Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, March 25, 1885, Image 3

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ataar. a oca-
at. Jiarcu . '
, $1.60 per annum if paid
fib"? . v.. $2.00 if not paid within
.jboo" jTertisemenis mseriea at nv
' flwt r.... insertion.
iB business ""i0" 1C1 CoU
jrw"- - line lor eacu iuciu.
ss ,v "V jU be msae to tooao uoinug
to move.
aft Jl,
TodJ, k"1 valuable cow last
fertiliser with chapped
i-" . f twin' tA
j,. dimple-
' psv in tbs morning, was
trrU ha new Ban, . imju vi
i t ir nr:i r
wg.,vi,ii 5U'tr-
--. u....;.l,v riae.
FrkUr l!l come on apru o, auu
... . :i m j
..ilo.mg -;i le r,rer.
. v. rStt so!d ti house ana lot in
. jih,' director ol me poor oi ian-
'or Brown bibf
i bill in t!i Legislature which if
..-J .ill abolish the fox scalp premium
....ronntr new.paper for yonr family.
..ketortheSEXTiSEL akd Kepibli
tre fifteen Republican candidates
teorfccsuf Associaie JUJga in naut
ili eosnty.
.-tI state fair will b held at Phila-
it4!a, breinning September 23d and con-
. v October .tn.
P.nna'.iiki'r was in town on Sat-
Ijit be the owner of tb.9 nicest pic-mc
panda the county.
foe bill to authorixe the abandonment oi
ob ot the cai i! oa the Juuuta Oiv i-
.nmher of the unterrifled are in a lond
a- i-.it jI.um nkt nf tliA mucaIii
taor.l.w"--'"-"'"1'" r
asmough into oftce.
cm W HcCurdv, foreman of The Timea
tiStuirtKobiuwin, both of Fort Royal,
;e is tc2 la-t Saturday.
iviresent e--neration has not aeon as
tarrri crt-wJ lor office a the present lot
JtuKiritic o'Se seeders.
IV Mthodists held s sociable at the
M becr lougl.man and family, in
Irtrrwn, on Suturi-iy evening.
lit for Brown"! baby
ICliiU Eaaki, o' Fennmajh township.
uis !a-.t Tnu.-sdav, sold live stock
ii timin g imiileuieuts, tmounting to ov-
Tie juaior edilor of the Tribune celebra-
iln tweDt-!venth birth-dy with a
ftiroffrieuiis at his home in the evening.
lis: wet-k.
It '-nip and tug" with the politicians
ca titii service rules, at Washington, with
Ktluiicts in favor of the Democratic pol-
getting oa top.
tf. J. Dennis ol Dt lawsre township, spent
tcty'.eut dijs, last week, with the faiuiiy
kr.Asmaa, in this place. Mr. Dennis
-it fuller ot Mrs. Aunun.
The Presiier.t nominated Malcolm lUy,
Mbbiirz, tir-t aisistant Post Master
Jtneral. iU now the post olfice ectkers
prsarmg to raid oa Mr. Ha .
'Gtttlfmen of the jury, there were just
311-mi Iiojs in the drove. I'ieasij re-
jum the !;t just three times ae many
ctii that jury box, gentlemen."
Th Jnnkti flnnferpnce nf the Central
?!lM;l(n;a Synol oi the Lutberau Church
toortwd in Port Kotalon Monday tveuing.
W3. and l still holding sesaious.
Wotd A. K. JicClure, of the Philadel-
iuTinaej, will lecture in blooiutielJ, one
wisg durit.g the Apiil term Jl Court lor
tii-fito! the Ladies Mite Society.
Ibioajh bruks in the clouds, BlooroSeld
r'Jeu,.jl;t g iuipse of the eclip-e of
kSia on ine lCth lust. 1 here were no
xii m the clouds here to look through.
fa.Ltird, died a: the h m s of her soa-
. k..b;rt Kubison, in Port Royal on
SMtah, Xirch 14, 1KS5. Her remains
aeutea tu Newton Hamilton, for inter
ttt. Pittslarg his a husband btater. and the
'akLd, John boston, has app'.ied to a
rater curt lor a diorce Irom Ids wile,
he decliret, has an unpleasant babit
wiling iiim.
the 6th taft., H. B. Zimmerman who
time wu Super intendeut of Pub ic
nK-tia, in Juouta county, died at his
""""ee is Ssville township, Perry coun
Wcoilsuainiiu,,. A tor in Warren. K. H.. make hU
"oo auwUoes. One day be got caught
hrig nd jjTe ol his patienta recover
attor,),, , discuve,. an(j extrjcsted.
""""oa Free Press.
Swdiy ,eek, a p .k of stray honnda
W fox down the Pike almost to
The fox fen the Hike at the first
lrth of town and ran out the road in
concentrated essence of pite-
fcT l"f,1 th Mi hern'ghbor: "II you
' ar a wjg Vi Uke , pu yon. hair
l011; joa nsty thiug.-Brookivn Times.
14 f Brown', baby
fcD. cCIeIl", Superintendent of Mid
i "11 P- - R- has undertaken to
. 'he practice of loafing in and out
, t sttins practice which
0nie Vwr ...
laiiiMv. -'"8 o ntn agents
nT'' Wh re coulr,'l1-d to enter
"residir.. r.j . . . .
siatrici M,aItle' of tbe JnniaU
ai0"" ne thou, two hun
cr,n, ' Xrt3 inversions, nineteen n
tu tbi i .
ot o, K. ' ,0'J"s"ges erected at
twelve churr.liM .nH
"''esril w f old debt liquidated
' his district."
Tbe President will attend tbe first Praa-
by terian church, of Washington.
Trains were delayed on Monday by the
wreck of a lot ol freight cars north of Pat
Prank Noble has recovered hit health
and ia ready to engage in tbe pomp busi
ness a in by -gone days. Give him a call
U yon need a pump.
A fire last Friday eight, destroyed almost
$100,000 worth of property in Bellelonte.
Tbe lire started about b o'clock in the even
ing in a stable on the Brockerbofi property.
On Sunday night week General Grant
bad narcotic pill to lodge in bis throat,
the pill could not be gut up or djwn, dar
ing many hours. The General got do
siet-p lor a period of twecty-lour hours.
The G. A. R. will hold a convention in
Post room lo4, next Thursday evening.
Austin Curtiu, Commander of the Depart
ment of Pennsylvania, will be present.
1 ho public are iuvited to attend the open
Camp Fire, at 7 o'clock P. M.
Fashionable wife "Did you notice, dear,
at the .arfy last evening, bow grandly our
daughter Claia swept iulo theroouif " Hus
band (wub a grunt) "On yes, Ulara can
secp into a room grundly enough but when
it cuiuee to aweepiug out a room sue isn't
lucre." Stm York sua.
When the 14 jod is loaded with imparities,
and uiovea luggibiy m the veins, an al
ternative is needed, as thi condition of the
viUl tluid caiiuol last long without serious
results. There is notning bittfr la in Oyer's
SarsapaiiiU to purity tue blood, aadluipirt
energy to the system.
Ayer's Hair Vigor stimulates the hair
cells to healthy action, aud promotes a vig
orous crow tu. It contains all that can be
uip ied to uuko the natu-al hair beautiful
aud abundant ; keeps tbe scalp free from
dandruff, prevents the bair from becoming
dry and harsh, and makes it flexible and
The Everett Press says: Two families
living in the same dwelling house, had
war of wor.ls which came almost to h tir
pulling, about tbe proprietorship of the
porch, both families had to nse. One of
the parties put up a partition on this porch
which was taken down by tbe other. It is
said both are now silent as the grave when
near each other.
A number ol our subscribers are prompt
payers, a number are not so prctupt.
We are beginning to send bills tu all who
sre in arrears more ihan one year. By the
1st of May, lb85. we expect to have a bill
in the house of every subscriber who is in
arrears lor a longer period of time than tbe
one staud above. In the mean time do not
wait lor the bill. if.
In commemoration of the tenth year of
its existence the Philadelphia Times pub
lished a twenty-eight page edition with a
handsome cover. It was a feat in journal
ism bard to equal. The copy intruded for
this office did not arrive until a number of
days a ter time, which ia accouutrd lor by
the lact, that, the aier got off its rout and
weut up Tufcarora valley, and circulated
among the post ofiiues in that region a day
or two.
Ask for Brown's baby
The Perry Countv Advocate of last week
says : The Orr brothers of this place, lost a
valuable horse on their renmnger Ijrra last
Thursday nigbt. The stall was large aud
the animal tu lying down twUied the baiter
chain around its neck. When louud lu the
looming the animal waa alive but before
help could be procured it had strangled to
death. Tbe beast waa valued at one hun
dred and thirty dollars. Tbe same night a
steer was almost strangled to death. This is
the fourth borne tbe brothers have lost with
in a short lime.
The Huntingdon Journal of last week
says: The farm house of oar friend, Mr. II.
S. Miller, ol Henaerson township, was to
tally destroyed bv fire on Weduedav uiorn-
iug ol last week. The family bail just fin
ished tueir morning meal when some one ot
them eoing outside discovered the root of
the kitchen on lire aud so lar advanced that
,t waa iuii-ossible to save the builJiug Tbey
then directed their attention to their house
hold effects aud succeeded in saving tbe
larger portion of them, bdt of course in
damaged condition. Tbe articles in tbe cel
lar, cousisiiug oi canned Irnits, lard, about
one hundred bushels of potatoes and many
other things were ah destroyed. Mr. Miller
carried an insurance of $500.00, but this
sum will lall far short of payiug the loss
Ask for Brown's baby
The San Francisco Chronicle tells the
Inlluwii g : ew," said the bride. -IIen-rv,
I want yon to understand distinctly that
I do not wish to be taken lor a bride. 1 am
goiug to behave exactly as it I wtre an old
married woman. So, dearest, do not think
me cold and uuloving if I treat you very
practically when there ia anyboiy by."
I don't believe I can pans for an old
married man. I am so lond of you that I
am bound to show it, I am sure to give Ihe
'snap away."
"No, you mustn t. It's easy enough. And
I insist that you behave just like ail eld
learned men do. Do yon bear f
"Well, darling, I'll try, but I know I will
not succeed."
The first evening of their arrival the bride
retired to her chamber and the groom fell in
with a poker party, with whom he sat play
ing cards until lour o'clock in the moruing.
His wife spent the weary hours waiting. At
last be turned up and met bis griel-stricken
biidewith the hilarous que.'ion :
"Weil, ain't 1 doiug tbe old married man
like a daisy 1
She never referred to the aubject again
and everybody knew si ter that that they bad
just been married.
Lost and Found.
Last Thursday William Cleck, of Walker
township, came to this place to pay a note
iu bank when be reached in bis vest pocket
for his money he found $10 missing. He
ar.lked back carefi'lly over the road that be
came on, to town, and not far from the res
idence of Jonaa KaufTmsn he found one of
the two missing five dollar notes. But
where was the other I On Friday morning
he was oat on the road to find the balance.
Became as fsr as to Wellington Smith's
and there stopped and related bis misfor
.,. m Mr. Smith. "I euess I can help you
oat " aid Smith, "for yesterday while I
was on my way borne from Mexico, x no
ticed something iu the nwd that looked line
paper money. I got out of my buggy took
it .m and it wss a five dollar bill, and I
would most likely have found tbe other bid
lor I waa looking about lor more wnen my
mare stsrted aud 1 was compelled to get in
to the wagon and d. i. e away." Mr. Smith
handed the five dollar bill that he had found
over to Clec, and he, rejoicingly went to
bank and lifted the note.
The Blom field Times of the 17th renorda
the following i On Saturday morning last
air. rnuip Keel, orPenn township, commit
ted suicide by hanging. During the fore
noon jar. Snyder, of Duncannon went oat
to see about purchasinc some calves of Mr.
Keel, and waa told that be had gone to the
barn to care lor bis stuck. Ongoing there
be found him sure enough, but he was
hanging to beam in the hay mow. With
out waiting to investigate tbe matter Mr.
a nyder at once gave the alarm. Mr. Keel
had worried about some money matters in
which be was fearful be waa a loaar. till it
had affected his mind so as to cause him to
commit tbe fearful deed.
Scbwol Kcport.
Report of Locust Run school for the
month ending, March 13, iSHo. Whole
number in attendance during month; males
17, females 12, total 29. Average attend
ance during month ; males 15, females II,
total 2tt. per cent., of attendance during
month; males 97, females 97, total 97.
School opened during montn 'U days.
Tbe tolluwing persons were present every
day during mouth s Lisne Nearbood, Min
nie Gross, Uertie Gross, Ida MaubecK, Sa
die Uroas, Sadie Hosteller, Jennie Gross,
Maggie Hosteller. Gilbert Detra, William
Uoateller. William Page, Robert Nearbooo.,
Franklin Gross, Ulysses Smith, Irvm 3mith,
Elmer Smith, John Kagler, and William
Smith. The following mused one day i
Clara Hosteller, Haven Smith and Bradford
Detra. School open during term lo3 days.
William Page, Franklin Gross, Ltuie K ear-
hood and Minnie ttrosa were present every
day during term. Uertie Gross luisaed but
oue, Clara Hostetler and Ida Manbeck miss
ed but two, sod several missed but three.
Minute Grows was present every day last
winter's term aud Una term, making 20ti
days in attendance without missing one day
of school. D. L. Dsn. a,
Teetb In nil Stomach.
The McVeytown Journal relates tbe fol
lowing : About ten years ago James Har
ris, ot this place, swallowed plate with
lour artificial teeth which lodged in his
throat. He at once went to a pbyaicain,
who, after tailing to extract them, forced
fbeui iuto bis stomach, which produced
stricture of tbe Oesophsgus, from which be
has been suffering ever since. On last Fri
day morning not being able to swallow, and
in using a stricture Dilator (a whale-bone
sixteen inches long with a bulb three-fourth
inches by one and one-iourth inches on the
end. composed of horn,) w hich broke iu the
centre and allowed the bulb with eight inch
es ot tbe whale-bone to pass down into the
stomach, the stem exteuding into the Oeso
phagus. Dr. R. M. Johnson was called who
made au effort to extract tbe same. After
making au attempt w itb the best instruments
the Doctor bad on band, and iu failing to
extract it, he took tbe patient to Philadel-
pt ia tbe same aiterooou, where be thought
bo would have tbe advantage of tbe best
medical and su gical skill. After consult
ing some of I be best physicians, and failing
to get tbe inslruiueut out of the patient,
Dr. Johnson procured what be thought
would be the best instruments to meet any
euiergeucy that woa.d arise ia the case,
brought Mr. Harris b-ck on Saturdiy even
ing. On Suiulav uigut the instrument that
Mr. Harris swailoweU com.n-.-nced to give
him some uueainess, and on Mouday moru
ing he Krew worse. He sent lor his physi
cian who came and bring prepared with a
twelve inch lorceps, be pmchaaed while in
anticipation of this trouble, waa successiul
iu extracting it giving tbe patient imme
diate reiiet, and at this writiug he is doing
Juniata District Appoint-
The appointments made by the lata sev
enteenth annuil session of the Methodist
Conference that met at Huntingdon, for the
Juniata District are as follows :
J. S. Mc Murray, presiding elder Post-
office, Huntingdon.
Alum Bank R. H. Stine.
Bedford J. U. Black.
Blain J. P. Pennington.
Burnt Cabins J. Z. Lloyd.
Caaaville J. M. Johnston ; one to be sup
plied. Concord L. S. Crone.
Decatur To be supplied.
Eunisvilie M. C. Piper,
Eierett A. D. Tocum.
Freedom S. A. Crevling.
Hopewell C. L. Benscoter.
Huntingdon G. T. Gray.
Lewistuwn J. J. Pearce.
McConnellstown To be snpplied.
McVeytown J. W. Rne.
Manor Hill H. M. Minnich.
Mitlliutown J. B. Mann.
MiJroy S. E Ueminger.
Mount Union and Mapletoa L. F. Smith.
New Blooni field T. M. Griffith.
Newton Hamilton A. S. Baldwin.
Orbisonia D. M. Klepser.
Petersburg and Alexandria B. H. Crever.
Port Royal Herman A. Adams ; one to be
Ray's Hilt J. R. King.
Kohinsonville To be snpplied.
Saxton J. K. Kuisely.
Shellsburg J. L. White.
Sbirleysburg W. R. Pichen.
Tboiiipsonfown J. L. Leibich.
Three Springs E. T. Dunning.
West Huntingdon and Mill Creek D. M.
Wollsburg W. H. Stevens.
Trial List for April Term
15. .
Rebecca J. Patton vs. Dsniel Conn, J.
Nevin Pomeroy, A. J. Pettit, Noah Hertz
ler and Noah Hertxler, Sr. No S4 February
term 1885. Feigned issue. Lawyers in the
case Patterson and Parker, Lyons and Jan-
Michael Stepp vs. Jacob TJpdegrove. No.
58. December term, 1883- Summons in
ejectment, put down by defendant. Defend
and pleads not guilty. Lawyers, Patterson
and Beidler, Lyons.
Com. of Penna.. at the suggestioa of El
la J. McDonald vs. James U. Greer and
Harrison Reed. No. 82, September term,
1884. Summons in debt on the official bond
ot Ja'roes H. Crosier, guardian of Ellen Jane
Folta and Charles Dietrich Folix, minor
children of Dietrich Folts, deceased. De
fendant Harrison Reed pleada payment
payment with leave aud so does Jamea H.
Crosier make tbe eaine plea. Lawyers, Ly
ons, Stone.
Susan Hostetler vs. tbe township of Del
aware. No. 91, September term, 1881. Sum
mons iu case. Defendant plsaJs not guil
ty. Lawyers, Patterson sad Bdidler, At
kinson aud Jacobs.
Bauks W. Kautrman vs. John F. Jacobs.
No. 1, February term, 1885. Transcript ol a
judgement from docket of Caleb Parker.
Defendant appeals. Lawyers, Lyons, Beld
ler. Enoch Baals vs. John D. Howell. No 19
Febmsry term 185. Summons in trespass
in tbe case in slander. Defendant pleads
not guilty. Lawyers, Lyons, Patterson.
David Hetrick vs. H. H. Yocara. No. 63,
February term, 1885. Transcript of an ap
peal from docket of Caleb Parker. Defend
ant appeals. Lyons, attorney.
Joseph Speiglemeyer vs. Henry SulontT,
Aaron Sinloy and H. A. Woodie. No. 68,
February term, 1845. S ammons in trespass .
Henry SuloutT pleads not guilty. Lawyers,
Lyons, A. J. Patterson.
William D. Walls vs. J. B. It. Todd. No.
2, April term, 1885. Transcript Irom docket
ot Jacob Beiuler. Defendant appeals. Law-
yen, Patterson, Lyons.
Peotboxotakt's Or rice, March 14 1885,
Himintown, Pa.
Tbiodobc H. MtMKiRaia,
Trouble About A Jury Draw-
During the days ot Rebellion, citizens of
this Commouwealth became dissatistied
with the manner of the draw ing of Jurors, to
try cases ot dispute that were carried to
Court lor settlement. They alleged that in
Democratic counties, whrra democratic
county commissioners had control of the
jury wheel that tbe turies wereaiways pack
ed with democrats, snd in counties where
Republican coumy commissi mers controll
ed the wheel tbe juries wore pe;kei with re
publicans, and in that way, with a one sid
ed jury, there was always danger of a po
litical verdict being rendered insteul of a
verdict of justice in accordance with tbe
merits aud evideuce ol the case in dispute
between parlies before Court.
To provide a remedy for such injustice
nnder the forms of Isw, it was deemed beat
to take the drawing of juriea out of the
hands of County Commissioners, therelore,
a law was passed by the Legislature in 1867,
that provides lor the election, by a popular
vote, of two J ury Commissioners, one com
missioner from each of the two dominant
partiea, whose duty shall be to make a hat
of citizens place them in tbe jury wheel at
a stated time, and at another stated time
draw tbe juries for the several courts from
the wheel.
From the passage of tbe act to this ti me.
at regularly stated lawlul time a Democrat
ic and Republican Jury Commissioner bas
been el xuxX in Juuiata county.
The jury commissioners at such time as
is prescribed by law fid the jury wheel. The
wbeel ia sealed end is locked, aud tue key
of the wheel is kept by tbe sheuS of the
county. At regularly stated times the jury
commissioners are required to go to the seat
ol justice and there take charge of tbe wheel
The sheriff unlocks it, the seal is re-moved
and a jury is drawn.
Last Wednesday, March 18, 1885, was tbe
day required by law lor ibe jury commis
sioners to meet at the seat ot justice in this
county, iu the Court House, at MiQiintown
and draw a jury lor April term of Court.
The law does not st te in which of the
rooms "v files in the Court House the
drawing of the jury shall take place. If a
hair splitting construction be placed on the
term, "at the seat of justice," in all proba
bility the jury would have to be drawa in
the Court room ir front of tbe Judge's seat
William Milliker. and J. Kelley Patterson,
both worthy citizens of Tuscarora valley are
the Jnry Commissioners for Juniata county ,
and on the dste mentionel above they ap
peared at the Court House to draw th ju
ry for Ihe April term or Court, 1885. The
jury wheel h id been placed in the room of
the County Treasurer for safe keeping. Pre
vious juriea bad been drawn In tue office of
the County Commissioners. On this occasion
however, the jury commissioners determin
ed not to draw the jury in the room or of
fice of the connty coiUTlissioners.
tbs icirtiivs.
The jury commissioners placed their
wbeel in the office or room of the Register
and Recorder snd appointed 9. B. Caveny,
tbe Register snd Recorder their clerk. Tbey
were sworn under the law by, Prothonota
ry T. II. Memminger. Sheriff Shivery wis
present with tbe key of tbe wbeel to unlock
the wbeel, snd the seal wss re-moved, and
the jury wss drawn. The wheel was re-sealed
and was re-looked by the Sheriff as pre
scribed by l iw, and thi wheel was again
placed in the office of
tbi coruTT Ttratcata.
S. B. Cavenr. tbe clerk of the Jnry Com
missioners certi fkd the list of j urors an d
placed the sea I of his office on it, and sent
tbe list to tbe office of the County ComaiiS'
sioners. Tbe Countv t.'mini sinners tin
der sn on-repealed clause ol the art nf As
sembly of 1834, are required to make out
in alphabetical order, two lists ol the names
of the persons drswn ss jurors, by tbe Jnry
Commissioners, to serve as grand, petit or
special jurors, and one of the sa-d lists they
shall deliver to the Sheriff of the county,
snd Ibe other to the Prothonotory, or clerk
of the proper court, tu be set up by them
in the respective offives for the inspection
of all persons concerned. The County Com
missioner never themselves mike ont the
tbe two lists, but it is done by their cle-k,
and he has in the past been paid $2t) for
the work.
Bircazo tbe list or Jciobs.
S. B. London, clerk lor tbe County Com
missioners, refused to accept the list tbat
S. B. Caveny, clerk for the Jury Commiss
ioners certified to the County Commission
ers office, though it il plainly bis duty or
the duty of the Connty Commissioners
he was there in their place to nuke out in
alphabetical order two lis's of the naro-s
ol the persons drswn by tbe jury commiss
ioners, to serve as grand, petit, or special
jurors, and one of fbe said lists, the countv
commissioners shsll deliver to the sheriff
of tbe connty and Ibe other to the Prothon
ta ry or clerk ol tbe proper court to be set
np by Ibem in the respective offices for the
inspection of all persons concerned.
The clerc fur Ibe county commissioners
refused to receive tbe list of jurors from
tbe clerk of the jury commissioners and
make out tbe two lists as above stated tbat
the county commissioners are required by
law to make out and set spirt to the nse
specified in the law.
Tbe clerk to the connty commissioners
refused the list ot jurors, be says, because
be believed that the jury commissioners
sbonld hsve drawn the jury in tbe office of
the Connty Commissioners and that be as
clerk ol the Couuty commissioners should
have been clerk to tbe jury commissioners
and been present at tbe drawing of the jury.
tbe BErcsax
of the commissioners' clerk to receive the
jury list from ibe bands ot tbe clerk of the
jury commissioners stopped the whole pro
ceedings. No list could be placed as re
quired by law in the hands of the Sheriff,
and no Hat con Id be placed In the office of
the Prothonotary. What was to be done
In this state of Insubordination t It was
determined that the sheriff should go
and speak with the Judge. The pilgrimage
was made, and if it bad to be done again.
it would not be made. When the Sher in-
returned it was soon understood that to
correct the insnbordin ation in the commis
sioners office and render the certification
of the list of jurors drawn doubly secure
waa advised that both the iurv commisa
loners certify with their clerk to the list of
Jurors as drawn by them.
A Pbriic Before Starting;.
A grey lux waa brought to this place,
from Fayette township, some time ago.
Last Friday it waa set at liberty, at Reno'a
school bouse a short distance esat of town.
bat the pack ot bounds that bad been col
lected to give it chase, for some reason
seemed to have colic or other troubles of
the bowels and the fox bad its own wsy,
and tbe last seen of the suiin.il it was run
ning gaily across Rothrock's farm in tbe
direction of Fayette township. Common
report U, "the dogs were given physic be
fore starting."
Ask for Brown's baby
nil Loa wan Iter Gain.
"Well madam," said a fashionable physi
cian tn a wealthy lady patient, "il you don't
like my presrriptions, perbsps yon had bet
ter trv Parker's Tonic, or some other quack
stuff." "You dou't mean It Doctor," she
answered, "but your advice may be good for
all that. Sometimes what you call 'quack
staff is tbe best and most scientific medi
cine, af ter all." She got a bottle ol Parker's
Tonic and It cured her of neuralgia arising
from disordered stomach and nerves. She
told her friends, and now ihey ali Keep a
doctor at home in form of Parker's Tonic.
Mb.Editob: As 1 have not asked yon
for space in yonr worthy paper for some
time, I beg leave to ask you for a sn.all
space in ibis issue. Yon will doubtless be
surprised to learn the sad news which I am
about to bring to the readers of the Sesti
ril asb KcrcBLiCAX, and as I pen these
lines, many iucidents of the past return to
my mind, pertaining to tbe career of one
ol Jui.iata's noblest sons. On Ihe moruing
of tbe 11th itist., the intelligence waa Bash
ed through our comniuuity. that one of our
leaders in the cause of education, one who
had ihe golden key ol knowledge within his
reach, and an honorable member of tbe
teaching prolession, bad on the previous
evening between, the hours of 7 and 8 o'
clock, passed Irom this stage of action into
the spirit world. Shocking as it may seem
tbe name must come to the public. It is
Adam Wilt. He was employed by the di
rectors of Greenwood township, in teachiug
tbe "Wilt" school. Up to tbe 4th inst.,
be bad been in good health, aud engaged
in teaching, but toward evening ot the
above day, he fell unwell sod became what
is calltd by our people, "flighty ." Tbe
nt xt day not being able to attend to bis
woi k in tue school room be sent his son
instead. This wss I'bursd.iy, aud ou Sat
urday disease bi gnu to show its effects on
its victim and bn.uglit Liiu down to auch a
state, thai medical aid waa summoned, but
ot no avail, bis case was that ol "pneumon
ia," and at tbe time herein stated, he waa
a corpse. Sad news indeed! Who could
believe it I Yet il waa only too true. A
short time before bia death, he told one ol
bis scholars, "be would never leach them
any more." How niarvelously true. The
mess ige came and he must go, but bis
name will live lung on tbe annals of Junia
ta history. .Uui language shortly betoie
bis death, ic tegard to his spiritual happi
ness gives prool that he is at rest in the no
ble array ol malty is aud the just made per
fect, in .the eternal adoration ol the living
Uod. W ii b hi In, "ibis is tue end of earth"
He sleeps Ibe sleep that knows no waking.
He is gone, and forever. When a great
man fails ihe people weep. The link that
bound him to ns, has been suddenly snap
ped. Tbe lips from which flowed those
living truths, and undeniable tacts are clos
ed in death. Yes, death has been among
os, and be bas kuocked audibly at the pal
ace oi our towosbip. Not at the humble
college of seme ULkuown, ignoble peasant,
but at one ot our must worthy citizens. He
baa cluveu down his victim in Ihe midst ol
plenty, and taking him as a spoil, for virtue
and learning snd truth. How often hive
we crowded around him to listen to Ihe
counsels ol wisdom as Ibey lell from the
lips oi our honored dead, we can all remem
ber the lime lor it waa but a short lime ago.
But what a change! How wonderful aud
suddm ! That loiui is no more, but is cloa
ed by the "sheet ol death. Though our
Iriend is gone, be bas made bimaella name
and bis fame is known all over ours, ami
adjoining counties, and will not soon be
lorgotteu by the people. May tbe example
ol bis lile be followed, and at the Bound of
the trumpet be will rise among the spirits
ot ihe just, m the adoration of the "Most
High." We will niisa hita in the proless
ion. No more will be sppear before ns in
our Literary Society, of which be was an
ardent worker and Useful member some
years ago. Every teacher In the county
knew bim, I presume, snd have learned to
kuow bim to be a kind, generous, snd char
itable christian. Why such an honorable
man abould be taken as a spoil, is not for
ns to tell. His ways to us, are mysterious
and full of wisdom. But such is lite, in the
midst of lite we sre in death, aud the very
entrance iuto it is already a step toward
the grave. We sympithtze with this be
reaved lamily, knowing tbey will have to
take npon themselves new duties and res
ponsibilities. The funeral took place on
Friday, in the presence.of a large concourse
of people. Intermecl in the Lutheran cem
etery, in Pfouts Valley. Out of respect for
a member Ol the profession, all the schools
in the township, ejeept one, were cloned.
The deceased was aged 60 years, I month
and 18 days. Refobtee.
A New York firm applied to Abraham
Lincoln, some years before be became
President, as to tbe financial standing of
one of his neighbors. Mr. Liocotn replied
aslollowst "Yours of tho 10th inst., re
ceived. 1 sm well acquainted with Mr.
, aod know his circumstances First ol
si l, he baa a wile and naby ; together they
ought to be worth $0,t) to any man
Secondly, he bas an office in which there is
a table worth $1.60, and thtee chairs worth
say l. Last of all there ia in one corner
a large rat-bole which will bear looking in
to. Respect! nlly yours. Abeabah Lis
coib." Ask for Brown's batrv
Arrangements have been made to open a
school, at Tnscarora Academy, br good an d
efficient teachers on tbe 8th of April. Miss
Mary Dewing will give lessons oa piano or
Fall and Winter Good.
I would inform tbe publio tbat I have
bow in my new millinery store at my place
of residence on Water street, Mifflinlowa,
second door front corner of Bridze street.
a full stock, of rail and Winter millinery
goods, all new, and of the latest styles,
snd having employed first class milliners,
I ant prepared to supply the public with
everything found In a fi rate lass milliner
store, come and examine my stock. I
consider it no trouble to show goods.
May 2 -88.1. v.
McCCRDY BOG EN RIEF. On tbe 12th
inst., at the residence of the bride's father,
Mr. II. E. Bogeonef, of Thompsonlown, Pa.,
by Rev. W. R. Wieand, Mr. Samuel McCur-
dy, to Miss Ella Bozenriel, bof! of Thomp
sontown. ROBISOX KARSTETTKit. Oa the
5th inst., at the Lutheran parsnnixo, Mif
flin town, by Hov. R. E. Berry, Mr. George
Robison, of Turheft township, to Miss
Cath etine Karstetter, ol Slil'ord township.
P. M-, on the 17th inst., at the residence
of tbe bride's father, Simon Mamma, in
Fermanagh township, by the Rev. Mr.
Brown, of the McAlistorville Presbyterian
Church, Dr. George Dysinger and Miss Em
ma Munima. Mr. Dysinger Uvea in Minne
apolis, Minn., and left with hia bride on
the morning of the 18th for bis western
MrrrLiBTOwB, March 2, 1835.
Bntter 18
Eggs 15
Lard 9
Ham 17
Shoulder 10
8 idea 8
Foltz Wheat
Lancaster ..... ......
Corn, new......
New Cloverseed.......
Timothy seed ........
Flax seed
Chop........ .........
Shorts...... ........
Ground Alum Salt....
American Salt........
6 50
1 30
I 40
1 00
1 60
1 30
1 25
1 COal 10
rnif.iDEi.pniA, M.irch 23, 1885. Eeof
cattle 3aiiJ, milch cows $10i$ 10 veil ctlves
6a"),. fat cows Sale. Uos6i7. S heep 3ao .
Iambs 4 a7c pT lb. Penmylvini red rh s it
93c jer bm. Corn 1Sj13.-.. Oit S7 per bus.
Biiiter l"a-'0c p'T lb. Kc l-c per d..i.
Live hens l.itl 1c oev lb. Tu k'-VH 14a rer
lb. Ducks 14c, per lb. Oeeo IU.il tc p-ri
lb. Cloverseed n" J : per lb. Hay V1.1H
per ton.
Frciti Pc'o (o
Avsa's SaRrnn.t. baa anTitrstrf Its
;,rr ii 'cure lor aii iinaat ol UiS blood.
Tho Karpooner's Story.
. itv btJord. Jw 1, 18S3.
Tn. .1. C. A rr.n fc Co. Twenty run sj- I
t-..i u liarroooer re ilie Nor) I'aritir, whet. !
iikts 4 iW crw a.vt m,-s re l-.'-l op !'.l
Our boilWawerrblil.s1;rr,fc":0'--a
t.-i Liredil.-. fcc-tn e-oi":, purpla bljlche alt
y.-i-r e, anil oar Itrealtl ai-i intil rotfi a. '1 jKS It
sv ami Uree we wera pri-uy Unity on". 'I cur
1re-julco waa ait:iiil.n!ly dt-xrovnl, l it tus
Tanlaiii hi a cii:iii duzen br.tik-a i Aria's
litjrU!U and s-va us t!imu ' lcov.
r .1 :i II qii-cki T tlum I tars ever stn men
lr .-f U baut lf any other lreauni-nt fur Scurvy,
s, I I'vasnn a eooi drM of It. Serin- so roco
tiun In y.nr Almanaoof yoar garaajianlla bin
c --oil fur s-nry. I tuonght you ought to know of
ani unij you tue farta.
Uespwtrully youra, IUira T. WnMitt .
Tho Trooper's Experience.
A'nws, Eiuuland S. Arirm,) llttnh 7, JSSS.
IR.J. V. ATIB k To. Genllealen: I tiara
n.i'h pleaaiir M !f la tha sreat val3 of
v .ur faraK Ws navs Wl s.atiooil
"m r ft.r OTer Tears, during which time ara
fwd u Hta In wv. Bi ins unCrr tanvaa f ir
twh a llni Wtkl on what la eallrd In tins
muntrr "veIHre.M I luel V.o aoi. s for
a. me time. 1 wa adilaed ia uka yotireaia-I.-ir1l1a.
two W'a of wliU-h mal niy sorca
uaapi-enr ranW", sad I sm now quits wwll.
Yours Wt. T. K. Ilncrw,
Trooper, Cap ilounfd iitrw.
Ayer's Sarsaparila
I the onlv thoronrn'v efrVrt'.T Vood-perlflsr,
i ! ot.lv nirdWne that eradicates the foiroao of
fcrufiila. Mercury, asd CimUmu Uiaeaaa
from Uw aystrm.
raxTiBzn st
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co, Lowell, Mass.
Sold by all DrnKiits : Pries II ;
Sis botUsa for iX
A Certain Kenedy for all
Cures Fcmr.Ie Weaknesses,
Imparts New Life and Vigor to the
Far Bale "TrrywherB. Half. Pint Btt!ea
Mt'w. lairse Wra, 75 Cta.
Bi&izalac cared by
Private Sale.
less, of limestone and shale land, in Milforl
township, in Lit-kina, Creek valley, Juniata
county, Fa. ; about 1'iU cleared, 4 acres
timberland "under fence. The improve
ments are a Lsrfre Double Stone and Frame
House, Larpe Bank Barn. Wagon Shed,
I.arfte flue Pen, Sheep Honse, Carriage
House, Wash House, Spnng Motive within
len yards of the door. Fountain pump of
pever-lailine water at both house and barn.
Tbia is a desirable property, snd is oijv two i
miles Irom Xitr.in railroad station. Terms;
easy. For particulars, ea'l on or adilress
John Roliisnn, Pstterson. Juniata Co., Fa., '.
or Sheiburu ICobisoo. samo address.
Ninth St, south of Chestnut, on" square
south of Ihe New Post Omce. one-halt
square from Walnut St. Theatre and in the
very bnsiness centre of the citv. On the
American and European pians. Good rooms
tioin f"c to S3 00 per day. Remodeled and
newly furnished. W. PAINE. . D.,
Owner and Proprietor.
Nov. 21, 183, ly.
Caution .fotlce.
AH persons urs hereby e.iutioocd, not to
to hunt or tlh. or in any way to trespass on
the lands of the undersigned in Fermanagh
township. Hcth Btrscs.
Msreh 25, lflo.
tv sse4Vt,.,, a
Winter Clothing !
We offer our entire stock of
We Must Reduce Stock on Hand
Men's Nobby Chinchilla Overcoats at
Men's Cassimere and Corkscrew Overcoats
Men a Milton and Castor Overcoats at
Men's Good Walking Overcoats at
Men's heavy Driving Overcoats at
Children's Suits at
Boy's Suits at
Boy's Suits at
Boy's Suits at
Children's Overcoats at
Boy's Overcoats at
Boy's Overcoats at
Children's Overcoats at $1 50, $2
SCHOTT, The ClotMcr,
nhistrated by the usa of a BmrgT mid; "JJ'T.aw'JsI? aa?Us5 M!
Btieuy In tins Ptecam. but THE UUDni. CK.CI OF A lfcHl .4. Us
H.v.iWs Safetv Kin. Bolt an.l Fifth WheeL sa your deer for the T.T.
Ilil DorK HriY, with the Haydocs. Safety Kluj Bolt and Fifth Wheel.
Ufe is Insecure ri!inj over any other.
(TSU platan U1 b. (SrsuS as a frf rtmw4 ta Saw sals, to sayowttowlll ana a frusa U.
.KXcM-asra-r.l I1. 1. ZHJTJD C OUT",
""ltST' far. Plat. ..4 Twelfth Ma, CrtCRSATI. O.
:o:0 -
Sair.uel Strr.Tcr is selling; a largo stock of
Goods of all kinds at cost, because) of the late fire in Patterson. You will
find me in tbe
Graybill Building,
IX MIFFINTOWN. Call and e me.
Nov. 26, S4.
o4 &.'a 'f many ages ami nations, ror.raved by 1 OO Great Writers, awamasaauaawaa
P'SjJ Ictroductt .n fcv Krv Ilrrbert W. Morns, D. D. Just Issued. A.M
573 A mtrfniji-rni Holiday Book. Also magnificent FAMILY B fj If C
t3 VI ISlULhS a:.d PHOrOuttAPlJ ALBDIS in crest variety ol styles. QfttWg C
r-peciailv adapted fur Holiday sales. Remarkably low prices. sMsawasrawesawaw
Liberal liisrounts. Extra Terms. AGENI3 WASTED.
Address, II. L. WAUKEX ft CO., I-I7 CVMn-t St, Philadelphia.
Is tbe place where yon esn boy
EE Is prepared to exhibit one of the most choice and select stocks ever o Tared Is
this market, and at jtSTOMSBISOLT LOW PRICES I
Also, meannres taken for aoits and parts of suits, which will be made to erde
at short notice, very reasonable.
Remember tbe place, in Hoffman's New Building, corner of Bridge zi
Water sTeets, MIFFLINTOWN, PA. fJan. 1. 14-M
Ef CTTAS-ST tfti a . Vg 43 j
Tha svejt ocrw'arWesVIVB'wspare!
TOTsries, inw.it ion ao l" patents ear r-ut...ro- i-A-
A ' nl il a V, . n ,r-m . -i i n tl i.i
mmber inastratefl apiani-ia onrnmn..
wblteatiaii, fT.raiahaa a mj Ta!aaS!o ewrc.rpdai
ciunnifcioe .thwii uo rr?o ehouM La w.'Juml. I-.
mpalatitj ei .. S-.ix.-nino AMiSJ-ax ia ;ch t.-.jt
ta aircnlatios nia-'j e"uatr of a. I cuier pancr io
ta aUas m-.'.' irL Viw. SUia a rr. l-ec n t.
Jitha. Rnid r J nnM .t. tvK, 1 at
t.i a. o. 3C. l'..-va.-:wa. N. T.
ru.L 11 v iwe Xtraa ft B-ea ale
E-a a.11 Utv-jfj' nriclirc t"
r'i Fj wwnww (., i.a mnii iri. ;
IT1 -nil Vj-'-i -lairif mo-otuaa Cns Hun
iA eyc"l Thouaand ar;!"-u (r --!
ff cnntries. CiTats Tratc-Sirin. tip.
efryvy r.rl.:s, AslMr-a-.. snrt a 1 eth tv-.'
iiTM-irr.t tw iceuntora tb-ir rr-y.i a
'-. I'a'ted Sia:a. Caniiia. isr-rt.it. lt.-i-t,n-.ny
acJ ,.r f-rei-w erniilri" prcimi
aa sh rt nrtica aiiti on r-.c-f.'. 'win",
lnfoctnittr-a wobia'linc patent, cheitr'n .
g-Ta withcnt chrrn. Ha-t-ofks of im--:t-tioasent
frea. PteaU obtftir.d throoan
S t o. ara Billed ia taa fiiennce Amen-aa fr
Tha uiniui of aucn r rt; if well nndnrnood Ij a
Demnnawbo to d-noae of the-r oatenta.
r Adlrea. HUNS A C i'., uaoa auuoncAXiaU'
SSI Bnaadwaj. w Xoi.
Ho scarulous comn nniratious will be
published tn the Sistisel a.vb Ripreucax
snd every communication received and
published must stand upon its own merits.
as we Must Hare More Room I
$ 5 50 Reduced from $ 8 75
HO 00 Reduced from 814 00
S 8 50 Reduced from $12 75
3 1 93 Reduced from $ 3 00
S 4 25 Reduced from $ 8 09
$ 2 C3 Reduced from $ 3 87
6 13 Reduced from S 8 50
$ 4 68 Reduced from $ 6 75
$ 2 63 Reduced from $ 3 87
8 1 63 Reduced from $ 2 75
$ 5 25 Reduced fnra S 7 50
4 25 Reduced from J 6 80
CO, $2 50, S3 00 and 83 50.
IS.lSSI - ly.
: - 0:o: -
!TvV..T. Tli-aT1..lsUlu!4 l
l.-lilttU'-'-. i.-ini
WBaVU -w,aTnrsal tel 4s
-ay. in. BaaKCM
trZ Ai4aJwsTMv, t'JUM
k.s.'W Ie-raSxM. tvwmij
trwfxm y. .tsU ibds0s
Mt-U, tusa r imi r '..ira
a4 m araiB wear. Dw
ocu.i Lkxxk ta yak?
a k7 frttrt.M cUsM
nmitm tar m
Lar aa.4 trial a4
hkl aQaM-M fcsftl Mhr
Tit s TTsswIslT 1
tawlar anta utattos. MarsV
a fwvtai wt i sw
Tta-aM. reaottwa m
-2tt& MwU-Xa PiHpiswa,
G rsrf la fmr aaaf w$ii
'.!. lrLra? asr)csoa a taa
sssaw asT '.: aSSkaal BsaTsk. a It asa-
i U ia.. crtM tU ait o-a
sVtay. iMawtaafltt
" .CKAai. ff ? "J2i
f-TXiSaeer.l aaS swaa
8PIDA00RE23 VsV-w icpku,.
HAa!3 RCMEOT COrfg Oanlrts.
rMH'erU 10t! at, f. Lamls, Ba.
Tbe Sntintl and Reptbhram office is tha
plase to get job wort done. Try it. Itwfl
pay yon if you need anything in that Una