Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, November 21, 1883, Image 3

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Weslnefldaw, Rr. 31, IMS.
nlWCriDIlOn. Tm nt.i.M . ,.
. - j- - .. uui u pawl
within 12 months; $2.00 if not paid within
IZ Duuuil.
Transient advertisements Inserted at 60
cents pei men ior eacn laaertion.
Tramient business notice tn local col
mi. 10 cent Ter Una for a1i In.:
Deductions will be made to those desirinr
i BUTv-i.iou j m iuu or quarter
Christina comei on Tuesday.
Thanksgiving dij next week, on the
on. i.
Judge Ssith will plant a peach or
For cale, all kinds of crocks at
Another sprinkle of enow last Fit
day. No. 3.
Congressman Randall, of Pbiladel
phia, baa goat.
In Bedford oonntv corn fodder fells
. r i , f
at 9 ceuw a uuume.
The weather of last Thursday was a
cleur winter oiossom.
McClintio keeps for sale a fall line
cf builder's hardware.
Three men And a brown bear passed
through town on Friday.
Tramps are scarce in the ootinty
uur.ug corn uusKing lime.
Tight pants are not tbe fashion.
How is it with tight men
McClintic has naila and other
hardware goods for sale.
E. D. Parker Esq., has been kept in
aoor vy a upeu oi eicKness.
The literary sooiety of Muddy Kan
is iu uuunsuiog condition.
J ohnstown, Cambria county, baa a
dancing master named Daitsy.
Tbe late cold weather developed a
number of cases of pneumonia.
Sheriff Loudon has a 25 pound tur
key, fattening for his boarders.
Solmon Sieber, of Fermanagh town
ship, raised a 30 pound turkey.
Slush ice floated down the river on
Friday and Saturday mornings.
Skating was indulged in by the boy's,
cn tbe basin, on Friday evening.
The Juniata Editorial Association
met at Huntingdon last Saturday.
People are on the tiptoe to see tbe
comet. What if it doesn't come
Railroad rout engineers are feeling
for the shortest line to New York.
A Somerset county farmer mada 25,
000 gallons cider the past season.
David Doty and Judge Elder sold
the last of their lot of cattle last week.
use vi mo luuisponsiuie tilings in m cwk
stove, go to McClintic's and buy a cook
The vote in this state at the late
election was 150,000 short of a full
Ed Davis lias been busy delivering
trees, from the nursery that he repre
sents. A number of lawyers from this place
attended the Mifflin county court last
The Lutherans' conference and cele
bration interest Lewistown people this
Tbe Democrats want to adjourn tbe
Legislature. Tbe eleotion soared
By sending eggs to certain parts of
Montana, $1.50 a dozen may be ob
tained. The Methodists held a festival in
their church on Friday and Satuurday
Attehtiok. Housekeepers, you rosy find
a large assortment of cook stoves at Mc
Clintic's Frank Murray broke through the
ice, on the basin, on Friday evening.
A eoli dip.
Huntingdon county farmers will hold
a convention in the town of Huntingdon
in December.
The blizzard last week put an end to
corn huekiug for a period of three days
with most farmers.
Thanksgiving, and teachers institute
are the coming events most talked a
bout by tbe publio.
Question. Will the toot, toot, of the
locomotive be beard along Water street
in tbe near future 1
The Pennsylvania Railroad Company
adopted tbe 75th meridian as the stand
ard time, list Sunday.
The capital stock of the new railroad
that is to run through this county is
said to be $9,400,000.
E. S. Doty Esq., has built a long
stretch of substantial fence along his
fields adjaoent to towo.
Tbe Ladies Home Missionary Society
of the Presbyterian church will give an
entertainment in the near future.
A son of Dr. Graham was compelled
to give up bis text book studies at
Princeton because of poor health.
'The latest rumor about the missing
Charlio Ross is that be was drowned tii
Newark bsv shortly after his capture.
Mr. Kauffman has bought himself
another steam engine. Une ot me
kind that travel on the road by steam.
Samuel Bergy shipped lot of tur
kevs hv nil thi. week, some of them
were nearly large enough to ride to
Rom. r,.rt; from WBSt of the mOUB
taios traveled around in parts of the
county last week, selling buggies ana
Mffflin oountv teachers institute will
convene on tbe 26th. On the evening
of tbe 30th Schuyler Colfsx will lec
turer before it.
"Who pays the piper ?" U tbe ques
tion asked but never answered when a
talk is indulged in, in regard to tbe
sew railroad survey.
A number of wild turkeys flew into
tbe town of Seliasgmve a few days ago,
and took a rest on a shade tree in front
of a nrivata residence.
The funeral of Amos, oldest son of
Orlando, and Beckie Bondsall tooa
place on Monday. Intement in tbe
Presbyterian grave yard.
8wb,n the liTwy
on the ponad with.- The
The editor of the Altoona r.ll t,
been Put nn. tU "e
T i
w Mia rh&c k. n - . .
olnb. of Cincinnati ftsn,n
bUck bM weighed aeven lbs?
th.n,oF PR """J more
man sow ! Beeanas cm, :.
an J 11 ev
ery tune you put it in your po.ke."
erif J"0 m" eSCtPed from enag.
en. near Maryville, Ohio two week,
ago is now boarding around in the va
rious cow pastures of that neigborhood.
W ben Congressman Atkinson and
ry Wright end wife, who are colored
avf sjioa
Washington. Nat 10 v u
reports .bow that tbe corn crop will be
40,000,000 bushel, abort of thl pre
vious crop, notwithstanding the in
crease of area.
The Bloomfield A A Aie (a ? I. .a
week stated, that, four head of horses,
lv A.al J ...
wui ana several nogs died during
the past season for Mr -Tnn.ti ul.it
of Tuscarora township.
The new railroad, thtt U ;.
will run through Juniata, is to be built
from a
Bedford connty, to a point in Smith-
C 1 J A . I mm
uciu luwosaip, oionroe connty.
A pair, that was a nair i unntan f
by the Everett press thns: Th Re
publican voter who "paired off" two
different Democrats in' M
ship on eleotion day deserves the cake.',
A number of railroad "rnnr tniiniiMi
put in an appearance in this place last
ti cuuctuij evening. un xnursday
they began running a rout through Lost
Creek Valley, toward the Susquehanna
A railroad is to be run to the too of
Pike's Peak. The average grade of
the road is to be 300 feet to tbe mile.
When H. S. Scboll was on Pike's
Peak, last summer, it was a day like
that of the 13th of this month.
R. 11. Patterson, of Peru Mills, was
in town last Wednesday. His large
store rooms are about finished. Tbe
window facings, counters, and so forth,
are of walnut and chestnut wood. Tbe
improvement is a valuable one.
Andrew Patterson, of Spruce Hill
township, died on tbe 10th inst., aged
85 years. He lived all bis days on tbe
farm on which te was born. Of six
brothers be was tbe most delicate, but
be lived longest by about 12 years.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla works directly
and promptly, to purify and enrich the
blood, improve tbe appetite, strengthen
the nerves, and braoe up toe System.
It is in tbe truest sense an alterative
medicine. Every invalid should give
it a trial.
The weather of last week was the
fore-runner of winter, and caased peo
ple to start tbeir heaters and already
there are a number of reports in, in re
gard to cases ot persons that almost
suffocated by the inhaling of gas from
tbe beater.
A Pennsylvania mule which had liv
ed in a coal mice for nine years with
out seeing daylight was hoisted up tbe
other day, and his first act was to kick
a sky-high. Nine years in a coal mine
won't make a mule anything but a
mule. Boston Post
Hnntinvdnn was unfortunate, iust
Un ch helievrd herself as a comma
nity to be on the broad road of pros
perity, the large car manufactory broke
up, snd later still, last week, another
laree concern, a tannery, a leather
. i i .
company, store, doom ana suae ior
was closed Dy tne soeriu.
n q.tnrriiT J R. Vanhorn. John
Scblegel, John Kiozer, A. H. Cramer,
p . ... ii iiii .11
A. Kiuzer, ana w imam ccmcjc,
of East Salem, aud D. Belair, of Phil
adelphia, went to tbe wilds of Lickiog
n v v.il.u in ramn out as buotors
, ai.fj r
for deer, turkeys and so forth. They
expect to remain in tbe Valley till
next Saturday.
Itli Irnnhled with Oolds. Would
At sjcvwaw v - -
take Ayer's Cherry Pectoral before go
: hr.pk nr places of entertain
ment, they would avoid coughing,
greatly to tbe comtort oi ouio
. a i,.,r Publio sneakers and
era uu
singers find that the Pectoral wonder-
fully inoreases me power u
tj of tbe voioe.
w;ii;.m KWnn. ntv engineer of
Springfield Ohio, is visiting friends in
tbis county. n is
Sharon,who was a native of Fayette twp.,
and ie bis early manhood days
praoticed law in this town. He is as
sociated with otner voio gcui.ciu
i. . .kn.t tn hid for a contract on
WUU wo ,
the South Pennsylvania railroad.
AUCTION! The Enterprise Car
riage Company, will sell at auction, in
Mifflintown, -Tuesday, i-eceuiu. ,
1883, twenty-five buggies, a few sets
of harness and 4 sleighs. This work
can be seen at tbe Murry House. By
calling tbere you can tave an opportu
nity to buv at private sale.
2t. J. H. Wilsox, Agent.
Last Friday a great fire took place
in Charleston, S. C. also two in Bos
ton, Mss., one in Cinomnati, O-, one
in Orleans, Ind , one in St. Louis, Mo.,
one in Carrolton, Mo., one in Brattle
boro, Vt one in New Castle, Pa..one iu
Elizabeth, N. J-, end on Saturday a
large freight depot was burned in New
Tork city. The loss by fire is heavy.
Joseph Arnold, a youth from the vi
cinity of Oriental, was arrested and
uken to Snnbury, Northumberland
ooucty, on tbe charge of having killed
" man in that town. Arnold's friend,
sav that the Sunbury man charged Ar
nold with having stolen a stable lock,
and to present an assault .ah knife
Arnold took up a -tone and .brew it,
witb fatal result.
.iontry Sooiety of the Pr.bytera.n
cbuwh, of this place, will give an en
L.mt in the Chapel on thursday
evening, Not. 29th 1883. (Tb.nksg.v-
;Tveninr.l It '! con9igt of 10',rU"
meVu'f ZV vocal .W DWf
Recitations. &. Admission, 15 ct.
Children. 10 .. Proceed, for the
bctcfit of be Jliseionsry worK-
Somo daye ago a party of railroad
rarveyors stack stakes and began a
wey at what need to be oalled tbe 5
mile tavern in the narrows between this
plaoe and Lewistown. They moved west
ward, locating their stakes about 15 feet
lg b'r ,on8 ! mountain side than
the Pike is located. They pasted Lewie
town to their left thence to Reedsville;
tbenoe up Kishaooquilaa Valley, to
where? Wheooe they same, is not
eteted. '
Do not forget that at Heaas Pho
tograph Gallery you can get any
small picture enlarged for 75 cent.
Also anything that is made in Pho
tography, you can get here done up,
in first class style. . All the latest
tyle pictures, such as Cards, Cabin
ets, Promenade, Pannel Boudoir,
kc- ic Frames of all kinds cheap.
Exohange papers report that the
Pennsylvania Railroad is thinking se
riously of changing their main line be
tween Harrieburg and Pittsburg, and
the Cumberland Valley Railroad would
be used to Chambersburg, from where
a line would be built to Mount Union,
and tbenoe to Pittsburg, shortening tbe
line about fifty miles. Should the
contemplated enterprise be carried out
Mifflintown would then no longer be on
the main line.
It is getting to te rather late in the
season tor snake stones, but a Carlisle
paper of 10 days ago tells the following:
Last Saturday, Harvey, an eleven year
old son of Harry IL Zeigler, of Middle
sex township, was driviog cattle
through the mountain when a large
blacksnake wound itself around the
boy's breast. Tbe little fellow seized
tbe reptile and suoceeded in casting it
from him. Had be failed in that, he
said he would have out it in two with
bis pocket knife.
The Tribune of last week published
the following : Last week one day a
little boy, about seven years old, a son
of Joseph Reed, of Willow Run distriot,
in Tuscarora township, was at school
and at noon as the little fellow was
stooping cracking some nuls a boy a
bout twelve years, named Brant, came
along and either fell against him or
kicked bim in tbe back, producing such
injuries as to cause his death in about
tbirtv -six bours. Will the b:g boys
heed this terrible lesson
On tbe 12th mat., tbe Philadelphia
& Reading Railroad Company announ
ced that from 12 o'olock, noon, of Sun
day, November 18th, 1883, the stand
ard time on the Lines of this Company
will be that baaed upon tbe seventy
fifth meridian of west longitude, and,
at tbe bonr named, correct time under
the new standard will be given from
the office of the Superintendent of Tel
egraph at Reading to all telegraph of
fice. All clocks and watches must be
set to conform to the new standard.
Between this and the 1st of Febru
ary, 18S4, a bill will be sent to each
and every person who is owiog this of
fice for more than one year's subscrip
tion. Don't wait for the bill. A
printer, you know, is human like other
people and can't afford to work quite
for nothing. We have a large list of
subscribers that are almost all tbe
time ahead with their pay. We have
a large list who are a little slow, but
tbe larger number of them will be in
on time, before tho 1st of February.
Some drink to make them wide awake,
And soma to miko them sljep ;
Some drink because they n.erry are,
And some Became they weep.
Some drink because they're Tery hot,
And some because they're cold ;
Some dnnk to cheer thoin when tber're
And some becaase they're old.
Some drink to give them appetite,
And some to aid d igestion ;
Some for "doctors say its right,"
And some without a question.
Some drink when they a bsrgrin make,
And some because of loss ;
Some drink when they their pleasure take,
And others when they're cross.
Some drink for sake of company,
While others drink more sly ;
And many drink, but never think
About the reason why.
While Governor Pattison and Mrs.
Pattison were away in Virginia attend
ing a wedding, tbeir 5 year old son
took cronp. The life of the boy was
despaired of. A surgical operation
might save bis life. On Thursday ev
ening it was performed by Drs. Gross
and Thomas, of Philadelphia, and Dr.
Pitcarin, of Harrisbuig. Tbe opera
tion oonststed "in making an moision
in tbe throat below the seat of disease,
in order to allow the insertion of a sil
ver tube through which the patient
breathes while the ailment is being
treated. In tbis oase it was entirely
successful, and tbe little sufferer was
afforded almost instant relief."
Some one from across the sea writes :
At Gaudenfel, Germany, tbe artist and
glass spinner A. Prengal, cf Vienna,
bas estaousnea nis glass ousinees, of
fering carpets, cuffs, collars, veils, etc.,
made of glass. He not only spina,
but also weaves glass before tbe eye
of our people. Tbe otherwise brittle
glass be changes into pliable threads,
and osea them for making good, warm
olothiog, by introducing certain ingre
dients, which are his secrets, and
thereby changing tbe entire nature of
the glass, lie makes white, corly,
glass muffs ; also, ladies' bats of glass,
witb glass feathers, whioh are lighter
than real feathers. Wool made of
glass, it is said, cannot be distinguish
ed from the genuine article. Glass is
a non-conductor, and tbe time may not
be far distant when it will cause a rev
olution in dress materials.
An exchange says: Onee upon a
time a certain man got mad at the edi
a, mnA atnnned his naner The next
week he sold bis corn at four cents be
low market price. Then bis property
uM fnr laxaa. bnsanan he didn't
read tbe Sheriff's sales. He was ar
rested and fined eight dollar, for go
ing bunting on Sunday, simply beoause
be dido t mow it was cunaay ; ana ne
paid three hundred dollar for a lot of
forged notes that bad been advertised
for two weeks, and tbe publio caution-
.l ntt n nirntiatA innm H thn
paid a big Irishman, with a foot on bim
like a forge-namaier, to kick bim ail
the way to tbe newspaper office, where
he paid for four years subscription in
ilnnna. and made the editor ftttm an
agreement to knock bim down and rob
bim if be ever ordered his paper stop
ped again. Such is .life without a
In this day of general schooling an
ignorant belief haa taken bold ot the
mind of a large number of people, and
that is, that tbe so-called school edu
cation is all that is needed to secure
one la tbe poetession of ever j thing
needed to make life comfortable and
bappy. A greater delusion scarcely
ever took possession of tbe publio mind.
Such a belief has become so general in
the Northern States that the teaobers
that have gone South have already im
planted tbe belief in the mind of the
negro, to snob a degree that tbe Senate
Committee on Education and Labor is
getting some remarkablo information
in Alabama. One witness testified
that a majority of tbe negroes born
kinoe tbe war seemed to feel that get
ting an education was all they needod,
and that they did not have to work.
The old negroes were the industrious
ones and the only ones who saved mon-
The bear that was eangbt in Tyson's
trap on Shade mountain, a short dis
tance north of this place, was bought
by a party of Harrisburgera, and taken
to that plaoe. As to the impression
ereated in the mind of Harrisburg peo
ple as to how their hunters secured the
bear may be learned from the Patriot,
as follows : Poppy Rubs on Tuesday
left for Mifflintown, and in company
with J. Hays, went about a mile into
tbe country and ran aoross a bear
Poppy shot it and at onee sent the
"glad tidings" to all bis friends in this
city, each one being oompelled to pay
thirty cents, tbe telegraph toll, for the
information. Tbe bear and its slayer
arrived here last evening. The dead
animal was placed in front of Poppy's
place of business on Third street, and
attracted considerable attention. A
rumor prevailed that Jeff. Middaghhad
tbe bear in a wire cage and as soon as
Poppy arrived be allowed bim to plaee
bis gun on a fence and slay tbe animal.
Poppy denies all such rumors.
Last Thursday evening Mrs. Hostel
ler, mother of Mrs. Beidler, of this
place, went on tbe cars to Thompson
town station intending to visit ber daugh
ter Mrs. Patton, at the station she got in
a wagon drawn by one horse, owned by
Mr. Tennis, for the purpose of goiog to
town. The wind blew a lid off a basket
that Mrs. Hostetler had with ber. The
boy that drove the horse stopped and
got out to get tbe lid, while be was
away the horse started. Mrs. Hostet
ler grasped the lines and pulled hard
on them and that caused the beast to
back, down over a bank. In the down
ward course over tbe bank, the wagon
was upset, the seat and shafts were
broken tbe horse was down on bis side.
Mrs. Hostetler was severely burt ; she
was carried into the stationbouse and a
doctor sent for. Afterward, sbe was
taken to the bouse of her son-in-law
where she now is in Thompson town
greatly improved but still in bed. For
a time alter the accident she was entirely
helpless. Her injury seemed to be a-
boat the head and shoulders ; a gash of
several inches was made aoross ber
forehead. Hopes of her complete re
covery are entertained. She is about
70 years of age.
Tbe ablest religions and literary
newspaper published. One-quarter to
one-balf larger, but the same price as
its contemporaries.
It bas twenty-two distinct depart
ments, all good, many of them of supe
rior excellence.
Its literary department, embracing
reviews, oriticisms and notices of all
new books published, contains 10 or 12
columns weekly, and bas no superior in
During tbe next few months Thb
Independent will publish stones by
William D. Howells. author cf "Their
Wedding Journey," "A Modern In
stance," etc.; W. E. Norris, author of
'Matrimony," "Mo New Thing," etc;
F. Marion Crawford, author of '"Mr.
Wanes," "Dr. Claudius," etc.; J. S.
of Dale, author of Guerndale" ; Ed
ward Everett Hale, author of "Ten
Times One is Ten," etc; Julia Sohay
er, author of "Tiger Lily and Other
Stories"; Rebeooa Harding Davis,
Sarah Orne Jewett, Fred. D. Story,
Kate Upson Clarke, and others. Our
readers who do not now subscribe for
it should read the advertisement in an
other column, which gives subscription
rates in full. Every one should at
least send 30 cents for a month's
"Trial Trip," and make its acquain
tance. Address The Independent,
New York City. Nov. 14. 2L
ANDERSON On the 10th inst., at her
home in Tuscarora township, Mrs. Ander
son, agod about ia years.
TEATKR. On the 11th inst., at his
home in Lack township, Jacob Veater, aged
abont 80 years.
MirrtraTowa, Hot. 20, 18S3.
Batter 25
Eggs 28
Lard 10
Ham 17
Shoulder 12
Sides 12
Rags It
Whoat, Red t 05
Foltz 1 00
White 95
New Corn 40
Old Corn 6t
Oats 30
Rye 60
New Cloverseed..... 6.00
Tiuothy seed 140
Flax seed 1 40
Chop 1 60
Snorts 1 30
Wheat was in fairdemand and prices were
a fraction higher; about 11,000 bushels red
sold in lots, including No. 1 attl 101 16;
No. 2 at f 1 08a 1 13 per bused, and No.
3 red at $1 00 per bushel. Corn Car lots
were firm ; about 10,00 bushels sold at 57
a62c per bushel, the latter rate Tor prime
yellow. Oats Car lots were firmly held;
about 12,0011 bushels sold In loU at 3oa33c
por bushel, according to quality. Rye was
firmly held; small sales of Pennsylvania
are reported a 65c per bushel. There wan
a fair demand for choice Hay, which was is
moderate supply and firm. Low grades
moved slowly. Straw was steady. The
quotations were as follows: Timothy,
choice western and New Tork, at $15alS.
50 ; timothy fair to good do do I12al4 ; do
medium do do at SiOall ; mixed at SSalO;
damaged and low grades at $7a8 ; cut Hay
at $17al8. Rye Straw at $l?al3 50 ; wheat
do at f9 5al0; oats do at SlOatO 50.
Lard, city refined, $ 60a8 75; do do
steam. $7 67a8; do butchers', loose, $7.
25a7 60 ; do country, prime, at 7a8e ; do
do ordinary to good, at 7c. Butler at 24
to 34c. Eggs, 28 to 84c per dox. Potatoes
40 to 45c per bushel. Apples at S2 to $S
per bbl. Cloverseed at 9al0e per pound.
Beef cattle were in good demand and
prices were strong. Extra, 6$6Jc; good,
5a6 Jc ; medium, 6i5J! ; common, 4a4c.
Fat cows were in better demand at 8a4c.
Veal calrea at 6?o. ' Sheep and lambs were
in fair demand and prices were barely stead v.
Extra, 5Jvoc ; gMxi, lj5c; medium,
4C common, 2Ji3Jc ; lamhs,4a6c. Hogs
were in poor demand and prices were on
steady. Extra. 7Jcs good, 7Jc; median,
6a7c ; common, Cic.
At Kansas City the Lire Stock Indies.
tor reports : Receipts of Cattle 1500 heJ ;
market active and firm ; the kemand good
for feeders ; nati ttemn of from 1200 to
1500 lbs at So 00o6 00 ; Blockers and feed
ers at S3 504 00: common at 2 75at 40;
Texas steers at $3 2"u3 bO; Colorado half
breeds at $4 604 50. The receipts of Hogs
were 8,000 head ;' market weaker and low
er at $4 15a4 55, the bulk of the sales be
ing at $1 35. The receipts of Sheep were
340 head ; market quiet, except for good
natives of 85 lbs average, which sold at
$2 40.
- Ineependenee, Texas, Sept. 3. 1H-
AyerteHair Vigor
Bas baea seed in my bonsehoM for tiire
1st. To prevent falling out cf the hair.
Sd. To prevent too rapid ehange ot color.
SiL Am a dreiaUg.
It has given entire satisfaction in every
inittnn-T Yours mspoctf ally,
Wm. Cabet Ckjlxb."
AYBB'S HAIR VIGOR is entirely free
from anoleenly, dangerous, or injurious sub
sumes. It prevents tbe hair from taming
gray, imtoias gray bair to its original color,
prevents hallunss, preserves the hair and
promotes it growth, euros dandroit and
ail disesses of the hair and scalp, and is,
at the same time, a very superior and
desirable dressing.
Dr. J.C. Ayer tCo., Lowell, Mast.
Sold by all Dmgzista.
The proprietor of this celebrated medi
cine justly claims fir it a superiority ever
all remedies ever offered to the publn for
XANE3T care of Ague and Fever, or CtUIs
and Faver. whether of short or long stand
ing. Es refers to the entire Western and
Southern country to bear him testimony to
the truth of the assertion that ia no case
whatever will it fail to enre if the direc
tions are strictly followed and carried out
In a gT-at many cases a single dose has
been sufiieient for a cure, and whole fami
lies have been cored by a single bottle, witk
a perfttot restoration of the general health.
It is, however, prudent, and in every ease
mere cortain to enre, if its use is eontinned
ia smailtr doses for a week er two after the
disease haa been checked, more especially
in difficult end long-standing cases. Usu
ally this medicine will not require any aid
to keep the bowels in good order. Should
the patient, however, require a eathartio
medicine, after having Uken three or four
doses ef the Tonie, a single dose ef BULL'S
ficient. BULL'S 8ABSAFASIIXA is the eld and
reliable remedy for is: purities of the blood
and Scrofulous affections the King of
Bl-d Fariflers.
DZSTB0TEB is nrepared in the form cf
candy drops, attractive to the sight and
pleasant to the taste.
The Popular Remedlea of the Day.
t-rlaclee! 0(3ce, 911 Sals St LQCISTU.Lt. 1
2nd Door West of Opd Fellows Hall,
Mifflintown, Pa.,
Calls the attention of the publio to the
following facts :
Fair Prices Our Leader I The
Best Goods Our Pride I
One Price Our Style I Cash or
Exchange Our Terms !
Small Profits and Quick Sales Our
Motto !
Oar leading Specialties are
AND SHOES, for Men, Women and
Children, Qneensware, Glassware,
Wood and Willow-ware, Oil Cloths,
and every artiola usual!; found in first
olass stores.
exchange for goods at highest market
Thankful to tbo publio for their
heretofore liberal patronage, I request
their continued custom ; and ask per
sona from all parts of the county, when
in Mifflin to eall and see my stock of
Sept. 7, 1881
KrGTTS . CO.. f the S iLKiiriv AwmriraTjroe
Umte tsa:-t as oliciu lor rXleota. Caveats. Tnilo
MiuiLt, Cuprrlentt. for tl I'm ted Htates. Canada.
Kugiand. Frmcrv. Gwniaoy. rto. HajiU Book about
faieota arm free. TbtrtT-arrr Tr-are1 experience.
Patent obtained thrmuill atUNif a CO are nouee4
tntbeSciejmnc amkkica. the format, test, and
most r-Ctiiv circulated eetentiae paper. a year.
Weekly. plrr.Old encrsvlnrs and tntprr: Ina1 low
Jrrrmr.'t u . ;Kctnieo copy of tbe tHraiiS? A mrr.
ra . it frr. A ld"a Sll'.tS k f O. I;ino
AMKB1CAN UlBee. SU1 Broadway, . Tork.
Every family should havo a county news.
paper. Subscribe for the Sntiml u4 Rt
Neva Advertisements.
OTJCC'TUT f lrrnjand women know era
UIUlUlDilll lUllilthis that of tbe many
diseases and derangements of the body
each a separate cause or origin, and that
each needs a different method of treatment
in order to effect a cure, and a moment's
reflection must convince that any ot the
quack nostrums foisted upon the public
claiming to cure all of a number of diara
etricly different diseases must prove fail
ures, even if we do not call them hum
bugs. mPTnUT Pnd Ppl ' moderate
rLUriUluiean, and even people
well to do or wealthy And that the nor
mom ekarget of practising physicians are
a serious burden to them, and also And that
after paying themselve poor that no bene
fit has accrued to them, that in fact they
have thrown their money away. To over
come these evils we offer WhetUr'i fC0. 98
Sure Remtdin U the sick and snffrring eat
Remedy for each disease, without for a
moment claiming that one roraedv will cure
any other disease) than tbe one claimed for
it, and as these remedies have stood the
test of years without a single failure, we
agree te refund the money paid in every
instance where a cure ia not positively ef
fected. The remedies are entirely vegeta
ble, can do no barm, and will positively
cure every disease for which they are per
scribed. RHEUMATISM, adr
Neuralgia are relieved at once and positively
cured by the one of Wheeler's No. 96 Rheu
matism Remedy. rTe say boldly that in the
worst of esses of no matter how long ttani
ing, bow irritu or bow painful, we can not
only give relief but positively cure for all
time. Failing to do this we will positively
refund tbe money paid for tbe treatment,
and if your sufferings are not positively
stopped for all time you have not thrown
your money away as you would on any oth
er than these guaranteed remedies. Tbe
price of Wheeler's No. 96 Rheumatism
Remedy is only 50 cents, obtained from
druggists or sent free by mail on receipt of
price. Stamps taken.
nature with a pretty face, twantiful figure,
faultless complexion, as well as the sweet
est of tempers and faultless mental quali
ties grows prematurely old, grav and wrink
led, her form loses its perfect contour, the
complexion becomes sallow, the brightness
leaves the eye, a feeling of languor takes
the place of the once buoyant spirits, an
irritable nervous fractiousness makes life a
burden, things that once were trifles worry
ber till life bcomes unbearable. AU this
being caused by a physical derangements
so common to woman, which tbe inmate
modesty of feminine nature prevents their
making known, and of which the ignorance
of the medical profession prevents a cure.
lady Reader, pause and consider, 'tis a du
ty you owe yourself, your family snd your
God, that you should cure yourself of
these troubles snd once more fwl the glow
of perfect health and spirits that nature
intended for you. Wheeler's Xo. 96 Pre
eaiptions are pleasant and palatable to take
containing nothing of an injurious nature,
and may be Uken by all ages at all times
and in all condition trtMouf pomblity of til
effects, and will positively cure any of the
peculiar diseases to which females are sub
ject. Failing to produce a perfect enre
tho proprietors will refund the money paid
for tbe treatment. If you h-sre j steal
low complexion, constant or intermilunt
headaches, backache restleu?ss, los; of
appetite, suppressions of monthly Bow, or
irregularities thereof accoromnie.l by head
aches, nerrousnvss. hysterics and similar
symptons, H'keeler's Ao. 96 Prescription
UB" will positively restore you to health.
If yon have a sensation of heat snd throb
bing in the back, frequently footing spells,
Leucorrhea or white diwbargo, painful or
scalding sensation in urinsting, reddish or
white deposit in urine, hot and drv skin.
Wheeler's A'o. 96 Prescription "C" will
give immediate and lantingrelief. The price
of Wheeler's No. 96 Ferscription B" and
"Care 50 cents each, obtainable from
druggists or sent by mail secure from ob
servation post psid on receipt of price.
Postage stamps taken.
nifflipTJTJ It is nedle.-ts to describe tbe
Vai anfllLsTmptons of this nauseous di
sease that is sapping tbe life and strength
of only too many of the fairest and best of
both sexes, old sod young, suffering alike
from the poisonous drippiDg in the throat,
the poisonous nasal discharges, tbe fetid
breath and general weakness, debility and
languor, asitto from the acute sufferings of
this disease, which if not checked can only
end in loss of palate, koarsenen, u-eakned
sig!J, loss of memory, deafness and pre
mature death if not checked before it is too
late. Labor, study and research in Ameri
ca, Europe and Eastern lands bsve result
ed in Whertrr's So. 96 Instant Relief and
Sut t Cure for Catarrh, a remedy which
contains no harmful ingredients, and that
is guaranteed to cure every case of acute
or chronic catarrh or money refunded.
Wkeeler's A'o. 96 Instant Relief and Sure
Cure for Catarrh will cure every case of
catarrh, bay fever or asthma, price $1.00
per package, from druggists or sent by
mail post paid on receipt of price.
Wheeler's So. 95 Sure cure for Kidney
and Liver Troubles cures all weakness and
soreness of kidney, inflammation of kidney
or liver, price $1 00.
Wkreter's Vegetable Pills are the only
remedy that cure consumption, giving nat
ural action of the bowels without pbysicing,
purging, griping or pain. Price 2 cents,
of druggists or by mail.
Wheeler's Xeroine Tonic for mental de
pression, loss of tuanbood, languor, weak
ness or over taxation of the brain is in
valuable, price 15 cents.
TDT CTTIIT1 mffTPPCnrcs in every case
fill UUluULn ILLor will refund money
paid. Wo place our price for these reme
dies at less than one-twentieth of the price
asked by others for remedies upon which
yon take all tbe charges, and re spenally
faie the patronage of tho many person
who have tried other remedies without ef
fect or depleted their purees by paying
doctor bills that benefitted them not.
these remedies. Go
and ask for them. If they have net got
tbem, write at once to the proprietors, en
closing the price in money or stamps, and
they will be sent you st once by mail, post
paid. Correspondence solicited. Ad
dress plainly. L. WHEELER fc CO.,
No. 96 W. Baltimore St,
who ire IMerssfad In
Growing Crops
cheaply ass successfully
w mmmmmmmmmmMmmm
stiaald writs as lor our pawyMet an sws
tsrtiliiers. a- fod rertiliw can bemads
Kstseswcssl ii Erer? Stele. qntnne1
forunoccott4tefTilorT. b; It will references.
atifirbcfprers of
Powell'i Tip-Top Bone fertiliter.
Bene. Pyash.ftffmonia. Sc.
KE3.TEDT at DOTI, Agents,
MirfLiaTowi. Pa.
june 20-83.
I would inform the public tbx. I have
now in my new millinery store at my place
of residence on Water street, Mifflintown,
second door from corner of Bridge street,
a full stock, of fall and winter millinery
goods, all new, and of the latest styles,
and having employed Erst class milliners,
lam prepared to supply tbe public with
everything found in a firstclass milliner
store, coma aud examine ray stock. I
consider it no trouble to show goods.
M.y 2-83.1.V.
Subscribe for tbe Sentinel and Republican
the best newspaper in tho county.
Is the plaea where yon ean buy
HE is prepared to exhibit one of the most
this market, and at JSTOXI8HIXGL T LOW PRICKS I
Also, measures Uken for suits and parts of suits, which will be mada to ordo
at short notice, very reasonable.
Remember the plaee, in Hoffman's
Water street, MIFFLINTOWN, PA.
Haa constantly on hand a full variety of
GENTS' FCRNISHINQ GOODS. Goods or all kinds are low Come and sea me
and be astonished. Pants at 74 CCslta. C7" SUITS MADE TO ORDER.jj
Patterson, Pa., April 13, 1879.
Proftitional Card.
Ilemofpathlc Pybslelan,
Office in residence of Solomon Books,
Main Street, UifHintown, Pa.
7" I have permanently located in Mifflin
town. All calls left at offlco prompttv at
tended to. Oct. 17, '83-tf.
Louis E. Atkixsox. Geo. Jacobs, Ja
Uncollecting and Conveyancing prompt
ly attended to.
Orries On Main street, in plaee of rest.
deuce of Louis B. Atkinson, Esq.. south of j
Bridge street. (Oct 26, 1881 . j
C7" All business promptly attended to.
Orvtci On Bridge street, opposite the
Court House square. jan7, '80-1 y
ECollections attended to promptly.
Orvics With A. J. Patterson Bsyj, oa
Bridge street. Feb 25, "80
Pbysioian and Surgeon,
Office hours from 9 a. h. to 3 r. .. Of
fice in bis residence, on Third street, op
posite Hetuodist parsonage. octZZ-tf
His resumed actively the practice of
Medicine and Surgery and their collateral
brsrichee. Offire at the old corner of Third
anil Orange streets, Mifflintown, Pa.
March 29, 1876.
Acidemia, Juniata Co., Pa.
Ovvrca formerly ocenoied bv Dr.Sterrett.
Professional business Dromrtlv attended to
at all hours.
Jobw VcLaroHua. Josir-a W. Stihkix
rC7"Only reliable Companies represented.
Dec. 8, 1876-Iy
Farmers and Mechanics Machinery.
MiHintown, Juniata County, Pa.
Office on Bridge street opposite South
side of Court House.
Nov. 8. 1S82.
Ninth St, south of Chestnut, one square
south of the New Post Office, one-balf
square from Walnut St. Theatre and in the
vry business centre ef the city. On the
American and European plans. Good rooms
fiom 50c to $3 00 per day. Remodeled and
newly furnished. W. PAINE, M. D.,
Owner and Proprietor.
Nov. 2!,183, ly.
How Lrot, How Restored.
Just published, a new edition of DR.
on tbe radical curt of SrniATooiat or
Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Seminal
Losses, Ihfotfwcv, Mental and Physical
Incapacity, Impediments to Marriage, etc. ;
also, Coasi mftio, EriLcrsr and Frrs, in.
duc,cd by self-indulgence or sexual extrav
agance, tc.
The celebrated author, in tbis admirable
Essay, clearly demonstrates, from a thirty
years' successful practice, that the alarm
ing consequences of self-abuse may be rad
ically cured ; pointing out a modo of euro
at once simple, certain, and efcctnal, by
means of which every sufferer, no matter
what his condition may be, may enre him
self cheaply, privately, and radically.
U.yThis Lecture should be ia the hands
of every youth and every man in the land.
Sent, under seal, in a plain envelope, to
any address, post-paid, on receipt of six
cents, or two postage stimps. A ldrcss
41 Ann St., New Tork, N. T. ;
Jnel8-ly-oet 17 Post-Office Box 460.
J. 1 All persons are hereby notified not to
trespass on the lands of the undersigned,
in Walker and Fermanagh townships, for
the purpose of hunting, building fires, or
for any other trespass purpose.
SanraL A rata. Hkbt Atcca,
CnaimA Mcs'ia, Rirsra Motrr,
Iac Anaa, William Rickmsach,
Wsllisqtos Smith, Kran Kai-wwab',
Joserw S. Weaves, Srsas Boam,
Jo.vAS KArsrsiAa, Ctip Sims
Oct. 81, lH3-tf.
A LL persons are hereby cautioned
XI. against fishing or hunting, gathering
berries, or crossing fields, or in any other
way trespassing on the lands of the nnder-
I signed
I J. f KlVIFV.
choice and select stocks aver offered l
New Building, corner of Bridge ax
Jan. 1, 187-sf
Special .Voice.
vssTDaV s scvcLor eiia, containing
Orsr 25,000 Words, compile"! from WEB
STER, 40,000 synonyms, a complete dic
tionary of rhymes, foreign words and phras
es, busineas, nautical, ninaical and law
terms ami mythology. Bmbracing entry
subject on which clear, satisfactory informa
tion is given.
The same information cannot be bail olso
wbera, nor in as convenient or accessible
hspe for less than S t'l. Sample pages free).
Outfit (1.00. THAVia, Messiah h. Co. 60S
Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Oct. 17-3m.
contains an antidote Tor all mat
larlal disorders winch, so far as
known, is used in no o,ther remedy. It con
tains no Quinine, nor any mineral nor de
leterious substance whatever, and conse
quently produces no inju.ioiM effect upon
tbe constitution, but leaves the system as
healthy as it was before tbe attack.
CIVRE to cure every case of Fever and
Ague, Intermittent or Chill Fever, Remit,
tent Fever, Dumb Agie, Billions Fsver
acd Liver Complaint caused by malaria.
In case of failure, after due trial dealers
are authorized, by our circular dated July
1st, 1882, to refund the money.
Dr. J. C. Ayer's & Co., Lowell,
Sold by all Druggists.
These celebrated Stoves will
In less t!ma and wlt". LESS FUEL
than any other vapor Caok Stovo
Be suro sind buy the Dangler
Non-Explonlvo Vapor Cook Stove.
xi:rr.ki sr Tax
DanghrVapcr Stcvs & Refining Co.
Fob H.U-r rv Airyr.
uscncrnia tttw
New Clipper Mower.
Th 'I' ll! WH f:lA?rr.3 una! fT
implicit ra conatrnrtj. n. co nt B'anas.nen:.
)ibtwuht,iunbilitaad grt workup capacity
ia all en i:U"r of ltvb.
The Vf.f Cf.iPt KP. fc-s an ths advaatacn of
Sain rm iTxranta-rsT Cracnja.
Good AUEJTIS W aKTD m s&xwaTlad tatrllory.
(Successors to Bayers k. Kennedy,)
Calcined Plaster. Land Piaster,
We bay Grain, to be delivered at Mifflin
town. Port Royal, or Mexico.
We are prepared to furnish Salt to dealers
at reasonable rates.
April 21.1882-tf
A valuable farm, containing aboat 160
acres, all tillable land, and in s good state
of cultivation, with good Dwelling House,
Bank Barn, Wsgos Shed and ontbnildings,
all in good repair. Tho land is all river
bottom. A Iso, 4o0 acres of raonntain land ,
along line of Pennsrh-aBia Railroad, snd
convenient to Siding and Stations, well
set with rock oak, chestnut, and other tim
ber. A good opportunity for any on want
ing a first class home or to engsgs ia the
lumber busineis. For ptt)eu!ars ca'l on
or address JEBE.V1AH LYONS.
S4rrrii.iT- wi, Jcstata Co., P.
Sept. 19, lSfl3.