awwawfaAwaas DOMESTIC. Makwo TorLTiOES. Poultic are a common requirement, and afford taae fit and relwf in ease o( swellings dae bo mflammation, KatheriDgs and boils, and in of woui-ds and nicer. With tlie last two, poultices sbonld not be used for too loug a time. Bread poultice is best made bv breaking a piece of bread into a previously warmed )bin, acd pouring boiliDg water over it. jLet it soak thoroughly for a few minutes in a warm pUcc, dram off the water, spread the pulp smoothly on a clean pi. of linen rag, which should be large enough to allow its margin to be folded ov,r the pulp. This should le applied at onoe, as hot as it can be !xrne by the patient, and then covered with oiled silk or a old or two of flan nel. Linseed -meal poultice consists of linseed rieal, four parts; olire oil, one hatf part, and boiling water ten parts. Mix the meal and oil. then add the water, stirring carefully in one direc tion. It should be smooth and free from The rest is done as de scribed for bread poultioe. Ponltloes should not be held before the fire to Keep them warm, else they become too hard. Musta'd ponltice is made of two and a ha.f parts of lia-eed meal, two and a half parts of mntard in powder, aud tc-n parts of boiling water. Mix the meal and water and then add the mustard, countMutly stirring. It is mot-t Important not to forget a mustard plas ter when it is applied to a patient who w inserfcible. II move it in half an honr. From twenty miuutes to half an hour is the l-t time t leave mus tard r'at-tT on. Mnctard pspers, or leaves, are often used icttesd of the poui'-ee. To the tender ekiu a little violet pawder can be applied; or, better still, a J:tt!e olive oil upon a soft, piece of lint. nrpEYriCPFOB Coco'is. Take four lmiiu'u's ot hop-f, put in a porcelain kettle with one -uart of cold water, simmer to a pint. Tare and slice two lemons; put theui in a pitcher or bowl witti cue and a half pounds of granu lated mgar, then strain the pint of IxjilinR hop ex'ract in the lemon and eufr, (tirriu'r till the sugar is thor oughly dio;ved. This syrup we have used f-ir many years in our family and la made from a recipe of Dr. Uendrie. It u an anodyne and expectorant, pleas ant to tiikrf and excellent in disposing of a tr"nt'leHoue cough to which we arc all v i. ,:!.;. at this time of year. It is so rteMe that our children "literally "cry for it," and particularly request a piece of lemon in the dose. XfBSRTir Hrj. 'lhe cloth or drugget for the center should measure forty beveu inches in length, and thirty-one inches in wid'.h. A bright color should, of conrse be chosen for the center. Ti:eu a border of alcnt two inches iu aiJt'i ih ma le of some contrasting col or, it in joined and then the seam flat tens ( and a row of brier or herring Ujue stitches fastens the seam down, and a narrow hem or fringe finihhes the outer edjie, slso hernng-boaeif In a uO!itr:Ltiiii; coior. Upon the border all .rx of do-:gaa cat out of cretonne or ri tune! or anything so tne snapes are Iniiiiy, riog. dolls, fish, 6owers, butter flies everything looks pretty. They re, of rcnirs , ciiain or lierrirg-1 oneit or bT.tton'ioIe stitched on. To taee TAT e ff soups, gravies, jel lies, etc., thoroughly wet a cloth, such as a glas-' cloth, with oo'.d water, and po;ir the stock through it; every parti cle of fut remains in the cloth, sad your stock is ns fr-e from fat as if it had been allowed to get cold and the fat re moved in a cake. This hint will be. found very useful, especially where beef tea or J'iy has to be prepared for invalids, which is often nee Jed in a hurry. The fat can be melted and clarified, and is quite as good when re moved from the clotti as if taken off in a cake. For tnis information we are indebted to a friend in Scotland; having tried and proved its perfect success, we gladly impart the informa tion to vour readers. rrrcnur.s sre no longer pitohers, but jigs, two lipped and lipped, square, hV, nrq-phnped, copies of antique in fish, xn'nmlH aud all manner of gro tenq'ie him;-; "little brown jugs" of uDuiazt-,1 brown clay, Limoges faience; large two-handled jug-shaped, with decoratious in high relief. Pitchers of cut fj;ass ia claxaio shapes for water and wine; claret jngs are seen L. the same ware with leaf decoration abont the neck aud base; the are tall, nar row And oval. There are water jugs in the t! to. hi up, Fparkliug, angular antics of cut glass; goblets and glass for every wine, whisky jugs, finger-bowls sud cr.7i.d sets. CnorsT) Pios Erss- Take a quarter ponnl cl butter, work it to a cream, then add a quarter pound of caster sugar, a qnater pound of ground rice and one half pound of flour, taking care to throw in the rice after the sugar, or it will not mix properly. Then add two eggs and enough milk to make the mixture into a thick batter. Divide into moderately-sized bans, and bake twenty minutei in a quick oven. WmTBtw ran Fritters. Boil in one pint of water a dessertspoonful of fresh, butler, pour scalding hot over light pint of uV.r.r and beat until cold; add the well-bealen yolks of t-ix eggs, and, just before cooking, tlie perfectly light white. Fill a skiilet with lard, and when boiling hot, drop in the batter, a tablespooaful at a time. It only takes a few minutes to cook them. Fut them in a warm oven on a dry towel for short time to dry superfluous grease. Serve hot, and eat with wine and sugar. CmitiFD Lives is ranch liked by those who are lond of curry. Cut one half pound of liyer into pieces for serv ing; soak teu miuutes in cold water; drain aud fry in two tableapoonfuls of butter, with oue slice ot onion. When the liver ia done, remove it; add to the bntter one taqltspoonful of flour, oue s.tittpoontul af salt, a speck of cayenne, one-half teaspoonful of curry powder, one-half cup of stock or water; make into a szaooth. pacte. When cooked pour over the liver. Garnish with slices of lemon. I'isofb Cream. Dissolve one-quarter ouuee ot u-iuglass, whip np a pint of crenm until it is quite thick, and add bail a pint of ginger syrup. Cut up the preserved ginger into very small dice, stir it well into the cream; add the isinglass aud stir it well. Fonr it into a mould aud let it stand until wanted, then tnrn out as yoa would a jelly. Aii 'NQ nniiine and dainty articles for use are sets of fire proof oyster shells for roasting oysters in the oven; these are small sets of white China pans with bandies for poaching eggs. A THorCJHT WHILE ANOMNO. It mtlftt be a very paintul state of thing to have to livo "on your own hook." And the wont of it is that the same position on anybody else's hook would be equally objectionable. Coos calves feet in salt and water with t wo bay leaves and two cloves un til they are quite soft. Remove the bones and chop the meat fine, and mix it with a rather thick batter. Fry in small cakes in hot drippings or butter. Tibb TCexabk. A lawyer ia about the only man that ever made any thing by opposing a woman wilt 'J;'''---'-----'-1'-':'i Better Tuna for Saeawer am. The Sheep Farmer, of Chicago, fa looking over the condition of the sbeep interest of the world, claims that there must soon be a tarn ia favor of Amer ican wool growers. Koent losses of millions of sheep by drought in Aus tralia, are far from indicating cheap wool from that country in the future, aa in the past. To avoid the recurrence of suuh losses will require, on the part of the Australian sheep farmer, exten sive expenditures of capital, which will tend to increase the coat of production and bring the price of wool back to a standard of value r.t which it can be produced in America with profit. The sheep lands of Australia arc also being encroached upon by vast herds of cattle and horses, and the country is yearly becoming settled np by population that will give better market for wool aud other home products there. The demand for fine wool has kept pace with its production, and as wool cannot much longer be produced in free tiast nres, the time must be approaching when American shepherds will not be brought into competition with "pauper wool," as in the past. The time is not distant when the days of piracy upon tne pnblie domain will be numbered, botn in America and Australia. The too common mistake of many farmers has beeu to change their spe cialities with every fluctuation in the market. They plant potatoes this year because potatoes sold well last "year, aud they abandon the crop as soon aa they pass through a season of low prices. Sheep products have their "ups and downs" like others, but those farmers nsnally do best in the long ran who learn their business thoroughly and then stich to it throngh thick and thin, lhrongh high prices and low prices. When the market advances for wool, there will be a brisk demand for sheep and lambs, both for wool production and for breeding, and those who pursue the even tenor of their way in the bus iness will be the ones to reap the har vest when the tide turns, as it mast, sooner or later. Tbe PhllcxoDbv ot Tips. A tall, solemn-looking man, wearing a frieze overcoat, came into the lava tory in the Aster House recently; He had a brand-new silk hat, which was set ofl to advantage by the dilapidated wet-day tiles around him. Tbe spruce, brass-buttoned attendant sprang for ward obsequiously and fell to brushing the frieze coat with deftness and solic itude. The solemn man let him brash. Then he lighted a cigar, while the gen tieman with the brush dodged anxiously around him. "Well, what do you want?" said the solemn man. The gentleman with the brnsh grinned sug gestively. Von want me to fee yon, I suppose. Let us reason on this thing. This hotel feeds yon, clothes yon handsomely, puts a 25 cent whisk in your hand and stands yon np here. What for? Are you simply for tone and beauty? Are you put here to black- mail guests of the honee, or are yon supposed to brush them on the same principle that they get clean towels for nothing? I am aware that the law re cogmz -s the acceptance of a service as an acknowledgement of an obligation to pny. But this is trom a party acting in the ca&pac-ty of an individual. Yon are a n ere beLehctry, an attachment, a thing without legal status or standing in your relations to me. Ton could not sue me for payment of this brush ing. The house only can sue. Will it? No. Why? Because it throws In brushing with towels. So yon see, my enterprising friend, if yon have followed me, yon have neither a just nor a legal claim on my parse. Good morning, and when yon are an individual, instead of a chattel, come and brush me and IU give yoa a dime." The solemn man smiled pleasant and then marched away. The gentleman with the brash fell backward against the wall and gasped. Suddenly he jnmped np and ran after the solemn man and plucked him by the sleeve. "1 alius pay my lawyah, sah," aaid he, with dignity. "Ilere's a quartah, fo tie fee." Aa Atakan RITer. The year after the Jeannette-seareh steamer Ilodgera was lost, Lieutenant Stoney of the navy was sent to the Alaska coast to distribnte presents among the natives who had aided the revenue cutter Corwin in its search for the Eodgers. He was for several months on an island near tho coast, not far south of the month of tbe Yukon River. He made excursions to the main land, and discovered the estuary of an apparently large river. He explored the river for 400 miles from its month, and ascertained enough to convince him that he had discovered a stream which would rank among the great rivers of the world. A party of naval officers, nnder command of Lieu tenant Stoney, will start in a short time for Alaska to explore this river farther A vessel is building m San Francis -o for the use of the expedition. It will be a small steamer, with a paddle wheel astern, similar to those used on the shallow rivers of the South, and called the "ripple-kicker." Proceeding to A'aska aa soon as ihe season will ier ruit. the party will steam up Lieutenant Stoney 's river as far as it can In the ripple-kicker." When.rapids or other obstructions prevent further progress by water, the steamer will be laid np alongside the bank and left in chaige of a loatkeeper, while the party pushes forward on toot. All preparations w 11 be made to winter on the banks of the river if necessary, and prosecute the work of exploration on sledges. It is probable that some of the outfit pro vided for the Greely Tielief Expedition will be turned over to Lieutenant Stou y to be used in case the party winter in Alaska. The pirty will be a small oue, composed almost entirely of offi&rs who have been selected already, but who have not yet received their o:dets. Aside from the building of the steamer, kttle expense will attach to the expedi tion. The natives in the region thn ngn which the river is suDoosed to flow are friend ly, and mnch assistance is ex-' pec tod from them in the work of ex-J ploration. When Lientenant Stoney ; explored the 400 miles of this river, be ' found the current in some places run ning at a rate of twelve knots an hour. Mow TTiey Sans Carols of Old. Sandys quotes an amusing story fivni Paquil's jests of a humorons old knight who, to make himself mciry at Christmas, sent for many of bis tenaLta ' and poor neighbors and their wives to i dinner. He would not allow any ot them to eat till some one had the cour age to assert that he ruled his wife, ' and to sing a carol on behalf of his male frieuils. No one cared abont venturing on to hazardous an enter prise in presence of his better half, i bnt at last, "with much adoe, after a dry hemme or two, a dreaming oomi an ion drew out as much as he durst to wards an ill-fashioned ditty," The hnmorous old knight laid a similar obligation on the women that none of them shonld drink until she that ruled her husband had sung Christ mas carol. Whereupon every one o them fell "to snch a singing that there was never heard such caterwauling piece of musicke. Wtvw-eai aim kn ght laughed so heartily that it did him as mnch good as his Christmas-pie. Gir" are more courageous than men. They are ready to make a matoh with fellow twioe their s ze. I nailw -- i-- AGRICULTTRH Fajuts ought to he the healthiest place in the world. Individuals cannot control oities aud prevent epidemics rising from filth aud other unhealthy conditions, bnt farmers can control thetr farms in this rer pect Fevers are quitt comm'-n on farms. This ebculd not be no. No tarm, of a healthy loca tion, thould ever have a case of fever on it. Some farmers allow weeds to grow around their houses till they attain immense proportions, then eat them down and allow them to lie and decay in piles, perhaps in the shade. Borne door-yards are so shaded that they never dry out. Some farmers allow great piles of potato tops to lie Dear tnetr door-yards aud decay. On farm there are aiwavs more or less decsy ug vegetables around the yards, and espe cially at the most sickly season when peach and apple skins ard thrown around and allowed to accumulate with the sweepings of the house and other filth of the yard, which in process of decay emit carburetted hydrogen and other deleterious gases, which in seasons of frequent rains, followed by hot suns, render tbe farm yard unhealthy. Every farmer can procure road dust and keep it dry, and after every rain sprinkle his door yard. Dry earth is tbe best disin fectant in the world, and every farmer should keep a barrul of dry road dust on hand, using it freely around bis bouse in summer, and around his barn, ch ckeu coop and pig pens the year round. It is so cheap that it is not appreciated as a disinfectant, (but if farmers would nee more road dust they wonld have less sick children and lees doctor bills. Oabkfcl TaAKSPLAKTrNO. In orch arding, careful planting and proper prepaiatiou of tbe soil are to be relied on as leading to ultimate success; thor ough work in these are necessary to insure abundant retains and rewards. This, proliably, was not so essential in tbe early practice of pomology in tnis country. Then we had a climate mnch more moist and the elements of plant food and fruiting abundant almost to excess. Nurseries were few anu limited in extent; seedlings were the main reli ance, and the planter had only to use bis mattock in digging and preparing shallow places for his trees. His young trees were taken from one place and immediately planted in another, or they grew np accidentally anywhere and re ceived snch shallow cultivation as was then practiced, not only tor trees, bnt lor the cereal and other crops. The trees raised in this way were both heal thy and vigorous, and mauy attaiued great size and great age. They were generally set near buildings, where they also had the advantage of the extra food that abounds about farm bouses. Thus wee see the change of climate, and other circumstances attending the open ing of the country and gradual exhaus tion of the virgin sou, force as to manure and prepare the soil in the best manner, so as to secure humus and moisture and give our trees the food nature intended for them. Fbom the present time to the begin ning of spring and mild weather, all good stock breeders ana cattle farmers will attend closely to the wants of their animals. They readily discern the comfortable, qniet appearance which always indicates the thrifty animal, aud will quickly notice when one is uneasy and restless by day or night Occa sional changes of diet, bnt never of the hour at wbich it is given, are points well understood. Then there should be warm and well lighted stables, ventila ted, but so arranged that no direct draught can reach the animals when standing or lying down (especially the latter). There should also be dry yards wed sheltered from the prevailing winds, iu which they can take a few boors' exercise on warm and pleasant days, and plenty of pure water. Torso fruits and ornamental trees, whether in turf or cultivated 'and, shonld be protected from injury by mice during winter, by a mound about a foot high of clean soil or manure around each one. When the orchard is situated near a forest, rabbits often do mnch injury by girdling the trees. This may be prevented by applying a paint made of common lime whitewash, to which is added about a half pint of gas or coal tar to the pailful. This mixtnre is thickened with garden soil nntil it will form considerable of a coat ing when applied with a common paint brash. This is also said to be a protec tion against borers in the trunk cf loth the apple and the peach tree. Milk Fetch This disease seems almost an epidemic among the "fancy" cows at present, and it is not creditable to the breeders, as it indicates that snch animals are forced Beyond their capaci ty. It is of no value to an owner to secure a large record for his cow with the chances of losing her from the effort. The system certainly does not improve the breed, and does much to prejudice the average farmer against the pure breeds, as milk fever is rare among the common herds. Finer Frioks. it is no advantage to breed that sales are made at exorbi tant prices. True merit alone should be the enide, and any departure from such a rule is sure to end iu disappoint ment, as well as injuring the sal of stock in the future. Reaction in prices for stock, like that of other transactions, are sure to occur, nntil finally a level will be found where values will rest, and the sooner this takes place tbe bet ter for our dairy interests. Our breeds are for useful purposes aud not for amusement. Thk Lats Colts As bnt little ser vice will be required of the brood mares, they should never be separated from the colts. The common practice of feeding snch mares on limited rations because X'zej perform no work is wrong. Dar ing the winter season the late colts are vory easily retarded in growth, aud in order to keep them in a thrifty condition the dams must be fed lilierally. Give the mares all the hay they will eat. with a good feed morning and night, of two parts ground oats and one part corn meal, with little linseed meal. Herb is a somewhat remarkable experience in growing Lima beans: A man poled them with commou four-foot laths, driven one foot into the ground, aud when the vines had climbed the three-foot poles they Were pinched hack. Result, more and earlier beans than ever before. A Connecticut farmer whose cows hsd become accustomed to the barlied wire fence, wishing to part off a piece of his moving, did it with twine, and the cows didn't try to break through. rroa pear-blight may not be curable at times, it may be prevented to some extent bv a lioeral application annually of wood ashes and bone dust to the orchard. Just down tbe intervale, where tbe brake ferns grow rank, she placed her easel and sat by it sketching from na ture, "Please, ma'am, is thst me you are drawing milking that cow in the i pasture?" "Why, yes, my little man, ' bnt I didn't know yon were looking." C if that's me," continued the boy, unmindful of the artist's confusion, "yon put me on the wrong side of the cow, ond I'll get kicked way off the lot." Even lady artists need a litile practical knowledge. j ni4 EBct!a T . The English glees, catobes, rounds, ranans and madrigals are thoroughly national, and are admired by musicians of every o uutiy for their graceful com plicaiiocs both of melody and harmony. The English dance mnsie is equally spirited, and her country jigs and sailors' hornpipe are known all over tbe world. Some of tbe most ancient poo nlar melodies of the English are fortu nately preserved in a little manuscript ot the age of Queen El-'z ibtth. ctlled Queen Elizabeth's Virginal Book," oonU'ning a rs that are at 11 popular among the peasantry. Those exquisitely pathetic tunes sang by Ophelia in -'Hainlot" are admired l y all musioiani, and are far older than history can trace. - Snch noble tunes as "Tee King Shall Enjoy His Own Again." "Crop-eared Roundheads," "The Girl I Left Behind Me " "Balance a Staw." "Drink to Me Only with Thine Eves," "Down Among the Dead Men," "The Vicar of Brsy," "The Miller ot Dee." "Begone Dull Cire." and others may be cited as fair spec imens of English popular and tradi tional music. Its general characteristics are strength and martial energy. It has a dashing, impulsive, leaping, frolicksome spirit. occasionally overshadowed by a touch of sadness. It has not the tender melaucholy of the music of Ireland. nor tbe light, airy grace, delicate beauty and heart-wtung pathos of tbe songs of S cotland, but it has a lilt and style of its own. In one word, tbe music of England may be described as "merry," aud her national songs par take of the same character, and are jovial, lusty, exultant and full of life aud daring. Hnnant, Hat faor. Here is another story about Charley Jsy that be used to tell himself: Many years ago in the good old days when Bea tj was one of the best known and joMiest of Jersey editors, be and Charley Jay "made a night of it. in Tien ton. 1hy got to their hotel. and inasmuch as Cuarley was in a much better condition, at least in his own estimation, than Ban, he put the latter to bed, tncked him in nicely, and hav ing seen that he was apparently sonnd asleep, for safe keeping he took charge of his purse and watch, and started to slip quietly out of the room. He bad just got the door open withont unnec essary creaking, wbeu he was startled at tbe voice of his friend from beneath the bed clothes. "Charley?" "Well, what is it, Ben?" "Where's my purs?" "Here it is, Ben. all safe," said Charley, guiltily tucking it into Ben's hand under tbe bed clothes. Ben clutched the purse and lay perfectly s ill; so still that Charley thought he was soud aslrep once more. So he ves tured again to open the door quietly and start to leave the room. Again he wai stopped by that tbiok voice from beneath the bed clothes: Charley?" v ell, wnat is it, lien?" this time aj nttie tesiiiy. "Where's my watch?" "Why, here it is, Ben; It's all right," and Charley thrust the watch into the feeble hand. "All right," muttered Ben, indis tinctly, aa he turned over to go to sleep. Charley was troubled and flushed botlr. "Say, Ben," said he, "I only took your watch and purse for safe keeping; I hope you don't donbt my honesty?" "Thash a'l right, Charley," thickly responded Ben. "I know your honest, Charley, but then you're so poor. A Chancellor's Opinion. Hon. James Harlan, ex-Vice Chancel lor of Louisville, Kv.. a brother of Jus tice Harlan, U. H. Supreme Court, gays oi l, Jacobs un: "i use it, and 1 know full well whereof 1 speak in pro nouncing it a most extraordinary enre for all that is claimed for it by its pro- pnetors, xjvery family shonld have it. How He Pro Ted Him Spy. An Instance is related of the severe character of old Governor Clinton, the Revolutionary Governor of New York, and afterward Vice President. It is said tnat in 1776 a si ranger came to his house at Albany, professedly on a visit of coartesy. As tbe conversation advanced into the subject of rebellion Clinton suspeoted that the man . had British sympathies, and he gave" the wink to his wife and daughter, who went out and ordered hot coffee, and put some tartar emetic in it. Clinton and the women had seen the stranger swallow something A silver bullet was vomited forth by tne man, whiob, when unscrewed, had a dispatch to Burgoynes army. Clinton had the man tried and executed. "I THOCGHr. Miss S.. that vou hated! that flirty minx; yet yon went up am? kissed her." "So I do hate her. and that is why I did it Look at the big freckles on her chin whvre I kissed the powder off." St. Bernard Vegetable Pills. ' Til-' U cure for Lavar and b.h ua v uipiiaiiu, U4uvfToe. HaftUsviM, .1EZHU1 fn1 L -IMls. Ai Hiuoa PunfcttT aud fpnmr Mftdieim ttvjr ht uo equal N 1 tmtilf MlKHlld taS WlLfHXll a b"X of th ML B-riiJarii Vtsft-utrle Pills m thn (joum. Prwe 3 otih at DnurtrifKM. or by iiisul. Hunl Men t w kick. A.iilrv lvALLblUDrr:" A CO-.B3 Meruer tt. No. Xock. The Fittest subjects Torferer nd sjrae. sod remittents, are the ewbrtl. Weil, bilious sod nrrrouA. To suck persons, BtMrtter'i Stomach Bitten afford aileqoate pro. teettoo ry Inrrv-eatnjr vital stamina and the rciia taot power of the consolation, and by checking Irrerolanttpft of the liver, atnmaca iw,. u Moreover, it eradicates malarial complaints ot aa obstinate typ. and stands alooa aDeqoal.ed imnnp onr national remedies. or sale by all Druggist and Dealers generally. 'jjL.cur.d Uir afuLi MThou. adXua a.l U Hoepita,ii of Frauoa. Prompt return 4 Viaoa. mii4 cmm. at to 96. Bearaonea.sstolll Pampa. I Oman B.ii.aial Aoncj JaV rwJm jCI. riPHQ Sample Boo.rYntnm Ut.Pr!oa LUt not ItHnUOlraa. D. 8. CARD CO., Ctarbrook.OOBa. BORAZELkto I PRO V FT to ba TTe Tne ray lor Illlli 4 K KM nv m.nw tn.i. nuder tbe ubwrvauoo t'l several eminent ravBHnana. An agreeable, direct appl cation. Prepared by a skill lulooemisL In opal bottles. Mailed on reoftlpt of rnce. He. In tctit stamp. Pamphlet free. Ad dreea ALE CHEMICAL CO. Saw Uayep. Oona. CCRs MO HI award) for BTa yesmit P Vea or Lad!- la each county. siVlrsa r. W. WaIBPhUadalptua. ' VIGOR W m rausa at, Ba Iw,' ." ::'.. -r- i8k Med Star " TRADE mark: STAW y OUGH URE JVM frotm VpiaUs, JSmtxtUt am 4-uiton. A PROMPT, SAFE, SURE CURE Far Oifci, Sara Tkiaat, him CU. Braachltfa, frmmp, H klK Ift , 4atav rlMh Cheat, n4lr tfKltofta ot Um T raat Price 3 crnti t bottle. Sold by Drnerinti an TV,I er. fcrtfau WHOM to ifwtfK Mw deuler to promptly ffH tt for Ihrm trill rrrtirr tm 6ouie9jepret cAurtfe Odi, jr tmiUny one Uoiiar to rss r a. im-tirn martii. I.TJ MM, L. . A. Thtn reittnly contain to iujwiou drugs. CATARRH El j's Cream Halm rbea applied Into the ne trUawtll be abnoroeil, el- jf LY'S tally leitnKin th i caiarrnai rirua, tieali&y Ks-retlorn in InnnniDiiuiou, .irotecia the membrane trom rreaa colon, com. pieirl heal.the eurenuul entores the pen-.- ot a-te, nmell noil hearing. It la hot a ugmD or siturr. A lew appMcatwos re iee. A tltorotigh lri mi mil nrt Atrree- TEVTR HAY-FEVER le to one. rnc 50 cenu t mail or rt iln.gniaut senl lor areolar. KLT BHolll EKS. DrugKiota. owego, N. Y. . . LYOIA E. PlfJKMASVS . . VEGETABLE COMPOUND isa poamvi ct'Ri roR All thoM paiaral taaiplalats aa Meakaesaea .a cshb , IE! ILK I'OPl LiTIO!!. Prta.! laBaaM, r I I .1 Urm. ttm mmrmn is mUt f"r th lewiriwole heahmc cf Itwlllenpaetitirelyal! Ovarian tmflblea, Inflamma U. m and l'krtioo, lalliiic ad Displacements, and cnaseuaent Spinal Weakness, and U particularly adai.a. ad to uw Caamrs at Ul. It renxives Faintnew rTarnVacy. craTlng forsimuUnU.and reUeren Wealpeasof the stjimactt. It eorea R.rln. Headache hereon. Prert ration. General nehuite. St-apli . Depreasloa and lnu a-eitloa. Thst feellnaof brtn dews, eanslnr lln, and backache. Is alwars permanently cured by its ass. s Send atamn t Lena. Haas, for pamphlet. Lectsre or Inquiry confl.lenually answered, tor aaleat druOT1. 1. ..------"- Taken at His Word. It was one of the senna tramp. He knocked at the door of a house and when a kindly- looking woman opened it he said: "Madam, I am very hungry. I hare had nothing to eat for a week back," "Why. yon poor souL said the (rood woman, "wait a moment and I'll find something for yon," And she gave him an old porous plas ter, and closed the door before he hsd finished thanking her. Too IiEax to Uik. "Any children?" asked a landlord of a gentleman seeking a tenement on Cherry street. "Yes, three." ''So use talking then; I want tenants without children." ''But mine sre not fat enough to kill," mildly re marked the gentleman, as he turned on his heel. 'What is the matter, old fellow! you seem worried. "Well, I am I'm being donned np hill and down dale by my infernal creditors." "Oh. you owe a large sum of money?' ' Nj, but a treat mauy small sums, and debts are like children tbe smaller they are the more bother they are." Don't carry a million sovereigns in yonr pocket for fifteen years. In that time, we are told, they will lose in weicni, ny wear ana tear, one-nan oi one per cent, or abont $25,000 and this tarn is an Important item at the present price oi beef. An Open m not to be feared, but the secret foe should be carefnllv otianted againt. Tbe only ef fective guardian against all forms of kid ney and liver difficulties is Hunt's f Kid ney and Liver Remedy. "Never known to fail" is tbe uiotto inscribed on its banner Tnruwn Against a Car. Rome, N. Y., June 9, 1R83. "Was thrown aizainat the engine cab and my back and kuiueys severely lujured. My water was the color of blood. The second bottle of Hunt's Kidney aud Liter Bemedt completely cured n. and 1 heartily recommend it." Henry McGiu ni. Engineer, N. Y. C. & H. B. Ii. K. Reliability is the test of real value. Xo matter bow wonderful cores a medicine sometimes has worked if it cannot be ro bed on. Hunt's Kidney and Liver iktaiEUT m ncrrr invm to Jau and it baa been used tor thirty years. To correct an evil which already ex ists is not so wise as to forsee and re- vent it. Solid Cbuuka ol Wtedora. The only answer to all criticisms, the true test of all work, is the res alt. and when Carboline restores tho hair we know that it is the best Hair Beuewer. In yonr prosperity remember the poor. Important. When von visit or leave Near Tor Citv. aaea bagirage azpreaaage and S3 carnage 11 ire. and stop attae oraatd taioa kflotai. vppoaiie Grand Cen tral Depot. sxo ejegant rooms, suea np at a com. oi one iiutoa tloUara, SI and apsj.r Is per day. Baropeaa rlan. Kievator. Keataarait applied with ihe best. Uoth car, atages and elevate-! railroad to all depots. Ksialles can live better for leas money at the Uraad Union Hub than at any oilier Sru-clau hotel ia Ihe cr y. Over-fed B rah mas are apt to quit laying. t-y Have you Catarrh? Would you be well? ' Trv one bottle of BorazeL It's up-hill work to fatten animals ir a cold barn. Fob PTsraTSia. nsmoisTtos, depression or iptr. a and general thcr various form-t; aso at a preventive against lever and ague and otnn mlcnnment fevers, the "Ferro-PlioapiiaTie.U KllAirotCaltaaya"malebyCas'ell, Uaaard toi. New York, and sold by aU llruggiats, ia tne be-it Ionic; and for patients recovering: from fever or other sickness, a has no eual. Keep your surplus honey in a dry. moderately warm room. Caution to Dairymen. Ask for Wells, Richabmjox k Co's. Iitpboved Ectteb CoijOB, and take no other. Bewabb ot all imitations, and of all other oil colors, for every other one is liable to become rancid and spoil the butter into which it Is put. If yon sannot get it write to as at Burlington, Vt, to know where and how to get it w.thout extra expense. Thousands of tests have been made, and they always prove it the best. Manure is farm capital; see to in creasing it by every means, "Rough oa Iuh." Rough on Itch' cores humors, eraptlons, nnjf. worm, letter, salt rheam. frosted feet. chiliiUiua, If a waste pipe is stopped np, pour some hot liquid lye into it and the pas latre will open. p7"ITve yon Catarrh? Would yon be well? Try one bottle of BorazeL One good example spoils many good precepts. Man most become wise by his own experience. Pretty Hoi Ladles woo wonld retain rreshness and vi vacity. JXmt fall to try "Wens' HealiA lie newer. Thinking it the talking of the son viUi itself. -- ;-.;..-.'i'.;L"J'..'!-.'b:f:;M.:.a.i::"?i.: - u.' J :!..'-A -J.'miii'. !;;: nUMOROUS. "Witt what'a the matter? Why this mirth?" a repot ter asked Police Jndge Powers, "Oh, not mnck," he replied. "I was just thinkuifr of an old story thst had escaped my memory for years. I went io church last night, which accounts for its being recalled. Wten the collection ix was passed I Isnghed so that every body near me must have thonght that I was off." Well what's the storv?" "It's only a small thing. It's about a fellow who ran out of church with a jTnll collection box. W hen he was go ing out of the door somebody suggested that be was a thief, and that he was steal in cr the contribution money. " sanctimonious old deacon rose and said: If that man steals that money he'll be d .' "About this time the thief disap peared with bis haul. " 'Well, said the minister, jumping to his feet, If he hasn't stolen the mon ey 1 11 lie 1" 'Dan." said his spouse to that yellow-haired individual. "Whaat?" answered Dan. "What did yoa git me fur?" "Fur a pet, of course." 'And the way you pet me is ter' set yerself out at the back door, witi yer tfeet higher'n yer bed nd smoke; an' 'let me pick np the chips, an weed the gardin, and da all the honsework. aa' rock the tu babiz, an' watch thet boy Chubby, an' pick greens fur dinner, an' do all the heavy work bout the place, while ye jas smokes an' da the heavy thinkiii'." But I'm a planmn er hoss trade!" 'Yaas, probably ye're a plannin' su hiu to keep shet of work. The best kind o 'er hut trade is ter work the boss thet ye're got now at his trade au' go 'n da tho work as needs tn be done and gittiu' a livin. Ter boss' trade is ter pull the plow an' yer trade is ter fol ler it." Thb ITapfy Dats of Childhood. flow beautiful are the innocent and health-imparting sports of happy child hood! How the middle-aged or still older heart responds to tender memories of jocund youth as the boys are seen absorbed iu their merry games! "Out on firstl" "Jw, 't isn't either!" "1" tell yoa it is; yoa just come oat of that!" "Well, yoa get me out if yon caul" "Ion bet I can, though'!" "You're it liar!" "You're another!"' (Smash, crack, bang! hair pulled, gar ments rolled in mud. blows, mnttenngs and what Victor lingo would call a "formidable breathing, with grnntiugs pnd snortintrs as the contestants Strug-trie- Finally. "There, have yon had enough?" "Ye-e-s, let up, will yon?" "Were you out or not? and, after some tnnttenngs, a grumbling assent, ihese are the sennds that come from the va cant lots of the city of an afternoon, as the bovi Plav the merry bat and ball. Again let ns remark, "Happy, happy chilhood!" "I ha vb one oi the bent pianos in the world: it was mudo to order for me. I have had it tn years, aud it has only been tuned thiee tinits since, and it is in pretty fair tune now; try it." she t-aid, as she opened the lid. "Now. how often ought a piano to be tnned? 'Well, madam, that depends on what kind of a piano it is, what sort of care s taken of it and a ho uses it. An artist has his piano tuned every time he uses it, professional people every time it needs it, purchasers of nrst-class in struments three or fonr times a year, and people with sole-leather ears. never, A Yankee paper has the following "A man who fs owing ns a little bill said be wonld call last week and pav ns If he was alive. lie still appears on Ihe street; but as he did not call it is naturally supposed that be is dead and walking around to save funeral ex Iense8." For a little ludy of two and a half years this will do: She bad picked np a cane in the cor ner of the room aud was playing wi'h It a plum stick bent at tbe end. Papa ask&t. "What are yoa doing with the cane?" 'It isn't a cane." ' ' 'What is it, then?" "It's an umbrella without any clothes ... n on. AU flajeol Out." "Doti't know what ails me lately. Can't eat well, can't sleep well. Can't work, and don't enjoy doing anything. Ain't really hick, and 1 really aiu't weil. Feel all kind o' p ayed out, someway." That is what scores of men -ay every day. If they would tiike Dr. Th ree's "G.mleu Medical Discovery" Ihey would soon hare no oc casion to say it. It purifies the blood, tones up the system and forlilie it against dis ease. It is a great anti-bilious remedy as well. Wonnde I pride should be touched lightly. The skin is thin and plagny sensitive. Feel So Well. "I want to thank you for telling me of Pr. Pierce's "Favorite) Prescript ion," writes a lady to her friend. ''For a long time I was until to attend to the work ol my household. I kept about, tut I felt tliorotiglily miserable. I bad terrible back aches, and seusations acioss ue and was quite weak and discouraged, it sent and got some of th medicine alter Seceiviug your letter, ami it has curd rue. hardly know mys. It'. I f. el so well." It msy be set down as an axiom that when a pnon grows fat he grows waistful. Don't disgust everybody by hawking, blowing and spitting, but use Dr. Sage's Catar.-h ltemcsly anil be careil Nurture your miud with great tb me tits; to believe in tbe heroic makes uercoi. CONSUMPTION! CUBED. Aa old physsciaa, retired rrani praerioa, having bad place la aia ttaals by as Kaat India mission ary the fans Ua of a nup,t vegetable remedy lor She speedy aatl aermaaeut oar of Consumption, Braschius. Oaiarrh, Aathma sad all throat and Lug agectioaa, also a p shuts and ra Ileal core favAervoaa OeMlity and aj Nervoos Complalnta, sjrtav having lasted ft wou lerrul eoratlva powers at saonaanils of sasns, has tell U his daty to mats a ksssi to ais stagertag fell, ivs Actaa'ed by tola satwva and a da.ra to relieve hnmaa siiSertng. I wtu srad free at onarira, to all wao deaire It, this rvsrpa la Uermaa, French or Kagilah, with full sttraxaioos for preparing and aaln. Seat bv man ms addreaauig wltb stamp, oaminif this paper W. A. Hotbs, U fvari atorlr, htxresfr. Hut. t'raaer Axle liree-ae fs the very best. A trial will prove we are tight. Received first premium at State Fair, Centennial, and Paris Exposition. It is a good thiUK to learn caution by the misfortune of others. 'Bkown's Bronchial Troches" are excellent lor t lie n .ielof Hoarseness or Sore Threat. They are exceedingly euective," Lhritlian H'vrUl, Ijml'-n, Kiuj. The grumblers never work, aud the workers never grumble. Frrs: All Fttsstop-d fres. Tres'las and K 0 trial botue of L)i. Kline's l .rear Nerve liesiorer free to Ku ca-ses. bead to Dr. Kluie,jl Arch SL, I'lulaUe.phia, Pa. True wisdom, in general, consists in energetio determination. Lite) Preserver. If yon are losing jour irripoo life, try "Veils' Beatth Kenewer." (iocs direct to weak: spots. Self esteem is commonly punished by universal ooitempt. Roach ow Toothache." Instant relief for neuralgia, vxh:ha, face ache. Aak tor "Bough oo rnothacha. l&keic. To succeed one must sometimes be very bold and very prudent. March April Tviay . . taTaa..a - w . Are tbe rronthg to ptrrtry the Wood, as ns body bow most susceptible to beneSt front medicine). Impnrines waiea have accumulated during tbe cod weathar, wbes yon have beta toe moca within doors, must be expelled or serious molts may follow. The testimony of tliooaanda, as to tne great benefit derived from Hood's Saraapanlla, sbonld ronvmce everybody last B Is tbe very best t lood punier sad iprmg awd ciao. Take a bow. Purify the Blood "I have been trooMed with acroftiloun knmor and sores breaking oat all over my body for Xo9 last flfteen years. 1 bare taken four bottles of Hood's rrsapariUa and It has en'trely cored . 1 recommend u very highly to any ene troubled with scrofula, or any blood disease." Hnrar Bioas, 1S: Campbell Street, KanaasClty. Mo. "1 save prescribed Hood s S irsapartlla as an alterative and blood pnrlfler, and fur Indigestion, with the best results. O S. Drsox, at Btoomtngton, I'.L Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by an druggists, fl: "is t. Made only by C L UOODA CO., Apothecaries, Loweu, Mass. n.ii 1UU xiosea una auaash-. Everyone who is tryiug to lead a good Ufe, shonl t also try to leau. a wiiuume and Ci urttous life Thousand Ilaafened to their lint TO. By relying oo testimocials written In vivid glowing language of some miraculous cures made by some largely puffed np doctor or patent medicine has hastened thousands to their graves; tbe readers bav inj; aluio-tt insane faith that the same miracls will be performed on them, that these testimonials mention, while the so called medicine is all the time hastening tlicui to their graves. Although we have TliouHaml 1 pou Thoasarnlis!! of testimonials of the most wonderful cares, vo'itntatily sent as, wedo not publish them, as they do not make the cures. It is medicine, Hop Hitters,that roukes tbe cures. It has nev" laiK-d aud never can. We will pive relerenco to any one for any disease similar to tlieir own if dexired, or will refer to any neighbor, as there is Dot a neighbor hood in the known world bat can show its cures by flop Bitters. A I-oeiing Joke. ' A prominent physician of Plti.-burg said to a s la.iy patient w ho was cjoniplalnl'tg of her coo ' linue.l ill health, anl of Urn liability to cur her, J'.kinuly Hid: " I ry bop Hitlers:" The lady looh '11 in earnest and used the Hitlers, from win. .hjiAhi'.l Ml r-rm.iiDntke.tlL Hhe now lauSThe! a' the uxtor lor his Joke, but he is not so well pleai-eu wilh it, as u co-i nun a goxa ptueut. Tees of Hwtorw. The fee of doctors' at t3. 00 a visit wonld tax a man for a year, aud in need of a daily visit, over 1,000 a year for medical attend ance alunet And oue Mtile Lottie of Hop Bitters taken in time would nave tue ll.OuO at d all the year's sickness. Given np by tbe Unm-Ioi-bw "la it possible that Mr. Godfrey is up and at work, and cored by so simple a remedy?" "1 assure yon it is true that he iseutirely cured, aud w ith nothing but Hop Bittern, and oniy ten days ago his doctors gave him up and baid he must die, from Ki'luey and Liver trouble I" rwXooe genome Without a bunch of gre-n Hops on the white label, f nun all the vile, potso:i ous stair with "lioo" or "nojs" in their name. R. U. AWARE THAT Lcrillard's Climax PIti? KaTrfv4 l.t-nl finrut : thiai Uaiill. It-e best tvui ca.taijs-3tt, tiiiaillty cunsiOervd I lo 9c--T. 1 wl kRd T WO If.TTLU FK29 lfvtitf :ta ft TKSATISS4M tb:UlftfMi SALESMEN WTANTED A I at' IV 1 t)l ruti lo rt Avsl Ttt f'T the nW of our tv nans a.n i spk ui.TiKs; t.reherwtn fnl! II.esrVrRSIRI STOCK. rretlesteTserl'-Bee wot m' wflal Lis K A Tit : :sk kwili V Vmr I erswa. aui.aia, 87vui-tail oaiiie. ie S'i.i reletvnod. Hoopes, Brother & Thomas, M t.JwT 4 HmCK arKX!Ii IfviTw iatrfttsel wj lr. 9 B. Mftjar. last aaxceMW IprClallst. aa ml wekTw ; aM wyewafi-wa or sfcidf frutn busitesw ; rmt4 bv haeidrvxia f etiraab HkiB OfTno. MI Arrfe St.. Phi lav. Hoar from 9 ft. M. a i. M..4U tza l-arU FilUt At-. b 9 t. M., tfcW svftsvtUy A nit la mf BffMiiy ta m fmy Wtrmmr. 1K. T. ilLll OOt'ftVAOLVS OrienUl Cream, er labial Bwitifler. KiijvrftiTma. awifl. Ji olft. PaVfrlW,Rfth. mui 8kin ditr . fto 4 vajry baniitb DMQtf, ru4 iim- taction. IthA. ftoud tbe trtkt ot xhinynmrt aVTaVd 1ft NO Qmrm Mara W taTtte It to be nr Uie proper, j made. Acrvt Do ootinterf eit or iimiltr ivutM T ttm Mas' -iTiasirT pr. Is. A. ttftvre a-av.ii io a Uniy of the Kftirr tom re ptw tJl:r-"Vl T'Hl lavliieft ,U Ue Ulw-taA, 1 IX"i DUlrnd tvotarfttxTft Crnfi' ib W twa barrnf a) of ui tbe Skin pm'WatMi" one bottl will Lftftt fax tToooUift. asicr R every dftv. Amo --edre sabuie tmmsmm tniperfli on hftir "nthout i' Jury to the hbtjb. Uifii. M.Kr.iK'KIJu. t.4t.fp..p5Bood MT t or fuie br ftll driir-r-s)tft ftud Tmncf Oool Demiers tbrmta-lKMit tbe U. 8, Oiisviaa. and KurM Alto found in N. T Olry. atHU. M.vcTeVtriiY Ebrk-b'tv Ki11ey'fl, ftnd otber Finer (khIh Dealer. aXH9w&r ot he imiutionaj. 9.mC fUwnX ix mrreftt and iroof of tvnv etM tariiiuaT tb mwnnm. t T sen si swst IT l aw h srasa aaeas tOMTh T3 rta-srantiSr-'-C $60.6 TOfI WAGON SCAIaES. a-ae Baa. Tsaa Bai Feia. f rrw. Lea. aadraranSaTIIXt m mxaaKAMTomum. u PMlaielpliia SaMay tari! the star Niw-rtna roa THE HOUSEKEEPER! THE FARMER! THE MECHANIC! . TH- BUSINESS MAM? On Dollar fer lemr Bv Mall. Hoar rassa rosTass I ui SPECIMKX COHIK-fFRKB. AUitho Tha Philadelphia Reeord, 911 CHESTNUT 8TUEET. IiLrXii.1 A O STEAM WASHIIR! ' - ' vmi : "C" - or wunaw jekiM progtable emploraieal te vrlle l "iwnwil urealar aee terme ot 4fsee for tkia Celebrated tnher. 1. WOAXK. ClilC AUU. IT . er ST. laaUia. fetUl nOIl I 91 "MwrphliMi llshlt Cereal Iw I II J til til'" ''Ml till rarest, ear S I Will l I.Mhkhins. Lebanon. Ohio. I TafSf" CCMTC '. eolf b ee M. V. Ull I Oa Ha.aaaUaarC.t- Br.4 ivm,,! sas Seal. way. S. T. ASK FOA IT. WORK SHOPS WITHOn STE-iM KWE& my c.iNft orryiTft op Earoes' Patent Fo:t Pot :r Biacbinerv can rtn I t. w. ' h steam power. Hold sa trial, at-tel and snvlvurl'ti ee d fr rr cea. Illu.'r'd carel.arue tree. W. F. fc Ja-s. Harare l l Keck lord. III. Address So. kuiji street. BAUGH'S PHOSPHATE Cu th. UI. ami K-wio. a Anhnal toM We r.Ti ?f BS","lT."J,r,,a F"r clone .lrl. ato Hasis'i Kraay IliMwIved l"arw Hmmrn ajverilw Prieeav U would acpnee raiiasis to know how very low thev caa aro mr. Uee. brand, direct frn, . tioZfioSroZmm and addfuos. aad we will eoail ron oar rMaaVil uliTZ AUaH A SsftAea oZuJTaH raAaIrt: ..y- iWi.i il :--k : J-., -jJ-Jiot'. ; : I hav poaltt y tBf-howr1 ; by lt mm IbcaftBdlOfCaWrlaf lh Wmt klad andof Inner m W o I -aX&ur f 1 -v.-e . 'rv li.Vt:- 1 mm Tsur blosd mar he buten ...... . Hood- Saraapanlla w.ll ihorjo .j., p? neh, and vitalise It The n, , scrofula, salt rheam. holla. 1 lections arising from imp-u Hood'a Saraaoartlla- the ... ; - oiooi a,."' also cores dyspepsia, blUouanee. Mr:rt , tile, and bauds up the st.. S Sharpen the Appetiu -I had no appetite, an. I fen i M When 1 had taken tult a bottle of B parula my sppeute w as retore-l, M() fell better. I have now taken hearty k ties and I sever was so wc:i in m r J WIS F. DOI Slant, Pasroag. pi h "I used Hood's Sarsapul i ut truly aay It be' pel me very mac, . suffering wits biiion J traiton, or rheauia:lsm, 1 earn-t:i tt Mas. B. t'ABrgvrsa, KUuBi-' S5i "1 n; I "old by aU drotrgi-ta. fi: , x for n by C. I. HOOD A Co., Ap.rfncca, r I inn no... o v r iq "" vma -uoiiar. Clippings a Ia Scissors, Bow Is your bach ? If it si tes Df..a, V..ef-e,..S Uli.... . - " ' . . .-. .. ..- ............ 'Tt .. . ' la the Side or Hip, Cheat anl Lung .i.u aorenessin any part, B-i!iiiiic eijuaj itj ' nlaater for curtlf oa n u-l aireiwr.,.,. Hops, BurKUndy Htch aa l Ba:JJm. 'J 95a. rlrriw tr a: a. Dca a anJ life are la the p-iwer jf ;it ;to If yoa o.e poroas pla-ters t ie bc an.i t one maile la the Hop rtustrr. Taey t:1 jsj atreostben the pans A area nunr a 111 tSc. uealera. To get a few flowers one m ist vyw House wives, shop (rirla anit tales..,,.,, ly euffer m-re or leas from fc a ache. A Hup Vii-swr applicl reinna i!. strengthens the parti, Never Tai , Ji 4rjjJ 1 o live beueth sorrow one ow t jiMu, Truth: ifop PUulm are ab-oxe;j a, l'iUW -V. A !ov ng heart U better and stronger baa dooi. iica-cw. "Your tf .p rio-tler cures evry t!a. ! have that awful pain In the xi.le no.- . j , The best porous plaster mle. soc meryt A eatalpa tree lare enouxn for fjtu un taa im; hiu. u iioia sovu 1:1 i a en y y-krx They are thorough and Insraat la in . pains aatl aches anil strengthen the w,j Call for a flop I'LiUer ami get it. iic. A Dayton man bethel his fe t 'a-t "t, :nrj cold and diexl. Nearly all relormcri arc saa. After uain a:l the hunibug liniments aa-1 as. wiu sure lai.ure. f anu buy or y mr ilrirra , Hup noxirr. Ihe str .nircsl and ts er, because D-.s-vel of paji t...jfai strengthen ng pripertiea The b- at pur ter Known. A tinman b -trig requires twenty c :Uic fresh air at each respiration. If yoa use porous plaster, the best aal raa eat one) bis te M t ie Hup P oftrr. A wtu sa people aa w S5c urugmta. The Enili.h and Irian Exchequers wr a, gamareil In I S IT. Where a Hop Porous FUisttr U a:p tel to m kind of pain or sorcuess there is r.o .muu M , sLaut relief aa la cure, vnjis A piece of steel is a gml deal iKe a mm; w- y ia get u red hot it botes ibtcinp-r. To be cured of Backache, Kheuain-n, acne or Sore Chest for tic u cae.ii. , flop flatter. Wales changes his 'rouaers ttrice J.i'. B.ickache, Kneninatuiu, sharp Fai;:., K -i D.seases, rieuray, rorpid Liver. !re Cjtsi pam in any pan quick. f cure.l by 'lie iljj. i-or. Absolutely tfie best porous pa tT ever s,n Of all "lru?gi-ts or by maiL i to. $'.. fi-. pricton llop flatter Co., . o-tua. The most voracious ea er in m w .r. i i t nt it takes IU food by ihe p-ck. Get the b -st honsehold rcme-'y. II .-i fun for all tin-Is of paitu aches, -trJi-. a.cuea a aurenesa. M tgic to a tion, -fx. Ena- people call wawkej "i.'ie tj '- i j the take 11 by the horua. 11 w is yixir naik T If It acle pit on Sa ftir. For Cries. Swollen I .,i l(tieuniatim. Lain-.- M.le. rjn .11 1 .. n tr, &a. ingiquaisthis pur mm puster in tu -r,..-i au hearty action. Hops, B .rit'inty i'.tci uik anus cuiubiucd. Hoc everywhere. rVveity waut uiu.h; butavuri e, ererrti:. S-.rH Everybody knows the soo-ht-ij a-i ! pija Co log virtues of ho;a. I he .'-.p P .-. -r cj ,ui beside Mops, heating ant a!rc:i-: i. :i'j ut and Extrac:a which make it p -ii.ieir :j porous planter ever iiu.le. I rj uto- 1.. . - a. aay draggist. Three people can keep a se r -t ;i.-a :vj t them are dead. Vt'e can convince y n th.i' t h.v ae r'lta eouaL fl-p ruixttTrs prc;iarc 1 fwa Vit rr.M of fre-di Hops, Bargun-iy , .iu I C1.1a.l1 Ba. aama, pre eut an e.effaat ere: n. r-;:ie-lr ready to apply ii,r any kind .r iu or i-tmt, rHspep-ia, Turpi 1 Lin-r. Ki-lm-v cu Mre nessol ihectie.r, Ac. Va 'ly 1.1 .re -.i.e :M any other porous p aster. Tin y tn aj pu and wonderfully atrengttn n uc i' if. oaj A. everywhere. Truthfulness is a Cimer-st'ne m --'i irsret. mip i-LAsri.K-. They beat all tlie plasters ei r ra ' flies poasos active medicinal pr p rfi nKmn to other kinds. The o.mpl-te virtues f tm llopaci miuned wifii liur u ly I'i c.i an I liiaa Greatly superior to other cue-no. triu -M id lostauily, cure pain. l.amsH a.'u.i.cM iu strengtht n the pana yo re-l pep!" r to t:s M L mate, tiet one 01 jour uriikki t. S5c k3H7-i 1 STOPPED FREE LB I Irrtarv Pc-15 fl-? I B FI Dr-KLE.'S 3 GREAT U nepveRestor avJ7BAnt ANrntv IS--E (.' al im H W aWa.E I rr.I.LiaLTt a takra 1 d :. A - - - 1 I f-r day's ure. Ttis an 1 t. f it puietsts, xner MTiaa' rern flictevltolr-i KLINr- "rKS's- MAM1LLA) ROOFING! siw.H.Fsyc?rn.c4VDEN.,'.j, WAMFHtfir V-tn.I on A, - v-.-f t of rh- O-eel Fipl t .in. sil.n v -r fa r. -j.i-J CimiUra, Ad-livtw National Fi b Pi THE WORLDS W DERI OS Vty ot rhot.rr. 1 ttp.i imu... .a Jir , tei ft-vt-rytli Df. -rr in n . '- Wrl'a. lornmfttt-riujt. Ula.rl?ia !-. -illt Mlobrmrft.1 ';Arrr f h- Jlr.W fUKh ClOAK COMPANY. L.l-rl rrm-t.iii-o (aU(, V Oo Walt ft ion pavd - t " "4 i ftfliCTjtsvrw antl tsnr ft !.r , t Th. erh A II . Vtrfc, I 1 Is Vi K BrtrTirt L Mrs T 0.rvB'- II Iv et lain Mt.. .e V-rs. th at- j w h-m ork UCtKrative Ar. i--r.. rata L taeod sc. for caul- aue. 1-1 -a.e m- u:-v THE OPIUM-HABIT kamut rrKBt. Aovira f Dr. J. C. HOFFMAN, Jefferson, wia ORBS as taw bmnaa body KEaotcaTrB r.VA,1LK30MllM! lsalaala.nil.. .Teaedeferta. allaMa aeUeas. rrics S.i real a Be" " awrrOK HALal BV PHI.fal''Tls.-v WE WAST I0C3 BOOK ACEJTJ BTIfcaerebaaaTHlIll V-TUHKI VKAKSU DUR WILD IND ANSL h Oea. OOUOS ud Oea. aulRaUN. To" "TtZ IsehMS. laaetssi ay Trml srtaor. Q. "'friea I nl lie. aw4 i Ii ot amta-sl ior!Z' alum. ekL. at - rs AX sea 'TTrm toot AWlSssilis II wlss Uks al.dt asS 'a IS aeay. ew-TS.aow sale. 1" T'Ti- aaiaai IMeu, u ia. rZJ STSk sfltlaJSSTaA'wl Marttariv , l"A,.';s.WJTER-PR00F, t-rls er resile. U - HI BV 1 i , fl -TI a H.irike IW. u. in. i.u . ll.l l' ',,-"aTBTslvIsTa-Ts---- ,. ,. mm I