A V ! Itramatic Foot Note. Favorite mjcxb mjtli femiuiive stars just now are brocaded eatiu.tithfr boot, or p!ipptri9, slid made uitli hieh L,oui3 XV. heele. Hie boot coat' $25 a pair and the clippers S12. Then tbfre are haF.d painted f-lirtK imported from Paris. I do cot tijintr, said a Sew York merchant, that tliefe will stand btage use very well, and tlicy are nt likeij to be ermanputly popnlor. Just now tliey are all the rap. Tlieii we have real ilreesed sealskin low quartered shoes, wiiK-h are quite popular. It makes very little dislereuce what char acter a liuly atniae9 alie will generally prefer a Ftylisu moilern boot to one pr imps core historically correct. The Saltan's wife and tlte Utah strttler'o daughter are each Lou ad to .come ou the stage in the latest French al'ppers for the reason that these look much smaller and J rtttier. "Who is the moht notable stape cus tomer you have had lntely? asked a Star reporter. "Wtll.l snpiiose Mrs. Langtry would be considered so. She came in with six others of her company, all in long ulsters. She bought a pair of brocaded blue satin slippers, with Lonis YY. heels, paying 15 for tUeui, and the others bought rubbers and overshoes." How Is the EDglish beauty's foot?" "Mrs. Jjangtrv has not a large foot nor yft a shapeless one. It is propor tioned to heT lieight. She bought a Xo 3. MuuJe Gr'Ugtr, who wjs here la-t week.caiue in one uay and bought a pair of lancy ut sUx 1 una bead embroidereu slipix.-ra.Miss Granger is a large woman and it took a No. 4 and C lust to make her happv." "Do actresses often have 6mail and 6haiely feet? "Actresses are very much like other women, small feet are the exception and not the rule. The Louis XV. heels ujon stae shojs give theni an apear auee of small uess w hich they realty do not possess. A fo;.t looks from two to three sizes smaller with this hee'(tl)ough olIv moderate! v hijzb) thau with au equally high heel ot any other iattera. Annie Pixley has a small and pretty foot. She was here w hen list in Chicago and bought a pair of lj morocco slippers for stage use. ' Who else has been here lately for pedal a'lorument?" "ChiL-tine Nilsson visited lis and pur (.htstd a handsome pair ot leJ satin slippers. Miss Nilssou, as you know.is good sized, and hence required a o. 31. Mrs, McKee ll.uil.iii is one of my regular cubtomtrs. She has a pretry foot, and on the stage wears a IVo. '1. Last year she bought four pans of laury sappers at one time. I remember that she kept a bov running some hours be tween the store and the Grand Pacide Hotel l fi re t-lie could be exactly smt el" 'What do you cousidir a small foot for a large woman? A larpe woman who can comfortably wear a No. 3 may be eaid to have a small foot. I have, however, seen such who only Like a No. 1. A medium siz ed woman, to have a small foot, wold J reqnire au.ut a o. z, ai.u a small wo man a No. 1 or No. 1 J. But you tiike the smal.ot ladies, as the average, iuitl not one m a hundred can w tar a No. 1. it is not oiiee a wttk that we have a call for a Nj. 1. Not- long sLice,tuouj;h, a large, lleshy laiiy ot luis city had a pair ol 13 siippers made here uL-d they lilted her tx.ietly. You nijy believe that they .oeked mighty small with such a w eight above them. I don't suppose theie is a woman in the city who can wear less than a 13, though 1 have read of hUch elsewhere." Tired of Tentlerf-et. A het. J e :h nr. of J liVtr, was H!ed the ciut-e if his w.arii:css he replied: "Why, it makes me tire 1 to hear these tendirfeet talk about their exploits snd biood curdling esp rit iiee in diggicg a ten foot hole iu liail s Gulch or soue t lher remote subui I). Every "lunghea vtr" Irom the L ist whose people have given him SoO to rtciuit ou, and who has spent '1 years ia the mouuhdns, im agines that he is an eld timer and a dai sy at ila.it, i-l if yen sit down to ei.joy acomloriub.e smoie he takes you by tlie enr aud lLi.-i; ts ou mekmg jou believe tLat comjiirett with him Uauiel Uooue was a e-hieki u ht arted tquirrel hunter. It n akes me tick," "You mutt lave t truck the west at sii e irly day, Joe? ' "It's nothing to brag on, but that's what I Ci'd. 1 crossed the plums with my parent in ltiS. I Was tucn twelve years old." Were the Indians baj ia th(e days, Joe?" "Oh Lord, yes! I stuod at Fourteenth aiiu uiuie one morning in Jtsus wlieu a man Irom u ranch on Bijou Uiver drove up with two bodus m his wmmn. olio a woman and the other a little boy 5 or G years old. Ihey had beeu murder.-nl by the Indians lhi night before. The hus band happ-ned t le absent and escap ed, but U jou lia.l seen him take ou when he looked iu them bcx -s and saw the horrible butchery of the woman he loved and the httle child that had made the old ranch a home as cheer! ui as any m the broad land, you'd have felt unea sy ior tue reusKiu he might run across even on a reservation. No one thought of going any distance from town w ithout being fully armed, for the outbreaks ot the Indians were continuous. Was Denver ever such a terrible law less place as many Eastern folks have been icd to think?'' "No. Like all fror.lier towns we had aud lave our rough element, but it nev er ruled and never cam Eabtem folks get that idea lrem home dvf peptic idiot who conies out here, hasn't the nerve to btay end when h? gets l ack makes a ilou ol himself bv talking bowio knile nd six shooters. A Kush of llrulus to the Head. "Don't carry cn to," said Mrs. Par tirgton to lie, as she saw him resting his heed on the ground, in a vain at Unipt to throw his heels iu'o the air. There was solicitude in htr tone, aud a , corn broom in her hand, ai she looked at him "Yon must neit act togj niuastieally," dear," said she, "you'ii force all the brains you've got into your -eau if you do. Yon can't do like thecucus riders, because Providence has mad.j o pur pose ior what thty do, out of lugee rub ber, and it don't hurt V m at all. They ain't got t ones like other icople, and can turn lee's over head with impurity. Don't do it," screamed she, as the tioy stood on one leg m the wood horse, and made a feint as if to throw a snmmeisel you'll desecrate J our neek, by aud by, with your nonsense, and you'll regret it as long as you live." Ike desisted, as the dame smiled and held a ciienlar piece of cepjx r before his g. ze; such potency L"d that smile over hail, back ed by the cepinr. Submarine lighting has leeu effected by compressing pure oxygen into a cyl indrical reservoir of plate irou under a pressure of about 420 pounds. This oxygen is supplied to a kind of alcoho lic lump, provided with means for tiie eecape of the gaseous products of com bustion. This light is very good aud it lasts for four houis. Another plan con sists in attaching to diver's helmet a glass cylinder conta ning an electric lamp of polished coper, the carbons of which last for 4 houis without renewal. The light is intense and bri liaiit. A thermometer will indicate a lower temperature in the wkd than out of it. AGRICULTURE, The Vali'k op Good Stock. It ia not in the power of any class to mono, polize the privilege of breeding the best, and it is the duty of every farmer to take Leed and lorn a leraon from the experience of those who make a special ty of breeding for blood and merit. Far mers admire pood stock as highly as any class, but they are slow to avail themselves of the advantages they pos sess. A man who lately sold a high priced colt was not a farmer, he knew nothing of stock-iaisiag out-ide of hor ses, ile was not even a jm'ge of any ereed of horses except the one he was accustomed to, and vet he disdained to raise a scrub colt. What he has done can be eloue by every farmer, and while it is not expected that so large a sum will Iw realized, for a youug colt ai J5000, which he received, yet it is au easy matter to raise one that will sell f ir up in the hundreds. Are farmers and slock raisers willing to be idle and see notices outsell them, aud beat them at their tavorite pursuit? But it is not the trotter alone that brings the higher limes. A good farm horse bred from first cla'-s draught material, anc" of knowu blood, has a marketable price which is commanding. I ho scrub is a parasite, and the farmer who does not know better than to breed l.i- mares to anything and everything because the tee is low had better abandon his call ing and leave it to others to follow. As with hojses, so with other stock. In feriority in stock is the cign-iost of bankruptcy, and oiuta unerringly to destruction, for i xjericnce has ptoved that no fruier has yet been a first class practitioner on the farm who did not keep a close watch on the method of breeding his animals and keeping them up to perfection. 1 think the value of " flax straw for feeding stock depends generally on how much seed there is iu it. I have stack ed upon my place seventy-live or oue hundred tots of Hax straw. I r-ave also a q'tautity of prairie hay, which 1 do not value very highly for the wintering of stock, aud 1 was obliged to fence it iu to keep it irom being eaten tip, while my llax straw went untouched, I would not give 50 cents a ton for tlax straw for feeding stock, as there is not auy 8uhsta;iee in it. To puotect tea roses they may be potted and placed away in a light, warm Ci llar. Hardy varieties should be cov ered with coarse litter from the stable; but this should not be done until the ground bvgins to freeze, and the pro tection ehould not be removed until the ground is completely thawed. When the p round becomes frozen, or lo other woik oilers, preparations for canal ways may be made for advancing prospective work when it arrives. B.-an poles may be made; and if the ends are chamd and then eipped in coal tar the commonest material will be rendered nearly tq-ial to the best cedar. WniTK worms, which infest occasion ally sll soils where plants are kept in pot, may be removed as follows: Lime wiiUr may be sprinkled over the soil, or a little slaked lime may bo sprinkled a!so on the earth and in the saucer ol the pot. Lime water may easily be made Ly slakmg a large piece of lime in a pail of cold water, letting it settle and then bottling for use. Give each pot a tabici-poonlui twice a week. AcconDrxo to the best informat on there are 4,000,000 sheep in Texas.This will, in aii probability, be increased during the coming lambing season 20 per cent., bringing the number up to 5.C0O C0J. Valuing them at $2.50 wouid make the total valuation of sheep in '.he S'.ate of Texas, S12.8U0.P0U. Weed out your steek and get rid of your hmjT nuioh and butter cows. The piout in a dairy ccinee whollr from the good Ctiv.s.w Liie the poor ones not only do not pay loi their keep but they re luct; the pront maile by the others. A o D butter cow ought Eot to eat less th.ia fioui six to eicht quarts ol meal per day, but not clear ooru ineaL Bran is not worth much to make but ter, but mixed with corn meal gives health and thrift. A Kextcckt farmer cures fowl cho lera 1 y lulling a bushel of srosirtweed in t n gallons of water down to three gallons, and mixing the decoction with their fKxi twice a day for three days, thi.n every other day for a week FxTEijEucED fence-builders and oth ers who use wood iu the rough for ties, posts, etc., mite in the opinion that timber out in summer, while the bark will yet peel freely, is much more dur able thau that ftl eil iu the winter. There is less of soluble sap in the trunk aud limbs to absorb moisture, ferment, aud indued decay. A Soctheen piaiiter, writing from Southwestern Georgia, in speakiiig ol the amount of iarui prodncts thit arc necessarily allowed te. no to waste, says tiiat "an economical Yankee would live on the prohti of our wastage." jUb. W. W. Wcodbcff, of Vineyard, Ga., has 150 acres in choice fru.t "Thir ty thouifaud vines, the Atlanta Conti utlon says, "ire in siht from the rail road station, aud 10,000 rounds ol grapes were shipiel this season," Tee Pekin duck is nearly as large as a feeose, is entirely white, and can be kept hi small inch si ires wth only a trough to bathe in. They grow wpidly furnish fine feathers, aud are excellent for the table. They we also good layers good sitters and caretul mothers. As excellent mixture for destroying the meen fly, thrip and mealy busr is composed one (id kerosene, two pounds whale oil soap. 1 pound tobacco scraps and eighty guiioos water. This is strong enough for insects, and sufficiently ui- luicei to prevent liijury to p.ants. Experiments by careful breeders give some valuable facts for estimating the cost of prooueir g jork. It is conceded that one bushel ot corn should produce ten pounds of pork, but everything de pends on the management. With good eather, a good breed, sound corn and regular feediDg this average mar be reached, but not otherwise. The proper time to manure strawber ries and other small fruits is in the fall, which allows time for tl.e soluble por tions to be 1 -ached out and downwardB into ti e soil for plant food in spring. The mannre also affords protection gainst frost. In the Scientific A7icrican appears a shoit description of a very simple pho nograph. It consists of a mouthpiece similar to that used for a telephone, bat ou t'.e under turfixe it has the phono graphic style or needle fixed to it. Fas tened ou this mouthpiece is a circular piece of wood, with two grooves oppo site to each other cat in it; a piece of wood with a fr ove aloDg its leDgth ac curately fits these frooves, and when a piece of stout tinfeil is attached by bees wax on the surface next to the needle, the wood and foil being drawn slowly alone whilsv a person is speaking into the mouthpiece, the usual phonograph ic impressions are made ou the foil. In this w-y a very simple and inexpensive phonograph may be made. DOHE8TJC. What to t'nv With. There are sev eral ody aud 'fatty subntaiicea used for hying, which we natae in the order ot their cost. Olive oil i almost exclus ively used in olive-bearing countries ns the cheapest frying material. Here it is quite costly and but little used, save by the wealthy or the epieare who priz es it for the olive flavor it commuuioatc-s to food cooked in it. Others, again, dislike aud reject it for the same reason. Clarified butter coinea text in cost and is prepared as follows: 1'ut the butter into au euameled Fanccpan and melt it gently over a clear tire; when it begins to simmer take it off the tire, skim well, let stand in a warm corner till the but termilk or cheesy matter has settled, then pour it off steadily from the sedi ment, through fine muslin, into a stone or g'ass jar, cover and keep in a cool place. It ia the best of all frying ma terial and greatly superior to lard, iu that the alight flavor it communicates is quite pleasing aud appetizing. A third preparation, a favorite with many of the best European cooks, aud a genuine mixture, is composed of equal measures of olive oil, butter, veal suet aud leaf lard. The butter is first melted and stirred iuto the other three, already mixed aud melted; then it is strained into a stone pot and kept always in a cool place, well covered. The com bined flavor of the four ingredients u acceptable to almost all tastes. Fresh butter comes next and is much to be preferred to lard, but it has one objec tionable quality. Ou account of the buttermilk and salt it contains it scorch es and burns when subjected to a high or long continued heat. This tenders it unlit for the cooking of many delicate dislie. This tendency can, howevA, be much lessened by rubbing tha frying- au with a small muslin bag filled with prepared beef suet. Lard ia the common, well-nigh universal frying ma terial iu America, because it is cheap and to be had in every nook and corner of the land. Its tree use has caused many a dyspeptic stomach. If used at l only the best leaf lard ehould be em ployed and rendered out by steam or boiling water, so as to avoid the burnt taste it gets if rendered ou the open fire The richness of coeoanut pudding, by the old receipts, is complain ed of by persons who stilt enjoy the coeoanut, Here is a plainer way to make the pud ding: Take a medium-sized cocoannt, grate it, grate also six mils crackers, place a layer of crackers in the bottom of a well-buttered pudding; then a lay er of coeoanut, and so on until the dish is full; now beat six eggs until they are light, the whites and yolks together; add a quart of sweet milk and sugar to your taste; stir well togetiier, aud pour over the crackers and coeoanut until it is all absorbed; sift sugar on the top and bake for au hour. See that the top is nicely browned before taking from the oven. Gisgeb Cookies, Two cups of New Orleans molasses, one scant enp of brown sugar, eight tablespoonfuls of loiling water, one cup of shortening (butter and lard in equal quantities is best), three tablespoonfuls of soda, one tablespoobful of suit aud one of ginger, two eggs, well beaten, added the last thing, llonr enough to make a soft dough. The only .danger iu makiug it is that you will lie tempted to make the dough too hard at first. You must bear iu mind the fact that the dough becomes Harder after each kneading. Ehihetio hat stands are the thing now iu small houses. A common iron umbrella stand is fitted in the comer of the hull, and a!ove it a framework of common woo l is nailed aam-t the wall and cbonized. Cpou each side of this frame brass hooks for the ha's are ar ranged, ud in the centre a beveled looking glss is fitted, while from the nmbrella stand itself a little cnrtaiu is hung in easy folds from a small bras roil fastened upon brackets oil either side. Chocolate Blanc Manoe Scrajie fine and dissolve two ounces of cocoa paste in one quart of cream, ou a mod erate fire, stirring constantly. Let it boil two or three minutes, and add six ounces of pulverized sugar and oue ounce of dissolved gelatine. Stir all well together and pass it through a fine sieve. Flavor it highly with pure van illa extiact, and pour it into a mculd, which you place iu pounded ice or set it in a very cool place. In au hour or two it will have become set: it is then ready for Use. To CruE Cbocp: Croup, it is said can be cured in one minute, and the remedy is simpiy alum aud sugar. The way to accomplish the deel is to take a knife or a grater, and shave off in small particles about a tcaspoodful ef alum; then mix it with twice that amount ol sugar, to make it palatable, aud admin ister it as quickly as possiLlo. Almost instantaneous relief will follow. A satisfactory piece ot economy is to take the pretty striped or dotted socks of the father and cat them over in little stockings for the baby. It of ten happens that the sock is worn past mending ut the heel only, leaving the rest of it availal l-i, and if care is taken to make the seams small and smooth, the little stockings will be a success, and will last at least twice as long as any children's socks that can be bought. Fob a liome-made disinfeotm t. dis solve a bushel of salt in a barrel of v a ter, aud with the salt water slack a bar rel of lime, w hich should le wet enough to form a kind of p.iste. For the pur pose of a disinfectant, this home-made chloride of liaie is nearly as good as that purchased at the shop. Use it free!y about sinks, cellars, gutters, and outhouses, and in this way prevent sickness, suffering and expense. A stencil brush is the best of all brushes invented for blacking shoes. Use the ordinary polishing brush after wards, but put on the blacking with the manageable steucil-brnsh, and you will never waut to use any other for apply ing it. The best pasts for scrap-liooEs, pre serve jars, etc., is boiled flour pate, made with a had teaspooLful of wrak carbo.ic ac d an l tea .drops of oil of cloves to the pint. A locomotive is being built for the Erie K tilway in which Mr. Mailett's de vice for consuming smoke is to be tes ted. In order to give the invention a thorough trial a trip across the conti nent will be made. There is to be no smoke stack on this locomotive, and in its place is to be a man-ho.e merely. The air used to condense the steam is employed for heating and ventilating ears, being delivered through a conduit which, with coupling ends passed along beneath the cars. This system does away with stoves or heaters, aud sup plies the cars with fresh air and warm air without danger of fire iu ca-so of a smash-up. A new composition of iron and steel is desej-ilied iu the Kel tic Industrielle. A cast-iron mold is divided into two sec tions by means of a transverse plate of thin sheet-iron. Tbe two metats are then ponred into the respective com partments. The slr-et-iron partition prevents the mixing of the metals and facilitates the welding by itself being brought mto a state of fusion. It is said that the product is well adapted for safes, and that it resists drills. irmioROUB. A IDktboit woman, with neighbors who are determined to know all about her beginesa, f ound her husband at the front door one night, two or three weeks ago, in a befaddled state, and as she palled him in she cried oat in a voice to be heard in either house: "Why, Henry, you've get one o' them epileptic tits again I ' A few nights after that lie returned home in such a condition that he had to creep up the steps on hands and knees, aud as she fastened one hand ia his h ur and the other in his collar she sail for the benefit of listeners: "I told you the rheumatics would re-lap-e on you if you exposed yourself 1" A night or two ago the old man was assisted home by a pedestrian, who left him lying on the sidewalk and rang the bell and dissapptared. The wife came out, saw the neighbors peeping out, aud as she seized hold of the stupefied man she exclaimed: "Dear me t but it has come at last ! The poor man would ro down after my shoes, and now I've got a case of snow blindness to look after for the next six weeks !" A tourist leaning out of a naok, Fell on hut bead near a brook. The hurt he received, St. Jacob's Oil relieved, And he says it cured "like a tiook." Great oaks from little acorns spring, . Ureat aches the little toe corns bring; But tor every corn That ever was born, St. Jacob's Oil is lust the thine. Cheap bliss: "1 have made one hu man being happy to day," said Fred Blanks to Bob Belt, an Austin lawyer. "Did yon send a barrel of flour to a poor widow?" asked Bob "No. Sly means do not allow me to be so extrav agant, but I told an applicant for position in the Legislature that I knew he was going to get it" "Well, that was one of those little courtesies that easts a ray of sunshine into the troub led life of a fellow-traveler iu this vale of tears and which does cot cost any thing." . '-The mischief it didn't cost an v thin sr. I borrowed 2 from him on the strength of it." ,' Ilelp yourself sod others will help you." But don't fail to use Kidney-Wort for all liver.kidney, and bowel complaints. piles, costiveness, etc. Tbe demand of the people for ac easier method of prepar itx; Kidney-Wort has induced the proprie tors, the well-known wholesale drugzists, Wells, Kicbardson & Co., ot Burlington, Vl. to prepare it for sale in liquid form as well aa in dry form. EsExplicit directions for every dk are (nven with the Diamond Dyes. For dying Mosses, Grasses, r.ggs, Ivory, flair, sc The tlicipline of the German army is almost, if not quite, perfect. It ia nev er relaxed under any circumstances. A captain and a lieutenant were on the deck of a steamship out at sea for the first time. "Uow do you feel, lieutenant?' asked the captain. "Verv sick, captain." "Why dou't you use a basin ?" asked the captain. "I would have done so long ago, captain, but I was waiting for you to be sick first, I would be court-martialed if I were to take precedence of my i auk ing oflieer. W 11 you be pleased to be sick, captain ? Indulgent parents who allow their child ren to eat heartilv of higb-seaEoued food, rich pies, cake, ti, will have to use Hop Bitters to prevent indigestion, sleepless nigbtt, sickness, pain, and, perhaps, deaUt. No family is safe Without tbein in Vat bcu?e. . One college paper's hit nt anotht r: A viper entered a blacksmith s shop ooe dav, aud feeling rather eraptv, began to forage for lunch. At length, seeing a file, he went tip to it and commenced biting at it, "Chaw away, old bird, said the file, "you won't make much ont of me; I'm a slugger myself, 1 am." The viper, refusing to take warning, however, kept ou his repast until he had completely swallowed the file. He had no sooner done so than he curled up his legs aud died, and no wonder he had eaten a file of the Xaau Lit. Headache There are various caiw for headache, as derangement of the circu lating system, of the ri iesMve organs, of the nervous system, &c V koxtim can ba said to be a sure lemrdy for tbe many kinds of headache, as it acts directly upon the various cauies of this complaint. Nervousness, ladigcsti m, Costiveness, Khcuma'tftn, Neuralgia, Biliousness, Try the Veoetise. You will never regret it As anecdoto of Mr. Lincoln: "Old Abe" once replied to a question early iu the war as to bow the Union reverses affected him by saying: I feel very much like a great stalwart Illinois neigh Ivor of mine who was ont logging in hi bare feet A log rolled over and crush ed one of his big tot s before he could escape. All drawn up with pain, he replied to a question of how he was with: "Well, I'm too big t J cry, but it hurts too bad to laugh. " Ab ui thirty yer wo. m prominent PhjrticUn by Utt una oT m. Will am Hall ikacovered. or produced alter lonjrexpenioeut.4 mutKk a nsmajj for Oieeaaea ot the throat. cbet aud luna-rf, ttluca waaof each woo den ul el!l.:o tlut U eooo trained a w.de reputation la Ih ooui.try. lite liaiue of the medicine m or. Win. UjlTeHilsainfor the Laura, and may be safety relied on aa a iTaed and poiiitiecurfircoua-tia,coula,aor tliroat. vtx. hold by all PrutorUMa. Dwrao'a t'alarrh ftaaar. Thin w-ll known rrnicdy for Catarrh atUl maintain ltawellearuea Kulant. K. A. Savatre. of Oeueva, Kannu. wnUM. Marcn 4. 1440. "I have oned Duxuo'a t alartb suuff and it i tbe only thin? that doauie any food. ItalaAieeueot-tacura. ftoid by ail drutfKlaU. A gallant butcher: Irate customer "That goose I bought here last week was aa tough as leather judgement, and yon said it was only six months old. My wife says she bets that goose has seen twenty winters.' Butcher "Quite likely. Irate customer "What do yon mean, then, by saying that it was bnt six monnths old ? Batcher "You forgot, sir, that tt was a female. Gal lantry to the sex woull not permit me to put the age beyond that. Deacon Smith buys Carbjiine, the deo dorized petroleum hair re newer and le storer, and since its improvement recom mends it to all his friends as tbe perfection ot all hair prepantions. This shows that tbe Deacon is a wise man and knows what is what CiBcrwLoctmox: She was asked what she thought of one of her neighbors of the name of Jones, aud with a knowing look re 1 ed : "Why I don't 1 ke to say anything about my neighbors, bnt as to Mr. J one, sometimes I think, and then again I don't know, but after all, I rather guess he'll turn ont to be a good deal such a sort of a man as I take to be." Skinny Man. Wella'Healtli KeoewerTestores health and rliror cures Ujapepaia, Impotence, Sexual Debliitj. f 1. Kxtravaoajst boys: "Tans," exclaim ed honest old Joliaun KattoOelsalad, ''yuug bet-biees h-f Rot iuto extra vaguut noshuii". Ven I vos rung I rote on blase foolis hness gap baper. Now my poys rites on sehmall, golt-edge little schraps, Tot post five times so mooch as a big foolishness gap, und don't give yon quarter so mooch room for ritin' as dot good, ol'-faehnn foolishnecs gap." Mr. J. Lc Cottte divides the history of a mountain range into three stage: First A stage of preparation by sedi mentation the tmbiyonic period; sec ond A stage of yielding to horizontal - o - ..... . ., . . .1 u nre ssnre (he period of mountain birth l v,; a dnr,a r.f o, n. sive degreefation or mountain decay, posting gradually to what may be colled the phaze of mountain death and fossil iz ition. The Governor of .North Carolina said to tbe Governor of South Carolina: "Sir, the best remedy in the world is Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup" and tbe latter seconded tbe assertion. Tiis floods in Europe: "Oh. dear !" exclaimed Mrs. Feuderson, when she read of the disaster to the City of Brus sels, "and I was going to buy a new carpet in the spring, and I suppose this will make them awfully high." For Tiilca Beadr, Heavy Mnmachg, bilious conditions Welle' Ma Api4e rVlsaiiU-bUioua, cathartic 10 and 25c Gkkat things are expected from the newly-elected officials a'l over the coun try; but the general experience of tbe people is similar to that of tbe lady who paid So a dozen for Cochin China eggs, bnt when she came to look iuto the nest she discovered that they had hatched out Muscovy ducks. The advertisement of" th New Ye. k SCN wliieh commences this week in our columns will be continued for three months. The Sun states that the circulation of its several editions last year was M,Mu,U.iO, against W.SJO.Ul'J the year previous. The Sum, whila it furnishes a live and generally ac ceptable newspacr at a very low rate, ex pends a great dd of money lo advertise the fact. This is oue of the secrets of its suc cess. The Sits believes that every man should subscribe for and liberally supixirt his local newspaiier first and foremost. Having done this conscientiously and faith fully, it aavises all those who may wish to supplement their town or county iiajn-r with a metropolitan journal, to give The SI'S a trial. A l!uian traveler iu tte Malay pe ninsula claims to have fonud in use there the smallest "ooiu" in the worl 1. It is m minute wafer made from tbe juice of a tree. Its value is about tbe millionth part of a d liar. Mensman's Peptonized beef tonic, the only preparation of beef containing its en tire uuiritiuun uriiviuca. vubeiui I Diood-makiug, force generating and life-1 sustaining properties; invaluable lor Indi gestion, dyspepsia, uervouj prostration, and all forms of general debility; also, in all enfeebled conditions, whether the result of exhaustion, nervous prostration, overwork or acute disease, particularly it resulting bom pulmonary complaints. Caswell, Hazard A Co., proprietor, New York. bold by ail druggists. Matrhhig of colors by ordinal y arti ficial light has been a difficult and nn certain process. Beimann's Farber Zeitnng strongly recommends the use of the electric light, however in dye- works, as it permits colors to be Com pared as accurately as by daylight fegcJmc I am Now Using it Free1 ly in My Practice. tt FACTS TELL THE STORY." avALTIMOke, MX, Jan. ST. 136, Mr. IT. H. Ststtkh: llcrtnfir I h beo ronjrij oppose.! &I1 prrrw;tar me'Iionf, bat. mere is an exception to mot ru.. 1 irei iwu niy preinajce &iraiat patent a.elK-ine4 n;u qiu IVarfui Htiock in the ae of Hir VKiiETIK. and hiM been compelled to five nay before the stronger erttU'ime ofiu t. A.ut tiro Jtxm 1 waa in litre! t give a fair trial of joor VKt.HUNK aa a determent in aome Mrtimuui (Scrfui0i) caea of bert"ltfrT trans miftion, attended witbswetlinjrof me miipruuic iraola ant inta, canons ulcera tions t tner, !). cun.HtituUonJ vp:uiuic taint, am! in jiuttire, I feel 1 eFioulu te drrt-Iict to duty aw i n lesmy lotne areat va;ne or vHir Mh- Tl.NK. Wituna ejvvirfpiru I bare found It an ad- tnir.ibe adjunct In tne rciiwval of tue above cn rtituttonxi diAiurlmiva. 1 am now a-untf it freely in my practice, I am aware ta.il I am render: n myttelf amenable to the ch.trce of unprdVA-itMnal con-iuct in thus om raging tiia rnlm of medical etnics. in iiMtt-rli.ir a .o-ca.Jt-t O'uick .Vetltetne. Tills w iuii!v Kat tell tlie rtorT. aa I I ajrtin n-wn that VKi.El INK la a vainabie adjunct lj wr JnftrTiH Htttau If th ia tt'siimonr to lia Talue wul sHl otm more bottle. I hil feel that I have doue aotne poor sufferer a Sauianun benefit. iHira ver truly, JAR Via K. WlUoi, M. Dt I am Cured. Boston, Marrti ??, 11. Mr. n. R- Stvf!m lK-ar s.r: 1 auflVred from Oi'uUr a rr.a while, and tne! motti every well- known reiuedr to cure tne, but to no avail. At hial 1 boueht a bottle of litKi INK, which lielprd me. and I cunuuuM lo nae it. Now 1 cu truthfully fcaj i am perinan nt.y cureo. lours Anr pectfntlT, Mis 1 A- bitfONER, I Uawt borne pL Vcgctinc D TBS BKST SPBIN& MEDICINE. Vegetine is Sold by all Druggists. Remember Tula. If jou are rick Hop Bitten will gurrlr aid Na ture in making jou well whrn ill else fails. If too ar costive or lypptic, or are suffering from any other of the nnintrons diseases of the rtomarh or bowel. It is joor own fault if t o re main 111, for Hop Bitten ale a sovereign remedy In all sues complaints. If too are waiting awar with n form of K:d- nejdiBeane, stop tempting Peath this moment, and torn for a cure to Hop Bitten. If you are alck w th that terrible sickness Nenr oosnem, yon will Had a 'Balm In Gi'ead" in the use of Hop Bitters. ir you are a frequenter, or s reallent of a mia matic ih-lru t, barri'ale yonr ayriem atra nxt the arourpe of all enuiitrie tnaianal, epl.hr mic, l.tl toni, and interm.ttent fevers by the nue of Hop Bitten. If you have rongh, pimply, or ea'low aklo, bail breath, puns and achea, and feel nu.enile gene rally. Hop B:ttera will give )oo fair vkin, rich blond, and swreteM breaih, health, and ronifort. In fhurt they cure a I !!; of the n'oni h, Bowela, Binnd, Live, Nervea, Kidners, UrUlit'a Disease. t-Viv U be paid for a caae tliey will not cure or help. That pour, bedridden. Invalid wife, flitter, mother, or Uanghler, can lie made the picture of health, by a Irw bottles of Hop Bitters, coating but stride. Wul you let them suffer f HAS BEEN PROVED Th SUREST CURE for K.DKEY DI2ZASES. roea alama baok cr diaordercfl Txrtne rndl- ?mtethatyott axs aviotiaf THN DO HOT HFHITATB; nae Kidney, wort at one, (drag. Clata reaonxnead itiaad it will speedily over coma the diaeaae and restore healthy action. I ftriifiC For eomplainta pecoliar M weoaJuiiJaiM, Kidney-Wort iawnawrpaaiedJ aa it will act promptly and aa&ly. Huai wa tovonr aer. saco aa wn fltnersex. inonntinarme, retention ofnrtse, brick dint or ronrdepaaita, and dnU dragfrine paisa, iCl apeedily yield to ita earativa power. 15- BOLD Fx AT.r, DaUOOIBTS. PrieeSl. H mAWEEK. a ilay at bomr H1t maite. Costly onUUfrea. AioruMTBCakCtx, Aurusta. Ms. Ttiaxi aatwrmt km wf vertfattnawaii will eowlor av lavar si (tow ih axtser. Ilnair w Ih swkllalaer fcy iwllws; Ihsl lsy Bsssr that sxlireirilMBMisit ail IB tkla Mrasl,(UBlH PPU Improved Fire Bar Iron tells ol a ntw style fire-bar det ised V-y n Eng lish inventor ti secure fniler combus tion of i ui 1 The peculiar feature of th bars is the shaj e of tne spaces lelt lor tne air to pusi lujoum. lnfse ! incToait nf heirjrr straight, are ef a wve i-haped tora, the convex ports ot one lar fitting into the corcave parts of the adji ining oue, and the proper distance being leajulated ly the width at the ends in the usual way. Additional ob long air-apaces are also provided, and placed in the si acts lietwten the wave shaped opemnps. The under sitle ol the bars is made as thiu as possible, so as to five the air ample inlet area; and when they have to be fitted against the sides of boiler flues, a set of tooth-like proiectioLs is cast ou to the edge of Ue outside bar. Any portion of tbe length of these teeth can easily be cut off by a ham-ner and chisel to effect the desired fit. By the use of these bars the inveu tor cli ires a la'ge saving iu fuel. Female Ccmplalnta." Dr. K. V. PlEKt E, Buffalo, 3 Y.: Deal Sir t write to tll you what your "t avor ite Prescription" lnw done for nin. I had been a great stitlen-r from f.male com plaints,, especially 'dr.icu'inc-down,' lor over six years, during mu. li ol the tiuie un able to work. I paid out hundreds of dol lars without any benefit tin i "J""" bottles of the Favorite l'res -ription, i ns.-.r I -..1 anvtliini; do me Jo much COai in mv lile. 1 advise every sl. K IJHiy lilM it Mi:s. EMILY IMHtADS, M. liri.i.-s. Mi. h. A great couutry; The ct nutry editor now takes np his pen to say: '"We have received from lien, rixetn reruns, member of Coripress. several very valua ble public documents, for which he will Dlease accept onr thanks." Then he lavs ii down acruiu and call out to the office lioy: "Here, John, throw these into the waste-paper barrel," adding to himself: "Old junk's increasing pretty fast these davs Great country ! Great country !" The Dead Cannot bi lEuIaed, nor if yonr lungs are ba.lly wasted away can vou be cured bv the u- of Ir. Pierce's "Golden Medical Discovery." It is, how ever, uuequalled as a tonic, alterative, ana nutritive, and readily cttres the most obsti nate cases of bronchitis, concha, colds, and incipient consumption, far suipassing in efficacy cod liver oil. Send two stamps for Dr. Pierce's pamphlet on Consumption ana Kindred Atitctions. Address Woblb's Dispensary Meoical Associatios, liutl'alo, N. Y. Eskbcise: "Fact is." said the physi cian, you clou t taKe enonen exercise. "Don't takeenoaeh exercise I" exiilaim ed the patient in astonit-hnient. "Why, doctor, I belong to the Episcopal Church, and attend service every Sun day, For heaven's fake, what more would yon have ?" Young and niilil! ngrd men stitVering from nervous debility, premature old ajre, loss of memory, aud kindred symptoms, should send three stani)s fur Part II ol pamphlet i.-viiied by World's lisjeiiHry Medical Association, liun'alo, X. V. m UNCOssciors repartee: Uncle ick (an eminent IV. A.) "Well, Johnny, and what are y u going to le? ' John ny "I shall be a juoce, like papa." Uncle Dick "Ah ! but yon haven't brains enorgh, my boy." Johnny "Oh. then 1 11 Ih? an artist, like yon." ' Unbidden guests are o'ten weTcoai est when they are fcone.' Dicae is an unbidden guest which Kilney-Wort al most invaria'i.'y "sho'vs the d wr." Here U a case in p iint: "M ither hs recovered" wrote an Illinois girl to her Eastern rela tives. "She took bitters 'or a lon time but without any enod. So when she beard of tbe virtues of Kidney-Wort she got a box and it completely cured her, fo that she can do as much work aow as she cruld before we moveu Wes. Since she got well every one about here is taking it. KSTlie Mcsrlet, Cnruinal Red, Old Gold, Navy Blue, SeJ Drown, Diamond Dyes gitre perfect resuTts. Any fashiona ble color, 10 cents. No accui.tm for t.istei: Whei Brown, after eating a dinner at the res taurant, asked the proprietor to charge it, the latter sa;d he sh uM be glad to, but he kept uo looks. "Keep no look!" exe'aimed Bn.wn. "Xo." replied the other, "there is no accounting for tastes, you know at Ient. not iu this shop. I'iitsf ed, J7ass . Srit. 2S, 1378. 5ibi 1 have tulten Hop Bitters and re- coninrend Them li others, hs I fntmd thtm very beneficial. J. V. 1ULLER, Sec II ontrn't I'hrUtian Tenyxrance Cniot. A Vocation. First small evl: "I know what I'm going to 1 when I grow up I second ditto: " hut nie von going to tie when yon grow up ?" First small girl: "A widder!'' Ladies and children '8 !U and fhoe? cannot run over if L,yoo s rateut Heel Stiffcncrs are used As we shall 15-Mie to cu'euJers foi 1883, pnrties who have sent a three cent stamp tor one will please call at this ofllce and indentify their property. M ilsna, chills, positively cured by Emory's Standard Cure I'ill. Their equal unknown, suaar-co-itcf'; no pripng. 2-jc nuADACHK. Dr. Haley savs that, a? a rule, a dull, heavy headache, situated over tne brows and accompanitd by langmo, cbil mess, and a feeling of gen eral discomfort, with a distaste ior food which sometimes approaches to nsnsea. can be completely removal in about ten minntes, by two grain doses of io dide of potassium dissolved iu half wiueglasslul of water, this lieing sipped so lht the who e quantity may be con sumed ill about teu minutes. Chrolilbion c- liars and cff fr grnilr m"n f.re easily wasneo, an I tn nol te j ure rouing. Carahel. To make caramel, pnt in to a porcelain sanco-pan say I'.'.lf pound of suf&r and a tablespoonful ot water, bur it constant v over the fire nntil it has a bright, dark-brown color, being caretul not to let it burn or black en, Iben aud a teacupfnl cf water and a little salt; let it boil a few moments longer, cool and strain it. Put it away in a close corked bottle, and it is always ready for coloring soups. Drugirists sn:l i hysicinns reco-nniei d and prest ril e dia E. rinkha u s V ecets- ule. Compound for all feaiuie c implaintp. Lemon juice, used as a gargle, is said by a French physician to be a specific against diphtheria and similar throat troubles, which he has successfully nsed for eighteen years. Dr. Kline's Ureal. Kerve Restorer Is the marvel of the ae for all nerve til aw. Ail fits stooped free. teod to 931 Arch street' PnlLuleipnia, Ha. Catsnnk pepper sprinkled abundantly over yonr breakfast and dinner plate will sometimes be sufficient in itf lf to cure stomach cold, of which a Ioore, hoarse cough is a prominent symptoa. "Bat Cough Batsta m ins World." Try It. Price 10c It. W. Kinsman A Co., Augusta, Mtuoe. A tkaspooxftt, ot spirits of ammonu added to the rinse water will make rus ty black goods look as good as new. That Husband ct Mine, Is three time the man he waa before he begin, using H elia' litallh Kenewer. $1. liruigi-ta. In Gnat Britain and Iriltnd there are new twenty street raJ ways bt-I unit ing to the 1 cal authoiities, th totsl length of which is more than 150 miles and the cost a little over $9,000,001). The 413 miles of road belonging to pri vate individuals cost considers! ly over $30,000,000. GREAT RE! FOR. jGLZN. CUKES , . Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica, LDmt90. Backache. Headacke. Toothache, ssrTlirml.Sw'l- ". Brwtoaw. Bwrsis. Semi. I ns4 ttilva. aa att oisia buuili row ao in. Sstssr Drnu an Um-rrmrmT"'- Ftrtj Casus kstila. THE t'H KI f. A- HSiKI.KR T. BS3. LYC!A L tVBm, CF LYSS. HASS M a o. c K Vt r o c rj E o ST LYDIA E. PlflKHAWI'S .VSSSTAELIi! COIITCUITI?, J. a PottTe Puts r If ilup.l.ral Csawlslsta mm West ssessasMSt tsssrbsst fcsMtU rwlalKi It wlU ems aatlnlr wont form st fsaisls C ptaiDte,allovsifeatnmMsa.InBasuustlr sntf Tlcsra tloo, Falllnc and lxirsinl, asd Iks eosstqssoi Eplnsl TTiailnsa. slid la rtlcularlr aJailU to th Chsmrs of Llfs. It will dlaolv sn.lsipslrnsvwsfrsmthostsrtahl aa oarly stacsor diHi. 1 ho ts.tss7 loess, rrous liumotatlioroiseUicked rj siwedil J l5 IU ssa. It reoOTafslotSii.aatulsey. dostroraall ersrtoc foratlmnUnta. asd rellM wsaknsat of Ihm stonscs. It rara Bkistlfic. nesdaehoa. Ksnooa ProstraUoa, Coasral DobUltr, Sltlinssi, bcssssa sad ladl- sMtioa. Thai fstltna; of bsartnc dowo. easwns' pala.wlht and barksrba. la alaaro isnsusrllj eursd r Ita ssa. It will at all Urssa sod ssdsrsllciniiisstaariaaet la barmonr wlththoUwsOiatitaorslfcorsBisloaTi For tho roroor Ktdner ConiplainU of aitlxr aaa thai CotoDoand la BTiaarrs-wd. I TBI E. MStllAWS TECETABIE ro L D is prepared at d asd IU Woatera ATsmas, LjBii.Kaa, Print!- S'a bottloafor $i Snt bj mmll In the form of pills, alio la tbo form of losncea, oa neoipt of prico, 1 per boa foraitbor. atra. Finkhssi frsaiTaMwaraaUlettoraof laqnirT. Ssd tor passs- loC Addroa aa abOTo. Hcsftos Hum rusr. F, fa-i.Hr ahoiiM bo witboot LTDIA E. PirXHAlTS LIVER riTJJ. Thr enro conatipatlos. sad torri'tity of th liver, fa costs por Sox. sold 'l Irrwarcisls. -S RHEUMATISM Aa It ia Ut a-i ths pauifal diseases of tlka KIDNEYS, LIVER AND BOWELS. It ciMniM th. avntem cf th ttmA -nnimrm tht eanes Vx clrrndTtu muHenmx which. THOUSANDS OP CASES of the worst forms cf this tembia rli tmv9 been qnicx.iT relieved, mud in tUiort timet PERFECTLY CURED. nsmc. i i"ii iioa Bar. ol vt Acrccisrs. 44 l-rnr. rn hv siaiL WEtJ.n. RICTIA 3DSOV Co.. l-fi-Tlnr V & U U r S I .AV Mil. . mi. JN o.trn llTEf Inrallda w!in are reeoTenn Tttal irtamlnA, declare m uraiei.ii ufrmameir appreciation or tl.e merits a a tonic .f liiwtttrr a Storuaen Bittt-ra. N.ii onlr it.-a it tmp.irt stretijpS to the weak, but a slixxiirrtTiaan irr. irnlar a.-l.l state of tue motnarh, makes the tKrwi-U :t at ppper Interrsla, Hives rar 10 irjo-e wno aimer irom raeumatic anil kuv per mtntnes, and oinnera aa well aa preTeata Mr. ii situ K ur. "t ta.e t'j ail Prusgists and Dealers jvnerally. STOPPED FREE alS, KLINE'S GREAT II Nerve Restorer ZtW aii BtLAiJi iid N'kjla TiojisftiTs.Krn.KarsT.trtc INFALLIBLE if takcm i dirtM-t-r. oriUaWirrWifVi'- TretvUW 4 trial hrxtV fr to 1 it CaM,thy rarin tjrwm hrtr- hi..whes, rMivd. S. airni,P.t UMi -vprv-Ma-liirci. wT xfr:9l to 1) KI IN L.H.I ArrW ScJ'l.iUJa.l'a. Oct t. BTKt framl iCR w,,! ,n T'm wn. Terms and a ontfl' wVUfFTo. Aikirwa H. Hai.i.itti:Il. ljrualKLMe IMITATION STAINED GLASS. JntiwcnhiWT heantifuL iMr arphed to window i r-Ti', rini! I r-n-.. ianil ltw.t: "-c in Main -RtLU. In i tty 6iu.iwi tfiivenmtfnt otti'-iain an citizmn. Karr CHrMToroti mokt ubMTitiotiiic. XwiRih. huwuui tit-nuu. 1. m. Jl MHI1 1L. I'IiIa!.. I'm. OOUSOiFTiOfJ. Inavo a -ittv. r.ruuj r tuoabuvo dlarss; bjra tt'. nt eaaj ot tho worm kind ana of kmc- tsadlna naTs ormn fated. Ir.lefJ. wo irn r 1. T faits In It llicstT, that 1 will pen TWO BOTn.fcS FK.E, t. r-tbr with a TALL'ABLs 1 KKATIftK on tliia ill! m.t.lu sbjasJorvr. GlroSnrmM atxl r. O. .Mnn I", kijw- s. in rrlfe.ltTgr- Osr Watrkral liaanllaa ssst raHhfal tevtur Restore si to artira lsrtT As'ai. Mm. Uckbt A. WiTU. of tho eitr of Prori- dVnoe. H. I., for mauy year the f .tthf ul and vigilant Burnt wau-hman of tna H- nt w sov Compsn j'a vorTextouaiTOostabliAimrnt. hiriisr been eoaflooil to hu h nne ssveral wo,ik. by a rorr dUtroaainir 111 nas,onioaruinjrhiaaiitoa train a rails himself ot Una earlr ot'p irtuaity for atatirur briefly a taw plain facta. Ur. Waterman an: "A fa ruxotha t- I wat tUc-n diwn with a arrer ficknoaa, which ennflne.1 me to tbe hrue otnte a knit time, and much of tbe time I wax o Tory lame auto be nnab.o to walk and my left IraM rom the hip to the toes, borame nontroav nwoIWa. and I suffered extrame l from the constant intense nslna Drod tired be ma rnat lnfl imtnatieo. I was tryina the Tariona aoaUed oarea all tna tuna, and w is aniW tha treatment of a pny4etan irren weeks but mttttur no anbaranrlal ts, 1 of. At this time an old-tliue f rrsuJ, a police officer, ealkd np-si ma, and d riua our ennversation uv fonned ma of tbe rrest heueflt which he had obuined by the uss of Hnnt'a Kotnedr. and aeired ms to try It. bo eaisiuereil it wonderful me id no. I com menoed takin Hunfa fiVmotlr. turiua; ery little uiui uia n would do much lu aneh a stubborn aaa as mine, but my dmbt was soon dinpelled. for befora I bad taken one bottle I hva to rot better, ths so Tere pains disappeared, tha aw-iilea mtually de. i m "ixrt, an-l srw otco wed to onuttntw tha nae of tbo Kemetly. and the lmproTetnent tomy health ermtinnea; my appetite la r vd. I hare reralned my streurth,and I am now performi'? aran my dtitioa aa a watchman at the foundry. Eary nurht I ro np and down 9'a'r. aiore than one hundred times and ata In rood enndition. and feel that my recore-y ia due w Hunt's lUmetly aiuua. Mr aarara alciuew aud terri bly swouen In was canned by the diseased suus of my kidneys, anl I thnk tt la a m sa raloaU that will so apeettily relist and cure such a seven aa mine. I therefor most eneerfuilT nam. mend Hunt'a Remedy to all afflicted with kidner our aaers, sa I kuow it to be a safs and nUabt nwdicuis. i soriuaacs. Isxamber ft. lees." .-nv vitui c THE CRAT CURE .-4hts-dl UI LS Wwftaj MU I M Iwa- tM J&r CVfVCf ScratalaV. PtlDp4t. Bttt-al IrUCT, Utl StrttaL Sort Fwtv, M etr-nr isvJ Uimm.em. CaVtmrrh, Vomit V Apptitv, framim CefpptfUBts, ud mil Bimd jCT dio-. It nr (svihs. All dmo-t- aod Ik Jfj MBtf? Mar tVT st-Il U. E. iHfN n - CEUSRATED V' 1 1 "--b fSs 8TO.trn a5S FT A Atv . 'r loobuis th, ,r?r. '11 rf : lrraurjr sifcriT i '. " ,:-" . ff. T '"W Pot"'-!-!. hIT - 1 j0 eerH, in ici r--,-rr i 'A aporj inl na ot e.., aJ.iS" r- Snatioo Familj, Neodlo Packaoe J"Co,"li' r-" I islst-wrrthiBsuT amu'Hi F;,'""- Jg HJ Youth Publishing ComJii'" yJjT sa iw'' " f "WTLBOS'S COLTPOUQ 0? PURE COD LIVEE OIL AND LIME Wllfeor-e a.-M.rr Oil al ., rrtl.ulant..l Uivail. ..,.) ,.m. sa.,rT"Tk tKtu ie KlooesttniMltaMe ti.itM mtrit-i.-w.ir. y rureof Owiiflie. Oi.li., A.tliinv bniix-li aL lX C.MUrh. S,r..f.H.Kia llui.. l M i-.Z'''' MiuHii. It tux n.. -uin.-. 11 e,i,i rltK, nevlect the early .yniptmie .4 dimsv mhi., im st hand which wul .nire all cii.u,.,n , iiJ". Vt I mine. 1 hpwt lauitM.-tiiri-.l iiv ttv t ii "itT'1' oa. Cbemiet. Itoewtn. Sold It m;i tim.1.' M. Hontt.il. Mold lt ail tlnnnneov. NEW YOBK SHOPPiNG Dry Oonrl. and all houeh .1.1 miris wtZL?.' fn"'n,". ! t"'1- circular.. suarIZu-;' pleaeaiitworkattlieirnrah nH-. 11 i!rF.AX' men: work ent hy niaii. 11 nna-iiur no tin f..r reply, p,. a-e. a.!.lr-W krl iMi MAM.KAI-II Bl ViCl... Wl.u. iV lH.lyfl .r.l TO A . eWM rj i tth h-tie e"- . .Im, e.ruWr, irjj t r e. w. KF-.tHv,j 47; " 1 ... Uti $5 Uaye'.i?n'i hi? $2 SamDie Frpi- AUUrea " t.en 1 Aijency, liu.a'sut- THE SUiVS THB sr.VS Hr-t aim is to Is. tmtMnl acd L, , Ita aocond. to write an entenaiunii h'.r.?: ttme. in whi. h we lire. It 1-niiw. . a r."1 than a Dilhion co,ves. we-V. It. ,-""n'f 1. W. INOLAMP. Pul.li-her. Ne. 7. FRAZER AXLE GREASE Bet l tbe wjorM. .et the renaiwe. Everjr pie k imc e has mr tre..saark ainrt flw warh e.l f riser's. bLB) atERIlVHIKi: Qf KHatTt Que wrmnir paper, la biouer, O w "'th rxlentl..r, by maii f..r ie. Areata V aiaited. cosuht l'uTlo Cu Scauin- port, At:VO. ' AGEIIT3 lZJZXL vol . r lit SMjra :.t tviswt :Z. world, tarttef .r prccutsoa u 1 l.K.lalui.e pnotur. aouta sui aAmot, fuadoiiua, let. IT yon hare a Tiolent reia hi the remon ef the BsaRT, which aeemi to threntea pj wilh IMMkOIATK IiEATUof Beaxt Iiiseaae in any iorm, READ'S ITEAET CCEE is a rare remedy. Price One Dollar per bott! MARTIN READ 4 CO. P. O. Bos 2)15, Fhid'a. ra. t rH terra at onre Furrta, Hi Chared Hr.a or Uvs .lorn. Builii. ScaMa. brcc-, Sorvn- of ThA ya,eCC , Ilchtmr fmrn an rano. wr-t. a ycznSrsn mm or acad fa IU S uaua tttrvvt. i. XmmmmM Ja vnfmnter tM fiii tlahi Id cuno Keit elio Fit, bparra CODTOlcttofU, &1. XtU Ixtoc. AiCOaWilam, Opium 1,-UiDf. -t j and mil Ntcrcotja an4 ' biootl dlsM-a, Tt Clfnrynwii, LAwrm, UtTirr miL. Met chant. Banjr, La. ait ana all wbotti- cauv. N n" vo Prra. tralioa, Im-wu am:rt ol ibebloud, nmcli, ? or ktivlr-T, or who req'ilrv a Ben w NEVER FAILS, yfl ionic, ai'i!! ar .Nrvinet- iDvaiufji Tliasatii proclaim tt lh nnrt wtnd-rfui :b- hjr ail IiroiocKta. TTTK IR. ti. a. KkHMONu 'iUJitJAX. i t1. exi Pruprielora, hi. Juatita. Mo ths best IS CHEAPEST." BCIMS. TUPCQUITDQ si .-II1LS. ".rwrWri WW l-W 1 1 Ul IW n0,,rSa1 CiOtfrliLirri (Snlfett to all sections, t Wntefor a RklC tllitu Pusftiiw aiMi 1'rlcsa tolas Aui aaaas. Taylor Co., lUaafleei. uaw. RUPTURE -SS ft It-V.Ka. Mar . Ut .lea ? Hamrsbtinr, l"v ; St 'lair RtH, firtsbMrvb. H. Cnnter U mih. 'ort Waiw, InJ. ; t-'oninwrr.. fiouJ Chicatra, 111. C 1 iT?inan-f prat-tit'e. aVtAOua Z anl ia acknowld-:4 aiirhnntT OH CtXCt KU2 fc-J txaruiiiarT curra by h' 'o So rnit. oaxnVt. km it . 1 1 j 1 Cl $ reqnired m remortniUio ; i larve-t of Careers or Ft Turncra. Pee pammlara, ZZsf-L cm 1 on TK. KLINE, SI lit .i kxs-V Area 3tU LiMcmjrm, w--tf. W1J Jl -l.'t CSilfJ wHi All (LSI fAllS. BeaiConrh ayrup. 1 wwew r"-l Vselntinie. to'd by dniCTTfa. K n tOn per tar at born.Sanipl.wvrt!!i fit v IU Addr stuohix Ca. pt.rtlaad.sr Ct I i"1 rOLEMAMBlSINF.SSCOII.Klir. 'l)LiNa.-k .VI. Writefor isuiufur J A I-eaJiar I)noos P acimai eiaDiisae..- inoreis ccw .e iL.ritaf i 0... eneie CtT. m Lriucr VR,ommxJmtulfJU&i. lr. AO. aiesBroio tiaio or Mpwt-,wei-" I. . .f r.nL.r. l,u . tht. ib.lkbed a w.rk on thi dl-we. whleh 0 With alSTKOtMittloof hi wutt.terful cur free v nj -S-rer t enrftMtitMMind P. X AOdrw . atiVMisnTuawi.hLtilcoctirst.sllreM w-. K.AJk Unknot fc..an St, TJ'- F1TSJ WtwTm for the Bert and Fastest film n.-t.a-.al H..,t and Blbtos. Pn je iuccd XI per ceuL aTloKal Ivk Co Puilaiuw. ra. 3C t a dar at home. IS "nnn-'et.. worth 5,hy return m:l P" I'liftK. AdilresK X l0. at O..M.ithrr. ' .1NI.YS20 lhraPrlll.l'U.rHMSIV.I Of Wis style. s-pul s. "r 1.. tt. Mi irk t Ke- SM-neer. sre mrnii it to bo m .. J Aer'nM wiM fwrM . Thia is the mme ."tr? other companies retiil f.T$o0. All UK-times wnaitted (fi yeara. Send for IilufnWe.il i--culara: dTntiBKii.i!. .Ve!rr CHtn.rs . wwro f.. Ill lata Sl.fliihtw.it' N RrTRRF AND AFTER tlU. U .es sent OS ICi ftlVt TrilL TO MEN ONLY, YO'JNS M OLD, Xionm- Wasttso WalTiara. and all those d"fT of a t-awwMAl. KATtaa reaulUiuc from "J" oraaa t'.rna Bnecly re'" and eomrfeis retjo ntiuaof HaAi.TB.V inoaand aA3Houol.i'iSArri. TherrsjKieitiioeryor tno lnetccnllv--. rlJnI"cluorXdi-lr''"- Addrswl 1 (TIE ART j can: m b a n aa II RFFnHF ANU Af I LTV J I rrTsrtMraetr.Irr ;r.raTt,'ntwtttr' irMT XeK.? rfrftn nn iaaiialiln ti Ta 11 iiaiHUlaiain n