SENTINEL & REPUBLICAN MIFFLLNTOWN : Tt edoMday, Feb. 20, 1SS4. TERMS. Bnbacriplien, $1.50 per ,annum if paid wiLhia 12 month; $2.00 if not paid within 11 saentha. Transient advertisement inserted at 50 irtU per inch for each insertion. Transient business notices in local col ann, 10 eenU per line lor each insertion. Deductions will be made to those desiring I advertise by the year, half or quarter SALES. On the 23rd day ot February, 1884, C. B. ilornifcg. Administrator of Catharine Stine, dee'd, will sell at the residence of Henry Berber, in Feiuianagh township, a lot of personal property belongiag to said deced- !it. See bills. On the JTth of February, Isaac Ben tier, residing near Eat Salem, will sell ono fresh cow, lmie by tbe buliel, sewing ma chine, jietatoes by the bushel, and a ot of household furniture. . On the 2th of Fvbruaiy, Daniel Shirk, living near Van Wert, will sell six "horses, tixe c, six slirep, hogs, pig wagons, reefer, aud all tirisol tanning imf leuients. On the 1st of Kirch, JSS1, T. II. Krei--dvr ill ell fcis mother's residence, in tins borough. e horse( wagons, harness, tinware, lucks:s, knives, and niauy other articles. For tulier list see bills. On the Zri. of March, lfi, David Wea rer, Sr.. residing iu Walker tnwusnip, one mile north -f Mexico, will seil horse.-, cat tlv', youug cattle, and fannrtig uteusils ol ail kinds. On thefth c.f March, Jerorus Tyson will v!t en J. S. I.ukeu's linn, one mile weat of Tiiompsoutown, a good family horse, rising 5 years of age ; three work horses, one S-yrar oM colt, one I -year old colt, 6 miich cows, ail coiuiug into profit by the tiiiie : calf, one :u!l, seven young cattle, 14 sheep, 10 slides, Champion mow er, threshing machine and power, Kirfcy re-i;.-, a 3 an 1 4-liorss wagin, a new 1 and 2 stated carriage, Hn'a wagon, sleigh, slut, grain -drill, hay ra!;e, tanning ttill, fcan:ej.s single and tfoub'.e and ail kinds of impleuu-ute. On tLe loth day o.' Man h, lt4. Iievid C itfnian will sell al his pla-e of remd-nce, in Hi-ale township, about a ha'f mile Iroiu Johnstown, horses, tattle, hecp, hop, and larniii.g uten.-dls and numerous other arti cles. On the 11th of Kurth, Iffi, A. K. Si ber will seil at pcei:c sle, at his residence, in Fajctte townhi;, line mile e.t ot Mc-A'.i-tJrv ilie, 7 he', ul horses. 1 6n black stallion, 2 f-vo-yvar oil colts. 4 -Durham milk cows. 7 heat' of young cat;Ie, 1 good Ilurhaui bull, 13 s:ed ot sheep. 5 head ol shcits, a l-,t : farming implement and houvbo'id g j"ds. A en Jit ol o-ie year will be give;-. H. II. Snyder, auctioneer. On the 14th d' March, l;-4, H. L. Smith will sell at !.:s f'a.-e of residence In Fayette township, cue suile east of McAlist. rvi'le, on the Ki hfi-.-ld, 12 good young horses, SO head u! e.ittJe, i sheep a!! ewes, 15 shi.fes. and a large assortment of farming sn-p!et:.c:it. A cr-.-dit of one yeir w ill be giv-n. S.t! l coii:ni'Mi-v:t at V o'clock. Jes j h i'agi-, aueti .r.evr. On the 17th -ut Mar-'h. 11, Joseph Guy- cr Hi; seii at kis p!a-e of r.-sii.-nre, at EasC I sulen,, thvv l.o-s -, four covv,.t ,ree head Pitisbuish offil.. and $1,000 e ich a- of vminc :.t:!t, thi.-e h. t ve sheep, Lev. Jtte-p .Mathers has gone to I - , , allkin-is o- . -rming impleiu ,..:s, and house- I W hi..on to Out:.cs.u."3ll At- ! ,he of th P" 1 h-i ":n,ture. kilj,uU wife, at.d lu,uke his son, I Kl"flK ort W ay,., an 1 Chicago the Unhdayof.Virch. 1?1, V. II. I, with - ro',,!i- Kcu v sen a: b?s p'we of res.dence in ., . It Joes soeni s if Couare. wlil do- Wa;Ke- t wnsi.ip. six horses, h milch cows. i he rai.roaJ release mec have ap- -Durham Lull, WsU-.-er-. So,i.l;don buck, I H,,.d a cuiittee at O.ientat to re- Wf" c-u',u''u vi rf-fu Cotswold hue:., Che.ter white sow w,th j.i. j ,.1V of t; ht of W1T iu ,Jw !ow. i tba trade ..o.iar. If Ue r.ple Lad a A jair of I'olciid Cl.ii a pi-s. -even s!io-.e. . . - . votf. the question, as t oiiresstuta 4it-hici.ens a i and 2 le.rse ws.,n with bi-d, I er cljj L ,uc ttUU - ' ; ,,v. a rfddctu'ne hi I wo iH tie pis- sled. ar,u atltinds ot laraijii- impiiments. j rof Ohssr, loruterlv the chief teach- 1 e(j bv n Iu,j)rjtj Ja the Vjie 0 .oiostd - uum, u, been w .uH oe r,; t to eiiumewie. Mr. Kurtz eoi;tciUi"lates go- j sent 1 J Mr.g Slug. 1 ., pris..a, lor j tfa v,lt(, ing the rte-re btwine-s in Mexico, heme bavmg too luany wives. I A onloroJ debating society in Cfaam- On the 21-t of March, Henry Sieher , will sell at hi p! of reslenee, a bail ( mile from a-.A-istervUle, MS horses, four !iie Mi.e. 0 tl.c Tiu-HUT ia-9 neary orau-iu u-Jtava L it will v.ork iu any place that tiiey are hitched in tlio lea i and ur.d-r tiie saddle. Two of the six. are 2 veirs old, the one a Norm in mare, the o:h- r a horse. Ivx'een cati!.-.j;ix cows that will beiuirot 1: .i.nut time rf lie. Hve balls, ones 1 ,:hain, weighing 17tiil jonnas. Fit teen e-e siif-p and ol buck. Wagons, cir r ge. harness, cad a'.l kinds of lanutng im ; ' .Miitats. On thv 2'Jd of March. lSsJ,?au;ue! Buck u ili sell at his place .f residence in Tort ;.., il, i-ne open buggy. Ut!oriit spring w g-jn. two bel rmiiu mit, tovos, r..nge, ' .itr;d- ali i lcddi:ig, and a lot of house hold g-.K.d not e:iu.m rated. Also, a lot of ground. C2xi24 feet, in said loa n. See bills. SHORT LOCALS. Ess'fr ?enCi- terce April 13. Wishifigions birthday, r.ext Friday. TLe batiks wi!! be closed on the 2ud. Geneva. Meiics is iaterfstad in the bridge question. A steamer, ct Millrrstown. docs fer ry fiuty. 'ixteeu tramps were put in jil let Friday night. TLe Lewiitow-d Frv: Pre is issued ; twice a week. Jlaf'fiy Home. The run of tramps tUo pit luonlh Lat Le-n a lart'e oi.e. Stock bao ball clubs mc being or eatiized in the cni-s. Mra. Elizabeth Wi-t t'L-d in Port I'-ij a',laxt Wedne.-dar. 1 h-re was pnd rafting water on the Ir j-.'jur hamir.. last week. T!;e fail nioon went by at:i was liol a-cu because of ti.e fo. So far the ff .rls at suokcr fishing 1 ve reiiu'.fcd in water hault The Lct htalks aj jeired frerb and ;':"cn when -tie mo meite.i away. Mits Moliie Ilr.rriinj.of M;VeyowD. ir viniUte Mrs. Aiken, in this j,4s-e. A Mifflin cciiaty man set a trap for a f x and cangbt, Gh get ouht : aekutik. A yonng pi-oiile's ohri&tian assueia-i!-n has been crgat::z.-d in MoVeytnwa. Anjiollo. Tl:e Lewipf.nn Free Prees is pub i-:r.ed twice a we-k ted is a good pa- The N' di-bt as decreased lurintr tbe month c.f January, $11,958,- I :.3 water at Ciaeitinati, Ohio, laft k, about 3 feet Li h- than in i 5o. On Sunday a week 23 rcr?oiw ioined ! Me Presbyterian cecgre nation at Aca- '.'cicia. Mewrs. Hudson & MaMaigbt ferrt issrgera aro-s, the river, at Thomp ntown. Ti e d!vi! cf tie Sestinel AND Re- i 3't BI.ICAN tffiite received Hsndsome. a ' valtJUne. Tjphoid farer tea prostrated some .'.0 old people zazr f-:Tjacila!?, Jir-' rj county. Mr. Kauffnan wife of Jonathan Ksuffmiu of Patterson diad last Satur day evening. Queen Esther. Tbe heart frosts f Thursday, Fri day and Saturday were tuooeeded by rain on Suadij. At this office, you may obtain infor mation ai to where you eao buy a good Oriental store. , E. IL Mateer ia the name of the new pastor for tbe McYeytown Presbyteri an congregation., Coloael Ingersoll, it is said, desires to'discuss theology with the Catholio Theologian Capel. Mrs. Eliiibetk Smith died in Port lvoyal, last week. Interment at Aca deuiia, last Saturday. At 11, o'clock on the 12th. the fog was so thick that objects 150 yards dis tant could set be seen. A fire itrsurence company with head quarters at Middleburg" Daughin coun ty is a brefceo. concern. . . There wag a period of ten days clos ing on tbe 13th iutt., that the sun was not teu because of tbe fog. It is not worth while to stop to lis ten te the man that constantly, every day, 'deflates bis ueighbors. The late ice flood took away the Stambaugh islaud fiat which is the cauee of a great inconvenience. Tbe job department of this office has Leeu crowded tbe past three weeks. Tiie work issued speaks fur itself. Azaturia, is the name of a horse dis temper down in Jersey that is taking the life of uiauy a valuable horso. Can officers of a bridge company a baudon chartered rights wilLuut first calling a meeting of stockholders ? McCiiutic. There is an effort being made to raise sufficient stock with which to build a biidge serosa the river at Mex ico. Acknowledgement is due Joseph S. Martin for Pittsburg papers containing special artist pictures of scenes of the late Good. Seveuty-fiv-e cts, for a quarter sheet, $1.50 for a half sheet for a whole sheet sale bill, uenspaper size. Call at this office. Eight pardons were granted in 1SS3 by Gov. r'attion. Tbirty-niue par dons were granted by the Governor of York State. On tiie u-crniag of the loth, one of j the baros on the Young fatms, below liarrishurg, was destroyed by re with 14 fiue cattle. On the iZtd day of this month, The Juniata liorse and Male Protection Coiuoanv will Cieet iu tiie Court House, ju tills . :1CC ! rp, . i , ;JJ;,.., Ibe fcrrv county ommw-ioner t,,-,,., ',,.r $1:2,000 to "pay f,r v - .,,,, , , ',' .... -ewport riTS. orlog,, -fid t. pui the j ut tue j same in a btat'.' oi repair. j ,,. , i -i i i , : V . H. Lreider will seil a lare lot , . . i , of 1 r"Uai irooeriv 11 ledinL-acc oi his mother, it tins b irougij, Mar.;h Is 18S4. it 1 o'vloek P. IL TLe beef market is al.ny slow Hor- mg tju s-toa c: !nt thi thut Cath-.-lij pe .p'o during that season refraia from eaiiag meat In one of the Haitirigdn county towns, t'aree ineii h ivs had 13 wives, j Two of the wen, c; h, ha 1 4 wives, tiie thitd m-au has hit fiah w.fe. i 1- i..., ,i,.., .. ,-.! can have a handsome nuarter-.-heet sule 1 but printed for 75 wi.tJ, nnd a half- i ' . -,, - . r , i htt bill tjriiitei for 1.50. "Lr. D. L. Alicu, furmerly of this eouifty, jjied at bi rnidence iu rnuoe- !-'... (T i I .W.llt-. t" W ,l J, liTi VV O. Is ! lull, J. lautit'i ....-., vm ' , ,,o i liiti .i m- - J I 6ar3' I The "Barrett Club,' of tha Acadeoij, pavfi an entertainiueut iu tno Academy, j ou Friday afternoon, cousistiu of reci- j tations, declaUiftoDS, tableaux, dia- j ligues. c:c At Wilikcsbarre Pa., a man uaui -d Whituiore was jut under arrest for bavin;: three living wivcri, all liviDjj in tha valley of the West Branch of the ;Susitleliat:na. ort rnoay nu siturliy wore uird :Iavs on tbe wheat that is in the croutid. .' r , ., r .i i me ireczinjr ar..i tuawing oi uavs lifted many cf the stalks tUt wt're I &- of " "ver at irrowitig on wot land. t inctiiuati clJ every distillery m Lthat disvriai. a;id a preit many other Joseph Nye, a re..p.-etab!e youwg It'.iiiiyst. 6;iull the Juniata river rise tuati got crazy or d lish in a church I t0 ljiat IJ1SI1V ,vK ,he houses in Patter at Palmyra, Lebanon county, last Fa J a w :U;.j fl mt aay. Roder, cm day evtuing. He undroseJ himielf j T0U c.Miiprc-h-.'.id tiie digress that a and ran home naked. fl.,t j f.f 70 fett'of water caused in tho A LtierDO county miner found Puri Grecu in a pie that was ktiit to him ahile at work ia a coal uiina ; now he olaittf to belicv-- that bis wife put the poison iu the pie !vr but. Explanation' -Happy Hotue, Queen E-thii, Me'.Iiiiitic, Ajpoilo, 7C, and Geneva, nr.: the names of cook fctoves, sold at ic-"liotie's Hardware st'.re, on Bridge street, Mtfflintowu, Pa. A quarter h-et rale biii will be prir.tid at tu; tfiiie fjr sevenly five cents ; a half cket t lo bill for one dollar aud City cent.-. Send iu your -.orders if you conleciplatc having a sale. The Altoona Tr'.iune looks as if it had just couie out ol a band-box with ueir clothes. Iu tuo tow type in which it i now arrayed, it presents a Laud scuer appearance than at any previous tiiue. What fhouid be done with a nun, tchn when lie irncs to bed at nii'h t. turtlS r.ark to his wif draws an bis cold feet, aud and places their olea agaiust ber abdomen or back, juit as tua may chance to lay ! "What is the worst thing abou: riches?" asked a Sucday-bchool teacher. "That thev take uuto iLeaistlves wiugs acd flv astay," promptly rcp.ied tbe boy at fi.e foot of f hs clan.. New Or - lu Pk-bj one- Tbe tndc do'.lsr i. beia boaght by UfvcahtfM at 90 cento, wbieb . fsct i the latest most urgent reason for Con gress to hurry tbe passage ot an aot of legal teuder or an sot to redeem it with the legalised dollar. A Patterson rosebud went to Port Royal last week one evening and got into a difficulty with young men of that town. The Port Royal boys double matied tbe Patterson boy and he was compelled to get out of the town in a hurry. As en article for tbe toilet, Ayer'a Hair Vigor stands unrivalled. It cleanses tbe scalp and preserves it from scurf and dandruff, cures itching and humors, restores faded or gray hair to its original dark eolor, abd promotes its growth. The disfiguring eruptious on the face, tbe suokeu eye, tbe pallid coin plexiou, iudicate that there is some thing wrong going on within. Expel the lurking foe to health. Ayer'a Sar saparilla was devised for that purpose ; and does it. A son of J. T. L. Sahiu, of Wilkes barra, died, sod was brought to this place for iatertuent on Thursday even ing. The funeral took place from the residence ef Joseph Rotiuock, grand father of the deceased boy, at 2 o'clock on Friday afternoon. A Brooklyn real estate agent was fined $19 and put under $200 bonds for putting his arms atoned aud trying to kiss a colored woman. That was right. Tbe colored ltua must be drawn somewhere but not ar uui the waist. Norristown Herald. At come of tbe large parties, gotten up in New York, for 6well purposes, people of such questionable morality were invited, that it was dec: ted prop er by the party giver toemioy private detectives, to preveut spoons and other valuables from being stolen. Tbe Juniata people that went to llarrtsburg on Friday to see the horse show, wtre highly entertained. The ptay of the animals that seemed ta take best, it is said, was the "court Sisene," in which a tiviug mule figured ajapris oner, aud a living jacka-is as ajudgo. Attention Roys On Wednesday, April 15, 131, a competitive examin ation for the ISth Congressional dis trict will be heid iu MilBititowu, to fill a vacancy for said district in the N aval Academy. The examination will be open to all bos of 14 to IS years of age. While Martin McLeoughlij was asleep, at n early hour u.'i the morning of the l'2'li iuft., at his homo iu the northern part of Sermton, Pa., his drunken wife cut bis hoad off with an aie and then hl from tue iioute. fttie was arretted aud lodged in jail at that place The P?nnsvlvania railrial eoiupany hat contributed $1,000 for the sufT-r- er hv the western fl (u-Js, have otd-T- d S'2.000 t b distributed frotU the k, t .... ..,.,.,.,1. ;...,,..1t ,1, nn.w tic.i!. " Which is the iuomI use to tho cmniry - a lawyer or a buizirl! last wet-K a i uo:ic j-iui-iu comaiuej q iito a lenuthy report of the deba:. . . - , I he iiuesMoa Was decided iu favor ot the Ruzzar-J. A R.'dlord dude was sifirg c!rse np to !mm swettiu-art, ta'kuig. Sul-ioniy he f.;!t a sting under his vest, startin" I.Aelr l.e ciiHrire.l his ladv love wit ii rMlt- tjnj, m plu iota hllll Tiicy D1lh. fit an2ry hnd Ue ,ef. ; a llUrryj htined home, toft of? bis vpsf. au-1 found a wasp. i'uiiajipT lovers. At tins i fne, you can oVuin a hand ru; hiil with looal nutiec til: day of s:i!o for seventy five cents, a larger h'ii than the former, w.tb loJsl notice, ,; r ,,UB u"'-,r ai'" a " f "'"'; tsr.s t.r.l noli,-e i,fii! w 1 1 hnu f h' U. i can he accom.-uod.-itud by 50c J to SI 00. ncinrJin to leu2'h of local. I V 1 loar M com nf A lam of ! , i , . .. liuutnadon fell into a cistern a few day s ko and tta. drowned. Jhctuotli- er of the child thought that her s in hid gi,e tj a neighbor's h iuii?, and did not fee! uuiasy at his of two hours when searufi wis undo tha s'lock- inj, ir jth wan diitres-oui; to tha family On bst Friday evening wbi'c Theo rous St.. uer trai driving down Wa-!i- tfito:i street tho bolt hoidio ttia sin ! .jie-free to the shaft was lot Hn'l SS' tie. van turn'r.ii; the corner ot the jut tii-; horse Ufset the biijrsy. The !;'i:se L- . . -1 I . I . 1. . I M .. . . . v i l, ,, , , ... ' the rolitcle. rl!ey of bt Ohif. Huntingdon L-jJi! News says. Mother Sjh. ok, of Warrior Ri-Jco. near Peters burg, died on Tuesday tt tho advanced age of 93 years. Sume tiuie last fall fhe it'.l djwti the cellar war at brrrea ideuitn and bad been conSued to her bed ever fince. ' She was a meuibeT of the Lutheran church, and was one of the oldest citiz -iis cf ihu o iuu!y. DO NOT FOKGET. D uoi forgtt t!i-it At He'ps's I'iio f ; i.ili Gn'iiL-ry y-u can jut auy suiall j k'l me eiilurft.l for 73 cents. Also anything Unit is in ule in Plio-t-jrapliv. r;in ;f-t here doua np. in fimt ci tss siyle. All tho latest 6tyie dctuus, such as Cards, Cabin ets, J'roiiieii-iJo, runnel Boti'loir, A.C., c';c. Fraiia';s of all kia Is cheap. John W. Neealey, o carpenter, em ployed at Duck Kidjre Colliery, near Suauiokiu, says that for seven yeers he bas purposely lived on bread and hot water at a c st of fr'y cents a week, lie is 05 years o'd, nearly six feet till and wpiijhs 175 rounds. He is in e.e.a Lean d, woiks i.nta huu eteauiiy and sas be nil! live to be 125 . yers old. j -',V!it makes you so late to uight ?' jked a wife of her Luband. "l'ou 1 promised me von would be home at 10 jo'ciock." '-I've been (hie) lo.,kia at l the eooiet," be rspliel. "CoiaeU ! ! j '1 Lets f but oco comet visible t :bs. naked eye." "Yesh, but one comet visible to er naked eye (bic) ; but yer see 1 had tbe aid of er-powerlul glassh and eould see two of 'em." One of the most complete Indian books is that written by Colonel Dodge. The Colonel did service for Govern ment among the Indians for a period of 33 years, and the result of bis experi ence be has grouped together and giv en to the public in book form, thereby preserving an account of Indian life for the preseut white race. Tbe book is a valuable one. W illiam Keiser is agent for the valuable contribution to Indian literature. REMOVED. Notice the Change. We are now occupying tbe new and beautiful room on Main street, in the new building that J. 8. Thomas has recently built, where we are once more to furnish tbe trade with a large stock of dry goods and groceries, boots and shoes. We receive new goods constantly and sell cheaper than ever. Give ns a call. C. F. Hl.NKEL & CO. Nov. 28, 1883-tf. Tbe lecture delivered by the citisen of New Jersey, last week, did not draw a full house, aud produced discourag ing criticism. The lecture committee, perhaps, do not otnprebead, that plat form efforts, and social lifo ictercourse in this coninianity require more or less clowuish manners to become popular. If they will scud to some circus com pany and borrow a clown, or send for some darkey troupe they will briu themselves to a level with the situatiou. The adjourued teachers institute at MeAIisterville was well attonded last Saturday. Tho institute was bold in the Academy buidliug. In addition to the programme addresses essays and so forth, tLere was good music by a oboir, orgati music, aud niu.sio by the. McAlis- tervillo brass band. Harry btrayer was cailed ou for the recitation ot a Dutch poem. He recited it in English, givit g to it the peculiar accent and brogue of Dutch people when speaking English. The Everett Press of last week says, A. C. Webb', who last summer swin dled a good many people in Bedford county by representing hinself to be connected with the pension depart ment, in Washington, has at last come to grief and now languishes in a Jersey ba.stile. Shortly before his arrest he was! operating is. Perry county, aud to better carry out his deception he prao-tic- 1 the pious role, addressed Sunday schools aud took part iu public prayer meetings. The proper plaoe for tho fraud is tbe okum room in some peni tentiary. Why not try tho Sentinel and Re publican job department wheu ou have a j b c.f t.ritititig to do These whiT think the prices too low are inter ested parties who are ta k"ig for s-iine yot or are muiviJ ua lv interested iu doing a job at a higher figure. V, Leu you waut tho bsst tieWtqiaper in tho comitv. subscribe for the Sentinel and Rf.pi bi.K'as. It furnishes you with more reading tbu any other pa per in tiie county, ufni twioe as much reading as several of tho papers i.-sued iti Juniata. O.'e of lh-j lUrrisb'arg papers auteg li st ihe widows ot sj.Jiers of thi Rev olu'iouary War arc s- scarce fhat auy m-iiUon nt" ti.em a'traels attention. Mrs. Elizabeth Uetz, who resides in i Hairisbjrg, is probably the only per sou iu tl-is section if nut iu Peuusylva nia. She is t-ighty three years of age. j Slio states she was married to Peter Bete, on October 10, 123, when he was To yeirs old, and lived wun him u itil September Iti. 1817, when be dud, h's ag,i B"in n'.siel v-iiiue years. Mrs. U :tz is in the eiij v msot of good heaitli. S':e strifes she w ts tsreuty-five years of aiZ-i when the tlien o!d hjidier took a faucy to her aad they were married. j Tho Perrv county Fre -miu of last j tek. 'avs. -Juniata t!:o:r R -pi.eseutattvu Daiegate to toe !;a Convention, last by popular rnta. What uovisioa lias that county for a-;t:!i: in the electim of a Senat , De!ejito? As we HuJer- stand the! f rotation Jun.a.a " " - li-ileeit.'s lliooin r - ( ton W as cieC t- ed last fai!, by a Republican popular vote, in Juoiata. as Seuat.-rial Uie- HS'e, utj ect i t a decision o.' the dis trut c-ir.icrerico. 1 he o rdjti'-s in llie di.-trut a.'o Pi-rry, Mdti n, and Juniata. T!it l-'riuiu;;i is coireet wheu it say 'Juiia'a is year cutided to the S.-ii it. rial Deli irate." T&e eotiferenoe, when it bhouid five J liuiata wnat is due her, and seud Patton to the S'ate Oouvetittun. Repot t of Locust Run twjhool for the school mouth ending Feb. 13, 13S4. 1 1,r H'lil' all. hill; lia.i..9 Ul yr-tnvmo T ' r. ii . . ... . . . t . . .. u ' ...Un n . ......... . .. ti .. r- A tr l.crtlA lU(l .Etc 'ii;.i. l n.j V j . . ... . w Gross, Mjiioi-i Gross, Wii!ia:u H stef ler, R':bbie Nearhood, Fra:ikie (iross, Sadie Ilostetitr, Lizzte Nearho.iJ, Cora Maubeck, Maggie Hosteller, Ida Man-lic-k, Sadie Gross, I:lysss Smith, Bradford Dotra, and Edwin Maubeck. The following f:ur persons missed cue day during the uioti'u: Jennie Gross, Chira II istetlcr, Gilbert letrn, and William Sui'tn. Minnie Gr9s and Ss die Hostctlur wore ta atteniariiie every day during :hi term SjIiooI opeii dur ing month, "2'2 days ; whole iiutuber in attendance, 35 ; aveiage attendance, males, 14; f.-u.alcs, 14; total, life. Pcrcfintcge, tnaie, 84; friusie.. 02; to tal, 88. D. L. Detra, 7'e-ifAer. "A JJaltiinore man who started a bank at Custer City a year or so ego f.iiled within a week simply because he didn't know Western human nature. His place had not been opeu an hour when a man iu buckskin slouched in and presented a not of $100 running for sixty days and asked to have it dis counted. "I don't know yea, replied th banker, who was fa s owe Cashier. "S'ranger. that's my tiame thar' at tbe bottom Bill Bifrgs." "I see." "And that note is backed by Jsiu Maddeu." "I see, tut I don't care to discount it.'' The uiiu picked up thepaprand walk ed nut, aud in the coursn of ten min utes a chap with a pistol in ci'hcr baud danced into the baud cheerily called out: "Here's Jim Madden, and he wants to set eyes on the galluot who w.m't discount a note when he backs il! He popped the b.uker in fhe nhoulder. a cicrk through the b'p, and then fired I awry at the fixtures antil t ime one called him out to drink. The pext j morning the banker was missing, and win n be afterward fjrned up in Denver i La atkLosr-Jedriod that thtr batiking bus- inesi, bad on,e paiofal failures that no m.e bat 0wt- la b!e ti wrestle ::'i." An Old Soldiers EXPERIENCE. " Calvert, Texas, " I wish to xpnm my appreciation ol the valuable quail Lies ot Ayer s Cherry Pectoral aa a sough remedy. " While with Churchill's army, just before tha batlla ol Vicluburg, I contracted a ts vara cold, which urmiuated in a dangerous cough. I found co relief till on our marca we eaoie to a country store, where, on asking for some remedy, I Was urged to try Al'aa'a Chjekkt 1'EcToaa.L. "I did to, and was rapidly cured. Since then I hare kept the PacroaaL constantly by me, for family use, and I hare found U to Le an invaluable remedy for throat and luug J. W. WuiiLir." Thousands of testimonials certify to tUs prompt cure of all bronchial and lung affections, by the ue of Alan's Chkurv Pectoral. Being very palatable, th young est children take It readily. raEFABBD BY Dr.i.C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass, Sold by all Drnix''. D!V JOHN BOLL'S FOR THE CURE OF Or CHILLS and FEVER, AS1) flit BUJ5RIAI OISEHSES. Tie proiriotor of this celebrated mdi-o:..-' j".TJr c'.aitnj for it a superiority over all lom.- 'ics ever offered to the pabiia for r.-.i r kvz. crsTAiH, spezd? 2 pra- TMIESIsure cf Ague and Fever, or Cliilia i.u ; I'ever, utttker of tliort or long sued. i--.r. He refers to tiie entire Wesisra end So .'t!Tii toniitry to bear bim testimony to l -.-j truth af tbe assertion tbat in no cass v.v-i.".iivei will it fail to cure if tbe dhc.0 ii -rt are strictly followed and earned out; In a fifit many caaea a single dose taa br- a suftcient Ibr a cure, and whole finii lioi Lave- been cured by a singla bottle, wita a perfect restoration of the general bea'.UL It Is. however, prudent, and in every ease r ere certain to care, if its cse U continced in waller dcacg for a week or two after the u'.5C m hits been checked, more especially iu diaieult and long-standing eases. Usu siiy tb.ii xedicine will not require any aid to kvcp tbe boweb in good order. Ebor.ld .r? Tiauent, however, require a cathartic -i:.iae, ai'ter having Uken three or four dnses cf tbe Tonic, a tingle dose ef BULL'S V.-:;:i;rAI!L2 fiaiLY will he mf- L ::eut. L JIL'S SAE3APAEILLA ia the old and reliable remedy for impurities of the Hood ani trofulaas affections the King of Slssi Pi"-!fiers. i)3. JOHN BULL'S VEGETABLE Y.'02X liijIiOYER ia prepared in the form of i-znty drcpa, attractive to tho eight and ;1jj;; ta tiie taste. j o n zi bull's Z.'.'.rWS TCXiO SYRUP, 3'JirS SARSA?AR!LLA, BULL'S WOaa DESTRCY23, Th: Popuiar Remediea of tlve t;iy. rla.-liul OSlce.S.-:: Sa!oSt.,LSl'ibT!LI.F, KT OISTL" $20. SIX0E11 EACIIItfE T:i -T; .-f-nri-wntK tin- im M n.T.nTar t !-. f-r.iie . r. ft r f. r ; f'-r the Vi ty t .i-p r.f.'. IV ' 't r. tt i'.. 11:1! ask Yin I', psy no::i yti !."i- n n t! -mar'fi'l-. frr i.-.;.:'; i- si. !T-.i ii, rl il ' ii. t v.i ', -. i.-.- i:. ii-'T'i: r- :t ' ex;i:.'iie. I .i..!it y.u" in'-r.-'- 'i i .-r.:i r it. o:u-e. .r !.i-i..J l .r ri-r::'.ir ;! t. ; n; m.a. Address t Ii.l:!.!'.H A. V. t.n:. & I ... N... i7 liu:!i St., !:..!: !.-:.. I'a V. K!PlaSCnAIE, AT THE CENTRAL STORE BRIDGE STREET, . 2.x i Door. Wkst of Oid Ftixows H.u.1, (II ill to iv ii, l'u., Ca!!s the attention of the pubiio to tbe following facts : Fair Prices Our Leader ! The Best Goods Our Pride ! One Price Our !Style ! Cash or Exchange Our Terms ! Small Profits and Quick Sales Our Motto ! Our leading Specialties are FRESH GOODS EVERY WEEK IN DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, GROCERIES, BOOTS AND SHOES, for Men, Women snd Children, Queensware, Glassware, Wood and Willow-ware, Oil Cloths, and every article usually found in first class stores. COUNTRY PRODUCE taken in exchange for goods at highest market price. Thankful to the public for tbrtr heretofore liberal patronage, I request their continued custom ; and ask per sons from a!! parts of (he county, when iu Mifflin to call and see uiy stock of goods. F. ESrEXSCIIADE. SCJ.I.J, lbSS E73 OOk ncsyras irif Crr?TUT P lLTTV"0 "Ol""" know are OlailUilJilil lUllilthu that of tbe many diseases and dtrangenienta of the body each a separate cauee or origin, and that each aeeda a different method of treatment In order to eflVet a cure, and a moment's reflection must convince that any of the quack nostrums foisted apoo the publio claiming to cure all or a number of diam etricly diaTerent diseases must prove fail nree, even if wo do noteall theur hum bugs. mPPRPT Vani Pop' of moderate ILUf lillmeans, and even people well to do or wealthy And that the nor ma ckargtM of practising physician are a serious burden to them, and also find that after paying themselves poor that no bene fit has accrued to them, that in fact they have thrown their money away. To over come Ibesa evils we otfer Wkttltr'i A'o. 96 Sars Rtmtdiu te the sick and offering- out Rtmtdy lor each disease, without for a moment claiming that one rained t will care any other disease than the one claimed for it, and as these remedies have stood tbe lest of years without a aingle failure, we agree te rad thi moaey paid in averv instance where a cure ia not positively ef fected. The remedies are entirely vegeta ble, ean do no harm, and will positively eure every disease for which they are per scribed. BHEUMATISM, Gout, Lameness of Joints, Sciatica and Neuralgia are relieved at once and positively cured by the u of Wheeler's No. 9t" Rheu matism Kemedy. We say boldly that in the worst ot cases of no matter how lone; Bland ing, bow jcri'oaa or bow painful, we can not only give relief but potitivtly car for all time. Failing to do this we will positively refund the money paid for the treatment, snd if your sufferings are not positively stopped for all time you have not thrown your money away as you would on any oth er than these euaranleed remedies. The price of Wheeler's No. 9fJ Rheumatism Remedy is only 50 cents, obtained from druggists or sent tree by mail on receipt of price. S tamps taken. UUliaJiUitU II UilUJlt.endowe d by nature with a pretty face, beautiful figure, faultless complexion, as well as the sweet est of tempers and faultless mental quali ties prows prematurely old. grav snd wrink led, her form loses its perfect contour, the complexion becomes sallow, the brightness leaves the eye, a feeling of languor takes the place of tbe once buoyant cpints, an irritahle nervous fractiouanesa makes life a burden, things that once were tntles worry her till lifo becomes unbearable. All this being caused by a physical derangements so common to woman, which the inmate modesty of feminine nature prevents their making knoon, and of whieh the ignoraacs of the medical profession prevents a cure, io.y Rcatltr, pavit aud consider, 'tis a du ty yon oe yourself, your family and your God, that you nhould cure yourself of these trouMes and once more feel the glow of perfect health and spirits that nature intended for you. Whttltr't Xo. Ofl Pri icTiytiom are pleaant arid palatable to take containing nothing of an injurious nature, and may be ti.ken by allege at ali times and in all condition without ;otii6iy nfill tfftctt, and will positively cure ny of the peculiar diseases to which females are sub ject. Failing to produce a perfect cure the proprietors will rrani the money paid for the tr.-atiiieiit. if you hart a $wal low rompltxion. conunt or" intermittant hejifai,lte. backache restlessness, loss of appetite, suppressions of monthly flow, or irregularities thereof accompanied by head aches, nervi.usn .us. hi sti-rics and similar Symplon, H heeler' Ao. !X Prescription 'B" will positiiely rttore yon to health. If you have a s.-rsatioii of heat and throb bing in the back, frequently fainting spells. Leucorrhea or white discharco, painful or scalding sei. s iti. .ii in urin itiuj, r"ldish or white dejosit iu urine, hot and drv skin, H'nrrfrr's So. '.". Prescription ' O" will give itiiiiu-di.iie ai-ii lief. The price of Wheeler's Xo li Perseripiioti B" and 'C'aro o" cents ech. ob'ain il.'e from druggists or si nt by mail secure ftotu ob servation jKst paid on receipt of price. Pofrlage stamps t iken. CATAHBi. It is nedless to describe the s in; tons of this naiueous di sease that is Kipping the life aud s'reng'h ot too m iny of tne fairest a:id best of both sexes, o'd at.d young, suffering alike from the poisonous dripping in the throat, the poisonous mini di'h i-ges. the, f.itid breath and jreneral weakness, debility and languor, aside from the acute sufferings of this disease, which if not checked can only end iu losi of puliiU, hoarsenei. wealcned tiiht. lo't of memory. Jeonest awl pre mature death it not checked lief. ire it is too aie ,..uor, snwv ano. res. .rc ,n amen- X irZS A , , " , : - . ; oarc v ure jor ijiarrn, n rriuetiy wuicu co'ilaiiis no barn, i ul ingredients, and that is guaranfi-.-d to cure ev ry case of acute or etitonic catarrh or money refunded. V. eclcr't .V. !! Intan. R.lief and Sure Curt foi Catarrh cure every cse ol catarrh, h.iy tfv.-r or n.'.hm.i, price $l.fHt per p.u-kagc. from drucirists or S'Mit by mall post paid on receipt of pr!i e. IFAtf.'er'a .Vi). Of, Sure cure for Kidney tfnd Liter Trouble cures all weakness and soreness ol kidney, ind .nunatioii of kidney or, price $I.IK. H".frr' Vtsetable Pills are the only rented that cure consumption, giving nat ural action of the bowels ithout physicing, purging, griping or pain. Price 2-5 Cents, of druggists or by mail. Wheeler's Xercine Tuuic (or mental de pirs.siou, loss of!. id. languor, weak- nes or ovi-r taiatiuu ol tho brain is in valuable, price lo cents. WE SUAEAHTEEor'wiVrefrlnd'mo". paid, tt'e place our price for these reme dies at less than one-twentieth of tbe price aked bv others for remedies upon which you take all the charges, and ir specially incite the patronage of the many person who have tried olto-r re.uedies without ef fect or itep'etid their purses bv paying doctor hills that benefitted them not. BOW TO OBTAIN these remedies. Go and ask for them. If tin y Lav not got them, write at once to tho prop-ietors, en closing the price iu money or stamps, and tiny will be sett you at once !.y mail, post paid. Correspondence solicited. Ad dress plainly- L. WHEELER 11 CO., No. 0i W. Baltimore St, BALTIMORE, MD. El h ar lntgrster? !n Growing Crops cheaply and successfully should wHfe ns frr par parsnhlet en pure tertlloers. ok qv4 terfiligfr csn b msae at homefer about j 1 2 a t"4 bvcomDostise with POWELL'S PKPRED CHEMICSLS. Referencesin EvenrState. tr-Krenwynti friinecrewiedfeiT.torf. a?Ebrrit"rtrr?ncis. BRGWis CHEMICAL CO. Wanufarturer of Powell's Tip-Top Bone Fertilizer, Bone. Pnl,?sri.airm?nia. ftc. 16 LICHT STREET. BSLTIVOPE. StO. KLMLDV & IJOTV, igeutM, M:rrLt.Towx, Pa. june 2U-S3. NEW GOODS. I would inform the public that I have now in iny new millinery store at toy place of resideuce on Water street, M.fTlintown, second door from corner of Bridge street, a full stock, of fall and wmter millinery Koods, all new, and of tbe latest styles, and having employed first class milliners, lam prepared to supply' the public with everything found in a firstchtss milliner store, come and examine my stock. I couidder it uo trouble to show goods. MRS. DEIHL. Mav 2-88. l.v. I ;.i.ciiL.e fur the Sentinel and Republican 1 the best newspaper i.i the couuty. FARMERS MISCELL.WEOUS D. W. HARLEY'S Is the plaae where you eaa buy TUE BEST AND TUE CHEAPEST MENS' YOUTHS' & BOYS' CLOTHING JUTS, CJPS, BOOTS, SHOES, JND FCRyiSHiyG GOODS. HE is prepared to exhibit one of the most choice and select stocks ever offered Ij this market, and at JSTONISBiyGL Y LOW PRICKS I Also, measures take'i for suits snd parts of suits, which will be leads ts orde at short notice, very reasonable. Remember the place, in Hoffman's New Uuilding, corner of Bridge ast Water streets, MITFLINTCMVN, PA. Jan. 1, 1879-tf SAM'L STRAYBR Hasaonstantly on hand fall variety of MEN & BOYS' CLOTHING, HATS & CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES,, ALL SIZES, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. Goads of all kinds are low Come and see m and be astonished. Pants at ti cents. ZJ" SUITS MADE TO OKDER.j Patterson, Pa., April 16, 1879. Professional Cards. B. F. BOOKS, Ilomrrpathlc ryhslclan, Ofliee In residence of Solomon Books, Main Street, SlitHintown, Pa. ' I have permanently located in alifflin town. All calls left at offlre prompt) v at tended to. Oct. 17, '83-lf. Locts E. Atkso. uao. Jacobs, Ja ATKIXSOS tL JACOB. ATTORNEYS - AT - LAW, . M I FFLINTO WN, PA. Uncollecting and Conveyancing prompt ly attended to. Omen On Main street, in place of rest- denee of Lnnis E. Atkinson. Esq.. south of : Bridge street. Oct28,1881. ; JljJASOX IRWIN. ATTORNEY-AT-L AW, UIFFLIXTOH'X, JUXUTJ CO., P.I. C7 All bnsiness promptly attended to Orrica On Bridge street, opposite the Court Honse square. jan7, '80-ly J-ACOB BEIDLER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW MIFFLIXTOWX, PA. CyCollections attended to promptly. Orrrce With A. J. Patterson Esq, on Bridge street. Feb 25, '80 THOMAS A. ELDER. M. 0. Physician and Snrgeon, MIFF LI STOWS, PJ. Office hours f-om 9 a. w. to 3 r. .. Of fice in Ma residence, on Third street, op posite Methodist parsonage. ocl2'2-rf M. CRAWFORD, M. D., Has res-imed actively the practice of Medicine and Surgerr and their collateral bnn-hes. Office at the old corner of Third and Ormge streets, Miftlintown, Pa. March 29, 1976 J M. BRAZEe7m. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, .iculemia, Juniata Co., Pa. Orrt0B forraer,T occpied bv Dr.Sterrett. Tr attended to at all nours. Johx oims. Josrpa W. Stimjisl MCL. irCIII.I7l &, STMMEL, INSURANCE AGENTS, PORT ROYAL. JCXI1TJ CO., PJ. DOnly reliable Companies represented. Dec. 8, 1875-ly yyiLLIAM BELL AGENT AND DEALER IV Farmers and Mechanics Machinery. Miflliotown, Juniata County, Pa. Office on Bridje street opposite Sooth side of Conrt House. Xov. 8. 182. rEA3fDT nOTEL, Ninth St , south of Chestnut, one square south of the New Post Office, one-half square from Walnut St. Theatre and in the very bnsiness centre of the citr. On the American and European piais. Good rooms fiom 5V to 00 per dav. Remodeled and newly furnished. W. PAINE. M. D., Owner and Proprietor. Nov. 21, ir. A LECTURE TO YOUNG MEN On the lo4 of A on the Mature Treat uirnt and Radical cure: of Semi'-al Weakness, or Spermatorrhoea, indnsed ' Self-Abuse, Involunt.irv Emmis- sion. lmpofencv. Nervous Debility, and i T t i ... . - . , I II.. . . ' t 1 ill (.fT'i i .in -iit! io .mrriaire ri-oirai ' , i "u- snmntion. Kpilepr and Fits; Mnntal snil Phvi-ical Inrapseitv. tc Bv ROBERT J. CL'LVF.RWF.I.L. M. D., author or the 'Green Book." &.C. The W'irld renowned snthor, in this ad mirable Lecture, clearly proves from his exi'r that the awliil consenaences of Self-Abuse nisr rw rflVctuallv removed ! without dtns;erous surgical operations. bou gies, instrununts, rings or cordials; piint ing out a mode ot cure at once certain and enVi-tnal. by whirh every suiferer, no mat ter hat his condition may me. may cure himself cheaply, privately and radically. CTTkii lecture will prove a 6oo to thou sands mud thoutauds. S--nt, under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, on receipt of fonr cents, or two postagH stamps. Address The CULVER. YELL MEDICAL CO., 41 Ann St., New York, N.T. ; jne lH-ly-jaii. 9. Post Office Box 4'. YTICK TO TRE3PA3SKRS. J. l All persons are herebv notified not to trespats on the lands of tbe undersigned, in VT nlker snd Fermanagh townships, for the purpose of hunting, building fires, or for any other trespass purpose. Sim el Askkr. He.ibt Arm, Curi-tias Miisra, kit cess Moist, Istac Ai'kkk. William Rn:xrssirH, WkLLISOTOX MITU, KtRTZ KlCrillS, Josti u 3. Wear, Srsati BoxNCa, Jox.9 Kairrms, Ciacs Sisbir. Oct. 81, 1833-tf. C Al'TIUX HO TIC E. ALL persons are hereby cautioned against fishing or hunting-, gathering berries, or crossing fields, or in any other way trespassing on the lands of the under, signed J. 3. KcsKrr. i .ID YER TISEMEATS. SAUCEL STRATI. Special JWittct. TUE PEOPLE'S DICTIO.VABT ajib iiiidii K.iclCLorraia, conKlnlajr Orr25.0iO Wo'd; complle-t from WEB STER, -l t.O II svnonrrus, a compute d!o fionary of rhymes, foreign word and phraa e. b.isiuex, nautical, nm.ieal and law terms and mythology, fcwbracing ecer i subject on which clear, satisfactory informa tion is given. A BOOK EQUAL T3 50 PACES OCTAVO, f.0. ,ame information cannot be bad !- where, nor in as convenient or sceessibla hape for less than $J0. Sample ptget free. Outfit $1 f"'. matin, MkEr.iiM i. Co. 808 Arch St.. Philadelphia, P. Oct. 17-Siu. . AYEK'S AGUE CURE rontaina aa autidote for Sail lata- larlal dlsoileri which, so far as known, is use,! iu nn other remedy. It con tains no Quinine, nor any mineral nor de leterious suhatan'e whatever, and eonso qnrntly produces no ltiju.ious etlVct upon the constitution, but leaves the system aa healthy as it was before the attack. W K WARRANT .4 ER'S ACil'E C I' R E to cure every case ot Fever and Ague. Intern-:ftert or Clnll Fever, Bensit, tent Feer, Ilun.b Ague, Billiotis Ferer ard Liver Complaint caused by malaria. In rase of failurs. after due trial eoelors are snthorized. be oqr ri-en'ar dated July 1st, it (-2, to refuud tbe nnncy. Dr. J. C. Ayer's & Co., Lowell. Mass. Sold by sll Dragil. These celebrated Stoves will BOAST. BAKZ and HEAT IRONS In less time and with LESS FUEL than any other vapor CocK Stove made. Be suro and buy the Dangler Non-Exploslvo Vapcr Cook Stove. 3tA-xrr v-rrtTio i:T t::s DanglcrVapcr Stavs & Refining Co. CLEVELAND, OHIO. Fob tT oca Aorst D.S.MQRGAH&COa KAHTFamru tbw I'v DUilADLE LIGHT sEL)G-Cif.'iis3 tks C!3sle33 New-GliBperMoiffr. The TRU'ST? fltf.ITRS r t.ttcj"t v! imp'.irity iu rMtrtri.-t;-'R, vt ':nta -metit. It giit- weight, dow'-iiity aiui m arkj, ca ji.y in all nflttiorn rf irra:n. Tbo IKW C"LIPWK In all th .lTnmcrfl of thOM CLII'tiUi AIO tU witii mMiJ TtobU tut proYt?mv-nti, fcE?n for lLinmtTm Ctwtub. OouoAtiii'lb WANri-D in uuuouupied territorj D. S. MORGAN CO., Brockport,!V!onroeCo.,N.Yf KHXaEDY:D0TY,- (Successors to b iycr 4. Ivt-nnedy,) DKALEhS IN :oAia Calcined Plaster. Land Tlaster. sbbUS, SAL.T. AC. lie buys Grain, to be delivered at MirUior town. Port Royal, or Mexico. lie is prepared to I urnish Salt to dealer at reasonable ra: -s. DAVID I. DOTT. April 21,lts84-tf -yALUABLK FARM I.AtD FOB. SALB. A valuable farm-, cont .inin about ISO acres, all tillable land, ard in g'Kd state of cultivation, with good Dwelling House, Bank Karo, Wagon Shed snd outr.uiMinaa, all in good repair. Tbe land is all riv-er bottom. Also, 4o acres of mountain Una, along line of Peiinsvlv.oiia Railroad, snd convenient to Si.iii.2 and stations, well set with rock o.ik:chrf.n:f. nJ itbw ner A good p( or' forsny one waal i..g a first c! h. io or lo eiiifsgo in lL lumber bnines. r'"r ,wrtiriilare ca 1 OD or address JLKEillAiI Lit.. HirrLisT.-s, Jisiar to., r Vi, lis. ' as i THE BEST ON EARTH, fl tr-