S0TINEL & REPUBLICAN """ Terms. . n M.50 pr annnm if paid WSSh. ! if ot paid within 12 month.. , ertiM!iiienU inserted at 60 TlD9ient in8ertion. ""taK notice, in local col Tvsnsient ddsiu insertion. ' 10 cents per , H-irin ,oiu? . ..n hf Quu0 iw udv Advertise by the year, - n- ...,n primary Election Bcp- Jll'ljeS ,11 nirrt ill T," io Wirllm own , if turn msry ' A can"1 Two cw ill be ur ine hours the Return convei'tiwn ia the Court on Monday, s.pitm- M-, to count up tne the result ol ine rn- . ,. .... the urevious saiur- ueiu ' " ,be voted for at the primary tollows : i..i.fA , staie - ' . House ot R.presentative, PiKtrict Attorney, County Treasurer, . Prothonotary, didoes for County Commissioner, THE DEMOCRACY IN LINE FRIDAY EVENING, JULY 11, 1884. RATIFICATION OF THE NOMINATION OF CLEVELAND AND HENDEJCE.S. FAT MEX. EE. Ill ME. BOY". AID DlSDnR HORSEMEU 131 LIJE.vYlTU Ml LE ACCOltlPAli- I.tlEXT. The officer i Senatorial Delegate. I . f....ntF fnmml Chairman ol County Committee. " sor LOCALS. w goods at Tennell's. Ciicp m-ctiug in three weens. Kfv. E. Brry is tenting in the narrows Tbe river h i. not boon ci.-ar this summer. R iine and Logan clubs .re being organ- iied. M. Lydia Stoufler is having her house . f i,.. Wn nut on the Luther- 4 ne ' - Tr0IUJe- .wt ferret to call and see Espcncbade's je good- T!ie Patterson fireman look will in uni form on parade. Wm. McLaughlin, of Fermanagh has re ,.eire4 a pension. .Q!1ire Titiel, ol Lack, was in this part of the county last week. The Richard Iui11 bushmen sem to he mcoianioi.ly quiet. n'ic acid will remove potato stains from heh.r.d,.-N.T. Herald. The i'iace to pet bargain, is at E. E. Tar ker"s tor he is selling off at Cost. v- fristv is having a brick pivtmcnt pui don in front of her residence. u Minnie MeAlister, was visiting fric:.d in McAlisterville last week. Hits Lydia Stoufier has put down a brick Mvement in front ot her residence. Tbe fertilising a?ent goeth about day af ter div feekiiig wh"!U he may lert.iliie. Processor Duncan has lett Mifiiiniown to tijoy .summer vacation among friends. ..Wheat bran ted to cows produces a good flow ot mi k, but does not make butter." A number ol subscribers paid up and re- Dte.l their sv.l.cription Cue past 10 d.iyn. i Pr. Thomas A. Eider, started on a tour of a number ol VTetrrn states last Thurs diy. Will yo;i go to the seashore next Thurs-da-morniDgi See else here in this pa per. rtivie Uofiman is the bass in the stable of Dr. Ba::'ks, aud keeps the place in first rate order. Joseth Adams has recontrnc:e 1 the baird a'.k iu front of hi. place of reni dctice. William Rollman had an eye severely hnrt hist week while repairing a door Si'me of the near wheat that has been threshed, yields at tne rate ol 25 bushel, per acre. The late catch of mackerel is .aid to have been lare, and niickerel-eatcrs are corres- pjniing!) happy. Cuiiiity Supcriuteudeat 0en, ot Mifflin eou:;tv Las omned a Normal school for the benefit of teachers. M;ss Maud McCullough, of Port Royal, .u visiti:!ii friends in Huntingdon, during tbe weekot tbe 4ih. A youth aged about 13 years, through this place on a bicvele on his way from Philjdelpl.ia to Pittsburg. Butler believes that the tariff plank of the late Democratic convention mean, what the Hancock tariff pl.Tik mcnt. H.-rvest i. about over and yon my re t'lenish vnur wardrohn from Srrnver'. well selected stocd of clothing. The latest nd best improved plow for le hv David D"tv. Be sure to call nd see him before you purchase. Siihsct'b" for the Sfntinel and RF.rrn net the rnly siwon pure" Republican pjfr published in the county. Richard Duncan who kept the Academy encampment livened tip during their long stay in the narrows, has left town. Preserve ynnr temper hen you talk pol itics, and if you cannot talk politics without becnmir.g anry don't talk politics. Elmer Stimeline, who helped Tom Ham ilton to take the rtooic Missionary Society to Macedonia, shot a mink along the river in the narrows. James Blsine. the jrreat-Rr.md father ol James G. Blaine, present Republican can didate tor the Presidency, came from Ire land in IM'i, and settled, lived and died in what is now Toboyne township, Perry county. Iryon want harpains, call on R. E. Parker, ia the Wi'son store room on Bridge street as he is closing out his entire stock of Dry Goods. Clothing, Boots and so forth. Also hii large stock of Hats, at cost with the in tention of retiring from business. Jnne 2:J, 1884, 3t. A larire rat dropped into the alley, from a indow in John Howe's stable. Dave Etka u 50 feet away when he .aw the rat drop, lie had a base ball iu his hand at the time, threw that at the rodent, the ball hit the little animal, and it fell over dead. Anybndy who has examined a doctor', handwriting on a prescription will not won der that . drug clerk frequently put. tip fTphine when the recipe calls for carraway- d or some such harmless drug Rock land Courier. On S.iturd.y afternoon tbe Anieriensard EaLdailclubuf Phiiade'phia stopped . while t the sution on their wav homo from Chi' Thev invited the citixons that were hunt the station to step into their dining room car and partake. ilar fnr thA orfttnra. Conn Storv. Ciiicacro Nomination, Cleve- J.U1S IS I lie waguu imm rtaa u4.uov " j , - o lan,L Uaves FranJ, lieforin, Pup Storv, Tariff, and Protection for equirrels, n8h, and deer, Lmted Democracy, LleiuotTatio uociuuis, u 1 beries, l'liiisc lor tue Ddutocracy, with an lnstaUuiout ot secret mule trap. p Loaded ITIthOR A- ? fcliS And SECRET MFEE 'CW tel TRAP. Republican party be knows from the ions of the tines, will be shattered and broken in November. D. D. Stone was the next speaker, lie started out elegantly, "What means all this gathering T" He an swered that it nieaps that the Dem ocracy are to be victorious in Novem ber. Cleveland has tbe mantel of Tilden on his shoulders and that's enough. He gave it to Hayes for having defrauded Tilden as he said. He talked about land grants, a unit ed party and seemed to be as happy as Parker and Patterson. ' T. D. Garman was the next speak er. He at first did not want to make a speech, but a few words warmed him up and he went for the Repub licans rough shod. The good pros pects, as he believes, for tbe election of Cleveland and Hendricks caused him to taik eloquently about Repub lican fraud robberies, land grants, railroads, and 60 forth, and he outdid Herod in denunciation of the Re publicans and in eulogy of the Dem ocracy. The speakers did quite well viewed from a speech making point, and the SDeeches were well receixed. and if they had told that it took 36 bc-irs hard work of the best talent that the Democracy had at Chicago to frame a staddhug tariff or protec tion rjlank for their party, tney would have told what a millstone Cleveland has about his neck, and if trier hul added, that when the Chi vu.o Convention declared for the urit rule as against the right cf each Rud everv individual congressional district to cast its vote in conven tion for its choice for a Presiden- i tial candidate that it stilled one of : tiiu tirimsrr riirhts of the party. If thev had tokl tnat a large percentage of the Democracy of New York are in ouen rebellion against Cleveland, and that the anti-monopolists of the city and State are against him, and rmr the I'.laine Republicans who swelled his majority to such large proportions when lie ran for govern or will vote for Blaine they would have come a good deal nearer stating the correct situation. The fact that the speakers avoided even a hint at 3-t "i , the great obstacles tnat nesei air. S) ! Cleveland in the new career upon 1 i which ha has iust started, is an evi i , . , 1 oVnce of weakness. Happy ana joi- ! lv as thev seemed to be they might a 1 have been nappier u iney uuu told the whole story. . . . . . i :t I i bis demonsiration appeareu. uo u nn.l.-'t the management of the leit ! wing of the Democracy. Appearances are, however, sometimes deceptive Don't Give up Yet. It doesn't follow that a patient will a becanse the dootors hsve "given m up," or tbat he will recover be- r .. : a- ix 11 oaase they promise tu -pun throueh ' It is never to late to try the prest virtues of Parker's Tonio. Mr. Michael Gni foylc, ol DiOBbarjiion . Y., was cured of Rheumatism by it af ter ten years of unspeakable suffering. Mr. R. W. Mosher, druggist, ot same city, eertiSes that bs has sold over a thousand bottles of Psrker's Tonio through its reputation for this and oth er cures. June 18-lm. The proces-. n fiVd into the Court House Yard where they were address-1 ed bv orators II D. Parker, A. J. Patterson, D. D. Stone, and T. D. Gar- ot. . .. - i tnn nntim riolivprW t the COOn. tnnn. he 'O inwiti' picture itinrreuw "" - That the coon was not hurt can be learned irom me posiuuu cnpie-l high above them. im. "V - r m .r i m. t t W i ml 6. if i I " This is one of tbe trick mules that wiiS scan d by the declaration of the orhUrs that the Democracy have united, and are harmonious, he don't ste how he is to gather spoils or get an i flice if the Democracy uie to be uoitt 1. Afc . The Jolly Democracy. This Leaulirul picture represents the harmonious political elements of Friday evenings ine-tiug. nd is also a representation of the harmonious work of the Convention at Chicago to extinguish Kelly and Tammany Hall. . ; . rcntation of the result of the love and I he !:- oicu rui'iio ,o : . .... . . , . hnrmony that ruled the Chicago convention, as it will be realized next No-yember. The nomination of Cleveland and Hendricks caused the Democrats in town to get out their torches tin. 1 m .Inlcp in a D-ira le l it 1'ridiv even ing. A procession was foi meJ, which was bended by J. B. M. Todd on horseback, and the band a foot. A numbvr of Democratic citizens rode horses, ami a waguii or two filled with the urtenilied were in line. There were aUiui. 140 torch bearers. Nearly all the prominent men of the party in tins community were in nuo and "they nil seemed t j etij y the pa rude throngh the t.o tuwns. Alter thev had niarched tlrough the streets to their btttifactioii they filed into the Court Home yard, ami there held an Oh! be joyful meeting. Rob ert McMeeu called the meeting to order, tind nominated Judge Klder ns I'resideLt The names cf the Secretaries our reporter did not hear. After the meeling was organized, E. 1) Parker was called on for a speech. He stood on the terrace steps, and opened by tilling them a coon story an I declaring the Republicans are i-ah.1v to rome down without linns' a political shot at theru. The crowd thought that was good and they cheered him lustily. After bringing down the coons he skipped away to Chicago, and enthused over an im uia'inary picture of the nomination s 1 - 1 TI of Cleveland and liendricts. ne talked about Hayes and how ho had, as he styled it, defru tided lilden. Cleveland he believes is a great re former, aud the country needs to be reformed. After talking about re form he told a pup story, over which the Democracy cheered to their hearts delight From the pup he glided to the railroad iaud grant question. He tom bed the tariff question, and talk ed briefly aliout the protection of squirrels, fish and deer. He believes the Democracy are united from the Panada line to the Gulf of Mexico. The issues he would discuss further 4V.a rnimnaifm. now is the time to rejoice. A. J- Patterson was the next Fpea ker called. He, like Parker, set-i- ed to be happy over the nomination of Cleveland 'and Hendricks. He .,i.a um in the movement of the the forerunner of a victory. Tho Democracy he believes have thev have the lower limits of Concress. They have 2 of the governors of the states and a larrre number of the legislatures, and the partv under Cleveland is so or ganized that it will wiu in November. Th v.nnlrv in his opinion is in need TWorm is needed in all I of the oVnartments, in the State de j paitment, iu the Postal department, ;in tho Department of Justice. Cleve i in.l has nroven himself to be a re former of the Tilden EchooL The Do Not Foreet. Do not forget that at Hess's Tho n.mtiiii fiallprv von can tret any Ktnall oictnre enlarged for 75 cents. Aloo nnvthinrr that is made in Pho- totrranhv. vou can get here done up, in fird. Vlass stvle. All the latest si vie pictures, such as Cards, Cabin cts. Promenade, Pannel Boudoir, &c.. &.c. Frames of all kinds cheap. Anybody That desires to nave HO to 35 per cent on .rrricultural lmplcnents can be ac coniuioJated bv Kennedy & Doty. This name firm has the sole scency Juniata county, for the well kuown Susquehanna Bone I'hosphate and are l.n rrenared to tumlb Pure. Crouuu raw bone, at lowed prices, la th feed line: Corn. Oats, Rye, Shorts Middlings, Rran, Oil Cake and Meal, Between the hours of 10 and 11 o'clock p. ni. on the tth inst., some ol the members of the members of the Bery family, living in the Jacob Suloff house in this place were awakened f rom sleep by a smoke that al most took their braeth. The household was aroused immediately, and search made for the fire. The lire that c.used the .moke was located in a 1 ower corner, of the frame of a down stair, window facing the garden. The corner of the frame was burned through so that a sight of the space between thewea therboarding and p'.astermg could be seen. The corner ol tne aash was burned off, o that the edg? . of the glass was exposed to sight. The discovery ol tne nre SAM'L STRAYEB Has constantly on band a full variety of MEN & BOYS' CLOTHING; HATS & CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES, ALL SIZES, r..vT rnRNISHINO GOODS. Good. olJ'jn(' l?JVZCni?n?t " andbe a.toni.hed.-P.nUatWceilU. fET SUITS AU6 i . . Patterson, Pa., April 9, 1884. MIFFLINTOWN MARKETS. VirFLMTOwa, July 16, 1884. Bntter Egg. Lard Hum Shonlder 1 Side. 1 Rag. !l MIFFMNTOWN GRAIN MARKET. 12 15 12 17 Wheat, ... Foltz Lancaster Corn............... Oat Ryo New Cloverseed Timothy seed ...... Flax seed Bran . .... ....... . Chop. Short. Ground Alum Salt.. American Salt...... PHILADELPHIA Tattle fat eow. 31fic, milch cow. $U5a 60, beef cattle 4a7c. Sheep iiaoc, lanio. a Ft Holts tail. Wheat old Pennsylvania red VI. 11, new wheal 97caSI.0l. Corn aiio-ic. uats aoJ.i Knrinir rhi.-ken. ITallllc Ir lb. Butter 18a !ilu. Eire. 17al8c per dox. Hay $1017 tr ton. S19 lor rve straw. Clover.eed va :. . .. - . . i,. u...i.i per lb. Iimoiny .tea ljuai.oo pvr uu. 90 0 00 0 00 60 37 70 6 00 , 1 40 1 40 1 00 1 50 1 30 1 25 1 OOal 10 MARKETS. D. W. HARLETS Is tbe place where yon ean buy THE BEST AND THE CHEAPEST MENS' YOUTHS' & BOYS' CLOTHING BJTS CJPS, BOOrS, SHOES, JND rURSlSHlXG GOODS. Also, measure, taken for suits and part, of suits, which will be made to orde at ahort notice, very reasonable. Hoffman's New Building, corner of Bridge as. THE B1SSELL TLOW.- WM. IHCIITER, oue ol the largest farluer. in DAUPHIN COUNTY, PENN'A whose addrs BECVEN'UR, say. : THE IIISSEMj PLOW is the best he ever n.ed. and he has used the Oliver Chilled. THE BISSELL, he says, is lighter in weight, light er draft, and turns a looser and nicer furrow, and put. the ground in a better condition for harrowing. Wa also have on hand, for sale, tbe OLITEK CIIIIaIaKO PLOWS A!D U'lASn CHILLED PLOWS. t 20 tier cent, less money than usual. Also REAPERS, GRAIN DRILLS MOWERS, HARROWS, &C. KEXXEDY & DOTY, .lliOlintowii, Pa. May 2?, 14-tf. SAMUEL STRAYEB. Remember the place, in Water .treeta, MIFFLINTOWN, PA. Jan. 1, 1884-tf S. N. O. S. TI1E JYE1V GOODS FOR 1884 IJV OUR jVEIF STORE. PROGRESS! WE BELIEVE IN IT ! WE AIM FOR IT ! PEOPLE SAY WE PRACTICE IT! We can't rest on what our father, did we must do more and do it better. OUR CLOTHING STORE became too small for us and we aaa io nuo a.oro .uuu. - business, .o we fitted up our next store room ue.ow CLOTHING DEPARTMENT, . . . . . i Pl.it: TAM J a Titlarl itTin bicb is m laree, Fpactons and tmeiy nnea up v.o.n.us -r with 1 .,)( dollars worth of a very fine aod well se.ected stock of SPRING CLOTHJ JNG. Never was there such a fine display made snd so large a selection brought to gether of mess', boys' and CHILDRESS' ci.OTHiNO, in Central Penn sylvania. Our friends and customers when they come to visit us will approve of our PROGRESS r ENTERPRISE! Our arrangements for selling is complete in every detail, in QUALITY, PRICES AND STYLES, and cannot be surpassed within a radius of 150 mile, of our BEAUTIFUL AXD PLEASANT NEW STORE ROOM. -mm vrc havf rniTIHNG FOR THE LARUEST AND FATTEST PEOPLE! ? Uk CmVlUNG FOR THE THINSKST AND SMALLEST PEOPLE! VE UVE r I OTI1ING F'R LARUE, TALL AND SLIM PEOPLE ! W HAI CLOTIIINO FOR HEAVY-SET AND SHORT PEOPLE Vy IUVE ILoTIIINd FOR HARD WORKING PLAIN PEnPLfc! WE AVE CLOTH1NU FOR STYLISH YOUNG SPORTING PEOPLE! JUNIATA VALLEY BANK, OF MIFFLINTOWN, PA. WITH BRANCH AT K)RT ROYAL. Stockholders Individually Liable. NEVIN POMEROY, Prirft. T. VAN IRWIN, CoAr DlRICTOB. : Kevin Pomeroy, Joseph Rothrock, Georjre Jacobs, Amos G. Bonsall, W. C. Pomeroy, was in time to save the town from an other mys terious tire, for no one could ever have dis covered It. origin. It is not believed Dy a large number of people who have eea ine hole that the fire made tnat H was me woia of an incendiary. There are people, Dow ever, who believe that some one put fire there intentionally. From the appearance ol the burnt ho.kI no one will hazard. con jecture s Io whether the tire started on the inside or outside of the window lcli:e. It son Id be difficult lor a mouse to nibble a ma tch that would kindle a fire at such a place; a thousand matches might be stuck at such a cornor and not start a fire. Per haps one matih might kindle a fire. A thousand lit cigars, one at a lime might be Imd down at such a place and not start a lire. Perhaps one lit cigar laid down at snrh a t.lace iniirht kindle a fire. How the fire got there is a mystery. The Democrat and Register annonnces, that Norman an eleven-year-old son of Hen- rv Sh-lleiiberger, living in rayette town ai.it drivinir a horse attached to a horse-rake, the horse became frightened nil ran awav. Ihrowiu? the boy otl the rake -.i hri-akin? his riitlit arm rjeiween ins wrist and elbow. Dr. Fisher rendered the surgical attention and the boy i. doing well. An old fox carried oft fifty odd young tnrkev. of Mrs. Geo. Hower, in r ermauagh township to feed a family of young foxes on. Mim Fmnia Mover eave a picnic for erh st,.i.l.th School Class last Friday at her fa ther's place in fermanagh township. .Miss Mover teaches in the Presbyterian school in tbi. town. The Democratic national convention was .rnT..n lint wet k at Chicago. It was H... ih forerunner of the freeze that will overtake the Democracy in November. Come brethren get iu out of the cold. J. T L. Sahm. formerly a resident law- r ,.r thi town, but now a citizen oi Wilkesbarre, visited the family of hi. fa ther-in-law. Joseph Kotbroca, in rertnan- townsnip last week. STOCKHoLDras : J. Nevin Pomeroy, R. E. Parker, Philip M. Kepner, Joseph Kothrock, George Jacobs, L. E. Atkinson, W. C. Pomeroy, Amos G. Bonsall, Noah Hertzler, Charlotte Snyder, Annie V. Shelley, Jane IT. Irwin, Mary Knrti, Samuel M. Kurtz, J. Holmes Irwin, T. V. Irwin, F. B. Frow. John Hertzler. 'XT' Interest allowed at the rate of 2 per cent, on 6 months certmcates, a per ceai. on 1J months certificate.. f jan3, 1SP4-H Philip M. Kepner, Loui. E. Atkinson. In Boys' and Childrens Clothing we pay Special Attention WF H WE ClOTHING FOR BOYS THAT GO T COLLEGE! WF !lvF t l OTIUNG F(R BOYS THAT TO PI BLIO SCnOOLS! WR liaVF L T NG FOR BOYS THAT WORK FOR THEIR PARENTS! H WK CLOT ING FOR CHILDREN FROM 4 TO 5 YEARS OF AGE! I . n,VF CIOT1IINT. FOR CHILDREN FROM 6 TO 7 YEARS OF AGE! ! HF CLOTHING FOR CHILDREX FROM 8 TO 8 YEARS OF AGE! Vi Have cl th so for children from io to u tears of age; Furnishing Gooils Department: Hats, of the newest snd irost stylish selections; Shirts, all prices; Trunks and Satchels, of all sizes; Neck-ties and Suspenders, at all prices. Our new goods and store must be seen to be appreciated. THS IS A GEUML ML CCUDLAL IMITATION TO ALL SCH0TT The CIoihier BEIDGE ST., MIFFLIN TOWN, FJL. April 16, 1884-ly. The Best is the Cheapest. !5Q Sarsaparilla I. a wighly eonctntratccl catraot of F-arsapariUa and other Mood-purifying root, eombiDed w ilh Io:ida of 1'oMC iam and Iron, and is tbe sr-frst, most reli able, and most economical bW-i urifler that ean be used, ll Invariably ez:cU all blood poisocs fn m the system, em iches and renews the blond, and restores its vitaJiziiig power. It Is thj best known remedy for Scrof-.ila and all Scrjfulou Coraplalnta, EryI. elas, Enema, liiagworm, I'.lotch-s. Sore Itolls, Tnmor, and Ernption. of the Skin, as also for all dis.inler. caused by a thin ar.d iiiirovsrisbeJ, or cerruptoi, condition of ill? Mood, such u KhenniatUm, SniHisIa, r.hi.-uuiatl! fcout. General TK-bility, and Scrofulou. fatarrh. THE ZIMMERMAN EVAPORATOR 19 TBI OXIV OSS Made of GalvaTiized Iron. It is portable, durable, absolutely re-proof, economical, and will enre fruit and vegetables in less time and less fuel than any other Uryer in tne Market. It will pav for itself in less than thirty days if properly attended. Its product, are unsnrp issert as to quai- tv or color, ana are in great aemami at high prices. Full inMrncnons how to dry, nieacn pack, ar.d market the product, ac company each machine. AriDRKSS M.C l'R ICE LEOV4RD, OAKLAND MILLS, 3m. JUNIATA CO., PA. atcrj n-sn-isa Cunt lAl..MA.Ota AvrT!'s SAi'SArARH.i.A has enrcd me of tbe ;..i..4:r.iu3:ory Jthcniuatlsm, with wlii.U ! suiTertd Sor n.ary years. V. !I. JiooilE." Eur:..-.ir., jT.ircb I. t:'i pnx:'Aiiia et Dr.J.C.Ayep&Co.,LoweM,Mass. S.ld by all IWn;s:.t ; St, ii tof.'cs tor C-S. Picuic Sotes. On last Thursday the Home Mis.iooary Societvof the Presbyterian Church pic nicked at Macedonia and the following are .ome ot the incident, that took place. Kev. G. Benaugh caught one trout, which was all the fish caught. Many of the young ladie. walked from Macedonia to Roaring Run a distance of 2 J mile, where the Academy boy. were en camped. There were over 50 person, at the pic nic of which the majority were ladie.. Several pereon drove from Jli.Hintown in buggies. The boat in which the picnicker, went wa. to .tart at 7 o'clock A. M .harp, but did not get off until an hour and a halt later At the .i cond lock a rooster tried to fly across Ibe boat, but fell down between the boat and side of the lock. The pic nicker, had some fun while some persons fished him out. A nnmber of the Academy encamper. came don from Roaring Bun in the even ing before the Dicnic boat lett aaceuoma for town. KEW GOODS. I would inform the public that I have now in my new millinery store at my place nf residence on Water street, M Ulmlown second door from corner of Bridge street, a full stock, of spring and summer millinery goods, all new, and of the latest style., and having employed first class milliners, f .m Trrenared to supply the public with found in a flrstclas. milliner .tore, come end examine my .tock. consider it no trouble to show goods. MRS. DEIHL. 2-83.1.V. May pEABODT HOTEL, Ninth St. sonlh of Chestnut, one sonare south of the New Post Office, one-half o,nre from Walnnt St. Theatre and in the very bnsiness centre of the citr. On the Am.-riran and European rjians. Good room. finm 5"c to $-i 00 per day. Remodelefl and newly furnished. W. f Al K, M. u.. Owner and Proprietor. Nov. 21, 1RS3, 1. Sentinel and Republican $1.50 a yeat jtp at - - - '3? J 13 l!I ;:--V.-!yta;-.:::.v. ..'V'-;r : .r.SBEH) tj r.v V ii IV 1 co your cvsn PArrsTiriG amd ush SHAKER LIQUID PAINTS. a in- .-'i.;i x Norj-ccnncsivE, EEILLIAirr AiTD DUEABLE. nailed We rnarantea theiw ralnts to ba para Lead. JUne, y and Colons ground In pare Unseed OiL liters ara swnpw "". " upon applicmtioo. STANDARD PAINT CO.. MOBY'S LITTLE CATHARTIC PILLS the RiST EVER MADE 'or CoetWeneae. Iieitst5n. Maadacha. tmeooa4 ot Sor t"ur Lmorra Uttle CUuwjc nils. loUowed by ona rid Jtt niaht for a wwk or two. makes the hnman machinerr run asrarour L elwk work: thry aarlly the blood and rntn" b fe in a broken-down bortr Pure;, Vegetable, Harmieaa. Pleasant. InralliWe. I h rWt cluld mvti Elm! Soli by aa Urugu aud Miaaiie at 15 Cre. a 3o or by maO- ETisDAE.I C-HB CO, Pronrlotors, 197 PaaH St. K.T. rrmry'a LiHla Caiharli-s are mare than ia clairMd: lIiws r to Tt-I TH ev-r nd here. tVortn twice the; money M.-W. : f , i-roTarT:;:M"brh,.rN C My mother td on. I r owfot rwnlt.N. W. Bakkb. iAOcnstOrove. Ohio. -I U-a.IO '-s.S I,.",. M.I Athen.lel. They are eollet R. TWO! ere n.ro vs,m J.' -tv V!is. Thev are nnescelledMai. FuTABrra Krynra. MohrlT. M. livm-'l fra 1 a.1 I tl mm Y 'J - nTT1I W JlillllI1I!l I.IIIH I , . - . .. . t 1 .lliil ff as U.UI1UUI M WHI W 7ZJSZihl puv,iaaanaVld by droonaw ererywhere, or . . SfASDAED CUK3 CO, Mew xofAi. APDTr7l? Send .ix cent. 1 IVlAtjLj.for pstge, and receive free, a costly bo of good, which will help all. of either sex, to mora money rieht away than anything else in this world. Fortunes "await tbe workers absolutely nre. At once address Tar 1c Co., Angu.ta, Me. April 2, 1884-ly. E iVANDASD CTXR3 CO., iDr.LaBar.a. A lap MB TO JLaV mm I arwf. olttve Bat4. a.i 9mm ttmr-wyw """T. rtl ktiVmm. f n.it Uraltueuf, mn nd tur mnnlirc Dri.rnmhr TrwwrL Oi l or wrrt li-t of L tZsir laTlkllia, Hlaltlrw. , r. f. L. LftHtRt-B. rWtMfc. rfcyJH