Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, February 25, 1885, Image 2

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1 1
1Tedet!a)-, Tebroary 25, 15.
xorroa as raorairroa,.
Fa xtt is Kt.il the banner town
Tee hii! to retire Geucral Grant
liflR failed.
The ThiladelpLia newspapers favor
a bigli liquor license.
TiK Irit-jsu are tmitteiing troops
to fight the False Propht L
Wait, CIve!:mJ will ilfckre his
cabhiei Hfu.-r tlio 4th of March.
Si sing tirue is Lot yet Leie. Ija;;e
Michigan is frozen from shore to
Tle troops of the LI llshdi have
the British urmy on the ran, down
the Nile.
Nealit n'i the Missionary people
are favorable tn the Rnsoef.s of Brit
ish arms in Afiiea.
Ti:k jijt'Simiis
ilo lot want the
JIc:'lii"li8 ti
hiiVethf Uuiteil Sfi
and move to Meiion.
TtL hi-! to rc (sfuli'.isli the tvhip
pii p- reft for iife bf aiirs La3 Lc-ei.
tlelfciled in the Legislature.
Vo:i x in I'.i i l ave taken b
driirnicii.;, that in. tiny b:.vo tt.kei.
to ttliii.' j;,.'tis by pnmple.
Lawyers, Puiker. Lyon, Patterson
ani Jacobs, lo:k dinner with Jtidgi
liri;i-.lt, i:i F.'oottSiM a foiv Jays
AVhat will Cleveland Ray iu his in
tttfriuhl arUhef., on the question of
th. licr.r.i'c, is asked in every com
mur.ify ?
Am. of the Europeans found r.t
Kl iriourn when th: t place was cap
wore killed bv the Afiicans, so
the English report.
It in ssid that tho energetic Tan
ice, wlio Chu obtain a liv.ng from th
b'riV h:';U of New Enchmd grows cs
lazy ar- oil. r L.t i1k.1s in the summer
sunshine of rioriJa.
Zcw Oblkx:.s is Miid to be a.
riiorn'ir.r.g p'.uce f.-t a inau of vt a
Liifil'iess nid iiitlati I.iu.s l-'il it.s to
vh'ic. for in that city gambling is le
gpi:.:e !. .'.nd io a Ciitaia tslett, pep
clar. Foify gumbiirg plucss fire
Itpt -rnn tiny and night.
Fk; sii'I.nt Jacks-OS had a son by
an the son cf the adoplc-.l ton
prc r ose? to bring suit against Wood
Y.mj Llair, lo ret over pa pel s that
leiorged to Freider.t Juikson.
I'iir s:-s that Pifoidont Jat-knou
ti e papers t i his grand f-ithi-r.
TnE .'! :uociats did the ux roasting
Lift li, I ut tfct-y did l.ot equal the
f-.a'.t tii:. i Solomon got oft' when his
tenjuie waa dedicated. They held a
cumin dsy joiification and rt.ar.ted
Iwordy-four thousimd steers, and
CE6 hundred and twenty thcueuiid
Consideiung the time that Jeffer
Davii is taking to prepara Lis
letter in reply to General Sherman,
iw is expected by ths friends of Ia-yL-that
there will be Utile left of
Khernjiiu. The letter will probfibly
npptar after Cleveland has been iu
ttu-ur.ttcd. ''Don't be alarmed, the
Gcneiiil will come up smilingly and
go one bet;, r." b ho did with the ar-
Hues of Dms during rebellion.
A half crazy man named "Joe"
Nrdir.e, i.ayf, that he set fire to the
rh'.ladtlphia Alms-Louse, at the in
stance of Keeper Shroe ler. The ev
idence of a maniac Ehonld be well
corroborated before it is accepted.
An imagination with a crazy man or
wouin is io determinedly iusistv.i
npon as if it was a fact "Why should
or would a keeper burn aculmbhoubt
and a lot of people with it?
'Wm.x Blaine was a candidate for
th& FiCfideccy one of the btatements
Ihit Democratic speakers and wri
ters frequently niade against him
waR that he had built a large and ex
tiavsgant house r.t Washington.
Tho hoi: Fe in question is a Biuah
It hdirjg compared toTilden's palace,
four hundred feet long on the bank
cf the Hudson, in Yotk State. Til
Ien the reformer took Cleveland to
Ids palace to consult oa a plan for
tha rw Administration.
Wues the suspreme moment of ni
f.reat )tcut come, thoughtful peo
pli look in with intensified interest
It h n- wonder that now the atten
tion of the thoughtful people of th
civilized world is lixed upon Ameri
ca. for a great change of admiuistra
tioa in to take pi see. A political or
ganization that has ruled the United
States the past .twenty-four years,
and haa set new currents in motiot
in every country on this globe h
about to puss tbe ruler&hip of th
nation into the keeping of an organ
ization of a party, that has been
fault. Hading party, these long twen
ty four years. Mar God save tie.
It iny not be a hisrhly n itural or '
ca! tivated tabte, that criticises the
bare wins and open breasted diesse
that xvonit n wear at Washington par
iie, this season, but the dresses that
tlispluy the arms and bosoms of w.rn
en are the subject of a good deal of
rriticiom by the average man and
woman. The hope is earnestly ex
pressed in many places that the
Cleveland administration circles will
not be more nndress than have those
of Arthur. If the ladies adopt a
more undress style it is feared by
many pood people that they will get
back to the style of mother Eve with
the Gg lenf.
Chester county people are excited
over the ui.nonnceaient that oil has
beeu found floating on the surfaeo of
streams that fjjw through that conn
ty. It is hoped that their fondest
dreams may be realized, but a noteJ
peolopst published a statement in
the Philadelphia Record, that the
oil bearing rock crops out, away north
of Chester county. If we understand
the staieincnt of the pccl -gist, the
oil bearing roclc extend south, only
to the Biun Iiidcre, and Cut sier coun
ty is too low in the scale for oil.'
TiiE l'hilidt-lphi Htcord says:
when the bill to leach little children
ia the common schools tlie anatomy
of di unkt-L-ness wr.s piei-entcd to the
Pennsylvania Legislature there was
surprise over the multitude of peti
tii us from all quarters of tba tute
prayi::i for the passage ot the mens
uie. Tlio popular furor for a bill
like this couid not be accounted f jr.
But what was shrewdly fciispeclid'
turned out to be ti ue. The petilioLS
th-it were apparently so fpontaneous
were the industrious work of enter-j-;i.-.ing
book amenta with an eye to
luidiiiC'Ss. Bo ks giving a smidter
i;;g of scientific iiifoimalion ou'.'fern
iLg lha tillc'is of Fpiii(iv.H?s liquors
on the huiu.ia ste:u Lava been In-
I ti-Oil.ir-p.l ir.tn the pmiiniiin selinfi! of
OlLtr States by popnUr and sedan
tive agents whose object is to widen
tlio innrktL So innocent was the
Seua'.e in regard to tho methods us
cd iu pushing the bid thai it passed
that body without, a wcrd of com
mit t. The house ought to vote the
bill down not a;eiely lit cause it is n
book selling job, but to punish thr
nb.;Fj of the light of petition that
Las been practiced by its proruott i ?.
Protest of Cppooeuts of Masonry.
Yf aH1:gt 1 C. Fel ruiiry 18.
Aprmitd trotvst f large purer
' tii;:s r.c,..;i;.-t nt imitlit'g .iia'.-n.c eo
cu t:;s to 1'itt iicipiit ia tho tle!ici-
tioa of t!;e Washington MonuiiM-nt
n.-xt Satardi.v has been received b
thet'o:e'ifcssion:d Commission ehag
ed with the brrai'gt-ments. The sig i
t, .; .! .':.!. 1 nvr I 3 .(.0.1 l-i'T.: lllrrs.
The t-roUMsUs siv tho Masonic Or I
tier has n.i luoie i-iL'U to such dis-1
li:;ction thiiii tbe Uiberniuus or any
other Htcre t Or-ler. "the stone sent
by the IVpe for ttio Mouumeiit v.a:-.
thi y si'.y, brektrt np and tLrwu inio
the Potomac tVhv, they ask, :ire
the Call tiiits f-ml bed aa.l taa Free
Masons honored? They say Free
Mast nrv in of foreign birth: t niii.t
iv un-Amt i icHU ai.d un-iepublicun.
Its public dispiayp are pompous and
bin baric. IN t:'l?a are extra v.ig tut
and lordly. I:b constitution is des
potic. lbs oiiths ne extrajudicial,
which Webster said should be si:')
ru'e.-Brd bv law. Thiy ijrav that on- !
!v mc'u cert uioniea us me national in
their scope and American in th ir
character be peimiitcd. The pro
test came tco lute for action by thu
A Great I.'e viral.
'A great reviv .i ut Wells Bottom,
Ohio. Las t-wept into ihechun h near
ly even body there. Chria Dougel,
i he hading citizen of the vicinitv
jandaiottd infidel, was converted.
wrfcCl:ta tho church. Chairs and
I l in rtw.iilr. in l n ir Ttri p : l ior Tipnr:V
benches wt re broken up, the j.ulpa
torn down and iu the excitement the
preacher was knocked over and bad
iy cut. One woman vent into a
trance, in which she yet reui'du?. A
procioMou fount d and taking Don
gel in their eboulders inarched up
and down the ftiwleP. The meeting
did not close until four o'clock in the
morning. In the afternoon Dongei
became iDsaxto and took all his o.vn
money to the preacher. lie looked
Jacob Meb'er, a neighbor, m the eel
lnr and compelled Mrs. Meiser to
give up ail their mont-y. which he al
ko took to the preacher. At t'ae
night meeting Dougel appeared fan
tisiically ciatl, wearing a crown and
parrying a club, lie forced the tiiiu
istcr from the pulpit and anuuunced
that he was Christ, come to judge
the world. In the struggle to se
cure Dongel several people were dan
gerously hurt and one probably fa
tally." rub's Snow Slide.
Salt Lake Citt, Ttah, Feb. 18.
The relief party sent to A'.ta to res
cue the living and bring back tue
dead who were killed in the recent
snow-slide which overwhelmed thai
town returned early this morning
Twelve bodies were brought down tbe
canon in inomi.fut proctcsion single
ri e and lashed upon the sledn. Tue
iirst sled bote the body of Mat tie
!Ii key, the next Timothy Madden,
it reruiah Begun, B. Evaus, James
Watst.n. Barney Gibson and Mrs.
Ford, with her baby lashed to her
orciist- The last s!ed carried the
our children of Edward Baliou. The
following persons, reported dead,
were rescued ahve : Andrew Wuite,
dier being under the snow twelve
ours, was only slightly injured ;
Fiederiik Culinan, after being buried
sixteen hours; he also was hurt, but
ot seiiouslt; Mr. Kelst, in the drift
-ix Lours. Besides these, Mr. Ford,
hough rot covired by the uvalai.che
as I adir hurt The b.Niy of one
of the Chinamen waa not found. Mrs.
Ford, it appeared, had apremouiti m jebi'drn onh of th windo-v oa mt
of danger, and begtrel her husband j reuses tint were l-.eld belo for them
to Uke her and their child to a place jto fa!! on. the.ir seven yur oi l s.m
of safety on tint fatal night, s.iying j was killed by the fall, th"ir fos;r year
sueteltsurean avaiancii wns coaling,
An inquest was hel l to-day, and fie
burials will occur to-morr-w. " JI.'s.
3allou, Mrs. Keist (woun b'd), Mrs.
Hewilt, Mis. Johnson and bur f.iar
children, nod Haw O.seu and fa ir
children are still iu A!U ia constant
danger. A re.-.cuin' n:utv will if')
. -
neighboruoo l are of daily ocean eace.
One occurred last Saturday in Sa'-r
ior Gulch which the survivors at Alt i
feel sura resulted in tue loa!u or
Samnel Prescott, It. Angereand John ;
White, a t tnree of wuoin were woni :
mgtuere. lwo men wno were g
nig tliere ta see if they were safd g.t
in t-ight of their Cabin and tnuuei
when they saw a snowslide start, and
in an instant almost the cabin wn
obliterated in a sea of snow. Tile
concussion of the nlide threw tii:f two
man violently to the ground, and they
harried atciy for fear of anotn:;r slide
It is reported that a man nauel Id':
Daniels, living south of Ail'l w:-.;
killed by the slide of Friday nigiit,
as nothing has been seen or heard of
him since. In three bii.h s in Alt:i,
all of whifh occurred on Friiay, thir
ty perons have beeu killed.
A Terrible Iraircdj.
kiu.s ma wire axd hii iovik, AXDiu.pts
Lorisvu.LE, Ky., Feb. ID "S". i.
lleektuan, a fai i.'ier brought, infer
nation to-div of a domestic tragedy.
i:evr Ht.dgt nville, Ky. Ben Coombs
and Jack Mason, neighbors have
b -tn eiaemies for some timeje'donsj
being tie cause. Yesterday C o:ni s
told iiis wife he was going to Elia
hethtown and would not return uutil
I he iiest day. He suspected Mason
of intimacy with Lis wife, an 1 hid ia
iha vicinity. Mason came t) tbc
house in the afternoon. Cooinbs
Mi-pieions were continued. Getting
a gnn Coombs flred both barrels at
the guilty pair, filling th"ir lieadi.
necks ami ir.roB with h;rgc sqalirel
shot. Mason wa3 killed ahu'-s-'t in
staijlly, r:h1 Mr? C'Hiuibs was b:idly
injured. After the shooting Coomb
went v Muson's wife and told her
what had happeoed. The two th. 1.
jincked tip a few things and went to
a railroad station, where tiiey took a
train for Nashville or Memphis.
The wonndi'd woman drigge.l her
self a mile distunt, to Mr. lleckm ill's
honc, whort medical trcatmetit was
given her, lnt it is thought she wib
tlio cf ht r wounds.
Ilestroy that Sign.
f ne rciy feel limt hf's getting old.
but ho nam
t!:!--' about
.ltw i.i;'-..., ... uv
. , , . i
L'S nnnenran'-e sn n A j
p.dvise others t-f the fact. Yet no.hui!,' !
d is this fo eft -cluilly as thin ttnil
f:Iliog Imir N- woman wants to
I inn: :y a man, a.ui biihiaess uiiashe-i-)
it at is to employ a in in, w!e shown
j thi:i fata! sign. IV.iker's lls.r Ba'svii
i.i v.osth to vo.i, in Uiis regard, ni .'.e
J It ::n its weight in diamonds. Ue it,
and have plentiful aiel glossy hair.
M.snv have b..d evirv trace of grav-
'"' removed ami bald M.-.ts covered
by usg a single ott!.
Fivv? hundred ihou-and prvrids of
b-.itT are shipped annually inaa Ti
og count r.
There Hie ai, h ast 5i),00d gailon?
of wine consumed r.t the fiacrainent
tnble.s in tho United Sir.tes every
Ten thousond bead of cattle rre
Iwirg fattfned in Yotk county for
market. Their value is estimated at
Cidanifiints fir a dr-prcdsting nv
tho l.eu and turkey roosts in the Ti
cinity of Swatara Gap, Lebanon Co.
Two were killed recently, atil on
M"!!dav Inst John A Milirr killed a
fine specimen, weighing twenty five
pounds, for the hide of wbieli tho
county authorities piid him $2..')0.
John Dolnn, who dietl in Stisque
harna a few days since, weighed four
hundred and fhty pounds. TIj cof
lln had to be made to order, and was
taken iu and out of a double window
of bis house. Tlie body was drawn
to the grave on a sled, and lowersI
by means ef a windlass maurigad by
lour men.
In Hawkins connty, Tennessee, a
few diys ago James Reynolds. p;;t
keroseue oil ou t':e he-id's e f hii three
children, ngod 2, 4 and 6 years, re
spec'ively. for the purpose of killing
vanuin. Tto of the children died
within two hoars, and but for a time
ly anival of pbysicisu the othsr
Wv uld have died also.
Francis Roth, un engineer, of East
T(vi, AMgil Guilty, who U.-t'J hef-AX
nieetuiK tbe wife cf O.ivcr R liui, of
the same jilaec, fir stneti:uj ilarinj
tlie latter s abscuco, vvas tetftci by
fiieiitlH of H imifr ia ono of these
cliimlestiue lneelir.s a few evenings
Bince flrj.l pivt-n a H.rnwliiiip-. urii-st
ed nr.il he'd to l.nil. Ti niiiff hes 3tnt
his wife back to licr faiht-i1.
At the ftinpntl vt n tbiM of John
Wtll.S of Wtslevvillc, Erie cuuntv.
oa Saiulav. t.evernl Kliiu-tioir f-cent b !
to..h place. W iiile f.tar vtiuiij? ia li. 8
,u i r i i t
wtre CHirvinir the cofn:i t tlio church
. , "
one fell, throwing It to the fitouil.l
atid exnnsino; the bmly to view. Ou
resiim tg the murcli to the gnve one
of tbe casket hatsl!e-t broke, cuitKiny;
n repwiti ju of the hm-ro.vinj seen-,
Red while lowcrin.r the offin into
. , , , . ..
tut. jrrtve a rope lroK and it wns
. .
prcil ittltttt to tlie bi.'tom with moll
f iri 3 hs t. bnrt it open, the l:e;id of
tliP corpse beiu"; fllhtf.lliy pnhhe i.
All r.t-MeCt Wtie lioniiie l lir tiiiu
puccejnion of ditit.ret.Miig soeues.
On Snt'mLty lnorniufr ubviat 4 o'
clock a fire broke out in a r jbiiidb
tiunel near the furuare in tl.e ce Ur
Of JcllU A KlliCr, No. Pine!
twL ILilaa.nl.ia. Mr Kin.r
awnkeneii by tlio smoke. He put tbe
lire out or liiuujiit he did hii.l a.iti
wrniio ueti. xiikiuc t ociock me
family were awakened Ly the rour
About G oVIork tbe
mff niis o! tlie fare in the bou
Eseaj.e v.a A cut off by tlio lit e on tbe
sfiiirwHV. The mnintes were all drir- i
en to Hit f..nrtb Ktory by tbe fire.,!
tiitre wits t.o hatch in 'the r.xrf tj e
cape that way. Mrs. King- threw her
out to-niorrox morning, orgiuized io 'a th'r.l ws scriou-ly inj red byjuuip
bring them in. Snw-slids ia that jicg f: o:n ilia fourth story.
joia naugutcr was Fationtiy nnit oy
j the ft", Mrs. Kh: jumpel, was
j caught, on a iu:ttres and was nevcre-y
hnrt but will probably reovar. Mr
i K n.j fe 1 ba k inlo Hi 11 tmes and
prih' ed Miss H unilie.n a sister of
Mr? King perished in the flimos.
vo servant giils l st their lives, and
siimel Stoiver htt l ha liUns ti;r lh
stre .jwolIii.R lru. an t aiaUIe, th.it
i, will buii.l n his lot, in IV tenon, aUj
: ,eady ior tlw bmMrrs.
j The nert pUn in the wist for riirg
j money at a wrddinir. ia to atmuunca tita
Icsn ai ny tu taiu (.Iacc tn a church, gi- a
j general invitation :! eh into ail iluiision
; too .i twsaij -iivj to Ciiy ctuu.
A rr.au in Iiiii-r.a;oIi.' diaeovored that his
wild ttn (ite(iring to elope, did ho get a
shot guu aud Ut in wait 1 uu, lie ciicourag
d tlie viiii ol lUo uian wiio iutauded to
elope with L: wile, bo gavo tbcoi every
chalice Io gut away and was jii l when tbry
had left.
A riumi.tr ol our subscribers aro j rorupl
paerH, a U'ltubv-r aro aro not ao prciupt.
Wo aro beginning to eiM bill to all who
are in arrears more than one yar. liy til J
1st ol .VjV, IbS'j. s'd expect to biv a bill
in !bo ll HUe ol every auoseriber w ho is in
airear lor a lo:t?r period of tiruo lliau thu
one staled above. Iu the mean I hub do eol
wait lor tlie bi t. if.
A lire broko out in a Philadelphia wool
do-ilnii; banso Ul Thuradiy and belois it
w.n coiilrui.ed detroyed $t)0,OJO '.rortii ol
I pru.rty. Dna tbeiuia was keloi by a IM-
i;ig nail, and Buult.er erioii!y woilirJed, a
hiK win kilivd by a ijliiu wall. Taa Sm
started oa it.c lourth Mory ol tbj building.
Jol.u ii. S'ultr, of Altooua, dit-d ol pneu
monia en llie &!b. i'.st., (las reiuaiua i8
taken to K tbl St-eiu, ibis county, luriutor
uier.t. ioriuj tile p-riei ni ye r bs im
a cor.lab e iu attendance at Court and ia
that way became aciiua nted wnb ni-iny p.-o-j
le U Jauiala.
In Account' lib The State.
We are in re'pt ol tho r port of Mr.
Livney. S-at ToaMlrer of ibe Coraiiion
eith of I'tmaylvanii, fur !ho lical tear
emiing November 30, 1;S4. ir-mabieb li e
foiiowing siste.nriit is jjK-aued, of uwney
pail by the (. oninionwei III Io Juniata Co..
am! money pill hy Jauia'-a coumr, u the
Couinjoii'ae iHh :
MeAliieivil e :,. O do:e ', SJjJIJ 13
iloii. VT. C. I'oiucroy, citra c
ton, ! Ion. Chan. If. S'ni . Senator,
repies 'i.t'tiic r-rry, M.'!iiu and
1S17 5'J
Jini.aia. ex ri w-io:i.
S ! so
Hon. J1.UJ bllll.u, .i?B':iiiu
Hon. Ctrus Me:rr'i,
lion. C. A-
Jil.i-t of
Hiri!f"'t, piesident
ferry and Juuiila
Me.cann;.' app'ier. N . Vf. st;n-:
" J. (i. liir,
Weiiiiigtoa til th, ad.vitis.n,;,
comm s siatuOLi,
John Nieni"ti,l, M u ro-,
j.iine.s Ca!!i 'i i, I'll beit,
(I .. . u
John S Liikeim, Thoa.p' 'ntown,
J. H. t'araihrr. f.v k.
Jolui i tie-nz Her, K iv'tto,
Seiii"' Vrtr:.er. Kertna'iiKli,
$12 ,8 t'
IU i s
Iti 22
2 i
21 1.0 i
ti7 nS
is: a .
4 !t :i3
S Si
l'il 77
211 OO
lrt.l .Vi
T13 1 .
ZZS 17
2'. 13
1-Vl 9!
84-1 92
29 bJ
! ti. ilon.ing, Mililiiito n,
Jolin T. Illiiuo, Grt;'HTooJ,
j J. W. Dici.ml. M nr.n ,
is. tl.iiiiliiri. Mi-qu jh tuns,
J Jacob tV. i,!i nip:,
fe'er H-kiii.t.
;J . lio.-n. Be;e,
Johti A. I, jeli, uiiioru,
John K!liv, I.iterou,
(i. K. Herr, Wa-ker,
John Keir. UeUa'a'S,
cotxTt rriaisTr.miiT,
Wellington tfaiuh,
2W on
i.vj i u
W. E. Auman, 2 Vlla
2" 0U
I uitn liT. Till' CT.lT? TPTTSI:liV
Port Royal trancli h mk, MX on in
come1. S B I'areny. Register and Kectrd
er, tax on wriis.
r'.IUterul inlieriiance,
4( it on wrttK,
: " coila'eral in heritance,
92 82
Co 4 1
4U8 M
4.: lift
3 17 W
S3 'Jo
23 o6
25 00
98 29
23 W)
on wilt!,
Miffiii'town lldu fellows Ilxll Asso
ciaiioti i:ix on c ipit.il !-t-ck
Geo. S. Conn, f roibonotary, tax
on wi:s,
John W. Sieddy, Notary public,
Parker it. to., BsT.ker?, tax on in
cline, Mittlinlown Biidge company, tax oa
Ciieicil stock,
Tbolillfsolilmvn Old Fellows Ii -ill As-
sociiio'i. tax on rap tat stuck.
2 89
Juniata V-illev Hank, t.ix on income,
j4Coi i-nion. Treasurer ot JuuiatA
county, R-taiL-r L:eii
" Tavern "
Kating il iuie license
Butilera' lie. use.
22o 2'i
6:'.4 80
47 5 0:
19 e'.i
Register's Xotices.
Tb" loilowiiin aeet.ntiti ili I.e presented
tn : io. I "mirl . on the lOlii il l' ol M.tnli. IS-
i 1.5 ai 9 o'elocW A. il., lor couli.-nia.ion
'ai.d tlii.wmc-.'
1, Second an.l partial account ol Benjt
min Jacob and Ueu.-gi a K. J.ieobt, A iiom
i.irsioraod Adiuiiiirtr.ttrix of Ueo. tt'. Ja-
. .... I.i. ..I .... Uu. .1 iM.r.ttl'.' li. A Htr.a?.ii .
j E s' )t,,v jr-i Aur.
j 2, Firl 'and'cnal account or Jacob II.
: Sn itb. t.i:a dian l tlie minor cbiid uo ol
Jobn and sar.b Be gy. Aikii.soj & Ja
cot, Any.
8. Tlie Administrators aceonntol Sinieoi.
I.anvcr, Executor l tbe Mtnle ol Abraham
Anker, late of WalK. r towusi iji, deceased
! P""8'''- A"-v-
4 Final acconnt t.l Michael Mmxr, G nar-
.- ' 1 '" , i .
dian ol Vlas'laon UrnOakor. nn.-or tlnld
j , Jit,.nb brubaer, aecea-ed. Jacob iieid-
; itr. Any.
5. The first" and finil a'.c.mnt af Wiilia.u
I Ke;.p. A.tiui..i-ir.t..r ol Joepb S.kei. lain
j u u" " i""bp, d ea,cd. Jeremiab
! L"nf A"V , .
16. F .i and pvti il acenuut ol Jot n and
.. r ,, K. ,. r.. . . .
j VV iliiaiu SlcConll, fcxccuinra .a Henry ..le-
( t.i. laie o' Momoe lowuslup, doccase.1.
j U..ty Jr.. Any.
I 7. ThH fi st nd U .alacconrtol'Jouaiban
' Kai ff.nat., Adiuinritor. C. T. A.oi rsl te
Ann Kai ti.uui., late of Walkur t.u .d'cd.
lioty Jr., Atty.
8, A. cnnnl of John Adams, Adiiiini.-tra
tor ni Hra 0. A'dams, late of Walker
oi.bipd. 'd. McMeen, Atty.
9, K.rt and Una; accnnt of Tm. V.
CV"K' " r -'"w -"l, eeea;
i ((
! jr
j Atkinson A. Jacob., Arty
10, Firl and final account of E. S. Doty
r.. Adimnmiraior ol J. F. al islifinui 1 ro
: ol Uiiloid luo.. deera-d. Doty Jr.. A'.IT.
II. Firt and tinal account ol Ilo i. U. K.
Ilolinan, Kxi cutor of Mich .id Sh. tter:V late
' f iixl'iebauna to.nslup, docesicd. tipon-
ler Al,i'-
S. B. CAVEXY, Clerk.
KrciTisa Orttct
MifBtniowu, p., Feb. is, I88o,sit.
tkt tstatt of Jamet IV. CampUll, dte'd.
Th uiKUriiim d liavitiK beau gmtut-l lot
ttra o' aiiii'ioinlration on Hie eauie of Janica
W . t'aii.bt-ll. Ule of Lack tnnrhi;i, Junia
ta couutx, I., decrasrd. tiv lbs (Iri'liaim'
C"i:H of cnuniy. in du lonn of law,
desires all ritfrn iniebted to mi l eurp,
to inuktt iiuinrdit iiaymi nt. and llius?
h Tint; elai-aia, will prrwnl them at onc,
j,roirly aulheciiieate I for etlleni?nt.
. IDA J VMf HKLf.,
KiKt Wari-rlord. or her Ati-"n-v, Ji-reiiiial
Lyon', Millliniuwn. Juniata Co., Fa.
P. i:SIlai!?i01IAiK.
Opposite Oocbt IIusit,
.MiflliiitoxTii, Pa.,
('alls tbe attention cf tbo j ablio to tbe
following facts :
Fair Frices Our Leader! The
Best Goods Oar Fride !
One Frice Cur Style ! Cash or
Ezchango Cur Terms !
Small Fronts and Quick Sal 83 Our
Our IcadiDg r.ecia!ties art
AN D SllOliS, for Meo, Wnnico aui
Children, Queecsware, Glassware,
Wood and Vv illow-ware, Oil ClotLa,
vt every s;iici uauaiiy fouad in Crat
o!a stores.
exehauge for gjods at Ligbet aiutkti
Tbenki'nl to tb public for tbeii
heretofore bbrral patroosge, 1 requeat
their ooutiound custom ; and ask per
sons from all parts of the county, hen
in MiE:u t-j call and see my stock o'
r. cspEssciMnE.
Sept. 7, 1S!3
OT .UFfLniO(7.'V, PA.
Stockholders Individually Liable.
J. XiiVl.N I'uV.EKOy, Prttt,U-it.
T. VAN litW IX, Cathuf
J. Nevin t'oniroy, JoNi'-h Kotriroek,
Nu!i iivrul--, Fbilip VI. Keieier,
ii.m !i. loi.S4o, Louis E. Alklttaor..
W. C. Poiu.i.-oy,
aTocinomraa :
cvtn Pomerov, K. E. Tflikor,
Phi.ip M. Kernur,
Joseph X'.throck,
(JpMirge J.iC'.br.,
I.. &. .Vknotjn,
VV. C. Puiuerey,
Anio ii. Konnall,
Jioab Hertxlcr,
Charlotte Suy.lcr.
Annie VI . stii-1'rr,
Jane II. Irwin,
Mary Kiirtf.
Samuel V. Kurtz
J. Holmes Irivin,
T. V. Irwin,
F. B. Krow.
Jolin llerizli-r.
lnl.resl ailow--d ii tlie rate ol 3 per
cent, on ti month CHrtllicates, 4 er cent, on
12 uioiibi cerli!iejl..s.
f jai:23, lr5-tf
Tho undersigned eif-r. at ife a!c ber
larni, fittti'..! in Pei! t..v:;!,;iip. near
Wainnt J". and nix i:i'.:m we..; ol Mi;!'
lin S:..ii..e. 1". it K., o oi'ainiii
0 3 JGlt 1 :s,
an-! oihrr I'UfiitiiM T'ut.i is a gitmi
B-ntiA.' '' ffattr oil 1 1-- :' !iis , an t iruit
ul"tiillrrtM;t Lirnls. The f.:r.n is "it!!il. l in
.lv;int coiumuii:: y, corirjuits'it t
rlintciK.-, h kI n'i ut V iv i'n
tlfsiri:i(j to pnruti isrt J ie.i itit h mm "iltiaM
c.ill ou or MvlJrtt-;. s. C. Tono.
V:mii P. ..
"ov. 5. 1KS4, tf. JuiiMta. Co., Va.
The dat!cato ?SaT.rcil IIxnof;It5on.
Tie rcc:3t Hrr ?I;;xv:ioa i.i C'.co r
Tcalcd llie ji pantic sinJss marie wy g-nma and
capi'! in the fcstd cf rsoriat.on. Another rc-itarhab-e
thins :t the deTelffffB'. cf :e F!orTcc
CU Stov- for cooki.-graiil heating. It wth?Crct
in ia fi n T-mt ie : i r-"w roncedrd to
fi-t in supcriovitv. and wi'l contine t- r---ei tc
praise oi ail bo use tlt.a
Tho Great Hrooklfn Bridge.
The engioeers hare at last made the prip w i.
success upon the New York and Brooklyn Bridge
Railroad. Put thi is weak mpared to the grip
which the Florence Oil Store has upon the mind
of the people. It cook aid heats, n made in large
and smn tizn. and has ererr fixture uit on
' particular to Florcnte Machine Comnany, f lor.
j oee, Kasa.
cvjM wish. Call upon local dealer, or writ for
e ,n-.u.
RrmaiifS.. i rfl, e. 'tncf It k: anil tur
aolHMtal..-.-Wi briiu. awn.2twc:niElbTaail.
. mCri fcr r. .hiV4 IV-V li iiw
-:-teT'.ti.,rtstar.. liliMtstr-a.
. nr. r. I.. I Fr'I n4 rhtAli, I harw
ftscaOLScru: L-r. Lt.-i-aArraaiT. A.MJUAaa Stt
ISlnih St , south ol f!hVnnt. on' nq;ir
wsiith ol the
un.trt9 from V;i!:ii!! St. Tharj and in
Tt-ry bii!i!.f?t' r"tirr f ih rir. On the
AtuvrH'Hfi atn1 E'ir"p4ii j;ip.. Gmtd ninm
lim 5'c U $ Ml p- r dsiy. Kfinidt-!f and
iifwiy turui.lird. W. I'AlN K. M . l).9
Owner and rroprietor.
Nov. 21, IRS?, 2y.
ia-rni-us are lierebv cautioner)
il aaint filiinaj or 1 in Mi. k. gaiherinir
inrriei., or rrosailip :eld. or in si.t oti.er I
" K " j y. i
a uru ,.ii cii:n.i'Uni.'atio.is will ht,
published in the .McsrutL JO Ksri BLicn
and Ti.rT commnnieaiioD received an .1
published most stand npoa its own merits.
Da and alter alond.iv. June 30th. 188J,
trains that stop at Miltiiu ill rna as follows: j
fl'in- i 1
tir.)tdon dailv at fi.00 a. m., Mon.t Unioo
ni stisuHus fli.i,uai'ii"- -
a. iu.. Newton Haini'ton
C.32 a. m-
McVeytown 6.54 a. in., Lewwtown . ,
n., vJiiionl i .- a m., Himis
Port Koval 7,52 a. m-, Moxico 1,5 a.
1 nseariira 8.0(1 a. m.. Vannvkah.04 a. m
Tbmnpsontown 8.12 a. n)., Durwar I .!( .
in., Milleratown K.23 a in., Newport B.S5 a. j
ui., arriving at II.trri.bnri at 9 4 J a. ia-, .
and at Pbiladelphii, 3 15 p. m. j
Joiimitow Expats leaves Altoona diily 1
at 7.05 a Hi., and atoning; a ail ri.ilar j
stations between Altoona and Hrril.irs, I
reachea Milliin at 10.30 a. m., Harrubnr
12.0 p. U., aad arrives ia Pbiladelpbia at .
o.'.S p. m.
Mail. T.Ai.1 lAves fittsborg aa,:y at
7.:!a a. m., A'toona at 2.2l p. in., and stop- ,
nm. at .11 rulir at.liona arrivea at MiUlin
at b-'-i.i p. in.. Harri..bur t.i'J p. ui-, 1 nila
r - o -r . . . , .
aaelpnu a 0-j a. ui.
Mail Extirers loaves Pitt-.bur at 1 CU p IU. !
. . .. .. . - . -. ,....
Altoona oio p ui ; ijruuei n ym,
in,?iont05pui; Lewi.town 8 20 pui ; Viii-
r I
Wat I'A.-r.:.oiiii loaves PhiUdolpni i
dailv at 4 u'J a. ut.; liarriaburK, S 1j a. iu.;
Iunejnnon, b 52 a- in.; X.wport, 9 2'J a
tu ; Milleratown, 9 4 a. in.; I honipsonlown,
9 4j A. in.; Van llvko, 9 65 . ui ; Iucai-
ora, 9 59 a. ut.; Mexico, IU 02 a. ut.; rert ,
Koval, 10 07 a. iu.; Milllm, IU 15 a. ui.; j
U.iord, l'J 21 . ni; arros, 10 29 a. ui.; ;
Leuisiuwn, 10 40 a. tu.; VlcVeytown, UOi j
a. ui.; eatou llaiuiilon, 11 2'J a. ui ; lluu- ,
tiuijilou, 12 tlo p. ia.; Tyroju, 12 5S p. t"-;
Allooi.a, I 40 p. tu., and slop t all refcUiar :
slalions brlween iiarrMbar ami Al.ooua.
ti:Ta Kxi-Kt leaves Philadelphia dai-
Iyat 5 40p ai., IJarmOiirir, 10 40 p. iu.,
..i a - Mil JtUlM .IIIIIUU, ww..w. ,
aud AUuoiia rwacbes AitiouAnli.lii i. ui., i
n l.ui. ...... M:i1ii!l
P.tt.burg 8.4j p. in.
IUmlsooon AccoitKODArtoN leave. '"'f
ailelpfaiA daily at It 10 a. ui., tlirmburg a.
5.00 p. m., iliiucaiiuo'i o.a i p. ui., o -
ori li.02 o. iu.. Milleratown O.U p. iu.,
'l'liointjdoiiluwn H.'la u. m.. V atl-lyiie O.o-
p. in , 1 uscarora tt,;ib p. in., iiexico p
in., Poll Kojal fi,44 p. iu , WHllin 0,51 p
in., Lewixiown 7,15 p. in , McV'ovtowu 7,
jy p. iu., tiou ila.:ii.:oa "i,u'i p.
linuliugUou UO p. Hi.'
Faeillc Expreanleaves rhiladolpbia 1120
piu; Uarristurjt 3 li a m ; Uuiicaunon i
3'Jani; Newport 4 01 a iu ; Millliu 4 42 a
in; EewUtowu 4dti a ui ; UoVeylown 5 3'.'
a m ; i!t. Union 5 5s a .u ; Uuutiujrd.m
.-. . ... . P-tr-t.r K ail . . : ..ruee lutk
0 6-1 am: Tvronu 712aui; Hea'a Mills'
Fast Lice leaves Fl.il1u!pb!ti at II 10 a
ni ; Harri:bnrjt 8 15 p iu ; Miitim 4 3i p ut ;
I.ewiato.vn 4 5Sp it ; Uuntinguoii ti 00 piu ;
Tyrone ti 40 p in ; Altoona 7 .0 p ui ; lKte
b.iiit II 30 p tu.
Fatl Line west, 0.1 Sundays, will ,lo at
litiiit-aoiiou aim .tep'.ri, "ucn u-.c-
w nii ila
ii nl txprrss east, on bunaays, mo stop
at li.o-ire, when tued.
J.-LiiMou Exp-es ea.-t, on Sund its,
ill coi.n. ci wiru ouuuay jltil e isl :ia. i::g
Il.trriaburi: at 1 00 i). m.
.y l'aengcr ne-i a-id M li! rjpj
si SI L-o. AllUW .o-a L VVI blOil V . t .-.as,
w to. n rij.cd.
J.-titiMown txpre -s wnl atop at LueknuK,
wtiell Kuweit.
Traill leave Lewistown JuneiioD lor Mil-
rev at (i3j a iu. 10 oO a in, u 2 i p io ; lor
I iiinlniry al 7 15 a iu, 2 oo t iu
j 'i'raini. airivu al Euwiiown Ju:irtion troiu
i M:liuy at U 10 a in, i 50 piu, 1 60 o ui ; .'10:1.
i Sunbnry at 'J 25 a in, 4 .i" p ei.
1 Ytio.Nh UIVISIO.V.
I Trains leave Tro:io lor liell.-loiite ami
t.m-. .intern at o i'. a m, oo p iu. l.u i v
'i yroue lor Carwe.is.'iila and L'i. aill -I.I ai
ii on a :u, 7 6o p iu.
'I rama leavo Tyrone lor Warriors Mark,
Pl-iiiim Ivaoia Furnace and Stoll.k al 20 a
n. .ana 4 i0 p iu.
1 ruins arrive at Tyrone Ironl Beln'lont,
ai.il L.iek ri t. vn al 7 05 a ia, aud 0 35 i iu.
1 r-ins arrive at Tyrone Iro.u Cnrwt u
ville and Cieoriiel I al ti 5ft a ol, and 5 oli . ni.
Ti.n.is ar.-.ve al Tyrone lioiu Sco.ia, War
riors Mark and i'enn.s l.auia Furnace al 6
al a in, at 2 35 in.
II. oi ii. T. K. li. & BEMFUKD VI VISION'.
Trams leave llimtiiiE..in lor iledli.l,
Brll-jort aud Cu:ieei Un J at li 3j a. ui.
and i (') p. in.
Trims arrive et tl'-intingdon from EoJ-j
fotJ, Lretjieport and CuiuberlaLd at 12 40 j
p. tu., 5 (S5 . tn.
FbiladelpLia & Es": ding Railroad.
irraugeiiitiat ot Vaut Triiim.
yoriUBr.c 10. iS?l.
Trutsu itavt H irristurt at follow:
For New York via Allen'. -vn, at 7 5) and
V i'l a. in., and 4 1". in.
For New Y'ork via I'hilad.-li.l.ia and ''Hound
Ur.H,t Koiiio," 6 to 7 5i a m, avA 1 i)
For I'hil nleipbia, 6 23, 7 bo, 9 CO am, 1 45
and 4 UO m.
For Kuadiiitr at j 11, 6 25, 7 5', 9 50 a tu,
1 45, 4 !'' ami t 0 p in.
For Tottsville al 5 o., 7 o, 9 50 a m. and
1 45 and 4 UU p. in. mid via .Scli.ivll.ill
b ns.in'lia-inn branch at 8 05 a m., and
o v... i. r.i.
ror.iie: ton at 5 Vo, 7 5 , 9 fill a in, 1 45
aud 4 I'd p m.
F r AU'-n'own am! Way 5;atir.n, 7 Oil a. ni
l or Iwrrtirp. 7 td a. in . sr.d I .V p. m.
F or I'!ii!ade!-!ii t, 7 U0 a. iu., and I 50 p. ui
Trains for Harrnburg leave as ,ol!ow :
Leave Kew York via Allontowa at 4 00 S !")
a- ni , 1 00 and 5 15 p :u.
Leavp 'i iv Yoik via -I! jiind Brook Uoute."
and Philadel lii 7 45 a in, 1 4 ID and
t A , 1 ! I.il ...i.t..:. t. a . -
12H.d a.-, m. J
Leave Pbila '-jlphia at 4 -iO 9 50 a in., 4 0',
6 oil and 7 45 p le.
I.e. ve Pottsville al 5 50, 9 00 a. tn. and 4 40
Leave Konuing at 5 00, 7 15, II 50 a in,
1 27, C 15, i 50 and 10 25 p ui.
Leave IN.ttMil e via Schnj i!;ill a.i.l Sn viia
haini lira-.icl., t IN a m. and 1 4 ) p in.
Leave Allentowu al 5 13, b 4u a li., 15,
4 o'J and a 05 p m.
Leave New York via Allcntown, at5 30 p nv
Fbiladelpbla 7 4 ;.. iu.
Leave Keatling at 7 40 a iu ana 10 25 p m.
Leave Alieiilonn al 9n5 p iu.
Leave IIAKK1M1UKG lor Piston. Locli
iel, and Cileeil.m ilanl , rxcrpt snnilrn . 5 Z-i
6 40, 35 a m, 1 do ana li. .. ni ; daily. .
, cept Aainrilay and a.ii.ii;.y 6 a5 o in. an.l ..n
balurdav out;., 4 40 ai,a 6 10,-p ui.
keiuruni);, Irave M'fcM.TtiN daily, ex
cept a unday , 6 10, 7 i5, 10 00, 1 1 45 'a m
l lo and 10 15 pm; dany, except Cal unlay
and S imda v, 6 10 p AwX vo s,unlli;
oulj, 6 10 aud 6 SO p ui.
Grarrui iUsj'r aud l icktt jgtHt.
J. E. WuOTI-fcN,
Utuerat Xumagtr.
2s li. V
VV 4A WiiUM UflUr
lalu lien. ralteraon, I'a.
I "v "c " l"" laltSl f.le ot
iiM i.i: Man . , v
ae.l MISK.S' SliOKS.
st V V ui .. c . . . "
'.c.iiu utrAiKLNUaspecialiy.
C- fhWZS KjfSuX.iL
j Give bi n a ca l be ore jouig ela.wheie3
I inc. ID, le8-lr.
slopping at Kockville, Jtary.viue, uunuao- dls,aS... Cousumpti. n,
non,. Newport, i.l:or..oWn I hou.paoutowu, u ,lioUS tJ ake
foil ltoyal, l.iuo at M.:u,, U lo V- ,. ,lltR;re Ibe me tns ol
tooua, 2 40 a ot., f''' i ad who devro it, he siil V,nd a
Vail laam leave, fhila-i-lpma da.!y t ,t,v m-c.irti.w u,ei. (rr.ri.)
port, 12 oa p. n... Miulm 12.40 P- wl. h. . t w ,v . ,fi -i'.l ..-.re Cm
l.aa. Ja
Lows H. Atsikucw.
07-Collcctit.g and CoaT.j.nciog promr'
fttt(ndt'd to
cu of resi-
Orrica On Mya street, "" ,.,, ol
J -!.,,.. a of r91
leoce of
oceol l.iiHt.Aiiii"-:;. luvA
gndge street
AC0B Bttut-t-K,
ATTOItNKx-A i-aj"
attended to promptly.
Orrics With A. J. Ptorsoo on
Br:a?o ureel. L
hi. CRAWFORD, M. D.,
Hm teM actively tbe practice of
L-,u ""li . 'a .AIUterl
aio.i.c. a olJ ,orner of Third
dicineand surgery ...
nrancnes. 1 .
ir at the old corner
oraui..... p.
and Oramte struts, Aiinnuto
March 29, nO
. .
BUAZEil, M. V.
pgyglCIAN ArtD 5U JiLllaUAi ,
j 1. ri- C aAa-atf
Orfie formerly occupieuoyA,r.-.-y-..
prolesionl ousmess yru"."':
at all hours.
Jobs 1 iI.aioui:. Joslpii W. Siimh"
nCMtGlll'l!! & STOlMEIa,
pnuT royal, jv:;uta CO.. PJ.
C3-Only reliable Coinpaniua represented.
flee. I -375-1 v
' i I' tt ') "' I V V
TQ (JObLjlLil.Viab-
-.,,,.,...., ., ,v ,,. . K en Lermanently
Colg:h, v?
P.i-.ii Hin-w .Ll
,. Cos.e-.iiTi-.'S. Astuha,
i'j.-.'ies uiiii..? tho rro-
U;iy,.ot. w,II p!eAe adlri. iie. E. A.
, ' f;.;. , 'V St., VVUliA..rsb,
j U-it'.i. en o , .si.iy.
i - I '
CUiiHO Ivour
nsiiniff nt Lo
tion f...der. t-.i . i-t :. 3I.0J ly
mail i!b il' dss'-i.-tioiu. Biost i.-2 cent
naiui' PKE f U. CO., iv'l Sixth Avenue,
Xe- Vo k. Jas. , 'c j-ty
-- -
X ?(- A ! S
X'A - V J- a. 1 1 J
w h
t oe inetr i'r... o . . ; ......
, di.s, tn,ab: to
I wol aliress lor tu.l ii ticuiars. IJEAL ill
4-h Av
J ia. H, ';5-ly.
hai!.(t it.loc-t'V coaf-ct-.l :b-s h b : of
: ;.; . fi-i oh-.m-j!,rtc
; u(rrc. a-i :h v: a - .-:i!; e. r ity
! J...; Vii.U-oJ. : ys'.;.! : a- .!
i jr.tra on uti;.. ti :. .! miiiji'.. lor
; f()r u.g trlli.w sun-rreii. !!;, I .r.:e t..e r e-i
. f Hal(., ,e s: f .; !!,
j j,", oooii -on -e. .'. V.'.
j jj4 ,n , Jfe-v Yerk.
1. AiKire-
! NKNI'V, 5.'5
J io 8. 5 1 '..
d yj V
-j-yjj TjjJT lOWi Irioi f LOOK AriENlS
i-lhipliiiijliiHillii"''. )
Aim ?U1P Vtf !
BiaisSliyi) baCfaCHHsJ!
Tiii.ni4iT'"io'-r,"'i""ror"- "
T m iBinUrfij MWaad xufiD.t worm jttPtf oo.;s m m j
i.rrrw i'--er x ir, t'ir ' A rtxi t Jt-r .ion Jt try
-ir,l Jitno n-.iK!i j.
'f TWiXrT ( ;"vJi"i vr rr hr f T f th ' .
ti-n. tfc roinpVt h-uy oi t Li? bfiJ I(e.T of f O !
INr.Km Anscnctui vt.ia ti4 ni w-mai bo I'Tinc.
irt. il-M ai-e Vr-f Vt ttn'ru. tv.d ih'-T w I
)Sof jiifT hmrm wn Thir war mm tlrit 't -i
ri' r f or l h-iilme ln:rrt." Horr-nt St., SrT linr-?-. ;
toil T-1t Pa-ho. Iti I iKxiat t w.lV--Ta 'e-r T
.lo-uM : 4- $ :oa,rarf 'no m jm j
t ri-)f wi r-&fi lrVfft;h-'toi t- j
ACETf Thi rivl h.k i viwo'it wllnti!) fitn
littj I. M oiU-, fi-.r r';---. (T. HlHllfei: fl.
ri'i :1 m1 si-i ,t We h mm lt4.T mtnf
vho h oi-trViHI if, t wir r -: tip fc-wr.ir.T. VI
t rev tn rsakamunr. C 7l'ir rirriit.im. Sitai Tt
Wfraarft, ef. an' f e. t.i'np(iiilto'i in:i.s. Ad-'rMS
A. 1. U O UTJlAttTO. a. t-O llmrts.-l, ijkav
JS't. I ai CI Zj .
fCNtiKESs .i
n ill ) .cm be o'd. Strict-
n-llrtisin. 'In-patticn-
J.lV.;;s ;. i rr.'.fiiic i Ttiiablt.
BLAINE. V. ileiat.:. ...i rruic
in .imrricaa ni'.'cry." N. Y. r.ibtuie I
.tf wo'k rrmrhith any .-'mcriaH iuiiorwu
mv'-' 'V-i prvti'' N. i. S-i.i. C.tOOi
' 2l-Tlt! t
uoro wntcd.
f00 ler e....r.t:i iJ
.t etr sjli
ilKc It. .' e -
'1 ije lie'.:: '. V.
Dec. 1 JSl-tf."
! it.-i jajii.
IiOW laOSt, Hii7 If CstOred !
Just nl li-lii::!. a i m i- !i!...n ut U ,i.
culvei:wkl!.'sce; k- hated essay
(ll the ra liriil mTt ol PLKK tTORRHlEA Or
Seminal VV.-akm s, Involuntary r..om .l
i.ose. I'tporircr, Jiinf:i! .nil wai
li:re;:i -i"v, In nl.i.ii.. !s tt( !.t.riii!, vie:
ul.s.1. t'liMirilPriiiV. Viii'irir. t . ..
! .ine.ni l.v ael'-isfltilgfacr. ut sexual extrar.
ay-ii.ee, ic.
Tbe ceUl.r ;(. r. in ihn i Imirabie
essay. clearly dpiii.;i-iratv Ironi a thirty
yearn' surci'ssfnl .raetino. I'; it tr.o al iriii
injr eT.siiueiiceK ..f -huso n.av So rad
ically cured ; pointing out a uiol ol cnr
at on.-o si.ni,:,., oeri liii, and eliY-ctnal, bt
means of which every snii'erer, no nia'ttfr
what bis cm lition may be. mi.- euro bim-st-!l
rheapiy, '.rivai.-ly n:,:i r.iV--.:.y
iI7"I'l.is L-ctoip Mh -aid in tb,- han.is
ol every vouili and everv cna in tilt, lai.'d.
Sent under s?.l. in a r,!j.n enve lo?
cents or ta-o ta.v-t. A !.!rcs
41 Am St.. Xcw Yorh.N.Y..
A l-r ".i 9. Post-Oioec Bor. 41".
.liiiirtiii, Pa trtiit, 5
zll I Lit I a "JsJaLrh
liovaty Icrca Pump.
r iiiiiii r ii'ii-n
Bl0-. x.jlv.ei w
iin '-ssrl-vvr,.,.
" V BUJVi p r " lnr is 1-
ss lh wa'r
rrtnlms.a. u a."
wing nqnitls. lal.s
a. rartl.... . ... i
4 a!aBi-d
K . 1 evt-
a a,
a reizp ."d
'ajiA,,r j ,
"X CMlta
'2. siiH
HeMiwiv .hl X' ? ,ror" mneT
i :.oi;li. g ij'j. J
.Nor ., i. ...Cl.
i sij -'.v :,vvt 2. v JH-vJ sJ-.-l ,
i at.- av r . .- a - . . r- - j . -r-y
1 "l" IO., ininiil.
Co., Angnsta, Me.
Ctoice Pcttern
Baij asd Tapsrtry
Extra Super Mdalun ani low
A Tull Line of
A Co'i5plet3 Lin? of
A Cioics Lot of
Esautiful Patterns in
s j
6 ;9T'nr,ct
V Wrfs.
At the Old Stand,
on ths iorrrnnrr c .f
rATEIl sriiEs,
MlrfLHTttt7r, I'..,
All the ft'OT tennusy-ate-i urti . V
and J! otiar tb';2 t.h.it
bo f juuJ iu a
carpet 5 imr3 SIclV
f u i rc i t o r r.
Bolsters ui fills,
IN ALIi cOLor.s.
Ia faot everytbinc,
I., '
; a. iiii
"RIDGE TBtE7, $4:!
Between the Canal cd Tatei SS'