Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, October 17, 1883, Image 3

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e.edr. October IT, ljWS,
fe'""- Mid
i 2 months.
" -"""! if not naid i.i.i-
nts per inch tor each insertion.
! rani-ient business notices in local col
ctmr., 10 cents nor lin. f, , 601
Induction, will be mri.to.wTlt
to ,dert. l.y the year. haTf Tr i
Committee Meeting
Meeting of the county committee
was hold in tbe Orphans Court room
Saturday .Sept 22ud, 1883. In all
s' nee of tho Chairman Mr. Hertzler
l imes Irwin was elected president
of the meeting.
Tbe time for primary election was
f led for Oct., 20, 1883.
James Ihwix, President.
I. G. Marks, Secretary.
New goods at Espeuschade'a store.
There are 1 3.C 16 public schools in
this state.
David Doty has a lot of Kentucky cat
tle to sell. J
November the 29th will be Thanks
giving day.
i or Rile, all kind
of crocks at
Win. Itauks
cattle to sell.
has a lot of Western!
The fogs this fall have been uneom
uionly heavy.
A number of delicate dogs in town
are blanketed.
Captain M'OlolIan bought a house and
lot in I'ort Kojal.
Newport will have a course of lectures
the coming w.nter.
McClintic keeps for sale a full line
of builder's hardware.
The girl that gets angry at, and leo
tures her mother is no augel.
McClintic ha nails and othor
hardware goods for sale.
The Republican primary election
will take plaie on Saturday.
Kuckwbeat "flap jacks" will rule at
high figures the coming winter.
The Domoorat and Register concludes
'tli it we do all fade as a leaf."
Win. Banks is about landing 3 car
loads of thrifty Western steers.
November and December are the
months in wbich to catch rabbits.
Uriah Shuman was in town last week
attending to his business interests.
Tbe Post G. A. R. will attend the
re union at Newport, next Saturday.
Professor Craig, has an assistant, two
shaves, tw i hair cuts at one time bow.
Mr. Dennis, of Tbompsontown, had
first class cider in town last Thursday.
The editor and wife of the Liloomfield
Advocate are on a trip, in the west.
A Perry connty man oaugbt 1,005
eels in one fish basket some nights ago.
The wild turkey hunters have been
out hunting a great deal sineo Monday. I
J. 15. M. Tcdd is offering bargains in I
bis store in Patterson to his customers.
J D. L&ister, of Fayette towcshipi
has made 150 barrel of cider this sea' j
son. .
One of th indispensiulc things is a cool;
stove, go to McClintic's and buy a cook
'Squire Titxcll, of Millcretown, fined
Abe Johnson $2 10 for profane swear
ing. Rev. Mr. Gavmau, of Oakland Mills,;
has returned from a visit to Dauphin
Attextio. Housekeepers, you may find
a largo assortment of cook stoves at Mc
Clintic's The annual iuFpection of the P. R.
R. takes place in the 1st week in No
vember. Within tbe past 12 months 20 pris
oners have escaped from the Hunting
don jail.
Rev. Mr. Gayman is buildiog a new
house on his farm, opposite bis present
Four prisoners escaped from tbe jail in
IMlefoote, Ceotte county, on Tuesday
tbe 9th itist.
The b"8t remedy for trouble is bard
work. It will give yon an appetite, and
give you sleep.
The Jacob Thomas house, when fioish
cd, will be one of tha most handsome
honses in town.
Thompson k Orozicr, of Mexico, have
ild about 200 Western cattle io Jnni
ata This season.
Reuben Kaufftaan, living at Uelle
ville, Uiiiliu couuty, raised a beet that
weighs 8i pounds.
Mrs. Cooper, the wife of the I'resby
tenan preacher at Blain, Perry county,
iitd a lew days ago.
There was a cake walk in tho Hook
and Ladder Company building, in Pat.
teron on Saturday evening.
The fist fighter, Sullivan, pael
through this place, westward bound, on
tbe cars, last Wednesday noon.
A new porch has been added to the
Seven Star Hotel. Hoi"' Speak,
ttarton Speak, where art thou ?
Tbe election in Ohio had about as
much bearing on the election of lb4,
s it had on tbe man in the uioon.
Wilbur MoCahau baa contracted to
put up a new buildiog for Mrs. Relford
in place of the one burned in the late
Should the weather provo itself to bo
propitious, a number of people will at
tnd the Ke I'riou at Newport, on Sat
Mrs. Monro, of Walker township.
with lor rt2n,.lit.r Lillie. and her
0. II. Moore, were in town h
- j
The Democracy aro highly pleased
over the victory in Hiio. They ca.l u
ne first Kreat battle of the campaign
of 1S84. "
It was almost warm enough last week
tbe li.ien duster. Tbe straw bat
well kept to tbe front by the warm
nacrrV;. 7' Unat De" S1. tad
by . froVt ' ' n,sht 11 WM deRt'y
r .t
thef,..,. k 7 T "ZTB " celebrate
il.iT, ,nodrl" uuiver8ar, of th.
anniversarj of the
iu i vainer.
One farmer in Franklin county lost
19 hogs, b, cholera. Another farmer
n the same vicinity lost 17 bogs, by
the same distemper. '
dljZ Wnld h'9 APPite, Flesh,
Color, S rength and Vigor, take Ayer'a
Sasaparlla,which will confer then, L
you in rapid succession.
Last Thursday was Ynm Km.
great day in the lt.K 11. ' , 7JJ
The stores of Emil Schott were closed
in observance of the day.
Col John N. Moora was in town on
Thursday. Hi, voice was hoarse which
caused Lis friends to hope that it is
not a sign of failing health.
The gentlemen who were sued by
Mrs. P,ah!er, on the charge of having
fished in Licking Creek in violation of
law, will take the case to eourt for set
tlement. A Harrisburg paper reports that
V aoderbilt has disposed of the charter
and route of the Harnsburg & Western
railroad to the Pennsylvania railroad
T!, ' . i-, . . I
v.-ca oi cnuis ana tever are not
so numerous as in some of the cast sea
sons, m this county, but there seems to
be a 'good many" people sick with
typhoid fever.
i roiessor Sbeeder, principal of the
schools at Wisconisco, was home on a
visit to his family la.rt week. He will
move to his new field of labor about
election time.
I'p in WilVesbarre, in the Wyomiug
Methodist convention whioh was beU
lat week, one of the preachers de
nounced tbe Sunday newspapers, as tho
Devil porsoni5ed.
Rev. Mr. Willhelm, another heretic,
according to tbe rulings of Huntingdon
Presbytery, will preasli in the Presby
terian Brick church next Sabbath,
morning and evening.
Laiiinor Wilson, of Van Wert, is re
covering from tbe effects of the kick of
a borse. Tbe kick was on tbe side of
a knee joint and sent him to bed for
the period of a week.
"The postmaster at Lewistown, ow
ing to continued annoyance and fre
quent loss of letters, has resolved to
give no more letters to children with- j
out a note from parents.
Tbe Seliasgrove Tribune of last week
said, Percival Keiser informs us that
during the fail rise he has taken 3,000
pounds of eels, which at 10 cents per
pound netted bini $300.00.
L. E. Atkinson, Col. J. K. Robison,
F. F. Rohm. John Beck and Sanreant
T. D. Garman, drove over to Lewis- j
burg, in a carriage, last week, to sec I
General Gregg, their old commander.
A tbiof entered tbe bed room of sev
eral persons Th the hotel kept by Geo.
Stevens, at Port Royal, some nights
ago, and took about $15 in money from
the several pants tbat be got bis bands
David Bergey, aged 19 years, son of
Euos Bergey, dee'd, died on tha 8th
inst. Interment on tbe 10th inst., in
tbe Meononito grave yard, south of
Oakland Mills. He died of typhoid
Why go abont with that aching head ?
Try Ayers Pills. They will relieve tbe
stomach, restore the digestive organs to
healthy action, remove obstructions tbat
depress nerves and brain, and thus cure
your hcidache permanently.
The separator and separating attach
ment for common threshing machine, is
oue of the great labor saving machines
of the day. They are within the reach
of the pocket book of almost every
farmer. Col. Wm. Bell is tbe agent.
The Bloomfield Democrat says, A.
Dilo banded ns an apple the other day
which was grown in Jacob Reeder's
orchard, in Centre township, which
weighs 17 ounces. It is sound as a
dollar and looks as if it would keep
until May.
In Ohio, in the city districts, where
tbe Democrats expected to receive the
large mjritics they did not receive
what they expected, but in the country
districts where they were expecting
s-areely anything tbey received the
greatest favors, or majorities.
Rev. John W. White, of Milroy,
preached in the Brick church on San
day, both morning and evening. He
is the Cbristiau gentleman that Hun
tingdon Prxsbytnry couvicted of preach
er heresv ia not preaching to the
Mandards'of the Presbyterian church.
Th" Republican candidates to be
voted fo' at tbe Primary election to be
beld next Saturday are Thomas Pat ton
for Senatorial Conferee, Henry bock
for Representative Delegate, Joseph
Martin for Representative Delegate
and Abram " Moist for Chairman of
County Committee.
The Pennsylvania Railroad Company
within the past few days has placed on its
..ueatrain called thCoyster express
which leaves Harr:sr-urg ,v v
M The traic, when flagged, will stop
at' Marysviile, Duncanoon, .Newport,
Mi.Ierstownand Port Royal. It Mops
,t Mifflin at 11.39 P.M.
Report of Patterson school,
for month ending Oct. 3rd:
No. 1,
number in attendance
. , tola , 40; average
males, "' .',, ia
13 ; fe-
. rlnriHT IUl'Uiui -
1 cent, of
100 ; females, v.
fiidanoe, males
E. AcvAN, leacner
Dalton, formerly of Mifflin
. i. ..;ti, naralvsis on the
SfVngnst. and Hogged
h die.J U:.7t!.,h Aovlor. of Cumber-
airs. Di'31"' - i t
niintv. J
Urt war Hired ooa.
t ;n vrtia
81 rears, ana was
- r I rn niu u
IX) not
t..Mt tuat, ni "
Uv-mii Gallery you can
-thin ztbat isnitule
can kc' ''j
75 ctmU-
5n Pho-
Also nnytmn - Jone np;
toOTP?t yJ ;,r in the latest
iu first chiss Js Cabin.
t-!a nictures,
Tunnel Bou-'oir,
Pis. lJroaienalc,
. ii i.;.,.lu -1uiiii.
Frames 01 a" 1
A pretentious person said to a
lending man of a country vill-.te :
"How would a lecture by me on
Mjiiat Vesuvius suit the inLahitants
of your village ?" -Very well, sir; very
well indeed," he answered. "A lect
ure by you on Mount Vesuvius would
Euit them a great deal better than a
lecture by yon in this village."
That they drank it down in Hun
tingdon, is evidenced by what the Jour
nal of the 10th inst., says, whioh is as
follows : A gentleman, in whose ver
acity we have implicit confidence, told
ns a few evenings since that one day
last week, while standing on Allegheny
street, be had counted seventy persons
passing along that thoroughfare who
were more or less under the influence
of liquor, a majority of them so drunk
that tbey behaved more like imbeciles
than rational beings.
One morning last week Josiah Fick
es, while at work on a railroad track,
near Duooaonon, Perry county, step
ped out of tbe way of an approaching
train of cars, and stepped iu the wa
of another train coming on a paralell
track. He was knocked over an em
bankment 25 feet high. When be was
restored to consciousness be asked what
struck him. The remarkable tbing a
bout it all is that he was not severely
hurt, and after a few diys off duty he
was able to resume work.
The barn of Frederick Raker, about
3 miles from Lewistown, was destroyed
Dy nre some nights ago. "lue con
tents consisted of one hundred bushels
of wheat, three hundred bushels of po
tatoes, fifteen tons of hay, buggy, hay-
rake, Haines thresher and shaker, and
a windmill. Tbe live stocc was all in
the fields excepting one calf wbich was :
taken out in time to save its life. The
loss will amount to about $2,000, tbe
barn being insured for 1,000, but
there was nothing on the crops."
At Pittsburg, Washington, D. C,
Rochester, N. Y., Trenton, N. J.,
Providence, R. I., New York City, and
in a hundred other places within tbe
limits of tbe Republic, tbe 8th day of
October was celebrated as the 15i Cen
tennial anniversary of the landing of
the first German colonists in America.
In Pennsylvania Iu Pittsburg, the
procession was 10 miles long, 400 wag
ons were in line, end 20,000 people on
foot. Hurrah for Germany! There
weie an hundred thousand people in
line in Philadelphia.
The Bloom field Advocate of last
week says, Mrs. Thompson, wife of Col.
R. F. Thompson, of Watts township,
died very suddenly last Friday. She
bad proceeded to tho spring house about
one o clock in the afternoon in her u;u
al health, intending to churu butter.
Her daughter tbiukiug she staid long
er than usual went to look after her,
and found her mother sitting near the
spring house, her head resting on the
churn, dead. It is thought sbe died
from he:rt disease. She was in her
63rd year, and her dea'b is a sad be
reavement to her hutband and children.
The Chambnrsburj Repository tells
'he followicg: '-Kiss ma quick," ex-
claimed a South Main street lassie to
her d-jvout admirer. They were stand
ing at toe door and the mantle or night
was around them : "Kiss me quick,"
and the lips wbiob formed tbe words
were roseate and sweet. His arms
girded her zonelike waist, and with an
emotion whioh spoke of a deep yearning
love he drew her to him. "Now dar
ling !' but there was no osculatory
demonstration. He - simply eaiJ
"gosh !" and stared up town with the
rapidity of a donblo electric discharge.
Sbe had a pin in her mouth.
A citizen of Rome, On., while
crossing the railroad tracks in that
city got his foot caught fast in a
frog. While tryiDg to get loose be
saw the Chattanooga train on the
East Tennessee, Virginia & Gtorgia
Roail come hihing over the bridge.
Wild 'with fright, the man jerked
his log almost out of joint, and came
near breaking his foot. Cut the
train was almost npon him, and he
decided to nnlace his shoe, pull his
foot out, and leave the hhoe to be
mashed. Ho actod upon this thought
and as he got his foot out the train
glided by on another track.
It is queer, to contemplate the dif
ferent results of falling. Lawyer Par
ker fell over his borse and was so severely
hurt that he was boused several days,
aud is now abont on crutches. Jude
Elder fell cfl a fcr.ee backward and
was so badly hurt tbat he was kept in
doors a number of days- K. F.
Schweier fell from tho loft of a corn
house, and was scarcely burt. bast
week bouis bor fler, while taking a part
in the German demon?trttion in Pitts-
buri;, fell oif his horse and broke his
neck, and on the same occasion, and in
the f.atne proces.-ion, Herman VValver-
r.or fell off a wagon and broke his neck.
Queer, isn't it bow people fall, and are
not hurt, are hurt, or are killed.
Our foreman, John F. McDonald,
did, without our knowledge, on Satur
day last, in spite of rain and darkness,
unite matriaiouially with one of Honey
Grove's fair daughters. Tho "devil"
is mad, bt-cau'c he wa not let into the
secret, and the wb'.le office is oat of
form" over tha event. But John is
blushinIy happy, and wn hope he and
bis partner may always work at tbe
"ense"' iu harmony together, and have
ro 'pi.'' but such as will add to tbir
comfort, and never get down to the
"Nonpareil'' in life but always have it
"bong Primer" stylo ; and such "cuts"
as they may be exact copies of the
originals, such as will need no "plain
ing down." John and bride, may your
lives be one 'fat" financial "take.'r
The Rev. Dr. Thayer tells a good
story of the neat way in which a
wealthy parishoner once silenced his
complaints. Tbe old gentleman, when
ever be had fairly settled himself in
his family pew, used immediately to
drop cflf into a refreshing nap. Rut
Dr. Thayer noticed one peculiarity
if any other preacher than himself oc
cupied tbe pulpit tbe pillar of the
church "was wido awake and on the
alert during the entire service." Ac
cordingly, the doctor wont frankly to
bis old friend and questioned bim as
to the why and wherefore of this dou
ble dealing, so to Rpeak. 4'Well, dno
tor, you see, when you are preaching I
know everything you say is all right,
but as to toese other men, I
have to
keep my eye on
tbein." Buffalo Ex-
The Democrat of
to see bim beat bis own time of tw.-j
years ago,' when bis wife baked bread
in eight and a quarter minutes after the
wheat was standing in tbe lieiJ. At 6
minutes and 10 seconds after 4 the
Buckeye reaper stood at eoroer of the
growing wheat. Men were stationed
every lew foet along tbe lme of grain
ready to seize an armful as it fell from
the reaper, and to rush with it to the
thresher close by. The mill was just
sixteen rods distant. At the drop of
the bat the mules sprang to work, and
in a minute and a half about a peck of
threshed wheat was in the sack and on
a horse that began a race for the mill.
A minute and seventeen seconds later
tbe flour was delivered to Mrs. Law ton,
and in three minutes and 65 seconds
from the starting of the reaper tbe first
griddle cake was eaten. ' In 4 minutes
30 seconds from the starting ot the reap
er a pan of biscuits was passed out to
the spectators-
To THE Mifflixtows Rridoi Co. :
Gentlemen: Tbe Synod of Central
Pennsylvania, which recently held its
sessions in MitHintown, was highly
gratified at tbe courtesy received at
your hands in passing its members to
and fro gratis.
A unanimous vote of - tbanks was
tendered you by the Synod and we bave
tbe pleasure, as officers of Synod, to
convey the same to you. May pros
perity ever attend you.
Very respectfully,
S. Henbt, JVe7.
P. A. IIeilman, Sec'y.
We have received trom the publisher the
following vocal selections :
Alone at La!t by (ifo.Schlfiir.irth 75c.
1 Ins ik iuo new Waltz Song that has made
such a hit everywhere lately, an4 is last
rivalling the Authors, most popular of all
soups, "W ho'll Buy my Kotos Ked." It
is gotten up ia eltjMut style, with a hand
some title in colors, and thousands of
copies are beinf? sold.
When I men a to Starry by C. K.
Sidney 4'..
it is a Inv.g time since we have had the
pW'tsnre of seeing aputjd humorous sonir,
tree Irom slang and coarseness, an it we
teel snre this will meet with a hearty re
ception. It is being snng with great suc
cess, by Billy Robinson of Haverly'a Mas
todon Minstrels.
Cnt out this notice and send it with 75c
to tno publisher, P. M. Wolsu fl'er, No. 8
Eldiitiiia ft., Chicago, Ills., and you will re
ceive u copv ot each by return mail and
you will thank tbe Sentinel and Run nil
caS for calling vuiir attention to theat.
Y.Ktr Saltm, October 6, 183.
f. Srhtceitr : Please announce
,Vr. Ii.
the name
of Henry C. Book, of Walker
township, as a rsndidate for Kepresentativb
Delegate, and oblige, DELAWARE.
MOSS DETERICII. On the 4th inst.,
at th residence tl the bride, by Kov. J. D.
Leister, Mr. David Moss and Mrs. Barbra
Dfterieh, both of F.tyetti township.
The above happy couple being 75 years
of sge, re hearty and able to do a day's
work. The bride h is been married three
times and tho groom, twice. "
FISHER SPADE On tbe 11th inst.,
at the KvaneiluMt pirsonago, in Tbomp
sontown, by Kev. K. D. Keene, Mr. Levi hi.
Ki-h,-r, ol Himiuwlle, and Miss Mary A.
Spado, of Eveml ale, all of this county.
May their connubial ship Host sweetly
asd gently down the stream of time, and
anchor them safely in tho fair Ilavan of
MirrttsTows, October 13, 18S1.
Butter ...
Shoulder .
Corrected weekly.
Qi-OTATio.es roa To-dat.
tt'h-Mt, Red ICO
Corn, 50
Oats, 'JS
Rye 65
New Clvverseed. 6.W
Timothy seed 14U
Flax seed I 40
Chop , I 60
Snorts 1 30
l'mi.APi Li'iiiA, October 13. IfcSJ.
''fa'heat w is in fair demand and firmly hold;
40,000 Diihls No. 2 red sol 1 at Sl-Oi"! to
l.i ! lor Jiov.onb T; 1 tO,M0 busheis rt.j at
l.ll to 1.11. and 30,i KM bisb'-ls do at
$1.13 to l.ii lor Jaimary. Oats a! 33 to
Kcfi. Corn -Vi to i;ic. Ctttle $1.10, $4.75
and $.KI. Cloversei d 8 to !c per ib. Ilay
timothy, $15.50 to $15.00 per ton. Mix
ed, $10 and 12. Rye straw, $12 per ton.
Wbrat straw. $ to $7 pr ton. Oats straw,
$S pT ton. Ki'frs IS t 22c per doi. Hot
ter, 20 to 2i. per lb.
A"?w siflrerhaements.
EVEsraiT FMYt uTFriA, containing
Ortr 2","o0 Words, c.inpil--d trom WEB
STER. 4;),0"t) syni'tivnn, a complete dic
tionary of rhyiiKw, foreign words and phras
es, business, nautical, nmsicil and la v
terms and my thol iiry. Hmbra-'ine evrri
tr.bject on which clear, satistaotory informa
tion is iven.
A SOCS! 'PfitX T3 ?9 PA5IS OCTAVO, Sf. to.
Th" fune information cannot bo had else.
vb're, nor ill as convenient or aecesi!!c'
shape lor less taan $;i0. ampio pifs iVlm'.
Ollltit $1 t!0. IIIAYE8, MkRBIAM & Co. 6"S
Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa,
(et. 17-3IU.
Letter testamentary on tho estate of
Joliu liook, late ol the township of Walker,
Jtmista county. Pa., deceased, having been
granted in due form of law to the under
signed, residing m Walker township. All
persons knowing themselves indebted to
said decedent will please make immediate
payment, and those having claims will pre
sent them properlv authenticated for set
tlement to CHARLES W. BOOK,
Mexico, Sept. 27, 1KS3-4W.
contains an antidote for all ma
larial tllMoriier which, so tar as
known, is used in nu other remedy. It con
tains no Quinine, nor any mineral nor de
leterious rnbsiance whatever, and conse
quently pnvlnces no injn.ious effect npon
tbe constitution, but leaves the system as
healthy as it was liefore the attack.
(IKE to cure every case ol' Fever and
Ague, intermittent or Chill Fever, Remit,
tent Peter, Dnmb Ague, Billions Fever.
! al'l Liver Comiilaiul cai.s.id by malaria.
lit casu of failure, after duu trial dealers
aro authorized, bv our circular dated July
: 1st, 1.HH2, to refund the niouey.
Carrollton, Mo., j Dr. J. C. Aver's & Co.. Lowell.
s,!d v -V Prugbt.
" Iritopr!imfO, Teas, ;p T: W.
Ayeis Hair Vigor
Baa been ased In Buy hoosoholJ for three
1st. To pmrat falling oat ot tbe lxrir.
M. To prevA too rapid change of color,
ad. As a dressing.
it has gtveu entire satisfaction in every
tnnnnoe Yours respectfully,
Wm. Cabkt Cbakb."
ATTR'S HAIR YIGOR Is entirely frea
from uncleanly, dangerous, or injorions sub
stances. It prevents the bair from turning
gray, restores gray bair to its original color,
prevent baldness, preserves the hair and
promotes its growth, cores dandruff and
all diseases ot tha hair and scalp, and Is,
at the same time, a very superior and
desirahto dressing.
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass.
Sold by all Druggists.
The proprietor cf this celabrate medi
etas justly claims for it a superiority over
all reme iie s ever offered to tha public for
MANENT ore of Ague aad Fever, or Chills
and Fever, whether of short or long stead
ing. Ha refers to tha entire Western and
Southern country to bear him testimony to
the troth of the assertion tbat in no casa
whatever will it fail to cure if the dires
tions are strictly followed and carried oat
In a Treat many cat,? a single dose has
been snmoient for a eire, and whole fami
lies have been eared by a single bottle, wita
a perfect restoration of th? general health.
It is, however, prudent, aai in every case
more certain to ears, if its nso is continued
ia smaller doses for a week or two after the
disease has been checked, mors especially
in difficult and long-standing eases. Usu
ally this medicine will not require any aid
to keep the bowels in good order. Should
the patient, however, require a cathartio
medicine, after having taken three or four
doses of the Tonio, a single dose of BULL'S
ficient. .
BULL'S 8AR3APARILLA is the old and
reliable remedy for imparities of the blood
and Scrofukms affection the King of
Blood Purifiers.
DESTROYER it prepared in the form of
oandy drops, attractive to the sight and
pleasant to the taste.
X3R. JOZY 17 BX7Z.I.'B
The Popular Remedies of tha Day.
Prlartpal OfBrs, 881 BltSU,U)l'I5YII.lK. El
2xo Door Yft of Oho Fellows Hall,
Miilliiitowu, Pa.,
Calif the attention of tbe publio to the
following facta :
Fair Prices Our Leader ! The
Best Goods Our Pride !
One Price Our Style ! Cash or
Exchange Onr Terms !
Small Profits and Quick Sales Our
Motto !
Our leading Specialties are
ANP31IOKS, for Men, Women and
Children, Quecnswarc, Glassware,
VVond and V iilowware, Oil Cloths,
and every article usually fonnd in fir st
ela's stores.
exchaiise for jrooda at highest market
Thankful to tho puhlio for their
heretofore liberal patronage, I rf miest
th.pir eontmufj custom ; and -k per
son' from a'l p-r!s of th" county, when
in M.fflin to call and sec my tnck of
So:t. 7, lfrPl.
(!nccsors to I!iit & Kennedy,)
;it via.
Calcined Plaster, Land Plaster.
SEEDS, SitT, if.
We bay Grain, to bo delivered at Mi til in
town. Port Royal, or Mexico.
We are prepared to I nrnish Silt to dealers
at reasonable rates.
April 21,1882-tf
I.Tj persons are hereby cautioned
lV against fisliing or hunting, gathering
berries, or crossing fia'.ds, or in any other
way trespassing on the lands of tho under,
J. 8. Kexefp.
yew jtrtvertUementH.
Jiinrt iti kiaw ere
lilUHJilil 1'UJiVJii, that of tba i.inv
diseases and d"mneinent8 of the bodv
each a pejarate c-kisi or origin, ar.d tliat
each needs a ditf'-rent nieth'Hi ut' trratriint
in enter to -ftot a care, nnd a .-.-ts
nilection must envtnea :hat any U( ;iio
.ja u-t notruutS foisted awn the public
claiming io cure ail oi a nunioer or diam
etricly dilTerent diseases must provo ftil
nres, even if we do not call them hnra
bngs. PflflTJ PrRPT P P'P' ot moderate
1UU1A lUUillUmeans, and even rorle
wcu Mf uu vr pcaunj mm inai tne trior
mo cnarget oi pracnsing physician are
a scrions burden to them, and also find thtt
after paying themselve p-Kr that no bene
fit baa accrued to them, tnat in fact thev
have thrown their money away. To over
come theae evils we offer Whaler, y0 515
Sure Remedies t the sick and n!r.rin a Vat
Remedy tor each disease, without for a
moment claiming that ono reme.lv wni enre
any other disease thin the one claiiul for
it, and as these remedies have stood the
test of years without a single failnre we
agree to raad the momy p;d in everv
intUnce m hero a cure is not " posirjrel v ef
fected. The remedies ara entirely renta
ble, can do no harm, and wi!l positively
core every disease for which they ara per
Illllliinin n
KHK MB" XM Vnl. Lamenes, f
uuimiu joints, Seiitira and
Ncnralfjia are reliored at once and positively
cured by the nse of Wheeler's No. ; Rhen
matism Remedy. We say boldlv that in the
worst ot cases orno matter how" stand
ing, how serioas or how paiaZ, we can not
only give relief bntpotiirry cr for all
time. Failing to do this we will positively
refund tha money paid for tho treatment,
and if yonr sufferings are not positively
stopped for all ti-ne yon hive not thrown
your money away as you would On anyofh-
c. "iju uir-o cu.iranieiHi remedien The
price of Wheeler's -V. m; Khonroti,m
Urmedy is only 50 cent. fhti,.i
druggists or sent froo by mii! on receipt of
price. S tamps ta!;en.
Mm .
endow d
nature with a pretty ree, bantiful figure,
faultless complexion, as well as the sweut-
est ot tempers aed fault!,., mental
onitli- !
tins rrmws ,tt I i i . 1
led her c.r lZ I ; ' J """" ""'l Vegetablea in less time and
roJf r;?i!rrnt"nr- ,h" i h les, f.,el tbAn any Dryer in th,
complexion becomes sallow, the brighliiess ! ko, 1
lhe.rh.ree"Ilf f UnW" ItwIilpayforifscifiulessthaaSO
rrU ? J. . U"-V"nt "riri''' n dars, if properly attended. Its pro
irnlaole nervons tractionsness mikes lir . , ,.,
burden, things ,ha .J" . .? T. . "' inurpass as to quahty
1 v..v.;t. i.iiiri. mrrfc
her till lifo becomes unbearahlo. AU this
being caused by a physical derangements
so common to woman, which thn inmatn
modesty of feminiuo nature prevents their
making known, and of wbich the imoranre
of thn medical profession prevents a euro.
Lady Reader, pause and consider, 'tis a du
ly you owe yourself, yonr family and vonr
(Jed, tbat you should enre joiir:f of
these troubles and once more feel th glow
of perfect health and spirits thit natnro
intended for roil. H'ae.Vr's Xo. 'S Pre
scription are pleasant and pahUWo fo take
containing nothing of an injnrions n itnre,
and may be taken by all aares at all times
and in all condition without pomhU'i of ill
ejects, ar.d will positively cure any of tho
peculiar diseases to which femiKs sro snb
jeet. Failing to produce a perfect core
the proprietors will refund tie mnuey puid
for the treatment, if you hare a' shal
low complexion, constant or intermittant
headaches, backache restlessness, loss of
sppctite, suppressions ot. ni.mtl.lv flow, or
irregularities Iherool acconipiui.; 1 br hesd
aches, nervousness, hysterics an 1 similar
symptons. Wheeler's Ao. ts5 Prescription
B" will positively restore yon to health.
If yn bave a sensation of heat and throb
bing in tbe hack, frequently fainting soells,
Leucnrrhea or while disehsrgo, prn'iii or
scalding sensation in urinating, r-d ii-.-h or
white deosit in urino, hot snd drv- fkin,
Whteler's Xo. W Prescription will
give ir.imcdi.tto and lasting relief. Tho prico
of Wheeler's Xo. 01 IVrscription "C" and
Care 60 cents each, obtainahlo from
druggists or sent by mail secure fira ol
servation post paid on receipt or price.
Postage stamps taken.
PiTSPPrT !t ned:s!, to describe the
UAliiJAlUl.!rniptons of this nauseous di
sease that is sspping the lifo aud strength
ol only too many of the fairest and best of
both sexes, old and young, snTerlnir alike
from tho poisonous dripping in the throat,
the poisonous msal discharge. Iti fetid
breath and general weakness, debility and
anjEuor, ssiau trom tne acute sntienns o
this iliseise, which if not checked cm only
end in loft of palate, hoarieeis, wtukned
si'gV, ot of mitory, drafnrt and pre
mature death it not checked belorc it is too
late. Labor, study and research in Ameri
ca, Enrepo atid Kasfem Kin-Is have resum
ed in Wh'tlcr's .Vo. W Irttant Relief and
Sue Cureor Catarrh, a remedy which
contains no harmful ir.gre!i.-nt", und that
is guarantee to cure every ca" of acttt
or chronic, catarrh o money refunded.
Wteeler's .Vj. !; Inxtaat Rc!:ef and Sure
Cure tor Catarrh i ill cnr every casa of
catarrh, luy tever or arthma, price Sl.titl
per pu kase. from dnncis't-s or sent by
mail post paid m receipt of price.
IHrcr's A'j. OH Sure cure far Kidvru
and titer Trouldet cures all weakness and
soreness ot kidney, inll Animation of kidney
or iiver, prico $1.00.
Wk-eler's Vegetable Pills are tho only
rcm"d tint euro consumption, gicm nat
ural action of tho bnwelswiihout phvsiciug,
pursing, griping or pain. Prico cents,
ol driijieis's or by null.
Wheeler's Xcrtiue Toulc lor mental de
pression, loss of hi ir.l.ood, l.mrt'.or, weak
ness or over taxation of the briin is in
vrlnahle, prico 13 cents.
res m ev rv case
will refund m.uiey
paid. 'Vo p'.:co our price for tliese mu
di..-s .it l.:.s th-.n enn-twertieth ol tho price
:isked by others for remedies npon wnkh
you t:iUo a'l t!: ch irp, an-1 ir iptciaUit
iKrfe ihe p-itrijuij-.' of te many rwrsui
wno h.. ve tri'-il other remedies without e.
I ot or ilrplcted their nrws bv paying
doctor bills that benefltted them not.
CHTTT Tfl flTlTa'njthese remedies.
HUH IU liDlUlHto your .iruggist
.and ak t-r them. K iey have pot gut
them, wr'te at once fo the prep-tetors, en
closing the price in money or st imps, snd
they will bo frcnt yon at onee by uiail, post
paid. C(irrvsjo::d Jt o sf:-i.d. .'.d
dress plainly. L. IlKF.I.KR.i. CO..
Xo. '.V, W. 1t.him.1r. St.
r.i.TiiO!:p, md.
who ape r!-?rt'?4 ; i
Grcwifij Crcps t
ShwH swvts ww fcr cttf pfffphttt pure
lgrtiTrs. Mt, good fertilizer can bt ia-ft
t horns, or about $ I a ton bycomposlitiq
wti fftFtL'S vt6PfgO CHS'Cat s.
RferTntii. ErvSTati. ,?t'i.-.'-jr2nft-J
prt'SW!oiilt.Ti'nr. AriaivwaTcfr-ncrs.
aias...iTti"r'a of
Powell's Tlp-Tnt Boib Fgrtilber,
, Be. Psash. Ss.mo". s.
18 tinT 5f"cET. 5iiT?VQ. X
HEX.YEOV & DOTY, Aleuts),
MirrLtsTows, Pa
june 20-3.
I would inform tbe public that I hive
now in my new tnillnery store
tore at my place
et. M.thintown,
Br-.!g- street,
of residence on Water stre
second door from corner of
foil stock, of faM an l winter m
goods, all new, and of the latest styles,
and having employed first class ni:i!iners,
Ism prepared to supply the;'i?io with
everything found in a firstiia n .'liner
store, come and examine niv ft k. I
i consider it no t.-onble to shoiv ort.
1 yns. dkiiil.
Vay 2-FS.l.v.
Subscribe for the Sentinel and Rn-nil'eitn
the .st newspaper in the county.
Ij the place where you ean Lay
HE is prepared to exhibit one of the most choice and select stocks ever oTered! Ij
this market, and at JSTOMSH1SGLY LOW PRICKS I
Also, measures taken for snits and part of anits, which will be' made to ord
at "short notice, very reasonable.
Remember the plaee, in Hoffman's New Building, eornrr of Fridge tzS
Water a'reeta, M1FFLINTOWH, PA. Jn. 1, 1X79-tl
. . 1 , . . . . '
Has constantly on band a full variety of
OENT3' FURNISHINC GOODS. Goods of all kinds are low. Come- and aee ma
and be astonished Pants at T5 cent. 1X7" SUITS SfADK TO OKrFR.Q
Patterson, Pa., April 16, 1H79.
The Best is The Cheapest !
Made of Galvanized Iron.
Tl ParttM.?. rturnhlo. AhsnlilteTv
r" : d c v : i .1 :ii
rtrc-i rxi, i.uuu.Jiuii:4i u., w hi mrj
or color, and are in great demand at
l.itrh prices.
full instructions bow to dry, bleach
pack and market the products, ac
company each machine.
Fob sale ar
'as i'
Oaklaso Mills,
J uxiata Co., Pa
Professional Cards.
F. BX)KS, j
Iloruoepathlc Pjtistelan,
Oifice in residence of Solomon Books, I
st-: c . . t.ni:. ij
laui otrtrvji, a tin iihfw 11, i a. j
have permanently located in Mifflin
toirn. AH calls left at olllce promptlv at
tended to. Oct. 17, t3-tf.
I,nrts E. ATnso!t. (Jo. Jacobs, Jb :
fTCollecting and Conveyancing prompt-
!y attended to. j
'IrrtCE On Main street, Ea place of resi. I
denee of I.onis K. Atkinson, Esij., sonfh of
Bridge street. OctlM, 18l.
A II business promptlv attended to.
"rrtcE On Bridge street, cpposlto the
Cnn-t Hons
1 o.nart. 1J7, 's')-iy
CCoIleetions attended to promptly.
OrncE With A. J. Patterson Esq, on
Eridgo strwL Feb 2o, 'W
Physician ?.nd Sargsoc,
Office hours from 9 a. m. to 3 r. si.. Of
fice in his residence, on Third street, op
posite Methodist parsonage. foct2 ti
D. M
Has resumetl actively the practice ofi
Medicine and Surgery and their collateral j
oranches. Otfice at tho old coracr of Third
and Orango streets, MifPintown, Pa.
March 211, 1376.
Jlc-ulemin, Juniida Co., Pa.
Orrica formerly ocenp'ci by Dr. Sterrett.
Professional business promptly attended to
at ail hours.
Jons; ViLacohiis. Jcsr t H TV. Srinnit
PORT ROTA.'., JVXl tT.l CO., P..
tT70'!!y rel'able Companies represented,
f'te. N, 17.j-ly
Fitimcr snd Mcehanws II -.chiaery.
Mifilir.town, Jminfa Cortntr, Pa.
OtKce on Bridge street eppo"'t South
side of Court Hons...
Nov. .
' vri . ri 1 m t
i.ost, How Rrftcred.'
Jnst published, a new edition of DR. I
ou tbe radical cure of SriAToswA ori
Seminal SVeakncts, Invcluntary Seminal I
: Losses, Ihpotksct, Menial and Physical
l'iee.v,eity. Imrs-diments to Marriage, etc. ;
' also, C vsi uptio. Epii.rrfT and Kits, la. '
j rlticcd bj sed-in.iti'gence or sxcj1 extrav- i
jsgauce, ttt. j
The cclwl.rated author, in this admirable (
1 i.-sav, k.-a-.v ne'uon.s,r in s. irooi a ininy
, yo;lr;. slIcre,st prsctiee, that tho alarm -
; ir.g cor.sequ- r.ces of self-abuse maa be rad-
; 'ea'ly cur.-l ; pointing out a mode of cure
i.-sav, '-ti-a-ir urtnsir H s. Irooi a tnirty ;
I 'vh u 'ds er :r. .in, . n y b- , n...y vi rn him
. self cheaply, privately, an I ra I:rii.'v.
j SjT'Tiiis I.' cturo sht.uld be in tho hands
i ot overy vouth and ever mir ia lbs liLd.
j S.nt, nnder seal, in a plain envelope, to!
I ar.v a.ttr-ss, po-ai(t, on receipt of Ml
' :.-!. or two p.i.;if ft st:,iivps. A 1 Iresa
41 Aan Si... New Vork.N.Y.;
im t-l-o tlT Post -Oflice Box 450.
.1D VER Tl$!'Jf KV tS.
,.V-'.-f.-. ?
Special .Varices.
ii prrfrnxcl hy tlr?a
V-tnu..tr art.., ca a-
j runt of it r-ifTfi t 1
if HLst-sT n"d ptiriiT.
'- .V aa-a
aoy thai b.e.a..l
tO th tLM'P itni hair
i Rastores tb YooUfuI Color to C.- or M.-lr j
Psrieer's Huir 1
Wtfratitsd to Lin
. rinely Tv-numc-l am 3 1
jig nt tc-tiacr iunl to rtw ,
duJruu I
rn la strati-a atcl KlVslcsai,
Jf yja a mcrt.Aak: or farnior, worn out with
cvarwMrk. craiitctitcrrLj !,.-! by f .3ii;ycr bews
hold duriw vy pAiik Bk' C:xr:itai 'I'.mic.
If yuu arc a lawyer, minitfr or tua-ut-M ma oc
Lsu?ed hyimntal wainor-uiAlnusicr, joikx
i:.tiv:watwigiwuitaVuiac iJitei'tii;; t Toua
Ifrni ha.s C.irvm7Con Pypvia. xhnfU&
Kii Ccn:r! iirts any m r.r-f .t tnre
tcmAcb. bowci, Liooti or r-?tre,i'AMCi 's i-iKCVat
i j..icu'.is:-.j!ycj. It'lie;(ire3tc L'v.li 'xHkr
AaJ fte 2txt sad S jr-i Coiinh Cure ?vw (feel. -
If Ta Bre w istai away troiil ati; Jisipatioii Ot
any ifiacase or wcakiicasi ni rruu c a irmii.tnt Lki
Glt4tM loi-ic attntc; it v.d v.:virM JciJ butkl
jmx up from t' fi-st do-T li:t -ku rvn r ttUoaaCA3.
It hts ae-l huB-is-cii uif iivei ; it may nra yoNaV .
C-aCTI' '-KWm U n-Ht Psw't;newTm. .
TUTlf wr C( taW rWrt rHTsl sip-aiU tM ifc'JWrH. M Ml uif I
d.:tsrrwt.t fnnttfjuf-lfailaf 11 jwr j w.r jsaiir
libcvX A .' N- 1. kM. s H IVSa4ifMa:la.aiB,
Um tibimp! iik It. 1W upon hann FLrjirnvtw
T.N Col-jwji aj.ji x.k i r i .fUUuc of
jriiii't' r t-'i n
tm frr Mii. Arty o-it or
Lkt: AVIV'S h: v:i 7r.
'i' A "K'n 11
f V, i i VMe:sJ
:J Stoves wilt
1 - Ccc' Stove
v i'-.D Dcr.s!er
..- Co-A Srove.
iUVCaJii. OrtlO.
tijr?A'ns rir
' J?
! fVLt," .-v1 .J3 saM
j j-jjiarii'.ii sa a.WkW JL' j. i
a ,0.S,L IM
The in'TTIn i.4-J?yrns sro nnennalo for
ti:t..:ci:7 IO e .. pVK j' 11. of Ii.aiisi, l:i..UC.
lit m. M. Jurabili'T 4 s. d working cspcity
ilr . t . - ' .els- - ".
TLa -;v : 7 -a .1 rtio acnBtiM of
tliol r.T) OL'
At .a'l n.,nsn:j territory.
D. S. aDrf&iUi 2 CO.,
T ... .
1 (
Ha at mt