w i ii it 11 . 5 i . ? A VaUM) ia Ui Mliir, A tall man, with a fall beard the color of old cold and white-brimmed hat, and wearing aenitof ready-made olotbct wife tte tceif-iLirc of an Osaka store plainly TiiiUe. got off the train M it reached tba Srth western depot. In Chicago, the other day, and had hia gripsack oLecked for aafe keeping in the waiting-room. '1 ben he stepped ont of the depot and walked tatt, and taw the aigna of the Ciiicago museum. "A show, hey! Well, m take that in, sure." He bought a ticket and psseed in, and was coon contemplating tlte pretty girls in the costnmea of ail nations, and e tared long and earneatly at one of the onns lidiea who aeemed to take his eye. The girl waa rally conscious of tLis admiring look, bat, like a well-behaved girl, took no notice of it until alter the apace of tome min utes, when the steady fcase brought the colcr to her cheek and a half fcmile to her face, which ahe attempted to bide by quickly turning about. This was not lubt to the keen eye oi tne western man. aud teveral times be moved for ward a if to speak to the girL bnt each time he rbratik back bashfully and re sumed his first position. The curl be came somewhat nervous. She attempt ed to dm-t off the front of her booth witii a leather duater, but it flew from Ltr tine, rs upon the floor. The Wear eru man sprang quickly forward and banc o.! it to Ler with uutauglit grace. li.ank you, air," she said, with a smih: and a bluh. "Oa, yon can talk American?" he atkrii. Yea. sir " she replied. "Why not? "Uii, 1 annuo; jou wearing that fur- inn lit , 3 on know. " ea, I am American," ahe said. 'it's a mighty pnrt7 rig, anyhow, he said. 1A you think so?" "Yes. Dyt yon stay here all the time; "No; 1 live at home. I'm only here for a couple of wetaa. I'm a Miauger in town," said he. "Jniieed. " "Yea; I live m Arizony." 'is mat larawat?'' "Yv; it's lonesome for me out there. ecntt iiu.en. "Wtiy den't you live in a eitvr " 'Cute I've t,ot a ranch and a lot of cattle." tine looked at him with sudden re pt-ct,kT she had heatd of the Western I attic kli g. "J. aa ougEastto see a gal," he said, alter a pause. "But I don't think I ii o now.' -Wny not?'' Caua I've found one that aniU me in Cuici-go. Yen ie lucky," said the gill, smiling at t'.e simplicity of the man. "Who is au.7 ' "Yon." "O, go on with your foolishness. Yon never saw me before." "Hit," said he, "but I'm going to stay in Cutcauo and see yon again. Fact la, 1 abt a wile, i'tn a plain mail, with no tr.miuings. "If you'll marry me, taj ao.-' 'i.his is so tudden, aid 1 don't know you, aud" "Jitvtr nand that. Where do von Iiv." "-No. street." Fatner and mother living?" 'FUier is dead. 1 lit live with mouier. And yon come here to make a little moi ty toaara pajing tiie rent?" flow i.id vou know it?" ''Aeer mind; I'm coming up to see yon to Light. I can convince your uioihcr tnat X am able to take care of you, aud i've got letters to Chicago men Ui.i'il snow wbo and unit i am. If jour ui other 'il o along ont 1'U be glad io nave ner ajong. Anyway, l m going to take vou." "Vuure very eonfldtnt. seems to me," taid the joung lady, wbo had snd deuiy come to Uiink a yellow beard "N . a iiiind," said the Arisonian. "T;o uo tne uog and leave the latch suwK out to-niku for I'm coming. sure as thunder," and he walked away. lo-day there is a vacancr in the litzar el Nations," for one of tne pictticst feula ruts gone, and in a neat iitUe collage in the north dirjiion an old iacy auu ghl are sewing for dear lile on a serviceable bridal outfit. To (tuencta Ui Thlnt. A gTeat many industries start afresh and wuh great impulse in the spring of the year. One ot these is the business of pieparing "cooling beverages" for tne cummer drinker. I be bottling ee tao iBi nienta are in operation the year tnrougn, but in the spring preparations are made lor the summer increase. Tne demand for the lighter drinking materi al, it not lor all, is regulated by tne weather to a great extent. If the sea son be hot and dry tne people will be in i be same condition. The amount of sweetened water that is aold under van. ous names is simply enormous. boaa is water impregnated with car bonic ac.d gas. Crbouio acid gas la made troru pulverized marble and vit riol. Tne marble is pnt into a receiver and muted witii the vitnoL Tbe gas Is thus generated, and alter paoaing Uiioutn pumiers or through water is redy to L-e charged into anv of bo,klitd water. A bottling machine film a bottle a second with tne help oi one operator. Over the bottling table are me itervou-s containing syrups, connected aith tbe bottling mauLina. Tne carbonic acid gas, mingled with waur, is let in, tne sirup lancet is opened and in the rpt.ee of a second a it. itio i i ginger ale, aaraaparnla, p' 1 or einir mixture la reauy lor mar a..i. i Le uiat every of ginger ale gave a ic.iinu-g tuuib. to muiioua. It la sup- poBtu ii.ki more would le sold if tne iau.e ale Waa not given to it. As it ia bcihuig more tnan water sweetened wiln feixiKer syrup and chareed with caiOomo acid gts, it has no Very marked uiioxikaiuig or even stimulating qnali ties, it ia the great aUmmer oruJt narmleaa, plcaoit, lelrealunaT and hcbiiniul, 'Tne item of bottlea ia an i.u)HJiuuit one. Tue bottles coct moie U.aa tue ale. tvery bottle reqairea waning, oi oouxre, every time it is cb-put d. For tula purpose a maotune o.cn invented and put in operauou tu ukc tne place oi luuid laOcz. Tlus a.i.uiiiio wan.a sixty bottlea per min ute, m d doea it as well as tne raost Oarciul band. The aavaig in labor la gna;, LetWes tne city consumption tue sea-aucre trade will soon begin afea.ii. At tue summer resorts the duet neici.u or many is drmkneg. Why not? 'Tue satt air produce thirst. Ths klarrs. It is proposed to tunnel the Bierra on the line oi tne Central Fadflo Baiiroad. lrom Truckee to Blue Canon, and do away with the snow sheds, many of which are getting old and rotten, and brekk down easily under a heavy weight or snow. . A Ceimsu cocior recommends bread rnnoe aiih sea-water aa a wonderful ieh.tuy a.nbt scrotals and disorders re thug ir m intnflicient nourishment fefct-aatir out hi to stand twalve hoars Laioie lag ased for making dough, in , order to free it lroin imparities. Bread made with it, it ia aaid, has no unpleas ant taste. PACXDf Brrrra is CttocKa. The t,artial loaa of a crdck of our own test battel the put season, or, wnat wee, a bent tea sax:., tta Last of. its navor sod the oosaeq-eat old tme, k&s Jed to the looking into tha natter, and the apposed perfect giasmg ot ue crocs waa found to be pierced with a great number of moat minute holes, the re sult In some way of the burning. Tnis let the air into the butter, or, what teas worse, the inside material of the crock aim ply acted as a spongr, and the finer aromatic oils of the batter were absorbed through those minute holes into the clay, and the outside layer ot butter waa rained, leaving but core of good batter in the centre of the crock. Mo poorer article waa ever invented in whioh to pack batter tbtn a poor crooK, one either imperfestly glased or a - second " that contains erasks, ' blis ters" or scalded off plaoea. When the glacing la pertect or glass-like, absorp tion cannot take place, bat unlet it is perfect there is a great liability ot a loss in aroma and texture, and wnat was put down as yellow butter will be taken np with edges bleached oat and the flavor gone. If a broken crock is examined it will be foond that the g las- ins at beat ia not thicker than a him, and might be easily destroyed by the action of the oil and the acids of which butter is composed. The genuine stone mock with its glssiug of glass makes a perfect package tor batter, bat the conmou clay crock with its salt wash or vita tons gmS'), is olten a delu sion in bntUr keeping ; but what con sumer ever thought It waa the crock it sell that worked thedamage and charged it to thai cause ? Wa Lave Just waded through a col umn of directions, being an eoitornu in an agricultural jaurnal. bow we are to raise " bronae '- turkeys, but saying not a woid in what respect tbia turkey oiffers in the laisiig liom the black, tbe white or the grey turkey. W e read it. not in tbe expectation of learning any thing werUi knowing not already known, bo to see how so large a space eonid oe filled with information that mne farmer ont of ten could tell you in about a score or two of lines, and tell yon in each a way that you wonld know ail sboat racing bronze or any oihtr turkejs and could not go amiss. It ra the cost cm of some writers, espe cially aaricuJlural writers, no matter abat subject they may be attempting to elucidate, to employ as many words aud spin oat as many phrases as oss:ble, dcnbtleas nitii the iuea that a had col emu or column of matter will much more readily attiact readers than a short article as embracing everything thattheieis to say upon a subje t; whereas it is next lo being out ol ques tion to pick oulirom tbeKieal0Oi.iu.-ion ot words any points to be of any Value to the reader. At a general thing lar mers have no tine to waste upon ion, nnmeaniLg commusicaliona. Wbat they detirj is plain apeaking, short and to me purpose ; and it is ou Una ac count tnat we make our own articles brief and cUmi, so tnat whatever ol merit ttiere may be in them may be readily applied. Vaixk or tkk UaRDuc. Farmers too often allow the artieu to take the 1-.SI chance, and to remain neglected till the field crops have had lad attention. As a coneeqoence weeds get the start ; vegetables are crowded with weeds, the labor of hoeing ia greatly increased, and the owner concludes taut a garden ia a costly luxnry wnica does not pay. But if well managed it will pay better than anything else. Riaptwmesiraw berries, currants, asparagus, cabbages, beets, tarniptt, etc, may all be plaii'ed in rowa and cultivated with a horae,and ua this way an aore need not cost more in cultivating than an acre of field pota toes or corn. Even on a rich half-acre, tbe family may nave strawberries lor a mouth in abundance, to be followed with an equal supply of raspberries and of cnrranla. Peas, beans, asparagus, beets, spinach, cabbage, tomatoes, on ions, parsnips, and many other vegeta bles, in their various periods may be ail grown in abundance, and will prove of more value in supplying a lamily with comfort, luxuries and subsistence tnan any equal area elsewhere. The great requirement for success is easy and thorough cultivation. TxsrmaTX mi BTaauES. Warm sta bles lor live stock do not necessarily mean that ammais shall oe bcxed up so tight that the supply of fresh air is cut ou lrom without, and that there can be no escape of the air vitiated and laden with tue exhalations from the droppings and breath of animals. Pure air is es sential to health, whether in mankind or animate. The arrangement of win dows or ventilators should be such ss to admit the puresir and let ont the font air, It ia true thot many stables are so open to tbe weather that there is no danger from this source. Bat in new-iy-built stables, especially in basements, where large numbers of animals are stabled, the danger of lung disease lrom too close confinement is by no means email. Caoics Eoaxa. Those who have choice loses olten desire a few extra ones, either to bestow upon friends, or to use in enlarging their flower garden. In older to tettte good strong plttLUs.it la ociy tectssary to select rpe shoots, well branched near the ground (prefer ring those limbs that ii cnt oft would make a nice busiiy plant) and with a sharp anile, back or notoh the under tiue so uiat when bent it e rnes in con tact with the soil. These notches should be five in number, through to the heart or pitch. ISvw L-toid the limb down, and with the kniie slit the limbs oi e and a ha.! inches up toWalos the end ol me to., just Leiow the notches, and be Cartful Lot to bleak the ilinh ; covet io inches in the sandy soil, and lay a brick or stone over it to keep it down. Keep the sod moist and by spring the tools will have formed often lour and live inches long, when it can be re tuoved. The ntoat a,rEeult rosea root easily tuis way. Damf"s. Darnel. m and dew are fatal to yoULg turkeys, Therefore they stool a i e kej.1 in coe. s Until the dew is off the gruas. A great many younu: tuikeya oie lrom ibis cause white breeocrs wiunalv aaoilbe their deatn to improper lood. L'o cot feed ecru to the backs, bat give tLtm plenty of rata and keep them out of ttoima. The best flock masters pnt the bucks by themselves at night. The lambs will be stronger. In beat carcass weighing 1,400 pounds and a mutton 160 pound are the stanoaids in the Bntnh markets. Tha Mational Hungarian Exhibition Is to open on May 1, ltsf 5. and remain open to October 15. in connection with this uisplay there will be an in ternational seot on for tools, machines. motors, agricultural machines, paten ted inventions, kx. in whu-h Amencana may open np a new market lor their manoiacturea. The alnminnm piuees for the deccr- atiuu and preservation of iron and steel is intended to take the place of nickel ing, tinning and coppering. The coat ing leaves the sharpness of the outline unimpaired, and adheres closely to east and wrought work. A Fxw SovxLTisa. There are several oovelriea in the pTodncftons of the croakery and household articles manu- raotoren. Tbe patented cigo-Dacsea waste-Bt jar is the naefsl fe&tare of a bed-isohf aet of china. This prevents tha wall-paper from being splashed by emptying a basin or mug. Tne bign back ia decorated like the front of the jar. This pattern oornes also in paint ed tin, when the hlgb back is move able, so aa to be lifted ont for purposes of perfect cleansing. For afternoon tea. or "nte tit-caps, ttiere comes a Bohemian tilting ketttle, with nickel plate trimmings, mounted on a stand, which is a heatuuz arrangement. The nursery table is not forgotten, and earthen ware, toy plates and mugs, combine a lesson in natural history and tbe alphabet with the infantile attrac tions of eating and drinking. Tbe lion, tiger, or humped eam:l is depict ed in the centre of the plate or mop, with its name printed in one corner, while around this circles the twenty six letter. New Cower pots of fine white clay are figured with the over lapping fish-scale pattern. They are porous and suitable for house and win dow plants. Bashed Mat with V ioetablis. Slice the remains of any cold roast meat very thin, cut iff the browued edges and dip each shoe into a little flour. Break np the Lous of the meat and put into a stew-pan with a small chopped onion, a thinly-sliced oarrot, a little chopped celery, some salt cloves, a few pepper corns and allspice berries. Boil tnem in a pint and a half of water for one hoar, dipping off ail fat that rises, and thicken tbe gravy with a little browned floor, browned on a flat tin in the oven, ttkim out the bones and err) ot meat, and put in the slices, and let the whole boil np for a few minute. Make a wall of mashed pota oes or boiled rioe around the edges of a dish, and cover it with beaten egg, and brown it in the oven while tbe snoes oi meat are being bested throng b; then turn the meat and gravy into the dish, and serve very hot. UaxxBTlIaTossiaa. The jelks of two eggs, a very little mustard, salt, pepper, the juice of a lemou and some water. JJeat ail togeiuer. w p"" the same curdling, the eggn must be well beaten before adding heoU. Pour in the oil slowly, a lew dr. p si a time, stirring until of the consistency of jelly. A lew drops or vinegar may be added, or a small spoouinl of boil ing water. The celery must be well washed and then thoroughly dried in a towel; cut in small pieces in a salad bowl, throw the mayonnaise over the celery, mix all together and serve. Cbttmbed - Haddock. Bemove the bones and skin lrom cold boiled bad dock and put them on to boil with hall a small onion. Pick the nab, into flakes and mix with a pint of flab, one tesspootiiul of salt, half a teaspoon fui of pepper, and one cupful ot dry bread crumbs; fill a butter uish half full of the mixture, theu pour in what remains of your drawn butter, add the rest of the nh. sprinkle crumbs over the top, moisten with the water in which yoa have boiled the bones, and bake about twenty minutes. It must be more moist than soalloped oysters. CkCina. Mince fine one capful o: ram roast lieet, add one-fourth cup Inl of dry tiead-crumbs, one fourth ol a small onion, grated, one least ooutal of chopped parsley, one-to rth tea poouim of pepper, and oe teaspoou lul oi salt; stir in a little good stock and -,o egg, beaten. The mixture should be aa soft as yon can handle it. Heat altogether, and when it is cool, mould in the bowl of a spoon into egg shaped balls, roll in fine crumbs aud try a light brown in hot laid Make a gravy ol one cup of stock, thickened with browned flour, and flavored ivith one teaspoouful of Balford sauce, and poui over the cecils. Beep AH Mode. Cut two pounds lean beef into pieces with ona-iourib pound lat bacon cut in strips. Make a seasoning of equal quantities cf natmec, pepper, and twice aa much tait; dip the bacon into vinegar, then into tue seasoning; put the meat over the lire in a saucepau with a pint of btoca, two large oniona, a bonch of sweet herbs, and a little lemoa peel; cover it closely, and let it simmer gently for two honr; then turn the meat over and simmer one hour more. Ir it is necessaiy that the clothes of the Monday's w:ash should be loit in all niiiht- do not leave them in suds, but alter taking them fiom the boiler and draining tnem, put mem in a tub and poor over them scalding water and let them lie in this, lrom this they can be wrung ont, and after blueing bl ghtly will look muh whiter, and certainly will have a more pleasing and cleaner odor than if left ail night in snda. Potatoes ala Ltosxaiss. Slice an oniou finely and lry it in butter till it begins to take color; add lour or live cold boiled potatoes cut in slices three eighths of an inch thick, salt and pep mr to taste, and keeu shaking tiir J saucepan till they are quite hot and also begin to brown, iseet dripping, n property clarified, may be used in stead ot batter. Ebead Fr;onra Bilfd. Take one pound bit ad crumbs, soak in boiling milk for half an hour, beat np with fork, add two well-beaten egga, three cone-as sugar, fonr ounces finely-chop ped snet, half pound cu riant and a little nutmeg. Boil in a weii-oattercQ basin lor an hour and a half. Bbfaj Cams. tiok some crusts ol bread in milk, strain them tn rough thu cullender very One, beat in tour eggs aud a little flour, ust sufficient to thicken the substance; add one tea spoonful of saieratua. Mix all to make a thin batter, and bake ou the griddle. Bbc-uh Sunua, A small vial, with a tightly fiitiujt cork, can be kept in the work-basket or aewing machiue and all broken needles put into it. It saves tbe annoyance of getting op from yonr work to take we of them, and if left lying around, they o.t.-n cause se rious trouble. ftiTirair. wufpra sraj VAliahAd hv Ka K... .nil nlHir th iM ron tswv T. b . a pint of oatmeal and a pint of water. with almost a teaspoon tui oi sail, mix, and "WDread on buttered Lana. Make it just aa tnw as possible, and yet have tne Dotiom oi uie pan covereo. xae viowiy. Poroffina is now superseding sper maceti iur many purposes, and refiners are hardlv so anxious to extract it from the oil. Yet there is a considerable demand for spermaceti from Sweden, where it ia largely employed in the manufaetore of matches, and in that country the match-making bos in ess is very active. Inexhauitible beds of iron sand ex ist in Mew Zealand, yielding from fifty to seventy per cent, of iron, and so pore that it can be worked into steel without paddling, being simply melted, cast, and at once forged under the hammer. Honor te Whom It Is Due. To tk Editor of tbs TUn8lar. la yonr tatie of tbe ll'b l-nt, under the bead cf ''L.eil Personals," is a statement which oeeds correcting. It at stated that one Georie W. Elliott, who broosht to Cincinnati one thousand dollars ($1,000) in cash for a well-known proprietary me dicine concern of Kocbester, H. Y., is now the advertising manager cf a patent medi cine concern on the Hudson. It is the first atatemeat which needs correcting; of the latter 1 know little and care less. Mr. Elliott did bring the money to Cin cinnati, but be acted simply In the capa city of messenger of the Kocheater bouse, which he represented. The facts of the case are these: During tbe height of the suffering caus ed by tbe raging waters, wben thousands of fugitives were starving from hunger and suffering from cold, long before the au thorized call for aid was sent out by our ciiizena, Mr. tl LI. Warner, of Rochester, N. Y.. with that wholesale ceneronty which is characteristic ot the mao, tele graplied me that he had sent one thousand dollars cash aud twelve hundred and fifty dollars worth of Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure, the entire proceeds ot the sale of which, together with the one thousand doHsrj cash, were to be given for the benefit of tbe sufferers, as in my judgment appeared beat. The goods were disposed of, and, I believe, the entire proceeds, with the one thousand dollars cash, were given to re lieve tbe wants and miseries of the suf ferers. For Mr. Elliott lo try and ap propriate for his concern on the iluueoo the thunder tf a reputable bocse with which lo rattle up a demand for bis tne dicioe, is not only Dnfournallstic, but io cidtdly unbusinesslike. If this concern on tbe HuJ&oo wishes to reap the bene fit of such magnanimity as Mr. Warner's, why don't Mr. Elliott have its proprie tor donate hia two thousand two hund red and fifty dol an-t We dare say it would be judiciously expended, and that whatever glory and benefit there might be id such exhibition of generosity would be cheerfully given him. I am led to mike this statement from a sense of justice and right and from the fact that it is rJui Mr. Warner, whose liberality oar ediacs enjoyed. Yours f jt the rwht. M. Moslxb. Clncinatl, O.. Feh. 27th, 1884. Old Horace Mad Toons. "No; I am not going to do it, but I'll show jou how it s done," said vr. Couch, a Detroit horse dentist, to a Xew's reporter recently. He had just tinished au operation on the grinders of a mare that pulled on one line, kept her mouth open wben being driven, slob bered all the time and bad got to acting ugly and vicious simply because some of her back teeth had sharp points which cut into tbe sides of her mouth. ""ow this mare is about 15 years old, but she could be fixed up so aa to look like one cf seven or eight, Yoa see, the only way yoa can tell horse's age is by the teeth. The lower front teeth are the principal guides, tbe length of the upper ones going to snow age; out you that can tie fixed easy enough by filing them off. These teeth" here the horse dentist opened the mare's mouth, showing the six lower front ones "don't come before a horse is five years old. The ones before that age are colt's teeth. At six years of age each one of these has a cup." "What s a cup?" "That's a little round hole in the end of the tooth with a black spot in it. When the boss is seven years old these cuus dlsupiear in the two middle teeth but remain in tbe two outside ones on each side. At eight years the cups are only ou the two outside teeth. After that vear they disappear on all or them, That's why so many hosses 'just tumed eight' are sold. When those cups are gone you can't tell how old a hoss is. .Now, if we wanted to work this mare oil on anybody for an eight-year- old, I'd just take this instrument, dig a mtle bole in each of these outside teeth, touch the holes with a little nitric acid, file down the upper row cf teeth to the pioper length for an eight-year-old. and the job is done." "Would that deceive an expert?" "Certainly. He'd just open the mouth this way, glance at the teeth, salfefy himself she was an eight-year- old, aud it she suited htm in other ways aud tbe price was satisfactory he'd buy her." "Is there much of that kind of work done?" "Yes; considerable. That's what we call 'Bhsboping' a boss." A Cw-bojr b st Stampede. "One of the slickest things I saw in my travels." said a passenger from the West, "was a cow-boy stopping a cat tle stampede. A herd of about six or eight hundred bad got frightened at something aud broke away pell-mell. wuh their taiU In the air and tbe bulls at the head of the procession. But Mr. Cow boy didn't get excited at all when be i-aw the herd was going sliaight for a hu-h bluff, where they would certainly tumble down into the canyon and be killed, lou know that when a herd like that gets to going they cant stop. no matter whether they rush to death or not. Those in the rear crowd those ahead, and away they go. I wouldn t have given a dollar a head for that herd. but the cow-boy spurred up hia mus tang, made a little detour, came in right in front of the herd, cut across their path at a rigLt angle and then galloped leisurely ou to the edge ot that bluff. halted ana looked around at that wild nia&s of beef coming right toward him. lie was as cool as a cucumber, though I expected to see him killed and was so txcued 1 could not speak Well, sir. w hen the leaders had got within al out a quarter of a mile of him I saw thein uy to slack up, though they could not do it very quick. But the whole herd seemed to want to stop, and when the cows aud steers in the rear got about where the cow-boy bad cut across their path I was surprised to see them stop aud commence to nibble at the grass. Then the whole herd stopped, wheeled, straggled back and went to fighting for a chance to eat where the rear guard was. " Vou see that cow-boy had opened a big bag of salt he had brought out lrom tne ranch to give the cattle, galloped across tbe herd's course and emptied the bag. Every critter sniffed that line ot salt, and ot course that broke up the stampede. But 1 tell you that was a queer sight to see that cuss out there ou me edge of that bluff quietly rolling a cigarette, wben it seemed as If he'd be lj uig under two hundred tons of beel in about a minute and a half." The nt e of glucose as an adulterant of certain" food preparations baa Jong been known, bat to what extent this substance, of itself, waa wholesome or otherwise, we have been in ignorance. In response to inquires by the Revenue Department, a committee of the Na tional Academy has lately repotted upon an examination into the matter. This report says that the manufacture of sugar from starch is a iong-eetablisbed and important industry, tbe present methods of which are unobjectionable, and that, though haying abdht two thirds the sweetening power of cane agar, it excels it in parity and is equal ly healthy. Watxs one has had a fever, and the hair ia failing off, take a teacup of sage, steep it in a quart of soft water, strain it off into a tight bottle. Bponge the head with the tea frequently, wet ting the roots of the hair. HUMOROUS. Hi waa Treasure ot a county in In diana. The other sight about 0 o'clock he made a call at the Loose of an hon est old farmer, who waJ on hia bond for $10,000, and Bitot the first greet ings were over be began: an. Thomas, I have some bad news for yon. 'Great Socttl bat are any of my re Iashans over in Indianapolis dead?" "I don't know about that; bat yoa remem ber that yoa signed my bond? "Xes, I did," "I am aorry to inform yon that I am $1 4,000 short in my account." ao!" "Alas! is it true." "And whaxa did the money am to?" "liost in Wall street," "Oh!" that's it. Why I wouldn't worry over that, My son Bill will take the lantern and go back to town with yoa, and if yoa 11 snow him Wall street he'll find the money if it takes him all night, probably lost it out of a hole in your pocket, eh?" Tirana ia a new waiter in the House restaurant, and the other day when Rjmrautn tali v A Rlaekbnrn went down to get hia lurch the waiter brought him the bottle and a regulation wuisa; glass. Mr. tsiackburn giarea at u altar and then at the class, and finally blurted ont: "Dod yoa know who I am? ' .ko, repnea it 'T am a FUnator-elect from Kentucky." replied the Hon. Joe. "From Jkentuotyl eiacuiaieu waiter. Oh, I beg your pardon, sir." And he quickly brought the Kentuckian a big goblet. Vf Should Help oa Aaolh'. Mr. Norman Hunt, of No. 160 Chestnut stivet, Springfield, Mass., writes April 10. 183, saying: 'Having the affliction caused by kidney and Uver diseases, and after enduring the aches, paiua, weakness and depression inci dent thereto until body and soul were near ly distracted. I sought for relief and a care from my trouble, aud was told by a friend bo had been cured by it himself, tbat the beat and only sure cure was U unl's iteme dy, and npou his recommendation I com menced taking it, and tte first few doses improved my condition in a very marked manner, and a continuance of its use has Justified all that my friends claimed for it that it was a son and permanent care for all diseases of the kidneys and liver. Sev eral of my friends in Springfield have need It with the most gratifying results, and I feel It my duty ss well as a pleasure to re commend Hunt's Kemedy in the highest possible terms." SfannfaflftDrAT Testimony. Mr. H. W. Payne, manufacturer of har ness, saddlery, trunks, valiant, etc., jio. 177 Main street. SpriiiKueid, Mams., writes us nnder data oi" April 10. 1683: "Gentlemen I have uaed Hunt's Reme dy, the beet medicine for diseases f the kidneys, liver, bladder and n.inary organs, and have received grrat benefit to my health from its nsa, and 1 find that it will do just what is claimed for it; it will cure disease and restore health. I therefore pronounce it the best medicines that 1 have ever nsed. Uoatow and Albany Baliroad. Albert Holt, Esq., paymaster Boston and Albany railroad, at Springfield, Mass., writes April 23, 1883: "1 have nsed Hunt's Kemedy.and my experience with it nas oeea such that I can cheerfully say that I am sat isfied that it will do jut what it prom ises to do, if used according to directions." "Hn.no! Where are you going? Don't go np there; it's dangerous." What's the matter?' "They're to explode a blast u there in a few minutes," "Well, there ain't anv danger, I guess." "Yes, there is." "Oh. no I guess not I see a policeman up there, and if there waa any danger he wouldn't be there," (From the Chicago, Itunoi StaatmUung, of March i, luttk) Testimony. To the Editor of the IlUnoit Staatneitung : Having read tbat Dr. SiUbee's Amv kesis Is such an excellent remedy for piles, I can testily to the truth of that statement. For 23 years 1 snrtered from the disease namwl. The advice of sev eral doctors whom I consulted about it, was always the asme, to drink cold water which neverd.d me any good. I used many sorts of pills and lotions without ever getting any relief. Tbe physician whom 1 con sulted last, prescribed for me to driuk cream of tartar in cold water. Havingcoo nnued this treatment for half a year I tound my ailment unchanged. Ti.en I mails np my mind to try one dollar'a worth of Dr. b. Silahee's Anaketi from Xeustsndter & Co., No. 83 Mercer St., New York, the use of which at once relieved my pains and ef fected a complete cure. Since about five years 1 am rid of piles, hj the use of four dollars' worth of AnakesU. Persous ad vised by me to try the same, were relieved and cured by it. It Is not my aim in this notice to assist Meaara. Neuntsedter & Co., in selling their "Anakesia," but rather to help sufferers from Piles. CHRIST LlKov, Waverly, Bremer Co., Iowa. February 20. ISM A mas zig-xagging along tbe exterior boulevard larches against another man asleep on a bench, and strikes him a blow on the nose. "Why did you hit that man 7 asked a policeman, wbo, tor a wonder, was hear by. "I wanted to wake him np." 'What for?" "Perhaps he waa thirsty r A Bed Letter Pay. Tbe day on wnlch an invalid begins the nse of Hosteller's Stomach Bitten should be marked with s red letter In the diary ot his experience. since tt means tor him the beginning ot a new era of health. Vigor, sound digestion, regularity of the bowels, tranquil sleep are amona the boons which It confers. The chief hindrance to tbe re storation of nerve power, Don-SMimustion of tbe food, Is removed by it. sad tt auceeufully ombats Inherent or acquired tendeacles to disease. Voy ager In tropic seas nse it a . aa antidote to the debilitating effects of extreme heat; it protects the system from the consequences of exposnre ia rough weather, and In regions where malarial fevers are prevs'ent; it neutralises the miasmatla poison in both air and prater. Penona whose health Is precarious cannot sdopt a more potest medicinal auxiliary of purely sanitary measures. 'Do you suppose eating angel coke will make an angel of me? asked a seraphic young lady of the worldly young man. "I've no doubt it will." he answered, "if you will only eat enough of it A Urns!'' Mary. Mr. Isaac C Chapman., druggist, New- burg, N. Y., writes us: "I have for the past ton years sold several gross of Dr. Win. Hall's Balsam for the Lungs. I can say of it what I cannot say of any other medicine. I have never heard a customer speak of it but to praiBe its virtue in the highest man ner. I have recommended it in a Treat many cases of whooping cough, -with the oappiest enects. x nave used it In my own family for many years; in fact, always have a ooiue in tne meuicme closet. A Nkw Erjglai d man swallowed some shot, and one of them worked its way into his brain and killed him. He might as well! have made faces at a Nevada man. Have you Heart Disease in say form t it so nse Dr. Graves' Heart Kepi 1st or; SO years have proved it a sure remedy for or ganic or sympathetic Heart Disease. $1. per bottle at druga-ists. AatKBicax titles of distinction Bear on Wallstraet, Count Yourchickena. cari xiooea. BkiBwy Mew. "WeDs'Health Renewefreatorea health and vlanr vjaycaMa. iuiiuKai ocauai lieouuy. St. Tht danirera of tha eWtrin wfr illustrated at a r.lunn of Baltimore recently. A man waa leaving tne Atlantic uarden when he tried to brash aside with bis hand what ap peared to be a small rope dangling in front of the entrance. The "small rope" lappened lobe the wire of the electrio light at the entrance, whioh had been carelessly left hanging by employes, who were rrimrina th lamp. Ha received a shock which prostrated him and Tendered inMiainta fne a ftimjt rim 1,maam.w . .j . wa. hw itvw. j . . waa uw covered that his band was severely in jured, the flesh beh.g burnt through to the bone In one place. . t .r . M Pu"'ci.Vi.PVoiye on tbe ed flints or qnar.o are. allowed to dropaunu ""r--. , KS, which i. thus ooomPlibod oi (uu.u6, r.mentlT more tlTn usual process with grindstones. An old physKUn. 'JTTm ad aced IB his aaads f a ".'""'... lot ary us formula of a um ZZtfCommmpH", !si aaalt and aemaaenl " SfTTr,Jf an2 Broacaius. "YUinZtdn ileal cars Lang Affeet oas, Bias P.u'"Jr", VompialBU, Slnoi SMUTS Will ?TJ!!.?ZrM or kagiisa. wna fad . u a nn want for iiOT DOW uiuuu w.w J that atring of fish?" asked an amateur - lu home from a nanerman ou uu --j , . . . day's sport The boy named his prioe "All right, tneres -. . .. .u u .ni hdexter- iast throw me mo uu, - , ously caught them, "lalk about catch- r i . . - 1,1.1 . h nnrsaed mg nsn, no cuuuauw. his way." Waeayow visit or leave New Tort Ctry, save KurtWkxpreeatffe sad Camage Hire, and stop SrSea!lUaia Hotel, opposite flrsad Cea- i DlSegsat rooms, Snad ap st a est uf awe million dwuiw. reduced to (1 sad apasrw per SaTKumDeaB Man. Kevawr. aaraai J .. . . - . . anrm- mm atairea and ..tit a.l a w-tnl&nfllTlO SO '"WHO IB Ulli wi'i'--- - vociferously near the front?" asked a fnend of a theatrical manager on tbe . ..... , .. . i .nnn.tnvn nrpt production oi a iij -r h..tr "That Irmir-haired man with a light colored coat?" "Yes." "He- he s tne attinor oi me vy. tr K.a hrruiirht many to an Air h " , , . un inely grave. The heart is as liable as other orgsns to disease; it y u ; even in the slightest form use Dr. Oraves Heart Regulator. 1. per nottie. Kiourattvclt spesking: "Gentle men of the jury," said an Irish lawyer, it will be for you to -.ay whether the defendant shall be allowed to come into court with unblushing footsteps with a cloak of hypocrisy in his month, and draw three builo-'ka out of my client's pocket with impdtiity." Carbo-lines. The gray and bald no more shall grieve, The signs of coming age. Far t'arboline can both retrieve And fullest griefs srsuage. Wires El AJabdi, tne false prophet, has been nsed np by the English, our government mhibt .do a neat, kind thing by offering him a position in its weather bureau. I could scarcely speak; it was almost impossible to breathe through my nostrils Using fcly's Cream Balm a short time I was eofrely leiieved 41 y bead has not been so clear nor voice so s' ron in years. I recommend fb s sdmirtMe remedy to ah ifflicied with Catarrh or Colds ia the bead. J. O. Ticbenor, Shoe Merchant. Eiiza lieth, ti. J. (Price 50 cts ) A mate rK Tenor (just f'oa Pari) "And have yoa never heard of Gounod's crepuscule?" Unmusical young lady "O, dearl No: how dread ful. Is it cnylhiEg like spinal menin gitis? AJT EXTESDF.D POPCLAKITT. BROWN'S Bbonchial inocnts have been before the public many years. For relieving Coughs and 'lbroat troubles tbey are su perior to all others. Hold only in boxes. A Whaiamsp'.kt youth sent fifty eents to a New York firm to learn how to keep from swearing, and received in reply: "Don't open yonr mouth." He has sworn ever since. PntisT inn best coD-uvBB oil, rroni selected Uvera, on the sensliore, by aaweil. Hazard a Co., K. Y. ADeoluieiy pure ud atreek fai'enta wno ha vp once laaea a prefer It to all others. Phjat claoa declare a auprrH to all other oua. enred ' if using Juniper lar Mp, aiaue by Caa- wcu. . s vjl, .,cw iina. On distilling soi ij onloriJe with the silenised, as in the m-innfacto-e of hy drochlorio acid. Dr. Drinkwater found that all the selenium distilled over and was dissolved in the acid, tbe saline re sidue being practically free from the impurity. The results were indepen dent ot either temperature or quantity of acid employed. Dr. Kimet ureal Nerve auMorer is the marvel f the age for ail nerve diseases. Ah Its stopped iroek. dun kj oi ask sum, ruuauCiDIlia, ra The following are said to be the six teen American inventions of world wide adoption. The cotton gin, the rotary priii ti tig press, steam navigation, the hot-air machiue, the sewing machine, the india-rubber industry, the machine manufacture of horseshoes, the ssnd blast for graving, the gauge lathe, the grain elevator, artificial ice making on a large scale, the elec'ro-magnet in its practical application.and the telephone. "So you ran a newspaper once did you? asked a reporter of a trac "Yes, for two months." "Did you clear anything?" "Oh, yes, I cleared ont. "1 oino to Best" b the name of Lucy lutrcom's latent poem. Whence the infereuce that her poetry does not pay enough to permit Miss Lar com to room on the parlor floor. The increasing rales of Puo's Cure at tests its claim as the best ccugh rotnedy. An Indian luniml "ltin.ll.-.i r Nothing" married a white woman in Montana rorantiv ami nn, waw j wm mws the wedding applied to his tribe to h,H hn ......... 1. 1 mot.w uw uwuc uuaujetl. "Koufe oa rnn. m Ask for MHnnva w rvwn. w i.. .. . ooaip1et,P.,iiwint care, corns, wsns. btuuons "How do von kill k. sskea a swell tuiIa. rj . , uuiu ueier ,. , - " u equal swell New Yoiker. "Oh, with our cinne, was the reply. And the pah went off to lock HO PDA ttnoh . aoma tima tn kill " " " luaaew a good begin- ning when he offers a young lady hia arm. Soma riw i,a mw i. .. A V. nwA anna. . I ... . j '-j ,un oour IBS tn Of, t ll A . l.l.ln v. , .a- . - m- o- auu oner nun tail. Tnat Boabama at an. Ia three Uram the man he was before he baw. oauui W ells' Health Kana... ., - m tn uKgaMS. Lauoh and iroa ft r , .. nrorfn. ...a "TJ r et-.l,J I TBS EsanimanT mad. . li.vi , , . . " "8" oreax fast off six tallow candles. Hale's Honey or ar iXAOUnw . wvaaa. 1 aa. w a A A a for niwn n . . . ii:"jrr.'y?s or ti.L mn S 5-. ssvi-eJTia. . n l V ' rr Bash. IT B A.N1H B "JC .1 '"ia UUU fAAVd BP a a sr. Tv.'v vr rst- Makixo a wrong impre-Aion-hittinrr one man in mistake for another a rmmmiHm. frf n T f Speaking o' the sen-oof . 1 iamer say TL.nat no- U delo really rlod, and "Juttoolation, oited by the r 0t the handa and soles. TkT toUl or weeks, oe'" SnIU70r and twrs not shed tears. Hanger an mwifeitodinincwaaed K wllicl. bility, "ffSweck. Smell and oease after the to te infants. taste are not u-e.-- first or n arinir is perceptiMe m recond day of hi. Aney sttive to ugh. f ,n o( objecU learn to follow toe mtea tn. bJ won , convergence fourth and fifth week w . mllt0n of the popus and distinct in vision are fj i.tnnder perception of color does no xoar or ujv Wawiaaisj-ma- - -TTXT. ywfAftllsq a. 5eve fails z. - ."7" egara TmiltotH ntt. Svam, TaUlnf Rli.Vncaa. CODTWK sloes, 8t. Yltus Danes, AJcaaoumm, Opium Eating, Seminal Weakness, la potency, Syphilis, Scrofula, and all Nervous and Blood Dia-. 7rrTot bowels or kidneys, or who require a nerre towic. appetizer or sUmnlent.aaa,w AWa Vitas T n mnrfPOWwWWtaBi atrw- ama isUTaiuaoie. . TV . w SjS luvii..--- roclaim it the most wonderful Invigor ant that ever sustain ed a sinktnf iWBtem. mm 11.50, st Druinrrsts. TheOfl. S.ARICHSWN0 tulCALeu.. Boie C ImmA for teetunoalAH aaa cuvw. h Oss. H. Critteuton, Agent, 'ew York. a and etresJara asaA stasia. SHARP PAINS Crvk.SpnuaaWraocaea.Klu muifra, Hemlgm, Br. latVa. fVwiar Pairta, Scoeh ia aba Slda, Baekacba, SwoUan lurata, HrArt DiAwMa, Sm Maadaa Pais la lb. Cortt. and all paia. aadacbraauaarMMalai ihmi wall il are ueitaotir r.larred and apevduj earad tor tha wsl kaoara Btp flmittr. CoajpoiiiiSaa. aa a at at the BMcUdnal Ta-toaaof CtwAi Bopa, Oasw. Balwaaaae btracta, tt Si ntdnd ta Saat aala-knhp, aum latin oothrnff and auwarUwairaT Purooa IWf war Banal Bop PtntUrw are anM bj all drasaista and coaafcrj steraa rrf'l HOP Fiupct-wofw aad Miiv PLASTER i7x!usSs!dtfntfiti rnT-wl rrr Hwy mmoti and Lfr Pill a. tktB TRUE SOLDIERLY GRIT. Banns; Pasaed through tha War, aa Old Soldier Conquers one Kaemy aaore. EiDdlin with eatbtvlarm M he nralled the rrwat trnirgla of twenty yean ago. OapL J. E. Baaf ord, of Xewark. vbo raised Com pur B of BM M. J. ZooarM, sad went to the front with th ai. aali to a tranalant oompnioa ere day laat arunmar: Tam,I was la eish: of the fleneat battlai oi the aar; Srren Pmaa, MalTara " SaTase Station. htiaWoBary Bid ami Ba-riaoa's r - "-r are la the bat. I atark d tnf with Sbrnaaa to the aaa. bat my rlrht Ks-os ah.ttarad by s baU at th Ant ma-iarmant afuw tha raat aiarca bn. Af lar to ampattinoa I wa taken twentr-Sn aulrs and lart at s teat at Uaa fnlu.Oa. A rsln cama on aad mr ami waa Soodod. Then I waa started oa my way to Cbattaaoora, as milesdiaUQt. Just try toinuurUw th horror of that journey to a man in mr eondtnoa. Far y cars after wards I was ahakaa with mry asaraoa. Tea, th doctor pnanibe. aa they always wOl whea yoa sak tbrra. bat I harr my own doctor bow. sod h awnr opraahl moato. " A dumb doctor?" axdaimed tha eastala'a an. !. dumb aasmruamy.bat smart as ItetatnlraT; there he ta." pointtns to a bottle of DR. DAT ID im. NEDV'S FAVOK1TE BEMCDT andinoe soo aar h-lf. -I take that. When I am ran down it winds m up: wben I am w.-k it atrnurtieaa me: wben I am oa nn fort' nriaa appetite; when I am as, ettni It quleta ma." Bnrmnher name, tr. TtsrldKenaedy-arATOBITB BMiJ ?. Bondoot. M. T. Catarrh ELY'S CreamBaIm Tanses ne PaJD. ?Cr7;r5MA! t.il-'i. 1 H kites Kellef at f A.. -IQ " ay. Ooee. Thorongh riAr rttLK ui Treatment will Care. SetaLIq. id er Snuff. Ap- plj with ringer. tJ AV-crurrt '' " Trial. MAY "F EVER " Oruawi-t. Irrf. WWdrmU,. - o, mad "KOTHMtu, Drwslata. Owairo. K. T. Ty fTlItjITY " Sam. letf'r.a Qruu. ilaruediAt AnSSia J piles; Mesis" BELIKF. aad la an IK allium CJlZr,'l:W- ' arunrtab,. or prepaid by mall. Sunptee PBBB. Addraaa. "A.IVAK.KJl,-" Matlcer. BOX S41A. BEW TOBC tsa aa. SOLDBTALL DRnoofSTa. -MIT" sTs.BAl.SAr.. $65 t Z keaarA tea. OAa m w ' CCwa. irn aa - c?mcojsDITJFREE iiiea w v . rsr a i V aV .Tar5 Jse ijnmi Kfcm C -X AT la2t?' Vw- 1,51. i S. aaT all lWa i "e-pl-i Fr-r TY I i PTTSE COD LIVER OIL AND LIME. a- I i aa Air. rw y-w aasrria( rra. O . A-ISSSMa- th ao o'ton if T fjio. M -WILBOS-S rUBl ConLrTBi (ompnoa " Z Z?and sure -! v. ltat!,S ar'LJSrSajt. wanafaryi-rd onlT ,,f J yaia-a r """" tmn. a i AJ-BIK'S MAIIIFOLD kw and S.aaa mw o-.a..u.A.Jr UtrOWr-BTI'J IS KE'.AROTu CStEAT LA.U Excur sson MM ta Texas, ArkaH saw Caliisraia, MMSUaPTIOJI.' f'S . iCTl II d r ho . LE- fun, DetBa- wi - n . tiup m aud I' ' ' ad'irwA T IT LtX-UW. lal M M.. W .. U-OOD HEWS TO LADtES! l.i ml i a lauMB-niaar at ard f ' ua- l"ra wiaa aar wmr.M To, aad i ' a rwa-aa-l w. r. a iaoa. faliMMA Ua.la V HiMvcaaa Ta S4, e HaadauaM loraaa pipiaf IK ur .mm Bm H afTZl T,mLA '"r lail paria:.ra addraaa liBBVA AHtetH AM TKA t O- TrnT HBaXTBT woia! ia be mrrn.i -in-rally ii ban b-allB E. r - r ! CiMDr La tar'- inc or ra ra.ora aaalth. era aalora a,l I f an b - tta Ci3 rara'atru. IB- mmi jA ao -.-taiL aa4 T7j haaiaa b. va a- au. " rj. I r -a tf Zw aaaa raivw F-.-iaiaaa wb aka a l--i.t j( pLL ji .-tl to ba -ad lr a -IS. LtftTEafO. Swt. rVrrMar- a,d Miaur-Toiwx lUS Uirard St. Pml'-r-il"'. ra, 9 .h i. ' iddrii. apoa nnt of i Lair a.m . waU TSrtM- Lauataar b. oauaoiiad fnw ai oA. or Of TO toPiCjJJ.A 1 0 RS. B. U'BBLliB a ai mi.l.kK a ra. SAT Obaaabar at W -ctn. tI: GRAIN AMD rOVISfOJ BROKERS, tfambars f all V BJ r . -ioe E v aauiaiia ew TiB-k. Chjcawo. St ...taa-: . N iwa.iaaa Wtnani3W,Tm. wwrr i. w r. ...WW ioairo and aaw t-jta u eiwuie .-raer a v 'maul wnaa raquwnwn -.ua i . c.rvniara aval LAjiuaAAia a ua. fl') ASK P !.!. K f ISTIl Ttlm. W-MFMrTtaMIKaaS !.(. rotor i.rii. STCPFEO FREE tassV Ktrvws rie-fiff-l Dr .KUME 8G&IAT NE"VERES10Eit ewaV armAftf 4 l wjlw Ot .. IVa.s.l,IBa.s a a 4r?v4 Am -w Pfct BaHafamta - ffwaw'Sag hSwwM . fthtarwan oat timm -V rawwsL fcr- B I. P -H npr-N aMr-n. J AtflW-arl ta KLISrU .rwfjtl! . rsssjiSBl HWAAM 44 IMJTAtU fAAiXX. TO MOTHERS fs VtMAl- dtUtwl 1'rwCl k. t-r ' 0MX l IBB) '; , wbl-d ejr.l-J tit If o a..l s IRMSYRUP La tw. i taaaat l--l . -. H.araw. It la wtmif ft4-w t ir U-lKV- . ,aa t -.V V aiAAWarill issVrslB? f tti - Ay 't f tV lAaVlaW ; - r i -u n : lit r t I . . iea I 1 ft fra f rWwTT tAr f- tvaa. r aV to, f fM,t(U. ..- f .r4vt H,f . I ulvr ewmrc b d. It i IBtbtoi rami (1 MT ! f W rj.7. Is, . b ,Q rft a. U. tk rat&r wtrUarsT h t.t u. ,cb U -.Le . a r.ubti 4alsX &.htM- a. OH,. D.IraAw: j , ptUja.. th 4VWs) Os 1 ittfawafestw. ft.. T. lOl. wtTs t M'bU' -- r af .e-.t ..J nitr e I mm Ottr.eiiaraaa I ia M -a Oi i S Mara radar bai irniaiaiit aaa. w jna. - K.lMd ao-J Mr Baaaaa avaad fc Bu i Wa. ia. uaa-ilMf aflar 17- Mala oa SB I A-A PSilaA!l - u, m m ur Aav a.H, tard.y. Br-oa W.'r. a h k ai A. St. Clair Bohd. 1-luUcnra. Fa, ftb ud a at aanaia ear Plat npeam Thn ha Hn Haadacaa. Obm Ha Far. Aa. auV aaaBA Sr w Druiau ir M naL iVT. HAiiXTLMA. Warraa. r. a. .a ana aai aa rnr4 af i;e mmsm DR. DYESI fwa.iwauloou. , ..a-deasn ik, TVTLa- Ii ea anniB ikUau Iwa-.-fi-r. J?, (;,.b. Nor , A-JTf ...O-M ' , SV. .a.F.!. Iab kfc t. . . . t to - La-U r TO TASa oils an V '?! a.? ulr M. ain MnaTuTZL TS Q U IDA.. ' SLAV. I I .i-ria . HBATTtrcLwatt iheli a rates, au CaruuNa.ira ., h a , v,.i, wx . ...t- haUafra.8EASH B-.0BDW.J. K K.-lTt Sf r GOLD" WATCH FREE! Worn Saaae.aa.wtn- Aajaal Mfa-aMIn C. .TI-'-7: 5?.rU.Tf mm C.ilu..'. u. . . . l . .l ..7 aarerw wrtll o.iaaa a, ai-aaa af li inkln OaaiMianllawm roaa. at HOMA OtTEST. Bibt,,. mww - a mr WIA I ,'r""" Twuloa Fhy- - laiimiwiM aa WMh N.-wVork lar the (are af trait arnw.. r""tr"- MIS. t ..... ... wj ii i i.i ft, 1"'Tfrffr l2w iTtoltrrM1." "H wl wak-a a w 7,7 m B 'lhl ana t aaal i,d catd aaTMa'wrS aeraiaraliy car-. n. ma. H win lSrmZ,)mZi, ' diaiaaa. vnlcb a. an aar aa. wl.hii, a niu ilar- ' '- J-m at. Saw Tort. USTAUE SnmYalofths Fittest. FiniT BXOtCEf. T31? CIS TT"" A BALM FOB ETXTiY WOOD OF IAS AND BEAST I THE0L0EST&BE8T LINIMENT ATEB atAUg Ef AXERICA. SALES LA2QEE THAU EVER. Th at-TrSBn lfoatansr Liniment ha anorw than tbirty-flv. W."ib?. b"t ( ail Llnlroenls, for !?! Beast. I'l MUea lodir an ' -" - . wurw wirn ' . . - - .cr Jt wore WDen ai eT'J "Issra, - w to u one TTLEtTRO-voiTATC BELT and Man eijctbm -iwfSWV0!?. OB a. Day- Trial lv MBS OY YOCSO OR OLD. who are anfffT s nta Ksaroca Duiutt. Lorr Vniirrr. . and all thna of s S522T JL TVMV. o'0 rroea Asrwrs and zZZ2L..ar- JSriy rviw and r"mpli laaiuiatron ia H.Aua. Tkv a end H"" wyABAJTrawn, Send at oaea lor XTlnalraaal rmiiw frwe. Addrea i-iuairaiaa YOLTAIC fT!I.T CO.. Marahan. Wjffc. sflTTvarsrvi rlTS U U U ii MCiSHEKlJMiI .4