SENTINEL & REPUBLICAN MLFFLLNTOWN. Wednesday, June 25, ls4. B. F. SUIIWEIER, EDITOR XXO PBOPKlETuB. REPUBLICAN TICKET. FOR PRESIDENT, JAMES G. BLAINE, OF MAINE. FOB VICE PRESIDENT, JOHN A. LOGAN, OF ILLINOIS. The Monsoon Las begun in India. Losq Island is to tor v. Lave a crema- England Las tune luen-of- war sta tioned at Suaiiin. PuisiLiET AetiIub spent a part of lust wtk on L:mx Inland fibRin. The Koujupiithiets. Leld a convert tion at Deer I'urk Marvlaud last week. The Xew York Dumacracy Lad no opinion on the tariff that they dared to aunoutve. Louis visited Blaine in Augusta last week, an J held a coiifcreaca ia regard to the coining caiiipaiga. As unsuccessful attempt was made to nfcfcassinate Georgo W. Koosuyelt, tinted Males Cuiibul to 1 ranee at Bordeaux last week. The Xew York Democratic State Convention met at Saratoga, last Weduebday, aud the fiirht among the fa-.'iionj. for bUiiieuiacy, was very Lit ter. It is said General West the Green back caudidate for Vice President weighs 225 pounds and has a voice that cau be disliuctly heard at a dis tance of one inile. Euiperor liitaiu is ulraid to visit AYiesbideu. four of dynamite Laving been discovered iu that city which it is supposed were to be used in the elevation of the Emperor. The Democracy are preparing to dodge the tariff question. TLu York State convention got up on the fence during all proceedings roosted, and could not be- prevailed to get down on the tariff or free trade side. The Xew York Democracy nomi nated Cleveland for the Presidency. Payne, aa Ohio oil millionaire iu ty be the Chicago nominee, but, it mat ters little which. JBlaiu is destined to cleave the land, and give them paiu in November. The Senate, has dne a number of good th:ii3 the present Congress, but up to thia time it has failed to pas '.e trads dollar redemption bill. The Senate should not take a blice oi us own nose on in tins campaign yer, by adj jurning without passing the trade doilar bill. The r.ay the country is taking sides with Blaine's foreign policy as foreshadowed by him. while in the Garfield cabinet, promises to be one of the great points of the campaign. You are an American by adoption or by birth, and believe in Blaine's for- tign policy as far as revealed, get in out of the wet. Tni: New York Democrats met in convention at Saratoga, on the 10th imt., aud Governor Cleveland cap tured the greatest number of Xw Y'ork delegates ior the Chicago con vention. Air. Flower was second with the number of delegates. The dele gates were instructed to vote inva riably as a unit. The Prohibitionists held a conven tion, in Altoona, last week, under the name of the Constitutional Amend ment Convention. Resolutions were reported taking ground in behalf of Constitutional prohibition, and com mitting the Association to support no candidate for the Legislature who is not in favor ef submitting the pro hibitory amendment to a vote of the people. All of the members of the Cabi net except Secretary of the Navy, Chandler, look with coldness upon the Presidential nominees. And it looks now as if they would make no effort to help elect the candidates. They are slighted because Arthur was not nominated. Thev are verv foolish and are showing the small- ness of then- call ore by refusing to support Blaine and Logan with such poor reasons for doing so. The Senate chamber Las been the ecfcue of several unparliamentary ppeeclies during the past week, fo much so that the like has never before been equaled on blackguardism in the Senate. The Senators who indulged in the low-hfed debate are Senator Injralls, of Kansas, aud Senator Brow n, of Georgia. The cause of the fiacus was that Ingalls boldly charg ed Brown with falsifying the Record by Laving printed that which he did not say cud changing things that he did say, to 6tiit Limself. There is entirely too much of that kind of work done by Congressmen and Sen ators, and many speeches ai e pub lished in the Record as having been spoken, but in truth were not and were inserted by the men themselves. It is high time to stop it. j Tiie Harrisburg Patriot, last week, published an article that represented Charles Bergner ts Laving bald that the Pennsylvania delegation to the National convention in 1876 was in duced to vot against Blaine because W. H. KomLle of Philadelphia pro duced two checks aggregating over $7000, that had been paid to the or der of Mr. Blaine for Laving voted in a certain way while speaker of the lower-Louse of Congress. All the Democratic papers published the ar ticle, Bergner and Keuible, both, de ny that they ever told such a story. The long and bitter fight over the Fitz John Porter case is coming to an end, at last The bill which will remove the unjust stigma to Lis name, has passed the House, and but needs the signature of the President, to make it complete. Congress Las so Ledged the act with restrictions that Porter can make no claim for pay. But he should be fully satisfied to Lave the stigma removed fiom Lis name, which Las Lung over it like a black cloud. On Saturday, the Democratic lion, and the Democratic lamb lay down togetner, and so lortn- in oilier words, the right wing Democracy represented by committeemen How ard Kirk, Dr. J. D. Arnold, and Sam uel Aid, and the left wing Democ racy represented by D. D. Stone, Dr. I. X. GrubL, and Enoch Horning met in conference and resolved that the conflict t hut Las existed in Ju niata botwean the Democracy shall no longer exist, but that the white winged dove of peace shall hover over the camp of the Lostiles, so that they may tLe better help to de defeat B!aine aud other good Re publicans. Happy lion ! happy lamb. It is natural for some men to be dissatisued aud contrary to all oth ers, aud so it is in the Blaine and Logan nomination. Because Blaine was nominated by the popular senti ment of the country, these men are disappointed, angry and now ready to help defeat the candidates. They are men of poor judgment, who, on account of personal feelings will throw the Republican party out of power if they are able. They are meu who will not sec, and do not want to see their mistake. But the party will hope for the best and tbat these men will see their mistake and will support the party nominees. e caunot afford to lose the election this fall, for the Republican party once out of power aud the wily Dein ocrats in, it would be a hard struggle to get them out. Boys, turn in and give Blaine aud Logan your hearty support and when the votes are count ed in November you will know that your votes helped to elect the Presi dent in ISSi. Meeting of Republican County Committee. The Republican Counly Commit tee met at the Jacobs House, on tLo 14th iubt, and was called to order by the Chairman, A. J. Moist, On mo tion of Squire Walters, Wm. H. Rod gers and Goo. E. Yeager. were elect ed Secretaries. On motion of Mr. Rodgers it was decided to hold the next Republican primary election on Saturday, Aug. 30th, 1884. The fol lowing resolution was read aud unan mously adopted : Resulted, TLat this Committee unani mously approves of the nomination of Hun. James G. ISUiiie, o( Maine, tor President, and Lion. John A. Logan, of Illinois, tor Vice President, and lurtber, we heartily in dorse the platform adopted by the Repub lican National Convention, at Chicago, June bin, 1&S4. The meeting then adjourned to meet at the call of the Chairman. Geo. E. Yeagek, W. H. Rodoers, Secretaries. Items. The armv worm is reported to be doing considerable damage in Berks countv. Iron ore nas been discovered in Cussewago township, Crawford coun ty, which is said to equal the Lake Superior ores. Mrs. George Rhebin, of York, re cently prematurely gave birth to four children all boys. She is 40 vears of age, and has a family of twelve boys. 'Squire Magce, of Clarion, Pa., has just celebrated the 100th anniversary of his birthday bv a gathering of o!2 people, many of them Lis descon dants. Abe Buzzard, a member of the no torious Pennsylvania mountain out law gang, whom the authorities of this State have been in pursuit of and for whose apprehension a reward was offered, was arrested at Chicago on the night of the 17th inst. The fourth annual Convention of the State Constitutional Amendment Association of Pennsylvania assent bled at Altoona yesterday. In the absence of ex-Chief Justice Agnew, the president of the association, Col onel D. S. Keller, of Bellefonte pre sided. You Can Have It. "Mv dear, what would I give to have your hair t" is often said by middle-aged ladies to young ones. Madam you may Lave just such Lair. Parker's Hair Balsam will give it to you. It will stop your Lair from falling off, restore the original color and make it long, tLick, 6oft and glossy. You need not 6tand help lessly envying the girls. The Bal sam is not oilv, not a dye, but is an elegant dressing, and is especially re commended for its cleanliness and runty. June 18-lai. Word, who stole millions, has the handsomest room in the jail, and en joys at meal time the best the mark et affords. If, being poor, he had only pilfered a dollar or two, Le would occupy a common cell and sub sist on tLe meanest fare. It all de pends in this world on the scale yon do things. In the hereafter, let us hope that it may be somewhat dif ferent. A large natural gas well was struck last week on the premixes of Mr. Geo. estinghouse, in Pittsburg. This, together with the fact that a nunihar of smaller veins hsve been struck in the neighborhood, would indicate that the whole East Liberty Valley is underlaid with veins or pockets of natural gas. The value of the Mur ravsville and other Westmoreland tras wells will be greatly reduced by this discovery, as the last hnd is so much more accessible to the mills and oth er large consumers. Bordeaux, June 16. A balloon as cension drew together a large throng of people in the Place Qnincane yes terday. Among the uumUr were Mr. George W. Rosevelt. United States Consul, and his wife. Suddenly a French soldier aimed his pistol at at the Americans and tired. The bul passed through Mr. Roosevelt's hat, contused Lis Lead and knocked Lim over. The wounded man pointed out the soldier who fired the shot, but the latter with two companions es caped during the excitement. It is supposed tLat the soldier mistook the Consul for an ofiiccr in civilian's divss against whom he had agiudge. General Dumont, the Commander of Bordeaux, has ordered an inquiry to be made. Pennsylvania Furnace which is situ ated iu Huntingdon county and wbicb is operated at present by the Centra mining company was blown in June 12 and but twenty-four hours bad elapsed from tbe time the match was ignited until Mr. Jobn Fieinuiing, tbe Well known foundrymac, produced from the iron notch three tons of dark grey tuet at, something seldom if ever accomplish ed before. William Tl. Tweed, now called the king of thieve, who robbed the eity of $0,000,000, died in prison ; Ferdinand Ward, General Grant's partner, who atole $14,500,000, occupies Tweed' prison cell ; James D. Fish, who wreck ed the Marine bank, is a ruined bank rupt, aud anticipates conviction ; and anticipate convietiou ; and John C. Euo, who stole $4,500,000, and ia the von of one of the richest men in Amer ica, is watched by detectives and will doubtless soon be arrested. Will not people learn after a while tbat stealing doesn't pay ? N. Y. Independent. A writer of an English magazine, de scribing tbe reptile and insects which infest India and make life miserable there, tells of tbe follow in simple way in which the inhabitants rid themselves of tbe ordiuary bouse fly, which is there, in proportion to this country, in a ratio of 10OO to 1. Water is poured into a bottle to the depth of an inch or two, and floated over with i. lit tie oil. The inside of the mouth ia then moistened with some sirup or preserve, and the bottle placed at the disposal of the flies. Thete keep cluttering over the mouth aud dropping in. each fly, the moment it touches the oil, sinking through and getting drowned ; aud as the flies aocu ujulate tbe water keeps rising till the bottle may become fii.ed with them near ly to tbe neck. The centennial anniversary of the formation of Franklin county from a part of Cumberland will be observed by a three dsys' celebration at Chani bersburg. baginniug on Sauday, Sep tember 7, when thanksgiving and praise nifteiiugs w ill be held in all the cLurches in the countv. On Mon cay there will be a military and civic parailtj and on Tuesday, the 9ih the anniversary proper a trades dis play and an historical address, fol lowed by fiie-woiks at night. Near Suneca city S. C, there livos one of the largest futilities ia tbe Uni ted States. Mr. Joel Vaughn Lao been married four times. His laet three wivos were widows, all of whom had chi'dien by previous husbands, respectively eigiit, seven, and four, a total of ninteen. These four wives bore Mr. Vaughn twentv-soven 6ons aud daughters, thus giving him con trol of forty-six children- The old man is now 80 yeirs of age, and his youngest child is in infant. Mr. William Siotiffor, of Shermans dale, Terry county, tells the editor of the Perry County Democrat that he noticed considerable excitement a mong a number of sparrows neat hia residence a couple of weeks ago, and he want to 6ee what wns the matter. Approaching quietly ho soon fouud that they were actually eDgaged in committing a murder. They were drowning a bluebird in a puddle of water and would soon have certamlv accomplished their foul purpose had he not come to the rescue of the help- 1 1 . 1 . less oiro, wnicu was utterly exuaust ed and almost lifeless when he took it up and out of the water. The discoverv that the bottom of the Mississippi river, to the depth of several leet, moves downward in a 6olid mass, like a glacier, is not en couraging to those who seek to con trol its mighty current with their pu ny obstructions. The engineer in charge of the "improvements" at Lake Providence, near Vicksburg, reports that a long pile, driven out side the dyke as a 'marker." has "travelled sixty-two feet down stream. erect and firmly imbedded in the sand. A lady, while engaged in the pur Bttit of her domestic duties, encoun tered a mouse in the flour barreL- ow most ludies, under similar cir cumstances, would have uttered a few genuine shrieks aud then sought safirtv in the garret ; but this one pos sessed more than the ordinary de gree of genuine courage. She sum moned the man servant and told him to get the gun, call the doer and sta tion him at a convenient distance. Then she climbed up stairs and com menced to punch the flour barrel with a pole. Presently the mouse made its appearance and started across the floor. The dog started at once in pursuit. The man fired and the dog dropped dead. The ludv fainted, fell down stairs and the man, thinking she was killed and fearing that he would be arrested for murder, disappeared and has not been seen 6ince. The monE escaped.-'W'righU-ville Recorder. IheLewidtown Fiee Press of last weeks ays: A colored woman named Janiata Bridge, (better known aa Ad ams.) was arrested on Monday, b? Po liceman Wimer, to answer to ths charge of having committed a beinnni crime. The' informant ia Mrs. Rachel Smith, w ife of Wm. Smith, also colored, who alleges that on May 8th, during her temporary absence from home, Juniata entered ber residence and goicg up stairs to a bedroom committed an abor tion upon ber person. Aa to whether tbe cffrpriDg waa atiil-born is not known, but Mrs. Smith says tbat when she entered the room it presented a horrible appearance, and in gathering ap the clothing she fouud the child ter ribly mutilated, the head being almost severed from the body. The informant firmly believes that tbe child was alive when bore, and that it waa butchered by the prisoner. Tbe accused admits to having given premature birth to a child, but claims that it was still born; that the premature birth was produced or brought on by wheeling a heavy load of truck upon a wheelbarrow, and that she buried tbe child herself. Thia may and it may not be true : henoe we give it for what it is worth. At all events she bas been committed to prison to a wait the action of the grand jury at the August court of quarter sessions. She can only be released upon furnishing bail in tbe sum of $500, which she will not be likely to be able to do. Tbe whole matter is in tbe bands of Prose cuting Attorney Porter, and tbat official informed tbe writeron Tuesday morning tbet be iutands to fully investigate the charge without regard to consequences. Announcements. ASSEMBLY. i- r , . ... . . of Assembly, subject to R.-putiliran usages. - iu'tl'ii; I Jt VETERAN REPUBLICANS. I'ROTHt "NOTARY. KniTOB, SESTIXL asd Rsri blican. I. G. Marks, of Patterson, is a ktaunch Re publican, and he ha many friends who woii'd like to support him as tbe standard bearer for the dlice of Prothonntary. I therefore present him as a candidate, to the Rrpublirans of Juniata, tor primary nomin ation under the rules that govern tbe party, feeling satisfied that if he receive the nom ination his chance for election in November will be very good. MIKFLIXTOWN. COIXTV COMMISSIONER. EliITOB OF TI1K JtMXTA SkKTIXEI AXO Kepi ulicax. Jiear .Sir: Allow me to an nounce the name of B. 11. Custer, of Mon roe loKiiMiip, as a camiidtte for County omniiMoner,sutiect to Republican usages. Mr. Cutter is a man well qualified tor the cmce. MONROE. o STATE SENATOR. Without the urgent solicitation of nu merous f riends but solrlv of my own voli tion. I offer myself as a candidate torState Senator, ouhj.-ct to Republic usages. Tint I possess the di.M hargn tha duties ot the office, will hardly be denied ; tbat I have been a soldier, aud in every po sition in which 1 a.s placed tatlhliilly per formed mv duty, the records will show; and that 1 have done my full share in making the Republican party successful in Juniata durn.r, the list few years, is well known to every Republican in the county. If they recognize the truth of the adage that the laborer is woi thy of bis hire, tta n 1 shall wepect them not to forget my claims at the primary election, as I purpose making no canvass, hat-lug neither the time nor the means to spjre. Respectfully. WM. M. ALLISON. Ma. Eimtor. I would annnunco ihe R ime of tV. C. Fotneroy, of I'ort Royal, for State SeiiitTor. In doing so I express the wishes of a large number of Republicans in this county and in this Senatorial district. Mr. I'otueroy, as a inember of the Legisla ture, wa a popular representative. Ho was faithll.l in the discharge of Lis official du ties. He voted against the continuance of the estra session, lie voted for an ad journment on every occasion, when he found no agreement could be had between ine senate ana me iiouse. fits course 111 the House of Representatives was such as to deserve commendation. Knowing Ihe wants of his constituents so well, and w ith his legislative experience, his nomination would be a nieiited one, und be to the best interests of the Republican partv. June 2, lftS4. WALKER. Mn. editor. permit me to announce the name of Captain James J Patterson for State Senator. This Senatorial District is a close one, and it behooves the Republi can party to put forth as its candidate, one who has the limes to fill the position, and who will i-omman t the confidence of Hi? people. Captain Fatterson was a brave sol dier in the U-ith Fa., Reg't. commanded by Col. Iieaver, a'el served bouorablv through the whole war. " If he will accept the nomination, no worthiercaujidate could be selected. LACK. COUSTV TREASURER. Mb. Eoitok Allow me to anno ince the name or David G. She!lt-nberg.-r, of Mon roe, as a candidate lor the ollico ot County Treasurer. Subject to Republican 11 sa ires. Mr. Shellenberger has been a lile-long Re publican and if nominated would carrv ........ w , . ... ' sionroe, ami r-nsqiienanna like a whirl wind, and it elected would make an obliging ollicer. FAIET1E. Cocolamus, May I!Hh, ISSI. Mr. Eoitob. JVe have no more capable man tor the nfhe or County Treasurer than Samuel Buck, of Port Royal, and we desire to bring his name before the Republicans of Juniata for nomination at the primary election, subject to the rules aud regula tions of the Republican pirtv. REPUBLICANS. The name of George V. Wilson has often been spoken of in connection with county oflice, hut he has never heretofore consent ed to permit his namo to go before the peo ple for nomination. His numerous friends are confident that be will make one of the best oflicers in the interest of the connty, and therefore, do now announce him as a eanlidate for the office of County Treasure, nnder the nominating rules of the Republi can party. His successful career as a mer chant in Patterson, bas given him an exten sive acquaintance in the connty and dem onstrated his fitness for one of the best of fices in Jnniata in the gift of the people April 2bth, lst4. MILFORD. I hereby announce myself as a candtf-ite for County Treasurer, subject to tbe rules and regulations of the Republican partv. JAMES II. SIMONS. MifUiotown, Pa., April 14, lt81. Ma. Epitob Allow me to announce the name of G. W. Surra, of Mifllintown, as a cand idate for the office of County Treasur er, subject to Republican usages. Mr. Smith is a man ot good business qualifica tion, and if elected will make an noticing and efficient officer. FAYETTE. To Ihe Republican voters of Juniata Co.: I announce aiyself is a candidate for nom ination for County Treasurer, subject to the Primary Election rules of the Republi can jiarty. JACOB S. THOMAS. Nifhintown, Pa., April 21, 1884. No paper in the Juniata Valley publishes as large a quantity of reading matter as the Seutintl and RrpubUaw. It ia above al others tbe paper for tht general reader. Sew Advertttemcnt. UDITOE'3 N'OTICE. In I'm Orphum' Court qf Juniata County, is Me tit alt of William Kanatctll, deceased. The undersigned appointed auditor Dy the Ortibao Court Qf Juniata counly to make distribution of the balance in tbe bands of Jacob Beidler, Est., and Solomon Books, administrators of tbe said William Kana- wull hereby gives notice that he will attend to the duties of bis appointment at his of fice in the borough of MilHntown, on Wed nesday, July 9th, 1881, between the hours of ten o'clock a. in., and four o'clock p. in. oi said day. When and where all persons interested must present their claim or be debarred from coming ia upon said fund . ALraiD J. Patterson, Auditor. Mimintown June 13 1881. PRIVATE SALE. A bouse and lot of 4 acres of Hint land, 14 miles from Van Wert, 6 miles from Mif tliutown. the conntv se it. The house is -stories hih with 6 rooms, and a cellar. There is a stable for 8 or i cattle or horses, hog pen. There is both running and pump water on the premises. Fruit of all kinds, cherries, grapes, pears, apples and peaches. Churches and schools convenient. Tbe PunkiT church is only half mile distant. The Presbyterian and Lutheran churches are 4 miles away. Terms easy. Posses sion given immediately. If sold before bar vest tbe acres, now in wheat, will be put into the bargain. For price and other par ticulars address JOIiX C'LECK, Van Wert, Juniata county, Pa. April 9, 1881. JOHN YORGEY'S BOOT AND SHOE SHOP has been removed to Main atreet, Patterson Pa., where he wilt make all tbe latest stvles of LADIES', GENTLEMAN'S. BOT'S and .MISSES' SlloES. FINE BOOTSand REPAIRING aspecialty. rr- point's BF4nvn;'. I " --u t Jin. Dec. 19, 1883-It. AYER'S AGUE CURE contain an ant Idete for all ma larial diMordera which, so tar as known, is used in no other remedy. It con tains no (linnine, nor any mineral nor de leterious substance whatever, and conse quently produces no iitjii.ious effect apon Ihe constitution, but leaves the system as healthy as it was before the attack. WE IV Alt II A STAYER'S AfilE C'l It E to cure everv case ot Fever and Ague. Intermittent or Chill Fever, Renii tent Feter, Dumb Acne. Billions Fever- acd Liver Complaint caused by malaria In case of failure, after due trial dealers are authorized, bv our circular dated July 1st, 1882, to relund'tlie money. Dr. J. C. Ayer's & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists. A jl i-T, Ct J Tuitrru.1 c tea. At-id S.1l; i ce j p i --i crlicr t.5. ' ?i f f srioiiToiiiiiiEj -')?-'; -IV liilt tt t L..a 1 .T3tad for ever 8 voira . j use ts Uoo anos o csas. (; !.-. all, C . - Urt r. v Ml; vi. . . t B-. -r rj', r. tr. v a ' -zzc. 1 i . .l -ft InCi t.i.uC :, 3 v-tea r-? '. , . !'."- .'ich-rr'.l -i c- SEN) AOORKS : r vc ItCKISUY CO., iu fr Es!.1. ,r,f ti P-Tr!mric AMr!:IC.VV. cr.n- S'iicit'ra f..r I -it nts, rivt". Tnnle .l-.- t.l.-. f..r tlia L'nite-.l Stati-. ('.ir-ija, . Kr'V, (iernianr. e:c. if :nl Hsk atniut ; -u In . '1 mrty-s-v.'n y.-ar.' ci;ii.-a. (--jine-l thp-uth Ml'N.V t'O. are n- Ti- a :i 'Tli'ic A KlcAN'. the larvesv :--.v ci.-,u!!, w?e(i:irle P'!-er. .'vj'yenr. .;-n'l.l epunivlni's and;;ir In - . -p -ciDien coi. i.Mhc Sricnt ihr A ?t irk-. 1. ,tl., l'.,--rt. I' .i. It. I .t t Wl- .-.i. fornnt. 1i-m n ; tT'--'. A"l lr". Vl'NN .t I'd . .-t i.:..r:t-ic AMKUICAN Ullice. 21 Bruedwuy, .Ntff 1 .f2. jVOTICE TO TRESPASSERS. X V All persons are ht-rebv notified not to trespass on the lands of the undersigned. in Walkvr and Fermanagh townships, for the purpose or huntim, building fires, or for any other trespass purpose. S.tmxL Ai rut, ITaxar Ai kfr, "iiRiTM!t Mimjv Kiinki Moist, Isaac At keb, ' Wiliiam Kickps-racu, W:i.i.isr.Toii Pmith, Kirtz KAtrrAS, Joseph S. Wl AVFR, Sl Sl BONXER, JOSAS KAflTMA.V, CtKI'S Sll.BRlt. Oct. 31, lS8:!-tf. .JEABODY HOTEL, Ninth St. south of Chestnut, on square south of Ihe New Post Otliee. nne-h!r square from Walnut St. Theatre and in the very business centre of the city. On the American and European plans, (rood rooms ftom Sue to $: 00 per dav. Remodeled and newly furnished. W. PAINE. M. D., Owner and Proprietor. Nov. 21, ISM, lr. ALABASTINE A SBpevioi- Substitute ior KalscxoitLC, etc. Alahsstine ts the firxt antt on preparation made from calcined !rpv"n rock, for appli cation to waiia with a brush, cud U fully cov ered by patents and jierfected by many years of experimeuls. It is toe only permanent Wall finish, and a lmi:." of appiin as many coats as dta:re.t, o:ie over another, to any hard surface, w ithout dsni-r of scalins, or noticeably adJin to the thickness of the wait, which is strengthened and iniproted !y each additional fra:n time to time. It Is the only material t it the purpose uot de pendent upo;i tfv r.-;r lu adhesiveness. AhlKistiiio is har t, tied on t ie wall by aire, moisture, etc., wiiile all kaisomioes or whit ening preparations have inert soft chalks and plue for their base, which are rendered soft or scaled in a very short time. In addition to the ahOTo advantages, Alabastine is loss expensive. it reiniirej but one-half the numbeT of ponrds to cover the same amount of surf-ice wall iwo coats. Is ready for use by adding tta,;.cr, m:d easily applied by any one. For ftile by your Paint Dealer. Ask for Crcul.-.r containing Sample iA 12 tints, manufactured only by the Alahastisk (ix, M- li. Cuuecu, Manager, Grand Itajiids, Micb. 1 ACTION NOTICE" All persons are hereby cautioned against trespassing upon tbe lands of the under signed, in Fayette, Delaware or Walker townships, by fishing, hunting or in any other wav : Jonathan Kise, Cathabink Kurtz, D. B. limn, S. J. Kl-RTZ, Lccies Dusji, Jacob Hoops, A. II. KriTz, S. Own Evass, C. F. Sptcuca, J. B. Garbeh, J. F. Dettba. Arnold Vab.xs. Wm. Bbamtropfeb, Johb McMiex, (i. W. Smith, IIenrt Arsrs, Jesse Fixes, C. G. Siikllt, David Smith, Testo.i Benxer, Joiix L. Atker, S. M. KArrrMAX, David IIi:mbarrer, Levi K. Mylrs. Novomler 30, lHS3-if. The Sentinel and Republican offica is the I plate to get job work done. Trv it. It will I pay you if yon need anything in tbaltfte.J IT LEADS ALL Ko other fclcod-purifying or has ever been prepared, which.con pleiel? mt the want U physwian aau tue general public aa Ayer's SarsapariUa. ., . ing tainl of Scrofula about you. Scrofula atek-s SAMiruau wai dLlSdle ifSid expel It Irom your For eoustitallonal or "co'uus ". Catarrh irs- catarrhal discharges, and Minora th LTgoior ol the brath, wkich are uxL-uon ot scrofulous origin. ,.- Hiuo,Tex,Sept.,lsa ULCEROUS "At the age of two years one of CnDCC " children was terribly ff OUKCO with uloerous running sore on im face and neck. At the same tima tt wm swollen, much indamed and ery sore. (I... rur.n Physicians told us that a pow SCRE tYES rfiu alterative mliiK must bVuipkyl. They nniud in Twommending ATrars iSARSAriLi.A. A few doses pro duced a perceptible improvement, which, pf an adherence to your directions, waa Bed to a complete and permanent cure. ! iiideno. has siuee appeared of tb. 2 of any scrofulous tendencies: and no treat ment ( anr disorder was ever attended by V ZJt1"1 "V'so,. ruriuo Br Dr. J.C. Aver & Co., Lowell, Maw. Sold by all IffuggiiU; II, sii buttles for IB. PENNSYLVANIA KA1LE0AD. TIM K-TABLE On and after Snnday May 1 Ith, 1S84, train that stop at Mifliin will ma at follows EASTWARD. Mtrrus Accojf xopATtov eaves MifSin daily at 6,20 a. m., and Stopping at all sta tions between Mifliin and Ilarnsbnrg- ar rives at Hamsburg at 8 20 a. m; at Phila delphia, 3 IS p. m. JouasTows hxparss leaves Altoona uany at 7.05 a m., and stopping a ad regular stations between Altoona and Ilarrisburg, reaches MilUin at 10.30 a. m.. Uarrisbtirg 12.30 p. M., and arrives in Philadelphia at 5.05 p. m. Mail Tbai.x leaves Pittsburg daily at 7.33 a. m., Altoona at 2.20 p. m., and stop ping at all regular stations arrives at Mifliin at 6-33 p. m., Ilarrisburg 7.30 p. ni.t Phil adelphia 3 l'-y a. m. Mall Express leaves Pittsburg al iwpm- Altoona H 13 p m ; Tyrone i 1 pm; Uunt- mgdon ouo pm ; L.ewistowo -o p , -din 9 4 pm; Ilarrisburg 11 15 p m; Phiia- di Iphia 3 05 p in. WESTWARD. Wat Passlsukr leaves Philalelphia dailv at 4 30 a. m.; Ilarrisburg, 8 ! a. m.; Duiieannon, H 52 a. ru.; Nnwport, 9 21 a. m.; Milierston n, 'J 30 a. in.; Thonipsontown, 9 4t a. in.; Van Iyke, . at a. m.; Tuscar ora, 10 01 a. m.; Mexico, 10 04 a. m.j Port Roval. 10 0H a. in.; Milllin, 10 15 a. in.; Miltord, 10 20 a. ni ; Narrows. 10 27 a. m.; Leaistown, 10 3S a. m.; McVeytown, 11 02 a. ni.; ewton Hamilton, II 21 a. m.; Hun- tinedon, 12 01 p. iu.; Tyrone, 12 5ti p. in.; Altoona. 1 40 p. m., and stop st ail regular stations brtween llariishmg and Aliooua. Oyitkb Kxpkkss leaves Philadelphia dai ly at 5 4'i p in., Ilarrisburg, 10 40 p. m., stopping at Rmkville. Marysville, Duncan nou, New port. Millerstown, Thotnpsontown, Port Royal, time at Miittin, 12 15 p- Al toona. 2 40 a- m.. aud Pittsburg. 0 on a.m. Mail Train leaves I'liiiadelptna dailv at 7.00 a. m., Ilarrisburg II."1) a. m., New jM.rt, 12 Oft p. in., MilHin 12.40 p. m., stop ping at a!l regular stations between Mifliin and Altoona reaches Altouua at 3.25 p. m., Pittsburg S.45 p. ni. Minus ArcosfoiATiox leaves Phila delphia daiiv at 1 1 10 a. in., Harrishurg ex cept Sunday at 5.00 p. in., and stopping at all station, arrives at Milllin at 7.0O p. in. Pacific Expressleaves Philadelphia II 20 p ni ; Harrishurg 3 10 a ni ; Duncannon 3 3'.am; Newport 4 01 am; Mift1in 442a ni ; Lewistown 5 00 a ni ; McVeytown 5 30 am; Mt. Union 55 am; Huntingdon C 25 a m ; Petersl.ui g 6 40 a m ; S prucu Creek I ft 54 am: Tvrone 712 am; Bell's Mills 732 a ni ; Altocna 8 10 a m; Fi!t,,bu;g 1 (r; ptu. Faf Line leaves Philadelphia at 11 10 a m j Ilarrisburg 3 15 p tn ; Milllin 4 37 p lu ; I ew is town 4 5tp n; ; Huntingdon C CO pm : Tyrone ti 40 p m ; Altoona 7 20 p m ; Fitts t.irg 1 1 30 p m. rist Line fccsl. on Sundavs, wi'l stoo at Diincanr,ii and Newport, wh-n tli.-ed I Mill Express tast, on ianiluys, wiil aiop at Farree, when tl i?ff.-d. Johustowr; Ex:res east, nu SumVivs. will connect wilii Sunday Mail east leawot' Ilarrisburg st 1 00 p. m. H ay Passenger west sn.l Mall cast w i;i stop st Lticknow aud Poormau's Sjrit.g, when flagged. John. town Express will stop at Luckiiow, when ti.igired. LEWISTOWN WVISIO.W Trains leave Lewistjwn Junction for Jiil roy at 035 a iu, 10 50 a m, 3 25 p m ; iur Sit'ihury at 7 15 a m, 2 55 p m. Trains arrive at Lewistowu Junitiun from Milroy at 9 10 a m, 1 50 pm. 4 50 p u ; jrom Sutibury at !25 a in, 4 30 pm. TYROXE DIVISION. Trains leave Tyrone for Belli fonta and Lock Haven at 8 V) a m, 7 30 p rrt. Leave Tyrone for Curwensville and Clearfield at 8 50 a m, 7 50 p m. Trains leave Tyrone for Warriors Mark, Pennsylvania Furnace and Scotia at 9 20 a m and 4 30 p in. Trains arrive .it Tvroue from B. ll-foute and Lock Hiven at 7 05 a in, and 6 35 p ni. Trains arrive at Tyrone from Curwens ville and Clearfield at 0 5S a m, and 5 50 p m Trains arrive at Tyrone from Scoiia, War riors Mark and Pennsylvania Furnace at 6 58 a m, at 2 35 p ni. Philadelphia & Reading Railroad. Arrangement or Passenger Train. Mat 11th, 1884. Trutns ore HrrrMurg at follcu-s : ror.ew lork via Alientonji, at 7 50 and y on a. m., and 4 DO p. ni. For New York via Philadelphia and "Bound brook Koute," b 2j 7 50 am, and 1 45 p ni. For Philadelphia, 6 25, 7 50, 950 am, 1 45 and 4 00 p m. For Reading at 5 2n, C 25, 7 60, 9 50 a m, i , i uv ana t .50 p m. For Pottsville at 5 20, 7 50, 9 50 a m, and 1 45 and 4 00 p. m. and via Schuylkill &. Stisijtifhanna Branch at 8 05 a ru., aud 3 00 p. ni. For Allentown at 5 20, 7 60, 9 50 a m, 1 45 ihi 4 vu p m. Way and Market for Lebanon, 4 00 a. m. Runs on Wednesdays and Saturdays only. SUNDAYS. For Allentown. Reading, and way stations 7 00 a. m., and 4 00 p. m. For Philadelphia at 7 00 a m., and 4 00 p ni. Traint for Hamtburg leave aa .otlotrt : Leave New Tork via Allentown at 9 00 a m, 100 and 6 45 pm. Leave New Tork via"Ronnd Brook Route" and Philadelphia 7 45 a m, 1 30, 4 00 and 6 30 p m , and 12.00 midnight, arriving at Harrishurg 150,8 20, 9 25 p. m.. and 12 10 and 9 40 am. Leave Philadelphia at 4 30 9 50 a m., 4 00, 5 50 and 7 45 p m. Leave Pottsville at 6 00, 9 00 a. ro. and 4 40 p m. Leave Reauing at 5 00. 7 30, 1 1 50 a m 1 27, 6 15, 7 60 and 10 25 p m. ' Leave Pottsville via Schuylkill and Susque hanna Branch, 8 20 a m. and 4 40 p m. Leave Allentown at 6 CO, 8 40 a m., 12 15 4 30 and 05 p ni. ' Way Market leaves Lebanon (Wednesdavs and Saturdays only.) 5 05 a. m. St7.VO.fFS. Leave New Tork via Allentown, at 6 30 p m. Philadelphia at 6 30 a. m.,and 7 45 p. m. Leave Reading at 9 00 a m and 10 25 p ni. Leave Allentown at7 35 a. m., and 9 35 p m. STEEI Ttn HKAXCII. Leave HARRISBL'RG for Paxton. t.u-h. iel. and Steelton daily, except Sundav,635, 6 40, 9 35 a m. 1 35 and 9 40 n m : dailv. cepi .-saiurnay ana sunaay, o 35 pm, and on Saturday only, 4 45 and 6 10, p rn. Returning, leave STEKLTON dailv, ex cept Sunday, 6 10,7 05, 10 00, 11 45" a ra 2 15 and 10 15 p in ; daily, except Saturday and Sunday, 6 10 p m, aud on Saturdav only, 6 10 aud 6 30 p m. C. G. HANCOCK General Patt'r and Ticket Aienl. J. E. WOOTTEN, S General Manager. SPKING STOCK or CARPETS Choiee Pattern VrEJLVET Body and Tapestrj BRUSSELS, Extra Super Medium and Low Grade ll GR AUNS, A full Line of VENETIAN, A Complete Line of RAG, A Choiee Lot of HEMP, Beautiful Patterns iu STAIR, and HAIX Carpets AT TJIE Carpet filouse FOaMTOBE BOOMS OF THE JUNIATA VALLEY. At the Old Stand, OX THE SOUTHWEST CORNER tW BRIDGE & WATER STREETS, M I FFLIXTO It .1, PA., HAS JUST RECEIVED All the above ennmerated articles, aud all other things that may bo found in a GAEPET 5 FMITUEE STOBE, AT PIUUES BEY08D COMPETITION ALSO, ALL KINDS OF FURiMTUIlE. AN EXTRA LINE OF MATTRESSES, Bolsters and Pillows, WINDOW SHADES, IN ALL COLORS. JLooiuir CZln IN GEEAT VARIETY, &c, &c, dec. In fact everything usually kept m a First-Class HoUse-Furmshin-; Goods Store. J0U1X S. GRAYB1LL BRIDGE STREET, South Side, Between tbe Canal and rVater Strwet, F. ESPEUfSCHADE AT THK CENTRAL STORD Mill STREET, Opposite Cocbt Hocw, Mi ill in town, pat Calls ths attaotion of the public tti, following faets : Fair Prices Our Leader I Tig Best Goods Our Pride t On Price Our Style ! Ca3h or Eichange Our Terms ! Small Profits and Quick Sales QQr Motto I Our leadiDg Specialties art FKESH GOODS EVERY WEEK DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, GROCERIKS, 150013 AN'DSIiOES, for Mn, Womeo Children, QueeDtwars, Glaswara, Wood and Willow-ware, Oil Clsthi, and ever; article Uitially found in firit class stores. COUNTRY PRODUCE taken in exebaoge for goods at highest market price. Thankful to the public for tbtir heretofore liberal patronage, I rsqmn tbeir continued custom ; and ask par sons from all parts of the county, wken in Jlifflin to call and see mj stock of goods. F. ESPEXSCIIADE. Sept. 7, 1?SS Loin . Atki.nsox. Geo. Jacob, Ja ATKIXSO.T & J .ICOD9, ATTORNEYS - AT - LAW, MIFFLIXTOWN, pA. llCollectinr and ConveTancine prompt ly attended to. Orrrci Oa Main atreet, in place of rasi. dence of Lonis E. Atkinson, Eq., aonth of find' street. fOcti6, M ASON IRWIN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, itiFFiiyToirx, jcyuTj co.,pj. All business promptly attended to. Orrtcr, On Bridge street, opposite th Court House sq'iare. janT, '80-ly JACOB BEIDLER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, JIIFFLIXTOWN, PA. CCoIlectinn attended to prompter. Orrica With A. J. Patterson Ei. on Bridge street. Feb 25, 'SO Thomas a. elder, m. d. Physician and Surgeon, MltFLlXTOWS, rj. Office hours from 9 a. m. to 3 p. w.. of fice in hi reidence, on Third street, op posite Methodist parsonage. octli-tf J") M. CRAWFORD, M. D., Has resumed actively the practice of Medicine and Snrpery and their collateral br.inches. Office at the old corner ef Third and Orange streets, JliBiintown, Pa. March 29, 1876. J M. BRAZEE. M. D., PHYSICIAN A!iD SURGEON, Jlcviemia, Juniata Co., Pa. Orrica formerly ocrnoid hr Dr. S frrrPTt. Profossional business promptly attended to an uuurs. Johs McLatomlis. Joseph W. Stijiil. MCL.('r.IILI.f & STM5IEL, INSURANCE AGENTS, PORT ROYJf., JCSUTJ CO., PA. ttOnly reliable Companies represented. Dec. 8, 1875-ly WILLIAM BELL. AOEXT AXD DEALER IX Farmers and Mechanics Machinery. MifMintown, Jmiita Connty, Pa. Office on Bridee atreet ODDosite So.tK side of Court House. Xov. 8. 182. A GREAT CAUSE OF HUMAN MISERY I tlie Iomh of A Lecture on the Mature, Treatment and Radical cure of Seminal WeaLnp.. r.r Q. ... 1 . . , . 1 .... 1 1 u 1 1 11 1 11 .1 , indused Sell-Abuse, Involuntary Emniis- -u,. iiupoiency. ferrous Pebilitv, and InillvdillirntS ! V:irri-ia- ....!' .' f . 1 . 1 . ' ' ,, Epilepsy and Fits; Mpntal and "." mcavaciiy. ic Bv ROBERT J. CLLVERWEI.I.. v n .....,.- ' "uiufr vi mo ureen Book," Jtc. Tho World rfnnwnMt . au uaitir, iu iiiisi a'i- exrrien.-e that the awlnl consr-iut-nces of ..-....-c may o, en.cfjai;y removid without d inecruus snreieal k,.m. Bies, instruments, rings or coidials; paint- .. b uu. a n.out- or cure at once certain and eHtretnal. hv which tvr what his condition may , mr cure cneaply. privately and raiically. C3"TAi lecture will prove a boon to thon tamit and thousand,. Sent nnder seal, in a plain envelope, to any address. 00 receipt or four cents, or two postage stamps. Address The CILURWELL MEDICAL CO., 41 Ann St.. New York, N. T. ; April 9. Post-Ofhce Box 450. RI a vc?.,THE MOST PKOFITABLB BLACKSMITH STANDS in the countv may be purchased of the undersized at a reasonable price. The property is situated in Johnstown, Jnniata Co., Pa., and with the Smith stun.i in..!...!... - . . . ... ayu AtKts, having thereon erected a ftn1 nl. 1. 1 rn ... ,u,c j wo-story ramellonse. a com modious Srl.l ...h .k... t.-.-ti: - wucr uuuuu.ll!:f. r r k e" f good a,er at "'o ,1,"-r u u.,,c. tor particulars call on or ,ddress WM. HOOPS. W alnnt P. ., Juniata Co., Pa. Payments to suit Purchaser.