I SENTINEL & REPUBLICAN MIFFLINTOWN : Wednesday, Dec. 5, ISSS. TERMS. nluv!v.4; 11 en ,.w" ,7 "! . nnum if paid withm 12 month.; 2.00 if not paid within 12 months. "u Transient adyertisementa inserted at 60 K" "" '"r ricn insertion. Transient business notice in local col ana, 10 cents per line lor nrh Deductions wiU be made to those desiri'nc to advertise by the year, half or quarter j - SHORT LOCALS. A 400 day clock has been invented. . . , ' aiuas oi crocks at jucvuuLic a. EspensoLade baa sold 21 boots this fall. Merchant Hinkle is no in bnjing new goods. McClintio keeps for sale a f builder' hardware. cues of the citj fall line Bead, Judge BarneU's oharee on McClintio has nails and hardware goods for sale. other Herman North and wife are their friends in these parts. vie iting A great deal of ground for next year, has been plowed. eorn, Tl i iuero r a gooa many new oases of email pox in lianoaster city. The MoAIisteiville literary sooiety meets erery Saturday evening. Veterans of East Waterford are a bout organizing a Post G. A. K. A prayer meeting was held in th. Methodist oburoh on Thanksgiving day. One of the indispensible things is a cook store, go to McClintic's and buy a cook tore uacxenoerger has bis Santa Claua standing out in readiness for Christmas day. Mrs. Mary Kreidor of this borough lost a vaiuaDie ear ring several days ago. Attestiox Housekeepers, yon may find a Urge assortment of cook stoves at Mc- Clintic'a There is a talk of Coony of the Mo Veytown Journal turning to be a preacher. R. E Parker will build a house for a store on the lot on which his former business place stood. Joseph Light sold bis farm in Sus quehanna township For $2,600 to Wo. Leitzell of Schuylkill oounty. It is said by Snyder county papers, that Mrs. Dr. J. R. Swigert is the best Latin reader in Snyder county. E. D. Parker of this place, aod Dr Grubb, of Thompsontown, are playing a game of Chess by postal cards. The most of the preachers in Mass., refused, or neglected to read Governor Rutler's Thanksgiving proclamation, George Uarmao, of Snyder county, bought the David Kanagy farm 102 acres in Turbett township, for $12. 300. Miss Mary Bites, living near Sher man'l!e, Perry county, shot herself in the band while carelessly handling a pistol. The Lewisbnrg Chronical states that several men have recently been in Lewi-burg parsing- counterfeit one and two dollar bills. Noah Riebl, of Bealo township, died at his homo on Fridaj a week, of con sumption., lie was a son of the late Jacob Riehl. The Philadelphia aod Reading Rail road Company have bought the Wist or furnace property at Harrisbnrg, price paid $100,000. The December number of the Gold en Davs is at band bright as, ever. The bovs and cirls are fond of it. Price for ekgle copy 25 cts. The entertainment eiveu by the Home Missionary Society of the Pres byterian church last Thanksgiving er euing was a pleasant entertainment. Wm Crawford, foreman of the Demo crat and Register has secured a situa tion in the government printing office at Washington. D. L. Sandoe has bis p!a;e in the Register office. Away up here among the hills of 1'eiHjlvaiiia people cannot understand why lbs jreacbers in Massachusetts re fused to read the Thanksgiving prosla Ration of Governor Butler. The Sextisal and Republic.! k gives a great deal more rsading matter toils patrons than any other of tbe Juniata coanty pipers. Subscribe for it aid get tbe worth of your money ASTRAY. A brown and white eow, with high withers, has been gone sev eral weeks. Send information to E. D. Parker. tf. Mifflintown. Pa. John A. Hardy has been appointed from the trainmastership of the Al toooa division of the Pennsylvania rail road to the trainmastershin of the mid dle division. Mr. Uardv is a Juniata county loan. , The late railroad survey from Lew istown to Selinsgrove through this county, by way of tbe Long Narrows and Lost Creek Vallev. is 17 miles shorter than the survey through Mifflin county to Selinsgrove. Colored people of Huntingdon hive a literary society. Tbe Ulone says, iu the subject discussed a few evenings go, s. "Resolved, that the profes fon of a school teacher is more honor able than that of a lawyer." The railroad locomotive bell must go ; its place will be filled by "m11 whistle in the engineers cab. The whittle is under the management of the conductor, who will sound it for tbe engineer as occasions require. How often do we bear of the sudden fatal termination of a ease of croup, bena young life might have been Td by the prompt use of Ayer's Pec toral! Be wise in time, and keep buttle of it on hand, ready for instant use. The champion wild turkey hunter of "e Juniata V alley lives at jjewiiu"i nau.3 is Charles Augustus Palmer, fp to last Tlint!oirinr dav he had "hot 12 wild turkevs. How many be hu fihnt cii.A r.n tint been re . Can n to H.. . J.theba.booVeTr.h:TtWb dww.ion. ftofofcwr Jook teoher Flett, lawyer. MM "aon field. Bidi. ?r,cMeen.Breh- jeiairt Lyons, Stone, ""'J, Jr., Pattern "ooos, and editor oooweier. J.t, - Wi icon all : - hi up glow during several deen red Some on, ha. JT''" oome one ha. ad. the peculiar redness shower of met. 7" bJ OOratmn.nl, ung into . 'w uuot. fuia. Purse out th lurking that undermines h linn. I ... aistemper --.iu, ana eonstita- . lt;ur will who Aer'a 8. lne.,Ble. should take mood, and restore vitality. siahhK M'8&i,0M1r' Societies of the Mes ml Kvangelical Lutheran chorch will give an entert.nment in the church on lhursday evening Dec. 6th, aT ? o clock. Admission free. All are in will b iirnd; . A bMket "oI"o" lifted at the close of the tKA . 18 oeiieved to be the oldest existing in rh.t ! on- of the oldest in the wor d ft was US0 d became h .A' J" 1687, i continued in tbe me family to tbe present time." uncut, iravenno n r . i l.o . -i , " aiong tbe railroad u:u.j , . .... tk" 7 ml"eu J 9 cars . . ou inanrsgiving 1.V. Ills body was brought k! Ution at this place and a decent bur il given it by tbe railroad company rrom a paper found on hi. . ui: . . p"; n is -.:eli mat nis name was Muller. "Wonder what ed New Testimantt" said Bnwn: pon niy word 1 haven.t seen a copy of it ur.year.- "Have von . of old versihn within a vear' .tH Deaoon Textual. ' rr,n;n claimed Brown, "it's funny, but com. to think of it. 1 haven't." Rrh.- 6. A eonereeatioaal mMtino ;n held in tbe Presbvterian rk.n.i S J ucn atnrday, to elect a member of the committee of Ways aod Slesns, and to determine, as to whether, - the congre gation will continue the envelope sys tem of raising revenna or rem ik. system of renting the news to rais money for church purposes. Lewis Wagner, living on theSohwei- er, farm, was stricken with nrni.. while in the honse of Silas Moyer, on tbe Stambaugb, Island farm, near this town, a few mornings ago. He was unconscious for quite a while, after consciousness was restored be was tak en home. He seems to be recovering slowly, from tbe effects of the stroke. A two hundred aod forty dollar mu.e, owned by Kennedy and Doty lost its life a few evenings in hv banging itself, by a hind foot. Uy some means one of its bind feet was forced through a bole in the wall of the stable about 4 feet from the floor ; the animal not being able to extricate iu foot, was thrown down and died, haDging by the foot. There was preaching in the I'resby terian chnrch on Tbauksgivmg by Mr. Benaugh. ' The Union services that bad been beld during so many of the Thanksgiving days of the past was dis pensed with for the reason that Mr. Berry who was designated to preach the sermon found himself in sujha state of health as to warrant him in not preach ing on that day. Clayton Beasbor shot a wild turkey that weighed eleven pounds a few days ago. A flock of turkeys had come into a piece of woodland on bis fathers farm, near the house, in Walker township and somo other parties who were doing their best to get a shot at the fowels drew the attention of Clayton and he went out to try a shot on the game, which resulted as above stated. The editor of the Lewistown Demo crat, called tbe editor of the Free Press a coward, wherefore the editor of the Free-Press tells tbe editor of the Democrat that he knows the post office address of tbe editor of the Free Press. If there is to be a duel gentleman, in vite us as a spectator, and if you will cermit a sueeestion, we suggest that yon use as weapons, "goose quills. DO NOT FORGET. Do not forget that at Hcss's Pho tograph Gallery you oan set any small picture enlarged for 75 cents. Also anything that is mule in Pho- toTapliy, you can get here done up, in first class style, Alt tne mresi style pictures, such as Uanis. oanin- cts, l'romenrtUO, lannci &c., &c I rames ci an kiuju cu At the Sheriff's sale Wst week Doty o i. .. ii,. V?..Hfnr,1 fruit farm at or. uoug ji " Thompsontown tor 5o,u The property of Samuel leieh was bought by J ones u..6...6 The claim against the Jacob illow property was settled. r fi.- ..nnl Zeider property i wa bought by L- E. Atk.nson fr was The Abra n. oneuj bought by Mrs. Catharine Shelly. REMOVED. Notice th CnASGK.-We are now ka n,i and beautiful room "street i. b. ding thai J. S. Thomas has recently bu.lt, -w. we are once more to furnish the LZa. ;.. laree stock of dry gw boots and shoes. 1 msrlPS. and sell cne'Per,omu 0 F. HINSKL&CO. Nov. 28. 1883 tf. rlAte of l6t Tbe Perry Jrm ,nornine .ir cvs. on last a 7. V , PV a well Mown Mr pf s.ville town- much respected c.t.ten w ''wrt-X -dhb death was residence. U i PP peck WM caused by oea -- . for drawn as one o. I- B.r r, d court last we, ".eoonnt of .. j. .nH was excuse- not being in good health. rears of ge- r.nrt of lst week The rerrj .... from the Ll.nW msrfi tJ,'of J C Hollenbaugh, W barn of c.tnrdav night. Tbe t0wnshP, on g tied to animal was found - H . f.nee in n "PT . ha nnir- Centre !D.Tft;.he.rec.ionofL.n A rewsrd is of- -r ia animai fered for tbe recovery d arrest of the tb.rf. Between this n a .'l. , n.. fi". r J PeMon who ing this of U Tre, ,hmn 0M JeM' crip 111 7V know " bua,n 'ke other people d CM,jt afford tQ WMk tor nothing. W, hTe , , f ubsenber. that are almos? all the time ahead with their pay. We have Urge list who are a little slow, but tbe larger number of them will be in on time, before the 1st of February. The extra sessinn of th. s more -demoralning in its influence than .. a i . - aa v ma inn Mm IT a nf I WT7 Tl.. ern ia 1877 in r not much better was expected when an -tr j presented itself for de yuTOieworr and plunder. But of ine law making ! r t.. monwealth htt, t; ..j than this; it wiU sit day after day for v.uor purpose tban tbe spoils of of-. . n proves that a large bodv of men elected by the people may pluo der the State through the forms of Jaw Valentin! Spigglemyer, of Tyrone, ma me wnue in tne seven moun tains in Mifflin a w.uj uuuuug uccr. Ihe Lewistown Gazette says of the sad oocurance : From annearanoes it seam tb iat he bad crawled upon a stump to pet ' a oetter view and resting the but hlS gun UDOn thn ssmA ir of nd striking tbe triggers forced them causing tbe load of buck shot in one of the barreU to an nff mnA enter bis bowels. He was saved from tbe load in the other benonso nf tha cap being bad and failing to explode The body was taken to Tyrone. W. A. Tnnnv lives nn Kn W fl Thompson farm at Durward station. come mgtits ago bis dogs barked as if they bad game treed in one of the fields nearest tbe mountain. . Mr. toony aod his son hastened to tbe place but the dogs were not barking up a tree, they were barking at a hole in tbe ground. The ground was loose at that place, and no me aiaof stioks, tbe bole was fol wed and opened to tbe far end, and iere to tbe surprise of the cursuers . r V two large opossums. The animals eiged 18. pounds each. Tbe opossum not olten caught in these parts. The following item from tbe Bedford G azette is Buffioient to causa a. man tn be Cautious When ont shontinir rhhita One day last week Peter Mellot, who i ves in cuiton oounty just across tbe iedford count? line, went out hunting with his nephew. Tbev stirred nn a rabbit and as tbe nephew was raising is rifle to fire.it went off. tbe ball strik ing Mellot in the thigh, aod inflicting a uangerous wound. Several of the blood vessels were severed and' it was nnlv by prompt attntion on the part of a physiciaa that the flow of blood was stopped. The injured man is in a pre carious condition. Fred Esnenschado airad ahnnt 10 i 0 years, eon of Merchant Espenschade, wnue cnmbing into the bind end of the Dotv coal waoon fot a leer tlirnnoh -- r - c- r- r- the wheel, aod his head under the lock leaver. It was a dangerous fix for any one to be in, and those who saw the situation of the boy thought that both is leg and neck would be broken, but not so. the fates decreed otherwise. the wagon was stopped and Fred was released, taken borne put to bed and a doctor called. His leg was skined ma few places but his neck was all riffht. and after a half day spent in bed be was so recruited that be was able to be out. If a man wants to sit up with a wo man he had better not sit up with an other man's wife as protests against such proceedings are published every week in different parts of the country. The latest reminder of the impropriety of such courtships cumes from Missouri and reads, St. Louis, Nov. 23. Char les Suess, a well known citizen of Brunswick, Missouri, at an early hour last evening left home, telling his wife that he was going to the theatre. Dur ing the performance Suess was taken ill and immediately left for home. Upon bis arrival there- he found William Dot son with his wife. Dotson luadd a move as though to draw a pistol. Suess picked up bis shot gan which stool in oorner and fired point blank at Dotson, scattering his brains and killing him instantly. Up to tbe time of the kill ing Suess was known as a law-abiding oitiien, while D jtsoa had a record as a ladies' man and bravado. There is a farmer living near Water- bury, Conn., who has a large lamily of girls. He would have liked to have a boy or two :n tbe tamiiy,Dut tns wire noi itbstanding ail of bis earnest expres sions on the quostloa continued to pre seut him semi occasionally with a girl. lie qnarrolled with her about the mat ter, and somo weeks ago so sunk his manhood as to assault ber, be - was so violent iu bis assault as to break a leg for his better balf, which violence a roused the indignation of the commun ity to a high pitch, and, on the night or" the 27th of last month 20 young men visited Smith's house Smith was his name with tar and feathers, in tending to give biui a coat of the same. Smith warned them off, aid, opening a window, fired into their midst, filling the back of Mjron Hard with small shot, producing a painful but not seri ous injury Smith should be punished in tbe court for his violence to his wife. He is worse tcan a brute. Court Proceedings. A special term of court of conven ed on the 26tb day of November last, -l,inh disDOsed of the following bus iness between that date and the ev ening of tbe pth day of the mouth just stated. There were only inree jui cuD.-D, first, Israel C. Caldwell vs. Joseph Bell and Wm. P- BU, No. 9, April term, 18S2. This was a enit to get possession of a piece of land in Lack tjwnsuip, which bad been sold at a Sheriff's sale as tbe porperly of Jo seph BelL Wm. P. Bell claimed the ownership of tbe property under a deed in his name. Verdict for Caldr well- A motion for a new trial was made. Second T. A Elder vs. Overseers of Milford townsb-p, No. 39, April term. 1883. This was to recover 9. 50 for doctoring iurs. j. Verdict in favor or uver- Warner. seers. nM.:..iTnlm It. Van Horn vs. a than T. Van Horn. o. j. term, 1883. This suit was between brothers, about an agreement to di vide the difference between two pieces of inherited real estate ; the sum contended for waa eight hun dred dollars. Verdict in favor of John B. Van Horn for $323.90. In the case of E R. Allen vs. Char les Stewart, No. 121, Sept term, 1883. Stewart did not appear and judgment therefore was entered in favor of alien in the sum of $15.30. In 'the case of the overseers of of Beale township vs. Overseers of Milford township, concerning the re moval of pauper, James Carter, argu ment was heard, and the case held for consideration. The Court declined to make an or der for costs in the matter of the in quest on the bodies of suicides, Mrs. Kercbuer and John -T. Musselman, and on the body of Rebecca Lauver, who lost her life by accidental drown ing. The declination to grant an or der for costs for the holding of in quest was on tbe ground that the cause of the demise of the persons named was clear, there was no doubt as to how they came to their death. The purpose of an inquest is clear np doubt, when doubt exists as to the cause of death. A decree of Court was issued to enforce specific performanco of con tract of S ML KurtA deceased, late of Delaware township, with Samuel Schlegel, of Delaware township. In the case of West Perry town ship, Snyder county vs. Monroe town ship, Juuiata county, on an appeal for removal of family of K R Gor don, argument was heard, and the case held for consideration. . Petition of David Shirts for a rule ou Benjamin Zeiders and S. O. Evans to show cause why ataortgage should not be satisfied. Rule granted and made returnable on the 18th day of December, 1883. The bond of Cliarles A Farlemon, as constable, was approved and filed. A paper of discontinuance of suit of Cedar Spring Congregation vs. T. V. Irwin was filed. On petition of the County Com missioners, Geo. W. Smith, James Milliken and David Winey were ap pointed inspectors to examine a bridge asrosa the west branch of Ma- hontono creek. Peter 5L Eicbman, filed a petition for a writ of partition in the matter of estate of Michael Eicbman, lato of Fayette township, deceased. illiam S. Brown, of Fayette, was appointed guardian for Charles, An nie, William aud Abbie Shell, miner children of Eli7.aleth E. Shell. Jacob Beidler, of Mifflintown, was appointed guardian for Maggie J. McFarliind, minor child of George McFarland. William Kniscly was appointed guardian for Maggio P., and Thomas Knistiy. ni;hf!r children of Mary E. Knisely. An amended report of A J. Patter auditor in tbe estate of George Bot tijrer, deceased, was filled. The repcrt of A J. Patterson, au ditor of the account of Rsubrn Cav eny, assignee of David Slrayer, with exceptions, filed. Aunt Maria Remarks. That the bridge needs cleaning, that tbe dirt ia it spoils the skirts of ber dress. It would pay some one to clean it for tbe sweepings; the sweepings would make tba best of fertilizer for a garden. That tbe jourg men should not give the girls so much candy when tbey spark them, or sit up with their f-weet hearts later than 10 or 11 o'clock at night. That Uncle Jake is a tkuuk of a man and fhould have a corn cob pnt in his mouth, and be tied on a ducking board and be "dous-'d np and down in the canal for his vulgar personal - in sinuations abou; people. That tlie bridge over the gutter a long l.'liery street has set everybody a talking about the grading and filling up of that highway. That the new post office is a love of a place. That Uncle Jake sho-s low breed, ing in his remarks about the preachers and Tbanksgiviog. That Auut Maria hopes that tbe nar rows railroad H oota bluffer enterprise. Aunt Maria makes her best bow to Uncle Jake and says Dear Jakie, what a snob you ure to write such personals. That almost all tbe pretty girls and nice young men will attend the insti tute. That Uncle Jake must have been bred on the street or on a commons, or some other open place, for how else could be coiuo to have such a disre gard for private affairs as to be contin uously talking about the private affairs aod acts of people in private life. Jakie Dear, where were you bred ? Do hold thai eoandalous tougue or Aunt Maria will lose her good teeling for you. That there are few weddings on the carpet for he holidays. That a good many private excursions bavs been planned fur the holidays, which, if Uncle Jake would know of, would cause him to show bis bad breed ing by passing ugly personal remarks. Envy, Uncle Jake, is a bad thiog to have it makes one unhappy. Pray to be freed Iroui it. Perhaps the Lord will bear you, if your day of grace bas not gone by. Auut Maria h pes that you may be beard. Pray Jakie for a better heart, a decent tongue, aod tbe pen of a gentleman, and leave the bal ance to the Lord. I will then he;.r no more about your remarks about peo ple as tbey pass along the street. Take Aunt Maria's advice and "don't jcu forget it." That tbe old bachelors are happy over the expectation cf Laving the ques tion popped to them in IS 34. Don't expect such good luck from Aexr Maria. ATEES . Sarsaparilla la s hljrhly concentrated extract of SanaparUla ud other blood-purifying; roots, combined with Iodlda of Potas sium and Iran, and ia the safest, most reli able, and most economical blood-ponder that can be ased. It invariably expels all blood poisons from the system, enriches and renen the blood, snii resteres its Titmlisine power. It is the best known remedy for Scrofula and all Scrofulous Complaints, Erysip elas, Eczema, Kinrworm, Blotches, Sores, Bolts, Tumors, and Eruptions of the Skin, as also tor all disorders caused by a thin acd impoverished, or corrupted, condition of the blood, ruch as Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Rheumatic Gout. General DebUity, and Scrofnlocs Catarrh. InJfcsraturj Rtazlisa Cnrel "Arm's SAKurAKiixa. has cured me of tho AnUanim:(fry Rheumatism, with aiuch ! !-avc i2.f::vl for many vrar. W. II. MOOBE." lu-uam, i-., Vsreh 2, lwl. 1 runrAFEO BT Dr. J.C.Ayeri Co., Lowell, Masn. B by all rrrr,hU; SI. six t. : fft DIL JOHN DOLL'S Sii'sIcaicSyrip FOR THE CURE OF FEVER and AGUE Cr CHILLS and FEVER, ARO ALL mUP.IIl DISEASES. . The proprietor of this eclabrated medi eiro justly clri-xs fir it a operisritr over ail icmcdies cv:r o(fr-l to the public for the SAFE, C22T&I5, STTT31 and Ft3 HAS E3T enre of gn and Fever, or Chills and Fever, whether of short or long iund inp. Ee refers to the entire Weitem and Southern eoantry t bear him testimony to the truth of the asr artion that in no case whatever will it fail to cure if tho direc tions are strictly folloved and carried ont In a trreat many rases a single dose has been sufficient for a cure, and whole fami lies bare been cured by a sinplc bottle, wita a perfeot restoration of the eencn) health. It is, however, prudent, and in erery case more certain to euro, if its nse ia continued in smaller doses for a week or two after tho disease has been checked, more especially in difnonlt and loop-standing eases. Usu ally this medicine will not require any aid to keep the bowels in good order. Should th: putient, however, require a eathartie medicine, after having taken three or four iosti of the Touio, a single dose ef BULL'S YlittETABLZ FAUXLY f ILLS will be saf flcient. 3ULL'8 SAESAPARILLA is the old and reliable romedj for impurities of the blood aad Scrofulous sifsotions the aing of Blood PuriSeri. 53. JOES BuIL'S VEGETABLE WOE DXiTitOYER is prepared ia the form of canu7 drops, attractive to tho sight and pleaeaat to the taste. UR. JOHN HULL'S SMITH S TGN1C SYRUP, BULL'S SARSAPARILLA. BULL'S WORM DESTROYER, The Popular Remedies of the Dav. . rinrlpil Office, S31 Hila St., LOUISVILLE, Kl F. ESPESSCnADE, AT THK CEXTRAIi STORE BRIDGE STREET. 2yr Doob Wert of Odi Fellows Hall, MiftlintOTrii, Pa., Calls tbs attention of the ptiblio to the folio winj faots : Fair Prices Oar Leader! The Bast Goods Our Pride ! One Price Our Style! Cash or Exchange Our Terms ! Small Profits and Quick Sales Our Motto! ' Our leading Specialties are FRESH GOODS EVERY WEEK is DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, GROCERIE3, BOOTS AND STJOES, for Men, Women and Children, Qaeensware, Glassware, Wool and Willow-warej Oil Cloths, and every article usually found in Erst class stores. COUNTRY PRODUCE taken in exchange for goods at highest market prioe. Thankful to tbe publio for their heretofore liberal patronage, I request their continued custom ; and ask per sons from all parts of tbe county, when in Miffii:". to call at:d see uiy atook of goods. i F. Sept. 7, 18S3 ESPCXSCIIADE. 0 1ST IVY $20. PHILADELPHIA SINGER MACHINE Equnl to mnt &lngrr tn 1h Xfrktl. The abve ntt represents fl; v.i r'pul style for the . ple hi-h srr e-ffer Sir y u r the TPrr l f..js f -2. i;;-n'C-nilr. tt i!. nota.sk you m fiy ut-i:I t-i; V.t rrrr. :!:c machine. After liavin a-i.-.inii.t-i it, if it !, not all we r";rtfiit, r-tur:i -t in rt f 'i expense. C.-iiti!t ytnr ir.trri-r N -r.: r t: Stic?, orKenrf !r i-i renters r.r.J t-.;:nir;:,.i. AJarcss t'HAKI. A. V. O.;.v.: o.. Xo. 17 N. Tenth St.. VUi!jut-. -hi. I'a. "ov. 28, 1883-UH. JVVap Advertisements- PVsITnTT? Ijrrrij ind womsn know ere UllilOliJlllI illilJihis that of tbe many diseases and derangements of ths budy each a separate canse or o-igin, and that each occds a ttifr-rent metu yd of treatment in ord er to eff-ct a cam, and a moment's rrtl' ctlun nmat convince that anr ol tin qnack noatrnma foisted npon tbn pnblic claiminr to core all of a number of diam- etricly differeot diseases most prTe fail- ures, even it we do not call tbem ham bugs. Pflllll PPfTPT PaD people of moderate lUUn XLUf llllmeans, and even people well to do or wealthy find that the nor moj chargti of practisinfr physicians are a serious burien to them, and also find tW a'ter paying themselves poor that no b.ne nt has accrued to them, that in fact ther have thrown their money away. To over come these evils we otfur Whtehr't Ko. 9t bure Hemtdut U the sick and snSorins; out Remedy tor each disease, without for a moment claiming that one remedy will cure any other disease thn the one claimed for it, and as these remedies have stood the test of years withont a single failure, w agree te rrfnnd the money paid in ererr instance where a enre ia not positively ef fected. The remedies are entirely Timeta ble, can do no barm, and will positively cure every disease for which they are per tcribod. HHP MnTTHM onf. Lanvness of MiiUUiUAHUIu, Joints, Sciatica and Neuralgia are relieved at once and positively cured by the use of Wheeler's No. 9f, Rhen matisni Ktmedy. We say boldly that in th worst of cases of no matter how on ttand tag. bow teriout or how painful, we can not only give relief bnt nov'firry cure Tor all time. Failing to do this we will positively refund the money paid for the treatment, and if yonr sufferings are not positively stopped for all time you have not thrown your tuority away as yon would on any oth er tban these guaranteed remedies.' The price or Wheeler's 'o. 96 RhenraMim Keme.Iy is only 60 cents, obtained from druggi.iU or aent free by mil on receipt of price. Stamps taken. SMEBDfft W0MEN.fr,: any a lady endowe d by nature with a pretty face, beautif ul fignre, faultless complexion, a well as thd sweet est of tempers and faultless mental quali ties grows prematurely old, grav.and wrink led, her form loses its perfect crmtonr. the complexion becomes sallow, the brightness leaves me eye, a leeling ot languor takes the place of tho once buoyant spirits, an irritable nervous fractiousuess makes life a burden, things that once were trillcs worry ber till life b comes unbearable. All this bein; caused by a physical dorangemcnts so common to woman, which the inmate modesty of feminine nature prevents their making known, and of which the tenoranrt of the medical pretension prevents a cure. Lady Keider, paute and consider, 'tis a du ty you owe yourself, your family and yonr God, that you sbonld cure yourself of these troubles and once more feel the glow of perfect health and spirits that nature intended for you. H hteler't Ao. 06 Pre tertvtions are pleasant and pil itablo to take containing nothing of an injurious nature. and may be taken by all ages at all times and in all condition irtoaf potiibtity of ill tffectt. and will positively cure any of the pecnliar diseases to which females are sub ject. Failing to produce a perfect enre Ihe proprietors will refund the money paid for the treatment. If you hart a swal low complexion, constant or intermittent headaches, backache restlessness, loss of appetite, suppressions of monthly How, or irregularities thereof accompanied by head aches, nervousness, hysterics and similar symptons, Wheeler' Ao. !lfi Prttcription "B" will positively restore you to health. If yon have a sensation of heat and throb bing in the back, Irtqnently fainting spells, Lencorrbea or white discharge, painf ul or scalding aens:ition in urinatinr. reddish or white deposit in urine, hot and drv skin. Whaler' So. W Pretcriplioi 'C will give immediate and lasiinr lief. The price of Wheeler's No. 96 Perscription 'B" and C"are 5H cents enoh, obfainible from d-uggists orsent by mail seenrw fnra ob servation post paid on receipt of price. Potage stamps t:iken. pinilTjTlTT It is nedless to deserilv the L'illiiuIlIl..iTmptoi-.s of this naueon di sease that is sjj ping the life and strength ol only too many of the fairest and best of -both sexes, old and young, suffering a'lke from Ihe poisonous dripping in tho throat, the poisonous nasal discharge, tho fetid breath and jreneral weakness, debility and languor, aside from the scnto snfT-Hngs of this disease, which if not checked can only end in oj of ptlate, honmen'. venkied sick!, lost of memory, (leaf net ani pre mature death it not cheeked before it is too late. Labor, sfndy and research in Ameri ca, Europi and F.itern lanls have result ed ir. Whrelrr' So. W Infant Relief and Sure Cure for Catarrh, a remedy which cor.tiins no harmful ingredients, nnd that is guaranteed to enm every casi? of acute or chronic catarrh or money reminded. Wheeler' .Vo. W Infant Relief atd Sure Cure for Catarrh will cn-e every esse ol catarrh, hay fever or asthma, prjeo ft.O" per package, from drngjrists or sent by mail post paid on receipt or price. ir.'er Ao. 96 Snrt cure for Kidney and Liter Trouble cures all weakness and soreness of kidney, ii.tUru'.ltion ot kidney or liver, price $1.00. Whreler' Vegetable Pill are the only remtv that cure consumption, giving nat ural action of the bow:l:. without physicing, purging, griping or pain. Price 2i cents, of druggiita or by mail. Whe. ler' Xerviae Tunic fur mental de pression, loss of manhood, lang ior, weak ness or over taxsMon of tie brain is in valuable, price 15 cnts. p ptt.itj jncTrrCur,,s in ''T c li tuAMll lL'tlor will refund money pai l. We place our price for thesa reme dies at less than one-twentieth of the p-tce akcd by others for remedies upon which you take all the charges, and it tpenally inrite the natron-ige of . the man person who hive tried other remedies without ef fect or depleted their purses b paying doctor bills that benefitted tliein not. EOW TQ GBT4IN 'TTthese remedies. Go and 3k for them. If ffiey have not g-t them write at once to the prop-ietors, en cioire the price in money or stamps, and they wili be scat you at ore by mail, post paid. Correspondence o!i:-ifvi. Ad dress plainly. I.. WnFFXFR CO., No. 55 V. Baltimore St. BALTIMORE, MD. FMI1 ho arg fntr-sted ia Growing Crops cheasly and fjccessfully aheul't wrffe as for cir ps-erhlet ri pore tertitbers. a-e''ellertiirtr canptwids athmeforariatrt$ Q a tea bt ooosfj witt PQWELfS pPFenryn rwrt'T'i.s. RefreretslnETr)5ti'e. y-a-ietriantr lerunoccopicdlerrtterr. ipofywitr'eences. BR0WM CHEMICAL CO." IHamjfCWerS oi Powell's Tip-Toa Bonf rri:li;er. Bone, Potash. Imioria. Sc. 16 LIGHT STftEtT. BAtT'MOKE.tj. KEXXEDT & DOTT, Agent, MirrLixTows, Pa. jnne 20-83. . . KEW GOODS. I would inform tbe public that I havo now in my new millinery store at my place of residence on Water street, Mifllintown, second door from corner of Bridge street, a full stock, of fall and winter millinery goods, all new, and of the latest styles, and having employed lirst class milliner, I am preparedo supply the pnblic with everything found in a Bratclasa milliner store, come a:. 1 examine my stock. I cOBtider it no trouble to show goods. MRS. DEIIIL. May 2-83.1 .T. Subscribe for the Srutmtl awl RrpuhHeu the best newspaper in the county. , MISCELLAJfEOUS D. W. HARLEY'S Is the plaea whers you can bej THE BEST AIfI THE CHEAPEST MENS' YOUTHS' & BOYS' CLOTHING BJTS, CAPS, BOOrS, SHOES, JtXD FURNISHING GOODS. HE is prepared to exhibit on of the most choice and select stocks svsr offersd l this market, and at JSTOyiSHISGLT LOW PRICES ! Also, measures taken for suits and parts of saits, whioh will b marl to ordd at short notice, very reasonable. Remember the plaee, in Hoffman's Nrr Building, eorner of Bridge a Water streets, MIFFLINTOWN, PA. Jan. 1, 187-sf SAM'L STRAYER Hu etttstantlr on hd fait yariety of MZU & BOYS' CLOTHING, HATS & CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES, ALL SIZES, GENTS' FURNlSniNO GOODS. Goods of nil kinds are low. Come and sss as and be astonished Pants at li cents. Zf SITTS MADE TO OEDER.jj Patterson, Pa., April 16, 1879. Professional Cards. B r. BOOKS, Honiorpathlc PyhaUlan, Office in rosidenco'of Solomon Books, Main Street, Mifflintown, Pa. fjy I have permanently located In Mifllin towo. All calla K-ft at vfe promptly at tended to. Oct. 17, '83-tf. Ltna E. .Vrrrjisos. Go. Jacobs, Jb ' ATKIX SOX A. JICOBM, ATTORNEYS - AT - LAW, SIIPFLINTOWN, PA. Uncollecting and Conveyancing prompt ly attended to. Orricir On Main street. In place of resl. dence of Lonia E. Atkinson, E).. sonth of Bridge street. Oct 26, 1881 . 31 iSON IRWIN. ATTOSTCEY-AT-LAW, MIFFLISTOWX, JUS1.1TJ CO., F.t. All business promptly attended to. Orrici On Bridge street, opposite the Court House square. jan", 'S0-ly JACOB BEIDLER, ATTORXEY-AT-LAW, MIFFLIXTOWX, TA. CCollectiona attended to promptly. Orricf With A. J. Patterson Eq, on Bridge street. Feb 25, "80 TnOMAS A. ELDER. M. D. Jhysinian and Surgeon, wrFf.vroirjv, p.i. Office honr from 9 a. . to 3 f. k.. Of fice in hia residence, on Third street, op posite Methodist pirsoifige. oct22-tf T) M. rHAWFOSP, M. P., IT . . .aGtinvil ..etivnle it- v.i- n t' r n .f Medicine and Surgery and their collateral bwhes. Office at the r.M corner of Third anu "irango streets, Miiiiiniown, l a. March 29, 1876. J M. BRAZES, M. D., PHYSIOIAK kli"D SURGEON, Aetdemvt, Juniiita Co , Pa. O-nci formerly occupied by Dr. Sterrett. Profesinnil bn-iress promptly attended to at all honrs. Jonx VcI.aroHLin. Jos.pb W. Stixmel 9ICli.4rtRHl.TX STMIMEl, IKSU2ANCE AGENTS, PORT ROY.1L. JUSI1TJ CO., P.t. STOnly r-Iiable Companies represented. Dec. 8, 1875-ly YTILLIAM PETX. ATENT AND DBAtER IN Knrmen an.i M'hanics Jfjehinery. Mifflintown, Jnniata County, Pa. OfTVe on B-t.l 'e street oppoit! Soeth aide of Court IIoiie. Not. 8, 1C2. liBODT HOTEL. Ninth St , south of Chestnut, oni sqnare south of the New Post OtHee. one-half sqnsre fro'm Walnut .t. Thea're and in the very business centre of the citv. On the American and European pians. Good rooms fiom 50c to $1 00 per day. Remodeled and newly furnished. W. PAINE, M. P., Owner and Proprietor. Nov. 21, laS3, ly. How lyost, How Itestoretl. Jns v"l'!i"hed. a new edition of DR. CCLVERWEM.'S CELEBRATED ESSAY on tbe radical cure of SriamTnasnon or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Seminal Losses, iMponcscT, Mental and Physical Ineapscitv, Impedimenta to Marriage, etc. ; also. Co!rypT,o. Fpilffst and Krrs. in. dnced iv self-fnd licence or sexnal extrav- sgamc. Sec. The celbr:ife.1 author, in this ldmirahle Essay, clearly demonstrate", from a thirty years' succMsfnl practice, that the alrirm- mg consequences of self-abuse may be rad ically cured; pointing out a mode of cure at once stn-.pTe, certain, snd effectual, by mearsof which every snfferer, no mattei whu his condition may be, mav cure him-si-tf cheiply, j.rivafe'y. and radically. Barilla Lecture should be in the hands of every youih and every mca in the land. Sent, under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, povt-paid; on receipt of sis cents, or two postage stamps. A ldresa TnEai.Ti:p.vn.L medical cen 41 Annt..NewTork,N.T.; jnelS-ly-oct 17 Fost.Ofrice Box 450. TV'OTICE TO TRESPASSERS. J. 1 All persons are hereby notified not to trespas on the lands of the undersigned, in W!ker srd Fermanagh townships, for the pnrp.e of huntinsr, bn-ldansj fires, or for anv ntfvr trepaa purpow. Sirri rKra. HraaT Arrit, 'iimTii Mrssra, KsTBrt Moist, 'i.icArm. Wtitrsn Ri-icssr ch. Wst.irsnTon Smith, Ktfi-.Ti Ksrrraax, Jonrn S. Wr:a, Srs: Roxxkb, Josas Karrrr, CrsrsSifBsa ft. 31, lS83-rf. A LT. persons a-o hreby cantioned - ajtiinst fi.binp or hnrtirr, evberinr berries, or nroasing fields, or In any other way rresp ,v:rf en th hn Is of tbe under, signed i. S. Kirwf." ADVERTISEMENTS. SArEL STRATEK. Special JVbtiett. TnE rEOPLB'3 D-CCTIONART an vasYPtT lacrrtontDia, conUlninf Orer 25,1X0 Word; compile-i from WEB STER, 40,tX0 synonyms, a complete dic tionary of rhymes. loreign words and phras es, brsinets. nautical. nincl and law .terms and mythology. Smbracing every Mubjerl on which clear, satisfactory informa tion is given. a 8CC!l EQUAL TC "so PAJU 0 STAYS, ff.SO, The same information cannot be bad else where, nor in as convenient or accessible shape for less than $ot. Sample pages fresx Outfit $1 00. lum, Unt'ia Sl Co. 603 Arch St.. Philadelphia, Pa. Oct. 17-3m. AGUECURE rontams an antidote for all rua Iarlal disorders) which. far as known, is used in nn other remedy. It con tains no Quinine, nor auy mineral nor de leterious substance whatever, and conse qiently produces no irjn.ioiis tflct npon the constitution, but leaves the system as healthy as it was before tbe attack. WE WAR R XT .tl'ERS AGTaS Cr RE to cure every case of Fever and Agae. Intermittent or Chill Fever, Remit, tent Fever, Dumb Ague, Billious rever aud Livsr Complaint caused by malaria. In case of failure, after due trial dealers are authorized, by our circular dated July lit, 182, to refund tbe money. Dr. J. C. Ayer's & Co.. Lowell, Maes. Sold by ailIlnpgi.-ta. THE BEST ON EARTH. Th03O ce!ebrted Stoves will ROAST, BAKE and HEAT IRONS In less tlma and v-lth LESS FUEL than any other vapor Cook Stove made. Bo euro and buy -tho Danjrler Non-Exploslvo Vspcr Cook Stove. " 3ti--lTM t: siu rr T3S DaaHgiSrVapcr Stove & Fa eflnlng Co. CLEVELAND, OWIO. Foa aii it Osra Jssra D.&MOBGAimGO. KaaTTASrax m DU.'SASLE UGKT DHAFT saT s rj cse, isw Clipper Mower. The TT.TTMPT kl'.PTM tiro unc-i!l fit SinjT'liaruy la c.inMni.i:-ii, rtw- of r.u :: tent. l:?ht weight. ilur:-il .? ua god wurkiAg tmpacity la nil ct'TMhtitiitii of ierx:B. Ibe NklW I'LIPI'EH htn mil the Trotm tA fh(T.P CLI1TKH MmUI witn wahj nlnlU iuiprvenrata. D. S. MORGAN & CO., Brockpcrt,MonroeCo..N.Y . DAVID B. DOTY, (Successor to Kennedy A. Doty,) DEALER IN roil. I.I MltKR CEMENT,, Calciced Plaster, Land Plaster. SEEDS, fAIT. A.C. lie buys Grain, to be delivered at Mifflin town. Port Royal, or Mexico. lie is prepared toiurnish Salt to dealer at reasonable rates. DAVID D. DOT.T. ' April 21, 1884-tf -y ALTJABLK FARM LAN D FOR SALS.. A valuable farm, eonUinms; aboat 10 acres, all tillaUe land, and in a frood slate of cultivation, with awd Dwallins; Ilonse, Bank Barn, Waron Shed and outhiii'riinjts, all in pood repait. . The land i all river bottom. A Iso, 430 acres of mountain land , aioBg line of Pennsylvania Ksilraad, and convenient to Sid'n; and Stations, well set with rock oak. chestnut, sd4 other tim a onit nnrirtnnitv forany onewaat- " - rt ' - leg a first class home or te engage In the lumber business. For jmtirulars ca'J en, or addresa JERMjAH LTON3. Mirriiirri Jriiara Vc., Pa Sot. 19. . 8 urn i M 3 1 i -a jss' M