the government to keep them
f rora et&rving.
It is beginning to dawn upon the
min i of the mugwumps, that Demo
cratic millenial days do not compre
hend the mngwump ns among the
prospective officeholders.
Teteue is a ca?o of nndisguieable
discrimination in New York City,
where the colleotor of the port. get3
$12.00-0 a year, and the catcher of
New York base ball club gets six
ti.oiis-.nd dollars.
It is reported that the President
is becoming disgusted with the con
stant importunity for office that his
political friends press upon him.
One set pulls this way, another set
pnlls the other way.
"Do tell," if Minister Phelps, from
the prim old State of Vermont, hasn't
been attending horse races and thea
ters in England. Good for Minister
Phelps, going with British govern
ment people to the places they ;o,
shows how readily he can adopt him
self to circumstances.
Niketv per cent of the office hold
ers of the United States represent
nothing, except incapacity. They'
bear none of the burdens of keeping
the state, borongh or township.
They draw their living from the pub
lic crib, from the tax fund that the
enpable men of the country keep up.
Rsv. Oeorse BEAraH, in 6 sermon
preached in the Presbyterian church
in thib place, some time before he
resigned the charge, said, that Paris
gets her fashions and vices from the
Devil. He Lad placed Paris away in
advance of London, in matters of
vice and fashion. On last Sunday,
Rer. Mr. Spurgson produced a pro
found sensation in London, by ap
pearing in print in a publio journal,
declaring that "Sodom in its most
putrid days would scarcely exceed
London for rice."
HrxrrjfaDO! workmen and business
luen are happy over the fact that
Governor Pattison has signed the
bill appropriating $250,000 to help
the industrial State Reformatory on
toward completion. That much mon-
ev spent in a town of the size of
Huntingdon, will put money into the
pockets of a large number of people.
The contractors will get the money,
and they in turn will pay it out to
the men that they have at work, and
and they in turn will pay it ont to
the business men, and they will spend
it in business, in buildings, in cloth
ing in horses and wagons, and eo
forth, and in that way the money
-will be Bcartrd around, or redis-tr.MiL
Thk P. tr'b has slowed up in its oa
reer of'oxpoMng ii north end to the
I Sun. For a period of three weeks
I it triil not be noticed that it has be
S gun to glide slowly back npon its
course of withdrawal from the great
luminary, after that time the days will
rapidly shorten, till we are 60 far in
the shadow, that the bleak davs of
winter will be our portion fora num
ber of long cold months.
lias L.H.U8 Ui.KE, a woman
i rights woman, will be married this
Wednesday, in New York city. C'or-
rect, how can a wdiattn ancs herself
wh n fho meets the man that she
! loves? Sue will marry him if he pro
! po9t B. and be like all good women
are a kind and loving wife. Perhaps
it would be jnt as well f jr the men
tim are Alarmed aoont the woman b
rights question to lay hold of some
other qu?ntiou.
T'ib goo I tinijs thit were pi-omis-
od to f.jiioT tho election of Cleveland
hsva not come. How cuuld thev ?
Tha President posod before t hot conn
try rs a reformer, and when tho
mask was pulled away from him,
there was the Miris'' trsusaction.
Can w.iter ran up hill? He now
poses before tiie. onntry as a fiuan
ci.il proph rt. and it i-t h irlly probab
le that t:ie c :;intry c m b9 6parod a
linauciii pmic nndtr his rnle. nnless
i:(ieed it be thit the soundness of the
curreucv, will s'tva it.
J. B. Vance, of Londonderry, Dau
phin county, has a hen that is an ex
pert in killing rats.
A woman was among the five per
. i l . i i. 'ri 1.
I cuus lyucuea uy a i eiis inou iur
I "outra'-iu' tue wife of a farmer."
Herirv .Stanffc-r, atjed 72 year, fell
from the Cumberland Vailey bridge.
at iitrnsourg, and was insnnny
Iavid Blair, one of the oldest
members of tiie Huutingd in B ir,
died last Thursday, of cancer, aged
72 vears.
Isiac K Ritchie, of Monroe town-
I ship, Dcd'or i county, who was not
iof sound m;ud committed suicide re-
Ic-atlv Iv LimiDi.
Gcorga W. Flenner, a Cambria Co.,
farmor. was fined $15 for whipping
-- w raising, his orphan
nephew, with a rawhide.
Htrrison Newmin, of Mennotowa
ship, Mullia co inty. claims to have
kiiie 1 a rattlesnake on Scone moun
t du week befcrs lHst, that had nine
teen rattles.
"Kill ths'm," was the reply return
ed by Secret-try of Slate VanArmaiu
of Ar izona, when he was informed
that Indians had been seen in the
Springs V.ill ?y. and asked what should
ba done with theiu.
Some 2000 voters in Sumter coun
ty, Ga . are disqualified from taking
any purt in the forth coming election
owing to lueir neglect to pay taxes,
amounting on au average to a doilar.
Three fourths of them are colored.
A tramp asked Mra. Want, of
Lock Hven, for a drink of water.
The lady handed him a drink, wiien
he dished the wtter into her eves
atid attecopted.to s i;tch her watch
acd eh'iin tfuo was too quick for
him however, acd the foiled villain
beit a hasty retreat.
Detective Beigle, of B?dford. who
has been instrumental in arresting
several persons for illegal liquor traf
fic, vra.s brutally and dangerously
beaten by a gang of nioonshintrs, a
few nights ago, while traveling in a
bu'jrjry a short distance from Riy's
Hiil. His life was threatened in
case ho should again visit tho rail
road. The one year old son of Henry
Sigman, of Easton, was placed
on a bed to sleep one morning,
but soon awoke and crawled to
the foot. It put its head
through the rungs, while its body
slipped off the side. Tue result was
that the child was hanged. It was
quite dad when found.
It is wothy remembering that no
newspaper is printed especially for
one person any more than a h itel is
built especially to please one guest.
People who become greatly disgust
ed with something they find in a pa
per 6hould remember that is the very
tbing that will please somebody who
has just as much interest in the pa
per as they have. Ex.
A Fairhaven clergymen performed
a marriago ceremony a month or two
ago and received f u. Nest day the
bride called upon tho clergyman and
ttated that her husband had made a
mistake the night before, whereupon
tho clergymen refunded a part of the
amount. Later he was shocked to
learn that he had been deceived by
the woman, who used the money to
get drunk. Lcwell (Mass.) Courier.
Coal is said to be an almost un
known luxury to the Chinese of San
Francieco. Their mode of cooking
is to have an emptv oil can serve as
a stove, upon which they place their
tea kettle or cooking pan. They start
a fire with two or three small sticks
of wood, which they add to as thev
burn, and in this way manage to es
tablish a good degree of heat with
but a Bmall expenditure of fuel.
An Elephant Panic-
Lapeer, Mich., June 24. During
the performance of a circus here yes
terday a large elephant became infu
riated and turned npon tbe eight
thonsand persons assembled under
the canvas. He tore up the seats,
smashed the furniture and made hav
oc generally. Women fainted, chil
dren screamed, boys climbed trees
and a general stampede followed.
The enraged elephant, after clearing
out the canvas, made a break for the
woods near by, and mired himself in
to an adjacent swamp. After much
difficulty he was extricated, but five
bullets were ehot in bis hide to tame
him. Amid the panic numbers of
limbs were broken, and much prop
erty lost and damaged. No futalies
5ew Wheat At Ualtin-r.
Baltimore, June 21. The first
wheat of the new crop, fourty four
bushels, was sold on 'Change to day
at $2 per bushel. It was grown in
Lancaster county, Va. Another lot,
inferior, grown in Middlesex county,
Va., sold at $1.60 per busheL
ttbat 111 Surely D It.
One's hair begins to fall out from
many causes. The important ques
tion i : What is sure to make it grow
in again? According to the testimo
ny of thousands. Parker's Hair Bal
sam will do it. It quickly covers bald
spots, restores the original color
when the hair is gray or faded, erad
ic ites dindruff, aud causes the scalp
to feel cool su t woll. It is not a
dye, not greasy, highly perfumed,
6afe. Never disappoints thosa who
require a nice, reliable dressing.
The Philadelphia B illeiin snys:
Th a-inexatim of the Snditch Is
lands to t5;e United States is said to
be favored by tho HaTaii.ans, and ex
Minister Daggett, who is on his way
to Washington on a secret mission
from King Kslnktua to open negotia
tions. It the Islands are to cease to
be iudejxitiijnt, they ought to be
Aniercacized, otherwise the English
or the Gormans will get hold of
thom. Hut tho whole question is a
serious one. The population is only
about 7iUM0. and of these 44,0'0 are
natives, l!,0H Chinese and the rest
of -hite race, only about 1.300 being
Americans. There is a good iil to
be said in favor of aunexatios. but
President Cleveland anil his Cabinet
will have to wrestle with the ques
A ii,000 Libel Salt-
Henry V. Bemis, of Chicago, who,
as editor and manager publishes the
Chicago Horseman, has begun a suit
in the Sujierior Court through his
counsel, Amoux, Rich 4 Woodward,
against Sanders D. Bruce, Leslie C.
Bruce, and Hamilton B isbey, the
proprietors of the Turf. Field and
Farm, to recover f 25,000 damages
for alleged libellous publications in
the latter journal in March last. Mr.
Bemis asserts that the defendants
published accusations declaring that
he, with one Splan, had entered into
an agreement to deceive the publio
and win monev through dishonest
conduct in driving the horses Belle
F. and Onward, in various races.
Gc-n. B. F. TraVT is icuasel for the
defendants, who Lave entered a da
murrer npon the ground that the
complaint does not state facts suffi
cifcnt to constitute a cause of action.
A Fatal Horse DImwm.
Mr. ("akp.oix, Id . Juu- 23. For
several days a report was circulate 1
to 1 u- fcff.-et that several horses near
this city were 6ick with the glanders.
Yesterday State Veterinarian N. H.
Piiaren arrived here and has since
visited the farm of J. S. O'Neal, four
miles west of this city, and made an
examination of Mr. O'Neal's horses.
The examination resulted in the dis
covery that two of the animils were
in the last stages of the moat violent
form of glanders, while three mre
were affected more or less severely.
Mr. O'Neal was usiug tlie horses iu
a corn plow at the time. The doctor
appointed thre men aj appraisers,
ordered Mr. O'Neal to unhitch the
MiimalR. and driving them to an iso
1 it&d npt killed the entire lot
.darn excitement is manifested
among fr.rmors. as it is feared that
many of the horses in the vicinity
which have browsed in adjoining pas
tures have contracted the disease.
The locality iu which Mr. O'Neal lives
is very thickly settled, and some of
the most valuable stablo horses in
the country are kapt near his farm.
Dr. Paaren is examiuing other hor
ses in the vicinity.
Tiie Indian Ontbreak.
Washington, Jane 21. The out
break of the Cheyenne Indians which
was threatened Stnrday last has
been brewing for a year or longer.
Army officials here, attribute it to a
dissatisfaction on the part of the In
dians at the leasing of their reserva
tion to cattlemen. The Cheyenne
reservation is one of the largest in
tb9 Indian Territory. It composes
about 4.270.0OO acres. Of this amount
more than 3,000,000 acres are con
trolled by cattlemen, who are graz
ing vast herds. The Indians are di
vided on the question of leasing the
laud, the majority apparently being
opposed to it. It is said hero by of
ficials that cattlemen have resorted
to questionable metho.ds in securing
control of ranches, some of which ex
ceed hidf a million acres. An instance
is cited of a Cheyenne chief being
made drunk, and while in this condi
tion his signature to an agreement
to lease certain lands was obtained.
Reports on file at the office of the
Commissioner of Indian Affairs indi
cate that the leasing of the lands was
not the original cause of the trouble
among th Indians. These reports
are from Agent Dyer, on the Chey
enne Reservation, who ranks as one
of the best agents in the service. He
was appointed to his present position
about one yesr ago. Immediately
after assuming his duties he inform
ed the Interior Department that
trouble was threatened, and that un
less precautionary measures were ta
keu, an outbreak would be inevitable.
He asked that one thousand cavalry
men be sent to the reservation. As
a reason for his Etatment Agent Dy
er said that his predecessor had not
exercised 6triet control over the In
dians; that they had been allowed
to do aud act as they wished. Mr.
Dyer on assuming the duties of the
agency endeavored to control the In
dians. He reported to the Commis
sioner of Indian Affairs that they
laughed at his attempts, and boasted
that tbe government could do noth
ing with them.
In August of last year a man nam
ed Horton attempted to pass through
the reservation with f;.ar hundred
ponies. An Indian sub-chief saw
him and shot into tbe herd, killing
two or more of the animals. He then
attempted to shoot the owner of the
ponies, when Horton drew his pistol
and shot the Indian. The friends of
the latter demanded vengeance and
threatened to take the live of Horton.
Af towards they aakd for ths four
hundred ponies and finally compro
mised on taking one-half the Dumber.
Dyer reports that a company of sol
diers came to the reservation at the
time of the dispute over the killing
of the Indian but were apparently
afraid to show their authority. Since
the incident the agent says the In
dians have grown more troublesome
and more insolent, the lives of white
men have been threatened, and only
a few weeks since an attempt was
made to kill Rv. S. S Haury. a mis
sionary among the Indians, "jnat be
cause they wanted to kill somebody."
Agent Dyer was in Washington some
weeks since. He urged that three
thousand cavalrymen be sent to the
reservation as soon as possible, to
"scare the Indians" and show them
that the government had a sufficient
force to piini-.li them if necessary.
He thonght if this method of influ
encing tbmm was adopted they could
be controlled withont bloodshed on
either side. He said the Cheyenne
were as warliko as the Apaches, that
they wctg well armed, and could pnt
from 1200 to 1"00 w&rriois on tho
warpath at any time.
The Soldier Bojs At Portland.
Pobtlamd, June 24,. General Lo
gan was introduced to the Graud
Army Veteraus last night and after
the enthusiastic cheering said: "Mr.
C'muinder, Comrade Ladies aud
Gentlemen : While we are assembled
hero to night in this beautiful city,
surrounded as we are by friends who
meet us cheerily and greet us kindly,
wo cannot but allow our minds to
wander away from here, momentarily
at leist, to where the Old Comman
der, grander than all, sutlers with a
disease that has brought him to the
very verge of tho grave. In myjulg
ment time has not given to any peo
ple a grander commander of men, a
greater director of forces, a more
magnificent campaigner applause,
a man with more ability to execute
thau U. S. Grant. Applause. For
bis country ho has done as much as
any man that ever lived has done for
any other country. Great applause.
No matter what may have beeu said,
no matter how aspersed by those who
dispised him, he has pissed up and
beyond all the clouds that have sur
rounded him, and his character
shines out to day bfore the civilize!
world as bright as the brightest star
that deck's the heavens. Applause.
I believe there is not a cituen in the
United States of America that does
not sympathize with his misfortune
and saflVring now, and it is the pray
er of the G A R. I am sure, that
G 'd. who disposes all things, may
permit 'his grand old man to live on
as one of the citizr-ns of this griud
republic. For him I can say no more
than that when he passes away this
country and civilization will lose one
of the greatest snpporters of liberty
that ever lived and one of the grand
est that ever died."
A -mail hay crop.
Sod water at Ilarkrobergr'i.
McClintic ha been -pouting: in the vicini
ty of E-t Point.
A nnnilipr of peop!c went to Lewi-town
on Saturday to ee the circut.
A iroe in Japan costs twenty cents. In
few year- that will b a Democratic coun
try. Pittsburg Chronicle.
The Lutherm congregation at EMiots-bu-g,
Heiry county, are rruktHj exten-ive
improvements to their church.
Marriage and death notioa-, nit etceel-
j ing Hvo lina, earnestly aolicited and pub-
lished (rra. M irriage congratulations, O'lit
I nary noticea. Tributes of r.fpcts, an t a.j
! forth, casli fire cents a line.
Carrie A Burke, of Rlton. N. H., his
mada:oixy aj ii't roitaining 3.S0S pi.-ce,
This is nothing. HoM any industrious wo
man rat: do a much if her hualaand wilisew
on his own button and g"t his ml at a
reMaurart Graphic.
Rev. Win. Alexander P. D-. of Califor
nia, has bi'fn risl'inp friends in this town
and In Tnararora valhy. II rsme east to
attend the Presbyterian General A"e,Bb1-'.
Bis nearest relatives iu this place are Jndg4
Elder and Mrs. James Irwin.
No injirion- eTects can follow tbe us of
Ayer'a Ague Cure In tbe treatment of ma
larial disease. It contains, besido a spe
cific and unfailing antidote fur miaanatic
poison, other remedial agnnts which unite
to expel the poi-ono'.n humors, purify the
system, and h ave it in a healthy and rein
vigorated condition.
A yontig man with a yonng ladyj started
In a buggy for the party at the Mountain
IIoue, at Acadumia. one evening la-t week
by way of Port ReyI. They drove down
this side of the river to the town Jnst i,am
ed and there took the wronr road, the road
that leails back to th s place by way of Licking
Creek and Patterson. They did not dis
cover their mistake till they reached the top
of the bill beyond Tattersou.
If you have debts don't become panic
stricken, "keep your heart," and work on.
If you reduce tbe dulits a little every year,
you will get through. Some years "there
may be a miss crop, sickness, loss of stock,
such ruitfortunes come, but let not sit' h
things cloud a our purpose and honest effort.
More fortunate davs will crown yonr fforts
A Foot Race.
At a foot race in Doty's trotting field, on
MTi lay evening. Jnne 22, Jacob A. Davis,
defeated Tbomaa Patterson. Jacob mak
ing the one-third of a mile In one minute
and thirty serond.Thomta making the same
In one minute and thirty-one seconds.
For Cruelty T AalmaU.
On last Sunday morning a cow owned bv
Samuel Tcigb, who lives on what i known
as the George Faaie property, north of town,
got into a l..t occupied by a man named
William S'inelterger, a neightvrr, living on
the Craig property. S'lneSerger 'threw
atones at ths cow, and hitting her, broke
her log. A warrant sworn out for the
arret! of Stiurh-rgT, for cruelty to animals,
having ill treated, brniaed and broken tbe
leg of a cow, but Stineberger could sot b
found. Abont twelv o'clock on Sunday
night, Yeigh, who was watching for Stine
berger, saw tbe latter wade the canal from
tbe tow p.th. fo h a twinn ile s-Mt v.uid
to town t.-r the Sheritr tn h-on InnJ at 4
o'cl'ick in the inurn inc. Pronipffv at that
time, tho ShritT S p-sri d t.n the. fcc-ne.
and going to Steinberg!? hause, arrfsfed
biiu while be was yet in b?d. At (is o'
clock, on Monday morning, ba was takes
before Squire McDonald, who in default ol
$200 bail, eoromittevl him ( jail to await
STKAYEK will cot, our cauiot le uLcere!J. V are Liphly ratified
tt lbs ?iccts sMfiidioir ur eff its to bring d(ro tie tgb fit ices formerly
ehtrgf d for CI.OTlilMU in MirtlmtcwB, and fit 4 lb Cbii:u:ubity stick- to ita
first love.
The pub'ia have faith is cor jubli-Led steteniastt, aod westriv to deserve
tbe full w.es-ure of confident o fraaly jjlacsd iu aa. Jtfery day trioa fresb
proof to u of tbe gwd tll of all cfasse. VI aay itbtat tbe least faar of
contradiction (and lava j.!euty money to back it) tlat y terribly ctTV-nitd op
poatt ion baa To Prd'ars worth of unsalable, er as be call ibaiti, fVAtt
GOODS to nit one.
as all our summer rlotliiu;
W K.. before I will allow inv custr.tnpra and frieDds to be drciitrd in that
manner. I wi II do busin.'Ka tin nuu.tner
for avry piece ot pot'ds yen boy, only arkiag expruaf) of trsn?prtatioB, asd
oar advaotagei fr boyicg are equal, if not sar-riur, to as; bousa iu oeotial
"I bad ratber be a dog and bay tbe noun, ttau tneb a elotLier."
Ham ooneeited some reorjle think ail
tim, .h.o thrnnvh with ar.d nur
Remember whatever you bay of es
a auit is all wool anch ninat be faot. tad
tee tbet auab prioe ia lower thau any
May 13, 1885.
as-Ms-kT-B-k-a-B-a-a-a-aTa?-a-a-B?JWMMBa wmmBmmmmm&iY'm.m-rmitmmmimmBm
j iwi r-"-- r weak i vr- :
-a-Ha-iaaj. i .aB:lr,r fv 4 1 1 vflaT J-lah Italt-t!.
-r : ..'.;taMl dii - -ut;V. -- i
a-, ..- ivt'ui a nr-it iot5 urwr...t..ia c- ,
b'". a;-l a TO PajlT rl ftilfJBlil t ! AbOQfc. Ill j
wv?-.' ' i 'r.m fvlKr.n t Avrt;rix 1 t-
aw.' rf--1 .'.- naKATlr i t Va at A' I Cklir I r W j
r - i i:xrr rrir"d uore t).n CrO HtiJl- '
flrJ Thousand r:'--pa i." r-' t
.'" tne. C.iTis l--;-alsat. i.; '
ju-r.ia. Ai'Isoti nt. u& all .ai:r v " ,
f f m -enre to inTMUr 0..:r rLhv i t.i
TniM Statax CatiR1a iwtaai, v ,
(i-fU'.Ar.; arrt th?r fori;'j :.-. rv,.aai
M wt't notice ana on rMonno m
5ivq mt hank ctiim. Hana-f-x. k of l;.-'.-i.is-
wM . i 'x ari BotiMi in tba KiTiaa;i!i-; Asi'..
trim Jt-, cf ach nottea It wll un1erTt- 4 tj a
urrri aw-"t- ,r to C'upo of tbir pari:t.
irwtiO'N ( ., Ottoa thoutixia. AWi' ,
1(1 iv-Wtt&jr, aw York.
Frcm Pole to Pole !
Ann's P.s.'.p!uii.a b f,..-e-st--..4 Its
ywit-r .f c-.rv fur cUwmt c Cs bia
Tho Harncone' Ptcry. I
jr,u tt i. 'im i, ists. j
I. J. C Arxa k Co. Tw.tr.- rr - I j
vu . harrvii,.r in ' "'rll' rt-lfc, e.s S.s
Ukk ut li.- cn-w .ni ir.-s-lf w.rt j
S4-nrT. Uur iKwliC.iicrs tiOuJ, aw."ae j
ai.il Vll:iit. tr-lh h --, rar.",a '- 1
..r c. and 3r laia niilr. Tata tk
t and Ur-we tr.rs prirtlf kaJ'T c. A I
Un-iuic a- src'.c.niaiif dv.iroT.-t, s.4 l as 1
cf-::a ksd a omia dt.a H..I., Arlt'l j
kilJirAMUu a-J -. n. thai. Vv's n.i-
wd e it ajui'.k-r thru I bs trtr et- m.s ,
afaiivbtaJtttT arreth.rtrtaAn.olfwrfcrii---t
aad l'-a - a ..oit awl f it. H.r ! ,
Um ia yatir AUeanaeo y-T Pr-a--lia aalaa 1
f.4 f.r tannr, I thocf'it jfoa oa(li'.ta hmw -'
aala, a-4 eeml -oil taa ?--
iMfcJt.lf yaura, Raltm T. Ttwaisnv j
The) Troope)r' Exprlrca), j
If. BartlonrlS. Afritm,) 'ei7 ', lilt.
! J. O. Avaa k Co. C.aUwa: I sars
aeark pleaaur. U tet:t ta Ua C'at va:. M I
Tir bar-aa-1'ta Wa kaa tn sat!ra
lxra fur -r tw T-ara. 4urlf wf.'m lia wa
ba4 ta tl-a ta -.-. Bti:.f tt-.ar for i
rm a tuna k-wa-M en w.t la call.J In ikia
or.au-. 'T.idi.i...' 11. l'i - sci-a f.r
MM liaw. 1 wm aaia-a tn till Jejr araa
ranlla. Iwa )' ef whi.-k -.ada acr Mias
auMBVw rawtd!-, aail I am w -ana wait,
laarairof-, T. K. Topsa,
Ayers Sarsaparila
la Ot ealy iVaroaiMy vtia :a -i-t-r,
tba ealy wiratrin- taal araCltataa tha aolaooa tt
tVrafltla. Marcary, aad Canta-1aa Ua.au
from tba ayawsa.
raaraaat) av
Vw. J. C Ayer Co Lowal Maa.
Cold by all lni2ta : rria ft
BiX sotuaa fas .
Stockholder Individually Liable.
T. VAN IRWIS, r..At-r
Disfctoss :
J. Nevin Pomorey, Joseph Kothrork,
Noah llcrtaler, Philip M. Kepner,
Amos G. R.msall, f.onls E. Atkluaon.
VF. C. Porrterov,
SToexBOLpaas :
J. Nevln Pomeroy, K. E. l'srker,
Philip M. Kepner,
Annie It. Shelter,
Jar e H. Irwin,
Mary Kurti,
Samuel M. Kuris
J. Holmes Irwin,
T. T. Irwin,
F. B. Frow.
John Hertxler.
Jos ph Rothrock,
George Jacobs,
L. K. Atkinson,
W. C Poiueroy,
Ames G. BoT:sa!l,
Jios'u Herta'.er,
Charlotte Snvder.
"U" lnt?est allowed at the rate of 2 per
cent, on 6 months certificates, 4 per cent, on
12 mr.ntba certificates.
f Jan2?, lf$-tf
9 e-a-. r
uon roner. r-aie, sure cure. i.'"j iy i
mail with lull directions. Book (or 2 rent)
atamp. PEET t CO., 501 i-iiih Avenne, .
Kew lotk. Jan. H, '8o-ly
Sinth St , south of Chestnut, one square
south of the Now Post Office, one-balf
square from Walnnt St. Thea'ro and in the
vtry htisinc.as centre of the city. On the
Amern an and Puropean piana. Ootid rooms
ftont :VC to $:! tlfl p? d.iv. Remrxteled and
newiy furnishid. V. PAISE, M. D.,
Owner and PropnetrT.
Nov. 2!, ly.
i A
LI. f?fou are herebv cautioned
astaii.it fiohing or huptinc, gathering
berries, or crossing field"., or in any other
way trespassing on the lards of tbe nnder
signed J. S. Eiscrr.
Tbe Sentintl and Rtpihcan office ia the
plan to get job work done. Try it. It w ill
fWf 7 K 7 av-al atn7rig tn t Hne.
wa d. a'royed by Br.
j !
f r ileaeure. and alow you tba bill
olbera ate eld t
W ell, by tbe
low crioes. tbev acall cbacsa iheiilmiudj.
oust be as repreieuted. Wben we aay
ken we ivr oa a Lfice we (jnaran-
one el.e can veil tba fame article at
Sav I and
C-a.pSl.theMIZFSajid rSKlXot ar
Ia.wM ' m N.ir-ti amdiiBW I. a
t-; i.l mIIm ,aJto. alucb eyatuaaan oaaat
H r
4 C
fSi 8 Stroke. . . . S4SO
6x t " - tOO
7-IO " 600
6-vfO " 700
e.r)2 " - eso
IO-13 " - 12CO
Hii iunrf PBiirea, i tol !!- f aw-r,
t J
.; (,! TJ -Jir if pviT ilii l", .aw". -
'. faw Mud- !'ir ard MtniiK MarLiirT.
"VJi FtTafTCn in Jural 1 altiw. Cr-jii-rwa "t-
jr"a ac-i-.iU iJil!. aa -i rrl Alnrlunt- a.
,m:'M sitii a owi. j l iusuu.r.
I fT"H"! waaderfal tuim aactad ky this aow wej.
i X kacwa raaacdr, aoc em'-j la our pr:.ata prmcucm
i at bocc, btit tKiaufSout tha Vaitad Mataa, ha.a
j drawn tha aitfniica of t:. maiical pra'pstion to its
; a thro jho .t tec U-d. la ( hrenic Kha imams
and Acute Goat, l.um?ice, B.itous diftwrdcra aad
LiTcrCooip'a et. Fi6.rl-aand Lrui:ior on the face
t tnralpclai, Dror.ir.l Tr ai.le., rjmf.laad a.Sicult
Meaauijatir n, Sarvoua or Sck lieadachc. Caativ-e '
! acaa .( ( on.i imn, uilk Us, be aid Hrad, ki .
, ldara-e., llcera ae.d BjiU, Kidney and Urinary j
weakaea, Trmate raVnct and 1 alter ifiT-clioBa.
AUrteproportiotiofthaCHnoKicaiioOaaTiaATB I
! DT.aa5asthata:ilict Maniind paae their otiio la j
' an uapu's atata of the Btooaaad a depra-ed coodi- I
tir-i of t're Livaa, and poiai aa tha vary fountain of ;
I ife; and b-or remedy can b uiad thaa i
tlralih Restorer. A Sikh Born a will ,
I produceuchacl.aeof taelirf asoftcn ta AaToataa
l".e btirraaca. i'e Ar-tsnaaag e it a trial. AtA
t Dai-iMtaTa avd Sroasaaaeaaa aa:! it. !
i.co -nE-av ssrrt-t
Faaraasa sv
nitt. D. FH.RKF.V 4k MR,
The adverflaer batin.-hr r-rraaoentlv
enred of that droad 1 asi-. Conanmptlon,
ui (impm rem-uy. IS Sr.liORS to make
known to his fel'-w sffe-e s th m-sn of
cure. To all who de-ire it he wi'l a-nd a
a rnpy of the -wearrlptb.n n-d, (ra;.)
with the direetiona for preps-v,; a-d n-ing
the same whirh they w-ll fl-id a sure Cum
for Corona, Coina. Corwe-Tto, Ast-iw,
BKOxrHiTts, At. rrt wiahlrn: tha Pro-'
seriPtlon. will pl-s-e. adtre... R
E. A.
rTII.O.N. 194 Penn St., Will
I. 'SS-ly
rJn. ,
t-prlng and ammer Goods.
I would inform th ruhile that I hate
now In my new niliiinerr afur at mv p ace
of rrsidence on Water mr;-et. Mifllt'.town,
second door f-n, corner ef Bridge street,
afn'l stock, e.f Spring and Summer uiiil:nery
goods, all new, aad of the latest atvles,
and having employed flrft class milliners,
I am prepare.! t. supply tbe pnhlt? with
everything fortnd In a firatclisa mUlinor
otre, come and exarr.iie rry skk-'k.
consider tt ro troahie n. show ar...,ia.
!!R. t'F.l:II.
Caution IC Alice
Ail p- ra'.na are berehi cntionel anainst
Tressiiug upun t;.e Ijpi'.a of the r.ndr
stgnr .I, wln thor -ea'-d or uuseiie.!. or in
pos.sefS.r.n of, f..r ;he pnrpue of rialiing
bonting, gathering b -rria, ctHtine timhar',
or for any nnnecceevry purrxiso.
Bpjaniin F tn lleberger, Josepii Pine.
Win. Darm-.n, John K"ne,
Ia-.e Sh.-lienh-rger. John Keller,
V. -unr Leon.rH, I.ncien Auker.
lar.e II, 1-5.
I JJ:ith ticnee o39rj at private si!e.. A F ARM
j I. Ar.t.?, morn or le. htviis ther.'.
! on . reeled a good TWO STOKTt PLANK
Ht'l.'Sri There ia r-mninR water at to
donr. Half the land i cleared. This will
ruaka a good homecenvcnUnt tottenilnaa,
schools and churches. The property
I l ft aa V. I J aaah IT a. 1 1 T1 . 1 .
is loe.tted in i-llm Vallav. Fermanairh town'
ship, Juriau county, Pa., f.iar miles from
Mlfliintown. Fer terms call an or addreaa.
Styt.jS,lM4. tftfflitww-), fa.
Oa and after Monday, April 6t. IHttt,
traiat that atop at Mifliin will ran aa foUwa:
HcaTiiioa.0 Accomodatioh ieaVei i Hun
tingdon dally at 6,30 a. m.. Mount Lnion
6Ma. tn.. Newton Hamilton ..02 a. m.,
llcVeytown 74 a. in., Lewistown i,o a.
m., Mllford bOtf a m., Mirtiin 8,15 a. m ,
Port Royal a. ui-, Mexico 8.27 a. in,
Tuscarora 8.3'J a. ni.. Vannyke t,S4 a. ro.t
Thompjontown 8.4.2 a. m., Durward 8.4t a
m., Milleratown 8,63 a m., Jiewport K.Uoa.
ro., arriving at Hamaburg at 10 1 a. m.,
and at Philadelphia, 3 13 p. m.
JoH-TOWti Exraass leavea altoona daily
at7 15 a tu., and atopping a all regular
stations between Altoona and Harnsb irg,
narhos Mifflin at 10.2-1 a. m.. Hamburg
li.4U p. M., anil arrive, in Philadelphia at
. ... A.:,.
7 -ri . ... 1 Knnnx f llO T. HI., atld StO- I
' ' . k. 1
it regular atationa arrivea ai jiuiim
ru., Harrikburg .lop.
, a. m.
.i i.-. Pitt. hi - it 1 DU D m.
j Altuona 45 p m ; Tyrone 7 17pm; Hunt-
imgdon euopni; Lewiato-n jpm , Mtf ;
ttin V 45 piu; llarrwouru 11 i i pra; iuu.- uiua uuycr meuium aDtf Ln-delfhi-4-"iaiii.
j Graft
Wi Ps-ii.affc leaves Philadelphia j
daily at i 3U a. tu.; liarrisburg, li a. m.; i
Duucauoon, b 63 a. m.; wportt ii -1 TV I? 1 fNJ
tu.; Milierstown, a. in.; Thouipsoutown, 111 JXVllll O,
t 47 a. iu.; Van Uyke, 55 a. m ; Tucar-
or, W la a. m.; Uuxicu, 10 0-J a. m.; Pi-rt
Koyal, 10 07 a. it.; Mitilm. Iol5 a. m.; j . r r .
MiUurd. 10 21 a. m ; rros, 10 Z'J a. m.; : Ot
Le-.inK.WD, 10 40 a. u.; iicVoytowu, 110.
a. au.; ewtun Ilauiiltun, 11 24 a. ra.; Uun
tingdon, 12 Ou p. ui.; Tyrone, 12 OS p.
.tetuoua, 1 40 p. tu., aud atop at ail regular
aUlious b.-t-eu Ilarrtibuig aud Allouna.
Oitm E'.rasis luavca PhiUilclphia dai-
ly at s 4U p iu., ilarrl-Oura, 10 40 p. m.,
t t Newport, Miller-town, Tbouipnnntown, j
, i'wrl Kuyal, tiu.u at UHttia, li 15 p. ni.; Al-
I tuoua, 2 40 i
ui., aud Pittaburn, u 5't a.m.
leaves Puila.Ulptiie daily at
rrivlinrv 11. lit) i.. 111.. NuW-
maiu immix it.";3 iuiii,iiiui,..i
i.W a. u... ttarriauiirg H.UO a. iu., i-ww
port, 1 l i p. ui., Miitliu 1J.47 p. ru., slop- :
pikg at ail reUiar stations between Ititllia J
aud Altuuita raacbes Altuona at 3 aO p. iu., '
Pittsburg 'J 10 p. m.
tluirisuuu- AccovaouaTioa leavea Phil-
A.lMli.iiia dMiltf 1 1 lu a. ui. tltirrisburf it
, .14 p. nj., fjuueauua 5-50 p. iu., Naw-
tort aj.l. u. m.. alilluratuwn p. m
in I
j Tlioaiisuiitou ti,4J p. tu., Vaudye 0.47
i p. u , Tuscarora S.51 p. iu., ileiicort,6i p
m.rort Koval .,w p. iu., iiiiu p
m., Le-iijwn ,tZK p. iu., Mj eylown
j it p. m., Iwtu Ua uiltoa. a, 14 p.
likitiiupiloii 4 p. ui. i
PaclSa Expresa leaves Philadelphia 11 i0 '
! p au; Harrlaourg 8 10 a m ; IJuucannou 3 ;
iVaau; 'awpcrl 401 am; illdo 4 4J a ;
iu; Lawisiuwa 5 00 a ui ; llcVeytown 6 ii :
I a iu ; M:. L'uion 6 59 a in; iluutin jdoa 6 .
I 2i a bj ; puteraburg 6 40 a m; Spruce Crvck -
t 44 a si ; Xyrvaa 7Kaui; bell's Milia
7-' am; A!tGua S 10 a tu ; Pittsburg!
1 00 p ru. !
Fast Me leavea Philadelphia at II W a
tu ; atsrrl.bura: 3 to p m ; a! i2in S U3 p u ; i
Lawistuwa t 41 V tc ; llJDt;Liiou t isO pal ;
Tvroi.e 7 l p tu ; AlWoua 3 10 p in ( Pitta- ;
bura 11 oi p u. j
I Kaat Liu wast, ua Sundays, will stp at i
J Dunraou'ju, Ne-pjrt aud ataVaytown I
i !iu farfei.. i
ala:l Lxpraaa east, uti atubdava, will stup i
at faxrM, wbsu Oa-ri. I
Ji.baait.-ia kxpraaa east, u iunJiys, ,
wiii couuect w.iu uaJy aiil igaio i
i ilarr:-bur- at 1 Ii p. ui. !
j Way PaaaeLfar west and Viail east will 1
i atop at Luckduw and Pooruian'a Si.rn.g-, '
i wheu Cfged. '
JuLustuwu Kz press wtil atop at Lucknow, 1
; whau rjofsed. 1
j Lil.-iTO'Ji lit VISION. ;
a ! l.uwiatua u JuDi'.tiou lor ilil-
J roy at rj oi a m, 10 45 in, B -j p m ;
I su-ibi.ry at . 15 a tu, i oo p ni. '
j Trains a,rla at Leo tstowo Junction t'ruun '
' Miln.y at V 10 a to, 1 40 pm, 4 60 p m ; from !
I Sunburj At 2i a ta, 4 30 p iu.
j Traiue laav Tyrono for Bell-tout aud j
i Lock Haven at 8 10 a tu, 7 S'ip tu. Leav !
M frune fur Curwer.svilie and Clearfield at '
! i'J a ui, I fiO p m. j
i Tialos Irava l'yroue tor Wartiora Hark, '
Paotisylv.Lia Furnace and Scotia at ilJ a (
lu aud 4 bO p to.
Trains arrive a: Trrono from Bollet'uut
and Lock )aeti at 7 0 a ni, aud 7 1)0 p m. i
! 1 ratna arrive at Tyrone iroiu Curwena-
i vilie aud Lh rrji.l at ii 58 am, and b 50 p in. ;
J Trains srrivo at Yjroue from Scoiia, War-
riors Ham aud FeiiDayivauia Furnace at 1
i hi a tn, at 2 oo p iu. i
j It. 41 U. T. R. K. A. liKDftRU DIVISION, i
, Ttana ! Il jii'iff Ion iur Kadford, '
' BrlJr..it anl Cuiuoeria il at tf II j a. -a. :
i and 6 -Si f. tu.
1 Trjins srne at UuntiiisIuu from Bad-;
j rurd, Kruljrej urt aad CuminaB J a: li SL !
j p. ia., tl air p. tn. j
CyC'lleeti:.g and c-inve) aacing prouiptlv t
auend-.-d t-. Office it'a Atsius-m A Ja'-j
c o. - f4 ila.fcj
Lucia K. Aiaiasoa. Ua. Jacr aa, Ja j
ATHKnfl.1 &. J (COB !
CTjr-Collertlns; and Convsvanclng promprl
ly attenJi-d to.
i Oriira On Mala s'reet, In plac of real
! dawr.a ot Louis S. Atkinson, K '., sonth of
j irid-e street. Oct 24, 185.
Y) M. CRAWFORD, M. 1).,
I T!s resumed actively the practice of
, Medicine and Surgery and their collateral
! hranehea imT1i. rK. ..1.1 .je..:-j
and lir.ma .i,i. u,mi.. r.
1 March a, 1876 '
.fttdrmia, Juniata Co , Pa.
Crnca formerly occupied bv Dr. Steven
! I''of-'",l biulaesa promptly attended to
Jonit S'rLavonLis. JcsirB w. Etissii
ZrOnj reliable Corapaniea represented.
Dee. 8, 1876-ly
How I..ost, llow Rp,tored !
Jn-t pnlil;shed. a new edition of DX
o" the radical curt of gia4T0BBai or
Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Seminal
Losses. IwpoTKscr, Mental and Physical
Incapacity, Inistdtiuents to Marri-i," etc.i
also, Co-srwpTio.a, Epilipst and Frra, la
dnced by sc lt-iudugcnce, or sexual extrav
agance, c.
The celebrated author. Ia this admirable
essay, clearly ilemmtrn'es from a thirty
years' succesful practira, that tne a an..
; ing consequences of self abuse may be rad-
, icanj, cure-i ; pointing out a mode of
at onee simple, certain, and etret.,i w
meats of which every suftercr, no matter
wnat uis condition may be, mir core bim
; seil" che-plv. prtvateiv and Tad..ii
I CXyTliis Lect-Jie ihujld be in the hands
; o every yonfh and everv man in tha land,
i Sent under seal, in a plain envelop tn
! addre-a, poil-paid, on receipt of four
1 a Aa . a a . .
cenn or two po.tage stamp. Addresa
41 Abb 8 1., Kew Tork, K. V. ;
Ajfi 9.J Po-OaeJ Bo. 4Jo.
I Vi P''-i't,V i - ft 5-Vv V' V
Choice Patters
Body and Tape-T
j rJITTt:C!lI C
. Ull kJOLiLi.
i '
, Comoletfl Lice of
I O A fl
' T-a--la
A CLoiee Lot of
4 r-v r- m a -a
XI JliiTi 1 ,
Beautiful Fatterts
i ur pet 42o use
or THE
JoiiitS. Guar mil,
li th Old SulJ,
Hal JtfrT RX,P.lTSe
AU tL abev cutttnoruitJ arasias,
n J 11 other thicg- tLat b-f
b found in a
AN EXTRA li:;e of
Bolsters and Pillaws,
Looking Glasses
In fact everything uraally
kept in a Fir?t-Cla?a Hons
Furnishing Goods Store.
B-fwwa th Canal an Water B
'i I j I ' ' -" i" 111 '"a1 " iirilirttanaaini 1 mil in iill i aaanaaaaaaaa