Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, May 23, 1883, Image 3

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WedMOnday, May aa, MS8
Subscription, $IJiO per annas, if pa
r2i oV.h2rnu,8i 2- ot -ffl"
Transient advertisements inserted at 60
cents per inch for each insertion.
Transient business notices in local col
Btnn, 10 oeet per line for each insertion.
Deductions will be nude to those desiring
to advertise by the year, half or quarter
The Legislature will adjourn June
James Simons is Laving Lis house
Fort Royal is to hare a musical
Win. Banks is engaged in shipping
Lis steers eastward.
There was a heavy white frost last
xnursuay morning.
Samuel Bergy shipped a lot of cat
tle eastward on Saturday.
The banks will be closed on deco
ration day.
Jacob Sulouff has Bold Lis Lvery
business to David B. Sieber.
Wm. Howe, of Tyrone, has been
Yisumg nis parents in this place.
Academy girls pitch quoits some
times when they have leisure to do
From all parts of the county re
ports speak highly of the growing
The Centreville Lutheran church
Las been repapered and repainted,
Banks Kauffman has sold 5 self
V 3 ' 1 - -
umuing macmnes ior tne couun
California mountain trout Lave
been placed in the Leadwaters of the
Jacob Sulouff has planted a peach
orchard on his farm in Fermanagh
Shurcan's hotel kept by Mr. Hur
ry, is to be put in a thorough state
of repairs.
The bill in the Legislature to raise
the common school term to G months
failed to pass.
Some of ex-Sheriff Wall3 lumber
operations List winter were 24 miles
from the river.
The base ball fever has broken out
in this place with something like an
epidemic vigor.
Fattersoa authority has forbid
den the playing of base ball within
the borough limits.
General Crook with a force of 300
men is after the Indians down in the
region of Mexic-j.
The State iSenate has passed a
bill to permit of the killing of the
English sparrow.
Harrisburg people have taken to
pic-nicing. Thirteen pic nic parties
left that town last week.
Go to ifcClintic'a tin and stove
store for first-rate garden hoes,
garden rakes, and spades.
Mrs. Wills has bought a property of
Joseph Smith near Cocolamus in
Fayette township for tl,200.
J. H. Simons has returned from
Philadelphia with a large lot of
goods, in his line of business.
Mrs. Snyder and daughter Mrs.
Gush, fro:n Port Koyal, were visiting
friends in this p!;ice lat Thursday.
The orchards last week were glor
ious in then- blossom promise of
fruit for the autumn and fall seasons.
A number of the youth of the
town engaged in a game of foot ball
on Mainstreet, on Thursdsy even
ing. Samuel PeUman of Richfield, bad
his right leg broken above the ankle
joint while 2 -laying at a game of base
The examination at the S. O. S., at
McAlisterville last Thursday is spok
en of as quite a creditable esamina
tioru Ex-Sbt-riff Wall has been using
' bene fertilizer on his land with satis
factory result during the past 14
Eighteen hundred and sixteen, was
the year without a summer, that sea
son there was frost and ice in every
A lawful ton of eoaL as decided by
the United States Circuit Court at
Philadelphia, should weigh 2,240
A nice black feather, is at this of
fice awaiting the owner, that lost it,
to call and get tho- piece of bonnet
Last Thursday night, at a church
festival in Chatunoog Tenu., -4
persons were poisoned by something
in the food.
Gideon Sieber of Walker township,
has bought the Olea farm-140 acres
more or less in Fermanagh town
ship for '.,000.
The ninetv-fifth General Assem
bly of the Presbyterian tfcurch of
the Ueitcd States convened at .Sara
toga, X. 1 last Thursday.
Harrv Bonsall Las InMight the in
terest that Charley Kepner had m
the confectionary and m now tte
sole owier of the concern.
Patterson authorities has issued
a decree against the nse of the sling
to throw stones by boys in town.
It is too dangerous a piay thing.
A party from Lewistown -came to
Macedonia on n flat last Saturday
and passed the day at thai faronto
Mountain resect, in fishmganddaoc-
ing. . .
The Ladles Foreign Missiouwr
Societr of the Presbyterian ebon
hipte, &m at the horn
of Mrs. Hamlin neat Saturday after-
The Sentinel aJ -.
. i mi f-nr.it v. ana a
its patrOU - a-ae- tter
. j n I V TfTJ r. II K t II
greater variety
than aej other
T t
' i,ot h train, com
orJv callfid by raur
ia T Wid." is to I taaea ou.
i ... TTarri
rain runs Deiffecu
.a..t t urrisbuKr last week o "
mtiSvieiniYr OOUtv. as
rTnnhe meeting ol the hi- e o '
Mw.t7lc,T"tes towbetlierheB.iiH
the occasion
mX?terF:"F" of McCulIoch
mills has received a pension of 800.
J,,- Ts- """"j uauiea against
Whoa, in one of which-heas wo
that he obtained through the pur
fcet0fa1H0r9'toThoa3 Sulouff.
Tom hM taken the animals to his
lathers farm in Fermauagh town
snip. A merchant pot an advertisement
in a paper headed; "Boy wanted"
Next morning:he found a band-box
with an infant on his door step with
this inscription: "How will this one
answer t
Samuel Bergy was busily engaged
in buying horses and cattle last week
ior me eastern market. A Tusca
rora valley man named Stewart, sold
u"u nue norse, and five
young foxes.
T - . .
dv recent ljeoislafivA r.oor,
which has the signature of Governor
ratuson affixed to it, a lawyer must
have two yoars practice at the bar
oeiore ne can be lawfully elected as
iistnct Attorney.
If men and boys were required by
employers to abuse themselves half
as much as they do abuse themselves
at playing base balL Their employ
ers would be sued for cruel treat
ment to numan beings.
The Prohibition Amendment will
slumber sweetly on among the rec
ords of the Legislature after that
body has adjourned- How about the
members that gave promise of sup
port to the amendment movement?
In eighteen hundred and ninety
one, Mifllintown will be one hundred
years old. The town is not a very
large over grown pjace. There is a
fresh, youthful appearance about it
that is seldom seen in a town of its
"They were boasting about ances
try. "My forefathers," said John,
"came over from England on the
"Mayflower." "And my ancestry,"
said Pat, "kim over from Queens
town on the 'Sunflower.' It's aesthet
ic I am."
I don't feel nneasy about the fti
ture prosperity of any of my children
except Tom," said an Arkansas lady,
in conversation with an acquaintance.
"Poor Tom's mind is weak, and I
fear that, like his father, he will be
compelled to practice law." Arkan-
saw .traveller.
How is this for beauty, a Roman
correspondent of a London journal
says that ' Mrs. Astor, the wife of
the new American Minister, who is
only twenty-three, is so beautiful
that when she was presented at. court
her Majesty remained speechless
with admiration."
sober. He sat with the vonng ludv !
on the front kteps.
XltS frlUUitllt ILI i
a long time, trying to think of some
thing that wouid illustrate his so
briety. Finally he looked up, and
solemnly taid : "The (hie) moou's as
full as a goose ; aiu't it
As a lawyer, Geueral Butler devel
oped into a man who cared nothing
whatever for wuat people said about
him, but since he has become an as
pirant for the Presidency of the
public he has become quite sensitive,
as to what is written about nim and
is ready with an explanation for al
most every smib.
James Simons has put a new aim
ing in front of his shop. Giptain
MeClellan made aud helped to put
the shade up. and he and Simons
believe that it would tike an exper
ienced awning maker to make a bet
ter job. It shows for itself. But
no matter for that, walk in under
its shade and buy something nice to
put on your horse when you wish to
drive or ride.
The Presbyteriani at McAiisler
vil'.c, visited the pastor immediately
after the parsonage bad beeu moved
into, and left ith him a general as
sortment of the good things of life
for himself and family to eat aud !
drink. The Fayette township peo
ple are a hospitable people aud a
preacher must needs fare weil among
Horat-e Grtelv once Htlvifie'l a
. t
vonn man as louows : ioiid'T mam
don't swear. There i no occttsion
for swearing outbiJe of a new-Fpajicr
office, t here it is useful in proof-reutl-in"
ami indispensably nece.-Bary in
frr ttinf' forms to rres. It has beu ;
known also niaterially to assi.it the
editor in looking over the paer af
ter it is printed. But otherwise it
is a very foolinh hahit
Do not forget that at Hess's Ph.
tograph Gallery you ran pt-t any
snTall picture cnlnrgwl for 73 rtiiita.
Also anything that is made in l'ho-to-Taphv,
you can get here dono Hp,
iu'firbt clsss style. All the lutest
style pictures, such as Cards, Cabin
ets, Troiuenade, Pannel Uotidoir,
&.C &c. Frames of all kinds cheap.
The Chambersburg Opinion in de
Bcribing a visit to the Franklin coun
ty Almshouse says : A man was set
At. the door of tho institution
about a vear a,'o, wuo is neipiees ana
ptone blind. He was brought in aj
carriage from Juniata county. He j
cannveno intelligent account of
vav - . I
i.:olf The nobauilitv is that ne
..... .i .1
sen. " . J ......
was aisposu u. ,
less menus.
twniiK thai desire to 'ive 1.00
or $10.00, toward luruismng tne
kouse in New Jersey, that has bet n
bequeathed to tho Presbyterian
Church of the United States, as a
hotne for Tresbykrian preachers that
are no longer able to labor, can do
so bv Landing the money to E. S.
Pitrker, he will forward the money
and see that it is duly credited to the
person that sends it, ami to the con
gregation in which he ia an older.
A citizen in town last Friday re
lated the escapade of a citizen of the
eaat end of Fayette township among
the gutter - r,"..
zen, he saw - "-r
fimes. He rartea wnu wo
dwife'ine of the women Lves
r . n.i.;,uitT: the otuer lit-es
IU luuf"- ,
The third wife he
in Ferry county.
sold for 15 00 to l ayette town
?. "?s , with chow she now
KX-nUv' Ifethatthei
jives p" j . wooinir i
The Huntingdon Glob says, a
Clay township man baa an opinion
of his own with regard to potatoes.
The farmer says one cause for the
poor quality of potatoes last years
was that planters permitted the bugs
to prey on the vines to a considera
ble extent during tne latter part oi
the season before the tubers. were
matured, and holds that another rea
son for the poor quality lies in the
new varieties recently introduced,
which, while they produce well, are
not of first-rate quality like the Pink
eye and Neshannock. He believes
that the quality of our potatoes is
deteriorating, and that the day may
not be far distant when they will
cease to be generally used as food.
Over in Bedford county the Court
appointed a number of men to put a
value upon certain farm land that a
railroad company desired to run a
road through. The viewers report
ed that no damage will be sustained
by the owners of the land. The
viewers should be sued for conspir
acy to rob the farmers of their land.
Corporations are organized for the
purpose of making money, they have
no other purpose in view, and wneu
they are empowered by act of LegiS'
lature to use private property, no
right is given to any set of men to
rob the people of their laud for the
right of way. They may take it for
public purposes but not without
paying for it unless it be given to them
voluntarily. The piesumptiou that
it will increase tiie value oi a man's
property does not justify tho rob
bery. TLo Suippeusborg News writes as
follows with lfgurd to tne liquor
traffic : We have many good laws in
the interest of temperance, but pop
ular sentiment isn t up to the enforce
ment of thein. It is a violation of law
to sell liquor on a Sunday ; it is a vio
lation of law to sell to a minor ; it is
a violation to sell liquor to a person
of known intemperate habits ; it is a
violation of law for an intoxicated
person to appear on the street. Now,
if these laws were all enforced, it is
difficult to see how there could be
huuch intemperance existing in our
State. hat is needed, is tne eleva
tion of the individual to a proper re
gard for temperance to imbue him
with temperance principles and Lab
its and where can this work be so
appropriately and elt'ectively done as
iu tho cliurcu T Let people be taugut
not to drink, and wo need trouble
ourselves very little about the "iiquor
The American Farmer gives the
following directions tor making a
cheap honje-.uado telephone: To
make a good and serviceable tele
phone, good from ouo faim hoube to
another, only requires enough wire
and two cigar boxes. First neh.-ct
your boxes, ami make a hole about
hull au iuch in diameter in tho center
, i, f j. . . ; ,i.
. . ... . j , f I
lO COiiuet t ; laicti yei. 11, t5 jMjutius t.i j
common stove pipe wire, uaK a
loop iu one eud and put it through
' the hole in your cigar box, support
ing it vt neu necessary wun a ttoui
cord. You can easily ruu your hue
into the house by boring a hole
through the glnss. fcinpio:-t your
boxes with siitis nailed across tne
the window, and your telephone is
coiui'lete. The writer has one that
- . Ill ilk 1 I . n .. I A. .i . ! v
iuu..us . .U!iaUv.w., j
cents tllitt Will carrv luusic wneu Uie
ortmn is nltutd UiirtV feet ttWiV ili
S'r rnoii
anotutr rouiu.
In MemOriam,
At a meeting ot tho oiheers aad teachers
ol the lTebyleria.i Sabintn sch)l o! Mil'
j IliutoWD, held May lltb, A. D. I8S, the lol-
lowiiig tribute ol esteem to the men ory ot
Miss Mary Cnrity was adopted. Oa Sab
bath mt.ruitig, May 1'., the resoluli.us
were cotienrred in aud adopted by the
school :
Inasmuch as it hath pleased Almighty
Ciixi to remove by death our co-worker aud
l'elloa-laborer in tho Sabcath shol, Mis
Mary Christy, we u uull hereby give express
sion to our high aprrctaliou ot her l iiih
lul and tarne.st christiuu wori wilb us lu liio
Master's Vineyard.
Keiovcd, TUat we humbly and reverent
ly bow to tlie great eearcaer oi' hearts, wbo
' doeih ail tilings lor hw people's good
. . I
ins ou giory
Ueoived, That in her death we recog
nize the liSS ol a true, devoted and exeuip
Ijry christian; but wo believe our loss i.
her eternal ag.un.
Hesoivcd, Thac i.i thu dispeusaliou of
llhiuc Providence ao hear tho voire ol
God calling to more active ami dihgeut
use o: our divuieiy laieats m Christ's ser
vice aud preparation lor doa'.h.
Ucftoived, i'hat c extend our wartnust
syiusithies aud curisliau coii'l j.euee to the
bereaved family aud Irieuds, cotuiuending
them to the fatherly care ol liiiu a lio
niakctU iJi thiugs Work together to thuui
tbat love Uod.
Kesolvvd, That the.su rcsolutious be en
grossed iu tiie minutes of our Sab'o.ith
school, aud a copy of them sent to the
faiuiiy of the deceased, and to the county
papers lor insertion.
AuaM J. I'ATrtKsoS, Superintendent.
Masox Ik win, Secretary.
- -
In Meinoriam.
At a meeting of the Presbyterian Sabbath
T vni.ai ill n .iiiiuLun mm . v v.
t u... l!t ls:t
IiLh fallowinir tribute of esteem to thu
- ,
me uf Bii
rueuiory ofBiancne ccuun, a loruier pupu
of the school, was adopted.
Wueacas, It hath pleased God in his
wisdom to remove from us Blanche Scboll,
one of our beloved pupils ; thereloro
Resolved, Tbat iu this inscrutable dis
pensation or Uod wc shouid learn the
aolemn lesson that our Father iu Heaven
would teach us.
Kcsolvcd, Tbat in her death the school
lost one of its brightest pupils, whose ami
ability and gentleness won the hearts of
Resolved, That we extend to the sorrow
stricken parents onr earnest snupatny, aud
aji thorn to turn to the all a it e oue, who
is wise and meucilul and who Uoetb ail
; thing, wei.
That these resolutions be en
grossed upou the minutes of tue Sabbath
school, and that a copy be banded Ihe fami
ly ot the deceased and putMisUed ia the p
pers of tbe county. .
A lie to J. PaTTitasoN, Scpt.-rintcmie.'it.
JJascx lawis, Secreury.
Aa auracuve . jumuiu P l-.raaco se -
M w
Senator C ameron tailed from New York
on trip to Europe, on Saturday.
One of the indupentible things is a cook
stove, go to McCiintic'a and buy a cook
P. G. Shelly, a young enterprising
teacher has a flourishing formal astiool
in operation at Bichnold.
The S ocietv of the Army of the Potomac
held a meeting at Washinlon last Wednes
day and Thursday. It was a meeting Tery
much like the soldiers te-uniun in Juniata,
with the difference that bou oi tftose pres
ent had been otbcrs. The camp lire stor
ies, and reminiscences were no beUer than
those told in Juniata.
A rural chap, with a. great deal of music
in his soul, visited the city and stopped in
frout of an opera bouse where the orches
tra was rendering Wagnerian airs. "Go
ing in?" asked a triend, tapping him en the
shoulder. Well, yes, I calculate to"
he replied, "but I guess I'll wait till they
get lurough mending boilers inside. I
want to hear the music.
Attehtiox. Housekeepers, yon may Hud
a largo assortment of cook stoves at Mc
Ciintic'a The laws of our several States and the
action ol the courts uuder them are a dis
grace to our country and to Proieatautistn.
A Catholic, by the U ol his Cnurcb, dar
es not take aavauugo o. civil law to di
vorce but wile, or the wuo har husband.
The act oi tua puokt vultii iuiu tuo mar
riage contracts by rollout or-uiuuiea, and
lueao ina civil law cauuot disauuui, tue la
el lUo Cnurca bumg above civil Uw. But
f rotesianis, no ciltl, tiral aia lu ouciiug
in vie Ioomj Uws auJ then tit) advauuge ol
tttui to put away taw wives lor very lull
ing causes aud aouieliuiea tor ne cmo at
all. hi.
Wiiiiain itoilaua oaus and uau6ua a
jewelry aud watch store m this town. At
nignt Joun lluraiug has been watchman iu
tue siure to take caro of the valiuolea and
to pop the burglar whose covetousutss or
avurice' mignt prompt min to breas in aud
steal, but ou accouut ot the ioipenect
hiMltn ot sirs. Horning he was not at his
post as wat-.'huian last Friday night. '1'lie
proprietor however perloriuod tue olbce
that Horning was accuto:ui-4 to nil aud
bad an experieuce uut convinces uiiu Bow a
uisu leels when he believes tbat tnievea
are about to break througn aud rob hiui oi
Valuable projvrty tbat requires years ol pi
tieat application in business to aocumu.aio.
His business place Is ou SIm j street, and
clo.-e by it ou the north :dj wh!i a pico j
o. j-rooao,. . . ""7V, ,
leoce between the two houses, along Main j
slanaailttledoorthrougU the leuce j
aud a box bcuiuo uiakts Eo.iu.au ' coal;
house, fcetaeea tux. two buml i.g.i aud ,
up agauiKt lti cos! box ad let'. IW-k- j
enbiig ir hau ilnl s lot et euity Muie .
boxes. About ll o'uiuuk ou saiuroay
tuiriiliig Koliuiau "as awatcued Vj a u..is:
uiuoiig lac store boxes bciwrcu IUc ou. ut
iles as 11 several oi lueia Un-i roiieti Uoan.
He 4im kl sprang to his te-1 seized ui
revolt era-ad weut to tbe Iroul door ant ! oral0
upeued it, aud there, to his siiprise sltx.d a j
strange man aud a second uuo s just j The Yearly uieetiug of the German
vlnuoiiig down iroiu tue leuce, to ihe pve-1 JJMpt,eI vt Iuckards ?otrued at Bis
u.eut aud It was ho wbo bad started me . fc u Kaus, on .May 15, 10,-
pilcoiboXeslon.il. The one that to.t j r ' ' '
at the door was ralbur a small man, the oiw ; UW people belUif in attendance from
that caiuc over tlu louv.e was a Urge uau. all arti of tbd I tiltedSlates.
To Kolliutu's emphatic lundiry of tne in ou,j , .
oue ol tbem MiMnervtl ! hate m l done At Lsntou, TfXa, On Tuesday May
auytl.ii g.,' hat at tne samo i;:ua moveil up 1, verdict of uiurdor in the first da
as ll hu m:cnded to j.ass tlio proprietor gree and life sentenced in prison was
and eutrr tho store, ibat was too uiutli : rellljcred against IleV. Henry .Stuitb. a
iorho.tu.au ho was exciu .but .bat Baptist minister, for killing Deputy
huu up to a tlgutiug beat and ne leveled I ' ' , , o .,
Li relv.r at the le.low and bad hint look oberin Uay, ot llctidcrsoo county, J
inio it, and at the same liuu, to the must
vaiphallc iiuuiier luvited luer.l to leave.
itivU ha cievutoi til" aheapou lar above
the prowler's he.:d and tli-!iar);,-d load.
11IUM.UI.U1.I mi- yisivi ia-:-u j
" --' "I . I
sceue. II ltol.uiau uad canea tne siamarti
lookers ou t j his ueip no uii,;bt oiue aries-1
i.ut I.... lAi. in... mti.i t.uSili-.l rlirin bifr til f
stainart i
. t
mo autbonty. Lawyer Ataii.vm io..- .
mi out l liis wmuow. lauaer I'a.aer
aaslwalug out ujuu the sceue aail latr
j Uoty Jr. a"s ii.t-rerd iu looking uro..
inr luotfiiH-uts ot the roup bclu, aud
tbe :nd'ws of the hotel on t!ie opposiiv
I sm0nh0 street coauim-d many origin
eyed prctatora. K..uuiauaas li.e r.c
O'uUji Cgtird ri;h aruoia all ete m sym
uaiSv aud uuo euiousiaslic j-uvvi iiur
shuuicil to bus, sl.oui! sliiH.i! luui' but ol
" "'-"'- i eutraua tor parnouiars in iou.e
camu ntaur to iho weue ibau to tueir erluj(.s
Cliaaiber window. Kolliuau's beilgutcul i
at titude alitl 1U cuuiluaiioliij luvitat.a Vj Altt-r I had become al" Ost skin and bine,
liio traiup, t. leave w. s made il.mbly j wilh i.eiilicr strength, appetite nur aiubiti
imurcsivc by the agreasive cri;k ot the j on It-It, and Ihrf di.cturs couldn't help me.
pistol shot, and lliey loll, the one
down Maiu street Clio other oue went down
liriuge street toivard Pailersou and it 13
supposed thai they came log.itbcr, went to J
Pallet sou and mooed ihe outcry ol Jonepn :
l.anuis ol suio Ihtugn to eat. jsoiuo .
btoke lU'.o tbat i.u;e and tuey a.: no n'eil j
wnU the robiiery. fhey urj a:.j c.-o .iietl
WHO having iiu.ra tools Iron: tne biaek i
smith snot ul J.'st: iluMe, and lliey are!
r red ilea wuu b.n.g lu- ui"U ln.il la. 1..
1'reso ten i.i ...i.u yarn, luiU la oluef '
piaeea aouitt tv i...n n Fiin.... sjoVrra.
.'lllZ.'an l In. i.i.hi.-a- .m;e lo li.te a i
scripnoiiol the ia. n t ial .'e at ivj.jiii.i-i r; !
tl:at Is, the.r denrrtt ton .t liio bieit lieit ;
were in tile VK.ir.it. ol ilie iou o.i t ti
CorrespoiKls Willi Koliiuau's .eacripun.i o.
tue men iliat wele at his piaeo oa oatuiuiy
niermni;. "
Ou WeJuesdaT night, between 1 and
'1 o clock, James Leasura aud wil
who live 10 Juuiata towoshln, bad a
rouo'i' eipeneuce with bursars j
Leasure has a bell ou top of his bouse, j
aud a rope runs Iroiu the bell to the j
lower part of tbe house. The burglars j
(lot a ladder at Jacob Corley 3, una
Oiiie distant, and with this they got oa
tbe roof of Lcaeure'a bouse and cut
the bell rope. While on tho roof of
the house they wero beard by the ser
.klit lrlll vim n.. oil, r t Klt an I
fc. ' . e . ...
weut do au stairs id her oi"ht oiotlten.
U'l.n -ii ri.arhprl Vilehn hn .aw
...... . , ,. u . . . . .
out and were already m tbe bouse sue
purcucd a considerable distance
but escaped aud reached Jacob Cor
ley's houo aud pave the alarm Leas- j
ure aud Lis wife are SO years of at'e. '
They sleep dowo stair j and were Lot'
awaro of their danger unttl (he robbers !
csiuc to tbeir bd;d i aad wskened i
tbeui. The burglar were ui sukeo !
with veils. Tbey told tba old toiks to
Step quiel as they ouly warned tLeir
nionev. Mr. Leasurc insisted on it
tbat they bad no money aud while
they were parteyiug with tbe robbers,
the neighbors wbo bad beeo noiifi. d
by the girl were beard approaching
the bousa aud tb robber fL-d Tbey
wore pursued a short dislauon and one '
of th veil were fouud. Tiiey are I
kuowo and step are being taken to i
Mcuie their arrest. Other robberies
base recently been eomiuited in tbat
Bsiglborhood aud tber person are
cow blamed for thrive crimes. Mr.
Lrasaro was supposed to have a con
siderable quaunty of tnooey or bad
and this fact-was known to the rob
ber. Tbey were well posted as to the
fuet tbat the beil rope was amused
so that Leasure could reach it
b, . .1 . , ,
i bfcul-ro.. and tbat be lad tut P
the bell so a to bo able to cie an,
! alarm iu c.se of Q attempt of tbu
laiud Ihsrarniers tit that neighbor -
hood are getting up a vigilance coin-
mmce aDil proposed n...n rxv
a ,u cfd th.y
jnn ciluL -Ucdfurd Iu.juirer.
Maura. Pal User. Palluvr A. Co., or
Bridgeport, Ct., the well known Archi
tects and Publishers of standard works on
architecture, have lately issued a sheet
containing plants and specifications of a
very tasteiul modern eight room cottage
with tower ,aad also with the necessary
moditicaUuuS for building it without a, tow
and er with but 6 rooms if desired. In its
most cosUy torm, the outlay is estimated at
$J,00U; without the tower it has been
built tor $J,6' ; and if only o rooms are
incluaed, the cost may be reduced to
$1,000 vr $4,000. Details are given of
mantels, stairs, doors and casings, cornices
tc. 1 he publishers have found it the
most popular plan they have ever issued,
ana statu that it has been adopted in more
thau hveliuudred instances within their
knowledge. The same firm issue Specili
caUons in blank adapted for Iranie or brick
buildings of any cost; also forms of build
ing couusct, and several books on modern
inexpeuiive, artistic Cottage plans which
are ot great prcucal value and couveuieuco
to every ouo iu teres ted.
- -
la a 70 utile race beiweua a bioy
olist and a burse, at Altoona reeeutly,
the bicyclist wou easily. The raou was
lor a 3AU wagou.
la a tixut oelweoa two robins and a
game ouiukeu lu butier, a tew day
ago the rubiua cnased the chickens
bait a tune aud drove huu into a hol
low tog tor salely,
'i'be house ot Lou.s tiohmeitier, at
Jouusiowu, was struck by lightuitig
tiusing a terrible storm. The occu
pauts were thrown uat oi bed and the
house was badly wrecked
Writing ou the subject of rat diet
the iioiiUou times says a jrentleinaa of
bleu l, fcugiaud, lacomiujj to the douclus
tou tuairais were as good to eat as rab
bits, reeeutly caught fume tbat had
beeu raised iu a anil and dressed them
Tue fleati was woite like a obicken's,
but almost eulirety devoid ot flavor.
The (Jaiuese long ago discovered that
they were oueap aud good eating, and
the slaves iu Jamaica rotated tbeus in
asu.es aud eat tueua as Southern negroes
do jams. P.'. Kane taught his uieu
to km thru on board ibesbip, boll and
uituce tliiui, roll them into balls aud
oovur wi;u tailow. Tiiev proved very
Well as palatable, aud
cuieU tue scurvy, with winch the nun
Were begluing to sutler.
K rf .
N e w ul oltJ wooden ltlulau at
T bltu avcbUu and 1 -I atleet, Wb.co be
at once attacked, and alter a lew blows
tuo Itidiau was kuouked out aud lay
prostrate. llieu olfsoo walk
ed a lew steps dowu the street, drew a
revolver aud shot biuielf ti.rou''h the
years ago iu a difficulty over the ar
rest of buiub's brother (or stealing
Vsy Blooitisburg
v. n . I 1 1 . .
,.ri., .1 nil in
J - --fc
- ' V e
lim lltCr ju, one ot the most dreaded
.iirslwt, in tliu h it t? I Ir t ! I ...!
101 l0 ,wu veara' iuipri-unment, for
giou, 10 two vears luipnoouieDt,
ftilttniMtiio la, kill Vila imiih. llnlt
r ,
tou Was a Itadiug Mo.lie Maeuire and
w.n eimcerued in uiauy dark deeds,
but he managed to eiude the tffieers nn-
1 ,,, Um K?ek J,e js 01le , ,he caou'
. , ,
I vifeca 9 ears ID lb,' He tbteateos
to expose some promintnt citizen of
j two bottles I'ailter's Ginger Tonic cured
lue ceuipletely.
I wnu'.d iLform the public that I will open
a new iiuiiinety Mora at iiiy p'.aAe of res
idence ou Water-street, M.liiiuto'-t 11, seoorui
door Iroiu cornt r ol Uridjp street, ou t-at-iir.iay
May ftth. Having; just n turned from
Hie ci:y with a fuil stork, ! prl:lt. bmI
fcoi:ituer, miiliiu iy KO'ds, uii new, and
01' Hi.- latest M. les, mid havir. i-iuployed
lirst da tiii!iiiert, 1 am i n-pared to mip-
j ply the public lib tverythirft Kuml iu a lirst
j emm niiUmer store, come and examine my
i slock. 1 consider it 110 trouble l show
Totals. JUiS. UV.ltL.
! y.sy J-OJ.l.y.
MA lilt I ED:
S.1NEK-ALEXANDKR. On the' Hth,
by ilev. Thomas Thompson, of McAlister
ynif, John Andrew Saner and K'-becca
Juno Alexander, both of Payette town
ship. 1
j -
KKLLY thi Tuesday. M y 15. lfv3 ia
Palteison. M.iszie Ms ,d.vuMrrot lieorgn
j and alree Kellv, aued 3 luontlis.
M t, (n Tue5(ia, M.iv lo,
' a' f 1 o'clock r. M. in Eist Waertrd. at
17 years.
airs. Mary I). Rowe, aged about
3131Eit?J 4 la.
MirrtiRTows, AI iy 2a, I68.J.
E:s.. 13
Lard 1
Bam 17
Shoulder 12
Sides 11
Kass 1 ;
Corrected weedy.
Qcotatioxs roa To-dat.
Wednehday, May 23, lbZ.
Wheat I 10
Corn, o-
Oats, 41
Ryo G
Timothy seed 200
Flax anil 1 411
Chop , i i
Snorts 1 25
Ptiii.r-FLPHIA, Mav
13 K-ba Milch sows
! su'P c. iiojrs iu to ii .
tancjuin jcinin rxx-i cacie extra :.
gorHi e medium 0 common 6J fat cows'!
j Wheat $l.P..,for Angust $1.2-1 was bid.
1 corn B5 to w. Oats 47 to ' n 7i t..
j "Uc.
: Hl:tlrr ,8 , ... r ,s lu 1&c. Hav
: too $.4 to 17. PyV .u. I2. Llv'e
jchkkcu, ll to !6c per lb.
Kew Advertisements-
2tDoob Nobth or Bkidge Strket,
Miflliutown, Pa.,
Calls the attention of the public to the
following facts :
Fair Prices Our Leader ! The
Best Goods Our Pride !
One Price Our Style! Cash or
Exchange Our Terms I
Small Profits and Quick Sales Our
Motto !
Our leading Specialties are
AND SHOES, for Men, Women and
Children, Queensware, Glassware,
Wood and Willow-ware, Oil Cloths,
and every article usually found in first
class stores.
exchange for goods at highest market
pi ice.
Thankful to' the public fur their
heretofore libera, patronage, I request
tbeif continued custom ; and ask per
sons from all parts of the county, when
in Mifiiiu to call acd see iny stock ot
(Successors to Buyers k. Kennedy,)
O It VI A,
Ll 31 lfElt
Calcined Plaater. Land Plaster.'
We buy Grain, to bo delivered at MiiKin
town. Pott Koyal, or Mexico.
We are prepared to turnish Salt to dealers
at reasonable rates.
April 2!,lSP2-tf
Aseuts Wanted For The
CELLS T I V L S Y M L 0 la
INTEKI-BLttD. Ey Kev. 11. Y. Norkss. U. I).
The grui.dest object of Creation the
fcil'S. Cenlre of Li!e, Liglit H .if. Attrac
tion and CI'iniHMl Action llM natural
woiiderti and spiritual teach
ings sre nhke marelous, ana make a o.Mk
ol aosurbirg and inlense irteret. Ttie
great pmbiems til Ihe 11 iterul I'liiv. rse nn-
lolilril and i!H:-tr t.-il. atu re shown
j tit be a It CV flat Ion Of (.Ud lu
I lie noblest ami uioit perlect
ttenise iili.ly coiniuenilMi. f.vrry laet
ot iir.ti-.re is uiaile lo reieat some le'sson of
His posicl." Y. Evangtlist. "ji.,th
ecu untie and devout." Kev. A C. lieoriro
I). ('liicajjo. "A startling rrrt'latioti
couceminir the wondirs aud glories ot Iho
! Suu." tlder J. Sr. Mc'larvev, Lexincton,
Ky. 'Ifterrsiiii, insiriictive and very
su'.'eestive." llishop Jaguar, of U'nio. It
st-ilifKt and pleases all. Address.
J. C. M. . L K1)Y & CO., Philadelphia. Pa. ;
Cincinnati. I).; Chicago, 111.; or St. Louis,
Mo. .i-lo-ni.J
rf'b')A week made at tome l.y tin
J) 'It'trious. Hi si businvss nm
the in-
iw he-
tore ihe public. Capital not needi-d. U'e
wiil start you. Men, women, boys ami girls
wanted everywhere to work for Jis. Now
is the time. You can work in sare time,
or give jour whole tune to the busitiess.
other Lustness wnl pav you nearly as;
well No one can fall to make cnornion
is I
pay, by engacing at once. Costly outfit anil
Htuis tree. Mowy made last easily ana
bonorr.b!v. A1'lr- s Tri e fc Co.
. . . si . :
uU3ia, .uaine.
j;hkohs of yo itm
(;.-ntl. mm wh eull'.-reil for j ears Irom
Nervous Debility. Preniature Decay,
and all the ellecis ol youtldui indiscretion,
will lor' Ihe s.ke ol Mitl'eriLp hunisnity,
semi free io ail wfn need it, the receipt
snd direction lor Making tbe simple remedy
by whirl, he was cured. Sufferers wishinf,
to profit by Ibe advertiser's experience can
do so b a-idn-HS'injr in erft c. confidence,
JOUN" B. t(;DE, 42 Ctdir St., N. Y..
June M-b2 1 yr.
I wiil mail (Fiee) tben-ceipe for a simpl
Veuetablk BtLX that will remove Tam
FaEck.i:s, I'ixples snd Bloti'he-, leaving
the skin soft clear and beautiful; also in
structions for producing a luxuriant grow in
of hair on a buliihead or stuontn fat--!. Aa- :
dress, ireloin(t 3c. stamp, B.tx. ViXOiLr
fc Co., 12 Barclay St., N. Y.,
T 1.1 Ofllaot, life is sweeping by, go j
XVJLjO X and dare belore you die,
something mhthty and sublime leave be-1
hind to cootior time." $ a wei-k in your '
wn town. s.j oultit free. No risk. Every- j
thing new. Capital not required. We will
turnish you everything. Many are making j
lortunes. Ladies make as much as rucu,
snd boys ani girls make great pay. Read
er, if you wnnt business at which you can
make great piy all the ti;n, write for par
ticulars to II. Hallet fc Co..
Poitland Maine.
There are dangerous counterfeits in cir-
cuUtion pur!KrtinK to bo "Walnut Leaf
Hair Restorer." The strongest evidenceof
its great value is the fact that partes know -
ing its great efficacy try to imitate it. Each
bottle of the itnuint has a foe simi of a
walnut leaf blown in the glass ; and a Green
Leaf on the outside wrapper. Tbe " Re
storer" is as hsrrulefc as water, while it
possesses all the properties necessary to re
store life, vigor, growth and color to the
hair. Purchase only from rtsyotuiblt parti-.
Ask your drngcist for it. Each bot
tle is warranted. Johsstox, Hollow tr fc
Co.. Philadelphia, and Hall fc Kl'l'KlL,
Svw Yoik, wholesale agents.
la the place where you can buy
EE ia prepared to exhibit one of the most choice and solect stocks cti c2:ei ii
this market, and at JST0S1SH1XGL Y LOW PRICES !
Also, measures taken for suits and parts of suits, which will be ma-lc to ex 1;
at short notice, very reasonable.
Remember the place
in Hoffman's
W"ater streets, MIFFLIXTOWK, PA.
Hasconstantly on hand a full variety of
GENTS' FL'KXISHIXli GOODS. Goods of all kind are low Come aud see ma
and be astonished. Pants at 15 cents. XT' SUITS MADE Tl OKDEK.j
Patterson, Pa., April 1G, 1879.
Professional Cards.
Locis E. Atkinsom.
lit:.). Jacobs, -
Uncollecting aiid Conve aucmg prompt
ly attended to.
Orricc On M;tin street, ia place of resi
dence ol Louis K. Atkinson. ., south ot
Bridge street. UctO, lSbl.
CT" AU bifsini'ss promptly atteDded to.
tlrrirt On Kridge street, opposite th.
Court l!ou.-o souare. f iau", 10-ly
rmColleciious atttudrd to promptly.
Orrite Witi A
Patterson Esq, on
Bridge street
Piijaician and Surgeon,
illFFLl.TOirX, r.i.
Ottio- bours I-oiu 9 a. a. to 3 r. a.. Ot
Bee in his resilience, n Itiinl stret-t, op-
posiie Mfltiodist parsuuage. oct-tl
t M
1cdemiat Juniata Co., Pa.
Orrice lorineriv occupied by Dr. fterrett.
Prolessioiral business promptly attended to
at all hours.
John J'cLat jiilin. J jitt.ru V. Stimmkl
M( L 11 CHI. 1 5 K STOniEE,
' ,,ni' T,'v-M" Companies represeuted.
lev. loio-iv
pariutr sr.d Mechanics Machinery.
Miil.iiiloAu, Ju ji.ttt County, Pa.
Otllee on liriiie street opposite South
side ol Court House.
Nov. X, lfS2.
Special Aolices.
A Ereat Cause cf Emaji Kiseiy ;
In the Ijois oi
How l.ot, liovv Restored.
Just publishe.l, a new edition ot 1K.
on the radical curt of Spina itorb
Seminal Weakness, Involuntary
Losses, Impote.xcv, Mt-ntal and Phvsical
lnf.:ir.:ii'itv. fmnediiiientH to Miirriafl- err ;
" "I ' ' 1 ' '
also, CossmrTios, Epilepst and Fits, in-
duced by selt-iiiduigence or sexual extrav-
agancc, Jtc.
The celebrated author, in this admirable
E-say, clearly demonstrates, from a thirty
years' successful practice, that the alarm-
j in consequences of self-abuse may be rad
... v...... , t ....... ... -
at oTice simple, certain, and eHi ctual, by
meai- of wuieu every sunerer, no matt i
what his conditmn m.iy be, ni;:y cure hitu
sell cm-iiply, privaiely, ami radcd!iy.
CTl'his Lecture should be in t fj ham-.-of
every youth and every uu-u in tlu- land.
Sent, under seal, in a plain envelope, to
any ad-lrt ss, p0.i-iao. on receipt of si
Cents, or two poslage stjii.ps. Al-iress
41 Ann St., .New Y ork. N Y ;
unelS-ly Post.KHxe Box 4.
I l ' , . . , " , .
Th, nhl,vt ellt -e.ir.nU thf. Pl., ..!
Zlrr . o( fo.c ,U.
1 not sk von t . pnvo.nil v. n hi., p wn ti r
machine! Afier hsvinu- c'x:n:iii:.l it, if it
not all we represent, n-ni-n it to at on,
expense. Consult vonr iiitvrts sn.l r.nler ai
nce, or semi l.ir eireuttirs am! : t:itioii;a!s.
Adilr t'HAI'.I.KS A. U'lmii A Co.,
No. 17 S. Tiutii Sr.. Pi
, P-
Important To Ti reveller.
Specid inducements are ofl'ered you by
tbe Bxrlington Route- It will par you to
read their advertisement to be found else.
i w here in this iue.
ill is resumed actively the practice of !V. v A I: : jr if. J-" "
Medicine act Surgery and their collateral ClMliii tA' NV i.a.fn
I branches, tirtice at th.? old corner of Third j yCSii',' "T- ' ' VjoN
' and Orange streets, Milllintown, Pa. S V'' ',;'.
I March 29,1S76. . ! W, ' " ':;.:. ,
- J t. "r-OTTS.';. rE::-,rCtc5!.i
New Building, corner of briu(.-
(Jan. 1, lb7!Ml
J W .
. r. sii. r..r It . 'k-i-i
Mictirmp..:;, m. Vai::.
o'rfc- hc Crest
. oest eqtpp?d
oa l it- Iu- Hv.M far
a: -. v. f :n'. '.
1 Pcstorathi Ycjlhlul Color ttsGTcrFa-lKii'
9 r.iri--r's H'TEikamfi fn-.-- r-.rM ,nri a -l
B . im:.i'J : r. r --.t i 1!t.5 i !! . '. 't a:iti ... f
C :ii,v-tUllJr::r:'3i.J:E. ":irj. ! jX C'.i . ... V. j.T
5 -- 1 l.ru it J .!,rji- J .;,B.I-; V
A Superlative Hesitli ?nd Slreiyr Ratarer.
::ic Of fi
iff, wrn ou: vifTi
I v 1: .iVoriu.c-
M; :r - (; .;.: i'.tf-
: I-:; .!..:t;s earirr' t .:i. -vr
-ll -.i; 1 i:mt- i, ly-:: ;j. l:.r.:ma
1.. K ".t;'' .. '. i, r. ji y d .ru.r uf l!.
. ' V -v r -. t .0 i rr r s i' - k I '":i.:-.
. ' ... ' '.:cy.'-- It ;r.'ft IMu.sl I'uz.tn
: : ";tt iri Sitts. Co: gh Csrs Err liicd.
' v .: - : r." .: ; j v 1 f. :i:i j-r. .. t:yation er
.-r pr v " s .'! r--' a ri::..ii An uk ?
: '! 1 1. c l - t: c: 1: :!! ir . i;-:t ! ai- 1 h:i'Jd
, p i1:- ti (il - v-i'''. r in:oi-irc.
..s i. ". ' .Icls tf iivt-.; it sjvg y-iurl.
y' VI ' - i"-:. -'. l! tri.''.".- W. rrk,r", o. T '
.. .. .; -j r; . i ' c .:..-. Ar. .! ..ntaai
141 ., V :. a Si uti, kl i-r -.fc.
tKLAT SiTI'.O r-T!X'i IX.I!-l fit
I s-r
: i
cuuc tr.is g
: 5
: !
' J'
I TKii .lt IJi V.
lurc ct f
-r t
.. -.: ; r:-v:vi t:-. 57- a
. .jua.
aUSTTAcrma tsz
Triumph Esapsrs
New Clipper Mcver.
Thu mmir'Ft H FACERS are nnfnnalct for
simp'lrity in constnition. m.i of it.:n;ae.-iint.
b'-ht weipht. durability aud gjod workun; iacily
in All coti'liuon ol jTT.iin.
The SKW O.IPPKK hi all the a.lranto ot
theOt.D CLIVfttt ltoWtit wita luacjr viluslui!
fcEs-n l.i. lLinrrn.rD CrweLax.
booD AlitN io W.OTXlU in unoccupied territory.
to consumptives:
' Tbe advertiser l aving been permanent!?
" disease, Consumption,
" t0 n'lke
k'""rn 1" h ? f ""-r.ttVr the mems of
j cure- To -.h who oesire u, h will seinl a
I '"P? e "le prescription used, (treo ol
: charge.) with Ihe dueclion- (or preparing
i "id using the same, whi 1: lliey wiil find
I sure Ci K for Corcn-. Couw. Coi wpt
i ion. Asthma, Prjoxi.uiiis. fcc. Punier
wishing the Prescription, will please
dress Rev. E. A. WILSON; 104 Peon Si
Williamsburgh, N. Y.,
The Stxtinel uud Rt putlira oilice is the
place toget job work done. Try it. It will
pay you if you need anything in that line
""sSfi :'" "u'ir'sr. VHtatnl sua
I Aa.. u''' T ! Sl- Jwpa.
j Ni-orak. Jl'wirl, Ka-i?7wf''n- I'a.-. ftai-
, ! Cl.r;- .1 I.iu- la. -rTe:ir. s
k-'fiii'l'.''.. V luxrr. tua:!ia
k pa it?:
Seminal tl'iQMnatAJi
: rj -.u 'i '. l.-:i.-4 Irarj:. - i
I v .! :' .n.-: . er.;.. ; I.
i. . i l: I.. ... . .. .w.
Orana uou: .
roTlt i