Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, November 28, 1883, Image 4

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    Freah Water Snarks
An old Salt in Spinning soma yarns
in relation to fresh water sharks said
I heard of another case where a man
was jerked off the gunwhale of a
boat that he had just crawled on to and
never did come up. Oh, I tell ye
there's fresh-water sharks as well as
salt. In South America there's a fish
what ain't two foot long that'll clean
out a man as quick as a teu-foot
shark. The way 1 happened to know
it was this: I went on a cruise to South
America in 'C7 and we lay up and
around the Orinoco river, tradin,' for a
matter of two months, so I picked up a
heap of foreign pints. We got up the
river about three hundred miles ui all.
I reckon. 1 never noticed much about
the hsh till one evenin' I went ashore.
The natives were bavin' a big time
over a big chief that bed died, so we
thought we would go to the itinera!.
They had a bigpuw-wow, and after
awhile I asked one ot Uie women
where the grave was. She p'nted
overboard, and, sail in sure, that's
where they put him. They stripped
the body, put it in a sort of a basket
and lowered it over, and as soon as it
was in the water there was about a
thousand fish all around it, cumin' from
all parts, so in half an hour ye couldut
see tue ixxiy nor uauun; in niion,
said the ancient mariner; ''the lish
Perais they call 'ein were eatin' the
man up. and the basket was to hold
the bones in, and that was the way
they did their bun in'. In a couple o'
days the skeleton was picked as clean
as "these 'ere bones ye see in the shows.
and then it was hauled up and stowed
awav. clean and ship-shai. 1 asked
one of the men if the fish would tackle
alive man. and he said a man wouldn't
hev any show at all, and later I see it
was so. iiali mo uucks aiong snoie
was short of feet or toes, and some
walked around on short stumps, and
I see what they called a water hoss or
tapir, that started to swim the river
and its legs were stripped so clear of
fleah ye'd thought it had been done to
order' Why." continued the fisher
man, wanning up at the reflection,
"one of the overseers, a Spaniard and
sort of stevedore, told me that a white
niau tried to wade a stream above
where we lay on horseback, and got
stuck in the stream, and both he and
the hoss was jist about skiletous when
they come out. Sharks was nowhere
alonrr side of them fellers. I kin tell
The old fisherman's yarn about the
l'erais was not exaggerated, the tish
beinir considered the most savage of
their kind. Scientifically they are
known as the Serratsalmo, and are
allied to our salmon; though distantly,
In conversation with an authority on
lake fishes, the hitter said that the only
fish that could or would attack a boat
was the big bony gar, that had power
ful teeth and could, no doubt, cut a
man in a bad way. They are covered
with a regular armor and have a long
beak full of teeth.
"I've seen a lauiud net all cut in
pieces by them," said the speaker, "and
if they got hold of a canvas there is
no doubt but that a big hole would be
the result."
"Did you ever hear of a shark in the
lake?" asked the writer.
"l'es," was the reply, "we often
hear such yarns. You know fishermen
always have a supply of snch, I met a
man some time ago who told me tliat
while gill net fishing oil Little Stur
geon Island he was grabbed by a sliark.
lie was an old saltwater sailor and
evidently knew what a shark was and
believed what he was talking about.
It seemed that the net fouled in some
way and they couldn't haul it in, and
he dove down to clear it. As he was
coming up the fish grabbed him by the
arm. ile clung to the net, aud for a
few seconds it looked dark for him;
but he finally broke away and got up
and the men hauled him in. The fish I
that he said was fifteen feet long made
a dash at him and came clear out of
water, so that the whole crew saw it,
and they all swore tnat it was a snarx
But. tou know, a ten, or even a six
foot gar pike is a pretty big fish and
would look like a shark. 2iind," con
tinued the fish exirt, "1 Uont say
there are no shaiks in Lbs great
'liut why are you not certain!1"
Queried the writer.
"Because." was the reply, "fresh
water sharks exist in other countries,
and though it's hardly likely it's a bare
possibility that there may be some
here. Sharks have been seen by good
authorities in Lake Nicaragua, Central
America. In a fresh-water lake in the
l'hiilippine Islands there is a ray aud a
sawfish, very similar to the species on
our Eastern coast. In the Fiji Islands
a shark is found way up the fresh-water
streams beyond the reach of the
tide, and at Bagdad, on the Tigris,
three hundred and fiity miles from the
sea. there are sharks in plenty. This
Is over two hundred and fifty miles
from tide-water, so the sharks are in
as fresh water as if they were off
Chicago. A small shark at Viti Levi,
Fiji, not ouiy goes Tar up tne river, but
is found above the falls where it
breeds, and the same is true in India.
So you see iresh -water sharks are not
merely possibilities, but facts."
"l)o the gars interfere with the fish
eries?" Yes, to some extent," was the re
ply, "but their effect is not felt. What
is killing our fisheries is the overfish
ing. If it keeps on there won't be a
fish left. There are used now in Lake
Michigan alone nearly 2o,000 gill nets,
about 6U0 iound nets, run by too
steamers, smacks, etc. All this means
an immense lot of fish, and in 1679
Chicago handled nearly 1S,000,000
pounds of lake fish. So the sharks that
are disponing our fisheries are human
ones. They're after the hen that lays
the golden egg "
.rotting in 8:08.
"I was once the owner of Maud S.
for a week," said Mr. Hulbert, the
other day, while speeding over the
Erie railroad. When asked how he
came into possession of her, he said:
"An old rivermau by the name of
Bugber went with me to a sale of tho
roughbreds in Kentucky. Bugher had
lots of money, and he bought eleven of
the horses. Just as he were leaving, a
horse was put up that struck my fancy
and I bid her in for $145. I made ar
rangements with Bugher to have her
shipped with his horses, and a few
days later, when the horses reached
Cincinnati, Bugher pointed out a sorrel
mare as mine. I said she did not look
like my horse, but Bugher was posi
tive, so 1 said no more about it and
took the animal, which was then un
broken. A week later I found in my
memorandum book that the horse I
had bought was a bay, not a sorrel, so
I sent the sorrel mare home. That's
where 1 made my mistake, for the
sorrel was the afterward famous Maud
S. , who has trotted in 2 .OS, it is claimed,
and who "
"Pardon me," interrupted an old
gentleman who was listening to the
narrative, "the best time she ever made
was 2:10."
"She has trotted a mile in 2:08, sir,"
continued Mr, Hulbert, "and, further
than that, she has done it twice to my
personal knowledge, but both times in
private. She was timed by experts
with stop watches. The little bay I
got in exchange for Maud S. never
trotted under three minutes."
There aie more people who can for
get themselves than govern themselves.
Canada Thistles. The thistle is the
most annoying weed that intrude upon
the farm. Hard to exterminate and te
nacious of life, it propagates wherever a
plans of any kind can secure a foothold,
and onoe hi possession of a field the cost
of its eradication is sometimes greater
than the value of the field itself. It ia
a perennial plant, with annual stems,
and reproduces itself from seeds and
roots, and it is due to its power of rapid
reproduction that it is enabled to
withstand the farmer's attacks so sno
ot ssf ally.
The thistle is sow receiving the at
tention of many experienced and pra
tiaal agriculturists, among them Mr.
Archibald Stone, ot Eiiighamton, N. Y.,
who states that no plant is so entirely
dependent on sun&hine as the Canada
thistla. Grow them in mass, or so
closely together that they will complete
ly shade the ground, and as fast as the
leaves get matured sufficiently to begin
to restore to the plant the nutriment it
Las cost the plant to prodnoe them them
they will be through in the shade by
the constantly increasing mass of leaves
on the top; they will die for want of
suushine, the stern? become naked and
the roots become exhausted while in
bloom, and your ground will have to be
reseeded beiore another crep grows. If
the thistles are so scattering that they
v. ill pot shads the ground, corn, oats or
clover sill have to be sown.
In his article to the Hubbaudniau,Mr.
Stone states that ripening a crop of seed
is exhaustive to anr crop, yet to tiiink
of getting rid of Canada thirties by
mowing alter they had ripened a crop of
eecd and burning it teems to be too
slow a process for this age.
Other writeis Lava reooinmended dif
ferent methods for exterminating the
tLutles.and cluim that individual efforts
alone are useless. Aa the down is easily
carried ty the winds to considerable
disiances the cleanest fields are as lia
ble to infliction as thelonlest. No mat
ter how careful a f aimer may be to keep
the pest ofl, his efforts will be thrown
away if his adjoining neighbors do not
exercise the same care as himself. The
work of destruction can be done at the
most suitable periods by co-operative
action, nd each individual wtll be as
much interested in the work upon his
neighbor's field as upon his own. The
distribution of the seeds most be pre
vented m preierenoa to anything else,
and much labor may be saved in so do!
i.w Tnr,.,cr ?h vi..-.i wi,n
ing by mowing tne Hustles wnen
young, and before they can have an op
portunity to seed, it maet be done ss
often as necessity (or so doing occurs,
and the next business will be to destroy
the plants by shading with some other
crop, and pulling or digging them out,
which is not otten necessary, except
when fields are entirely overran. But
the continued use of the mower is one
of the best remedies to try, although it
requires the abandonment of tne field
for a season, that, however, is the pen
airy the farmer pays lor the intrusion.
and is not heavy compared with other
tried methods
It might be claimed without much
exaggeration that the growth of a singl
thistle on a fcirm is the beginning
decay, and should cause as much alarm
as the entrance of an epidemic in a com'
mnmty. As sanitary measures are need'
ed in the case of epidemic, so is co-op
erative tfl-rt required to prevent the
spread of tList.es.
Cows, which are to give milk through
the winter, need to be fed with special
care at this time, if possible, the flow
of milk must not be permitted to de
crease. Maugels and sugar beets are
excellent, ent in slices and sprinkled
aitli bran. The rule, that good feedinir
brings good manure, should be kept in
mind in a judicious care ol farm am'
me la oaring winter, uood feed in
abundance is not enough; it should be
given with regularity. The habits of
different animals have to be studied,and
treated accordingly. Scarcely any two
cows or horses have the same appetites.
It is important to so mix and change
tne leecl.tuat sameness may be avoided.
A variety of food encourages healthful
digestion and upon this the profits of
the owner largely depend.
How to Scb-boll. Sab-toiling always
pays if properly done. It is advisable,
however, ii you have to briug the sub
soil to the surface, not to go more than
a couple .f inches deeper than the pre
vious plowing, nniess you can afford to
manure the land and let it he idle for
year. If you use the common fallow
plow and run down a footdeep.and then
soon afterward cross-plow so as to bring
up again the soil taat belongs on the
top, and harrow deep and thoroughly.
you will raise the biggest corn you ever
hail. iut remember that i! there ia
uiucu eno-sou cn top your hrst crop
may not pieaae yen.
Impobtaat. ip Thus. An Ealiern
farmer says that two pigs, furnished
with muck, sand, weeds and sod. will
manufacture them into the best manure
that can be found, and il! be worth,
when six month old, as much as a ton
of the oest superphosphate that sells
for $50 a ton. If the suggestion is suc
cessfully adopted the manufacturers of
superphosphate will soon have a pretty
uveiy competition.
Ixsects. The following has been
found an effectual remedy for all insects
both on plants and trees One pint of
son soap mixed with nail the quantity
of coal oil, the whole tnen being stirred
into six gallons of water. The applica
tion 10 be made by a powerful syringe,
deluging the tops of the trees, and con
tinuing the opera tion for 3 or 4 nights
in succession, ana aiterwarus onoe or
twice a week.
Soils Clay soils are generally bet
ter for wheat than sandy ones, because
they are not sublect to sach sudden ex
tremes of temperature and moisture.and
are more tenacious in their character.
Timber laud is better than prairie land,
because the decaying roots are prettv
sure to effect unCerarainaee, magnesia
and lime and silica are more abundant
and nitrogen is less abundant, and such
land being more rollins is better drained
and dryer.
Is order to keep the stripe J beetle
from vines the experiment was tried of
placing corn-cobs dipped in coal-tar
near the hills. Whils the practice did
not entirely prevent the ravages of the
beetle, their numbers were largely di
minished. Gummed raper. The tendency of
paper when gummed, as in the oase of
postage stamps, labels, eto., to curl up
is very annoying. It is said that this
evil may be avoided by adding a little
salt, sugar and glycetine to the gum,
very little of the latter, however, beOAUse
otherwise the gum does not dry thor
oughly. The gummed paper also must
not be dried by too great a heat. An
other peculiarity ot gummed paper is
its greater liability to carl up the thick
er it is. The thinnest paper possible
under various circumstances should,
therefore, be used.
Is hand-picking pears, the eye will"
point out, by a yellow tint or color, those
whioh are matare enough for bouse
n pen ing, and if the stem cracks off
when the fruit is partly lilted, they
should not be It ft any longer on the
Pop corn is a good lunch for Sunday
nights with milk for drink.
Th bettrs to cubtatss. As for the
night-caps, they most have been insti
luted in the times when snow used to
sift under the eaves upon sleepers in
their beds, or when the winds entering
by a hundred crevices in walls, win
dows and doors, would bring all the
fresh cold air from oat of doors upon
the unconscious heads. Modern im
provement" has made sleeping-rooms
air-tight, except for a lower window,
and has carried off the bed-curtains,
too, which used to keep off draught at
night or the blinding daylight in the
early morning from the sleeper's eyes.
There has been a fashionable return,
lately, not to the old fashioned tester
and the fourpost canopy, that shot in
all four corners of the bed, bnt to a
headboard canopy with curtains that
merely shade the pillows. This is very
pleasant, pretty and comfortable, as it
does screen the eyes of sound sleepers
from the glare of daylight, which is
meant by nature to awaken them,
but does not always bring anything be
yond irritation in their sleep. A mod
ified return to bed-eortains and head
aaopies will certainly enable people
to' have more fresh air and light in their
bed-rooms that some persons allow.
The reaction against the old fashion
went too far, and the satiaiaotory mid
dle distance is now allowed.
Dampness in houses. Many house
holders are sorely troubled by the
growth of fungi in damp rooms, to
which they communicate, in a short
time, an cnplesraut smell and unwhole
some atmosphere. It is not only our
cellars that are apt to be affected by
fungoid growth, but the walls of the
adjacent rooms, and many bed rooms
on the ground floor are similarly ren
dered useless after a moist season.
Many remedies have been proposed to
destroy this fungoid growth, or to pre
vent it occurrence ; but hitherto these
remedies have been too expensive or
totally inefficacious. Recently an alco
holic solution of five grammes of sali
cylic acid per litre of water for washing
tne walls of rcoms has been recom
mended. This is exactly one-half per
cent, or one part salicylic acid for 200
parts liquid. No doubt the mold may
be destroyed temporarily by this as by
many other solutions, suoh, for in
stance, as corrosive sublimate or car
uo f0 uo "ueremeaj uowever
BOt temporary expedient, nor
attempting to hide the dampness by
enamel paints, etc. ; it is to cut off the
source of moisture and to put the
waterproof materials outside and not
inside the walls.
Fried meats. These are regarded
by all authorities on hygiene as injur
ious. Burnt grease of any kind is di
gested with difficulty and is special !y
harmful to those suffering from dys
pepsia. Moats should be roasted,
baked, broiled or boiled, but never
fried. Those who have coal stoves can
easily broil their steaks ; those who
have wood stoves can do the same with
a Little management. The fire oan be
so used as to famish coals when they are
needed; brands may be removed from the
fire-box, and the meat in a wire broiler
or toaster be placed over the coals. A
pair of bellows is useful in keeping the
coals bright and glowing. It pays to
take a little trouble to have broiled
steak, and if one is dyspeptic he should
utterly reject all fried meats.
Souetuxso khw IX BESTS. Beets are
familiar enough boiled or sliced, either
served hot with butter, pepper aud
salt, or pickled ; but a novelty is a
beet pudding, made by mixing a pint of
cocked sugar beets, chopped, with four
egKs, a quart of milk, a little salt and
pepper, a tabiepoonful of butter, and
baking them hall aud hour : cold boiled
beets sliced and fned with butter are
palatable ; to cook thein so that none
of their color shall be lost, carefully
wash them without breaking the skin
or cutting off the roots or stalks, and
boil them until tender, about an hour,
in boiling sait water.
Urate Lkavksfob PiCExsa. A cor
respondent recommends the use of
fresh green grape leaves to place on
top of picales m jars in place of Ban
nel or cloth usually employed. The
leaves will preserve the vinegar sharp
and clear, and imparts a nice flavor.
ihe leaves should be rinsed in pure
water and lett to drain before use and
occasionally changed, They exclude
the air, and besides imparting a de-
hgntful odor to the pickle, cause less
trouble to the housewife.
To cook carrots. First scraps them
thoroughly, then wash well in cold
water, and if very large, cat in halves.
Bod in water with a little salt, until
soft, which will take an hour or more
when done, take them cp and cut with
a knile as hue as you can. For six car
rots take a piece of batter the size of
an egg, and cut it up with them.
Friekdlx loaves. Beat half a dozen
mealy potatoes with a quarter pound
of grated ham, two eggs, a little butter,
and a little cream, taking care not to
make it too moist : form it into balls or
small loaves, and fry tnem a nice light
brown; they shonld be fried in bnt
ter. Pile them on a napkin, and serye
with a garnish of fried parsley.
sour milk allow one large teaspoonfnl
of soda, dissolve this in a little hot
water, then stir it in the milk ; half a
teaspoonfnl of salt is required and
enough buckwheat flour to make a
stiff batter. Pat this in a well-battered
tin and bake for half an hour in a hot
Baked beets. Wash them retfectlv
clean, put in a pan with a little water,
and bake until they are tender. The
time varies with the siae of the beet, an
hour being small enough allowance for
beet of medium sue. When thev
are done, remove the skin and serve in
the same way that you do a boiled
ob a sick PEBsox. A nourishinsr
and pleAsant drink for a sick person Is
made of parched rice. Brown the rice
the same as you would coffee : then
pour boiling water with a little salt in
it over the rice. Let it boii until it is
tendor ; then add sugar or cream to it
It may be strained or not according to
Oasmeai, watib, Brown a sufficient
quantity of of coarse meal, before the
nre or in the oven, and pour over it
boiling water ; cover it close and use it
cold. This is considered very useful
for stopping sickness.
An officer of the British arm v has
patented a waterproof match, specimens
of which have ignited readily after hav
ieg been wrapped in a damp rag for 24
hours. This is accomplished by coating
the phosphorized end of the match with
solid paraffins, which, while it prefect
from 6low oxidatioa, being perfectly
impervious to water, does not in the
slightest degree interfere with the ready
inflammability of the match.
Steel Xails, Steel nails can be drir.
en into the hardest wool without bor
ing, it U said, going even into white
oak knots, without landing. The price
of them is about one dollar per keg
higher than that of iron nails.
;A bkakemax who attended a social
dance with a youaz lady in tow some
evenings since, was discovered sitting
Ionesomely in a corner of the room by
one of the floor manazera late in the
evening, just as a set was forming for
the "next quadrille." There was one
more couple wanted." and the floor
manager sang oat :
"Come, Bill, get your girl and chas
sez into place-
Can't do it this time," said Bill
"the girl's aide tracked for repairs."
"What's the trouble?" inquired the
other, with concern, "anything sen
"Dunno," the railroader answered.
"bnt I guess Bhe s tryin to get a mis
placed switch in position. We'll make
the run if she gets here on schedule
time, you bet,"
The girl got there, and all went merry
as a locomotive bell for the brakemau
and his girl the rest of the evening.
Important rrvelamatloa.
The Ron. Peter Bowe is Sheriff of the
City and County of .New York. Recently,
in conversation with one of our reporters,
Mr. Borne proclaimed the following fact:
"I consider St. Jacob's Oil an excellent
remedy, and one that ought certainly
find its way into every household. Mrs.
ttowe always has a bottle of it there, and
makes a family remedy of it." jVew York
livening Telegram
Tub late Dr. Coleman was onoe tray
eling in the wilds of Ohio, and, enter
ing a hotel, called for dinner. He
notioed. upon sitting down at the table.
that there was a glass of whiskey be
side his plate. Ou receiving his bill he
found the landlord charged him tor his
whiskey, "But, said the worthy doc
tor, "1 have made no use of it, and
never do." "It was there, and you
could have had it; yon must pay,
"Very well," said the doctor. Some
time afterward the doctor was there
again, and before eating he placed his
medicine case beside his plate. After
eating, when paving his bill, he brought
in charges for medioine. "But," said
the host, "I have not had any." "Ah,
out you could have had it : it was on
the table I " said the dootor.
A Drngslat'i Story.
Air. Isaac C. Chapman, druggist. New
burg, X. Y., writes us: "I have for the past
ten years sold several gross of Dr. Wm
Hall's Balsam for the Lungs. I can say of
it what I cannot say of any other medicine.
I have never heard a customer speak of it
but to praise its virtue in the highest man
ner. I bare recommended it in a great
many cast- of whooping cough, with the
happiest enecta. 1 have used it in my own
family fur many years: in fact, always have
a uotUu lathe medicine closet ready lor one.
A littlk girl sat on the floor orying,
After a while she stopped and seemed
buried in thonght. Looking up sudden
ly, she said "Mamma, what was I cry
ing about?" "Because I wouldn't let
you bo down town." "Oh, yea," and
she set up another howl.
Uenlly Hon It.
No violent measures In cases of constipation
Meit'ctce -wtuca relax the bowels excessively,
weak) n tttem, and by tutu rendering them Incapa
ble of a continuance ot their dUcoarx ng function,
increase rather than remedy tbetr Inactivity and
derangement. The national pecme for cosure
ties la Huatetter's Momaca Bitten, which inn-
orates while it relaxes the intestine, expel vi
tiated bile from tbe blood and sumach, promotes
digestion, stimulates appetite, ani ennche the
circulation. The tone of all organs, which take
an active part in the processes of nutrition and
secretion, is Unproved by this genial tonic, which.
by promoting vigor and regularity in the avstein,
la tiie uieatis of furnishing it with Its two must ef
ficient natural tale-guard agatOHt niaiana, for
wnirn in an its turins tins medicine la the sure
reinedr. Kidney and blatMeraUments, dyspepsia,
uvt r cutupiaiui ana rneuuiaiiaui alao jieid to 1L
Aour Uacon says that "early gray
hair is not siguihcant, some of the long
est liver have tnmeu gray in early
lue." His lordship was probably cor
rect, but he never anticipated that
every gray head would have the assur
ance to claim early youth upon the
strength of this assertiou.
Aboct Once In a Century
imeboily di-over a valuable remedy for dis
eases, aa qu:nme, mercury, chloroform or vac
cinia aU'l we Hunt Dr. Silsbee deserve a place in
oiHiurv. iur certainty no greater oiea-ing can be
offere-l to man than "Anakests'' a a certain
reiuedv for p ies, it is approved bj all doctor
and Moxl without an equal tor m year. We en
dorse it without hesitation Sufferers may test it
without expense bj mDUin? to r. euHtcdter a
co., box mid, iew lorn city, ioriree samples.
"Did yon liive Johnny the medicine,
Jlrs. Brown?" asked the doctor, "Oh,
yes, doctor," replied the loving mother;
and then she added, innocently, "and
it don't seem to have dune blm the
leat harm,"
When you visit or leave New York Cttv. save
P-airgage Eipreasage and Carriage Uire, an1 stop
at the (.rami Union Hotel, opposite Oranl Cen
tral Pepot.
..egain room, miea up at a cost or one
million dollars, reduced to tl and npwaro prr
uav. r.umuean rian. uevaior. iteataurant
suiip'ieil witn the best. Horse ears, nuns and
e.evaied railroad to all depots. Families can live
ra-tier for less money at the Grand inlon Hotel
than at any other mat-class hotel in lue city.
A iiAWTEB was summoned as a wit
ness in a certain case. The judge, find
ing that the witness was lying badly,
interrupted him, saying : I beg of you
to forget your profession for a moment
and tell us the truth.
Walnnt Leaf Hair Restorer.
It is entirely different from all others. It Is
as clear as water, and as its name indicates Is
a perfect Vegetable Hair Kestorer. It will im
mediately free the head from all dandrutf.re-
store cray hair to its natural color, and uro-
tluoe a new growth wriere It has fallen otl. It
dues not in any manner affect the health,
which sulphur, sugar of lead and nitrate of
Kilvexpreparationahavedone. It will change
lightor faded hairin a few days tea beautiful
glossy brown. Askyourdruggistfurlt. Bach
Dottle is warrantee, smith, KLInk is Co..
Wholesale Agents, Philadelphia. Pa. anil
C N. CKiTTKiiTOJt New York.
'So jour husband is a contractor.
In what particular line is he ?" "In the
debt line?" "res, he has contracted
about S 10,000 worth of debts during the
last two years. Everybody says he is
very successful in his businear."
O, AafsarxAW. Amenkaw! How I
love you Fifty cents all around, please.
American women are very beauftiful
Fifty cents more all around, please. I
have purchased a house ia New York,
and shall make this country my home
fifty cents more, Ao. That ia what our
European visitors aro giving us.
The pt'.l are warranted to be PURELY vege
table, free from all mineral and other polsonnas
nbaiaucea. They are a certain cure for Consti
pation, Sick Headache, Dyspepsia, Biliousness,
Torpid Uver, horn ol Appetite, sod all diseaM
arising from tne
Liver, Stomach, Bowela r
Tbey lemove all obstmettona frost the ehamnela
of the system and purify the blood, thereby im
parting health, atrragta and Tlgnr. Sold by drug
gist, or seat by mail for M cent la stamps by
83 Mercer St., Now York. .A -
Sole aTannfactnrrn of ST. BE JLN AKD VKO I
Bead for cirealar.
Circular free. VaJTUiEbUOa, aauesvlU. Wis
A tor of women voted in Bingham
Un, New York, tho other day, and
when their tickets were handed them
they wanted to take them home and
ran a hem around tbe edges so they
wouldn't ravel out A woman knows
lots about the ballot.
Hioldan Madloal DlseoTery
has been used with signal success in con
sumption of the lungs, consumptive night
sweats, spitting of blood, shortness of
breath, weak lungs, coughs, bronchitis,
and kindred affections of throat and chest.
Bold by druggists.
"How is Johnnie doing at school ?"
asked a lady of Johnnie's mamma dur
ing a call. "Splendidly. He talks in
two ian gauges now." "Dear me.
What are they; French or German V
"Oh, no. Eugliah and profane."
"Men must work and women weep,
. So runs the world away I"
But they need not wjep so much if they
use Dr. Pierce's "Farorlta Prescription, '
which cures all the painful maladies pe
culiar to women. Sold by druggists.
"Mr daughter," said an up-town
mother to her youngest, a girl of eleven.
"I wish yon would not make up such
faces every time anything or anybody
displeaf ot you ; it htn't nice or at all
pretty." "Mamma," earnestly pleaded
the miss, "would you take away irom
me the only pleasure I have?"
The huge, drastic, griping, sickening pills
are fast being saperseced by lr. i-ierce i
"Purgative Pellets." Sold by druggists
At a recent political gathering in
South Lambeth a gentleman assured
the audienoe that "those persons
who had lost their lives in lrelam
would certainly ssy 'No' to the ques
tion whether or not the government
had been successful.
lion. II. C. CroHsman, Jersey City, says
I suffered with rheumatism for years; un
able to leave the house for mouths: tried
almost everything without relief; finally took
Dr. r.Unore s K.-U., which cured me.
A Touso lawyer appeared before
Washington judse with hit umbrella
under his arm and his hat on, and,
his agitation, he forgot to lay either
aside when he began speaking. "Hadn't
you better raise your umbrella?" the
Court kindly suggested.
If SUCCE.HS be the true test of merit, it is
a sett led fact that "frown's Bronchial Tro
ches" have do equal for the prompt relief of
uougua, louis, aud 1 nroat troubles. tya
only in froze. Price 23 cents.
Yoi no pohtican writes : "Wny does
Utate have a Legislature ?" My dear
boy, it doesn t The Legislature has
the Stat i, every time. Has it by the
throat, by a largs majority. Has it by
the pocket-book. Has it on its back
rusEST ad ikst ooD-uTKs oil. from selected
livers, on tne seasnore, or a veil, tiazaru a to.
. l. AtMoiuteiy pure and sweet, fauenu wno
hare once lalea it prefer It to all other. 1'hjsi-
ciana declare u superior to an outer otta,
tHirriD Haxnt. face Dimple and rough skin
cured by nsiug Juniper Tar op, made by Caa-
weu, uaxaru u,.ni or.
The most anonvmoas writer known
to the press is the one who signs him
self "More Anun." It has been di cov
ered that '-Many Voters" is a poor little
tailor who has neter bet na arahzed.
"Truth" is generally a liar. The writ
logs of "History" are full of romance,
"Justice" wants to crush everybDdy
wno does not think aa he does.
Mr. A. iCb-l.". of this paoe. sayi be
suffered frum Catairh for y-rars. He pur
chsc.l u bottle of Kly's Cream Ba'm of '.
tie is now almost cured, sod says you cm
not recommend it too blgbiv. we sre
selling more of Ely' Cream liilui thin
of any other catarrh remedies can hardly
seep a supply on baud. tvaas linos.
Druggists, Icilepenrten'-e, Iuws.
Two Parisian Esaus were taking sup
per at a farm house near Orleans. All
at once one of them made a wry face.
called the housewife and showed her a
very fine blonde hair in the hare rasr
ont. x he good woman smiled and said
les, there is one after all : excuse me
gtntlemen, I thought I had taken
them all out!"
Thirty faj' Trial.
The Voltaic Belt Co.. Marshall. Mich-
will eeud Dr. Dye's Celebrated Electro-
Voltaic Belts and Electric Appliances on
trial for thirty days to men (young or old)
who are anlicted wita nervous debility,
lost vitality and kindred troubles, guaran
teeing speedy and cou.piele restoration ot
ncaito ana msniv vigor. Address as
above. n. u, no nsK is incurred, as
thirty days' trial is allowed.
T costi but very ii.ilo tu iry experi
ments with the new varieties of wheat,
ana every wneat grower should give
them all a fair trial. Wheat is easily
improved by selection, and the intro
duction of new varieties can be greatly
assisted u the farmers will make lm
proverjiaut of wheat a apeoial o eject.
Heart Disease in aU its frms cured by
Dr. Graves' Heart Hegiiatw. Price $1.
by druggists.
Sprinkle sassafras bark aiuo ng dried
rruita to keep out worms.
Evur man has a right to an opinion
of his own if he get a lawyer and pays
lor it.
Dr. Kline's Ureal Kerve Kestorer is
marvel oi tne age for an nerve diseases. All
uu Riorpea trt-e. eena to hi Area street,
rnuadeiptna. fa.
A handful of hay in a pail of water
neutralizes the smell of paint.
Pride often miscalculates, and more
oilen misconceives.
To cure a sore throat, garaie with Piso'e
Cure for Consumption. 23 cectr.
Turpentine applied to a cut Is a pre
ventive of lockjaw.
Emory's Little Cathartic Pill best
made for Liver Complaint and Biliousness.
Tasteless, harmless, infillible. 15a
A hot shovel held over furniture re
moves white spots.
t hroiilh'on collars and cuffs are cheapest
ne long run. I bey wear longer than
ai.y other, acd you save cost of washing.
Xever jrive a promise that vou do not
intend to f ultiL
Ladies ana children - DooU and shoes
cannot run over if Lyon's Patent Heel
Stiffeneri are used.
Fifteen yea is ago an Alabama man
bed a peddler. Ever since that time
his wife has held the crime over him as
whin, bliging him to split ali the
wood, build the hrea and rock the
baby. Rendered desperate by her
tie itment he has given himself np to
be hung.
The Famous Jersev Lilv.
It would be a p'tr tf tba famooa braorv shnoli mnHmr
ven teai-oran iaenatB;.Tu, m n... .......
cb niate alfertuig her -valat-voie." when a well
known and tried remedy u- at hand f.r hex relief. In
. au umw urn- iviuju rracuiany Dettenoat oy ita ac
tion In prcmrtly aUanua an Irritated or contrasted
state of the vocal otv&na sad 4tinliln mm . .
oousht aud broi dual aSectuioa. "Ali sudcrara ra-
wruiuer m name.
C Ji. CKITllLirroN. H. T, Proprletoc. For ssla
A paste of equal pert of sifted ashes,
clay aud salt and a little water cements
cracks In stoves aud ovens.
Prosperities can only be enjoyed by
them who fear not at all to lose them.
- : i.;i.l" said the
THIBD Avenue - Thtfll
"P1?- . , i;t the New
"1 reckon it "f" -Yorker
quietly. have"
-How many division does it
inquired the Western Passenger Agent
with a remarkable show of inter, st
"Only one," sighed the New 1""';
"The divisiou between the conductor
and tne driver."
tQUKV flKCL fciaaaaw. y -
thing over, and wonder if the same
svstem could not te uiui(,o"v
. , , it. mnfinv with mors
trooitcea mw r j -. ,
satisfactory financial results to himseii
than under the current iuauu
Everybody is pleased with the nupr-jv d
Cirboline, a deodoriied ei'-ratf of pe'f0
lsum. it is as clear anil limped as spnrg
water, and was originally intended by nt
ture as a panacea for all diseases ot tie
scalp and skin, and as a naturaf hvr re
newer. r fonriven throueh re
pentance, but no act of will will ever
justify them.
Whan K rl,mtsira ftin't Cure VOUr HeSlt
Diseace try Dr. Graves' Heart Regulator
Said by druggists.
mn In t.r nnfTua riina with SCOUT
ing brick; it makes them look good as
Jltlton and coma
Sciatica, Lumbago,
rack am at.
Sertness, Cuts, Bniisu,
And ail other horitlyaebe
aud paiua.
Solii br alt nroitota a-sS
DmUivh. purclluua lu U
The Charles A. Vogeler Ce.
,.... m.a.vauiaacg
Man a- c & a
'Toa claim too
mark for Saxuu
tas Uibvisi,"
i ssysaekepticIIow
Can one medicine be
J a specic for Epl
lepay, Dyspepsia,
Oplasa TTatina-, Rheumatism. Bprraratar
raat, or Heailnal Wemkarsa, aad Bfry atker
ecHplaintaf " We claim it a tptctjlc, sim-
Sly, because the Tims of all diseases ahars from
le blood. Its Xerriae, Keaolreot, A Iterative and
laxative properties meet all tbe condition herein
referred to. It's known world vndt a
CM I ER IfiEiSIOlHlQ jU j Ej R Oj Bj
It qnlets and composes the patient not by the
Introduction of opiates and drastic cathartics, bnt
by the restoration of activity to tbe stomach and
nervous system, whereby the brain Is relieved
of morbid fancies, which are created by the
canse above referred to.
To Clergymen, Lawyers. Literary men. Mer
chants, Bankers, ladies and all those whose sed
entary employment causes nervous prostration.
Irregularities of tbe blood, stomach, bowels or
kidneys orwhoreqnire a nerve tonic, appetizer or
stimulant, Saxajuta Krarixa is Invaluable.
Thousands proclaim it the moat wonderful Invig
orant that ever sustained the sinking evstem.
fl.V). SoldbTallDrn-rsists. TbeDR.S. A.IfH
ilO'D MKli. CO., Proprietors. St. Joseph, Mo.
dis. 1.'. -if.iius, L&X 2-"av 11 tf. U)
Consumption Can Be Cured 1
Cwrm CiMnraf-xion. Tolda. Pvcamatiu Tb
flatnia, attrOTchiaU DUttcaltira, HrotM-hitia,
IlMraarar-Ma Antrim. C'roun. WhooolitaT
uli, .Mil nil tiM'nrw of ill lirrnluinii
IrfatitM. It Mooibt- nud brnli ibr .Mruibraii
of the J'Nastt, iaAKtnfHl ! jMUvaril by ibf
diarfa,af. ami prcvrtil tit ikUc stwralw mid
aa tbe cheat which arcuttny
tioa la nt an lac a rah I c nisaliidy.
1 1 A I mil ran van mm
thoagh prwfrwirnal wH f;fi
IWikiflla affl
PaCMil Pectoral wtU enre your oonirii. Price & eta.
Ob which side lies the final victory In the
.wuia; fiauatuj, ooaraciensuc ol Un of thousands received, signify
st tbe rVepnss and eirrnenee of
ha, our sntarpnas t- a rublle benelsction
teas kind.'-UT. I; a. Sairaxju, bauta
"f am dsCintM with tne books. They sre manVs of
iaaptiaaa. bnry and nMlty. InciosedSndaawia
imaaViUi. aUsos W. FasaaLi. Chester, a. O.
eor efforts toward sxtan dlna uanfnl Infnnniti -n
Sail iliaiisaratheaostaxtraurdutaryrtwUnead
VaVim TERSS9. aooks ssnt for aa.l..b..
i iswre asm suiu ojruaauira. 4
The Greatest Blood
EocBrsTia, N. Apr. ta,Ss.
Posy Btxok. X
JtAeumof i janiD Caj
Okhts I Save been a treat snr.
AlVurrtoti rnrp Otx,
f halt hMn rfnMl.. .w
lerer from Kaeumsiism ror six
yean, and heanna-of the snereas
or four years, with
of Kneomatic Syrup I er.scluded
to t ve It a trial In my owa ease,
and I eheerfnlly say that I have
been k reatly benefitted by Its use.
aiciana, iur scxoruia, as some call
ed It, but found no relief until I
commenced taking yuur Hyrap
alter (auna; u a snort ume, to
my mrpriae, ft began to help me.
leaa na wita entire ireeuom
frost pain, aad my teneral health
Is vary am- h improved. It is
Contlnuin(its oat
spiandid remedy for tts blood
1 iuuuu wju mm wot aa vvex.
As a Blood purWer, I talnk It aaa
no eual.
aaa aeonitaieo svsxein.
He was a hard-working man, and for a good many years ne had been
working twice as hard as any man ought to work. - -
He said he had a splendid constitution, and that he "could stand it.
He forgot that as years passes oa the waste of the system is much
greater than in youth, while the repair of it is less.
He became weak, debilitated, nervous, and despondent. He regarded
the future with dread,jandsaid he had worked himself into aa untimely
grave. - ...- ' . TTT ; " .
But he was not taken to the cemeterr at alL? Instead of that, a good
friend brought him some Brown's Iron Bitters. ' r
He began to pick up stogth That was what he wautedTBrowa's
Iron Bitters enriched his failing blood and put new life into him. It toned
up his digestive organs so that his food began to nourish him and do him
goodiMott heartily docs h recorartend Brown's Inn Bitttrs.' rj -
mm n,; Crsaw Balm
rATARRn wh...ppiw v
mr anirer two ihe uoh-
tri.. w.U
e!,en-eciaaiij" -r
71 ii.. bead of ca-
keaitai rciM
ailar inflammation,
the mem-
brane ot the Baa,
aun from sdoi
boaaf eokla, eors-
L.1 restores ua
and smell, a rew
appUcatloas relieve.
will posMreer
qssv Bend for cttvw
it mat cent
. -a Jt-mt aa A aatsl . .
fr I Crirk.SpvBfcWraaoa,
-iUjol anlcta. Scan
Heart iwasaas, Sore J""
. r.-..: t m H-pa, o
ixrs.si hop
Proprietors ana
ractarers, i
J.rlZ, hr H.lT St-.ma.-h ant 1-rrT
rwa-dr lor aidnwr.
.raaeo, Wauuar o
dhhm aad onI r-M T - -
rasa a to ."jffa (Jo., b WduamaUS.
, v.JTehlia -: JSjtl
BWat la w.rUi. SJ-t tfcee-l-a.
WISnSSSLr i rair a. O a. D
at VliatTW
ifiFNTS WAIITEDrrai-".?,
MhinrtvvrU!fJ ui knit a pa.r
aunul-a l! iil: luil a -r-a vartv 'at
work torwn:-n un taaiway ' i
f.ir ci niilar anU WiwttlTsiab-J Kaltlii
aiacailac is in.aoot u im
ii miMTrrm mm norm uiirim.. ,ro-vr"--" v
H..al.a. aartsaarra fll II ! Fill I I lafal I if fl I 1 iTn If
ya,co. . I wrLoic-vn , rt ygar drag
Even- mn ho wants to irT or UCLX. Vtnrnta
ftaai Krtata should write to YAGER a CAMCBEIJL
isi tai Afia uoruonavui. va. us ma
a aa r-ra sm arrtttav aaner.
OU wtU eaieadar, b
eaieadar, by mall for aoe. aa-eata
W sslsc
Kooaosrv ruDTUHl cow, Beabory.
Stmitlwi far DacwaHaaa, ILmUx
taiaataaU aa4 FiRa.
t exkfni- of wozrmUM trvm Irftttac
SuradaaV-acmaaal WOTsWrS to waDaM pSaTta 9t
Ui cubbut, ratAlBiBzHaKUittttr inva-
wt b evtV SaaVd-r?bema MpmBtTv43a.
N-tbfcBfi It rvcr lss.tas.fl) bftt. Prtt
S. WtUartVl IrWMUTaaaafVxltUM
ft iLl. Of all tb Sa4af -tk hnol SfipsYiDUBaaW
Mjcinl. I
T IxUka or tfrynUracc etinir Ovar Xtfmv ffaiblla-
mmmmm. UiAsk f4 B .) ,M
ti rrm, -u suuimin m-tirr rni.r II you BHii S,
Ad.lrttti KAND. Mi'JiALXY a. ct.,
ls to kr Monroe St.. Chicasfo.
R.LlDBLt)latw. a.ti. X1LLEKSC0.
a 7 Coamuer of at Broa-lway.
Conuuen-ai tiueam. . . Nw tor.
at au prominent rroine Excbanaea m
Sew oca, Chicago. St. Ixxus and Mdwauaee. '
We have earlusive private teiorrai li wim herw
Chicago and Mew Tort. ill execute orders on our
Jiulifuient whan requeatxl Send t r circulars eon
nuumic paruculara. KoBT. UNDBLoM al COu
.... .. "'"i lauioMiof UT- 4. K Mayer
I niler nia treatment earn is .t on- nht.iuj
i)Ncan atten-i to tbeir business immediately alter
treatment. Examination free. 8md sumo for re.
auc',UJ f..e5"fX H- fxl K.' thand
i aad eta of
HIRES rll ALL list fHlli. ?i
B-iv.ioughyrj. TaHtear-u-
S65 kMral for S Uve Toun
r. W. UKCUB Jt CO. l-auaoWunla. 1.
auaaayat aoon-easiiyniade. Coeuy
ontnt frnM. - - - . .r'
" Tl WANTED forthaBM .r. a-,
-ju.. muuiai mm sua EiOM. Price re.
mm. vioc. rmiaua r M
25 tO S20 57J12,,LBon' etopleworriiSSfres.
Wv Addreaa BTDiaoa a Col. Portland ate.
166 TT0.';.'0!? I"wn- T"rmsan1t4 outfit
uwm Address H. Haiajrar fc Uou Portiaixljl
desDerats "Battla of tha Ttv. - i.
araoreinuiiry. They orurht to render your
name Immortai." OaxJ. W.Faaum, Braulaboro, V t
a35.w2,l,'Ii,w,b,?f,,,,,,-ay' hn B.
Alden. tne txM and ontr nal pnbu.-ber.who ai arc Baa,
fully plieine- standard lllerarure witntn tha reach ca?
everybody wboeares to read." "Star." Bradford. Fa.
. "7 "rt""f Wavertev )nat reo-tved. All my friend
are w.n.lerin how liKmt baryaina. 1 xplaln.
11.!. trr'""" "d-" are tbe ra-ulti-ltMci
- - m nana, VUHUBia. Uilja laWk
v m 'a FT7."1"T.S"P ,mTi'T- irood faith. In
- v Is. aUU, iaUlaar, IS Vaaay Bt, Mew XarT
Purifier ICnownl
Feb. to. -82.
Tajbtobt, ft March la, -St,
RTufmrnaHc Syrup Cnu-
diOerent phy-
6nrrs Since November, last.
I hare been a aonataat sufferer
from neuralgia and- aave not
known what It was to be free
from pala until I otameaced
tne ae of Baeomatta Syrup. I
have felt no pain slaoa aing the
fourth bottla. I think It the heat
a few weeka,
1 remedy I have svar beard of for
;partfylng lie blood and for the
core of rhmstiam aad nea
Iralgia. W. B. CHASaV
Plymouth Ave., Rochester, N. Y.
U M sV Wh. wUI 4aWv Tarn a . M
' 1 1 A aa as
Mi of Mj a Wealil tf Bi
Sarsaparillian Resohcnj,
tei ami blood pu&ims.
If roa would hare your nest .Z?
ound wttaoat eanat. aad your S
yoar booes soan
siexioa air.
Radway's Sarsaparillian
A reaaedy eompoaed of IngTedleats of rtr
Btaary medical propertiea, ewentui to punr,'
keai, repair aad Invigorate the broitea-,. ail
wasted body qxnet, Plbaa.-vt, Sat aad ftaaZ
bnt ia Its treatment and cure.
Ho matter by what name tbe complaint mar t
aealKiiaiatl, whether It be a-rotu a, omaan
Skhliia, alcera, sores, tumors bona, erysijeiVS
t rheam, dlseasex of the lung, kioaeyafejaa.
aer, womb. Win, Uer, stomach or txiwe ww
earoale or oonetitnuonai, toe virtu 1 ia the Blaas
wtilct supplies the waste and bail't and rejZii
theaa oraana and wasted Uasuea of the sysb-ia.
11 tae Dtoou ai auacauu, ww process of nrDsif
The Sarsaparillian Resolvent
Hot only Is a compensating remedy, bat Kasnt
tae harmonious action of each of the orrui. u
astabUshes taroughoot tha entire system fouccoa
ai kartBoayatsnd supplies the biood n.
tela wita a -pure and healthy current ot
new Ufa. Tas Skim, after a few data1 aaa
of the Barsapanllian, become clear aad
beautiful. Pimp ea, blotches, black spot and
akin emotions are removed ; sore and nicer
eared. Persons suffering from scrofula, eruptive
dtaeaaas of the eye, mouth, ears, legs, urua an
g iaoda, that aava accumulated ami spreaii, eitoei
from oncured dlasasea or mercury, or from bw
as of corrosive sublimate, may rely npoa a ejus
if the SarsaparilUaa i eontinued a suiaoient tun
10 make u impression on the iv-item.
On bottle contains more of the active pnsej.
plea of Medicine than any other rreparauoa.
Taken In leaipoonfol dosea, while other reijtui
Its or au tunes aa macs.
One Dollar st B ottlex
Ra Rn R,
Radway's Ready Relief,
Tkertespnl d BmI Med lets fas
raantlT t7a lm ah World.
In from ons to twenty minute never fU s
relieve la!n with one thoroaan app;icaun:
so matter how violent or excruciating the psia,
the kneomatic. Bed-ndden. InOrm, CT.ppied,
Nerroua, Neuralgio or prostrated with diaeaa
may sailer, BAD WAX'S KKADY BKT.ITIP wu
aflord instant ease.
or LIMB3 are tasLacUy reHarsd.
FEVER AND AGTTB eared for 90 eta There Is
aot a remedial agent In Una world that will ear
Fever and Ague, and other Malarious. Bilious.
Scarlet, Typholtl, Yellow and otber fever (ai led
or RAD --VATS PILLS) so quickly as RAD WAX'S
It will In a few momenta, when taken tntemaly
aocording to the directions, aure Cramps, Spasms,
Boor Stomach, Heartburn, Sick Beailache, Dvspep
is. Palpitation of the Heart, Cold Chlila, Hyatenos,
Pain la the Bowels, Disrrhara, Dyaentery, Couc,
Wind in the Bowel, and all Internal Paica.
Travelers should aiwavs carry a bottla of RAO
WAX'S READY RELIEF wita them. A few
drops la water win prevent sickness or pains from
change of water. It la better" than French Brandy
or bitter aaa stimulant.
Slaers aaxl Laaakerasea should always
ha provided wita it. Q
Regulating Pills
Perfect, Purjrative. Boothing. Apert.
ents, Aot without Pun. Always
He liable and Natural
In Operation.
PerfecCy taarsleaa, elegancy coated with tweet
jra psri. ragolaia, purify, claanas aad soeng-
Ranwars Tuim far the ear of aa disorder of
me aXocnaea. law. Bowels. Kidneys, Bladder,
OompUlGta, Nervoas Diseases. Loss of Ap
petite, Haadacha, Oonstlpauon, Oneuveness, Indl
gaanen, Dytpepaia, BUtonsnesa, Fever, InBamma
Uoa of in Bowaia, Pliea, aad all derangetuenta at
fa Internal Vlaeera, Purely vegetable, contain
ingM msrewy, mineral, or daletenoo drugs,
kw-Observe la foflowing symptom reanirJag
iron Disease 0 tha TV wi 1 im.... cwuiiiw.
ttoa. Inward Plrea, Fulneas ot Blood in ta
Head, AetdKT at the Stomach, Naoaea, Heartburn.
Dlaet of Food, Fullnea or Weight la tae st
mach. Sew IractaUoua, sinking or Flnttenng at
in Heart, Choking or Suffering Sensations when
.-'rJ1 Ponro, Dimnets of Vision, Dots ot
W,bf "S.,on 1ht. Fever and dull Pain In th
Head. Deaalenev of Peranirftttom v.n Ai
th Sktn and Kyea, Pain la th side. Chest,
Luaba, aad sadden Flnaaaa af Umt 1.
lb Flesh.
A fewdoaea of a&Bwara Pnjji wir. free tas
systass from au th above-named dlaordera
rrUm as Oaata For Bk.
Warren, Cor. Church at. New Tor.
wmr iBfamatUaa wvtti
T two lwait.
Be ure sad an for Riitin iai mmm taaat ta
aama "Pantir lass waai yon buy.
Itwan Persons RsTtoesa
ur.axiHB B GREAT
tWV.LLiata M lata as mtmrnST Mif7mr1mi
Wioli.lWTJn1.. ai,.,!..
iil.i. Snd imo, r. O. ad iiiI,m - , m i
mmkwiiotv. n.L.iranaprasr.raiias.ipate.ra.
issiaiissiasa. mmmjutMir uuiAZuta tZtuSZ
VEXT wantetl for two new fastsstllnv a-riclet
banipieafrea. O. E. MAKSHALL. TouauoV? if"
CampoorXilklatbe bast Liniment. JMos saaai
Survival of Ik Fittest
Th Mexican Matanjf Liniment has
" ujuro tnan imny-uvc
Ssars aa the best of all Liniments, for
an a n d iteasr. Ita sales to-day are
lARIfrV than . I . i. . i '
" .1. vurv wuea mu
others fall, an. I penetrates skrrn, taodor.
and ninm-ln I., tVw. Wn. Kama Jl.t
Very w litre.