SENTINEL & REPUBLICAN MlFFLtNTOWN : Wednesday, ADffn.t 99, 1SS3. TERMS. " Subscription, $1.50 per annum if paid within 12 months; $2.00 if not paid within 12 months. Transient advertisements inserted at 60 cents it inch for each insertion. Transieut bnsiness noticea in local col umn, 10 cents per line for each insertion. Deductions will be made to those desiring to advertise by the year, half or quarter vesr. Fire. The devil has not yet left Mifflin town, and one of his imps was abroad early last Saturday morning on a mission of devastation when he kin dled a fire in the stable of the Junia ta IIoteL Warren Plett, student at law, saw the light of the fire and ran t j the place. Marsh Graham, baker was aroused by the cracking of the boards in the fire in the stable and lie ana nett were about the first on the scene, about that time, as near as ean be learned from those at the scene, the alarm of fire was raised in the hotel to which the stable belong ed, and Jacob McXeal, clerk in the honse ran without hat or pants to unlock the stable bo that the horses could escape. J. H. Wallace, and Alexander Wallace, of Tuscarora Val ley were there upon the scene, hav ing been aroused from their bed in the hotel and were anxious to get their team of three horses from the burning 6table. Two of the horses were gotten out, the third one per ished in the flameB. Alexander Wal lace was severely burned about the hands in the effort to cut the halter, to free the horse. A horse owned by Mr. Minich of Loysville, Perry county, was burned to death. Land lord I" oornian s horse was loose and ran out when the doors were opened: the beast was severely burned, and ran in to the country as for as to Daniel Sieber's from which place it was brought to town by David Sie ber after daylight. Foorman's horse stood close to the pig stable which McXeal says, had straw on its loft Because the horse was severely burn ed, and other horses beyond it were not severely burned, some have con jectured, that perhaps, the fire had been started in the loft of the pig stable, instead of the hay mow, of the horse stable. Four hogs were burned in the pig stable, and two nogs were burned in a pig stable on the cf lot Mrs. Layer. While all this effort to release the stock at the sta ble was going on the flames burnt out through the roof of the building in such volume that railroaders across the river were startled by the danger that threatened the town, and they opened the whistles of locomotives to aronse the people. The whole community was aroused by the pe culiar whistling of engines, and away out in the country people were awa kened and conjectured what the noise could mean. The fire was not long in reaching the hotel ; the boarders packed their things and fled ; a number however returned, and with the aid of citizens helped to carry the furniture and goods from the building. The loss of this property is over 83,000, in surance about 84.500. The proprie tor and keeper of the hotel, John Foorman was away on the railroad shipping cattle, and came home on Saturday and fonnd his place in rains. Mrs. Kepner & Son had a drug store in the south end of the build ;t,. nntliinor w-aj? trotten out of the store- Loss 83,500, insurance 81.C00. This drug store passed through the fire of 1S73. B. F. Kepner, deceased, was then proprietor. On the north of the Foorman ho tel was the Jacob Thomas dwelling house and store rcom, and Tost Of fice. The house was occupied by Thomas, and the store room by Eby & Souders and the post office was kept by Wm. Rodgers who moved it t o his place of residence on third street after daylight when he placed it in the store of Wm. Marks. The Pat terson Hook and Ladder company pulled the post office building down to keep the fire from progressing northward along Main street Eby & Souders had a stock of over 400, insurance 8300. The stock was ta ken out in a hurry like when chased by fire. The household goods of Thomas was removed as well as could be under the circumstances. The loss on dwelling house, store rooms and so forth IS S insulins 82,400. , , Across the alley, southward from ii.. ii ..c n. lfirfre brick budding f wring on Main street, from the bmld jnrr down to the alley running par alell with Main street was a frame ware house to store goods m for Francicus&Cowbo occupied the or ner room of the honse. The ware room addition took fire from the ..-table and was soon consumed, but not so with the brick part, there the burning was of slow progress, but dow as it was it still progressed tiU the hardware store was f1 Almost to a piece. The stock on almost to a i sin.OOO, insur- nanu: " ; m cm. R E. Parker owner of the building occupied in keen store the in. His "oods were removed in a pen Selliner. The building an 1 hjs stock of goods was valued at 000 instance $6,000. Franc.scus ACo have passed through all three of Se'gTeat fires that have devastated th.rhmldine of John nf-i .3;1 Parker s house on the south anTwas occupied by store-r"8?- vH & son. and Joseph t., .,D f which were reunel .Doi" '' - et ,fc store of iSS, & sen was $14,000 insur ofl.ealuey . ne of ance about $10,000. x Penneli s bw Yeakley was aoouL i SR IHHI. great . . .j. at ne B" nre ui , isrj ut tBAH destroved Z&ZSM which ost was the Ju qqq jq it 813,000 ja-SSS-t- th were . , Banks at o The drugs were car no insurance x-- SPd ried across - . house yar- 'fiZmniM. J The drug tre rQ through tne -- a , , i ni ",.tT.i,TPaTnschadehad a uu $Zht?aZ Is 000 worth of goods. Jbe goo Sre hurried out ate t r tbe 3 great fin. C F. ffinkel wL uuZ. - , . . i wm large Biore in the rnn-nm. room of the building with a stock valued at W3th was hurried out, some to the Lutheran parsonae some to the palace at thcTaTt f firen ftterment Insurance ' ?? 2a eecond try front was the office of the Juniata Hirald most of the type and fixtures and job press were gotten out, the news paper press went down with the budding. Insurance expired. On the second story, in the 8uit of rooms, in the north west corner of the building Dr. Lucien Banks had nis medical office, social and bachelor quarters. It was a valuable place to him, but no estimate in money is put upon it and trusting fn frrt i, had no insurance on the contents of me room. It was emptied of its wuvcuva wiui as mucn care as is usuauy exercised on such occa- sions. - In the basement of the huil.imo- west side, there was a nice room oc cupied by storekeeper John Etka. ma stock was rushed out like the stock of other fire stricken twrl una ne nunseU so confused as to - -i , i i i values and insurance that he could not aproximate to either. He was a victim of the fire of August 23 1873. Down on the vacant place on the Belford lot, facing on Bridge street J. H. Simons had leased a piece of ground after the second great fire, and built a confortable frame build ing in which to carry on the harness making business. He seemed to comprehend the daDger from afar for the writer saw him throw water on the building when the fire was raging away off in the Franciscus hardware house. He seemed to realize that unless his shop should be well saturated with water the time would come when it would be the combustible connecting link to extend the fire down Bridge street and spread the conflagration no one could tell where, but amidst the confusion of the occasion a full sup ply of water could not be turned on it. The next best thing to do was to remove the goods, which was done, both house and goods were insured. The building occupied such a con necting link position that it was pulled down piece by piece. The Hook & Ladder Company of Patter son lead off in the movement and the building was torn down after the manner employed to tear down the post office. Insurance about 8600. It was now half past 5 o'clock on Saturday morning. The Hook & Ladder Company had worked hard, hundreds of other citizens had done so, and now the last great effort was to be made to stop the fire on the corner, and keep the flames from going down Bridge street, and across the same thronghfare south ward along Main street Men and women fornieil a line along Bridge street and had already begun to pass water that was to wet adjoining property to keep it from taking fire. Men were on the rooves of adjoining buildings with wet carpet and buckets watching every spark and every tongue of fire that would lap out from the burning building. It was a time of deep suspense which was speedily relieved by the an nouncement that the Henderson fire company 25 strong with their steam er had arrived from Lewistown. It was so, tho brave boys came at a quick step uj) Bridge street with the hose carriage at 15 minutes to ( o'clock A M., and in 12 minutes after, their chief Joseph Silhammer had the satisfaction of seeing two streams of water pass in on the ruins of the Belford house. The engine forced the water from the canal and its enereretic pumping was heard by people at Port RoyaL It is a spen- lid macnine ana was nanaieu wiu skill. A great deal of water was thrown into the Belford building and the fire was seemingly out but after the Lewistown people went home it burned all day long. Mr. Philips Superintendent of the Lewistown and Selinsgrove R. R., fnrnished the cars to bring the Henderson compa ny to this place. The sheriff of Mif flin county was with the company, and John Weiiner policeman well known to this community was along in an official capacity. The people of Mifnintown are sincerely thankful! to the people of Lewistown for their kind manifestation of good will in the hour of calamity, and thus closes an other chapter of fiery calamity that destroved thousands of dollars worth of property and disarranged business to the extent of thousands more. no is me uenu iu u u.- all this loss and trouble ? While the c ric mrnne an tmrlisnman was arrested on the street and put in iail on tho snspiction of having set firA tn the Kiauie. lUO imcm imprisoment was made because of some remark that he is reported to have made after he was refused a i.i,r,'rT at F'oormau's Hotel and at the'Tennsylvania HotoL The pris Anar Tim ned himself Samuel Olford. He is an englishman apparently ot RH Tears of aire and not bad looking. He passed Friday night up to the time of the fire, in Sample s hotel in Patterssn. At 9 o'clock on Mondav morning he was brought before Justice Beidler, D. D. Stone appeared as Olford's lawyer, District Attorney lrwin, siaieu mi u hat would warrent him : the prisoned. Olford was released from custody. n Mondav morniDg it was reported in one of the Ilarrisbarg papers, that the Lewistown Fire Company had de manded large num of money before it u .Ha itm nirine to nlav on the ;n this nlaee. G. W. Smith, who is Chief Burgess of this town says that nn neh demand was made on him by Lewistown people, or any other people Whi he was informed that they were ooming to help fight the fire he went in the railroad to meet uem. "j bad not come, and receiving no definite information as to their coming he re ,r.wl tt the seeoe of the fire. He .u thr nitirpns is thankful for the kind and substantial token ol sym tht the Lewistown Fire Com- .n manifested br cominpto this place Ut 8atnrday morning during the hours , . the fire eaamitT. .. - m wife of Mr. Ed C MaMaehinist of the K, K. Harrl8bnrg visited her sister ; Mn, Jo?. Martin Is week SHORT LOCALS. City salesmen with laro tmnV. are plenty. A number of citizens are off to Gettysburg. To cure ring worm rub with afresh cut green walnut Ladies' walking Shoes, at Heck's Shoe Store for $L Take your Batter and Eggs to Heck's shoe store Some one has predicted frost for me otn nignt of September. ixmgressman Atkinson is home from his western pilgrimage. A Q. A. R. Post has been institut ed at Middleburg, Snyder Co., Pa. Shoes for Everybody at Heck's, he wiu uuce your Cutter and Eggs. Xne Inompsontown dance is to take place on the coming Thursday. o , . ... . .. . oomo one uas said, "tuat it is as hard to be clean as it is to be good. Mrs. Hawk, wife of Michael Hawk. deceased, of Patterson has been quite in. Three hundred new houses have been built in Altoona since last Jan uary. Frank Noble sold a house and lot on W ater street, to A. B. Fasick for 8400. It is estimated that there is coal enough in Pennsylvania to last 300 years. Chicken cholera is reported as pre vailing in a number of adjoining counties. Highest Market price paid for Butter aud Eggs at Heck's shoe store in trade. The heat last week was equal to the most intense heat of earlier sum mer days. Superintendent Wellington Smith, held a teachers examination in town last Thursday. Oak and Hemlock Sole Leather for sale at Heck's Shoe Store, on Bridge Sireet The Patterson Evangelical Sabbath school will pic-nic in Lauver's gi next Thursday. iiugnes and iiackenuerger were down to the sea with the Atlantic city excursionists. Go to McClintic's tin and stove store for first rate pitch forks dung forks and hay forks. The pavement at the south west corner of the Court House square has been repaired. The Happy Hollow Sabbath school pic niced last Saturday in the grove by the school house. William Etka, will teach school at Muddy Run the coming winter. He is a good teacher. Cyrus Morrison a citizen of Afri can descent, long a resident of this town is in poor health. Several evenings last week tho thermometer 6tood at SO degrees at 8 o'clock in the evening. Up in the Yellowstone Park, where President Arthur was last week, ice an inch thick was formed. Court week will give an opportuni ty to such of our patrons as are in arrears a chance to pay up. The Lewistown Gazette is writing about the wayward girls of that town. It is 'Love's Labor Lost" " Four thousand dollars worth of Boots and Shoes for sale at Heck's shoe store, just the place to buy. The boy with a bunged eve walk- eth about and thou knowest that he and the festive bee have had a tilt. Dr. Simpson who was once a can didate for the Presidency of the United States was in town last Thurs day. Some one turpentined AL Hack- enberger's dog last Wednesday even ing. It was a hard through for the do jr. The place to buy vour Boots and Shoes is at Heck's Shoe Store ; he will sell to you cheap and treat you ngnt. Mrs. Akley wife of Benjamin Ak- ley, sold her house and lot on Cher ry street to Samuel Wilson lor $800. Quite a number of people from Ju niata county, attended the Granger's pic nic in Cumberland county, last week. Miss Kate Thomas, daughter of Jacob Thomas, living m this town has been sick with infianiation of the bowels. A good many" houses in neigh boring counties have been robbed recently. Have your shot guu near at hand. The class examined by the County Superintendent last Thursday, in this borough stood a first rate exam ination. The Huntingdon Journal complains of the unpleasant perfume that pre vails in that town. It is pig stable perfume. Twin calves by a cow owned by John Cunningham, in Patterson, at tract considerable attention in that community. Xext Saturday the Union Sabbath School of Mount Pleasant Walker township, will hold a picnic in Fowl s grove. II you desire to purchase a farm consult the advertisement of real estate in this issue of the Serdind and Republican. Pulling teeth, with chloroform as a pain soother will not be much in dukred in, in this community for some time to come. A Fulton county man threshed wheat that he raised on 40 acres of crround and was astonished at the yield of 1500 bushels. The railroad train vote taker thinks he feels the political pulse when ho asks passengers who they are for, for state officers. The officers in charge of the enter prise could not get things together m such shape as to warrant them in holding a state fair this falL Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cleck of Fer nianagh township, bought a first rate organ from Mr. Aiken, for their daughter, S. Jennette Clock. It will not be the Lancaster band. but the orchestra of Graham and Huds nish i ar Tfc Hudson, of Newport that will fur music and calls, for the dance omrwmritown nevt Tnnri-v. SHORT LOCALS. MoOliatio keen for ilea full line of builder's hardware. There were 90 conversions at the Newton Hamilton Camp Meeting. The volunteer fireman's Association will meet at Bedford September 18 Bank's Co., druggists are building a bnsiness place on the Bcllford lot. Espensehade has opened his store in the room above Hallobangh'a saloon. Soarlet fever has broken out among children in Union township Bedford Co. Wm. Hawk killed a black snake 6 feet 8 inches long on the Scbweier farm last week. Robert Speedy is here in his native place viciting friends. He is a citizen of Tennessee. The large dog that belonged to the Franciscus hardware store perished in the fire in the store. Col Bell, sells the best clover-huller in the world, consult him before purchasing elsewhere Mrs. YanOrmer, wife of Conduotor Joseph YanOrmer, was in town I: week, visiting friends. Benjamin Wagner had a hemorrhage last Friday, which prostrated him to such a decree that he was confined to bis room. The jolly old fashioned apple-but ter boilings will have to be dispen sed with this fall for want of the wherewith, 6iich as apples and cider. Philo Pannabaker, (caught 19 bass in the river last Friday, the lot weigh ted 16ft pounds, a few days before that he caught a bass that weighed 41 pounds. There was a cake walk held at Delaware Hill school house on Sat urday evening for the purpose of raising money to put a bell on the building. J. McDowell Sharie, of Chambers burg. Pa., died from hemorrhage of of the bowels at his home iu Cham- bersbunr. last ihursday, he was born in 1830. A Huntingdon doctor ran a foot race with a patient A large crowd turned out to see the race. The dis tance run was a mile. The doctor won the race. I will sell the still large stock of women s and children s suppers on hand, at greatly reduced prices. ticorge . jiwks rhoe otore, on Bridge Street. Jefferson Mover, returns thanks to the people, who manifested their 83 m1 pathetic regard during the time of the great domestic affliction that camo up on his peaceful household. Remember that my Shoe Store did not burn down and I will sell you Boots and Shoes, as cheap as ever, drop in and see for yourself at G. W. Heck. The Grangers had a large exhibi tion in every way over in Cumber land Valley last week, large in point 01 things on exhibition, and large in point of numbers. The new Fultzs wheat on the Kspen scbade farm, has been yielding a bush to a dozen sheaves and the new Ober holtzer wheat has been yielding a bush el to every 10 sheaves. On the 30th inst, next Thursday, a meeting of interested people will take place at Mexico to determine what shall be done with the old grave yard at Mexico. A number of farmers will not be in a great hurry with their wheat sowing this fall, fearing the work of the fly, which is generally gotten in upon the early sowing. Lawyer Herr of Harrisburg has been engaged to defend young Nutt in court for having shot Dukes, the slayer of his father, Herr is an able lawyer and able speaker. Dr. J. H. Shnmaker, formerly of this county, but during the past few years a citizen of Chambersburg, has taken charge of an educational insti tution at Blairtown, X. J. As pleasant a time as any in tae year to toko a trip to Cresson. the top of the mountain range that in tervenes between the Atlantic slope and the great valley of the Missisip pi, is during the month of Septem ber. Huntingdon Presbvtery will go into the question of Orthodoxy on the 4th day of September next at. Lewistown. The preacher on trial will be Rev. J. White, of Milrov, Mifflin countv. ' Tobacco growers iu this vicinitv ; have received such discourajrinijlv i low prices, tuat tue weed will no longer le cultivated. People on the south side of tho vallev west of Port Royal, still cling to its cultivation. The Huntingdon Globe says : Tho borough church services were pooi ly attended on Sunday last owing to the camp at ewton Hamilton , but more than 10,000 people attended the camp meeting on Sunday. Some uisshap overtook the &au nel Van Wert pack last week, for it came back to this post office from Spruce Hill, on Friday. Where the Spruce Hill pack went to is not known it is hoped however thr.t it reached its destination. A few evenings ago, CO Percheron horses were watered at the railroad station in the enrs. They had come straight from New York, at which place they had been landed from Lngland, and were on their way to Bloomington Illinois. By the new judicial apportionment act Cambria county is to have a judge, and already the liquor men are organizing to secure the election of a judge who will be le6s severe on the liquor selling bnsiness than was the judge that recently sat in Cam bria. One of the editors of the Lewis town Uazette lias bought himself a bicycle, which the other Lewistown papers discouragingly remark, was, or is for the purpose of breaking his neck. It is hoped that no such pur pose is entertained by the editor. The Tribune of last week says : Mrs. Priscilla Meloy, wife of William Meloy, of Turbett township, died on Friday night the 17th inst She died of blood poisoning from a dis eased toe, which was amputated a few days previous to hfr death. Her maiden name was Kepner, and she was a sister of Rev Daniel Kep ner, of Delaware township. 60 years 9 months and 2fi days was her life's limit. Cleanliness and purity make Parker's Hair Balsam the favorite for restoring the yanthful color to gray hair. COMMERCIAL,. lnrrLrNTowN baskets. MirrusTowa, August 29, 1883. Batter ... Ere Lard Ham ..... Shoulder , Sides...., Bags 15 18 15 17 12 12 I MIFFLIN TOWN GRAIN MARKET. Corrected weekly. Quotations roa To-dat. Wednesday, August 29, 1883. Wheat, Red 103 Wheat, White 98 Corn, Oats, 30 Rye 6-5 New Cloverseed 6.00 Timothy seed 150 Flax seed I 40 Chop , 1 60 Shorts 1 -5 PHILADELPHIA MARKETS. Wheat, $1.16 to 1.18. For October $1.19 was offered. Oats, 35 to 37c. Cattle, old cows, 2! to 3cts per pound. Steer. 6 to 6.40. 5 to !. Sheep 2! to 3.65. Butter 16 to 23. Timothy seed $1.90 per bush. F. ESPENSCIIADE, AT THE CENTRAL STORE BRIDGE STREET. 2xn Door West of 0n Fellow Hall, Mifflintown, Pa., Calls the attention of the pnblio to the following facts : Fair Prices Our Leader 1 The Best Goods Our Pride ! One Price Our Style I Cash or Exchange Our Terms I Small Profits and Quick Sales Our Motto ! Our leading Specialties are FRESH GOODS EVERY WEEK IN DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, GROCERIES, BOOTS AN'D SHOES, for Men, Women and Children, Queenswarc, Glassware, Wood and Willow-ware, Oil Cloths, and every article usually found in first class stores. COUNTRY PRODUCE taken in exchange for goods at highest market price. Thankful to tho public for their heretofore liberal patronage, I request their oontinued custom ; and ask per sons from all parts of the county, when in Mifflin to call and see my stock of goods. F. ESPESSCIIADE. S-pt. 7, 1881. KENNEDY & DOTY, (Successors to Buyers & Kennedy,) DEALERS IN CrRAIX, CO A I, m 3i in: it CEMENT, Calcined Plaster, Land. Plaster. SEEDS, SALT. kC. We buy Grain, to bu "Ii-livcr.'J m Mi III in town. Port Royal, or Mexico. AVe are prepared to turnish Salt to dealers at reasonable rates. KENNEDY &. DOTY. April ai.W-Mf DR, JOHN BULL'S Siiili'sTfliiicSyruP FOR THE CURE OF FEVER and AGUE Or CHILLS and FEVER, AND JUL MALXRIIL DISEASES. , The proprietor of thia celebrated medi cine jmtlj claims for it a luperionty orer all remedies tttt offered to the pnblio for the 8AFE, CERTAIN, SPEEDY and PER MANENT ours of Ague and Fever, or Chill and Ferer, whether of ihort or long itand ing. Ha re fart to the entire Western aad Southern country to bear him teetimouy te the truth of the assertion that ia ease whatever will it fail to euro if the direc tions are strictly followed and earned out Ia a great many cases a single dose haa been sufficient tor a cure, and whole fami lies havo been eared by a single bottle, with a perfect restoration of ths general health. It is, however, prudent, and in every ease more certain to cure, if its use is continued in smaller doses for a week or two after the disease has been checked, more especially in difficult and long-standing case. Usu ally this medicine will not require any aid to keep the bowels in good order. Should the patient, however, require a eathartie medicine, after having taken three or four doses of the Tonic, a single dose of BULL'S VEGETABLE FAJDLY FILLS will be suf ficient. BULL'S 8AB8APASLXXA is ths old and reliable remedy for impurities of the blood and Scrofulous affections the King of Blood Purifiers. DR. JOHH BULL'S VEGETABLE W0KM DESTSOYEE is prepared in the form of eandy drops, attractive to the sight aad pleasant to the taste. DR. JOHN BT7Z.X.'S SMITH'S TONIC SYRUP, BULL'S SARSAPARILLA, BULL'S WORM DESTROYER, The Popular wemecllo of the Oar. rlsrlpsl Oflr. m BUls k, LflTnXK, New Advertisement. nnVOTTjTTI fjnTirand women know ere UUllulIUlIl Ittlulthis that of the many diseases and derangements or the Doay each a separate cause or origin, and that each needs a different method of treatment in order to effect a cure, ana a moment s r..twtin must convince that any ol the quack nostrums foisted upon the public claiming to cure all 01 a uumuur ui uuuu etricly different diseases must prove fail ures, even if we do not call them hum bugs. TjfinTJ TJrflTJT Vmi Pople l moderate rUUU iLUluLmeans, and even people well to do or wealthy find that the eaor- moa charges or practising puysiciaua . .omi. kimUn tn thpm. and also find that after paying themselves poor that no bene fit has accrued w inem, inai m iw, ihoir mnnev ivtv. To over come these evils we offer HWtr'a Ab. Sare Rtmtiia t the sick and sunenng oae Rtmed) for each disease, without for a moment claiming that one remedy will cure any other disease than me one cuuwcu : .,! ihM. mhuHm Tiavft stood the lest of years without a single failure, we agree te refund the money paid in every instance where a cure is not positively ef fected. The remedies are entirely vegeta ble, can do no harm, and will positively cure everv disease for which tby are In scribed. BHEUMATISM, Gout, Lameness of Joints. Sciatica and V.n..!i. .m Mili.vw1 mt Anin and nositlVelV cured by the use or Wheeler's No. 96 Rheu matism Remedy. We say boldly that in the worst ol esses or no matter now ion? siana Ihnnr Mnnm nr hnw nainful. We can not only give reliel but positively care lor all A n tl,i. n will IWlflitiVelV rotund th nmnev oaid for the treatment. UUlDt f AUJK W !W ..11- . .-. J and if your sufferings are not positively stoppea tor an time you nsvc iusvu your money away as yon would on any oth er than these guaranteed remedies. The price or Wheeler's No. 96 Kheumatism Remedy is only 50 cents, obtained from druggists or sent Iree by nuilon receipt or price. Stamps taken. SmTEWNS WOttr-ed- laity by nature with a pretty face, beautiful figure, taiiltless complexion, as well as the sweet est or tempers and faultless mental quail- ties grows prematurely old, grav and wrink led, her form loses its perfect contour, tue complexion becomes sallow, the brightness leaves the eye, a teeling ol languor taxes the place of the once buoyant spirits, au irritable nervous fractiousness makes life a burden, things that once were trirtes worry her till lire becomes unbearable. All this being caused by a physical derangements so common to woman, wnicn tne inmate modesty or feminine nature prevents their making known, and of which the ignoranct of the medical profession prevents a cure. Ladu Reader, eamt and consider, 'tis a du ty yon owe yourseir, your family and your God, that you should cure yourself of these troubles and once more feci the glow or perfect health and spirits that nature intended for ton. II heeler's AO. 'Jo 1'rt seriptioni are pleasant and palatable to tako containing nothing of an injurious nature, and may be taken bv all ages at all times and in all condition without votsiblity of ill effects, aud will positively cure any of the peculiar diseases to which females are sub ject. Failing to produce a perfect cure the proprietors will refund the money paid for the treatment. If you hare a siral- lov complexion, constant or intermittant headaches, backache restlessness, loss of appetite, supjiressions or monthly How, or irregularities thereof accompanied by head aches, nervousness, hysterics and similar symptons, Wheeler's Ao. li Prescription "B" will positively restore you to health, ir you have a sensation or beat aud throb bing in the back, trcqnently fainting spells, Leucorrbea or white discharge, painful or scalding sensation in uriniting, reddish or white deposit in uriae, hot and dry skin. Wheeler's So. i Prescription "C' will give immediate and lasting relief. The price of Wheeler's Xo. 90 Pcrseription "B" and "Care 50 cents each, obtainable from druggists or sent by mail secure from ob servation post paid on receipt of price. Postage stamps taken. pirnippTT It H nedless todescril.e the Uiililllilu.syiiiptiins ol this nauseous di sease that is supping the life and strength ol only too many ol the fairest and best of both sexes, old and young, suffering alike from the poisonous dripping in the throat, the poisonous nasal discharges, the fetid breath and general weakness, debility and languor, aside from the acute sufferings of this disease, which if not checked can only end in lots of palaff, hoarseness, veakneil sizht, loti of memory, deafness and pre mature Htath if not checked before it is too late. Labor, stndy and research in Ameri ca, Eiirope and Eastern lands have result ed in Wheeler's A"o. ! lnita,tt Rdief ami Shu Curt for Catarrh, a remedy which contains no harmful ingredients, and that is guaranteed to cure every case of acute r chronic catarrh or money refunded. Wheeler's Au. ' Instant Relief and Sure Cnrefor Catarrh will cure every case of cat.trrh, hay lever or asthma, price $1.00 per package, from druggists or sjnt by mail post paid on receipt of price. Wheeler's Xo. !". Sure cure for Kidney and Liter Troubles cures all weakness and soreness ol kidney, inflammation of kidney or liver, price $1.00. Wheel, r's Vegetable Pills are the only remedy that cure consumption, giving nat ural action of the bowels without pliysicing, purging, griping or pain. Price ij" cents, of druggists or by mail. Wheeler's Serrine Tonic lor mental de pression, loss of manhood, languor, we tk nes or over taxation or the brain is in valuable, price li cents. WP UTTAU H VTrrCures in every case W Jj UUMAJ lllijor will refund nfoney paid. Ve place our price lor tlie reme dies at less than one-twentieth of the price asked by others Tor remedies upon which yon take all the charges, and ire specially inrife the patronage or the many person who have tried other remedies without ef fect or dep'eted their purses by paying dot-tor bills that benefitted tbem not. HOW TO 0BTAi:eregS anil ask for them. If they have not got them, write at once to the proprietors, en closing the price in money or stamps, and Ihpy will be sent yon at once by mail, post paid. Correspondence solicited. Ad dress plainly. L. WJJKELER & CO., No. ! W. Baltimore St. BALTIMORE, MD. wha srtln?crsn)dln Growing Crops che?l aid siicerssfvll; should wrHe ss for car pamphtgt en pwrs lertiljtrs. i-n g-rtrrtilirtrfntwaji. It hofnf or sbwrt 51? r? C3!wsr with POWELL S PtiCPlweO CHEMICSls'. RcfwweesiwE-f7S3t. Birnntn'D wanted torunocciimetHfrTTtonr. fs!,witrpW:cs. BROWK CHEMICAL CO. Powfll's TijHTop Bone frrtiiirpr. Bbtx. Potash. amonia. ae. IS LtfiHT 5 TWFET. BUlTIHPgE. WO. KEXXEDV tk DOTY, Agents, M irrLiBTOws, Pa. june 20-83. NEW MILLINKHT STORE I would inform the public that I will open a new millinery store at my place of res idence on Water-street, MiUlintown, second door from corner of Bridge street, on Sat urday May 6tb. Having just returned from the city with a full stock, of spring, and summer, millinery goods, all new, and of the latest styles, and having employed first class milliners, I am prepared to sup ply the public with everything found in a first class milliner store, come and examine my stock. I consider it no trouble to show goods. MRS. DKIHL. MiT 2-C3.1.T. Subscribe for the Sentinel and Republican th bout nwtpsrr in the comity. FARMERS M1SCELLA .YEO I S D. W. BARLEY'S It the place where jon ean bay THE BEST AND THE CHEAPEST MENS' YOUTHS' & BATS, CJPS, BOOTS, SHOES, HE is prepared to exhibit one of the most Ibis maraet, ana ai .aa i v.iai.itiii -v " . Also, measures taken for suite and parte of suits, which will be made to orde at short notice, very reasonable. Rpmcmner the nlaee. in Hoffman's Water streets, MIFFLINTOWN, FA. SAM'L STRAYER Ilas'oonstantly on band full variety of MEW & BOYS' CLOTHING, HATS & CAPS, BOOTS & SHOESALL SIZES, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. Goods of all kinds are low. Come and see me and be astonished. Pants at li ceats. K7 SUITS MADE TO OKDER.jj Patterson, Pa., April 16, 1879. The- Best is The Cheapest I THE ZIMMERMAN EVAPORATOR IS THE MLT ONE Made of Galvanized Iron. It is Portable, Durable, Absolutely Fire-Proof, Economical and will cure Fruit aud Vegetables in less time and with less fuel than any Dryer in the Market. It will pay lor itself in less than 30 days, ir properly attended. Its pro ducts are unsurpassed as to quality or color, and are in great demand at high prices. ull instructions how to dry, bleach pack and market the products, ac company each machine. Fob sale bv M Al'Itlt'E LEO.V4RD. Oakland Mills, Jcxiata Co., Pa Professional Cards. Lous E. Atkixsox. eo. Jacobs, Ji atkixsox & j icons, ATTORNEYS - AT - LAW, M1FFLIXTOWN, PA. OCollecting and Conveyancing prompt- ; ly attended to. i rricE On Main street, in place of resi- j dccc of Louis E. Atkinson, Esq., south of Bridge street. Octti, jJASON IK WIN, i ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, j ' MFFLIXTOWX, JCXUT.i CO., PJ. I Lt All business promptly attended to. Orricr On Bridge street, opposite the Court House square. an7, '80-ly JACOB BEIDLER, ATTORNET-AT LAW, MIFKLINTOWN, PA. KCollections attended to Dromntlv. I Or ncE With A. J Patterson EjW, od Bridge street. Feb 25, '80 THOMAS A. ELDER, M. D. Physician and Surgeon, MIFFLIXTOWX, P.1. Office hours from 9 a. a. to 3 r. if.. Of fice m his residence, on Third street, op posite Methodist parsonage. oct!-tt M. CRAWFORD, M. D., Hu resumed actively the practice of Medicine and Surgery and their collateral branches. Oflice at the old corner of Third and Orange streets, Milltintown, Pa. March 23, 1876 J M. JJKAZEE, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Jlcultmiiij Juniata Co., Pa. Orrict formerly occupied by Dr.Sterrctt. Professional business promptly attended to at all hours. Jons ViLai rhlis. Joskph W. Ptimhil MCX.1 GIILIX ti. ST11.11 tl., INSUEANCE AGENTS, PORT ROYJL, JUXItTJ CO., PJ. LtOnly reliable Companies represented. Dec. 8, 187J-ly riLLIAM BELL. AGENT AND DEALER IN Farmers and Mechanics Machinery. Mifllintown, Juniata County, Pa. Oiriee on Bridge street opposite South side of Court Uouse. Nov. 8. 1882. IT LEADS ALL No other blood-purifying medicine is made, or has ever bcn preparoiL whu-h so coid plelely mfM tho miiu of pbysicians aud the general public as Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It leads the Iiat as a traly seiratifie propar- Cnnnnil "SI tnius of Serofala sboat yoa. oLKUrULA Arra s Sabsamrilla will tion lor all Diool aiseasrs. 11 iaer it iur- duiolge u and espel it from your system. for constitutional or scrofulous Catarrh, PsTsnnu A via Sarsapabilla is the LAI AKKrl true wwl'. U has eurwt nauiberleas easns. It will stop ths nanmoua catarrhal discharges, and rnxYQ th sicken, ing ortor of the breath, which are isdicationa ol serof alou origin. IllPCPniW -Htts.lVa,-pC18M. WLuCnUUO "At the age of two yean one of Cnnrs my children was terribly aiDictrd wunw with ulcerous running sorea on Ha face and neck. At the saine time its eye were swnlVn, murh inttuueti, and very sore. OnOC CVCO ihTk'ianstoidasthatapow OUnC LlU erfulalteratiremedicuiemiHt be iuplo(d. They united in recommending Atkb's Saksafarilla. A few dnees pro duced a peroptibie uxiprorement, wnich. by an adherence to yur directions, was eontin ned to a complete and permanent cure. No eridenee has since appeared of the eawteaee of any scrofulous teudencies; and bw treaU tnent of any disorder was erer attended by Btoro prompt or effectual results. fours traly, B. f. JOKSS09.' razrABES bv Dr. J.C. Ay er & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists; II, six bottles tat S3. No paper in the Juniata Valley publishes as large a quantity of reading matter as the Sentinel aud Republican. It ia above al others ths paper for thi general reader. The Stntxnel and Republican office ia the flr t which to have sale bills printed. .1DVERT1SEMEATS. BOYS' CLOTHING JIND FURNISHING GOODS. choice and select stocks ever offered li New Building, corner of Bridee and Jn- L 1879-tf SAMUEL STRATEK. 1 V '. . - - ' 3 fi?ortJiVoJ:..! lCr tctioC; ; j! 7 ?.'r 5 5 V u'.r' lXJ.ia t C -f V i S irvr t- 1 ! wtf.-rt '" ( ll'cltalr I V- .... f ! -. l fct.U i.:. :-. tr. .Ir. .. .!J r- J S -irf :yiv; f.ii'. 'a a. 1 : if ;-.t area r"v' .;.- cr L G.rr .. .t . i u I ! ".I : i I, It : r : ! .v - i ... :rV, Wrn Ol.t V'.lh rv.- T .i . ruan 1- . ; ri t - inorac r.rt.iNK'. i.! i - .. ,,;s!:-,u-iw::fj!..r,,i:.r.-il..; I: .1 - . t. j : l - i-Ir-:::-. J'ri. i. -. -i--. .1 . o. ' lit: ;:;-l-::';5. ,: . t -v.- s S. X ! or l.c-vt i' r.yy:. t . 'J'. . ..:..:-)ai. ..:tl. LI 'Oi' .'i.-.r t -itii Sjre Cars E ? i:.-r-:fji;ii:iy rt cS- ::; - rr r-y (fur:. .-r.i jr-ii rcQ li-c 3 nvt:. .: : - I'.--. : i . c il : it :fi;jvi- r.ic ;1 ..'M.;: n l. r f. .1 :j-.-'.t wn! in! -.i--. 1: : ! '.'r i c.i; cf Iiv.-; it IT :y yiurv. f -r. :..-.!; wst :-i;.:sfc '.ir;. .-rT ij .1 : l":-I- r-r-tol. il frr. ir th-r!.i. iL.rt.n'y j - . r.' ic:t::.vrl'.r.'. jr.D.Ii' .-irT-ji; 1 I: :lij.,..V. I..-.C: -1 at-.-.ij r.. 'u r. sx:yi rt!.R t' S. 1 JO,-lSccx &Cc: . , .. , i.- . .:. l:s. 1 LA.:..r s w : r : : m. iv. r:r.- 1 r-ll.- il-f lr llr-V -,'. i Yl M O. THE BEST On EARTH. Triosa eclcbratod Stoves will ROAST, BAKH and HEAT IRONS In less time and with LESS FUEL than any ether vapor Cook Stov male. Ba Euro and buy the Dangler Non-Ex ploslvo Vapor Cook Stove, v tved r t thj Dzu?!r,rVapor i. tevg & Refining Co. u r u CLEVELAHO, OHIO. Ton Si.r r.x t-rri .:;:sc Special A'ohce. A Great Cause of Human Misery Ia the ltO of How Lot, How lt?tor(-l. Just published, a new e!:;i"jn of VR. CULVERWELL'S CELEBRATED ESSAY on the radical curt of Seta it .sun t i or Seminal Weaknes, Involuntary S-'SMna': Losses, IapoTEscT, Sloniai S'.'i I Liys: -li Incapacity, Irnpedifuents to .Mar: ;:::, ytc. ; also, Coje-icuprios, Epilkpt aid Fnv in. dueed by se'.t-indnlgenoe or sejul ext'-ar-agance, etc. Iho celwhrated author, in this itaiirKi Essay, clearly demunstrates, fror;i a 'iiirty years' successful practice, that th' !!n ing consequences of self-abuse m.iy be r '.d ically cured ; pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, certain, and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no mattet what his condition may be, may cure him self cheaply, privately, and radically. dTThis Lecture shonld be in the hands of every youth and every man in the land. Sent, under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, post-paid, on receipt of six cents, or two postage stamps'. Address THE CULTEBT EI.L MEDICAL C0 4 1 Aon S t.. New York, N. Y. ; nnelS-ly To t-OSce Box 130. -wtv?- n-, 3 -tor-: a " i liL ?t- Inr.i t :; -n h.-utf Tujyz 3 1 of the time of a lire. "