Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, January 23, 1884, Image 4

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    i ui. mm.n.w'i.u'iw1,' i'
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(jllinpsea of (ienMl Ufa.
Everywhere and always Germany's
peasants offer the best opportunity for
that blending of romance and reality
which to those not immediately under
its influence is at once a source of study
and a cause for smiles. Removed wun
the tide ol civilization from the barDaric
practice of buying er stealing their
brides, poverty "and its necessary con
comitants of tenacious harsline, still
chains the weaker with some of the
rude customs of their ancestors. The
luxury and polish of manners lntrodu
ced with the return f the Crusaders
. ninz onlv to have effeceted the dwei
lers of castles and cities, tht-w the peas
antry into a deeper shade by their
brilliancy, which to liiia nay is tne
great distinguislier ol caste, so wuen
we write courtship it is to be distinctly
understood as peasant's courtship, the
love-making between men and women
associated through no romantic tourna
ment, or fancy-weaving Dau-roum mu
sic where powder hides freckle and
culture veils vice, and the host's thou
sand genii of entertainment assist Cu
pid work, but thrown together by the
ungloved bauds of toil in the most pro
saic situations.
The most discouraging ftature of
these courUhips lies in the fact that
while a woman has none of a man's
advantages in boldly avowaig her affec
tion and pursuing the object of it, she
is generally expected to bear an equal
share of the expenditures attending
such occasions. The woman who can
not treat her escoi t as often as he treats
her is a superfluity, unless extraordina
ry beautv is her ticket for entertain
ment. If at u dance, the music is fur
nished by the lads, the refreshments
are provided by the lassies; who gener
ally come out shot test in the bargain,
for denial is as foreign to a peasant's
appetite as esthetics to his taates. Love
is fostered less by quality than by quan
tity. Traits of character and congeni
ality are considered when capacity for
woikand endurance have tipped the
scales. Sentiment and emotion, though
a powerful lever of the ueinian nature,
ure incielcusly mint 1 d with the most
Dractical concerns of life. The man
who would commit suicide beeuuse his
love was jilted, as readily turns luto the
worst tyrant if the object of his adora
tion should prove more a thing 01 Deau
ty and goodness than a swift hand in
tne kitchen and a strong one in the field.
And if our German sisters were more
more wise than devoted, they would let
such desperate lovers espouse the mer
maids. But they assist in the court
ship as heartily as they do in the work
of providing. Their common and great-t-st
boast of matrimonial advantages is
buxom strength. The daughter of a
mother who hits reared a dozen children
and helped to cultivate twice as many
acres, jioints with pride to her autece
dents. And girls hired for the same
work as mm are saucily conscious of
theii superior matrimonial value. When
her hard-earned krciitzers ring upon the
entertainment board itjs at once an in
vitation and a challenge for canditates
to come forth and be out-talked, out-
tun g and out-treated by her, or the suc
cessful rival who can best stand tne
drain of purse and wit
Much as the customs of different
localities vary in iwrticulars, it is the
common purpose of aU to exhibit and
encourage utility, esjiecially in woman.
In all the sports prizes are obtained by
the best rniiners, the best chumers, the
best burden-bearers, the best climbers,
in fact the best txibitor of strength for
everything but beating their better half,
and "here the other side carries off the
premium in the shape of submissive
wives and unrestraining laws A pic
ture which we have seen in a recent
German magazine of women enjoying
the annual sport of wheeling their
lovers and prospective husbands in bar
rows on a race-course illustrates the
rude barbarities to which the German
mind 6till clings in the very center of
culture nd civilization. The publica
tion .comments upon it in a sKrtive
congratulatory, and generously (!) pro
mises the fonmost of the fair-racers
her living burden as the prize of win
ning. Siiniliar examples of husband
winning customs might be cited among
the poorer classes of Europe, showing
the Ul-effect of poverty with ignorance
and conservatism.
Everywhere is seen that same seltish
prerogative of the stronger over the
weaker. Thus, for instance, the court
ahip of winUr evenings is carried on
while the girl industriously spins and
the suitor industriously smokes. No
thought is given to the l;it that she has
worked as bard as he during the day,
and could enjoy her evening's rest in
proportion, spinning is a pastime no
more than trimming willows or carting
rial, their cemmon work during t he day.
And the fact that he ean smoke away
composedly the produce of one kind of
labor while she .spins another into last
ing fabric sieaks conclusively for our
opinion tl at man's prerogatives fcrge
a nation's fetters.
The pleasant and romantic part of
their courtship are the Sunday evening
promenades on the highway leading un
der shady fruit trees, which lice both
sides of the road to neighboring towns
or villages. That being the only time
in which a woman may conscientiously
do nothing, and a man can do no less,
presents the first enjoyable picture in its
equality of situation and pleasure. An
idea of what would be the life of our
emotional, imaginative Germans, nn
trammeled by the necessities of poverty
and its frost-like nipping of every im
pulse toward development, may be ob
tained in these summer evening idyls.
Between five and six the road is covered
with young people exclusively, and the
air is filled with song. Arm in arm,
forming lines across the entire width of
the road, some pass and repass; others,
whose friends are in the neighboring
villages, ;extend their walk till they
meet each other. Wonderfully sweet
and free from all isolation or stolen in
terviews, is their intercourse in the early
part of the evening. Everybody seems
everybodys else's lover. An atmos
phere of purity, ieace and joy hovers
over face of nature and her happy chil
dren. E verytb ing wears its festal robe,
and as chorus after chorns surges from
hundreds of lusty throats, its echo
seems to come lack with the pleading
"Go not, happy day.
From the shining fields.''
But the sun has sent his last smile
over the ridge of hills, and evenicg bells
announee the solemn approaeh of night.
Songs are hushed, interlaced arms
separate; and there is a general scatter
ing into couples w ending their way
homeward? Hot yet. In the gloaming,
loving whispers and stolen-kisst-s are so
delightful. And there are seats under
shade-trees, half ruined chapels, once
the shrines of patron saints, which af
ford an inviting retreat for the prom
enaders. While the gentle warning of
the curfew deserts the highway and
spjeads the hush of evening prayer
over all, the mellow moonlight peeps
through the branches upon ioving cou
ples. The romancejof a iasantscourt
ship begins. Toil and poverty and sel
flshuess are forgotten for the time.
Beauty reigns! The heart revels in de
lightful emotions, and the rustline of
the foliage overhead breathes the lov
ers' prayer.
The action of a man is a representa
tive type of hia thought and will; and
work ol charity ia a representative type
of the chanty within, in the s;ul and
Nothing is so wtoleeome, nothing
does so much for people's looks, as
little interchange of the f mill coin of
Torso asd Untried Bulm. It wonH
be curious to learn, if it were possible
to ascertain, what proportion of heavy
investments in young and untried bulls
of any breed prove profitable. If the
purpose ol purchase is exhibition, the
risk is considerably less then if stock
breeding is the buyer's sole object. A
shrewd judge can see in the calf, espe
cially if he sees aluo its parents, and
stiJ mere surely if he knew Lis forth jr
progenitors, the character of the animal
in most, if not all, stages of its lite. Ex
cellent potency as sir is far less sure
ly heritable than family characteristics,
already visible, are capable of develop
ment to the same degree of excellence
s in the parents. A practiced breeder
can guess pretty well what he can make
personally of an animal purchased as
calf ; but he has much less, confidence,
usually, iu guesting what the stock of
the young bull or ogspnng of the heifer
mubt be. Bebiues, we must write on a
certain percentage for tluggaids and
barren or only occasionally fruitful ani
mals. For some porti-n of the stock,
perhaps, young bulls only may be ser
viceable, and this fact mutt be taken
into account to their advantage.
Chukot to Akuuia. la several
States there are local and rural agents
of sooieties for the prevention of cruelty
to animals. Farmers who are cruel to
their animals should be complained of.
Sometimes f aimers are arrested on the
staeets for driving sick horses ; but
who ever heard of a farmer being com
plained of for ill treating Lis dog or his
cat ? In the streets of New York the
society's agents look at passing horses
in the thickest crowds, and take a sick
yr galled one out the shafts and compel
the driver to care for it. The agents
have the sao,e power by law that is pos
sessed by a policeman,
Thb following is Southera man's
method of feeding a cow : ' If you
want a large yield of rich milk give
your cows every day water slightly
warmed and salted, in which bran has
been stirred at the rate of one quart to
two gallons of water. By this daily
practice the cow will give fifty-two per
cent, more milk immediately under tiie
t fleet of it, and she will besome so at
tached to the diet as to refuse to drink
clear water unless very thirsty. The
amount of this drii k necessary is an or
diraiy pailtui at a time morning, noon
and night.
A cobbebpcxdext of the Xew York
Tribune recommends a tub largest at
the bottom snd tapering at the top, of
scnicient size to contain a years eup
ply, as the best package in which to
store pork ; u pacaea properly me
meat will not rise in the tub, being held
down by the slant of the sides. It should
be put down edgeways, in layer? au sol
id as possible.
Re beet Eibch. a farmer near Fair
poit, X. Y., is said to be one of the
most successful persons in the country
in the management of a small farm. Ac
cording ta the Midland Farmer he cul
tivated only iwenty-eeven acres on the
intensive system, mainly in cabbages
and onions. He boys manure largely,
keeps three assistants, and averages
200 per acie, or 5400.
Thb pumpkin contains six or seven
times as much water as either corn or
oats ; in a word, it it a food in a stat
of much dilution. Analysis proves that
even if the t urepkin should be freed
from its large percentage of water, corn
and oats remain mucn more valuable
as feeding staffs. While pumpkins can
not be recoil-mended as fat-producing
material, they possess excellent miik
iroducing qualities, and being cheaply
raised, may be counted as valuable food
for miich cows.
Thb beet breeds of hens for those
who want con-tit tern that will lay good
bized eggs are the Houdans, La Fleche,
and Black Spsuifh. The beet breeds
for winter layers are the Asiatic, The
best "general purpose" breed for the
farmer is the Plymouth Rock. The
breed thst all the good quali
ties, the one perfect breed well, 'there
ain't any such."
Welkin o in the larnyard, tys an ex
charge, is an old fesbion tfcat should
be abandoned. It is inconvenient and
nnclean. It should go with the wooden
pail and hairy butter and should never
be heard of anymore ; gone and forgot
ten, too. It is a w oncer that any farm
er wot Id permit it, and still more a
wonder that sny farmers' wives or
ku(. burs would consent to it
Ala. ConiiAS, of Va., states that he
had a tpigiilior who a few years ago
bougLt ltO cep for 300, and that the
firtt tcaeon sfitr the purchase he sold
nearly enough lambs and wool to pay
the entire cost, with the original Hock
leit, Mr. Uolman thinks ttiat nc evi
dence is lackiDg to prove the profita
bleness of sheep raising.
A smo near E'gin, DL, made by exca
vating to the depth of eight feet in a
crave! v tub soil, with filnniro- profs an1
tides, but HO DJRinnrv ifninilinrit cn.l
covered with clover and a heavy layer of
f"i, is saia to nave Kept ensilage so
well last .wintea that the owner Tlr
Pratt, intends to use it permanently.
At a recent m refiner rf an ni.in for
mers' club the members stated that
wnen pounces tell lower than 43 cents
per bushel in price it did not pay to sell
tneni.aa greater profit could be derived
bv feediii&r thtm to ktcwB hv ,l,;,.h
means transportation was saved, while
the manure was alio an item in the
Tbebk is lo economy of land fn plan
ting trees too close together. More
tiers can, of coarse, be crowded on the
lnd by clcte plantirg, bot the yield of
fruit will le lets than the quantity that
may be procured from trees that stand
far apart, aLd have plenty of room for
erowth and screadinir of tl rrmta for
Bt pouring be.ilirg water upon the
Lfcir8 the wreevi' run h AatttmnaA i...t
to pietcat injury to the beans the
ecaldinir should be done in mlnn.W
and tbev should he ftirpat nut on.)
dried instantly.
Jr you ate going to ttore fruit or ve
getables in Uie cellar, whitewash it thor
oughly first. This should be rone in
si ring and fall in any case. Many a dt ath
from typhoid or malarial fever ht be
tiaced to Impurities in thecellir."
Is California pi uue cuiiure is a creat
success. Each tree bears about 100
pounds of i runes, worth about 14 cents
per pound.
77l tM t !l ia till nnr An.l I) -
- w umi ui i ioxt aor
P . T, Riees, the well-known German
nlti Ei..t TT .1 c . -r
bibi. no a me nrsi jpw admit
ted into the Prnnkinn In.Un,. -.r u...
yjt E?l-1-
ences, being ehoseu in 1842. Frederick
fha r.RMt . . i A i i
"i uj TCiueuiuereu, re
fused to Eanction thii election of Mose
Some one Las tuaen the trouble of
bruising to lieht the h'rHkH... r v..
w w a v. wu-
hives in France. They number 1,971,
365, and are valued at 84,690,000. '.Dur
ing the past autumn 6,671,598 pounds of
wx Bd 19,897,284 pounds of honey
haxe been taken from them.
Nature never stunda still
uv -v.ua
either; they ever go up or go down.
New rsx foe boos. Every one u
familiar with the T.lue of the TOlk of
an egg as hair wash, but perhaps may
not be aware of its virtue in clothing
cleans. eg. J2eaen up wiw uwuuii
can de Cologne or ether, like ox gall,
it keeps better, and is more powerful;
st in ti'mntor ojuwi it MT bfl Used
alone, or merely mixed with water, to
be mured on wit a nannei, ior remov
ing from colored materials the stains of
mod, or of coffee and chocolate when
prepared with milk. It is frequently
applied to velvet collars and cuffs, etc.,
and proves a cleanser, as well as a spot
extractor. When it has done its work,
it is washed off with soap, and the ma
terial thoroughly rinsed in pure water.
Egg has a specndiy good effect on those
annoying patches of wheel grease be
longing to the compound class of stains,
as they represent a mixture of stale
rrp(ui" iron, and other substances. For
removing stains hot grease from
white or light colored material, glycer
in ma IkA tnArl Mnmiallv with Coffee
stains. Milk,immediately applied ia the
best remover oi inc. bout muz is me
best: cut the article into saucer and
let it soak in the milk.
Convknikst scREEhs. In a bed-room
occupied by two persons, which is also
their dressing-room, a simple movable
screen adds much to comfort. It 'can
be placed m front of the washstand,
and may be only framed upon an ordi
nary pine clothes-horse chosen of height
to "suit. Tnia can be covered with
leather faper, cretonne, or be of plain
unbleached sheeting, which is a good
color to contrast with a black varnish
ed screen. The cover may come down
over bcth sides, or simply on one. It
may be tacked, glued or stitched, and
the wood may be shellaced, ebonized
or hidden beneath the covering mater
ial, A very pretty screen was made
of a three-leaved clothes-horse, the
wood ebonized and the space filled in
with dull red masting. This is quite
Indian-like in its effect, and very con
venient to scree n the bath or dressing
To crws stammering. Dr. Dio Lew-
ia in bis magazine gives a rule for the
cure of stammering which is certainly
simple enough, and which the doctor
says has cured three-fourths of all the
cases he has treated. The stammerer
is made to mark the time in hia speech,
just as it is ordnaxily done in singing.
At first Le is to beat on every syllable.
He should begin by reading one of the
Psalms, striking the finger on the knee
at every word. "Time can be marked,"
says the doctor, "by striking the finger
ou the knte, by hitting the thumb
against the forefinger, or by moving
the large toe in the boot." Tne writer
believes the worst case, of stuttering
can be cured if the victim will read aa
hour every day, with thorough prac
tice of this remedy, and observing the
same in his convtrsatioo.
Yeoetablb ciBsrES. in Indiia,
which is the great home of the curry,
among the native originators of the
dii-h, meat is never tasted; the Turks
and other Mohammedans make it with
mutton or fowL Lentils, peas and
'eans, pumpkins, the rich and nutri
tions New England squash, which lit too
seldom teen in Philadelphia markeu,
or even potatoes, will make a curry
if properly cooked. Lentds, which are
very nutritious, are sold m most apoth
ecary or provision shops kept by Ger
mans, ai d they are eotoinieal, gcod
Cabbawe p.cksd thus will help save
the cucumber pickles: Select a nice,
firm head, and remove the outside
leaves, cut it into two paits, and shave
it very fine, place it into a jar, sprinkle
pepper and salt over, theu chop two
red peppers and two heads of cjiery
very fine and put in, then about two
tabier-poonlul of white mustard seed,
four co d vinegar over it, coTer with a
plate aud put a weight on it to keep
the cabbage under the vinegar. This
will be good to eat in about a week.
A table ecABF of olive felt is made
handsome snd tasteful by having on
one end corner ot pluhh. The piece
of plush is fchaped Ike a triangle.
Where it joins the felt there ore some
fancy 6titel.es with bright-cilored silks.
The ether end of the scarf has a straigLt
baud of pioth put on Willi fancy stitch
es also, aud im tead of being an inch
or two from the edge of the scarf, there
is a space left of at leat ten inches be
low tne p ush. Bath ends are finished
with a row of fringe.
Hands me covers for scfa pillows and
cushions are knit of silk pieces. The
real foundation for the stripe for it is
made in ttr i-et is knit of common
cotton yarn, and is worked with
medium s zed neeules. Xuit three
rowi, then draw through each loop on
the next tow a bit ol the silk. The
silk must be cut in narrow strips of
equal length and width. The yarn
must be drawn firmly down to bold the
silk in place. O d and even soiled rib
bons may be vtei in this way.
Ix is an excellent plan to prepare the
cabbage for dinner an hour before it is
time to cook it. Cut the cabbage into
quarters, and scatter a handful of salt
over it and C( ver it with cold water.
This is a good course to pursue if one
haa not time to look the cabbace over
carefully. Cauliflower also should be
treated in the same way. after beiur?
picked apart. There are so many sin All
insects iuis year mat especial care is
necessary in looking over vegetables.
Home made tkast. Pnt hm.lfni nf
salt into two gallons of wat.!T. then stir
in Binooimy i iu. oi nour and i lb. of
coarae bron sugar; boil these inre
dientd an hour, then uonr o-it tvi 7l
and when as warm as new mill cork up
m a sioue jar. it will be ready for me
the next day.
Maxtlb SCAS.F3 Tiie netrntt tli.i, h
for mantle and bureau scarf ia r.t
iringe of any sort but a double row ol
ukub oi piubu ana tuned Bilk, the up
per row much larger than the smaller,
These are Bet about an inch nH hu
apart, and match either the ground of
i jo sean or me colors in whu-u it em
broidered, as one pleases.
cots, freed from the stoi.es and cut in
to pieces; one pint of water, one pint
in i!Knr, ana one laoiespoonfal of gel
atine.' Soak the ralatine in l,t)i
cold water and dissolve it in a liitle hot
water, using only a pint in all. Mix
well, snd, when the sugar in dissolved
A very successful endless -hin' ,
kg syateui has been tried on that most
difficult eif vavicble rivers the l!i.,.,.
and described by M. Dupuy de Lome
ueiure uie academy oi Dclencts, Pans
Two endless lateral chains are employ
ed, worked with independent machin
ery by a tingle hane.serving at the same
tuuc iu uueei uie course oi the vessel.
J. Walton, whnoe Wlh in Pn.i..j
at the ge of eighty-one years is announ
ced, was a noted inventor of cloth-weaving
and spinning machinery, and his
two socs were the inventors of linoleum
floor-cioth and new material for the de
coration of walls and ceilings.
Some yeats ago a young man stepped
into the editoral rooms of a New York
paper, and said:
"I wish to sse the editor."
I am be," replied the gentleman
The young man then passed over a
roll of manuscript wita the remarks:
I would be glad if yon would look
oyer this poem with a view to publish
ing it at your usual rates.'
Certainly, sir, said the editor hum
bly, apparently impressed with the
young man's persona bearing, "be
seated, pray.'
After reading the poem the editor
grasped the young man warmly by the
hand. "Your article." he said, "ia ex
tremely clever, and we shall be only
too glad to hear futher from you.''
He then instructed the foreman to
double lead it on the editorial page,
and after banding the young man an
order on the cashier for $300 invited
him out to dinner.
This little incident occured some
years ago, dear reader, and we would be
glad to give the young man's name,
but modesty forbiua.
"How abundantly the markets are
stocked now."
"Yei, I never saw the Thanksgiving
marts l a ter supplied with succulent
edibies of all imaginable cbarcteristios."
"Uiive yen yot secured the regal
fowl which m to adorn our festive board
iu tb observance of the national
"OU. yes, it is out there on the back
porch pit, pendent."
"Then it is no longor a living, breath
ing organism?"
"No; it has not even its feathers on."
"Oh! So I see how artistic! It is the
"How mncb do you charge for the
pants, anyway?" asked the rural cus
tomer. "Dot makes some difference
off yon vants dam vor Suntay or efery
tay," replied the vender, studying his
subject carefally. "If you vanta a
sheap pair vor efery tar, dot pair will
pe two tollar.but if you vanta dem pants
vor Suntay, dey vill pe fife tollars
und a helluf. Subbose you dakes nm
vor Suntay, und ven dey vos a little
vorn, you vears dem vor efery tay. By
dot you safe two tollax on a fife-tollar
pair of pants 1" Against which argu
ment the countryman had nothing to
offer, and the transaction was closed.
A yocno man who bad been assisted
away from the home of a girl whose
society he yearned for, wrote next day
to the cruel parents as follows: "I did
not mind what you said to me, though
your lunguflge was pretty rough, but
when you kicked me with No. 11 boot
you Luit my feelings, I shall make
no further effort to win your daughter.
If she inherits your style of feet, and
any of your versatility in the use of
them, Ileel that I could not be entirely
happy with her.
In a contest over a will a oertain
witness was giving hia evidence as to
the disposition of the testator. "Was
he good e attired man?" asked the
attorney. "Hot altogether." "Was he
cross, then?" "Well, yes, rather, in
places." "Was he very cross?" "Con
siderably." "How crocs waa he? Give
us an example ot hia disposition."
"Well, sir, he was that cross that when
he called up the cows at milking time
it made the milk seur." "That's enough,
stand down,"
"No, he is not a great writer, but I
consider him a master of English.''
"You surprise me."
"You are familiar with the articles
"I have read quite a number, and I
must confess that I cannot see how you
can call him a master of English."
'-Simple enorgh. He must be a
master of Ebglish or be could not
abuse it so without having it strike
A somewhat startling theory of the
origin of scarlet fever is propounded by
Dr. J. C. Peters, a prominent and in
fluential physician of New York city.
At a meeting ol the Columbia Veterinary
College, Dr. Peters ad vanned the hy
lothesis that the scarlet fever originates
among horses, and that each case of
ttia dinease may be ultimately traced to
these animals. The arguments, facts
nd daw furnished to fortify the theory
are formidable, and will go far to con
vince inquirers.
Gerald Massey, au English poet,
has come to tbis country to lecture. He
brought a portion of the title ot bis
lecture with him, and the remainder
will arrive on another vessel. II is lec
ture is called, "Man in Search of a Soul
During Fifty Tbonsvnd Years, aa Wit
nessed by the Evidence of Bone Caves,
and How He Finds It" If man wants
to find his soul during the next six
thousand years, he should not atop to
read the title of Massey's discourse.
"I wish," explained Birdie McBride,
enthusiastically, to Gus de Smith, I
wish this organ had more 6tops to it,"
"And I," murmured Gus, in a stage
aside, "I sincerely wish that it had
one one eternal stop a kind of short
stop, as it were!"
A BCSTACBAXT-keept'r lately received
a call from a dealer, who offered him
some superb rabbits at a very low price.
if you gave them to me for nothing,
replied the restaurant-keeper, "I would
not take them." "Why not?' "Be
cause the day wheu I begin to serve
real rabbits to my customers, they
would perceive that I had been giving
them cats for the lost twenty-five
OxE of the conductors on thn Anl.nr i
road tells a good story on himself. A
passenger recently tendered him a trade
dollar for fare. Thn vn.lnV. ex
amined it and remarked, "1 don't want
mat piece oi money." "Well give it
to the company, then," replied the
As Indianapolis newspaper publisher
e Bet $5 reward for the conviction of
any person stealing a copy of his paper
from the premises of subscribers. It
is one of the most unwaranted slanders
upon the taste of thieves that we Lave
"Thb bridal march waa played by
Will Corlev on a liirmnnm. Th
firroom was attired in a hiMrnra-
shirt and copperas-eolcred paubt, aud
on bis arm was gentle suspended his
bride, luxe a cleir rib side of bacon
cr bushel of meal."
Dost touch the whitefish," said
Mrs, Parvenu at Delmouioo'a "for it's
marked poisoul'' and she pointed to
the word on the carle du jour.
WHES Grnre rm nn . t i.
W'h ch fitted l:ei-rT rial v .n.l -
over bad a low heel, she waa asked
now iney ieit iier reply was: "They
make me feel as though I wanted to
wax use a grassnopper.
On the Devonshire nvut in
a sea grass is collected, an J made into
bread by cleansing, boiling, chopping
mixing with a small proportion of oat
meal, and bukipg. Thrs bread keeps"
from four tr eieht daya Most of it is
sent to the Welsh town of Swansea,
where the ioorer classes of eople are
iona oi it.
Ever? deed of di&honer, every victim
of vice, erery ghastly spectacle
l . . " 4 n
crime, is an eioqueut uauiuuu; i
need aud the worth of virtue.
30 OOO tiOMI
Sas Fkasoi-oj. C'al Tte IhtonicU
Dubiwiea n subsunce the lollowini
marvel. Capluln W. IT. Swasey, ths
oldest pioneer of the coast, makes
tatcmeut of the inteoM suffering of nil
friend Colonel D. J. Williamson, an
Army officer of distinction, and an Ex
U 8- Consul, who was attacked m the
winter of l61-3 with violent rheuma
tism. Bo great was his agony In after
years, he became a helpless cripple, and
after trying numberless remedies, the
baths of other countries and -pending a
fortune of f 20,000, the disease seemed to
assame a more virulent type. Finally,
he was persuaded to try bt Jacob's Oil,
the creat conqueror ot pain. It worked
a miracle of cure. In a letter to the
Chronicle he confirms Captain Bwasey a
statement and adds: "I cheerfully give
my unqualified attestation to the truthful
ness ot the statement, because 1 feel per
fectly certain that a knowledge of my
cure by St. Jacobs OiL will prove the
means of relieving hundreds of sufferers.
It may also tall out that each one's
opinion may be good; but to refuse to
vihl tn others when reason or a spe
cial cause requireth it, it ia sign of
pride and stillness.
A Mtaoal AffAlr.
I have been troubled for a n umber of years
with kidney and bladder difficulty; at times
have suffered a great deal with the weakness
caused by the inflammation and intense
paint in the lock and loins. I tried many
medicines that were recommended, but none
of tr-em seemed to reach my eaae until one
day I related my case to one of our drau
ghts here in Auburn. Mr. Smith was very
urgent that I should try Hunt's Remedy,
for he knew of many who had used it with
wotidK-fn! sweens. I purchased a bottle
and used it, and found a great deal of bene
fit, and commenced to Improve rapidly,
and the pains in the back were relieved. I
gained strength and vitality, and after
using four bottles I have been completely
cured, and have recommended It to others,
and give this statement voluntarily, believ
ing that, from my own case, Hunt's Beme
dy is all that is recommended, and yon can
one this ai you choose for the beni-fit of the
public William C Clakk.
Mason find Builder, M Van Anden St.
Anbiitn, X. V-, June 3,
He who learns by experience,
both sweet and bitter, touches the
secret spring of success. He can turn
whatever knowledge Le possesses to
the best account.
1 found it sure cure. I have been
troubled with Catarrhal deafness for seven
or eight years with a rearing noise in my
head. I bought medicine in IS states but
nothing helped me till I procured a bottle
of Ely's Cream Balm. In four days I
could hear as well as ever. I am cured of
the Catarrh as welL I consider Ely's
Cream Balm the best medicine ever made.
Garrett Wldrlck, Hastings, New York.
Great is he who enjoys his earthen
ware as if it were plate, and not less
great is the man to whom all his plate
is no more than earthenware.
The Chemistry or the Stomach.
As In the most delicate processes of the labora
tory, U I essenUal that the re-agents employed u
produce chemical changes hi matter should bt
nnconlamuuued, to also It Is Imperatively necea
aary that the Solus of the stomach, which ad
chemically upon the food. Mould be perfectl
pure. When the stomach Is acid, it la because
these fluids are vitiated or diluted. Similarly,
other forms of indigestion arise from a deficiency
of the chemical properties ot the gastrio Juices.
The most direct and agreeable way to restore
their parity snd improve their quality, la to takt
before each meal a wineg'asfull ot llostetter't
Stomach Bitters, wnxh corrects acidity, render!
digestion complete and painless, and orercomet
the constipation which it produces. Ttenerroaa
n-stiand wekne-s resulting from cbroaio dys
pepsia, also disappear under its Indueaee,
Be loving, and you will never want
for love; be humble, and on will never
want for guiding.
Heart Disease in all its forms cured t-.y
r. Graves Heart Regulator. Price tl.
S for S3, by druggists.
We should seek more of the practical
realities of every-day life and leas of
the ethereal.
Emory's LiW.e Cathartic Pill best made
for Ei ver Complaint and Biliousness.
Tasteless, harmless, infallible. 15c
Jealousy is a secret avowal of our
Prevent malarial attacks by invigorating
the liver with Dr. San ford's Liver luvigo-
Holiness is the arcbitectual plan uixjn
which God buildeth up bis living tem
Chvolithion collars and culls are cheap
est in the long run. They wear longer than
any other, and you save cost of washing.
Great hearts alone understand how
much glory there ia iu being good.
Camphor Kilkrort aches and pains. Prke, at earns
It la impossible for a man to despair
wuo remembers that hia Helper ia om
The pills an warrants to be PtTRELT ver
aMe. free from all miners! au I otter potoBoaa
Mhstaoces. They are a certain core tor Oonau.
patton, 8i c Headache, Dnpepala, Biaousnees,
Torpid Liver, Loss of Appetite, tat ail dimin
ancng from the
Liver, Stomach, Bowels r
They remove a'l obstruct! ooi from the eaaaneh
of tie tynem aud oarlfy tke blood, thereby Im
parting health, strength and vigor. Sold by drag
flsts, or sent by mall lor M cents la stamps by
83 Mercer St., New York,
o!wnnfMtTrersofST. BC&9AJLO TEOE.
Sesd for circular.
0"mitirMiiiatlM M Unlnut, Print
I, to-i ehL l IrvC'Ut xtt,i. k ttsnuaa.1
tart lu ,nd srlud lUtenh? If so. I
l hw tUt US, and jmu .U u7i
in tt mrtinn. 85?. a lctlw. Drnmrt I
-,sB ' t i i j "
CURES k(3 . . r ci (Ant
B-wt(Vmh flvn.., T.M.-- M
.B ' W-M
MI Mill-. CMHtl 'V nn'arnausi -J
l'iChn! HwioTLll
L,iiT i .""S . sorenei, of fert, handij
liar, s porttlT, niouBlT tut uU ali!l".Sl" K.
ytm of com, at lb, woru Had ul too
to laotfcocy, tn I wtU and TWO BGTTLKS ntt
gnaar will s ValCablb tr,ti.. ,k7T Lzl "
SS oaararj Sir, Bapm, and r. O. addraov
It I IftTT 'rr IT
The kKctirus are Uie chA.dren oi lfc-
norance: when the bonaon of our ex-
perienoe expands, and models multiply,
love and admiration imperfectly vanisn.
Oar Progress.
A stages are quickly abandoned with
the completion of railroads, so the huge,
drastic, cathartic pills, composed of crude
and bally medicines, are quickly aban
doned with the introduction of Dr. Pierce's
"Pleasant Purgative Pellets," which are
sugar-coated, and little larger than mustard
seeds, but composed of highly concentrated
vegetable el tracts, by UrutgUta.
rt.,1 lom nor ia ita own aconrsre. Few
things are bitterer than to feel bitter. A
man venom pouous nimseii moie una
his victim.
Tennyson-s ay Uueeru"
Who knows that if the beautiful girl who
died M young had been bhwsed with Dr.
Pierce's 'Parorite Prescription" she might
have reigned on many another bright MiU
d:ty. The "Favorite Pnwcrlptiou" Ua cer
t;iin cure for all those di.-ordi-rt to whic h
frm ilea are Ihihle. ly druggists.
Make others to see Christ in y oi.
rioinar. soeak ins- and thinkioc;
your actions will speak of Him, if He
be in you.
If the blood be Impoverished, as mani
fested by pimples, eruptions; ulcers, or run
ning sores, scrofulous tumors, swellings or
general debility, take Dr. R. V. Pierce s
"Golden Medical Discovery." Sold by
Blessed is he who has found his
work, iiet him ask no- other blessed
ness; be has a bfe-purpose. Labor is
Walnut Uil Ban Bastor.
It la entirely different from ail others. Itls
aa clear as water, and aa its nam indicate ia
a perfect Vegetable Hair Restorer. It will bn
uediately free the head from all dandruff, re
store gray hair to iu natural color, and pro
duce a new growth where It has fallen oft It
does not in any manner affect the health,
which sulphur, sugar of lead and nitrate of
sUtbt preparation hare dona. It will change
light as- faded hair in a few days to a beauriiul
glossy brown. Aakyooi druggist for It Each
bmtie Is warranted. Smith, Klisb St Co..
Wholesale Agents, Philadelphia, Pa. and
& N. CKlTTBJiTOJr. New York.
The greatest life is that which has
been the most useful, and has per
formed its alloted tasks cheerfully and
Kesraed from Death.
William J. Coughlin.of Somerville.Mas.,
says : In the fall of 1876 I was taken with
bleeding of lungs followed by a severe
cough. I lost my appetite and flt-sh,and was
confined to my bed. In 1S77 I was admit
ted, to the hospital. The doctors said I
had a hole in my lung as big as a
half dollar. At one time a report went
around that I was dead. I gave up hope,
but a friend told me of Dr. Wm. Hall's
Balaam for the Longs. I got a bottle, when,
to my surprise, I commenced to feel better,
and to-day I feel better than for three years
Virtue, in itself so beautiful, appears
to us in her own colors so long as we
have no intent to tarnish her image.
Whea yon rlsn or leave New Tort city, save
Baggage Kxpreasage sad Carnage Hire, an-l ab-p
at tii liTaiai tniun Hotel, opposite Grand Cen
tral Dep-rt.
L:egant noma, fitted up at a cost of one
million dollars, reduced ta $1 and upwarrla per
day. anropeaa Plan. Klevaior. Heataarant
supp'led with l ue best. Horse can. stages simI
e-eraterl railroad lo all ilepota Families can life
belter fur teas money at ore Oraou Lnku Hotel
thaa at any other Oril-riaas hotel ia Uie cur.
One of the mistakes in the conduct
of human life is to suppose that ether
men a opinions are to make us happy.
Any KuflVrvr with l"iie-i
will realise besvea In the relief ot pain by sendlnf
to P. Kerutaslter A Co., Box tl. New Yont e.ltj
for tree samples ot "AnotttU."1 now eata:kihel
by the experience of 23 years on three con! nenra
as an absolute and infallible pile remedy. Aa doc
tors of all schools have adopted us use we com
mend it without the aughest hesitation aa be in,
ail that Is claimed for IL
A true lover of the church will not
get up and look out the first thing to
see what kind of a day it is going to be.
Foa srnrsma. rxDtncsnor, depression of tptr
a and general Jt-bultr.in the various lonna; a.so
aa a preventive amasi lever and airne and other
Intermittent let erg, the "r'erro-l'hoapnoraiedV
Elixir of CaliasTa" male by t'aiwo.UUaiard A Ox,
New York, aud jM by all Irugin-l.-i, it tne be-4t
tonic, and for patients recovering from lever or
outer aKkneaa, it has no equal.
There ia for the soul a .spontaneous
culture, on which depends all the real
progress in perfection.
No Safer Remedt can be bad for
Coughs and Colds, or any trouble of the
rhroat, than "Bkows's Bronchiai,
Troches." Ft ice 25 cents, iyolii only ia
Remember that there is a rebound to
every unkind word, and therefore b;
more guarded in your speech.
He wins at last who builds hit trust
In loviDg words and actions Just.
Who's head, who's walk, his very niiea,
Proclaim the use of Carboline.
The worst education that teacb
self-denial ia better than the best .'.
teaches everything else and not ,
Millions have died with Bright' iMnry
disease and rheumatic diseases. El
more is the first to discover a cure, lie has
treated thousands with his Kheumatine
Oontailne and never tost a case. It always
Humility ia the most excellent natu
ral cure for anger in the world.
Dr. Kline's Great erve nsmorer is the marve
of the age for all nerve diseases. All ata stoppe
tree, bend toJl Arch street. Phiadoi pais, fa
Ladies and children's boots and shued
cannot run over if Lyon's IVen Heel
Stiffener are used.
We cannot right every wrong, but
we can indeed wrong every right.
Phemla Pectoral tavakaa sold and atop, cougi.36cta.
Prosperity makes triends, but hether
they be real adversity w ill decide.
Character ia higher U an intellect
A great soul will be strong to live, as
well as to think.
Consumption in any stage may be cured
by Piso's Cure. 25 cents a bottle.
AH men's souls are immortal, but
the SOI'ls of the rlfhtpi)li am immnrfol
and divine.
BThe ooly remedy for Heart ri&a
all its forms is Dr. Graves' Heart Kegu'a
tor. Price tl. S f or tJJ
Wlio does the trar. hia rirnuun.u
allow, does well, acta nobly; ancels
could no more.
Hale's Honey
Borehouud axlcI Ttix-.
A a! AY tWTMIAuai
2 a
tSf, I(f?erehroBici
I Sl f COLDS Ilka anarl
OBIeiand BREAKS fp
njairto; If CCKES. l
Have thecouraaeto prefer comfort
and propriety to fashion in all things.
We can hardly learn humility and
tenderness enough, except by suffering
"Triii w ii ii
Tsac!ala toe
sea for Bakaxi
i ........ vntlj TTrrav
3. mJUiu
a speciHe for Kpt-
A lear, tryavrpsu,
vf7 Aleahalisaa,
Oris- Earing.
S:'-TL- V" TlV a "n
fbecluje the virus of sll disease, sn.es from
fhebtoS. Its Nervine. Keaolvent, A Iterative sad
laferredto. It s known world truU as
It oaiets snd eompoMS the patient not by the
lntroductroV of opStessad drs-Ue eathsrtics bat
by tie tealorationof actlvitTto I he stomach snd
irvo'Vrtem. whereby the brain is rj-liee4
f morbid fancies, which are created by the
caurs above referred to.
To Clergrmen, lawyers. Literary men. Jier
csants, BankeraTtadies and all Uioae whose sed
entary employment causes rcrrOD, prootrmtioe.
irregnlariUea of the blood, stomach, tw-l
kidiieTS orwho require s nerve tonic, appetlsersr
tiBiulant Samabita Nistws is invsloabla.
Tbouaanils proclaim it the moat wonderful rnvig
orant that ever susudned the
il.50. Sold by sll Dm gsinls. TheUK-b. A.KICU
LOSn ME l). CO.. Proprietor-. SL Jenh, Mo.
This porous phioter Is
famous for It, qalrk
ana hearty at-Ooa
Crick IB the Back, Stda or Him, Ifeuralaia, S Jolms
and Moark-a, Sura mM. Eldnay Troubfc ax aU pates
aracawrtthwIocaloraMPiterl RSoutliea.Strncta
ua aal stimauttv, th, parts. Tba vfe-tun at aopa eoa
blol na min-.la and rmtlj to appij. Supuiurte
KairaaaM. Inclons and sarros, Prloa eaiU or for
ertl of nrtru. Bp
nuttr Cipaaf, Pro
prtrtora Boton. Hal.
If IBnboit fanulr pUI aiarta Hawley'awrnaairhaad
JJvr-r Pill, tvi rvwanl In ar-tjfnn wurr tm tajra.
Iad, Mark ana Iawardly DtKe.
If yon hare nausea, want of appetite, Satulenry,
lizziness, fevert-h sjmptom, yoa are wuTertni
Tom eostivener and Uop Bitters Is the bore
If yocr vital forces are depressed. If yoa hare a
teellng of general lass tale and weakness, are
aM.y fatlttned, perirplre freely on gning to aieep.
ire snort of breath on every alight effort and have
t genets! feeling of melancholy and depression,
yon are suffering from gt-ner.il ileblllly ad IIup
Bitters remove It XL
It you have a nense of weight or fullness m the
ttomach; a changeat,le appeute sometimes vora
dou, but reneraily feeble; a morbid traving; low
ipuits stier a full meal, wUh severe pam for some
tune after eating, wind rising on the stomach;
ur stomach; vomiting and fluttering at the pit
of the stomach, and a soreness over tt; nausea;
hea-iarhe, or tome of tarae symptoms, yoa are
nfferlng from Ojrpeps a, and IIup Bttters will
permanently cure you.
If joa freeae one hoar, burn the next, aty I
west another; it yon are suffanag ail the tortures
of the Inquisition, one moment fearing yoa will
lie, snd the next fearing you wont; if yoa have
blue nails and lips, yellow eyes and t host-lit
complexion, yoa ire suffering from that miasmatic
curse. Bilious Malarial Fever, or Ague, and Boy
Bitters will speedily cure yoa.
If yoa hare a dry, harsh and yellow skin, a dull
pain in the right aide, extending to the shoulder
Blade snd pit of the stomach; a tenderne&t over
the region of the liver; a sense of tightness and
uneasiness about the at mack and liver, yeOow
ness of the eyes; bowels irregular; a bar-king or
dry cough; irregular appetite; shortness of breath
ing; feet and baa la col l; tongue coated white; a
disagreeable ta-te In fie month; low spirits;
oj itc-a.-s on the face and neck: palpitation ot the
heart; disturbed sep; heartburn: lassitude It yon
have any ot the- svmptoma, yoa are suffering
from Liri-r Compkihit, and Hop Bit; era only wul
cure y n.
If yon have t complaint which few nn.lerstand
anil none will rive von rre-lit for an enfeebled
oi.nditt"n: a noneneiw thMuhoot the whole sys
tem; iwitchlLg of t ie lower limbs desire to uy
a'l to pieces, and a fear that you wi.l; a Mead kH
ofstr.njrih and health auv of these svm(ouis
show t .at yoa ate suffering from that hydra
hesd l disease, nervo-isnrsa, and Hop bitters will
eilectua;iv van- voa.
If vou havr Bright' l:s ase of the kidneys or
snv other dsn eof the khlnevs or ur.narv or .ran,
ll.ip Buters m the onlv m. .l .-ineon tint that wui
pei m n- inly cure yni. Inst no other
C ATA PrlH CrwrnBtOn.
"" S " wkra annUnd hv the
anirer mw taw wro
hnia. will be absorb,
ad, effectually cleans
ing the bead of ea
tarrhal vlrua, eaasmg
heaHay s-s reuoaa. It
aUays InftamraaUm,
rs-tv.'.'rAf -ririn
ot the. nasal
passagu froai ada
Boaal enraa.
pleieiy heals ih
sad re-tores
snd smeu. A few
applications relieve,
A Viarouth mat-
nuna will fioMttmlt
Mrs. Agreeable to
use. Send for circa.
lar. Pno as eaats
by bisH or at ri-ninrti
X BBOTRkBS, Draggajaa, Owmga. H. V.
ft. t:
tha w1it. r'
Si an at aad boat roia-fr tor kdn
Uw, avswaen. W.i. o aad bloo
aia 4S.I ckrom
rbooawMi m
ConV louitMwa. o.ia
V awirslla, at. HMn.l tw-o.
onasof rhoumsba dionrdra lufcort-Mm
iwrlamaMtary I day. I U r-far U handr 4-n tol.
bla ooiiplooarod ohoiiod Inod m nia rrtl.m
Pnrcly botaoia, karnloah and woo to Irak . ro.
crncriaa to sc it. if b, doehaoi -oH to aa 'r -t t.i
aaajca.AmnaOa..luWillia. "s
tavane P
N B rwk R CATOa p
0BBAnt ANBfm Hiaaaaam. Omjmmm
Inuuiu If taAea a, aUoctoa. JV Fum aW
aaoy'lM TmrHa oad ! uial bovla twu
aataaw. owy oruw oraraacaarroioa bo, okoa
iTid. Sad mtmn.r. O. mmA uuiur ,111a of
.AftcttMtaDa kLlVfirat Area 4t-.PMUdlni. P.
miiaa thWXAA if iMiTATUti rtUUSS.
aunukav It wm o knit a fra r olyi f
work lor which there la alwy ,T.', Mrkrt. tSS
for emila, and term, k, Uv T.,.iK,H
Mawailaw t, bs lrauuul hum. BSaoaTMasiM
$65 hmmTi Un rne
w. SAitaJiAt ah caaTgauaSSipW
Of HElr' wntajg si
O J wiu ealeadaf, by atafi To
. aXmaart Faurrua
(pot. ta btotMr.
ao. a we ita
Va, wbary
r ATM for a Ufa Scactarshlp la tba
Calesaaa Buirluoas oilrae.
nawark, Now Jmmf. fooiUuaa rae
aradnaue. NaUnasI intlnmau. "
lit Cmalani to li. OSutSIa A
Addreoa for Informarlon J. T. PvWEB, Attorney
at-I.aw and Solicitor of Pauula, Ko, ua M. BL. M. w.
Vaaaijiaajn. D. O.
nuucotaenUoTor ot
ITa- lw'i fjur tawo to -t 01
ardor, lor oar eelobr&lad Teal
and t oUes-tadicUm.hL"
F.O. Bo, saad jSVSt . SoJfok.
ITTITsuj ftnaraaiA a -aa
Under hia iroaimantaa, 77- TW
aatawnv iTaimnatlon fm a'i
PIT. Main oSn aa, .-r--rr r
u vwmm ioo aayi
BatUTdaT: Hr.hi
th: Bt. Clali Hob,
oocn moTiln.
Tk. sa M J A ' hT V ,
l. 1
a na Huoaa, ByuMuna. Pa,. itoVm
1, rAuatoaraa. fa, rOaadiaS
iasaweamt. MATUMAirttSSTthiSZ R
HealM BoJjisfealOiefSi
Sarsaparillian Resolvent
stroas bno.
aisar sktav If yoa would have your ten !
roar bones aoaod wttkoat carwa. aad jrxu
alsaloa bur, aae
Radway's Sarsaparillian
A remedy composed of Ingredients of txtra.
Saury BAedteal properties, essential to pj'r,
keal, repair aad Invigorate the brtttH!owa av
Wasted body sjoica. Plsasamt, bas aad ?na
la Its treatment and cur.
N mattes- by what same the complaint mat a,
uVwcaalad, waether It be srrofu a, oannp.w
SI an is, aloers, sta-ea, tumors bmls, tryaiDeu,, T
t riuHm -"- .lin ,r. I
der. wouab. skin, liver. Koraa. fi or howo,. 'l?t
aaroaiarooosutational,Uie vvus IsiatbsBioo
which auppuns the waste and boa. is and rZZ
these organs sad wasted tissaes of the rv
If laa biood In Bileaithy. las prooea, of nrco.
maat h, aasoaad.
The Sarsaparillian Resofvoni
Mot only Is a eompensatlng remedy, but veqr
the barmsawaa acttoa of each ot the orrsSA c
asUhllshrs throughout Ue enure "stem taacaj
at aananay aad suppi.M the bi'ind
sals wita a -nora and neaiUl, mrr...
new Ma. Tn sera, after a few ds, s
f the onapartlUaa, beeomea clew ou
beautiful. Plmpiea, biotches, blasl spots au
Ala eruDtlrau are removed : sores and Qlo-m,.,
urea. Petsnas aaffenng from scrofuia. Tivif
dtoeaoss of the eyes, mouia, ears, istrs, icrw tu
fisaoa, uaa aars accaraoiaied aan aprea.t, eit
ina ancurau oibiii a or mercury, or rrota tu
no, of eorrosire subiiiaaie, auy rely nnc a s ctm
If the Sarsepwullaa at continued a wOcieu tin,
lo saake its uvpraauoa oa the system.
Ooa bcttle contains more of tne active praa
alea of Medicines taaa any other Prenanu...
Takea la teaapoonfnl doses, while other, r6,ai.-,
vw v SLn ouawu no wuca.
Otae Doliavr & itot tlo
Radway's Ready Relief,
Tot Chjawweo snst Heat dleta Co,
siauiAw a,a ma vawria
la from en to twenty mtnuva aever fails
relieve raia wita one taorouga sppicauo
no matter how violent or excruciating pu
the Kheumstle, brd-ndden, Iuarm. CrDb.M
atay auaTer, UAjSw'AlTS KKA illf UlulHI rj
aCord Instant ease.
nnrLAJUATioN or thk bowbu,
or LTMBS srs butasUy raUsreiL
FBVEHJ AJVD AOTJX cored for 30 eta There J
sot a remedial agent lathis world that wul curt
Fever aad Ague, and other Malarious. B.j-itk
scarlet. Typhoid, TeUow and other fevers .ai-tri
by RADVAT PILLS) so eulckly as K-UAiY i
It will in a few moments, when tnken lnT--Di. f
aooordlng to the llrc-ooa, core Cramp, .--p vvl.
Boor Stomach, Heart born. Sick Hea lactic. lwpe.
ua, PalpiiattoB of tne Heart, Coid ChlUa, Hr-.cv
Pains In the Bowels, Diarrtioea, Dysentery, Cu,
Wind ia the Bowels, and aU ln ernal rains.
Travelers should alwsvt carry a bottle of Ra
WAY'S READY KSUtF w-th them. A fe
drops la water win prevent sic toes or pains rra
Bhange of water. It Is better than frecca crat-li
or Biitersasastlmalant.
Mlaieia-a aaxt Laaaheraaeai ihould ainri
as provided with It. C
Regulating Pills
Perfect, PurgmttTS, Boothlsg. Aperh
nts. Act "Filliout Pam. Alwiyt
liable and ISararmi
tn Oprmtlon
P ai fasti y taanuaa, slegarmy eoated wn twew
funs, parga, rogulsts. paruy, iHesnse aad trar
taa stncBara. Uvsr, lVowaia. Kidneys, Bdkidit.
Famaia Complaints, tervoas Diseaaea, Loes of -asote,
Headaobe, OanaOrsuioa, Cosovenesa. uva- .
giatHa. Dyopopaov BUlocaucoa, rerer. Infli-Jtma I
ooa of the Bowvaa, Pi.oa, aad ail derangement, J I
the lataraoi Vteoora. Paraiy vetetaA.e, enatsia I
lag no aiaiuaij. ouaarals, or AeteMnoo a run. I
tavotissi is ma tooowiug symptoms remioni -from
Dlsoaoes of the Digestive Organs ; Coosfcpo :
Ooa, la ward FUea, FaLaeas ot Blood u Cii I
Htsvi, AoMMy at the Stomaca, Naassa, BesrUnn. ,'
Disgaat of Food, Fullness or Weight la sue. .
mah. Soar Br-r-i't-nr, "-- or Ftntteniija (
the Heart, Choking or Suffering Senaaoons .,
ia a rrmg posture, Dtmoesa oi Vwv-a, Dots ;.
Webs before tha sight, Fever and dull pais la m i
Haaat, Dansneocy of Paraptrauoa, Ysuownea) it ;
Uw 8kla aad Eyea, Faia la the fade, oar. I
Luaba, aad rJuddea FLashos of Heat, BursU a ;.
A few dosas of KaBwan Pots win free ia ; ?
sTstaa treat aU tha atova smed disorders :
; !
bold bt dru&qists. ; ;
rratva, SS Owata rer . (
ead a meter stamp to KADWAT A CO, tl j
Wama, Cor. Chorch St., New York. - i
SoT-iadormatioa worth ibouaaa.ls wul as tat ,
T two rawlla.
e aura aad ask for Ritwtn, sad see aat at f i
aaaor -Haj,w,T- u wtst bay. f .
Circulars frao. VALLNTINK llnoH-Jauwviii.tt
Fbrwrl Porirsial will eura vocr ccsurn. rra
U!BL A tw. '. ). I1LLEB IS
a 1 Chamber of h Broadway,
Oommaroa, Cluoaro. b,w Irak
w2i?hT5VJ promlnont Prodno, BicfcaofaiK
Af- Chlowo. St. Loula arid MUoautea.
Pf'"f and No Vork. VK3 ,iu to order, w
judgmoul whan roquMtad iead f r rlrralM, o
SnrviYal of the Fittest.
The Ifexlcan Mustarj? Liniment h
heea known for more than thlrtv-fl"
years as thn best of all LlnluienW, fo'
Man and Heast. Ita aaiea to-day ar-largt-r
than ever. It cures wnen a.
others fall, and penetrs9 skin, ten.loi
snd muscle, to the veiy bguo. bol'
everywaero, . -
f !
! T?ajrirfjji;wBnji