er Antlers. Almobt all lords of deer iu uLich tLe an tiers sre email or little eTolved tend to snpplcxnent them by righting teeth. On the other hand, it ia the more usual habit of all prairie or forest roniinants 10 f ght cne another by butting with the head, and under ench circumstances the pot-teesion of acy protnberance or knob upon the forehead, of whatever scrt, would be certain to give the ani niala which happened to display it a great advantage ovor their rivals in the annual wager of battle. Hence it hap pens that uuee diverse types of bead' gear have been separately developed in three groups if rnminants. In the giraffes a distinct conical bone, covered with fetin and hair, buds ont from each aide of the brow, and forms a danger on s eapon of offense capable of trac tuiicg the skull of a rival, as happened ence during a girane rght at the Zoo. In theholiow-honiediominants.snou as antelopes and cow-kinus that is to say, all those sorts with true horns, as dis tinguished from antler? the boty core forms a part of the skull ittelf, and is coated by a horny covering, which is never shed during the animals hie. And in the deer tribe, which possess antlers instead of born, the weapons of offense are also bonv, but without any coating of horn, and in the final state at least are quite nake1. Each of thes three distinct types of bntting appara tus must have been separately evolved from a primitive hornless ancestor; and each except that of tne now quite unique giraffes) has undergone many subsequent changes and modifications in adaptation to special needs. Some isolated species rf the deer, such as the American trockets, have hardly got at all beyond the very first stage in the production of antlers; they have only a pair of knobs on the forehead, like the simple dags of those young red deer in their first year which the keepers know as brockets. So, again, a Chinese muut- lttc has little beams hardly an inch long. supplemented by a powerful hair of canine ttuks. One stage above this early tvpe in evolution comes in com' mon mnntjac of India, well known to sportsmen in the Deccan, with antlers about four inches long, and possessing a single rudimentary brow tine beside the beam. This second stage is reached and passed by the red deer in the second year. Thence we can trace constant progress, through kins which have triple branches, hke the staggard, to the very much subdivided antlers of our own red deer, or the still more complex armor of the wapiti and the Barbary deer. Each higher species faithfully reproduce from season to season, in its own growth, tbe various stages through which its ancestors have passed; and we can place side by side a perfect series oi corret ponding forms in the two modes of development, each year of the red deer or wapiti being paralleled by a close similar adult animal of some other species. It is noteworthy, too, that the fossil order exactlv answers to what we should expect it to be in this respect; earliest deer kind whose remains we know hnye very simple and rudimentary antlers, indeed, aud they gradually in crease in complexity irom the firt fossil species till the extinct kinds of the period immediately preceding our own. In April the stags exhibit the first be gininugs of the new year s growth. A pair oi knobs show themselves about the sciir lelt by the buns of last au tumn s aiit.trs, and the smooth durk velvet that covers them gives hardly any sigu of active life. With the warmer weather, however, the knobs have be gun to bud more vigorously, and the pulses in the velvet show clearly that tliw arteries are busy at work building lip a boi'y layer on thenewpairof dags. As long as tLe bone continues to grow, the skin infeide the vevet renicins warm and riclily supplied with blood, for oi course the w. rk of depositing the dense material of the antler is carried on by this vitul covering, which acts to the core much as tLe delicate tkw of a bone does to tLe hard mineral mass beneath it WLiie the work of del osition goes on the tings are "rery shy aud retiring, keeping o-t of tbe wuy as much as pos sible, lor aty injury to the velvet onuses them to Llced prolusely. and also pre vents the due growth of the subjacent antltr. A soun as 1 be horns have at tained their lull trowtli, however, the arterits in tLe velvet diy np and the kin in comts reduced to a mere papry covering, vLiuh the stag proceeds to rub iff against the ground or on the trunks of trees. Ouce the cere of bone aloLe xiimiIlh, Le begins to toss his head, to seek the hind, and to do battle for them with his rival stags. On the Scotch hills much harm has been done to the development of antlers by the foolish and unscientific practice of kill ing on the rinest heads, which leaves only the less developed to perpetuate tLe ritcies, so that our British stags have teluoni more than 10 or 12 tines; tut on the continent, where mature is allowed to have her own way to a greater extent, stsgs have been shot with between 60 and 70 branches to their lordly antlers. I amoua Lmrthquiike. Caf&micciola, Italy, is in one of the two great earthquake unf-a, the other district beuig the western portion J South America. In no century since the earliest recorded history has JSoutnern Italy and Sicily es caped suffering from trequent and severe earthquakes. In Sicily, In 1693, 60,000 people perished in one earthquake. Dur ing the reign of Tiberius, 16 A. 1)., 120. IxiO people lost their live in one day in coBsequence of an earthquake. Tne earll quake attended with tbe most serious retiilii in the destruction of human life was thbt of .26, when 250,000 human beings perished, according to Uibjon's fisurec. Anticch, which had previously been de stroyed at least twice, and several other bynan cities, were completely destroyed, and the shock extended into Italy, where great damage to life and property resulted. In 63 Herculaieum and Pompeii were 'e slroyed by an earthquake, this being 16 years before tbe burial of those cities by tbe eruption of Vesuvius. Tbe city of Juries was destroyed in SI B. G, when 10,000 people lost Ibeir liven. '1 be most famous earthquake of history was that at Lisbon, .Nov , 1755, when 80, 000 people were buried alive and 30.000 more were killed. Calabria, Messina and a Dumber of snia ler villages were destroyed Febr., S, 1763, and some 100.000 lives were lueU, In 1825 Muicia, bpaio, was destroyed, 3,500 houses being thrown dawn and a couple of thousand people be ing killed. Lima and its harbor, Callao, in Peru, was destroyed in 1586. and aga-o id 1746 and thousands pens bed. Are . quipa, Peru, was wiped out ot existence in 1868, 60.000 being left homeless and several thousands losing Ibtir live. In the tame ear tbe cities of Ibarra and O -tavalia were destroyed, and not one ol their 10,000 inbaiitanit escaped or could ever be touud afterward. Ualocatchy was also oLliieiated from tne face of tne earth, and a lake now covers the spot wheie it stood. In that earthquake the United States ar vessel Vateree was car ried from the harbor of Callao two mi'ea inland. Tne famous earthquake which devastated and depopulated Callao in 1782 continued at intervals tor four years. It took but tbree minutes tor an earthquake to make the entire city ot Pott Koyal, Jamaica, a complete wreck in 1692 and even leas time the destruction of San Salvadore, in the West Indies, March 19. 1873. Ihe city ot ilendora, in the argen tine Republic, was destroyed and twelve thousand people killed by a shock of but a moment's duration in March, 1S61. The Munich Academy of Art has among its iCS students thirty-four Americans. AGRICULTURE. Expcbuuxt is Geo win a Cokn. An experiment in corn-plan ting, by the Iowa College, faun year, in three sepa rate plantings, all pnt in on the same day May 6 each plant being 160 square yards, resulted as follows: The plat in which the bills were 3 feet 10 inches by 12 inches apart, with one stalk in a bill, produced at the rate of 69.06 bushels per acre; the plat planted 3.10 by 20 inches apart in the hills, and two stalks to a hill, produced at the rate of 67 bushels to the acre; and the third plat, planted 3.10 each way, with four stalks to a hill, produced only at the rate of 50 bushels to the acre. This is an important fact to know. The ex periment was conducted with the utmost care for the express purpose of deciding a question which has always given rise to a great deal of discussion, alike as to the proper distances between the hills and the rows, as well as the number of 8 talks in a hill. Twelve inches distance between the hills would be almost equal to four grains in a hill at 3 feet 10 inch es apart and practically amounts, to drilling, which of course demand addi tional labor in removing the weeds, and cultivating the soil between the hills with the hand-hoe, as the crop could be harrowed only one way. V hether the extra bushels would pay the additional cost of labor, we do not pretend to an swer, though the established belief is that it will not, and that is the reason why so few farmers adopt the drilling system. Meadows aks Pastcbks. The frost of winter heave the soil, and it ia well to pass a roller over the meadows and pastures, to firm the surface and make It smooth for the mowirg machine. All stones loosened bv the frosts should be removed; large ones, if not needed for building purposes, may be sunk out of reach of the plow. Meadows may be much in j tired by live stock running over them in early spring, when the ground is wet. Any grazing done at this time is at the expense of tbe nay crop. It is far better to keep the ani mals in the stables and yards until the pasture is able to furnish a full ration, or nearly so. Tax soil should not be worked r. hen too wet. Many a good field has been nearly spoiled for years by such treat ment. The soil when workable will crumble in the hand.instead of remain ing in a solid impression showing the lines of the hand. Next to manure for crops, bucoess depends vp"n thorough preparation of the soil for the seed. If posaible it should be so fine when rea dy for sowing that a double handful can readily be scooped up without digging for it. A cood sign of the times is that so many young men in starting to farm adopt improved stock, and they become enthusiastic, earnest and ambitious, which alone will bring success, and all the more certain en the high tide of im proved stock breeding. Stock of some kind is essential to successful farming, Land improved stock brings the best pro- fat, qnicsest returns and gives a charm of prosperity and dignity to f'e farm. Fucelx-flavobed, aroinafic, sweet butter can only be secured through the use of a percentage cf new mich cows in the dairy at all seasone. Darlington the famous Philadelphia butter-maker, milks his cows for the butter only three or four months after calvuig, then di ve'ts their milk to cheese or to the sup ply of the city milk trade. Butter made from the milk of farrow cows is inclined to crumble aud taste cheesy. The following rule for estimating the amount of hay in a stack will be found approximately correct: In stack, timo thy, alter ten days or two weeks' set tling, 600 cubic leet to the ton; clover, 700, and prairie bay 550 feet. After thorough settling abeut 500 cubic feet of tioiotby, 550 of clover, and iM of prairie hay. To get the cubic dimen sions ot a stack, multiply the average length, breadth ant height together. Thebk it a grade of wheat in Oregon known as Goose wheat, so called be cause it originated from a few grains found in the crop of a wild goose. The wheat has a hard outer husk, and the bran is very coarse: it makes a peculiar grade of Hour, lis exact duplicate is found in small province of Spain, and the inference is that the wild goose must make pretty rapid time. A good horse power on a farm will eac h j ear save many times the interest ou its cost in furnishing power to do a great many things, that would else have to be perloi mea by band, such as saw ing wood, cutting teed, grinding grain, etc ; ahd with proper care it would be made to last for years. Era a little ointment made of equal parts of kerosene, lard and flowers of sulphur on the heads of young chicks, apply this for the first week after they hatch and they will not be apt to be troubled with much vermin. Ose of the important points in plant ing seeds is to press the soil vary firmly upon the seeds. In setting young plants the same thing should be remembered. It is also beneficial to strip off some of the leaves. A caBEFcr, farmer says that bis best wheat is that on which his sheep were pastured last winter, lie permitted the sheep to run in the wheatfielda only when the ground was solid. Every care and attention shown to horses, no matter what their condition is, will bring its reward. The kind of influence thrown around a young horse will have its ehect on its Character in alter years. OwDiG to atmospheric circulation in the soil, drained land is ten degrees warmer than undrained land. While, however, drier in wet weather, it is moister in cry, protecting in this way from drought. In Italy and Japan water from the hot springs is extensively used in gar dens for the production of early crops. itrixr forty tons of the Indispensa ble insecticide known as pyrethrum pow der will be produced in California this year. V)B.naaA.a luo n iodi vfci itnr Bflltu.l. nf antinnttiiM viitiAnltn.a .1 ta Each of these has farms, gardens, eta, attached. It appears that the leaf of a plant can I transform into useful work as much as 40 per cent, of the solar energy it re ceives and absorbs. Tv mtnnipte Vjii'nn Iinmrta in cr&nnru 1 1 1 c - boil at a tenperature of 110 deg. lower than iu open air. A good lu'r g ler conduit of pipes c iiis iits cf equal quant i i-s of burned lime, cement, pott- tf clay, and loam well driad, ground and rifted, and then iotimately mixed Tip and kneaded with iiuseed-cil and vr ish. For water pipes it is well to use mere ce ment. To remove fixed glass stoppers, tap and then urn craw with this sort of a v made of a pi ce of si rot g wood. Have the wood 3.5 itches lorg and 1 iLCh in 1 readtn and depth, with piece mertised out large enough to admit the flat p&rt of tbe glass stopper. T17ien (raveling on a rai'road it it said that lying with tLe head tow ards the ergiue will often cure a headache. DOMESTIC. Florida Crab Soup. Boil four large. heavy hard-shell crabs In boiling salted water for about fifteen minutes, or un til the shells tarn red; then s soon as they are cool enough to handle take all the meat from the shells, rejecting that part lying back of the eyes, and the soft fins ; save all the green fat, coral and creamy, curd -hke substance; put aside the meat of the eiaws after having cut it in pieces about an inch long and quarter of aD tuch thick. While the crabs are boiling pick over half a cupful of rice and put it into salted boiling water to boil for twenty minutes; then drain it iu a colander. When the rice is done put it into a mortar with all the substance of tbe crabs except the meat of the claws, and pound all to a smooth paste; or, if a mortar is not available. rub the rice and crab through sieve with a wooden spoon or potato masher; stir the paste rliua formed with one pint of Lot cream, and then add it to three pints of boiling milk or soup stock; sea son the soup with salt aud cayenne pep per, put the meat of the clawa into it and serve it directly. II cream is not on band, beat the yelk -of a raw egg witn a pint of milk, and strain and use it in place of the cream, but do not al low tbe soup to boil after adding it or it may curdle. Blacslbebbt Jelly. Use perfectly sound, ripe barries; pnt them into the preserving kettle, break them a little with a wooden spoon, and gently heat them on til they are soft enough to yield all their juice; then pour them into a jelly-bag, and drain off all their liuoe. To each pint of luice allow a pound of sugar; put the juice and sugar over the fire in a preserving kettle, and stir until the sugar is dissolved; when this sirup begins to boil skim h as long as any scum rises, and continue to bod it for twenty minutes, or longer, untd a little of it cooled on a aaucei forma a jelly; then remove the kettle from the fire; fill the glasses while the jelly is still liquid; when the jolly is quite cold lay in eaoh glass a piece of white paper dipped in brandy, and then close the glasses from the air by pasting over them rounds of paper dipped in the white of egg, slightly beaten. K.e-p the jolly in a cool, dry closet. Mann.asD Cbab Olio. Boil six large crabs and remove them from the shell as directed in the preceding recipe; peel a medium-sized egg-plant, boil it until tender, about fifteen minutes, aud then chop it as fine as the crab-meat; scald and peel six 1 age tomatoes and chop tbeia rather fine. hen all these in gredients are prepared put them into a trying-pan containing a tablespoonful oi butter, season them highly with salt and pepper, and fry them for five min utes, stirring them well; then mix with them the beaten yelks of three raw eggi, put them into an earthen dish, dust uie top with fine bread or cracker crumbs. and brown the surface in a veiy hot oven, arve the olio hot. In buttons there is endless variety, and the sizes graduate from that of a three-penny to a five shilling piece. There are mother of pearl for painting, on finely cut steel, radiant in sire and in form like a scallop shell, palettes, with a figure or a sketch, reatirg on gilt, circular plates, silver embossed buttons, surrouudeu by fancy gilt edges, old coins inserted into bronze medid lions, delicately colored Watteau ones, and jeweled centres (imitation) set with cut steel. A pkettt way to bnghten a willow chair is to tie two bows to the back of the chair, a blue one at the top and a pink or creain-oolored one below it, at about the centre of the back, or have both of them of scarlet ribbon; tie them so that loops and ends are about the aame length. Elackberbt ad Apple Jam. TJe equal we.'gatd of blackberries and freeb apples pecied and cored; put tbe fruit into a preservit g-kettle witt an equal weight of sugar, and place it over a moderate fire; remove all scum as it rises, and boil the jam for three-quarters of au hour, stirring it frequently; then cool it, and put it up as already directed for other jams. Gold, silver and bronze silver this tles are noveL and they are arranged for bonnets as well as for dress decora tion; some have mauve floss silk inser ted, resembling the natural thistle-do n Ou black bonnets and dress, s they look remarkably well. To give consistency to a pie-plant p;e, allow to one coffee cuptul of pulp one heaping tablespoonful of cornstarch; then mix with this the yolks of three eggs, and nse the whites lor a meringue, Stewed liver is appetizing when one is tired of fried meat and roast, fstew it in a saucepan with a little water in which yon have put a lump of buttter, an onion out in slices, and a liberal allowance of pepper and salt. Feozes oranges for dessert on a July day are delicious. Remove the peel and slice the oranges ; to each pound of orarges add three quarters of a pound of sngw and one-half pint of water, and freeze. Although nieiteu 'butter will not answer when making nice cake, stilt it may be softened by beat no that it will beat eaaily, aud yet the flavor be un changed. Eago prepared like custard, and then baked with apples or other fresh or canned fruit is a nice dish for a conval escent. Fclx plastrons are in high favor, and are held in place by straps of velvet at intervals from the neck to the bottom of the basque. Cold boiled potatoes nsed as soap will clean the hands and keep the skin soft and healthy. Those not overboiled are the best Gacze brocaded with velvet is very popuhir for overdresses aud long man tles. If you wish to produce glue that will will resbtt water, bod one pound of glue in two quarts of skimmed milk. Eockd hats for traveling are trimmed with 2 hat bands of kid or ecru leather fastened by buckles. Gold braid is very stylish and much worn. AfTERsoox tea-aprons entirely of lace are the latest. Feateeb fans are the most fashiona ble. Krvpp't wcrks. at Essen, now em ploy 439 steam boiler and 456 steam ergijes, vith tbe sggr gate of 18 500 hcrae powt r, lherj rj 89 steam ham mers, C'lTuog weighb-ranging from 200 pounds to 50 tons. A crystalline aluminum borate has been ci.-oov red by M. Jeremeiew in tbe Sokum Mountsius, nei.r Adouo Tebilon, Siberia. The exact composi tion of this new miierd species has not as yet been determined fully. A writer iu one of the medic d jour nals says he has found the application of a e'.roLg solution of chromic acil, three r tour times a day, by means of a camel's hair pencil, to be the best and easiest method fer removing the warts. HUMOROUS. A aXxTLUiAX went into t (run store for tbe purpose of buying a gun. He saw k fine sample of the stock on ths show case ai d attempted to pick it np for examination. Tue German store keeper, who saw the more t, shou ted: "Mine friend, dots besser you look pootv veil out. Dot gun vas loaded, und vhen he gjes off he kicks like ter tuyfel." Tne gentleman, thinking to have some fun with the German, re plied, "A gnu can't kick; it has no leg." "Vat 1 said the storekeeper; "he don't can kick I Yoost vait, I dells yon somedingn, and I gif you a leedle in flammations. I vas in der piahneas and I know someding. A gun don't kick mit its legs; it kicks mit its breeches.' "Is your railroad well equipped?" Railroad president "Well equipped t 1 should say it was. Splendidly equipp ed, sir, splendidly. For instance, there are our first morgage sevens, and our second mortgage sixes, and oar equip ment bonds, and our land grant bonds, and our common stock, and onr preferr ed stock, and the biggest floating debt of any road in the country. But that isn't all, sir. We've got the finest lob by that any corporation can show; a perfect daisy, sir. If you know of a road that's better equipped than oars is, name it, sir; name it, If you please." "Charley is a wonderful fellow; great presence of mind, yon know." "Why, what has Charley been doing?" "Bet on the boat race and lost every thing completely cleaned out not a cent left," "Well?" ' Knew his wife would rave about it, yon know; call him all aorta of fools and fling it in his face as long as he lived. So Charley flung his empty pocket-book overboard and swore that be had had his pocket picked when be got home. -What d'ye think of that? Wonderful fellow ! Great pres ence of mind I" . Sold: YouDg Collector "Here is a very ancient bttle piece of Chinese ivory, evidently of some historical value, and I only paid $40 for it. Can you trans late the inscription for me?" Professor, after profound study "This, sir, is a laundry check. The inscription is an English one, written in Chinese char acters, and says, 'No money, no wasbee. loung collector does not say tnat he has promised to take two more at the same price if the dealer can se cure them for him. Two gentlemen were talking the other day about tueir success in life. One remarked that when he came to Balti more, just after the war, he didn't have a second shirt to his back. "That's nothing," replied the other. "When I came to Baltimore I did not have any shirt to my back at alL" He was born here. Professor, to a young lady student. Tour mark is very low and you have only just passed. Young lady Oil, I am so glad. Professor, surprised Why? Young lady I do so love a tight squeeze. . Moss Scbachbero always charges two per cent, a month on all money he lends. A few days ago Gas de Smith and Guhooly happened to be in schaum- bere'a store, and Oils sail: "Mr. Scbaumburg, 1 would like to speak to von privately for a few moments. "Don't, don't, Gas," whispered Gil- hooly; "he 11 charge you two per cent. a month for the use of his ear. "Don't say entry. Cnarles," said Mrs. Culture to her son, "'hall' is much more elegant," Next day the young man astonished his friends by speaking of Alderman Shoughnessy's "hall into office," but the boy wasn't so far out of the way; bad he spelled it "haul be would have been quite cor rect, Tbe following order for a set of teeth was recently received by a Pittsburg dentist: "My month is three inches across, five-eighth Inches through the jaw; some bummocky on the edge; shaped lite a horseshoe, toe forward. If you wish me to be more particular I shall have to come thar. Sats Rev. Dr. Deems; "1 know men down on Wall street, and I will even go po far as to say in Washington, who are as pure as any saints I ever saw " If Rev. Dr. Deems doesn't get himself disliked by his flock after this utterance they must indeed have the patience of haintv. "BrsnfEss is pretfy good," said an undertaker to an interviewer; ''but if lying was punished as it was in the days of Ananias, I would have to en large my works and purchase fifty more hearses." He would also give some other undertaker a job. Is Vienna the law compels a married man U obtain permission from his wife before he can go np in a balloon, up to date there has not been one applica tion refused, and the authorities are beginning to think the law might as well be repealed. The Drummer says: "The meanest mau we have heard of this season is the fedow who telegraphed his sympathy to a friend, who had lost everything in speculation, and made him pay for the message." Sahvt Tilde has grown so strong that when he whistles for a street car he can be heard distinctly with the naked eye. "What ! smoking again I I thought yon said smoking didnt agree with you 1" "It doesn't (expelling a thick ciond), but we ve agreed to disagree. It's easy enough for Dr. Talmage -to tell us to look on the bright side of things, but when a man wants to look at the eclipse, then what? Commercial traveler "My name is Miller. 1 am agent for Schultze, in Berlin," Merchant "Schultze, in Berlin? In that case I most beg you to shut the door from the outside." Glast is being every day put to a va riety of uses for which its fragility would seem to make it little adapted. The latest instance of this is glass shin manufactured at Pittsburg.and said to bp more durable, stronger, and more impervious to ram than slate or any other material. Tor a period of 44 years none of the men err. ployed in a German ultramarine had been observed to suffer from con sumption. Tbe immunity of the em ployes is attributed to the constant pro duction of sulphurous acid by the burn ing of sulphur in the course of the makl- ing of the ultramarine. It is maintained by some scientists that the aroma of fruits increases with the latitude, while the sweetness de creases. Many herbs, such as oaiaway, are richer in essential oil in Norway tnan in more southern regions. This effect is ascribed to the influence of the prolonged light of the summer months. M. Anaot has been investigating the infiuenoe of altitude upon vegetation. He finds that the harvest time for win ter wheat is retarded in France 4 days, on an average, for every increase of about 350 feet in the height of the land above the level of the sea. In Great Britain the loss to the Got ernment by wro silver withdrawn from circulation bcoiose of deficiency of weight caused by wear and tear amoun ted last year to $140,000. Experiment made some time sinoa by Prof. Doremus have shown that gas will readily pass through stone. A blccV of brown sandstone, 12 by 15 In ches lot g and 4 tr 5 ixchea thick, was used. A pipe waa o'.amped on to the stone by means of iron plates, and this pipe c mnec ed by means cf flexible tubes with the gis pipes. Tbe remain der of the stone was painted over sever al thicknesses with varnish. Opposite to the point where the gas was applied thera was another pipe for the gia to escape from. In a few moments a lighted paper applied to it c iused a flame to appear, showing that the gas had passed thrjogh the stone. The Meadows of Maryland. EPEiNuriKLD, PbinceGcobox's Co., Md. Mr. Chas. O. Addison, of tbe above place states: "1 sprained bit right knee causing intense suffering, and the ose of crutches for several weeks. 1 found bo relief in other remedies and finallT tried the mira cle of cure. St. Jacobs OiL Ia a short time 1 could bend my knee which bad been as stiff as an lroa-rid, laying aside my crutches and was ab!e to walk as we 1 as ever. The lightnijg rod conference lately held in England decided that copper is the best materi d to use ia rods. About a foot below the upper terminus a cop per riug is soldered, which carries tbree or four needles of copper six inches long, tapering from a quarter of an iuch in diameter to a fine poiat; aud it is re commended that these poijts be platin ized, gilded e r Lickel-plated. A Veteran soldier. XL O. P". Bowua, of Ko. Si Common Street, Lynn, Man., wvk w bile in i he irraf. at tbe battle of SnottnlTa- Bta, I fell while celling over rail fence and Wat badlj lnjurd anl left for deal, but after a tuns I w picked up by comraile; and a pun examina tion It was found that my b ick was iwJiy bun and hit kldoeva atnounly ml ireiL and I Bare aulfeied tbe nioat eXCTnciahnff pain since, and could oo tala no relief alihouKb treated by phyaW caws ana i aau ffieu up au nope ox gelling oeip wbt-n I wait recommended lo nae Huut's Kemedv. I parchaae I aevaral boiilea at ooe ot our drug itiim in Lynn, and began lo n.' It at dl o ted, and can Dow alien I lo an. I am free (rum tbe pains 1 formerly bad; and I wwb to aay lo my friend and coiuradea luat Uunt'a Ketnedy will do all tbatia clamie.1 lur it,-ind ia w cm thy of all p raise. Von can nae my teuniuuy wben yta have go- ion lo, at I most heartilt recoinuieud It lo all Ibat nave iHineyxr uver irouo.ev April 4S. "Too May Cas My Kama. I desire to Inform yon what roar va'aable I dtcina baa done for ma, 1 induced to try it by a member of our (am It, "who had been bene- flited by ita use." i bave sunered temoiy rrom kidney dim -ull-l. At Umea 1 liave b-en very had bavniK eere nam In my back, who general loa of Mrenutb and vitalny. My urine was very bi t, with a heavy anllment or brick-diisi,wnicn was iailc'i:ug to gravel. 1 commenced usiug Hum's Urmedr, with a marked Improvement from tbe sian; ibe pa as lelt. tbe unue became more n ti urai, ana i can truly aay uiie bottle ryneiril a ttrnnaiwHl cure. I bave recotnuiebdcd it to many person ryth here and in Boston, all of whom rpeak of It with tbe hiabeat praise. You are al liberty to use th'i letter or my name In any manner you miy think best, tbat outer auf It rem may learn the value of Ihe cr--au-rt of all remedies, jioat tuiy youra, joh.h r. tui, 2 in jaMbil Street Maiden: Kasa.. April St. 133. A profctnor iu the utiversity at Ghent recently testified as an expert in a law suit in Brussels, that the popular idea that c pper is injurious to health is nothing but a prcjuoic. He related. ia confirmation cf bis testimony, that he. Lis wife, and children had taken large doeea of the salts of copper without ex p. riencing anything but beneficial re sults from them. SrRT Trw. Dr. w. B. lummings aava: "I aniairogiy couvtneed of the emcacy of lroan'a I Dirt.rj . ., ,4 w.,,1, .N.I I ,.-.,, " A superior varnish that will protect the wood of saddle trees from the effects of water, and also act as a preventive from injury by perspiration upon glue and joints, is made of one pound of amber gum, one pound of balsam of fir and one and one-half pounds of oil of turpentine. "Rough .on Corns." At for WalhV "Koogh on Corns." 15c Quick, complete, permanent cure. Coma, wana, buiuuna. Great care should be taken, where tools requiring an accurate edge are to be ground, to keep the face of the stone true. This may be effected by hanging a pair of grindstones so that their faces shall touch. Their rotation thus caus es each to wear away the inequalities of the other. According to IElecfrieite, Fr Pao lo Sarpo is said to have anticipated some of the rjsults of Gilbert ou mag netism. Emory's Little Cathartic Till best made tor Liver Complaint and Biliousness. tasteless, harmless, ml amble, inc. A certain fungus lArchorion ichatn Unit) produces in rodents a fatal cuta neous disease, and Dra. Joseph and Crampe propose taking advantage of thus fact as a means of destroying field mice. They would apply the lungas to the skin of ciptureu mica, and then toro the ciptives loose to spread the in fiction. As a cure for Henri Disease, rervousuefs and sleeplessness. Dr. Gtaves' Heart Heir- ulator is unsurpassed. 30 years' trial prove it. i. per Dome at your aruggi?!. A substitute for india-rubber has been invented by MAL Dankworth and Landt rs, of St. Petersburg. It is com posed of a mixture of wood and cal-tar unseed til, ozoktrtt, steroiaciti and; ul phur, which trj Uicrjugjfy mixed and heated for a long time in larj;e vessels by means of superheated steam. Catarrh of the Bladder. Stinging irritation. Inflammation, all Kidney and Urinary Complaints, cured by BuchB-paiua $1. In a recent treatise, Dr. L. Manonv- rter, a French cranioh gut, states tnat the cr luium is heavier in negro racia than iu any others that have been sub jected to ompsrison, so that the ro- veroial thickness of tbe negro a skull has a foundation in fact The skulls of Papuans and natives of New Caledonia ara heavnr than those of Parisians, while those ot the Amer c in aborigines and of the Bengalese re lig'iter. The weight of the female cranium is about one seventh less than that of the male. a ttill fAAltna at' mr maa niar.m)a hMrLfinrn and general ut-beailb. relieved by Brown's Iron UiUera. A non-conductor of electricity has yet to be found, (cr all substances hith erto du-covered are conductors ot the foree nndi r c rtaiu known conditions, but those which ofler a f resistance to it serve the purpose of non-c induc tors in rr.ctiC3, although they may all be either classed as good or bad c induc tors. The bent condnctor known as yet is silver. The worst c jcductx r s paraffine. The fruit pat ap ia bn cans should be taken out when the can is cpened for use. If allowed to remain alter the cm is opened the action of acid jure upon the tin when exposed to the air may form acetate of tin, whic is poisonous, four the fruit out into glass tr earthen ware dishes, aud the danger of poison ing is avoide L A contemporary maintains that the persistent use of tne micrccope is the only means whereby the necessity fcr a change of yeast in brewing can be as c.rtained, and that the examination must be kept up from day to day, Aa soon as the cells are seen tobeome elon gated and lose the'r rotund siispe there is something wrong. Beet-root sngsr is now admitted to be quite distinct from cane sugar, Its sweetening power is SO per cant, low er at least, bat its polarizing power is greater. Maaafl lnT jg y - yrr - KegearraUoa tot EnfMbUd Syataioa, Buffering from a general wluU of '" n?.B astul eunoumiuata, dyap-Rala aoJJwr.ouancaa.ia seldom derivable from loa ?." u0L?1"!?f diet and allmuu of appet te. nnalded. A mediolno that will affect a removal of the p?clfl obstaoJa lo renewed heali n and vigor, that ia a genolna cor rective, is the real Med. It is the txisaeioB of thla grand requirement which mike Bo-tettera Bloroacb Hitlers effective aa aa mv goiani. It dors ia merely import ao Up to appetite, b it by wants wiiaoui ouuuj , - ouirnnesa. ijiaUdiaorderaaccompanied by a want .? .L ., . . ... rikir viim nf tarn oi feme in mr umnu-im - - . bowela and buiouaoes. a exerts a benencial ln . . ...j i, Mutanera and brevenu tne recurrence of fever and .gue, aud . . - ,H..H.Band I rr. I . Ptt V OK raeuniauaw,caecaa an hpi.' ---, j tiie kidiiers aud bladder.aiid alfoMs oouvalwseentt and pens of delicate puyaiea -, material aid la ncoverUii acalta and v.gor. An elephant traveling with a great moral show at Barnes viile, Georgia, was so enraged because s man gave it a plrg of tobacco that it lulled the donor with one terrific blow of its trunk. If it was the kind of tobacco they usually chew in Georgia the man deserved to be killed. Dr. Kline Great Tarve saMorer tna marvel of the age for aU nerve dutaata All It atopped tree, bead lo Ml Area street, rtirirtsiphla. fa. A V mm ont man swallowed a dozen lead shot to cure a boil They cured the boil, but they killed the man. so he didn't enjoy it half so much as he thought he would. Ladies and children 's boots and shoes cannot run over if Lyon's Patent Hed 8tiffeners are used. ILLS TRADE The pits are warranted to be Pt'RKI.V vege table, free bum ail mineral and other poisonous substance. Tbey are a certain cure for Cooait patton. Sick Headache, Dyspepsia. B ltounneaa, Torpid Liver, Loss of Appetite, and ad disease anamg from the Lifer, Stomach, Bowela or Kidney. They remove an otmctlons from the channel of the ayatem and purify the blood, thereby Im parting health, atreugtband vigor, sold by drug gist, or sent by mall for 6 cent in stain ps by P. SEl'STAEDTEB CO., 133 Mercer St., New York, Sole Mannfacturenof 9T. BERXAROTEGE. TABLK riLLS. Send for circular. IS A SURE CURE for all diseases of the Kidneys and LIVER n aw specific action oa thla avis Important ' ergaa. -"'-g It to threw of torpiditr ana inaatloa. -g tbe healthy aaencton of tbe BOe, and by keeping tbe bowala ia free eoHlrton. sgtintlng It regular discharge. I Mnlasla Ifyoa areanOErtng rasva IllWUi sua mlarta,he tb ebilla, wU rarely rUv aod quickly war. j aa in npruif ncwnufpjvBn, - J u- SOLO BY DRUCCISTS. Prtejl. Home Items. "AM your own fan.t If too remain nek wbea voo raa Get Hop Bitters Uul never ru.L The weakest woman, smallest child, and sickest invalid can use flop Bitters with safety and great good. Old men tottering around from Rbeu- matism, kidney trouble or any weakness will be almost new Dv using flop Kitten. My wife and daughter were made nealtby bv tbe use oi nop Bitter and l recommend them ta my people. Methodist Clergyman, Ask any goo4 doctor If Flop Bitters are aot ibe bast farm, y medicine on earth. Malarial fever. Ague and Biliousness, will leave every neighborhood as soon as Hop Bitters arrive. ' Sly mother drove the "paralysis and neuralgia all out of her system with Hop Hitters. Ad. Vnrego bun. Keep the kidneys healthy with Hop Bitters and you need not tear aickuesa. Ice waer I rendered sarmleKS and more re maning and reviving wita Hop bitters in eaca draught. 1 ne vigor of youth for the aged and In una In llop Biiters. in tne nnm annody nitnil lTlD brmoiurl F,?!S:sWORMSYRUP!l An el Ullme resaeile. Nnn a . iircta. al la Us action. Uric . miui baiile. trtOU MALE BY ALL UUluulbTsT Sa-7 15 tO 120 tr non.Mamwea worth St tree w a Addi aarmaoaaOo.. rorUaud Ma. irinncD'e dhotii i to rSSSSirASTl. lymau. htmranacsa rkMlww a. ! Hun Cur lor Krnler7 or f-rta tr M limir. rivetn . poor, o a. aac.a. ssm Arsenal L. St. ioola. Ma Or. LaFllVST fPEUCH HOUSTACHt VIQ0K Own s ft r 1, MUM tea 1a St Saj, r Hww;l wr sa. awMraM, uliai: mm MS maM. S IW ttrwn lar. aaai i i T. w. Ban. k Xl. Wana. 14. I ll, AGENTS WANTED R-T-rW i'hj aician, or flow to Acquire) ami I'leaei Health." Retails, Big CommbM ons lo Agent. AM KKIC'A PUBLISHING COn It North lenth Street, Fhiladelobua, 1'a. EDUCATIONAL. ISO. Ta SEW riI.R.1DAB wf tka ISM. CONSERVATORY of MUSIC nr. W. I 1 . 1 LI KFtutimFy Ulnstrste.1 M bam. HF.JfT I'UKK M rwuraeiraad niltalcal frl- n il Srod nanjas In 1 airtnn w . a. nil ju&b. r-anki-a M . Hf.4i. m am. IV fa rtt sad W mrtmtrt Munc l.t'TOty mad an nraaiw. nan aa vjlliiirWM0 MaiMW. SUM aura. A arir rAMTEBtar tastUM and Faateat iV seUtnir Pictorial Books snd Blblea. Pru i rs auoed a per cent. Nanosit Ptrm. Ov Phiuwla. Pa Pbcsnii Pectoral will cure your ooogh. Pnes a et CCiS WHUl Mi ilii AILS, K-rU IVMurti r-fn m Tiwi I in l . tit. Kt d hy (1 1 iIa?H'j;- -aJa 172 A WKFK. tltadrathomeflaiTiafM. CVMiw outfit frnav Addra t Tbck at Co-, AuiniatsV M W A!wTEI-LAIIEH TO TAK1 OCR 1SKW aJi v work it thtr homa. in tatv or nnantr and earn M to $11 pr weeV. niakinir tronla fur our particu rm, Ht'IfbUX MQ. CO.-M .Hi-th A-t S I Cmptor Milk In tbe tt Luunwnt Prto nila 0PIUL1 MOKPHiyfj HABIT. No pay till eured. Ten year established, l.maj enred. Ktata ease. Dr. Mmrsb.. (jiuncy. alien. STOPPED FREE limn Parvxw Reiior4 Dr.KXJNE f GREAT Nerve Restore ft VstaAtiraVNntVs. Oisusn. (MMra Iwv a lli WLM tk aa diitKied. A' u araw AVMafffiu. TraafH aM4 y trty MtM Dtt ( Ftt parscmai. they pvfrmttmnn rvrMati boa 4M wlaD KUIvriTI ArrhS..litlxJeWiia.r. uma. r. u. mnn aiprw-s ana aa m 8l Ifr-n StWAJLM Of IMJIAIIN6 fJUICIUS. DRS. J.y.k J. C. II0I.L.N A. K THiUlB Am.fCrBD WITH '!IB EKFLOi: OF KKLr'-ABUSS AMD MBRCTRlAt.lZAVIO' should B hesiute to eonsuli i. N. and J. B. Bt BKNSACK, of aaj North second street, PhilsJei pbia, either by mail or by per a, during ttie hour bom t A. M. lo P. 1L, and to P. M. - Afivic rree. w hosusver would know his eoedl Don and the wav to improve B saoold read -vt isuua in a l r" eat on reostpt ot S-etat stamp. OPwT-- 20 fcra PHILAUElfHlA 8IVil ef this styl. Kqual k any lSMkttaf 1 Uat viri4 to U tW la mn ScWala, TimfUm. BmU. Trorr, lM Kama. Bar tijm, Hi-rcartal D tmmn a, Catarrk. I-a f JtJ Apotnlta. Fraili Q-aplitf a! mil llsa4 jW lis, a. U taavar bsta. All trwrrlata aa4 MB CMMrv paara krrfm aril H. ft. B. ftattat VV m W A '. Pr, lmvTgl. aa evr-v bnut?. ak7S u r u aa tsiagar ut tne markrt, JCe mrtmrr, are in is it tm he eaMraMMeal Seon l yaw smtw for it. That I tha same atyl other eompaaiss Mall for $60. All Macbinaa warranted for I Jn. Bead fcr Ilrastis Ird Chr CTlaracdTaicbBonlalai Adorn Hllaalt.ftitiisi.X - "'' - t-' . vaars nn fflasS windows know cow j hon unequal expansion, cr from the taoergetio efforUof window dleane.. i?" .?, . .j i,.. tha following They wi V! T id rdte- Littharge, two p"1"-"" gam copai, "r". , : : . . Sain this firms quick drying and se cure cemeit, Ad view toCovaasusiptlvaa. On the aprrance oftl . -rst symMom. a general aeuiiuy, ';"' chilly sensations, followed ni"'"" Ihouidbf falkerafristion Is - , . v r. .r no tha areas disease of tne iunif. --. and-scrofula, or blood-punfler and nb-retorer,-lr. Pierce'. "Golden 'bcal Suicovery." Superior to Cod Uver oil a a nutrl ivef and utuurpassed a. a ftorai. For weak lungs, spitting of blood, and kin dred aff ctions, it baa no equal, fjold by dWgisU theworld over, lor Dr. I'roea psniphlet on Consumption, send pa to World's Dispesab Medical Asso CfATioM, Buftalo, N. X. It is a mistake to supjxae that the crumbling of brick is due solely to great variations of temperature. M. Fsnve traces the disintegration to a microso. action WUL PIC OriTaUWIIa wr . of course, readily second the destructive .... I nAHJil.llnP rI effects or mat piouw m all but the most compact and well-burned bricks. Dr rjerc"Pl'ntIlrgtlvePeets are sugar-coated and inclosed in gIaH-lt-tlea. their vir uea being thereby prerved untmpair ed forany length of line, iu any cUmaETao that they are always ffc"J reliable! So cheap wooden or pasteboard boxes. By druggists. A writer in ihe Scientific Calif ornian suggests a new method of drinking oat of caps at fountains erected for pnbb'c ose. It is to put the lower lip inside of the cap and sip tbe water, instead of plackg the edge of the cup between the lips. Dr. Pierce's "Favorite P-iescriptlon" to everywhere acknowledged to be tha stand ard remedy for female complaints and weak ness. It Is sold by druggists. "What for did I not right "boat face: A sojur, air, nivei thurns bis lack on his inimy an it's Patrick McOlaashin; fominst me there, that's me inimy; more betoken he sthuck a pin me vir tebra the last time he dhrilled behind me." Q ie-nous that the Chlnefe men should have such long hair. Ladies If you would have your hairas long aa the Chinese and as beauUful as a Hourt's, use Usrbolme,tns deodorized petroleum hair renew er and dresser. According to the Scientific CaVfor nian an instantaneous remedy in c-isea of poisoning consists of heaping tea spoonful of salt and the same quantity of ground mustard stirred in a teacup of warm or cold water and swallowed instantly. . Tha Doctor' 1 adoraement. Tn. W. D. Wngnt, cmeinatti, o, senas trie fan. Joln-'d prufessuiaji indorrmen : 1 havw pre scribed Or. Wm. Hall's Kalsain f"T tbe Lungi m a great numberof case and always with auueesa One caw :a particular was given ap by several ptiysicauis who bad been called la for eonau'.lauoa with mvaelL Tbe patient bad all the Diploma of continued eonsumptionj cold night weals, hectic fever, him-t ng eouh, eic. He com menced irameduvelv to get belter an I was aoun restored to His u,uai betas. I have also f.Hiad Or. Wm. Hail's Ral-uun f-ar the Lungs Ibe nw-t valu able expectorant for brang up duiresxing Oougo and cold that 1 h-ve ever naciL'' Snrnol Catarrh SnotT cores Catarrh and all at factions ot the mucous membrane. A aVettr Orleans man has dif covered a new mod of tanning and preserving tbe skin of Louisiana's bird,the pelican, by which tbo leathers sre not damaged, and tbe bird's skin with the featbars on it can be utilized for making turbans and hats for ladies. A oral tai sat T. riaav An 'mala neror repsat an nnp:M.-aot ezpericnea, yw man exerd-ft hi liiawuu1ty lo molnvly vlee and ba eemx t' fmret tb repent! eipeneuoee of tba erlla caiiHMi oy ovara ina. lrreajuiar nabit. rntnmnerauee. bad air, aedent-ry 1 !, sez .al xo. aar. at., sea But wb41lla(irdereld!-all-Hi. headanbaa. lom of am. Uta and cona.lpaCton warn hlia f'at hla btoed la lio pure and pain tnvince biia ef t-nnendln it una he rememtier. tt at "SL Beruard Vegubla F-.11-" have fnr em-tune Imq the on ba-t aud moat lufalUol tver retru!K.(r ever Ueoveret. lie raroov potami O'ta wcrwtiiin. Pur flf h.s t.l . d, in-1 nature nailing aeatiauj KHUL liruaanau au sell UM puis. A glasinnaking firm in Fittsbnrgh, l a., have been manufacturing glass tei tile fabrics during the last year. The fabrics produced sre pronoun oed very beauulul ana pliable. Prs- awn irjcr con-ijrira on, from salertarl Itvrra, on tbe seasnore. by :awell, ilasani a Co., K. Y. Abtolute y pure and aweet. Patient wbo have oa taken u preler It to all others. Physi- tv-- pv;i i to au oiner oil. Hirro itw, rare, pimples and rough, rkta H-img riuu per lar noap. maue by well, llazani a i-a. New Yori. Glue is made of ths clippings of hides norns ana noois, waanea in lime water, boiled, skimmed, strained, ovannrafml cioled in monlds, cut into slioas and drioa upon net. For nearly 34 years I have been a victim of Catarrh. I have tnetl many remedies, receiving little or no relief. 1 bought one bottle of Ely's Cream Balm and derived more real benefit from that than all the rest added together. Ton can recommend tt as being a safe and valuable medicine. A. la Fuller, Danby, H. Y. Oil of cinnamon dronriArl nn s.i. tbree or four times a day wi'l cause meir oisappearance, However hard, lar&e or dense tliev mv hL Tda .n plication gives no pain nor causes snp- pu.awuu. Thw rraaaa- Axis Orsaaw la tbe bast la the market. It ia Um moM soonoaiica! and cheapewt, one box lastiar a, Jong aa two f any otnm. On greamns; will j"' - It received fin praouaa at Centori'J and Parts Exnautiona, alio " aimtm laira. aajDOOUMC Anu hsrrl tnnl in i ... .: . , - -"ivmnisw W1LO . . 7 - .vyuwi, vnvim camDbor e!aaolvuf in ml i . . , iuiie uuss, A driU-bow may be used, or even the ThniiMnrla tMtifv e ik. . . u inertia oi UT. uravea Heart Rrnit . . . . lu an lurma. u gjoWI, from Maine la Califri. n .. - . . , - uov is ai trial for those distra teed feelings. Water naed in w.t.w..i.i-- . i W ptr cint. of a very dry potaasinm. ..yjinou, as iu. xyelat- tre has shown, at a considerable pro- WhV dnnft mn n a r- . .- . . M . - - j--" a a iica a eaivef Tr, it La it 25c at all aiagtsu. The amall r.t t- . u :. , .... - ian in a room mav ht fTinall. : i . . . . - j b-n-icu ng oi dj pin. - . - r aa ui water in which a lew onions have been sliced. a nssis. """"f"00 Hat.- Clearsoatratamloe roaches. haJlleaiajriolech.Brnn,'!"? w a, a Kyaaia. asc. V9 .ua au i me most popu lar . .! . cccj in Krjitin. Ihe mining exhibition at Maorld iT a C resit anrc -aa Liwiiviixg, Ixd. K,r. j g. Cain aava- t . Brown iron auiera for lierrou. p" "crL'to. T? found tt entirelv suaucn Proua aad A steelbmt hUi m ik. ... , . . aiurau Olrv 0- tion of a needle and strnc Wttjd blows with a hammer will k. I netian. ' GaatrlBa, .t " ,aI'J" ""i rc,wu nas basjnoa aala ."l. irmo. ana is npnmmMiii m . appetite and General rf.hlli.- t,ZZ. of .-a acuciai uaouitT. Komovaa all unpleasant feding. aftarsaUng. V A lcohol, equal to that made from from gi-uai, OUI, it is said, b svecrns. HIE GREAT SEEM 11 REMEDY FOR PAIN. RelleT snd eoret RHEIJIATLSM, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, BACKACHE. HEADACHE, TCOTHACH, SORE THROAT, QCLXSY. 8WELLISQS. ritMs, Sorsne. Brulatt, FROSTBITES,, c Ltva, And all other bodily aches and balua. TIFTf CESTS I BOTTLL Mold br alt DnnHo and Dealer. IMrvctiona la U kuiauagvs. The CHarles - Voqeter C. UMMMM u a. vtMBiaa a cuj aMaii, U. C. . A. 1 1 n a i i Icno tup PERMANENT CURE OF C " 3 CONSTBPATION. I CI . u - -!- rj mat u illiiiiaalna a PI La-Tilnt is tm r apt to be I T! . ... . , .n .... v l.l. IL'm FLwaai tbe wDd parte and ouloaUy) tir . . . . i.,fai.MeivliM 1 Und awUci bav bra nuiea. c rzr mi ha lel'heror theaet oM jo Hiv-rnrR. I aiave bre n s Hiv-Ftt j.nlt r r tlr ye w; Lave itra lieard H'.V,re--m t-alui-t1" a ol ia the eat t, ni.a, di-1 u take Uiueb -t. 'K in it beiuaw ut toe uiaiiy qot k A fr end Die to try ttra bloi. au.l aitil tbe meat wtio ilea-f:d'ucca. X. 8. (lata, by r.oae. . k. CaKaa BLi wtriwb i appl d viriMsJiirsr bm 1th jf ircv-Oof.a. rt ailM" " A -m:utiOO. p tt'-ct ELY'S or tav - UHll. HlTaC-. CREAM EILI5!. eL'iSuT by "" A tb"r uvh trerment in J curs, rue tared for! Iti ih- b at. AralJe u . for .ir uNr S a - P-".. be tiad o at Arutftt. IXi BliOlUttl--. Ow-w V J. 1. REMEMBER TniS, IF YOU AllE SICK. If you are re. TIOP BITTERS w sorely aid Nature iu making joa wed aar-un when a.lel- fai a. If y a are e-juiprat ively weil, but feel the nee lOf"ncaiid s:ui uiant. never rent eaav nil you arenia.. a new being by the u-w of HOP BITTERS. If yon sre costive or nypeptic, or are offering train any other oi tne numer ous dire of tbe St. .raucb or oowe.s It isyourown fau.t It you remain ui,fdr UOl' BITTEIIS are the sovereign remedy la all sock wmpjiln'.a If you are wanting away with any t 'Tin of Kidney disease, teinoting lieath this luoment, and turn for a curt; to HOP BITTERS. If yon are stea wita that terrtbla ali-knw s S rvousnes, you will and a -Jlaini tn liuead ' in tne mw of HOP BITTEIiS. If yon sre a freqienter, or a resident f a nit tirualic diairtct. barrH-ade your svHteiu airainet tbe acourge of all eoun liies tnalartai. eiideuin-, bliiou-. and InierrralUeot feveis b tbe u.-e of HOP BITTEKS. If you have rough, pUnply, or sallow akin, bad I) ll, pallia alio at-hes, and feel nu.iole generally, liut bl 1 1 KKS wLl give yo.i fr skin, ru-fe blood, Ihe sweetest, healut and comfort. In short, they enre ALT. Diseases of the btouia-n, l;-weLs Blood, Liver, erva, kidneys, an, aud will be paid for a ease trier will not cue or help, or for anything impure or tnJitrHns touud n t'-eui. i hat poor, oed l'l'ien, invalid wife, sister. iuo( er or daus'liter, ean tie niadt th : 1 re of hra.tti by a few ii. ok af llop outers vjrtuij but a tr ne. Will jou Ut them Suffer I Cleanse, Purify and Enrich the TJloo J with Ii; Bitters, and you w .1 h i.e no !i-knea or suffering or d clot's oilU to p .j. collide or PII V S I C I A S ii.I M uc; KO H BALI ITIOKK. D. TSe praefieM atvama el thla -b W are nnaur- ?7T- Vlin',, 1h"'1 ", L':,r H mtaa, Mtenuta aud larytand V imaV H pi ai. all of whieb b-lon to ta. L Hiyat-1.-1 j1 and Cbemi. ai Labi.rauiry vtrwradol everv R'udenl Aiifly I a c.ue Inwua to t)a TH jMA j 011L. Dtap N Caloy atrgtL AlLTIimr t.g afe mveaunents with higa Ullerii-t aciiU for P-uipiilet tO KL SZ a CO.. Mansano. If. Mas. SNr foretrenL-tra form tehine for "b rtan-nr car- rUireaaVav BirraluruLUa Co . Drby Llua, Vt. Oh f Wrir a roml t 1 Tnl-an St., N T., f r mr- i T W AaaVk LLM ill C riJri.K. FREE r?SZ "Health Helper" rerreut Health. ILH Hos Bunal.i..r. ftATEHTSSm r ;r ; i t , ' "". "4 v. i s vi ii i iiar ai i.ixiii.T, i tun, I nitij i n 'rlTlILlr a .a..for ..wrawltU Tull O erll tlon, a.lran. taari'a,ete. UtkU tynd Tj-t.i. M.trk . rev-1-tere.l REJECTED CASES V! Iti I. E- WlTiirnncc (Vim ale at Aitiruey.) lior :.UaijiiaMl,.LX? t66 a aaok- in vonr own town, lerma and A (xi-.fl: ire a. Adljeaa H. llaLLarrt a.'o.aortland.a n"-m Br-m rLLMiJ,wt X.i. Term Ljaatt. roiouoa I. grail area. Hnte torrlreulan. - - - 1 ,t . , ,Mwin'. rs 'ntumption Cast a Curitt I " 13. HALL'S LUNGS.BALSAW bftMl ls BraaeaitU. JnT-yrs. !rk-fh 7'Vrm-a ra, aVa, ralaaal rft ! add fallj" For You, Madam, "VTltoso Complexion belrajs tome Lumiliatin- Imperfec tiOB, whose mirror tells yon that yon are Tanned, Sallow and disfigured In connte nance, or haTe Urnptions, JXedncss, Kons;hness or un jrtiolesomo tints of Comnlei iP:1r say use lla-an's iag. noha Balm. . V drieate, harmless and delightful article, pro JnciBg the most natnral and S?itwaalr,l!Vt.ias. the artifici iyai0; bo ohserTer can detect, and which soon ?comt? Permanent if the oliaBalra is jndicionslj Malav: j uassTi bC2; 'C? l i I Mi r Catarpm HVFEVER UKaturdav of 2i'H i- iT1 '"'Jw'wo, Pa- '.th and b; Cua. SL uST y.De- lnd ud loth; tuainiar al Uouu. Chioarfo. litn. lnh aud uh