Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, February 06, 1884, Image 4

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    Royal Autbor.
It $8 announced that the Queen of
Eugland is about to publisu a new
volume of h Journal amoug the
TTiiriilanda. The first book attracted
very wide attention for the simple rea
n that it was written by a Queen. It
was, however, I J no means a bad book.
lUe rUJiy ui cue ...
th Hic.ilands was told Bimply and
taturallv, aud her constant praise of
fcpr rprentlr deceased husband was not
mil nf nUre. It is doubtful, however,
If the iublic really thirsts for further
praise of riince Aioerc. uouuuess ue
was a good man, but a more tiresome
person than this dull, well-meaning
seldom auiared, and the
British public would piobably prefer to
oH nt John lirown rather than of
Several of the reigning nionarchs of
of the ouiuiou that nature
desiimed them for literature, rather
than Dolitics. King Humbert has ex
nrMSMl a resret that he is not a re
porter; but, while cenfessiug this very
natural desire, he has the strength of
mind to put aside the glimmering at
tract inns .f the reporter's desk and
tn trv to do his duty in the humble
mval illation in which it has pleased
Providence to place him. Many other
monarchs in his place would have tried
to write items lor the Konian news
papers concerning the destruction of a
in. iiv " he devouiintr element," or
th" kiux-kintr down of a centleman by
an omnibus and the supposed serious
injurits sustained by his hat, nut nam
Lert has the eood tence to confine him-
if tn hi business as King and to
abandon all hopes of being a reporter,
exc-Dt in another and a tetter wona,
Ti. Oueen of Rjumania writes
poetiy, and, being a very pretty woman
tinds no difficulty in inducing the mem
h-M of hrr Court to read it. Far
ditferent is the case of auotl er royal
rxt. the Xinz of Sweden, luls in
considerate King writes plays which
are occasionally produced to crowded
and enthusiastic audiences at the
Stockholm Theatre. Were he to send
free tickets to persons employed in
Dublic offices, he would have a right to
vpci a little enthusiasm, but, as it is,
those who attend the theatre have not
only to Euffer from the weakening ef-
lect of tLe King's poetry upon the
mind, but they have to buy their own
tickets and to be enthusiastic at their
own expense. About ouce a year the
King casts a gioom over Stockholm
with a new play, and it is to be feared
that some day there will ue a general
insurrection in support of a constitu
tional amendment Iorimiding asweuisu
monarch to write anything except his
own name.
Tee Czar of Ku'sia has not yet pub
lished any literary work, but he is s.iid
to be enraged in writin a book on
".Modern Explosives," concerning
wh.cli he b:ii had i.. e facilities for
acouirintr thorough information. The
King of iiatavia ior a long time hesita
ted between literature and music, ana
finally decided in favor of the latter.
He is. iu tat-t. too modest and consider
ate a monarch to be a royal poet; for a
King who has built a palace remote
fiora any other building solely ii. order
to practice the cornet without outraging
his -subjects would icurn to follow the
heartless example of the King of Swe
den. The Lite Emperor of the French
wrote an able lite of Caviar that was
abused because the author was unpopu
lar amoiig literary men, but which was a
thoroughly respectable performance.
The book which is destined to eclipse
in popularity all other books by royal
authors is, however, young King A'
foneo's monograph on the 'Spanish
Fandango," now in the printer's hands.
The young author discusses the subject
in a masteily way. lie writes ot tne
origin aud growth of the Fandango, its
adaptation to the guitar, and the differ
ent ways in which it has been played by
guitar virtuosi. He traces its influence
upon Spaulsli national character and
the way in w hich it has modified the
Catholic faith; and he points out the
subtle philosophic meaning which he
claims to have discovered iu the second
movement ol the Fandango. The book
Is without doubt the most important
coutiibution to Spauish literature that
. has been made during the present cen
tury, and deserves to rank with certain
prolound German essays on -lianilet."
Haw Millionaire in Mad.
"Said 1: "Who is the wealthiest man
In California?"
"J!ui Flood, worth 1100,000,000; he
is a liberal man and a shrewd one. lie
has built up on San Francisco bay a
new port called Costa City, with mag
uificeut stoiebouses and piers from
which the wood of those rich counties
is ehipdea direct t Europe and the
world. O'Brien, Flood's partner, is
dead and his fortune distributed.
Mackey, one of the bonanza crowd, is
thought to be worth S60,000,000, and
Jim FairifJ vorth perhaps 40,000,000."
Said I: "-ilow in the world did Flood
and O'Brien make such fortunes?"
"Just in this way, my friend," said
Mr. llynemau, taking up a piece of
paper and a pencil, "Flood and O'Brien
kept a saloon, anl the drinks were 25
cents apiece. Fair and Mackey were
miners wh for some years did not
strike anything very rich. So they
gave mining stock for the drinks in
stead of money. The habit was to walk
into the salojn with three or four
friends, ask for the drinks and drink
them, repeat and say to the barkeeper,
'This is mine,' and walk out. The
barkeeper made four marks with a
pencil and and a fifth mark across them,
siguifymg 1 '2j for each rouud. These
rounds would go up to a pretty high
figure, but ou a certain occasion
lackey or Fair would say, 'Well
Flood, we want to make a settlement
for drinks,1 aud they would give their
mining snick at a certain valuation
current at that time which Flood and
O'Bnen put into the safe. Behold!
Ou a certain day metal is struck in
prodigious quantities in the mines that
Fair ami Mac-key own, and when Flood
and O'Brien oin the safe aud count
the stot k they have, it amounts to
more than Fair and II at key's, so
when the mines were pouring out their
million or two every week these saloon
keepers, who liad leen receiving 25
cents per drink for watered whisky,
s.arted a fortune."
"Have any ot these men produced
so is of any consequence?"
Xone whatever. The parents were
tole:ab!y keen and somewhat generous
people, ilackey has set up several
persons in busiuess, partly from gene
r.Sity, somewhat from conceiving that
they would make money. The ten
dency cf such new-fangled families is
to be voluptuous."
A Norwegian speonlatci a short time
go oonoeived the idea that whale's
flesh of whioh immense quantities are
watted, ttiiht be preserved and utilized
as iood. lie has aocordingly made ex
periments which he ttuxks prove that
the pieaerved meat may be cooked in
different ways to form a delicious and
w hob some article of diet, the coat
beitg much less than that of canned
bed. Whale's flesh is eaten every flab-
Ing-seasou by the crews ol w haling ves
VBI r.rely, and indeed Holmes says
never, do yon hear a woman make
pun. And when do yon near tne one
the dc)i make, yon don't wonder that
abe never tries it again.
. ..wnorrn Uiauuwv"'
YVatkb roB Cows u Wisefh - Very
few farmer make sufficient pieiaruon
for water for stock in winter.and many,
indeed, fail to do so in rammer. neu
rattle have , the run w large iom iu
vhirh tmaa la crowins and green they
do not suffer so much from thirst if they
do not haroen to have access to water
when tbey please aa they do in winter
when bring on dry xeeo. iu -lenoe
of the grata supplies in part the
necessity for water, but when living on
dry feed everything goes wrong if water
. . . . i . .1 TIT ..., ,a
cannot be naa wtien wsuieu. "
essential to animal life. Tne blood is
three-quarters water, and it enters into
every organ and tissue of the body; If
is the vehicle for the equal distribution
nutriment and heat to all parts oi the
body and for carrying off waste and for
oim matn which mar happen to be
taken in : and when it is insufficient fcr
these purposes tne eomiort ana newm
of the animal are at once affected. Aa
imilntinn is impaired or eeasea wholly
and waste increases,yonng animals stop
growing.fattening stock: eta e to increase
in weight, ana cows annua, m
milk, and it beoomea deteriorated in
quality. It cannot be long wanting
without causing an actual loss of fat
and flesh. A lack of water is more de
trimental than a lack of food, and cre
ates more discoinfort,and will terminate
lifo sooner than hunger. No oonveni
enots about a farm pay better than a
convenient water supply. Cows, in
particular, should have access to it at
all times, especially if they are obliged
to live, s most cowa do, chiefly on hay
as it creates a stronger demand for
water than any other kinds tf fodder,
such as straw, corn, fodder or nutlet.
Borne people seem to think if cows get
water once a day it is all they need ;
bnt that is not enough, unless they are
living on succulent food, such as roots
or ensilage.
JJoviso Labgb Tbmsl There are
alvays more or less persons every
ep-iLg who desire to transplant trees of
t onsiderable size. The true method to
be pursued iu inch cases ia to root
pi une them the spring previous to their
intended removal, cutting off all hori
zontal roota at a distance of eighteen
inches to three feet, according to the
size of the tree. Each root so sevc red
will throw out a new set of fibrous
roots feeders which, with caie, can
be saved in moving the tree when the
time comes, and grr-atly lessens the risk
of its dying. Without sucn previous
root-nruninsr the next best method is to
take it up with a ball ot frozen earth on
the roots. When this is intended, work
should now be done without delay, A
trench should be dug about the tree to
a depth which will cut all horizontal
roota. and filled with horse manure or
other material, the mulching off from
the ball, and with a little digging and
cnttinp the ton root the tree can be
tinned over with a frozen ball of earth
enclosing its roots, and can then be
hauled on a stone boat or sled to the
place for setting. The top must be
shortened in to correspond with the loss
of root, otherwise there will be core
demand upon the roots than they can
s attain. It is an open question in such
cases whether it is not best to remove
the top entirely, leaving only the bare
trunk, which will throw ont new branch
es from the top, according to the vigor
there ia to su tain, them and form an
entire new top.
Exfebivekts ihould be made by far
mers in differ nt parts of the country
in raising different native shrubs for
hedges. Xo donbt many of our com
mon natives, such as the thorns or wild
crabs and tome others, could be grown
with profit for such purposes. Profes
sor Btal has in band some experiments
f this sort. Some neglected place on
the (arm can be chosen where a row
two or three rods long o' each of our
promising native snrubs can le grown
without interfering with other matters.
Alter they have giown a few years
give a report cf your successes and
lailures, with kinds of soil, treatment,
etc. Ihe greatest trouble with such
reports will be the vacueners of the
names applied to the shrubs. Some
botanist should be consulted for names
and description of the species.
Thb practice of flooding an onion bed
njifcbt result less advantageously if the
land were not, as in the lollowing case,
nnderdrained.and so arranged as to per
mit of rapid drawing off oi water : "An
Ohio farmer, extensively engaged in
raising onions, flooded bis patch of
mnck during the winter season in order
to get rid of the sricket mole, which
had woiked great havoo with his crop,
lie result was that the field was not
only rid of these and other pesta,but the
mnck itself was greatly improved, and
continues to improve each year with
that treatment.
Nevzb allow any one to tickle your
norse in the stable. The animal only
feels the torment, and does not under
stand the joke. Vicious habits are thus
asily brought on. Never clean a
horse in the stable, the dnst fouls the
crib and makes him loathe his food.
Use the currycomb lightly. Whet
used roughly it ia a source of great
pain. .Let the heel, be well brushed
out every night. Dirt, if allowed
to cake in, causes disease and sore
heels. r
I aavB more than once freed fields
entirely from wireworma by cowing a
crop of white mustard seed. I once
sowed a whole field of forty odd acres
which had not repaid me for many years
in consequence of every crop being de
stroyed by the wireworm to white mus
tard. I am wan anted in saying that
not a single wireworm could be found
the lollowing year, and the succeeding
crop of wheat was a fine one:
With the soil in good order, old past
ures are prelerable to those more re
cently cleared, as they contain finer
and more tutritious grasses, which
will produce richer milk, better-flavored
butter and cheeee, as well as fat
ter stock.
Thb opinion baa generally prevailed
that a httle bran mixed with meal
would produce more pork than clean
meal, bnt in some experiments lately
tried it was found that clear meal made
more pork than a mixture of bran and
Tee black pea (cow pea) is a variety
that grows luxuriantly, yields abun
dantly and, besides producing largely
cf seed, makes excellent fodder wnicn
is greedily eaten by sheep.
Cbickkks with plenty of gravel will
not pick their own feathers.
A traction engine has been patented
by a citizen of Winnipeg, Maditoba,
Can. The object ia to turn tab a practi
cal machine for road or farm work, aud
eo.by special device., the engine carries
and takes np an endless track. By this
means an extensive bearing surface is
obtained for carrying the engine oyer
soft or spongy ground, without dahger
of miring.
Toua polioe captain, cf New Tork
concur in the opinion that Central Park
ia unsafe after dark. If the polioe only
dared to go in trere it might then be
safe for other people.
rxAi woct DBK8SE3 Womon do not
nay enough atwuiiwu to the waruitu
of their underwear or the protection
afforded by good winter stocKinsrs and
shoes. The most lmpormui iwm- t" .
winter wardrobe, says "Dwnorest s, w
soft knitted underwear and boisery.ana
for women who are exposed to change
ot temperature the latter she uld always
be ot wool, not coarte and harsh, hot
oft and liht, and the former nearly
all wool, aud made in one whole gar
ment, combiuatioua," bo called, ol
vest snd drawers. Women are usually
poor and find it difficult to make ends
meets and secure nice winter outside
clothing of even the most -taoddst pre
tensions; and woolen, that is merino,
nnderwear of good quality, seems quite
beyond them yet it is vastly more im
portant than drew, cloak or hat, at
least it is more important that it be
n..in than that these should be fine
or costly; the re-ult in health and com
fort being worth more than can be
-ii0ti Tt in narticularv advisable
that vonnir school teachers should ob-
aerve this rule in regard to winter cloth
nr .,.! lav in their Stoct OI mermu
hoa'iervand nnderwear before begin
niu upon more tempting outside gar
ments. Once foitified against sudden
.hill HamnDejs or penetrating snow,
thr ia little danger to be feared from
colds, and the thickness ot the mater
ial is of iiitle moment; although it must
lw remnrnhfj-ed that WOOt IS
hoaiihfnl and more comforting
than silk or cotton in cold weatuer, auu
the seivice to ba obtained from a good
quality outweighs the cost.
DBEasrse thk hais. The appropriate
arrangement of the hair is a most im
portant consideration, says a fashion
writer in the New York 1 nbune. The
majority blindly lollow a pievailmg
fashion regardless of artistic principles.
There are but two present styles for
the back ; that of the French fashion
nf a twmt-rrown to the top of the head,
and tt.A low knot at the back. This
mnst be manased according to one's
own style, but the front hair that add
to or detracts from the expression aud
general style yields a variety of devices
in all fashionable shades of hair appli
cable to all faces and complexions. Tue
very latest and moit important inven
tion in perfect naturalness is the "La
Grande," whioh is made on a patent
st ring divided m the middle grace.ully,
tailing apart and showing the natural
parting. This is in either loose waves
or cnrla in orav. white, or all other
shades of hair. The new "Baby" baug
ia a wave of liffht fluffy little curls
about the brow, with the addition of a
long straight switch behind. This is
seen in fashionable colors ot hair,
and, not withstanding its name, is aUo
made of gray aud of white hair. '1 he
"Double Coquette" is light and loose
in rings on top. The almt st invisible
web is woven of natural hair. The
"Langtry," the "PatU" and other
waves ot last year are still worn by those
for whom tbey seem especially auapteu
as regards expression. The revival of
clusters of short, thick curls at the
tack of the head is talked of as a pos
sibility in something ol the Mine, fid-
camier Btyle, or Bimply worn m a clus
ter of two or three curls ou one side ot
the Grecian twist or long looped hair.
A HorsEKEBFES who has indoor con
veniences lor drying clothing in wet
weather will fiud'Tuesday a nioet desir
able washing day, because it gives her
Monday for odd work. No matter how
well the house is cleaned up on Satur
day, Monday finds it all iu a "litter."
Between the father and the children
the house is in tad. disarray the very
morning when the ear.hquakea are
rending the kitoheu. "There is aiways
ao much to dowaahdny morning" miUt
be changed to "There is aiways so
much to Monday morning." It is be
cause the two togethei that the strain
is so great. As we now arrange our
work we have no day for odd jobs and
our washing comes into onr uouiett c
system like an "unprepared" discord
aud makes wild havoc If we can on
Monday quietly put the house in order,
make arrangements for au esy, if not a
"washday" dinner for Tuesday, have
some of the menaing, which had liest
be ..one before the articles are washed.
attended to we make a clear gain iu
one week s work. The objection to
Tuesday as washing day is principally
because of the potaibiiuy of baa weath
er preventing the dryiug of the clothe
and so putting the work back toomuch,
but if there is a drying room this ob
jection is obviated, and let the tervants
grumble aathty will, the mit comfort
able day lor wasuing day is leeway,
quarts of oyster in (heir own liquor iu
a bell-metal skillet, u attainable, U not
use porcelain. Add a very small piece
of lean bacan aod a bunch of parsley;
bou fifteen luinutes; add a tablespoou-
ful of butter creamed in a less quantity
of flour; stir this well in, aud allow it
to cook a few minutes, mixing all the
time to prevent thai butter oiling; put
to it half a pint each of rich cream aud
new milk, and boil slowly, Stirling con
stantly to avoit curdling ten minutes
longer. J ust before serving add lit teen
or twecry largo, plump oysters, these
add very much to the appearance, for
tbey go to the table plump ana Urge,
not shriyeled as tlios- that flavor tue
soup. A very small white onion, chop
ped fine, may be added if desired. Ous
ters used lor coup thould be opened
raw, not scalded, as it tends to make
them watery, aud the liquor should be
care(uly saved.
Saxd tabts. One-half pound butter.
one pound sugar, one pound flour. thr-e
egg. Iioll extremely thiu, cat into
diamonds, put on each cake blanched
almonds, and sprinkle freely with cin
namon and sugar. Tbey will be found
delicious to serve with coffee in the
evening. A plainer cake, but one
TThich will be approved ot bv the chil
dren, is the ginger cracker. One quart
ol molasses, four cups of brown suirar.
fonr oups ot lard, lour tablespoontuis
etch of soda, Ringer, vinegar, water.
Let all these ingredients come to a boil
together; set aside to cool; theu add
flour; roll, cut and bake. The quant
ltiea nere given wouiu mase a very
Urge baking, and oue-fourth would
probably be enough for one batch of
So many people dislike and distrust
olive oil that a recipe aa good as this
one ia welcome. U can be commended
to the whole family tnose who nse oil
as well as tbove who do not. Three
eggs, half teaapoonful of mustard, half
teacup of cream, half-teacup of vine
KM, uuuer me size oi an egg, one
pinch of cayenne pepper, saltspoon ol
talt. Beat the eggs well, mix the mus
tard in some of the vinegar, stir all the
ingredients into a farina boiler, pat on
the fire and keep s tiring until it thick
ens. This makes excellent dressing for
uui it wuamut ue poured
not on tne oaDoage,
Dcboto an examination medical
student being asked the question.
. I XT' 1- J . . " .
n uea uues atoruacauon ensue? re.
plied. "When yen pop the qiesiion
and are answered No !' "
Jr cornstalks are passed through a
cutter, and ernehed during the opera
tion of cutting, the stock wiil eat the
whole np clean. Preparation saves
waste and render, the .talk mora palatable,
'I mtmwii yon travel on a free pa,?"
wax Uio question i
man recently while riding on .tram.
OU. y. l uu r '
was the reply. , . mo
The tailroads exieuu a-
courtesieto you new. -
aT mJeed. A little 'courtesy' wa,
sent to the office only ; a day ot two
ago. Alter it uu . ...
Ition aud a name, it appeared in the
si-are of a $200 notice oi iub
are of a $200 notice oi iuo
''lou get paid lot that of course?
..A t t froe pass. 1 am
tWifti ol the road
. i..ir tnr.unee the amount . little,
auu w.- w ,, l
" .r will take his turn
anu ncu "v r- , i.,
In the course of a lew momu
to get the amount down so that we
won't have to charge over ha f of it to
profit and loss. No, sir-ee, it doesnt
cost a newspaper man yery much to
rule on a railroad train not over hve
dollars a mile."
Os a Southern railroad the other day
a passenger complained to the conduo
b about the dusty state cf the Feats
and windowH, and direMly followed
,t up bv finding tault with the rough
neJ i of t e traok, and the apparently
unsafe condition of the car. The con
duct. was very courteous, but entirely
non committal. This provoked the
traveler to continue his oomplainta,
and he presently said: .
I fail to see any water cooler in tlua
"No, we have none." t
"And the front door won't shut.
"Aud the wheels rattle as if worn
That's so." t .
"And, sir!" exclaimed the provoked
passenger, "I wouldn't give yon twenty
five cent3 on the dollar for the stock of
your miserable hoe!"
"It's only quoted at fifteen," said the
conductor, as be rose up to 6o forward.
A qcabt of whiskey was mixed with
feed aud given to a cow in a New Tork
town and half an hour later the animal
was bellowing "We won't go home till
morning" or something that way and
treated teveral persons to a couj.le of
"horns" and acted in a very reprehen
sible manner generally. When she
sobered up che jumped down a bank
r,l hroa hpr neck. This shows the
superior intelligence and good sense of
the cow over the average oionioua ici
sou. When the latter gets drunk and
makes thincs howl, instead of jumping
tnwn a bank and breaking his neck
when he gets sober he immediately be
gins to lay the foundation for another
roaring drunk.
HosrsTV the best policy. Modest
vnn;h "Mav I have the pleasnre of
J ". va- A . a
lai:Cing with you, .tiles A,ignuooir
Miss L'ghtfoot; (to her mother's horror)
Thanks oI Mf waistuana is so
tioht I can't move, and so are my
shoes!" Modest youth, who is. let us
av. an earl of Richard the I ml a cre
ation, six foot eight in his pumps, with
eieht hundred thousand a year, and in
every respect the ideal of a young girl's
dream, is so touched mat ne proposes
on the f ot.
It is said that when James T. Field
datsd "ne of his letters at Mnchester-
by-t!ie Sea. Oliver Wendell Holmes
replied in a note dated "Beverly-by-the
leiKt. Bat this species ot the retort
courteous did not originate with the
fuLnv Dr. Holmes. Years and years
aso Bishop C 'linstock, of Connecticut,
addressed a note to H-ury Ward Beech
er under date of Whit Sued .y morn, to
which Mr. Beecher replied the next
day under oat-5 of Washing Diy morn.
Tub lauguageot nowers offers asweet
an l pleasant method of letting a fellow
down easy. A young Philalelphmn
bad a bouquet for his charmer which
conveyed iu the language of flowers the
sentiment. "1 love you be my bride!
It is believed that the nosegay reached
its address, and it was accurately inter
preted bv the lady, as this morning she
called at the same store and asked the
florist to make ber a bouquet meaning,
'No, yon mutton-head ldiotl
Oh, yes, dear girl, work ns a motto
for a present. But have come taito.
Last year a girl gave us one that read'
'HoneBty ia the best policv. and an
other damsel one that declared: "Re
pent for the Kingdom cf Heaven is at
hand! somehow those ctidn t lust
strike us pleasantly. Thev seemed to
be welL you understand.
a. whiter iu a northern news
paper says that he can throw
piece of Arkansaw corn bread through
a 1 rick wall ten feet thick. This story
la greatly exaggerated, as nine feet and
a half m the thickest wall through
which a piece of the bread can be
thrown. Such wrreckless writers tend
to bring a Stato into contempt.
-471 Amernan technic ii journal, on
car building, says : We do not expect
to Fee either passenger or freight cars
bnilt entirely if metal. In this climate
there are many serious olj ctions to
metallic ciaings, but paper compounds.
or paper in some of its forms, wiil
doubtless be used instead, although fcr
many years wood, irom Its cheapness,
will bold it own against any other t nt
stances. We do not auDrehend tht
there will be any considerable difficulty
in wtiug suo-t mies ior wood in cover-
lug cars, but so long as as the woo4
the cheapest aud is sufficiently strong
and durable to answer the purpose we
must eontt Lt 3urse)ves with speculation
in eegard to the future. When straw.
board can he obtained at anythiug like
mo puce oi woou, me anting of passen
ger cars at least will be much better
made of paper than of wood. The size
o: tue Cheats, which are easily obtain
able, aud the Urmneas with which tli.
can be fa-tened to the posts, are some
oi me it at advantages in it fn.
We suppose, from what we have heard
in regard to strawboard and straw lum
ber, that in time a single panel, extend
"x mo mw, a roana tne corner
ann to tue centre of the car. and l.
ing from wiudow sills to the bottom.eau
ub ubou io gooa auvan'age. SacU
construction would, or vi.. . .i
increase the irttngth of the car, an!
would present several other material
i owaerca asbestos ia nal r
Er ohsen, of Copenhagen, for miking
u ciMiuoi or oominr 10 Da applied to
pipes, walls and so on. The powder is
mueu witu soiuDie salts, such as sili
rate oi porasn, sna mine rsl or other
coiors wcien combine with silicic acid
- n - . . r , , . . . '
nv s m lurm a proaucs which resists
the action of rxygen.heit, cold or damp.
Tue coatmz furaishes arelraotorr w1t.o
which protects the material it is applied
io, Kneiuer woou, gas ot water pipes
ana stone or brick buddings. When
appiieu io masonry or wood the surface
oi these is first washed with soap and
wawj-. xa preparing the euamel the
ieiufe asDesios onlv need be employed.
It is aiso proposed "to apply the
to boilers in order to protect the plates
Bttuust a mjo mieuse nre.
An mfettible saw tooth of improved
lurm uci oeeu patented py a Trenton
&. J., genius. The tooth is made with
a toe, a perforation, and a slit at its
neei to adapt it to be secured in a aaw
plate with a shoulder and a reedsa .(
the rear end by a met wholly within
the too h, thus putting no strain upon
the plate, and in no way afljctiuir iu
t ueuoss.
- - : r .'- r- j eJtSJtUl HFfl
, i.r ibiiuntirvml .lUitr
. . i . I,.. tiAfnr Dro-
.u. m, in urodnojug big oysters.
This country wouldn't mis. her "great
statesmen" half as mucu
her big oysters.
f n.rtwnter. 463
Foiuih; avenu
lWYork. after running
......v r
mantlet ot
eirht years' rheumatism, used 8. Jacobs
Oil the great pain reliever, by wnicn u.
was entucured and ha. had no return
of his complaint. .
m,,, Vpw York electric light com
panies have been given two years in
which to bury their wire9.
Hotel Items.
. . Ty .....7 IT ml A
SomelO yearsagowm ..
T-ri Pa.. 1 was token sic w.
W-W Tit n M
fover and was v
ml to be afl
kidneys and back.
i and ua- a. x ui -- .
IntenMaeony imaginable. My feetandlimta
wWoaVed ; myVater was vrry unnatural
Ware uiott'cu , f . ,v. ...... .Urvir ftud
trying strength and vS. .
doctors treated ine, -"-""""7,"-
I used many oinereui --
tzTLmmended. None of them did me
aTygood until I used Hunt's
m attention was called to the aae ol on.
jihuaTnthill.of Kast Saginaw, Mich., a
aimilarcaseto mine, he being cured of a
levers ca of Bright', disease. I Pchaed
bottle, and naea ii ww"'l k
bepu, to gain to rU ; my ww
came more natural; me -
back and loins weie removed; the awe.ling
of mr limb, went down. 1 conUnu! the
use of the medicine until I had naed In all
Ave (3) bottles, and it has built me up and
completely cured me, and 1: am a. sound
and healthy a. any man uf forty-eight year,
of ee, and can attend to my buameja every
dayf I hav. recommended HuntV Itemedy
to many oi mj
It haa proved, aa in my case, a suoceaa with
themaiL Gratefully youia,
Chasxbs U Wbbb,
lift House, Buffalo, N. x"., June 1 WB.
a voWinode for use on the ice, and
fitted with steel skate like runners has
been brought out in Canada.
walnnt Leaf Haw B
t.i ;l.,llri'..rnt from ail Others. Itis
as clear aa water, and as ita name Indicates la
a perfect Vegetable ilair tteswrer. "
Mediately free the head from all dandrun.re
More gray hair to its natural color, and pro
dooea new growth where U baa fallen oft It
does not In any manner affect the neaJUi.
which sulphur, sugar of lead and nitrate of
silver preparations have done. It wW change
Uaht e faueu nair in a low ujr i -'
a-lossy brown. Ask yonrdruggi.it for tU Each
bottle U warranted. Smith, Kiwi Co..
Wholesale Agents, FntlaUeipnia, j-a. am
N. tRiTrasTOM. New York.
Pmf. Paul Passv. of Paris, enrolls
himself among the anti-Greek-and-La-tin
collegiate disputants.
We Seldom Endorse a Proprietary
aedlcla. bat "Anateali" seems excepii.in.i.7
good. It Is Ue rteTlce of a celebrated weatera
JiiMidsn, 1 a jafe. agreeaWe anJ w may .ad
cenaln cure Ior I tint uiji painful of all d tea-es,
p leu, anil, atier Uie experternce of aquarier uf a
oraiurr, 1ia foun-1 nu equal. W uumnieoU It
wiIIhjui nesitation. wmen: ---" -i"-srntrrt.Ti'nln
Vi.ntol. Nwtaiter a Co
Vox nil .New lurkC'u.
Bv the bride that a man selects does
he show the quality ot his soul, and
w hat value he puts upon it.
CunpborMUkeni scon and pains. Price, X cents
A coquette is a woman 'thout any
heart that makes a fool o' a man that
ain't got any head.
'A God-send is Kj'i Cream Bdlm."
writes Mrs. M. A- Jackson, of PurtnnouftB,
H. XL, on May 22, ISli I had Cat awn
for th.ee years t had tried nearly all reme
dies but to no purpose. Two or three tune.
a week my nose would bleed quite freely
and I thought the sores in it would never
heal. Your balm has cured me." This
preparation Is not a liquid or a snuff, and
is easily applied. (I'riee SO cent, bee
Desert places, spiritual wastes, ob
scure comers, are often the bes t fields
for usefulness.
Xever known to fall. Dr. Grivps' Heart
Regulator as a cure f r Heart Disease. Sold
by druggist.
California is having a number of
antioleomargarine associations formed
Bbows's rsBONCHiAi. Troches for
Couahs and Cohis : "There is noihiue to
be com pared with them. hot. O. V. at-
kxru, H alton, Ind.
A scientific wri er savs the Ameri
can of to-lay is cot the bilions man of
50 years ago. No! The bilious man of
50 years ago succumbed to the doctor
long ere this.
Plioonii Pactonl braka 4lanJtcpoouirX Bou.
Love without esteem cannot reach
far, nor rise very high; it Is an angel
wiui uui one ving.
Try Dr. Sanford's Liver Invicoratcr and
be convinced that it can cure all bilious
stein is rapidly losing his
vt. Kane's nreat Kerve ftsarArar is tit
marvel of the age tor all nerve disease. Ad
uis monjo-a rree. eenu to tm Arth street
rutisueiiiuia. ra.
Julian Ilawthorne Is writlnc; a
novel ior a uoston paper.
An eminent phvstcian flrst Drescrlbed
riso s cure i r tkinutription.
Senator Lapbam wants t chance
unuic oi uiiin i Aiiainonu
Ills art warranted to be PfJRELT Tea.
ee from .11 min.r.1 .- ... .
table, free from all mineral and mi... ..,VT
mruatg rroa ua
Uver, Stomarb. Bowels
ley reinove su ortrectina. fraa in ehaBBMs
3 Mercer 8t., New York
aead tor ewealar.'
Qmrh-- Mii t. th, hw Unhnrnt. Pnc.
Inaiw Pvst Rertersa
itflunlSllim iiuuul rti .
""'lum H ik m ainriad. sr. , 'mt
ildV-tM TrMtH H4 fi arll SMS. k l
m uim. AWT mm
ftfUlctMl W Da. SLINKt, AkIi l
1 .W
U TOUT ahllrf IhZ T I. f.
la tt tetim.
a btTe. DmymKA
M Ika - .
iH'Ttf'hmm load
UMIaptit: UlMteilntai
0 ham ut1 m nh 7J r 'T"
1 immoZZ.wZZZZ
i . yam
of S.. U-ui household tap. at iiw
oldest daughter', door and say.:
"Are you tnere my ami
Ye.. i. the reply which geLerally
cornea Iwck.
"All right " cheerdy souiws ins ou
man as be starts for bis room, i
thought you might be mtss'ng.
Being- entirely vegetable, no particular
care to required while usiug vr. rierce s
"Pleasant Purgative Pellets." They oper
ate without disturbance to the constitution,
diet, or occupation. For sick headache,
constipation, impure blood, dizxineas, sou
T - rm t ka itmiiirh. bad taste ia
Bmrw .
mouth, bilious attacks, pain in region of
. . . .... 1 1 L . Ui. ft
kidney, internal ieTer,uiwv uv.
atomacn, rush of blood to head, take Vt.
I'lerce's Ueta." by druggists.
r-t . . 1 I ManBnAl ftr. M,V.
. . 1 1 1 J-:m1r - nnarl tt ViAAr
the other night, and with true hum an
instict, the noble animal went howl ing
down the street and and bit a woolen
ISUIHU Ul v. m .
shall aay that dogs have no reason?
If bilious, or suffering from Impurity of
blood, or weak lungs, and tear consump
tion (sorofulous disease of the lungs) take
Dr. fierce s "Uolden Meuicai lusoovery
and it will cure you. Br druggists.
A Torso cirl in Missouri, erased by
religion, imagined herself an angel. Ber
ease la not Quite so bad as that of the
young Austin dude, who, crazed by the
girls, imxginea himself a devd of a fel
Is a bad thing, but Dr. Pierce's "Favorite
PresoriDtion deserve, iu name. It la a
ocruln cure for those painful maladies and
weakneases which embitter the lives of so
many women. Of dru2g.1t.
linn a called upon to analyze some
specimens of .wine from a vineyard near
Nimes, i ranoe. Atone, uartneiemy t ro-
feesor of the Faculty of Sciences at
Toulouse, found them to contain a
rather large proportion of arsenic,
which proved to have be in derived
from the impure sulphuric- acid
ith which the wine-casks had been
Health ml gttmulatlan.
DUTualMe stimulants, provided they se aosoluta-
f pars, are among- tne most useful medicinal
agent, employed bj physician. When tne tone
of tne system I lowering by the depressing tnao
ences of C isease, or there n sa Inherent want of
vigor la the constimtion, they serve to counterant
weasenlng tendencies, and cheer the mind of the
desponding Invalid. Bnt when, as In the ee of
Hnstetters Stomach Bitters, they posseae tmlc
and alterattr. properties, their effect, are ren
dered permanent, and Vwy accomplish a trebly
braeBcial result The Bitters mx onlT rrtieTe
nervous ilei-l.it sn-1 mental dppreslnn. hr inir
healtntullT MlmnlaiiTe action, but Inta- sb'ding
iior Into the dep eted sts em. sod rectify tno-e
lniernal diiturbaaoes whicrj are tne real canea of
watkueM. The purity an-l tiw wnoIewmentHa of
the a conollc tiasi of the Bill era greatlr itMrease
the emcscy of nr botanic Inirre-lieoti, a f-v-t
whh h tne oniyfieneH of their cosuve effect
sufflcienUr dMiiOU.tr. e.
J rrin nm-n fm hsvA Tvn eomnloted
for an interna tionol exhibition at Edin
burgh in 1884. to include everything
pertaining to forestry.
JL Qniek Beeoveiy.
It gives us great pleasure to stats that the
merchant who was reported to be at the
point of de NmitJ attack of pneumonia,
haa entirely recovered by the use of Dr.
Wa. UalTe Balsam for the Lungs. Natur
ally he feels grateful for the benefits derived
from using this remedy for the lungs aud
throat; and in giving publicity to this state
ment we are actuated by motives cf public
benefaction, fronting that other may b.
benefited in a similar manner.
A lame portion of the engineers on
East Indian railways are native Ilin-
M a nrrroxtzsn sasv mine, the nn;
prei-aration of beel couiamini P tvr nuo.
Uohm prxjfuTUr. It cofiuuu D'O-Mi-matinf, t.trvi
geoeratinir snd iire-utslQ.njr propertta; iuv.Tft-
bie for UkLgestion, drpeui.nH.vou4 prostrsuoo,
and aU forms of gooiirai 'Wm.ut, as in s i ea
feebied eoa-liuoas, wnother in rnsult of exasu
uon, aerroas pructruioa, arer-wort or acute d.-
paruoalarir u ivsuiung rrom pumonary
eomplamta. CaaweU, Haaard k Do., proprietors.
Sew tork. Sold of drouista.
Aa imcrovei wi iaow cornice, that is
convenient and readily adjustable, has
been patented by a New York city
man. Tue center piece haa grooves
and stop blocks, and there are sliding
pieces with end T bars and sot screws,
the ccmbination being such that the
whole is strongly made and readily fit
ted to the place desired.
The penetrating qualities of petmieura
are well known to those wno have any
knowledge of the properties at all, and
that is what makes it so valuable as a bait
producer. Carbollne is crude oil depnvet!
of its odor and color.
England imported over 600.000,000
eggs last year, in addition to the enor
mous production of Great Britain and
Ireland. Bime people would consider
this an ova dose.
Whffjyoo isn or irm.e N, lort Ctty, sa
Bsifgmie fcjpfitsja nd tWru. ll.r. n.i ..
st tiie erauu t nioa Hotel. oy(osile Urand Cen-
Recant rooms. Sited np st a cost of one
nmion dolura. rednreil to t and opaanls per
nay. tumpean Pijt Elevator. Hew au rant
suf.p le-l with the best Horse cars staires and
eiue.lriilrnid to U depots. Famines can live
betier l- lean moor; si ure t.rau.i l n.o Hotel
Uun st suj other Or-tiaa h4ei tn Lie cut.
In iflohlffnn the, Ki
O " wuu . ui'iv.uJW WUt V
ba3 decided that iwil wU.l!inr ia rrirr
bling ' 6 "
Voaderful cure, ot Heart h.
Uslne Ut. UravM IIrt RAnhin. aift
ny druggisu at $1.
. - 1. ' . kVJ.U
Jianv a smalt man la 1aa rlinA
- av.a i4 MIC
taiKinsr about thu srinM ka mubau
but be is a preat man indeed who can
eacnncQ everythinir and say nothing.
Irfllllnn tiawu .MlA Tr a .
diaeaae and rheumatic diseases. V,t. li
. vvj uiTjii wilu gn irnL a i bins
uie nrsi to discover a cure. lie has
"iuj wna nis iuieumaane-
HSBaavnr loMacase. It always
What a nltv ,ot n...i,i t 1 .
, ,, , r-'J " 1 uaies snouiu not
00 Ell under mir ..u;. 1 ...
faces. It would be a
- . .n, .-
Ernory'. L-ttle Cathartic Rll-best made
.Tcr vompiaint and Bdlousness.
Aastelesa. harmless. tntaHible. 15c
,a7dl",a? h0 haa loet both wms
has learned tn she Mi
w. . IC,.,lvcr wun
. '
estl.h.i nCOllHrMacuff9 re cheap-?'ialJ1na-
They wear longer than
j m yog save cost of washing.
uen tne sun of virtue i
Mush , of shame ia the tSSJbl
that dies all ia darkness g L
. the
Hale's Honey
"ound Azxcl Tar
r; 1QS CI ar LLJV
k - IIM.
" rrs 1.
T i'T' a l a .'
fuiM. "
.fwp H fa rsadtsam.
Of an Dm,
Drop Car ti
It la oa 1 ...
rnr, tTT.i 10 ye ur reiiow-man Do
good to them, and von win k1 . .
love them ,ou wm be sure to
bog-weed 39 feet in height
"em found gnwlvg Ux Ath-n-
Dy$t.50 per bottle at tfruggists.'B
The Dr. S. L Richmond Hei, Co., Prop'rs.
St. Tossph. 3o. (1)
Correspondenc freely answered by payafclaiav
For testimonial and circular send stamp.
C. 5. CB.nTE5T0!t. Agtat. 5w Tork.
Tbla pnrrxn pbuter ts I
alswolulr.y th4 beat enc I
mtmom, BoBDiniBi inm i a mmt m mm.
wintwa of hou viUt mmw fl f" WW
rum, ba.WTm and tx mmr m mmm m
Incvx IU power la wuadrrfal La carina; dlantwe wter
other plAsMr stmptr rvliwv Crick la lb Bark ad
Tic. Pa. a la V Hnie or Lanl, sua Jotato aaa Masctrtw
sViln7 Trrwa-M, KhraiTMaaksm. lwMralia, 8or CbosC
AiIrtM)Cka of Use ilrrt tuW Livr, andtUl palan or
la nj part enreit inctaatiy by tha Up Plotter. tW Trf
tt. I'rkw 3 cent or flwa ror fLu.
lUlVw) oa rmvlnt of prtrwv ftoM by
mil drnz-jiM aacl eoontry aftorc.
ii"f PUxMrr Company
fruprfcton, Bnrton, JU
bnwH r lie- Hawlfr-. MC-rlM-S 1 t.frr PI 'K
Bo.wrraixo rort etertboot.
Read. Mark and Inwardly Digest.
If yon nave nansea, want ot appetite, Satnlencr,
lizi.ness, fererbiti srmptonM, yoa are snfferln
torn coaUTenes, an-1 Hop Bitter. Is in Sura
If your vital forces sre JepreweJ, tf yoa hare a
iceUng of general Uss;rale sod weskoe-n. ttra
sasty fatlgnetl, pr-plre freely on going to sleep,
ire soo.t of tireatn on every sllgat effort snd turn
t general feeling of mt lancloty and d;preloa.
roa are ntfering from general dehllity and Hop
BUter. removes it a L
If you bare a sense of weight or roEnese in th
ttomacn; a changeable apeute anmetlmes rora.
tons, bnt generally feeble; a mor Did rxaTing; kiw
ptnta after s full meal, with serere pain for soma
time after eating, wind ruing on the stomach;
oar stomach; vomiting ami Buttering at the pit
at the stomach, and a aoreuess orer It; nausea:
hesdsrhe, or some of th-ae sTmptoms, joa ara
mlTerlng from djapepsA, snd llop Bitter wul
pensaiMrn'.ly rare yuu.
If yoa fieeze one boar, barn the next, an-1
west snot hen if yoa sre sairer.Bg sll toe tortures
of ue Inquisition, one moment fearing yoa will
lie, and tne next fearing yoa wont; if yoa Bars
Une nails and Hps, yellow eyes snd ghost-Uk
complexion, yoa are auBenog Irum last m asmstie
enrse, Buioos, Malaria. Ferer, or Ague, and Hop
Bluer will speedily cure you.
If yoa have a dry, harsh snd yellow skin, a dall
pain tn the right side, extending to tti saoalder
Made and pit of the stomach; a tendernea. over
tne region of the llrer; a sense of bgstnrs and
aueasiness .boat tne stomica and nrer; yeJow
ness of the eyes; bowe:s irregu'Ar; a bacaUng or
dry cough; irregular appetite; n-.rtness of brrata
Icg; feet and lua-lscoM: tongne coxed while; a
disagreeable taxte In the moath; low 'splrCs;
ol4c.i.w on th face and neck: palpitation of the
heart; disturbed sleep-, heartbarn: laseitade If yoa
hsw snv of ihe-e nmptoms, yoa sr. soffenng
mm Liver Conipmlui, aud Uup bitrer on.y wUi
cure y -a. ,
If oo hare a enmr.' lint s-h'ch few un-lerstand
and none will true V.a re-lil fr sn enfretxe-l
C..O-1HI-nt ro.ieue thMai-at the whle sys
tem; lw icni: g i-f t e kiwer iimtH. a-lere to n
al l P'e.--., aud a fe tr 111st you at.i; a htrsd. i-r-t
ofiunn'h aiM ne.i.th a-n of these sui.iu
stio t ist ?oa sie sutlerinic fnim th-u STxra-bfril-H
ili!-eae, B-.-rr-jiism-a, aud Hop tsitters wiil
ftjilpt-rns.lr rare i-u.
If yoa hse Brig!" d:. -sse nf f" kl tneys or
anr oiler d e.i eof the kHoersor unnr or-sns
Hp Bitter- is the 0:1 t m--di'Jnenena that vtii
perindn. ni:y cure oa lru-.t 00 otfier
r 1 1
aj.-er into toe bos-
tr.:a will be sbsorb.
ed, effecioaily clean
mg the bead of ca
tarrhal vtrua, cwasAg
keaiJiy retjoca. it
aua?a umsmnuuoa,
protect ui BMm
brane of the ..nasal
ara f a . li DrPw.
paasagea frotsi kn.
tftoaa. coin,
pietely kealstati
sad requires
snd smell. A few
sppik-auons rllea.
A fiurvuflt arNK-
snl will potUtml
J cws. Agreeaoi. Io
by malt or st rtrxgrista.
lvl.1 HKUTH1.K.H. Oraggljta, Owag. W. T.
B. uiDRLni ate. i.e. mill a a c.
k t Cbimutf o Broadwarj, ,
Oanra. Chjtv Rw vorrn,
klamtnr of all pnmiDat Frodoo Kaeatttngwi ia
Vork. Ohioftwo. St. lxila and Mllwsok,
w ban dul )t1ts tlTsi-b wip wtaeaa
Ohtosca vxX N Tork Mill .locuta ardar cm oaf
fuda-mant bra raqaext ad f cwolajs eo
PISrs KE l!El?5ToTA,TAfKH" ii
Cssy to na A rertaln core. TTos expnstTft. Three
month tremtmenl in one psckaee. Itond Ibr Cold
lu Ihe Hea.1. Uelrh. rswineM. Fy Fever, As.
Fifty cents. Br stl IirutnrMis, or bv mall.
i. T. UAAXTLML, Warreo, Pa.
I I M D Ch'mner thatwl'l -t bneik. Ban at ta-ht.
LAill I aswia auusl. aUuith Brva.. Vavsrlj. Ji.lC.
11 1 at T C fl ' f s r T' 8 Kl X a aaw household sr
W Alt I LU t. i I! e 1- ataiarUL Lanpe ray orrbuu.
Atlilns. kLkiiLC Jl'l' ti tO. tireai.aad. Mass.
nriMl. font ussw to gwft of
tor ar eabrud Tew
and t'atleaBd wTbsaaU-
,1 III I .1 i TeaS,orliaadxarMirat
Gold 11. uu M.ia. Rntm tmDr Sec. or Oolil Bftnl aioM
UftMrml Tm-t h-, Krallpartiealaraaddpaaa
Ba a. XI Mid a Vy St.. Kew YA
Ouro nusrantard la all eaaaa b Dr J. B, xfsysr
Dn.ler bj irasiment aa la at ooos r-oUlned aoa par
at oan atinl to tnair bnw naa lauaMliataly altar
aaatzovoL BTaiturtlon fr. Bend, stamp trw ra
Sly. Mala oCca, SSI Arub Htnat FailadWphia
ill b at tt ta rt. n. Bourn, Beaaing. Pa.. STary S9
atarri Berber Hows, HarrUBurg. Pa. ith sad
h: Bt Clair HcX Futaoargb. Fa, Jib and Kk af
aacb moatb.
wat ! tkta vtrM. u tka rwwwtw.
atvarr paekac kaa war tradcaurk
tftft Mil
7 w me Dart r
BiKiiiiinntnalKKLuiliai Miai
Pair ol
id at
ala. c, w, lnaalt iJuILTiai.
j!? - Faumia. Co, Rs.tsiry'
f Jk akr5.T,M,nraPfSoBanPaba
V Si ll '" Brtaaa .lfe,e,
iTb atafa 1 I 7"- t7i- PaitioBi fee
tuvvwiDi cast. h in wunn Kind autt Uin
atudlns hav bm eurad. InttoeO, ma stroo ) mv laita
la tw itlcMry, trnu I will MTfl TWO BOTTLE PRti, ta-
wit a TAXUAJLa TKU'. IS .. aa tfala
kswjcw. wtv uprta ana r. j. tcdr,
DU.T.A. ALOCCM. XU ran . 5 Tora.
A41KWTW WAIkTEabtor tbs
SwUlna- Flctcetsl Books ana t
.'J a 1
ilih is mm.
mm Miiinmm
Sarsaparilliaa IlesohcRt.
ni s&xat slooo pcainn
Par. btoad auk, sooad Sean, scroag boo
a olaar skiav If yoa woold ks. yoar lea.
year boaes aoaod wokoot can, sad your ow
Biaxtoa fair, as.
Radway's Sarsaparillian
A rOMdy eompod of tngredtsBt. ot srrAf
Saualj me-llcal propert!A, essentia.' to punf?
beal, repair sad ln gorale tke brota-down ai
wasted body trlcs, PLaftsasr, Sass sad Pixa.
Birr IB Its traauiteat an-l car.
No matter by w but aane the com plaint nay t
AesignaMil, whether rt be scrota a, aanay
sypbiiuv alcert, sores, Ionian, b-sis, errwpeLu,
alt 1 beam, dleae- of th liintis, ki laeya,
Ser, womb, skin, itver. toina h -sr how, ein.
eBrotk'eoroonsutaboaal, Uie nra-s Is la to Bloaa
whisk sopplles lbs waste aid Ball-l sad r-,-,
tbese organ, sad asel ussaes of to wr--
If the biood Is anheaftiAy, taa prooeaa of renu
The Sarsaparillian Resolvent
Votealy Is a eompeosanng reme-iy, bat stear,
the barmaajoa scuoo of eacn of 11 orgHns. 11
wtaMMbr. throagnout th entire srstem (unction,
si ssmiayisad supples the biood tlav
eacs with a par. and heavthy current of
aww Ula TB Strx, after a few da'1 sa
mt the BanapanUiao, become dear aa-1
beanufoL Fimpies, blotches, blw-k sfof an
akin eniptloas are remove-! ; aores and ulcers
oorad, Fetsooa suffering from acrofaia. enipc.fta
dliirassa of the ej ea, mouth, ears, egx, tiruai ana
KBda, that bar acromoiated vD-1 ,prea1, etivt
m oBcorsd dlaeaaea at mercury, or from I1.,
as. of eorros.re uiMimaie, may re.y upon a can
If th. Sarsairuliaa ia aoutinued tadlciesl bra
to nuke Its uvpremioa oa the T-ira.
On. boctl. coatslas more of th trttn priori,
sis of Medteine. lass any other rreirsia
Takea la teaapuonfnl doaea, Whue oCien reijQ,.-
ttm or SLX Tlmn aa niach.
Ob. Dollar a. Itottl.
R. R.
Radway's Ready Relief,
Tfc. twwatft and rtt lltelie r
Smftaaaly tiMlai ! bf ajslw
In from on. to twenty cmatee nerer talis sj
relieve Psln wtk one thoromrh sfa;icatio.
so matter bow violent or excnknaacg the psa.
lbs Kneumatte, Beit-rt-t-Vn, Inarm, CTr-pVl
Nervoos, Nearslgii or or ..trstsd w!tk dijiea
may nOer, HAiiWA i hkAi'i KiiJE? wis
sATord instant saaa.
nu throat, Dirrcrir bkkathino.
yscKALoiA. EaxuniTOa
iBClsxa, loi bag . si iatica,
sr UM BS sr larsnUy rsileved.
fTTVER A1TD AOCB earel for 50 era Tn-i-e t
sot s remedial agent in tt: worid taai vn! car
r"eer and Ar t, and ntnr Mianou, Hiait
scarlet, Typhoid, Yeoow an l otter feee ,..11
9T RAO -VAYt PILLS) so qulcK.j sa K-! Al -EA)T
It will in s few sTirats, wha tstea tnm..i
according to tse -1 reruns, care traiupv Sp;lD
Boar 9tomscb. Heartbarn, Sir. Bea-liu-he, Dv-ae
sis, Ps. pllatina of tne ilesrt, I'oid Lhil'.s, Hy-ner.o-
rsuis In the g-iweis, O'arTi-Y: ieftenerv, Cvic.
lio.l in the Bowels, snd al! In'rmal Pan 's
Travelers should Siwstacarrv s bottle of RAU
WAV 9 KBADY RKi.lr.P with Uiera. A r-a
drops la water win prevent a:rknea ut palna rr-w-
ebange of water. It is oeuer thau 7reB-b ilrani'i
sr Bttier ss st.lmuisnt.
Rlaera d Laakersw. akoald.alwari
a proviuad with u. m
Reffulatins: Pills
Perfect, Purfratfve. Soothing. Aprv
nts. Act without Pain. Al way
Reliable and Natural
in Operation
gam, pvrga, repii, parlly, oicanas sad atrsag
RftDwar. Prua for th ear. of afl d:nrdera
tn atoruok. Uwr. Bowaja, Stdneev B.ftJ-W.
Pma Oumolaibts. Nervoos D'sesaea. Loan at if
petite, naslarnn rrmirirnTI-Ti. iodl
gssnoa, Uyvpapata, BUIoonEoaa. Kerer. inununa
Ooa of b Bowaia, PUes. sod sll dersngemest
taa Iaternal Vweers rVoiv vegetai.e, oootaia
log no saiuary, m .serais, or deleienoo drut
tATObaarv lbs rotlowtng ympu reaa. Jf
Frost DinasM af th Dtgesuv Orgsna: I'oqjcp
Hob, Inward PUes, rallaeas of Blcwl is tha
Bead, AeldMy mt th Stomach. !tass, Hasraxnu
tnanst of Pood, roil oca or weigm
such. Bow EracaaS-HM, stnamt or rattens at
the Heart. CBokmg or danenna nmur'
IB s lying posture, Dlmnens of Vim- Dow
wsos oeiors us sural, re. wr ana yuu imm -
Head. DetMency of Persptrauos, leuows
tkw Bkla and Byes, Psia la t.- slda 1"
LUaba, sad Boddea rlaaaea of Best, BarslEg m
A few taw of aUBWirw Puis wig frs u
ryatsss trooi aU th shots stmad jisurdsrs
old rr BHConwrs.
m.wy aa cm ww
swd absTJBtolADWAT 0O. S
Warrsa, Oor. Chares St, ,
w-laformaaoa won tkewn-u wn r
to yoa.
W T th. Fablle,
B acr. and ask for i5ir'. snU'
"KADwar la aa wast r-a hi.
11 reaeratoareRnnia.K.a.1. nappe" " h "
I 'onia. Banliina. Softl.la. Bruise. son-n.l of 'S'-''?2ra
Tea.ate. 1 ltchlnir tromany m - A'V j -1
Fbamts Pectoral wUI cure vour roiA rrw 1 "
Circular few. VU.e.S T K . Iai;.t v.
For Two
The eood ami slauuch ojJ
stand-bj, MEXICAN
l'ANU LlMMEM', liasjloa
more to assuage pain, rcue"
snfferiu?. and save thf live"1
men ant beasts than nU't
liniments nut together. W
Beeanse the Mustang TK
trates thronsh skin ami ne-
to the Tery bone, driving CJ
all pain and soreness
morbid secretions, aud reswfj
Ing the aiHIcted part to bonna
and supple health.
ftftBasaaimosBt, Manosui, Fob. Co.