Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, May 23, 1883, Image 4

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    How to More.
Nothing can lie mule more difficult,
more perplexing and heart-breaking than
mcmnif, If only certain conditions are ob
served. It makes no difference bow early
you bepin to tear up the old house: how
thoroughly you clean the new one; how
well you pack your moving will Mill be a
torture and terror, unless you work more
' steadily with your brains than with your
bands. Industry and enerey are of value,
but system and a bottle cf markiug ink
make the easy flitting. The woman, then,
who wigheg to leave one house and estab
lish herself in a new one with as little
sense of upheaval and ruinous volcanic
action as possible, is wise, if, in the first
place, the has her new bouse thoroughly
cleaned, and, not trusting to the owner or
agent's assurance that it is in '-perfect
order," has the kitchen range, the waier
and gas pipes examined, so that the work
men may not descend on her, and all
necesary repairs be started on the first
wash day in her new home.
The next step is to have her carpets
taken up, cleaned and put dawn in the
empty house excepting, of course, that
f'tt the hall and stairs. The shades can be
fitted at the same time. In the old house
gather up all the ornaments, l'nc-a-brac
and pack thein bv themseles in marked
boxes, 60 that they need not be unpacked
when they would be in the way. fck
the books in order Keep the shelves
separate nnd do not let the parlor books
set mixed with .the children's and those
from the spare room. Mart these and
have boxes put by themselves. Pack up
all the superfluous china, bedding, table
covers and other things. Alark every bag,
bundle and Dux, and have them all put
iour parlor carpet is now up, your
books packed, your pictures taken down,
so have your furniture put into bagging or
protected in any way you think best, and
have it put in one corner by itself, and, if,
necessarv, maik the articles "parlor.
Have everything possible brought into the
parlor and airauged in order of moving
the rule for which wli be given later; and
so on, packing away everything not alisc
lutely necessary for present use, and be as
ready as you can when moving day comes.
The order for moving is simple. Have
each floor moved by itself. '1 he carman
will at once oppose on, and declare he
cannot pack in his wagon upon this plan.
aim if you insist uon it you will have a
great many loads. But it is only necessary
to watch the carman to see what t.is little
ldiotyncrKsics are. lie may Dot make
a large load, but in every ODe he is bound
to get a sieciiuen from each flior.
He leaves the looking glass in the second
story, aud his assistant rushes up into lh
third stoiy and jerks one from the bureau
there, and then in the new house he puts
both in the sitting room. His idiosyncrasy
is simple enf ugh; be never takes two
articles from the same floor if he can help
it, and he never puts anything in its
natural and ohvious place, If you do not
mark the barrel holding pots and pans he
will certainly carry it to the third story.
tnri he will anyhow, but it it is marktd
yim may yourself possibly remember what
was in the hm lei aud stop him. And a.)
Ibis marking is for your own benefit. It
is useless to delude Yourself into thinking,
for you will Dot- You will forget where
the baby's blm kets are, the spoons and the
tablecloth; the comb aud brush and the
toilet soap will have buried themselves
under an undiscovered depoeir, and before
you are unpacked you will, if you don't
mark every bundle, box, and bag. as your
one hope, wish you were drowiiiug, so
ILal as the events of your past life fiasu by
you, jou will teiuemler waere some one
thiug you need at once wa3 put.
The S4iiam'r'ii Spirit.
The spirit ot the renowned old fquatter
still linkers in the land.
'Which road shall 1 take here?" asked
a trave'er of a man w ho sat on the steps of
a cmss-road store.
" hicU one do you want? '
"I intended to ask whieb one should I
take to lead me to the river."
"Take your choice."
''Which one leads to the river?"
"What river?"
"Why, the Arkansaw."
"You wnt to know which road leads
"Yes, sir."
"How long have you been in Ibis coun
try?" "'I hat makes no difference my friend.
I want to know something of the geogra
phy of this community."
"No it makes do difference how long
you've been here, but there ain't a geog
rnphy in ibis neighborhood. Cut there
was a lot of 'em in the school house when
it burned."
' He w far is it to the river, any way?"
"Well, anvway it's about two hundred
"Ob, how far is l?"
"You can make It as fir as you please."
"I mean how near is it?'r
"That will sorter do. I dunno."
"Is Ibis a teiuperuEre community P
"How long has it been since you had a
"It aint been mre than a month, but
It seems like a couple of years,"
"What wouid you give for a drink?"
"A common sized mule."
"I have some very fine stuff here in
bottle; have some."
The native grasped the bottle eagerly
and drank.
"W bat is it you want to know?"
"The road to the river."
The native took another drink and said
"The river is right over yonder, but the
ferryman will rharge you like thunder if
you alnt got no whisky. Good day."
W hen the traveler arrived at the ferry
he found his friend of the store standing
in the boat waiting for him.
'Halloa, here we are igain. What will
you take to row me across?'
"How much have you got?"
"1 mean what is your price?"
"Three drinks and the cork.''
"What do you want with the cork!"
"YY by, to put it m the churn to make
the milk taste natural."
Manufactured Spices.
"Wtodtn nutmegs aie thing of the
past, young man," said a grocer to the re
porter. "I hey have been superseded."
"W hat has taken their place t"
"Just step aroud the counter here aud
111 show you. IV) you see that box of
spices? They look very nice, dc n't they.
Just smell 'cm. They smell strong, don't
they ? Jow taste em: they taste good,
too, as spices go. Welt, young man, what
do you think of 'cm ?"
"From all appearances I should Fay
that thev were a fair lot of spices."
"That is just where your judgment falls
short. They are not spices at all."
"What are they, then ?"
"Just ground cocoanut shell, flavored
with spice extracts. The difference lu
color comes from burning the sheila. Why
di) I keep 'em ? Because people want 'em.
Of course. t bey are a fraud from beginning
to end. But they arc cheap, and people
want cheap spices, just as they want every
thing else cheap. .Large quantities are
manufactured, and shipped all over the
country. They are sold as genuine spices,
but any grocer with a particle ot sense
kuows from the prices that they Cannot be
the rcnl article, iou see,tbey look, taste,
and smell fully as well as the Simon Pure,
but put "em in food aud you will soon Ste
the difference. They do not flavor. A
drop of clove extract will smell stronger
than twenty pounds would flavor m yre hot
lunis, dont you?
'"You have no idea of the ingenuity that
is used in getting up these and other lmi
tations. The best chemical knowledge is
employed. W nat do you think of stamps
ing out w bole peppers and cloves f It is
done, though. Young man, the general
grocery trade is extending. With glucose
for sugar, oleomargarine for butter, cheese
innocent cf miik.and cocoanut-cbell spices,
it is becoming a big business."
Ik a well-planned system of farming
the subject of crop rotations should be
carefully considered, as one of the es
sential elements of success in its highest
and best se use. Early writers on agri
culture, even from the times of the
Greeks and Romans, Lave quite uni
form! urged the advantages of a suc
cession of crops from, the teachings of
exiwrifnce. Inat these practical rales
of alternating crops of different habits
end modes of groat'-i are based on cor
rect, but Dot iully explained principles,
has been shown by direct experiment.
At Cotlianisted, England,. Dra. Lawes
and Gilbert obtained nearly as ranch
wheat in eight crops, attended with
eight crops of beans, as in sixteen crops
of wheat grown consecutively without
manure in another field; and also nearly
as much wheat as in eight crops alter
nated with bare fallow.
IiooT-c.RAiTi- is sometimes resorted
to where extensive increase is an object,
or where stem-grafting or other means
of propagation are not available. In
such a case the scion is grafted directly
on to a portion of tne root of some ap
propriate stock, both graft and stock
being usually very small. The grafted
root is then potted so as to cover the
point of junction with the soil, and is
plunged in the bed of the propagating
house, wheie it is slightly stimulated
by the gentle bottom heat. Dahlias
and peonies may be grafted by inserting
young shoots into the neck of one cf
the fleshy roots of each kind respec
tively, ilie best method of doing so be
ing to cut a triangular section near the
npper end of the root,jnst large enough
to admit the young shoot when slightly
pared away on two sides to give it a
similar form.
Hints Anon BrrrEB. Butter made
in JUay and June can be kept sweet aud
good until the ensuing fall and winter,
if one lias a ccol place for storage; oth
erwise it is somewhat difficult. Roll
butter may be packed in tight casks or
tubs, and covered with strong brine.
This will exclude the air and keep the
batter sweet in a cool room or cellar.
Orangj county duiryuien nse the fol
lowing mixture iu preparing butter
which is to be kept for some time: To
ten ounces of tine salt, add two ounces
of brown sugiir. The different ingredi
ents are mixed together, and au ounce
of this mixture is well worked into eveiy
pound of this butter. Wiiiurd, in his
"Butter Book," says that butter so
treated if closely packed and stored in a
cool place, w ill keep sound for several
A tx)KKEKPCN dent fettles upon orchard
grass as pubsissing greater merit thuu
any other lor both pasture and mead
ow. When cut for hay, just befur its
bloom, it will make more milk aud of
better quality than any other variety
known, but d left to ripen it is, like
other kinds ui grass in the same stage,
worthless. It is always green and lresh
when other grasses are brown aud diy,
and many weeds, such as the daisy, will
not grow in the same field with it. In
stead of being exhaustive it enriches
the soil. It shades the ground in sum
mer, anu, if allowed a lew weeks rest
Irotu cropping in the fall, wnl mulch it
in winter. It is able to smother down
quack grass, and a crop of orchard
grass, once obtained, will last for several
years without reseeding.
Light soils are not favorable to oats,
and yet it is the light soils which are
the early ones. Oita require a moder
ately low temperature of at least two
mouths to perfect its root organization,
it ought to be one of the earliest town
crops in spring. Those who have strong
sons, anuyei toleral ly dry, have the
very best ot oat land, and those who
Lave net must watch every chance to
get in the seed early if they would have
the best results.
The rapid, steady aud gentle milker
cf the cow is the one sure to obtain the
best reeUits in the dairy. Where quick
cess of motion is accompanied by care
less roughness and irregularity the ef
fect is exactly the opposite, blow milk
ers always gradually dry up a cow, and
for the reason that if the milk be not
drawn about as fast as it is given down
it will sulwtquently be withheld, and
that withheld is, as a matter of course,
what is known as the strippings.
It may be said that a cow must make
20U pounds of butterduring her milking
seasou to allord any adequate prone
This may be considered as a meagre
quantity when compared to tests . of
some cows whose yields are reported at
GOO to 800 pounds per year, but 2u0
pounds is, nevertheless, considerably
above the average of all the batter cows
in the country, 140 to 150 coining much
nearer thit general average.
Wires a potato is exposed to the
light in a cellar the eyes nearly all
start a good, healthy, green sprout, but
if in a pile, or in darkness, on thestrou
gestejesgrow Jong, white, worthless
sprouts. Hence, seed jwjtatoes, should
be spread thinly in the light. The sprouts
should not be broken off when cutting
the seed lor planting.
Before filling op vacant places in
the orchard with young trees, it is best
to think whether the lull grown trees
now standing will not with good manur
ing bring more fruit than a larger num
ber would. Most of onr orchards were
planted too closely, and the tree roots
interlace so as to lob each otht r of what
lertility each should have.
J f seeus are to be kept over a year
they should be placed iu a cool place
and exposed to light and air. Keeping
them m the diuk weakens vitality, per-
Lus I rein the tendency to grow which
darkness excites, but unaccompanied by
moisture enough to put forth leal and
The Irish harvest for 1882 is $.10,-
000,000 less than that of lbSl. The
failure of the potato crop is the chief
cause oi the deficiency. A year ago
large quantities of Irish otatues were
shipped to this country. Sow many
thousand people are sutler'ug from lack
of necessary food.
Tub manure from unhoused stock ex
posed to cold and wet is less valuable
than from animals carefully stabled.
with the same feed. Not only is much
of the excrement was led by rains, but
is in itself poorer,the extra lood required
to keep unsheltered stock warm lieing
absolutely wasted.
Thk Scotch, always a thrifty race,are
investing largely m American cattle
ranches. During 1S82 ten large ranches
for herding cattie were bought by
Scotchmen. The profit is so much
greater than from any use the money
can be put to at home, that investments
i f this kind are sure to increase.
Xalifulic acid, with some cf its appli
cations, formed the subject of a paper
read before the irtneh Acadeuiv of
Sciences, by M, Schlumberger. Among
other things, it is stated that the acid is
given in certain places to animals in
daily doses as a preveabve against con
tagious diseases. To preserve beer it
is introduced twice, the first being suf
ficient only to act upon the lactic fer
mentation but not on that cf the yeast,
and the second in quantity sufficient to
arrest the alcoholic fermentation before
it degenerates into the acetio stage. The
two dobos together do not amount to
more than 0.05 grain per Litre of the
beer. It Is estimated by the author that
5.000,000 hectolitres of wine were sali-
cjheized in 1 ranee last year.
if -TT ii
Fansa Fish. What is the reason
that so few cooks and even housekeep
ers know how to " fry a fisli ? Why will
they persist in trying them brown or
hard and sometimes to a coal ? A per
son must have the delicacy of tacte of
the ostrich and its digestive powers,
too. to eat 6uch a fearful pif piration.
Fish, when large enough, including
rockfish, bass, perch, trout, salmon,
etc., should invariably be boiled, if one
desires the full flavor of the fish in its
most delicious form, when it is highly
nutritions and wholesome. But there
are certain fish too moist to boil, such
as the shad, wliiteti.su, Spanish mackerel,
etc. These should be broiled carefully,
and they are in perfection. Certain
persons think that this cau be done
oiilv oyer hickory coals, or on a plank.
I formerly thought so, too. bnt I haye
got over this fastidiousness, alter trial
upon trial, fortified by the opinions of
those who have dined with us many
times. On two occasions we bad Im
pound shad cooked, one by wood coals
on a plank, and the other over anthra
cite coals, in a common range, and no
person present was able to tell the differ
ence. It is all nonsense to go to the
trouble to provide hickory coals and
plank tor a shad or whitetish, when the
anihracite coals and a common gridiron
will answer just as well. Oue thing
shorn d be borne in mind, that no fish
should be cooked until it is ready to be
eaten. Let fish stand fifteen minutes
to half an hour alter being cooked, and
it is literally not fit to eat, the rUvor
being gone.
.Facet fob Floors. An economical
paint fur floors is made by soaking 2.
ounces of good, clear joiner's glue over
night in did water, it is dissolved aud
then added (stirring constantly) to
thickish milk of lime, heated t the
pound of quickl me. Into the boiling
lime is poured (the stirring st.ll contin
ued) as much linseed oil as becomes nui
ted with the lime, and when the oil no
bo, ling point and prepared from one lon
ger mixes there is no more injured iu. If
there happens to be too much oil added,
it must be combined by the addition of
some fresh lime paste. For the quanti
ty above indicated about half a ouud
of oil is required. After this white,
thickish foundation paint has cooled, u
color is added which is not fleeted by
lime, and iu cose of need the paint is
diluted by water. For yellowish-brown
or brownish-red shades about a fourth
part of the entire bulk is added of a
blown solution obtained by boiling
shellac and borax with waier. This
mixture is specially adapted lor painting
floors, where there is a rug in the centre,
For a floor which is in cons Lint use, the
most durable paint is that composed ol
linseed oil varnish, which jienelrates
into the wood and makes it water-resisting,
its properties being thus of a nature
to compensate tor its higher cost.
Ciiee.se Fritters. Take th fee ounces
or three tabh-spoonfuis of Hour, one
ounce of butter, one gdl of tepid water
(two parts of cold aud oue of boiling), a
little pepper and salt, and one egg.
three tabiespoonluls of grated cheese.
For this the old pieces ot cheese may
be used. First place in the bowl the
flour, then the pepper ai.d salt; melt
the butter and peur it uikmi the flour.
Next add the water, drop iu the yolk of
u egg, and then stir in the cheese.
Beat the white of the egg to a stiff froth,
and when light mix with the other iii
gredieut. .Put in by sioonfuis iuto
hot lard or clarified lat, und cook for
three minuus. Wheu they rise toss
them over, so as to brown both side-.
When done, take out aud place first on
a sheet of white paper, then pile ou a
hot napkin.
Limes fob DiruTiiEWA. A promin
ent physician ot Caluoiui.t- has found
the juice of limes a most valuaule reme
dy lor diptherm. II is mode of apply tug
it as follows: As suou as 1 take charge
of a case of diptheria, I order limes to
be administered as freely as p ssiblo,
in any manner the patient can be pre
vailed upon to take them, especially in
the lorui ot hot lemonade, sweetened
with sugar or honey, or cut iu slices
wuh powdered white sugar. Besides
lime-juice (which I suppose acts by
imparting un excess of oxygen to the
circulation, and thereby prevents for
mal iou ot vibriones, etc., and so has
aiiuuet a specific eflect on the disease), 1
prescribe w hatever drug may be indica
ted to telieve symptoms as they develop,
and import strength, by appropiiaiv
stimulants and nourishment.
A New Vabiett op Cake. Bake in a
large tin one cuke which, when risen
and baked, snail be not mora than two
inches de p. Take from the tin care
fully, snd frost tnickly over the top
witu boded trotting in which, directly
after taking it from the stove, you have
stirred Eulish walnut nieaki. Chop
the meats not so tine, however, that
they may not be readily distinguished.
Cut in pieces about t vo inches wid
and four long. For the cake itself use
any good white cake receii X Flavor
with lemon or vanilla.
Evening AMrsEsiEXTS. To apparent
ly burn water, till a glass lamp witu
water, and put into it lor a wiek a piece
of guni-caoiphor. The lamp should not
be quite lull, and the camphor may be
left to float npuu the surface of the wa
ter. Ou touching a lighted mutch to
the camphor, it shoots up a c ear, steady
name, and seems to sink beii.w the sur
face of the water, so that the flume is
surrounded by the liquid. It will burn
for a long time. If the camphor be
ignited In a huge dish of water, it wiil
commonly float about while it burns,
Coffee for Flams A lady of San
Francisco lately received s iue plants
from Mexico, aud with the plants came
the advice to fertilize them with waste
coffee grounds. This was done, aud the
results were so satisfactory that the
same treatment was tried ou roses, and
the result was a healthy and vigorous
growth aud more and better dowers and
of richer colors.
Cold Wateb Cakes. One cupful of
sugar, a piece of butter the size of an
egg, half a teaspoouful of cream tartar
in a large cupful of siftett flour, quarter
of a teaspoonlul of soda in a hall a cup-
lul of water and the whites of two eggs
beaten to a stiff froth and put in last;
flavor to taste.
A couHidcration of various phenomena
has led Dr. C. W, Siemens to suggest
the hypothesis that the sun tlerives
trom interplanetary space hydrogen,
hydro-carbons aud cxvgen, by wnich
its heat is kept np. The products of
combustion aqueous vapor, carbonic
anhydride, and carbonic oxide are re
turned to space, where they gradually
become separat-xl iuto the original gases
through the action of the solar rays at
a moderate temperature. Thus the heat
diffused in space by the sun is not was
ted, but is made to conserve its own en
ergy by pieparing fuel for the continued
existence ot its tires.
T7ie next total eclipse of the sun will
occur May 28, 1900. It will ihen be
visible in this hemisphere, and irginia
will be sought by the astronomers as
the best pos. ible locality for their tem
porary observations.
An eminent Arabian' naturalist and
physician of the tenth century, named
Temiui, states that in ancient times
the bitumen of Judea was used t- pre
serve the vine from the ravages or para
Alpboriske from the qiarter: De
rainbow might be better lookiii' ef
"iwa'n't sech a cheap show. De bottom
n' le ru ear-box make mighty po" music.
Big biases o' fire can't roas" your 'taterf .
De bes' seed ain't bound to make big
watermiiions. You can't take de twist
out de fr'-vine by cultervatin it. Pea
cock cau't hide his foots by spreadif '
his tail. Green 'simmons aia't 'fraid o'
nolody. Education don't come by
bum pin' 'g'iu de school 'oase. Wheu
de morkin'- bird try to mork eb'rything
he lionu' ter let out some mnsio dat ain't
wu( mnch. It's a mighty lazy nigger
dut don't keep his axe sharp. A hole
under do garden p din's is a hard secret
ti keep.
An Ind:anapol:s baby wa bitten,
In tearing a pet Maltese kitten,
Before a day ended,
Jacob's O.l roeuded.
And with it mothers are smitten.
A hunter who lives at Bear Run,
1 Inn bis arm by the kick of a gun,
The hunt it did spoil,
r.m Si. Jacob's Oil
Cured him before swelling begun.
lJrsTS alout Coquettes. Give the
DevU his due aud the Coquette her
dmhj Coquettes are like cats; they
love petting. This accounts for sparks
in the dark Always make a friend of a
Coquette lefore you fall iu love with
her. Then you "can corner her when
she says, -But let me be yonr friend !"
A Coquette can play her cards just as
well when yon are holding her hand.
Indeed, this is her first trick After all,
tin re is one nice thiug aliout a Coquette.
She and lightning never strike twice in
the same place. There is no need of it
All flesh in grass, but a Coquette
doesn't object to being called a daisy.
'"Little thanks are due to hiai who
only gives away whit is ot no use to nun
self." The thanks of invalids the world
over are being showered on the inventor
oi Kidney-Wort, for it is giving health to
alL Kidney-Wort moves the bowels reg
ularly, cleanses the blood, and radically
curei ki lney disease, gravel, piles, bilious
beadacue and pains which are caused by
disordered liver aud kidneys. Thousands
have tieen cured wliv should you not try
CiTFaded articles of all kinds restored
to iheir original beauty by P.ainond Dyes.
Peifuct and simple. 10 ceuts, at all orug-
TnR proper caper for the bower now
when he meets a lady is to lift his hat
from his head, tnru it forward until the
place of the rim is vertical, and while
iu this position bring it down so that
the front just escapes the wearer's nose;
then look into it while yon count three
ouicklv eltvato it ui the same position,
place it on the bead, smile serenely, aud
wheu oue rod behind the point of pas
sage to look back and observe the
efiecrs of the operation. The elbow
should Ihj kept close to the side during
the above salutation. Half an hour's
practice will make an apt -learner quite
proticeut in the new code.
One voice all over the land goes up
from mothers, that says, "My daughters
are so feeble and sad, with no strength,
all out of breath and life at the least exer
tion. What can we do for them?' The
answer is simple and full of hope. Oae to
four week's use of ll:p Bitters will make
them healthy, rosy, sprightly and cheer-
Clarence Whistlhr, the Kansas
City wrestler, stated to a Correspondent
that jMuhtoon would not wrestle h m
liecaiise he was afraid he wonld give
mm me "doutile cross, and then he
explains what that is as follows: "Why,
us as siujpifl as cau be. Suppose
make a match with JIaldoon and I'm a
iietter mau than he is, bnt I agree to
lei nun turow me it he gives me so much
niouey. He does so, and then goes out
and makes a lot ot bets ou himself.
Rive a man money aud let him go out
and quietly cover all of his bets. Then
I throw Muldoou anyhow. That's
double cross."
tin-PssT la-in s Maoaziss in the
wond, VI') large pages, i pages new music,
low engravings eacn issue, ou cents ner
year; single copies 15 cents. Stbawbkidoi
& Clotuieb, S;h & Market Sis., Fnila.
Cacout: Army candidate "And
only uiufll-d oue thiug in the geography
luier. iouKin t ior me me oi me
thiuk where the Straits of Macassar
were." Foud father 'Oh, I say, you
ought to havo known that. Fancy
tin; Straits ot Macassar !" Army candi
date ' Well, 1 didn't, anyhow. By the
way, where are they, dad? Fond fath
er "Oil where are they? OU er
they're well, they're bnt dou't you
imns. we d ieiier go in to luueii?
I0W In Kfrurr II raTtH.
Tt vm srraiitw that a i" two w U flutter from the
many .rraiurtriie it rotbr'it on lr aa imi'ure oua.
tl:ihiuf t'M bkxl wlii .-a Hcmr.ltd -arriaiar!fta ami
Stilluitfia. or lil.xxl au l Liver s nip. wi 1 r-tnre per-
fv-et b'-aith to tuu pb.Ytf.cal onraaizatio'i. It i uie brut
Mot"! I Drifter ever d:corvr !. etJivtua!:y carina'
S r f :ila. vi'liilitie ili-wler4, Yleaknfe of ttw Kid
n y. Kry.ii:;a, Maliri i. all nervous ili-onl rj and
In .ility, IilioaKa:iaiun an 1 a I di-w- i-rueot-
iiara i impure iiKttlitxia ot the HU L lav :r. Ki h- yH,
MwiwlLite It oinu'a ui.bfe&'Ki. Minnie bott.a
will prove to yon tit m -nta a a tte .Uu re:i -vrer. f.ir it
a -t liiiea eh tr.n- eapec allr w'len tlw coui:iaat U of
an -t-iaii'ii.ve nit ire. Sarin a tendency fc lcen tlw
natural afor of the Itraia antlnervoun ayt-nL
Carrttxo the war into Africa: Visit
ing ilritou "Ta-as, Miss Wosalind
but your politicians aw are a lot of
blawsted ends, y' knaw. Ton are aw
willed bv a net of w iotons wascals whom
yon wouldn't dweam of aw inviting
to your hous '." K'tsalind "True; but
iu England you me governed by jersoii8
who wouldu't dream of inviting yon to
The r'raxar Axis Giax
fo the best iu the market. It is the most
ccououiu al and ch ap.t, one box lastin; a
lnn)i a.- two of any uluer. Oue t;reasIng will
at two eel.s. it received tit-tit premium at
the Ci uleiin al and Paris tip w.tiuus. also
me-ala at various btate fairs. Buy do other.
Woope.s head against wooden head
"Wiiat a laire Jenkins is!" exclaimed
Couuery; "liistuiet him, and he talked
abont that confounded horse f his for
h:.lf an hour, and I couldn't get a word
in edgeways about my new dog."
Yon would nte Sr. Patrick's Salve if yon
knew the tood 'twould do von.
Old Ssarlk at the exhibition: Dis
tinguished amateur (showing his latest
picture) "I a rub out a great deal.
Most of my effects are got bv tuot,"'
Old Suarle "Ah. capital process ! Only
you dou't carry it quite far enough I '
"Rousfe ob Corns.
Ak for Wells' "Kougli on Corns." ise. Quirk,
complete, penuaueul cure. 0'oru.s watts, buuieus.
To Tvr A wat Stee nArticles for the
sum uier. or to leave knives, steel fendeis
of grates, tc, without rusting, greas,
the steel well with lard aud tie up in
brown paper.
Jopi.in, Mo. Dr. J. B. Morgan tan: "I flo.1
t hat Brow u Iron Bitters (fives entire aatbU UoD
lo all who use it."
Demoraijzino effect of five-o'clock
teas: Charles Bonmot (who sets up for
a wit) ' Xever see you without a cup of
tea; what a living praise to the article
yon are a regular 'tea-deum;' or, as
you're a woman, you must be 'tea-dea.'"
Mis Florence Bullseye (who thinks him
something of pedant) "Yes, and be
ing a mau it must be that too are a tea
deus " '
IOTuj agti it was customary for the
men employed at railway stations to
convert unoccupied spaces of ground
near the stations into flower-beds. The
taste and skill displayed incited people
in the neighborhood to try what they
also might do with the unsightly aud
unused piects of rocky ground near
their dwellings. In a short time the
country all around the stations under
went a sort of tram-formation, and a
study of botany, in which book knowl
edge and actual practice went hand in
baud, was ereatly promoted. In this
country likewise on a few of the great
lines of railroad there are some stations
that present magnificent displays of
floriculture, which are a grateful relief
to the eye of the weary traveler and a
source of elevating enjoyment to those
w ho produced them.
In recect note regarding the pene
trating power of light in water it is sta
ted that the limited depth was ascer
tained to ba forty metres for Lake Le
mon, by Professor ForeL who used al
bumenized paper in his experiments.
M. Aper has recently mode similar ex
periments on the Lake of Zurich by a
slightly different method. He used the
photographic plates called "emulsion
plates" (more sensitive than albumen
ized paper), and immersed them during
the night of August 3 to the depth of
40, 50. 60. 70, 80 and 90 metres. They
were brought up after remaining twen
ty -four hours in the water, and treated
with oxolite of ir. n. All the plates,
without exception, were distinctly affec
ted by the light. Thus the chemical
rays penetrate in clear water to at least
i)U metres depth.
A poisi in history: The reconciliation
of the Vanderbilts and As tors does not
seem to have had as vet a marked hurlu
ence on the soldiers who served iso faith
fully under Mrs. Astor's banner while
the war was waging. The following
conversation occurred at Mrs. Lonliard i
the night after the Vani'erbilt Roll
Mrs. Winthrop-Stnith "My ancestors,
you know, really did come over in the
Mayflower." Mrs. Knickerbocker (ad'
justing her eye glosses-) "Really I
had no idea that the Mayflower carried
steerage passengers.
Catarrh of Ihe ltlllr.
Siintringirritaiinn, inn.enruation, all Kiilnry an
eriuary imupiaiabt, cureu lit -nucuu-iwiia.n
In things of the miudr we look for no
compulsion but that of light and rea
Kheumaliim. rtirrterel ulotoL general drbil It
Dt many chmnie uuufare pruiKHiiiret! uicurahle,
are oiieu euiea iy lru u a iruu Biller.
To indn'ge a consciousness of good
ness is the way to lose it.
Hear What One Memlwr of the ProrVMloa
Ttmtitled ltinrdiui the Scieutltie freiua-
raiHia oi a liromer ntmlwr.
Ms. DAWi.fr haa been in the drur tm-i n in tha
city of Prnr.denoj rw -nty fir.! ya .nt a-t derk anil prv
priet in good uml nj. aud kn wi whereof ha
Or. O.aiya; T ft miny ye:n I haveaiinVred. hv
te-ie!y at tiiuea, with what la iren-raiiy called rhetinia
timu. wh n fint att cked I waMcontiurd to my hel
and on .Id n.4 walk a step. I eould not t-ir the weitrul
of the bttVlothtM ao excmtiatiiur wa the airony 1 en
dure 1 1 alwaa aotio-d that b fore thea atticka
i aiue on n.y kidney were aiTeeted . hefo e uiere woul
he any taun in my limb or any swellnum of Joint- or
urabt tlw color of tin tecreuma from the kidueva
WtmM be rery lark and the odor atmtnr and f'-veruh.
1 he liet attack wja very severe, about fle yeara atr
a 1.1 I waa aonttned to the. tiouaa aereral weck-l, and
a a-t ..n lilo to attend to bo-4:ue- in hroe m.iQthi.
Dtur.Dj It tiiue 1 connae.1 a home m l tlie ti
of mv eonvaleaoanoo Iemplo olfouritf tlie bo doc
tor that 1 o hi .1 obtain, but hone of the. a gave nm
l-rmaurnt relief, for they did not b-o to work at tha
cauaeof tho trouble. Uadua b en aeipiaiiited with
tlie pMpnet.iT of Hunt'tf neuiixly tour tim.) I wx i r
doi-edby h.into aivelt a tnil. uopinx tii-u it mix-ut
reavD the -at of tile diaca-te; iud after takmr ouo bot
tle 1 fonnd myaelf Ter. nrteh improve!, and after
takiiur the weoud I m feelin-r better thus 1 hii-aft-r
any prevtou.4 attaek4 JJuniur many imuttM prerioiu
to laki.ur ihe lleniedy my hand an 1 timciM would ba
Ter mnehawol.en and sti fever mruiur; luy left
aide, iu the nation of attut-h a.td ) een. wm very
St ..a and .wUMitire; at time I would be -aken wi h -
Ter. cra-iip.4 over tab p een, a id ba nhli-.! t apply
mustard or cayenne ror temporary relief; I waa very
nervoua nnrnL- aud c uld n H aleep; 1 woa obliitxl to
be ve. y parueiuar iu my uVt and tnr pby-uY-.il astern
waaaaUy r.emoraU ed Stnea I have taken Hu.it'a
Keinedy ayrfteuiaUcally ail thraa tu.in have chani-ed:
I have notfwohen hanlaor lunlM, no paiaa or cramp
In the aide, can eat all km.ii of f.wit. ideep aoun.Ur and
iret th rouithly reefed, and m' kidney are active and
perform their functi4M promptly, uiua tak:tur nut of
theayAeu all the poi. m . tn anvti.in h.ch eon-
tami life the whole aytttem where the k.dney do not
act emeieauy. My fr.ru. K what Uunt'a Kerne I y haa
done for urn it w.ll do f al. you. I be ieve It to be
the only aure cure fr aL diea-ea nf (ha ILdueya,
WV AUK I.I J HI ft .1.1 -v. OC III IIUV,
l B. 1AWLKT. iA iiroad St
for all diseases of the Kidneys and
It hmm gpec&SLo action oa Hum moat importint
organ, enabling it to throw off torpuUty and
inaction, itimnli.tirc the healthy accretion of
tha Bile, and by keeping the bowels in tree
condition, affectinc regular doacharce,
PAS sloriO " yo Mr suffering (rota
Iv 3 42101 Ida milirw, have the cMUa.
are bilioos, dyapeptic, or constipated. Kidney
Wort will surely relieve and qnirkly cure.
In tha Sorinc to cleanse the System, every
i on should tajta a thorouKh coarse of it.
There lias never hern an Instance t whl. h th's
ier:inK itiviKiiranl wml ju 1-lt Ori.e medicine lia
Iiuled lu war t on tne complaint, w hen is ru ilu y
aH a prottfi-tioii -airatnt nutiarla. IliiR.lreila of
phyali'una have sban loneil all trie officinal -iH--if-ks
Slid dow presenile ttiui bannle-e tcie table
tonic lorchtlla inl fever, as well m iivsite itia
an-i iH-rvoua affecttou lioaUflter,s liiUera la the
KNrlhc Jon tieeit.
roraale by ail inniiririBut and Dealer generally.
or Enus fush.
of isnuu.
Sores aaul Galla,
Spaviat, Cracks,
Vrrw Worn, ttraih.
Foot Hoc, II oof Ail,
Swlaajr, Fonaxlera,
Spraiaia, Straiaua
Sore Feet,
Borat a aid Scalds,
Stlnaje mud nitre.
Cut mmd Brnlare,
Sprmiata ak Mitchee,
Coaitraietecl Xateclee
I'roat Bit a,
aadalleitcmaldiacaaes. andaTeryhtrrtoraerilent
Forgaaaal oae is family.ataUeanJ stock yard itii
OA WEEK. aaayatnomeeallyma1e. CoMly
outfit Iroa. Aaartaa lat;aux.aumiata. Ua,
rjcHrh.it Ht conducted at the Palace
of Industry. Paris, to determine tue
effect in conservatories of illumination
bv the electric light do not apK-ar to be
very satisfoctorv. When the naked
A f,VVth
result upon tiie plants was fonDd to be
positively injnrions. Wheu globes were
put on the lami. the injurious conse
quences of the light ceased, bnt very
I.ttle good could be dttecte.1. Illumi
nation by night did not seem to be fatal
to vegetable life, but no proof was dis
co veied that it was lieut hcial.
f einala Couiplalid-' (
Pr K. V. 1'ikkc:-, Itutlulo, X, Y.: I"
sJll woa sick lor six veors, and could
rceiy walk :.lm. the 1....I-- My breath
W"".";.haltl.o.i.ue also from
bowe sand iu my luck, a.. V "
d,.e.,l iu II h. I have ud v. r
Medical D.scov.ry" a.sl "lovonte 1 r.
i-h re-
auriiitiuit, au-i ' 1 ,",
1 Very rr-.-iJ-tiiilly,
Df.hlah n. McMillan. Arliuefin, Ga.
Mother," saiil a Iml, seriously, 'Tm
6uTiri8ed very mnclu"
"Well, George, what is tlie matter?
'You said it waa wrong to deceive,
diJn't yon V
Tee; Gvorge, very wronr."
'And wrong to swindle ?"
"Yes, very,"
"Well, tbeii, I'll have to' tell you that
noma unknown person has taken the
sweet goodies out of the prenerve-jur
oiut til led it nu with sour pickles."
. . . . - .11
Ami tha unknown nemoa .an out to
For w-f.tk lutijrs npii'ttii,' "'" tlI, short-ne-
of breath, c nsttiiip: i.iu, ni'ltt aweats
and al. liuu"riii! c.itlis lr. 1'iert-e
"tiol.lcii M.-iiit-al DiM-ovcry" in a sovereign
n-ituily. Sttprrior lo oil liver oiL iij
31ns. Ciudleton, who iuows that her
hnbband Lever shakes dice for drinks,
and who knows that he is strictly solier,
was awakened the other night iy Mr.
Giddle'on who, iu his sleep exclaimed:
'Three travs to beat. Horse on me.
"What do vou mean?" anked the
wire, shaking him.
"What does who mean?" .
"What alout?"
-Why, yon cried out, 'horse on me.
"That's all rinht. I merely had a
Canrcra and Oilier Tumor
are tn-ah-tl itlt iiiiusiial sttrt-t- ly WorM's
1 i.-i -usury ilnlical As.-Hai.-ttiun, I'-utlaUi,
N. V. Si-ml M;iln fiir iauiiitU t.
Thr. annnalot of lighting aPu lman
car hy the ordinary methods on En. lish
roatls is SD00, aud the London' JVtic
claims that wittt the outlay of $lt))0 for
a stationary engine, batteries, etc, a
better ligbt cau be had by electricity
for a year. Several roads which
have made recent experiments intend to
adopt the electric litit ou their ordinary
paK&enRer cars, and the days of oil lamps
appear to lie nnmbered. It is somewhat
singular that the Lugli.-h railways give
the first practical trial of Kilscu s elec
tric light in I'ullu an cars, both Ameri
can mvei t:ons.
-,,;Every truth has two sides; look at
both before comuiittimrynurseif toei'.htr."
Kidney-Wort cbalk-ni;t ilie closest semti
Dy ot its iiiffjedients and its grat.d result.
It has nothing to fear from truth. 1) ctors
may disagree as to the best n.eUiixU and
remedies, for the cure of constipation and
disordered liver and kidneys. Jiut ttiose
that have used Kidney-Wort, agree that it
is by far the best metlicme know n. Its
actii n is prompt, tUormicli and lasting.
Jrj.i h Uiiiin ud Dyes any lady can
get as i!"od results as tne btst practical
dyer. Lrery dye warranted true lo name
and sample
The citv of Geneva. Switzerland, fur
nishes water fur 6cui.ll engines at abont
cent a cubic yar 1, nnder a pressure cf
4 atmospheres thus giving a horse
power for seven cents au honr.
Loss Jack. Mir, rVp., 14, 1S79.
1 have been u?mg it p Bitteis, aud have
received great beiittit froni tlieiu fm liver
complaints and malarial fev. r. They are
superior to all other rued cities.
r. y. ba i:.n es.
To Cleax Mattino. Put a pint of
salt in a pad of warm water. Mop the
matting well, one breadth at a time, aud
wipe) with a cloth afterwards.
Lytlia E. rinkb.tm. whose benevolmt
face is srunl iwed in almost evtrr ntner
we pick up, appears o have discov.-reJ
whhl Addison calls mTUj tr.inj elixir
to suppirt the spirits of human nut. ire."
It is q u;e evident tiutt she ha the ntteut
and has secured tho contract for nutxia;
otrer and iinrovin the invalid corps of
American VVoniauhoiKl. GloOc.
.IfTuelies au an-i.-nt Egyptian 1)tv-
rns roll coutaining a treatise on luejieine
has been ionnd.
Great impr vetneuS have recently t- a
made in Carboline, a deodoriz -d i-x r ict t
petroleum, the ereat natural hair ie-ewer,
and now it is atisolutely perfect as an ex
quisite and delightfully perfumed hur
diessingand restort-r. Kvery'iody is de
lighted with it. Sold by all druists.
1 wrir scientitie instrument is the
plnviometer," which r. I'tMters the
quantity of rain fulling within a certnin
iieruhl, and the duration suit! the honr
of the fall.
rur uvs pensia, iniflfostion. ncnrM.m.
of spirits aud general detiility, iu th.;ir va
rious forms; also as a preventive aainat
fever and aue and other inMnutti.ni
fevers, the-'I,err.wpllo(tphriit(i Elixir of
oaiisaya.-- maue oy Uaswell, Hazard A Co,
New York, sold bv all rh-iivirit . ik-
best tonic; and for patients recoverinir
trom fevsr or other sickness, u ku so
Xeveb let your zeal outrun vonr char-
TllEliy;ieiicof)ii:ii-ki-ry li.-vs done inor. t.i
KKravatc ilysH i.Ma iiy s, ll inlln-t.l starva
tion than irliiilony ev.-r did. Castkink
ctir-s uie worst Inrms ul lv. i-ia.
Whoever has a contented niiuil lins
ail riches.
Don't lite lu the Kouae.
Ttouirh on lfata.n t'larsout mtimr m hu
ofl'iUK", uirs,aiiu,moies,'hipiiiniiksonliera. lie.
is the very poison
of manhood.
Fairfield. Iiat-iir. J. I. Vvrn
liroan's lion But. rs is the t st iron Vn-paratioii
hare ever auoa n i inj lmi tj years oi practice. '
Xo thoroughly occupied
man was
ever yet miseraUld.
Emory's Little Cathartic Till lwst
made tor Liver Ccmp.aint and Biliousness.
Tasteless, harmless, infallible. 15c
Ip yon wonil create avniethini;. vou
a tut be something.
Dr. Kline's Great fcerve Restorer la tii
marvel of lite a-e for all nerve uis-aseM. am
nta stopped tree, ttend lo SSI Arch etrrr
roiiaoeipuia, ra.
JcDGB-all men from the prehnmptiou
of their innocence.
LnJies and tauiuiiu a boots and sbnea
cannot run over if Lyon s Patent Uuei
StilTeners are used
Kxavirv is stipple, anil can bend, but
honesty is firm uitl npright and yields
: ..n iir..rii:Li It'tUl. i'
ri..n. aud elTl.-llce.l In
' ..I...L in r M-llMlllUnS. I
Relieves and cerea
Sciatica, Lanbago,
atrtxtll. $
SortMS. Cuts. Bruises.
and lauua.
nm ceits Bomt
IValerv liirecuous i U
The Charles Vooeler Ca
ib.Ullllll HlllilBgaW'l
I :. .. Jtn J a.llfr.
1 L-,JZ4-
vfgetablt: comfottitd.
In a Preittve Cnre
Far aD theae FalafM '-' a "
ae eaaaaaea te saw aert CcaaaU aeeaOwJaaa.
A MrJIciae for Woaaaa. Iarrated ij a Weaiaa.
Prr pared hy a Weataa.
Til Cimlat aUbal at. yStatataa M af Ml alary.
mtrrTtrra the droopta anirlta, terlgoratrs sad
a iT rlaaUcitT and
1mm to the avrp. r-torm th nalnral niMra tothe
HnU.i.oaitliaBaleehO'kof woeaaa m u-
mra at Ufa'a arbur aud early auaamrr time.
t-phjsiciaas Uss tt and Prescrib It Freely t
It renavrea fauitaeaa. flatulrary. deatroys all rraTina;
fur stuaalant. and relleras rli of the atomarh.
That fecliaa- of bcarlnc down, eausin; nain. weibt
and barkaehe. Is always pmnanenfcy eurra ny ,
Far the cure rf klax-y Ceaalalataef either aez
this Caaajaaad Is aaaaiianrs.
ltii r. mkiiw bli rritrnr
will rnlK.te vry rie of hua-K In iu UiJ
B.l. aiMl .n. t.nw and rurlh to t ha STKcin, el
auaa wutnaaurchud. ln--iat oa aaruuf u.
a -th fheComooeadand Blood ParuVr are ui ruand
m.icaWHacra Arenas. Lyna. ataaa. rriceof
ettarr.Sl. Six hottlra for Si. Sent by auul la the form
of pi IK or of loa-are.oarrcaiptof rke. SI per boa
fjrrithrr. r. Pink nam frarly anjwenall h-ttersoT
toqairy. Enclose Irt. atamn. Send fur pamplikV
w fSmHT .honld he without tTWA K. PT5inA5rS
L-Ka lll.l-v Tt-r rare e-mat i pal lop. Inlaaitn. a.
audwrpalityof tueurer. a cenia pr aa.
Jj-Swld hy adl DraKai9ta.-a O
Ko otttcr &Lmeaac-i0mo rtrcTjileTit in tHi ooan-
equalled tha celebrated Kidney-Wort w mi
cure. Whatever the eaoae, lvmeyer otaijja-te
lb case, thia raxaedv wii. overcome it.
nit PO Tma distrcminz earn-
plaint la very apt to be
Conaplicatd iritilooujitijpaaUoiL. Xidney-WoTtj"
! strengthens tne wrakenrxl paru ana qtneluy
curca .vllktiadscf Filea even when pbwUuxa
land mrCieinea nave ociore xauec
4 t naveel'-acrof tuidr trtmbTea
Cr-jsTflsts Sell
The Bad and Wortbless
are oerer nnuaira or wntrrfrtua. This b
eapeouu true of a family medicine, and II
rpusiuTeprooi nut the remetlj ttmtatett is of the
siK&esl a.ue. as snoa as a had been tested
aud pruTed by the wade world that Hop bitten
waa tue purest, neat and mint valuaole famllT
medicine on earth, many Imitations sprang op
and beiian lo steal the notices tn which the preaa
ami we peopie or tne country had expressed the
menu or li. b., anil m evt-ry way trrmir to in
duce aurfrnng inraUus to o.- their muB tnsteail,
expectiux to nuke money on the credit and guod
Dante of 1L B. Jlny oUiers atarteil noRtrumj
pot up In sUuliar style lo EE, with Tarlonalj
uerist-ii nauuea tn which the word "Hop," or
"Hope" were used in a way to Induce people
tu uri-cTe tney were tne ttune as Hop Bitters.
Alt u-h pretended remedies or cores, do matter
what their style or name at, ami especial; j those
wlU the word Hup' or "Hops--' In their name
or to any way connected with them or their name.
arc imiuuioua or eounterletta. Beware of them.
Tuox-h Dune of them. Use nothing but genuine
Hop Bitters, with a bunch or cluster of green
"v " me wane uoeL Tru Dothirur e:se
lirnmnsts and .Ira era are warned against deaiuu
in UUilaUulia ur niniitiirl.lr.
'' Automatic Engine.
"at aaaaar afftt u a- Mi m
TT" ''rj J-sr.tal OaaaJotwa -,- far 1
wfS!SL H...!dln;L Pa. .k
lixintn a.wni.iig fl ... B it
-m - '-.w n
A VMS w-mm
" "' IT:1 'V " "W rounty
unsa. . W.IlMriLa-KiT;" tf
awW 1. '111. IP
To Sen -Kverr.
Air nia. AMhkK.'A Pl'BLISiilVj w. 0,18 "
Jenth street, I hiiUlt C- 11 -Noru
aat-waa-wawaa " 1 Hhwhia
dueadaa par cent. K
Ba and Riij2.2Jrw-
Kanuaax ica. cpj
MuUada, Pa
aa " ' r-T iji I.JT orcu.ix.
rar-a...u . 7. " j ce.. - '.'
wr. BV All. nTM
SI a
will ewsifa,. "nn
ana. k
ApprtiK. fl. Oaiplalau. a.4 an SlZ J
A? " au ir,, Io4 Cr
B tmauj at xrm a , V Z.,ZL
hMabhx Bwiahla aaad - - .
Eealll of BoJyisfealllcf
Sarsaparillian Kcsolreat I
mt Kin blood puaiym
M staaaj mates soant flesh, ttmne w.
elearakia. If foa would hare ywr SeiTa?
sour hones aoond without car es, aid you,
piaxloa fair, as
Radway's SarsapariIHan
A remedy ixwipai d of tngredlen'a or
a..M A.lMal nmoartlea- ). i i. ,rf
aeai. ranalr and torirorate Ihe brota-in J?".
wastrd body Qcics, PLBaaaMT, hiraj j.,,11
SMTta iutreaunmtan.leur.
Ho atauav by what Dame tne comp'.arnt au.
iesliroaujd, whetber a be scrofa a, aLVm
svphliia, alcera, sores, tumors, txaj, trrnr.'"
haft rhee.ro, diseases of the longs, ai.lne,.T'
oer, womb, Mia, liver, stomal or towai Zt
chrome or eousutauooal, the vtrn is is t!au.T!
which airppllea the waste and hau.;i ana kTt'
these organs and waated tiasaea of uw rfJZ1
If the Mood Is Baheaith, Ue procea. at T
attnat he nnaonrwti w
The SarsapariIHan Resolvent
Hat only coaipeniiartnw reraedv, hot av
the harmoaiooa actioa of each of orr,n. it
astabUshes throughout the entire Tv.tm ftuvnJ;
al aarmoay and anpnl.es the bloou alt
aeia wtlh a par and heaithr currrat
ew Bte. Ts scm. after a few uuv
of the larnaparUliaa, beoomea eltar a
beaouraL Pimples, blotches, bla. h tin, Jri
akin erupttona are removed ; aorea and alcrsa.
cured. Pen.. as suffering from acr.fuia, erin;
oueasea of the eyes, mouth, ears, legs, throat ui
Ciaada, that have accomoJaSeil ..n-1 .iprraii ..7;
trom ancured dlseaaea or mercury, or tnxa t.
use of corroavve sablimate, may re.y npr-a t a
il the ttarHaparuliaa is oootinued a sutsLieai Baa
to make Its impreasloa an the ytem.
On hocus contains more of the active
pies of Medicines than any other lr-pJiJr
TakeD In teaspoonrul dosaa, whxe other, njj:
tve or slz uiaea aa oiaca.
On Dollar a llottlw.
Th (.'heap ! Beet Slwllefate fee
family law tat tfeiw World
la from en lo twenty m litotes sever fani a
relieve Pala with one thorouKh ap;ucau(.
ao matter how violent or excru-iattng the pus
the Kheumatle, Bed-riddeo, Inarm, Crp
Nervous, Neuralirie or pr-trated with .Iucm
mav sneer, RAD WAY K&AUY KhXlE w
or LIMBS are Uurantly relieved.
FEVTR AND AGTB en red for . Ttim t
not a remedial agent In th a wor:.l tli U w. i van
Fever and Ague, and other Maianous. b.ii.Hu.
Scarlet, Tvphoid, Yfilow and other fevers iai tr.1
bv KAD'.V AY'S PILLa) so aoickiy as RAiiWAl i
It will in a tew moment when t-trn tBternaly
accorltng lothe directioas, core Cratups, jiwiu.
Boor Stomach, art born, Slcii H-i.t.-::e.l'nf.
aia. P; pitatioa of tne Heart, Cold Chil.a, Hr-trres.
Pains In: tie Biwela, Diarrnorit, Dy-wnrtrv, Caic,
Wind in the Bow', and all Internal Pan,.
Travelers should alwava carry a hotile of EaIV
WAY S READY RELIEF with thcro. A trw
dropa In water will prevent sickness or pn4 fr-ia
change of water. It la better Uun rrtaca Bran-ij
or Bitters aa a Bttmulant.
larraand Lauhrrnita should alwtrt
ba pruviued with it.
Rcrulatinr Pills
Perfect, PurgatlTe. Soothing A peri
enta, Act without Fain. Always
Sellable and Katural
in Operation.
rsi fecry taattleaa, elegantly enated with awret
r"! PDrwa, Rcolaia, purvlj, deana and atreo
then. Radwatw Pius frjr the enrs of all dhmrlera it
Stomach. Liver, Bowels. Kidnrys, hauler,
ema.e Coin plain ta. Nervous Disea.-e, Lou of A f
petite. Headache, Consupatioa,Costivrn--s. In.U
rUon, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Fever. In5:itni
tioa of the Bowe.a, Piles, and ail deransenirot
the Internal Vlacera. Parely vegetau.e, eootaia
IngBo mereory, minerala, or deleterious drugs.
r Observa the following svmptotns reu.r.rg
rrooi Diseases at tha Dtgestiv organs; Coostipj
Oon, Inward Piles, Fullness of Blood in tte
Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea. Heartburn,
Disgust at food. Fullness or Weigat in the -jnath.
Soar Eructations, Sinking or Fluttenog at
the Heart. Choking, or Suffering situations sura
to a lying posture, Dlmnea of Vl-, bout or
w ebs before the Sight. Fever and dull Pain in the
5e.Deflc,'ncT ot Perspirauoo, Yeuownrsa of
the Skin and ye, Pata la the SMe, Ctiest,
umoa, and ooduea Fluahea of Heat. Burning
the Fleao.
A few doses af Kadwatw Pius win fres OS
TstauB front aU Uie aixve-named uiaurdera.
arle, S3 Cwwta Far Bos.
w?Z?-!?T'mV HADWAT A CO Sa
w"r?1n..Cor. Church St, New Tort
. lI1I0rmaUoa worth Uionsan-ls win be Kut
Be sors and ask for RadwatX and see that tts
LaUaat "Ht ntar aw -
. 1ns3?a feos r'totvi
cV NeDurDcSTnorn
etUCC waaaraav a . . J ' T - . "
. """ vvaniawim a.
rKrF! ST"'?" IL -A full de:r:ni.,M. ol
ttmil a Ji .. laiL'ia .-yatrut nt lKa-
iwooa-aiC ai m ou,i-junnaii..
rue 8u
An tho - - " " H
ntt,lw,u,, "..'verythina- that rnt
an . f.ar,,-p5;i,J " e ery .-.u.n
em nt
y.i.t- toitr.it
.ilv. S IKlk-VI.
. V fmr. Waaaxr i vtu si
-JAU,.AND. Pubu,,.,. x,
. New Tork City.
D!rrr e
I1IUUO UAnUPI nWi'mlnTmrinwalK-
T. ttuFixni Haiu. . i.
"iiuitu it'.tfj ,7 v t.. b.r...
nm 1 t I.K-
an.l t
lt3S 4oi,U.
I !d forth-
Z "Health Helper"
IWth. aa Koa tea Butti.Y.
, 'i y i
1 frnect
Mil a.
tHARr.ni! isr,u., .
. - .oouuUWUj Com.
01JI.-V a.-..
fraisryleof Pm.iiiitiiti
r-a its
I - al
lweM.Mat.arft.kn aa d.rfr.r.1. A . f-tj
ci'i ' "" T-'V! an I , trM hotnc f-r-t.
?Lt" P-lvag rri-SN, h.,rv-n.l I-.t .hr
aeaiiKUiUua. MilUbu ... i . r, . .. ...
.Jl I ff