Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, May 07, 1884, Image 4

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    Cring sWary Dav.
One of the most extraordinary cases
of susr. ended animation in a tutu an be
ing ever heard of is now puzzling two
leading physicians o Leadviile, Co'
orada Ttcy have iSeen treating tie
case for the past two rtontfcs, but they
are as far Irom affecting cure to-day
a they were at the beginning. They
have exhausted all the ancient and mod
ern methods ot resuscitation, but they
might as well have bten working upon
dummy or an image. The subject is
a boy about eight years of age who re-
resides with his parents in tl vicirity
of Carbonate HU1. The father is a
miner a strong, robust man, who never
suffered a day of severe sicaness in the
thirty stven years of his life and the
mother la a healthy woman. Both are
Germans, and, besides the little patient
whete ailment is mystifying tUe physi
cians, have two other children, a boy
five years of age and an mi ant in arms.
These two children are Healthy, and
bave suffered from to other sickness
than the ills of childhood.
"It is one of the most remarkable
cases of suspended animation I have
ever seen cr heard of," said one of the
medical gentlemen. "In all my experi
ence in Europe and America, I never
heard of anything like it. Two months
ago I was called to visit a boy nearly
eight years ot age, whom I had tieated
previously fcr w he oping cough. I cured
htm of that annoying malady, and while
on my way to his parents' lesidenoe be
lieved that he had been attacked by
another sickness pertaining to jpveciliiy,
What was my aorprit e, therefore, when
the parents told me that their Loy had
been in a comatcse condition all day
and they were afraid he was dead. He
had ale.t ail night, they f aid. and at
snnnee ex nj plained of sickness, alter
which he fell into a stupor, from which
they were unable to arouse him. I en
tered the room where the boy was lyiug
in bed and found him wearing all the
appearances of death. He had no sen
aibie respiration, no poise, no motion
of the heart, no feeling. A convulsive
movement of the right eyelid convinced
me that the child was not dead, how
ever, and I applied such restorative
remedies as 1 had at hand, but they
were of no avail. I worked until the
sun had diaapi eared from the horizor.
when the boy leovered his sen sea by
degrees and an se without any symp
toms that would indicate his having
been ill. I aai puzzltd, and resolved
to ascertain the nature and cause ot the
deatb-iike stupor. That evening 1 took
Dr. in consultation, and we both visit
ed the iiouse in which the strange
little patient resided. We remained
with him until six o dock in the morn
ing. He tlept very tranquilly through
out the night, and shortly before dty
light we awoke him, made him speak,
and amused him until the sun began to
rise. The little lellow had been very
happy, and laughed heartily at the
funny stones we tuld him until the first
glim pee of sunshine was seen, when lie
suddenly said, Oh, mister, I'm sick,'
and lay down on the bed and immeui
aiely asennietl the appearance of dent a.
Animation was entirely suspended, with
the exception of the twitching of the
right ryend, and he looked exactly as I
had seen hun on the previous day, V e
pneked him with needles and applied a
galvanic battery to his most sensitive
parts, but without creating the least
impression. The tody remained ex
tremely cold for at leabt two hours, after
hi h the cold diminished, without,
however, ceauig entirely. I forcibly
raised one of the arms, and it remained
in an upright position. One of the
legs aho remained elevated when placed
in that potation. The members were
lice eolt wax thai takes tvery lmpret
aion. and were covered with indenta
tions a here we had l retEed them witn
our lingers. 'Ihe child remained thus
without swallowing until the sun disap
peared behind ilount .Massive, when
symptoms of returning animation were
ooaeroavlo, and altjr a whi e he arose,
as on the previous eveLing. He was
raveneu-Jv hungry, and ate a very
hearty meal, alter which he romped
with liis vouuger brother until bedtime.
when ne at ain went to sleep. Thai the
boy had lived ana died eveiy duy dtr
lug tue past two months, lltt eat one
hearty meal every nuiht, and his diges
tion doe not seem iuipaued by his
strange ailment. In tact, he has in
creased lu height and weight since my
hint vu.it to him, and his t pints are ex
cellent. 1 have exper mented witheveiy
remedy known to cure such cates. Hut
they seemed to have no efiYct except to
make the child sick during his waking
hours, and when the catalogue of la
vorite remedies was exhausted ilet him
alone. 1 have written a full diagnosis
of the case and sent it to several medi
cal monarchs in this country and
Europe, and they are all anxious to see
him. 1 am now applying my last pre
scription, and if it tails 1 will take the
boy to New York, when the most emi
nent physiciana in the country will ex
amine him.
Crawl All Over lu
"let, yes, you've got a handsomely
furnished place," said l'erkins to his
friend Gregg, alter they had tramped
all over the house, inspecting the new
'But you haven't seen the climax of
it all, answered Gregg, rubbiDg his
bands together joyfully, for he prized
Perkins' opinion very highly, "come and
1 11 show that to you.
Together the two sought the parlor,
where workmen were putting down a
rich carpet.
There's the charmer," excitedly
cried Gregg, "now tell me, Perky, old
boy, ain't that the prettiest thing you
ever saw?''
"Yes, that is riht good looking," re
plied l'erkins, examining it carelessly;
"but X've Rot something at home that
can crawl all over it.
Gregg was rather taken down, but he
managed to ask:
"What is itl"
With a new-moon smile, Perkins re
plied: "An 8 months-old boy."
About Winds.
Methodical and thorough observations
of the wind bave been taken and many
useim discoveries maue. The most
important, perhaps, is that almost all
winds are rotary in character, so that a
mariner, by obeervirg the features of
an approaching storm, can direct his
vessel in such a course as to avoid its
lull lury. Much still remains in coubt,
however, regarding the causes and na
tuie of cettruct.vo sU rms, one reason
le.ng the suddenness of their approach
and the difficulties of measuring their
velocity. At such times the wind-meter
is generally blown away and the ob
server is in the cellar.
Captain Douglas Galton has shown
the ao vantage of cast-iron pipes for
drains of houses to his countrymen in
England, who will persist in using
stoneware drain-pipes. Cast-iron pipes,
if cast sound, pi event leakage into the
subsoil beneath a house ; they are al
most as cheap as earthenware ; they are
truer in Lore, Jand, what is of even
gteattr value, tbey are not liable to
breakage or fracture.
Tkbjit, wonders never cease. We
have had a poem expressly telegraphed
across the ocean, and now have read
ing by Cable,
A question of the utmost importance
has lately come up for the decision of
ECientitio men, iu !ej?ard to the effect of
ensilage upon the animals to which it is
fed. The practice of cutting feed for
cows when it is full of sap asd burying
it in tits where it undergoes partial fer
mentation has been found to result in
largely ihcreseing the yield or milk, es
pecially during the winter months. The
evstem has been widely adopted ia me
East, and of its economy and value
there has been no question until quite
lately. It is now asserted thai this fer
mentation is favorable to the produc
tion of bacteria, which pass into the
circulation of the animals and affect
their milk. This view was supported
by a paper read at the recent ensilage
coEgrets, it is ot the utmost impor
tance that this question shall be prompt
ly and decisively settled. If the sys
tem of ensilage is healthy and safe, as
it has been supposed to be, its ability
to largely increase the yield of dairy
products from a given amount of land
will insure its General adoption. But
if it is productive of the germs of bao
teria. which result in zymotic and ty
phoid diseases, the country cannot
afford to have it continued another
month. Experiments should be prompt
lv b. t on toot to determine this point
bevocd question, and if ensilage milk
in nnlip&ltiiv. that svstem should te
placed under the ban of the law as soon
as the 'act is demonstrate!.
Among the handy thing? to have in
the garJen is a "ground marker,"
mace alter a plan suggested by Mr. L.
D Snook. A piece of pine or other
timber two or three inches square and
two to four inches long is bored through
with boles on all sides, at varioas dis
tances apart, those on either side beiug
all at tue same distance from each oth
er. A larce hole in the centre, in two
directions, receives the handle. The
other holes, and marking pins to fit
them, ma 7 oe of any desired size, and
the pins be quickly changed from bole
to hole, as lequurcd by diuertnt plants.
This is easily made, aul if made now
will be ready lor use when wanted.
I he period of milking may be classed
in three parts, r or the nrsl six to sev
en weeks after calving the largest quan
tity of milk ier day is produced. Alter
this the yield falls eff pretty considera
bly, but then remains at about the same
figure for two or three months, when a
steady declina sets in until the cow is
perfectly dry. By careiul feeding the
best parts oi the milking periods may
be prolonged, and this ought to be the
aim of all milk producers. If green
fodder and other toed, which stimulates
milk secretion, can lis used at the right
time a considerable extra quantity of
miik may be produced.
There is no point about which the
farmer is so apt to be in error as he is
in his calculatioa of the temperature of
wells and surincs on his farm. He al-
wavs thinks thev are colder in summer :
an d warmer in winter than they really
are. The only possible means of
proximsting to the correct temperature
is to put a thermometer in the water,
testing for the greatest heat along in
September, and for the great est cold
any tune after January 1, and before
warm went bar sets in. Many a wan does
his milk and butter a great injustice by
overestimating the cooiing power of his
spring or well water.
Plants that have been kept dry dur
ing nummer, intended for winter flow-
eriLg.shculd be watered more frequent
ly as toon aa they start into growth ;
when growing v:gorcusly they may be
kett standing in a saucer hued with
water at ail times. As a rule, call as
should be planted in comparatively
email pots, as in large ones they are apt
to produce too luxuriant ioliage, to the
detriment of flowers.
Is feeding bulky food the object is
as much to distend the stomach and
separate the concentrated food aa to
afford rourihhmeut. This gives the
gastric juice a tree circulation through
the contents of the stomach, and tna
food ia properly digested and applied to
the needs of the body, instead of caus
ing lever by remaining in the stomach.
Ma, James Lose, an eminent Eng
lish dairy authority, made this state
ment in a recent address to the Irish
Dairy Fair iu Eublin : " I know a conn
ty tn England where in fifteen yean, by
the introduction of the Channel Island s
breed Jerseys the qnantity of butter
has been doubled, while by careful
breeding the loss cf flesh has been pre
As enemy of the grape in the form
of a grape-seed grub has been discov
ered. The eggs are deposited by a
small black fly upon the skin of the
grape, and the young grubs work their
way into the immature seeds coon after
hatching. Tbe infested fruit usually
shrivels in midsummer. The best rem
edy for the pest is to gather and burn
the affected grapes.
Ohio farmers employ sleds with run
ners six or eight inches wide for draw
ing all sorts ot loads over bare or mud
dy ground. They are extensively used
tor drawing out manure in the spring.
They lujure grass sod less than the
wheels ot wagons and carts do. If all
vehicles were made with wider bearings
on tbe track roada would la&t longer and
loads would move easier.
Pbotection of some kind is beneficial
to nearly all out-door plants,even those
considered hardy. All perennial plants
and bu.bs should have a light covering
during winter. A thin cot of coarse
Utter Irom the stable answers the pur
pose well enough, but is objectionable
on account of its unsightlinesa. Leaves
overlaid with evergreen branches, are
preferable in this regard.
Watcbcbess belongs to the same
natural order as cabbage, radish, mus
tard, etc. It caiinot be called hardy,
thocgh it does live, from year to year,
in spring water, which protects its
loots from frost. That first sent to
market in spring is largely these recum
bent items, with roots from every joint,
grown partially under water and so
close to its surface aa to have been pro
tected from freezing by its warmth.
Tub color of the Jersey Bed hog
ran gee from dark, glossy, cherry .red
and brownish red, to light yellowish
red, with occasionally a light spot of
black cn the belly and legs. The dar
ker shades of red are preferred by the
majority of breeders, aa they are being
bred iu that direction principally.
To remove rust Irom tools first scour
them with emery moistened with sul
phuric acid diluted witu six volumes of
water, linse dry, and finish with oil and
emery flour.
English and French epicures have
leng esteemed oysters with green gills
more highly than others, but in America
tbe color has been quite generally attri
buted to copper, and believed to be
prisonous, liecent investigations, how
ever, have proven that the green color
is due to a perfectly harmless vegetable
coloring matter absorbed from the sub
stances on which the oysters feed. A
quantity of copper sufficient to produce
the green color would necessarily be
fatal to the oysters themselves
Dbesst House Jackets An elegant
t ouse jrcVet fs made of pret ty colored roa
rah or t atin. In tbspe it is a loose prin
cess with pafo da ekeves trimmed richly
with lace insertions and imis. a aeep
ruchlns is round the neck, and from
this faCa a wide scarf of white em
broidered net. edged with lecs, which
cart is then fastened by a handsome
clasp to the waist and is then carried
to the center of the back, where it is
drawn up and fastened together by a
puff of laoe and satiD. A little pocket
handkerchief of the same color,
trimmed with the same lace, accompa
nies this jacket. Another toise j tcket
is slightly fitted to the form, is also of
the soft Bhadames satin and is profus
ely trimmed with pleatings of rich
Oriental lace and is further ornamented
with knots and loop bows of narrow rib
bon. This style jieket is charming
in pale pink, blue or iu faint gold
Obanoe Marmalade. Allow one
pound of sugar to one pound of fruit.
Pare half tbe oranges, and after scrap
ing off as much of the white inner
rind as possible, cut the yellow part in
fine shreds with a pair of scissors; boil
this in three waters until tender and
transparent, and set aside; grate the
rind if the remaining oranges, take
off and throw away all the thick white
inner skin, quarter all the orauges, and
take out the seeds: chop them very
fine, drain all the juice that will come
away, without pressing them, over the
sugar, and make tbe sirup witn this,
adding very little water if the oranges
are not very juicy; boil and skim the
sirup five or six minuUs; put in the
boiled shreds and cook for ten minutes;
tben the chopped fruit and grated
peel, and boil twenty minutes longer.
Mesina oranges, that come iu March,
are the best for the purpose; five dczan
oranges make about twelve ponuda of
ApPhB M urinous Two cups hot
apple sauce, very smooth and good;
one-half cup of sugar, one teaspoon
ful of butter; one teaspoenful of nut
meg and cinnamon mixed; bitter al
mond flavoring, two tablespoonfuls of
powdered sugar, btew the apples un
sweetened, and beat out all the lumps.
Retnrn to the saucepan, sweeten and
season, stir in the cornstarch rubbed
into the butter, bod one minute, take
from the fire and pour gradually upon
the yolks of the eggs, whipped thick
and smooth. Beat two minutes and
turn into a buttered pudding dish.
Bake fifteen minutes in a quick oven;
draw to the oven door and spread rap
idly over the surface a meringue of the
whites whipped stiff and the powdered
sugar, flavored with bitter almond.
Shut up again and brown delicately.
Eat cold with or without cream.
A Kick Dish of Tapioca. Soak half
teacup! ul ot tapioca in halt pint of cold
water for three hour, add another
half pint of water and boil till the tap
ioca is entirely dissolved or melted, add
gradually half a pint of milk; joal be
i tore taking irom the fire (auu by the
ap-lway. this should not be doue till the
mila is thickened with me tapioca ),
add a well-beaten egg, and sugar and
flavoring to suit your taste. This is
nice, either warm or cold.
Bread Ptddiso Baked. Cut any
stale pieces of bread into small pieces,
put into a basin, pour over it boiling
milk sufficient to soften tbe bread,
cover closely, and let stand for half an
hour, beat up well with a fork, taking
out all the hard lumps, add one ounce
butter, half pound currants, quarter
pound moist sugar and a little nutmeg,
put into a pie dish aud bake for au
To CaABiFT Socp. Use the white
and yellow of one egg with a tuble
spoontul of cold water to each quart of
soup; after placing the egg and water
in the sauce pour in stock of soup,
place the saucepan on fire and sur
stock each minute to prevent the egg
atickiug to the bottom, when tiio egg
rises to surface in form of scum stop
stirring and let soup boil until clear; to
color soup use caramel made of brown
sugar and water.
Fob J cum bol e. Use vegetables
of three colors: white turnips, carrots
and some green vegetables, string
beans, lettuce or wood sorrel (from
the French name of which the soup
derives its name). First cut blocks of
turnip and carrot, then slice them very
thin and boil in salted water untd
tender; then drain aud throw into cold
To Bboii. Steak. Put it close to a
hot fire; brown it first on one a iue and
then on the other; by searing outside
you keep in the juices; finish by mov
mg gradually away from fire; if wanted
rare fifteen minutes will do; if to be
well done from twenty to twenty-five
minutes; after steak is done season and
A dexjciocs dish for tea or lunch is
made thus: Ou a very fine wide grid
iron (or one made of wire net used for
screens) place some slices of salt pork,
cut as Uiln as possible; on each one
lay a good-eized oyster, or two small
ones; broil and serve hot. Collee,
cr.sp toast, with chopped Cabbage,
make an almost ideal lunch.
Almond bwm Muts. Bub two
ounces of butter into five ounces of
flour and five ounces of powdered lump
sugar. Beat an egg with half the
sugar, then put in the other ingredi
ents, add one ounce of blanched al
monda and a few drops of extract ot
almonds. Boll them in your baud to
the size of a hickory nut, aud spinikle
with sugar. Bake ligntly.
GbakdiiotbjKB's minute pudding is
made in this way: Let some sweet
milk come to a boil, then stir in flour
which you have Salted; this mnst be
done very briskly or it will be lumpy.
Stir every moment until the pudding
ui about like mush. (Serve wnile hot
with sugar and cream; flavor the cream
with nutmeg or vanilla.
Kipran. Beat up one pound of
pounded white sugar witb the whites
of eight egga and a little vanilla flv
onng. Wnen mixed make it up into
the shape ot small horseshoes, and
having mixed one pound of sweet al
monds turn these kipfel round in taem.
Bake on wafers iu a yery mouerate
Babxet Waxkb, so often recamended
for the sick, may be varied and made
to relish by adding stoned raisms to it.
Let it boil after putting the raisins in.
If figs are preferred, cut them in pieces
and put them in.
A paper recently tead before the
Freucn Academy ot Medicine eipte'sed
tne writer's convic::on that one in every
5000 persons is buried alive. This es
timate, however exaggerated, is not
calculated tj allay an apprehension
which is conspicious among tue French
people, and which waa lately brought
to publio attention by the declaration of
the President ot the Chamber ot Notar
ies that expreea instructions are given
in one will out of every ten to have the
testator's heart pierced by a qualified
surgeon before the lid of the ex ilia is
screwed down.
Fabk implemenia. when occasion all v
brushed over with crude petroleum, will
last longer and be protected from
changes of weather when exposed.
"I see the Omnibus Theatre ia
burned down," aaid Crimaonback to
Yeast the other niorniuj.
"Yee; burned to tbe grcunj. Too
bad, ien't it?" replied Teas
' Yes; too bad. Bat. by the way, do
you know what the last thing was they
played there. Yeast?" questioned the
jolly Crimeonbeak, rubbing his head as
though in deep thought,
'Why, yes," replied the philan
thropist, after a momenta pause; "it
was 'Uncle Tom's Cabin.' "
'Ob, no, you're wrong, promptly
answered Crimsonbeak; "the last thing
played there waa the ho:e."
Ths ProtMMon a Halt.
SI t. C H. Draper, of Na 223 Main street,
Worcester, Mas,, volunteers the follow
ing :
''Having occasion recently to nsa a remedy
for kidney disease, I applied to my druggist
Mr. V. B. Williana, of Lincoln Square, this
city, and requested him to furnish m the
best kidney medicine that he knaw of,and he
banded me a bottle of Hunt's Remedy, stat
ing that it was considered the best because be
had sold many bottles of it to his customers
in Worcester, and tbey all speak of it in the
bighrst terms,and pronounco it always relia
ble. I took the bottle home and commenced
taking it, and find that it does the work ef
fectually; and 1 am pleased to recommend to
all w ho bave kidney or liver disease the use
of Hunt's llemedy, the sure care."
April 11, l&O.
Wi All Say aa.
Mr. George A. Burdett, No. 1S5 Front
street, Worcester, Mass., has just sent us
the following, directly to tbe point :
"Iteing afllieted with ailments to which all
humanity is subject to sooner or later, I read
carefully tbe advertisement regarding the
remarkable curative powers of Hunt's Item
ed y, and as it seemet to apply to my ease ex
actly, I purchased a bottle of tbe medictneat
Jaunery's drug store in this city, and hav
ing used it wiib most beneficial results in
my own case, my wife and son also com
menced its use, and it has most decidedly
improved their health, and we sball con
tinue its use in our family under such favor
able results."
Druggist's fcTldenc.
Mr. George W. Holeomb, druggist,l'J9 and
1.11 Congress street, Troy, J. V., writes
April 7, 1883:
"f am constantly selling Hunt's Remedy
for diseases of the kldr.eys, liver, bladder,
and urinary organs, to my trade and friends,
and find that it gives general satisfaction to
all who use it "
"Pkepabb for the summer, ' says c
daily paper. We have, we havel We
have mortgaged our house, sold all our
personal property, assigned our in
come for tbe next six months, drawn
out the children's money in the savings
bank, and turned the whole proceeds
over to the proprietor of a "Summer
hotel" for the rent of two hot boxes
for ten weeks, for what we can pick
up in tbe dining-room, and for the
privilege of wearing out the aeat of our
trousers on hard-seated piazza chairs.
We are now trying to float some second
mortgage bonds on Mr. Spioer's ward
robe so as to subsidize the cook, stew
ard, bell boys, waiters, chambermaids,
clerk, and scrub girls. If anybody
has been forgotten he will have to
conic in on preferred stock.
The Key Mom
Of h Jit the inUrmi'if a which mar comfort and ag
irraiate one aDotaer Is a lack of phjs.eal energy,
easily remedied at the onuet with a reliable hv
Tigorant. As a means of cheeking premature de
cay, Hostetter's Stoatv h Bitters la unrivalled.
The functions ot digestion and awmilation,
always imperfectly performed where there Is a
loss of v gor and bodily substance, are aided; nerv
ousness and falling off of appetite are speedily
remedied through its agency. Constipation and
disorder of the liTer are thoroughly relieved by
t e Bitters, and the kidneys act more effectively
la sua. Ding impurities from the blood when It Is
res irted to as a diuretic. Rheumatic complaints
are averted, fever and ague cured and prevented,
and the aliments to whicB the aged are specially
subject are mitigated by It. Persons who experi
ence difficulty In sleeping soundly, will and that
a wneg:asful swallowed before retiring will fa
cilitate repose,
As Irish waiter in one of our hotels
pointed out a guest to another waiter
and said:
"Luk at the haythen."
"Sure he's no haythen," said the
other. ".Didn't he slip me a dollar at
"Sure, an' he gev me a dollar, too,
but he's a haythen."
"Arrah, go long widye; phwat makes
him a haythen?"
''Didn't be tell me widhisowo mouth
that he niver ates praties."
"Of, the haythen!"
- A Remaraabl Tribute.
Si Jney Ourchuudro, of Pittsburg, Penn.,
writes : "I bave used Dr. Wm. Hall's Bal
sam for the Lungs many years with the
most gratifying results. The relieving in
fluence of Hall's Balsam is wonderful. The
pain and rack of the body, incidental to a
tight cough, soon disappear by the use of a
spoonful according to directions. My wife
frequently sends for Hall's Balsam instead
of a physician, and health is speedily re
stored by its use."
"What kind of a spring suit are you
going to get?" asked a Harlem wife of
ber husband, as he was wrestling with
a refractory stovepipe. "I think my
spring so3t will be a decided blaek,"
he replied, gazing in silent profanity at
the chimney.
In our ai'vertlsing columns will be found the card
of the largest dealer in Auction Kooda on the Con
tinent. His purchases are made chiefly at Auc
tions, a' Sheriffs', Marshals', Assignees' and Bank
nipt Sjles, and In any quarter where the need of
none? compels parties todu-pnue of their goods.
A circular of 16 pges la issued nv this hoaae, con
tinuing a Hat at theirFpecial bargains, alt porchas
ses being made for "ip t cash ' and aalea on the
same terms enable the proprietor to offer all roods
at figures at least ten per cent, below the lowest
market quotations. We call the attention of our
readers to this circular, and recommend Mr.
K'u-n, No. 311 Bmadwaj.New York Citv,aa a mer
cuant of unquestionable standing and integrity.
"It is a beatilul thing to see a hus
band and wife of one mind," remarked
Mta. regg. "les," replied Fogg, "but
then it makes a good deal of differenoa
who carries the mind,"
Health first, ricbes afterward. All
forms of Health Disease including palpi
tation, rheumatism, spasms, bony forma
tion, enlargement, valvular derangements,
acu'e pains in left breast, itec, yield to the
use of Dr. Gravel' Heart KegulaUr. $1.
per bottle at druggists.
A dude, told by his moiber to write
a tetter of condolence to a lady in
affliction, said: "I'm awful sorry your
Husband is ded and i Hopa the funwer
ali will be a Briliant success!''
Get U Sara.
Wells' "Rough on Rats" Almanac at druggists,
or mail for xc stamp. E S. Wells, Jersey OUj.
It ia reported that a schooner left
Key West a few nights ago, with Gen
eral Aguero and twenty followers, well
armed for Cubia. That the expedition
will prove a disastrous failure is a for
gone conclusion. One general to
twenty privates is out of all proportion.
One private to twenty officers ia about
tbe regulation number in this country,
at least
Ha!e9sw Honey
foreliound aaxxcZ Ti
fob pfrsoxs o AT.L goita a
iiROKOHjTia, and oosara?
faciiorearaileand BRXagS OT
COLDS Ilka maftiej IT CURga. a
fact, van ataav simiIIii saw
BaepKtaraadhMas. Of an DragfMs at Ma. as
1 lari, ckftpM, laotNlorWwuu.
Pike'a Teatkarh Drapa Cara la aaa ajlaaaa.
u 1 mam COT Mtmovtr Aaas
Poverty is in want of much, but
avarice of everything.
Zeal without humanity ia like a ship
without a rudder, liable to be stranded
at any moment.
Soar Clibi There is a beautiful
piece ol goodav miss. It wdl in e up
very, handsome, and I am sure will be
coma either, you or your sister.
Lady purchaser, blushing Why
ahem ao it is. Yes, I think I can
trust to your judgement. Suppose you
cut me off twenty yards.
Aa they are leaving the store Why,
tnamTntti why didn't you tell him I waa
Lady Hush do be still, Maud. Ton
chatter at eouitnually.
Sharp clerk to man at lace oounter
Did you see me work herl Twenty pr
oent on that; it'a that stuff left over
from last spring. '
"ImP sighed Brown, "this life
full of disappointments. aes,
Mrs. F.. "and some disappointments
are full of life.
Vaaaoanpaaa Cnrad.
Aa old nhratctan, retired from practice, having
ao!aeIIha.d. by an "
ary the formula of a aim pi vegetable remedy lor
the speedy and permanent cure of Conaurnottot
Bronchltia, Catarrh, Asthma and ad throat and
Lang Alec-lions, also a potluve and radical euro
forKervous uebtllty and all ervoua t-omplamu,
after saving tasted its wonderful curative powers
In thousand of cases, has felt It his duty to ma , e
it known U, als suBeiing fellows. Actuated by Uus
motive and a desire to relieve human suffering. 1
will send free of charge, to all who desire It, wis
recipe, ia German, Ifrenca or Kngllsh, with run
Olreetlona for preparing and asing. bent by mall
by addressing with stamp, naming UVla paper, .
A. Noras US tweef tow Moclwur . 1 .
"Yks," said a young lady who had
been thumping on the piano for two
hours, "that baby in the next house
fairly sets me wild with its noise."
When job visit or leave New Tort City, save
Baggage Bxprnge sad Carriage Hire, and mom
attne brmad baloa UotoL opposite Oraad Can,
BalDepoL .
Kiegant rooms, sued op at a east of eaa
million dollars, reduced to II and opwards per
aay. Ktuupeaa Plan, Elevator. Kaataaraot
supplied with the besL Boras can. stages and
aievated railroad to aa depots, FamlilM can live
better for leas money at tna eraod Union Hotel
than at any otaar araWclasa hotal la Uia etty.
"So Miss Skimps and Mr. Limbs are
b. a-at married. Well. I declare! That
aged couple. And she ia old enough to
v ulnAooA aliA in "And
ue uu luvtui?.
as for him why, he's old enough to
be her father."
I have had Catarrh for years in its worst
form. Before 1 had used one bottle of
Kly's Ueun Balm droppings into my
throat had seased, pain and soreness in my
head was removed, as well as deafnc s It
gives me Immediate relief for cold in the
head. Mrr. J. D. Hagadorn, Union, N. 1.
Price 50 cents.
"Is this a singing doll?" asked she
of tbe clerk.
"Yes, Mademoiselle."
"How do you make it sing?"
"Just as you would any other you ng
"How is that?"
"By pressing it."
Fob nvsrarsta, ihdioestiok, depression of spir
its and general debdity,m their var.oos forms; aim
aa a preventive against fever and ague and other
intermittent fevers, the -ferro-Phosphorate. I
Hixir of Callsaya" made by Cawell. Hazard a Ok.
Kew York, and sold by all Druggisia. la tne best
tonic; and for patients recovering from fever or
other sickness, it has no equal.
'You are arretted lor disturbing tho
peace," said an Arkansas judge to a
tramp. "Judge, I had a right to dis
turb the peace; I am a Kentuckian."
That alters the case," the judge re
plied, "1 am a Kentuckian myself."
Tbe renowned Dr. Clendenuing, ssys one
th rJ of all his disaecttou showed signs of
Heart Disease; if you have it in anv form,
use Dr. Graves' Heart Beguiator, $1. per
bottle at druggists.
"Aust Jane," said an exasperated
wife, "I wish it waa a enstom lor wo
men to trade husbauds as it is for men
to trade hoises." "Why, my dear?"
' Because, if it was. I'd cheat some
woman dreadfully before sundown."
The ma&ic balm, which is in truth
Petroleum sweet snd cleaD;
It gives to age the charm of youth.
The matchless Carboliue.
"1 BKUava,"said FendersoD, "that
you take me for a fool." Beplied Fogg :
"I have been called a skeptio, Fendy,
but bad as I am, I still bave respect
for every man's belief including yours.
Fendy, including yours."
Bbowk's Broschial Troches for
Coughs and Colds : "1 think them tiie best
and most convenient relief extant." VfV-r.
C. if. Humphrey, Oratz, A'y.
"So poor Bill JStubbs is dead." sjd s
Louisville man on the train the other
'-Yes, I understand so. But where
did it happen?''
"in Cincinnati."
"Did you learn any of the particu
lars?" "Nothing except that he died a nat
ural death."
"Ia that so? Why, I was told that he
was knocked down ou the street and had
the life beaten out of him."
"Well, that's what they call a nat
ural death in Cincinnati.
Men are sometimes accused of pride,
merely because their accusers would
be proud themselves if tbey were ia
their places.
Daellneof Mas.
Nervous Weakness, Dyspepsia, Impotence, Sex
ual VeblUty.cured by "K ens' Health keoewer." (1.
How often has adversity developed
strength, energy, fortitude and persist
ence that prosperity could never have
produced. How ofteu has the dignity
of telfsupport and self-respect been
gained when an external prop has been
Piro's Remedy for Catarrh u a certain
cure for that very obnoxious disease.
Please, sir," sa d tbe bell bov to a
Texas hotel clerk, "number forty says
there ain't no towel in his room.''
''Tell him to use one or the window
"He says too there ain't no pillers. '
"Tell him to put his coat aud vest
under his head."
"And he wants a pitcher of water."
'Suffering Cyrus! But he's the worst
kicker I ever struck in my life. Carry
him up the horse paiL"
"He wants to know If be can have a
"Here, blame him? G.ve htm thh
lantern, and ask him if he wants the
earth, and if he'll have it fried only
on one side, or turned over?"
Life is made up, not oi sacrifices or
duties, but of little things of which
smiles and kindnesses, and small ob
ligations, given habitually, are what
win and preserve the heart and secure
oflier Swan's Worm Syrup.
Infallible, tasteless, harmleaa, cathartic; for fa-venanp.-as.
restJeaaneea. worms, lac
Ifj.sitf Firths. A good way to
use up bits of cold turkey is to cut
them in pi-oes of uniform sin if pos
sible; make a batter of milk and flour
and an egg; sprinkle pepper and salt
over the cold fowl and mix with the
batter; fry as you do any kind of frit
ters, in hot lard; drain well and serve
hot. This is a good break Ta it dish.
Or, Kline's Meat fttrve assurer is tne marvel
of the age tor all nerve limm all gta stopped
free, sand to S31 area atraat. fhi ade ; ptiu. Pa,
Death ia the chilliness that proceeds
the dawn; we shudder for a moment,
then awake in the broad sunshine of
the other life.
Vntd the Sotf African
a' a '
jj...-.r..l. t e ii mona
"""- . , r.-al
f.mn.1 in aautaa w o--; -
was oe-
from the minenu Q -qaaiand
tievtd to be form'. At w h
West, however, the ow-Jg
tive mud of the vines
some to be the true matrix of ; ne
hin it w
moud; but ,P"n .VrTfound on
Loin. u. .gcienuno
ogist, Has, 'Zadai in
mission to HmJo,Un u
finding ttlS-
At ftauwm, ne a---,. - forjnii
ras Presidency, ai.
w aaftaatwiY afaff HkBO
the ciiimona in jwia
tite, where it is associated witn
sjmoat dam.. The ract r -
denuded oi tree., - - - -the
rains, waiting the rocks, every year
expea, fresh diamonds in the .
rock is traversed by veius of
jd epidotifcrous quari
with epidonierous iu 6- .une
diamoiid crystals our erved are ocUne
draL but less distinct ia line than the
stones of South Africa, which seem to
. s (vjap matrix, as
have been jormtu m - - - .
. .. . r r'l.-.warVilisojverV tnai
follows irom m- vu-t- - . , k.
diamonds may be UokeJ for in
arising from the destruction or erosion
.,,,ia in anartzites
oi pegmatite, iw e r ,,. ,
with or without mica, clays, pudding-
stones, etc.
..... nf silver
ticket crucioiea, ,
or.es. are recommended by M. Cermet
, ; ninnlatlOnS.
for use in cnemiou -
i i i .litrhilv attacaea
Diesel. uiuocv ., ,.
melted powsn, ou v -.---Nickel
crucibles cost at first much
than thote made oi silver, auiu,
.i.. k. haH tna ffreat
ad van-
over. iurj - o
tne of rrnl in at a higher temperature
It olten ltaivrn ir.ai u-.,-
.t-. m..:t tin ir silver cru'ib.OT
a l - a. ' . v AVtAIU
n . - - - - i
beating tueui ovc a r -such
au accident is not to be feared
in working with crucibles maJe of nick
i-i cmiicstmi seeds bave
actually been counted in ti e head of a
single iKippy.
Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica,
.muqo. Backache. Headache. Toothache.
s ta aiaiti ei .
si lt,; l.uX. . 1 'niem. w ,j
l,rMn. -- -
Tnr. niiKi.M a. tM.ri.K co.
U O I Tlu "" t ev
Wt a M W faiB-iu f,r iu aaa
I and a.Ttv .n. a tm
P al 1 tm IW lUrawtim. ifc-btias
Drira la the Rut. Su! or Hip. Niiralia, Stiff MM
uid llu, h"i, S.w I'M gi.iut-r Trunin ail all pins
or arbmrlthrr local ,vile. M"'ed. HS.41.lrata
Mia mni StimulaU-a the part. Tl'e Ti--rufa oi hopa eoa:
bitted with imma-cl, an juiJ rea.IT t applT. 8uprVTo
liTilmuiW. lolt-'BS and Salve. ITna eentt or tat
fi.uo. s,ld ty dmir-
rwta and rointry
aton. Kail, d on rw
c 11 of pri-o. llrp
TiostfT Compnn I
pnetom, Boston, ILi.
f4 0O
I fT ihbtt family- pal BlaVia- 1U'..'J' a.
liTT rfl'. f. PI'T?irt m iwt inn
-aJirTa ill! S
Spuiuu, Convul
sions, Falling
Sidaico, Sw Titus
Dance, JlaAd-
tna, Opium Eat
ing, Sypkitlit,
Scrofula, Kig
JM, Tgly Blood
Diseases, Dyptp
ua, Kerronsness,
Siei Keadackt,
VrnwKS Hmbaeat, Brain Worry, Flood Sort,
Bilionsness, Cottiaenm, Nervous Prostration,
Kidney TronbUt and Irrrqularitir. $1.30.
Mampla Teatimaalal.
"Samaritan Nrrvine is doinz wonders.
llr. i. O. MrLemotn. Alexander City, Ala.
"I feel It my duty u recommend It."
Pr. V. F. Lanehlin. ( ljde, Eaasaa.
"It en red where phrsicians failed."
fter. J. A. Edie, Bearer, Pa.
W CarreapaaJgaea freely anawrrea. "aS
Th Dr. S. a. Richatana Mad. Co, St Josaoa, Ma.
For test ImontaU and etrralars send .tamp. f7)
it Drani'ta. C. 5. Critteatoa, irrat, H. T.
Oampnor MILk Is uw beat Llntment. Prlos at asnts
Slatament ol a Gentleman ot Koanastar, 2
V., Miowtng the Tower of llr. David Ken
nedy s ravorlta Keiueiljr, (of Romlonr, H.
T) over lliseaaea oc tna Klilitss and
tha madder.
No pa ti abicb mau his to entlure aurpaMiea that of
STaveL "I would ratber die." exclaims tne patient,
"than bare aut h attarka very often " It caused tna
death if Napoleon III Mr. E. Dewltt Paraona. of 371
Ply monti a one, Rochester. S. T.. reontly had a
remarkable experieiiee with it Be was a well-an t.
nne-lookinir. heart r-appearin gwitiemsn. Oned y
he was proatrald with p un from ' be amall of his back
to the abdomen. For snnK t me prevlona bis apptt'e
had been fickle, his bowels Inactive, and ba had fell
sore anoire his hips After vot.ltiur waer be ha' io-
vere pain and arawlna' senauioi. - For some ti:ne
mydiaord r mystified me. he aaiil. -bat oat diy I
read of a ease very like my own in a papor. I wrots
theperano boe name appeared and beeonfirnird It
fully. From tnat little incident I discovered I had
tme in tbe bladder and rravel in the kidneys. I waa
greatly alarmed then, but the disease naa loa: I a ter
ror to me now. for I am fnlly ree-iTrred enr d by
a. aaaaiaa aujESI-s rilOSIfl
HWKOr. (ot RooonaUN. I.) which I moat aor-
dia ly commend to all panona siUferUnr from kidney
disorders, pain In back, atom or sraveL My wife
also rwranui it as eapeclally excellent for women. Dr.
aenaedy naa performed many snnrical operaliona for
atone, wnen w prevented removal tbronvh tna
natural channels, and he baa never lost a oaaa!
Cream Balm
fauses ne Fain.
Gives "liclief at
Once. Thorough
Trealment- will
Care. KotaLIq.
aid orSnnff. lp-
Ply with Hng-er.
Give it a Trial.
tared. fn,l fop aaa.
"' wiHtns. Dntriata Owaro. y. y.
an 1 u i ttit bb
CCnEfori.ii.,3,. n,,,,.., arnrn-H. or aant
BOX asis. EW T0Kl
H rIBX JUsI'l'Vf baa.e.,
5i5us'viI.KIcTu..T . vrwm-a
Ul HckPlta-ii of IV.i- P j " .Tl'?9tIS,l ia
Smiple cases. to 8ovr.ouVs oS iV'
"' i4ia sui. r
,'"-.r Blood d,"il "
wuxiatiC .root corrox. aa
.ral JJwnf. 9a r- -
JSrifSS-atS. arnclT
ner doa.: wart ;
rocH.IBBU"9BW aad I-v-a,
hlnc Btixed. saal arwwa.
' , i.. aa at
nanafacnrcTw i--1 ti Mperiruaa,
wn s aenner box BLLK1.NO. H-w , ,a
WOVBS CORSETS, whit, and colored. UTS per
rBA and WHIT KID 0L0V - bat-
aaa, ...asMa aU M.
ions, t-w, "i- w-
HATS, per oo.
OT VACr L m"
. . -ah. ax MM
ooseu, wwm
The above all new styles.
. .a-- -a w.vt rorTHir. BOT8. aad
A (Oil unm mm aw-w . . .
CHILDREN'S HATS, from te lowest to ta aig-
st tradaa, snata w any
per pair, case aaly.
nair. by case only.
vear-s), Irst quality, tTVc per pair.
LADIES' GLOVES, foxed bauon (workel oat.
tonhole). a i d ft.l per pair.
PINS, xSc per dona.
$-4 Table (fancy colors), fl.ie per piece (It Tarda
m piece.)
'Job7 HASSOCKS, S2.M prr uoaea.
WESTS 81 R1PAD HALF HOSE, 41c. perduaea.
LADIES' BUSDLB HUSK, He. per dusea.
LADIES BERL13 ULOVEH. 4Sc. per drst a.
uneaj. Skis; WOTtB fa.
Joll" HOLLAND SltADiS, i and feet, $i.4S
anu aa. ta per aosea mounted.
Newest style DADOS. Sor. amih.
WINDOW HOLLANDS (salid coeds) Stic, per
ZX5 ENVELOPE!, sue. per 1,00a.
XXs KNVELOP.JL eian nar l oati
T.MVKHSAL" HLX'ILAGK, S4 par arose.
per lot.
BUr -Jab- ta No. t BLACK PENCILS, ffl.ts
tToas: worth alio.
STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS, American, formita.
--- j,n.u per 10s,
t-lnch red and brae PENCILS, FLU aroaa.
1-la. hred PENCILS, t pwroaL
Btcob-nPAPETERllra a.
Zll""" ---.boX..,
PENCIL BOOKS, 50c. par doaea: worth is
1.LfJr- Pelalties. im ratUln. Ma
that cannot ba an uacaad kT . aiaera
does tnmataTJZZ. T T ow at
" ta of tenereat they p., ra
leicofshmatim. J,rT Priw.
ercaant,w,tn lrJ; "
as to pua, ZZZrZ obriT,
wttomTslBeatkwJsswITr 1
IF vm IT I VT n -
LTS X T.Tvp ivii
a. vv Alias fcrO
ai 11 jm aaa hi- lis arwaA
Wholesale lacUoa D17 Goods.
1 BBOADWaT, TXvw York city.
. T,oo-a rn"rP("lTTXT) fiT?
a M A - MM JUA,A'aAJa A
qmnacuemi "
, aalTU m I't a Ua Joan.
ItCR J" j,i,r in r-n--ii ciiriir Sd1n
f W a""1 -1 auau.ii,iia. rs.
w-rr JSaSVotTalO BELT and oui ELay-nw
TriLTT-M m sent oa 9U I'aj. Trial T(J
iAoiiOViiVi OLD. who are
Sr'ir wawrocs lisanjTV. Lor Vrtaurr.
ra ' " r WAK .xia, and ail owh d'aeaw of k
EilTiTt tirgu feaultlna trom aacw aaa
laat iifiw" . , oaca tor Illi.alralea
an.j w. Laooa
tur itsil
atoTaaSTSSw. Send as
. usbbloi aTi: . l" t
t at Oaaaaoar of aVoadwar
IVBiaSsauoara. -N 1
u "m af aU pmaewent Prod-ws Exi-aaraaiai
mZL TaTcbieawo. St. Uiuisanl JJ
"wa luvaaxcloalT.prlvata.latorrai.b w:.-. batwaw
tJJjZZxi Saw Tora ill eiyita orders os aw
r.!; Twtiao ragaastM. Hand I f etrenjars aa
fcTpaTuS. ara JtoBT. UNDBLOal a Cot
V "auev wor at their bonne, in ctr or eouttrr.
.ILTaanlMkaSia par "-. BUl!lf00.1s ! Oaf
SnaauaunTuerade Sand 1.1. ima:tiat
iSSSiSn. a tOJ atFO- tU. Suta Aim.
.aa ana INFORr.ATtON IN P. Tr, ard To
Mitt Excursion
Rates la Tsxas, Arkansas anil California.
Vamnalsaa. at., aus .nbnut laoda fie aala eaa ba hal
H"?!??. tt riiat.nL Paaa. - I'tiaa
f TJ P MeHtATH. N. K. ra. Ill, n.tn,;
K W AJIOW1TA . K. P. A. Ba.trmura, as.
II. a.r.s.s. a 'a
Xast.Paaa. At Mu. Pac a. . 2 A J a .iwer. N. T,
IHwa an.sai1w' for the mbf L bf
I a. a 'J?SlZmjt&
ISi nava bean cored. Ind-ed.ao-troui :n rfnti
faoesncur. .u-. - ..-
ZSlSXZfc r?ALD K Bl E TRK A 1 ISE oo this 4a.
aaaTusnr sufferer. O E ilii-i. aiut I- ) d.'.naa,
is. T A. oLOCUM. Il Peart st ; lata.
OW-tlW LBOac4aa'DLs Saja
aWrwd. yw yoar Iibbi lo snt. lip
tvttorti for w CM6raasd Tsm
Mai C'awffr-VaVl awaTir 4V (MaVlaaa
fnliroid ti.ot r VoawKaiaaCBiM
iiaiwar Bas or oora imm mum
W-t mil pavrT.ica.rw aviars
, OOA JMaa BA ass awaair M.a a mwm
VtliMil 1-a.f SS.f Utaaatks M.
It ti aVBtLrWy r ?rrt tym ail nc&rrr srM ttiuai
ISBslUstaTllSl h ft pwrt SCI Vrrfatialav RxiT KcmKs rr. U anj
itniKM rh-TisT " ' ' datvlruft. r?ti
mof tUair is its iimtiirsu oH-r, avnd - n iw
rowth vbtn ti hm tln n5 It d doc ff -c: rat
M.Uft, WtiU-b "Hi L'al 11T. ftUlar Ol tCSVlt BVLti D.Uir A
tlwr prepsajrmtl fn ohi It li t-o x.n aiartttor
(okit-d fcatr tn frw amjm u a b-u rnl or an.
kk jour ctriaaorfx for it tira btxle is avTutasl,
tomlh. Rham 4 Co., VVhufewai Aff'W fttil. v4
CLXCentttvaV V.
mwm ky Dr. I. B.
M t afdaw ofciDwJ usi m
mm sataal to IMt kmainaa ti&aii-diavC4iy VM
taal. BTBTOaDartna ttrm. 9iiil vtA iip far r
Mm siffloav Ml Arc. Mr-wl PfuUdWtrtus,
tetur&a: HertMr Him, Hxrr i.oi , Pe.. Ro mmi
au.: St Clair Bo
, piuaooraa. Pa. hk
im mm m
aVaavaA aamt-raja
ftw fron HtOT4
hJpoue Dco-rnoe
a- lltn wt It h.a unun
aaTtaAntrtSlr-B OlSBTa,sX5. Oniy m
rWFAUIt.l af tnker. am Erected. ftt
taawMtxaB. tkaV MWIalAV tlptTU Caaartfe t
! KLIVS.am JaVfc S.Kfl-wVIplti-i.P.
donatbronsfa ua. 1 tw SPKI ti M W KI K at jr
aa w so,, asa. uaoaaLI imsiana.
IVDIIT.TUF. "IOI R Et0S."v.llll
ready .biit Aonl 1 4b Ttwuxar rt nn .0.1 -laoa-
Isaac putu-ord A treaaaira ta all satie
ealva It. Price iu eei.ta i.r annmu. v ' ns
limitpd uiunbtT of aaaapleopira '. r FREB -te
tnbation Send in iir nann. .( ,,uoe a-m
aaa. Waaail laa far a, rrfalariakwriaH-.
Slzta Arenoe and ,neteenth Street,
w lark City. N. V.
lata ie. 151 sTixrs tor (.pecisls
2 oautllm .nd a urjc h uh. n . mian:eiit to
a SKtstB. s; Druid liul Aienoe. aaiuiu re.
1 tnai.. BOW, EM. LI IZE k ft).. 111!" t.irarj .
Pblladeltilua. Pa aVlir l u'z-trvit-female J.a
only. Advice free at otnoi. or or i, tu-r-
1 1 11 Tin a h Hu . K. . K-
It hCUnxui.ora ejhltcS.tin v'i-il nl anKKcrpt
'f pt- v. -n ,e orlerdnw. a bit of the-e n-i-v
ahaUafrea. stA SUOKK CAK1 WOakS.Ea.tKiver.a
a la Petals al will cure jour cona-a. Price
T?t?PHONRS -lhehitina- fo- p tvat Iir
AddreM:thaaip UNIH.'a 1 EL.CO .Lej.letiVt
A L-oaUiu lndoa Phva
tui.-aia New York
tr-lLtr-liv FITS.
elaMy af Ipllapsy. baa withoitt ,N,rh tr-iuad '
OltSLSZVfr'""- " k"o herd or 1 '
kaa p.bll.rH-4 a work on t:u, a .r
SdravaoT a -1,1,1. "om.
lllust'd Cover
81 8X x IPX. Bynxlcn receipt ef
East Side Agency E. a Bnrt . Tine Sloe
281 Crand St., New York..
rSjtJ Ttntfi xi this paper.
aaaaav M U U af fll '&mW
fa th. hmjj by J RAI.M ATI l hT seine
HMt WALK BY IH1 . lsT-a4
IUIU USbK All net .,..
I w. ...mb, aa.a. Itu failV.
naj-HCovKheiynii.. IMi-wKiMstl
I maun, ran'si rt.- iintir M!
For Two
The cood and siannch old
nd-riy, MEXICAN Ml
TAXi LINIMENT, has doaf
mcre to assuage pain, rplieT
snfferins:, anil save the lives of
men and beasts than all other
liniments pat together. Why-'
lieeauso the Mnstans pene
trates throng skin and fles
to the very bone, driving on
" pain and soreness ana
morbid secretions, and restor
injr the afflicted part to sound
na supple health.
7 a T'A Asttina B-'tiu nt . r.i.j t tho it
a6aroVaw wuble- rh t " o;t.-n erd In
f5mltJi."asaaa.-id aiire - ra v. 1 h 2
Wt a'aJwSration. r-nxHrif r-e-crb-d R
ialSfffiaW. Mauufan-"! p-,iii l,y A.
TratlaaC Satt-
Sas raiias ii
1 : lov
to ,
- full
. for I
; to u
i ping
; lalU
: he si
was 1
I shoa
- ayt
I mi
; free
and I
1 branc
'. retun
i rich e
t embai
- biessii
I wer
: farew.
s aadea
; hand
? to his
: brac
in mj
tod pa
fa a
t ginn
I o one
1 aa, 1 aaiy .n i