ggjnWEL & REPUBLICAN MIFKLINTOWN : Jan. 23. 18S4. TURKS. tn m tnnnm if Daid lfJMt advertisements inserted at 60 Tr" tor each insertion. in itgtt per - , . . 5 n"de 10 ,ho, dB"nng n. the 26th of Jnury, Administrators tttVl--ll He'd. will sell real ea- f,;07,d decedent. See advertin.ent. rr.kHiirf Catherine Kartt. nn the Din tUi -, -m .ell t ber place of residence, one mile WW . knrVL COL sheeD. "' ,nie farming utensils, and home- n the 8th dav of Kebruary, Caleb Shirk .. . :. ua f residence, one mile r'l'Kichneld, one mare, four cowa, a lot ftomKicnu i r.rriaM. harness. ffi"fW.".. .PPrcbuaer. Ac. Si. at 10 o'clock. stfCRr locals. rtnroh sleepers. Resist temptation. Low wheat market Pilei of spoiled" core. Avoid games of chance. High the price of beef. Lite within jour income." The fathionable bird it en owL "Keep good company or none." Fife data of musie at Lewistown. "Kit mush and grow fat, is saying. Tbiitj to lixty pound hoge are not scarce. 'Mental diseases root in physical diseases." Eat oysters in moderate quantities for a cold. The Boston girle never giggle, thev ob'.J smile. Tor sale, all tinds of crocks at McClintic's. The spring election takes plaoe on February 19. Parker and Stone bad a case in Mif flin eounty court. A Grand Army I'ost bas been organ oid at Waterford. The new United States Senator from Ohio is 70 years old. ilsClintic keeps for sale a fall lino et builder's hardware. The thermometer stood 4 degrees below tero, on Tnesday morning. A nw ice bouse has been put npon the Jacob Home property. UoGintie has nails and other hardware goods for sale. Where does your boys spend their (Teoicei ? asks ao exebaogo. Five new membere joined the Pres fcjterian church on Sabbath. It ii denied that the way to ra'uo boy ii to lift him by the ear. Let your life be so that b who speaks eril of you cannot barm you. A sleighing party went to Thomp son tnwn on Thursday evening. There was preaching in all the churches in Port Royal last week. The tcholars of Van Wert school received a nice treat on litw Years. Dr. Llder bas gone to New Tork City, and will be gone about 3 months. Howard Heneb, of Pat tersori.wae se verely hurt a few days ago while coast ing. One of the lndiepensible things is a cook Here, p to KcClintic's and bur a cook Oa the ISta. Mr. Mary Kline, of Thomp sontown, died of consumption, aged 40 yean. Mrs. E. A. Gettv. of Mifflin eonntv. I has a quilt that she made of 8,640 patches. Attutios. Housekeepers, you may And a large assortment of cook stores at Mc- G.istie's The Miffiio county Medical Society held a meeting at Lewistown, some days igo. Over ere hundred people left the town last Thursday evening in sleighs and sleds. To keep from slipping on ice, tack a piece of woolen cloth on the heel of jour shoe. It is said that the railroads or this iountry pay $6:000,000 a year for cross ties. Some nights ago, a storm at ru'id aight blew two unoccupied houses down in Huntingdon. The great question now is, "When i man and bis wire one, and when are they two V A number of people in this plaoe the comet last Thursday evening, bout 8 o'clock. fe. Rbintheart, living with Lewis Car P'U ia Greenwood township, died on mon "i", ajed i) years. A supper of corn beef gave James r nck and wife of Patterson a violent 'pell of vomiting The new Post at Waterford will aet on the evening of the first Satur y m each month. Mr. Paunebaker, of Lewistown, of fers 300 for the arrests of the party hat fired his barn. A valuable steer owned by Moses t'eachey.of Alifflin oounty, choked to death a few dav, ago. Wb,,t the preacher, elders, and the deacons do ,9 the question that uancmg church members aik. Re S. W. Pomcroy, of Mouat Un woo, received a gold headed cane from 611 egregation as a present A party of people from this place drove in aleiol.. ...j .i.j. r. . wtille last Thursday evening. Within the cast few days a baby bas ome to enliven the homes of Jams ieuoa, and Samuel Carter. The enforcement of the law aeainst F'uiane swearme is recommended by v.m county grand jury. J h" m Meond ModJ February, . M- Tdd. will go to Pittsbure as -Jror to the United Stei Court; V. t "Mton, of Thompsontown, died ,y eTtnin8 f" the rffects of a ' . siroae. Aged about 60 rears. Last Fnday evening a party of ithM weighed out to Samuel ""ma. touw id Fermanagh township. The IodiaoBpoH, Jrnal annonncrs ier . " ",-a 8"'?U,M' fct tbat the dirt cult 'U? 18 the greater is its musical SALES. The pariaiooiers of Rev. J. W. Ely, of Thoiupsoutowo, gladeoed the heart of their pastor by raising a donation for bim. The wife of James Irvio, in Lewis town, brought joy to ber borne by pre senting ber husband with a 12 pound boy babj. During one of the eold spells of this mon;b, two bogs owned by John Kooh, of Liverpool, Perry oounty, were froi en to death. A large party of people from the vi cinity of Riohfield sleighed to MeAlis tetville last Wednesday evening end enjoyed a bop. A lost oair of cloves, for a man's band were found on Sunday, and are now at tnis omce awaiting identification and tbe owner. Teas, oeffee, groceries, bats and aU kinds of store goods for sale by Robert Parker, down near the canal in tbe Wilson bouse. The oldest people of Mattawana, Mifflin couuty, never knew of so many weddings in one winter as have taken place this eeason. There is a lull in tbe prophesying of the weather wise for tbe most of tnem have ootna for short of tbe fullfillment of tbeir predictions Tbe best intellectual educator in a family is a family, weekly newspaper. Within the eourse of a year, it speaks npon every subject. Tbe Constable of Lewistown bas or ders from tbe town oouooil to arrest all people whd ooast on tbe pavements aod streeta f the town. Tbe onaeioal convention to be held at Lewistown January 28, 29, 30, 31, and February 1, 1884 promises to be an nncomon convention. Remember, that at this office you can have a handsome quarter-sheet sale bill printed for id cents, and a half sbset bill printed for $1.50. A two hundred dollar mare owned by Dr. Graham, of Port Royal, bad a hind leg broken a short distance above tbe pastern joint by another horse. The Perry eounty Freeman has teen owned aod edited by Judge Baker for a period of 44 years. Ccnld we so de- oree it, we'd say, Jndge, live forever. Up in Canada, on tbe 4 th of Feb'y, it is proposed to bold a grand carnival on ice, at Montreal. Houses for tbe occasion are now being built of blocks of ice. Cyrus Sieber'e horse ran away while i town on Monday. Eire Fasick and Thomas Lowery caught tbe beast on (. rots street, not far from Lawyer Beid ler's bouse. Last Tuesday night, S. B. Loudon, proprietor of tbe Jacobs House, lost a valuable horse by deato. Tbe animal died from lung fever and only suffered about two days. At a dance, at a wedding, at Shamo- kio, Pa., on the 15th tnst., a quarrel arose between two of tbe guests, which revolted in one of the parties stabbing the other fatally. The erring brethren are discouraged over tbe fact that tbe prospeot for tbe election of a Democratic President in 1?S4. has been knocked in tbe bead by the free traders. Tbe Lutheran Missionary Society met at Wm. Kurtz's borne, in Walker township, one evening last week: A larpe company of Lutherans from this town were present. It is reported, that when tbe present lease fo tbe running of the Pullman parlor car expires, which will be in May, 1885, the P. C. R. C. will run its own parlor cars. Mrs. John Doyle and sister Mrs. Belle Doyle, were thrown out of a sleigh in Patterson a few days ago. Tbe accident was caused by tbe horse frigbteniog at tbe cars. The sleighing party fever struok a- bout every third person in town, bard. last week, and such a sleighing time ss it occasioned oaused the oldest inhab itants to open tbeir eyes D. J. Morrell, who served many years as general manager of the Cam bria iron works resigned that position. Philip . Chapin, of Johnstown, was eleutsd to fill the vacancy. Tbe man who predicted an open win ter bas gone into a hole and closed tbe bole behind bim, and may not be ex- pected to speak of the weather in pub lic again till next summer. "An old baobelor asserts that tbe best and quickest way to revive a lady hen she faints is to begin to take down her hair. If tt ain't her own, she will grab it in a jiffy." A comedy called Arthur Love, was played in Arcade Hall, in Port Royal, last Tbnrsdav evening, a number ot people from this place were to see tbe play. Tbe ball was orowded. A quarter sheet oale bill will be printed at this office for seventy five cents : a bait sheet sale Dill lor one dollar and fifty ' cents. Send in yonr orders if you contemplate having a sale. While it is a fact that wild turkeys come close to this town, Petersburg, Huntingdon county, goes it one better, by declaring tbat partridges eome to town aod walk through the streets of the place. Tbe Selinsgrove Musical Associaton held its 4th annual convention last week. It is a source of regret thst the tbe courtesies received could not have been recognized at an earlier date tban in the ifsue of this psper. Four oxen hauling a sled load of wood, drew nearly all the people of Bioomfield, Perry county, to the street to see the uncommon sight, last week, and everybody pronounced it good, so says the Bioomfield Democrat Ayer'a Sarsaparilla, being highly concentrated, requires a smaller dose and is more effective dose for dose, than any other blood medicine. It is the cheapest becasft the best. Quality and not quanity should be considered. He recently led Mo. 7 to tbe altar, and when asked for :he ring replied : "Parson. I've booked onto eiz of 'em without a ring, and we kin git along this time. I'll try and remember it in tbe future, though." Salt Lake Trib une. A ship called tbe City of Columbus struck on Devil's Bridge reef, off tbe the coast of Mass., on Saturday and Lia wrnMred. One hundred and two persons were drowned, 29 persons were naved. The saved persons were all mcu. "I wihh 1 were a baby ."murmured a Dasblul bachelor who was makiog bis first eall on a sweet young lady. "How naicoious:" she exclaimed. "Why do you wish so !" "Because a woman can never look at a baby without kiss ing it" Ayer's Pills eure eonstipation, im prove the appetite, promote digestion, restore bealtby aetion, and regulate every function. Tbey are pleasant to take, gentle in tbeir operation, yet thorough, eaarehing, aod powerlnl in eubduing diseases. On tbe Jaoobs Douse side of Bridge street it requires a deep well to reaob water, directly across the street from said hotel, water comes so near to the surlace of the ground tbat tbe eellar of tbe Belford building can hardly be kept dry by the use of a drain. Rev. S. S. Wallen, who at one time preacbe.l in Tnsoarora valley, bat now preaches in Washington D. O. brought the remains of bis infant eon to MoOul looh's Mills grave yard for interment. Mrs. Wallen was to ill with throat ail ment to acoooipany tbe funeral. Attention Boys On Wednesday, April IS, 1884, a oompetitive examin; ation for tbe 18th Congressional dis trict will be held in Mifflintown, to fill a vacancy for aaid distriot in tbe Naval Academy. The examination will be open to all boys of 14 to 13 years of age. The nnited age of tbe parents of R. E. Parker and wife reach tbe sum of 305 years. Mrs. Parker's maiden name was Jacobs, ber father is past 80 years of age, ber mother is past 72 years ot age. Tbe parents of Mr. Par ker are about one age, both past 76 years. An Erie dispatch states tbat Joseph Leech aod Martin Aveay were recent ly married in Washington Territory at the advanced age of 64 years. Tbey were lovers in Erie eounty fifty years before, but quarrelled, and met by ao cident two years ago in Washington Territort I A Vassar girl wrote home : "Dee Paw-Paw, we stndv Latin fo' owahs a day. Frenob seven np and soienee evah ao long. Tbe good matrons nevab let n gn owet. Won t yon send me "J Ifgg'o and skates for a poo' little girl who lives in tbe village. Don't forget heel straps." The Lewistown Gaietts of lait week says, they had to saw tbe pipe off a hy drant in Allentown last week to liber ate a man who tried to drink from . tbe nozzle when the thermometer was near zero. itb tbe p eoe of pipe stioking to bis lips he was taken to a fire aod there tbe pipe fell. Van Wert school, with tbeir teacher. W. A. Coldren, procured sleds on Fri day, the 11th, and about 50 of tbe scholars visited Centerville school. G. W. Rioe fills tbe chair. Tbev all re turned home about 4 p. m., saying. "thev never hid nK fun in all ik. days of their lives. On tbe 14tb inst., Mrs. George, a widow living near Manheiai, Lancaster oounty, locked ber two ohildren in the house recently, while she went on a visit to a neighbor, and when she re turned one of the children, aged 3 years, was found burned to a eriop. Tbe oth er child was not injured. It was in Texas that the judge said to a vagrant wiib great severity : "You bave been np before me half a dozen times tbis year," and tbe vagrant re plied : "Lome now, judge, none of that. Every time I've been here I've seen you here. Yon are bere more tban I am. People who live in glass bouses shouldn't throw stones." Ex change. DO NOT FORGET. Do not forget that at Hess's Pho tograph Gallery you can get any small picture enlarged for to cents. Also anything that is made in Pho tography, you can get here done up, in first class style. All the latest style pictures, unch as Cards. Cabin ets, Promenade, Pannel Boudoir, ic, &.c. Frames of all kinds cheap. "In Belmont county, Ohio, a preach er prayed tbat tbe attendants at a daaoe might 4be disconoerted, their enjoy ment spoiled and the dancers brought to see the errors of their way." Mark the result. Tbe dancs broke np in a fight, and a borse conveying some of tbe dancers away reared so high tbat it foil backward on tbe occupants of the buggy, seriously damaging tbem. Ihe good sleighiog bas produeed the worry that it sometimes does in the cburcb,for it is tbe cause of tbe organiza tion of sleighing parties,. and tbe sleigh ing parties generally turn into daucing parties, and tbe dancing parties worry tbe members tbat don't danoa, and tbe members tbat don't dance worry tbe members tbat do dance till every body in church cirolcs is in a mental state of fret aod worryment. It was a drunken Irishman. His boner said : "1 fine yon $5 iod costs." "All roigbt, yer honor, here's tbem foiv dollar, but (.bat in the devil is Ihem oosts. I don't know." "Why that's tbe $6 25 you bare to nav the court and officers for their r j trouble in arres:iog and tryiog you." 'Me pay tbem officers! By tbe help of God, dow. did I bring this aotion." Taooma News. REMOVED. Notice th Change. We are now occupying tbe new and beautifnl room on Main street, in tbe new building tbat J. S. Thomas bas recently built, where we are once more to furnish tbe trade with a large stock of dry goods and groceries, boots and shoes. We receive new goods constantly and sell cheaper than ever. Give ns a call. C. F. IIinkil k Co. Nov. 28, 1883-tf. Some days ajro, James Witmer, well known as an extensive potato grower, in Perry county, and George Barner, were driving in a sleigh on tbe road along tbe N. C. it. R-, in Dauphin county, about mid way between Liverpool and Millersburg, when a fast passenger train came alons:, both men sprang out of the sleigh. The borse turned swiftly around to get away Irora tbe approaching train, and in bis turn ing ran against Baraer with such violence that he was thrown on the railroad track and before be recovered himself was strurk by the locomotive aud burled away from tin. track to the distance of about 40 feet. The bones of his legs, body and bead wete broken ; be spoke never a word but contin ued to brealbe Irons tbat time. S p. m. to 9 p. ni., whin be died. Witmer was not hurt. 1 he borse run down tbe railroad, and when caught, neither it or the sleigh had sus tained serious injury. Harrisburo, Pa, Jan. 16. In the eourt of Ibis connty a number of ao tions bave been entered against men who had persons insured in wbom tbey had i' insurable interest and who ob tained a portion or full amount of tbe policies on the death of tbeir subjeots. The actions are brought by tbe exeon tor or administrator to secure for tbe benefit of the heirs or estate tbe differ ence between the amount paid by tbe policy bolder and tbe amount paid on the polioy by tbe insuranoe company. Tbe Huntingdon Journal of tbe 17tb inst says. Tbe general opinion is in regard to bears, that when winter vets in. thev co into a bollow tree, or down among tbe rocks beyond tbe reach of frost and there remain till tne warm weather of spring oomes, bnt such is not the ease with all bears, for, on Tnesday morning last a large black bear entered tbe orobard ot inr. o tu ner at Canoe Creek, Blair county, and although discovered and pursued by several hunters succeed in esoaping un injured into the mountains. The Perry eonnty Demoorat has made np its mind, ss what to do with tbe delinquents, and tells it in this wsy, 'after tbe eourt those who seem to have made np their minds not to pay for their psper unless oompeiiei by law so to do, will probsbly be eonw vinoed tbat it is very poor polioy to pay costs in addition to tbe amount of tbeir indebtedness for subscription. But it will be tbeir fault, not onra. An offioial notion to visit a justioe may not be pleasant, but we are tired dun ning and must bave tbe money due ns." Tbe Star Rout Trial was a rioh mine for lawyer George Bliss, he re ceived for his services $31,007.59. William Cook, another lawyer in tbe case, received S,44 19. a tnira, W. W. Ker, reoeived $31,877.00. A fourth, R. S. Merrick, received $17,- 500.00. A fifth, B. H. Brewster, re ceived $5,000 00. Detective Alien Pinkerton. received $5,745.00. Fonr other deteotives reoeived $5,745.00. Whether these gentlemen have baen singing, "Uncle bam is nob enougn to bny ns all a farm," tbey bave indeed been paid enough to bny tbem all a farm. On onr table, we bave a pamphlet of 221 pages, devoted to the State of Michigan and its resources To peo ple who contemplate moving west tbe pamphlet will be sent free if tbey ask for it, by writing to Tbe Commissioner of Immigration, Detroit, Micb. Tbe pamphlet is ao interesting document, it oontaios "Sketches of tbe growth of the State ; its industries, agricultural productions, institutions and means of transportation ; descriptions of its soil. climate, timber, fiuanoial condition and tbe situation of its nnoocupied lands. and a review of its general characteris tics at home."- A Russian gentleman by the name of Slobberscrabskihivitob, was travel ling in Maine, when a brakeman shout ed: "Wequetequock ; change oars for Androscoggin aod Sacoarappacas- set" "Wbatsky did be say vitcb 7" asked the Russian gentlemen, in brok en hnvli'b, of his travelling companion. "He was announcing the names of tbe stations," was tbe reply. Tbe foreigner smiled a superior smile as be leaned back in his seat and remarked : 'Ve RiMn are very muchvitcb amusedsky at heatbeuiehobobT names von peo- pleneff bave in this countryskoff." Times Union. Last Saturday afternoon, William E. Etka, and Lis cousin, Burk Etka, were sleighing, with a mule. The ride was delightful enough till tbe mule came opposite to its ownei's stable, near tbe aqueduct, near Cuba Mill. There the animal cut a mulish figure and made a rush fur McCabea's stable door. The young mtn were not prepared to meet mule capers and of course fell, each, a victim to misplaced confidence. Tbe short cut that the mule tick for the stable door upset tiie sliijb and threw the cousins out sprawling in the enow. Smoe then sleighing with a mule is not at a high prenum with tbeyouog men. Tbe Lewistown Gazette says, there are a number ot girls in this town aged from about fourteen years np whose course is rapidly downward, and their actions are such as to occasion a blush of shame to redden tbe faces of those who are accustomed to deal with erime and cause even officers of the law to cry ont, "What is this town coming to?" Tbeir actions are too indecent to be hinted at in a public newspaper, but they were all at one time innocent and the condition of some might bave been different bad they bad the proper pa rental oversight. Are sll the psrents if this town satisfied their children are receiving tbe proper instruction and as sociate witb proper companions! The people who disturb grave stones for no other purpose than to be de structive, are worse tban tbe brute cre ation, the Gettysburg Compiler, by publishing tbe following, proves tbat there are worse tban brutish people in Gettysburg: A sacrilegious, dastard ly and villainous act was committed at Arendtsville, Adams county, in the old graveyard bordering on the square, on Thursday night, tbe 13th olt. Some person or persons displaced nearly all tbe tombstones, breaking a numbej off at the ground, others were broken ioto pieces. Two heavy pots were used in the destruction, as could be plainly seen. Those which were pulled out were carried away and set against the fences, thus rendering it almost impos sible to replace many of tbem. Tbis act of vandalism meets witb the just condemnation of tbe oiiizens and others. Quite a number of persons beard tbe noise ; the time was abont two o'clock in the night. During the course of this winter, occasionally, a littlo dancing was practiced. The number of social par ties ani the number of dances comprehended a large circlo of peo ple among which were many church member! Fathers and mothers in the church, with their handsome daughters and hopeful sons, danced the hours merrily away. By many odds the larger number of church members that engaged in dancing belong to the Presbyterian church. Last week the session of the congre gation of the church jut named, in this place, called a halt in the dance and cited such members as engaged in the passtime just, state! to ap pear befoie the officers of the church ; en Friday evening, Saturday morn- log, Saturday evening and Monday evening. On Saturday evening, a youlh, ou the penitential stood be fore the eiwioa, charged tho preach er with having engaged in social card playing. The result of tho i meeting has not Wen roiched. Kew AdvertuemenU, 1AUTI0N NOTICE. Notice is herebv given that the following personal property ol John E. flinkle, of Delaware township, Juniata eounty, Pa., was seised and sold on December 29, 1883. bv Vf. A. Toomev. Constable of townabio of Delaware, county ot Juniata, State of Pennsylvania, tbe following described per sonal property to- w it : 1 sorrel Hare, 1 Brown Mole, Set Yankee Hamaaa, 1 Three-Horsa V oodea Axle Wag. on, 1 Four-Horse Iran Axle Wagon, I Set Wood Ladders, 1 Binding Cnaioa, 4 Single- treea, 8 Bedsteads and bedding, I Cook Stove and fixtures, I Sink, 2 Sets Chairs, 1 Large Kocking Chair, 2 Tablea, 1 Side Board, I Wash stand, 29 yards Carpet, Lot of Dishes, 2 Mirrors, 2 Coal Oil Lamps, 2 Tin Buckets. I Wooden Bucket, 8 Smooth ing Irons, and 1 Spring Clock. 1 ne above personal property was bought by Jeremiah Loodenalager, of Delaware township, Juniata connty, Pa, and taken in -possession, All persons are hereby Cau tioned againat interfering with the said property. JEKKM1AU LOUDENS LAUEB. Jan. 9, 1884-4w. An Old Soldier's EXPERIENCE. " Calvert, Ttxas, May a, MM. " I wish to exprtas my appreciation ot (hi valaaMa qualities of Ayer s Cheiry Pectoral as a soaf b. remedy. " While with Chore hill's army, Just befora 'the battle of Vieksburg, I eoatracMd a sa vers eold, which terminated la a dangerous oaa-h. I found no relief till on our march we came to a country store, whara, on asking for soma remedy, I was urged to try Aram's Cnisar Pscroaat,. "I did so, and was rapidly cured. Slaee then I hare kept the PacTOBALccnstaaiiy ky sae, for family use, and I hare found it to be aa iBTaluable remedy for throat and luag J. W. WrTL8V. Thoaaanda of tcstlaonlala certify to tin prompt sore of all bronchial and lung aflVotlona, by the use of Aran's enemy Pacroaa u Being very palatable the youag ast ekildrea take It readily. raaraaao by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowe!!, Mats. Bold by all rt assist. DR. JOHN BULL'S FOR THE CURE Of FEVER and AGUE Or CHILLS and FEVER, 1119 ILL MAlARIaL 0ISCISES. . The proprietor of this celebrated medi cine justly claims for it a superiority ever all renodi.t ever offered to the public for the 8AFZ, CX&TAIX. If 1ECT a PZ& MAKEHI aura of Agae and J"a var. er Ciills and Fever, whether of short or long stand ing. He refer to the satire TTsiura ani Southern country to bear hint testimony to the truth of the assertion that ia ao czae whatever will it tail to cure if the direc tions are strictly followed aad carried ent Ia a great many eaaes a single doss has been sumaisat for a eure. and whole fami lies have been cured by a single bottle, with a perfect restoration of the general health. It is. however, prudent, and ia every ease more certain to cure, if its nse is eoatiaued ia smaller doses for a week or two after the disease has scan checked, more especially ia diffloalt and long-ctaadicg cases. Dsn ally this medicine .will not require any aid to keep the bowels in good order. Should rho eatient, however, require a cathartic mMoiae, after iaaving taken thrse or fonr doses of ths Tonic, a single dose ef BULL'S VEGETABLE FAKILT PILL! will be suf ficient. BULL'S BABSAPAHILLA is the eld and rclUble remedy for impurities ef the blood and tcvefukous affections the ling ef Blood Purifiers. DO. JOES BULL'S VEGETABLE WOBJC E7tt0Y2 is prepared ia the form ef caady drops, attractive te the sight and pleasant to the taste. DR. JOHN X3X7XaZ.B SMITH'S TONIC SYRUP, BULL'S SARSAPARILLA, .BULL'S WORM DESTROYER, Tno Popular Remedies of tho Day. . TlMleal OSes, SSI lata SU, LOnSTILLf, K F. ESPKXSCnAIE, AT THI CENTRAL STORE BRIDGE STREET, 2xv Doon 'WESTr Odd Fuxows Haix, Mifflintown, Pa., Calls the attention of the pnblie te the following faots : Fair Prices Our Leader ! The Best Goods Oar Pride I 0ns Price Our Style ! Cash or Eichange Our Terms ! Small Profits and Quick Sales Oar Motto ! Oar leading Speoialties are FRESH GOODS EVERY WEEK t!f DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, GROCERIES, BOOTS AND SHOES, for Men, Women and Children, Queensware, Glassware, Wood and Willow-ware, Oil Cloths, and every artiole usually found in first elsss stores. COUNTRY PRODUCE taken in exchange for goods at highest market prioe. Thankful to the public for their heretofore liberal patrsnage, I request tbeir oontinued eustom ; and ask per sons from all parts of the eounty, when in Mifflin to eall and see my stook of goods. F. ESPEHSCnADE - Sept. 7, 1891 The Stntintl and Rtpblr office ia the place togct job work done. Try it. It will Silli'sTflDlcSiriiB fay yon if yon need anything in tbat line 3'ete Advertisements- SENSIBLE diseases and derangementa of tbe body each a separate caaie or origin, and tbat each aeeda a different method of treatment in order to effect a cure, and a momeet's reflection must convince that any of the quack nostrums foisted apon the pnblie claiming to cure an or a number or diara- etricly dteTcrent diseases mnst proTo fail- area, even if we so not eall them hum bugs. PflflB PPflPT I!"' pop' oi moderate iUUll lUUllXUmeana. and even people well to do or wealthy find tbat the rnor mos tkatftt or practising physicians are a seribua burden to them, and also find that alter paying themaelve poor tbat no bene fit baa accrued to tbem, that in f-iet they bave thrown thair money away. To over come these evils we offer Whttltr', jr0. 99 5r Kemtdui te the sick and anfffrinf out Rtmtdy tor each disease, without for a moment claiming that one remedv will cure any olber disaaae than tbe one claimed for it, and aa these remedies hav stood the teat of years without a single failure, we agree te rinai Ms money paid In every itiktance where a cure is not potirelv ef fected. Tbe remedies are entirely vegeta ble, can do ao barm, and will nositivelv eure every disease for which they are per scribed. RHEUMATISM, uont. Lameness of Joints, Sciatica and Neuralgia are relieved at once and positive! v cured b the use of Wheeler's No. 94 Rheu matism hrmedy. We say hjldly tbat in the worst otcasea of no matter how long ttand inr, bow teriomi or how painful, we can not only give reiier nut post'try rare for all time. Failing to do this wo will positively refund tbe money paid for the treatment, and if your sufferings are not positively stopped for all time you have not thrown your money away aa you would 00 any oth er man toese guaranteed remediea. The price of Wheeler's No. 98 Khenmatism Remedy is only 50 cents, obtained from druggists or aent Iree by mailoa receipt of price. S tampa taken. SUTFEBIB W0M.eMrw.5 ladv bv nature with a pretty face, beautiful figure. laullleaa complexion, as well as tho sweet eat of tempera and faultless mental quali tiea gruwe prematurely old, grav and wrink led, her form losea ita perfect eontnnr, the complexion becomee aallow, tbe brightness learee the eye, a feeling of languor Ukea the place of tbe once buoyant spirits, an irritable nervous frsctionsnesa makes life s harden, things that once were trifles worry ber till life becomes unbearable. AU tbis being caused by a pbyaical derangements so common to woman, which the inmate modesty of feminine nature prevents their making known, and of which the ignorance of the meJieal profession prevents a cure. Lady Reader, pause and consider, 'tis a du ty you owe youraelf, your family and your God, that you should eure yourself of tbeae troubles and once more feel tbe glow of perfect health aod spirits that nature intended for you. WKitltr't Ao. 94 Pre imptiom are pleaaant and palatable to tako containing nothing of an injurious nature, and may be taken by all ages at all times and in all condition without pomblity of ill effeeli, and will positively cure any of the peculiar diaeasea to which females era sub ject. Failing to produce a perfect eure the proprietors will refund the. money paid for tbe treatment. 1 you hate a tiral law complexion, constant or intermittant headaches, backache reeUesaness, loss of sppetite, suppressions of monthly flow, or irregularities thereof accompanied by head aches, nervonsness. hyeteriee and similar symptons, Whreltr't Ao. V0 Prttcriptiou "B" will positively restore yon to health. If you have a secaation of heat and throb bing in tbe back, frequently fainting spells, Leucorrbea or white discharge, painful or scalding setsation in nrmating, reddish or hite deposit in urine, hot and drv skin. Hkttlrr'i Ao. 66 Prescription "O" will give immediate and latingrlief. The price of Wheeler's No 96 Perscription "B" and C are 5U centa each, obtainable from druggists or sent by mail seenre fiera ob servation poet paid au receipt of price. Postage stamps taken. nifflipriTT It is nedless to describe the UalAIlIUL symptons of this nauseoui di sease that is sapping the life and strength of only too many of the fairest and best of both eexes. old and young, suffering alike from the poisonous dripping in the throat, the poisonona aaaal discharges, the fetid breath and general weakners, debility and languor, aside from the acute sufferings of this diee. which if n"t checked cjn only end in lott ef palate, koerienrrs. veakted sight, Ivit of memory, deafness and prt maturt death if not checked before it is too late. Labor, study and research in Ameri ca, Enrpe and Eastern lands bare, result ed in II heeler s Ao. 96 Instant Relief and Suit Curt for Catarrh, a remedy which contains nn harmful ingredieuta, and that is guaranteed to cure every case of acute or chronic catarrh or money refunded. Wheeler's Ao. 91 I nit ant Relief ani Sun Curt for Catarrh will enre everv cas of catarrh, hay fever or asthma, price $1.00 per package, from druggists or sent by mail pest paid on receipt or price. Wheeler's So. 96 Sure curt for Kidney and Liter Troubles cures all weakness and soreness o! kidney, inflammation of kidney or liver, price $1.00. Wketltr's t'egetablt rill are the only remedv that cure consumption, giving nat ural action of the bowels without phyaicing, purging, griping or pain. Price 'J.j cents, of drnggists or by mail. Wheeler's Scrrint Tonie for mental de- preasion, loss of manhood, languor, weak ness or over taxation of the brain is in valuable, price 15 cents. WE GUAEAiniEEor'wm'refu'nd'mon" paid. We place our price for these reme dies at less than one-twentieth of the price asked by others for remedies npon which von take all (be chargea, and arc specially invite the pttronage of the many person who have tried other remedies without ef fect or depleted tbeir purses by paying doctor bills that benefitted them not. HOW TO OBTAINS iTthese remedies. Go - your druggist and ask for them. If they have not got them, write at once to the proprietors, en closing the price in money or stamps, and tbey will be sent yon at once by mail, post paid. Correspondence solicited. Ad dress plainly. I.. WHEELER A. CO., No. 96 W. Baltimore St. BALTIMORE, MD. S w hojre Interested In Growing Crops cheaply and successfully r Sheeld write s Inr tnr pamphlet en cent terllliters. ar-a j-wS fertllirer caw be made at homtlor about; 12 a tai by tqmmwtina, with POWELL'S PREPaffEO CHEMICLS. References! w Ecfv State. evqewtwened for an occupied territory. Spplytrrtreterences. BROWN CHEMICAL CO. Stantifactorers of Powell's Tip-Ten Bene Fertilizer, Bnwe. Potash. Ammonia, ftp. IB LICHT STREET. BALTIMORE. WO. RE.T1EDT Jr. DOTY, Agents, Mivrusrowa, Pa. june 20-83. NEW GOODS. I wonld inform the public tbat I have now in my new millinery store at my place of residence on Water street, Mifflintown, second door front corner of Bridge street, a full stock, of fall and winter millinery goods, all new, and of the latest atvles. and having employed first class milliners, I am prepared to supply the public with everything found in a flrstclass milliner store, eome snd examine my stock. I consider it no trouble to show goods. MRS. DEIHL. Msy 2-83.1.T. Subscribe for the Stuttntl and Sepublitwn the best newspeper ia the eouBty. MISCELLANEOUS D. W. HARLEY'S Is the place where yea eaa bey THE BEST AND THE CHEAPEST MENS' YOUTHS' & BOYS' CLOTHING BJTS, CUPS, MOOTS, SHOES, AHD TV RUlSRlUfO GOODS. EE is prepared to 'exhibit one ef tbe meat choice aad seleet stocks ever eflWed If this market, aad at JSTO.V13BIXQLT LOW PRWS I Alao, measures taken for suits and parts ef nits, which will he made te erde at short notice, very reasonable. Remember tbe plaee, in Hoffman's New Building, eerier ef Bridge mi Water sheets, MIFFLINTOWN, PA. Jan. 1, lsit-tf SAM'L STRAYER Has eenstantly on hand a fall variety ef MEN & BOYS' CLOTHING, HATS & CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES, ALL SIZES, GENTS FURNISHING GOOD9. Goods aad be astonished. Pants at T5 cents. Patterson, Pa., April IS, 1871. Proftttxonal Card. BOOKS, Ilomcrpaitblc rrbslelaa, OfBi-e In residence of Salomon Books. Main Street, lfifBintowo, Pa. VT I have permanently located in Mifflin town. All eatls left at office promptly at tended to. Oct. 17. 8-tf. Loctsl. Atkihsoi. Oao. Jacobs. Ja ATKISO!f it J4CORS, ATTORNEYS - AT - LAW, MIFFLINTOWN, PA. Uncollecting and Conveyancing prompt ly attended to. Orrica On Main street, ia place of real- denee of Louis K. Atkinson, Eo.. sonth of Bridge street. Oct28,1881. Jti JASON IRWIN. ATTORNET-AT-LAW, MlTTLtSTOWX, JUXUTJ CO., PJ. C7" All business promptly attended to. Ornri On Bridge street, opposite the Court Rouse squsre. fjan7, '80-ly JACOB BEIDLEB, ATTORNEr-AT-LAW, MIFFLINTOWN, PA. QCollectinna attended to promptly. Ovrtcs With A. J. Patterson Esq, on Bridge street- Feb 25, "80 THOMAS A. ELDER, M. D. Physician and Surgeon, MirFLixTowy, r.i. OSce hoars frotn 9 a. m. to S r. .. Of fice in hie r.'sidence, on Third street, op posite Methodist parsonage. oct22-tf M. CRAWFORD, M. D., Has resumed actively the practice of Medicine and Surgery and their collateral branches. Office at the old corner of Third and Oranre streets, Mifllintown, Pa. March 29, 1875 J. M. BRAZEE, 3!. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Acidemia, Juniata Co., Pa. Orvrca formerly occupied by Dr.Sterrett. Professional business promptly attended to at al! hoars. Job HcLAramis. Josrra W. Srmati MCL trGIILM & STMMEL, INSURANCE AGENTS, PORT ROTJT., JU.YUT.1 CO., PJ. ttOnly reliable Companiea represented. Dec. 8, 1 875-1 y yy ILLIAM BELL. AGENT AND DEALER IN Farmers and Mechanics Machinery. Mifflintown, Juiiata County, Pa. Office on Bridge street opposite Sonth side of Court House. Nov. 8. 1PS2. pEABODY HOTEL, Ninth St . aonth of Chesfnnt, on sqner south of the New Post Office, one-half square from Walnut St. Theatre and in the very business centre of tho citv. On the American and European pians. Good rooms fiom -lOc to St 00 per day. Remodeled and newly furnished. W. PAINE; M. D., Owner and Proprietor. Nov. 21,1883, ly. A LECTURE TO YOUNG MEN On the Ioft of A Lecture on the Nature, Treatment and Radical cure of Seminal Weakness, or Spermatorrhrea, induced Self-Abuse. Involuntary Emmis sions, Impetency. Nervous Debility, and Impediments to Marriage generally ; Con snmption. Epilepsy and Fits ; Mental and Physical Incapacity, fcc By ROBERT J. CrLVERWFLL, M. D., author of the Green Book." Ac. The world -rnowned aithor, in thia ad mirable Lecture, clearly proves from his experience that the awfnl consequences of Self-Abnse may be effectually removed without danrerous surgical spevations, bou gies. Instruments, rings or cordials; point inennt mode of enre at once certain and effectual, by which every snfferer, no mat ter what hif condition may be. may cure himself cheaply, privately ane radically. VThis lecture will proxt a boon to thou sands and thousands. Sent, under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, on receipt of fonr cents, or two postage stamps. A tdress THECTLTERELL MEDICAL CO, 41 Ann St., New York, N.T. ; jnelS-ly-jan 9. Poat.Office Box 450. OTIPE TO TRESPASSERS. All persona are hereby notified not to txespa nn the lands of the undersigned, in Walker and Fermanagh township, for the purpose of hnntinr, bu:Hirg fires, or for anv other trespass purpose.. Sivru Aran. ITcsar Arsta, CHiTt Mrwit, Rsraaw Moist, Isaac Arase. Wilmasi Ricaevatcff, Wtu.toToM Pwrrn, Keen Ktrrratv, Joseph S. Wravm, Sisa Bonaia, Josti Rirrrsts, Cvars Siesta. OcL 81, 18S3-tf. CAITTIO NOTICE. Lt. persona are hereby cautioned against fishing nr hnntinr, gatberine herriee. or crossing fields, or in anv other wav trespassing oa the lands ef the ender. signed J. 8. Ktswrr. ADVERTISEMENTS. of all kinds are low Cere and see ae SUITS MADE TO ORDER.jj SAMTJIL STSATI Sp trial .Yoiicu. HE PEOPLE'S DICTIONARY1 U vssvdat scTCLOsii, eonUlalaf e?er 25,004 Words, compiled from WEB STER, f 0,000 syoonyme, a complete dic tionary ef rhymes, foreign words and phras es, business, aaatical, musical aad law terms and anvtbology. Bmbraelog eeerf subject on which clear, satisfactory informa tion is given. a bcok e;uai ti so paiii octavo, '.. The same information cannot be had eiae where, aor la aa convenient er aeeeasthle abape for less tban $30. Sample pas free. Outfit $1 CO. Tbatsb, sfaaaiAis A Co.OvS Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. Oct. 17-8m. AYER'S AGUECURE contains aa antidote) for Stlt vjast larlat disorders which, so far aa known, ia uaed in nn other remedy. It eoa taina do Quinine, nor any mineral aor de leterioua substance whatever, and eonee qsently produces ao inju.Ioua effect upea tbe constitution, but leaves tbe ayateue aa healthy aa it was before the attack. WE WARRANT AYER'S ACCss Cl'KE to cure erery case of Fever aad Agae. Intermittent er Chill Fever, Kesalt, tent Fever, Potrb A si; Billioue Fever. ard Liver Complaint eaesad by malaria. Ia case of failure, after dee trial sealers are autborlsed, bv our elrcu'ar dated Jly 1st, is?2, to reran the naaaer. Dr. T. C. Ayer'i & Co., Lowell, Man. Sold by allDrag gists. THE BEST ON EARTH. These celebrated Stoves wtsl POAST, BAK2 and HEAT IRONS In less time-and with LES9 FUEL than any other vapor Cook Stove) rnade. Be euro and buy the Dangler Non-Explosive Vapor Cook. Stove. auarcTAcremaD bt run DanglsrVapGr Stove & Refining Ca. CLEVELAND, OHIO. Toa tuM av Ocm Asm D.S. MORGAN & CO. Kaxursx'iisa vra DURABLE LICHT DRAFT Tri-uapli Eeapers AX9 TH3 NOIS3LSS3 New Clipper Mower. The 1 111 I MTU r.r-ir2X3 are va.eal4 fav atmpliciiv ia eorjlrntii-a. eaa of aaanacaaeat, light weight, durability aod good worfciaa; asaoay in nil eenditions of erm:a. Tbe EW CI IPPrS hu an Ua uartmUt et (he OLD CUl'PKH MOWJLH with aoaay vaiaaMa improvemon ts. Bbxd roa luriruTB) Cnmua, Good AOEMIS WAXTfcD In aaoeoaplad a 1 self. D. S. MORGAN & CO., BrockportfMonroeCo.sN.Yr KENNEDY & DOTY, (Successors to Bayers A'Kenaedy,) DEALERS IN cm a in, COAL. LUMBER CEMENT, Calcined Plaster, Land Plaster SEEDS, SALT. AC. He bays Grain, te be delivered at Mlfflla town. Port Royal, er Mexico. ITe is prepared to lurniah Sal tte dealers at reasonable rates. DAVID D. DOTT. April 21.1884-tf TALTJABLK FARM LAND TOO. SAL1. A vsluahle farm, containing about 180 acres, all tillable land, aod in a good state of cultivation, with good Dwelling Honse, Bank Barn, Wagon Shed and outbuildings, all in good repair. The land is all rivee bottom. AIo, 450 acres of monntain land, along line of Pennsylvania Railroad, and convenient to Siding and Stations, well set with reck oak, chestnut, and other tiaa- ber- A good opportunity tor any one waas- tng a first class home or to engage la taw lumber business, ror particulars eaa ea or address JEREMIAH LTONf, Mrvtmvovr, Jwwiat (. r Sep. 11. IwAw.