Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, January 02, 1884, Image 3

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.bcriptien, H-80 Fer nnnm f V
with". 12 month.; $2.00 if not paid within
'Vnos'ieat advertisements inserted at 60
..ats T inch for each insertion.
Transi-nt business notices in local col
10 cents per line or cu insertion.
nedrcfions will be made to those desiring
.dvertise by the year, half or quarter
'm'0RT LOciLS.
Congress took a holidiy recess.
Mumps afflict many children in ton.
Remember the Sabbath day and keep
; hnlr x
,, , - i . . .
r. all kinds of crocks at
jJcUnit'-c s.
Happy thought, the days are begin
jog to lengthen.
Charlie Zeiglcr, died at Mexico, oa
th 29th ultimo.
Scsrlet fever prevails in certain parts
of .Mifflin county.
All kinds of clothing for inen and
boys at Harlej .
It was an eld time snow that came
to whiten Christmas.
Showers & Schoil had an order for
100 sleighs, last week.
MsClintij keeps for sala a full line
ef builder's hardware.
East Waterford peopls have organ
Ued literary rociety.
MoCliiitic Las naild anJ other
harJwsre goo Is for sala.
J. M. ilcDoDaid, and bride passed
the boliiajs in Philadelphia.
We era indebted to Hon. Louis E.
AtkicJon, for public documents.
Nearly all the girls in their teens in
Chicago wear tbsir Lsir cut short.
Congressman Atkinson and Mrs. At
kinson passed the holidays at home.
Wm. Hanks Jr. was borne from hi.a
medical siaJies during the holidays.
It is said, that the corret is within
sight, but what's a comet vr.ihout a tail.
Mr. and Mrs. Schoil were away to
Bucks county visiting friends last week.
The Pccjcrcjs have turned the
Frack'ia Repository into a diily paper.
Professor Psvid Wiuon of Airy
View Acidemv tras in town on Satur
day. Ols of ihs mdispensible things is a cook
store, 0 to ilcClintic's and buy a cook
The Lutherans bad by far the most
elaborated Chr:s':ntg festival decora
tions. AnrsTios. Housekeepers, you may find
a large assortment of cook stoves at Mc
Cintic's Wx. Hawk is nursing a sore thumb.
Ho cut it severely whiie butchering re
Miss Kate Moycr was home during
the holidays from iSlootosburg Normal
Genie Hail, nd Louie, daughters of i
ii't-Jackman, are visiting in Phil
ipsbcrg. Joseph Wildtnac, of Sbamckin was
visiting auioug Lis friends :n Juniata
last week.
As an Acadeis teacher Professor
David Vi'ilaca has never had an equul
in Junis;a.
There was a grand Christmas eater
tuinniest in ail ct the churches on
Christmas eve.
Two hundred and twenty tons of
candy were sold iu Philadelphia during
Ciiiistrr.es week.
John liauiptnu, of Shade Gap, Una',
ingdon county, shot '20 wild turkeys
the ra;t sea;ea.
Georgs Woodward sold a first rate
qnahtj of buckwheat to people in town
some days ago.
David Iu.es, a colored citizen of
To5ii,-ora Valley was in town on Sat-
uriaj on busine3.
Tom. Moore, of the Newton Hamil
ton V atcbiunn, paid theso parts a visit
daring ti, huliJa8.
S. D. ISatcihoItz fell and hurt a hand
sm dhys ago. The hand required
the attention of a doctor.
Miss Hal Parker, and ber cousin
Jliss Anna Parker have been on to
AWsLicgton to visit friends.
Did you ever think of tbe extent of
territory, of this Republic over which it
takes the sua 4 hours to ri: -3 ?
Constable It illium uott5? citizens
f the town not to pile ashes or otner
rubbish ilcrgMde of the street.
The charier of incorporation of the
new town of Ueile in Centre entity
furbids xLs sale liq'i ir in the towa
Sled soles, andali kinds of stove grates
fur sale at the M-f3;o;own Foundry, al
so saws gummed to order. 2.
Tbe Presbyterian took up a sub
scription of two hundred and seventy
five dollars in the Chapel on Sabbath.
Tiie annual n:tin? of tha Pennsvl
vania hlhorial Association will meet
t Uarnsuurg, on Tuesday, January '21
Miss Emma Smith, who Lad beca on
visit to her sifter, in Altoona, has
returned to her home, in Fayette town
ship. The comet of 1812 is hers but it is
o dim that it can hardly be seen by tbe
Baked eye: its next appearance will be
in 1955
Life till the night of November 15
and witness a star shower such
the fathers and mothers witnessed
ia 1833.
We are pleased to learn that Jacob
H. Gaymtn, who had his leg amputa
ted some tiuis since, is eettine alone
'erywell. 6
Mies May Louden while visiting at
Mount Joy Liocaster county was at
tacked by pleurisy and ciua home
qii'e sick.
Dr. Funk, son of John Fnnk of
Walker township is one of the most
promising young doctors in the cirj of
Harrisburg. I
David Slautterback was bom durinffi
uunaays, to see bis fiLnds. He
smooth faced :r he ircut Iff jy,
-fw be is bearded
Editor Gartuao of the Tribune has
received to appointment jo tbe office
of the Secretary of state at Qarrisbure
at a salarj of $1400.
Geaeral Andrew A. Humphrey died
suddenly on the night of the 27th in
Washington D. C. be was a prominent
toldier against rebellion.
Edward J. Roe of llarrisbnrg passed
a lew days with Oloyd P. I'auuobaker
foretnau of the Sentinel and Rippb
LICAN duriug tbe holiday season.
. D. Parker was out of health
during tbe holidays; bis many frieuds
are quite anxious lor his restoration to
a more Tigorous state of health.
Representative Poineroy ha distrib
uted between one and two hundred
dollars of the extra session pay to
churches aud other good objocts.
Tne showman, Forepaugh, has said.
me too, aud forthwith, to be even
. . . . ' . .
bite elephant fur
$ I ? jOO. The beast was bought in Stain.
11. E. Parker, is about to open a
store in the W. W. Wilson store room,
when Bob was a boy that was the chief
business place in town. Call and see
On Christmas evening, the Presbyte
rian Sabbath school of McCulloch's
Mills gave a coucert under the shadow
of a Cliristmas tree that was put up in
tLo church.
The managers of a Philadelphia
grammar school have offered superin
tendent Flckinger of Perry eouoty $1,
400 per year to coma and superintend
their school.
The Perry county Advocate was
misinformed, when it was told, tbat
two schools in this borough were clos
ed on account of the uiehsles prevail
ing among the children.
The Farmers Convention held at
Huntingdon on the 21st and -'2nd days
of Peoetiiber was a success. The con
vention adjourned to meet on the 11th
and lJth of February next.
Tne Post bought the Cyrus Morri
son property at executor's sale a few
das ago for $l,oO'2. Under the will
made by couirade Morrison they are
half owners of the property.
Ed. Watts got away from his office
duties in tha Broad street. Philadel
phia station, long enough to pass sev
eral days among his friends in thU
place, within the past week.
i'ives a great deal more reading matter
to its patrons than any other of the
Juuiata county tapers. Subscribe for
and get tbe worth of your money
A quarter sheet sale bill will be
printed at this om:e for seventy five
cents ; a half sheet tale bill for one
dollar and fifty cent.. Send in your
orders if you contemplate having a sale.
A. J. Greer of Altoona spent Christ
mas with the family of Mr. Murry Mrs.
Grier acnmpauiei him to this town in
which they livi-d some years ago. At
one time Mr. Greer was editcr of tbe
The Licking freek congregation
raised a donation party one day last
week for Rev. Mr. Uerry, and all par
ties intcTftsred ha 1 a pleasant ti'in when
the good things were taken to tbe
I parsonage.
James W. U.isler of Carlisle arcse
in good health on the morning of the
17th ol last D.-cember, before the hour
of noon Lad arrived he passed into the
uor-eeu world, ihs death was caused
by apoplexy.
Oa tbe ilst ult 43 pupils of Profe?-
s.r Auman'a school turpnsed their
teacher by calling at h s placa as a
pound party. It was a 40 pound sur
prise party that the pupils got off on
tbe Profess jr.
"day they be blessed by tbe giver of
all blessings, that 1-. we mean, J. 11.
Zellers, editor of the Liverpool S'ln,
and M-ss Claretta L. Lu!f of Liver-
p. , .!, TF.v-i were married on the Gth ol
!:? I: 'ember.
Quiie a tumber of subscribers bave
paid up, a number have paid in ad
vsnce. The most advanced subscriber
is Mr. Henry Fulton of J.ifferson City
Montana: last week he paid his paper
to October 188G.
A meeting of Farmers interested in
Ensilage will be held .at 55 Ueek-uan
Street New Vrk, Wednesday, Jan.
'2'il, at 12 o'clock. Ali interested in
tbe euhject art invited to attend with
out further notice.
On U'ednesdiy nig'it, the 19:h'of
December, tbe bouse of John C Sloner,
iu Fermanajf township, was destroyed
by fire. The cmse of the fire was the
bursting of a flue. Loss is very light.
lusareH for $500.
0:i the 22 n't., Cnstable Rollmin
sold the feuej around RiversiJ? Park,
one of the exhibition building in-iid
tL Park, tSe ticket offish, and cattle
stall Tor $205, to, Rbsrt MeMe.-n
and A. J. Patterson.
Linn Stewart, who is known to most
al! of the boys In town, was in Liver
pool, England, on the 17th ult., and on
that date wrote a letter to Wilher
Sebweier, that be hoped to bn in Miff
lintown in about 10 days.
Samuel Ailuiau, brother of Prof.
Ailman, is Lome visiting Lis parents
and friends in Walker township. The
I past 6 veers be lived ia Silver City,
New Mexico, where h". has a Drotoer
largely interested in mining.
Miss Flora Adarns, daughter t.f Mrs
William Adam of Walker township,
died unexpectedly on the evening of
the 27th ul., while the family were a
way attending the wedding of Mr. Mc
Donald and Miss Thompson.
D n't forget it, that ever since the
SENTINEL was established which was in
1819, under Col. Mo lure and Profes
sor David Wilson, the pper has benn
in the advance guird, in the Juniata
Valley, on the line of protection.
We have received a copy of the
Lutherville Seminarian, a papr pub
iished in Lutherville, Maryland, in the
interest of a Female Seminary. It has
ix female editors and contains educa
tional and religious reading matter.
Democratic thunder for the nxt
campaign is a revenue nriff They
make no concealment of their purposa
to go into tbe battle upon that issue.
A revenue tariff is a first cousin to free
trade. Republicans op and at them.
The convsnticn of Huntingdon far
mers resolved that a bill shall ba pre
sented to the next Legislature asking
ih,t a. m te inioosd upon dogs and
that the rvenu9 therefrom be me.1 to
pa 'for shfl'p killed bv tboso animals.
So-ne wags awoke a milktaan at mid
night with the harried announcement
that bis best oow was choking He
dressed himself hastily, and ran off to
save tbe life of crummie : when lo ! he
discovered a turnip stuok in the spout
of tbe pump.
Tbe nntiJy, dirty appearance of a
grizxiy, beard should never be allowed.
Buckingham's Dye for tbe whiskers
will readiiy change their color to a
brown or black, at discretion, aud thus
keep op your reputation for neatness
and good looks.
Tbe HuotiugdOn Journal says that a
merchant in that town got the follow
ing note by letter. "Please send me
$1 worth of co fly and $1 worth of soo
gar some small nales. My wife had a
baby last night, also two padlocks and
a niuokey reuch."
Tbat teachers' institutes are popular
institutions up in Clinton oouuty is ev
idenced by J he fact tbat a bappy Look
Haven couple after they were married
set off at ouoo to attend a teachers' in
stitute. This is a practical notion that
is worth considering.
Editor Conrad, of the MoVeytown
Journal, bad Lis picture taken and
printed it in the Journal. It is a good
picture, and Mr. Conrad iu presenting
it declares tbat if it be carefully tied
over the crock it will cbeok tbe fer
mentation of applebntter. .
Tbe Muddy Run Liteiary Sooiety,
on last Saturday evening elected the
following officers: Pres't, G. A. Mc-
Caobren; Vice Pres't, VV. Digler Lauv
er; Sec't, Miuuie N. Shellenberger ;
Assist Sec't, Emma MoCachreu ;
Treas'r, William E. Elka.
Emerson said, discontent is the want
of self reliance, it is the infirmity of
will, io which declaration an ex
change says. "We don't quite see it so.
A man stuck in the mud may be very
diseonteLted, and yet bis position may
be the result ot too much self-reliance.
Attention Boys On Wednesday,
April IS, 1S84, a competitive examin
ation for th-j lSlli Congressional dis
trict will be held in MirHintown, to fill
a vacancy for said district in tho Naval
Academy. The examination will be
open to all boys of 14 to 18 years of
The Huntingdon Globe says. There
is trouble in tbe Dunk' cburch in
Jackson township, Cambria county.
One portion seoeded for - some cause
and wer barred out ct tbe edifice.
They subsequently forced the door
open, aud suit Las been brought agaiuat
James McCauley's horse cut a shine
while iu the shafts of John Graybiil's
sleigh several days ago. The beast ran
from McCauley's stable to tha Jaoobs
House, where he was caught by Sam'l
Myers. The swiugletree of the sleigh
was broken, aud a trace of tbe harness
was torn.
About 11 o'clock on Saturday night,
a fite broke out in tha basement of tbe
sture of Graybill & Co., 1420 Market
street, Pniladelphia, whereby tbe firm
sustained quito a heavy toss by fire and
tmoke. Tbe fire was extinguished but
not before it Lad burnod through the
first floor.
A lecture bureau bas b?en opened
in this place. by a uumber of young
mn, and on the eveuing of tbe 22ud
inst., as a result of their labor they
will stirt a course of lectures witn
Colonel Copelaud. The Colonel is
thn gentiemin who wound up the late
i institute with such a jolly lecture.
James Weaver, aged CO years, em
ployed in Hussey, Howe & Co ' steel
works, at Pittsburg, on the 19th u!t.,
bad his arm caught iu tha belting of
an engine, and he was drawn into the
machinery, tie wai torn limb from
limb, portions of Lis body being scat
tered a disUcoe of a hundred feet.
Some days ago, a French actress in
Paris, took a whip and ;'horse whipped''
another actre-s, of c urse there was a
mau or two in the case, and that whip
ping took a doidi times mora spiso to
tell it io the newspipeTs,'t!ian it took
to relate the whipping that the French
tioops gave the Chinese, about tha
On last Friday afternoon a six year
old sun of Samuel Gu, Jr , living in
Miiford township, two miles west of
Patterson, fell from tbo loft over-head
to the barn floor, a distinco of about
eighteen feet, fracturing bis right thigh
Dr. limits set the broken limb and the
boy i gatting along well. Tribune
December 22.
The Perry county Advocate says.
We expect all iu arrears for six, eight
and tun years for subscription to the
Advocate to pay uu at once. We have
over seventy persons on oir mailing
list who owe us for subset iption from
$10 to $30. and s m sixty others who
oe u from $5 to $10 We ask all
such to roak? payment without delay.
Do not fort-t th it at Hes3s Pho
tograph Gallery yuu cm get any
Btua'.l picture vnlarnd for 75 cents.
Also anything that is made in Pho
tography, you nn jrt here done up,
ia first cl.-tss s'yle. All the 1 itf st
style pictures, Bitch as Ciird. Cabin
ets, Promenade, Panned Boudoir,
&.c, Frames of all kinds cheap.
"Tha Dunkards hold their National
Convention next "spring three miles
west of Dayton, O , ii-ar the Junction
of tbe Dayton & Union and Panhandle
railway. Lumber has been collect
for the tabernacles required by thn oo
casion, the largest one being ivlended
to acci.uimndate about fivfl thousand
people. 1: is expected that twenty
thousand members of the denomination
will attend th convention.
Notice tub Change. We are now
occupying the new and beautiful room
on Main street, in the new building
that J. S. Thomas has recently built,
where we are once more to furnish the
trade with a large stock of dry goods
and groceries, boots and shoes. We
receive new goods constantly and sell
cheaper tban ever. Give us a call.
C. F. HtNKF.L & CO.
Nov. 23. 1883 tf.
In December, between the 6tb and
lOih of the month, the family of J. C.
Kaarns of MifOin county, lost four chil
dren by Scarlet Fever as follows.
Rhoda Janett, died Dec, 6, aga 17
years, 7 months and 6 days.
Philip Addison, died Deo. 7, age 15
years, 11 months 7 days.
Thomas Baron, died Dee. 8, age 1
year, 4 months and 8 dars.
John Clvio, died Deo. 10, ae 3
vesrs and 6 aontLs.
On Saturday night, the 221 of De
cember, John Hamilton and Win.
Gray were sleighing through tbe streets
of this plaoe, and, when turning off
Washington street to drive up Third,
one of the runners of the sleigh came
in contact with a pits of rubbish, caus
ing tbe sleigh to npset, throwing us oc
cupants into the snow, ine youug
men escaped unhurt. The sleigh was
almost dashed to pieoes and tha bona
was slightly injured.
Mr. Abram Bosler, father of tbe lata
James W. Rosier, died at bis residence
at Carlisle on Friday evening De
cember 21 1883. He had been confin
ed to bed for two weeks, but was a'ote
to attend the funeral of bis son, whose
sudden death greatly shocked him and
he sank under the blow. Just before
be died be gathered his children and
grandchildren about Lim, calling each
by name, kissed them and bade them
all good-bye. He was aged about 78
Ross Reno, son of General Reno,
fell in love with Carrie Swain, an ao
tress, and tha other night after she bad
retired, be rapped at a window of ber
room io tbe LocLiel Hotel at Hatrinburg,
and not receiving an invitation to en
ter, be opened the window and step
ped ia unbidden. Carrie sprang out of
bed, seized a pistol, and screamed.
Reno left in a hurry, and Lis conduct
was the cause of an invitation to leave
tha bolel being put in bis Lands, tka
next morning.
'Words fail to express my grati
tude," says Mr. Selby Carter, of Nash
ville, Tcnn., "for tLe benefits derived"
from Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Having been
afuiotad, all my l;(e with scrofula, my
system seemed saturated with it. It
cama nut in bloches, ulcers, and mat
tery sores, all over my body." Mr.
Carter states that bo was en t:rely cur
ad by Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and since
discontinuing its use, eight taontbi
ago, bas bad no return ef the scrofu
lous symptons.
Between this and tbe 1st of Febru
ary, 1884, a bill will be sent to each
aud every person who is owing this of
fice for more than one year's subscrip
tion. Duu't wait for the bilL A
printer, you know, is human like other
peoplo and ctn't afford to work quite
tor nothing. We Lave a large list of
subscribers that are almost all the
time ahead with their pay. We Lave
a large list who are a little slow, but
tbe larger number of them will be in
on time, before the 1st of February.
Tom. Moore, of tbe Newton Hamil
ton Watchman, was in town tbe day
before Christmas, and meeting Sheriff
Shivery, aud the editor of the SENTI
NEL and Republican he guessed
that ba weighed as uiuoU a.i both editor
and sheriff. The latter compared
weight ; the sheriff weighs 145 pounds
and the editor weighs 140 pcunds and
Moore says ba weighs five pounds more
than both which will pet his weight at
290 pounds. Moore looked as inno
cent as ever when he stated Lis weight.
Music and Kinurarby. Ye O'dde
Follies Tuue book. A t bir.ee Collec
tion of Songs and 'horue for '-Oldde
Folkes" Concert?, to which is added 1
Hiiigraphical Sketches. This book con
tains the words and musio of 18 tunes
following thd tunes sre a short bio
graphical aketubes of 125 eminent Ooiu-'
pjsers, including such nature as lieet
hoveu. Moxart, tiandel, lla;dn, Men
delssohn, 1'iejel, Ca!onlt, Lutbsr, Par
rv. Farmer, and o'hers of celebritv.
Price, '2b cents. $1.75 pa." d Zen.
Lee & U alkgr,
1113 Chestnut St., Philadelphia.
Report of Cocolauiutns school, Fay
ette township, fir in .nth ending Dec.
20; number of days school, 17; whole J
number in attendauce. during mouth,
Gl; average attendance, 51; percent
age of attendance, 87. The followiug
pupils were iu attendance every day
during the month: Klni VanOruier,
Ner. N'aiiOriuer, Ann 13 l.iester, Clara
Haines, Sarth Karstettcr. Miry Xay
lor, Violet X)!ur, Adda Uruu, Julia
Selltis, Clara Shelley, Ida Hopple,
John EiireuzLlicr, Ilillery Kureuzel
ler, m. Hopple, Creorpe Xaylor and
Hurnes. Tbe following missed one
day: Vm Eiirenzeller, Mmuie Lies
ter, Anuie Baylor and Minnie Sliellev.
J. A. Martin, Teacher. '
Conral, of the McVejtown Journal,
has g.ine te, the trouble a;id expense of
ba7ing bis picture taken, engraved aud
printed in the Jcurrni. Mr. C inrad
suggests that the pi -.ure bo placed ov
er the top of appiebutter crocks to
keep tha stuff from p liiiog At differ
ent times, our special artist took life
like pictures of tha down town editors,
Uanuau, B m.-a!l and Allison, and at
our expense they were engraved and
punished in tbe Sentinel and Re
publican. It cmuot b.i s tid that they
are like Adonis in appearance, but thev
are every one, as good looking as Conrad
and if bn picure will keep applebu:ter
fiom spoiling, whtt rhnuld prevent
theirs' troru having the ss.me whole
some effect. Wo have a few back num
bers. There was a scene in the St. Louis
court last December, in which Henry
Boeuiler, a prominent attorney, and
Hei'jiuiin Von Pnul, a real estate deal
er, played 1 he prominent parts. The
case ot Von Phul vs. Meiin was on trial.
Boemler was the defendant's attorney
aud when he came to addnss tbe jury
he called V in Phu! a perfidious .scoun
drel. Vou Phul hurled back the epi
thet and then jumping up went at
li ein!er. Judge Adiuis rapped for
order, tut Lis ai.stat ts were dumb
founded and stood stjck still while
Von Pnul se z :d B.iemler'e bead, got
it iu ,:cLancery" and then beat it until
it resembled so much rw beef. Then
be dropped the barrixter, kicked biui
and turning to tbe Judge asked Lim
it be was uot justiGed iu using Boemler
as be had. A ii' L'i.ve answer was fit
ed by the t'ourt, who so far dissented
from Von Phui's opinion that the latter
was not only overruled, but sentenced
lo ten days in tbs City Jaii.
Soma days aj;o David Hoffman went
in Dr. Banks' sleigh to tha place of
Isaao Etka to get a bag of potatoes, on
his way borne a dog so !rightued the
burse that it i-praug to the idn of the
road with tueb sudicue-s that the
sleigh was upset, and Hoffman was
thrown out. The bag of potatoes fell
across his neck and pressed hiiu down
in the snow, but notwitl.s'andiiig his
unpleasant pfedieanjL'i! h hftld on to
the lines lik-i a hero. In tii-s effort to
drsj tb.; driver and t'.e hag of potatoes
tbe nurse broke tho lines and ran awav,
but had not proceeded far till he so
hurt one of bis l?gs by a sharp shoe
that he nru? down to a slow limpin"
walk. Meanwhile Hoffman rolled tbe
bag of potatoel off his neek, and dug
himself out of tha snow, stood cp and
took in the situation at a glanoo, and
tha aaxt moment was in hot pursuit of
the runaway horse which he overtook
on the bill, on the pike south of town.
The sleigh was in need of a few repairs,
ditto the harness, and tha horre was
stabled for surgical treatment. The
animal has almost recovered from tbe
cfL'cis of tbe wound, and Hoffman
laughs over it as if it had been a piece
of fun instead of a piece of double trou
baa been removed to
Main street, Patterson, Pa.,
where be will make all the latest stvles of
FINE BOOTS and KEPiURINU sprcialty.
Give him a call before going elsewhere.
Dec. 19, lSHS-Iy.
Thome druggist
Popularity at hofn is not alwan tha hest
test of merit, but w point prouiiltto the furt
tbat o other owdicino has won (or iUelf
soch universal approbation tn iu own city,
sua, and oountrj, auu among all people, as
Ayer's Sarsaparilla. "
Tha following letter from one of our bet
known Massachusetts lrugg.mu abould baof.
iulercn to evecj suJIercr :
" Elftht years ago I
I (Willi KhrnmatUoi. so sa-
rtre that I eonl-1 not move from tbe bed, or
dress, without help. 1 tripil several reme
dies without much If any rrlirf, until I took
AT fb's SaR5ai-akilla, by the use of two
bottles of which 1 was completely cured.
Have sold large quantities of your SaI'-aa-rABii.LA,
and it still retain iu wonderful
popularitv. Tbe many Mutable cures it has
rflecied in this vieooiy convince me that It
Is the best blood niedlcOae ever offered to the
public t- F. Harris."
Kiver St, Bucaland, Mass., May U, IbbZ.
was for over twenty years before bis removal
to Lowell alii ic ted with Salt Khenm In Its
worst form. Its ulcerations actuallv covered
more tban balf tbe surfaoe of bis body and
liml. He was entirely cured by Avsa's
SAKstraKiixA. Sea eertuicat lu Ayer's
.Almanac fur 16S3.
Dr. J.C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mast.
Sold by all Druggists; $1, sli bottles for SS.
.i "TT j
'. ''"V! 1 '1 fl t-' f' f ll o " il !
-."::''!. j ,S H ' I ' 1 1 U -i Yt 5 i ! ' 1 i
vL-i-'.-I U i '-itl'VI J A UjJ
ror? TKZ cur:E o;
T.!0 pr-priotor of this cfUkrated icsdi
o;".3 j-.;!ly cli.-na for a super cirtr or-jr
:01 t.r. ics ever ofi'jrei to f.'j puull: fcr
:',u ZXT7. C2ET3I3. S?2X3T aid -TTr
I iNE2:'Ictireef isss aid over, cr Chip's
m jfovtr, whether of short cr Ion j; stand-
; ;. J:: referi t3 tas tnf.rj Se-t-.r ; a'.
..v-i'asra conctry io bear him l?t licry to
; .a tr jth of the assertion t'aat ia ro tsis
jriiats76r will it f..:l to can if t!:a t:rto
u:as ara s'.x.cuy foliawsi and carried out.
Ir. a rre.t many casts t ting'.s 90 htt
b.n ancient far a cure, and "siolo fiai-
J Ua; iav: bceif.:ihTafingl3b"t;;e,witk
a p-ir.ict stora..oTi cf ta9 irtnrj hiaiia.
It ij, hoTvcver. prudent, tnd ia CY5r7 cass
r.crs e-rtain to oure, if itjcie ia c:it!nr.;d
ii :aeUar doies far a week cr liroif'.er lis i
liai bacn chicked, moro eret:a'-:y
ditle-alt ati loag-sUndlaj ratc Cr.
vl y tiis nedicino vdi cot requirj a -.7 til
i'. :tp th? bstcslj in good o:il;r. Sliced
t'a piti;r.t. hoirevar, rtquiro a cetliariie
inCLioins. artjr having takes t!ir?i cr four
ie:c j of the Toaio. a sinjr'.n dose f BULL'S
YiCITABLE IAKU.Y ilLLS will bs snf-
'"'''tjf.rS SiESAPAP.ILLA is ths cli acl
r Mitlj rc.n:dy l'ar iniuMriti! of lht blaci
r'.l C.-r;fjl3-4 tiT-ciou ti;i i.eg t.i
Iljoi Pu-ISora.
r"L;Ti:3VEa is ?r;parsd ia tis fom of
c.-dy drops, t;tracU7e ta Ue siLt aad
-io." ;aai to tLe taats.
L3. Jorzr: HULL'S
:"::t;: tcnic syrup,
E'JLi--3 SA3SAF ArtiLLA,
TMe Pooular Remedies of the Cay.
2sd Door Y.'est or Odt Fellows Hall,
ItlifXIhitovrn, Pa.,
Calls the attention of tha publio to the
following fasts :
Fair Prices Our Leader ! The
B st Goods Our Pride !
One Price Our Style J Cash or
Exchange Our Terms !
Small Profits and Quick Sales Our
Motto !
Our leading Fpecialties are
AND SHOES, for Men, Women and
Children, Queensware, Glassware,
Wood and Willow-rare, Oil Cloths,
and every article nxnallv found ia first
class stores.
exchange for goods at highest market
Thankful to the pnblio for their
heretofore liberal patronage, I request
their continued enstom ; and auk per
sons from all parts of tbe county, when
in Mifflin to call and see tnj stock of
Sept. 7, lb
yw Advertisements-
DTQrHT V MFWn,l wma know ere
OiUlUiLiill iUItilthis that of tbe many
diseases aad derangamenta of the body
each a separate cauae or origin, and that
esch needs a rtifTarent method of treatment
in order to effect a cure, and a momeut'a
reSeetion mrst convince that any ol the
q ii act- nostrums foisted upon the public
claiming to cure all of a uumber of diara
etricly different diseasea must prove fail
ures, even if we do not call the in bom
bug. mPPdPT anl PP,e ' moderate
ILijl LlUmcans, and even people
well to do or wealthy find that the enor
mnut chargtt of practising physicians are
a serious burden to them, and also find that
after paying thcniselve poor tbat no bene
fit has accrued to them, that in fact thby
have thrown thir money away. To over
come these evils we offer Whttler't So. 9fl
Srt Rtmtitit ts the ict and snff ring oa
Rtmtdy tor each disease, without for a
moment claiming that one rcme lv will enre
any other dira.ie than tha one claimed for
it, and as these remedies bave atoo'd the
lest of years without a singlo failure, we
agree te refund the monty pid in every
inktance where a cure is not positively ef
fected. Tbe remedies are entirely vegeta
ble, can do no harm, and will positively
enre every disease for which they are per
sribed. RHE1IATISM, ?0Zi.us:
meness of
Sciatica and
Neuralgia are relieved at once and positive! v
cured by the use of Wheeler's No. 95 Rheu
matism Ktmedy. We say boldly that in the
worst ol esses of no mittur how oag itand
ing, bow seri'oat or how painful, we can not
only give relief but potitivtly curt for all
time. Failing to do this we will positively
refund tbe monee paid for the treatment,
and it" your sutlVririps are not positively
stopped Tor all time you hire not thrown
j our money away as you would on any oth
er tban theso guaranteed remedies. The
price of Wheeler's No. 90 Khe'imatism
Remedy is only 50 rents, obtained from
druggists or sent tree by mail on receipt of
price. Stamps taken.
wmsm wome&w.; 't;
nature with a pretty lace, hiautilul figure,
(aultlesa complexion, m well as til s eld
est ot tempers and faultless inentul quali
ties grows prematurely old. gftiv and wrink
led, her form loses its perfect contour, the
complexion becomes sallow, the brightness
leaves the eye, a feeling of lung nor takes
the place tf the once buoyant spirits, an
irriuulo nervous fractionsness mnkes life a
burdan, things that once were trihV worry
ht-r till life b conies mbearable. All this
being caused by a pbisiral derangements
so common to woman, which the inmate
modesty of feminine nature prevents their
nuking known, a:id of which the ignoranre
of the medical proleasion prevents a cure.
Lady Reader, paair and consider, 'tis a du
ty you owe roursell, your family and your
(iod, that you should cure yourself of
thr troubles and or ce more feel the glow
of perfect health and spirits that nature
intended for yon. Wheeler'$ Xo. 90 Prt
icrtpticn$ are pleasant and ptlat ihlu to take
containing nothing nf an injurious nature.
ana may te taken by a:l ages at all times
n1 '" a" condition itifioul pctsiblily ofill
S"'l snJ 1ri!' positively cure any of thf
t.-nl!ir diseases to which females ara sub-
an J mav te taken bv ail age at all times
(jjct. Fai!insc to prmlnee a perfect cere
the proprietors will refuivl Ine money paid
for the trtir.ent. If yv hate a ileal
low complexion, constant or intermittent
headaches, bacUache restlessness, U3 of
appetite, suppressions of montiilv flow, or
irrt-gularities thereol accompanied by head
aches, nervf-i!sns. hvstorirs and simiHr
srmrtons, U'kee.'tr'i Ao. 06 Prescription
"fl" will positively ustorn ynn to ht'-il'h.
If you ha e a a rsation cf hi-at and thn.b
bmj in the baric. tre; lently faint n spells.
Leueorrhra or white di-hsrre, piinfnl or
soaltlii g ler.s-ttinn in urinitinc. reddish or
white tlrposit in urine, h it and d.-v skin.
IVhefler't .Vi. 0 Prescription -C" wiil
(tivo imiuedinte and lsstit.pn lief. The price
of Wheeb-ra Xo 90 Perscriplion "K" and
'Care i'i cents each, obiainshle frfim
drnpists or sent by mail secure fiora ob-s-rvatinn
put paid on receipt of price.
Puftsjii" s.'amps tjken.
1131311 It is ne-ite-s to describe the ,
alU.LU.iv mi tons of this nauseous di- '
ei.se tuat is sjpii:ft tho life and strentr'h ;
ot only too many tl the fairest and best of
liotti .-i-s. ol 1 un t r-imip, sutreiinir alike
from the piisnoiis dripping in the throat.)
the p-iscnons nas-t! di?rhjrjres, tha fftid 1
brcaib and feneral weakness, di-tiility and j
lancnnr. ssi from th acut sutf-Tins ol j
this diseew. wtiie h if nt cheeked can only i
end in lesi of p-jhitey kpariftieti. vcakned i
tic'it. lost of memory, deafness an-l pre-
mature death it nt cbi-cked before it is too
la;. Labor, study and risrarrh in Ann-ri-i
ca. Kurope and Kaslern lands h- nm!t- i
ed in WHeelcr'i Xo. " lustjtit K'ltrf ani
Sute Cure for Catarrh, a remedy whi-'h '
Co 1 1 1:: a no harmful ingredients, and ihit '
is piiarantrd to cure erery ca.- of acute i
or rtironic e.i'arrh or m ney refunded j
W eelrr't Xo. 9'j Instant Relief ani Sure '
furf for Catarrh ii! cure errrv cji" j
rat irrh, hay tcvrr or asihmo, priee Sl.fXJ
per pa -l..-j. frum druirjists or s.'tit by I
nnil p t j on receipt of price.
Wheelec'i Xo. ! Sure cure for Kilney
tni I. iter Troubles cures all weakness and j
soreness ot kidnev. intUnmiVi-m of kidney
or liver, p-ice SI K".
n h elcr'i YigeUblt Pill are the only
rrmi-di that cur" consumption, pivinj r.at
uial action of tbe bowels without phvsieinj,
purcruit:. srripinjr or pjin. Pries i's cents,
of dru'gisis or by mail.
M heeler't Xerrine Tanie for m'-ntal d--pression,
loss of aunhood. Ian juor, we ik
neis or over taxation of the brain il in
valuable, price 1 cents.
WP flTTAT? STiTT,I,c"r'" in case
Wii L UMlilii III Jor will refund money
paid. We plaice our price for these reme
dies at less tban ono-lw entietb of the price
asked by others lor remedies npun which
yon tsko all the ch.uyes, and ir specially
invite the patronage of the mm person
who have tried other remedies without ef
fect or depleted their purses by paying
doctor bills that beu-titte.l them not.
and ask for them It they have not got
tin id, writ at once to the p-o prjetors. en-clo-inc;
Ihe price in money or stamps, and
they mill le sent you at once by mail, post
paid. Correspondence solicited. .Ad
dress plaiuly. I.. WHKF.I.ER i CO.,
Ko. 9-i V. hultimore St.
C'leTly S'.tccezsfully
SheiiH wrt nt fcr eur pTr.rihlt esj aiirs
tertv'rrrs. erf-.a aird fp-f ilrrpr rin h mtf-
at home far about S g a h c-wcost;e.q
W' PQiVtLL'S PR..'-P CHil-.'iCaiS.
B. 'ersaettin Every St-i'a. f-tntntsnir'ti
fnrmpccuni1tw;orv. AnqKvr'trrV'feecf s.
Mie'jf3rtt'rrs of
Powell's Tip-Top Bone FertiHrer,
Bone. Petayh. S eionta. &e.
16 l.irHT STRFET. PLT''-f.PE. V.n.
MirrLiarowx, Pa.
june 20-83.
I would inform tbe public tbat I have
now in my new millinery store at my place
of residence on Water street, Mifflintown,
second door from corner of Bridge street,
a full stock, of fall and winter millinery
goods, all new, and of the latest atyles.
aud having employed first class milliners,
lam prepared to supply thepnblic with
everything fonnd in a Brstclass milliner
store, come and examine my stock. I
consider it no trouble to show goods.
May 2 83.1-v.
Subscribe for the Senttnel mud RefuHicmn
the best newspaper ia the county.
la the plaoe where joa eaa buy
HS is prepared to exhibit one of the most choice and select stacks ever effered li
Also, measures taken for.suits and parts of sails, which will he made te ertla
at short notice, very reasonable.
Remember the place, in Hoffmaa's
Water s'reets, MIFFLINTOWN, PA.
lias eenstantly on hand fall variety ef
GENTS' FI'RXISniXO GOODS. Goods of all kinds are lowCorae and see at
and ba astonished Pants at 75 Cents. 17 SUITS MADE TO VRVER.q
Patterson, Pa., April 16, 1878.
Proftstional Cards.
Ilomorpatblc rjhilclao,
Ofliee in residence or Solomon Books.
Main Street, llifilintown, Pa. I
Xy I have permanently located in Mifflin
town. All calls left at office promptly at-j
ti-nded to. Oct. 17, '83-tf.
Locts E. ATXt!tsoi. Go. Jacobs, Ja
ITColleetinf and Conveyancing prompt
ly attended to.
Owen On Mnin street, in place of reai.
denre of Louis E. Atkinson, E.. sonth of
Bridge street. Oct 26, 1881.
jJASO- in WIN,
K7 All business promptlr attended to.
Orrtra On Bridfte street, oriwsite the
Conri House sq tiara. ian7, 80-ly
IjyCoIlections attended to promptly.
Orrica With A. J. Patterson Esq, on
Bridge street. Feb 25, 'SO
Physician and Surgeon,
Mlf FUXTOiVX, r.i.
Office hours f-ora 9 a. x. to 3 r. x..
ilce in his residence, on Third street.
posit Methodist parsonage. foct:
oo t
Tl.as resumed actively the practice of
Medicine and Surgery und their collateral
b-'r'ies. Office at the old corner of Third
and ( r.inge .streets, Miffiictown, Pa.
March 29, 1ST6
Acidemia, Juniata Co., Pa.
Ornc formerly occupied by Dr.Sterrett.
Professional bniiness promptly attended to
at all hoars.
Jons Vcl.arcnus. Joscpti W. Stimml
MCi.trr;iiM?( a. stihjiel,
port ro r.i r.. jvxutj co., p.i.
D30n!y reliable Companies represented.
Dec. 8, lS75-lr
Fsrrmrs and Mechanics Machinery.
M itllintown, Juiiata County, Pa.
Office on Fridge street opposite South
side of Court !Ioue.
Nov. 8. 1R2.
Ninth St . soulh of Chestnut, on sqtare
sonth of the JCew Post Office, one-balf
sqnure fmni Walnut St. Thrafre and in the
very business centre of the citv. On the
American and European pians. Good rooms
fmni Oc to $t 00 per dv. Remodeled and
newly furnished. W. PAINT. M. D.,
()ner and Proprietor.
Nov. 2!, 1H3, ly.
How l.ot, How Iioitorel.
Just published, a new edition of PR.
on tbe radical cure of Srtaa troRanot a or
Seminal Weikness, Involuntary Seminal
Losses. iMpo-rrxcv, Mental and Physical
lncnpaci;v. Impediments to Marriafs, etc ;
also, CoisrHPTtnsj, EpiLcrT and Kira. in
dnjed bv a-lt-indulgcnce or final xtrar
agance. ke.
The celebrated author, in this aduiirab'a
Essay, clearly demonstrates, from a thirty
years' .successful practice, that the alarm
ing consequences of self-abuse may be rad- i
icaily enred ; pointing out a mode of cure
at onre simple, certain, and effectual, by
means of which averv anfferer. no mattn
what his condition may be, may cure him- J
sell cheaply, privately, an J radically.
fjy This Lecture should be in the hands I
of every youth and every m; in the land.
Sent, under seal, in a plain envelope, t.i
any address, post-paid, on receipt of i.v
cents, or two postage stamps. A ldress
41 Ann St., New Tork.N'.T.;
jnel8-ly-octl7 Post.Office Box 450.
la All persons are hrrebv notified not to
trepas on the lands of the undersigned,
in Walker and Fermanagh townships, for
'he purjx.se of hantiinr, budding fires, or
'or anv other tre.pise purpose.
'"HRiTi!f Mrssri, Rrrstai Moist,
Is ac Arias.. Willi RircrNatCH,
Wei.lixotoic SMrrit, Ki-aTZ Ktrrrstit,
Josreti S. tVcavta, Sisasj Bonver,
Jos as Kitrims, Cvais Siibkb.
Oct."31, lfc':j-tr.
A LL persona are herebv cautiuneil
t. against fishinj or Imntinsr, gatherinir
berries. or crossing Gelds, or in any other
way trespassing on tbe lands of tbe under,
J. S. Eaxsrr.
New Bailding, eorner of Bridge mi
Jan. 1, 18i't-f
Special .Yolicu.
svssvdst ascTCLopiDiA, contalaiss;
Over 25,000 Wards, coaapiled from WEB
STER, ID.oyV) srnonyms, a complete dic
tionarr of rhymss, foreign words and phras
es, brsir.e.s. nautical, musical and law
t:Tms and mythology. Embracing rvery
subject o:i which clear, satisfactory informa
tion is given.
A 835S fQL'AL T8 330 PASU OCTAVO, 9.tO.
The same information cannot be had else
where, nor in as conveniaot or accsaaibl
shape for lesj tban Sl'i. Saoiple pf"s frsa.
Outfit $1 00. TaaTta, Vsaaiax k. Co. 60S '
Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa.
tct. 17-3m.
contains an antldete for all ma
larial disorder which, so far as
known, ia uiwnl in nn oiber remedy. It coa
titins no Qtiimoa, nor acy mineral nor de
leterious substance whatever, and conse
quently produces no injii.ioiis affect upon
the constitution, but leaves the system as
healthy as it was before the attack.
CI' RE to cure every case of Fever and
Ague. Intermittent or Chili Fever, Remit,
tent Faser, Dumb Agne, Billioas Ftver
ard Liver Complaint cansad by malaria.
In case of faiiurt, after dne trial dsalar
are authorised, bv out cireular datew. Jaly
1st, i9c2, 3 Tcruasl tbe money.
Dr. J. C. .Ayer's & Co., lo-well,
Sold by'all'Drtiggiats.
These ceI--bratod 8tovo will
In less time end with LES3 FUZL
than any ether vapor Ccok Stov
Do eurs r.nil bay tha Danglor
Non-Explostv i Vrijr Coc.'-i Stove.
xtNTi ' rrmn -t T.a
;:'!nyr! V jnva Pt R ?'r!nr P
b'lwiiA ?u;;t! lL.jLL i'C!:i.i..,--, vm
U ! U
civ.A?iD, g::ic.
Ton hi r zz Oca A r
r., lv , li:-.-i '-7 ' - .-
di,:a::: mght dsaft
A:-:ii t::3 e::!:::; ;
'lit '. i ' r- y ?'r';t - J
Blrt'.v-.icitf in co:tru 't. , c ct ;-.s.s aat.
1. L: f?;,:hi. durb:i:tr wmd wjrlui usxuay
Inn I einii'tio'j ir ra.n.
MI JT ILiri'Ka hm 11 the 1ts X
eoLH CUPPta iLQi& mlUx im Tublai
lu. p r5m en m.
tro ' rT t.rTiTirT CTwr-rm.
Good AG N 13 WA3iT&iiii tuaoccapUl Wrltocy.
D. S. fiiORGAil & CO.,
(Successors to Buyers k. Ivcansdy,)
CO A la
Calcined Plaster, Land Plaster.
He bnys Grain, to be delivered at Mlfflla
town. Port Royal, or Mexico.
Fie is prepared toturnishSa!ttodaler
at reasonable rates.
April 21.188.-tf
A valuahle farn, containin; abjet t0
acres, all tillable Und, s id in a sood alate
of cultivation, with por.l Dwt-iliria; House,
Bank Barn, Wspon Shed arid outbuildinf s,
all in ftood repair. The land is all river
bottom. Also, 4-iO acres of mountain laad,
along line of Pennsylvania Railroad, and
convenient to Sidinjt and Station, well
set with rock oak, chestnut, and other tim
ber. A (rood opportunity tor any onewaat
infr; a flrt clasa home or to entt-r in the
luujier n'lmneis. For particoia-a ra'l
or addre. JEREMIAH LTO-VS,
MirVLiaTowa, Jcsiata Co., Pa
Sept. 19, U!.
; N! Fro-. v
P tj.-s-s . :t.-" Cjir
. aaV . v . aT - : - ut
i lOli
in y
!!;( "
i ' '