-ft-:: ;. ; 1 - ! J. i at Oww-Araiod Men. "A one-armed man for em rgencies every time," exclaimed an old railroad ollicial in the beat of an argument on tl s prevention of collisions and other accidents. "I never knew one to fail iu time of danger. Tbe loss of an arm Been.8 to iucreaae their wits, and I can name several instances of their elisplay of serve and invention wben other men were of no use. Do yon remember Boss Marehman? No? Well, I'll tell yon tbe kind of a fellow be was wben Le worked under me on tbe Piedmont Air-Line road. "There if, not fur from tbe' SontU Carolina Jiue, a small town called feewaiiee. It is several Lotus' ride from Atlanta, Ga.. and contains about 500 eple. Tbe telegraph operator at tbe depot is Bbitiou agent, express agent, ticket agent, trackman and porter. la fact, be runs tbe whole business, and Lis is a ret-ponuible position. He often works all day and all night, and it is a (train to keep' np with tbe work in tbe hVBj season, lioss Marehman was tele Rrapb operator and so-forth at Sewanee. lie was about 22 yers old, aud bad lost Lis ngbt arm. How in the world be ver njaiaged to rerforni his multiplic ity of duties is a mystery, but be was sever found wanting in any of tbe quali fications necessary to a snooeesful ao; I'cmplislnieLt of tvery task. We all A-ad ccLhdi-i.ce in Alarccman. une bigLt in November, lbb'2, be was sitting baif siJlid over bis key, worn out with :atigue, nben be was aroused by near- iuk biniself called by tbe traia-Uia- iiatclitr. lie altered, and the loliow we order came over the wires: 'Side track, So. 12. north bound, Swanee, 1 a, xu. Hold for txtra Io. 3, south bound, a. m,' There was nothing uansual iu the order. Marehman O K'd' it and made tbe necestary pre parations for nagging down d. 12, wLicb. being a through freight, did not stop at way ttilin unlets signaled to do so. ''The nii.Lt was dark and stormy, and tbe wind blew in gusts, cliiviug the rain into tvery crack and en vice. The track from the north past the rUt;oil nal a heavy down-grade, and it was tbe custom for engineers to b.ow a loug blai-t on tbe whittle, wLen their tram crot-sed the suuimit. some half a mile away. No, 12 was on time, aud when Slarchman beard the llut be too b.s lantern and went out ouktue track. The lieaeihght rose over the summit like a full moon climbing tbe hills, and Hashed down tbe rails. The rain came uown in torrents, the wind whistled past the comers of the fc.tut.on with an ominous sound, the train came thundering n Maicimun raited bis lantern and bwung it acioss the track, but betore the nijjuil could Le given a ntlul gust of .ui put out tbe iiuht, Tbe Uaiii was Lot lo hundred arus oil' aud bad not bIjC entd its tj eed. There was no Luu to get another lump, it w as a moment ol horror to tbe poor operator. No. 3, with its treigbt ol pastengers, Tias com ing just beond the lowx the two trains would meet collision destruc tion deulb all patstd btl ore blsniUid like a flask of lightning, lie felt the quivering of Uiu ties beneath bis leet as be stoocl in tbe (.lre ot the light now fear) uliy out!, buaoe-nly bis hand sought his pocket; there was a tl.i-sli, a sharp rip rl of a pistol, and a bu.lei went c:ath ng through the Leadiigut. Tbe htn p was ex lngi.i-.Led, aud as the engine parsed him, Jiarhmau turiW bis pistol lnlo ibe cab wi'nluw. 'Veii,Uie train was slopped, and the oonunc.or toning foiwaidto see wta. was wrong, reucned Marehman just lti time to receive bis orders when the lat ter, overcome with the teirible strain, fell to the ground. Tne train was inn into a siding, and No. 3 dashed by at tbe rate of about forty miles an hour. Not a pustenger dreamed ot what had happened. Ol course," centinued the official, "we remembered Marehman in a sul- stantlal way. That one arm, though, was the making of him." The Weather Reeurda. Can you tell me w hether there w.is a fret ou the Uiorniu of Oc.ober 27, lN5l?" asketi a visitor o tie-geaut Line, ol the signal tervice In I'hllaik lphia. The sergiaut turned to tne lecord and read: "October 27, l&SI, light lrost," "A suit has lieeu begun against the Woodland avenue road," said the visi tor, lor $10,000 damages, which be claims to have tut tamed by leirg knocked down on tbe morning of that date by a Weod'und avenue cjr, mia we wish to know the probable condition ot tbe track at that time. Xoa see it is much easier to stop a car when the track is dry than w htn it is covered with frost, and we shall use the signal service report to trove Uie condition of the track." "Do you have many such applLatioi s lo: the use of the records as tit tirnuuv ? ' asked a Press reporter as soon as the visitor bad withdrawn. "Any amount of tiiem," said the ser g ant, "and it gets me in a good deal ol tr.aible. l'ou see tbe War Department a orders are that tbe records shall be kit t private and not used lor any purpose, suce as lor testimony. Ibe jueige gen erally wdl insn-t that he Las authority to older the records into court, audi am made a football for tbe court and the authorities at Washington. If 1 ielus to bring tbe records into court they can line me lor contempt, aud if I do bring thela in the men at Washing ton aie liable to bear of it and make it very lu.ere-ting to me because ot dit obedience of oidirs. The records of the Signal Bureau veiy often prove val uable testimony. A lew years ago a eca-oldlug loaded wnb ice fell on a man and broke bis leg. Alter lsying arouud for a year, tillable to work, be sued tbe contractor vbuhad built the scatfolumg was no fanlt of the builder. On an other occasion," coLtumed Line, girl tlipped in front ol a st re ou tbe snow anu broke her leg. 8he sued the owner lor damages for not keeping bis walks in couution. Of ail the Iviug 1 ever heard the testimony in that trial proved tbe Worst. The" witnesses ou one side swore that there bad been no snow or ice lor two weeks previous lo tbe accident, while those for the plain tiff swore it had bee n sLOwin for weeks. Tbe reooids were brought into court and ptoved conclusively tnat it had been uowdig." Dr. Janits Croll opiioses the tnoory that tbe lee-fchtet which perpetually coyers to lare a part ol Greenland is a consequence of the elevation of the laud, as no inteiior ruouma n range nor very high land hi.s been reported. He regaids as very piobablo tLe opinion, expressed by Giese. ke and by Dr. liou ert lirown, that the country is really a collection of ish.nds lused together by ice. He alto considers that the Ant aictic 'tontnent, like Greenland, cemj rites a number cf rather low is lands, bound U getlier by an ioe -sheet coveiing tlx oiea of about 4 500,000 square miles. ' A macbint s animal bodies are great ly nip nor to aitSuial engine . The tuiau tcgine, according to Mr. E. JoLdct, is capable of converting inlo work Jets than 10 lr cenf, of tbe total entr y i epitsented by its full ; tbe can ton Kives seventeen per cent ; the hu man body, twenty-one per cent.; tmd the bt d.es of seme of the lower inn,H especially of insects, a much greater perctn aye. The human mind is like the ground w hich acquires a quality according to Ibe pains bestowed on its cultivation. AXrKICUl TURK. Whei a wool glower sends samples of his wool to a commission agent or wool buyer, requesting quotations or bids lor wool, if ne desire any satis factory information returned, the sam ples must be fairly selected, so that the of tbe chr. and not tho very best portion, be used as the guide. If a propel average selection m uuuu wool grower will be better satisfied when the transaction is complete, and tbe buyer or agent will not have reason to complain that the quotation or bid was made under a ialse impression, based nnnn f h et.ctiou of choice portions of the clip. Quite a number of Bam pies are sent to the diflerent markets mro the mails, and very often when the clips follow only a very small portion is found to be equal to samples and tbe bulk is sold at low figures. flcman $ Rural makes a good point in rerurd to the butter yields of Doted oows, in the fellow lng words : " While the Jersey breeders are Living ao mucn attention to the quautity of butter.their favorite produce, it is to be hoped they will not tail to impress the upon the public mind the facts in relation to its quality. If a cow can produce fourteen pounds of butter .er week, worth, say, 4.20. tbe fact is worth making known. If tho can produce ten pounds per week, which, because of its superior delicacy of flavor and pleasing aroma and appearance, will sell readily for 42 cents per pound, surely the lact is also worth proclaiming.' It is due more to quality than tjuantitv that value is placed on tbe products of the dairy.aud if we can improve an animal in the val ue of its product the gain is as great as if the quantity is increased. Thb butter crop of Vermont is esti mated at 27,000,000 pounds half a pound for each man, woman and child in the United States. The butter crop of lows is estimated at 100,000,000 pounds, or nearly two pounds for each individual in the country. . Vermont is one of the old dairy States. For years her products have had a National and indeed, a European reputation. The 'airy interest of Iowa has grown up within about a dozen years. In 1SS1 her butter product was estimated at 50.CO0.OOO pounds ; double during the last two years, as it did from lt79 to 1881. ll this rate of increase is main tained what will be the products of our Western dairy belt wben South Minne sota and the "regions beyond" are fully developed. Manure is, " first, last, and all the time," the foundation of profitable gar dening. While all else is dormant the heap cf fertilizing material should be growing. All home sources should bo made the most of. Herses should, if pcssible, be bedded with leaves.for the sake of the manure pile. If cattle are fed ou corn fodder, by all means cut it, if not for the good of the animals, at leatt for that of the manure. Arrange to have the chamber slops, and all kitchen refuse not needed by pigs or poultry, go to the pile. The Voice. A fact that should be borne in mind by those engaged in horse training is that tho horse has a very acute laculty for understanding and interpreting the tones of the voice. If you talk corfidently, tke animal ac quires confidence ; if your voice shows tear, he notices it and is afraid. Talk kindly to your horse, and be sure he understands the meaniDg of the tone if not of the words. PlxLliAS, Illinois, built on a flat prairie, has a sewerage system that centres in sunken tanks, from whiob, through a 20-iuch main, the sewage is pnmued to a farm three miles away. Tbe system cost SSO.OOO, and the farm is said to yield a profit of nearly 11 per cent, per annum on that amount. Limk aud Hot, A N'ew York paper says Uiat lime seems to be a preventive ol rot in potatoes in the cellar. Some potatoes that were rotting and Wt-re picked out of a heap of forty or fifty bushels were put into a corner and well dusted wilh air-slacked lime. Thev stopped rotting i t once, and the decayed parts are now dried up. Two fields, lying side by side, were sown in wheat. One was ploughed and harrowed the UiUal way, while the other was harrowed five times. The result was that the latter gave seven Dusneis more to tne acre thn the for mer. Tub best orcbaidists agree that the orcnard snonid lie cultivated and crop ped occasionally, believing that it is kx-tter that the land should be exhaus ted a trifle tLan that tha should Leccme what is termed hide bound. Toad raiting is a profitable Australian icdiistry. Tbe creatures are produced for tbe London markets, where they are rold for S15 or 20 per hundred, and are bonght by eardeners and acn'eni. turalista for use in destrovinar obnoxi ous insects. Mb. A. S. Fcixeb. a Klriili-nt f American agriculture, claims that in a lew years me Colorado beetle will no longer be a terror to potato growew.but there is enough of the original stcok left in the Kooky Mountains to fnllv all demands. Js Dundee, Scotland, a dairyman was recently lined 5 for gelling milk which had been kent in a ;n which bis son was confined by scarlet fever. Seventeen persons who used the milk were attacked by scarlet fever and four died. Kansas farmers have found tho am ber sugar cane so profitable that its syrups will supersede the less saccha- niue glucose that has been largely made in that State, Faxuebs should ratfiA I huir nn fun. and garden seeds as far as possible. Be- eivc a lew oi tne best plants of every kind and catber tha HAMlla WWin 4rvn placing them in little paper bags, care iuii j luoeieu. A COERTKPOXDMXT RHYS tlmf r.onj.1. trees raised from tbe seed on the spot wnere tney are to grow, and budded there, live locser and fruit, and are surer bearers than those tranxplanted. AecorGiiia to a Ktnfpm r.t 111 Taannl. papers, a professor in the Faculty of Sciences in Marseilles has lately made some CUrions fTrtpnmcnl j-.n i Vi inn lajlB of tbe lines between Marseilles and ljnac. All the rails laid down for some time past at both ends into powerful maguets,c- yaoie oi attracting and retamiug iron keys and even tLLier nirraa nf imr, it the lails are removed they still retain for some time their magnetic force, and eventually loee it, but gradually. The mane fjiCe w only noticeable when the fish-plate have been removed. Hut such magneto power sboull originate in rails is accounted for by the frictiou produced y the wheels running over the line. This force must necessarily exercise a a dutiry inflnecce on ti e as tbility of the line by increasing the ad hesion of the wheels to theraila. DOMESTIC. A delicious case tor layer cake is made by taking two whole eggs and the white of the third egg; beat the whites and one large cup of sugar un til light, then add half a cup ot butter and beat all until light, then put in half a teacupful of sweet milk. Put the baking powder with the flour, m about the proportion of two teaspoon fuls of powder to two cups of flour. Stir this in a little at a tune, and give It all a good beating before putt ing it in the tins; flavor to suit yourself. It is a good plan wben making nice cake to bake a little bit of the dough in a patty pan, before trusting the rest of it iu the oven; then you can see if it needs any attention. Sometimes the flour and sugar vary in thickening qualities, aud exact results cannot be obtained with out this precaution. If the cake is too light, add a little flour, carefully sifted in. If it w tough a little milk and a trifle of shortening may be added. A kick pudding is made of one cup of butter, one cup of sugar, one cup of sweet milk, one cup of cooking molas ses, three en pa of flour, three eggs, one large tables poonful of ground ginger, two tablespoonf uls of cinnamon, half a grated nutmeg, two teaspoonfuls of baking powder. Cream the butter and sugar, add the yolks of the eggs, beat the whiles to a stiff froth and put in a little of the egg, and then some flour, so on until it is all disposed of; then put in the milk, molasses and spice. The baking powder should be sifted in with the flour; add a teaspoonful of salt, fiake slowly in a hot oven. Serve with lemon sauce made thus: put two tablespaonfuls of butter, eight tablespoonf uls of sugar and two eggs into a bowl aud beat until like cream, grate the rind of one lemon and add ith tbe juice, stir thoroughly, and stir in slowly four tablespoonf uls of cream; now set "the bowl containing this mix ture in a vessel of hot water on the atnva lt tlilH rook Until it looks cloSST and smooth, then set it away to cool, as it should be cold wnen served. "Mabblk Mantels' is informed that an ebon stain makes a very good finish to her old white marblo mantel shelf, "which is now out of keeping witn the rest of the room." Ton can have the register and front rsmoved, and even tbe arched opening whioh is left looks very well if you have the fireplace lined with red brick, set with dark mn.-tar. Tin not have an iron-back put in, as they do not look well with a round-top opening,and are not uie uest fin-ih oviiii with & 4nnare onanincr in the mantel- The brick lining makes a good contrast with the black mantel-shelf and jambs. Lambrequins for tne man tel sra tint now in fashion, although all the handsome old oues nisy be re tained. Tne nard-woou iasuuon uas iiancribl nil (lint and von naed no draperies over a black wooden mantel and ebomzed marble oue. "Ba3Iiso 'Bkcshk3. -Baste your turkey with a glazier's paint brush or else with a bit of cotton cloth tied to the end of a ttick. This distributes the gravy better than a spoon does. The ordinary glaziers brush in various sizes is of much use ia the kitchen, either for mixing cake, instead of a spoon, in icing cake; in greasing cake pans.especially the fluted Turk's-heads. la busting poultry the surface is more neatly covered, and, in mixing cakes you can blend the ingredients more lightly with a brush than a spoon. A pelicatb way to serve oysters is to cook them in a little water with butter and salt to suit the taste, then toast some thin slices of bread, and put a layer of oysters well-seasoned between two slices. Oysters prepared in this way make a delicious entree to be sent to the table with game of any kind; scald a dozen oysters in their own liquor, if possible, if not in a little water well raited, then skim them out, put a tablespoonful of butter, a gill of cream, the juice of half a lemon, and a teaspoouful of flour In a sauce-pan on the back of the stove; then when it is hot add a well-beaten egg; when this thickens pour this over the oysters, which you have already placed in a hot dish. The sauce accompany the pudding,is as follows: 1 wo teaspoonfuls of cornstarch, two tnblespoorifuls of water, half a pint of milk, two ounces of lump sugar, the yolks of two fresh eggs, a small pinch of nutmeg, a tablepoonful of fruit jelly; mtx tbe cornstarch smooth with the water, and beat the ei;gs up thoroughly with it; dissolve the sugar in the milk and make it boiling hot, pour it gently into the eggs and cornstarch, then stir the whole over the fare until it has the the thickness of cream; take it ofl and mix iu the cider, stirring all the time; serve in a butter boat. Tkebb have been many recoipts for Christmas pudding since the first in vention, and almost every house keeper has her own views upon the subject, and thinks that no other cau equal hers. Very many people err up on tne side of spice, making the pud ding taste strongly of it, whereas a proper plum pudding bIiouIJ have no one predominant flavor. Pulverized alum possesses the prop erty of purifying water. A large spoon ful stirred iuto a hogshead of water will so purify it that iu a few hours the dirt will all sink to the bottom, and it will oe as fresU and clear as spring water. Four gallons may be purified by a teaspoontuL To make lime water: Half-a-pound of unslacked lime slacked in one gal lon of cold water. Stir it well, and let it stand twenty-four hours. Skim it, pour off the clear water, bottle and cork welt White sauce is made of clear stock from veal or fowls. This is boiled with lemon peel,x onion, pepper, nutmeg, salt, parsley thyme and a little lean bacon; and when properly cooked it is strained and thicknal with i.mi. kneaded in flour. A little lemon iuice may be stirred into it before serving. To clean brass, dissolve a half-ounce of xalio acid (a deadly poison,) In some soft water, aav hnlf.a-t.mii.rnl and wash the brass with the solution wniou wut remove tbe tarnish. Then rinse with clear water ami nnliuh siih emery powder or chamois skin or a r T i. DVII t ClOIU. To chop suet, sprinkle flour oyer it while chopping, which will prevent the pieces from adhering to the knife. Tike Paris oorTsr.onint nf tha 1 sin. dou lelf graph says that when the Con tinental Hotel there was receutly light ed up for the first tune under the aura svutem the arnrAtt fltvtno I brought to oue of tbe dours of tbe hotel in a cart. Communication with the candelabra in the largest room of the first floor was established in a few mo ments in t je presence of some 300 yisi- tOra. MtllT nf thftAA V-n..f 1 j www f.wc-wua icihwu journeyed to the Aro de Tnomphe and back in a tram car propelled by electri city. suDDlied in tl.A islUimu nnnn lators, by way of testing the availability of the power thus stored. Spurious nickels are about in large numbers. A MODEM KESUEEECTIOS. A " Miracle that Took Tlac e Id ur Miilst Unknown to the Public Tbe De-tails iul'ull. (Detroit Freerre-) One of the moat remarkable occurrences ever given to the public, which took placa here in our midst, has Just come to our knowledge anil will undoubtedly awaken as much surprise and attract as great at tention as It baa already in newspaper cir cles. The facts era, briefly, as follows : Mr. William A. Cromlio, a jounir mm formerly residiuif, at Cirmirg'iam. a suburb of Detroit, and njw HvIdh at 287 Michigan Avenue in this city.can truthfully siy that he baa looked into the future world and yet returntd ro this. A representative ol this paper his in: er viewed him upon this iaiporant subject and his experiences are given to the pubic for tha that time. He said: "I had been having most peculiar scnsal tions for a lone while. My bead felt dul and heavy; my eyesight did not feeui so Clear as formerly; my appetite was uncer tain and I was unaccountably tired. It was an effort to arise In the morning and yet 1 could not slf ep at nL;ht. My mouth tasted badly, I bad a faint all gone sensation in the pit of my sioma-jh that fold did not satisfy, while my hands and feet felt cold and clammy. I wai nervous and Irritable and lost all enthufia m. At times my heal would seem to whirl and my heart palpita ted sernb'y. I had to energy, do ambi tion, and I sieined inilifferent ot the pres ent end tcoaghilcss for the f ature. I tried to shake the teelinz off and persuade my self it was simply a cold or a little malaria. But it would not ga I was determined IX to give up. and so tinu passed a smg and all the while I was ge tinj worse. It was about this time that I noticed I had begun to bloat fearfully. My lbnbs were swollen ( that by pressing uiy finders upon them deep depresaona would be made. My face also began to enlargj,and 0 ntinued to until I could scarcely see out of my eyes. One of my friends, describ ing my appearand at that time, said : "It U an animated tomettting, but 1 sboold like to know wbat.' In th:s c niiti.n 1 passed several weeks of the greatest agony. "F.nally, one Sutuidiy night, the mis ery cubuiuated. Mature could tn lure no more. I became Irrational tnl n pirent.y Inse. sibie. Cold sweat ga here! on my foreLcad; my eyes became lazed ani my throat rattled. I seemed to lie in another sphere and with other surroundings I knew nothing of whit cc:uncdaioundnie although I have since lea ned ,t was con sidered as death by those who stood by. It was to me a quiet state, and yet one of great agony. 1 was helpless, hopeless and pain was my only ornpauioa. 1 remem ber trying to see wbat was bjyond me, but the mist before my eyes was too ureal. I tried to reason, but 1 bad lo t all p iwer. 1 felt that it was death, ani realzed how terrible it was. At last the strain upon my mind gave way and a 1 wag a blank. How lon this continued I do not know, but at hist 1 realized the presence of frlen Is aad recognized my mother. 1 then thought it was eattu, but was not certain. I grad ually regained con9cioasnes5,bowever,aii4 the pain lessened. I found that my friends had, during my unconsciousness, been giving me a pkp.irati n I had never taken betore, and the next day, under the influ ence of this treatment, the bleating begaa to d (appear and from that time on I stead ily improved, tn'.il to-day I am as well as ever bet. re in my life, have no traces of the terrible acute Blight's disease, which so nearly killed me, and all through the womterful mstrJinentality of Warner's Safe Cure, the rmedy that brought me t life after 1 was virtually tn another world.' You have hid an urusial experience, Mr. Crcmbie, sid the wri er wbo had been brta hlessly listening to the recital Ifes. I think 1 have." was the reply, and it has been a valuable lesson to me. I am certain, though, there are thousands ot niea and woaien at this very moment who have the s ime ailment which came so near ki llng me, and they do not know it. I believe kidney disease Is the most decep tive trouble in the worlX It comes like a thief in the night. It has no certain eymp ton, but seems to attack eica one differ ently. It is quiet, treacherous, and all tbe more dangerous. It is killing more people, to-day, than any other one complaint. If I had the power I would warn the entire world against it and urge them to remove It from the system before it is too late.' One of tbe members of the firm of Whitehead 4 Mitchell, proprietors of the Birmingham Eccentric, paid a fraternal visit to"thi8 office yes'eniav, and In the course of conversation, ilr. Crombie's name was mentioned. "1 knew about his sickness, said tke editor, and his remarkable recovery. I had his obituary all in type and announced la tbe Eccentric that be could not live until its ccx. issue. It was certainly a most wonderful case," llev. A. R. Bartlett, formerly pastor of the M. K. Church, at Birmingham, and now of Schoolcraft, Mich., in response to a telegram, replied: "Mr. W. A. Crombie, wa a member of my congregation at tbe time ot his sickness. Tbe prayers ot the church were requested for him on two different occ-sions. 1 was with bun the day be was reported by hit physicians as dying, and consider bis re covery almost a miracle." .Not one person tn a million C7er comes so near death as did Mr. Crombie and then recover, but tbe men and women wbo are drifting toward tbe same end, are legion. To note the slightest symptoms, to realize their significance and to meet them in time by the remedy which has been shown to be most efficient, is a duty from which there can be no etc tpe. They are fortu nate wbo do this; they are on the sure road to death who neghct it. Jones had been out iu the woods, and on his return bad lm arms full ot what he fondly supposed were luusb rjorus "What have you got there? he was aske-i. "Mushrooms" piouJly replied Jones, 'and they are daisy ones, toa " "Let me lo .k at tlicni," said his friend. "These are not mnshrooma." "What arj thej, then? ' demanded Jones. 'They are toaltools and very pois onous. Why, I lost i i hog o jOj who died from the effjets of eating toAd stools." Is tnat so?" said Joue?. with risible alarm and castin; them from him in dii-gust, "then wonldn't do for mo to eat them, of coursf." Yfs," said tbe grocery man, "Jones has stooped drinking, is woiking every day and is taking goo I care of his fam ily. He certa'n'y deserve a graat ddal of credit," At this lunctnrn 3 store aud aked the grocery man if be wuuiu trust mm to a sack of Hour for a few days. "Xo," was the repiv, "limea ore to hard. I can't give any credit. " Stables. As a rule the stabl on most farms are too dark and illy venti lated. Arrange at once to put some good large windows in yours, and see if you do not feel doubly paid within a mouth for all th fxniie8 iuenrred. A chronometer borrowel from the Ellcllrth O.ivpmmnnl l.v lr.; . n i , ' ' - 'j .j -i-ucjienu Tennant L aun m i-hannu. i. .... . .to XslttJ of moiling which Lav not been pro- uuueu vj vanauons ot temeraturet but which llOVA tn havn ViA.n Innl.T m. with changes in the humidity of the at- iuoiurw. au ramy weather tbe rate has been considerably slower tbaq dur ing dry periods, and General Tennaut FnrjnnMft thAt tlm mnittnra ho. a i I uuo lU.ulltQ the oil ou tbe axles of the balance, re ducing frictiou, and causing the wheel to swing through a larger aio. Another view ib mat tne chronometer not hay inar been very clean tha Ant n.i about the axle, and not the oil, have ueeu auieciea uy me humid air. HUMOROUS. "Mkkcx me, pa, what is the matter? You look perfectly livid. Are you sick?" "Yes, yes, my daughter, sick; sick at heart." "Why. what has happened?" "The worst th it could happen, and this is Thanksgiving Day too. May the kind fates save you fro a the Alms house, my child I cannot." "Oh, tell me the woretl Do not de lay." "My daughter, we are ruined, and I am a beggar." "Your faotorics have not burned down have they?" No." "And you never speculate?" "No." "Then what has caused all this?" "Last night, my poor darling, the plumber's bill came in, and now, at this very moment, the gas man is down stairs taking the meter." Fivb comets are now In sight at Buenos Ayres, and the anxious parents of. that city find it almost impossible to get the young gentlemen and ladies to bed before midnight. They had some thing of the same trouble however, be fore the comets appeared. For Twenty Tears. AS rMTOBTAXT OPINIO BT AS EMIXESI HEW YORK JUKIST. A corresponiti-nt of tbe Syracuse (X. Y.) Jmirmil sends liis paperan interesting inter view with one of the leading justices of the supreme court of the State of J'w York, from which we quote : "Yes, sir, I have been on tbe bench for twenty yean, and bave never miiwed an ap pointment through physical debilities. "In the spring of the year I make it an invariable rule to help nature 'clean house," by using a standard blood purifier, and to this I attribute my extraordinary vigor. I am nearly seventy years old." This man is a philosopher aa well as a jurist. The early spring is nature's "house cleaning" time. Then the blood ia full of the impurities of the long winter. K ature needs assistance in this work, for if the purification be not complete the system Is liable to attacks of pneumonia, chills and fever, malaria, rheumatism, liver and kid ney and blood disorders, headaches, bowel derangements, and the debilitating effects of summer heat, The use of a pure vegeta ble, non-alcoholic preparation is then all iuiportant. ""o, I should not like my name to be nsed publicly, but you may say," said the jurist, "that the only medicine I use is lr. David Kennedy's Favorite Kemedy, of lUwdout, N. V. a most excellent prepara tion, which I always warmly commend to my Iriends everywhere." This Favorite Kemedy has been twenty yean in use, and it is said that it Is pleas ant to take, cares in ninety per cent, of cases, and can harm no one. It challenges the fullest comparison as a preventive aud curative. It la purely vegetable, non-alcoholic, and can be used with the ntmost safety by children and adults. AVe do not wonder that it has the cordial indorsement of the best physicians and the public. Madaitb is busily engaged with her dressmaker. In cornel the maid servant. 'Madame, it is the doctor." "The doctor? I cannot receive him. Tell him that I am ill I" Tapped Eight Times. Feeling deeply grateful for the benefit re ceived from the use of Hunt's Kemedy, I feel proud to inform you of the good it "has done me ; for the great suffering I have passed and am now saved by Hunt's Kem edy. I desire to state my case to tbe publio so that other snflVrers may obtain the bene fit Oi its wonderful curative powers some time. I began to suffer excruciating pains in tbe region or my Kidneys; 1 had the most intense aeony : I was confined to ray bed and totally unable to change my position or move in any way. A was tipped eiht times. I then heard of Hunt's ltemedy ; I bought a bottle, and after taking a few spoonfuls the result was magical, and in few days my jiain was gone and my water passed Ireely.aud 1 could eat nufet anything; my swelling disappeared. I was a new per son altogether. The doctors had given me np to die, said there was no hope for me. I had one hundred and fifty-six pounds of water taken out or me. w as treated ty seventeen diflerent doctors, and Hunt's Kemedy has cured rue. I feel proud over your medicine. Those who sutler with I he dropsy 1 hop will givn it a trial, and see the pood it mill do. It works like a charm. I would advise those having difficulty with their kidneys to give Hunt's Kemedy a trial. 1 am sure that it will give them in stant relief and give them a permanent cure. I am willing to give all information in my power in retard to this most valuable me dicine. Yours truly, Mks. David 'oktr, corse, Wayne Co., Mich., May 30, 1063. Ta, what is poetic license?" "Well, my boy. as nearly as I can learn, po etic license is something which enables a man to say things id verse which would incarcerate him in a lunatic asylum if worked off at a political meet ing." Mineral Kemedlea Superseded. AU except hose who refuse to be convinced bj the most podltiTe proof, admit the tnflnlte sapert oritj of Iloitetter'i Stomach Bitten to the m.Deral remedies which It hai to a ery great extent so perse, led, and which. It Is to be hoped, for the ate of the human stomach, may CTeniuaily be ab&nJoned altogether. The Bitters are a most potent corrective of disorder of the IfTer.stomach and kidneys. Habitual const 1 pat ion, dyspepsia, bowel complaints, and the numerum and change, ful symptoms which indicate Internal weakness or disease, are an every Instance not only relieved, bnt cured, by a persistent and systematle nse of this sovereUrn remedy. Intermittent and billons remittent fevers may be sorely prevented by a dal j use of this powerful, bat pleasant and mild tome. Physical vigor la the beat armor In which to encounter disease. Fecure tt by recourse to the B.tters. CuEwisa gum is now made princi pally of crude petroleum. This is quite a step in advance. The chewing gum th it used to be made of glue was hardly the thing for tho cultured Vas- sar taste. ihe Doctor's Indorsement. Dr. W. D. Wright, Cincinnati, O., senda tbe subjoined prolessional indorsement : "I have prescribed Dr. Wm. Hall's Balsam for the Lungs in a great number of cases, aud always with success. One case in par ticular was given up by several physicians who had been called in for consultation with myself. The patient had all the symp toms of confirmed consumption cold night WAfttjr lnwti. fn-ir Kn .... j . - . ... , -w .w.w, uumuji CUUgUS, BIO. lie commenced immediately to get better, and was soon restored to his usual health I atsn funnit Tto Wm 11-11'- t..i - - - -- b iMisam le the Lungs the most valuable expectorant lor UF U.10lIwBBlUg tUUUD Mill CO HIS. "Yks," said Mrs. Egomoi. "I used to think a great deal of Mrs. Goode. he was always so kind to me; but then lve found out that she treats everybody just the same." Consumption cored. An old Dhrslclan. retired from nrartlce. havlmr had piaced In his hands by an East India mission ary tne formula of a simple vegetable remedy lor the speedy and permanent cure of Consumption, uiimniitis, vaiarra. Aswma ana au mrutu auti Lon A flections, also a DoUtive and radical cure for Nervous DebUlty and ail Nervous Complaints, after Having tested Its wothlerful curative powers in thousands of cases, has felt It Bts duty to ma e it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated ly this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering. 1 wUI send free of cnarjre, to all who desire It, this recipe, in German, French or English, witn full directions for nreoarinB' and nsiuir. Mnt hv man uj mrc.iiiig- wnn stamp, aaminie 11.1s paper, w. A. Novas H V -ton-' klixk Kuchesler A. I . Aloersox Swinhn rriA will Tint rVimo to America just yet to read bis own poetry. His health will not stand the latter. .No more will ours. "I IhOUEht I must die? Dr. ftravaol 1 I ilD Regulator cured my Heart DiaMtu. Pri. $1. by druggists. We should do evprvthi - J UUsD T1V VMU XK'k others if only to dissipate the thought of what they omit to do for us. Mother Ssani Worm Syrup. Infallible, tasteless, harmless, cathartic: for f -venaoness, rest-easness. worms, constipation. Wc The intoxications of anger, like that of the grape, shows us to others, but hides us from ourselves. Wtlliam Brr, who is somowluit an authority on the subject, says that the great majority of buyers of steam boil ers have but little knowledge on tbe subject of tests, and too often conclude that, if they have a certified copy of record showing that a particular boiler withstood a test of say 150 pounds, it is a good safe boiler at 75 to 100 pounds u rain m ikroKari r A Tf tbe boiler la a new one and by a repo table maker.tbat mvy be true : it it has Deeu in use anu put upon the market as a second-hane boil er it mav ha anvthinc bnt aif e at half the pressure named. By the hydraulic test, the braces in a couer may oe uru keu, joints strained so as to make them leak, bolts or pins may be sheared ofl or so distorted as to be of little or no service in ret is ting pressure when steam is on. The practice of inspecting boil ers by sounding with a hand hammer is in many respects to-be commended. Tt r. nnirpi anme Dractioal experience in order to detect blisters and the wasting of plates, by sound alone. 1 he hammer is especially applicable to the thorough ins pec tl n of old boilers. Papeb napkins are sold ten . for cent in Berlin. Evidently those Dutch men actually use the things to wipe their mouths on. and not to look at with tender, solicitous admiration, as is the habit in this country. Functional derangement of the female system is quickly cured by the use of lr. iL V. Pierce's "Favorite Prescription." 1 removes pain and restores health and strength. Ky all druggists. Or course the bonanza kings want to shake the wives of their youtiis and marry others. You see it takes oce kind of a wife to help make a fortune; another to help spend it. A fatal Mistake would be not to take Dr. R. V. Pierce's "Golden Medical Discovery" if you are bilious, sutlering from impure blood, or fearing consumption (scrofulous disease of the lungs.) Bold by all druggists. his country is so new, you know, remarked the tourist, "you have no mined abbeys." "Ao," was the reply, it looks more as if liapleson would catch it fully as soon. Dr. Pierce's "Pleasant Punrative Pellets" are 6tigar-coaUd aud inclosed in glass bottles, their virtues being thereby pre served unimpaired lor any length ol" time, in any climate, so that they are always fresh and reliable. Ho cheap wooden or pasteboard boxes. By druggists. Tt ia now said that Wagner loved his beer Letter than music As beer ia very quieting, he merely showeJ tus appreciation of a great oomposur. The rrwr Axle Greauie fa the best in tbe market. It ia the mist economical and cbeap-wt, one box lasting ai long as two of any ottier. One greasinij wdl last two weeks. It received first premium at the Centennial aad Paris ilxp-Mitions. also rwti at various btate fairs. Boy no other. ne incandescent electric light has been verv successfully employed by London surgeons in performing delicate operations upon tbe eye. Carbo-llnes. Sorrow and gloom the soul may meet, Yet love wrings triumph from defeat; And the coarsest hair can still be fine ISy using Magic Carboltne. Most men like a spirit of self-sacri fice in their friends a great deal better than in themselves. Hlln.hn.PalK. S The qua-, complete cure, all annoying Kidney, Hl..l.lr un.1 I'pin.., fVa..ta.UMl . itri.inr.ul. How immense appear to us the sins that we have not committed I I'iao's Cure for Consumption docs not dry up a cough; it removes the cause. No one who is sympathetic repeats eiitulrtiHK wieii lea eii utrue- e- m oiiauiir- ful interpretations. CAmi-bor Milk cures scbea and rains. Pnoa.Seait Faith affirms many things respecting which the sense are sileut, but noth ing that they can deny. TRAM MAUI. Tbe pllia are warranted to be rrRELT vfv tahie. free from ail mineral and otner DoisoOwtui ahstaoi-es. They are a certain cure fur CoqsU palton. 8u-k Headache, Dyspepsia, Bilurasnesa, Torpid l-er, Us of Appeuta, anal ail due una arfcun. U-OI the IJver, K torn nob. Bowels r liltlneya. Iey rewPTe all ersitrafTtincs fmea the ehaanehi of tke system aa-1 purify the W-od, thereby lrs partiDt be-rtb, rtr.;Hi nd w'.t t. Soiu by drua. (tm, or sent by nuu. for at cruta ta stampa by P. 5ETSTAEDTER A CO., 83 Mercer St., New York, ?o!t Manntamrrers of ST. BKKNAKD TKOaV TAKt.K FILLS. end tor cutout. Camehor Milk is UM bsst Unlment, Prtos 9 cents TO SPECULATORS. B. LI1DRLOH A 10. a. . millis a co. I(T Chamber of OomnMrua. Chioac nw lotw CRAIN AND PROVISION BROKERS. Mambera of all a.mmlnnt Prodnoa Bxekanm ur w York. (Ibloaro. Bt I .mils and Mtlwauk, W hT iclQT-)rlTU talcvTSb Wlrs MnM Cbloaa-o and New York. MQ) aicuta orders on oat luda-maal whan requested bend for drcolavrs boat hJnioa: particular. fcOBT. iJIiDBLOat St Ou. Chicas-a Risers i rtf H CffFfciK cU(wT rv j' .J"? TT S ? V "" earn ! wxpmst-s. Thr-w moDics- ti-satmant Is ens parkaf. Uond Asr Ooi4 "'- inniaaa, nay rmr.ata. Iftjcanam. By all rmiirjrt., or by mall. jc. T. UAZiXTI.N K. V, arrwa, ra. G OOD NEX7S 12 LADIES j "Jd. Sjowa roar umm lopsii or.l-rs for oar MKbrXad Teas fnl Gold Band or Maaa El. SS5 5 "JS 'rs 'tJi n. tlMLM to.TagaZrMl AGENTS -i".T,''- m""v ar-rttmr the $65 Sef'iVJSi y.oa'n P. V. ll.H-A trnuiubW'pr"''' KllTIZU T, "r: to.30rer.re: cat. w.t.wu m wiia-y, siaa'aunv.ua, Ky. Rates lo Texas. Arkanta. and rail)..;-. Panphkta, ae. dcrthrrur land, fnr nl ran bo hsd D. W. JA.NW,T. S. f&?B.fiiM pack lug bKabBomrai-nso w oats, Cast iLvtreX TO MOTHERS rorMM frtiuir lti lunSS in. VV-Tw. Iu -Tnna n r if ao. ' WOtt-MiS and jmm DsVCl ARK'S INCH I IBI tm in tta action. feAe. bottle. Drm KIDDER 8 PASTlLilil8 SriiB LNyoKStATIOS U5RKGARDTO FREEexgursion ttutolx Pectorsl core sour amh. Price X ets w-.. tr j.. a manivmiiter Kives tinner iuurn-o. i i j,--.;n for removing finger-marks from and reetonrig to hiRhly-polibhed but much-Jefaced mrniiure. husuuum." . with a cloth, or-better-a chiuaow skin, wet with cold water, then rub tha surface with sweet-oil mixed w"" n' . . a- at llhArill its quantity ol inrpeuuue. - -rubbing of this mixture will prove ef fective. Dr. Elmore'. Kh.nntineoutaline I, now only $1.50 for 30-ua. and 1 lor -!- epreTanywhere. 103 William street, Kew Vork. X woman may be perfectly angelic, and as patient as patient may be, ana still not be able to look calmly on while her nusband draws a match along a picture frame to light his pipe. An Inva'uihle article. An article like Ely's Cream Balm has leng been desired, and now that it is within the retch of sufferers from Catarrh, Hay Fever and Cold in head, there Is every reason to believe tbey will make the most or it. Dr. W. E. Buckmtn. W. E. Ham man, druggist, and other Eaatonians have given ft a trial, and all recommend it In the highest terms. Eatton (i'a.) Daily Argus. (Price 50 cents.) XT Bicrht worthv of an artist's crayon to see a woman, while talking through a telephone to her trrocer three miles away, stamping ner iimo and shaking her fist as though the poor man was quailing right before her, Miicaiiis prTO"izi mt toxic, the only preparation of beef ciaatalninK Its entin nwtri. Uoum tiruttrrtv. It ouuuuna blool-iruiklnjt, lurce gencr-tniir and lire-sostalningt properties; inrsjoa bie tor indigestion, dspeisia,nerous prostration, aud all forms of Kenerul ilebUity, also, ID ad en feebled eondiuous whether ins result of exhau. Uon, nervous prostration, oTer-work or acute dis ease, particularly if resulting from pulmonary OMupUuil. Caswell, Hazard Cot, propnetur. Kew kurk. Sold by drniuisuv Thb Kansas man tells me that there are mere sslrons out there since the Gospel of St. John was accepted and legalized than ever before. Why. man alive," s.tys lie, "the prohibitory law dou't prohibit any thing. There's more 'sea-foam' sold there than you ronhl find on the seashore. It looks like beer, smells like beer, makes drunk like beer, and is the same stuff which is called beer in other States. I'm a temperance man myself, but you can't make laws to gnve-ru the retail liquor trade.' And he smacked his lips and wiped his chin. Walnut Leaf Hair BMtatat. Itht entirely different from U others. Itta aa clear as water, and as its name Indicates is a perfect Vegetable Hair Restorer. ItwlUtnr tnediatoly frw) the head from all dandruff, re (tore gray hairto its natural color and pro dace a Dew growth where It haa faden oft It doe not in any manner ailect the health, which sulphur,' sugar of lead and nitrate of ail tit preparations ha-edon Itwlilcbanga light er faded hair In a few day to a beautiful glossy brown. Ask yourdraggtstfortt. Each DittleLswarranteL Smith, Klinb & Co., Wholesale Ag-ota, Phi'.a.l!phia, Pa. aad C, N. CK'.TTaaiTOK. New York. You've no idea what a horror it gives a scan to steal up behind a girl who is scribbling, look over her shoul der, and find that he is Idly writing your name with a 'Mi. pr;fix-d. Import milt. When you tisii ur New Tort City, amre BtsgvK Expr-SMMre and Carriaire Hire, at slop at uie t rmul Lwiuai Hotel, opposite Grand Cen tral bepi. t eirant Moms, Btted np at a eost of one OkllUon dohsrs. reduced to $1 and Dpwarls per day. European Pun. Kleraior. Ueauorant supp'leil wna the best. Horse cam. autre, and enated Mliroad to all depots. Families can Ur better for less Eionry at lire Grand Union Hotel than at ans other ar-.t-claas hotel in the cllf. Cabxixs wrote : "To-day is not yes t erday. It was by the utterance of such grand truths as these that Carlyle became famous. All the rivers ran into the sea yet It la not fall, onto the pi:ice whence they come they return aga n," says Scripture. So science for thousands of years has lanon-d to invent some Infallible hciim rrsiorer, some n rue-ly. wh ch by purifting the liMiuuln head wonid bruur soundiHras lo the whole Immv. ami et science ha- to return to the wise ol I Uraniiiiris and the kind old monks for a sure, sale sU'i p.e.ihaiit bealtu preserver, "te. Ber nari's Vi. Utb.e P.ils," which by resUH-iDir iinr tudtgvstion, ua r.Uon and secretam secures heaiui. A GBitAT economical discovery: Al most every available foot of ground in Great Britain is made to produce what it will yield. "Rrowx's Buoxchial, Teoches" are widely known as an admirable remedy for l'.roni liitis. Hoarseness, Coughs, and Throat troubles. Swld only in boxes. A list of the reptiles and batrachians of IlliDots, prepared by MeeoM. X. 8. Davis ajid F. L. lilce. inslndes 71 spe cies of tbe former aud 32 of the latter. or nearly one-third of the forms found in the tmted State?. Self-respect i3 the- noblest garment with which a man may clothe himself the most elevating feeling with which the mmd can be inspired. One of rjtliitgoras - w isest uiumius enjoins the pupil to reverence himself. The most extensive sulphur beds are said to be those of Utah, embracing several million acres. Malaria, cbilla, positively cured by Emory's Standard Cure Pills. Their equal unknown; sugar rotted; no griping, 25c. A four-year-old boy In Springfield, O., is said to tinoke strong cigars with an apparent relish. rbysiciana have used Dr. Graves' Uear Regulntor as a cure for Heart Disease. Price $1. by druggists. The caterpillar has 4000 muscles. Fortunately he dots not have to learn their names. Occasional doee-a fir. Snf,ir.r. r r Vigorat jt w.li kee-D the livr it bore. Tllft COIi.SU mi it inn rf tni m nAf - 1 va. ,va, JU UlCdl ritUlll 13 about SIX IVniimi t. mio rwmml VIIV 11IUI1U1 of Coffee. Dr. KatntVa nraai iwM . m&rrel of Uie ago lor aU oerrt? 0laeae. All It is asuerted that 430,000 volumes of fiction were printed in Kinrhmii hit year. "Kourh on Corns." nil ou wotus.-- lDc. unlet relief eoniplete,permanem care. Corns, warn, bunioni' T ..'rl i n li ' j 1 . .... ... ; ....,? A n . - .. ...... in laiocu to Uie Ulg- nity of an inu i national horse market. Use St. PatnVli'!i,.i 1 1 value. One trial convinces. Remorse U the echo of a lost virtue. PlMKuIRibr aksaeoldandrt. lJcotr sscts. There ar 1i:tiusi :.. country, it m reported. Hale's Honev noroUotind And Tar. LeBJ rV-k.:: St- Tati1' m i- ... Mass., u to have the Edison light. ' mm. CEHM AN FOR FA T1X. Rheumatism,CH eu ralgia. Sciatica, Lsmbaao. Bacsaciw. nw .Thrwal.awrlllssrals.niaMa, , m urusa a.MMi.1 ' . mourn l)ii"" "'"J "la. lllraclto-ala 11 tnir. i""oUiiJ hill u,t.lfc 18 UwFAILWQ lP l1Ftf.l.lBl.t w wCiJEVEB FAILT Epileptic fit; SiMttm, Falling Sickness, Convul- aiona, St. Vitus uance, Alcoholism, Opium i Eating, Seminal Weakness, Im potency, Syphilis, Scrofula, and all Nervous and Blood Diseases. ryTo Clerzrmen, Lawyers, Literary Men, H.rchants, Bsiikers, Ladies and aii whose aede-ntary errsjilovrnent caused N'-irtons Pros traUon, IrreirulariUea of the blocd, atomaca, bowels or ki.iuev. or who require a nerrn tonic, appetizer or gtiiunlent...SitiriJw Jaw uM la lnvaiuaoie. fxtXC t-Thonsandsl IRt pnx laim it the most wonderful Invliror ant that pvpt sustain-e-1 a ainkinsr arstem. C I rl st Dmmfi.-ats. TheDR. S. A. RICHMOND MEDICAL CO.. Sole Pro-I : -. c l.. ISA "CCOHQUEROR.) nviwi, ww '"--1" - M OT iesiuno una . . -- .ww w. Chas. J". Crittenton, Agent, JTew Tort (?) Qj'i CrtamBab. whea apptlod by the Saeer into the aa. tnuv will be absorb, ed, tffectoaJy cieao. lng the head of ca tarrhal Tlrna, caasthf healthy ar-cre-ooa tt aliaia inBimiBaBoa, proteeui the axaa. bras of thenaaal panagFS from addv Boaai eolda, ecav pleieiy leais tie anna and restorea uau and ameu. A few anpUraUons fwhewe. A (wrotayA artot. menf nli powmasry rurw. Aitreoabie to nawk Bend for ctrea lax. fnce as eaaia by null or at dmiti-HU. KLX BKOTHiltS, Ltrmflifa, OwwC, K. I. This portw pl-vrtter ia tfctelatel7 th bmt ever BaAtlt. COlalbllUO thn HOP PLASTER rnmjL tyi-r tvnl -x- i ' tnkcUL It power id wonderful In eartiif dLtuuct vhavv ocikpr pls-tvrt Imply -vli-w. Crtst In lit iLmcm til Keek, Pain la, tbe Si) or Limb. Stiff Joint mna krrvieate vlilrv-T TroobaVs. Khtmmazism. 5ar&Ui, Hrt iAA 2slccti-i ot tiie Uvsvrt and LiTer.andaJl pAlzwur acai In mj pavt cared iutantl j by h itVip tutn. nV Try LAME n. rnor crou or lor Lt. Mailed, on reoKh-t of pne-s. Soid hf ail drmrmt and coojut Mn Ii"P Plotter Com pox 7, sprietor, BomU.ii, Mmk BACK I BTlf'wr euntijulon. iw uf appvtile and !L-eamufth bow.fc fcwt- Fswlw-wrv srnnarh ani Ur Pi !U ff e DR. DYESI TIXCTKO-VOlVrUC BELT other Frrrw j AJrTJ-iM.vs are aenc n & a TTaaI Tv ln-r from STors Dr.tmjrr, Voerr Vitjujtt. Tiffniw WKijrrrneRi, mn all thnavo d !?-? of a PmmiiiAL N TTjBj, roiltlnc from abchu as-1 rntoratron to Rcal.th. Vkkib finti Miaoo GraJUTmia S-nl a one tut ILuatfie4 PampbJec frw. A JiireiKa VOLTAIC RKI.T Mur-lnin. WrV M-AA-MHaMM.WA- no to sio.ooo. issrs.ssjrz ic B vr orOoo t tin wua iarw -LJk I at I'a, 431 W -111 Ot J34U. thijk, Ctntiarnte taiilovflby Dr. 9. M, Ww?m Vmder lilt tr42nTTrt mm t as one obtalMd and p- iui eu itMGd to tbr hnmnani ucniatair alW ttnnncC at tarxcr s:'rn fro. tani for ra. 917. Mats ejoft, Ml Arcti trrt fxlmdMpto WUI h at ttM t-mysu c U jv.f. EVatHPf. Pa.. Tr7 M rard-Tj Herahfv Hmii-a, Harr !rru. , Pa-, Kb aad -&h: Bt. Clair Hou FiiialxirtU, Fa. 7la and tUkm acn mooto. WTiV rban.-v tnm a fair, frtv-h. Uuriin- Pir'tv.1 tr.rl ba (a itti, dn--p ntr. tirt mur rboly woiiiait t v, bv tnat worn tn l iowk in tha yontur n .flier, wh iris. l-unfa"iii ami ihniul oniy a littlvt tirn' a-ro. at the altar ? H h? irran.lina 9011-0 ff, flael C hv tM'lto), m.i.-a. fl anl vat-rai Ma luxe Wat it n.t vt t-t f.'tt'.Mtr np n an.n a -mrJitTbc whirb lntrf-rp,i wtli trie laws .if na tnrof D- n't tou kno-r tint aUr Lmir'i St-etflc f W..m9n will fwil.iy ciirr ilv and il k ntrtd trrrnbaofl of frirlh-d, woruanh--l anl n'thriv-i i tU. imitvutca or by zuaj. Iji.ly areuta. Liberal trrm-i. A-IJmw BOWFN. I.f'TZR & if liirarJ St. Poils-lc ia. I'. jT ir. Luaeniyt otxirftiiu.'-i tix-e at odi or by irttor. Urinm rKUlbOiews mm Oiilrv.a IS(wTork . far tle l ireaf EPILEPTIC FITS. From A mJmal cf Haiku lr. Afx Vaarrlo flaw of Iyvorrrn'. wV makr a tv rlxity of lfTjiipeT. bas vtttvnt damht trs;u inj mr--i2 f cmem t han an y ot hr 1 in x piivwiciaw. B.tnKN---a BaolBiply bran atfmitIi,nc; h :n bsr4 atf caMat a( r 10 T-ar tDUInt; iiie.t---.i'nl.y rnrvtl hy btui, n bm pabltshird a wirk on thl d witch td ; With alarfce botti3tif bla Wfnlrrul cum fr t ny suf Vr wbo may send tbtr ;'h, mnd P. Ol Aiant tvtaVnaoT una wih!iiar v'i'e u ! rti i)r. L.-hl.vLfc. o. w -ua SU Kew Turk, OOif SOIF TiUtV. I tiT a positive rni.i ur tii aHvt iiirQie; by it tnuwui ot raMf of n ori ainu ana m taniilcfr hav bn cnrd. ln-lv.vl. no stn'tii i.t mv fii ln tta Tflf'i-ry, that I wilt n.l TWO 1T Tl-KS KKKR. ttV gtb-r wit tta TALI AbLK TREAT ISK on thi itHa.tt.t- DW-T.A 41 l-Mrl -4t.. a STOPPED FREE Imine Ptrjtt 9nton4 Or.KLDTa 8 0 SEAT NerveRestorew fftiam a Nwar-s Dusasss. Om&m rw.L.(.HiB at takw am wlrlWHl. A. mfim Hdm tuM. Tiwulwi aad ( trial las., kwr .dlcwlwDR KLlNiem ArchSe.FhilawauLP v r. e. ad it taa llPuril BMWULM 6 HUT Al Uiu fiUVB- a- K. f at) ITr Jeff r rVt, wkk- Mzr-w. and Ivmi taw.f lot k IM MrrloM. wSftW bwt rm ij let k'dw 'vf) ayaasanwen, rua-i.Tw- too Btin-a) I iv aad tmtT rwu wiu f-waviai d tot? trql aW okrwat laa tBtwiMH. aw m Muna-tkl hH rM'9 d.wia aad djwtMDwa tn 3 wk fJ! 1 to 1- fe1 M" P 9h ir)! m raw 4wcj;ti.n wlaaa -W (4 tt; if BO irMlfOM ftt. to it UJ Lay the Axe to the Root If Tflfl Wftnlil iloafrATT 4Tia nn. I kering ironn. For any exter- ya,u. am vt iiuim or lanic noss of maa or beast, nse only MEXICAN MUST ANU LIM 3IENT. It Penetrates all mus cle and flesh to tho very bone, expelling all inflammation, soreness and pain, and healing the diseased part as no other Liniment ever did or can. So 3aith the experience of two generations of sufferers, and so will you say when you hafe tried tho Hastans." ATARRri rvii. ia .ua- 1 QUUtw wimw rbw L':"J'-;?-'-l'"-i.i"s"-"'-'-!