Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, September 05, 1883, Image 4

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An tndlan Scare.
Tbo Like Street House, Ck'cago, ODe
cf tie earliest hotels of CMcage, of
which tee bibulous Hark Ueaabien tu
mine host, stood naar the river, on Lake
street, and was, perhaps, the most popu
lar hostelry of its time in the city. It
is not generally known that this lionse
is still in existence, but such is in reality
the case. It was removej one block
northwest of its original site, where, in
a much-improved and remodeled state,
it now stands, bearing no suggestion of
antiquity in its outward appearance.
Many incidents are related of this hotel,
and of the scenes and incidents which
occurred there. Some of these are well
wortn repeating, but limited space for
bids the mention of more tnan one.
Guests who stopped st the house and
were given the best chamber sometimes
had a btrange and startling experience.
A man would go to bed and sleep sound
ly until just before dawn, when he
would be awakened by a cry of "Indi
ans, Indians. ' At the same time some
one would rush into the room, snatch
the bed-clothing from the bed, and dart
ont again before the astonished guest
could get his eyes fairly opened. With
visions of infuriated savages, glancing
tomahawks and flowing blood, the terri
fied man would jump ont of bed, hurry
himself into his garments and bolt out
of the room, confident that a terrible
Indian massacre was in progress. Bat
imagine his overwhelming amazement
and confusion when, on rushing into
the cuisine of the hotel, where breakfast
was in conrse of preparation, he would
be corlly informed that he was alarming
himself without cause that there were
no signs of an Indian outbreak or any
disturbance of the peace whatever. To
make the mystery more dense, nobody
couid tell luiu wno the person wai that
had wakened him in such an outrageous
manner, lie would queatioa everybody
about tne hoUl, but each and all of
them would wear a look of hopeless be
wilderment, and either pronounce the
whole aflair a uerpiexing puzzle, or in
sinuate that be had been dreaming.
This same thing occurred at different
times, and with different guest, always
with the same result. The victims gen
erally arrived at the conclusion that it
was a practical joke, perpetrated by
somebody in the hotel for his own indi
vidual amusement. One night a man
stopped at the house who had heard
about this trick, and was prepared to
baffle the joker if any attempt should be
made to uepnve him of his morning
nap. Sure enough, shortly before day
light, lie was aroused by a terrible com
motion. His door was thrown open and
somebody planged into the room, shout
ing in thrilling tones: "Indians, Indi
an; quick, for your lives! The Indians
are upon at! ine bedclothes were
whisked off the bed, and the mysterious
intruder vanished. The man coolly
rose, picked np the bedclothes from the
floor, put them back in their place,
crawled into bed again, and was soon
eiijoviiig a comfortable nap. Some
time later a band shook him gently. He
looked up into the anxious lace of the
landlord. "Sav, mister, it's 6 o'clock
you'll have to get up."
"Wbv, whai's the matter?"
"Weil, breakfast ought to have been
ready an hour axo, and we can't finish
it till you get up."
"Do 3 ou take me for the cook?"'
"Xc, but I want that shett vou're ly
ing on. It's the ODly one in the house
that can 1 e used fora tablecloth, and we
want to set the table."
That was the explanation. The Indi
an scare was a ruse to get the sheet for
the brbttktat taid.
Y oiTew and lgs.
How is it that the well of Russia Is so
niucn more formidable an enemy to the
human race than his k rencb or German
brothel? Writers and novelists of all
ages have accused this ubiquitous quad
ruped of trt&cuerv, stealihiness and
ferocity, until children, wno take their
impressions from books and not from
experience, have come to regard him as
the lLcai nation of that it mean, blood
thirsty, tricty. and dangerous. "Truth
compels me, however," says Lieuteuaut
Colonel Richard living D.xlge, of the
United bta'.e Army, ';o kfiirm tliat ol
all the Carnivorous animals of equal size
and strength he is the most harmless to
beast and the least dangerous to man
He will not even attack when won n led;
and though he will snap at pursuing
dogs in helf-ut f ense. he Lever follows up
tne advantage given nini uy his sharp
teeth and powerful laws, hut takes to
& gUt as fact as he can." These word?,
written altout the buffalo wo:f of the
Ameiican plain, tall, gaunt, lean and
hungry looking, may w th equal truth
be applied to nia congener in lint tiny
and roitou, in the former province
wolves are rarely seen, although tbet
commit terrible nocturnal depredations
among sheep, calves and aogn. bach.
however, is their cowardice, that every
Breton lai nif-r is in the habit ot sending
nis nock ol slieep out to pasturage dur
ing ine day wiw a utile cniid, olten a
girl not more than 6 or 7 years of ace,
in charge of them, aud nothing is more
uncommon man lor tue nungry marau
der, who les licking his chops on the
ede ol ihe adjoining thicket, to issue
forth from lis fastness and pounce upon
a shtep so long as the uilantile repre
sentative oi tne lord oi creation u clo&e
at hand. At night, however, ttie woll
is bolder, and will scale walls and
scratch his way throogn the thatched
roof of the sheepfold to get at his prey,
Strange as it may seem, the dog es
pecially if he be of the smooth-haired
breed, like the pointer or fox terrier
has more attractions for the "earns
lupus," whose relative or descendant he
is generally believed to be, than the
wooily sheep. "When a wolf is hungry,"
writes an Knglish gentleman who has
long resided lu Brittany, ''and smells
an appetizing d g, Le ill spring upon
him and carry hioi off, even under the
nose .of Lis master, it is certain, in
fact, that the wolf prefers a dog to any
other prey. When I was at Hne goei
three j ears since a wolf jun.pcxt ovei
the wail of the hotel yard aud cameo
off a dog whoee piteous howls awoke
the entire village. An empty collar,
suspended at the end of the chaiu, and
covered with blood, bore testimony to
the untimely fate of its late wearer."
Tue lively author of "Wi.ll-hunung in
Brittauy relates that a Breton peasant
named Antoine lived some years since
with his wife in the Forest of Dnalt or
"Black Rock." A heavy snow-siorm
had fallen to the mountains, nd fur
several nights in succession Antoine
iound it necessary to protect liis there
sheep by admitting Uiem to bis hut
S.x or seven wolves paced around his
dwelling ail night, ut'ering the moat
dismal howls; but a large wood-tire and
the presence of mau kept off the fam
ished besiege a. At last the peasant
and his wile fell asleep, and the tire
burnt low. A sadden uasu was made
at the roof, and five jaunt wolves leaped
down into the hut. Before Antoine
could strike a light the three sheep weie
devoured and a favorite iittle dog was
swallowed at a gulp, and then ihe in
vaders sprang upon an old oaken cup
board and disappeared through the
Tie Louduti Aiiytnctr, in referring
to the powtr of the aJbatrcM.its weight
of twenty eight pounds, its wings thir
ben feet irtm tip to tip, and its ability
to kt p in m tion lor a whole day sajs:
"We Lave in this bird a machine burn
kg concentrated fuel In a large grate at
a tiemendous rate, and developing a
very large power in a very small space.
There is no engine in existence which,
weight lor weight, gives ont anything
like the mechanical power exhibited by!
the albatross.
Thb first few year of the life of fch
apple tree is the most important period
fcr exercising care and diligence in re
gard to pruning. A well-known pom eu
logist once said that he could grow a
model apple orchard and nevtr prune
with any other implement than a jack
knife. He would begin with the tree
as sxn as it was taken from the nurse
ry, and would at once begin to furm
the future top. Then i the time to
avoil cratches, which will be almost
sure to split io after Tears, ana to begin
at the top at the right height and ia
the proper shape. One is apt to begin
at the top loo low; it looks higher on a
small tree thin on a large one. It may
not be desirable fcr the general grower
to undertake to do all his pruning by
means of a knife, bnt he can always use
it to good advantage. Excessive prun
ing of large trees should always be
Tei striped bug, wnich destroys
young plants, is a great obstacle to en
cumber culture. Virions expedients
are resorted to in attempts at protection
against this pest. An efficient remedy
is sprinkling the plants aoa surface of
the hills, while wet with ashes, soot and
superphosphate. There is probably no
better remedy than soot when this can
be obtained in suffioient quantity. Box
es with mowqoi to-netting or glass for
the top are cheaply and readily made,
and when ph.ced over the hills prevent
the bugs ironi their work of destruo
tiod. Early Hoeing. By this we do not
mean hoeing early in the season, but
early in the morning. In the early
morning the dew ia on and tLU is charg
ed with an anailable amount of ammo
nia, which, of course, feeds the roots
below. If the surface is neglected a
crust forms and the air does not circu
late in the soil. Get the farm hands to
begin wtrk a couple of hours earlier in
the m ruing and give them the same
time at noon to rest.
Sua the Soil. This cannot bo too
stroigly urge! upon farmers. Thor
ough pulverization of the soil is some
limes worth an extra dressing of ma
nure. Two fields, ljiag tile by side,
were sown in wheat. One was plowed
and borrowed the usual way while the
other was harrowed five times. The
reso.t was that the latter gave seven
bushels more to the acre than the for
mer. Ceicxxs, when firit hatched, should
not be hurried out of the setting neat,
tor twenty-four hours at least from the
time the earliest commerce to show
themselves, it is better to leave them
under or with the hen mother. Tbey
need no food fcr lrom a day to a day
and a half usually. When tiiey get
strorg enough to venture from beneath
their mother's wings it is time to move
the I rood.
A Du 1'aoe, lix., farmer claims that
for ttiree ensecuuve years he has ob
tained sound applrs free from worms on
trees in his otctiard by sowing three cr
fonr quarts of salt nndt reach tree, while
the fruit on trees not so salted was all
Injured or ruined by the codling moth.
TLe ground in this case was nnuer cul
tivation, and he had never tried the salt
remedy on ir es growing in ground tha
was seeded down. It will cost but little
to try the salt lemedy, add now is the
time to do ir.
Vest careful exr rimcnta made in
New York last season show that the flat
cohere of potatoes t rodooes the finest
tul ere and the largest yields. The best
results followed the Dutch method ol
planting, which consists of keeping the
surface of the ground level, planting a
singlet ye in a place, covering it six
u cues oeep and allowing Lnt a tii gle
stalk to grow in a hill, whicn are a foot
apart each way.
A cobbesposdext of the Farmer'$
Iiiriiw has l ret iced during several
wmurs tne plan ot keeping apples in
cry rand, poured into the tilled bair.-ls
alter atom g in the sellar, and finds it a
"decided improvement" on any other
ever tried, tLe limit Mntiuu g till late
spring"as ciu-p and apparently as tesb
as when hrst gmnereo. He does like
wise with potatoes, snd uses the same
sand year alter year.
Thistles is Oais. When thistles ap
pear in oau ueir tops may be mown oil
a week or two before the oats shoot up
into hea iug. At this time the thistles
re sevral inches higher than the oat
leaves. U cut ttieu, bloasomicg aud
seeding are net only prevented, but tue
short (tubs of thistles fail ont of the
bundles in binding and leave the straw
Moles Fbotect Strawberries. An
Indiana oils, lbdiana,tiuit glower says:
XAst year 1 put twelve motes in my
slrawi.eiry patch of five acres tJ catch
the gruls. and they did the we rk. I
never had a dt zen plants in jnrv d during
tne summer, eithir by the crubs or
moies, 1 know some people do not care
for moles on their farms, but I wait
them in ny strawberry patch,"
lax practice ot some of the best far
mers now is to keep pigs through the
summer ou gieen food, cnt and earned
t j the pens, w:th a lii tie grain, and what
milk can be spired afu mutter making.
SprirK pigs are thus made to weigh 200
pounds t t seven months old. and. exeunt
in the last montn, they get little Brain,
The beet time to sell such pigs is at the
beginning; of cold weather, usnallv in
Melon Vises. A writer states that
he has positively driven brig away
lrom his vinea by putting a irallon ol
clean sand around every vine. Where
sand can be obtained this is a very con
venient piotection againBt a very bad
enemy, and a single trial may satisfy
any olb whether it is ff ctoaL
Tbx fat on a cow known to be a laree
and nch milker will mostly go into the
cream pot dniiisg the season. It is
never safe to buy a milk cow in poor
condition, as she will require heavy feed
ing, or make poor thin milk.
Cct crass when in bloom, and it will
make more nutritive hy than if cut
later. The amount of water has oi
minuhed, and therefore shrinkage will
be less. In late-cut hay the increased
fiber males it more inaigestible.
As 8O05 as onions show signs of msc-
got woik, pull the sfitoted ones by the
roots, snd cany them from tbe field.
Chile ren can do this woik, and many
onions can tuua be saved, aa no worm
can destroy moie tian u single plant.
We were taught tnat the ability of
flies to walk on the ceiling was owing
to a power in their feet which enabled
them to hold on by suction. Bnt Mr.
H. De Witz. of the Berlin Society of
Natural H. story, has di'oovered au ex
udation ot a sticky matter from tne
foot of a fly by fastening the insect on
he under tide of a plate and viewir g it
through a nuciobcope. The adhesive
matter seems to pass down through the
hollow of the Lair. Probably the ime
methed of holding un applies to all in
To remove finger marls, pntty stains.
etc, frcm glass, put a little soda in
water with which yon wash it.
To Cure Skseuso. A correspondent
writes: Daring the recent rapid changes
of temperature I cat; gat a severe cold
in my nead. accompanied by almost in
cessant sneezing. My unfortunate nose
gave me no rest. The slightest impact
of cold air, or passing from the outside
air into a warm room, equally brought
on a fit of sneezing. In vain I snnffdd
camphor and Pulsatilla; the light ca
tarrh etill triumphed over me. At
length I resolved to see what the main
tenance of a uniform temperature
would do toward diminishing tne irri
tability of ray Sobneidenan membrane,
and accordingly I plugged my nostrils
with cotton wooL The effect waa in
stantaneous; I sneezed no more. Again
and again I tested the efficacy of this
simple remedy, always with the same
result However near I was to a sneeze,
the introduction cf the pledgets stopped
it at once. Nor waa there any incon
venience from their presence, making
them sufficiently firm not to tickle, and
yet leaving them sufficiently loose to
easily breathe through. This ia really
worth knowing, for incessant sneezing
ia among the greatest of smaller ills,
and it seems only a rational conclusion
to hope that this simple plan may fur
nish the most efficient remedy against
one of the most distressing symptoms
of hay fever.
A PBOTECTixo cover for a lounge can
be prettily made out of two simple ma
terials cheap cretonne and a strip of
common brown cotton, which is used as
a border to the brightly tinted goods,
and where the seams are put a row of
fancy stitches using embroidery silk
or crewel; finish off the ends with fringe.
Another style of lounge cover is made
of unbleached cotton, around which
may lie stitched a strip of turkey-red
calico this constitutes the border finish;
scatter over the rest of the cover ap
pliqned leaves and blossoms cut out of
cretonne, all carefully stitched to the
goods, aud where the stems are frail
embroidery should be brought into
requisition. It is surorising bow much
these home-made covers protect fashion
ably upholstered lounges.
A very pretty table cover may be
made by taking a fine piece of linen of
a creamy color as the foundation. Se
lect a piece of cretonne, figured in red
roses, scarlet poppies or any flower that
can be cut out and grouped to form an
effective border. Cat out the flowers
and arrange them on paper, and with
a pencil trace their outlines. Then, by
means of tracing paper, transfer their
outlines to the linen. Next stretch the
linen on a frame and paste the cretonne
flowers upon it with smooth paste.
When the work ia dry, remove it from
the frame and button-hole stitch around
the edge of the flowers in silk or wooL
Then outline the veins and markings
with filoselle and work the stems in
stem-stitch wth crewels. Finish with
a fnnpe of the linen and a band of
drawn work and filoselle.
As improved cement tor small iron
article is made ss follow: Take two
narts sulphur, and one part by weight,
of tine blacc lead; put the sulphur in
an old iron pan holding it over the
tire until it begins to melt, then add the
lead; stir well until all is melted, than
pour out ou an iron plate, or smooth
stone. When cool, break into small
pieces. A siifiicient quantity of this
compound being placed upos the crack
of tne iron pot to be meuded. can be
soldered by a hot iron in the same man
ner as a tinsmith solders his sheets.
If there is a small hole in the pot, driv
a copper rivet in it, and then solder it
with this cement.
Wans flowers have been earned
iosk cutanea in close boxes or cases
tbey olten appear withered and worth
less, but with proir treatment they
may be revived and restored to their
original beauty. Instead of being at
oue put into vaeea and exposed to the
hot, dry air of the parlor, they should
either be spread out en damp flannel or
moss, and covered with a disU-cover or
inverted box, or J-Ut in pans containing
mca and water or damp sand, in which
they can be set upright, and then shut
up in the daik tor a few hours. Il
they do not regain their lresbness un
der i his nursing, there is no hope lor
them; bnt in all ordinary cases their
recovery is certain.
A Mxxioah worl-lasket is very orna
mental, and not difficult to do either;
neither is at all expensive. Purchase
basket made of bolt rushes; embroider
a piece of acailet cloth, cut the shape
ot the pattern; the valance around the
basket is also of a aoarlet cloth, and
nandsomeiy ornamented with needle
work. Ihe design of the embroidery
is in large Mexican slitcn, which is very
showy and easier of execution than the
Beihn work. The sppliquea are ot
various colors, cut ont of odd kits of
line goods, and bnttouhele stitched on
to the doth; a rustic frame holds the
basket; the whole ia handsome and
quite orLamcntah
Ir the hair has become thin or faded
in color, tbe following is an excellent
way to restore it to a healihy condition:
Bab on it creosote ointment every
night. This removes the dandmff. It
will take persistent effort for about a
fortnight. The scent is rather unpleas
ant. Wash eff the ointment every
morning with soft-soap and a little
warm water, a epoonlul of the soap to
quart of watsr. When the hair is
free from dandruff, apply a mixture of
rum and bitu r apple juice, which makes
the hair grow long and thick and dark
ens it.
A VKBT prettv industry, with a prac
tical result, is givvn in crocheted nap
kin riugs for children. Select linen
thread ot a soft, unbleached tint, make
a chain the required length, close the
same, which will show tha size of the
ring to be wrought; now crochet round
and round until the width of the rina
is obtained, finish with small acalloi.
starch still and slip over a bottle to
diy; when dry run a bright colored
notion through the scalloi and tie In
a tiny bow with short ends, this novel
style of ohild's napkin ring is qui'.e a
beauty spot on a well apouinted table.
Thk new silk or satin coaching para
sols in red and bine are supposed to be
injured if wet by rain. This is true u
they are only tpiinkied by rain, for
then they become spotted and look
badly; Lnt if tbey are thoroughly
soaked witQ the tain, and then left tu
dry, without beiug closed, until the
next day. they look as good as new. or
even better, having lost every wrinkle
or orease. It is well, it the paiasol has
become spotted in a sudden shower, to
pour water over it, and thus make the
color uniform.
"Oh. Nandy, why did yon not come
sooner to your own Lillian?" the cried.
"I must plead bus in ess as an exous,
my dariii g," he replied, "but why so
anxious to see me to-night? Is it for
anything important?"
"It is a question of life or death with
me," be sobbingly said.
"For H- aven's sake, Lillian, what do
you mean?" he asked.
Promise me y ou will obtain for me
what 1 wish," she said, her tear start
ing afresh.
"I promise, if it is not icecream." he
huskily answered.
"1 want your monogram on a gold
eagle," was the inetant response,
Last fall a n&rrow-goags road twenty-two
miles long was planned and a
company organized in Wisconsin, and
an Eastern man who scented a chance
for profitable investment called upon
tne .President to make some inquiries.
"How is tbe new line getting on V
he asked, after some, general conversa
tion. "Splendidly. We have the right of
way tor the first five miles, and have
taken steps to gobble it for tbe other
"How much stock have yon issued?"
"Two hnadred thousand dollars.
'And how much has been sold?"
"Well, yon see, it has all been pre
liminary thus far. We have sold
enough stock to buy bine uniforms for
all the general officers, furnish np sev
eral rooms with mahogany desks and
moquette carpets, and aa soon aa we
can work off sufficient to purchase hor
ses and carriages for lresident. Secre
tary and Treasurer, and furnish the
superintendent with a yacht we shall
begin the real serious work of building
up a grand trunk line."
Ax expensive wife: Old gentleman in
a beer garden near the railroad dejmt,
waiting for his wife to arrive on the
next train, complaining to himself
"Here I have already drauk six classes
of Filsener. and (looking at his watch)
the train will not be here for one hour
to come. This will compel me to drink
six more glasses. It's terrible. What
an expensive wife I have got 1"
Tberx is probably nothing better
calculated to stir up a man's evil pas
sions and make a red-handed murderer
of him than, after having been yanked
by the jaw all about the dentist s inquisi
tion chamber, to have that cold-blooded
villain speak of your tooth as having
been "removed."
Medical: A New England physician
says that if every family would keep a
box of mustard in the house one-half the
doctors would starve. We suggest that
every family keep two boxes in the
FoBCEofhaV.it: "ijeok here, mister,"
said a drummer to another traveler
who occupied a doable-bedded room
with him, "what makes yon get np in
bed and hammer your pillow every
time those cats out there squall, eh?"
"Yon must excuse me, my friend,"
said the somnambulist with a yawn,
"bnt the fact is I'm a saasage chopper
by trade."
Ox the facade of the principal hotel
in Vichy, France, is the announcement,
"All languages spoken here." A tourist
entering plies the host with English,
Spanish, Russian, etc Seeing that the
good fellow understands never a word,
he inquires who it is in the hotel who
speaks every tongue. Then, mine host
with dignity responds, '-The travelers,
The amazing alacrity with which
many of too Indians have suddenly
offered to take farms and settle down
to agricultural pursuits is now explain
ed. It was only about a month ago
that the gentle savage learned for the
fl'St time, that whisky was made from
corn. And ever since then they have
been lust crazy to put in 10,000 acres
of corn to each brave.
Sampia Totars.
There lads carry samples for commercial
drunmera in the Western cities. A reporter
interviewed one recently- which disclosed
the tact that he la a shrewd chief, with
weU-oefi ned business ideas and a to Trough
knowledge of all the ramifications of bis
"Well, youncster," sa-d the reporter.
'how's trsmc this seasonl"
44 'Bout up to the avrage," was the
serene rep'y.
"Have many regular customers?''
' Yes: thirty or lorty."
"How many regulars and transients do
vou do business tot in the course of
"Two or three hundred."
Is tbe work bard?"
"Sometimes pretty tough."
"Tell me exactly what you do."
'Weil. I co-ne down to the Kussell at 8
o'clock in tbe moroug. If any of my cus-
omeia show up l m all riubt for tbe day:
but if tney don't, why I ketch on to some
oher feller."
ilw do you grade your chanre-f''
' On, we've sot a reglar price list scale
ot prices, you know."
"And that isf"
'Carryin' notes ten to twenty-five cent,
coruiu' t distance; luggin' samples thirty
cents an hour or SI 60 a day. If we carry
two hours straight id the morn in it's 1.
It we go out both forenoon and afternoon
It'soDly 11.60."
"Have very long days!"
'Not more'n four or five hours with any
cne cuttomerl
"How do you fill in the remainder of tbe
time? "
"Kunmn errands. (Excuse mr: there's
a feller tippin me the wink now. )
And the leader of the guild darted away,
to re eive instruc'ioas aoout the delivery
f a letter. He disappeared, but in about
ten minutes he returned and silently inli
mated bit willingness to renew the inter
G thirty cents for Ukin' thst note
down to Uuy Hincbman's,'' be remarked io
a confidential tone, "ay, young feller,
be exclaimed, as if suddenly struck with an
idea, "are you a lnlerviewinlmel"
"Well, I've been acquainted with you
so long 1 guess 1 won't go back on you
now. Aik me aometbln' more."
'Have you eve" teen to school "
Sb'd think so seven years at the
Bishop and Irving, and 'm goto' to the
night school this fall."
Oood idea."
"Think so? Well, I guess so. too. A
fuller can't git too much learnln', not t j no
"W hat drummers that is to say, what
lines of business do vou like best!"
Jaoliy men."
"They stay in the stores the longest:
they're hb'ral, and we're more hab.e to
Kit extry trom 'em. If they do a good trade
hey don t mind an extry half dollar. Why
r'lolick, my tnend frooi hew Turk, who's
n the jewelry line, sends me a new suit of
clothes every Clmatmas, r-g'lar. tie's a
dandy, he is. There's other good fellers,
too, but he's my partic lar pard."
Lion t you tackle some heavy loadiP
"You're stioutin'. The luit J ,b s-carry-
tn 1 ever took waa flatirons patent flat
irons. Tbey broke me all up," he added.
iu a mournful tone, as if recollect-on ot the
incident bad something of the pathetic in
U Laoen s heavy, toe next to loolry
nut we git used to it, and don't mind a
pretty big lag."
"Does the custom of showing samples in
tbe s; euta' rooms at the hotel interfere
un tour pioflur
" T used to, but that's played out now.
Merchants won't so to tbe rooms any more,
so we've got to go to them. We find our
race a good deal better fur it tell more
s-oooaaud-git through with a town quick
cr'u we used to When we had sample-rooms
o much."
iiow much money do yon make?"
1 av'raue about f 9 a week. Prettv fair.
aia'l ill"
"Don't you have any dull seasons in
your hnel"
Of course, from about Christmas to,
ay tbe 80th of January, we don't do
liOthin' to speak of; and then agin we have
a dull summer season. We're jert giitin'
over it now. Business is very good though.
1 uoot complain. (.Tuere "s another felier
wants me. Qjod day. mister. I'll see
ou tutur,")
And the buss cf the sample totcra again
whisked away on an errand for a dude,
whose hair was parted in the middle and
the ends ot whose mustache tickled his
"Mamha, what's that Y asked a litt.'c
fonr-year-old in a house in W arren street.
as the lightning flashed last Thursday
"That lightning, my son, said his
"Is that what hit my papa the other
' Whv, your papa was never struck by
lightning.1 replied his mother. "Why
do yon ask such a question ?"
'"Because, when papa came home
the other night yon said he looked as
though he'd been struck by lightning,
and he'd better go and sleep on the
sofa if he was going to keep his boots
A Good Frisad to tliw Chi
Sab Fbasoiso). Consul A. F. Bae, of
the Chinese Consulate Offlse, expresses
himself clearly in saying that he, as well
as his family have suffered severely from
rheumatism and neuralgia, and that me
dicines were used in vain. At last St.
Jacob's Oil was tried, which effected im
mediate cures in every case. Tue Consul
regvds the Oil as the greatest pain curing
remedy in existence.
Commebcial item: American pork
cannot get into Germany, for Bismarck
still keeps np hii "watch on the rind,"
Stiakca with CodtdIsit Tremors,
rben parched with fever, then well nigh dmolTSj
tn clammy sweat, knot the r-pe'ttloo ot sock a
souse of horrors every few rtayi enough to wreck
ihe strongest constitution. Undoubtedly. Erea
hen snrTeren from fever snd ague and bilions
remittent soveced in overcoming these dises-ea,
It takes long to repair their rangei. That popu
lar and e Oective remedy for the ma'arial peat and
Its un'lard preventive, BostetteTs Stomach Blu
t r. not onh eradicates it, bnt builds np a srsrem
worn aud enfeeohd by its penotllcat attack Nor
Is there a sorer safeguard airainv miuiQallo ilis
eaaes than this g nlU reguhtt snd ionic. For
disorders of .!' slums h, liver aud bowels, organ
asarnlehurfullT alerteJ br ira nre wa er and
unsccn-fimed iief, it is a peeiy and thorongn
means of relief. It is equally lo be deprmied upon
by Invalids wno resort l it for its lnvig-irating ef
fects and to remedy dyspepsia, rheumatic and
kidney troubles, it improves appetite sj well aa
th ability to gratify U without sabaeqnent dis
comfort. jjove nothing too violently; hate noth
ing passionately; fear nothing too
Gents. I feel very grateful to you for lbs
wonderful cures that have been performed
with Ely's Cream Balm. I have bad
Catarrh in its worst form for the past 25
years aud have used every thinz I couM
hear of with only temporary relief. I com
menced using the (Jre-in Bun sa t 1 con
sider it the best thing I ever tried. I will
recommend it to every one who is sffl cted.
J. B. Kelsey., 32 Broad Street, New York
Drnes of Postmasters: Mr. Postmas
ter General Giesham has issued an
order that first-class and second-class
postmasters muft remain at their posts
and attend to business. We don t very
well see how a first-chva postmaster
can do anything else.
Catarrh of th Bladder.
Stinging Irritation, inflammation, all Kidney and
Trlnan ComnhuntM- enretl bv Hiu-h n-rtai rta n CI
To remove rust from kmve, cover
them with sweet oil well rubbed on and
after two days take a lnmp of frw-h lime
snd rub till the rust disappears.
Remarkable Escape.
John Kuhn, of Lafayette, Tn I., hi t a very nar
row eavaue trom lejth. This U lin own Siry;
tine year sen I a in the laat stairet of Con
sumption, our best piyaiciacs avf tnr case up.
I dually got io low that our 'I- ctor saiu I could not
live tw n:y-f.ir hour. My trlei.d then pur.
cuasru me a uuuie oi ur. w m. nan s naii-am lor
the Luna-a. I am now la perfect keaitn, hating
w uuicr mcujetne.
Henry's Carbolic Salve.
The Best Salve In the wor d tor Cute, B'ul-et,
Sort. I leers, salt Kheum. Tvt er, Ctapped
iiauu-, vnuoiaios, v rua aul an Irj-i oi Skin
E 0.li..n , etc. o-i Henri s Carbolic Sa.ve, as
n wua aiv wui miliar .uu MrlKX x CCU S
Essex Cotxtt, Va Mr. James R. Mlron.
clerk. sas: "I have ned Biowu's Iron bitters
and found it valuable lor the purposes which, it
Ladies are particularly recommended to
try Uastbise tor headache, nau-ea, etc.
AU druggists.
Musical note: Pattt gets $2,000
night in London, while in this country
we are glad to pay her gd.fMJO a night
The Euglish care very hi tie for music
if tbey can get plenty of underdone
Ia ra'oa fttrrasth.
Ha! h ta thfhirm n.oua Uoa of the fune'lois of
' awuion ui trttion. earn:! n. and eicree o . II any
otvan of tie body f ule to perroriu u p irt. cmf usion
tid dia rlar cor. IdskIoi, tuu-tiiati'in. in-
n miiwini ana irttfrsemi in a -tsau6: deuh. Wi
puyaU-iaus ciuub.De -unp.e rotiM-die- to . -pt-rate upoti
tbe ar rural functlous, i-e;i Ih- pores muore nbatris
m. purify tbebloi! and rat -re health. The old
uuj i-aiuu iu uainnra iraroei monu-lnea ror liver,
-trail cb, akin an-1 kid i?yx. and loet di-aae on th
thraioH. -St B-rnard VM.-bl Pil,s" have never
LfMw iiaiMa. All urifcff lets Bell luew.
Thk man with a club: Another New
York policeman has just been assaulted.
It is a very cowardly piece of business.
this jumping into a man when he is
Dr. Kline's ureac nerve Restorer is tbe
marvel of the age for au nerve diseases. Al
Ota stopped free, bend to Sill Arch hireet.
Philadelphia. Fa
Thk best toast of the season was. we
think, given by a printer, viz., "Woman
the fairest work in all creation. The
edition is large, and no man shonlJ be
without a copy.
Ladles and childien's boots and
cannot run over if Lyon a Patent
Stiff enera are used
A tocno politician explained the tat-
teredtoondition of his trousers to his
father by stating that he was under an
apple tree enjoyiug himself when tbe
farmer a dog came along and contested
bis seat.
Dont Iie In trie doom,
"Rough on Rats." Clears out rata.ni Ire. roaches.
bed)MigUllea,auw,mole,chipmunkajophera, 16c
First Boy "bay, do you know why
tbosei laotory chimneys are so high ?"
Second boy "Ten, to keep out the wa
ter in case of a flood."
A rood medicinal tonic with real merit. Is
Brown's Iron Bitter.
On Thirty DajV Trial.
The Vol'aic Belt Co.. Marshall, Mich.,
will send Dr. Dye's Celebrated tlectro-
Voltaic Belts and E ectno Appliances on
trial tor thirty days to men (young or old)
who are afflicted with nervous debility,
lost vitality and kindred troubles, guaran
teeing speedy and complete restoration ot
health and manlv vigor. Address aa
shore. N. B. No risk is incurred, ss
thirty days' inl is allowed.
Dr. Gravel' Heart Regulator cures all
forms ot Heart Disease, nervousness end
A rtrr Three) Days.
Mr. Cbarlss W. Mokki, "Eagle" ofBce. Pitta.
Held, Ma s , writes. May S, lJ : "For several
months my wife's mother (Mrs. Amy Boyce) had
been in a very precarious eon llbon w th dronsy
or Brit; it's d.eae of the kidneys, and having
ased all methods and measures for her restoration
hi the line of treatment by our leading physicians,
and having failed to benefit her, her family de
spaired of seeing her relieved, and gave her np to
die. Happening to run acrusa the testimony
of a Mrs. Daw ley, who had been cured ot similar
sickness by aslng Iiuut's E- medy, we at once pro
cured a bottle of It, anJ commenced giving it aa
directed. After n-ing h tliree days she was so far
improvad that sne could get from her bed to her
chair without adtance (a circumstance that has
not happened for months). Prevtuos to taking It
she was troubled mora or less with short breaih,
requiring a continuous finning to keep her alive.
This gradually tmprov i d as we codU ned the we
of HuutlRemedy.anl on the f urth bouie she
was able le set up all day. She was Moated terri
bly in both limbs snd body upward to the tunc.
1 he tenth day tas b owing left her bowel, and
bow she Is not wonen above the knees. Ill r kid
neys were very bad st the time, dl-chanrea be in
of a bloody character and emitting a sickening
iw a ui mmj uai ma caaaun m aer eaaa baa
I wosdcrfal. aod Hantt RemedT hu work ad
R atnd to hec
A MdiTxJ style of sofa pillow ia croche
ted is aqnares of different colors! select
worsted of moderate sixe; almost any
titeh mar be chosen: a cord Is run
around the edge, and tassels, one or
two, are placed on the corners.
To Consumptives,
Reader, can yon believe that the r rear or
afflicts one-third of mankind with a disease
for which there is no remedy? Dr. R. V.
Pie ice's "Golden Medical Discovery" has
cared hundreds of eases of con-umption,
and men are living to-day healthy, rubuat
m n whom physicians pronounced incura
ble, because one lung was almost gone.
Bend two stamps for Dr. Pierce's pamphlet
on Conaun-ption and Kind, e l Art'ectioos.
Address World's Dispensary Medical
Association. Buffalo, X. V.
It appears that alum ia sometimes
added to wines to give aatringency and
to raise the color. For its detection
evaporate to dryness and then set fire to
the organio matter.
Young or middle aged men suffering
rora nei vous debility, los of memory, pre
mature old age, as the result of bad habits,
should send three stamps tor Part VII ol
Dime Series pamphlets. Address World's
Dispensary Medical AsocLATiojr.
Buffalo, X. Y.
Perhaps the most popular department
rf science in Spain at the present day is
geology, and tbe Mining Exhibition at
Madrid is oonsidared to be a grand suc
cess. .
Dr. Pierce's "Favorite Prescription" la
the debilitated woman's best restorative
When traveling on a railroad it is
said that lying with the head toward
the engine will sometimes remove a
PtTKBrrANDie.4TcoiM.iTn oil, from selected
livers, on the ae .shore, by i .'asweU, Hazard a Col,
N. V. Absolutely pure and aveeu I'aiienu who
save once taken K prefer It lo all others. Physi
cians declare tt sup.nor to all other oua.
CHArro bands, face. Minnies and ronvh akla
eored by ukiuic Jumper Tar soap, made by Cas
well, Hazard to, New York.
Wkbstkb unabridged: Up in Chau
tauqua county one day last week a pol
itician was watching a severe storm
from his doorstep when a farmer ac
quaintance turned in hastily from the
road and drove under a shed. "What's
tbe matter, Bob?" asked the politician
"Well," said the farmer, "I believe
tbar'a one of them slyooons coming.'
Chrolithion collars are made in different
styiea, both standing and turn down. The
cuffs are reversible.
Dr. Stites, Brooklyn. X. Y., was cured by
Dr. Elmore s Kheuniatine-GoutaUneof very
severe Kheuniathiia and kidney disease of
several yean stand ng, alter trying every
thing el.te without beuent.
Glue ia made of the clippings of hides
horns and hoofs, washed in lime water,
boiled, skimmed, strained, evaporated,
cooled in moulds, cut into slices and
dried upon nets.
Carboline, a natural hair restorer and
dressing, as now improved and perfected.
is pronounced by competent authority to
be tbe best article ever invented to restore
the vitality of youth to diseased and faded
bair. Try it Sold by all diuggista.
The woody fibres wbioh go to make
cp the bulk of a timber tree are nothing
bnt cells of a particular form thickened
by the deposit of woody matter in
their interior and aggregated in a spe
cial way.
Booth ob Coras."
Ask for W ells' "Rough on Corns." Ue. Quick.
wuipwie, permanent cure, lorna. wans, numona,
WiRRKVTON, N. c. Kev. J. K CBarbanLsava:
"l 1 Brown 'rou Bitiers. It is a couip : ro-
aLjrs.ne, ionic ana aD-euzer."
The Munich Academy of Art has
among its 468 students thirty four
Horrid, yea, it is, mat we must suffer
from disease, but from Heart Disease, tier
vousnes and sleeplessness. Dr. Graves'
Besrt R g ilator will give vou immediate
relief; thousands say so. $1. per bottle at
Thzcz are some things that are ac
tually worth their weight in gold
GonMe eagirg. for instance.
The pii:s ire warranted to be FTRELT rrm.
table, free fiont a 1 mux-r.il and otner p imus
substances. They are a certain cure for Consti
pation, Sick Iteatlai'he. Dtanensia. BiHonaneaa.
Torpid Liver, Loss of appetite, snd all diseases
aiming xi om uie
Liver, Stomaeh, Bowels or
They remove all or strnctinns from tte channels
or tne system and purity the blood, thereby lui
parting health, strenirthsnd vlirr. Sold bv druz-
gtata, or sent by mall for 26 cents in stamps by
83 Mercer St.. New York,
Sole Mannfacrnrers of ST. BERNARD rniv.
Send for rtreatar.
Hyfc 4krrMrrna.u.dniy-
el: nre bntta eurrt. to all kp
pAarmnca, Catarrh and Hay.
Fever Li Ju'r at d Auiniw. 19
to - tiia date Itc 2k. uealker Ila
a a aiy reiur t t ibtte truu-
tbe nvi:one d. d. Uabhikl
Ciwii Balk wiI!.wl-Dr,'Ik.l
dv Km IIiict id to tue uutriU. b
alwur-l. eflt-rtitallv ciw-aiijtimr
tn uaKfti iaiwe-. A catarrUal
lru caivintr ue-al' br awret.uns.
t jall.iV lnfljrsiiki.ati.ill r .fAi-ta
A POSITIVE CURE! 'roui rii :o mp trtelj btui
sawn be-i sasiBL.u. io n at ui i amis i iiiitar rrr ins
ELY S oi lartto and an.a.L brn-fuial ns
CREAM BALRI. ,u" lp"u
a thta-iaivti fia.lmi ui will iui.
TJoMualled for sold in tUa bead. Airrmai'la to ua&
Send tor nrcillip Sll cen'B a oai-kaim liv mail np al
druKmsts ELY BROfHElLS. oaafo. N. X.
P ATPNTS PR'tf'KtBOl SO PAV. Sendf-r
a AlXiil lo our hin. l-l. oi nilr .etl.xia. E.
H. GELSlOS S CO- l,ua F Strict, W a-uuuruu, D. C
f!MTl WAJITnforheBe and PatOM
l aallimr Plcrmal bouts and Bibles- ITices r
Quoad S per oeiiL National fun. co Wiilad a.. Pa
rotsnAW FrsnriKs'oi.uos.ewsrk.?l t. Termi
Sal- riaUon lur graduate. W rite for circular.
f aQ a WLCk. SUsaayaxocmeeaau maoa. Ooatit
ooret raa. Addreaa Taca a 1 0-. Auatiata. Ma
gPts wl.TEDleS!lr.,,
llBat ! abiM evr i&TratiiL Kuikiiila oair of
A-jkmsr. with M KKL and TOC rafIW tn 3U
niluutr. It will aJM) knit a frcya var.tjty o fanry
witrk Uir which tlvr tM aivrav a r1v nuarltK rimA
for arm lar and terois. to the Twanaljr Kb Ittiac
narniatr . itw i iwnirni -itvswt,. rvmr.- mmh.
For Fine Complexioiis.
Positive relief and inimnni
y from coniplexional blem
ishes may be round in Hasan's
Magnolia Balm. A delicate
ana harmless article. Sold
by drnists everywhere.
It imparts the most bril
liant and life-like tints, and
the closest scrutiny cannot
detect its nse. AH unsightly
Discolorations, Eruptions,
Ring Marks under the eyes,
Sallowness, Eedness, Rough
ness, and the flash of fatigue
and excitement are at once
disnelled by the Magnolia
It is the one Incomparable
'If , W
Jrr.rT7. ,Aia a atan.
the tsisLE a. Tsyeuta
aj ."jk. ftatataaa"" BiSia"" - a. a. ska.
If yon are sic. HOP BITTERS will
' snrefy aid Nature In making; yuo well
again when a 1 ela fa! a
If vu ars mprl.vely well, bot
feel the nee of a grand tonic and tin
uiant. never real eaav nil yow are made
a new being by the use of
If too are eostlve or dyspepOe, or are
suffering from any other ol t.ie numer
ous diseaaea of the stauch or boweW,
a is yourowa fault If yua re mala uVur
in the sovereign remedy la s3 ancfe
eomplalnia ...
If yon are wasting away wits any
form of Kidney disease, p tempting
lieath Una muaeat, and turn fur a
cure to
If yow are sick wita that terrible
l!.ne-s Ni rromuies, jou wUl Sad a
-Baaa m Uilead" ia tue nae of
If yoo are a frequenter, or a resident
of a niUsmaUe diatnct, barru ade your
system against Ue scourge of all eoon
tnee malanal. epidemie. blliooi. aud
In.vnuluenl reveis by tha aa of
If too have rough, pimply, or sallow
Skin, bad breath, paius anil aches, and
!tl miserable generally, HOP SIT
TERS will give you lair skin, nca
Mood, the sweetest breath, healta and
Comfort. .
In short, tbey core ALL Diseases of
the btomacn. Bowels, Blood, Liver,
Nerves, hUdueya, c, sad
win be paid for a eaia they win aoC
enre 'irheip, or for anything Impure or
Injurious Iound in trem.
i hat poor, bedridden. Invalid wife,
sister, mot -er. or daughter, rail be
niaile the pH-t'iiw of Oeaith by a few
b. tiles af Up BUtera, costio- but a
Will yon let them Suffer I
Cleanse, Purify and Enrich
the Blood, with
Hop Bitters,
And you will have no sickness er suffering ot
d doc's bills to pat.
w Um wearM Mtai i it tm t4M
r aet-jt-l, flap, sMLm. Vrtwr. fi4 So-m.
am Km. Hwmrtsal Uiiiwan, CMtwrfc. htm f
Apernil. FrMM Otmpimmtm, Mod ail la
va, r. If mrv etiH.
v5c o avl aol rol ca-vun wvt
jrss. arcsawrtwa nr arait) atu cnrnai.
KysmZT ici, irir'.i.o. Hutfi ( hop.
lsa e-vwon ante ii uiaj Ajayfmm la i w- i
liiriMfal riaa.m tt a d SWaT aasftl IU i to ll Wvrdl ----rT I hT
B 1ammttHT n 1 Ur. rpf,r to Liair d &
W pp ocntd bo hatS tr t m ri'B ifarjun 'i
FkivIt (p , hjrn tv-M, nrj'l vo- U ira i. A- yi
ir at I t . ii iso-ci:na m a 1 to us fur t i
J01LI Of iiimATr3.
an;aasv, e. T '
PFTVrSTflTWX't'ln'''f rails U era an, t their
XXalS kJlUll O helixK rfiirtar Bf.nn..ii. jad.
drcas with stamp, KH.O. Inbio SOa.WiUialooJ.C
II 1 an -v w r tbeir hncnaa, 1a a:r or emintr ,
and earn SO to Sla pr w-e. mirnv pmala Inc iter
HumDi-f Mia r ..1 rr4a. lae. r ie aauinl si !
lrtiouiara. atvsus
i XFti. C'.'. Jb Siltb AA. K. 1
CCR HrTH and owd myourwwn count
louiiir k.co T fjullear OUUU T. Ad
orw r. tr.aiEt.'.KBSat to.
riuladiapnut. Fa
X JjH 3. ,1 mw ,t inmi S.J,i,..i-
w-4 a. A half m:Ilii e utlt-L 0aapr njtly
s tt.ed. Ih j'.eapr. ad.r.Bo jttry JtM H itli sUtiLa
lhnell lilt trl Ule lo Anunlt J. N anil J R Rf A.
BBM3ACK. ol WIS Nortk aoooo! street, Philadel
phia, either by mail or bv per., during ike hours
from J is. SL. to s P. JC, and ( to P. M.
auvtce rree. w htwueTer would know kls condl
Hon and the wav to impruTO a stioaM road
Sept on receit 1 s-ocal si am p.
Cure aTiiovrantwi bT Dr. J. IL Mrr Waif, offlrw
"i arvti .-., g-uiLav, n,. aiitiob irrwa, kbdipv lor
. Hlal DO U KrrktatTfl fm-M fru-vaaa .tavva t si
muotb: Kfyit4ir Hounr. BmAinir Ha i H.nirrlsvv rr
svh roont; Hexsbey Uoom. H.trnmtv. r.MBaind
cul Uixei Uuesai-o llth. Uth tk. Uiia.
Boot la two world, sot saio
E-vevy paeknsjw kava ewr IraMlr-mar k
ani to srorkaal Inset's. MOLU
coixecjb or
Tbe prartkrd advantama of thla 4ml
Harrland W-'mau aHi mral. mllaf .hi.h . .
w ,rk ,.i . ? 1 'n""ea4 LAOor-Atory
loa-ue tola. THOMAS OPIK DeanJsViieaJ
QA SHUTS Sne WTTtng p:iper.
In blotter.
OaW whs oniendw, br mail fur e,
Kconomt l'aurna Col, Newbury-
port, Haas.
Y0TJKG MEN jj-r .d
Circulars free. VALtSlliB Bllut5 Jan vil riT
vea.ta Jtehna:rrpianyaV .iTiakToiil
fc dshar saooto s r.io 1ui. a- . . .1
S5 tO S20 fr7"."'- "mpte worn.
Campbir Milk la th. bast Ua ment, fnea omta.
Phamlx Pactural wOl enre tout onarh. Price W eta
and raint nf ohtat,ir . soW S3 sL
4-OOI) and VA I.I l Pkri. I IV Lm Smm
.vhd MHi or .slre-A with fmcrirtun. adv-nn.
'Mtrn. nr. LKU mm rmJtarsi T-r'Wr X
Fatewt Ailornev.) Box XWaliloiainux!
Mass, an rava taa md:bm rl 1 1 m
MMkia Vwrcatoljaaa " Hit- I it If i
rKii., ni I ( f;
'aa' i m I I aa a a il ' omsb
Like an Evil Snirit-
bo COmes malaria
and it comes in bythe ckTve .tnn
a leak in the rJumb! Pr
wme ZJL
vA AAii;iAuucu
v e cannot alwavs kPrfi Tnalnfl-i-Ti A..
drive its effects from r .l. i?" Slve battle and
lime, malaria has not a ehost of a cUnT KrrTERf taken in
cine. YourJSlTAe'1,uf13 tnegreat unn7 medio
SSist sus it, and you ought to keep a bottle in the house,'
ttaia cf EaJj is Wealtl of Hiad
Sarsaparillian Resolvent,
in i un ilmd rcmnxs.
wsaid Save your leak Ina
wuaoot cartas, aa4 jour ooo
Radway's Sarsaparillian
aawd of tacradlsaai of anrao.
Biooortios. assenttal lo punrv.
aad Invigorate the brotes-oowa sad
ViTTi t tody -TTica, ruaaairr, Sava sad fiu
saswrla na trwatment and euro.
ssastas by wkal aarae the eomplalnt may he
by wkal aarae the eompiams may h
Bhathar hi bo scrofa a, euawumptloa.
Moanai ogan,soroa, toman, holla. eryaipsUa. or
gjtliewta, Sisesses of tko lungs, tooaeys. Mad.
sc. woato, sara, Btot. stooaoa er bowoia, nthar
oferwaieor eosMirotloBal. the virus hi la the Blows
VUMS sawplica Uw vuu and kollils and repairs
so orgaas aad wasted uasoas of tao system.
If tao oawo w nacaiakr. tao proeoas of npa
Tha SartaparllDan Resolvent
Ssd swsr Is a oBSawosoatrnaT roiwedT.
tao hssni si mi acoow of oaea of tao ormaa. It
aaxabiasaeo toroiigoowt tao eottro eystom runctloev
al aarsaoa saM sapoiieo uo
sals wwa i pare sad healthy
bot lfo Tn im, after a In
few days' aso
ml taa lawiwi si III ml boo
riaamaa. biouaeo. ours
ana ars isaatfreo : sore aaa uioars worn
rwraooa swltenag from scrofula, eruptive
i af law eve. OMoth. oara, legs, throat ana
goaaaw. that aao amamaiatTi sod spread, eitaar
&waa oaworwd ahjmaa or saoroury, or from tno
oat of eorrooiTO aooluwato, aaay roiy apoa a euro
If Ibo iteaapanUiaa la oaotinusd s solawioal turn
lo owdte lis lis si nail io on tko system.
Owa kotuo wiisim asoro of the actlvo prlnet
pi as of Madlelnaa aaa any other Preparauoa.
Takea hi WMapooofWl dooaa, wklla otkora require
two ot stz omaa as moca.
Oao DoUar m Dottlex
Ra Ra R
Radway's Ready Relief.
Tko ChsapMl wwdl Boo afodtolaio (os
IsaboUj Coo lat Uaa Worla.
Is froDi ono to trraaty Braates aoror fans to
relievo Pais with ono Uoroogh application:
so maoer sow violent er excraciaring Uo paia,
tao khoumatta, Bod-rldden, Inarm, Cnppied,
Mervocv Neurairo or prustracad with duesie
asay aoffer, RaDWAX'S JkAJr EaXISF WIS
alord inataat aaao.
nrruLMH ation or ths bowkls,
CONdKSTION or ths ltjsq.
r altttation or thx exaut,
CATASKH, lsflczsxa.
or LD1BS art maraatly ralloToa.
rt'-eTH AND ASTJS ecred for 9n eta There Is
Bot a remedial agent la this world that will euro
fever and Ague, and other Malarious. Blitooa
Seariet, Tvphiad, Yeilow and other fevers aidel
by UaO A AV'H I'lLLS) so qulckij as RADWATU
It will in a few moment, when takes later nail;
accordier to the directioaa. cure Cramps, spawns,
Boor StiHtiarb. Heartburn, SUsa Helache. I;spep.
ia, Pu piuiioBor tue Heart, Cold Chills, Hysterica.
Paiiw to the B-.we:. Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Colic,
Wind in ane Boweis, and all Internal Palua
Traveler should alwava earry a bottle of RAIL
WAYS KKADY KkLliF with them. A few
drops ia waier win prevent slrkneaa or pains fom
abac re of water. It la bedor UtaaFresca Braaly
or Hitvra aa aatlmnlant.
Blaera moil Laaukeraaesa akoold slwaya
to proTaiod waa n.
Regulating Pills
rarfaot, PurfratiTO, SooLbJiig.peri
nt, Aot without Pain, Always
wiiabla and Katnral
in Operation.
TwttKT "aarslesa elegancy enoted with rwee
guw. fwrgo, ogaaaio, ponXy, claaoao aad streng-
rkllSwir,vri!J r afj disorders or
?.'!. Tri Bowoia, Kidneys, Bllder.
C""'pt:i"- rrooaDiaeaaea, Lorn of Ap-P-t.;tS
Htm'xcM. ConwpatJoo, Coatlven-?, Indl
ST'Jn'p-'SilBnMamt '"er, inBamms
V?,. BT'"m' PUM- andil derangements o
Lt! jyry.,Vf- Pmr,!T al.'0, contain
fj? aieroury, mlnerala. or deletenooa druga
fV Obaervo tko foliuwlug symptoma resultlna
J? V1. ft?eove Organa; ConaUpT
noo, la want PUea, Fuilaeas of Blood la tbe
r.'jtZlJJilJL.H"tFc'" Hoaniwra!
'iod' Fhilweas or Weight la tao SUv
moca, sou Erootauona Minklng or Frononng at
Ike Heart. Cbok.ag or Sotrenng 9enaaUona sua
a a tying poatura. Dlmne-a of Visk-a. IMta or
2? T',,r wat 'ever and dull Pain la the
"d, Desnlency ot Persptratloo, Yeilowneoa of
! " Eyeu. Pais ha tho Sloe, cneot,
aeand Suddaa nuaaas of Host, Burning ia
A fowdoseo of UdwitW Fnxgwlll free uo
sywwa frooi all tko saove-aamed dlsordera
rrioo, as cents va stow.
Sand a loner kui to RADWAT A CO Na a
vHfJwk. Cor. Ckorci St., New Tort.
aXormatloa wwna tkoasala wta bo so
To tko Vwklio.
Bo sore sod ask tor KaBwava. sad saw .a-.
aaa.-BwaT-BOBwhatio?bojr. '
CCC I BV REIun.a -a lull oauv.. -1
IflLL a laooOY'a N xw 1 . n ... - I.
Conma n.W.MoAC.3la a.Ciuaaiiati.o.
(RR week in your ovr- town. Terms aad
OJUUomiii free. A Idreas H. HAIaIaBT r C
iwiiri, sseMUn,
In the hnmm boay FRtniCATKB by wine?
Ai eidrirae remedy nie wad fOvrto. i
UrjUU a..u.E BY aLL IlKlM.Wl"
MtMtnviouj sweets.
. fmaio Ptrsont Nestor!1
JsvBKAraftNtntVS 11SRASbTS. Oniytmrm
Ilf miih U t.tm an direr 'ext. A -iff sr'rr
ii-irfifstr. T.itw tn I J trial bonie tree ft
I Fit p-smts. rhy nariiMr; rrrr4 ctwre aa ocm wiysmb,
I wtivM. S-rwl n.m, P. U. ana rrpcea kMren u4
I 'irbl)v tT IKoll ArrK Ca, PI, , i ..a, . , aw
crt efif au ci cr
-we- U 1UII-. Wild (v r)
IZfc0 KCiP 11 7? ?i the keyho1
Up crack-and Io ft comes from
some ncctcd - from
L...W. ....
-TOtt H